Expands Sentence Examples
The Oglio, a more considerable stream than either of the last two, rises in the Monte Tonale above Edolo, and descends through the Val Camonica to Lovere, where it expands into a large lake, called Iseo from the town of that name on its southern shore.
As it gets older it gradually unfolds and expands into the adult form.
Leaving this it expands into the Lake of Horns, having been dammed back in antiquity.
When a current is passed through the wire, continuous or alternating, it creates heat, which expands the air in the bulb and forces the liquid up one side of the U-tube to a certain position in which the rate of loss of heat by the air is equal to the rate at which it is gaining heat.
It is pleasantly situated on rising ground above the small river Cober, which, a little below the town, expands into a picturesque estuary called Looe Pool, the water being banked up by the formation of Looe Bar at the mouth.
The excess of heat received in equatorial regions expands the water, but at the same time excess of evaporation concentrates it, so that the density increases.
Iron (moderately magnetized) expands along the lines of magnetization, and therefore for a right-handed spiral exhibits a right-handed twist.
The seeds or grape-stones are somewhat club-shaped, with a narrow neck-like portion beneath, which expands into a rounded and thickened portion above.
Everything is air at different degrees of density, and under the influence of heat, which expands, and of cold, which contracts its volume, it gives rise to the several phases of existence.
The passage at first runs obliquely upwards in the bank, sometimes to a distance of as much as 50 ft., and expands at its termination into a cavity, the floor of which is lined with dried grass and leaves, and in which, it is said, the eggs are laid' and the young brought up. Their food consists of aquatic insects, small crustaceans and worms, which are caught under water, the sand and small stones at the bottom being turned over with their bills to find them.
AdvertisementIt therefore expands on solidification; and as it retains this property in a number of alloys, the metal receives extensive application in forming type-metals.
The chief trouble was that acetone expands a small percentage of its own volume while it is absorbing acetylene; therefore it is impossible to fill a cylinder with acetone and then force in acetylene, and still more impracticable only partly to fill the cylinder with acetone, as in that case the space above the liquid would be filled with acetylene under high pressure, and would have all the disadvantages of a cylinder containing compressed acetylene only.
Nearly the entire course of the Weser lies in Prussia, but it also touches part of Brunswick and Lippe, and after flowing through Bremen expands into an estuary separating the duchy of Oldenburg from the Prussian province of Hanover.
In time of war or of public disturbance, however, the domestic authority of the president expands rapidly.
From this junction there proceeds an oviduct or " uterus " (paired or single) which before opening to the exterior expands to form a muscular protrusible pouch - the bursa copulatrix.
AdvertisementThe effect of mountain-chains on prevailing winds is to carry warm air belonging to the lower region into an upper zone, where it expands in volume at the cost of a proportionate loss of heat, often accompanied by the precipitation of moisture in the form of snow or rain.
In view of the fact that air expands, becomes lighter and rises, under the influence of heat, the pipes should be set near the floor.
It rises at the upper or eastern extremity of the Swiss canton of the Valais, flows between the Bernese Alps (N.) and the Lepontine and Pennine Alps (S.) till it expands into the Lake of Geneva, winds round the southernmost spurs of the Jura range, receives at Lyons its principal tributary, the Saline, and then turns southward through France till, by many mouths, it enters that part of the Mediterranean which is rightly called the Golfe du Lion (sometimes wrongly the Gulf of Lyons).
In fact, up to Lyons, the Rhone (save when it expands into the Lake of Geneva) is a huge and very unruly mountain torrent rather than a great European river.
Greenland lies to the north of Fritz's curve of maximum auroral frequency, and the suggestion has been made that the zone of maximum frequency expands to the south as sun-spots increase, and contracts again as they diminish, the number of auroras at a given station increasing or diminishing as the zone of maximum frequency approaches to or recedes from it.
AdvertisementThus, as the cult of a particular divinity spreads farther and farther, so the circle expands from which are drawn those who visit his sanctuary.
Below the junction of the Ganges and the Jumna at Allahabad the country begins to assume the appearance of the Bengal plains, and once more expands northwards to the foot of the Nepal Himalayas.
This inlet expands into five broad gulfs, united by narrower channels, and forms one of the finest natural harbours in Europe.
He likewise expands at great length a theory of the origin of the Catholic Church much like that sketched by Toland, but assumes that Paul and his party, latterly at least, were distinctly hostile to the Judaical party of their fellow-believers in Jesus as the Messias, while the college of the original twelve apostles and their adherents viewed Paul and his followers with suspicion and disfavour.
A fragment of such a paste brought into a liquid in which the solid particles are soluble, slowly expands into a honeycomb like foam, the walls of the minute vesicles being films of oil, and the contents being the soluble particles dissolved in droplets of the circumambient liquid.
AdvertisementDuring the latter part of its course this noble river expands into a large estuary containing many islands, the principal of which is that of Dakshin Shahbazpur.
A rain-cloud raised vertically upwards expands, cools and tends to precipitate; but in the actual passage of rain-clouds over the surface of the earth other influences are at work.
Near its mouth, the Xingu expands into an immense lake, and its waters then mingle with those of the Amazon through a labyrinth of canos (natural canals), winding in countless directions through a wooded archipelago.
The copious additional information given by later writers is all by way either of interpretation of local legends in the light of Ephorus's theory, or of explanation of the name "Pelasgoi"; as when Philochorus expands a popular etymology "stork-folk" (w€Xaa'yoi-- it €Xap'yoi) into a theory of their seasonal migrations; or Apollodorus says that Homer calls Zeus Pelasgian "because he is not far from every one of us," 6TL Tiffs ryes 7rEXas EaTCV.
Christian love is conceived (after Augustine) as primarily love to God (beyond the natural yearning of the creature after its ultimate good), which expands into love towards all God's creatures as created by him, and so ultimately includes even self-love.
Closed in by mountains it flows past Linz in an unbroken stream - below, it expands and divides into many arms until it reaches the famous whirlpool near Grein where its waters unite and flow on in one channel for 40 m., through mountains and narrow passes.
Where the forest is less dense and small agricultural communities begin to make their appearance, the unit expands to the village with its headman.
Here the width of the stream increases at flood time to woo or 1500 yds., and though it narrows at the somewhat dangerous rapids of Rumde Gilla to 150 or 180 yds., it soon expands again.
A little beyond, near Brienz, the river expands into the lake of Brienz, where it becomes navigable.
The horizontal ramus, long, straight, and compressed, gradually narrows towards the symphysis, where it expands laterally to form with the ankylosed opposite ramus the wide, semicircular, shallow alveolar border for the incisor teeth.
Internally it expands in the transverse plane, and from the expanded portion the tracheal tubes arise in diverging bundles.
Here f is the termination of the primary axis, and this flower expands first, while the other flowers are developed centrifugally on separate axes.
The axis is usually very much contracted, no internodes being developed, and the portion bearing the floral leaves, termed the thalamus or torus, frequently expands into a conical, flattened or hollowed expansion; at other times, though rarely, the internodes are developed and it is elongated.
When the flower expands, the traces of twisting often disappear, but sometimes, as in Apocynaceae, they remain.
When the perianth (p) expands, the filaments are thrown out with force as at a, so as to scatter the pollen.
It expands, classifies, tabulates, draws corollaries from the ethical doctrines laid down in the more popular treatises.
Reverse Abdominal Nose Panting expands the abdomen on the puff out.
Of course, his analysis is not limited to those views just mentioned but rather expands to a plethora of opinions concerning constitutionalism.
The poor laddie will scream the whole flight as the air expands on ascent but can't get out.
To maintain hydrostatic equilibrium, the solar envelope also expands and cools, reducing both solar luminosity and effective temperature.
As the interdisciplinary meeting ground evolves and expands, these difficulties are partially overcome.
In the middle the light expands to produce a golden tendril, or downwards decreasing spiral.
Upon the application of heat to the fire-box coil the water naturally expands and forces its way up into the expansion chamber; but there it encounters the pressure of the confined air, and ebullition is consequently FiG.
There is this difference, however, between this experiment and the operation imagined by Maxwell, that when the gases have diffused the experiment cannot be repeated; and it is no more contrary to the dissipation of energy than is the fact that work may be derived at the expense of heat when a gas expands into a vacuum, for the working substance is not finally restored to its original condition; while Maxwell's "demons" may operate without limit.
The " gatherer " gathers the glass from the tank furnace on the end of the blowing-iron, rolls it on a slab of iron or stone, slightly expands the glass by blowing, and hands the blowing iron and glass to the " blower."
The main channel follows the left side of the valley and finally expands into the Pommersches, or Stettiner Haff, which is connected with the sea by three arms, the Peene, the Swine and the Dievenow, forming the islands of Usedom and Wollin.
The prevailing winds respond to the stronger poleward temperature gradients of winter by rising to a higher velocity and a more frequent and severer cyclonic storminess; and to the weaker gradients of summer by relaxing to a lower velocity with fewer and weaker cyclonic storms; but furthermore the northern zone occupied by the prevailing westerlies expands as the winds strengthen in winter, and shrinks as they weaken in summer; thus the stormy westerlies, which impinge upon the north-western coast and give it plentiful rainfall all through the year, in winter reach southern California and sweep across part of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida; it is for this reason that southern California has a rainy winter season, and that the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico are visited in winter by occasional intensified cold winds, inappropriate to their latitude.
Facebook expands your number of weak ties.
High-pressure steam from this combustion process expands out a rocket nozzle or drives a turbine that turns a propeller screw.
Moreover, the green edging of the tendrils of young plants sometimes expands into a narrow lamina or blade.
Err on the side of the shoe being roomy versus tight fitting, your foot expands as you run and tight running shoes can create havoc on your feet.
During a normal feline pregnancy, the muzzle of the cat expands to a width large enough to support two faces.
Flooring features - Bamboo flooring expands and contracts less than hardwood.
Instead of a scientific calculator where everything is on one screen, you can click on the type of math and an index of calculators expands, allowing you to select the kind you want in more detail.
Adding printing capabilities to a digital camera expands options for digital users.
Squeeze it until the balloon expands and pops.
In addition, portable storage pieces are affordable, so it's easy to add more items as your collection expands.
This journey often starts at the current location and expands to show the embrace of the cosmos.
Raw unsalted kimchi is an excellent probiotic source, and you will know your food is alive and flourishing by the way the sauerkraut expands and pours out of the jar upon opening.
The Internet expands the options for purchasing your basic supplies.
The collection for older boys expands on the baby themes of smiley faces, tractors, and animals in order to continue to appeal to boys; it features some older themes for toddlers and bigger boys.
It is fully insulated and features an "I-Grow" system that expands the pant legs by two inches and the sleeves by an inch and a half.
The flowers, produced in pairs, and carried on wiry stems each 9 inches to a foot in height, are longer than in either of the parents, the pouch widening as it expands, becoming somewhat wedge-shaped.
Wood expands and contracts, so starting with your materials at the same temperature as the room will help you avoid nasty surprises later.
This can prevent damage to the flooring if it expands or contracts.
Though more expensive than other types of attic insulation products, the foam expands when sprayed and completely fills the space which prevents air leaks and energy loss.
With the click of a button the awning automatically expands or retracts.
If using spray foam, don't spray too much as it expands; if the foam spreads beyond the wall, you will have to trim the excess away with a utility knife.
The nozzle tip disperses a thin layer of the foam that rapidly expands to 100 times its volume in a matter of seconds.
The resulting culture expands and simply resembles a mushroom cap.
Torrid's line expands to accessories for the plus size woman, too.
Sample a few sites, even for fun, to see if the technique expands your possibilities.
This expands upon her existing exercise DVD collection by letting you try exercises via the Wii Balance Board.
Debuting alongside the Wii MotionPlus attachment, Wii Sports Resort takes the appeal of the original Wii Sports and expands on it by adding many more activities.
A rumored grenade in Halo 3 features a new opponent motion tracking system that has a ribcage that expands and lights up when in use.
Occasionally, you'll come across a title that expands on the variety a little bit, offering short mini-games in between searching sessions.
Imagine how much this expands when you include international markets like Japan, Australia, Canada, and Europe.
This expands the room from the left side which grabs him and returns you to the White Room.
Unlike previous Mario Kart games, however, Mario Kart Wii expands the number of racers that can participate in a single game at a time.
Transportation buffs will love this title because it takes that tiny train set you had as a child and expands it to unfathomable proportions.
This starts with basic physique and quickly expands into hairstyles, clothing, accessories and more.
This sequel of sorts expands greatly on the first game, offering a total of 12 different sports activities.
Gently twist the metal loop at the base of the cage until it expands and is easily removed.
The free version gives about 100 basic phrases, whereas the full version ($9.99) expands on this substantially.
Rather, with the natural broadening of psychosocial and cognitive abilities, the child's social world expands to include more people and settings beyond the home environment.
Using chalks, pastels, charcoal, and pencils of different softness expands the artistic possibilities that crayons and markers begin.
The catheter may have an expandable wire mesh that expands in the bladder to prevent the catheter from plugging up or dislodging.
At about three or four months, infants begin to develop memory, and it expands quickly.
The rash-erythema migrans (EM)-generally develops within three to 30 days and usually begins as a round, red patch that expands outward from the tick bite.
By this process, the skull expands and becomes thicker while allowing for more brain space within.
Using a wildcard for a surname expands the results you will receive.
The foam, composed of different pressurized chemicals, expands rapidly when released and helps soften, moisturize, and soothe both skin and hair prior to shaving as well as provides lasting effects after shaving.
Because of the chemicals used in shaving cream and how its volume drastically expands, it is not recommended for use on eyebrows or other extremely sensitive areas.
Teaching this way will often build confidence as your child's reading vocabulary expands.
They are a cheaper alternative than buying new bras each time your rib cage expands to meet the needs of your growing baby.
You will also find Bella Bands and maternity support belts to keep you comfortable as your belly expands.
You may feel cramps when the embryo implants in the uterus, and they can continue intermittently as your uterus expands.
Virtually every pregnant woman experiences some pain as the uterus expands.
For example, this Arrow sewing credenza is 36 inches long when folded up, but expands to a whopping 71 inches, almost six feet, when all the drop-leaf attachments are expanded.
Be sure to come back and see what's new as the site expands and we add new articles on a regular basis.
As she searches for words to express her thoughts and ideas, she expands her vocabulary.
The ProShield Plus model costs $399.95 and expands on the features and benefits of the basic ProShield model.
When the container is held over a heat source, popcorn is produced and the aluminum expands to accommodate the popcorn.
Fill only to the indicator line because as it heats up, kerosene expands and if overfilled, the liquid could spill out and result in a fast spreading fire.
With its trifold closure, it's simple to slip into a pack or bag, but the wallet also expands to hold all your necessities for your trip.
Considered snug on initial wear, it softens and expands gradually for a good fit.
A shoe stretcher gently expands the shoes, thereby relieving pressure.
Viewers should watch True Blood episodes for season two as it greatly expands what's going on in Bon Temps and what is going on with Jason as he studies with the Fellowship of the Sun.
However, if you prefer a "do-it-yourself" method, using the Internet greatly expands your options, and can get you a great deal.
The Rivoli line expands on the popular wave motif, which leaves the numerals looking as if they were suspended in air.
An Atmos clock consists of a hermetically sealed capsule that contains ethyl chloride, which is a combination of gas and liquid that expands and contracts according to the temperature, forcing air through the mechanisms inside.
This pose expands endurance and is a great stretch for the lower body.
Each chapter expands on the total mind/body/spirit/energy unity of yoga.
Increase your life force, which consequently expands life all around you.
Correcting your form is easy, but it's the practice of internal motivation that really expands your yoga practice.
In addition, the teachers' training program offers future teachers a life-changing experience as their world of yoga expands.
Famed instructor Rodney Yee expands upon the meaning of Namaste in this brief video from Gaiam.
Management structure, which expands on the duties of key staff and areas of employee growth.
It is followed by content that expands upon the main idea.
Under certain conditions, such as extreme heat, the potassium hydroxide paste inside the battery expands.
As the heart rate increases, the body breathes deeper and expands blood flow to the muscles in use.
Although the bra stretches and expands, most women above a D cup find it to be impractical for anything other than layering.
Their crotch expands to the back with a skinny strip of fabric that is slightly wider at the top.
Rhapsody expands the "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" MP3 offerings with covers from The Partridge Family, Nick Carter, The Rockettes, and many more.
Though Broadway's popularity seems to keep expanding, many forget that the long-term effect of many musicals also expands.
As the family expands, the name of their TLC reality show changes.
In this book he expands on political theory and discusses real world issues.
The Yahoo Widget installer downloads as a small .DMG file to your desktop, which expands into a Yahoo!
NicheBOT uses some of the available Wordtracker tools and expands on them to help business owners find keywords for their niches.
Arboreal species include the well-known opossums (Phalanger); the extraordinary tree-kangaroo of the Queensland tropics; the flying squirrel, which expands a membrane between the legs and arms, and by its aid makes long sailing jumps from tree to tree; and the native bear (Phascolarctos), an animal with no affinities to the bear, and having a long soft fur and no tail.
This stream, the Murray, in the upper part of its course runs in a north-westerly direction, but afterwards turning southwards, almost at a right angle, expands into Lake Alexandrina on the south coast, about 60 m.
The action of frost is also very destructive to many stones, since the water within their cracks and crannies expands on freezing and splits off small pieces from their surfaces.