Expired Sentence Examples
He expired on the 29th of November 1872.
Cleveland's second term expired on the 4th of March 1897, and he then retired into private life, universally respected and constantly consulted, in the university town of Princeton, New Jersey, where he died on the 24th of June 1908.
His office expired on the return of his superior.
He expired on the 29th of September 1560.
The Bell telephone patents expired.
No sooner had it expired when the phone took up the chorus.
In April they met in arms at Stamford, and as soon as the truce had expired they marched to Brackley, where they met the royal ministers and again presented their demands.
The patent has expired.
A few days later he expired ll.
On the 20th of February De Zerbi suddenly expired.
AdvertisementDuring the free silver controversy he adhered to the Cleveland section of the Democratic party, and failed to be re-elected when his term in the Senate expired in 1899.
Giovanni in Monte, Bologna; and Francia, on inspecting it, took so much to heart his own inferiority, at the advanced age of about sixty-six, to the youthful Umbrian, that he sickened and shortly expired on the 6th of January 1517.
In 56 B.e., at the conference of Luca (Lucca), Caesar, Pompey and Crassus had renewed their agreement, and Caesar's Break-up command in Gaul, which would have expired on the of thak-up ist of March 54 B.e., was renewed, probably for five Coalition.
In 1753 the charter of the trustees expired and Georgia became a royal province.
His term of office expired on the following Feb.
AdvertisementWith Lavater the descriptive school of physiognomists may be said to have ended, as the astrological physiognomy expired with De la Belliere.
The first settlement occupied two full years, from 1876, when the negotiations began, to June 1878, when at last all the bills were carried successfully through the two parliaments; and it was necessary to prolong the previous arrangements (which expired at the end of 1877) till the middle of 1878.
From 1638 to 1811, when the title expired, it gave the title of earl to the Ogilvies, whose name was adopted in addition to his own by Sir Lewis Alexander Grant, when he succeeded, as 5th earl of Seafield, to the surviving dignities.
As to the details, the following observations 2 may be made for the last phase of the empire which expired in 1918.
From the foundation of the Hasmonean state to the time of Herod the history of the high-priesthood merges in the political history of the nation; from Herod onward the priestly aristocracy of the Sadducees lost its chief hold over the nation and expired in vain controversy with the Pharisees.
AdvertisementFrederick Henry expired on the 4th of March 1647, and was buried Frederick by the side of his father and brother in Delft.
To the demands of the British mission relative to the acceptance of a protectorate and other matters, Prempeh made no reply in the three weeks' grace allowed, which expired on the 31st of October 1895.
The law under which Great Britain enjoyed the most favored nation treatment expired on the 31st of December 1905, but its provisions were continued by the Bundesrat until further notice.
The armistice of Malmoe having expired in March 1840, the war with Denmark was resumed.
The period of the Reichstag elected in 1887 expired, and the new Pal!
AdvertisementThe charter of the bank, which expired in 1897, was renewed until the end of 1910.
Hungary, on the other hand, was still in favour of free trade, for there were no important manufacturing industries in that country, and it required a secure market for agricultural produce., After 1875 the commercial treaties expired; Hungary thereupon also gave notice to terminate the commercial union with Austria, and negotiations began as to the principle on which it was to be renewed.
A few years after it expired Saracen settlement in the island began.
At the same time Lysander's year of office expired and he was superseded by Callicratidas, to the disgust of all those whom he had so carefully organized in his service.
The triumph of Christianity banished the old system once and for all; even at the beginning of the 4th century the native Egyptian script scarcely survived north of the Nubian frontier at Philae; a little later it finally expired.
In June 1672 a French army invaded the Netherlands; whereupon the elector of Brandenburg contracted an alliance with the emperor Leopold, to which Denmark was invited to accede; almost simultaneously the States-General began to negotiate for a renewal of the recently expired Dano-Dutch alliance.
The details of the final and successful plot were uncertain - the martyr Wishart cannot be identified with Wishart the would-be murderer - but with Beaton practically expired the chances of the French and Catholic party in Scotland.
At the close of the Jubilee this dispensation was extended to all who had expired on the way to Rome.
An order was despatched for his removal to the extreme desert of Pityus; and his guards so faithfully obeyed their instructions that, before he reached the sea-coast of the Euxine, he expired at Comana in Pontus, in the year 407.
In 1744 he was apprenticed to his eldest brother, who had succeeded to the management of his father's pottery; and in 1752, shortly after the term of his apprenticeship had expired, he became manager of a small pottery at Stoke-upon-Trent, known as Alder's pottery, at a very moderate salary.
At the end of 1880, after a speech at a revolutionary meeting in Paris, he was struck down by apoplexy, and expired on the 1st of January 1881.
Orissa proper, which was conquered from the Mahrattas in 1803, is subject to a temporary settlement, which expired in 1897 and a re-settlement was made in 1900.
The "prophet" expired under the blows (850).
With him expired the eastern Caliphate of the Abbasids, which had lasted 524 years, from the entry of Abu`l-Abbas into Kufa.
In November r 78 Madison's term in Congress expired, and he returned to Virginia and took up the study of the law.
He bade farewell to his friends, inquired after the health of Drusus's daughter who was ill, and then quietly expired in the arms of the wife who for more than fifty years had been his most intimate and trusted guide and counsellor, and to whom his last words were an exhortation to "live mindful of our wedded life."
These conventions, as well as a republication of the first Hague declaration, which had in 1907 expired by efflux of time, have been already largely ratified.
On the 15th of September the sultan, who had broken off all negotiations with Mehemet Ali on receipt of the news of the Syrian revolt, acting on the advice of Lord Ponsonby, declared the pasha deposed, on the ground that the term allowed by the Convention of London had expired, and nominated his successor.
The Fraticelli spiritualists, and similar sects who fed their imagination with his doctrine, expired in the flames to which Fra Dolcino Longino and Margharita were consigned.
But this outrage was made a pretext for a general rising against William, whose legatine commission had now expired, and whose power was balanced by the presence of the archbishop of Rouen, Walter Coutances, with a commission from the king.
This was soon put into operation in Scotland, first with the Boghead coal or Torbanehill mineral, and later with bituminous shales, and though he had to face much litigation Young successfully employed it in the manufacture of naphtha and lubricating oils, and subsequently of illuminating oils and paraffin wax, until in 1866, after the patent had expired, he transferred his works to a limited company.
He was again hampered by his political opponents at home, and at *the end of 1446 was recalled, on the pretext that his term of office had expired.
Just before he died, says his secretary, Tobias Lear, he felt his own pulse; his countenance changed; the attending physician placed his hands over the eyes of the dying man, "and he expired without a struggle or a sigh."
Two years later Llewelyn, the ablest and most successful of all the Welsh princes, expired and was buried in the monastery of his own foundation at Aberconway.
But in 1683, at the age of sixty-four, he was seized with a fatal illness, and on the 6th of September he expired.
So Peter also seemed to have thought, for though Mons was decapitated and his severed head, preserved in spirits, was placed in the apartments of the empress, she did not lose Peter's favour, attended him during his last illness, and closed his eyes when he expired (February 28, 1725).
In September 1881 the term of office of president Pinto expired, and he was succeeded in the post of chief executive of Chile by President Domingo Santa Maria.
In March 1906 the customs convention was provisionally renewed (on a strongly protective basis, and with preference for British goods) but there was a distinct prospect of a tariff war when the convention expired in 1908.
This act continued by annual renewals until 1906, when it expired.
The moment was critical, for Mehemet Ali had occupied Syria and won the battle of Nezib against the Turkish forces, and on the 1st of July 1839 the sultan Mohammed expired.
In the following year, on the 18th of October 1865, Lord Palmerston expired at Brocket Hall, after a short illness, in the eighty-first year of his age.
He expired rather suddenly while hunting at Troki in Lithuania in June 1492.
The last charter of the Russian-American Company expired on the 31st of December 1861, and Prince Maksutov, an imperial governor, was appointed to administer the affairs of the territory.
He took to his bed, and after seven days expired.
Carnot seemed to be arriving at the zenith of popularity, when on the 24th of June 1894, after delivering at a public banquet at Lyons a speech in which he appeared to imply that he nevertheless would not seek re-election, he was stabbed by an Italian anarchist named Caserio and expired almost immediately.
He seemed a little better on the 15th of March, and on the 18th he read the newspapers and conversed with Dr Mead; but at 6 o'clock in the evening he became insensible, and continued in that state till Monday the 20th of March 1727, when he expired without pain between one and two o'clock in the morning.
But the scheme was wrecked by the premature death of the bride, who expired by the way, while being brought over from Norway to her own kingdom, owing to privations and fatigue suffered on a tempestuous voyage.
Of these the most pressing was the renewal of the French war; the truce had expired a few weeks before the death of The Edward III., and the new reign began with a series French of military disasters.
The Chinese war arose from the seizure by the Chinese authorities of a small vessel, the Arrow commanded by a British subject, and at one time holding a licence (which, however, had expired at the time of the seizure) from the British superintendent at Hongkong, and the detention of her crew on the charge of piracy.
The Hay-Herran Treaty of January 1903, providing that the United States take over the Panama Canal was not ratified by the Colombian Congress, possibly because it was hoped that settlement might be delayed until the concession to the company expired, and that then the payment from the United States would come directly to the Colombian government; and the Congress, which had been specially called for the purpose - there was no regular legislative government in Bogota in1898-1903- adjourned on the 31st of October.
And through the process of waste thus set on foot, they finally dissolved into the aether, and expired " like spinning insects."
In February 1792 an allusion in debate by Toler (afterwards earl of Norbury), the attorney-general, to Tandy's personal ugliness, provoked him into sending a challenge; this was treated by the House of Commons as a breach of privilege, and a Speaker's warrant was issued for his arrest, which however he managed to elude till its validity expired on the prorogation of parliament.
The Crimes Prevention Act expired on the 12th of July, and the want of it was at once felt.
This was a political coup detat, and when the time had expired he attempted a financial coup detat by debasing the currency.
In April 422 the truce with Sparta expired, and in the same summer Cleon was despatched to Thrace, where he stormed Torone and Galepsus and prepared for an attack on Amphipolis.
Six weeks of smoking abstinence was confirmed by expired carbon monoxide.
However, they can be measured in expired air using gas chromatography.
When the original three-year enlistment expired, only forty veterans from the original regiment reenlisted.
When More's lease expired in 1605, John Holmead began to pay the rent, now £ 10.
Outline planning permission was granted for the Phase 1 site in 1994, but this has since expired.
The main issue before the court was the impact of section 25 in cases where the custody time limit had expired.
This annuity expired before his death; and he was compelled to make more than one fresh appeal to the bounty of the Company, which was never withheld.
The last days of Matthias were occupied in endeavouring to secure the succession to the throne for his illegitimate son Janos (see Corvinus, Janos); but Queen Beatrice, though childless, fiercely and openly opposed the idea and the matter was still pending when Matthias, who had long been crippled by gout, expired very suddenly on Palm Sunday, the 4th of April 1490.
In 1680, after bringing home Charles XI.'s Danish bride from Copenhagen, he was appointed governorgeneral of Scania (Skane), but expired a few weeks later.
There was also an early attempt to federate the South African colonies, and an act was passed for that purpose (South African Act 1877), but it expired on the 18th of August 1882, without having been brought into effect by the sovereign in council; in 1908, however, the Closer Union movement (see Sout13 Africa) ripened, and in 1909 a federating Act was successfully passed.
Shot in the back by Anckarstrom at a midnight masquerade at the Stockholm opera-house, on the 16th of March 1792, he expired on the 29th.
The Fenian movement had practically expired; some annual motions for the introduction of Home Rule, made with all the decorum qf parliamentary usage, had been regularly defeated.
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The materials should be used to re-lay the line to Bow Bridge, replacing the now expired track with better materials.
The lease was terminable by the company by 12 months notice from its annual anniversary date and otherwise expired in 2070.
What is available one day may be expired the next.
Once or twice a week is the best; if you wait any longer than that you may find that the samples have run out or the offer has expired.
Introductory rates and promotional periods are often exemplary, but after those offers have expired, rebate rates may drop while overall interest rates rise.
An invalid or expired security certificate or lack of security explanation is a red flag for a potentially dangerous transaction.
Expired cards - Some people have had problems getting expired cards reissued, being told by a customer service representative that it is not their policy to reissue expired gift cards.
Too often, recipients discovered that even though the merchant gift cards they received were for a certain amount, the balance was quickly depleted from fees or the card had expired altogether before they could fully use its value.
In fact, The Tower Group, a research subsidiary of Mastercard, claims that consumers lose nearly $8 billion annually - approximately 10 percent of gift card sales - due to unredeemed, expired, or lost cards.
If the waiting period between when the divorce went on file and when it became finalized has expired, there is no way to stop the divorce.
The Federal tax credits program expired in December, 2007.
This line will grow slowly to fill the white oval when the three-month life has expired and it is time to change your filter.
This is why you will not find full versions of the most contemporary novels or the most popular authors for free, but what you will find are full books where the copyright has expired.
Below the main coupons, you'll find a list of expired and invalid coupons.
If your camera's warranty has expired or you simply don't feel comfortable dealing directly with Nikon, you have the option of visiting independent authorized repair facilities.
If your product were to malfunction after the warranty has expired, you would be responsible for footing the repair bill.
Packages and canned goods are stamped with dates indicating when a product has expired and is no longer safe for human consumption.
If the coupon code has expired or is invalid, the price will not change or you will receive a notice telling you the code didn't work.
She would eventually wind up in England, where she stayed until her visa expired.
The original restraining order expired, but Britney's people have refiled the order against Adnan Ghalib and former manager Sam Lufti recently.
They were feeding the dogs expired food because they didn't have funds.
Expired but unused tickets can be redeemed for half off a regular admission ticket for the current season, but guests must make that special purchase at the Guest Relations office and no other discounts can be applied to this offer.
If it is expired, will the park honor it the next year or offer a discount on a new ticket?
Avoid fake tickets and expired coupons by always checking validation codes and expiration dates - many summer promotions for discounted Cedar Point admission end before Halloweekends begin.
Maybe you have one that went out on you after the warranty period expired and since you have all the cords, why pay full price for all that extra stuff you already have?
If a game is not under copyright (or it has expired), then it is fair game.
Expired tetracycline has been known to cause a severe kidney problem called Fanconi syndrome.
Expired tetracycline should be disposed of, not saved.
The human respiratory system begins at the nose and mouth, where air is breathed in (inspired) and out (expired).
However, it is important to make sure that the product has not expired before giving it to the child.
Expired tetracycline should never be administered.
After the length of interest-free payments has expired, payments start going toward principal as well.
After the sale occurs, the process is not complete until the time period has expired when the homeowner can still claim the house back by paying the amount owed, including the fees.
Make sure you use tests right after opening them, and do not attempt to read them after the allotted time has expired.
Most are caused by impurities in the urine sample, failing to read the test instructions, using an expired pregnancy test, or trying to take the test too early.
Using expired condoms, having intercourse for any length of time before putting on a condom, or using petroleum jelly as a lubricant are all ways to decrease the effectiveness of condoms at preventing pregnancy.
An expired condom is better than no condom at all, but an expired condom is more likely to break.
Expired supplements -- This is more a trick by the store than the manufacturer, but watch for it anyway.
Christmas songs are said to be in the public domain if the copyright has expired.
That means that the copyright has expired or that a copyright never existed.
What is the procedure for removing expired coupons?
Unfortunately, the site does not automatically remove expired coupons and some people have been known to post offers that do not work.
The problem with hunting for Wendy's Coupons online is that by the time you find them, they may be expired.
Have several coupon codes handy in case one has expired.
Unlike some sites that offer expired samples and questionable links, Shop 4 Freebies updates every 24 hours, offering visitors the newest samples available.
Take 15-20 minutes at the end of each month to sort through your coupons and toss expired offers or coupons for products you've decided you no longer need.
Printable coupons can help you save money, but be aware that quick Internet searches will bring up expired printable coupons to stores like Toys "R" Us.
Get in the habit of going through your pantry every month or two in order to check for expired items and see what products need to be used up soon.
This means you must sort through your coupon collection on a regular basis in order to make sure the coupons you want to use have not expired.
One way to put your expired coupons to good use is to donate them to military families.
For example, at press time of December 2010, recently expired online deals included 3% off online orders, or 10% off mugs or transfer paper.
Expiration dates should also be checked, as some codes may be expired.
While many of the tax credits for hybrid cars have expired, you can still claim valuable credits for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids.
Expired insurance cards are not acceptable; a driver who fails to produce proof of insurance to a police officer will receive a ticket.
This policy is usually in effect for one year and can usually be renewed once it has expired.
Once the term has expired, you generally have the options to renew the policy.
Determine that your drugs are prescribed to you (and no one else), that they are labeled correctly and in the prescribed dosage, that they are the right kind of medicine, and that they have not yet expired.
Nevertheless, the Hill sisters were granted a (now expired) copyright for Good Morning to All.
The argument goes that the splicing of the note doesn't make the song different enough to qualify for a new copyright, so the copyright for Happy Birthday to You expired when the copyright for Good Morning to All expired.
The Supreme Court upheld the copyright as part of a larger ruling, but many in academic circles believe the copyright is either expired or invalid.
Heather left after the contract expired.
Food items that expired years ago are frozen, and Jill insists that many things are still fit to eat.
Naturally, the statute of limitations has expired so he's as free as a summer breeze.
Fred ignored the question and sat at the table, his patience expired.
He had no idea if he possessed the strength to stop his fall once the loosened slack had expired.
His original term of five years would have expired in 1778; but it was annually prolonged by special act of parliament until his voluntary resignation.
If educated at home, the child (after two years of the compulsory period has expired) must undergo a yearly examination, and if it is unsatisfactory the parents will be compelled to send him to a public or private school.
When the truce expired in 1183, a permanent peace was ratified at Constance.
He determined, therefore, to oppose any further disturbance of the balance of power in favour of Germany, and when the treaty of Skierniewice expired in 1887 he declined to renew it.
On the 4th of November the term for which Guion had been elected as a senator expired and he was succeeded in the governorship by Whitfield, elected by the senate to be its president.
When the spiracles are open and the body contracts, air is expired.
The wound proved mortal, and Alp Arslan expired a few hours after he received it, on the 15th of December 1072.
Finally settling at Northumberland, Pennsylvania, he lived there for nearly ten years, until on the 6th of February 1804, after clearly and audibly dictating a few changes he wished made in some of his writings, he quietly expired.
In the north of the island at least, the dead are buried in a sitting posture under the bed on which they have expired.
Froissart relates that he was burned to death through his bedclothes catching fire; Secousse says that he died in peace with many signs of contrition; another story says he died of leprosy; and a popular legend tells how he expired by a divine judgment through the burning of the clothes steeped in sulphur and spirits in which he had been wrapped as a cure for a loathsome disease caused by his debauchery.
He recovered a little for a few days after his arrival in London; but on the 29th there was a relapse, and on the 2nd of April 1865 he expired peacefully at his apartments in Suffolk Street.
He immediately ordered his army to retreat, in hopes of reaching his capital alive; but he expired on the way, in 1760, in the fiftieth year of his age, after he had reigned eight years.
With him expired the office, which had already been robbed of its privileges by a decree of the emperors Honorius and Theodosius II.
The period of ten years originally agreed upon for the Chilean occupation of these provinces expired in 1894.
Spurred by the success of the Gentleman's Magazine in England Benjamin Franklin founded the General Magazine (1741) at Philadelphia, but it expired after six monthly numbers had appeared.
He expired at Potsdam on the 15th of June 1888, after a reign of ninety-nine days.
Otherwise the alcohol will for the most part leave the body unused in the urine and the expired air.
Before the truce expired a disputed succession to the duchy of Brittany gave Edward an excuse for renewing hostilities with France.
There is no foundation for the legend that he expired with profane sarcasms upon his lips.
Important innovations in the constitution of 1897 are the office of lieutenantgovernor, and the veto power of the governor which may extend to parts and clauses of appropriation bills, but a bill may be passed over his veto by a three-fifths vote of each house of the legislature, and a bill becomes a law if not returned to the legislature withil l ten days after its reception by the governor, unless the session of the legislature shall have expired in the meantime.
In another form of apparatus advantage is taken of the property possessed by sodium-potassium peroxide of giving off oxygen when damped; the residue of caustic soda and potash yielded by the reaction is used to absorb the carbonic acid of the expired air.
In that year the Gotha line expired, and a general redistribution of the lands of the " Nexus Gothanus," as this group of duchies was called, was arranged on the 12th of November 1826.
In October 1878 Lord Dufferin's term of office expired, and his place as governor-general was taken by the marquess of Lorne, whose welcome to the Dominion was accentuated by the fact that he was the son-in-law of the queen, and that his viceroyalty was shared by the princess Louise.
He expired in the arms of his consort, after terrible suffering, on the 28th of January 1 725.
The chief matter for decision was the fate of the Socialist law; this expired on the 3oth of September 1890.
After the consolidation of the companies in1889-1890the profits declined, patent rights had expired, material reductions were made in the rates for telephone services, and considerable replacements of plant became necessary, the cost of which was charged to revenue.
Hunted to the ground and broken-hearted, Frederick expired at the end of 1250 in his Apulian castle of Fiorentino.
It is said that he expired in a sudden transport of joy upon hearing the news of the vote at Westminster for the restoration of Charles II.
With the close of that season Fleetwood's patent for the management of Drury Lane expired, and Garrick, in conjunction with Lacy, purchased the property of the theatre, together with the renewal of the patent; contributing 8000 as two-thirds of the purchase-money.
Anyway, he expired two days later in the guardhouse of the citadel of St Petersburg, two days after the senate had condemned him to death for imagining rebellion against his father, and for hoping for the co-operation of the common people and the armed intervention of his brother-in-law, the emperor.
It is little wonder that, in these circumstances, the choice of a successor to Pellegrini, whose term of office expired in 1892, should have been felt to possess peculiar importance.
An umpire is required to make his award within one month after the original or extended time appointed for making the award of the arbitrators has expired, or any later day to which he may enlarge it.