Expectations Sentence Examples
These sanguine expectations were not fully realized.
These expectations have been only partially fulfilled.
Now my expectations have changed so much that I'm annoyed everything isn't already connected to the Internet.
Seeing Scooby-Doo in cartoons doesn't change our expectations of canine behavior because we have so much experience with real dogs.
Your expectations of those around you always were too low, Deidre.
As robotic technology advances, we are being forced to readjust our expectations of machines' capabilities.
I hope I can live up to your expectations, Mrs. Barnett.
A person couldn't grow when they were living up to the expectations of others.
They allow for easy return of merchandise that doesn't meet my expectations, decreasing my fear of making a bad purchasing decision.
But his expectations from the study of anatomy and physiology went a long way.
AdvertisementSome agencies, such as Great Expectations and It's Just Lunch, advertise frequently.
Their exclusive tools help to address common dating frustrations caused when men and women still have very different expectations.
For some, it is due to high expectations and not yet finding the perfect mate.
He had promised to fulfil men's highest expectations, if only they would not doubt His willingness and power.
The unexpected news of the French having crossed the Niemen was particularly startling after a month of unfulfilled expectations, and at a ball.
AdvertisementYou'll enjoy the game more if you don't have any expectations at all.
Culture plays a large role in how we experience life and what expectations we have.
Great expectations were entertained of the ability of President Pellegrini to establish a sound administration, and he succeeded in forming a ministry which gave general satisfaction throughout the country.
After the middle of the and century these expectations were gradually thrust into the background.
The voyage had fallen short of Hudson's expectations, but it served many purposes perhaps as important to the world.
AdvertisementThe attention your infant will draw being dressed up as a mini Christmas tree will exceed all of your expectations.
Just be clear in your expectations while booking and researching your vacation.
It is about feeling worthy, not feeling better.Breaking down your self esteem is a gradual process of time wearing down your expectations and self worth.
In turn, seniors come from a different time and may have different expectations for sexually related language.
Before you start the search for the best Christian dating service, it is important to sit down and formulate your own expectations first.
AdvertisementAdditionally, have a signed contract outlining expectations and responsibilities.
It's no secret that parents' ideas and expectations for dating often differ widely from their teens, and sometimes conflicts arise over this issue.
By doing this, your soon-to-be teenager will already know what your expectations are, and you might head off a few conflicts.
Be proud of who you are, and never waver from your expectations and beliefs.
When a woman uses sex-appeal to flirt with a man, the result often leads to miscommunication and unintended expectations.
When considering what will be romantic for your loved one, you have think about what they value and what their expectations are.
If this is your goal, enter into the cyber world of dating with high expectations, and don't settle.
Some couples have completely different expectations about marriage.
Discuss long before you get married what your expectations are to avoid any surprises.
Whether you are both virgins or have mastered the Kama Sutra together, expectations regarding sex need to be discussed.
If he can agree to your limits, give him a chance to live up to your expectations.
Since they have not stated the rules and expectations for dating, it might be a good idea to ask what those are.
How you dress for a date signals a sense of self and perhaps even expectations about the evening.
It is important to be specific in order to alleviate unfair expectations for you or your potential partner.
If you relax your expectations to just enjoying the initial conversation, you will take a great deal of the pressure off of yourself.
Relationship questions to ask your lover help you explore expectations, plans and where you both are in the relationship.
To make it fun, just do it playfully with no expectations for a date.
There are a lot of hopes and expectations at the beginning of a love affair, and having those all come to an end is not easy.
Problems can arise when the expectations in a relationship between a girl and an older man don't match up.
If you do purchase aring online and decide it doesn't meet your expectations, be sure to insure it properly before returning it to avoid postal loss or damage the vendor will not cover.
Always investigate return options as well, in case the ring does not meet your expectations if you have it appraised immediately after purchasing it.
To insure a blissful honeymoon, the couple should discuss their expectations long before booking the trip.
While weddings have regimented traditions and expected activities, there are very few formal expectations for engagement festivities.
Verify the return and/or refund policy and procedure if the stone does not meet your expectations.
Reputable dealers will offer return policies if the diamond does not meet your expectations.
The key to choosing which stone best suits you is to find the gem that fits your personality and expectations.
The best proposals are planned with as much attention to detail as selecting the engagement ring, because they take into account the personalities of the individuals involved as well as their expectations for this momentous occasion.
A lifetime damage replacement warranty is offered on every diamond, and customers can take advantage of the 30-day return or exchange policy if the ring doesn't suit their expectations.
With sophistication and distinction, this jeweler is prepared to meet any couple's needs and expectations about such a significant purchase.
When two families are about to blend together through a new set of nuptials, it is no surprise that there can be conflicts in expectations and assumptions.
Choosing unique alternative wedding rings is a great way to honor one another without succumbing to the expectations of the big white wedding.
Understanding industry averages, however, can help a couple understand the magnitude of the purchase they are making and how to adjust their expectations to meet their own engagement ring budget.
Knowing how to describe what is an engagement party is part of the key to managing people's expectations and arranging the perfect party.
This also gives the couple the opportunity to find the perfect ring together and to compromise on ring budget without misunderstandings or unreasonable expectations.
What should be a celebration can soon become fraught with emotion if the expectations of all concerned are not managed.
As engagements and engagement parties become more tailored to the individual circumstances of a newly engaged couple, the expectations regarding gifts at engagement parties are not as clear cut as in the past.
Your partner may have a lifelong dream of the perfect romantic engagement proposal, which means she has expectations for a certain type of proposal.
Letting people know up front will help manage expectations.
Confirm that you will be able to return the ring if it doesn't meet your expectations.
When buying antique jewelry online, make sure that you can return the item if it doesn't meet your expectations.
If you'll be buying the ring online, make sure your sales agreement includes a provision for the return of the ring if it does not meet your expectations.
If you shop online, make sure the seller has a return and refund policy just in case the ring does not meet your expectations or arrives broken.
Although your expectations should be high when you're looking for an exclusive designer band, it still pays to do your research.
When quoting ghostwriter fees, a writer needs to know the scope of the project and have a clear understanding of the client's expectations.
These kinds of numbers call for managed expectations.
Try this recipe for what is quite possibly the best tasting gluten-free bread you've ever had, and start rearranging your expectations of what gluten-free bread should taste like.
In other words, they are confidant that their handbags will meet your expectations for the purchase price.
This means you've got more drive than ever, loads of energy and, well, great expectations!
It provides insight into the present situation, the expectations, the unexpected, the immediate future and possible long term outcome.
Try to be open to relationships with members of any sign, but use this guide to steer your general expectations.
Both have high expectations of their children and themselves.
Virgo has excellent taste and high expectations.
With these earthly expectations, Scorpio will rush in to fill those needs with her usual charm and finesse.
You might discover that what you interpreted as a lack of loyalty is nothing more than your high expectations of friendship not matching up with that person's idea of friendship.
While it's difficult to re-examine your ideals and view them from another person's point of view, you'll realize that not everyone can live up to such high expectations.
His tastes are highly refined, and he won't make any apologies for the high standards and expectations he has of life.
The rewards for this type of connection with Pisces will exceed all of your expectations.
Their expectations are often unrealistic; unless they can learn to adjust them, they'll constantly be disappointed in people.
Once he's taken on a project, he'll not only achieve his goals, he'll also far exceed any expectations.
Once he's done this enough times, he can learn to temper his expectations of his life mate and take a page out of Gemini or Aquarius's book of life to live and let live.
In a fixed establishment people have certain expectations about what will be on the menu.
He named it Sentinel, which was probably a good indication of his expectations.
The real children, if any, were usually consenting parties to an arrangement which cut off their expectations.
The programme of Depretis corresponded only in part to these expectations.
The first sixteen performances took place at Bayreuth, in July and August 1882, under Wagner's own directing, and fully realized all expectations.
Commodian, Victorinus Pettavensis, Lactantius and Sulpicius Severus were all pronounced millennarians, holding by the very details of the primitive Christian expectations.
But such inferences as these are but a vague return for the labour expended, and an almost cruelly inadequate response to seemingly well-founded expectations.
Their naïve expectations were very speedily disappointed.
But neither of the two great parties in the educational world was satisfied; and great expectations were aroused when the question of reform was taken up by the German emperor, William II., in 1890.
Both Epistles to the Thessalonians have for their object to calm somewhat the excited expectations of which we have spoken.
These expectations, however, for various reasons, have been disappointed.
High as man is placed above the creatures around him, there is a higher and far more exalted position within his view; and the ways are infinite in which he occupies his thoughts about the fears, or hopes, or expectations of a future life.
The expectations were often grossly materialistic, as is evidenced by Papias's quotation as the words of the Lord of a group of sayings from the Apocalypse of Baruch, setting forth the amazing fruitfulness of the earth in the Messianic time.
The Catholic world watched his progress with the most sanguine expectations.
The result of the constitutional experiment hardly justified the royal expectations; the parliament was hardly opened (February 5th, 1819) before the doctrinaire radicalism of some of its members, culminating in the demand that the army should swear allegiance to the constitution, so alarmed the king, that he appealed to Austria and Germany, undertaking to carry out any repressive measures they might recommend.
As yet it has not fulfilled expectations.
It is clear that the majority of the Norwegian people hoped that the revolution would give them an administration independent of the Danish government; but these expectations were not realised.
The result surpassed his expectations.
At the end of 1845 they returned home, and the results of the expedition, consisting of casts, drawings and squeezes of inscriptions and scenes, maps and plans collected with the utmost thoroughness, as well as antiquities and papyri, far surpassed expectations.
Newton's first telescope so far realized his expectations that he could see with its aid the satellites of Jupiter and the horns of Venus.
But all these philosophic discussions, belonging for the most part to an author less than secondary among the Epicureans, fall short of the high expectations excited by the first discovery of the library.
They made him president in 1828, and he fulfilled all their expectations.
During the earlier years of his reign he undoubtedly had hopes of recovering his lost dominions with the help of Germany, and Bismarck was not the man to discourage such expectations.
Sabbatai's father (Mordecai) was the Smyrna agent for an English house, and often heard of the expectations of the English Fifth Monarchy men.
The system possessed the advantages of rapidity, being completed in about ten hours, and freedom from any noxious odour; but it yielded only a harsh, ill-spinning fibre, and consequently failed to meet the sanguine expectations of its promoters.
In their results, the reforms inaugurated during the preceding reign did not answer expectations.
As a source for the period within which he wrote, the work of Socrates is of the greatest value, but as "history" it disappoints even the most modest expectations.
Her success surpassing his expectations, his hopes took a higher flight, and through Lebel, valet de chambre of Louis XV., and the duc de Richelieu, he succeeded in installing her as mistress of the king.
He did nothing, however, to satisfy the expectations of the partisans of church reform, and indeed after a time began again to assist at the functions of the Roman church, from which he had long absented himself.
But James's expectations that the pope would prevent dangerous and seditious persons from entering the country were unfulfilled and the numbers of the Jesuits and the Roman Catholics greatly increased.
The machine, however, did not realize the high expectations formed of it, and like all its predecessors it was doomed to failure.
Contrary to his expectations Darnley did not receive the crown matrimonial, and his foolish and haughty behaviour, his vicious habits, and his boisterous companions did not improve matters.
The importunate expectations of a masterpiece or masterpieces in painting or sculpture, which beset him on all hands in Florence, inclined him to take service again with some princely patron, if possible of a genius commensurate with his own, who would give him scope to carry out engineering schemes on a vast scale.
By this means the head of pressure in the boreholes tending to hold the water back in the rock is reduced, and the supply consequently increased; but when the cost of maintenance is included, the increased supply from the adoption of this method rarely justifies expectations.
For some time, however, her success was hardly equal to her expectations.
Unfortunately, the expectations which had been formed at the time of the dissolution were disappointed.
Among Disraeli's great acquaintances were many - Lyndhurst at their head - whose expectations of his future were confirmed by the Wycombe speeches.
He could not have become suddenly blind to the fallacy of the expectations derived from such a course; and all his life it had been his distinction to look above the transient and trafficking expedients of the professional politician.
These formidable and expensive works have not altogether realized the expectations that had been formed of them.
There is usually a minimum standard (albeit not always very explicitly articulated ), regardless of expectations of grade distributions.
Contact an expert holiday creator Your online concierge will help you create your individual holiday experience and to ensure that your holiday exceeds expectations.
The results can be used as a timely cross-check on output growth expectations from other sources.
To tom cruise line with expectations are the easiest.
Not all promised assistance is actually delivered, thus raising and then dashing expectations.
A degree can properly be awarded only when the expectations of the relevant qualification descriptor have been met or exceeded.
Their expectations raised but not satisfied, they grew distrustful of established authorities.
The fourth quarter downturn in 2001 adversely affected the spring order book and consequently our expectations for the first half of the year.
It will awaken an echo so powerful as to exceed the most optimistic expectations.
This instrument is a measure for market expectations of the direction of uncertainty regarding the future exchange rate.
This theory is based upon adaptive expectations people base their expectations of inflation on past levels of inflation.
I am a self starter; I exceed expectations through quick intelligent thinking & common sense.
With its large library and reading room, academic studies, billiard tables and ' refreshment ', the club soon surpassed all expectations.
Dreamtime website Few bands confound the stereotyped expectations aroused by the words ' free improvisation ' as thoroughly as Dreamtime.
Therefore it is critical that LSPs are able to fulfill the increasing expectations being placed on them.
We obviously have to ensure the security of our school students whilst meeting the expectations of adult users.
They work, they're nice and low power, but they haven't been fulfilling expectations.
Setting unrealistic expectations will only result in a lowering of morale.
However, it is clear that we need to develop much more realistic expectations.
Any change in the balance of taxation is, of course, a blow to legitimate expectations.
Some people may need disciplining if they continue with selfish or unreasonable expectations.
If there is a change in inflation expectations in the economy we see a shift in the Phillips Curve.
To apply for a position please send your CV together with a covering letter or email stating your salary expectations to the person indicated.
The report argues that by offering personalized education and health services peopleâs expectations will increase and create a demand-led pressure for reform.
What are the essential virtues, expectations, and/or limitations of the entire samurai vampire genre?
By the 1960s, however, these expectations had proved largely illusory.
Business volumes with private individuals continued to grow robustly, in line with expectations.
If they live up to this forecast that will put local government well ahead of expectations a year ago.
Since the river was surrounded by mangroves we had birdwise high expectations of the boat trip.
Keep your expectations realistic - most kids don't become Olympic medalists.
There is an apparent mismatch of students ' initial expectations in studying for a Business Management degree and the longer term benefits.
In these stories, the nature of female identity is often nebulous, being determined largely by social expectations.
The result was the airframe and wings far outlasted all expectations and are still seen in regular service.
With expectations raised by Yeltsin's extravagant election pledges, the situation is very volatile.
Second, the faculty developed written procedures for test proctors at remote locations so that expectations for test delivery were very clear.
Women's problems and expectations have been explored in her recent exhibition of ceramic sculptures at the Dorman Museum, Middlesbrough.
None of which things matter much save in partially explaining the motives and expectations of Dr. Porteous in his somewhat spasmodic lecturing career.
As you gradually wind down the tree-lined lane from Stavros your expectations of having found something very special begin to rise.
Our guests commented that while they expected the occasion to be very good it had greatly surpassed their expectations.
I just wanted to say thanks, my expectations are consistently surpassed by your friendly staff and fast delivery.
But the urban music underground is a reality, despite struggling to live up to the expectations of a cohesive independent scene.
Steve and Michael agreed that this had raised Douglas's expectations, causing him to be wildly unrealistic with Bureaucracy.
But the purpose of the law of contract is not to punish wrongdoing but to satisfy the expectations of the party entitled to performance.
It is possible to hold an unlimited number of pic- tures per property which is way be- yond most peoples ' expectations!
The economy could not meet the rising expectations generated by the expansion in education for the predominantly youthful Albanian population.
Panic-stricken for a moment, the government issued a manifesto proclaiming Liberal principles and promising in vague language all manner of political reforms (October 30, 1905), and when the inordinate expectations created by this extraordinary document were not at once realized, preparations were made for overthrowing the existing regime by means of an armed insurrection.
It should be noted that expectations favourable to the new idea had already been created by the interest in mesmerism and the phenomena of hypnotic trance (see Hypnotism), widely diffused at this time both in America and Europe.
That a philosopher like Justin, with a bias towards an Hellenic construction of the Christian religion, should nevertheless have accepted its chiliastic elements is the strongest proof that these enthusiastic expectations were inseparably bound up with the Christian faith down to the middle of the and century.
This impartial severity was a foretaste of Kuprili's rule, which was characterized throughout by a vigour which belied the expectations based upon his advanced years, and by a ruthlessness which in time grew to be almost blood-lust.
Their naïve expectations were very speedily disappointed.
In Parliament, during the year of Opposition, he justified the expectations formed of him, but incurred the animosity of his opponents by the vehemence of his denunciation of ministerial schemes.
I never doubted the devotion of the Russian nobles, but today it has surpassed my expectations.
Pierre felt the different outlooks of these various worlds and made haste to satisfy all their expectations.
Both expectations were defeated by the succession of ' Abd al-Melik, and the injury rankled in the mind of ' Amr ibn Sa'id.
Price expectations Almost four in ten roofline companies expect to raise prices in the next 12 months.
Our appeal has been successful, beyond oar most sanguine expectations.
Women 's problems and expectations have been explored in her recent exhibition of ceramic sculptures at the Dorman Museum, Middlesbrough.
After sifting through thousands of CDs to find these gems we expected great things of our performers and those expectations were more than met.
Maybe we 're being unreasonably demanding, but the quality of the new Who has given us sky-high expectations.
Arguably the only way of predicting future societal expectations for care services is to speak directly to the potential ' market '.
The sportswear retailer also said that its earnings would surpass expectations.
Aja 's genius is to subvert expectations by continually undermining the genre.
The academic expectations of both special needs and non-disabled students to succeed in the classroom are high.
The figure surpassed market expectations for a 0.4 percent increase.
We have no expectations of tie-in games any more.
There are unreal expectations as to what a court can do.
Steve and Michael agreed that this had raised Douglas 's expectations, causing him to be wildly unrealistic with Bureaucracy.
It is possible to hold an unlimited number of pic- tures per property which is way be- yond most peoples ' expectations !
Despite the low expectations her family had for her, Emily went to a prestigious university and achieved eminence in the medical field.
Despite the low expectations the community had for her, Emily went to a prestigious university and achieved eminence in the medical field.
I am constantly amazed as my son accomplishes his goals and defies all expectations.
I am constantly amazed as my son accomplishes his goals anddefies all expectations.
Expectations are not too high, everyone knows it's a relationship of convenience and both sides recognize that they need to deliver or they'll get dropped like a stone.
For parents who have maintained reasonable expectations of the infant stage and are ready to adapt, a newborn baby will be a consummate blessing.
Your expectations will vary depending on the type of adoption you choose.
As a parent, you may need to lower your expectations of what a perfect party really should be!
An easy way to keep up with developmental expectations is to subtract the number of weeks that your baby was born early from his current age.
Although you'll want to meet with your baby sitter before she actually keeps your child, it is always best to write down your expectations.
The child Care licensing regulations are significant for parents to identify the expectations for their own childcare service and verify that a center is legal.
Making up a "contract" with them outlining your expectations is a good idea.
Spend time explaining specifics about your baby, home and expectations.
If you don't set limits and expectations, you are setting your pet up for failure.
Most new parents immediately exhibit high expectations for their newborns.
Don't go into the adoption with specific expectations.
Knowing how to form proper expectations while using a growth chart is essential in watching a new baby grow.
It's important to be an informed consumer and vet the merchant as thoroughly as possible before risking a large investment in a gown that may or may not meet your expectations.
You may want to buy just one towel as a test to see how if it fits your needs and performs to your expectations.
Buying teen girls' clothes is even more difficult, especially when you realize that your expectations of how a teenage girl should dress do not square up with hers.
Expectations among consumers are very high for this technology; be sure to view a TV that receives HDTV signals so that you know what you will be seeing when you finally turn your new HDTV on.
Read the listings thoroughly to ensure the rental you are considering fully meets your expectations.
Doing so will enable you to make sure your gift is delivered according to your expectations, avoiding unnecessary frustration and disappointment later.
For your guaranteed satisfaction when it comes to knowledgeable employees who will help you decide on the bike that's perfect for your expectations, it's wise to visit a reputable bicycle dealer.
Having tried other over-the-counter teeth whitening products in the past without seeing dramatic results, my expectations for this product were not high.
Always be consistent with your expectations, and your kitten will grow up to be a well-behaved and civilized housepet.
Occasionally, a cat simply doesn't fit the expectations or lifestyle of the owner.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear uses repetition to build expectations as the child learns to pay attention to each page.
Garnishing the drink is important for creating visual interest that builds expectations.
Most people will be involved in more than one type of financial planning during their lives, and each type of planning is adjustable based on individual financial situations and expectations.
Their areas of expertise and effectiveness vary, however, so it is critical to find a planner who can coordinate well with your needs and expectations.
In truth, each partner in a marriage needs to communicate his or her needs and expectations to the other.
This session also allows the mediator to provide details about both the process and the expectations.
Back then though it just seemed like a silly level of pressure to maintain respect and the expectations of our Greek community.
Have realistic expectations regarding this herbal treatment.
In a sharp contrast to the pale expectations of the majority of the face, gothic makeup eye shadows come in fun hues of purple, blue, and brown to name a few.
It is a good idea to compare course outlines from different makeup artists colleges to ensure that the education you will be receiving meets your individual needs and expectations.
Though my expectations were low, I was almost immediately thrilled with these great lip colors.
But be realistic and minimize expectations.
You can't control the outcome of this first date, but you can come into the experience with minimal expectations and a great attitude.
Your expectations shouldn't be low, but they should be realistic and reflected in your attitude towards the entire experience.
The Terms & Conditions link gives you their expectations for you and what you should expect from them.
In addition, don't go into the shoot with high expectations.
If you let others know about your issues, expectations, personal boundaries, and other elements, they will understand you better.
Psychological stressors are types of personal stress, generally resulting from unrealistic expectations or low self-esteem and self-worth.
Unrealistic expectations can lead to feelings of failure, worthlessness, and depression.
Failing to live up to these unrealistic expectations leads to chronic stress.
The planning, expectations and arguments are enough to drive many people to a mental breakdown.
However, you can alleviate some of your angst by accepting your expectations or the inevitable.
During the holidays, people are dealing with many expectations, pressures, monetary expenses, and long to-do lists.
Instead of trying to make everything perfect, choose to let go of your expectations.
In light of these expectations, it's easy to see why many high school students get the feeling that their teachers don't understand they're taking five or six other classes in addition to theirs.
Common tips include list making, breaking projects into smaller manageable parts, setting time limits, and creating reasonable expectations.
If you do a gift without any big expectations for something in return, that's the best way to handle.
Talk to your parents and establish some guidelines (calmly) so you all manage expectations about balancing time with family, time with friends, and time for yourself.
It sounds as if the pressure is coming mostly from your own expectations (given their response to "just try your best").
Sometimes talking to someone who is not so emotionally attached to you (a school counselor, a professional therapist) can be really helpful in sorting out your feelings and expectations.
You're sixteen, and while you are underage and living at home, you'll have to abide by your parents wishes and expectations.
But she's not living up to her academic expectations right now... hers or yours, is she?
But if a family is demanding a lot more than just babysitting (such as doing any house work), I think you should sit down and discuss expectations with the family and decide on fair compensation.
Homework middle school expectations change drastically from when your child was in elementary school.
Find out what the school's policies and expectations are regarding homework when you register your student for junior high.
The first few days of class are when the teachers will outline their expectations for grading.
Know the policies and expectations of each teacher.
Looked at as a celebration of the culmination of high school itself, prom night can be a big night between all the dresses, corsages and expectations.
The function of etiquette is to have some pre-established rules or expectations for socially appropriate behavior.
If the expectations are clear in the beginning, you'll both be happier.
When you are hired as a teen babysitter, each set of parents that you babysit for will probably have certain expectations that you will have to follow in order to keep your job and to receive your payment, if you are being paid for the job.
Babysitting books can help you understand your expectations and can be like self-directed babysitting courses if you cannot afford actual classes.
The very first step in writing wedding vows should be a conversation between you and your soon-to-be spouse that sets clear expectations for the both of you.
They also run the risk of startling some guests with very traditional expectations.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches users to modify their thinking, expectations, and behaviors in order to stay away from drugs.
If you are expecting a few "A-List" celebrities to participate in the show, you may want to lower your expectations.
Though they are technically not socks, if you are looking for plush socks because they're comfortable to wear around the house, these plush slippers will go far beyond your expectations!
Familiarizing yourself with this world prior to your child's enrollment will give her a decent sense of expectations and requirements.
When you are heading out to the stores to purchase your son's formal clothing, it is a good idea to have a semi-clear picture in your mind regarding your expectations.
Your budget and maintenance expectations will be vital to all decisions involving your child's future wardrobe.
On StudentsReview, one student noted that not all of the classes lived up to expectations, and that even after many complaints, the professor was not made to stick to guidelines.
This helps our students keep expectations realistic as to the amount of time needed for a particular week's assignments.
When considering enrolling, review the course requirements, expectations and syllabus for a fair assessment of the commitment level expected of graduate students.
Cruises are great family vacations, but choosing just the right kids cruises depends on several factors, including what activities the ship offers, which line includes appropriate children's programs, and what the kids' expectations are.
The only obstacle is choosing which ship is the best for your cruise travel expectations.
Reasonable expectations about a cruise ship's liability, safe behavior on board to avoid dangerous situations, and a flexible attitude can help passengers enjoy their getaway without needing to consider litigation when they disembark.
Viking River Cruises has a testimonial on the site that states that they "exceeded expectations for service, accommodations, tours, and travel coordination."
Whether you choose to try your own hand at training your dog or you seek the assistance of a professional, the key to success is positive reinforcement, consistent behavioral expectations and dedication to the task at hand.
Do not vary your behavior expectations for your pet and do not become lazy during the training process.
Still, there are some general time expectations for an uncomplicated delivery.
Pearlwort (Sagina) - The only species worthy of culture is the Lawn Pearlwort (S. glabra), a plant generally known in consequence of its failure some years since as a substitute for lawn grass, though it has not answered expectations.
Contemporary music fans are likely to have come to the song via its appearance on several of the soundtracks to some of the most popular films of the last decade including Juno, Great Expectations and Mona Lisa Smile.
Having a frank and open discussion about your own goals and expectations and listening to your future teacher's responses, not to mention getting a bit of his or her teaching philosophy, can get both of you off to a good start.
Understanding the main factors of home building costs helps a homeowner create expectations in line with his budget.
If you have to purchase some of the building materials on your own, the overall price of the project could exceed your expectations.
Speak to the bride and groom about the fashion expectations, or play it safe with a black tuxedo paired with a light colored vest.
Despite relaxed expectations, it is probably not wise to show up to an interview as if you came straight from a football game - keep it simple, but also organized and thought out until you are absolutely certain on office policy.
Be sure to talk to the groom and bride to get an idea of their expectations.
First of all it's important to understand that the catalog photo and even the catalog description may not live up to your expectations when you receive the product, and the quality may be substandard.
If you do order your shorts online, be sure to check the size chart provided by the manufacturer and look into the return policy to be sure it fits with your expectations in case you must make a return.
Students and their parents should be made aware of expectations at the beginning of the school year.
Part of the expectations for a cashier is that he or she will be as calm and polite at the end of his or her shift as they were at the beginning.
While some are proud to be associated with the moniker "Baby Boomer," others are determined to carve out a separate identity, free from the generalizations of pop culture and marketing expectations.
It's imperative to get a clear understanding of the expectations and services in this area.
Great Expectations has locations in select cities around the U.S. Each location hosts events and intimate gatherings, but senior singles can also look for prospective partners online.
You can adjust different expectations for retirement income, age of retirement, current investment strategies, partner income (if any), and possible Social Security benefits.
Expectations and interests vary from one retiree to another.
Agencies that have locations across the United States are It's Just Lunch and Great Expectations.
Insomniacs often experience unrealistic sleep expectations, particularly when they do not understand the root cause of their problems.
Unlike other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, unrealistic sleep expectations do affect insomniacs.
Therapy is used to help patients identify the source of their problems; retrain their expectations and even their habits in order to promote a better quality of sleep.
If the unrealistic expectations are coming from someone else, talking to them about what they are expecting from you may clarify possible misunderstandings or even find new solutions.
Unrealistic expectations can occur when you think there is only one possible solution or outcome.
Developing expectations can make the process feel familiar and less stressful.
While the ride statistics of any roller coaster do not give a complete picture of the ride experience, knowing the facts about Disaster Transport can help riders create realistic expectations about the ride.
Previewing rides for an upcoming theme park getaway to be prepared with the proper expectations.
Like any entertainment industry presence, Disney has its own set of standards and expectations for its performers.
Consistent with the amazing graphics of all other Xbox 360 games so far, this one doesn't fail to exceed the most discriminating gamer's expectations.
Sadly, all this does is set your expectations higher, far out of the games actual reach.
Immerse yourself in the world of the Dungeon Lords.As a RPG gamer, I had high expectations for this game.
Full Auto has the unfortunate distinction of being the first new Xbox 360 title to come out in a while, so gamers that are thirsting for new blood are likely to have their expectations set super-high.
For all the expectations I'd built up from everything up to that point, I was severely disappointed with the next few hours.
Retro struggled, taking fierce heat from Nintendo when early results didn't meet the home office's expectations.
Implying that your service is a faucet that, when opened, will spew forth a hearty stream of delicious games is going to set customer expectations ridiculously high.
Their top selling Warcraft series is now exceeding expectations with their online World of Warcraft.
The below original expectations part should make all Xbox gamers shiver in their boots.
Formal implies a more serious tone with higher wine expectations, a significant amount of spitting, and generally these tastings are best presented by a wine producer or a wine club.
Each person who sets out on a hike has different expectations on what they will be doing and encountering on the trail.
The parent-child relationship consists of a combination of behaviors, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child.
At birth, the infant's physical appearance may not meet the parent's expectations, or the infant may resemble a disliked relative.
They have few expectations of their children and impose little or inconsistent discipline.
In addition, if a parent's expectations for the child's performance are too high, the child may engage in self-enhancing lies out of fear of censure.
Viewing the stepfamily as a blended family can lead to unrealistic expectations, confused and conflicted children, difficult adjustment, and in many cases, failure of the marriage and family.
They involve the ability to adapt to and manage one's surroundings to effectively function and meet social or community expectations.
Since behavior is socially defined, a child's performance must be considered within the context of the cultural environments and social expectations that affect his or her functioning.
Lowered expectations can have a detrimental effect on the child's self-image.
Children with conduct disorder act inappropriately, infringe on the rights of others, and violate the behavioral expectations of others.
Other factors also influence the child's socialization and the parents' expectations.
Robust health and beauty can also skew birth order expectations.
For example, if there are two sons and the younger is bigger and more athletic, the younger may be treated as a firstborn because parental favor and expectations are higher for this child.
If firstborns cannot meet these expectations or fear that they cannot, they often become depressed and sometimes resort to suicide to escape the pain they feel.
It is important for kids and teens to understand that the rules and expectations set by parents are based on parental love and concern for their well-being.
Children in this level are concerned about being accepted by others and living up to their expectations.
Ideally, discipline is based on appropriate expectations for each child, based on age and stage of development.
Initially, all expectations for verbalization should be removed.
Cognitive strategies help the child challenge negative expectations and replace them with more realistic ones.
Parents should remove all pressure and expectations for the child to speak, conveying to their child that they understand he or she feels "scared" to speak or has difficulty speaking at times.
Parents should also be concerned if they feel their child is developing unrealistic expectations about body image from television or is excessively attracted to and talks about imitating violent, gory events on television or in the movies.
Rather they tend to be lonely, unhappy, angry, young, and single parents who do not plan their pregnancies, have little or no knowledge of child development, and have unrealistic expectations for child behavior.
These delays, in concert with their parents' higher-than-normal expectations for their children's self-care and self-control abilities, may provoke additional abuse.
It is important for kids and teens to understand that the rules and expectations set by parents are based on parental love and concern for their well being.
The researchers who wrote the report theorized that the increased risk of heart disease is the result of stress caused by violating social expectations rather than the demands of child care.
A doctor may also order a psychological exam to better understand the person's expectations.
The individual's score is based not on how he or she does in comparison to how others perform, but on how the individual does in relation to absolute expectations about what he or she is supposed to know.