Exploration Sentence Examples
She was staring at him when his visual exploration was over.
The next important exploration of Florida was that of Panfilo de Narvaez.
Bliss when making his exploration of Jerusalem.
In 1462 Pedro de Cintra extended Portuguese exploration along the African coast and discovered Sierra Leone.
In South America scientific exploration was active during this period.
The works of the ancient Greek geographers were translated into Arabic, and starting with a sound basis of theoretical knowledge, exploration once more made progress.
In many cases underground exploration is necessary.
Since then military stations and scientific and commercial exploration have increased.
It was also a base of operations in the exploration and conquest of the interior.
The results of this exploration were a large number of maps and a report of great scientific importance.
AdvertisementIn that year further explorations were made, and in subsequent years army expeditions continued the work of exploration.
The great excavation of the Osireion at Abydos, begun for the Society (then the Egypt Exploration Fund) by Prof. Edouard Naville, 4 ' but suspended owing to the war, it has not been possible to resume at present, owing to the commitments of the Amarna site and the heavy expense of such work as that at the Osireion, which cannot vet be contemplated.
Gardiner, who publishes with them the tombs of Amenemhet and Antefoker, under the auspices of the Egypt Exploration Society.
Stevenson's Maps Illustrating the early Discovery and Exploration of America, 1502-1530 (New Brunswick, N.J., 1906).
No shafts or tunnels are necessary except for exploration; the mining consists entirely in open-cut and terrace work.
AdvertisementIn 1856 he was engaged under the United States government, and commenced a series of investigations of the Western Territories, one result of which was his Geological Report of the Exploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri Rivers in 1859-1860 (1869).
His history thenceforth becomes a chronicle of unwearied exploration and brilliant success.
When in command of the fleet of Seleucus (285) he undertook a voyage of exploration on the Caspian Sea to discover possible trade routes, especially for communication with the peoples of northern India.
In 1882 he was largely responsible for founding the Egypt Exploration Fund, and in 1884 for starting the Society of English Medallists.
The history of mission work here is one of exploration and peril amongst savage peoples, multitudinous languages and an adverse climate, but it has been marked by wise methods as well as enthusiastic devotion, industrial work being one of the basal principles.
AdvertisementIt would require many a volume to tell of what they have done for civilization, freedom, the exploration of unknown regions, the bringing to light of ancient literatures, the founding of the science of comparative religion, the broadening of the horizon of Christian thought in the homelands, and the bringing of distant peoples into the brotherhood of nations.
It was by the members of these clubs (and a few others) that the minute exploration (now all but complete) of the High Alps was carried out, while much has been done in the way of building club huts, organizing and training guides, &c., to smooth the way for later corners, who benefit too by the detailed information published in the periodicals (the first dates from 1863 only) issued by these clubs.
Limits of space forbid us to trace out in detail the history of the exploration of the High Alps, but the two sub-joined lists give the dates of the conquest of about fifty of the greater peaks (apart from the two climbed in 1358 and in 1492, see above), achieved before and after 1st January 1858.
In such an exploration of the sun's atmosphere it might be anticipated that definite currents, or some evidences of atmospheric circulation analogous to those familiar in terrestrial meteorology, would be discovered.
In 1673 he was chosen with Joliet for the exploration of the Mississippi, of which the French had begun to gain knowledge from Indians of the central prairies.
AdvertisementSee Marquette's Journal, first published in Melchissedech Thevenot's Recueil de Voyages (Paris, 1681), and fully given in Martin's Relations inedites, and in Shea's Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley (New York, 1852); cf.
To the student of the Norse sources, Adam's reference is not so important, as the internal evidence of the sagas is such as to give easy credence to them as records of exploration in regions previously unknown to civilization.
Mushketov, Turkestan (St Petersburg, 1886), with bibliographical references; Ivashintsev, Hydrographic Exploration of the Caspian Sea (in Russian), with atlas (2 vols., 1866); Philippov, Marine Geography of the Caspian Basin (in Russian, 1877); Memoirs of the Aral-Caspian Expedition of 1876-1877 (2 vols., in Russian), edited by the St Petersburg Society of Naturalists; Andrusov, "A Sketch of the Development of the Caspian Sea and its Inhabitants," in Zapiski of Russ.
The total mineral output of Ontario, including building materials and cement, is larger than that of any other province of the dominion, and as more careful exploration is carried on in the northern parts, no doubt many more deposits of value will be discovered.
Exploration and Research.Owing to its early development of a high civilization with written records, its wealth, and its preservative climate, Egypt is the country which most amply repays archaeological research.
A new period was opened in Egyptian exploration in 1858 when Mariette was appointed director of archaeological works In Egypt, his duties being to safeguard the monuments and prevent their exploitation by dealers.
Lepsius, Denkmdler aus Agypten und Athiopien (Berlin, 1849-1859), and Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of the Egypt Exploration Fund, may be specified.
The funerary temple of Nebhepr Menthotp III., the last but one of these kings, has been excavated by the Egypt Exploration Fund at Deir el Bahri, and must have been a magnificent monument.
Another extremely valuable publication of wide general interest, the Meddelelser om Gronland, is published by the commission for the exploration of Greenland.
The relations between these two leaders, and their respective shares in the work of conquest and exploration, have been the subject of much controversy.
According to the English engineers who surveyed the country on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund, the area of this part of the country is about 6040 sq.
There has been no systematic survey of Eastern Palestine such as was carried out in Western Palestine between 1875 and 1880 by the officers of the Palestine Exploration Fund.
In the first the general political history will be set forth; in the second a sketch will be given of the cult of the " holy places "; the third will contain some particulars regarding the history of modern colonization by foreigners, which, while it has not affected the political status of the country, has produced very considerable modifications in its population and life; and the fourth will consist of a brief notice of the progress of exploration and scientific research whereby our knowledge of the past and the present of the land has been systematized.
Scientific exploration does not begin before Edward Robinson, an American clergyman, who, after devoting many years to study to fit himself for the work, made a series of journeys through the country, and under the title of Biblical Researches in Palestine (1841-1856) published his itineraries and observations.
In 1864 was founded the Palestine Exploration Fund, under the auspices of which an ordnance survey map of the country was completed (published 1881), and accompanied by volumes containing memoirs on the topography, orography, hydrography, archaeology, fauna and flora, and other details.
The same society initiated the scientific exploration of the mounds of Palestine.
Valuable work in exploration is annually done by the directors of these schools and by their pupils.
The history of their discovery and exploration, and the artistic and literary relics which they have yielded, are worthy, however, of particular notice.
Benton of Missouri, and it was in no small measure through Benton's influence with the government that Fremont was enabled to accomplish within the next few years the exploration of much of the territory between the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific Ocean.
Apparently no further French explorations were made from that direction, and the transfer of Canada from France to Great Britain (1763)(1763) was followed by lessened interest in exploration.
The exploration of Greenland has been continued, with few exceptions, by Danes who, besides throwing much light on problems in physical geography and Eskimo ethnography, have practically completed the map of the coasts.
Rasmussen in 1916 for the exploration of the N.W.
In July 1913 Stefansson sailed from Nome with a large expedition, supported by the Canadian Government, for the exploration of the Beaufort Sea and the N.W.
Rusanov in the " Hercules " was last heard of in 1912 in Matochkin Shar on his way to the Kara Sea on a voyage of exploration.
Nansen, In Northern Mists (1911), throws new light on the early history of Arctic exploration.
Besides the excavations of Athens, Delos, Epidaurus and Delphi, the results of which are most important for the 5th century B.C. and later, the exploration of the sites of Olympia, of the Heraeum near Argos, of Naucratis in Egypt, and of various Cretan towns (above all the ancient Gortyn), has revolutionized our knowledge of the archaic alphabets of Greece.
Convinced that only by proper scientific investigations could the wholesale destruction of Egyptian antiquities be avoided, she devoted herself to arousing public opinion on the subject, and ultimately, in 1882, was largely instrumental in founding the Egypt Exploration Fund, of which she became joint honorary secretary with Reginald Stuart Poole.
Casual excavations are mentioned under the Spanish viceroys, but regular exploration only began.
Deep-sea exploration has shown that some species have an immensely extended range, and still more, that species of the same genus, and genera of the same family, though separated by great intervals of space, may be closely allied in character.
These are, briefly speaking, the decay of those great fabrics, church and empire, which ruled the middle ages both as ideas and as realities; the development of nationalities and languages; the enfeeblement of the feudal system throughout Europe; the invention and application of paper, the mariner's compass, gunpowder, and printing; the exploration of continents beyond the ocean; and the substitution of the Copernican for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
The same period was marked by the discovery of America, the exploration of the Indian seas, and the consolidation of the Spanish nationality.
One mass of Greek and Roman erudition, including history and metaphysics, law and science, civic institutions and the art of war, mythology and magistracies, metrical systems and oratory, agriculture and astronomy, domestic manners and religious rites, grammar and philology, biography and numismatics, formed the miscellaneous subject-matter of this so-styled rhetoric. Notes taken at these lectures supplied young scholars with hints for further exploration; and a certain tradition of treating antique authors for the display of general learning, as well as for the elucidation of their texts, came into vogue, which has determined the method of scholarship for the last three centuries in Europe.
In the history of the Renaissance, Spain and Portugal represent the exploration of the ocean and the colonization of the other Explora- hemisphere.
Without challenging or adopting this speculation, it may be safely affirmed that nothing so pregnant of results has happened as this exploration of the globe.
Title to the territory was claimed by the English on the basis of its alleged exploration by the Cabots in 1498, and by the French on the basis of its exploration by Giovanni da Verrazano in 1524.
To the existence of an Old-World myth New Mexico owes its early exploration by the Spaniards.
Gold is found in the alluvial deposits, but the results of exploration have not been very promising.
The plant was discovered in 1823 by Mr Robert Bruce, who had proceeded thither on a mercantile exploration.
Much of this work was done in connexion with the Palestine Exploration Fund.
In 1894 he founded the Egyptian Research Account, which in 1905 was reconstituted as the British School of Archaeology in Egypt (not to be confused with the Egypt Exploration Fund, founded 1892).
Few of these survived after the exploration of the Atlantic by Columbus, Vasco da Gama and others in the 15th century; but in literature More's Utopia set a new fashion.
It has likewise been determined, since the boundary dispute with Argentina called attention to these territories and led to their careful exploration at the points in dispute, that Skyring Water, in lat.
Two entrances give access to the grotto, an old one extremely narrow, and a new one, made in 1890, through which the exploration of the cavern can be made in about 8 hours, half the time it took before.
It should, however, be added that very valuable topographical exploration has been carried out in the environs of Ephesus by members of the Austrian expedition, and that the Ephesian district is now mapped more satisfactorily than any other district of ancient interest in Asia Minor.
Intended by its authors to protect the native tribes from aggression on the part of white men and to check the exploration by Europeans of the lands of the Kaffirs, Bechuanas, &c., the act led in fact to the assertion of British authority in regions beyond the Cape frontier.
The chief points of interest are arranged along two lines of exploration, besides which there are certain side excursions.
The one known as the Bottomless Pit was for many years a barrier to all further exploration, but it is now crossed by a wooden bridge.
As the south-westernmost of the free peoples of Europe, the Portuguese were the natural inheritors of that work of exploration which had been carried on during the middle ages, chiefly by the Arabs.
By sea Prince Henry's captains continued their exploration of Africa and the Atlantic. In 1433 Cape Bojador was doubled; in 1 434 the first consignment of slaves was brought to Lisbon; and slave trading soon became one of the most profitable branches of Portuguese commerce.
After 1492 the discovery of the West Indies by Columbus rendered desirable a delimitation of the Spanish and Portuguese spheres of exploration.
A new era of scientific exploration began in 1868, while Norwegian seahunters brought in valuable geographical information.
The first recorded exploration of Idaho by white men was made by Lewis and Clark, who passed along the Snake river to its junction with the Columbia; in 1805 the site of Fort Lemhi in Lemhi county was a rendezvous for two divisions of the Lewis and Clark expedition; later, the united divisions reached a village of the Nez Perce Indians near the south fork of the Clearwater river, where they found traces of visits by other white men.
On his return he was despatched by the academy to the Caucasus on an ethnographical and linguistic exploration (1807-1808), and was afterwards employed for several years in connexion with the academy's Oriental publications.
The exploration of the coast did not extend above the peninsula until 1842.
Bethencourt was unable to complete his work of conquest and exploration.
The years1845-1846he spent in travelling in the Sudan, and in 1850 he made an exploration, with Dr John Anderson, of Damaraland and the Ovampo country in south-west Africa, starting from Walfisch Bay.
Voyages to this region for exploration, trade and settlement, however, may be said to have really begun with the year 1609, when Henry Hudson explored the region between Sandy Hook and Raritan Bay and sailed up the river which now bears his name.
Since the gold discoveries a wonderful advance has been made in the exploration of the country.
In 1876 King Leopold summoned a conference at Brussels of the leading geographical experts in Europe, which resulted in the creation of "The International Association for the Exploration and Civilization of Africa."
Stanley from his great journey of exploration down the Congo forcibly directed the attention of King Leopold to the possibilities for exploration and civilization offered by the Congo region.
The history section includes a valuable summary of the work of exploration in the Congo basin from the days of David Livingstone up to 1893.
Since Wood first discovered a source of the Oxus in Lake Victoria in 1837, and left us a somewhat erroneous conception of the physiography of the Pamirs, the gradual approach of Russia from the north stimulated the processes of exploration from the side of India.
Since then other travellers have visited the Pamirs, but the junction of the Russian and British surveys (the latter based on triangulation carried across the Hindu Kush from India) disposes of any further claim to the honours of geographical exploration.
There have been recently no discoveries to rival in novelty those which followed the exploration of the bonecaves and drift-gravels, and which effected an instant revolution in all accepted theories of man's antiquity, substituting for a chronology of centuries a vague computation of hundreds of thousands of years.
But more extended exploration was conducted by two Franciscan friars, Francisco Atanasio Dominguez and Silvestre Velez de Escalante, who, on the 29th of July 1776, left Santa Fe with seven others to discover a direct route to Monterey on the coast of Alta, California.
Partial exploration in this region was conducted by the French Mission du Cap Horn in 1882-1883, and the geological foundations are granite and basic volcanic rocks.
But no systematic exploration was attempted until the British Admiralty undertook a thorough survey of the whole group by Philip Parker King (1826-1828) and Robert Fitzroy (1831-1836).
Subsequently the work of exploration was continued by Dumont d'Urville (1837), Charles Wilkes (1839), Parker Snow (1855), various later travellers, a selection of whose works are quoted below, and British, American and Roman Catholic missionaries.
Jacob's Cavern (q.v.), near Pineville, McDonald county, disclosed on exploration skeletons of men and animals, rude implements, &c. Crystal Cave, near Joplin, Jasper county, has its entire surface lined with calcite crystals and scalenohedron formations, from I ft.
Of the Quadrumana there are at least seventeen distinct species, and this number may be increased after a thorough exploration of the forested eastern plains.
These hostile tribes are usually too small to make much trouble, but they are able to make exploration and settlement decidedly dangerous in some districts.
We are indebted to Humboldt for our earliest geographical descriptions of the northern part of the continent, but to the Italian, Augustin Codazzi, who became a Colombian after the War of Independence, Colombia is indebted for the first systematic exploration of her territory.
Most of the year 1859 was spent in the exploration of the river Shire and Lake Nyasa, which was discovered in September; and during a great part of the year 1860 Livingstone was engaged in fulfilling his promise to take such of the Makololo home as cared to go.
The profitable trade between the Spanish colonies and the Far East, however, soon occupied the whole attention of the Spaniards, and caused them to neglect the exploration of the coast of north-western America for many years.
For the next century and a half Spain again neglected this region, until the fear of English and Russian encroachment caused her to resume the work of exploration.
Kerguelen, a desolate and uninhabited island near the centre of the Indian Ocean at its southern border, is noteworthy as providing a base station for Antarctic exploration.
While the value of McEnery's discoveries was in dispute the exploration of the cave of Brixham near Torquay in 1858 proved that man was coeval with the extinct mammalia, and in the following year additional proof was offered by the implements that were found in Wookey Hole, Somerset.
Henry rewarded him with a pension of 20 a year, and encouraged him to further exploration, in which he discovered all the American coast-line from Labrador to the mouth of the Delawarea great heritage for England, but one not destined to be taken up for colonization till more than a century had passed.
Remains of Christian churches were disclosed by the thorough exploration carried out in1895-1896in view of the Barrage scheme, under the direction of Captain Lyons.
The impelling influences on the French settlement of the region were the love of exploration and adventure, the commercial instinct and religious zeal.
In 1671 Simon Francois Daumont Saint-Lusson at Sault Ste Marie had taken formal possession of the region in the name of the king of France; in 1685 Nicolas Perrot (1644 - c. 1700), a trader who had first visited the wilds of Wisconsin probably as early as 1665, was appointed "commandant of the West," and this event closes the period of exploration and begins that of actual occupation.
These were incidental trophies; Herschel's main object was the exploration of the sidereal heavens.
Plans of further conquest in Morocco, resulting in 1437 in the disastrous attack upon Tangier, and followed in 1438 by the death of King Edward (Duarte) and the domestic troubles of the earlier minority of Affonso V., now interrupted Atlantic and African exploration down to 1441, except only in the Azores.
In 1441 exploration began again in earnest with the venture of Antam Goncalvez, who brought to Portugal the first slaves and gold-dust from the Guinea coasts beyond Bojador; while Nuno Tristam in the same year pushed on to Cape Blanco.
Even if there were never a formal "geographical school" at Sagres, or elsewhere in Portugal, founded by Prince Henry, it appears certain that his court was the centre of active and useful geographical study, as well as the source of the best practical exploration of the time.
To him the human race is indebted, in large measure, for the maritime exploration, within one century (1420-1522), of more than half the globe, and especially of the great waterways from Europe to Asia both by east and by west.
In 1904 the British School at Athens began a thorough exploration of Laconia, and in the following year excavations were made at Thalamae, Geronthrae, and Angelona near Monemvasia, while several medieval fortresses were surveyed.
In addition to the main stream, the Niger basin was made known by exploration during the last quarter of the 19th century and the early years of the loth.
The central and southern Sudan is therefore almost a virgin field for the archaeologist, but the exploration of Lower Nubia has made it possible to write a tentative preface to the new chapters still unrevealed.
Similarly while the exploration of the Egyptian colonies south of the First Cataract has added many details to our knowledge of political history, of local cults and provincial organization, yet with one exception it has not affected the known outlines of the history of civilization.
But the exploration of sites in the southern half of Lower Nubia has revealed the existence of a wholly unsuspected independent civilization which grew up during the first six centuries after Christ.
Here in 1522 he entered into a partnership with a priest named Hernando de Luque, and a soldier named Diego de Almagro, for purposes of exploration and conquest towards the south.
The surface level of the lake varies with the season, and recent observations taken on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund seem to show that there are probably cyclical variations also (ultimately dependent on the rainfall), the nature and periodicity of which there are as yet no sufficient data to determine.
He wished to complete his exploration of the upper range of Lebanon; he remained, therefore, with Henriette to affront the dangerous miasma of a Syrian autumn.
A quick exploration of his apartments showed two more dead vamps but no Black God.
The nearest small town was thinly populated during winter, but she'd seen people there during her exploration of the area around Jonny's.
There is an oil industry adage that exploration for hydrocarbons always loses money, while production of hydrocarbons always makes money.
Sir Chris Bonington Now nearing 70, Chris is still one of our best known adventurers embodying the English spirit of exploration.
Her exploration involves the personal story of Vassilis, a young male bartender in the tourist town of Hania, Crete.
At stake here is not just the billions of dollars NASA has wasted chasing chimeras, but the very integrity of scientific exploration.
An emerging church in Manchester engaged in a journey of creative exploration into spirituality, culture and faith.
These two overland journeys proved landmarks in the exploration of the north American continent.
The answer may involve a certain amount of trial and error, so exploration is necessarily cyclic.
All interesting topics and worthy of exploration but I felt at times the book came across as slightly disjointed.
The program is committed to the exploration of new forms of writing, and this process is supported by structured and ongoing dramaturgy.
The course encourages the exploration of alternatives to existing genres.
Visualization tools facilitate visual exploration of Census data with reference to geographical location.
North of the churchyard is a little maze of lanes, which add much to the character of Painswick and invite exploration.
The Peregrine Voyager is a modern, ice strengthened vessel that is very comfortable and ideally suited for polar exploration.
For an in-depth exploration of the company's approach the best source is the Geese Theater Handbook.
While the game draws from some of the official GM Nation information, it also goes beyond where important issues needed more imaginative exploration.
Take on a whistle-stop tour of the history of planetary exploration.
Many licenses for hydrocarbon exploration were awarded under the 17th licensing round in new offshore areas.
There is excellent mineral exploration potential adjacent to the already identified resources.
For those planning a trip to Jamaica, the north coast is by far the best place to stay for cave exploration.
From 1983, Geoff focused on the oil and gas exploration part of the business.
Its root has been noted on seismic surveys in connection with the oil exploration of the Moray Firth.
More about Garry... Garry has been actively involved in space exploration for more than three decades.
Future research includes ICT foresight, an exploration of how new information technologies will shape voluntary action.
Creative imagination Interpretation of moods Independent use of fingers Exploration of high and low pitch The motorbike galop This was learned by rote.
An oil exploration geologist thinks he will find oil below the shale layer shown below.
The Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering covers the fields of petroleum geology, exploration, and engineering in its broadest possible sense.
This includes modules in structural geology and exploration geophysics, and classes in geophysical topics such as signal processing.
Although these are all legitimate and interesting themes, at times their exploration feels gratuitous.
Place a folded drape over the genitalia, leaving the groins clear for any femoral exploration.
There is wide anticipation in the industry of a substantial increase in the worldwide demand for exploration drilling over the coming year.
Widely scattered massive sulfide intersections, however, demonstrate considerable exploration potential.
The latest developments allow the exploration of standard cells using the fully leaky waveguide procedure.
At the eastern end of Europe, our first Turkish bike trip will make a relatively leisurely exploration of the outrageous landscapes of Cappadocia.
McLeod, John Narrative & Psychotherapy (Sage 1987) Exploration of the concept of self in story telling against a changing social milieu.
Multi-colored ribbons encourage exploration, and a pull on the Whoozit character activates an exciting jiggling motion.
In May, theologian Walter Wink led an exploration of the theology of active nonviolence.
Beside the recurrent exploration of homosexuality, there is strong language, incest and brief onstage nudity.
An exploration of the field of the extraordinary as explained in the light of true occultism or Theosophy.
On offer will be a guided exploration of eclectic wines to entertain the palate accompanied by pates, charcuterie and fine cheeses.
The contest seeks to stimulate a highly personalized exploration of the issues.
Sectors covered are too numerous to list here but include petrochemical, offshore, deepwater and exploration plus production.
Wide, gentle pistes allow for exploration at an early stage.
Join a costumed presenter to explore the impact of Tudor exploration using artifacts and replica objects.
Traveling through space using electric propulsion may be the key to future space exploration within our solar system.
The other is an exploration of evidence for the role of psychosocial adversity in the development of child psychopathology.
An exploration of her system of industrial relations is a good starting point.
Its main aim was to stimulate private-sector exploration and the development of Britain's indigenous mineral resources.
There's a particularly rousing statement by Sam regarding the need for exploration.
Seacore has over 25 years experience of seabed sampling from shallow seabed sampling to depths in excess of 1,000m below seabed for coal exploration.
Interests in exploration seismology include ocean-bottom surveys, Q estimation, anisotropy, converted waves and AVO studies.
And the exploration of space might be a waste of gasoline, frog after-taste pills, truth serum and re-location papers for suspicious bacteria.
Moray Firth 2.40 Exploration activity in the Moray Firth increased to seven wells (including two sidetracks) compared with five drilled in 1999.
For many years, the B.B. has proudly borne the subtitle ' Monthly Journal of the Bristol Exploration Club ' .
Those of us in Europe spend two ten thousandths of our wages each year on space exploration and related research.
The passage became tubular in cross section with a diameter of about 1.75m just before we reached the limit of previous exploration.
William Gill - Explorer & Spy Tony's great-great uncle inherited a fortune and spent it on exploration.
If she wants me off the planet I'll see if NASA's ever thought about using vamps for long term exploration missions.
The exploration of the waterways round about the empire was Alexander's immediate concern, the discovery of the presumed connexion of the Caspian with the Northern Ocean, the opening of a maritime route from Babylon to Egypt round Arabia.
But the progress of exploration and excavation may render this subject to further modification.
Lindsay's expedition, which was fitted out by Sir Thomas Elder, the generous patron of Australian exploration, entered Western Australia about the 26th parallel south lat., on the line of route taken by Forrest in 1874.
The evolutionary idea has revolutionized and unified geography as it did biology, breaking down the old hard-and-fast partitions between the various departments, and substituting the study of the nature and influence of actual terrestrial environments for the earlier motive, the discovery and exploration of new lands.
The symmetrically placed hypothetical islands in the great continuousocean disappeared, and the oekumene acquired a new form by the representation of the Indian Ocean as a larger Mediterranean completely cut off by land from the Atlantic. The terra incognita uniting Africa and Farther Asia was an unfortunate hypothesis which helped to retard exploration.
So it has come about that the only practicable history of geographical exploration starts from the Mediterranean centre, the first home of that civilization which has come to be known as European, though its field of activity has long since overspread the habitable land of both temperate zones, eastern Asia alone in part excepted.
Pytheas, a navigator of the Phocean colony of Massilia (Marseilles), determined the latitude of that port with considerable precision by the somewhat clumsy method of ascertaining the length of the longest day, and when, about 330 B.C., he set out on exploration to the northward in search of the lands whence came gold, tin and amber, he followed this system of ascertaining his position from time to time.
See Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement, 1869, p. 123; 1874, p. 62; 1878, pp. 10, 132, 194; 1881, p. 254.
The recent exploration and excavation of early sites in Crete have entirely revolutionized our knowledge of its Early, remote past, and afforded the most astonishing E Middle evidence of the existence of a highly advanced and Late civilization going far back behind the historic period.
The exploration begun by the Italian Mission under Halbherr and continued by Evans, who found here the inscribed libation table (see above), was completed by Hogarth in 1900.
Hogarth made tentative researches on behalf of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies in 1895; and a German expedition worked for two years (1898-1899).
His name is especially associated with two main branches of investigation - aeronautics, and the exploration of the infra-red portions of the solar spectrum.
In 1841, while a student at Harvard, he made a rough journey of exploration in the woods of northern New Hampshire, where he had a taste of adventure slightly spiced with hardship. About this time he made up his mind to write a history of the last French war in America, which ended in the conquest of Canada, and some time afterwards he enlarged the plan so as to include the whole course of the American conflict between France and Great Britain; or, to use his own words, "The history of the American forest; for this was the light in which I regarded it.
On the other hand, recent Antarctic exploration makes it practically certain that a great continent surrounds the south pole with a total area considerably more than Sir John Murray's estimate in 1894, when he assigned to it an area of 9,000,000 sq.
Euphratean exploration has so far brought to light no traces of ecliptical partition by the moon's diurnal motion, unless, indeed, zodiacal associations be claimed for a set of twenty-eight deprecatory formulae against evil spirits inscribed on a Ninevite tablet.4 The safest general conclusions regarding this disputed subject appear to be that the sieu, distinctively and unvaryingly Chinese, cannot properly be described as divisions of a lunar zodiac, that the nakshatras, though of purely Indian origin, became modified by the successive adoption of Greek and Chinese rectifications and supposed improvements; while the manazil constituted a frankly eclectic system, in which elements from all quarters were combined.
On the subsequent expedition of Thorfinn Karlsefni for the further exploration and settlement of the Far Western vine-country, it is recorded that certain Gaels, incredibly fleet of foot, who had been given to Leif by Olaf Tryggvason, and whom Leif had offered to Thorfinn, were put on shore to scout.
Clement Pickering, toward the costs of his place on a rain forest conservation expedition to Tanzania organized by the Society for Environmental Exploration.
In music, creative practice could include composition or performance, and also editing and the exploration of musical repertories within their original context.
Its main aim was to stimulate private-sector exploration and the development of Britain 's indigenous mineral resources.
There 's a particularly rousing statement by Sam regarding the need for exploration.
A further exploration of the Gorleben salt dome cannot contribute to the clarification of these outstanding questions.
Leigh Bishop gave a deep shipwreck exploration presentation to a full house.
In a moment of workshop exploration, I found a lathe, had a play and was immediately smitten.
Why am I so concerned about Britain 's role in space exploration?
The exploration of the atomic and subatomic world brought them in contact with a strange and unexpected reality.
For many years, the B.B. has proudly borne the subtitle ' Monthly Journal of the Bristol Exploration Club '.
Touch-sensitive controls should be avoided, to allow tactual exploration.
Each issue contains an extended exploration of a current topic in depth.
William Gill - Explorer & Spy Tony 's great-great uncle inherited a fortune and spent it on exploration.
Careful exploration, however, will unearth some worthwhile shopping gems.
If she wants me off the planet I'll see if NASA 's ever thought about using vamps for long term exploration missions.
Here are displays and maps showing how the world was mapped before Cook 's voyages of exploration.
There are opportunities for wildcat exploration in both genuine frontier areas such as the Atlantic Margin and in the more mature North Sea basins.
Programs often have a theme, such as cultural exploration or exploring wildlife.
One of the things you may not have heard of in the realm of Naomi Campbell's scent exploration is Naomagic.
The 1950s saw the advent of nude photography and the exploration of women's sensuality.
If you love to shop for new scrapbook supplies, you may find yourself wondering how simple scrapbooks leave room for creative exploration.
Mountain exploration, snowboarding, telemark and alpine skiing are available.
More simplistically, physics is the exploration of what makes a ball bounce.
With a little exploration and creativity, you can find a beautiful dress that you'll cherish for years.
This decade reflects a time when science and space exploration were starting to peak.
College allows you the opportunity for deeper exploration of your world.
European discount cruises are easy to find and open up a new continent of exploration for eager cruise passengers.
Whether you want a mainstream voyage aboard a popular cruise line or a more intimate experience from a smaller, local line, you can find the perfect Costa Rica travel cruise vacation to fit your relaxation and exploration plans.
Cruise West offers a casual cruising experience and is staffed with scientists and exploration leaders.
You can choose from short four-day cruises up to expanded 23-day exploration voyages and a variety of selections in between.
There are many other ways to achieve pleasure with your partner and you should both be open to exploration.
A little exploration can help you overcome your tendency to snore.
With night vision, your enjoyment of the outdoors will know no limits and the wonders of the nocturnal world present opportunities for exploration and adventure.
The company spent years developing a game that would capture the open environments, the feeling of free-roaming exploration, and the danger of living on the frontier.
The Bard's Tale is a fun, single-player, action/role-playing/adventure game filled with magic, humorous dialog and narration, battles with multiple creatures and exploration of exotic lands.
There are lots more Bully cheats for Wii, most commonly in the form of exhaustive walkthroughs and FAQs that give you step-by-step directions on how to beat the various missions, but don't forget that part of the fun is exploration.
First, you play Jack Carver, a retired Navy commando giving an exploration tour of an obscure island with well-to-do tourists (hidden dinosaur island in Jurassic Park).
The overall theme is of exploration and action.
These games are light-hearted puzzles that feature no reading, only simple puzzle solving and exploration.
It adds realism and an element of strategy to exploration, and it's something that I would like to see incorporated in future role-playing titles.
Remarkable features about this game that made it a hit were the non-linear exploration, a multitude of items to be found, and a female lead character.
Featuring the same side-scrolling exploration, Metroid 2 put Samus on the metroid's home world of SR-388.
However, the game is not a simple shooter; instead it has a heavy emphasis on exploration and platform-style situations.
His world is disrupted by the greatest evil in the galaxy, and he must go on a journey of exploration - not just of his town and surrounding towns, but of himself.
Metroid - Science fiction-themed exploration game starring one of the first popular female video game characters, Samus Aran.
Instead of providing a linear stage-to-stage obstacle course to follow, Super Mario 64 gave gamers a chance to make a few of their own decisions, emphasizing exploration and diversity.
What sets it apart from other titles is its unique system of exploration, battle and discovery.
Whether or not you check certain points is where the exploration really lies.
Exploration, equipment management, character development and epic battles are all there.
However, its latest incarnations feature experience points, items, equipment and character statistics that can be increased through exploration and defeating enemies.
Scribblenauts is a game that encourages creativity and exploration, so it would almost sound counter-intuitive if there were cheat codes for this Nintendo DS game that made the game too easy or too straightforward.
These "stages" do not have any objectives; they exist to allow for free exploration and experimentation.
The rich fantasy world of Hyrule and strong sense of exploration are no accidents in The Legend of Zelda.
Our hero travels through the world in top-down style gathering items like bombs, boomerangs and heart containers that allow a greater exploration of the land and an easier time fighting enemies.
The music soundtrack is like the kind you would hear in an excellent horror movie, but does not overwhelm the action of the game and adds a bit of uneasiness to your exploration of the penitentiary.
While the previous Resident Evil installments were all about exploration, puzzles, and fixed camera angles, Resident Evil 4 traded all that in for a gun, an over-the-shoulder camera, and more guns.
The graphics in this title are not nearly as impressive or awe-inspiring as some other titles out there, but there is just as much exploration, mystery, and mind-numbing puzzles for you to enjoy.
To make your exploration into Australian dry red wines, including Shiraz, below is a list of the finest dry reds Australia has to offer.
Use the above list as a starting off point in your exploration into Oregon Pinots.
The fun thing about wine exploration is to take the journey with others.
In addition, in most cases, a liver biopsy or a surgical exploration of the infant's abdomen is necessary for a definitive diagnosis.
While online computer exploration opens a world of possibilities to children, it also may expose them to a variety of dangers.
They are caused in infants and young children by their playing with electrical appliances or cords and in older children by mischievous exploration of electrical systems or use of faulty electrical appliances or tools.
The child's artistic endeavors are mainly produced for pleasure and the exploration of art media.
For teenagers, especially those who are artistic, entertaining a dark period or even a quasi-violent Goth or vampire series of art work may simply be artistic exploration of darker themes.
Often the child continues to depend on his or her hand for inspection and exploration of toys or other objects.
Once an infant can crawl, the parent needs to provide a safe, roomy area for exploration.
It is now known that babies are aware of their surroundings and interested in exploration from the time they are born.
For many young people, masturbation is an opportunity for private sexual exploration before deciding to engage is sexual activity with another person.
There is no peer support for sexual exploration or reward for teaching orgasm.
Babies need their mouths for play and exploration.
The primary caregiver serves as a secure base that is used for exploration and learning.
The child is learning to balance his or her need for independence, self-discipline, and exploration and the need for love and protection from the primary caregiver.
Skinner encourages dancers to put their own interpretation on the dance, whether the performance is for a special someone or learning the dance is a journey of personal exploration.
Further exploration of this sacrificial burial in China revealed several charioteers lying on the ramps that led to the outside of the tombs, which faced north and south.
If you're open to the world of exploration, you'll find there are plenty of punk hairstyle ideas that can be worn with confidence!
Unschooling is based on student exploration and discovery.
Much of the homeschool curriculum at the pre K age involves active exploration of the environment using the child's natural curiosity as a guide.
Homeschooling pre K aged kids is all about encouraging their exploration of the world.
Many adults like to begin their origami exploration by completing models intended for children, but these projects are often too easy to provide a sufficient challenge.
In animal studies, prenatal exposure to opiates led to decreased exploration and delayed responses to threatening elements.
This city by the bay extends one of California's best invitations of recreation, exploration, and rejuvenation.
These city museums and exhibits will allow you to see San Francisco below the surface, from cable car workings to botanical garden exploration.
However, generally the comments made were about how the child loved to play with this item and spent long hours enjoying space exploration with this toy.
Depending on the speed at which you set the spinner, you can make a crackling fire or an adventurous exploration.
This same exploration can happen for heterosexuals.
One of the more interesting bags on this site is the Exploration Duffle Bag because personalization here is free.
The signs that match best offer intellectual stimulation, fun, exploration and a social side.
The show also awakens a love of science and scientific exploration.
From agriculture, to public holidays, to history and space exploration, you're sure to find many topics to keep your child busy and learning new topics.
With their realistic handling and optional off-road capabilities, battery powered ATVs for children are a great way to introduce both boys and girls to the pleasures of outdoor exploration.
Kids' school projects can help your children to learn about his or her subject in a new way, through exploration and creation.
Good at logical thinking and pattern recognition, kids with high logical/mathematical intelligence may do especially well with activities involving linear thinking, scientific exploration and reasoning.
However, upon further exploration, the two men discovered an old cemetery where they could hear a baby's cry coming from the ground in front of a gravestone and a fresh grave site of a mother and infant who were recently buried together.
Indigo sits at the third eye and brings peace, exploration and intuitiveness.
During their exploration of the basement, Jason and Grant both hear a very loud voice say, "I like the one in the hat".
Meditation is by far the best form of exploration and growth for anyone with psychic abilities.
Their exploration and research is documented on the reality television show, Ghost Hunters, which airs weekly on the SyFy channel.
After all, parents will want to do some of their own exploration when the sun sets.
And St. Mark's Square is surrounded by several intriguing shops, cafes, and boutiques that await your exploration.
A weekend getaway requires less preparation than a two week exploration of the Southwest.
Omega watches have been involved with sports and space exploration for years, and they show no sign of stopping.
While it may seem amazing that a 70-year-old man can do a freeform headstand but you can't lift your legs off the floor, the basic philosophy of yoga encourages exploration within the self.
The practice and teachings of yoga go back 5,000 years; an exploration of humanity's desire to find harmony and a higher consciousness.
One look on Amazon.com shows a number of books and multimedia resources to aid your exploration.
Maharishi (produced mah-HARSH-ee) wanted the Western world to understand a version of meditation that was easy to perform, required little-to-no concentration, and promised a deeper exploration of the mind.
I think this exposure to many cultures and spiritual traditions, along with a natural bent towards a search for an inner meaning in life, gave me the foundation for the many-sided exploration that has been my yoga journey.
However, while the history of yoga is steeped in divine exploration and the acceptance of universal truth, yoga as method is more of a practical aid for an individual to use to achieve these pursuits.
The philosophy of Vinyasa permits an exploration of student needs with the principles of the method incorporated into any physical style the student chooses.
The company's staff relies on inspiration from nature and outdoor exploration to create attractive yet durable yoga wear.
In addtion to theoretical exploration, chanting and meditation also take place.
The Iowa City Yoga Festival, launched in 2010, brings well-known yoga instructors and musicians to the Midwestern city for a weekend of education, exploration and celebration.
Behaviors are considerable issues in the exploration of Asperger syndrome details.
The preschool age is a time of exploration and understanding.
An essential piece of your trail exploration kit, Jeep trash bags need to be built tough enough to handle the rigors of off-road travel.
The community features tons of different songs from a number of popular artists and includes fully customizable avatars and a lush 3D environment ripe for exploration.
Gates is a certified scuba diver and belongs to the prestigious Explorer's Club, a century-old society that celebrates world exploration.
During rudimentary exploration, they located a hangar-bay filled with little cylindrical craft designed to fit through a gate named puddle-jumpers.
And the Atlantis exploration team, in their innocence blundered and woke up the Wraith hive ships.
The Athosians relocated to the Atlantis homeworld and Teyla became a member of Sheppard's exploration team.
The deep understanding of the Trek universe combined with strong plots and engaging characters makes its exploration on a more personal level.
The Prime Directive, the governing set of rules that maintains the purity of exploration and cultural contact, has not been written.
The community decides to send an exploration party out to learn what has happened to the rest of civilization; selected for their individual skills, and sent off without their siblings, most suffer severe psychological damage.
But nowhere does this What If? capability show to advantage as much as in the exploration of social gender roles in science fiction, and to a certain extent, in fantasy.
One cites a Russian magazine article which noted that the Soviet Union was a current leader in space exploration yet no Soviets were found on the Enterprise.
Their thirst for exploration was not quenched, however.
This was as it should be - a family man or woman who accepts a five-year mission of exploration isn't much of a keeper.
Steampunk is Victorian or Edwardian, great era of exploration.
The Marthatown's people undertake an exploration of their surrounding area, encountering a group of patriarchal polygamists not unlike the sects that still proliferate in Utah and Arizona today.
If Captain Kirk was a swashbuckling risk-taker (and he was), it could be argued that he was an appropriate choice to captain an exploratory vessel in an Age of Exploration.
He is approached by Nessus, a 'Piersons Puppeteer' who asks him to lead the exploration of the Ringworld.
Star Trek starships are elegant vessels, primarily focused on exploration, diplomacy and defense.
This was accomplished in an episode called "Journey's End" where Wheaton's character decides to leave Starfleet in favor of a journey in self exploration as he accompanies a trans-dimensional being known as the Traveler.
Starfleet is the organization that combines military and science in the exploration of the galaxy and the defense of the borders of UFP space and beyond.
The three made for interesting dinner table companions as they wrestled with ethical and moral dilemmas of early space exploration and first contact.
For over five decades, Star Trek's message of peace and unity and exploration of the stars has inspired.
Given that the mission of the Enterprise was and other Federation Starships was one of space exploration and peace, whenever violence took place it was a very dramatic and troubling experience for any member of the crew that was involved.
In the end, the focus on robots in science fiction throughout the 1950s was really an exploration of advanced technologies, and whether the human pursuit of progress and scientific advancement was worth the dangers involved.
Astronomy itself is mostly about exploration and largely about the unknown.
Discover the World Patch helps the scout learn about the world through exploration of intercultural life and budget traveling.
From a behavioral perspective, attachment is represented by a group of instinctive infant behaviors that serve to form the attachment bond, protect the child from fear and harm, and aid in the infant's protected exploration of the world.
Preschool science activities should focus on a child's natural curiosity and sense of exploration and adventure.
Southwestern Colorado invites exploration.
Unhurt, she would have no fear of wandering around to find her way, but her injury prevented any exploration.