Expectation Sentence Examples
Your natural expectation would be that they would talk, at least as well as Scooby does.
Such an expectation of persecution is inexplicable from Nero's time.
All Europe awaited with eager expectation the results of so great an assembly.
The expectation of a Messianic restoration to the Holy Land has always been strong, if often latent, in the Jewish consciousness.
In 1769, in a letter to Dr Franklin, he wrote some observations on the expectation of lives, the increase of mankind, and the population of London, which were published in the Philosophical Transactions of that year; in May 1770 he communicated to the Royal Society a paper on the proper method of calculating the values of contingent reversions.
It becomes the assertion; historically, providentially, the expectation of a unique religious figure arose - " the " Messiah; and Jesus gave himself to be thought of as that great figure.
Moreover, the expectation that the saints would rise to share in the blessedness of this kingdom is also found in Judaism, 4 Ezra vii.
When it became known that the accounts of these invasions formed a part of the records preserved in the Assyrian libraries, historian and theologian alike waited with breathless interest for the exact revelations in store; and this time expectation was not disappointed.
After halting on its banks for some years in expectation of a frost he was obliged to return home.
The only two points on which he departed from the orthodox Lutheran faith of his day were the requirement of regeneration as the sine qua non of the true theologian, and the expectation of the conversion of the Jews and the fall of Papacy as the prelude of the triumph of the church.
AdvertisementNo certainty has been reached in the interpretation of these passages, but they may suggest to the Christian mind the expectation that the final destiny of no soul can be fixed until in some way or other, in this life or the next, the opportunity of decision for or against Christ has been given.
That sets the expectation for a relationship at a high level.
That night orders were despatched for a concentration on Briinn in expectation of a collision on the following day; but hearing that the whole allied force was moving towards him he decided to concentrate south-east of Briinn, covering his front by cavalry on the Pratzen heights.
The impressiveness and the stimulating power of the mystic ceremonies, the consciousness of being the privileged possessor of the secret wisdom of the ancients, the sense of purification from sin, and the expectation of a better life where there was to be compensation for the sufferings of this world - were all strong appeals to human nature.
In 1848, when the political air was charged with stimulating elements, he founded the Positive Society, with the expectation that it might grow into a reunion as powerful over the new revolution as the Jacobin Club had been in the revolution of 1789.
AdvertisementThis expectation, however, was not realized, but in time the place grew popular as a health resort, the scenery in every direction being remarkably picturesque.
Their enthusiasm and their prophesyings were denounced as demoniacal; their expectation of a glorious earthly kingdom of Christ was stigmatized as Jewish, their passion for martyrdom as vainglorious and their whole conduct as hypocritical.
In expectation of the queen becoming a mother, a bill was passed through parliament providing for the appointment of Prince Albert as sole regent in case the queen, after giving birth to a child, died before her son or daughter came of age.
A web presence is moving from a novelty to an expectation.
In the Phaedo a confident expectation is ascribed to him.
AdvertisementVespasian, who had a strong vein of superstition, was made to believe that he was himself to fulfil this expectation, and all manner of omens and oracles and portents were applied to him.
It was hoped at the time that that place would become the centre from which the civilization of Africa would proceed; but this expectation was not fulfilled.
President Kruger had every expectation of large reinforcements from the Dutch in the two British colonies; he believed that, whatever happened, Europe would not allow Boer independence to be destroyed; and he had assured himself of the adhesion of the Orange Free State, though it was not till the very last moment that President Steyn formally notified Sir Alfred Milner of this fact.
On the 28th of May Rupert and d'Estrees, believing that De Ruyter was too much afraid of their superior numbers to venture to sea, sent in a squadron of light vessels and fire-ships to attack him, but he took the offensive at once, scattering the light squadron, and falling with energy on the restof the fleet, which, not being in expectation of a vigorous assault, was taken at a disadvantage.
For the first eight months of his reign he did not disappoint the popular expectation; but after his recovery from a severe illness his true character showed itself.
AdvertisementOf this, however, there was no expectation.
With higher levels of customer expectation comes the need for a higher caliber of agent.
The joy of expectation was what they missed after Alexia was conceived.
It is also unwarranted to start with the expectation that everything in the world should be explained by one principle, and it is a needless restriction of our means to expect unity of method.
It is rather a prediction based on an expectation that current divorce and marriage trends will continue.
Our expectation was this lip color could not provide the richness we craved from lipstick.
Prom season is a time filled with excitement and expectation, but it can also be a stressful time filled with deadlines.
Basically, etiquette creates an expectation or rule that lets you know what to expect and is followed by everyone in most cases.
Because the expectation with most dresses is that tailoring will be needed, you can be relaxed about an exact fit.
Many of these chapels also have a "come as you are" policy, which means there is no expectation that you wear formal wedding attire.
Does the average size of a Hollywood actress spell a healthy ideal or unrealistic expectation for women outside of the spotlight?
Babies do not usually eat cleanly and so it is a reasonable expectation that your child may soil her dress to a distressing degree.
In the financial, legal and management arenas, the expectation for serious professional dress is as strong as it ever was.
On the other hand, if you prefer a more traditionally dressed team, you will again need to clarify, as this is becoming an endangered expectation in the working world.
You also want to try on several options, rather than just select something on the expectation that you can return or exchange it.
The expectation is that as more plus size models are seen in more magazines and commercials and people who are fat-phobic see that these women are gorgeous and sexy, attitudes will shift.
People with this disorder have an unhealthy expectation of disaster, often focusing on potential hazards to health, family and work.
Soaking in a hot bath, reading a good book and disconnecting from the concerns of the day whether they are associated with family or business can promote the positive expectation that you are going to get a good night's sleep.
Given this configuration, the expectation is that a human player can take over the secondary role.
With a modicum of expectation I uncorked this 2002 Chateau St. Jean Malbec and was given a lift.
What is clear is that children and adolescents with mutism have an actual fear of speaking and of social interactions where there is an expectation to talk.
It is not until children enter school, where there is an expectation to perform, interact, and speak, that mutism becomes more apparent.
Finally, there should be a reasonable expectation of success.
Functional goals are a realistic expectation of activities that a person with SCI eventually should be able to do with a particular level of injury.
The goal of the interview is to raise the interviewer's expectation of you so you will be invited to continue in the selection process, and subsequently, receive a job offer.
They live up to this expectation by providing quality customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
It is an expectation to take several months for all of the planes to traverse the distance and most will burn up in the atmosphere at re-entry.
Week 2 is a period of great expectation as you and your body get ready to nurture a baby for the next 38 weeks.
That being said, when a monogamous relationship develops, the expectation is that trust develops over time and two people feel safe in sharing confidential and personal information with their partner.
It sounds to me like you have built your life around this man with the expectation that he would eventually marry you.
When we meet someone new, we lay this suitcase at their feet with the expectation that this new person should right the wrongs of our past.
The best kind of flirting not only expresses interest in you in flattering ways but also puts no expectation or demand on you.
You can make conversation simply by being friendly without any expectation for a date.
Unlike bridal showers and wedding invitations, there should be no expectation for guests to bring a gift to an engagement party.
Similarly, if more inexpensive gems are used to create an elaborate promise ring, that could lead to the expectation of a very expensive engagement ring that the couple may not be able to afford.
He will see the expectations and can place stickers or marks on his chart as he meets each expectation for the week.
This expectation is unrealistic and not really the intent of a free reading.
If you go shopping with no clear expectation of what you realistically need, you're likely to end up spending money on a machine with a lot of features that you'll never use.
Further, GM dealership cuts were planned with expectation of only 4,100 remaining dealerships by 2014.
The amount of expectation that comes onto a girl when she's approaching home plate with a bat, expected to hit a high-velocity object hurled at her by a very unfriendly pitcher, is almost as bad as public speaking.
While the French can certainly be described as hospitable, there is an expectation that outsiders should conform to French social customs.
Some parents prefer to invite kids to events with the expectation that they pay their own way.
On this show a group of women compete for the attention of an eligible bachelor, with the expectation that the bachelor will propose to someone at the end of the series.
At LudoBites there is no expectation except that it will be fresh and exciting.
This shows a considerable improvement, largely, but not entirely, in the diminution of infant mortality; the expectation of life at birth in 1882, it is true, was only 33 years and 6 months, and at three years of age 56 years I month; but the increase, both in the expectation of life and in its average duration, goes all through the different ages.
The expectation entertained in many III.; ac- quarters that great legislative changes would at once of be made in a liberal sense was not realized.
Although Caesar could hardly have expected the bill to pass, the aristocratic party would be saddled with the odium of rejecting a popular measure, and the people themselves would be more ready to welcome a proposal by Caesar himself, an expectation fulfilled by the passing of the lex Julia in 59, whereby Caesar at least partly succeeded where Rullus had failed.
The advance of Jellachich as far as Lake Balaton had not been checked, the Magyar troops, though - contrary to his expectation - none joined him, offering no opposition.
This succeeded beyond Vauban's own expectation; the picked troops entrusted with the attack of an outwork forced their way into the town itself (March 17th).
For the Committee of Union and Progress it was a triumph beyond expectation.
The first generation of Christians lived in the daily expectation that Christ would return from heaven.
It was always the prayer that the soul (bai) should be able to revisit the corpse (khat), and some inscriptions show an expectation of the body itself being revivified, "the mouth speaking," "the legs walking," and everything conforming with its previous terrestrial life.
Moreover, they were so absorbed in the expectation of the speedy return of Christ that they did not feel called to make provision for the instruction of subsequent generations.
Castle has shown, with Mendelian expectation.
The primitive Christian eschatology was preserved in the West as it was not in the East, and in times of exceptional distress the expectation of Antichrist emerged again and again.
Contrary to the general expectation, his appointments were as a rule unexceptionable, and he earnestly promoted the Pendleton law for the reform of the civil service.
Contrary to expectation no opposition was offered by the citizens to the occupation of the place by the French troops in 1881.
This attitude of the Catholics was caused by Pitt's encouragement of the expectation that Catholic emancipation, the commutation of tithes, and the endowment of the Catholic priesthood, would accompany or quickly follow the passing of the measure.
Up to that time it had been the principle of the government not to borrow money for the execution of irrigation works unless there was a reasonable expectation that within a few years they would give a return of 4 or 5% on the capital outlay.
The Civil War gradually grew to dimensions beyond all expectation.
Carpenter and others pointed out, however, that the phenomena obviously depended upon the expectation of the sitters, and could be stopped altogether by appropriate suggestion.
That hey very reluctantly raised the siege of Damanhur, being in daily expectation of the arrival of an English army; and at the village of Shubra-ment he was attacked by a sudden illness, and died on the 3oth of January 1807, at the age of fifty-five.
He left the country in a state of unexampled material prosperity, free from the majority of the international fetters with which it was bound when he took up his task in 1883, and with the legitimate expectation that the work he had done would endure.
He believed that he was poisoned by his son, who cannot, however, be accused of anything more than an eager expectation of his death.
It was doubtless this expectation that has led to the description of a number of Silurian and Devonian remains as algae upon what is now regarded as inadequate evidence.
The roots of this eschatological fancy are to be sought perhaps still deeper in a purely mythological and speculative expectation of a battle at the end of days between God and the devil, which has no reference whatever to historical occurrences.
With this, the expectation of such an event at last separates itself from any connexion with historical fact, and becomes purely ideal.
This expectation led to the appearance of several pretenders who posed as Nero; and as late as A.D.
This is the version of the expectation of Nero's second coming preserved in the form given to the prophecy, under Domitian, by the collaborator in' the Apocalypse of John (xiii., xvii.).
Then in the West the period arrived in which eschatology, and above all the expectation of the coming of Antichrist, exercised a great influence on the world's history.
From his known sympathy with Greek independence, it was their expectation that he would support their pretensions.
No party is formed, no programme is announced, no doctrine is formulated; without assuming the title of Messiah, He offers Himself as the centre of expectation, and seems to invite an unlimited confidence in His person.
Consequently a visit to Jerusalem is interpolated in the journey from Tyre to Gaza; and, Alexander, contrary to all expectation, is made to respect the high priest's passive resistance.
He succeeded beyond expectation, and with his " Christian army of the Holy Faith " (Esercito Cristiano della Santa Fede), consisting of brigands, convicts, peasants and some soldiers, marched through the kingdom plundering, burning and massacring.
Nay, he even treats the idea of cause 6 as probable enough so long as nothing more than action upon expectation is in question.
It is " when in any instance we find our expectation disappointed " that the effect of one of " two resembling objects " will be like that of the other that Hume proposes to apply his method of difference.
Cicero, much charmed at the attitude of Antonius, hoped to make use of him, and flattered him to the utmost, with the expectation, however, of getting rid of him as soon as he had served his purpose.
The count of Flanders was obliged to sign the treaty of Boves in July 1185, which gave the king, in addition to the expectation of Artois, his wife's dower, sixty-five castles in Vermandois and the town of Amiens.
He stayed for some time in Russia, hoping that his claim against England would be taken up by the Russians; but when that expectation proved futile he proceeded to Paris, where he lived for the rest of his life on the pension allowed him by the Indian government.
In most of the delusive machines commonly called perpetual motions, of which so many are patented in each year, and which are expected by their inventors to perform work without receiving energy, the fundamental fallacy consists in an expectation that some reciprocating force shall restore more energy than it has been the means of storing.
Next came the Sabbatum Magnum (Holy Saturday or Easter Eve) with its vigil, which in the early church was associated with an expectation that the second advent would occur on an Easter Sunday.
It is sometimes known as the "expectation of life," a term, however, which involves a mathematical hypothesis now discarded.
It contains no Messianic expectation nor any reference to a future life.
The belief that the Powers controlling man's life are willing upon occasion to disclose something of their purpose, has led to widespread rites of divination, which Plato described as the " art of fellowship between gods and men," and the Stoics defended on grounds of a priori religious expectation as well as of universal experience.
Of true Italian unity he had no expectation and no desire, but he was devoted to the house of Savoy, which he foresaw was destined to change the fate of Italy.
Up to this period a section of the Uitlanders had believed that Kruger and his following would listen to reason; now all realized that such an expectation was vain.
His policy was to take advantage of the violence of the faction, to " give them line enough," to use his own words, to encourage it rather than repress it, with the expectation of procuring finally a strong royalist reaction.
He determined to take holy orders, in the expectation that he would become cardinal, and then pope, when he would wrest from the Venetians his principality of Verona, of which the republic had despoiled his ancestors.
This is the earliest attested instance of this expectation in the last two centuries B.C.
The mythical theory that the Christ of the Gospels, excepting the most meagre outline of personal history, was the unintentional creation of the early Christian Messianic expectation he applied with merciless rigour to the narratives.
A few days sufficed to show how vain was this expectation.
No wife nor child was by to do the offices of affection, nor was the expectation of another life with him, when he passed away from among men.
By the bait of a kingdom to be carved expressly out of the States of the Church and to be called the kingdom of Adria, coupled with the expectation of succeeding to Queen Joanna, Clement incited Louis, duke of Anjou, the eldest of the brothers of Charles V., to take arms in his favour.
This expectation has hardly been fulfilled, but of late years the notion of a variety of the human race, geologically ancient, differing from any known in historic times, and with characters approaching the simian, has been supported by further discoveries.
It was expected by the government that the 1906 revenues would largely exceed 1905, but the expectation was not fully realized, chiefly, it may be assumed, because of the inability of an impoverished people to meet an increase in taxation.
The expectation of obtaining these sinecures drew young men towards the church in considerable numbers, and the class of abbes so formed - abbes de tour they were sometimes called, and sometimes (ironically) abbes de sainte esperance, abbes of St Hope - came to hold a recognized position.
About the middle of July Cotes went to London, in the expectation doubtless to bring down with him to Cambridge the corrected portion of the Principia.
In some respects this expectation was not deceived; the years that followed 1360 seem to have been prosperous at home, despite the continued friction arising from the Statute of Laborers.
This expectation was the more remarkable because Gladstone was the representative in the cabinet of the old Conservative party which Sir Robert Peel had led to victory.
He saw Cadiz, Seville, Granada, Athens, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Cairo, Thebes; played the corsair with James Clay on a yacht voyage from Malta to Corfu; visited the terrible Reschid, then with a Turkish army in the Albanian capital; landed in Cyprus, and left it with an expectation in his singularly prescient mind that the island would one day be English.
Still gathering unpopularity, still offending, alarming, alienating, the government went on till 1874, suddenly dissolved parliament, and was signally beaten, the Liberal party breaking up. Like most of his political friends, Disraeli had no expectation of such a victory - little hope, indeed, of any distinct success.
Locke seems hardly to realize all that is implied in scientific prevision or expectation of change.
To be " obliged " is to be " urged by a violent motive resulting from the command of another "; in the case of moral obligation, the command proceeds from God, and the motive lies in the expectation of being rewarded and punished after this life.
His conversion is said to have taken place after an intense mental struggle; he was baptized by sprinkling, and without episcopal confirmation, when in hourly expectation of death; and on his recovery his Christianity retained all the gloomy character of its earliest stages.
Though in 1235 he had recognized the overlordship of Hungary, yet, when he found himself hard pressed by the Mongolian general Batu, he called in the assistance of Innocent IV., and accepted the crown of Galicia from the hands of a papal legate; and again, when Innocent disappointed his expectation, he returned to his former connexion with the Greek Church.
Along with these reasons would co-operate towards the exclusion of visible aids to devotion, not only the church's sacramental use of Christ's name as a name of power, and its living sense of his continued real though unseen presence, but also, during the first years, its constant expectation of his second advent as imminent.
The theatre, which stands on a height a little under a mile from the town, is built from the plans of Gustav Semper, the idea of the design being Wagner's own, and experiment indeed, but one which succeeded beyond all expectation.
Children and adults alike pressed against the ropes and peered up the street, expectation on their collective faces.
This mistaken expectation was so egregious that it begged for some sort of explanation.
How have political predilections set by governments, the courts or special interest groups interacted with public expectation and institutional policy?
Then to your absolute amazement it actually turns out to be far beyond expectation.
Users have an expectation of the standby time without making the handset too cumbersome with a large battery.
And while a handful of employers are reacting, the gap between expectation and reality remains enormous.
This is information in which an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
Each has an evaluated adjusted expectation identical to that seen earlier, in figure 17.
The expectation of many individuals applying feng shui is unrealistic to begin with.
For many years I have noticed that when God is about to work He produces stillness -- a solemn hush -- and expectation.
Yes, one may so ingratiate oneself with a vulnerable person in the expectation of glory or to be left in their will.
Evidence of an expectation of the eschaton is also the advice to slaves to remain obedient to their masters.
Al Qaeda is living in the expectation of resuming the offensive.
With the expectation of a long winter recharge season - and given rainfall in the normal range - the groundwater resources outlook is good.
This may be defined as the expectation of an imminent Parousia or overturning of the current state of affairs.
Thus, the theme of millennarian expectation has in the Bahá'à Faith been transformed into the theme of social reformism.
The expectation was that he would have no long term sequelae.
The DfT's expectation is that 30 mph speed limits will apply on all roads that pass through villages.
The opening western style guitar twang is inappropriate because it sets up expectation of a western like which is then never met.
The juridical argument has some force; the present life does not show that harmony of condition and character which our sense of justice leads us to expect; the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer; there is ground for the expectation that in the future life the anomalies of this life will be corrected.
Contrary to expectation, he showed great energy in suppressing disorder; but after the proclamation of a state of siege his position became untenable, and in 1895 he had to resign.
The hope of the regeneration of his dynasty, and, at a later period, of its restoration to the throne - the Messianic expectation - must have worked powerfully in the same direction.
He therefore, moving by the south bank himself with Hill, to confirm Joseph in this expectation, crossed the Tormes near and above Salamanca, having previously - which was to be the decisive movement - detached Graham, with 40,000 men, to make his way, through the difficult district above mentioned, towards Braganza, and then, joining with the Spaniards, to turn Joseph's right.
Its emphasis on the observance of ri lual finds fullest development in the Priestly Code, subsequently promulgated; its protest against foreign marriages is made effective through the reforms of Ezra and Nehemiah;' the influence of its closing words on later expectation is familiar to every reader of the new Testament.'
This widespread expectation has left its memorial in our book in xvi.
With the passing of time the early enthusiasm waned, the expectation of the immediate return of Christ was widely given up, the conviction of the Spirit's presence became less vivid, and the conflict with heresy in the 2nd century led to the substitution of official control for the original freedom (see below).
He supposes that we have no sensations of space and time, as the nativists suppose, but that, while local signs give us spatial ideas, feelings of expectation are temporal signs giving us temporal ideas, and that these ideas enter into the psychical compound, which is our actual starting-point.
Dissatisfied with the Aristotelianism of his time, Paracelsus turned with greater expectation to the Neoplatonism which was reviving.
The next morning the sun rose bright and warm, and we got up quickly for our hearts were full of pleasant expectation....
A pleasant feeling of excitement and an expectation of something joyful and solemn was aroused among the soldiers of the convoy and the prisoners.
The DfT 's expectation is that 30 mph speed limits will apply on all roads that pass through villages.
They were full of expectation of quick results, spurred on perhaps by a spirit of triumphalism that pervades some evangelical theologies.
Expectation level E = 30 %, Initial cluster of 9 × 9 = 81 contributors, 50 × 50 torus grid.
Contrary to expectation, the weight of mice deficient in a major uncoupling protein, UCP2, has been found to be normal.
This Messianic expectation had been a fermenting leaven since the great days of Judas Maccabaeus.
Many wakeful nights did she sit by my bedside in trembling expectation that each hour would be my last."
In April 1799 a warrant was issued for his arrest, but was not executed; and in 1800 and the following year he travelled on the continent of Europe, where he entered into relations with the leaders of the United Irishmen, exiled since the rebellion of 1798, who were planning a fresh outbreak in Ireland in expectation of support from France.
The Order of St John took up its abode on the promontory guarded by the castle of St Angelo on the southern shore of the Grand Harbour, and, in expectation of attacks from the Turks, commenced to fortify the neighbouring town called the Borgo.
Two pretenders arose in conformity - with this expectation among the Parthians in A.D.
Here too the expectation of the near return of Christ doubtless delayed for a number of years the desire and need for written compositions.
I base that expectation in part on the fact that today, many of us already live in more comfort than the richest king in the world did two hundred years ago.
Outside the house, beyond the gates, a group of undertakers, who hid whenever a carriage drove up, waited in expectation of an important order for an expensive funeral.
At Bald Hills, Prince Nicholas Andreevich Bolkonski's estate, the arrival of young Prince Andrew and his wife was daily expected, but this expectation did not upset the regular routine of life in the old prince's household.
Her irritability had suddenly quite vanished, and her anxious, imploring eyes were fixed on him with greedy expectation.
Contrary to his expectation, Davout, after hearing him, became still surlier and ruder.
As in the telephone telepathy tests, there was an expectation of 25% success by chance.
Contrary to expectation, a shop in town is not a financially viable proposition.
Approach the material with the expectation that you may receive biased information, and then you can be pleasantly surprised if and when you encounter truly objective data.
The expectation is for each spouse to be self-supporting.
As the world's biggest cruise ship, Freedom of the Seas also aims to offer guests an experience like no other, with entertainment, activities and culinary choices to meet most any expectation.
The normal expectation is that people will achieve 20/20 vision while wearing corrective lenses.
The primary difference between sites that allow writers to work for revenue share versus those that pay upfront is the expectation of quality.
Have a positive expectation and you'll succeed, with your yearly income growing as the result.
And for the $22 million budget, which is rather limited by Hollywood standards, he had to work with, he squeezed out a high energy, visually exciting sequel that has surpassed the expectation of both fans and critics.
It was with the expectation that he might, with local aid, seize the castle, that Llewellyn invaded this district in December 1282, when he was surprised and killed by Stephen de Frankton in a ravine called Cwm Llewellyn on the left bank of the Irfon, 22 m.
Some of the complaints against the companies, however, were exaggerated, and the estimates formed of the possible commercial development of telegraphy were optimistic. The basis for these estimates was the experience of other countries, which, however, did not justify the expectation that a large increase of business consequent on reduction of rates could be obtained without serious diminution of profit.
The average expectation of life at birth for the same period was 52 years and II months, 62 years and 2 months at the age of three years, 52 years at the age of fifteen, 44 years at the age of twenty-four, 30 years at the age of forty; while the average period of life, which was 35 years 3 months per individual in 1882, was 43 yearf per individual in 1901.
The Deutero-Isaiah closes a great prophetic succession, which begins with Amos, continues in Isaiah in even greater splendour with the added elements of hope and Messianic expectation, and receives further accession in Jeremiah with his special teaching on inward spiritual and personal religion which constituted the new covenant of divine grace.
Although economic motives have become more complex, they have just as much and no more to do with general economic reasoning and analysis than the causes of death with the normal expectation of life, or domestic ideals with the birth-rate.
Dar-es-Salaam was laid out by the Germans on an ambitious scale in the expectation that it would prove an important centre of commerce, but trade developed very slowly.
Amongst these was the expectation that the future kingdom of Christ on earth should have a fixed duration - according to the most prevalent opinion, a duration of one thousand years.
He held that happiness includes not merely present enjoyment and prosperity, but also a reasonable expectation of their continuance.
His ambition was generally more manifest than his discretion; but fortune favoured his ambition, even as to himself, somewhat beyond expectation, and still more in his posterity.
The Jewish expectation is thus considerably curtailed, as it is also shorn of its sensual attractions.
It was a work of so much expectation, by yourself, by your friends, and by the public, that I trembled for its appearance, but am now much relieved.
This speaks to the fabulous wealth of this country and how our expectation of material possessions has risen so fast that we have redefined poverty to include what once were deemed luxury items.
This expectation is recounted in xiii., but it appears most clearly in the additions to xvii.
Natasha grew pale, in a panic of expectation, when she remained alone with him for a moment.
He knew from experience the tormenting expectation of terror and death the cornet was suffering and knew that only time could help him.