Explosions Sentence Examples
The outbreak was preceded byan earthquake of some severity, after which about 20 explosions took place.
Explosions ripped the ground from beneath them and blinded her.
Her ears still rung from the explosions lighting up the sky.
The mansion rocked as Dusty's first set of explosions went off.
Beyond a nearby mountain range, lights and explosions lit up both the sky and the air between earth and sky.
He set the timer for the explosions to start on the opposite side of the planet, startled when the first went off as soon as he gave the order.
The explosions were coming faster, and he launched to his feet, ignoring the bruises and scrapes along his side.
He watched explosions wrack his planet until they rose high enough that the toxic dust storm he'd started marred the surface of the planet from view.
He looked up instinctively, sensing something different about this thunder. It didn't sound like the rumbling thunder he'd heard in the mortal world. It sounded like an explosion in the sky. The jungle canopy blocked his view, so he leapt up to catch the branch of the nearest tree. He scaled the tree quickly, stopping only when he broke through the layers of leaves. More tiny explosions came, and he twisted to see what they were.
Because apparently, to humans, explosions were more interesting than the fact they were watching him – a creature that hunted humans – cook their food.
AdvertisementThe lakes of Albano and Nemi were probably formed by volcanic explosions at the margin of the great crater; though a view has also been expressed that the basins are the result of subsidence.
Many workers following certain occupations show pigmented scars due to the penetration of carbon and other pigments from superficial wounds caused by gunpowder, explosions, &c.
In coal-mines we have to deal with " fire-damp " or marsh gas, and with inflammable coal dust, which form explosive mixtures with air and frequently lead to disastrous explosions resulting in great loss of life.
The gases produced by such fire-damp or dust explosions contain carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in large proportion, and the majority of the deaths from such explosions are due to this " after-damp " rather than to the explosion itself.
The terrible effects of fire-damp have led to the adoption of elaborate systems of ventilation, as the most effective safeguard against these explosions is the dilution and removal of the fire-damp as promptly and completely as possible.
AdvertisementIn addition mining operations are subject to interruption and added expense from explosions, mine fires, flooding, and the caving-in of the workings.
As will be seen from this diagram the most serious source of death and injury is not found in mine explosions, but in the fall of rocks and mineral in the working places.
Fire-damp and dust explosions are caused by the presence of marsh-gas in sufficient quantity to form an explosive mixture, or by a mixture of small percentages of marsh-gas and coal-dust, and in some cases by the presence of coal-dust alone in the air of the mine.
To guard against explosions from this cause it is necessary to use explosives in moderate quantities and to see that the blast-holes are properly placed, so that the danger of blown-out shots may be lessened.
The use of such explosives decreases to some extent the danger from dust explosions; but experiment shows that no efficient explosive is absolutely safe, if used in excessive quantity, or in an improper manner.
AdvertisementMethods for enabling miners to penetrate into workings where the atmosphere is totally irrespirable have come into use for saving life after explosions and for repairing shafts and pit-work under water.
Dr P. Wolff has found that when this is used on the large scale there is a risk of the ammonia present in the acetylene forming traces of chloride of nitrogen in the purifying-boxes, and as this is a compound which detonates with considerable local force, it occasionally gives rise to explosions in the purifying apparatus.
It was found, however, that if the cooling be not sufficiently rapid explosions occurred owing to the combination of the metal with carbon monoxide (produced in the oxidation of the charcoal) to form the potassium salt of hexaoxybenzene.
In several of these it appears not unlikely that the recurrent explosive liberations of energy in the muscle tissue are not secondary to recurrent explosions in nerve cells, but are attributable to decompositions arising sua sponte in the chemical substances of the muscle cells themselves in the course of their living.
Composition meant for him intense absorption in his work; solitude and quiet were essential; and he resented interruptions by grotesque explosions of humorously exaggerated wrath.
AdvertisementIts eruptions are not on a grand scale, but small outbursts of lava and explosions of steam occur at frequent intervals, and at longer intervals more violent explosions in which the molten rock is thrown 2000 ft.
The bleaching-powder casks must be kept in a dry place, as cool as possible, and never exposed to the direct rays of the sun, in order to prevent a decomposition which now and then has even led to explosions.
Large quantities of potassium chlorate exposed to strong heat in contact with the wood of casks or the timber of a roof have produced violent explosions.
In 1811 he discovered chloride of nitrogen; during his experiments serious explosions occurred twice, and he lost one eye, besides sustaining severe injuries to his hand.
He needed to draw this out as long as possible, so Jimmy's explosions took out Talon and all the vamps if he couldn't.
You could blame the explosions and shit down here on the hurricane.
Because apparently, to humans, explosions were more interesting than the fact they were watching him – a creature that hunted humans – cook their food.
Alternatively, explosions create cavities, for example, as bombs excavate bomb craters.
Suddenly, just in front of me, the air was split by two deafening explosions in rapid succession.
This was a clear call for the two South Asian nations not to conduct any more nuclear explosions.
They are passed off as fable or reduced to the status of mistaken accounts of volcanic explosions in the Aegean.
Pulsars are neutron stars formed in the collapse of massive stars in supernova explosions.
The girls ' explosions of impatience with official pomposity may have been a safety valve for his own.
The recording picked up some loud retorts, which sound like gunfire or explosions.
Including leaks, nasty spills, explosions and personnel accidents.
The blasts, which lasted only a few seconds, might be early alert systems for star explosions called supernovae.
Explosions and gunfire are often too muted and the sub-woofer is rarely troubled.
Every facet of the film is hackneyed - car chases, gee whiz technology, explosions, constant, constant, slaying of people.
They opened with ' Maria ' using pyrotechnic explosions to give the people right at the back a chance to have some visual stimulation.
Limbless victims of Agent Orange or mine explosions re-created what may have been a trauma very similar to the circumstances of their own injury.
The kinetic energy released by supernova explosions is more than enough to account for the Galactic cosmic rays up to 10 15 eV.
Because the last step in the purification process is very volatile, it can cause explosions.
If you're the kind of person that loves action movies, and can't get enough guns and explosions, then Black for the PS2 and Xbox just might be for you.
After you peel back all the layers and layers (trust me, they're there) of glorious explosions, deafening gunshots, and beautiful environments, you'll soon run out of reasons to play Black.
The gunshots and explosions sound very real, as do the effects these things have on the environment.
As your chain starts, other cars may hit the block of exploding cars, thereby setting off more explosions.
The warbly, slow-mo experience when explosions happened near you were sensible, which deactivated any real-time movement.
Missiles sound like missiles, explosions like explosions and a 30 foot strafing mech sounds like a 30 foot strafing mech.
The plot is a refreshing return to classic, dark, comic book tales, justifiably allowing for explosions of the Hulk's anger against similarly gamma-irradiated foes and military machines of all types.
The gunshots and explosions don't sound horrible, but I've heard far better.
Explosions, gunshots, and animal bites may cause avulsions.
Collecting money in order to buy weapons in order to make better explosions may not be the kind of math you want your child learning.
They're responsible for making Ralph Fiennes look like Voldemort in the Harry Potter films, they make gunshot wounds look authentic and they cause some serious explosions, too!
Pyrotechnic machines are often used to create everything from minor fireworks scenes to major explosions.
Explosions may occur if highly combustible materials are reached by the fire.
The Sentinel is a fantasy series with the look and feel of a cop show, from the car chases and explosions to the office politics and bullpen banter.
Today, people snicker at the fabricated scale-sized models and staged fires and explosions, but back during the 1950s, these effects were better than anything ever before seen on the big screen.
As long as you find the right format, putting the animation of colorful explosions can be as easy as drag-and-drop onto your website or video editing program.