Expansion Sentence Examples
Six years later began the rapid expansion of Russia in Central Asia, and at the end xxiii.
The expansion of trade was due to the establishment of a boat route directly to the island.
They went as a rule to the United expansion.
Each of them, besides being a reversing gear, is an expansion gear both in forward and backward running.
The expansion abroad was still more remarkable.
The united stream forms a lake-like expansion about 2 m.
But it is highly significant that while the exports of British silk manufactures have not decreased, the imports in the meantime have shown a marked expansion.
For an increase in the navy there was, indeed, sufficient excuse in the enormous expansion of German over-sea commerce and the consequent growth of the mercantile marine; the value of foreign trade, which in 1894 was 365,000,000, had risen in 1904 to 610,000,000, and in the same period the tonnage of German merchant shipping had increased by 234%.
The first tended to draw the separate states together for purposes of defence, and the second turned the attention of the Habsburgs to the possibilities of expansion in eastern Europe.
Its expansion and importance may be seen from the fact that the imports of waste, knubs, &c., which in 1860 was 1506 cwts., reached in 1905 a record of 72,055 cwts.
AdvertisementThe contraction of this heart, which is not rhythmic, brings about the expansion of the tentacles and lophophore.
The north-east shores of Lake Huron and its large expansion Georgian Bay are fringed with thousands of islands, mostly small, but one of them, Manitoulin Island, is 80 m.
The key to the situation is in fact the commercial rivalry of the Corinthians, whose trade (mainly in the West) had been seriously limited by the naval expansion of the Delian League.
But in 1870 the era of commercial expansion began.
This tract was an expansion of a series of articles which the author had contributed to the Morning Chronicle.
AdvertisementPitt, the first real Imperialist in modern English history, was the directing mind in the expansion of his country, and with him the beginning of empire is rightly associated.
In Rhamphorhynchus there is also a rhomboidal expansion of membrane at the end of the tail.
Its specific heat is 0.05701 (Regnault) or 0.0559 (Bunsen); its coefficient of linear expansion is 0.0000-1921.
The cause of the climatic variations which brought about this complex history of the Salt Lake region is not known; but it is worthy of note that the periods of highest water levels were coincident with a great expansion of local valley glaciers, some of which terminated in the waters of lake Bonneville.
While vast additional territories had been occupied by British 'a ' or Boers the unity of administration, which had Policy of marked the previous stages in the expansion of the white races in South Africa, had been lost.
AdvertisementA period of expansion oversea began in the same reign, with the capture of Ceuta in Morocco.
It was the genius of Prince Henry the Navigator (q.v.) that co-ordinated and utilized all these tendencies towards expansion.
This expansion of national interests proceeded rapidly in almost every quarter of the known world.
The nature of the subjects with which they deal is one that naturally appealed to the priestly schools, and owing to this fact the laws were especially liable to modification and expansion at the hands of later legislators who wished to bring them into conformity with later usage.
These annual consular reports were from the first regularly and promptly published in the Deutsche Handelsarchiv, and have contributed much to the wonderful expansion of German trade.
AdvertisementThis difficulty has, for the most part, been removed by the establishment of numerous important lines of steamers trading between Australia and Europe, and recent years have therefore seen considerable expansion in all forms of agriculture.
These spaces make up the apparent body-cavity, the ta, Stomach of common crab, true body-cavity or coelom having Cancer pagurus, laid open, been, for the most part, obliter showing b, b, b, some of the ated by the great expansion of calcareous plates inserted in the blood-containing spaces.
It should be noted before we pass to Rome that with the expansion of Hellenism the subject of historians expanded as well.
Lastly, still following the main lines of human culture, the primitive germs of religious institutions have to be traced in the childish faith and rude rites of savage life, and thence followed in their expansion into the vast systems administered by patriarchs and priests, henceforth taking under their charge the precepts of morality, and enforcing them under divine sanction, while also exercising in political life an authority beside or above the civil law.
These are often wedge-shaped and angular; in some cases they consist of a short, thick stalk, terminating in a peltate expansion, or prolonged upwards in the form of a triangular lamina.
The stamens of Araucaria and Agathis are peculiar in bearing several long and narrow free pollen-sacs; these may be compared with the sporangiophores of the horsetails (Equisetum); in Taxus (yew) the filament is attached to the centre of a large circular distal expansion, which bears several pollen-sacs on its under surface.
His influence over the Dutch members was supreme, and in addition to directing the policy of the Bond within the Cape Colony, he supported and defended the aggressive expansion policy of President Kruger and the Transvaal Boers.
He saw the true field for commercial expansion within the Empire, and therefore advocated preferential duties.
It leads through the straggling village of Mina, occupying a long narrow valley (Wadi Mina), two to three hours from Mecca, and thence by the mosque of Mozdalifa over a narrow pass opening out into the plain of Arafa,which is an expansion of the great Wadi Naman,through which the Taif road descends from Mount Kara.
Thus, if dry clay is prevented from expanding, and one side be sub j ected to water pressure while the other side is held up by a completely porous medium, the percolation will be exceedingly small; but if the pressure preventing the expansion is reduced the clay will swell, and the percolation will increase.
In the third place, the development of the new monarchy involved an enormous extension of the activity of the central government, and therefore a corresponding expansion in the records of its energy.
The inflorescence is simple and indeterminate, and the expansion of the flowers centripetal, those at the circumference opening first.
In Goodeniaceae it ends in a cup-like expansion, enclosing the stigma.
Due to rapid expansion we need self-employed couriers throughout the UK TELEPHONE RECRUITMENT LINE 0870 720 1296.
These holes, also called " eyes, " are caused by the expansion of gas within the cheese curd during the ripening period.
Furthermore, the recently announced £ 27m Witness Care expansion will introduce dedicated Witness Care Units across England and Wales.
Estate woodland in this LCA is under threat; expansion of housing has already seen its loss or severe depletion.
Population grew rapidly, causing many back buildings in the congested town center, tho after 1850 there was expansion eastwards.
Included in the expansion is a second 800,000 tons steam cracker, a 535,000 tons polyethylene plant and a 410,000 tons ethylene glycol plant.
Due to continued expansion, we now have a vacancy for a Field Service Engineer, to be based in the South West.
The foreign policy of Athens was now directed towards an almost reckless expansion (see Pericles).
With mercury it forms amalgams. Bismuth is a component of many ternary alloys characterized by their low fusibility and expansion in solidification; many of them are used in the arts (see Fusible Metal).
Montenegro's aims were limited to local expansion southward into Albania and eastward into the Sanjak of Novibazar and northern Macedonia; in both of these directions some conflict of interest with the Serbian Government might arise.
If, therefore, with such materials the work is well done, and is not subsequently liableto be wasted or disintegrated by expansion or contraction or other actions which in the process of time affect all exposed surfaces, it is clear that 15 to 20 tons per sq.
My local store just underwent an expansion that allowed them to carry more items and have a much more user-friendly store.
It needs not distillation, but expansion and illustration from contemporary and antecedent thought and literature.
The dynasty lasted nearly half a century, and is contemporary with the expansion of Phoenicia, and presumably therefore with some prominence of the south maritime coast.
This division bore bitter fruit in the reign of Pharisees Alexander Jannaeus (104-78 B.C.), who by a standing army achieved a territorial expansion which was little to the mind of the Pharisees.
A wholesome diversion was provided by the serious resumption of the policy of eastern expansion, which had been interrupted by the civil war.
This expansion was continued till the pressure of the working air fell nearly to that of the atmosphere.
The object of this device is not, primarily, to produce work from heat, but to escape the inconveniences that would otherwise arise through extreme cooling of the air during its expansion.
The defeat of Varus, and the tacit abandonment of the plans of expansion begun twenty-five years before, are almost the last events of importance in the long principate of Augustus.
Such an expansion is however by no means characteristic of all the males of the species, and is apparently a feature of racial value.
The period of the rise of cities till well on in the 13th century was naturally a period of expansion and of a considerable amount of freedom of trade.
In the improvement and expansion of these statutes a remarkable activity was displayed by means of an annual correctio statutorum carried out by specially appointed statutores.
They make up an account fairly adequate to the manifoldness of the book; yet they may be summed up in three ideas, together constituting the moral which this history of the expansion of Christianity aims at bringing home to its readers.
In 1774 Lord Dunmore, the governor, led an army to the Ohio river to break an Indian coalition which had been formed to check the rapid expansion of Virginia over what is now Kentucky and West Virginia.
The discovery of America and the expansion of commerce merely readjusted conditions already highly developed.
The century of Dante was also that of the first English parliament; its vast economic expansion enabled the national state to triumph in both England and France, and furnished the grounds for the overthrow of Boniface VIII.
With this process of expansion and development (so to speak) of Homeric themes is combined the addition of new characters.
The rest of the story is probably the result of gradual expansion and accretion.
There is little of the world which is entirely uninhabited; still less permanently uninhabitable and unlikely to be required to support a population in the course of the expansion of the race beyond its present abodes.
Fortunately for the unimpeded expansion of Italian art, little was brought to light of antique workmanship during the 14th and 15th centuries.
In like manner the new learning failed to penetrate all classes of society with the rapidity of its expansion in Italy, nor was the new ideal of life and customs so easily substituted for the medieval.
Considerable sections of the ancient walls and moat still remain, though the demolition of portions to meet the exigencies of modern traffic and expansion has somewhat destroyed its quaint medieval character.
The one overshadowing issue of the time, however, was territorial expansion.
A second general feature is the relative decline of the receipts from state property and industries in contrast to the expansion of taxation.
Direct taxation received much greater expansion.
The great expansion in recent years of what is known as Municipal Trading has brought this aspect of local finance into prominence.
The materials at Hume's command, however, were destined to vast and speedy expansion.
The elastic impalpable stuff of the spirit-body is apparently capable of compression or expansion, just as Athena can transform herself into a bird.
But the greatest expansion of this method has been in the United States, where more than 400,000,000 lb.
The recovery of these valuable metals has contributed in no small degree to the expansion of electrolytic refining.
The expansion of the Indian power trade may be gathered from the following particulars of the number of looms and spindles from 1892 to 1906.
It had been sent in MS. to Goethe in the autumn of 1815, who, finding in it a transformation rather than an expansion of his own ideas, inclined to regard the author as an opponent rather than an adherent.
It was a period of territorial expansion, during which the empire was the strongest power in Europe.
The area for expansion on the north was in any case limited by the French Guinea settlements, and on the south the territory of Liberia' hemmed in the colony.
The faces of the work may be of squared masonry, thoroughly tied into the hearting; but, in view of the expansion and contraction mentioned below, it is better that the face masonry should not be coursed.
Serious movement from expansion and contraction does not usually extend to levels which are kept moderately damp, or to the greater mass of the dam, many feet below high-water level.
By reason of the constantly changing temperatures and the frequent filling and emptying of the reservoir, expansion and contraction, which are always at work tending to produce relative movements wherever one portion of a structure is weaker than another, must have assisted the water-pressure in the extension of the horizontal cracks, which, growing slowly during the fifteen years, provided at last the area required to enable the intrusive water to overbalance the little remaining stability of the dam.
Its provisions were a most potent factor in assisting the expansion of England's colonial empire and also in the building up of the country's commercial greatness.
The pinnae are formed by the elongated autozooids, whose proximal portions are fused together to form a leaf-like expansion, from the upper edge of which the distal extremities of the zooids project.
Even the Apostolical Constitutions, an expansion of the Didache and the Didascalia, after exercising a certain amount of influence, were rejected by the council in Trullo (692).
During the decade 1891-1901 the mill industry passed through a period of depression due to widespread plague and famine, but on the whole there has been a marked expansion of the trade as well as a great improvement in the class of goods produced.
In external nature there are expansion and contraction History which correspond to spontaneity and reflection.
Indeed, there was nothing accomplished in the way of further encroachment on the Cdt after 686, save Incs and Cuthreds extension of Wessex into the valleys of the Tone and the Exe, and Offas slight expansion of the Mercian frontier beyond the Severn, marked by his famous dyke.
In other directions the expansion of England, the third stage in the development of Elizabeths policy, was more successful.
This expansion was mainly at the expense of Spain; but at first Spain was regarded as Elizabeths friend, not France.
Expansion and progress were not confined to Australasia.
While upheavals having a north-eastern strike continued to take place after the Carboniferous epoch,' another series of upheavals, having a north-western strike, and occasioned by the expansion of diabases, dolerites, melaphyres and andesites, occurred later, subsequently at least to the close of the Tertiary period, if not also before it, dislocating former chains and raising rocks to the highest levels by the addition of new upheavals to the older ones.
Hopkinson's ballad is an imaginative expansion of the actual facts.
As foreign secretary Herr von Billow was chiefly responsible for carrying out the policy of colonial expansion with which the emperor had identified himself, and in 1899, on bringing to a successful conclusion the negotiations by which the Caroline Islands were acquired by Germany, he was raised to the rank of count.
The uneducated mass of mankind, he complains, either " seldom reason at all," or " put passion in the place of reason," or " for want of large, sound, round-about sense " they direct their minds only to one part of the evidence, "converse with one sort of men, read but one sort of books, and will not come in the hearing of but one sort of notions, and so carve out to themselves a little Goshen in the intellectual world, where light shines, and, as they conclude, day blesses them; but the rest of the vast expansion they give up to night and darkness, and avoid coming near it."
Partly through the influence of Stoic and other Greek philosophy, partly from the natural expansion of human sympathies, the legislation of the Empire, during the first three centuries, shows a steady development in the direction of natural justice and humanity; and some similar progress may be traced in the general tone of moral opinion.
Laplace developed a theorem of Vandermonde for the expansion of a determinant, and in 1773 Joseph Louis Lagrange, in his memoir on Pyramids, used determinants of the third order, and proved that the square of a determinant was also a determinant.
The quarters which suffered most in the bombardment of 1870 have, however, been rebuilt in more modern fashion, and the recent widening of the circle of fortifications, with the destruction of the old walls, has given the city opportunity of expansion in all directions; thus, with the exception of Berlin and Leipzig, there is perhaps no town in Germany which can show so many handsome new public buildings as Strassburg.
Between 1779 and 1782 the various acts which had hampered the Irish woollen trade were either repealed or modified, but after a brief period of deceptive prosperity followed by failure and distress, the expansion of the trade was limited to the partial supply of the home market.
A policy of colonial expansion generally, and in Africa in particular at this time, was manifest in France, as in other European countries, and the French claims on the Hova were pressed with vigour.
But elsewhere there are traces of secondary Deuteronomic expansion and of internal incongruities in Deuteronomic narratives; contrast xiv.
Moreover, she had no share in the expansion of Greek commerce and Greek culture; and, though she bore the reputation of hating tyrants and putting them down where possible, there can be little doubt that this was done in the interests of oligarchy rather than of liberty.
The Merovingian monarchy thus attained the utmost limits of its territorial expansion, bounded as it was by the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Rhine; it exercised influence over the whole of Germany, which it threw open to the Christian missionaries, and its conquests formed the first beginnings of German history.
Finally, the system of commercial companies, antipathetic to the French bourgeoisie, was for the first time practised on a grand scale; but Sully never understood that movement of colonial expansion, begun by Henry II.
The axis is usually very much contracted, no internodes being developed, and the portion bearing the floral leaves, termed the thalamus or torus, frequently expands into a conical, flattened or hollowed expansion; at other times, though rarely, the internodes are developed and it is elongated.
When this attachment takes place by an articulation, the petals fall off either immediately after expansion (caducous) or after fertilization (deciduous).
It is a feature of the general growth of interest in colonial expansion and commercial development which has made itself felt almost universally among European nations.
In the first refrigeration is produced by the expansion of atmospheric air, and in the second by the evaporation of a more or less volatile liquid.
Compressed-air Machines.-A compressed-air refrigerating machine consists in its simplest form of three essential parts -a compressor, a compressed-air cooler, and an expansion cylinder.
The compressed air, leaving the compressor at the temperature T2, passes through the cooler, where it is cooled by means of water, and is then admitted to the expansion cylinder, where it is expanded to atmospheric pressure, performing work on the piston.
This temperature T 1 is necesCompression Cylinder Expansion Cylinder FIG.
Another, perhaps the principal, feature was the interchanger, an apparatus whereby the compressed air was further cooled before expansion by means of the comparatively cold air from the room in its passage to the compressor, the same air being used over and over again.
Further, though the interchanger is still used by some makers, it has been found by experience that, with properly constructed valves and passages in the expansion cylinder, there is no trouble from the formation of snow, when, as is the general practice, the same air is used over and over again, the compressor taking its supply from the insulated room.
So far as the air discharged from the expansion cylinder is concerned, its humidity is precisely the same so long as its temperature and pressure are the same, inasmuch as when discharged from the expansion cylinder it is always in a saturated condition for that temperature and pressure.
The pistons of the compression and expansion cylinders are connected to the same crankshaft, and the difference between the power expended in compression and that restored in expansion, plus the friction of the machine, is supplied by means of a steam engine coupled to the crankshaft, or by any other source of power.
A vapour compression machine does not, however, work precisely in the reversed Carnot cycle, inasmuch as the fall in temperature between the condenser and the refrigerator is not produced, nor is it attempted to be produced, by the adiabatic expansion of the agent, but results from the evaporation of a portion of the liquid itself.
With compressed-air machines which discharge the cold air direct into the insulated room or hold, a snow box is provided close to the outlet of the expansion cylinder to catch the snow and congealed oil.
Dawsoni in the fact that each sporangiophore bears two sporangia, attached to a distal expansion approaching the peltate scale of the Equisetales.
In addition to diffuse pigment (mostly in the epidermis), the skin contains granular pigment stored up r' in cells, the chromatophores, restricted to the cutis, which are highly mobile and send out r2 branches which, by contraction and expansion, may rapidly alter the coloration, most batrachians being in this respect quite comparable to the famous chameleons.
Renan, brought up by priests in a world ruled by authority and curious only of feeling and opinion, was to accept the scientific ideal with an extraordinary expansion of all his faculties.
Victor Emmanuel's object now was the expulsion of the Austrians from Italy and the expansion of Piedmont into a North Italian kingdom, but he did not regard the idea of Italian unity as coming within the sphere of practical politics for the time being, although a movement to that end was already beginning to gain ground.
The mining of coal in the state has developed rapidly in connexion with the notable expansion of the iron and steel industries of the South.
In the construction of furnaces provision has to be made for the unequal expansion of the different parts under the effect of heat.
Increasing blood flow for the purpose of expansion and maintaining...
There is an anticipation of expansion; so, a permanent post may become available.
New machines were implemented in preparation for a rapid expansion of the brand.
The Forum is part of a new expansion of community accountancy support and advice services for organizations in Bromley from 1 July 2006.
New election spending limits plus a small expansion of present state funding would cleanse British politics from the unfounded accusations of sleaze.
Emigration is occurring concurrently, tho not driving, expansion of unsustainable coastal aquaculture.
Rather than linking bipedalism alone with brain expansion, as previously theorized, Falk's explanation involves climate.
The Race Rapido 200cc & 225cc, is a tuned kit designed for use with both a larger carburetor and an expansion system.
As a vertical expansion compensator, it requires a support every 18m.
It was during this period of expansion that Clark's claimed the distinction of having the first female compositor in Britain.
The others include the condenser, evaporator, and expansion device.
This expansion had been made possible by the 1930 Prison Rules which had abolished separate confinement.
In both cases, Europeâs expansion has imposed tight constraints on the UK.
Should we think in terms of a linear expansion of western consumerism ending in global convergence?
Its aims are to trace the evolution of urban society from the expansion of the twelfth century to the uncertainty of the fifteenth.
The answer to (e) is that the person is undergoing expansion of consciousness.
They provide evidence of the accelerating expansion of Universe and hence for the existence of the mysterious Dark Energy which drives this process.
Due to our rapid expansion across the country for Driving Instructor Learning we are looking for new Driving Instructors.
Even after taking into account thermal expansion, they wondered where the extra water was coming from.
The planned expansion is likely to make their situation worse.
Due to massive expansion plans we are looking for an experienced Resourcing Manager or Hiring Manager.
Approximation of the Beta function The asymptotic expansion for the T score, equation 31, requires the value of.
They also want a " fundamental rethink " of the government's highly controversial airport expansion program.
We experimented with this query expansion algorithm on the TREC-7 SDR corpus.
This apparent increase in size is due to macro expansion.
For this to be achieved a rigourous one-loop calculation based on a self-consistent perturbation expansion is needed.
The number of arguments to a command that involves filename expansion is limited to 1/6th the number of characters allowed in an argument list.
The brand new, purpose-built factory and headquarters building gives Denco a much more modern base from which to continue its global expansion.
A ready to use, quick set impact fastener with high expansion.
There is a genuine fear throughout the country that expansion of our cities is being forced on us without proper local consultation.
This would give rise to differential flexure and expansion of the instrument as its various parts cooled at different rates during the following night.
In figures 1 and 2 the feeling of expansion should come to the back of the wrist and the lower forearm.
All of these developments foreshadowed the expansion which took place on the estate over the next few decades.
Possible expansion of nurse prescribing formulary to include the whole BNF.
She also announced a new consultation for the expansion of the independent nurse prescribers ' formulary.
The research base is expanding and there are opportunities for academic geriatricians to be part of this expansion.
The expansion of a corn belt in Kentucky had created a corn glut.
These centers give a better guaranty for maintenance and expansion of knowledge and will improve the possibility to exchange experience and knowledge.
I have become a heretic on the question of EU expansion.
The expansion disk itself is not even limited to use on one console, which is probably intentional on Microsoft's part.
These myeloid malignancies result from transformation of an HSC and are associated with expansion of one or more haematopoietic lineages.
It's only got 64 meg, and the maximum expansion is only 128 meg of ram!
That sort of growth makes UK university expansion look miniscule and it suggests a new policy in China of educating students at home.
The main problems which affect growth of GaN on Si are those of thermal expansion mismatch, and of lattice mismatch.
The subscription monies will be used for the general development and expansion of the company and its services.
On its being exhausted this cooled air was utilized to extract heat from the portion to be expanded at an expansion orifice.
Any attempt to continue expansion at this rate would lead to inflationary overstrain.
I certainly would NOT recommend this expansion pack to anyone.
There are fears among academics that the economic constraints faced by employers reduces the scope for substantial expansion of the one-year placement.
And, equally, whether they want to go on supporting the retailer's ambitious expansion plans.
That player had property rights risks expansion into new out a whole.
Axial internal stresses due to thermal expansion mismatch and cure shrinkage were taken into account, but radial stresses were ignored.
Next up to bat is the expansion slot bracket.
The accuracy of the perturbation expansion is analyzed in detail by the discussion of an exactly solvable model.
As with all the Anita swimsuits there is plenty of room for expansion because the fabric contains 20% spandex.
Antony will help spearhead the bank's expansion into the Public Sector market.
He also spearheaded the company's expansion into Eastern Europe.
Furthermore, success now may lead to the expansion of army branding to include sportswear and outdoor equipment.
These data establish that drug induced suppression of somatic expansion is possible.
The expansion has been remarkably swift given that Bangors House has been in business for just three years.
Then grease two baking trays and drop heaped teaspoonfuls onto them, leaving a little space for expansion.
This role is due to expansion of an already well established successful company with a multi-million turnover.
This font is constantly undergoing expansion, so call back frequently for updates.
The expansion of the trade has been very much owing to the establishment of steam navigation direct to the island, which is now visited regularly by French and Austrian steamers, as well as by some from England to Symrna.
Ordinarily the alternate expansion and contraction of the atmosphere which takes place under such circumstances would draw in a supply of moisture from the ocean, but the heated interior, covering some 900,000 sq.
The cattle and horse-breeding industries are of minor importance as compared with wool-growing, but nevertheless represent a great source of wealth, with vast possibilities of expansion in the over-sea trade.
The perfection of refrigeration in over-sea carriage, which has done so much to extend the markets for Australian beef and mutton, has also furthered the expansion of dairying, there being an annual output of over 160 million lb of butter, valued at £6,000,000; of this about 64 million lb, valued at £2,500,000, is exported annually to British markets.
In 1844 and 1845 Joule published a series of researches on the compression and expansion of air.
The only important lakes are those on or near the north frontier, formed by the expansion of the tributaries of the Po.
Cavours ideal for the present was the expulsion of Austria from Italy and the expansion of Piedmont into a north Italian kingdom; and, although he did not yet think of Italian unity as a question of practical policy, he began to foresee it as a future possibility.
This modern doctrine of evolution is but an expansion and completion of those physical theories (see below) which opened the history of speculation.
But from this perfectly correct observation a conclusion which is by no means warranted was drawn, namely, that the chick as a whole really exists in the egg antecedently to incubation; and that what happens in the course of the latter process is no addition of new parts, " alias post alias natas," as Harvey puts it, but a simple expansion or unfolding of the organs which already exist, though they are too small and inconspicuous to be discovered.
Thus an organized individual (tout organise) " is a composite body consisting of the original, or elementary, parts and of the matters which have been associated with them by the aid of nutrition "; so that, if these matters could be extracted from the individual (tout), it would, so to speak, become concentrated in a point, and would thus be restored to its primitive condition of a germ; " just as, by extracting from a bone the calcareous substance which is the source of its hardness, it is reduced to its primitive state of gristle or membrane."2 " Evolution " and " development " are, for Bonnet, synonymous terms; and since by " evolution " he means simply the expansion of that which was invisible into visibility, he was naturally led to the conclusion, at which Leibnitz had arrived by a different line of reasoning, that no such thing as generation, in the proper sense of the word exists in nature.
That branch of biology which is termed morphology is a commentary upon, and expansion of, the proposition that widely different animals or plants, and widely different parts of animals or plants, are constructed upon the same plan.
It exhibits in a marked degree the density ol species which, as already pointed out, is explicable by the arrest 01 further southern expansion.
For Russian ambition the barrier was a formidable one, but it did not entirely preclude possibilities of expansion in a more or less remote future.
Hitherto she had confined her efforts to territorial expansion in eastern Europe and in Asia, and she had sought foreign alliances merely as temporary expedients to facilitate the attainment of that object.
A small space is left between the end of one rail and that of the next, in order to allow for expansion in hot weather, and at the joint the two are firmly braced together by a pair of fish-plates (fig.ri).
That is to say, expansion is adiabatic and is continued down to the back pressure which in a non-condensing engine is 14.7 lb per square inch, since any back pressure above this amount is an imperfection which belongs to the actual engine.
The thermal efficiency of a steam-engine is in general increased by carrying out the expansion of the steam in two, three or even more stages in separate cylinders, notwithstanding the inevitable drop of pressure which must occur when the steam is transferred from one cylinder to the other during the process of expansion.
The unification of Italy, the growing prosperity of the country, above all the opening of the Suez Canal, which restored to Venice the full value of her position as the port farthest into the heart of Europe, brought about an immense expansion of trade.
To complete her misfortunes, the European powers, the church and the small states of Italy, partly from jealous greed of her possessions, partly on the plea of her treason to Christendom in making terms with Islam, partly from fear of her expansion in north Italy, coalesced at Cambrai in 1508 for the partition of Venetian possessions.
Yanoski, De l'abolition de l'esclavage ancien au moyen age et de sa transformation en servitude de la glebe (Wallon and Yanoski had jointly composed a memoir to compete for a prize offered by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 1837; Wallon's portion of the memoir became the foundation of his Histoire de l'esclavage dans l'antiquite above mentioned; Yanoski's part, the expansion of which was prevented by his early death, was posthumously published in 1860; it is no more than a slight sketch); Benjamin Gubrard, Prolegomenes au Polyptyque d'Irminon (1844); Fustel de Coulanges, Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France (2nd ed., 1877), and Recherches sur quelques problemes d'histoire (1885) (the latter work contains an admirable discussion of the whole subject of the colonatus, founded throughout on the original texts); Stubbs, Constitutional History of England (3 vols., 1874-1878).
The united stream now turns east and joins the Ghazal through a lake-like expansion (see below).
The impetus of this remarkable movement of expansion not only carried German trade to the East and North within the Baltic basin, but reanimated the older trade from the lower Rhine region to Flanders and England in the West.
The multi- (or poly-) nomial theorem has for its object the expansion of any power of a multinomial and was discussed in 1697 by Abraham Demoivre (see Combinatorial Analysis).
Dalton's idea that elements preferentially combined in equiatomic proportions had as an immediate inference that metallic oxides contained one atom of the metal to one atom of oxygen, and a simple expansion of this conception was that one atom of oxide combined with one atom of acid to form one atom of a neutral salt.
The translation, as a whole, is good, and adheres very closely to the Hebrew text, which has not been without its influence on the Aramaic idiom; at times, especially in the poetical passages, a freer and more paraphrastic method is employed, and the version shows evident traces of Halakhic and Haggadic expansion.
After the Imperial Diet of Spires in 1526 had decreed that all states of the empire should observe the Edict of Worms (1521), banning Luther and his adherents, in such a manner that they should not be afraid to answer it before God and the emperor, the reform movement had received such an access of strength that the Catholic party felt itself menaced in earnest, and in 1529 again passed a resolution at Spires, deigned not merely to preclude any further expansion of the Reformation, but even to prevent it from maintaining the ground already won.
The renewal of the policy of British expansion had been answered by the formation of the Afrikander Bond, which represented the racial aspirations of the Dutch-speaking people, and had active branches in the Free State.
The seizure by Russia of the Chinese fortress of Port Arthur, which she had a few years previously, in concert with other powers, compelled Japan to relinquish, was from the Russian point of view the logical outcome of her eastward expansion and her need for an ice-free harbour on the Pacific. The extension of the Trans-Siberian railway through Manchuria to Port Arthur and a large measure of influence in Manchuria followed equally naturally.
She too had her projects of expansion and hegemony, and by the Chino-Japanese War she had gained a start over her rival.
Encouraged by the assurance of the Anglo-French convention, Siam now turned her whole attention to internal reform, and to such good purpose that, in a few years, improved government and expansion of trade aroused a general interest in her welfare, and gave her a stability which had before been lacking.
It was a fortunate thing for Poland that, during the first century of her ascension to the rank of a great power, political exigencies compelled her to appropriate almost more territory than her primitive and centrifugal government could properly assimilate; it was fortunate that throughout this period of expansion her destinies should, with one brief interval, have been controlled by a couple of superior statesmen, each of whom ruled for nearly fifty years.
Chiefly owing to the brittleness of this material, Lord Rosse's first larger specula were composed of a number of thin plates of speculum metal (sixteen for a 3-foot mirror) soldered on the back of a strong but light framework made of a peculiar kind of brass (2.75 of copper to 1 of zinc), which has the same expansion as his speculum metal.
The purchase of Louisiana a great area west of the Mississippi river from the French in 1803 has sometimes been said to be the cause of the westward expansion of the United States, but the Louisiana purchase has been better interpreted as the occasion for the expansion rather than its cause; for, as Lewis Evans of Philadelphia long ago recognized (1749), whoever gained possession of the Ohio Valleythe chiet eastern part of the central plainswould inevitably become the masters of the continent.
These may slake slowly in the finished cement and cause such expansion as may destroy the work of which it forms part.
Stirling substituted for the two stages of adiabatic expansion and compression the passage of the air to and fro through a "regenerator," in which the air was alternately cooled by storing its heat in the material of the regenerator and reheated by picking the stored heat up again on the return journey.
In other words, there was either a definite tendency to expansion, or there was no impediment in the religion itself when circumstances promoted its transplantation.
Northerly expansion was prevented by the early occupation of the Nile valley, the only easy route to the Mediterranean, but there seems no doubt that the population of ancient Egypt contained a distinct Negroid element.
Further expansion of runway capacity at Heathrow should be resisted.
There is also scope for expansion into new areas.
The flatness problem vanishes because the huge expansion blows the universe up so much that it smooths out irregularities.
The British Empire gained a partial loss of Russian interest in southward expansion.
Antony will help spearhead the bank 's expansion into the Public Sector market.
He also spearheaded the company 's expansion into Eastern Europe.
Republic Commando - a vaguely tactical first-person shooter - is one such expansion of that Universe.
Usually caused by abnormal thermal expansion in the combustion chamber.
The thesaurus protocols we have examined have no direct facility for semantic expansion operations.
Set it to a non-zero value to enable tilde expansion.
Control the ELECTRIBE·R from an external sequencer or keyboard and it becomes a MIDI expansion tone generator.
The connection to the Amiga trapdoor expansion slot would also make it impossible to attach an accelerator or Zorro breakout board later.
Recently completed expansion programs at both Knottingley and South Cave sites have resulted in easily accessible displays of both new and used caravans.
A substantial introduction surveys the past vicissitudes of the history of scholarship and its current expansion.
Buy enough place settings to match the amount of china you have while allowing room for expansion.
These are typically optional upgrades, like buying more levels, an expansion pack, more characters, more songs, new character customizations and so on.
The upgrades you buy will be in the form of a computer chip board that can be placed in an expansion slot.
Where are your customers primarily located, and will this location allow for expansion while still being convenient to local clients?
Additional upgrading possibilities like RAM expansion, more drive bays on a desktop or the ability to swap out graphics cards on a laptop.
Many European countries feared Germany's ambitions for expansion, so they declared war on Germany.
Whenever possible, allow room for expansion when considering gun cabinet sizes.
Most kits also contain elements for expansion, in case you decide to install a second rain barrel.
With gas prices soaring, ethanol expansion is at an all time high.
This rapid ethanol expansion touches every aspect of the agricultural sector, as well as impacting the United States as a whole.
In fact, there are many aspects of ethanol expansion itself that will cause changes to the economy and the cost of living.
At first refiners were reluctant to pursue ethanol expansion because of historically low demand.
As Celluslosic ethanol becomes more available the supply and demand, caused by the rapid ethanol expansion of the past few years, should level off.
The United States Energy Bill, which calls for biofuel production to increase to thirty-six billion gallons by the year 2022, will impact ethanol expansion for a long time.
The California E85 Program encourages the ethanol expansion with the sheer aggressiveness of the program.
Be sure to leave at least 5/16 of an inch gap between the wall and the floor panels to allow for expansion.
Be sure to leave at least 1/4 of an inch gap between the flooring and the wall for expansion.
Do not forget to allow a 1/4 inch gap between the edge of the flooring material and the wall to allow for expansion.
Being as most western countries now operate as free market capitalist societies, the idea of development is essential for the continual expansion of new markets that capitalism requires.
This thermal expansion is increasing due to warmer global temperatures, and accounts for approximately half of sea level rise.
In order to encourage the use and installation of renewable energy sources, there are a number of organizations specific to the Midwest region that focus on promoting the expansion of clean energy.
When you measure for cutting be sure to leave one quarter inch space on the top and bottom to allow for expansion and contraction.
In this interview, Mark O'Neill describes how he rode the wave of this expansion, so that today he writes at his own blog, Better Than Therapy, and works full time as editor for the popular Internet technology blog MakeUseOf.
However, in the fall of 2010, this will change with the release of an expansion pack for The Sims 3, which will allow you to play The Sims online with other players.
With a large number of expansion packs, you won't get bored of The Sims.
Throughout its development and expansion to Windows and Mac operating systems, GIMP has steadily received high accolades from image editing devotees.
If this is the case, you need some kind of file expansion program (such as WinZip or Stuff-it) to open the zipped file.
The continuing expansion of wedding industries has brought many new choices in terms of gifts based on photos.
The expansion of the wedding industry allows for more options than ever before, however, including many options for the specially designed custom wedding invitation.
I love writing short stories for expansion and adaptation to film.
With the star power quickly approaching the original allocation of 2,500, an expansion project added stars at the west end of the Walk.
However, this object predates the expansion of Islam and is made of local, not imported, materials.
Rosace - This bears large double flowers, consisting of two or three rows of petals, at first creamy-white, but after expansion becoming pure white.
The refrigerant is sent through an expansion device that turns it back into an ice-cold liquid where it returns to the evaporator coil to start the whole process over again.
While some towns do not allow any expansion that affects the building envelope, other towns allow additions that are historically accurate to the original building.
Always allow for the expansion and contraction of the siding by allowing a space between the nail head and the panel.
The two most important things to remember are to allow enough room for expansion and contraction of the panels and to keep checking to make sure everything stays level as you move from panel to panel.
Before installing it is important to note that a sealant or a caulking gun should be used to cover the expansion space areas around the perimeter of the room.
Use a pry bar to force in the last row, again making sure to leave a 1/4-inch expansion space along the wall.
Finally, remove the spacers and add floor boards or trim to cover the expansion gaps.
Leave a quarter inch at the edges to account for expansion that naturally occurs with the laminate flooring.
Remember to leave the quarter inch gap to account for expansion.
Gently pull the insulation out to fluff it to its full expansion.
They also have convenient pass-through pockets and an expansion rear-glove pocket.
That was the same year they began a rapid expansion plan, and now they have stores throughout the U.K. and online.
Fashion Bug became a household name between the late 1970s and 1990s when a rapid expansion took place, opening up numerous locations nationwide.
This resulted in an expansion and a new site called Sydney's Closet which offers plus size prom dresses in sizes 14 to 44.
They currently have over 80 stores in 22 states, and have plans on expansion to make Solstice Stores available to even more of the population.
Originally a family business, with human resources handled by Ziff's wife and corporate expansion directed by his son, the company grew to 100 Sunglass Hut stores by 1986.
Sunglass Hut International went public in 1993, and used the proceeds to reorganize and retire some debt, as well as to finance further worldwide expansion.
Nosepieces didn't exist prior to the 1920s, so that played a key part in the expansion of available sunglass and eyeglass styles.
The 2000s brought more expansion, though manufacturing was still done in Denmark.
Though Disney's initial European expansion was slow to ignite Disney fervor, today it is a popular destination near Paris and adds to the total of how many Disney theme parks are in the world.
More expensive versions are likely to include a wider range of features and greater detail, and may even incorporate previously released expansion packs and other bonuses.
Future expansion is not out of the question, and whenever it is time to get the public's attention, Disney adds a newer, more cutting edge Eticket attraction for all to come and see.
Kingda Ka was part of the largest expansion project in the history of Six Flags Great Adventure.
They continued with the expansion started in earlier years and by the end of decade, the theme park was drawing more than a half million visitors each summer.The park was becoming known as the place for company and business picnics.
Gamers have since been able to enjoy several sequels and expansion packs to the Sims universe.
An expansion pack called United Offensive and a Mac OS X and N-Gage version is available.
You can create houses, grow neighborhoods, get jobs and play with the large number of expansion packs available for the game.
If you have a copy of Sims 2 for PC, then you're probably already familiar with the many official expansion packs that you can purchase for the game.
At the same time, programmers developed ways to essentially "hack" the Sims 2 game and then developed expansion packs of their own that people could download for free.
Some examples of expansion packs developed by these "hackers" include the following.
If the download isn't an archive file, but instead comes over as a "Sims Pack", all you have to do is run the regular Sims 2 Installer that came on your game CD, and it'll recognize the new expansion pack.
ModTheSims is probably the most popular resource in the world for hacking Sims 2 installations and making the various free custom expansion backs and add-ons work properly.
The drums are without the cymbals, but the peripheral has an expansion port so you can add a set.
An expansion pack was released later that year and a sequel is currently in the works.
Then, when the Expansion pack was released the same year, you got a lot more added to your Halo 2 gameplay experience with more levels, mods, and special features.
Turbine, the publisher and developer of Asheron's Call, Asheron's Call 2 and the Legions expansion pack, all for the PC, has announced that they will be suspending service for the multiplayer games.
This time, the expansion picks up two years after the disastrous events of Doom III and put players back on Mars, once again in the role of another faceless marine who tries to defend Earth from invading legions of hellspawn.
Although I've found mods online that have easily fixed that. wtf, idk bout the pc version but on the xbox, they changed it so that the flashlight was on your pistol in the expansion.
In addition to the expansion beyond guitars, some other innovations have been introduced in World Tour, sizably differentiating this game from Rock Band 2, another rhythm game that was released around the same time.
This growth and expansion has been even more pronounced in recent years.
Nintendo has hinted at the possibility of downloadable demos, game updates, extensions, expansion packs, and much more in the future.
Overlord was released in June 2007, but an expansion pack is already in the works for both the Xbox 360 and the PC versions.
Not only are they designed with more levels and options than a standard console game (so far), they can add more to an existing cool game with expansion sets.
You can extend your play with expansion sets, game editors and online play.
When the first Sims title was released in 2000, it was quickly followed by its first expansion pack, Livin' Large.
An expansion pack allows the game player to add new items and neighborhoods to their Sims game.
They also work with the Brood Wars expansion, so your winning streak can go untarnished.
The compilation is a mixture of games and expansion packs for the original games.
An expansion pack for the original game, it adds 15 single player missions, along with ten multiplayer maps.
One of two expansion packs released in 1997.
Aftermath is the second expansion pack for ''Red Alert', also released in 1997.
This is an expansion pack for Tiberian Sun.
This is an expansion pack for Red Alert 2.
There are two official expansion packs for the Sims 2, Nightlife and University and both are available for purchase through the website or at your local department or electronics store.
If you delete your mailbox your Sim doesn't have an address meaning they can't go to work, can't go to any of the expansion lots and won't be able to invite friends over.
These next few hints will only help those of you with the "Makin' Magic" expansion pack.
If you do not own this expansion pack - you should.
If you do not have all of the expansion packs the new "Sims Complete Collection" is available for purchase now through The Sims Website.
The new expansion pack -- Burning Crusade -- will soon be available for your gaming enjoyment.
Get this WoW expansion set and find out.
In the starting point of this World of Warcraft game expansion, you will spend time learning about Blood Elf history, and finding out the truth about the tragic fate of the people of Silver moon.
The first official expansion (the Burning Crusade) is being prepped for beta.
What followed was a rapid period of expansion throughout the 1980s with worldwide recognition that drew the attention of some of France's Pinot Noir growers from the Burgundy region.
Pinot Noir has been gaining in popularity with the expansion of New World wine growing regions that cultivate the persnickety grapes.
Founded in 1997 through a partnership of siblings Barbara, Diane and Fred Hansen, Tremani Vineyards is the latest expansion of the family's contributions to Sonoma County's rich and diverse agricultural district.
Unfortunately, the Motorola SLVR L7 only has 11 megabytes of built-in memory, so you will need to make use of the provided microSD / TransFlash expansion slot to store any reasonable amount of tunes.
In addition to an amazing 470MB of internal memory with Memory Stick Duo Pro expansion, the Sony Ericsson W900 also sports a 2 megapixel digital camera, UMTS high speed data, Bluetooth, and a suite of 3D mobile games.
There are two main ways to transfer photographs from your cameraphone to your computer, given that you are making use of your mobile handset's internal memory and not a media card found in the expansion slots of some cell phones.
It only has a VGA camera, 5.5MB of internal memory, and no expansion slot.
This means the camera is now 1.23 megapixels and there is a microSD memory card expansion slot.
High-speed 3G data comes by way of EV-DO, the camera is 1.3 megapixels, and there is an integrated media player (although there is no memory expansion slot).
The V3m is a slight step up from the V3c, including a microSD expansion slot this time around.
Its specs aren't groundbreaking -- 1.23 megapixel camera, SCREEN3, Bluetooth, TransFlash expansion, etc. -- but its golden complexion will certainly turn a few heads.
Although it is still consider an MP3 phone, complete with external touch-sensitive music controls, there is no memory card expansion slot.
Key specs include 256MB of internal memory, microSD expansion, GPRS/EDGE, a 2 megapixel camera, and an FM radio.
Some of its key features include a 1.3 megapixel camera, miniSD memory card expansion, side thumbwheel, 320 x 240 pixel color display, PIM functionality, and advanced speech recognition and speakerphone.
Each handheld comes with a certain amount of integrated storage -- up to 16GB, depending on the model -- and then there is no memory card slot for additional memory expansion.
This phone also has a memory card expansion slot and an integrated multimedia player, so you will be able to enjoy as many tunes and pictures as you'd like.
For media storage, however, it usually makes more sense to use the integrated microSD card expansion slot.
Palatal or upper jaw expansion devices can widen a narrow upper jaw and correct a crossbite within months.
The triplet repeat expansion seems to interfere with the normal assembly of amino acids into proteins, significantly reducing the amount of frataxin that is made.
Another possible complication is compartment syndrome, a painful condition resulting from the expansion of enclosed tissue and that may occur when a body part is immobilized in a cast.
Hypertrophic obesity-Excessive weight gain in adulthood, characterized by expansion of already existing fat cells.
Circumvallate placenta-The existence of a thick, round, white, opaque ring around the periphery of the placenta that limits the expansion of the fetal vessels.
This stage of expansion is called a premutation.
All mothers of a child with a full mutation are carriers of an FMR-1 gene expansion.
Instead, obvious bone expansion and changes occur that cause characteristic facial and other changes in appearance, as well as increased risk of fractures.
The specific mutation that causes DM1 is called a trinucleotide repeat expansion.
The enlarged section of the gene is called a trinucleotide repeat expansion.
This means that when a person with repeat numbers in the affected or premutation range (above 38) has children, the expansion grows larger, and the child has more of the repeated genetic unit (a higher repeat number).
Some people who have a trinucleotide repeat expansion in their DMPK gene do not have DM symptoms or have very mild symptoms that go unnoticed.
With the expansion of bone marrow registries since the early 2000s, it is also possible to use bone marrow from an unrelated donor whose tissues closely match those of the affected child.
Because the skull has no room for expansion, the hemophiliac is at risk for brain damage due to blood taking up space and exerting pressure on the delicate brain tissue.
Hydranencephaly is distinct from hydrocephalus, in which CSF accumulates within a normally-formed brain, putting pressure on it and possibly causing skull expansion.
Meconium aspiration syndrome-Breathing in of meconium (a newborn's first stool) by a fetus or newborn, which can block air passages and interfere with lung expansion.
He or she also will look for maximum chest expansion during inhalation.
Chest physical therapy is the term for a group of treatments designed to improve respiratory efficiency, promote expansion of the lungs, strengthen respiratory muscles, and eliminate secretions from the respiratory system.
Turning from side to side permits lung expansion.
Hydrocephalus is an abnormal expansion of cavities, called ventricles, within the brain, which is caused by an abnormally large accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
When hydrocephalus occurs in infants, fusion of the skull bones is prevented, which leads to abnormal expansion of the skull.
The feng shui element of fire represents passion, energy, transformation and expansion.
The receiving center saw constant expansion until the U.S. entered World War I in 1917.
The most frequent reason for cramping in early pregnancy is uterus expansion, but a few other causes exist.
This incredible amount of expansion, over a relatively short period of time, can cause some abdominal pain; the amount and severity of the pain varies from one woman to another.
As for future plans, these include expansion of the line into accessories to complement the swim wear.
Company executives say the modified moniker was initiated by an expansion to Texas.
Calcium also plays a key role in contraction and expansion of blood vessels, muscle contraction, and nerve transmission.
As the heat dissipates, the Freon is drawn into the expansion coil.
The expansion coil causes the Freon to become extremely cold.
Zombies! include a number of expansion sets that can be played along with the original on their own.
This is much less than other Trivial Pursuit games, and expansion sets have not been made for the Disney version.
Grants are given for a specific purpose, such as making energy-efficient improvements to a home, funding the expansion plans of small businesses or paying for school.
A definite expansion of your dating pool.
So a good definition of Tantric Sexuality would be to say it is sexual activity with a purpose, that purpose being the expansion of consciousness or the experience of union (which is one definition of the word Yoga).
Multiple expansion packs add to what players can experience in the game.
There are multiple expansion sets for The Sims from Amazon and other retailers.
Of course, the term Sims comes from the very popular game of the same name, which includes an expansion pack for sending your tiny people on virtual "hot dates."
Chanel handbags are an expansion of the Chanel fashions, with the same traditions being incorporated into the bags' designs.
Jackson. At this moment, Tod's is looking to expand into the status of a luxury clothing designer, and the company is showing excellent potential for such expansion.
A subsidiary in Germany, followed by another in Belgium, laid out the brand's European expansion. 1980 marked the date when Phillipe Cassegrain (son of Jean Cassegrain) took over the family business.
A Moon in Sagittarius person seeks advancement and expansion in life.
Expansion is the best word to describe the progression of this relationship as the two air signs move through life together.
Still others feel that the remake provided more of an outlet than the original, especially in its expansion into the back story of Michael's character.
The company's expansion now includes sports clothing, a fragrance line, eyewear, and watches in addition to footwear.
Actually, now that my second baby is just about potty trained, we're in the midst of an expansion effort with retailers.
Generally well received by the critics, some fans deplored the increased roles of characters in the book who were considered minor while still others found the expansion beyond Sookie's viewpoint to be rewarding.
The stylish expansion clasp attached to an attractive pair of black rubber strap reflects sheer elegance.
The Bulova Men's Silver-Tone Expansion Watch 96C15 features a watch function and retails for $135.
While their products eventually grew to encompass everything from word processors to musical keyboards, they began their expansion with watches.
Watches with expansion bands can easily be slipped on and off without having to worry about undoing a strap.
In 1928, Jean-Léon Reutter, a Swiss engineer, built the first Atmos prototype, which used a mercury-in-glass expansion device that utilized temperature alone rather than temperature combined with atmospheric pressure.
This new expansion of the geographical reach dealers have achieved through the online channel has had an impact on used vehicle pricing as well.
This is when the business cycle starts to turn from contraction into an expansion.
This is the highest point of the economic growth seen during the expansion phase.
In a business level graph, the company's sales, expansion and overall growth is in use to pinpoint where the company stands.
If you do not pay close attention to your executive summary, you may never get a chance to discuss your business plan with investors who could provide needed funding for capital expansion or the introduction of new products or services.
This section should also include potential expansion plans if you are considering expanding your business once the initial start up is successful.
Consider the investments required for expansion, such as adding more vehicles and supplies.
The recall expansion was prompted by additional reports of problems with the airbags and one airbag inflator-caused fatality.
Unlike some of the older NFL teams such as the Dallas Cowboys, the Panthers were one of two expansion teams started in 1995.
After the company went public it went through a period of rapid expansion and can now be found in almost every state as well as in Canada.
At the time, Fabri-Centers itself had more than 600 stores, but most were in the northern U.S. This marked the beginning of Joann Crafts' expansion into the rest of the country.
This rapid expansion earned Curves the distinction of the fastest growing franchise in history.
By 1955, the company had grown to serve 32 states and had changed its name to Nationwide to reflect its expansion into the western United States.
That said, a few women comment that it was a good yoga bra to wear when they were pregnant and their breasts growing daily, because of that expansion.
This rapid expansion has found a natural home in the intersection between fashion and lingerie.
What was the inspiration for the expansion of your product?
Officials announced plans to add the New York Majesty to the league and Mitchell Mortaza announced that he will be bringing the LFL to North Carolina in 2010 with his expansion team, the Charlotte Crush.
As the two main artists - Ami James and Chris Nunez - watch the studio grow and prosper they consider expansion, other projects, and ways to bring in even more customers.
Before the expansion he married Beth Chapman, who shared his passion for bounty hunting.
Pelletier Brothers Inc. began when the brothers were taking on so much work that expansion was necessary.
The beginning of his ascendancy is marked by an unprecedented outward expansion of Athenian power.
The automatic inlet of cold water to the hot water system from the main house tank or other source is controlled by a ball valve, which is so fixed as to allow the water to rise no more than an inch above the bottom of the tank, thus leaving the remainder of the space clear for expansion.
The early history of these towns is a record of brisk commercial expansion and active colonization.
This assumption, however, cannotbe justified, because it neglected to take account of work which might possibly have to be done within the steam itself during the expansion.
Above the mouth is the lid (operculum), which varies in size from a small narrow process to a large heartshaped expansion.
Many instances might be given of appreciation of and response to other changes in the environment by the growing parts of plants; among them we may mention the opening and closing of flowers during the days of their expansion.
Unfortunately for the political future of this new state, its internal consolidation did not keep pace with its territorial expansion.
On the whole, however, at that period as in more recent times, they contributed largely to the process of territorial expansion.
Compound working permits of a greater range of expansion than is possible with a simple engine, and incidentally there is less range of pressure per cylinder, so that the pressures and temperatures per cylinder have not such a wide range of variation.
This soil is spongy, and, undergoing alternate contraction and expansion from being alternately comparatively dry and saturated with moisture, allows the heavy blocks to slip down by their own weight into the valley, where they become piled up, the valley stream afterwards removing the soil from among and over them.
The account of the causes of the expansion of Christianity is chiefly to be criticized for its omissions.
Earlier still the sun must have reached to where Neptune now revolves on the confines of our system, but the mass of the sun could not undergo an expansion so prodigious without being made vastly more rarefied than at present, and hence we are led by this mode of reasoning to the conception of the primaeval nebula from which our system has originated.
The expansion of Cretan commerce has been retarded by many drawbacks, such as the unsatisfactory condition of the harbours, the want of direct steamship lines to England and other countries, and the deficiency of internal communications.
But while we have yet to wait for that expansion of principal triangulation which will bring Asia into connexion with Europe by the direct process of earth measurement, a topobetween graphical connexion has been effected between Russian Russ/an and Indian surveys which sufficiently proves that the and deductive methods employed by both countries for the Indian determination of the co-ordinate values of fixed points so surveys.
This gave a stimulus to the trade in imported hay, which rose from 61,237 tons in 1892 to 263,050 tons in 1893, and despite some large home-grown crops in certain subsequent years (1897 and 1898) this expansion has never since been wholly lost.
The most notable feature in connexion with the cropping of the land of the United Kingdom between 1875 and 1905 was the lessened cultivation of the cereal crops associated with an expansion in the area of grass land.
A large expansion in the acreage of the wheat crop would probably be attended by a decline in the average yield per acre, for when a United Kingdom, 1895-1904.
Dorsal papillae with a membranous expansion; male and female apertures at some distance from each other; pelagic. Fiona.
The subsequent expansion of the body causes fresh air to enter the tracheal system, and if the spiracles be then closed and the body again contracted, this air is driven to the finest branches of the air-tubes, where a direct oxygenation of the tissues takes place.
This expansion of the trade of Venice resulted in the rapid development of the wealthier classes, with a growing tendency to draw together for the purpose of securing to themselves the entire direction of Venetian politics in order to dominate Venetian commerce.
The, expansion of commerce which resulted from the Fourth Crusade soon made itself evident in the city by a rapid development in its architecture and by a decided strengthening of the commercial aristocracy, which eventually led to the great constitutional reform - the closing of the Maggior Consiglio in 1296, whereby Venice became a rigid oligarchy.
The period with which we are now dealing is the epoch of the despots, the signori, and in pursuit of expansion on the mainland Venice was brought into collision first with the Scaligeri of Verona, then with the Carraresi of Padua, and finally with the Visconti of Milan.
This expansion of mainland territory was followed in 1420 by the acquisition of Friuli after a successful war with the emperor Sigismund, thus bringing the possessions of the republic up to the Carnic and Julian Alps, their natural frontier on the north-east.
The acquisition of Cyprus marks the extreme limit of Venetian expansion in the Levant; from this date onward there is little to record save the gradual loss of her maritime possessions.
Viscosity increases with density, but oils of the same density often vary greatly; the coefficient of expansion, on the other hand, varies inversely with the density, but bears no simple relation to the change of fluidity of the oil under the influence of heat, this being most marked in oils of paraffin base.
Thus, it would appear, the whole of the expansion of the Latin kingdom (which may be said to have attained its height in 1131, at the death of Baldwin II.) may be shown to have been dictated, at any rate in large part, by economic motives; and thus, too, it would seem that two of the most powerful motives which sway the mind of man - the religious motive and the desire for gain - conspired to elevate the kingdom of Jerusalem (at once the country of Christ, and a natural centre of trade) to a position of supremacy in Latin Syria.
The expansion of the working wire when it is heated will then increase or create a sag in it owing to its increase in FIG.
The westward expansion of the United States made necessary American ports on the Gulf of Mexico; consequently the acquisition of West Florida as well as of New Orleans was one of the aims of the negotiations which resulted in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
It was a time of rapid expansion, marked by great missionary fervour, and may be called the Circuit Period, for even after the circuits were grouped into districts in 1821 they did not lose their privilege of missionary initiative.
But the triumph of the navy in 480 and the great expansion of commerce and industry had definitely shifted the political centre of gravity from the yeoman class of moderate democrats to the more radical party usually stigmatized as the " sailor rabble."
For example, the physicist determines the density, elasticity, hardness, electrical and thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, &c.; the chemist, on the other hand, investigates changes in composition, such as may be effected by an electric current, by heat, or when two or more substances are mixed.
The linear scale of maps can obviously be used only in the case of maps covering a small area, for in the case of maps of greater extension measurements would be vitiated owing to the distortion or exaggeration inherent in all projections, not to mention the expansion or shrinking of the paper in the process of printing.
Creation is not it is simply a further expansion or evolution of the Sephiroth.'
The ceded revenues administered directly by the public debt council have shown remarkable expansion, and may be fairly looked upon as exemplifying what would occur in the general revenues of the empire when good and honest administration and regular payment of officials finally took the place of the carelessness, corruption and irregularity which existed up to the change of regime.
The war that followed marks an epoch in the decay of the Ottoman Empire and in the expansion of Russia.
The intervening period of western expansion, following the Louisiana Purchase, is depicted in The Crossing (1904).
The blossoms of the peach are formed the autumn previous to their expansion, and this fact, together with the peculiarities of their form and position, requires to be borne in mind by the gardener in his pruning and training operations.
This latter match, though unpopular in England and Normandy, was a fatal blow to the designs of Louis VI., and prepared the way for the expansion of English power beyond the Loire.
Before it is put in, the article is roughly put together, and the expansion of the included air forces the rubber into contact with the internal surface of the mould, or a little carbonate of ammonia is enclosed.
The number of partitions of a biweight pq into exactly i biparts is given (after Euler) by the coefficient of a, z xPy Q in the expansion of the generating function 1 - ax.
It is shown in the article on Combinatorial Analysis that (w; 0,n) is the coefficient of a e z w in the ascending expansion of the fraction 1-a.
We may, by a well-known theorem, write the result as a coefficient of z w in the expansion of 1 - z n+1.
As we have to do only with that part of the expansion which involves positive powers of z, we must try to isolate that portion, say A n (z).
Among other subjects at which he subsequently worked were the absorption of gases in blood (1837-1845), the expansion of gases by heat (1841-1844), the vapour pressures of water and various solutions (1844-1854), thermo-electricity (1851), electrolysis (1856), induction of currents (1858-1861), conduction of heat in gases (1860), and polarization of heat (1866-1868).
Tin unites with lead in any proportion with slight expansion, the alloy fusing at a lower temperature than either component.
The archaeological exploration of Algeria has kept pace with the expansion of French dominion.
Hence the changes of volume undergone by a given sample of wrought iron under increasing magnetization must depend largely upon the state of the metal as regards hardness; there may be always contraction, or always expansion, or first one and then the other.
The wire is subject to two superposed magnetizations, the one longitudinal, the other circular, due to the current traversing the wire; the resultant magnetization is consequently in the direction of a screw or spiral round the wire, which will be right-handed or left-handed according as the relation between the two magnetizations is right-handed or left-handed; the magnetic expansion or contraction of the metal along the spiral lines of magnetization produces the Wiedemann twist.
Pocock accepts those views in all essential points and has, as a special student of the Arachnida, given to them valuable expansion and confirmation.
In 1763 the first North Bridge, connecting the Old Town with the sloping ground on which afterwards stood the Register House and the theatre in Shakespeare Square, was opened; a little later the Nor' Loch was partially drained, and the bridging of the Cowgate in 1785 encouraged expansion southwards.
As a strong advocate of colonial expansion he was also a bitter enemy of Great Britain, and he was to a large extent responsible for the anti-British feeling of German Chauvinism during the last years of the 19th century.
The following nine years mark the financial and commercial rehabilitation of Hungary, the establishment of a vast and original railway system which won the admiration of Europe, the liberation and expansion of her over-sea trade, the conversion of her national debt under the most favourable conditions and the consequent equilibrium of her finances.
Laplace published in 1779 the method of generating functions, the foundation of his theory of probabilities, and the first part of his Theorie analytique is devoted to the exposition of its principles, which in their simplest form consist in treating the successive values of any function as the coefficients in the expansion of another function with reference to a different variable.
The multinomial which is equivalent to (A= a)", and has its terms arranged in ascending powers of a, is called the expansion of (A= a) n.
The binomial theorem gives a formula for writing down the coefficient of any stated term in the expansion of any stated power of a given binomial.
The Coefficients In The Expansion Of (A A) N For Any Particular Value Of N Are Obtained By Reading Diagonally Upwards From Left To Right From The (N 1)Th Number In The First Column.
The earlier Maccabaean policy of concentration had given place to one of expansion.
Instead of reducing chaos to order and concentrating his attention, as Brand had done in the Free State, on establishing security and promoting industry, he took up, with all its entanglements, the policy of intrigues with native chiefs beyond the border and the dream of indefinite expansion.
Simultaneously with this " irresponsible " movement for expansion, President Kruger proceeded to London to interview Lord Derby and endeavour to induce him to dispense with the suzerainty, and to withdraw other clauses in the Pretoria Convention on foreign relations and natives, which were objectionable from the Boer point of view.
On the eastern border a similar policy of expansion was followed by the Boers, and in this instance with more success.
Typically they are steam pumps, the steam and water cylinders being set tandem on the same bed frame, generally without fly-wheel or other rotary parts; they may be single cylinder or duplex, simple, compound or triple expansion, and having a higher speed of stroke are smaller in all their parts than Cornish pumps.
England and Wales have a population more than twelve times as dense as that of Burma, so there is still room for expansion.
When boiling water is poured into a glass vessel, the vessel frequently breaks, on account of the unequal expansion of the inner and outer layers.
The chronology of this expansion is entirely unknown, nor can we recover with certainty the names of the cities which constituted the two leagues of twelve founded in the conquered districts on the analogy of the original league in Etruria proper (below).
With the expansion of trade and industry the number of artisans increased, and they banded together for mutual protection.
The greater portion of the most suitable land appears to be already under cultivation and there is little immediate prospect for much expansion of the industry.
Two important works are associated with his administration, the non-clerical organization of public education, and the beginning of the colonial expansion of France.
The expansion of the Inca rule and the formation of the Peruvian Empire was of modern growth at the time of the Spanish conquest, and dated from the victories of Pachacutic Inca who lived about a century before Huayna Capac, the Great Inca, whose death took place in 1526, the year before Pizarro first appeared on the coast.
As the fifteenth book of the Speculum Doctrinale is a summary of the Speculum Naturale, so the Speculum Historiale may be regarded as the expansion of the last book of the same work.
The blood-sucking habit is common to both sexes, and the abdomen, being capable of great expansion, is adapted for the periodical ingestion of an abundant food-supply.
Every Wednesday afternoon he made a reverential pilgrimage to her tomb, and three times every day he invoked her memory in words of passionate expansion.
In other directions also the expansion has been rapid; the village of Bornheim was incorporated in Frankfort in 1877, the former Hessian town of Bockenheim in 1895, and the suburbs of Niederrad, Oberrad and Seckbach in 1900.
Its manufacture as a special branch of art work dates from the rise of the naturalistic school of painting and the great expansion of the popular school under the Katsugawa, but the okimono formed an occasional amusement of the older glyptic artists.
In this reasoning Spencer appears to have overlooked the possibility of an expansion of the ethical environment.
In more recent years a great expansion has been witnessed.
Another steel containing 45% of nickel has, like platinum, the same coefficient of expansion as glass.