Experienced Sentence Examples
Here they experienced a cruel disappointment.
I never experienced anything like it before.
How did you get to be so experienced at handling women?
Every emotion she experienced used to be written on her face.
It was bad enough to be reminded that Alex was experienced, without being reminded she had none.
I experienced your life with you.
I assure you I myself have experienced... and so... because...
Everyone in the house was dominated by the same feeling that Princess Mary experienced as she sat in her room.
He's seven years old and he's never experienced a normal family situation.
Part of her accepted his explanations after what she'd experienced the past few days.
AdvertisementHe experienced none of the awkwardness he did with Harmony.
No one who is really experienced in economic investigation cares to emphasize the originality, still less the revolutionary character of his own work.
As many of the democratic principles frightened her more moderate and experienced advisers, she wisely refrained from immediately putting them into execution.
Indeed, as one of the acutest and most sympathetic of his critics has remarked, the deep and settled grudge he has betrayed towards every form of Christian belief, in all the writings of his maturity, may be taken as evidence that he had at one time experienced in his own person at least some of the painful workings of a positive faith.
The economist should be a man of wide sympathies and practical sagacity, in close touch with men of different grades, and, if possible, experienced in affairs.
AdvertisementRicardo's works, in fact, do not explain a theoretical system, but contain the matured reflections, more or less closely reasoned, of a man of great mental power looking out on the world as it appeared to a business man experienced in affairs.
Doppet, the next commander, was little better fitted for the task; but his successor, Dugommier, was a brave and experienced soldier who appreciated the merits of Bonaparte.
For the present he experienced a sharp rebuff of fortune, which he met with his usual fortitude.
Maurice, who had on the death of his elder brother Philip William, in February 1618, become prince of Orange, was now supreme in the state, but during the remainder of his life he sorely missed the wise counsels of the experienced Oldenbarneveldt.
Frost and snow are occasionally experienced among the mountains and on the inland plateaus, but never along the coast.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, an ozoneless east wind (sirocco) is occasionally experienced - especially during the second half of May and before the beginning of the rainy season - which has a prejudicial influence on both animal and vegetable life.
The Spanish settlements experienced many vicissitudes.
The buccaneers or filibusters, who during the 17th century were drawn to the West Indies by the prospect of plundering the possessions of decadent Spain, often invaded Porto Rico, but that island escaped the conquest which Haiti experienced.
In the autumn months malarial fever is prevalent in all thickly forested tracts and also in the rice country; but on the whole the province is considered to be healthy, and as the rains break fairly regularly in June and produce an immediate fall in the temperature, severe heat is only experienced for a period of from two to three months.
All the mountains offer easy routes to pedestrians, but some of them, as Scafell, Pillar, Gable (Napes Needle), Pavey Ark above Langdale and Dow Crags near Coniston, also afford ascents for experienced climbers.
AdvertisementThe " heavy " rains are little experienced in the coast districts.
He experienced within himself the inward call to seek the amelioration of mankind and their deliverance from ruin, and regarded this inner impulse, intensified as it was by long, contemplative solitude and by visions, as being the call addressed to him by God Himself.
When the leaves are finely divided, as in Conium, much trouble will be experienced in lifting a half-dried specimen from one paper to another; but the plant may be placed in a sheet of thin blotting paper, and the sheet containing the plant, instead of the plant itself, can then be moved.
From the time of Eyubi Effendi until the end of the grand vizierate of Ibrahim Pasha (1730), the empire experienced periodical relief from excessive financial distress under the series of remarkable grand viziers who directed the affairs of state during that time, but the recovery was not permanent.
Such was the opinion held even by experienced diplomatists and by historians.
The settlements bordering on the Indian reservations had experienced more or less trouble with the Sioux for several years, the most serious outbreak having occurred in March 1857, when Ink-pa-du-ta led his band to massacre the settlers at Spirit Lake.
In the preface it is stated that Howel, "seeing the laws and customs of the country violated with impunity, summoned the archbishop of Menevia, other bishops and the chief of the clergy, the nobles of Wales, and six persons (four laymen and two clerks) from each comot, to meet at a place called Y Ty Gwyn ar Da y, or the white house on the river Tav, repaired thither in person, selected from the whole assembly twelve of the most experienced persons, added to their number a clerk or doctor of laws, named Bllgywryd, and to these thirteen confided the task of examining, retaining, expounding and abrogating.
Since the demagnetizing factor was o 052, the strongest field due to the coil was about 1340; but though arrangements were pro vided for cooling the apparatus by means of o ice, great difficulty was experienced owing to heating.
In other words, the mercy already experienced in the removal of the plague is taken as a pledge of future grace not to stop short till all God's old promises are fulfilled.
Mithraism was at full maturity on its arrival at Rome, the only modifications it ever suffered having been experienced during its younger days in Asia.
He experienced considerable difficulty in founding this second colony, from the strenuous opposition of a neighbouring tribe, the Petiguares; at length he succeeded in clearing his lands of them, but not long afterwards he perished by shipwreck.
The experienced diplomatist Cardinal Cesarini was accordingly sent to Hungary to reconcile Wladislaus with the emperor.
The heaviest rain is experienced between January and April and is usually accompanied by severe thunderstorms. On the eastern escarpment of the Drakensberg the rainfall is heavy, 50 or 60 in.
Then the deviation experienced by the ray at A is i - r.
In spite of heavy losses the Austrians were perhaps better in hand and more capable of resuming the battle next morning than the victors, for they were experienced in war, and accustomed to defeat, and retired in good order in three organized columns within easy supporting distance of each other.
During the troubles of the 15th century the authorities had seen the necessity of paying more attention to the security of the gates and walls of the city, and when Thomas Nevill, son of William, Lord Fauconberg, made his attack upon London in 1471 he experienced a spirited resistance.
While the width of the working-place is thus limited by the strength of the roof, its length is determined by other considerations - namely, the rapidity with which the mining work can be conducted and the length of time it is practicable to keep the working-place open, and also by the increased difficulty of handling the minerals sometimes experienced when the workings reach undue length.
It is true that as a result of the operations the area in occupation of the Allies in this quarter had been greatly extended in a northerly direction, so much so indeed that little difficulty was experienced by Gen.
The defending side, in fact, came to be in a much more favourable position than was the attacking side in respect to diminishing the strain that is always experienced by fighting personnel when in close contact with an enemy even during periods of virtual inactivity.
The form of apocalyptic is a literary form; for we cannot suppose that the writers experienced the voluminous and detailed visions we find in their books.
In 1347 Florence was again stricken with famine, followed the next year by the most terrible plague it had ever experienced, which carried off three-fifths of the population (according to now threatened Florence in the person of Castruccio p Villani).
The signory appointed Piero Capponi, a man of great ability and patriotism, and experienced in diplomacy, the gonfaloniere Francesco Valori, the Dominican Giorgio Vespucci, and the jurisconsult and diplomatist Domenico Bonsi, rule, 's every five years, appointed all the magistrates and Y Y PP g syndics to conduct the negotiations with the French king.
If he failed in his wider schemes of reform, this was only one more illustration of a truth of which other " enlightened " sovereigns besides himself had experienced the force, namely, that it is impossible to impose any system, however admirable, from above on a people whose deepest convictions and prejudices it offends.
This operation requires experienced judgment to decide when it should be done; the number of leaves to be left varies with the variety and vigour of the plant, the nature of the soil, climate, seasons and particular use for which the crop'is intended.
The island of South Beveland frequently suffered from inundations and experienced a particularly disastrous one in 1530.
In the course of the American War of Independence Barbados again experienced great hardships owing to the restrictions placed upon the importation of provisions from the American colonies, and in 1778 the distress became so acute that the British government had to send relief.
His last years were embittered by remorse, by gloomy forebodings, and by constant suspicion, for he had always been in the habit of employing a system of espionage, and only then experienced its evil effects.
He had the same difficulty in obtaining money for his northern charge that he had experienced in Wales.'
After a minute personal inspection of every province in Peru, he, with the experienced aid of the learned Polo de Ondegardo and the judge of Matienza, established the system under which the native population of Peru was ruled for the two succeeding centuries.
She was famous during her life-time for the weekly ecstasy of the Passion, during which in a trance she experienced the sufferings of the Holy Virgin contemplating the Passion of her Son.
A brave soldier, an experienced and astute general, he was never happier than when engaged in war.
In the summer of 1859 the first series of Idylls of the King was at length given to the world, and achieved a popular success far beyond anything experienced before by any English poets, save perhaps Byron and Scott.
On leaving he was apprenticed to a civil engineer at Derby, where he acquired " a store of exclusively scientific conceptions," 1 but also experienced the hunger of mind which forced him to look to religion for satisfaction.
The Rhine valley is the warmest district in Germany, but the higher elevations of the Black Forest record the greatest degrees of cold experienced in the south.
The jinrikisha, drawn by one man or sometimes two men, which were formerly the chief means of passenger conveyance, have notably decreased in number since the introduction of the trams. Tokyo has often experienced earthquakes, and more than once has suffered from severe shocks, which have hitherto prevented the erection of very large buildings.
We might expect persons who have experienced spontaneous visual hallucinations, of the kind vulgarly styled "ghosts" or "wraiths," to succeed in inducing pictures in a glass ball.
This brought to an end the armistice between Bolivar and Morino, and thenceforward the city experienced all the changing fortunes of war until its final capture by the revolutionists in 1823.
Even after the adoption in Europe of the Christian era, a great variety of methods of dating - national, provincial and ecclesiastical - grew up and prevailed for a long time in different countries, thus renewing in modern times the difficulties experienced in ancient times from diversities of reckoning.
Menno repudiated the formation of a sect; those who had experienced the "new birth" were to him the true Christian church, which was limited by no decree of reprobation.
While these troubles were being experienced in England, attempts had been made in America to use acetylene diluted with a certain proportion of air which permitted it to be burnt in ordinary flat flame nipples; but the danger of such admixture being recognized, nipples of the same class as those used in England were employed, and the same troubles ensued.
This post he resigned in 1812, mainly on account of the difficulties he experienced in his endeavour to reform the student life of the university.
In 1873 President Grant nominated him for chief justice of the United States, but in spite of his great learning and eminence at the bar, his ante-war record and the feeling of distrust experienced by many members of the senate on account of his inconsistency, aroused such vigorous opposition that his nomination was soon withdrawn.
The molecules of gases for which n = o must accordingly be spherical in shape and in internal structure, or at least must behave at collisions as though they were spherical, for they would otherwise be set into rotation by the forces experienced at collisions.
Entrusted to the care of his grandmother at Chalais in Perigord, he there received the only kind treatment which he experienced in his early life, and was ever grateful for.
It would be difficult to define very precisely the difference in French between a "conference" and a "sermon"; and the same difficulty seems to have been experienced in Greek by Photius, who says of the eloquent pulpit orations of Chrysostom, that they were oµLAiac rather than Aoyoc.
Herzl was stirred by sympathy for the misery of Jews under persecution, but he was even more powerfully moved by the difficulties experienced under conditions of assimilation.
Mosul shares the severe alternations of temperature experienced by upper Mesopotamia.
In spite of careful provision, much difficulty was experienced in making the connexion at the crown, from the expansion due to temperature changes.
Moreover, just at the end of the year a loss which greatly shocked and grieved the queen was experienced in the sudden death, at Windsor Castle, of the Dowager Lady Churchill, one of her oldest and most intimate friends.
A Forest Department, in which experienced officers recruited from the Indian Forest Service are employed, has for many years controlled the forests of Siam.
Rich in natural resources and peopled by an intelligent, experienced and frugal population, the country had every reason to look forward to a prosperous industrial development in the future.
After the beginning of the 3rd century there were still no doubt men under the control of the hierarchy who experienced the prophetic ecstasy, or clerics like Cyprian who professed to have received special directions from God; but prophets by vocation no longer existed and these sporadic utterances were in no sense placed on a level with the contents of the sacred Scriptures.
The coast is low and extremely arid, and would be uninhabitable were it not for the proximity of the Sierra Madre, where a light rainfall is experienced, and for the numerous rivers that cross the arid belt between the mountains and the sea.
Above this is the tierra fria, which ranges from 5577 to 8200 ft., and includes all the higher portions of the Mexican plateau, and which corresponds to the temperate regions of Central United States where frosts are very rarely experienced.
Almost total losses are frequently experienced, but the profits of a favourable year are so great that losses seldom deter ranchers from trying again.
The accurate and experienced Alexander von Humboldt considered the native Americans of both continents to be substantially similar in race-characters.
P. Ellmore of Leicester, the most experienced and enterprising of Midland cultivators, preferred to plant his sets in squares, 18 to 20 in.
From December to February violent thunder and hail storms are experienced.
The Vitellian commanders now resolved to bring on a decisive battle, and their designs were assisted by the divided and irresolute counsels which prevailed in Otho's camp. The more experienced officers urged the importance of avoiding a battle, until at least the legions from Dalmatia had arrived.
Palaeologus, had been advised by his experienced father to avoid all serious negotiations, as they had invariably resulted in increased bitterness; but John, in view of the rapid dismemberment of his empire by the Turks, felt constrained to seek a union.
In this respect Manichaeism experienced the same kind of development as Neo-Platonism.
More than once, however, Manichaeism experienced attempts at reformation; for of course the auditores very easily became worldly in character, and movements of reformation led temporarily to divisions and the formation of sects.
At the side of each of the four scales on the stem of the hydrometer is en r ' graved a set of small numbers indicating the contraction in volume which would be experienced if the requisite amount of water (or spirit) were added to bring the sample tested to the proof strength The hydrometer constructed by Dicas of Liverpool is provided with a sliding scale which FIG.
The French experienced some difficulty with the natives, but by 1892 had established their position.
It is not too much to say that at the present day an experienced journalist, in a place like Vienna or Berlin, can give more information to an ambassador than the ambassador can give to him.
He took a disgust to the world and its occupations, and experienced a longing to give himself over to an ascetic life.
He also experienced deeper manifestations of Christ within his own soul.
When, on the other hand, the objects of science are properly described as phenomena, what is meant is not this pittance of sensible appearances, but positive facts of all kinds, whether perceptible or imperceptible, whether capable of being experienced or of being inferred from, but beyond, experience, e.g.
In the former it means that Nature is .mental phenomena, actual and possible, of sensory experience; in the latter it means that Nature is positive facts, either experienced or inferred.
The " true account " of the world in his own words is " that the concrete whole, which may be described indifferently as an eternal intelligence realized in the related facts of the world, or as a system of related facts rendered possible by such an intelligence, partially and gradually reproduces itself in us, communicating piecemeal, but in inseparable correlation, understanding and the facts understood, experience and the experienced world."
Having thus confused contradiction and difference, independence and solitariness, experience and inference, Bradley is able to deduce finally that reality is not different substances, experienced and inferred, as Aristotle thought it, but is one absolute super-personal experience, to which the socalled plurality of things, including all bodies, all souls, and even a personal God, is appearance - an appearance, as ordinarily understood, self-contradictory, but, as appearing to one spiritual reality, somehow reconciled.
Although, among other obstacles, the popes of the 12th century had experienced some difficulty in subduing the inhabitants of the city, which was the seat and centre of the of the Christian world, their monarchy did not cease to gain in authority, solidity and prestige, and the work of centralization, which was gradually making them masters of the whole ecclesiastical organism, was accomplished steadily and without serious interruption.
In his dealings with Frederick, Innocent experienced grievous vicissitudes and disappointments, but finally became master of the situation.
Torn by civil wars, their harassed and the rulers sought papal recognition at a cost which more experienced governments would have refused.
At times of bad trade even those who usually depend on their own resources seek the aid of experienced agents, who sometimes find a grievance if their services are rejected when trade improves and sales are made easily.
The socalled enterprising methods of some German traders are, however, condemned by many experienced English traders, and it is said that in China, for instance, the seeming successes of the newcomers are delusive.
The difficulty that is naturally experienced by a traveller in finding sufficient support on a sparsely populated "ground" has brought into vogue the traveller on commission who represents several firms. The traveller with salary and allowances for expenses survives, but the quickening induced by an interest in the amount of sales has caused many firms to adopt the principle of commission, which may, however, be an addition to a minimum salary.
But by the republic of 1848 he was held in less favour, and chagrin at the treatment he experienced at the hands of the governments which succeeded that of Louis Philippe is supposed to have shortened his life.
Endecott experienced some trouble with the previous settlers and with Thomas Morton's settlement at "Merry Mount" (Mount Wollaston, now Quincy), where, in accordance with his strict Puritanical tenets, he cut down the maypole and dispersed the merry makers.
Moreover, the crusaders who survived the difficulties and dangers of an expedition to Palestine were seasoned and experienced although frequently impoverished and landless soldiers, ready to hire themselves to the highest bidder, and well worth the wages they received.
The paper strength of the army was 35,000, but the service was voluntary and unpopular, while there was an almost total want of trained and experienced officers.
Rose also carried out experiments on the decomposition of cryolite, and expressed an opinion that it was the best of all compounds for reduction; but, finding the yield of metal to be low, receiving a report of the difficulties experienced in mining the ore, and fearing to cripple his new industry by basing it upon the employment of a mineral of such uncertain supply, Deville decided to keep to his chlorides.
The occurrence of hybrids in nature explains the difficulty experienced by botanists in deciding on what is a species, and the widely different limitations of the term adopted by different observers in the case of willows, roses, brambles, &c. The artificial process is practically the same in hybridization as in cross-fertilization, but usually requires more care.
Many gardeners are still afraid to disturb an unsuitable subsoil, but experienced growers have proved that by bringing it up to the surface and placing plenty of manure in the bottoms of the various trenches, the very best results are attained in the course of a season or so.
Fortunately there was no break of continuity in the policy of the States, the chief conduct of affairs remaining, until his death in 1720, in the capable and tried hands of the grand pensionary Heinsius, who had at his side a number of exceptionally experienced and wise counsellors - among these Simon van Slingeland, for forty-five years (1680-1725) secretary of the council of state, and afterwards grand pensionary of Holland (1727-1736), and Francis Fagel, who succeeded his father in 1699 as recorder (Griffier) of the States-General, and held that important office for fifty years.
We regard as successive presentations of one thing the resembling feelings which are experienced in succession.
After his return to Greenland, several successive expeditions visited the new lands, none of which (strangely enough) experienced any difficulty in finding Leif's hut in the distant Vinland.
The senior members of the community, by virtue of their age and experience, watched over the conduct and guided the action of the younger and less experienced portion of the Church, though they held no official position and were not appointed for any particular work like the bishops and deacons.
He now experienced the Nemesis of his over-cautious system of abstinence from office for fear of compromising his popularity.
After this Thebes experienced a serious set-back with the heresy of Akhenaton, the son of Amenophis III.
Experienced English irrigators generally commend as suitable for water-meadows those streams in which fish and waterweeds abound.
The growth is less checked by early frosts; and whatever advantages to the vegetation may accrue by occasional excessive warmth in the atmosphere in the early months of the year are experienced more by the irrigated than by the ordinary meadow grasses by reason of the abundant development of roots which the water has encouraged.
The difficulties arising to Prussia from this source were experienced in a still greater degree by the seaports of Bremen and Hamburg, which were severely hampered by the particularism displayed by Hanover.
Under his severe but beneficent rule, Germany enjoyed, a period of internal quiet such as she had probably never experienced before, but even Henry could not permanently divert from its course the main political tendency of the age, the desire of the great feudal lords for independence.
The summers are often sultry, though the presence of the lakes prevents the intense heat experienced in the states to the west and south.
On some of these occasions aurora was brilliant in both the northern and southern hemispheres, whilst magnetic disturbances were experienced the whole world over.
The chief scourge is the sirocco, which is experienced in its most characteristic form on the north coast, as an oppressive, parching, hot, dry wind, blowing strongly and steadily from the south, the atmosphere remaining through the whole period of its duration leaden-coloured and hazy in consequence of the presence of immense quantities of reddish dust.
At one time it is a summons to do battle for the faith; at another, a series of reflections on recently experienced success or misfortune, or a rebuke for their weak faith; or an exhortation to virtue, and so on.
At this period the nights are cold, and in the north January and February are cold even in the day-time, while frosts are experienced in the neighbourhood of Lake Chad.
After the Egyptians had experienced a reverse, Iphicrates counselled an immediate advance on.
The few who regained the summit of the citadel experienced the same fate as the rest, for no quarter was given.
The French expedition had experienced great difficulties in the swampy region of the Bahr-el-Ghazal, and had reached Fashoda on the 10th of July.
Above these towns are a number of farms and herdsmen's habitations, where men live the whole or a part of the year with less discomfort from low temperature than is experienced in northern Europe and northern United States.
Westerly and north-west winds are sometimes experienced, but are not permanent.
Residents in the towns along the Persian Gulf are exposed to the same dangers from disease as are experienced in similar places in Mesopotamia and Persia (see Mesopotamia and Persia).
In 1865 an earthquake levelled the villages of Darveh Asul near Muga'rn; in 1880 an earthquake caused 120 deaths in Basra; in 1883 severe shocks were felt from Bushire to Tahiri; in 1884 an earthquake caused 132 deaths on Qishm I., which was in consequence deserted; in 1897 an earthquake destroyed Qishm town and caused over I,000 deaths; further shocks were experienced at Qishm and Bandar `Abbas in 1902 and 1905.
Henceforward the bulk of the trade was in British hands, but piracy was rife, the slave trade flourished, and the coast towns and islands of the Persian Gulf had fallen from their ancient prosperity to a lower level than they had experienced for some centuries.
After the battle of Leuctra Argos experienced a political crisis; the oligarchs attempted a revolution, but were put down by their opponents with such vindictiveness that 1200 of them are said to have been executed (370).
The silk industry in India has experienced many vicissitudes.
Meanwhile considerable difficulties had been experienced with the Indian currency, which was on a purely silver basis.
The health of the animals was a source of unending anxiety and much trouble was experienced in driving them.
Bad weather was experienced, frequent blizzards making the advance difficult.
Cicero's legate was his brother Quintius Cicero (below), an experienced soldier who had gained great distinction under Caesar in Gaul.
But the premise is not that conception; it is a belief that there is a whole number of particulars similar to those already experienced.
By " all " we mean every individual whatever of a kind; and when from the experience of sense and memory we start with particular judgments of existence, and infer universal judgments of existence and scientific laws, we further mean those existing individuals which we have experienced, and every individual whatever of the kind which exists.
We mean neither a definite number of individuals, nor yet an infinite number, but an incalculable number, whether experienced or inferred to exist.
Every magnet whatever is every experienced magnet..
The Prussians were not experienced troops, but were full of ardour and hatred of the French.
If the person holding the bottle subsequently touched the nail, he experienced an electric shock.
In spite of this, however, large areas in the interior, both in Dutch Borneo and in the territory owned by the British North Borneo Company, are still only nominally under European control, and have experienced few direct effects of European administration.
In autumn and winter sudden temperature changes are experienced, though not frequently.
The state board of education consists of the governor; the attorneygeneral; the superintendent of public instruction, who is ex officio its president; three experienced educators chosen quadrennially by the Senate from members of the faculties of the University of Virginia, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, the State Female Normal School at Farmville, the School for the Deaf and Blind, and the College of William and Mary; and two division superintendents, one from a county and one from a city, chosen biennially by the other members of the board.
There is no trace of such partial independence as was experienced at St Andrews itself, possibly because the bishop's grant was backed up by a royal charter.
Even after the severe reverses which he experienced in Italy, his position in Germany was never seriously weakened; and in 1181, when, almost without striking a blow, he deprived Henry the Lion of his duchy, he seemed stronger than ever.
The States of Australasia, again, have experienced a decline even more marked.
A letter written to him by Colonel Lewis Nicola, on behalf of this coterie, detailed the weakness of a republican form of government as they had experienced it, their desire for "mixed government," with him at its head, and their belief that "the title of king" would be objectionable to but few and of material advantage to the country.
Many routes to the summit are now known, but that usually taken (from the Payer Club hut, easily accessible from either Sulden or Trafoi) from the north is daily traversed in summer and offers no difficulties to moderately experienced walkers.
I have seen the difficulty experienced in getting farms cultivated in this zone, on both sides of the Cordillera.
He had a keen sympathy with the difficulties experienced by the ordinary lay mind in trying to reconcile the conservative element in Catholicism with the principle of development and growth, and in The Faith of Millions, Hard Sayings and Nova et vetera he attempted to clear them away.
They will kill three or four cows at a time, while the older and more experienced rarely kill more than one, and this at intervals of from three or four days to a week.
He accounts for their temporary success by recording that "the Mussulman hordes experienced the comfort of fighting for their religion, and the blessings of it reverted to the sovereignty of his just and pious majesty."
The climate is severe, great cold being experienced in winter, though moist west winds exercise a moderating influence.
Solon left the rate of interest to be determined by free contract, and sometimes the rate was exceedingly high, but none of the evils so generally prevalent in antiquity were experienced.
Delhi must have experienced a sense of relief at the departure of its conqueror, whose residence there had been rendered painfully memorable by carnage and riot.
The brutal treatment he had experienced in boyhood under the orders of Adil Shah, and the opprobrious name of eunuch with which be was taunted by his enemies, no doubt contributed to embitter his nature.
The specially painful points are about the knee and ankle joints; besides which a feeling of numbness is experienced throughout the whole limb.
Up to this time Rabelais, despite the condemnation of the Sorbonne referred to above, had experienced nothing like persecution or difficulty.
Under the name of anti-opium cure various remedies containing morphine in the form of powder, or of little pills, have been introduced, as well as the subcutaneous injection of the alkaloid, so that the use of morphine is increasing in China to an alarming extent, and considerable difficulty is experienced in controlling the illicit traffic in it, especially that sent through the post.
Many of the Marwari traders fled the city, and some trouble was experienced in shortage of labour in the factories and at the docks.
The twisting referred to is partly a vital and partly a mechanical act; - that is, it is occasioned in part by the action of the muscles and in part by the greater resistance experienced from the air by the tip and posterior margin of the wing as compared with the root and anterior margin, - the resistance experienced by the tip and posterior margin causing them to reverse always subsequently to the root and anterior margin, which has the effect of throwing the anterior and posterior margins of the wing into figure-of-8 curves, as shown at figs.
This comes of the action and reaction of matter, the resistance experienced varying according to the density of the atmosphere and the shape, extent and velocity of the body acting upon it.
A vertical movement having been communicated by means of india-rubber in a state of torsion to the roots of the wings, the wings themselves, in virtue of their elasticity, and because of the resistance experienced from the air, twisted and untwisted and formed reciprocating screws, precisely analogous to those originally described and figured by Pettigrew in 1867.
The relation of height to breadth may also furnish a valuable test; but it is acknowledged by all experienced craniologists, that the shape of the skull may vary so much within the same tribe, and even the same family, that it must be used with extreme caution, and if possible only in conjunction with other criteria of race.
Hincmar experienced another check when he endeavoured to prevent Wulfad, one of the clerks deposed by Ebbo, from obtaining the archbishopric of Bourges with the support of Charles the Bald.
That important military station, lying acre on the Ganges on the confines of Oudh, was under the command of Sir Hugh Wheeler, an old but still efficient and experienced officer.
After his death Leonardo experienced unkindness from his seven half-brothers, Ser Piero's legitimate sons.
It finally became the property of the British in 1661 as part of the dowry of the infanta Catherine of Portugal on her marriage to Charles II., but was not actually occupied by the British until 1665, when they experienced much difficulty in overcoming the opposition of the Portuguese, and especially of the religious orders, to the cession.
At higher altitudes long, cold, wet winters are experienced, with so short and cold a summer between them that the bleak paramos are left uninhabited except by a few shepherds in the short dry season.
I do not speak to you of things I have not experienced.
The large extent of ocean is primarily responsible for the lower temperature of the air in places south of the tropics compared with that experienced in countries in the same latitude north of the equator.
The greatest heat is experienced in December, January and February, whilst June and July are the coldest months.
It was not until after the arrival of Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener at Cape Town on the 10th of January 1900 that these invaluable, and many of them experienced, men were freely invited to come forward.
Most of these causes are perfectly well understood by experienced engineers, but instances of by malconstruction of recent date are still met with., A few such cases will now be mentioned.
Only a knowledge of the great loss of capital that has resulted from abortive reservoir construction justifies this notice of defects which can always be avoided, and are too often the direct result, not of design, but of parsimony in providing during the execution of such works, and especially below ground, a sufficiency of intelligent, experienced and conscientious supervision.
An experienced man, or even a boy, if selected as possessing the necessary faculty (which is sometimes very strongly marked), can detect the smallest dribble when the stop - cock is so far closed as to restrict the orifice.
A thoroughly trustworthy and experienced workman should be selected to lay the pipes, with instructions to set no pipes until he is satisfied that the depth of the drains and level of the bottoms are correct.
Moreover, the whole machinery of local government in the realm fell out of gear, when the experienced ministers who were wont to control it were removed from power.
The ministry experienced immediate benefit from the change.
The second ministry of Lord Derby experienced the truth of this rule.
During that period it experienced the alternate prosperity and decline which nearly forty years before had been the lot of the Whigs after the passage of the first Reform Act.
In private houses it found its way more slowly, partly from an apprehension of danger attending its use, and partly from the discomfort which was experienced in many cases through the gas being distributed without purification, and to the careless and imperfect manner in which the service pipes were first fitted.
Jean Nicolet, an experienced explorer, was sent west by Samuel de Champlain, the governor-general of New France, in the summer of 1634 to investigate mysterious rumours of a people known as "the men of the sea" who were thought by some to be Tatars or Chinese.
This exceptional character is, indeed, implied in the name by which it is known; for France has experienced many revolutions both before and since that of 1789, but the name "French Revolution," or simply "the Revolution," without qualification, is applied to this one alone.
Amidst much party strife Calvin perhaps showed more youthful impetuosity than experienced skill.
The misgovernment and lack of high statesmanship of the earl of Leicester had caused faction to be rampant in the United Provinces; and on his return to England he left the country without organized forces or experienced generals to oppose an advance of a veteran army under the greatest commander of his time.
Great difficulty was experienced in getting farmers to grow cotton for export, as unless carried on on highly scientific lines its cultivation is not so profitable as that of thegroundnut.
Sodium arsenate (-10--yl-a gr.) is somewhat less commonly prescribed, though all the compounds of this metal have great value in experienced hands.
Great heat is experienced in the lower plains and desert regions of North Africa, removed by the great width of the continent from the influence of the ocean, and here, too, the contrast between day and night, and between summer and winter, is greatest.
On the eastern coast the monsoons of the Indian Ocean are regularly felt, and on the south-east hurricanes are occasionally experienced.
After the feudal vassals, decimated Struggle by the wars of religion and the executioners hand, with the and after the recalcitrant taxpayers, the Protestants, Protest- in their turn, and by their own fault, experienced this.
They too committed atrocities and sacked the churches, but they were more warmly welcomed than before by the people, who had experienced Austro-Aretine rule.
It has no connexion with the Hasmonaeans, but is a story of the deliverance experienced by the Egyptian Jews from impending martyrdom at the hands of Ptolemy IV.
These prisms have the advantage of economy of material and of a greater field than the ordinary Nicol's prism, but a difficulty seems to be experienced in finding a suitable permanent cement.
Grenada, with cocoa as its staple, has not experienced similar depression to that which overtook the sugar-growing islands of the West Indies.
Earthquakes of great violence were recorded in 1847 and 1881 (with tidal wave), and mild shocks were experienced in December 1899.
The islands are exposed to both monsoons, and smooth weather is only experienced from February to April, and in October.
After a year's service in Congress in 1782-1783, in which he experienced the futility of endeavouring to attain through that decrepit body the ends he sought, he settled down to legal practice in New York.
The greatest difficulty was experienced in obtaining assistance for him, but he was ultimately conveyed on camel-back to Jerusalem, where he died; his grave is in the Franciscan cemetery there.
Quite apart from the genuineness of a sample, its special aroma constitutes the value of an oil, and in this respect the judging of the value of a given oil may, apart from the purity, be more readily solved by an experienced perfumer than by the chemist.
A proper organization was established to superintend the pay and maintenance of the soldiers, and they were commanded by experienced officers, among others by Georg Derffiingen (1606-1695), and Otto von Sparr (1605-1668).
It's been unbelievable what Howie's experienced.
She experienced a revelation that fooling around prying into folks private business, regardless of the purpose, is sinful.
The Guardian's parting words were baffling, but like many things she'd experienced the past few days, she knew she'd probably never figure them out.
One of my experienced Guardians will join you and help you root out the traitors.
With red hair, glowing skin, a voluptuous body he'd experienced many times over, and beautiful eyes, she was the epitome of beauty.
Instead he played travel guide, pointing out various sights along the way—the occasional abandoned mine building, steep slopes, and the ghost town of Sneffles where Dean had experienced yet another adventure, this one before marrying Cynthia Byrne.
He last experienced it … … Monday night, when Deidre had gone to Hell.
It was a regular dream—just clearer than any I've ever experienced.
By the time he reached Elisabeth's door, Jackson actually felt nauseated; a feeling he hadn't experienced since first being turned into a vampire.
He sensed a fear as deep as his fear of the underground, only he doubted a woman accustomed to the pure inner city of Tiyan ever experienced such fear or pain.
He rarely experienced a warm bath in Landis.
I figured an L.A. born girl wouldn't have experienced anything like these storms.
He discovered their whereabouts when he hand-delivered the first round of trainees – minus a few pints of blood – who were stupid enough to challenge him instead of backing off like the experienced Guardians did.
Sorrow, desire, fear, desperation – all spun and solidified into an ache unlike anything she'd ever experienced.
First, I'll paralyze you, and then you'll live through pain unlike any you've ever experienced.
The courses are run in a friendly informal atmosphere by experienced radio amateurs.
Her gentle demeanor reveals nothing of the brutality she experienced at the hands of Iraqi prison guards.
He experienced drive shaft failure which forced him to retire on his first lap.
In the first grade, I experienced an epiphany that girls were always treated differently than boys.
He experienced the insidious influence of the corporate culture.
It has given me much joy and sparked a mental revolution the like of which I haven't experienced before.
We all have experienced the serendipity of relevant information arriving just when we were least expecting it.
Experienced users are accustomed to this and other vagaries of the internet.
Vicissitudes of fortune experienced in this family do not end in sadness.
We do not use harsh abrasives to remove marks, but above all we are reliable and experienced.
Students will be supervised by experienced academics from the School and will have a partnership with the host organization throughout the year.
Mr Farr, Watson Wyatt, is an experienced senior actuary for some of the largest pension schemes in the UK.
In addition, an experienced administrator took short hand notes of the group discussion.
Our highly experienced staff can offer you career advice, at no charge, on vacancies within the property industry.
The fact that Seaton beach overlies estuarine alluvium is clear evidence that it has experienced landward translation.
He is an experienced alpinist who has led trekking expeditions for us in Morocco.
We are now looking to appoint an experienced analyst to provide robust financial input into our work.
No matter if you are an experienced match angler, or a novice, you will empty the lake!
We cater for the new to the hobby or experienced aquarist.
The CIMAR is leading the less experienced arbitrator back to something called Statements of Case.
Bryn, 28, is an experienced arborist with an HND in forestry.
An experienced archer could fire an arrow every five seconds.
Hidden rocks make the Finnish archipelago quite treacherous and only experienced sailors with up-to-date charts should navigate them.
Provided you employ an experienced make-up artist, they should have no problem in creating make-ups that work well on HD.
I certainly experienced no fear, only complete astonishment ' .
The only Anderson I experienced during an air raid was in Croydon while visiting an aunt.
My client is seeking to take on board an experienced av installation engineer to join their team of av installation engineer to join their team of av professionals.
Most people in native cultures eating diets dictated by availability experienced vibrant health.
A subdued Mr Straw experienced the anger of his own backbenchers.
This excellent book is written by an experienced bantam and large fowl poultry breeder and show judge.
There are legal submissions by experienced barristers; there is a judgment from the tribunal.
The United Kingdom bartenders Guild offers two Levels bar training courses aimed at both the younger and the more experienced bartender.
This is an introductory course led by an experienced beekeeper.
These range from experienced bikers to new riders taking to the roads for the first time.
More experienced boarders will enjoy a varied choice of terrain.
Now we can really say we are experienced boaters.
And even even a moderate-sized fish will easily pull around a boat small enough to be carried, so an experienced boatman is vital.
The PEIT sector has experienced periodic bouts of heightened share price volatility.
Thus, this article will not be of interest to experienced breeders with a good knowledge.
We are looking for a foreman and experienced bricklayers for high profile build Good Rates of Pay.
A well established brokerage in Leeds are seeking an experienced Personal Lines Advisor.
We are experienced in supplying the ideal equipment for your requirements within the confines of your annual departmental budgets.
A small cadre of experienced veterans aided in the training of the regiment.
He's a very experienced cameraman who has filmed most other aspects of skydiving to a very high standard.
This is the beginning... This camp is for experienced campers only.
The number of episodes of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis experienced during the year prior to inclusion was 6.3, SD 1.9.
On the other hand, an experienced carpenter doesn't build a house using a Swiss Army knife.
We are looking for an experienced cashier to work at a very well established, large retail outlet.
Sporting an experienced and talented cast, the show has developed a strong, borderline fanatic.. .
Caring for a seriously injured casualty in a remote area is a formidable challenge, even for the most experienced expedition medic.
Previous assessment revealed considerable catch-up but significant residual problems especially among those children who experienced the most extended period of institutional care.
Superb menu choices and wine selections from their experienced caterers mean that all tastes are catered for.
The decision is arrived at by the legally qualified chairperson and experienced lay members of the tribunal panel hearing your case.
His experienced eye will also spot the hiding places of local wildlife including chamois, deer and playful marmots.
Our wedding cars are driven by experienced chauffeurs in matching dark blue uniform with peaked caps.
All food freshly prepared by experienced chef, extensive a la carte menu... .
Women Only Day November 2004 has brought the opening of our Women Only Day for women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse.
Here in our factory in Bakewell, Derbyshire UK, you will see our experienced chocolatiers at work.
In this study, 22 experienced singers sang through four bach chorales.
This vibration may be experienced by someone who may have latent clairvoyance and occasionally ' seen ' as a ghost.
Nick too had earlier experienced Reethi Rah's zen calm, treating himself to a one-to-one yoga class and declaring himself transformed.
Our client has an opportunity for an experienced trailer export clerk to handle all aspects of services from the Baltic States and CIS Countries.
The company is run by an experienced barristers ' clerk, Martin Poulter.
In the hands of experienced clinicians, shock wave therapy may well prove to be a valuable tool in dealing with chronic tendon pain.
All new starters follow a rigorous induction program and are partnered with experienced colleagues, to focus on training and development.
Michelle is a regular media commentator on consumer trends and an experienced platform speaker.
The 19-year-old from Pontefract in Yorkshire, seeded four, overcame experienced compatriot Paul Lord in the first round of the eight-man event.
Integrating of teams into the project Our Network includes the seven experienced teams, with mutually complementary skills and research tasks.
Just make sure you have someone experienced at your side if your upgrading your internal hardware components for the first time.
Established by experienced film producers, our company offers a fully comprehensive service tailored to your specific needs.
Let Coddan ' experienced tax consultants optimize your tax position today!
After a closely-fought contest against two other experienced candidates, Councilor Willie was selected to fight the seat again.
Successful and forward thinking agency based in the heart of Warwickshire are looking for an experienced copywriter to lead and inspire.
As an experienced counselor, one of the questions I'm asked frequently is, " Can a marital separation ever save a marriage?
The contract team is lead by Robin Widdison from Durham, an experienced first generation courseware developer.
Novice members may only row with an experienced cox who has been approved as such by a Committee member.
In order to satisfy this demand E-commerce 123 has gathered a team of highly creative experienced website developers.
Our experienced flight crew take regular 6 monthly flight checks in a flight simulator and in real aircraft.
All of our tables are custom built for us; we use professional quality chips and playing cards and we only employ experienced croupiers.
Our tables are manned by experienced croupiers, who will dress accordingly for your function.
It experienced one-half of a solar cycle, as it was deployed during a solar minimum and retrieved at a solar maximum.
I am an experienced cyclist, will the routes be long enough for me?
Thereafter, learning comes through working closely day-to-day with experienced colleagues, supported by regular briefings and training sessions.
Each is expertly designed by Claire, an experienced cake decorator with natural artistic flair and an inspired talent for sugarcraft.
A wheel arch that is covered with Ultraseal is a good indication that the tire has experienced a controlled deflation.
I also experienced my first lobbying meeting with a Government Minister, as part of a cross-party delegation of Scottish MPs.
Has anyone experienced this kind of behavior before - or have I got a particularly delinquent fox?
We are looking for an experienced dental hygienist / nurse who has managerial quality and administration skills.
The Internet Activation process used by the vast majority of developers is highly expensive, and comes from well established, experienced third-party developers.
Volunteers are welcome, beginners as well as more experienced diggers.
The handful of technical problems experienced at Cobbetts have been largely down to PC build issues not digital dictation.
In 561 it experienced a second earthquake disaster and in the 6 th century was hit with a major plague epidemic.
Look at the most experienced divers in your club, I bet most of them have shot belts!
The end users should be experienced drivers who are familiar with the system.
As Wrong shows, under Mobutu the Congolese people experienced not so much a ' trickle down ' as a bleeding dry.
There was a bit of good-natured punter participation and he handled it all with the consummate ease of the experienced professional that he is.
The range of techniques in which the unit is particularly experienced includes capillary electrophoresis, electrochromatography and HPLC.
Respondents were given a list of 23 problems potentially experienced by people who have contracted encephalitis.
Dulas Ltd - Highly skilled and experienced renewable energy consultants specialize in wind power, hydro power, solar power and biomass wood energy.
The cholera epidemic of 1832 had been the worst ever experienced in Scotland.
Investigations, our experienced team include ex Inland Revenue inspectors and unusually for a local firm we also deal with special compliance office cases.
A supervisor or an experienced colleague would be the usual choice of ' professional executor ' .
Some people find they need to use a very slow speed, yet have experienced very significant benefits from using the exerciser.
We offer sessions for beginners right through to the experienced exerciser along with classes especially for the 50+ .
Due to massive expansion plans we are looking for an experienced Resourcing Manager or Hiring Manager.
You want someone experienced that will do an excellent job for you.
Closure of the Map Department on Saturdays may be necessary if suitably experienced staff are not available.
A highly experienced team led by a recognized expert in the field will prepare these reports.
They're hugely experienced, enthusiastic, supportive and good at what they do.
It has been my role to fulfill my new diaconal ministry within the parish, under the direction of an extremely experienced parish priest.
Dario said, " Tony is a very experienced player who has played at a very high level.
They seek experienced ASIC Engineers to design, verify and implement their products.
As you become more experienced, you can use shorter strokes and begin to move together, since each rower needs less space.
When given pleasant aromas such as almond extract to sniff, the women experienced significantly less pain.
The Sparrowhawk is, without doubt, an experienced falconer 's prospect.
I put such experienced fanciers on a pedestal in my young min, which I now advise fanciers never to do.
The article contains a couple of simple diagrams and some straightforward help for the layman as well as advice for the experienced farrier.