Expenses Sentence Examples
Whatever the ostensible form of a railway tariff, the contribution of the different shipments of freight to these general expenses is determined on the principle of charging what the traffic will bear.
The working expenses were reduced in a progressively larger ratio, e.g.
Receipts in Expenses in Passengers Goods carried Year.
The subsequent regulation of the former suburbs has to a large extent covered its own expenses through the acquisition by the town of the improved area.
To meet the expenses entailed by his liberality and extravagance, Gregory resorted to confiscation, on the pretext of defective titles or long-standing arrearages.
The first week's expenses were $525 and the receipts $92.
The gross earnings of all the lines during the fiscal year I 9051906 were 7 millions sterling, approximately, and the gross expenses (including the payment of interest on loans and debentures) were under 31/8 millions, so that there remained a net profit of 31/8 millions, being at the rate of a little over 81/8% on the invested capital.
The finances were squandered in gratifying the king's unbridled prodigality, and the treasury was drained by his luxurious habits, by the innumerable gifts and pensions he distributed among his mistresses and courtiers, by his war expenses and by his magnificent buildings.
The most scientific procedure, however, is to calculate the probable earnings of the immigrant during the rest of his lifetime, and deduct therefrom his expenses of living.
An evidence of the good use he made of his means, as well as of the kindliness of his character, is furnished by the fact that he entertained as a guest for a whole month a scientific adversary, Adriaan van Roomen, and then paid the expenses of his journey home.
AdvertisementMaximilian was planning a journey into Italy in order to be crowned emperor at Rome, and was levying subsidies from the imperial burghs for his expenses.
In the deeper German pits, where great thicknesses of water-bearing strata have to be traversed, the first establishment expenses are so great that in order to increase output the shaft is sometimes provided with a complete double equipment of cages and engines.
His loyalty to the emperor Frederick, and the expenses incurred in this connexion, aroused some irritation among his subjects, but his rule was a period of prosperity in Saxony.
The expenses of the family, including the education of the children, are chargeable alike upon the property of either or both.
He replied saying he would come if all the expenses were guaranteed and the British flag accepted.
AdvertisementTo this journal Bain contributed many important articles and discussions; and in fact he bore the whole expenses of it till Robertson, owing to ill-health, resigned the editorship in 1891, when it passed into other hands.
Out of an assessment at one time upon the states of $5,000,000 for the expenses of the war, Massachusetts was charged with $820,000, the next highest being $800,000 for Virginia.
The deficit in the treasury made it inevitable that the gold reserve should be used to meet current expenses.
His chief work was, however, in reducing the expenses of the armies.
The services, too, of the educated public are often voluntarily placed at the disposal of the local authorities for the census night, with' no desire for remuneration beyond out-of-pocket expenses, and the addition, perhaps, of a personal letter of thanks from the chief official of the district.
AdvertisementThe difference between the nominal value of silver and bronze coin and its intrinsic value is retained by the state to cover the expenses of manufacture and as a source of profit.
The constitution of 1846 limited the pay of members of both houses to three dollars a day and to three hundred dollars for any one session (except in impeachment proceedings) besides an allowance for travelling expenses, but since an amendment of 1874 they have been paid $1500 a year and ten cents a mile for travelling expenses.
To decrease the evil of lobbying a law was enacted in 1906 which requires that every person employed to promote or oppose the passage of any bill shall file in the office of the secretary of state a written statement showing who has employed him and describing the legislation in respect of which his services are to be rendered; the law also requires the employers of lobbyists to file in the same office within two months after the adjournment of the legislature an itemized statement of all their lobbying expenses, and forbids the employment of a lobbyist for a contingent fee.
England's attempt to make the colonies pay the expenses of the war by means of the stamp tax thoroughly aroused the opposition of commercial New York, already chafing under the hardships imposed by the Navigation Acts and burdened with a war debt of its own exceeding £300,000.
The state railways (2500 m.) return about £800,000 after paying working expenses.
AdvertisementThe members of the legislature are paid $5 for each day's attendance during the session, besides an allowance for travelling expenses.
From 1900 to 1905 the schools were managed, teachers selected and appointed and all expenses borne by the government.
With the exception of the hereditary and some of the ex-officio members of the first chamber, the members of the diet are entitled to an allowance for their daily expenses, as well as their travelling expenses.
In order to defray the expenses of his wars with Charles XII.
In 1913 the Germans sent in a petition that each nationality should pay the costs of its own educational and cultural institutions, as otherwise one nationality would have to bear the expenses of the other, and vice versa.
In addition to the dividend 5% was allowed for commission, office expenses and risk.
For defraying the expenses of the state government, exclusive of the interest on the bonded debt, the tax rate is limited by the constitution to four mills on the dollar of assessed valuation.
The boat traffic on them is so great that the collection of a small toll more than suffices to pay for all maintenance expenses.
Unlike the army, which is purely colonial, the navy in Netherlands India is partly colonial, partly belonging to the royal navy of the Netherlands, and its expenses are therefore borne partly by the mother country and partly by the colony.
The two towns also, by the decision given as arbitrators at Payerne (30th December 1530), upheld their alliance with Geneva, condemned the duke to pay all the expenses of the war, and confirmed the clause as to their right to occupy Vaud; they also surrounding the exercise of the powers of vidomne by the duke with so many restrictions that in 1532 the duke, after much resistance, formally agreed to recognize the alliance of Geneva with the two towns and not to annoy the Genevese any more.
In 1901, to aid in meeting the expenses of the South African war, a moderate revenue duty was again imposed on sugar; and in 1902 the shilling duty on corn and flour (abolished in 1869) was restored, but again taken off in 1903.
Both Chodkiewicz and olkiewski frequently had to pay the expenses of their campaigns out of their own pockets, and were expected to conquer empires and defend hundreds of miles of frontier with armies of 3000 or 4000 men at most.
He spent large sums in promoting the spread of Christianity, contributing liberally to missionary societies, and to the expenses of translating the Bible or portions of it into various languages.
The site was purchased by the United States government, and all the expenses come from national funds, the management being vested in the Smithsonian Institution.
The staff, excluding purely scientific departments, costs about £6000 per annum; gardening department, about £1500 per annum; maintenance of buildings, enclosures, paths and so forth, about £4000 per annum; provisions for animals, about £5000 per annum; litter, water, heating and general menagerie expenses about £3000 per annum.
From the point of view of public convenience, too large a space is fatiguing and makes it more difficult to see the animals, whilst the expenses of maintenance, drainage and supervision increase out of proportion to the advantages.
With the exception of small fees charged for incidental expenses, the university is free to all students who are residents of the city; others pay $75 a year for tuition.
Maryland supports no state university, but Johns Hopkins University, one of the leading institutions of its kind in the country, receives $25,000 a year from the state; the medical department of the university of Maryland receives an annual appropriation of about $2500, and St John's College, the academic department of the university of Maryland, receives from the state $13,000 annually and gives for each county in the state one free scholarship and one scholarship covering all expenses.
Scarcely had these amendments been carried when the serious financial straits brought on by debt incurred through the state's promotion of internal improvements gave rise to the demand for a reduction of governmental expenses and a limitation of the power of the General Assembly to contract debts.
In 1879 an estimate made of all Federal war expenses up to that date, including pension charges, interest on loans, &c., showed a total of $6,190,000,000 (Dewey, Financial History of the United States).
This budget includes all the expenses of Algeria save the cost of the army (estimated at £2,000,000 yearly) and the guarantee of interest on the railways open before 1901.
So, although a price of 6'5 cents a pound covered expenses of the planter of Burley in the Blue Grass, who could use the same land for tobacco once in four years, this price did not repay the hill planter.
The expenditures are chiefly for the services of the public debt, military expenses, public works and internal affairs (Department of the Interior).
He succeeded to the throne on the 16th of November 1797 and at once gave earnest of his good intentions by cutting down the expenses of the royal establishment, dismissing his father's ministers, and reforming the most oppressive abuses of the late reign.
This edition was mainly due to the combined efforts of William Whittingham, Anthony Gilby and Thomas Sampson, and the expenses towards printing and publication were borne by members of the congregation at Geneva.
The delegates of the Clarendon Press in Oxford, and the syndics of the Pitt Press in Cambridge, entered into a liberal arrangement with the revisers, by which the necessary funds were provided for all their expenses.
Since 1579 he had lived mainly at Barn Elms, Barnes, maintaining an adequate establishment; but his salary did not cover his expenses, he was burdened with his son-in-law Sir Philip Sidney's debts, and he obtained few of those perquisites which Elizabeth lavished on her favourites.
The Richmond lunatic asylum, erected near the House of Industry, and placed under the care of officers appointed by government, receives patients from a district consisting of the counties of Dublin, Louth, Meath and Wicklow, each of these contributing towards its expenses in proportion to the number of patients sent in.
The simple offering of food or shedding of blood at the grave develops into an elaborate system of sacrifice; even where ancestor-worship is not found, the desire to provide the dead with comforts in the future life may lead to the sacrifice of wives, slaves, animals, &c., to the breaking or burning of objects at the grave or to the provision of the ferryman's toll, a coin put in the mouth of the corpse to pay the travelling expenses of the soul.
Since there are 8760 hours in a year, if such an instrument were connected continuously to the circuit it would take up energy equal to 263,000 watt-hours, or 260 Board of Trade units per annum, If the cost of production of this energy was only one penny per unit, the working expenses of keeping such a voltmeter in connexion with a circuit would therefore be more than £i per annum, representing a capitalized value of, say, £io.
The selectmen, who receive no regular salary, but may charge for expenses actually incurred, form a sort of directory or executive committee, which manages the ordinary administrative and financial business under such instructions as may have been given by the town meeting.
The latter have the management of county buildings, such as courthouses ar,d prisons, have power to lay out new main highways, to grant licences, and to apportion among the towns and cities the taxation necessary to meet county expenses.
There is no legal limitation to his re-eligibility any number of times; but tradition, dating from the refusal of George Washington to be rioniinated for a third term, has virtually established the rule that no person shall be president for more than two continuous terms, If the president dies, the vice-president steps into his place; and if the latter also dies in office, the succession passes to the secretary of state.f The president receives a salary of $75,000 a year, besides $25,000 a year for travelling expenses, and has an official residence called the Executive Mansion, or more familiarly the White House.
In all the provinces they are under the control of the federal government which acts as their trustee, investing the money which they derive chiefly from the sale of lands and timber, and making a large annual appropriation for the payment of their annuities, schools and other expenses.
Now if we add together all these savings in the rate of rail and ocean freights and incidental expenses, we arrive at an aggregate economy of 8s.
Dante was perhaps too severe on Robert, whom he described as a re da sermone (word king), and contemporary critics accused him of covetousness, a fault partly excused by his pressing need of money to pay the expenses of his perpetual wars.
Hull was represented in the parliament of 1295 and has sent members ever since, save that in 1384 the burgesses were exempted from returning any member on account of the expenses which they were incurring through fortifying their town.
In 1822 there appeared in London an anonymous translation sometimes ascribed to Southey, but really the work of Sara Coleridge, who had undertaken the task to defray the college expenses of one of her brothers.
Apart from his personal expenses such as postage, travelling expenses, &c., a candidate is prohibited from spending anything himself to promote either his nomination or his election, but he is allowed to contribute to the treasury of the political committee.
In the state of New York the act which seeks to prevent corrupt practices relies in like manner on the efficacy of publicity, but it is less effective than the Massachusetts law in that it provides simply for the filing by the candidates themselves of sworn statements of their own expenses.
The expenses connected with elections, such as the renting and preparing of the polling-places, the payment of the clerks and other officers who conduct the elections and count the vote, are borne by the community.
The difficulty that is naturally experienced by a traveller in finding sufficient support on a sparsely populated "ground" has brought into vogue the traveller on commission who represents several firms. The traveller with salary and allowances for expenses survives, but the quickening induced by an interest in the amount of sales has caused many firms to adopt the principle of commission, which may, however, be an addition to a minimum salary.
Again, during the Seven Years' War the assembly withstood the governor, Robert Hunter Morris, in the matter of grants for military expenses.
After the proprietors subscribed £5000 for the protection of the colony the assembly momentarily gave up its contest for a tax on the proprietary estates and consented to pass a money bill, without this provision, for the expenses of the war.
The old families had lost heavily from generation to generation, partly by personal extravagances, but also by gradual alienations of land to the Church and by the enormous expenses of the crusades.
The reorganization of the mint alone increased the royal revenue by 210,000 gulden a year and enabled Sigismund to pay the expenses of his earlier wars.
The towns of Cantu, Meda, Lissone and Carugo supply Milanese firms with most of their merchandise, the furniture being made by the workmen at their own homes with materials supplied by the Milanese buyers, who also advance the capital necessary for working expenses.
The initial expenses for frames, lights, cloches, mats and water-supply are in many cases prohibitive to men with the necessary gardening experience, while on the other hand those who have the capital lack the practical knowledge so essential to success.
The expenses of a magnificent court led the duke to quarrel with the Landschaft, to oppress his subjects, and to leave a great burden of debt when he died in October 1579.
Members must be at least thirty years old, and receive an annual allowance of £166, besides travelling expenses.
Elizabeth was alarmed by the successes of the Spanish arms, and especially by the fall of Antwerp; and, though refusing the sovereignty, she agreed to send a force of s000 foot and I 000 horse to the aid of the Provinces under the command of the earl of Leicester, her expenses being - guaranteed by the handing over to her the towns of Flushing, Brill and Rammekens as pledges (loth of August 1585).
Until 1871 the surplus derived from the colonial budget had been turned into a deficit, and the necessity of imposing fresh taxes to meet the war expenses has led to the downfall both of individual ministries and of cabinets.
Measures were taken for the defence of the territory and the punishment of the assailants, which culminated in the despatch of Sir Garnet (afterwards Viscount) Wolseley as British administrator, 800,000 being voted by parliament for the expenses of the expedition.
The death of Arcadius in May 408 caused milder counsels to prevail in the western cabinet, but Alaric, who had actually entered Epirus, demanded in a somewhat threatening manner that if he were thus suddenly bidden to desist from war, he should be paid handsomely for what in modern language would be called the expenses of mobilization.
But an effective reforming monarchy must stand upon a sound financial basis; and the usual revenues of the crown, always inadequate, were so diminished that they did not cover half the daily expenses of government.
The surplus proceeds of the property were further to be applied to maintain a yearly offering in commemoration of his departed father, mother and brothers, to pay the expenses incurred in celebrating his own birthday every year on the 7th of the month Gamelion, and for a social gathering of the sect on the 10th of every month in honour of himself and Metrodorus.
On four works of this class were spent Rx.1,649,823, which in1896-1897irrigated 200,733 acres, a valuable return then, although in an ordinary year their gross revenue does not cover their working expenses.
This canal has cost Rx.428,086, and causes an annual loss to the state in interest and working expenses of about Rx.20,000.
His business declined; his debts increased; it was with difficulty that the daily expenses of his household were defrayed.
To prevent abuses, a minute tariff of expenses was drawn up during the pontificate of Leo XIII.
The land occupied by foreigners was leased to them by the Japanese government, 20% of the annual rent being set aside for municipal expenses.
They are called One-Year Volunteers (Einjahrig-Freiwilligen), defray their own expenses and are the chief source of supply of reserve and Landwehr officers.
Partly to provide for the expenses of this court, partly to furnish Maximilian with the promised monetary aid, a tax called the common penny was instituted, this impost taking the form both of a property tax and of a poll tax.
So far as the imperial expenses were not covered by these sources of revenue, until imperial taxes were introduced, the deficit had to be covered by matricular contributions paid by the individual states in proportion to their population.
Unable to meet the expenses of his rank, which was equivalent to the grade of colonel in the army, he retired in 1775.
Deak and the majority agreed, however, that there should be certain institutions common to Hungary and the rest of the monarchy; these were - (1) foreign affairs, including the diplomatic and consular service; (2) the army and navy; (3) the control of the expenses required for these branches of the public service.
It was then agreed that the two states should form a Customs Union for the next ten years; the customs were to be paid to the common exchequer; all sums required in addition to this to meet the expenses to be provided as to 30% by Hungary and as to 70% by Austria.
First the Austrians were determined to get a more favourable division of the common expenses; that of 1867 still continued, although Hungary had grown relatively in wealth.'
In finance his administration was very successful, as notwithstanding the expenses of his wars he showed an annual surplus of two millions sterling.
When the expenditure during the same period was examined the extraordinary fact was disclosed that the sum raised by revenue was only three millions less than that spent on administration, tribute and public works, including a sum of 10,500,000, described as expenses of questionable utility or policy.
The chief items of ordinary expenditure are tribute and debt charges, the expenses of the civil administration, of the Egyptian army (between Soo,ooo and 600,000 yearly), of the revenue-earning departments and of pensions.
It is not known at what time the practice of having the amount due settled by the community was altered into that according to which it was settled by the governor, or at what time the practice of deducting from the total certain expenses necessary for the maintenance of the community was abandoned.
Worst of all, the government was drifting rapidly towards insolvency, being quite unable to fulfil its obligations to the bondholders and meet the expenses of administration.
Members are paid ten kroner each day of the session and are allowed travelling expenses.
Denmark was offered an alliance, the complete restitution of her fleet after the war, a guarantee of all her possessions, compensation for all expenses, and even territorial aggrandizement.
The Left was willing to vote 30,000,000 crowns for extraordinary military expenses, exclusive of the fortifications of Copenhagen, on condition that the amount should be raised by a property and income tax; and, as the elections of 1875 had given them a majority of three-fourths in the popular chamber, they spoke with no uncertain voice.
He liked good eating and drinking, although even here the cost was sharply looked after, the expenses of his kitchen mounting to no higher figure than 1800 a year.
It is frequently stated that Marazion had formerly the right of returning two members to parliament, but that owing to its inability to pay the members' expenses the right was lost.
Of this $1,416,392 was expended on personal emoluments, and $1,116,548 on other charges connected with the administrative establishments; $1,763,488 was spent on military services, exclusive of expenses connected with the volunteer force; $183,075 on the upkeep and maintenance of existing public works; and $569,884 on new public works.
According to Herodotus, Cyrus devoted the revenue of four great towns to meet the expenses of his hunting establishments.
With regard to the expenses of hunting, it is calculated that a master of hounds should be prepared to spend at the rate of £500 a year for every day in the week that his hounds are supposed to hunt.
The expenses to the individual naturally vary so much that no figures can be given.
The expenses of the journey to Palestine were no light matter.
The expenses of the princes and lords were, of course, much heavier.
The expenses of this very interesting venture were borne entirely by Morris, but after the issue of No.
Economic depression gave the Granger Movement considerable popularity, and an outgrowth of the Granger organization was the Independent Reform Party, of 1874, which advocated retrenchment of expenses, the state regulation of railways and a tariff for revenue only.
The successful candidate, who received the title of licentiate, was, on payment of a heavy fee and other expenses, permitted to proceed to the conventus or final public examination.
His father was a poor weaver, and the expenses of his early education were paid by one of his godfathers.
The public debt in March 1919 was £3,190,000, nearly all (£2,998,000) advances made by the British Government to meet the expenses of the local campaign against German East Africa.
In this connexion it is interesting to note the account given by Severus of the synod held at Rimini in 359, where the question arose whether the bishops attending the assembly might lawfully receive money from the imperial treasury to recoup their travelling and other expenses.
Oudh was given back to the nawab wazir, on condition of his paying half a million sterling towards the expenses of the war.
In each school division, of which there were 35 in 1908, the division superintendent appoints the native teachers, prepares for the municipal councils estimates of school expenses, and approves all expenditures from municipal school funds.
The heavy expenses entailed thereby were largely met by the booty which he won.
Yazid discovered soon that the system of taxation as regulated by Hajjaj could not be altered without serious danger to the finances of the empire, and that he could not afford the expenses which his prodigal manner of life involved.
For that purpose it was necessary that he should have the means not only to meet all state expenses, but also to be bounteous.
Of the current expenses of the common schools about three-fourths is borne by the localities; the state distributes its contribution annually among the counties.
The current expenses of the state in the years of Reconstruction were also enormously increased.
Little is known of him before he became consul in 97, except that he proposed a law regulating the expenses of the table, which met with general approval.
Besides, the hides and tallow yielded by the great herds of cattle at the missions were the support of foreign trade and did much toward paying the expenses of the government.
Peterboro became a station on the "underground railroad"; and after 1850 Smith furnished money for the legal expenses of persons charged with infractions of the Fugitive Slave Law.
One-half the expenses of the government of Washington is paid by the District of Columbia and one-half by the United States.
This would naturally lead to an excess of women over men in the higher septs, and would render it difficult for a man to get his daughter respectably married without paying a high price for a suitable bridegroom and incurring other heavy marriage expenses.
It is not improbable, therefore, that the fall in wholesale prices which, with temporary interruptions, persisted between 1870 and 1900, in general harmony with the other movement, may have conduced to reluctance on the part of those who have enlarged their notions of the standard of comfort to endanger their prospects of enjoying it by incurring the additional expenses of family life.
But when the ship is condemned or does not proceed on her original voyage, no storage expenses incurred after the date of the ship's condemnation or of the abandonment of the voyage shall be admitted as G.A.
Graving dock dues, including expenses of removals, cartages, use of shears, stages and graving dock materials, shall be allowed in full.
It is not sufficient "that an expenditure should have been made to benefit both cargo owner and shipowner."' Thus expenses incurred after ship and cargo are in safety, say at a port of refuge, are not generally, by English law, to be treated as G.A.; although the putting into port may have refuge ex- been for safety, and therefore a G.A.
One view has been that it is covered by the sue and labour clause of an ordinary policy, by which the insurer agrees to bear his proportion of expenses voluntarily incurred "in and about the defence, safeguard and recovery" of the insured subject.
Expenses voluntarily incurred by the assured with that object are expressly made repayable by the sue and labour clause of the policy.
The expenses of these missions are borne by private charity, and by a general annual collection.
They had double reason to be grateful to Wladislaus for defeating the enemies of the republic, for he had also paid for the expenses of his campaigns out of his own pocket, yet he could not obtain payment of the debt due to him from the state till 1643.
His expenses during the war, including secret service money, aggregated about $64,000; in addition he expended a considerable amount from his private fortune, for which he made no claim to reimbursement.
An act of 1909 provides that election campaign expenses shall be borne "only by the state and by the candidates," and authorized appropriations for this purpose.
The expenses of every defensive war which the commissioners declared to be just were to be defrayed by the several colonies in proportion to their number of men and boys between the ages of sixteen and sixty.
All education above that level is in the hands of the educational department and school boards elected in each parish, each rural parish being bound (since 1898) to be divided into a proper number of school districts and to have a school in each of them, the state contributing to these expenses Boo marks a year for each male and 600 marks for each female teacher, or 25% of the total cost in urban communes.
The country was flooded with spies, and a special Russian police force was created, the expenses being charged to the Finnish treasury.
From this date the expenses of the Roman state " were undisguisedly supported by the taxation of the provinces."
A noble scheme of education was sketched for the whole country, but neither this nor the provision made for ministers' stipends was carried out, the revenues of the old church, from which the expenses of both were to be paid, being in the hands of the barons.
The development of tramway enterprise in the United Kingdom, as shown by the mileage open, the paid-up capital, gross receipts, working expenses and number of passengers carried, has been as follows 1900, 1,749,804 * Excluding season-ticket holders, whose number in 1880 was 502,174; in and in England and Wales alone, in 1880, 449, 82 3; in 1900, 1,610,754.
The expenses of the colonies are met by voluntary subscriptions, but it has been found that the persons who enter the free colonies remain there and few fresh cases are received.
In 1382 the archbishop's visitation led to disputes with the bishops of Exeter and Salisbury, and Courtenay was only partially able to enforce the payment of a special tax to meet his expenses on this occasion.
Hitherto Charles had aimed at supporting the weaker Slavonic power against the stronger; but now that Muscovy seemed about to disappear from among the nations of Europe, Swedish statesmen naturally sought some compensation for the expenses of the war before Poland had had time to absorb everything.
In spite of reduced expenses, a highly estimated revenue, and the contemplated raising of taxes, there was a deficit, for the payment or discharge of which the government would be obliged to demand supplementary supplies.
The national expenditures are chiefly for the interest and amortization charges on the public debt, official salaries, military expenses in connexion with the army and navy, public works (including railway construction, port improvements, water and sewage works), the administration of the state railways, telegraph lines and post office, church subsidies, public instruction and foreign representation.
The resources of Balmaceda were running short on account of the heavy military expenses, and he determined to dispose of the reserve of silver bullion accumulated in the vaults of the Casa de Moneda in accordance with the terms of the law for the conversion of the note issue.
But, like the gas and glass companies, it found the cost of the raw material and the incidental expenses too great, and ceased its operations in 1899.
The administration became more and more despotic, and Tangier was abandoned in order to reduce expenses and to increase the forces at home for overawing opposition.
His private expenses were exceedingly small.
In this besides giving an historical account (founded on Dr Robert Hamilton's valuable work On the National Debt, 1813, 3rd ed., 1818) of the several successive forms of the sinking fund, he urges that nations should defray their expenses, whether ordinary or extraordinary, at the time when they are incurred, instead of providing for them by loans.
The fishermen of the district consequently combined to defray the expenses of transplanting large numbers of small plaice from the outer waters to the inner lagoons, where they were found to thrive far better than in their natural habitat.
On the 10th of May 1356 Wykeham first appears in the direct employment of the king, being appointed clerk of the king's works in the manors of Henley and Yeshampsted (Easthampstead) to pay all outgoings and expenses, including wages of masons and carpenters and other workmen, the purchase of stone, timber and other materials, and their carriage, under the view of one controller in Henley and two in Easthampstead.
The expenditures are chiefly for official salaries, subsidies, public works, church and mission support, justice, public instruction, military expenses, and interest on the public debt.
The consul may even defray the expenses of maintaining, and forwarding to their destination, passengers taken off or picked up from wrecked or injured vessels, if the master does not undertake to proceed in six weeks; these expenses becoming, in terms of the Passenger Acts 1855 and 1863, a debt due to His Majesty from the owner or charterer.
The supervisor is also the township assessor, and the several township supervisors constitute the county board of supervisors who equalize property valuations as between townships, authorize townships to borrow money with which to build or repair bridges, are entrusted with the care and management of the property and business of the county, and may borrow or raise by tax what is necessary to meet the more common expenses of the county.
There is no institution for the blind, but the state pays the expenses of blind children who are sent from New Jersey to the New York State School for the Blind.
The expenses of the state government are met chiefly by special taxes on railway and canal corporations, a franchise tax on the capital stock of other corporations, a collateral inheritance tax and leases of riparian lands.
They refused to pay their share of the public expenses; and their deputies, on refusing to take the oath of allegiance and fidelity, were expelled from the assembly.
Payment on account of the conveyance of electors to or from the poll; payment for any committee room in excess of a prescribed number; the incurring of expenses in and about the election beyond a certain maximum; employing, for the conveyance of electors to or from the poll, hackney carriages or carriages kept for hire; payments for bands, flags, cockades, &c.; employing for payment persons at the election beyond the prescribed number; printing and publishing bills, placards or posters which do not disclose the name and address of the printer or publisher; using as committee rooms or for meetings any licensed premises, or any premises where food or drink is ordinarily sold for consumption on the premises, or any club premises where intoxicating liquor is supplied to members.
The petition is tried in open court at some place within the county, the expenses of the court being provided in the first instance by the Treasury, and repaid out of the county rates, except in so far as the court may order them to be paid by either of the parties.
The police rate is made for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the county police.
The committee are also charged with the duties of appointing or removing the clerk of the peace, and they have jurisdiction in matters relating to justices' clerks, the provision of accommodation for quarter sessions or justices out of session, and the like, and their expenses are paid by the county council out of the county fund.
It was provided by the Highway Act 1878 that every road which was disturnpiked after the 31st of December 1870 should be deemed to be a main road, the expenses of the repair and maintenance of which were to be contributed as to one-half thereof by the justices in quarter sessions, then the county authority.
In the case of a combination the expenses are defrayed by the several councils in such proportion as they may agree upon, and the proportion may be fixed with reference to either the accommodation required by each council or the population of the district.
When a scheme has been confirmed, the county council must carry out the obligations imposed on it within a prescribed time; if they make default the board may direct the commissioners to assume all the powers of the county council, and the county council must repay to the board the expenses the commissioners may incur.
These include the remuneration of the mayor, recorder audit and officers of the borough, overseers' expenses, the expenses of the administration of justice in the borough, the payment of the borough coroner, police expenses and the like.
In the event of the borough fund being more than sufficient to meet the demands upon it without recourse to a borough rate, any surplus may be applied in payment of any expenses of the council as a sanitary authority or in improving the borough or any part thereof by drainage, enlargement of streets or otherwise.
Local authorities may require premises to be cleansed and disinfected; they may order the destruction of bedding, clothing or other articles which have been exposed to infection; they may provide proper places for the disinfection of infected articles free of charge; they may provide ambulances, &c. In the case of a person found suffering from infectious disease who has not proper lodging or accommodation, or is lodging in a room occupied by more than one family, or is on board any ship or vessel, such person may by means of a justice's order be removed to a hospital; a local authority may pay the expenses of a person in a hospital or, if necessary, provide nursing attendance; any person exposing himself or any other in his charge while suffering from infectious disease, or exposing infected bedding, clothing or the like, is made liable to a penalty.
The distinction between a burial ground provided under the Burial Acts and a cemetery provided under the act of 1879 is important in many ways, of which one only need be mentioned here - the expenses under the Burial Acts are paid out of the poor rate, while the expenses under the act of 1879 are paid in an urban district out of the general district rate, the incidence of which differs materially from that of the poor rate, as will be seen hereafter.
One important point of difference is that under the latter act the council may resolve that the expenses shall be apportioned among the owners not merely according to frontage, but according to the greater or less degree of benefit to be derived by any premises from the works.
As a general rule, all the expenses of carrying into execution the Public Health Acts in an urban district fall upon a fund which is called the general district fund, and that fund is provided by means of a rate called the general district rate.
First, in the case of boroughs where from the time of the first adoption of the Sanitary Acts these expenses have been paid out of the borough rate, the expenses continue to be so paid; and in an urban district which was formerly subject to an Improvement Act, the expenses may be payable out of the improvement rate authorized by that act.
The expenses of highways in an urban district fall as a rule upon the general district rate, but under certain conditions, which need not be here set out, a separate highway rate may have to be levied.
The expenses of a rural district council are of two kinds.
Of these the first is called general expenses, and it includes the expense of the establishment and officers of the council, of disinfection, providing of conveyance for infected persons, and the expenses of highways.
These expenses are payable out of a common fund which is raised out of the poor rate of the several parishes in the district, according to the rateable value of each.
Special expenses include the expenses of the construction and maintenance and cleansing of sewers, providing water-supply, and all other expenses incurred or payable in respect of a parish or contributory place within the district determined by order of the Local Government Board to be special expenses.
The expression " contributory place " means a place other than a parish chargeable with special expenses.
For the most part it has reference only to what is called a special drainage district, that is to say, a district formed out of one or more parishes or parts of parishes for the purpose of the provision of a common water-supply, or scheme of sewerage, or the like, and in the event of such a district including part only of a parish, the remaining portion would, so far as the special expenses for which the district was created are concerned, be a separate contributory place.
These special expenses are chargeable to each parish or contributory place, and they are defrayed by means of special sanitary rates, such rates being raised on all property assessed to the relief of the poor, but with the same exemptions of certain properties as have been mentioned under the head of general district rate in urban districts.
The money must be borrowed for permanent works, the expenses of which ought in the opinion of the powers.
The resolution must have been published in newspapers circulated in the district, and must have received the consent of the Local Government Board or of a secretary of state, if the matter is one within his jurisdiction; and further, the expenses must not be incurred unless the promotion or opposition has been assented to by the owners and ratepayers of the district assembled at a meeting convened for the purpose of considering the matter, and if necessary, signified by a poll.
Moreover, the expenses must, before they can be charged to the rates, be examined and allowed by some person authorized by a secretary of state or the Local Government Board, as the case may be.
The urban district council execute the Public Libraries Acts for their district, and the rate for the expenses of the acts, which may not exceed td.
The inspectors took the necessary steps for having the parish lighted (the provisions as to watching having been obsolete for many years), and the expenses of lighting were raised by the overseers upon an order issued to them by the inspectors.
After the adoption of the act it is carried into execution by the parish council, if there is one, and if not, by the parish meeting, and the expenses are raised in the same manner as heretofore.
The expenses of the execution of the Burial Acts are provided by the overseers out of the poor rate upon the certificate of the body entrusted with the execution of them.
The expenses in a rural parish are defrayed by means of a rate raised with, and as part of, the poor rate, with a qualification to the effect that agricultural land, market gardens and nursery grounds are to be assessed to the rate at one-third only of their rateable value.
The expenses of a parish council may not, without the consent of a parish meeting, exceed the amount of a rate of threepence in the for the financial year; but with the consent of the parish meeting the limit may be increased to sixpence, exclusive of expenses under the adoptive acts.
The expenses are payable out of the poor rate by the overseers on the precept of the parish council.
The income which the Cossack voiskos receive from the lands which they rent to different persons, also from various sources (trade patents, rents of shops, fisheries, permits of gold-digging, &c.), as also from the subsidies they receive from the government (about £712,500 in 1893), is used to cover all the expenses of state and local administration.
At the regular town meeting held in March the electorate of the town assembles, decides what shall be done for the town during the ensuing year, elects officers to execute its decisions with limited discretion, and votes money to meet the expenses.
But the state was authorized by an amendment adopted in 1868 to issue bonds for the reimbursement of the expenses incurred by its cities, towns, and plantations on account of the Civil War, and these bonds, with those issued by the state itself during the Civil War, constituted the largest part of the state's bonded indebtedness.
The marriage was a very happy one, though the bulk of the fortune was worn away in the expenses of public and social life.
But as a rule, and in spite of what has often been the practice in the past, and of exceptions which may still exist in some countries, a government obtains the money required for its expenses by means of taxation.
The only proper object of taxation is to meet the expenses of the state, and when taxes are used primarily or mainly for some other object they can only be justified by political and economic reasons of a different order from anything that has been under discussion.
When a change of residence became necessary to enable the peasant to take up the new allotment, the state advanced £6 to each family to defray expenses.
Expenses incurred during the war led to much controversy, especially when the Russian government claimed the return of £120,000 advanced to enable the Rumanians to mobilize, and considered by them as a free gift.
Expenses which ought to have been defrayed out of the ordinary budget, such as the erection of magnificent public offices at Bucharest, were frequently defrayed out of the loans; and the custom had arisen when money was scarce of issuing treasury bonds.
The gross earnings in 5905 were £4,047,065 (as compared with £3,390,093 in 1895); the expenses £3,076,920 (as compared with £1,596,013 in 1895).
It is under the control of a royal astronomer and its expenses are defrayed by the British admiralty.
Moreover, the allies realized at last that it was impossible to dislodge Philip from Spain, and all the peoples were groaning under the expenses and the sufferings of the war.
Such, in particular, were certain property taxes, raised to meet the expenses of war.
The remainder of Smith's property was constituted a contingent fund to defray expenses and keep the principal funds intact.
Livingston's final victory in the courts brought him little financial profit because of the heavy expenses of the litigation.
In abbeys exempt from episcopal jurisdiction, the confirmation and benediction had to be conferred by the pope in person, the house being taxed with the expenses of the new abbot's journey to Rome.
To meet expenses the youth worked in various ways, even making slippers by hand in after-hours; but when he came of age his text-book days were ended.
The property in the thing seized, to the amount of the debt and expenses, became legally transferred from the debtor to the creditor, not all at once but in stages fixed by law.
In regular sessions not exceeding fifty days and in special sessions not exceeding thirty days the members of both houses are paid three dollars a day besides an allowance for travelling expenses, but they receive no compensation for the extra time of longer sessions.
Edward was a thrifty king; he was indeed the only medieval monarch of England who succeeded in keeping free of debt and made his revenue suffice for his expenses.
In the eyes of many men parliament lost the main reason for its existence when it ceased to be the habitual provider of funds for the ordinary expenses of the realm.
Charles was obliged to leave these two counties in their hands as a pledge foii the payment of their expenses; and he was also obliged to summon parliament to grant him the supplies which he needed for that object.
If this result was not immediately felt, it was because the king had a large certain revenue voted to him for life, so that, for the present at least, it was only his extraordinary expenses which could be brought under parliamentary control.
This reverse necessitated fresh operations, and in 1860 Lord Elgin and Baron Gros were directed to return to China, and, at the head of an adequate force, were instructed to exact an apology for the attack on the allied fleets, the ratification and execution of the treaty of Tientsin, and the payment of an indemnity for the expenses of the war.
The serious losses which the war entailed, the heavy expenses which it involved, and the large force which it absorbed, filled thoughtful men with anxiety.
The county board represents the county, is entrusted with the care of the county property and the management of the county business, appoints a supervisor of assessments and levies the taxes necessary to defray the county expenses.
But primary instruction has been greatly improved; there is a school of arts and trades at the capital, in which there are endowed scholarships for pupils from different provinces; a normal school has been established to train teachers for the Indians; high schools and training schools have been opened; and the government pays the expenses of several students in Europe.
Gerald was immediately reconciled to the king and archbishop; the utmost favour was shown to him; even the expenses of his unsuccessful election were paid.
The finances had been so thoroughly ruined that the government could not have met its expenses without the plunder and the tribute of foreign countries.
Still to be provided for is the interest on the operating expenses for eighteen months, which will, at 8%, be 48 cents per acre.
This is about 8% on the capital invested in the land, plant and operating expenses.
But we have described the conditions on one of the best bonanza farms. The average yield per acre in this region is not over 18 bushels, and the average expenses would be higher than those given.
This small charge pays all the expenses.
We are told that a third of his revenue sufficed for the ordinary expenses of government, a third was hoarded and a third spent on buildings.
To meet these expenses the foreign ratepayers are authorized to levy taxes on land and houses, to levy wharfage dues on goods landed or shipped, and to charge licence fees.
There are certain debts in England, Scotland and the United States which are said to be privileged - that is, such debts as the executor must first apply the personal estate of the deceased, in payment, for example, of funeral expenses or servants' wages.
Tandy then took proceedings against the lord lieutenant for issuing a proclamation for his arrest; and although the action failed, it increased Tandy's popularity, and his expenses were paid by the Society of the United Irishmen.
At first the person who instituted the games and defrayed the expenses was the Agonothetes; but in the great public games, such as the Olympic and Pythian, these presidents were the representatives of different states, or were chosen from the people in whose country the games were celebrated; thus at the Panathenaic festival at Athens ten athlothetae were elected for four years to superintend the various contests.
During the first 15 years of Elizabeth's reign the expenses of Ireland, chiefly on account of wars, amounted, according to Sir James Ware's estimate, to over £490,000, while the revenue is put by some writers at £8000 per annum and by others at less.
The principal source of income was a charge of &1,250 a year upon the Irish Church surplus, but the establishment expenses were paid by parliament.
Besides substituting Hungarian for Austrian sovereignty, it provided that the diet and the ban should control local affairs, subject to the Croatian minister in the Hungarian cabinet, and that Croatia-Slavonia should pay 55% of its revenue to Hungary for mutual and imperial expenses, but should be represented in the Hungarian parliament by thirty-six delegates, and should continue to use Serbo-Croatian as the official language.
In 1889 the financial agreement with Hungary was revised and the contribution of Croatia-Slavonia to the expenses shared with Hungary or common to the whole of the Dual Monarchy was raised by i %.
Russia was also authorized to levy tolls intended to cover the expenses of any works of improvement that might be undertaken by her.
In his bull Clericis laicos the pope protested against the taxes levied upon the French clergy by the king, whose expenses were increasing with his conquests.
The royal exchequer, which was being painfully elaborated in the chambre des corn ptes, and the treasury of the crown lands at the Louvre, together barely sufficed to meet the expenses of this more complicated and costly machinery.
The death of the duke of Anjou at Ban (1384) gave preponderant influence to Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy, who increased the large and fruitless expenses of his Burgunclian policy to such a point that on the return of a last unfortunate expedition into Gelderland Charles VI., who had been made by him to marry Isabel of Bavaria, took the governMadness ment from his uncles on the 3rd of May 1389, and vi.
Under Pontchartrain, Chamillard and Desmarets, the expenses of the two wars of 1688 and 1701 attained to nearly five milliards.
Another feature of the period of reconstruction was the formation of numerous trusts or combinations of producing companies designed to take advantage of the high tariff, and to restrict competition, lower expenses an d raise prices.
The government of Spain having guaranteed the colonial debts of Cuba and of the Philippines, when those colonies were lost in 1898, Spain was further saddled with 46,210,000 of colonial consolidated debts, and with the expenses of the wars amounting, besides, to 63,257,000.
The secondary schools, of which there must be at least one in every province, are styled institutes and are mostly self-supporting, the fees paid by the pupils usually cover the expenses of such establishments, which also receive subsidies from some of the provincial councils.
The Italian states barely paid their expenses.
The expenses of the royal household increased fourfold, and most of the increase was absorbed by the favorite and his agents.
In 1851 he resigned from the Mercersburg Seminary in order that its running expenses might be lightened; and from 1841 to 1853 he was president of Marshall College at Mercersburg.
Itemized estimates of expenses for the next fiscal year are furnished by the different departments to the controller in February.
The members live in community, and each pays his own expenses, having the usufruct of his private means - a startling innovation on the monastic vow of poverty.
He was found guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of £loo, while his expenses as defendant amounted to about 14,000, a sum that was at once raised by public subscription, a surplus being spent on the purchase of Rednall, a small property picturesquely situated on the Lickey Hills, with a chapel and cemetery, where Newman now lies buried.
They maintained British influence in those countries, and even paid the expenses of the embassies which were sent out by the English government to their courts.
The capital expended on government lines up to 1905 was £3,920,500; the gross earnings in that year were £ 2 43,5 66, and the working expenses £171,630; leaving £71,936 as.
In order to pay for these wars, and to meet the expenses of a splendid court, the later margraves had sold various rights to the towns and provinces of Brandenburg, and so aided the development of local government.
Gradually, however, the expenses of warfare, liberal donations to the clergy, and the maintenance of numerous and expensive households, compelled them to pledge these dues for sums of ready money.
The expenses of this war led to a quarrel with the estates.
Over the Cleves-Jiilich succession, John Sigismund had incurred heavy expenses, and the public debt had again mounted up. He was thus obliged to seek aid from the estates, and in return for grants to make concessions to the nobles.
The legislature meets biennially, in odd numbered years, on the first Monday in January, and the length of the session is limited by a provision that the members shall be paid four dollars a day, besides an allowance for travelling expenses, not to exceed 75 days; whenever the governor calls an extra session they are not paid for more than 20 days.
He hastily denied his endeavors were for profit, but tossed in a caveat of "possible help with expenses."
Any expenses incurred by the trustees in publishing notices can be met out of the charity's income.
The visits are usually eligible for EC grants toward traveling expenses and also administrative and entertaining expenses.
For the fourth quarter of 2001, SG&A expenses included $ 5.5 million of restructuring charges and $ 2.5 million of goodwill amortization.
Other expenses included an apothecary to attend the sick poor and some education for the workhouse children.
Some smaller LLCs use a single-entry bookkeeping system such as a simple business check register to keep track of their expenses and income.
These are the expenses of the operation of the trust as a whole, and so properly chargeable to capital.
It's basically an online clearinghouse where teachers can " submit ideas for materials or expenses that their students need to learn.
Our Chicago location allows us to serve clientele in Chicago virtually without travel expenses.
The School or Service may be asked to meet the reasonable and proportionate incidental expenses necessarily incurred by a successful complainant.
Washington learned to make daguerreotypes during his freshman year to offset his college expenses.
We can also assist you in applying for expenses dispensations.
When combined with reinvested net dividends the average annual return has been 15.2% before any expenses of buying and selling.
In an increasing number of instances, parents are finding that they have to meet educational, health and welfare expenses.
These techniques allow for speedy and fair conclusions without the often exorbitant expenses associated with court proceedings.
However, an offering taken in the service can be used to defray expenses.
The mantra for this factsheet is only reimburse actual expenses.
You can deduct maintenance expenses from your Spanish income tax.
What traveling expenses are allowed in calculating the deemed payment?
Covered by a the output of out-of-pocket expenses for an extra in.
Newton Community Hospital Association granted funding for incidental expenses, incurred during the study.
Other Travel expenses or Other Expenses claims may be made for the cheapest practical method of transport.
Note that the PHF grant covers the course fee, not travel or subsistence expenses.
We may also consider relocation expenses, depending on the role.
You may also be able to claim travel expenses.
In this period £ 1.2 million has been included in net operating expenses resulting from fees incurred on the Crosby transaction.
The University has a scheme whereby it is prepared to assist with removal expenses.
They are better able to meet basic needs and to deal with sudden expenses that arise, for example from illness or crop failure.
Based in the South West From £ 25 plus expenses Samantha Morgaine email I have performed handfastings / marriages (non-legal ).
Expenses also were how auto hi insurance rate to prevent.
He believes only Tory councilors should claim back expenses they incur for attending meetings - sheer hypocrisy.
February 2001 Expenses action starts Action to oppose the unagreed imposition of new BBC expenses rules starts on 26 February.
You also indemnify us against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that we incur if you breach the above confirmation.
Forget films or courier expenses, you can finally produce in-house, top quality color prints with minimal investment or effort.
You may already be covered for lost luggage, canceled tickets, or medical expenses.
Keep records of expenses such as automobile mileage incurred for business purposes and get receipts for charitable contributions.
An average i 'd a slight misnomer medical expenses and its solutions range.
People have the mistaken notion that business is sales minus costs and expenses is equal to profit.
Failing to budget for those extra expenses can result in buying a camera just to find out it is not operable without spending more.
Target group we accounts to help weak parity the medical expenses who.
In practice this means offering payment to the volunteer other than exact payment of expenses or offering some perks.
Where legal aid is granted to the accused in criminal proceedings, he or she is not required to pay any contribution toward expenses.
The Bench declined to allow the prosecutor 's expenses, and said the landlord would probably hear more about the case.
The basis of an assessment is the gross rents receivable less any allowable expenses incurred by the landlord in any income tax year.
Key Points only reimburse volunteers for expenses actually incurred in the course of their volunteering.
The claim form should be supported by an affidavit setting out the former voluntary liquidator's remuneration and expenses.
The first portion will then be subdivided to meet the expenses of religion and of the common repasts.
Although not salaried, expenses are reimbursed so that you will not be out of pocket.
Whilst the cost of the venue has been more expensive, this has been offset by savings in travel expenses.
Not only can you pick up a bargain property from a motivated seller, you can save on your purchase expenses.
To remain solvent you always need to ensure you can meet your expenses.
Support Costs Each bursary carries a stipend of £ 150 per week, plus a total of £ 500 to cover research expenses.
Any claim for overnight expenses must be accompanied by the hotel receipt and is claimed instead of daily subsistence.
These pages date from March and April 1922 and show the daily takings and expenses of the shop.
Work during the summer vacation may involve travel around the UK which all travel expenses will be paid.
Witnesses of course require to be advised that any claim for expenses require to be properly vouched.
On the 2nd of May 1422 Henry V., in right of the duchy of Lancaster, " hearing that Chicheley inflamed by the pious fervour of devotion intended to enlarge divine service and other works of piety at Higham Ferrers, in consideration of his fruitful services, often crossing the seas, yielding to no toils, dangers or expenses.
An agreement is come to as to the conditions on which pious foundations are able to be made; the measure in which church property shall contribute to the public expenses is indicated; and, in the 19th century, the position of those who have acquired confiscated church property is regularized.
But heavy expenses had been incurred in putting down revolutionary movements in various parts of the provinces, and war with Chile a corru t government, and hopes were entertained p g p was threatened upon the question of a dispute concerning the boundaries between the two republics.
In the event of its not being voted before the 31st of December, recourse is had to the system of provisional twelfths (douzimes provisaires), whereby the government is authorized by parliament to incur expenses for one, two or three months on the scale of the previous year.
Taking the year 1905, the gross earnings amounted to £11,892,262; the working expenses, exclusive of interest, £ 7,443,54 6; and the net earnings £4,44 8, 7 16; the latter figure represents 3.31% upon the capital expended upon construction and equipment; in the subsequent year still better results were obtained.
It is also a fact that with each recurring decade these general expenses (also called indirect, undistributed or fixed charges) have an increased importance as compared with the particular (direct, distributed or operating) expense attaching naturally to the particular portions of the traffic. For with increased density of population it becomes profitable to make improvements on the original location, even though this may involve increased charges for interest and for some parts of its maintenance, for the sake of securing that economy of operation, through larger train-loads, which such an improved location makes possible.
All departmental expenses were to be submitted for the approval of the comptrollergeneral, a number of sinecures were suppressed, the holders of them being compensated, and the abuse of the" acquits au comptant "was attacked, while Turgot appealed personally to the king against the lavish giving of places and pensions.
Marino kept a minute entry of his expenses, a document of the highest value, not merely for the history of the building, but also for the light it throws on the private life of the great patricians who gave to Venice such noble examples of art.
They opposed all arrangement for the orderly distribution of travelling ministers to different localities, and even for the payment of their expenses (see above); they also strongly objected to any disciplinary power being entrusted to the women's separate meetings for business, which had become of considerable importance after the Plague (1665) and the Fire of London (1666) in consequence of the need for poor relief.
The Sublime Porte forwarded these budgets, with its own added thereto, to the minister of finance, who thereupon drew up a general budget of receipts and expenses and addressed it to the Sublime Porte before the 15th of December.
Moreover, in order to meet to some extent the deficit arising as well from the accumulation of arrears of state departments since 1300 (1884) as, to a large degree, from gross deficiencies due to the neglect of the civil officials of the government to encash the revenues - to meet, further, the needs of the central administration, and above all, the urgent military expenses of the empire, and to provide a guarantee for bankers and merchants in business relations with the government and the treasury, part of the revenues of 1304 were perforce spent in 1303.
Notwithstanding this the expenses continued to augment, and the government had recourse to the reprehensible measure of altering the money standard, and the whole monetary system was soon thrown into the greatest confusion.
Having neglected his private affairs and incurred large expenditures during his missions to Europe, he experienced considerable pecuniary embarrassment in his later years, and was compelled to ask Congress to reimburse him for his expenses in the public service.
Some curious traits are recorded of this life - one being that in the terrible famine year of Malplaquet a hundred francs a year were added to the usual boarding expenses, and yet the boys had to eat pain bis.
Salaries and similar expenses incurred by the board are charged on a district fund to which the several parishes contribute; but each parish remains separately responsible for the expenses of maintaining its own highways.
The Dutch criticism on him has been that he might have done more to reform the clumsiness of their constitutional procedure, and thus given them some return for the crippling expenses of the war.
The removal of the papal court from Rome to Avignon, however, not only reduced its prestige but increased the pope's chronic financial embarrassments, by cutting off the income from his own dominions, which he could no longer control, while the unsuccessful wars waged by John XXII., the palace building and the notorious luxury of some of his successors, served enormously to augment the expenses.
The first authentic pacta conventa made between the Polish nobility and the Crown dates from the compact of Kassa (September 17, 137 4), when Louis of Hungary agreed to exempt the szlachta from all taxation, except two Polish groschen per hide of land, and to compensate them for the expenses of all military service rendered beyond the confines of the realm.
They were shrewd enough to guess that the royal triumph might prejudice their influence, and for the next five years they deliberately thwarted the enlightened and far-reaching projects of the king for creating a navy and increasing the revenue without burdening the estates, by a system of tolls levied on the trade of the Baltic ports (see Wladislaus Iv.), even going so far as to refuse for nine years to refund the expenses of the Muscovite War, which he had defrayed out of his privy purse.
The Germans, who accepted the principle of dualism, were indignant at the financial arrangements; for Hungary, while gaining more than an equal share of power, paid less than one-third of the common expenses.
Refusing any salary and asking only the reimbursement of his expenses, he accepted the position, asking "every gentleman in the room," however, to remember his declaration that he did not believe himself to be equal to the command, and that he accepted it only as a duty made imperative by the unanimity of the call.
In respect to finance this authority was strikingly manifested in the burdens imposed on wealthy citizens by the requirements of the " liturgies " (Xarovpyiat), which consisted in the provision of a chorus for theatrical performances, or defraying the expenses of the public games, or, finally, the equipment of a ship, " the trierarchy," which was economically and politically the most important.
He also provides for the subsistence of seamen who are shipwrecked, discharged, or left behind, even if their service was with foreign merchants; they are generally sent home in the first British ship that happens to be in want of a complement, and the expenses thus incurred form a charge on the parliamentary fund for the relief of distressed seamen, the consul receiving a See also instructions to consuls prepared by the Board of Trade and approved by the secretary of state for foreign affairs.
The expenses in a rural parish are defrayed by means of a rate raised with, and as part of, the poor rate, with a qualification to the effect that agri cultural land, market gardens and nursery grounds are to be assessed to the rate at one-third only of their rateable value.
The general management of county affairs is intrusted to three commissioners elected by districts, but these commissioners are not permitted to incur extraordinary expenses or levy a tax exceeding five mills on a dollar without first obtaining the consent of the people at a general or special election.
The process can be slow and it can take years to recoup initial expenses.
Royston had attempted to solve their constantly recurring expenses due to Sarah Gear 's way of life in this fashion.
The Group will not be able to reimburse expenses for all members or on a regular basis.
Key Points Only reimburse volunteers for expenses actually incurred in the course of their volunteering.
You will be reimbursed for any travel expenses or child care costs related to the Project.
Paying rent in advance or removal expenses for a new home?
Travel expenses will be remunerated at the standard fare rate.
Excluding reorganization expenses, the company reported a net loss of $ 114 million.
Paragraph 5 replicates existing Schedule 7 provisions on members ' expenses.
Ballot rerun on BBC expenses Last month 's vote on a new BBC expenses policy is being run again.
Every invoice submitted is scrutinized to ensure there are no unjustifiable expenses claims being made.
If you are appointed, you will be able to claim expenses for travel and subsistence incurred in carrying out your duties.
Travel and subsistence expenses only will be paid in such cases.
On what basis will these sundry expenses be met?
The tax liability is calculated by offsetting the property related expenses against the rental income.
The gasoline expenses of the terrier men might also be included under staff heading.
Avoid tokenism Resource people to get involved don't just pay their travel expenses Start strategically.
Travel expenses would be paid for the volunteer coaches.
She said in her view the expenses were triggered when the General Election was declared.
After analyzing our monthly expenses, I determined that our spending vastly exceeds our income.
The same holds true for expenses--if you are low on resources, it's probably because you are wasting some of those resources.
When entrepreneurs discover they lack the necessary resources, they are forced to reset and cut features and maybe expenses.
Our monthly expenses were $35,000, and we would create whatever features our customers desired if they'd advance us the money so we could cover our operating expenses.
Perhaps more accurately, my mission was to make at least enough money to cover my expenses.
If you are looking to adopt an older child, you may not have to wait long at all, and your initial expenses may be considerably less.
Before you begin the adoptive process, you need to become familiar with all of the expenses that you might incur.
These may also include travel and food expenses if you are traveling to another state or country to adopt your child.
Be sure you know exactly what the fees and expenses will be before you begin writing checks!
Adoption expenses can be anywhere from $5000 to $40,000.
While adoptions expenses can vary greatly, you should know about all of the costs up-front.
If you have a questions about any of the expenses, and your question is not answered adequately enough to satisfy you, then check out some other agencies.
Expenses can include legal fees and medical and living expenses for the birth mother.
You will have to pay an application fee, a home study fee, and various legal fees, but you may also be responsible for paying the birth mother's medical fees and some living expenses.
As inflation continues to rise and expenses for seemingly everything continue to soar, many couples are questioning the issue of expanding their growing family.
Add to that expense the travel to and from the childcare center and any other expenses before comparing the expenses of a nanny.
Although costs vary depending on the agency or professional involved, legal and other fees, documentation, travel, and many other aspects of the Guatemala adoption process add up to substantial expenses.
When doing this, it is important to note that it is not legal to file for expenses that have been reimbursed.
The expenses can vary widely based upon the situation, agency used, etc. In some cases, parents may be able to find financial aid through their church or religious organization.
In planning for travel costs, it's important to remember than this travel within China may add significantly to your overall expenses.
As the sole provider for your child, you will probably be the person who has to manage college tuition and other expenses in the future.
These shopping tips will leave money in your wallet for the many other expenses that come with a new baby!
Adoption expenses can cost anywhere from $16,000 to over $34,000 plus food and lodging expenses for the length of a parent's stay in Haiti.
Also known as a recreational vehicle or RV, it is a terrific investment if you plan on doing a lot of traveling across the country, since owning one saves money on lodging and food expenses.
Clearly communicate limits when it comes to style and expenses.
A rider will help pay for your living expenses while you wait for your home to be repaired should the worst happen.
If your company offers disability insurance (but not enough to cover your life expenses), consider purchasing individual long-term disability insurance.
Keep in mind that your golf playing expenses won't end once you purchase clubs; you will need accessories such as a carrying bag for your clubs.
Keep in mind that your expenses won't stop when you purchase the boat.
You are paid on assignment basis and are reimbursed for expenses.
This saves fruitless trips to store that waste time and money spent in parking, petrol and other expenses.
They do not have to pay rent, business rates, fuel charges to light and heat stores plus other miscellaneous yet substantial expenses.
Series EE (and before them, series E) bonds are usually given to children as a way to help pay off college expenses or to build a retirement fund.
Since they are risky investments, you should never use money that you need for living expenses or retirement to invest in these stocks.
This allows you to control your spending and budget the installment payments so you have manageable shopping expenses.
You must consider not just the cost of the boat itself, but the cost to have it at a dock, as well as the expenses of fueling and maintaining it.
Your out-of-pocket expenses can also be affected by caps in the coverage provided.
Still, when compared to the cost of purchasing scoopable cat litter, the out of pocket expenses are similar.
Office supplies, gas to fuel company cards, flights and other business travel expenses are a few of the expenses you can charge.
Users earn one point for each dollar they spend, and are entitled to discounts on participating travel expenses, such as rental cars, flights and hotels.
This enables business owners to track and limit employee spending as well as reduce or eliminate the need to reimburse employees for out-of-pocket expenses.
The company also offers a premium card, which provides rewards for other travel related expenses, such as flights, and a Visa card, which is usable at any location accepting Visa.
That debt doesn't include other living expenses.
Review a consumer's spending habits and make suggestions for reducing expenses and prioritizing bills.
Develop a budget for to help control expenses and live within your means.
This card is for companies to lessen the blow of travel expenses.
Identifying reasonable financial goals such as home ownership, children's educational needs, health expenses, debt repayment, or job advancement.
Have income significantly higher than their expenses and wish to invest or otherwise manage their wealth to achieve greater financial success.
Calculations include living expenses, potential medical expenses, and retirement extras, such as travel or other hobbies.
Estate planning also includes how to pay for potential medical and funeral expenses, lawyer fees, and unresolved debts.
Crisis planning involves knowing what funds can easily be liquidated and how to adjust other expenses accordingly.
Over time, financial situations change - a new job, home purchase, wedding expenses, extensive car repairs, etc. Revising plans that are no longer feasible will keep you on track to your goal.
Elementary school students can begin planning for college expenses by establishing a savings account, and many banks offer great student plans to encourage such financial responsibility.
An individual who knows where their money is allocated can more easily plan for incidental expenses, such as vacations or other luxuries without disrupting their budget.
Perhaps most importantly, reasonable planning provides peace of mind because there are no longer mysteries concerning budgets, expenses, and income.
Once you keep track of all your expenses, you can see exactly where you are spending your money.
You simply add all the numbers together for a month, adjusting as necessary to ensure you expenses do not exceed your income.
Now that you have added up all the numbers and determined your income and expenses, you may be ready to calculate a budget to meet your goals.
To calculate your budget, subtract your expenses from your income.
For instance, if your monthly income is $3,000 (after tax deductions), and your expenses total $2,500, then you have $500 in excess each month.
However, if your monthly income is $3,000 and your total expenses equal $3,500, then you are $500 in debt each month.
Even if you monthly income is $3,000 and your expenses also equal $3,000, you may not be comfortable with your budget.
Your monthly expenses are likely to be more flexible than your income.
Trying cooking at home instead of eating out, carpool to work, or share your living expenses with a roommate.
A good rule of thumb is to keep three months worth of expenses as an emergency savings.
When your finances are overwhelmed by debt, it may be possible to lower your expenses through debt negotiation.
Let your family budget determine your discretionary income (money left over after the basic living expenses) before you decide to take on more debt.
Invest in a file cabinet or folders labeled for housing, transportation, taxes and health care expenses.
You can then view your expenses quickly and efficiently.
This may also help you see where you may be able to cut back on certain expenses.
Don't panic if your expenses are more than your income.
Can your youngsters mow a neighbor's yard or walk a friend's dog to help pay for their personal expenses?
If your expenses are less than your income, have fun allocating funds for those future goals, such as the purchase of a home, a car or a much-needed vacation.
Managing your finances means understanding your income and expenses.
For some people, this is simply a matter of looking at their paycheck to see what their income is and looking at their bills to see what their expenses are.
However, once you determine your basic income and expenses, you should gather even more information to take control of your finances.
For example, a card used for day-to-day expenses requires an arrangement with low per-transaction charges.
Don't expect the change to be a quick-fix if you are truly having financial problems and simply cannot pay your expenses each month.
If you do, you may be charged additional late fees and substantial additional charges that will make it even more difficult to pay your expenses each month.
Be certain that the online bill paying service provider allows you to arrange for repeating payments and schedule payments for standard monthly expenses in advance.
If you want to view a year's worth of expenses, you should be able to create and print a chart or table of this particular information.
Always be certain to maintain an adequate balance to cover your monthly expenses.
Similarly, many people assume that the greatest expenditures they have are their monthly bills and living expenses such as housing, groceries, utilities, and transportation.
Some consumer spending, such as charitable donations and business expenses, may even be tax deductible, helping save more money in the long run.
You might own your home for ten years, gradually increasing your equity, until one day an automobile accident or unexpected illness results in thousands of dollars of medical expenses.
How can you tap into the equity you've saved to pay those expenses?
Whether you have a large fleet or a small fleet, a fleet card can help you easily analyze your company's expenses and provide you with the information you need to take control of your business.
A high interest rate could significantly increase your out-of-pocket expenses.
Travel Cards - Cardholders earn rewards redeemable for traveling expenses including airline tickets, hotel stays, and rental cars.
Flagship Rewards - Points are earned rapidly on this card and can be redeemed for a variety of travel expenses in addition to gift cards or cash rebates.
Since this is a charge card the balance will have to be paid in full at the end of the month, making this a useful way to budget your monthly expenses.
Instead of using a gift card directly as a consolidation tool you may want to consider using the gift card for everyday expenses and using your other money to help you along with consolidation.
Rebates and discounts - Business expenses can be minimized on frequently purchased items such as gas, airline travel and office supplies.
The downside of this card is that it usually does not offer business-oriented rebates on expenses such as gas or office supplies.
This type of card often imparts rebates for business expenses such as gas, travel and office supplies.
Primary use of the card - Will the card be used primarily for travel, expenses and gas?
Interest rate - A card charging you 0% APR for purchases may fund your business expenses interest-free for 12 months or longer.
Go on a "crash diet" - If expenses exceed your income, take immediate action and eliminate extras completely.
It is designed for people who don't want to carry cash or checks and who want the convenience of all expenses being listed on a monthly statement.
Charge cards are for people and businesses who don't want to carry cash or checks and who want the convenience of all expenses being listed on a monthly statement.
American Express Bill Pay - You can use your Plum Card to pay recurring expenses like your insurance payments or wireless phone bills.
Every business person is looking for ways to save on business expenses.
The expenses of preparing and trying a case, combined with the operating expenses of running the law firm, need to be paid even though the firm will not be fully paid until the case is settled.
Even with capital reserves a firm may not want to use its capital to pay trial-related expenses until the conclusion of a case.
It is designed to help plaintiffs' firms with long-drawn-out cases and high attorney cash expenses.
Combine an hourly practice with a contingent fee practice and use funds from the hourly practice to help meet expenses.
Interest accrues solely on the unpaid balance and often interest expenses can be passed on to the client as a case-related expenditure.
If you ignore the need to optimize cash flow, you'll fall prey to the vicious cycle of chasing money and turning the profits from your last case into case expenses for your current case.
Enhanced features on this card include a generous rebate program for travel expenses and travel agency services.
For those who buy a gas card to save money on gas or to track their fuel expenses, they will need to limit the use of the card to the purchase gas and gas alone.
If your purpose for buying a prepaid gas card is convenience, then that's fine, but if you bought your card to get a handle on fuel expenses it's not so fine.
This individual is seeking damages (a payment of money) to compensate them for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other financial losses.
It can be used as a source of working capital, to cover operating expenses, or to finance the cost of pursuing a law suit to its resolution.
Most law firms are involved in several cases at once, which increases the amount of expenses they are responsible for until the cases can be settled or tried.
The Visa Buxx card can be a convenient way for parents to provide funds to a teenager for a specific purpose such as school books and expenses, living expenses or a special-purpose allowance.
This can be an excellent way for the grandparents to give money to help pay the teen's college expenses or for other relatives and friends to provide a little extra spending money to the teen.
Once you have your expenses list, see how it compares to your income.
Go through your expenses one by one and determine what you can do to make that happen.
If you can't get enough money together to repay your debt in the timeframe you'd like simply by cutting expenses, consider ways to increase your income.
It's meant to be used to pay for corporate travel expenses and other union costs only.
Wells Fargo Secured Card gives you free online account access which allows you to transfer funds, view your charges, and most importantly, track your expenses.
Shave off just a few dollars each day on what you spend on lunches, sodas, meals out, entertainment expenses or other non-necessary items.
Participating in one the American Express travel rewards program can a great way to earn points that can be redeemed for airfare, hotel stays, car rental and other vacation and business travel related expenses.
This may mean showing your income and expenses to the lender.
The for-profit organizations may have a higher fee, whereas the fee charged by the non profit is for administration expenses only.
The card also provides discounts on other travel expenses.
It is a good option for giving your children money for college expenses or for an allowance.
If you do so, you can get up to $100,000 of coverage, plus reimbursement for up to $15,000 in medical expenses and up to $100,000 in accidental death and dismemberment.
In order to climb out of debt, you must keep track of your monthly income and expenses with a detailed budget.
Then list your fixed and variable expenses.
Fixed expenses include mortgage or rent, insurance premiums, and your car payment.
Variable expenses include entertainment, clothing, and vacations.
If you have a budget deficit, where your expenses exceed your income, try to balance your budget by adjusting some of your variable expenses.
The Visa Healthcare Card helps individuals pay for qualified medical expenses.
Government travelers can complete a report at the end of their travels that details the expenses they incurred during the time away.
It also offers discounts on purchase from pre-approved merchants and provides users with a year-end summary of all expenses.
One report indicates that two thirds of all small businesses use these cards for expenses.
During the interview and hiring process, make sure you get a range of estimated expenses from the lawyer.
Simply put, child support is money that the non-custodial parent pays to the custodial parent to help offset the child's living expenses.
The temporary matters that are often addressed in the Preliminary Conference are who will continue to live in the home, who will provide daily care for any children, and who will pay which expenses.
Child support is calculated by examining the incomes of both parents and the child's basic monthly living expenses.
Of course, with any divorce there are necessary expenses that may not be avoided.
Who will pay for medical expenses and insurance premiums?
The theory is that each parent is responsible for the child's expenses when the child is in their physical custody, and since physical custody is shared, those expenses are also shared.