Experiences Sentence Examples
Then, perhaps, my own thoughts and experiences will come to the surface.
The two sat together comparing their experiences, which were identical.
The Ottoman Government took these experiences to heart.
The woman paints the child's experiences in her own fantasy.
I've found over reaction produces results, a lesson from my tip-line experiences.
But his position as chief minister of Henry's ecclesiastical jurisdiction forced him into unpleasant prominence in connexion with the king's matrimonial experiences.
That of 1879 showed a profound distrust of legislative action, bred of reconstruction experiences.
The enemy's escape annoyed him greatly, the absence of captured guns and prisoners reminded him too much of his Russian experiences, and he redoubled his.
A portion of the old record of emigrant experiences in 1879, long suppressed for private reasons, also appeared in book form in 1892.
In 1848 he retired to Macon; but there, as in Paris, he was the centre of a brilliant circle, for he was a wonderful causeur, and an equally good listener, and had many interesting experiences to recall.
AdvertisementIn his Life on the Mississippi he has recorded graphically his experiences while "learning the river."
Each of the five books of which it is composed contains psalms which show that its compilation cannot have been completed till after the return from the Captivity; and indeed, when the individual psalms are studied carefully it becomes apparent that in the great majority of cases they presuppose the historical conditions, or the religious experiences, of the ages that followed Jeremiah.
His great-great grandson, Michael Rutledge, reported his experiences in Forgiveness in the Age of Forgetfulness.
Anger, frustration and an overwhelming grief are common emotions flowing from experiences of great trial or pain as described above.
Ensure the curriculum and resources positively reflect experiences and reject racist stereotypes.
AdvertisementHe subsequently wrote an account of his experiences.
His African experiences suggested The African Colony (1903), A Lodge in the Wilderness (1906), and Prester John (1910).
But, as was to be expected, their mysticism moves in that comparatively narrow round, and consists simply in the heaping up of these sensuous experiences.
Besides visiting Switzerland and other parts of Europe, he availed himself of his experiences in the United States and in Canada, and journeyed to Spanish America, Australia and New Zealand.
Following in the steps of the Abbe Charles Bossut (Nouvelles Experiences sur la resistance des fluides, 1777), he published, in 1786, a revised edition of his Principes d'hydraulique, which contains a satisfactory theory of the motion of fluids, founded solely upon experiments.
AdvertisementThus the inner development of Jewish apocalyptic was always conditioned by the historical experiences of the nation.
The simplest experience - a single note struck upon the piano - would not be what it is to us but for its relation by contrast or comparison with other experiences.
This is true; but we may easily exaggerate it into a falsehood by saying that a piece of experience is entirely constituted by its relation to other experiences.
It has not been found possible to determine, before experiment, whether any given man or woman will prove capable of the hallucinatory experiences.
In other ways the experiences coincide, the pictures are either fanciful, like illustrations of some unread history or romance, or are revivals of remembered places and faces.
AdvertisementPersons of recognized "imaginativeness," such as novelists and artists, do not seem more or less capable of the hallucinatory experiences than their sober neighbours; while persons not otherwise recognizably "imaginative" (we could quote a singularly accurate historian) are capable of the experiences.
Knowledge, intrepidity and tact carried Parkman through these experiences unscathed, and good luck kept him clear of encounters with hostile Indians, in which these qualities might not have sufficed to avert destruction.
For its charm the story is comparable with the account of Jacob's experiences in the same land (xxix.).
There is not a trace of any declaration of war on the universal church in his period such as the Apocalyptist anticipates and in part experiences.
His own experiences in the Reichstag, and the close contact with the political parties which his advocacy of successive naval bills had involved, made him a master of political intrigue.
Zwingli, moreover, never knew anything of those spiritual experiences which drove Luther into a cloister and goaded him to a feverish "searching of the Scriptures" in the hope of finding spiritual peace.
His convictions on this matter were so much intensified by his later experiences as army chaplain that in 1521 he prevailed upon the authorities of the canton of Zurich to renounce the practice altogether.
Like others of the Reformers he had been led independently to preach justification by faith and to declare that Jesus Christ was the one and only Mediator between sinful man and God; but his construction rested upon what he regarded as biblical conceptions of the nature of God and man rather than upon such private personal experiences as those which Luther had made basal.
There is everywhere a readiness to handle traditional, largely historical, materials with a sovereign freedom, controlled and limited by doctrinal convictions and devotional experiences alone.
The Fourth Gospel is the noblest instance of this kind of literature, of which the truth depends not on the factual accuracy of the symbolizing appearances but on the truth of the ideas and experiences thus symbolized.
In the Synoptists, Jesus " grows in favour with God and man," passes through true human experiences and trials, prays alone on the mountain-side, and dies with a cry of desolation; here the Logos' watchword is " I am," He has deliberately to stir up emotion in Himself, never prays for Himself, and in the garden and on the cross shows but power and self-possession.
Koenig's arrangement (Quelques experiences d'acoustique, p. I) the axis of the cylinder is fashioned as a screw, which works in fixed nuts at the ends, causing a sliding as well as a rotatory motion of the cylinder.
Koenig, Quelques experiences d'acoustique (1882) describes apparatus and experiments, intended to show, in opposition to Helmholtz, that beats coalesce into tones, and also that the quality of a note is affected by alteration of phase of one of its component overtones relative to the phase of the fundamental.
His experiences here were unsatisfactory, but he abjured duly and was rewarded by being presented with twenty francs and sent about his business.
It is suggested, then, in the light of modern psychical research, that Mephistopheles, though (as the Faust-books record) invisible to any one else, was visible enough to Faust himself and to Wagner, the famulus who shared his somnambulistic experiences.
Theirs were not the everyday experiences of ordinary men, but of men lifted out of themselves and transported into a higher sphere.
Even in that earliest part of his book which is mainly a recapitulation of his experiences and work in the reign of Josiah, his tone is one of absolute hopelessness as to the future of the nation.
He became a journalist, and at an early stage of his career had the first of his many experiences of imprisonment for the subversive tendency of his writings.
Productive science, or art, is an intellectual habit of true reasoning from appropriate principles, acquired from experiences, and applied to the production of the work which is the end of the art.
The visible and visual signs are definitely connected with tactual experiences, and the association between them, which has grown up in our minds through custom or habit, rests upon, or is guaranteed by, the constant conjunction of the two by the will of the Universal Mind.
Of these supplementary notions he holds that the most general is that of causality, coming from the necessity of thought that all our experiences shall be arranged according to ground and consequent.
It was not founded on any intuitive ideas of right and wrong, nor was it fashioned upon any outward experiences of time and place, but it was formed entirely on what he held to be the revelation of the will of God in the written word, and throughout all his life his faith led him to act up to the very letter of it."
It was among the Franks indeed, and possibly through their experiences in war with the Saracens, that cavalry first acquired the pre-eminent place which it long maintained in every European country.
Gustavus's youthful experiences impressed him with a life-long distrust of everything Danish.
The Dutch and Belgian provinces of the Netherlands had for one hundred and thirty years passed through totally different experiences, and had drifted farther and farther apart from one another in character, in habits, in ideas and above all in religion.
Of his many works the most important are his chronicles of the four kings of Castile during whose reigns he lived; they give a generally accurate account of scenes and events, most of which he had witnessed; he also wrote a long satirical and didactic poem, interesting as a picture of his personal experiences and of contemporary morality.
Of these he published an elaborate catalogue in Latin in 1696; and at a later date (1707-1725) he made the experiences of his visit the subject of two folio volumes.
On his return he was driven by contrary winds to Britain, and so came to Iona, where he related his experiences to his host, the abbot Adamnan (679-704).
He was sure, after his experiences at Baltimore, that a movement against slavery resting upon any less radical foundation than this would be ineffectual.
The satire of Ennius seems to have resembled the more artistic satire of Horace in its record of personal experiences, in the occasional introduction of dialogue, in the use made of fables with a moral application, and in the didactic office which it assumed.
The first poetical work in which NizAmi embodied his thoughts on God and man, and all the experiences he had gained, was necessarily of a didactic character, and very appropriately styled Makhzanul Asrar, or "Storehouse of Mysteries," as it bears the unmistakable stamp of Sufic speculations.
King, wrote some interesting recollections of their diplomatic experiences - Letters of a Diplomatist's Wife, 1883-1900 (New York, 1903), and Italian Letters (London, 1905).
Farrand spent more than a week in the crater trying to get some good photographic views, and Orton has given a graphic description of his experiences in the same place.
But even what may be considered as common experiences have affected the individual islands in different ways; in the matter of population, for instance, Corfu has undergone much more important modifications than Ithaca.
The experiences described in Proverbs belong especially to city life.
It had been inaugurated with Gotz von Berlichingen, and a few months later this tragedy was followed by another, Clavigo, hardly less convincing in its character-drawing, and reflecting even more faithfully than the former the experiences Goethe had gone through in Strassburg.
With Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (1774), the literary precipitate of the author's own experiences in Wetzlar, Goethe succeeded in attracting, as no German had done before him, the attention of Europe.
Only a small fraction of Goethe's work was written in an impersonal and objective spirit, and sprang from what might be called a conscious artistic impulse; by far the larger - and the better - part is the immediate reflex of his feelings and experiences.
After some unfortunate experiences arrangements were made in 1917 for the fumigation of the tobacco before shipment, with the result that the crop thereafter, in normal circumstances, commanded a high price in the markets of Great Britain.
To these experiences, too, we may partly ascribe the reverence for law, for the rights of property, and for the monarchical form of government which he appears to have sincerely felt; and, demagogue as he became in a certain sense, they gave his mind a deep Conservative tinge.
His son John published a Life in 1846 and Recollections and Experiences in 1849.
On the other hand the experiences and observations of Felix Fabri, a Dominican monk who came to Palestine about A.D.
Meanwhile he passed through the deep spiritual experiences characteristic of Puritanism, and made wide acquaintance among the leaders of the Puritan party.
Out of his war experiences came in 1866 his Drum Taps, subsequently incorporated into the main volume.
Through all his pleasant experiences of French society, and through the fits of dangerous illness by which they were diversified, he continued to build up his history of the Shandy family, but the work did not progress as rapidly as it had done.
In the downfall of Jerusalem, the experiences of the exile in Babylon, and the return to Judaea, the nation was transformed into a church.
The recovery of the Italian army on Monte Grappa and the Piave, after the initial failures and the heart-breaking experiences of the long retreat, was a remarkable feat of courage and will.
We may take it as an experimental result, although the best evidence is indirect, that a particle falling freely under gravity experiences a constant acceleration which at the same place is the same for all bodies.
In this class of machine various improvements were made from time to time by different manufacturers, each profiting by the experiences of the others, and two kinds of such revolving presses may now be given as examples.
To those experiences was largely due the antipathy for Great Britain manifested by him in his later career.
Personal or social experiences of the satisfaction of some desire or escape from some danger are referred to some particular deity.
In the summer of 1787, a year after the marriage, the elder Schopenhauer, whom commercial experiences had made a cosmopolitan in heart, took his wife on a tour to western Europe.
He wrote Brief Notes on his experiences in France in 1793, in which he describes state persecution of Catholic priests.
The experiences of those terrible months permanently affected Miss Nightingale's health, but the quiet life she afterwards led was full of usefulness.
His materials consisted of the Annales Maximi, Commentarii Consulares, and similar records; the chronicles of the great Roman families; and his own experiences in the Second Punic War.
Casati (1838-1902), an Italian officer who spent several years with Emin, and accompanied him and Stanley to the coast, narrated his experiences in Dieci anni in Equatoria (English edition, Ten Years in Equatoria and the Return with Emin Pasha, London, 1891).
Many small rooms and tortuous paths, where nothing of special interest can be found, are avoided as much as possible on the regular routes; but certain disagreeable experiences are inevitable.
Sebastiao by Frei Bernardo da Cruz, who was with the king at Al Kasr al Kebir, while Miguel Leitao de Andrade, who was taken prisoner in that battle, related his experiences and preserved many popular traditions and customs in his Miscellanea.
Gomes Coelho, better known as Julio Diniz, records his experiences of English society in Oporto in A Familia ingleza, and for his romantic idealism he has been dubbed British; Portuguese critics have accused him of imitating Dickens.
The great interval between his experiences and the period of the composition of his history is important for the due comprehension of the latter.
These have an importance which we shall consider further on; but Joinville owes his place in general estimation only to his history of his crusading experiences and of the subsequent fate of St Louis.
At last they journeyed back again to France, not without considerable experiences of the perils of the deep, which Joinville tells with a good deal of spirit.
Since admission into the Union the more interesting experiences of the state have been with internal improvements and with banking, which together resulted in serious financial distress; in the utilization of its natural resources, which have been a vast source of wealth; and in the development of its educational system, in which the state has exerted a large influence throughout the Union.
Pantagruel goes through something like a second edition (really a first) of the educational experiences of his father.
These tracts had practically never been traversed before, and on the appearance of the published account of his journey and experiences under the title of Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa (1853) Galton was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Geographical Society.
During the vigorous depression of the wing, the nervure has the power of remaining rigid, whereas the flexible portion, being pushed in an upward direction on account of the resistance it experiences from the air, assumes an oblique position which causes the upper surface of the wing to look forwards."
He considers " bodily effects " incidentals to the real work of God, but his own mystic devotion and the experiences of his wife during the Awakening (which he gives in detail) make him think that the divine visitation usually overpowers the body, a view in support of which he quotes Scripture.
It contained the important Treatise on Grace, Annotations on the Bible, Directions for Judging of Persons' Experiences, and Sermons, the last for the most part merely in outline.
In these drafts Leonardo describes in the first person, with sketches, a traveller's strange experiences in Egypt, Cyprus, Constantinople, the Cilician coasts about Mount Taurus and Armenia.
Owing to its greater elevation the southern portion of Oregon experiences greater extremes of temperature than the northern.
The English king, forgetting his fathers experiences, endeavoured to ride down the enemy by headlong frontal charges of his men-at-arms, and made practically no attempt to use his archery to advantage.
It serves as a means of research, more particularly in mathematical investigations, the simple laws thus deduced being subsequently modified by introducing assumptions in order to co-ordinate actual experiences.
His brother, Spurius Mummius, a man of greater refinement and intellectual powers, accompanied Lucius as his legate to Achaea, whence he sent letters to his friends at Rome, describing his experiences in humorous verse.
But Augustine had a deeply religious nature, and passed through deep personal experiences; these things above all gave him his power.
Murray could not publish Aylmer Papillon, but he had great hopes of its boyish writer (Isaac D'Israeli was an old friend of his), "took him into his confidence, and related to him his experiences of men and affairs."
He relies on the validity of his perceptions of physical facts; but the saint and the theologian are no less entitled to rely on the validity of their moral and spiritual experiences.
This attack he followed up with The Monikins (1835) and The American Democrat (1835); with several sets of notes on his travels and experiences in Europe, among which may be remarked his England (1837), in three volumes, a burst of vanity and illtemper; and with Homeward Bound, and Home as Found (1838), noticeable as containing a highly idealized portrait of himself.
And, though he maintains as against the Utilitarians the existence of certain fundamental moral intuitions which have come to be quite independent of any present conscious experience of their utility, he yet holds that they are the results of accumulated racial experiences gradually organized and inherited.
For several years these experiences continued, and the verdict as to their source still remained far from unanimous.
Her visions continued, and, by command of her ecclesiastical superiors, she wrote her autobiography containing a full account of these experiences, though she was far from basing any claim to holiness upon them.
By reflection on dreams, in which the self, or " spirit," of the savage seems to wander free from the bounds of time and space, to see things remote, and to meet and recognize dead friends or foes; by speculation on the experiences of trance and of phantasms of the dead or living, beheld with waking eyes; by pondering on the phenomena of shadows, of breath, of death and life, the savage evolved the idea of a separable soul or spirit capable of surviving bodily death.
As among the gods and Asuras of the Vedas, there were many wars in the divine race, and as the incantations of the Indian Brahmanas are derived from those old experiences of the Vedic gods, so are the incantations of the Maoris.
Brought up religiously and to shun the society of women, his first experiences in adultery had been made with many scruples and intermitten.tly.
The experiences of the religious mystic are paralleled with the ecstatic vision in which the philosophical hermit sees a world of pure intelligences, where birth and decease are unknown.
The collection of his Philosophical Poems (1647), in which he has "compared his chief speculations and experiences," should also be consulted.
He drew his theories from his experiences of the Revolutionary period, and he modified them hardly at all through life.
The most powerful party in Bavaria, the Bavarian Volkspartei, was then in a state of much anxiety as a result of the experiences of Bolshevism, anarchy and violence through which Munich had passed in the spring of 1919.
In the second volume of his essays he gives some recollections of his experiences in the East, including an account of Mehemet Ali, and a (not very friendly) sketch of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe.
To illustrate the self-serving bias with regard to success, I will draw on my own experiences.
It was similar to the cravings for cocaine that an addicted individual experiences.
With rich data, grounded theorists can more readily discernwhat participants mean and how they define their experiences.
There has been a growing emphasis on discovering the opinions of teachers and students and on understanding their experiences and perspectives.
There are inherent contradictions in the new labor policy in relation to the real experiences of young people.
The narrative was constructed from the experiences of a fractured French family and their main observer, a lost family member.
Chapter 6 describes the students' perceptions and experiences of racism in school.
The site is very exposed and experiences a wide range of climatic vagaries from severe winter frosts to searing summer heat.
During the life cycle of any thing, it experiences the vicissitudes of life.
Curiously absent from this list is any sort of longing for those experiences that the computer cannot easily supply.
In return the student volunteers gain vital skills and experiences which can be academically accredited to enhance future employability.
With enough such experiences my internal computer can make reasonably accurate estimates.
It cannot be demanded that the objective accusative of religious experiences occupy the spatial dimensions, since being spatial entails having sensory qualities.
The shared experiences of active alcoholism at AA meetings make up a bond among all members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Caroline and Gaby shared some interesting culinary experiences, including aloe vera flavored yogurt and potato and pumpkin ice cream.
These included apparitions, cold spots and sense of presence experiences in a ground floor corridor area.
The thoughts mostly stem from his life experiences which mostly include astrophysics, astronomy, beer, football, music and computers.
Then " First Aid " which explores the experiences of a virgin first-aider on a bloody battlefield.
The seminar will include speakers from companies willing to share their experiences of using biosensors.
The Spanish comrades among the older officer cadre had already acquired very valuable partisan experiences in the hard school of the civil war years.
If you are hiring a caterer, then be sure to ask them about their ideas and experiences with baby showers.
These experiences are now described in terms of brain circuitry.
Further, unexpected experiences may also lead to reluctance to participate raising the question of when perseverance in following up participants becomes coercion?
Written for novices, all advice is based on the first hand experiences of a novice competitor.
Most sounds evoke conjectures of possible experiences differing from, and more important than, themselves.
Cognitive constructivism refers to the developmental stages identified by Piaget that children pass through as they construct meaning based on their experiences.
The research explored the inherent contradictions of New Labor policy in relation to the real experiences of young people.
Major fixtures like PRNewswire didn't give me any toe curling experiences.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
Effective work-related learning experiences can help tackle youth disengagement.
These technological advances pave the way for increasingly dynamic and visually rich real-time 3D graphics experiences.
Which parts of broken eggshells would you attribute to your own experiences?
Along with the overarching stand structure, the screens create the main entryway to a range of brand experiences.
Clinical placements will aim to provide equitable learning experiences for all students.
Each one helps to enhance families' reading experiences with the classic Dr. Seuss books and inspire exciting, original new story lines.
Our role is to engage children in quality learning experiences, giving them the best possible start in life.
Friends who may have the same pain problem as you so you can share experiences?
These aren't my thoughts but the guide's - a reference to teenage experiences and various expletives.
Each individual experiences the fall of his own noetic faculty.
Both experiences start with a cup of tea or coffee and meeting the falconers.
Such instances provide us with our empirical experiences of ' logical falsehood ' .
In fact it's one of the best multiplayer footy experiences to be had.
Saturday's proceedings started with some keen fundraisers for the Association sharing their experiences.
By working with the RHS we hope to encourage more gardeners to get involved with wildlife and to share their experiences.
This book reflects experiences with mainstreaming gender and women's issues in natural resources management.
Zimmer describes the experiences and influences that helped forge his theory, including the early geologists and of course the voyage on the Beagle.
Web India - Adverse childhood experiences make people gullible - have a sheltered early life.
It applies biblical principles to common personal hang-ups caused by earlier negative experiences.
In providing me with accounts of particularly harrowing experiences they appeared to be creating a testament which demanded sharing.
A family experiences the heartbreak of a broken relationship.
This young boy's experiences in the low country of South Carolina are told with a sense of humor and stark honesty.
He is currently studying, part-time, for a PhD at APU, exploring the illness experiences of individuals with normal pressure hydrocephalus.
On top of these regular humbling experiences, clubs are often ill-prepared to cater for our large number of traveling fans.
In effect, these largely improvised scenes border on documentary with the kids drawing on horrifyingly true-to-life experiences.
If Web sites are to become socially inclusive, all users must be able to enjoy shared experiences.
An individual of Afro-Caribbean origin experiences indigestion, gas and bloat after consuming milk products.
Guest speakers will discuss their first-hand experiences of working in the music industry.
This report investigates the experiences of acute psychiatric inpatients with the aim of improving acute psychiatric services.
In 2001/2 UK Trusts providing acute services were asked to conduct a postal survey to find out about the experiences of adult inpatients.
If cabling advances rapidly enough, richly interactive experiences will also be possible.
Here, it is the matrix rather than the man that experiences the All; it then communicates this knowledge to its human interlocutors.
Their experiences made us foot patrol lads look very mundane.
Among her own experiences she slips extracts from classic novels which illuminate the dilemma further.
We describe our own experiences in constructing a significant ontology, emphasizing the ontology capture phase.
Finally, we describe our experiences in using the enterprise ontology.
Jonathan Shanklin, a co-discoverer of the hole in the antarctic ozone layer, from the British Antarctic Survey will talk about his experiences.
Why do so many people believe in the paranormal and what might underlie ostensibly paranormal experiences if in fact paranormal forces do not exist?
Online learning material should not be a substitute for active participatory learning experiences.
Travel, too, provides new experiences that create new neural pathways, especially.. .
The home literacy experiences of preschoolers who use augmentative communication systems and of their nondisabled peers.
The lack of shared experiences means that Basildon Man finds his personal optimism transformed to social pessimism behind his back.
Top What you can do Tell us your stories - We'd like to hear your experiences of NHS podiatry.
When the plays were performed for the entire democratic polis the experiences of audience members were, of necessity, not equal.
Refugee children may display a preoccupation with powerful elements of their experiences in their play.
The experiences of China and Yugoslavia only presage more far-reaching developments to come.
This study discovers how being visually impaired can hinder progress and looks at common experiences.
Experiences of childhood sexual and physical abuse appear as very prominent in the lives of children and young people involved in prostitution.
Our intrepid reporters go in search of these festivals, bringing their vivid experiences back to the pages of Songlines.
And because they hear of others having experiences which they know not, they carry heavy burdens of disappointment and self reproach.
Drawing on research by the biographer, Bruce Perry, he revealed Malcolm's teenage and early adult same-sex experiences.
Experiences such as hearing voices always seem very real to the person affected by schizophrenia, who may not recognize that they are unwell.
Other political parties have had similar experiences, yet don't attract the scorn of Ruth et al.
It experiences self-hate, which is then turned into guilt.
Repeated experiences with others in turn creates a self-image.
There are a number of relatively common practices and experiences in traditional shamanism which are being investigated by modern researchers.
Super car experiences, tank and off-road driving days, flying lessons, helicopter sightseeing flights and much, much more.
The berry induces sleepiness during which the user experiences revelatory dreams.
We are confident from our past experiences and in-house expertise that, we can halt the slide and turn things around.
It is a work of great philosophical sophistication, combining breadth of vision with acute sensitivity to the nuances of women's experiences.
Rather than having allowed her experiences to destroy her, her pain has become a spearhead for change.
More often people to find it helpful make sense of their experiences in light of the autistic spectrum.
His sumptuous improvisations evoke the spirit of the townships, where music, politics & personal experiences have a great influence on the people.
Your collective experiences are kept in the vast storehouse of your memory.
However, even when some interventions have been deemed successful, it is difficult to export these experiences to different context and situations.
Unless, of course, you are somebody who experiences synaesthesia.
These signals directly trigger and control the Sirius lights, resulting in perfectly synchronized audio-visual experiences.
Years later he is still terrorized by his experiences in the house.
Professor Davis is equally trenchant about her experiences of the political process in the United States.
Some of the experiences I had were truly unbelievable!
The desire for this can come from Mentor or Student, or may even arise unbidden from the sharing of intense magical experiences.
The consultation provided unparalleled learning experiences for the pupils.
Caroline and Gaby shared some interesting culinary experiences, including aloe Vera flavored yogurt and potato and pumpkin ice cream.
In dreams he had experiences which were not veridical.
I have had dreams quite as vivid and my waking experiences.
Perception is sensation caused by a present affection of the external extremities of the nerves; memory is sensation caused, in the absence of present excitation, by dispositions of the nerves which are the result of past experiences; judgment is the perception of relations between sensations, and is itself a species of sensation, because if we are aware of the sensations we must be aware also of the relations between them; will he identifies with the feeling of desire, and therefore includes it as a variety of sensation.
Deists believed in a God of unmixed benevolence; Butler's contention is that justice, punishment, hell-fire itself are credible in their similarity to the known experiences of man's life upon earth.
The prophets are thoroughly Oriental figures, and the interpretation of their profound religious experiences requires a particular sympathy which is not inherent in Western minds.
He appears, in the composition of his various pieces, to have treated everything that occurred to him in the most desultory fashion, sometimes adopting the form of dialogue, sometimes that of an epistle or an imaginary discourse, and often to have spoken in his own name, giving an account of his travels and adventures, or of amusing scenes that he had witnessed, or expressing the results of his private meditations and experiences.
It was in seeking to close up the fissure in his system represented by this dualism that his successors succeeded only in adding weakness to weakness by reducing the principle of sufficient reason to that of formal identity (see Wolff) and representing all thought as in essence analytic. From this it immediately followed that, so far as the connexion of our experiences of the external world does not show itself irreducible to that of formal identity, it must remain unintelligible.
But this method has lost its attraction; the Synoptists, with their rarer and slighter pragmatic rearrangements and their greater closeness to our Lord's actual words, deeds, experiences, environment, now come home to us as indefinitely richer in content and stimulative appeal.
Scepticism is deprived of its persistent argument if it is seen that, while our individual experiences are to be judged by their coherence with the context of experience in general, experience as a whole does not admit of being judged by reference to anything beyond itself.
In 1687 he presented to the Academy of Sciences an hygrometer of his own invention, and in 1695 he published his only book, Remarques et experiences physiques sur la construction d'une nouvelle clepsydre, sur les barometees, les thermometres et les hygrometres.
In 1647 he published his Nouvelles experiences sur le vide, and in the next year the famous experiment with the barometer on the Puy de Dome was carried out for him by his brother-in-law Perier, and repeated on a smaller scale by himself at Paris, to which place by the end of 1647 he and his sister Jacqueline had removed, to be followed shortly by their father.
His father, whose early experiences led him to hate aristocrats, bred him in the stern creed of the first republic. Throughout the empire Poisson faithfully adhered to the family principles, and refused to worship Napoleon.
Sorbiere, who was by no means partial to things English, definitely speaks of him as " celuy qui a le plus puissamment solicite les interests de la physique, et excite le monde a faire des experiences " (Relation d'un voyage en Angleterre, Cologne, 1666, pp. 63-64).
The crisis culminated on a day, each event of which is surrounded in the Buddhist accounts with the wildest legends, on which the very thoughts passing through the mind of Buddha appear in gorgeous descriptions as angels of darkness or of light, To us, now taught by the experiences of centuries how weak such exaggerations are compared with the effect of a plain unvarnished tale, these legends may appear childish or absurd, but they have a depth of meaning to those who strive to read between the lines of such rude and inarticulate attempts to describe the indescribable.
Imagine what you could do with the combined learning of a quadrillion life experiences.
As we move toward that future, it is a great tragedy that the experiences of all the people of the past are lost to us.
If his experiences and observations hadn't led him to the concepts, SMALL, LARGE, GOOD, BAD, SWEET, SOUR, he would have nothing to attach the word-tags to.
Language grows out of life, out of its needs and experiences.
Stepan Stepanych also instructed me how I ought to tell of my experiences.
He experiences no troubles, no problems, no qualms of conscience.
It 's peppered with endless real-life anecdotes about the author 's own work experiences and those of his friends, family and colleagues.
His struggle to accommodate recalcitrant team members resonated with my experiences coaching 25 years of Oxford Boat Race crews.
The position is 50-60% clinical with the remainder split between seminars & research experiences.
Drawing on research by the biographer, Bruce Perry, he revealed Malcolm 's teenage and early adult same-sex experiences.
Click here to view Andy 's Weblog - " Experiences as a water and sanitation engineer in Guatemala ".
Other political parties have had similar experiences, yet do n't attract the scorn of Ruth et al.
Reading self-concept, academic self-concept, and reading self-efficacy appear to develop in response to initial experiences in learning to read.
And many of her own dawn visits were clearly heightened experiences in the midst of the beauty and solitude of an ancient landscape.
It is a work of great philosophical sophistication, combining breadth of vision with acute sensitivity to the nuances of women 's experiences.
As a whole, Where The Past Meets Today is a sorrowful look into the experiences of the broken-hearted.
The influence of social support on the lived experiences of spinal cord injured athletes, XI European Congress of Sport Psychology.
The HAC4 has a total of 57 functions and provides sportsmen and sportswomen with vital information to add to their sporting experiences.
These two articles describe the experiences of pharmacist supplementary prescribers in primary care.
James and I often swop battlefield visit experiences and his interest in the battlefields is very personal and sincere.
The comfortable guest lounge is an ideal place to relax and plan the days activities or swop ideas and experiences with fellow guests.
Many of the pagan shrines featured temple prostitutes, with whom acts of fornication were deemed religious experiences.
He 'd write a book about his experiences if he thought anyone would believe it.
Creating time-lapse footage requires lots of patience, if the author 's experiences are anything to go by !
But, there was also a tinge of sadness to her experiences.
The expressive theory of art had assumed the author 's individual experiences were the touchstone of reality (10).
When the neophyte successfully assimilates this stage he passes into transpersonal experiences of bliss, cosmic unity, or other features of higher consciousness.
His act is a combination of his own true-life experiences mixed in with a whole bunch of lies.
Some of the experiences I had were truly unbelievable !
These are not mystical in the narrow sense, because not unitive experiences.
We become unknowing victims of this game by denying the deeper meaning of our experiences.
The upshot of this style of teaching is that it leaves people unsure when they have experiences ouside of the doctrines as taught.
For this reason any student who experiences problems is strongly urged to consult the course convener at the earliest opportunity.
The Porton ECN site is very exposed and experiences a wide range of climatic vagaries from severe winter frosts to searing summer heat.
Old experiences may have but little fire in their ashes, tho often in their ashes live their wonted fires.
Some people do not like to reminisce because of traumatizing experiences.
When I reminisce, it makes me want to travel back in time to enjoy fun experiences again.
It would be wrong to extrapolate that all Californians are surfers, based only on a few personal experiences.
Cultural diffusion enriches our lives by enabling us to try different experiences, food, music and more right on our doorstep.
There is a fine line betweencultural diffusion and cultural appropriation. The first can bring people together to enjoy experiences outside their community. The latter can easily offend and cause more divisions between people.
Her lack of optimism was probably due to her poor experiences with harassment at her previous employment.
One of my favorite experiences was running a half marathon with my dad.
I realize that most of you are more experiences programers, but please give the noob a break.
Virtually all startups will have a number of near-death experiences.
What gets you through those near-death experiences is commitment and perseverance; you are not likely to make it through without a healthy dose of both.
If you're a younger founder-say in your twenties or thirties-you possess certain personal advantages that may offset your lack of experiences and concomitant wisdom.
If your baby experiences poor growth due to his inability to keep food in his stomach, then your doctor may need to prescribe medication.
If your infant experiences any of these problems, contact your doctor immediately.
The sense of touch can easily be encouraged with a variety of tactile experiences, through toys and through everyday objects.
Twins often experience the inner experiences and gut feelings of their brother or sister when he/she is upset or in harm's way.
The baby also experiences hormonal shifts that help them absorb fluids into the body and away from the lungs during labor and delivery.
Many experiences that you take for granted, such as shopping in the mall, wearing a seatbelt, or renting a movie, may not have been experienced by your child.
It is up to parents and other caregivers to use these and any other videos or television shows wisely, choosing content that enriches a child's learning experiences and encourages developmental growth.
The toddler years are filled with learning experiences and you can satisfy a child's wish for fun toys while at the same time give a gift that inspires learning.
While there are reasons to be concerned, a toddler's first computer experiences can actually be quite positive.
You have resourceful websites, consumer broadcast shows, print media and publicized experiences of others.
Whether you go with dads or moms or both, you will find it very helpful to compare experiences regarding styles of girls' clothing, as well as clothing brands.
Think about your past sleep experiences and what has worked for you, as well as what has not.
Talk to people already living in the development about their experiences inhabiting the space.
The mystery shopper then relays their experiences to the regional managers in charge of the store in question.
Visit your local hardware store, like Ace Hardware, Lowe's or Menards, to compare different water softeners and to ask experiences salespeople or installers any questions you may have on purchasing one.
Ask people you know about their experiences with different laptop ratings and technology products.
It's also a good idea to speak to current investors about the fund and their experiences with it.
He also experiences stress, and as he ages this can have a greater effect on his behavior.
I have contacted the food company to see if they have been contacted by any other pet owners having similar experiences, and I am awaiting a response.
Your cat may associate the pain it experiences when urinating with its litter box.
When the tiny particles come in contact with someone that has an allergy to cats, the person experiences an allergic reaction.
Regardless, FIP is often a suspect when one cat within a cattery experiences extreme abdominal swelling and a lack of appetite.
With a little preparation, a lot of love and a general understanding of new kitten care, bringing a new kitten into your home can be one of the best experiences of your life.
Others believe that keeping a cat indoors is safer for her and that those outdoor experiences can be mimicked by use of items like indoor cat trees.
Was Diary of a Wimpy Kid based on life experiences?
Kinney did not believe he was writing for children until his publisher, Abrams, suggested that his material be printed as a kids' book.So, was Diary of a Wimpy Kid based on life experiences?
To come up with the many ideas that ultimately made it into the series, Jeff Kinney had to mine the memories from his own childhood experiences while exaggerating some and making up others.
These descriptions match many of Greg Heffley's experiences in the series.
Though he hasn't compared himself directly to Greg, Kinney admitted that the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is at least partly based on his life and experiences as a kid.
Relevant - The book includes topics that kids can relate to their everyday experiences.
The digital book highlights each word as it is spoken, and the child enjoys the visual and auditory experiences as he or she becomes immersed in the reading adventure.
Pairing traditional books with digital reading experiences can take reading to a whole new level.
You may find valuable information from consumers about their less than positive experiences with some of these companies.
You can even redeem your World Points for special events, unique experiences and marquee events and have MyConcierge make the arrangements.
The reward options are numerous - from trendy electronics to special events and luxury vacation experiences.
Many consumers have had positive experiences with USAA.
Some USAA customers have reported having negative experiences with USAA.
Others on consumeraffairs.com have also reported having negative experiences with USAA.
These rewards allow them to earn unique entertainment experiences.
Members can share personal experiences and provide useful divorce information.
After making friends who share their experiences, your children may wish to continue with the divorce support group for years.
You can chat with others going through a divorce and share experiences with families around the world.
The authors rely upon their own individual experiences, as well as experiences from others, to show what grief is and how it is possible to recover from the power of that grief.
You can comment on blog posts and read what others have to say about their experiences.
This ignorance and innocence is part of childhood and helps children start life with a clean slate so that experiences can shape the adults they grow up to be.
For best results parents must strive to allow their kids plenty of fun and carefree experiences out from under the shroud of divorce.
However, as time goes on, these ideals may change as a result of various experiences.
Regardless of the actual activities chosen, family night is an important bonding experience that creates lasting memories and unforgettable experiences.
Please feel free to share your opinions, questions, or experiences by clicking the comment button at the bottom of any article.
On the forum, members can post information about their platform bed building experiences and share their plans with the other forum members.
At first blush, the notion doesn't even sound that bad, particularly if you live in an area that experiences very cold winters.
For many people, personal experiences belie the truth.
Harnessing wind energy is only feasible if the area experiences a minimum of ten miles per hour average wind speed.
If you live in an area that experiences a decent volume of wind, the electric company may end up owing you.
However, after surveying the landscape of reviews it seems that customers had more positive experiences with this company as compared to others, such as Acai Berry Supreme.
Taste is a subjective sense and thus, what one person experiences may be different for the next.
Not every hypertension sufferer actually experiences symptoms and nearly one-third experience no symptoms at all.
LoveToKnow Interior Design is filled with writers and readers just like yourself who want to share their experiences with re-designing or decorating their homes.
Check with your neighbors and friends and find out if they have had any good (or bad) experiences with any local interior designers.
Learn from others' experiences in choosing and applying Olympic Paint.
Join us as we learn more from Karen and her range of experiences with makeup in our exclusive LoveToKnow Makeup interview.
Her background as a Wilhemina Model, makeup artist for Lancome Cosmetics, and experiences on NBC emerged into a flourishing fashion beauty business known as Cents of Style.
Participation is voluntary, but companies that do participate maintain records on formulas, testing and any adverse experiences.
These dynamic fragrances are more than just perfumes - they're your own adventures and experiences, bottled for posterity.
Based on my past experiences with the brand, I was very excited to try the Master Toolbox and see if it could, effectively, become my go-to cosmetic palette.
Reading reviews on beauty products is a great way to get other women's experiences before purchasing.
While experiences obviously vary, many individuals who are otherwise sensitive to other products report great success with mineral foundations.
If you have friends who have used online dating, and you are comfortable talking about it with them, ask them about their experiences with the site they used.
Are you looking to write novel-length fiction, short stories, or maybe branch off into a memoir of your own experiences?
Plenty of online casinos want to provide you with great experiences online, and customer support is an important part of that experience.
With a rise in new people logging on to the Internet every day, game companies are constantly working on new technologies and new game experiences.
Also list all of your skills and experiences.
For instance, a teacher's continued certification may depend on his or her completion of professional development experiences.
If you are a fan of the Spiderman comic series, then you know that the character and all of the drama and conflict he experiences present excellent fodder for the video game industry.
In addition to what you learn in the classroom, obtaining real world experiences are critical in developing your photo skills.
Internships provide invaluable real-life experiences and can often lead to a full-time job.
Ask around to see what type of experiences people have had with certain online retailers.
However, when a Sony camera suffers damage or experiences other mechanical problems, it's a good idea to determine whether it's more advantageous to repair it or trash it.
Scrapbooking is a creative and visual outlet to document important experiences or events to be preserved for a lifetime, including short lives.
I found through my own experiences that making something with my own hands gave me such a great sense of accomplishment at a time when I needed my spirits lifted the most.
The heart of your album will be your experiences once you reach your destination.
You can relive the experiences while sharing them with those who weren't on the trip.
If this wasn't your first Disney vacation, how did the trip compare to your past experiences?
Not all resorts offer the same experiences, so doing research before you head out is essential.
My Ski and Ride Space is a Pennsylvania website, that allows you to upload your stories and photos about your experiences at the slopes.
These experiences cost more than $800 per person and include a guide, transportation and a meal on the mountain.
Everyone experiences stress but prolonged exposure can cause you even more because of health problems associated with this state of anxiety.
Everyone experiences feelings of anger, and angry outbursts, from time to time.
Though everybody experiences anger in a different way, there are some common causes that we can all understand.
Everyone experiences stress at home, especially if there are young children running around.
Approximately 80 percent of the population at sometime during their lifetime experiences a stress headache, which is the most common type of headache.
However, these are normally isolated experiences; frequent occurrences are indicative of an anger management problem.
The patterns and times when the person experiences these feelings need to be assessed, and it is important that the individual consider working with a physician or counselor if the feelings persist.
If you generally look at situations as positive learning experiences, you will experience less stress than if you anticipate the worst and look at anything unexpected negatively.
Everyone experiences anxiety at different times in their lives.
When the perceived danger is false, the body experiences a false alarm and triggers a panic attack.
Taking time to reflect on the stress that has built up over time can help pinpoint triggers for the unsettling experiences.
Part of the process involves recognizing that your negative experiences with taking exams should not affect your current performance.
Playing in high school sports can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your high school career.
When someone experiences fear and/or anxiety, his or her body reacts by releasing adrenaline.
You're going to be exposed to a lot of social and educational experiences during high school that will help shape who you are and who you want to be.
Just consider it one of the many flirtations and fun experiences with summertime that you will have.
Talking to other parents and guardians about their experiences with troubled teens will also help you form a plan for confronting your teenager.
When hormones start taking over and classmates begin to notice each other in ways they previously had not, many boys are opening themselves up to both great experiences and a good share of heartache as well.
Sharing your early dating experiences may also be helpful for your young person to hear.
They asked me about my experiences with children and how I would handle certain situations that may arise during a job.
Be ready to share any experiences you have or any school related recommendations you may have.
Teens volunteering are poised to change the world while gaining valuable skills and experiences.
Since there are so many teen chat rooms available on the Internet, leave a comment below about some of the ones you've chatted in and your experiences with them!
Some teens might not know what peer pressure is while others may have some misguided ideas about who experiences it.
However, everyone from high school to the office experiences peer pressure--it just changes in type.
Do you have any Boston high school experiences you would like to share?
Through books, teens can explore their own identities as well as learn to empathize with identities and experiences that don't match their own.
The victim in the situation experiences a variety of negative effects.
In some cases, the victim still experiences trauma as an adult.
Why not honor the friendship you've had with a friend by putting together a scrapbook of your mutual experiences?
If you do, speak with them about their experiences to see what other twins are running into.
There are a lot of experiences that will happen during your senior year from prom to graduation that will make this a year to remember.
Think of personal experiences you'd like to focus on.
These camps are meant to be learning experiences, as well as fun breaks from routine.
Note that these claims are not medically proven; experiences will vary from person to person, and the diet is in no way meant to "cure" diseases that require medical attention.
Many communities have groups of like-minded raw foodists who are willing to share their experiences and expertise with those struggling to make the transition.
Many are especially sensitive to others' dietary needs and concerns because they have personal experiences with struggling to find food to eat or talking with people who challenged their way of eating.
Disney's Honeymoon Registry allows couples to book a vacation or cruise through Disney and then receive their wish list experiences on a Disney Gift Card.
Most allow couples to add on "experiences," such as spa treatments, excursions to local attractions, activites like jet skiing, meals and more.
Driving into New York City for the first time has got to be one of the most thrilling experiences a human being could possibly have.
You can call each party supply rental store in the phonebook, or get recommendations from friends and family who have had good experiences with particular companies.
Games that are all focused on young players or require certain shared experiences can risk alienating people or making them feel excluded.
This is also a great way to get people involved before the event as everyone loves to share their experiences of playing bridal shower games.
Even if you aren't feeling inspired at the moment, taking a few minutes to think about love, marriage, and your own experiences will help you compose a message full of wisdom.
While you don't want to go on about yourself in a card to a newlywed couple, you can dispense words of wisdom for a wedding card based on personal experiences.
Even with a few ideas from a couple's registry or from your own experiences interacting with them, it is sometimes hard to come up with a truly unique wedding gift idea.
Refer to the registry or to your own experiences in the couple's home to decide what décor will fit best with their current items.
He was patient and even described some of his experiences.
However, a person is not an addict until he/she experiences a lack of control over his/her behavior.
Personal experiences and opinions on this medication are numerous.
Are students given hands on or internship training experiences?
To mask the feelings, emotions and thoughts an adolescent experiences, the adolescent may start using drugs or alcohol to cope.
Not everyone who suffers from depression experiences the same symptoms, and this is why the disorder has been classified into different types.
The person who is in a depressive episode experiences something other than sadness or even grief.
Read several stories about a former heroin addict's experiences and learn how each person found freedom from one of the most addictive drugs on the streets today.
Compulsive lying comes into play with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder when the individual exaggerates his/her experiences and/or achievements to demonstrate to others how superior he or she is.
Not everyone experiences all of these short term crystal meth inspired effects.
Not everyone who uses Clonazepam experiences side effects beyond the intended effects of the medication.
Some want to numb pain from traumatic experiences.
This is the point in the process where the addict is no longer using the drug, and the symptoms she experiences can be mild, moderate or severe enough to require hospitalization.
An attempt to stop using means the individual experiences withdrawal symptoms.
A Norwegian painter who helped develop expressionism, most of Munch's work is centered on anxiety, sadness, and mourning, basing much of his art on his early childhood experiences of losing both parents and two siblings.
All very different experiences, but I loved them all!
A somewhat anecdotal tale of four boys and their experiences as they share a night of bonding, heartbreak and excitement, Palo Alto is sure to touch at the heart of today's youth.
Today, Eminem takes his painful childhood experiences and turns them into music for the millions of disaffected youth who sympathize with his tales of the white lower-class experience.
In 2005, Anderson Cooper published his memoirs in the book, Dispatches from the Edge, which describes his experiences reporting from war-torn and disaster-ridden cities.
Reunion shows are a great extension of reality programs, giving viewers the opportunity to hear more about participants' experiences on the show.
The comedy is loosely based on her experiences as a writer at SNL.
Cate Blanchett ended up dropping out of the Methodist Ladies College in favor of travelling the world to get an education through life experiences in hopes that her travels would help her decide on a career.
Speidi, as the couple is known to their fans, called in to Ryan Seacrest's radio show recently to share their experiences from Cabo San Lucas.
Tina Fey is a strong woman, and has been able to put her experiences in perspective.
Daisies do not earn proficiency badges, but do earn petals to a flower on their tunic through simple tasks and learning experiences.
First, you'll need to find the department at your college responsible for international experiences.
Global study is an excellent resume builder, especially in terms of the skills and experiences you can take away from it.
Planning and attending a college party are experiences most students want to have at least once.
In fact, your relationship with your parents might improve if you're not constantly begging for money to pay for pizza, beer, and other miscellaneous experiences.
The site's writers bring their diverse college experiences to the site, and the editor checks for accuracy and up-to-date, relevant information.
These parties may include drinking, loud music and sexual experiences.
Diverse experiences are harder to come by.
If you drink responsibly at parties and keep an eye out for the safety of other people who are attending, it's likely that you won't have any negative experiences at a wild party.
Ask plenty of questions about courses, and speak to current or former students about their experiences.
If you have any doubts whatsoever about a program, talk with admissions personnel and ask for current or past students' contact information so that you can discuss their experiences with the program and ask questions about what to expect.
It's not as limiting as a major or a concentration, and it can be tailored to your experiences, strengths, skills, and interests.
Distance learning programs utilize unique courses of study and methods of classmate and professor interaction to provide integrated educational experiences.
They want to admit real people with real experiences.
Breakfast and lunch are buffet-style for passengers' convenience, and lunch buffets are often themed to present a wide variety of culinary experiences.
More luxurious lines such as Holland America Cruise Line, Cunard Cruise Line, and Seabourn Cruises offer sedate experiences in a relaxed cruising atmosphere with superior service.
With proper preparation and the willingness to experiment with new experiences, and your cruise vacation is bound to be a success.
Oceania Cruises prides itself on luscious dining, and each ship offers four restaurants for a wide range of culinary experiences.
All types of dining experiences, from local favorites to world-renowned chefs to exquisite local wineries.
Unlike far larger ships, Celebrity vessels focus not on packing guests into staterooms, but packing luxury into the guests' experiences.
In February 2006, the reader's poll from Conde Nast Traveler magazine ranked various Celebrity cruise ships in the top four slots for best dining experiences.
Caribbean luxury cruises are one of the most sought after vacation experiences, and with good reason.
A journal is also a great item to have to record your experiences watching the Alaskan wildlife, viewing glaciers, or other once-in-a-lifetime experiences you want to remember all the details of.
These river cruises offer many of the aforementioned experiences, nightly music or poetry, and they offer an additional customizable option of adding three night stays in specific cities to some packages.
Walking and city tours, musical events, and optional excursions are additions to the Christmas market experiences.
Both cruise ship jobs and working for the Carnival at the administrative level are rich and rewarding experiences to consider.
Working for this elite cruise line can provide employees not only with a steady paycheck, but also with a range of unique experiences and memorable moments outside a traditional employment venue.
With a range of employment options and a very competitive market, landing a job with this prestigious cruise company can lead to exceptional experiences and a memorable career.
Talk to friends and family members, asking what their experiences have been.
Working onboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship gives you the chance to earn money as you gather priceless experiences.
In addition to the spectacular scenery, most Alaskan cruises offer memorable onboard dining experiences featuring fresh local ingredients.
This gorgeous cruise ship continues to offer one of the world's most luxurious cruise experiences.
Most cruises feature a variety of character experiences throughout the trip.
If you're the adventurous type, you may want to get off the ship for some up-close looks and hands-on experiences in the beauty and wilderness of Alaska.
The experiences doesn't cater specifically to gay passengers, but if you'd prefer to mingle with gay and straight alike, this is a good place to start.
LoveToKnow would like to thank Diane Prejna for providing useful insider information on multi-generational family cruises and for sharing her personal experiences and photos.
The lymph nodes can become enlarged when the body experiences a significant infection, but there's no way to say for sure what is going on without an examination.
Puppies are exposed to a wide variety of sights, sounds and experiences in order to lessen their sensitivity level to common daily distractions they might encounter in their later lives as guide dogs.
The trade-off for all of this difficulty is that a dog training career can be one of the most interesting and satisfying experiences of your life.
You can find stories online about people going undercover to mills and recounting their experiences.
Since the facility allows only booked appointments, only one dog (two if the dog experiences motivation by having a canine friend join in), has access to the pool at a time.
Heated dog beds help ease the ache of arthritis and lessen the stiffening that an aging dog experiences.
All of these frustrations are learning experiences.
If your dog experiences violent diarrhea or the condition does not resolve within 48 hours, the dog diarrhea treatment did not work, and it is time to visit a veterinarian.
All you can do is look for the physical changes that occur throughout the length of the cycle in order to determine the average length of heat cycle your own female experiences.
Keep in mind that your dog may be hesitant to allow you to use the file, especially if there have been negative nail clipping experiences in the past.
It should be stated from the outset that choosing the best dog breed for children is a very subjective project, and people have their own opinions based on their own experiences.
Customer reviews are available for you to readabout other shoppers' experiences with their purchases.
In the nineteenth century, Americans with tattoos were sailors and naval personnel, who wrote about their tattoo experiences in ships' logs, letters, and journals.
If you have problems with humidity in the room, or it experiences extremes in temperature, try going with a door material other than wood.
When you decide to hire a contractor, you first ask for contractor recommendations from family and friends who had good experiences with contractors.
There are some consumers who do not trust any published research regarding GMOs regardless of the source, and instead they use their own experiences with GMOs as a guide.
Once she experiences the product...she will be converted."
Many have shared their experiences online and offered tips for finding great selections and other assistance, such as photographers.
Lab experiments can be powerful learning experiences, and by performing them safely, students aren't learning the wrong things.
It may feel very comfortable and pleasing to chat with other folks going through a divorce, but there's no way to know if someone online is really living your experiences or just trying to gain information, so it pays to be careful.
When this happens, the smoker experiences an increase in pleasurable feelings, and the person will want to repeat them by continuing to smoke.
Unfortunately, not all Internet experiences are positive ones, and users need to be aware of the potential threats to their safety when they decide to use this medium.
Not only will you find age contemporaries there, you'll probably find individuals with life experiences and attitudes similar to your own.
Or are you recently retired and looking for great experiences, travel being one of them?
One good way to find someone who practices in this area is to ask local seniors about their experiences and whether they can recommend someone.
So it's not accurate to say that the entire Baby Boomer generation is defined by a portion of cultural experiences.
Share experiences or gain insight into the viewpoint of this highly touted demographic through the Boomer Generation blog.
Determine the experiences and accomplishments that are most relevant to the position, so you can focus on them during the interview.
Most of the postings on this site are individual experiences, so use discretion in your evaluation, but it might help you learn more about what to watch out for and what questions to ask ahead of time.
I combined my experiences with theirs and then consulted a pro at successful travel with other women, my sister, Michelle.
I asked her how they approached some of the concerns and issues, and many of the recommendations in the book are their direct experiences.
This is a document that shares memorable experiences, what kinds of things in your life have shaped your values, and how you would like to see your beneficiaries use their inheritance.