Expecting Sentence Examples
Yes, and we're expecting another.
He was sending her out and expecting her to return.
She reached the door and looked back, expecting to find him right behind her, but he wasn't.
Are you expecting trouble?
What's the matter, are you expecting a better offer?
He would be expecting my call Saturday night.
You were expecting me.
She wasn't expecting the information.
She wasn't expecting the intensity of sensations in the human world.
Yully asked, not expecting the news.
AdvertisementI keep looking up, expecting to see her standing there.
She braced herself, expecting to feel some sort of rush of energy, like she did when she touched Jule.
She screamed, not expecting the level of sharp pain.
She braced herself, expecting pain when it reached her injury.
Never the less he and Martha have four married years under their belts and are expecting their first child.
AdvertisementHe was expecting worse than a cat in Darian's room.
She faced her father, not expecting to see the small crowd of people on the other side of the monument.
He wasn't expecting the question.
He wasn't expecting anyone but Andre to answer.
He's expecting to meet me.
AdvertisementHis phone rang, and he answered, expecting the woman to return his call with a few dozen apologies.
Damian grunted, expecting Dusty's message.
We were expecting you at seven-fifteen.
Han slammed the door open, and she squeezed her eyes closed, expecting the light from the hallway to hurt her.
Deidre looked behind her, expecting to see Darkyn behind her and relieved that he wasn't.
AdvertisementHe tactfully withdrew to the kitchen to give her privacy, expecting a summary of the conversation when she finished, but none was forthcoming.
A nosy bartender told me Ginger was expecting something a bit more lasting than her attorney had to offer.
Suspecting it had belonged to the goddess who was Death, Wynn still wasn't expecting anyone in their right mind to revive the most dreaded of the deities.
Wynn entered and stopped a few steps into the room, not expecting what was before him.
Deidre wasn't expecting to go through it with the human.
Deidre moved past him timidly, expecting him to attack her.
What are you expecting?
He'd toned down his side of the conversation out of respect for her, not expecting to find her worth talking to and pleased when she was.
He wasn't expecting betrayal on the day of their victory.
She enticed him in a way he wasn't expecting and lived through handling the gem at his neck.
Jessi went to the couch, expecting to see her cousin lying there watching TV, as she did at home.
Swallowing a cry of pain, she pushed herself up and stretched out her arms above her head, expecting the feel of a second set of wooden doors, if she really was in a cellar.
But the truth was that the Boers thought they stood to gain by fighting, while the British, though not expecting war, and acting up till the last month or so on the assumption that serious military preparations were either unnecessary or sufficiently unlikely to be necessary to make them politically inexpedient, had with no less confidence committed themselves to a policy which was impracticable on peaceful terms.
It is true that Hamilton was expecting the arrival of the 42nd Division and of the 2nd French Division within a few days; but his losses had been extremely heavy, there were no depots at hand from which these losses could promptly be made good, and he was inferior to ` the Turks in artillery both as regards calibre of guns and as regards ammunition.
The very few Ottoman guns which had been causing the freshly disembarked troops a good deal of annoyance during the 7th had been withdrawn for fear of capture, the defenders fully expecting a forward move by the Allies.
This programme met with a cool reception; the Poles by now were expecting a new organization from the Peace Congress; the Southern Sla y s desired union with those of their race in Hungary also; the Czechs opposed the division of the administrative commission into two parts; they did not want autonomy for their nation, but incorporation of the German Bohemians in their State, and refused all negotiations.
And she's expecting him--expecting him since yesterday.
The memory was poignant, overshadowed by events that took place after she told Alex she was expecting.
The front door was open, as if they were expecting her.
With renewed caution, the pair followed the chalk arrow, not the stones, expecting any minute to find someone barring their return.
He thought she might be sleeping, but her place was ablaze with lights, and she met him at the door as if expecting him.
She wasn't expecting his gentleness or the level of his interest in exploring her body, a combination that rendered her breathless before her clothes were off.
Several times the telephone rang and he hurried to answer it as if he were expecting a call.
When his warm lips pressed against the soft area behind her ear, she abandoned the knife and turned around, expecting to see a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips.
The highways were quiet on the Monday mid-morning, and they drove the three hours faster than she was expecting.
Wynn frowned, not expecting the news.
Deidre emerged into the living room and turned around once completely, not expecting the views of the city from the bank of windows along one wall.
He wasn't expecting humor at such a time, not when everything was wrong.
She laughed, not expecting the joke.
The sobbing, slender creature tensed and covered his head, as if expecting an attack from above.
I wasn't expecting you.
She pulled on the jumper, not expecting it to fit and surprised to find the leather-like material as flexible as spandex.
She steeled herself and turned, expecting to find a monster.
She grimaced, expecting an outhouse, and was pleasantly surprised at the cozy but modern bathroom.
In fact, I'm expecting him any minute.
She put on the jumpsuit she hated and emerged, expecting her first night of good sleep in a week.
My sister is expecting me to call and then to actually show up in DC in the next week.
Kris relaxed, as if expecting a refusal.
She rose and flinched, expecting agony as she moved her arm.
Two mugs, as if she were expecting company or someone else was already there.
She wasn.t expecting his ministrations—however rough and sloppy they were—or his mouthing off to Kris.
I just wasn.t expecting to be confronted with … what were those things?
She gasped, not expecting Kris.s traitorous lieutenant but knowing his presence was an awful omen.
He nodded curtly, as if expecting the response.
She started to turn, expecting to see Talal.
She was expecting some sort of alien monster to inhabit the brutal planet.
She waited, expecting her words to please him.
She wasn't expecting his kiss or the passion behind it.
Dean took a deep breath, half expecting Ryland to demand that Edith leave, but there was only silence.
Then he added, "Is he expecting you?"
She turned her naked body away from the glare and his eyes, as if expecting to be hit.
He waited, expecting the questions to start, but she bit her lip.
What isn't fair, is you expecting me to risk your life because you think it is fun to hang out with a werewolf.
I wasn't expecting someone so elegant.
If he was expecting tears, he was going to be surprised.
Katie was expecting a child now - Katie, who had trouble taking care of herself.
Brady stepped from the greencar, not expecting the amount of brass and rank on the secluded mountaintop.
Check all the systems and find that damn battalion we were expecting today!
Expecting the sheltered woman would flee at the first kiss, he brushed her lips with his.
Lana paled, expecting her day wasn't about to get any easier.
She held her breath, expecting them to charge her.
So were you expecting someone to strike the town?
He's not expecting me for another couple of hours.
She twisted to face the direction from which it had come, expecting to see Gabriel. Nothing was there. The jungle around her fell suddenly still, and the possessed branches stopped in place, as if watching her.
She turned, expecting to see another shadow disappear. Instead, someone stood before her, close enough to touch her.
Kris glanced up, expecting Kiki to enter his tent; however, it was one of his Immortal messengers who approached.
The branch lowered him so fast, his stomach turned. Toby scampered off the branch and stared upwards, wondering how Death could allow the demons into her domain. He looked around wildly, expecting them to leap from his surroundings.
Like everyone else, he'd hoped Parkside was out of the case and was disappointed to learn the FBI was expecting Parkside's continued assistance in the investigation.
Dean looked over his shoulder, expecting to see a local postmark but read, written in block letters, Rollins, Kansas.
He never actually asked me but I was expecting it.
Footsteps sounded behind her and she whirled, half expecting to see Josh.
Katie was expecting twins, but they hadn't put up the cribs yet.
Whatever his ranking of lover, Alex at least knew she was inexperienced, so hopefully he wouldn't be expecting too much.
Everybody had a baby — even Lori was expecting now — Lori, who didn't want a baby.
Jenn armed herself with as many weapons as she could then left her backpack, expecting the rest to be gone by the time she returned.
Jenn rose warily, expecting the Others to pounce.
Pulling a knife free, she dug into the dry ground, not expecting to find the treasure she'd buried so long ago.
He turned, expecting to see Jenn.
Darian looked around, expecting to see her again beneath the shade of an apple tree, as beautiful as she was deadly with the daggers she wore at her waist.
He reached forward, half expecting her to punch him, and wiped the tears from her cheek with his thumb.
Jenn asked, not expecting to hear the soft voice.
Rissa was braced in the saddle as if expecting attackers at any moment.
He nodded as if expecting the response and seated himself at a small table near the fire.
Taran tensed, expecting an order to have him seized and thrown underground.
The warlord's former advisor leaned against the wall as if expecting him.
The kingdom would be expecting him.
She leaned over the stool, expecting to lose the little she had eaten for breakfast.
Are you expecting a visitor?
The trip to Fayetteville didn't seem as long - maybe because this time she was expecting a long journey.
He would be expecting some explanation for her request, but what?
Jessi wasn't expecting that.
He seemed guarded and genuinely unsettled, as if he wasn't expecting an assistant today, despite the note from Ingrid she found.
Or maybe, he wasn't expecting her?
He smiled, not expecting the saucy reply.
He twisted, not expecting her to leave.
Jessi paused, not expecting a response.
She twisted her head to study his strong profile, not expecting the philosophical response.
She pulled it free of her pocket, expecting to see a text from Ashley.
Ah. I wasn't expecting you.
Men who would not pay taxes to their own appointed governments, and who were daily expecting to be allowed to return to that condition of anarchy which they had come to regard as the normal order of things, were not likely to respond willingly to the tax-gatherer's demands.
After two months in the Tower she was transferred to Sir Henry Bedingfield's charge at Woodstock, and at Christmas, when the realm had been reconciled to Rome and Mary was expecting issue, Elizabeth was once more received at court.
In 1839 he made an unsuccessful contest for the United States senatorship. In December of that year the Whigs, relying upon his record in Congress as a sufficient declaration of political faith, nominated him for vice-president on the ticket with William Henry Harrison, expecting that the nomination would win support for the party in the South.
It had been attacked by a dervish force on the 25th of August, and was expecting another attack when Kitchener arrived and probably saved it from destruction.
On his assurances the lords, expecting an amnesty, withdrew their guards from the palace and next day found that the bird had flown to the strong castle of Dunbar.
The reformer had been expecting it ever since the Disputation at Leipzig, and had resolved to answer it by one striking act which would impress the imagination of every man.
On the 8th of Dhu'l-Hijja Hosain set out from Mecca with all his family, expecting to be received with enthusiasm by the citizens of Kuf a, but on his arrival at Kerbela west of the Euphrates, he was confronted by an army sent by Obaidallah under the command of Omar, son of the famous Sa`d b.
Finally, the great difficulty of the logic of judgment is to find the mental act behind the linguistic expression, to ascribe to it exactly what is thought, neither more nor less, and to apply the judgment thought to the logical proposition, without expecting to find it in ordinary propositions.
When he left London, his wife was expecting an eighth child.
Donne died on the 3 1st of March 1631, after he had lain "fifteen days earnestly expecting his hourly change."
In November 1790 the town, which had long been eagerly expecting a manifesto from Burke's pen, was electrified by the Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event.
Charles VIII., then expecting war with England, called him to France, recognized his pretensions and gave him a retinue; but after the peace he dismissed him.
After the i3th Vendmiaire the royalists too, deceived in their hopes, were expecting to return gradually to the councils, thanks to the high property qualification for the franchise.
Hood moved into Tennessee, expecting Sherman to follow him.
She walked the length of the living room expecting to feel that iron grip again, but he merely followed her out the door.
I guess I was expecting three names... like some serial killer, I adlibbed.
Dusty rose and returned to the main house in time for the intel briefing, expecting another nonstop day.
The Guardian snapped to attention, expecting a mission.
Not expecting the dizzy spell, she staggered against the car, cringing away from Czerno as he snatched her arms and dragged her to the house.
She was expecting to see some gruesome scene like that in the second bedroom caused by Darkyn's demons a week ago or what he'd done to his own demons who tried to drink her blood in Hell.
I'm expecting a very important e-mail.
Andre's summons came a little later than Gabriel was expecting.
He wasn't expecting Fate to crack a joke.
Restless, she took her cocoa into the darkened living room and looked out the window, expecting to see Gabriel lurking across the street.
Ully stopped a short distance from them, as if expecting them to launch into a battle despite their relaxed poses.
She followed, expecting him to disappear into the trees at any point and reappear with a herd of deer clenched in his jaws.
Katie walked through the shadow place and through the portal, wondering how she.d explain to her sister how she suddenly appeared out of nowhere and expecting a lecture about disappearing three weeks ago.
She wasn.t expecting his ministrations—however rough and sloppy they were—or his mouthing off to Kris.
Rhyn met his eldest brother.s gaze, not expecting any words of appreciation and not disappointed.
She opened her eyes, expecting a miracle to occur and the battle to be won.
The independent—if the term isn't redundant— feline trotted into the crowded parlor, a mouse in her mouth, expecting the awe and adulation of the assembled group.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. She glanced up at him again, not expecting someone from the lower class and trained for battle to wear such a classic quote.
She recalled her night with a jolt and sat, expecting men to leap from the shadows to rape her.
Everybody had a baby — even Lori was expecting now — Lori, who didn't want a baby.
Xander shifted forward, aware the Guardian wasn't expecting an invite this morning.
She was expecting a big-boobed beauty, not the scrawny girl.
We all have experienced the serendipity of relevant information arriving just when we were least expecting it.
The escape attempt Vera is expecting fails to take place.
The Secretaries of each Club should be able to recommend breeders who maybe have puppies available or who are expecting a litter.
The commentators were expecting a single cutaway stunt but I was going to do a double cutaway.
Not a huge response I'm afraid, but at such short notice I wasn't exactly expecting a deluge of entries.
I received my inflatable dinosaur and other goodies this morning, I wasn't expecting them till the middle of next week.
I caught the late night showing, expecting to be mildly entertained.
They were clearly not expecting the house to be occupied at the time and made off without gaining entry when disturbed.
Jesus goes with grim foreboding, expecting to suffer.
However anyone expecting another ' please forgive Me ' or ' Everything I Do ' may be a little disappointed.
Except it's a total free-for-all - you literally just show up - and they're expecting something like two million spectators.
I am expecting the conclusions, as with so many things, to point toward pragmatic compromise rather than dogmatic, hardcore fundamentalism.
To insurance generalizations he'd receive benefits you're expecting all.
He mentions that Kenton is not expecting Ruth to be at the meeting on Sunday, at which David is absolutely livid.
Then three burglars turn up, expecting no one there to stop them stealing the loot.
Uganda is a really lush, green country, not what I was expecting at all.
The end result is a perfect 3D memento of an expecting mom's beautiful form.
Finally, make some time before, between, and after events for everyone to mingle with the new or expecting mom.
Daffy Duck steps off a cliff, expecting further pastureland.
One of the coolest childrenswear brands around for street-wise kids is expecting the tiny patter of feet.
All existing policyholders seemed to be expecting a large payment for the sale of the Society.
This will not be old style protectionism which seeks to protect a home market whilst expecting others to remain open.
We were expecting far better pyrotechnics on offer when those mutant powers were unleashed, but much of it is disappointingly underwhelming.
Can we have the patience to trust in long-term fundamental schemes like this instead of expecting to find some magic quick fix?
She is expecting quintuplets after IVF treatment and is going for a Caesarean.
I wasn't expecting an evening of poetry at this late night revue, but I became bored by the tastelessness of it.
The final result can be quite surprising if you are expecting the smoothness of bossa - nova or the inconsequential frivolity of carnival samba.
Viewers expecting campy shenanigans on a par with the Santo movies will be surprised to find a well-made, atmospheric horror flick.
The stunning supermodel is expecting another baby with her film producer husband, Matthew Vaughn.
It may be wiser to treat the two areas similarly, expecting a slightly different balance between merely systemic and clinically significant disputes.
The site has been developed by interactive agency syzygy, and Mazda is expecting great things from it.
After the sumptious starters and maki rolls, we were expecting our main dishes to outshine - salmon teriyaki, beef bulgogi and tofu.
If you are expecting twins or more, Thomson flights allows you to travel only up to the 30th week.
Your cruise vacations have been boring or the places you met did not have what you were expecting?
Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise!
Outside I maintained my vigil, expecting a long wait for the first arrivals.
However it is no good simply jamming wodges of old-fashioned classroom training together with blocks of online learning and expecting the thing to scale.
I suppose you were all expecting a sensationalistic review of this quite wondrous film, detailing the shocking aspects of its narrative.
Their mouths were open for the food they were expecting their mother to give them.
Here I opened the bag, and she went through it eagerly, probably expecting to find something to eat.
Seeing the self-confident and refined expression on the faces of those present he was always expecting to hear something very profound.
The doctors are expecting a crisis.
It was just the moment before a big dinner when the assembled guests, expecting the summons to zakuska, * avoid engaging in any long conversation but think it necessary to move about and talk, in order to show that they are not at all impatient for their food.
She was not expecting us?
Prince Andrew stopped and made a grimace, as if expecting something unpleasant.
From privates to general they were not expecting a battle and were engaged in peaceful occupations, the cavalry feeding the horses and the infantry collecting wood.
Several of those present smiled at Zherkov's words, expecting one of his usual jokes, but noticing that what he was saying redounded to the glory of our arms and of the day's work, they assumed a serious expression, though many of them knew that what he was saying was a lie devoid of any foundation.
She paused, as women always do, expecting something after they have mentioned their age.
They are all expecting it, they are so sure that it will happen that I cannot, I cannot, disappoint them.
And the talkative Dolgorukov, turning now to Boris, now to Prince Andrew, told how Bonaparte wishing to test Markov, our ambassador, purposely dropped a handkerchief in front of him and stood looking at Markov, probably expecting Markov to pick it up for him, and how Markov immediately dropped his own beside it and picked it up without touching Bonaparte's.
This short man nodded to Dolgorukov as to an intimate friend and stared at Prince Andrew with cool intensity, walking straight toward him and evidently expecting him to bow or to step out of his way.
As he passed through the forest Prince Andrew turned several times to look at that oak, as if expecting something from it.
The party of the old and dissatisfied, who censured the innovations, turned to him expecting his sympathy in their disapproval of the reforms, simply because he was the son of his father.
He saw the whips in their red caps galloping along the edge of the ravine, he even saw the hounds, and was expecting a fox to show itself at any moment on the ryefield opposite.
She sat a long time looking at the receding line of candles reflected in the glasses and expecting (from tales she had heard) to see a coffin, or him, Prince Andrew, in that last dim, indistinctly outlined square.
She was expecting Prince Andrew any moment and twice that day sent a manservant to the Vozdvizhenka to ascertain whether he had come.
The day before the count was to return, Sonya noticed that Natasha sat by the drawing-room window all the morning as if expecting something and that she made a sign to an officer who drove past, whom Sonya took to be Anatole.
She was evidently expecting news of him and that he would come or would write to her.
Then at least she won't go on expecting him.
And I will go and tell her it is no use expecting him!
Arakcheev looked at the Emperor from under his brow and, sniffing with his red nose, stepped forward from the crowd as if expecting the Emperor to address him.
Of a fourth opinion the most conspicuous representative was the Tsarevich, who could not forget his disillusionment at Austerlitz, where he had ridden out at the head of the Guards, in his casque and cavalry uniform as to a review, expecting to crush the French gallantly; but unexpectedly finding himself in the front line had narrowly escaped amid the general confusion.
All the Moscow notabilities, all the Rostovs' acquaintances, were at the Razumovskis' chapel, for, as if expecting something to happen, many wealthy families who usually left town for their country estates had not gone away that summer.
Take me, take me! prayed Natasha, with impatient emotion in her heart, not crossing herself but letting her slender arms hang down as if expecting some invisible power at any moment to take her and deliver her from herself, from her regrets, desires, remorse, hopes, and sins.
With wide-open eyes she gazed at the moonlight and the shadows, expecting every moment to see his dead face, and she felt that the silence brooding over the house and within it held her fast.
What's one to do? he asked, evidently expecting an answer.
But now they have had him transferred to my regiment and are expecting him every day.
It was around him that the people chiefly crowded, expecting answers from him to the questions that occupied all their minds.
That readiness will not weaken in me, but I and Russia have a right to expect from you all the zeal, firmness, and success which your intellect, military talent, and the courage of the troops you command justify us in expecting.
Expecting the enemy from behind and not in front, the French separated in their flight and spread out over a distance of twenty-four hours.
The Russian army, expecting Napoleon to take the road to the right beyond the Dnieper--which was the only reasonable thing for him to do-- themselves turned to the right and came out onto the highroad at Krasnoe.
Robson 's been living off the Great Escape season, but last season we were expecting to push on.
I was n't expecting an evening of poetry at this late night revue, but I became bored by the tastelessness of it.
Of course, the Jews were expecting a great Savior; all their long history made them sure of that.
If you did not, well then, this review should have served as the warning you were expecting.
Despite its comic book stylings, anybody expecting an easy ride from the game will come away with a smacked bottom.
On the other hand the Pioneer commander is unrealistic in expecting to get only really fit and soldierly men to be assigned to him.
A sportsmen 's paradise combine to make in the united are expecting more.
The site has been developed by interactive agency Syzygy, and Mazda is expecting great things from it.
You fly out there expecting to trot around like an old-fashioned colonial hunter, inspecting the fauna, basking in the past.
Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise !
They performed a really energetic, heart pounding set that was n't the slow, ambient, kinda wishy washy stuff I was expecting.
Simon hasn’t called yet, but I’m expecting to hear from him any minute.
By allowing their children to have independence and expecting honesty, the parents were successful in teaching integrity.
I was not expecting her comment to be so witty and the only comeback I had was, "Touché."
We weren't expecting the play to be funny but it turned out to be an evening ofmirth.
Nobody in attendance was expecting the extreme ferocity of the debate, so it made many people feel uncomfortable.
The officials running the town hall meeting were not expecting such presumptuous questions from the attendees.
No, the original dreams perhaps were not realized, but it's a decent outcome and importantly, much better than most were expecting.
Planning a room filled with the Pooh items or a nursery rhyme theme adds to the excitement that comes with expecting a child.
You just found out you're expecting a baby, and all of a sudden life has become a whirlwind of activity!
If you are expecting a baby or in the process of adopting one, you're probably bustling around buying baby supplies, baby furniture, and infant clothing.
Once you've discovered that you're expecting a baby, you'll probably find yourself drawn to the baby clothing section of every store that you enter.
Your baby's first birthday hasn't arrive yet, and you're expecting another baby!
You and your partner are expecting a baby, and it is an exciting time in your life.
Because she's expecting multiple babies, she'll probably have distinct needs for her babies.
The babyScoop Website is an online community designed to provide a useful and inspiring place to keep new and expecting parents informed about the nearly limitless number of baby products available.
Baby Talk-Sign up as soon as you find out you are expecting!
Did you just find out you or someone else is expecting?
If you are expecting a baby and asked what gift you would like to receive, consider asking for a portrait club membership where a professional can take pictures of your baby.
If you are a relative or friend of an expecting mother-to-be, think about giving a membership to a portrait studio as a shower gift.
Nick Kelsh's How to Photograph Your Baby is another great baby gift idea for an expecting couple.
Learning how to plan a baby shower for a friend or relative who is expecting is a great way to celebrate the new life.
The Smiths are expecting a bundle of joy; come shower some gifts on their new baby boy.
If you're expecting a baby or want to give an inexpensive shower gift, you can save money by finding affordable newborn clothes.
As soon as you find out you're expecting, you can begin accumulating a wardrobe for your newborn.
If you are expecting a winter or fall baby, look for deals in March.
In some ways it is similar to the Potty Training in a Day approach but instead of expecting results in just one day, the training takes place over a matter of days which gives the child more time to develop the habit of using the toilet.
Depending on the group of guests you are expecting, some of these activity ideas may be more appropriate than others.
Try some of these active games if you are expecting a fairly energetic bunch.
Will a date or significant other be expecting your tie to be a certain color?
As for the extra company you will be expecting, limit the amount of visitors you allow to see the baby in the beginning.
Discount Rate Plus a Flat Fee - If you are expecting to have less than $5,000 in American Express transactions each year and plan to authorize, submit, and receive payments electronically, you will pay a monthly flat fee of $5.95.
If the email that appears to be a scam is from someone claiming to have sweepstakes winnings for you, or an inheritance or some other financial windfall you weren't expecting, use extreme caution.
This may be just fine with you, but if you're expecting the money back immediately, the schedule could come as a disappointment.
If you purchase the pills expecting the advertised results you may be disappointed.
However, don't buy the pills expecting unrealistic results and be wary of the auto-shipment program.
Expecting it to flake off in my eyes, I thought I would probably give it to my two teen-agers after I wrote my Yves Rocher eye shadow review.
The only small downside is that the recording recommends several different brushes, which may turn off individuals who buy this palette strictly to learn and expecting to apply all colors with one or two brushes.
You may want to increase or decease the amount of meats and cheeses you use depending on the number of guests you are expecting.
A few months later, Deshanel and new husband David Hornsby announced they were expecting in the spring of 2011.
Many couples go into a marriage expecting it to be their happily-ever-after.
A luncheon wedding is the easiest to do without a caterer, because people won't be expecting a huge meal.
German wedding tradition dictates that both the bride's and groom's parents and the engaged couple themselves share the wedding expenses, unlike the traditional American custom of expecting the bride's father to pay for the entire wedding.
I kept doing the same things over and over expecting different results.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
To make sure you get the kind of results you're expecting, be sure to upload only high resolution photos when ordering a shower curtain.
Although recent gossip purported Britney was expecting a girl, on September 12, 2006, Britney Spears gave birth to a 6 pound, 11 ounce baby boy.
They have one daughter, Tallulah Fyfe, and are expecting twin boys in 2007.
When Hollywood royalty like Julia Roberts is expecting a baby, it is truly big news.
The press release was sent to media outlets and read, "The Escada gown sets off her most precious new asset - the baby she is expecting with longtime boyfriend Liev Schreiber."
Prior to this oops, Watts declined to comment about whether she was expecting, despite a mention of the probable pregnancy in the New York Post.
The rumors surrounding Nicole Richie's pregnancy are true -- the Simple Life star and boyfriend Joel Madden are expecting their first child in January 2008, according to MTV.com.
He made headlines in September 2007 when he and girlfriend, Michelle Deighton of America's Next Top Model, announced they are expecting a baby.
Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez have finally admitted to the public that the couple is expecting a baby.
The two are expecting their first child together.
Actress Jessica Alba and her on-again, off-again boyfriend Cash Warren have announced they are expecting a baby this spring.
If you are expecting a few "A-List" celebrities to participate in the show, you may want to lower your expectations.
Berry and her partner Gabriel Aubry announced in 2007 that they are expecting a baby.
Federline was expecting a second child with ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson, whom he had a relationship with for four years before breaking up.
After all the denials of pregnancy rumors in recent months, Nicole Kidman and husband Keith Urban are reportedly "thrilled" that they are expecting their first baby together.
After two years of marriage, Aguilera and Bratman announced that they were expecting their first child together.
The couple has announced that they are expecting a child together.
Finally, while performing during her and Marc Anthony's concert tour, they announced that the rumors were true and the couple was expecting.
It wasn't until early February 2008 that the world found out she was expecting twins.
It was her father that spilled the beans in an interview, confirming that the couple was not expecting one baby, but two.
The two are expecting their first child in 2008.
The 41-year old Oscar Award winning actress confirmed in September of 2007 that the rumors about her being pregnant were true and that she and 32-year old Gabriel Aubry were expecting a child together.
Turns out, those rumors are now true as the newly engaged couple quietly told close friends and family that they are expecting a new member of the family.
Not that the public really needed confirmation that Angelina Jolie is expecting twins, but it came anyway in the form of an accidental announcement via Jack Black.
Jolie and Black were making the interview rounds for their latest animated film collaboration Kung Fu Panda in Cannes, when the comedian let it slip that Brad and Angelina are expecting twins.
Apparently, the Jolie-Pitt's are expecting twin girls.
Sources say that Jessica and Cash are expecting the arrival of their child sometime in early June.
Some once speculated the couple was expecting not one, but two babies.
Jessica has, however, confirmed that she is expecting a baby girl.
Kidman was on celebrity baby watch denying pregnancy rumors, as it seems that most celebrities do these days, for a short time until finally confirming that she and husband Keith Urban were expecting.
Hawke and new wife Ryan are expecting their first child, said to be a girl, very soon - so it's safe to say a baby announcement, to go along with Matthew McConaughey's and Nicole Kidman's, is on the way.
Finally, as for Firestone, he moved on, married a model and they are expecting their first child together.
If you aren't already familiar with them, the Duggar family is the family of two parents and 17 (no, not a typo) children…and they're expecting an 18th child soon.
Regardless of the reasons, Michelle Duggar is expecting an 18th child, a girl.
Not only is he expecting a new baby in June of 2009, but he also plans on participating in the Tour de France, set to begin in Monaco on July 4.
Nicole Richie just announced that she and boyfriend Joel Madden are expecting their second child together.
Sex and The City star Sarah Jessica Parker is expecting twins, but she isn't pregnant.
The "overjoyed" couple is expecting the arrival of their twin daughters sometime this summer, just around the time the sequel for the Sex and The City movie is to begin.
Now with the help of a fertility specialist, she and 67-year-old husband Rene are expecting their second child together.
The couple divorced five years later in 2002.A year after her divorce from Pipino, Klum announced she and new boyfriend Flavio Briatore, a man 23 years her senior who had a penchant for being a playboy, were expecting a child.
The average set of expecting parents have stocked the new nursery with zero to three month sizes.
For example, Penn State is known for offering challenging, enriching classes and expecting a lot of its students.
Pet quarantine facilities are definitely not comparable to the type of doggie day care centers you might be expecting.
I wondered if you could tell me if you think she maybe expecting or not.
This way you can definitely find out if she's pregnant or not, as well as how many pups she might be expecting.
While samples can be a small expense, they can save you a larger expense later on if you find that the stone you were expecting came in a lot lighter than you had expected.
In 1991, Patagonia commissioned a study on fabrics for clothing expecting the synthetic, petroleum-based materials to be the worst.
It's good to ask the expecting mother what she needs before ordering or putting together a gift basket.
While everyone needs to be aware of safety on the job as well as at home, expecting people to sit down and study a manual may not be the best approach to getting the message across.
Women as young as 31 may enter menopause quite unexpectedly, while women in their early 50s may think they've reached menopause only to be surprised to learn their period stopped because they are expecting a "change of life" baby.
What is unrealistic about expecting a good night's sleep?
If the unrealistic expectations are coming from someone else, talking to them about what they are expecting from you may clarify possible misunderstandings or even find new solutions.
You may even startle a few of your friends if they are not expecting to see lenses when they look into your eyes.
You're also getting much more than the bare minimum you may be expecting from such inexpensive eyewear.
In 2004, it generated over $304 million in sales revenue for game publishers and projections for 2005 are even larger with some analysts expecting over $1.3 billion in revenue.
This is an arcade game, so if you're expecting Gran Turismo-like vehicle simulation, look elsewhere.
It's nothing special, but I can't imagine anyone expecting anything more from a free online game.
Not quite the bleak picture you might have been expecting, is it?
I, for one, came in expecting fast-moving, action-oriented clashes, but was surprised and, quite frankly, disappointed by the rather deliberate pace of battle.
The Blu-Ray laser and optical drive is fantastic, but it may drive the cost of the new console at a higher price than consumers are expecting to pay.
Keep an eye on that expiration date to avoid a bill that you weren't expecting.
Along the way, you might need a little help, or you might encounter something you weren't expecting.
I wasn't expecting too much when I opened this wine, not like Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone's safe.
What sort of additional functions should we be expecting from cell phones?
That said, you should be expecting some variation in the iPhone line just as we do with other cell phones and with the iPod line of portable media players.
In this way, should we be expecting a new iPhone form factor at some point?
Rather than expecting moral perfection from ourselves or others, people set certain limits beyond which they cannot go.
Let's say you've just been asked to dance and you surprised the person by saying yes (remember, they were following the advice above and expecting a "no").
In some cases, it may take several days to process your request so do not go expecting to get the records you need immediately.
You'll find other people handing off their work to you, expecting you to complete it.
If you are expecting your ARM interest rate to increase, you should consider refinancing to a fixed-rate mortgage and steer clear of higher payments.
People expecting an easy application should have at least two years of continuous employment under their belt.
Appraisals are generally considered to be included within the closing costs, so I'm not sure why this lender is expecting applicants to shell out this money beforehand.
Check your statements for fees and costs and make sure you don't have any charges you weren't expecting.
One word of caution when shopping, especially online--while the rule of thumb is to buy the same size clothes as you wore before you got pregnant, you may find this rule does not apply to you, especially if you are expecting multiples.
Expecting a baby is one of the most exciting times in you life.
Since you're likely to need help wrapping the casting material around your bulging abdomen, consider inviting the expecting father or one of your close friends to participate in the process.
However, Life & Style claims Angelina Jolie is pregnant and expecting a girl.
Gwen, 36, and her rocker husband Gavin Rossdale, 40, have confirmed that they are expecting their first child together.
However, sources close to Nicole claim she's due around the same time Tom's fiancée, Dawson's Creek actress Katie Holmes, is expecting her baby.
It is not currently known whether she is expecting a boy or a girl, although there have been reports that Halle was seen shopping for baby girl clothing in several trendy Los Angeles boutiques.
Fans began asking, "Is Beyonce pregnant?" after the 24-year-old singer was allegedly overheard telling a friend she was expecting rapper boyfriend Jay-Z's baby during an October 2005 visit to an Atlantic City nightclub.
Eight years after that, Mom discovered she was again expecting a child.
Fourteen years later, I got married, and shortly thereafter we discovered that I was expecting a baby.
When you're expecting a new addition to your family, comfort will be your top priority.
Strive for an overall sense of fairness, but don't let your children get in the habit of expecting total equality.
Maggie is expecting her first child with actor Peter Sarsgaard.
In the maternity line of products, Baby and Me offers clothing for every aspect of an expecting mom's life.
The work attire featured by Duet has both separates and suits made to fit the needs of a professional expecting mother.
This can help busy and tired expecting moms do one-stop shopping.
Supposedly, urine that darkens means you'll be having a boy and urine that doesn't change in color means you're expecting a baby girl.
Olian maternity clothes are a collection of high-end fashions for expecting women to wear in order to stay stylish throughout their pregnancies.
Until then, the public will have to take her word that she is not expecting with husband Kid Rock.
Could the Desperate Housewives actress be expecting?
Approximately one month after Cross announced her pregnancy, she let the world know that she is expecting twins.
Getting dressed up can present a challenge for expecting and new moms.
I would hate for an expecting mother to feel inadequate because she carries her weight differently than the images seen in the media or in our store.
I created our Adoption Apparel line to give women who are expecting through adoption a fun way to spread their news and raise awareness.
I am an expecting adoptive mother myself, and was a bit envious when selling all the fun novelty tees for pregnant women.
A quick look through any of the fashion mags will nearly always have a few hip expecting women.
There are also those which take a more clinical look at being pregnant, such as What to Expect When You're Expecting.
What to Expect When You're Expecting is a good book to read if you're looking for clinical information.
Belli's products address the special needs of expecting moms.
As soon as you tell your family and friends that you are expecting, you may be overwhelmed with second hand maternity clothing.
Pregnancy can be a great time to experiment with new clothing styles since you won't be expecting a long-term commitment with any new you purchase.
Some drugs and herbs that are perfectly safe to take when not pregnant are dangerous when you are expecting.
Overalls deliver a lot of versatility for expecting moms.
If this is your first pregnancy, you might not know all there is out there for the expecting mother.
The person you borrowed them from may need them for her next pregnancy or to lend to another expecting friend.
Many of the earliest signs occur in the weeks after conceiving and may offer a few clues that you are expecting.
One thing is for certain though; some women don't need a positive pregnancy test to know when they're expecting.
Although it's never been scientifically explained, there are women who swear that they've had a dream they're pregnant or even dreamed of their baby's gender, before actually finding out from the doctor that they're expecting.
Breast changes are an especially significant sign if you're not expecting your period or if you don't normally have any breast changes.
For pregnant women, knowing how to handle income during maternity leave can be a concern as soon as she discovers she's expecting.
The old adage that expecting mothers are eating for two is somewhat outdated; yes, pregnant women are feeding their babies as well as themselves, but a fetus doesn't have the same nutritional requirements as a full-grown adult.
Because some of these defects can develop before a woman even knows she is expecting, doctors encourage women who want to have babies to get sufficient amounts of folic acid in their diets.
Eating and enjoying these foods before you become pregnant will only make it easier to continue enjoying them once you find out you're expecting.
Getting a jumpstart on good prenatal nutrition will only help once you're actually expecting.
Just a couple of months after Jessica Alba's pregnancy was confirmed in the media, rumors buzzed about whether or not she's expecting twins.
So many celebrities seem to be expecting nowadays that people who aren't in the public eye on a day-to-day basis can easily forget how difficult it must be for a woman to endure rampant speculation and gossip during this time in her life.
Expecting a baby in the midst of all of her other problems probably contributed to a great deal of stress.
Pregnant celebrities frequently wait until there is no denying that they're expecting.
This interesting and informative show from Discovery Health chronicles the activity inside Expecting Models, the world's only agency devoted to representing models during their pregnancies.
To find a contest in your area, contact local radio stations and ask if they know of any bikini contests being planned for local expecting women.
Baby showers include many of the expecting mother's or couple's friends but that doesn't mean that all those friends know each other.
The expecting couple may want to invite coworkers, family, long-time friends, and friends from other places like the gym or special groups.
A second heartbeat may be heard as early as 8 weeks, but generally a mother expecting multiples will know by around week 12.
Moms who already have children and are expecting twins should keep their spouse and other family members in the loop to get some relief when you need to take it easy.
From the moment you first find out you are expecting until that very first heartbeat is confirmed, both you and your wellness caregiver will be hopeful that your pregnancy is progressing safely.
Statutory maternity leave entitlements are monies paid by United Kingdom employers that allows expecting mothers to take time off work before and after the birth of their babies.
Physicians make special considerations for women expecting triplets during all stages of the pregnancies.
Women expecting triplets may find that the babies slow down in development at about 27 weeks gestation.
News La Late explored the idea of Hudson expecting a baby in an entry posted on February 13, 2009.
The article states that Hudson herself told the magazine staff member that she was expecting, though the magazine's site does not confirm this.
Some women expecting triplets enjoy healthy pregnancies with little or no complication.
Nancy Grace wore a memorable tee when she was expecting twins that said, "Say hello to my lil' friend".
Customized maternity shirts are wonderful because they offer a way for expecting mothers to express themselves in a playful or sentimental manner.
When you are expecting, it is natural to be curious about baby gender predictors.
Expecting fathers can benefit from knowing what childbirth is like before they witness the event first-hand.
Like BabyCenter.com, the site focuses on certain topics of interest for expecting parents.
Questions concerning one of the hosts of What Not to Wear, including "Is Stacy London Pregnant?," have been circulating for awhile, and some are beginning to ask was Stacy London expecting a baby?"
No formal pregnancy announcement has been made and it appears that the fashion expert is not expecting a baby.
She isn't expecting as of the writing of this article, but she may have plans to start a family in the future.
A woman who is expecting a baby needs to get appropriate medical care early on and the 10 pregnancy signs listed here may indicate that an appointment with a doctor is required.
If you are expecting, you are likely in search of cute maternity fashions for less.
Although bleeding during pregnancy may seem like a period, a woman cannot have an actual period while she is expecting.
Are you wondering what to eat when you are expecting?
When looking for tips on what to eat when you are expecting, the key is to think in terms of how to choose foods that give you the most nutritional benefit while still keeping your daily calorie intake to a reasonable amount.
Iron-rich foods are very important when you're expecting since iron helps to maintain normal oxygen supply for your baby and to reduce the risk of premature delivery.
When talking about what to eat when you're expecting, don't overlook the role that beverages play in your pregnancy diet.
If you're trying to conceive or recently found out you're expecting, you may have questions about the various types of birth defects.
Human embryo development is a fascinating topic that many expecting moms explore.
A doctor is able to give you the care that you need, as well as the care that you need for your unborn child if it turns out that you are, indeed, expecting a baby.
What to Expect When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff is a very popular book about pregnancy that is currently in its fourth edition.
Reading a dry text about pregnancy isn't the most exciting notion, so the author of What to Expect When You're Expecting offers a refreshingly casual voice that provides information in an easy-to-read format.
What to Expect When You're Expecting was originally published in 1984 and is in its fourth edition.
The franchise includes a website as well as other books including Eating Well When You're Expecting and Before You're Expecting.
The soft drink contains caffeine and artificial sweeteners that should be limited while you are expecting.
While the factors influencing teen pregnancy are many and the relationships between them are often complicated, the factors listed above are commonly observed in girls expecting their first child before the age of 20.
If you'd like to give a book of poetry as a gift, the LoveToKnow Pregnancy slideshow Poems for Expecting Mothers has suggestions for books that include pregnancy poems.
The effects of methadone treatment during pregnancy is a major concern for women trying to overcome an addition while they are expecting.
However, if you’re expecting a baby, having a few estimates in mind might be helpful to create a budget for this special time in your life.
Your clients are expecting a unique show experience every time.
If you're expecting a baby, do you really need pregnant swimwear?
So you can't perform the famous dance moves that you see in the musical, which can be disappointing to some if they were expecting that to be the case.
You should have enough cash on hand to float your business the first year or two without expecting to make a profit.
Keeping several designs of Christmas candles on hand help with people who "drop by" with presents for you when you were not expecting to exchange gifts.
This system of organization may help avoid confusion about what potential dates are expecting.
The matchmaker should be familiar with other clients' requirements and wish lists, too, so you aren't paired up with someone who was expecting a 6' tall marathon runner when you're 5'5" and don't even own running shoes.
It works pretty well as long as you're not expecting love at first sight.
Instead of accepting him at his word, you contacted the other woman expecting her to either confirm your boyfriend's story or reveal information that could prove he lied to you.
Even though a great gift requires looking beyond the usual items, the truth is your wife or girlfriend is likely expecting flowers, chocolates and a card.
We were expecting furniture service in our home.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Although your grandparents would like you to marry someone who shares the family's beliefs, they are not expecting that you should marry anytime soon.
If she's expecting a diamond bracelet and you give her paper dolls...it may not go over well.
The best time is when he is least expecting it - for example, maybe letting him think you're going to the opera when in fact you're taking him to the Mixed Martial Arts Championship.
This is essential where there are family members or friends who may be expecting a formal party and therefore may be uncomfortable to arrive and find that this is not the case.
Sure, if your future spouse is expecting a large rock, you may be tempted to shell out three months of your salary or more to pay for it.
The best plan is to find an ezine regarding a topic you are interested in and contribute some content for the initial experience without expecting it all to culminate into something profitable.
Whether you are currently expecting a baby and you'd like to try to figure out the child's sex, or you want to figure out the most likely time to conceive a boy or girl, you can consult the birth chart.
As little as twenty years ago, the idea of sitting a three or four year-old child in front of a computer and expecting her to be able to operate it was virtually unheard of.
Help your little one learn one to two lines per day; breaking up a piece is easier than expecting her to learn the entire work at once.
They do not respond to a child's desires or complaints, instead simply expecting the child to meet the demands with no explanation.
It can, however, pose some problems if you're expecting to find products that are comparable in quality to those that actually cost something.
The Transformers sequel had been long anticipated, but just didn't measure up to what fans had been expecting.
If you order a jacket that ends up being too small or pillows that are a completely different color than what you were expecting, returning them can often be a major hassle.
Dr. Matt Camden and his wife were expecting twins towards the end of the series' run.
If you get your tattoo in a highly visible spot, be prepared for people to be reading your tat all the time, and expecting explanations of what your tattoo means.
What other forms of financing are you expecting, such as loans from friends, family members or banks?
Most franchisors usually only provide debt financing, while some finance a portion of start-up costs, expecting the franchise to obtain the part that's lacking.
If you are expecting a baby, don't expect to promote to president in one year.
Many companies are looking to keep costs down and one way that they try to do so is by expecting the workers they have to do more.
If you need money to start a business, you should begin looking to what you can contribute instead of expecting others to fund your business venture.
Audiences expecting competitive cheerleading performances will be slightly disappointed.
In the same way, instead of expecting to accomplish spring cleaning in the spring, spread the work out over the year.
Obviously it is best not to clean your windows on a day you are expecting rain.
If you do not have health coverage sponsored through an employer, the prices you will encounter when searching for adequate coverage may surprise you if you were not expecting to pay very much every month.
If you or someone you love is expecting a bundle of joy soon, they don't have to sacrifice feeling beautiful.
Starting with the most simple of maternity lingerie, bras and panties have become much more contoured to the expecting mother's body while still looking appealing.
If you were expecting a Frederick's of Hollywood, burlesque type of vibe, you'll be sorely disappointed.
Currently, she is engaged to Stefano Accorsi, and they are expecting their new baby sometime in September 2006.
Although reasonably priced for the quality, it might be more than you were expecting to spend on a sports bra.
The couple is currently expecting their first child.
But if you're expecting to hear XTC-esque pop perfection here, think again.
They are expecting another child in 2009 to accompany son William Huckleberry Paisley.
In April of 2009, she announced her engagement to her long term boyfriend (TV viewers know him as Punk from season two of I Love New York.) and also that she was expecting a baby.
With online and brick-and-mortar locations, it's easy to find everything you need for that next bash, whether you're expecting five or five-hundred, guests.
Whether you're entertaining a small group or you're expecting dozens of guests, party stores offer one-stop shopping for festive occasions.
A 21st birthday party is even harder to keep a secret, as many celebrants are expecting a birthday bash in their honor.
When she first appeared before the judges, it was quite obvious that the panel wasn't expecting much from this plain Jane, middle-aged woman.
It was later revealed that the pair is expecting a baby girl, who they plan to name Mackynzie Renée Duggar.
The oldest Duggar child, Josh, is married to Anna, and they are expecting their first baby in October 2009.
In 2003 the couple learned they would be expecting sextuplets.