Expanding Sentence Examples
She ran a hand across her expanding stomach.
It consists of a small hydraulic press, which forces a set of expanding bits or wedges into a bore-hole previously bored by a long screw augur or drill, worked by hand, the action of the press being continued until a sufficient strain is obtained to bring down the coal.
The remainder is equivalent to the external work, W, done by the body in expanding or otherwise, which can be utilized for mechanical purposes, and ceases to exist as heat in the body.
The area BCDdb under the path represents the external work done by the substance in expanding from B to D, which is analytically represented by the integral of pdv taken along the given path.
He even produced a notebook, a sure sign of expanding curiosity.
It resembles in colour some varieties of the latter snake, and, like this, it has the power, though in a less degree, of expanding its hood.
Observing that F is a function of the co-ordinates expressing the state of the substance, we obtain for the variation of S with pressure at constant temperature, dS/dp (0 const) '=' 2 F/dedp =-0d 2 v/d0 2 (p const) (12) If the heat supplied to a substance which is expanding reversibly and doing external work, pdv, is equal to the external work done, the intrinsic energy, E, remains constant.
Joule failed to observe any change of temperature in his apparatus, and was therefore justified in assuming that the increase of intrinsic energy of a gas in isothermal expansion was very small, and that the absorption of heat observed in a similar experiment in which the gas was allowed to do external work by expanding against the atmospheric pressure was equivalent to the external work done.
For several centuries Tegea served as a bulwark of Arcadia against the expanding power of Sparta; though ultimately subdued about 550 B.C. it was allowed to retain its independence and its Arcadian nationality.
The equation of energy is dQ=dE+pdv, (17) expressing that the total energy dQ is used partly in increasing the internal energy of the gas, and partly in expanding the gas against the pressure p. If we take p = RNT/v from equation (14) and substitute for E from equation (16), this last equation becomes dQ 2 (n +3)RNdT +RNTdv (18) which may be taken as the general equation of calorimetry, for a gas which accurately obeys equation (14).
AdvertisementDoubtless with the object of expanding the flourishing foreign trade of Samos, he entered into alliance with Amasis, king of Egypt, who, according to Herodotus, renounced his ally because he feared that the gods, in envy of Polycrates' excessive good fortune, would bring ruin upon him and his allies.
Subsequent photographs showed that this nebula, which consisted mainly of two incomplete rings of nebulosity, was expanding outwards at the rate of from 2" to 3" per day.
Quinn and Martha perpetually had their hands full with their baby and Betsy stayed home, content to have extra time with our expanding garden.
Yet so long as the caliphs lived in Medina, the capital of Arabia was the capital of the expanding Arabian empire.
He rested his hand on her expanding stomach and his chin on her head.
AdvertisementBut on examination it is found that there is a central flower expanding first, and from its axis two secondary axes spring bearing solitary flowers; the expansion is thus centrifugal.
When the critical point is reached the value of r disappears altogether, and a carbonic-acid machine is then dependent for its refrigerating effect on the reduction in temperature produced by the internal work performed in expanding the gaseous carbonic acid from the condenser pressure to that in the refrigerator.
The Premier Flute Choir has been fortunate enough to benefit from expanding the range of instruments to include an alto and bass flute.
We are interested in expanding the repertoire of biocatalytic reactions by developing novel biocatalysts for reactions that are chemically very difficult.
But a low rate leads to unsustainable booms and inflations in countries already expanding.
AdvertisementThe need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe.
Plenty more fish in the sea Increase in fish farming relieves burden on the ocean's resources The aquaculture industry is expanding.
Criminal solicitor required to join this long established and expanding firm to undertake own caseload.
Furthermore, we are expanding the scope of our studies of dynamic combinatorial chemistry.
There followed more show ' trials ' of leading communists as a means for expanding the new terror.
AdvertisementExpanding an iterated commutator produces a complicated and long expression.
To counter such conflation, artistic director of the Hub UK, Andrew Missingham proposed expanding the notion of diaspora to include 'white' communities.
Dover Castle Kentish Oast House Kent, tho close to the expanding conurbation of Greater London has managed to retain its individuality.
When, for instance, we find that the quotient, when 6+5x+7x2+13x1+5x4 is divided by 2+35+5 2, is made up of three terms+3, - 2x, and +5x 2, we are really obtaining successively the values of co, c 1, and c 2 which satisfy the identity 6+ 5x+ 7x 2 + 13x 3 + 5x4 = (co+c i x+c 2 x 2) (2+3x+5 2); and we could equally obtain the result by expanding the right-hand side of this identity and equating coefficients in the first three terms, the coefficients in the remaining terms being then compared to see that there is no remainder.
Regional ports are also expanding to enable them to accommodate the larger cruise ships of the future.
Britain was a confident country at this time, with an expanding empire.
By expanding racial/ethnic immigrant enclaves, mass immigration makes it easier for immigrants to find mates within their own group... .
Our client is a well established independant estate agent based in Crawley who are in the process of expanding.
In the background the rapidly expanding lower sandy foreshore can be seen.
Expanding students ' horizons - 17 Nov 2005 English teaching is often too formulaic, says William Glover.
Our client, based in Basildon, is an expanding freight forwarder looking for an additional team member.
Over the last few years we have been slowly expanding and up until recently we had 2 franchisers.
The research base is expanding and there are opportunities for academic geriatricians to be part of this expansion.
People logistics planning is a fast expanding market building from best practice in freight logistics [10] .
He also purchased land and buildings around the city for his expanding manufactory.
Unit Trusts and Shares In the past two years the Unit Trusts market has been growing and expanding the outreach to the poor.
Competition for decreasing oil reserves from the expanding economies of Asia means that demand will soon outstrip supply.
Due to their expanding portfolio of clients they are now looking to recruit 3-4 Asbestos Air Monitoring Technicians / Analysts in Northern Ireland.
In addition to this the service is now creating links with a view to expanding existing services in secondary schools into associated primary schools.
Expanding into products associated with the mortgage sale gives brokers the opportunity to complement the income from mortgage procuration fees.
The US still has many busy and expanding commuter rail networks around major cities, and enormous amounts of long-distance bulk rail freight.
Use Dreamer's Journey for expanding awareness through musical imagery; for deeper, more profound relaxation; or simply for musical enjoyment.
Four substantial canals fulfilled the needs of the expanding anthracite mining industry which was to become wor ld renowned.
The self expanding stent is anchored above and below the aneurysm excluding the sac from the circulation.
The Society is continually expanding its global training network, appointing further official SDC accredited trainers in key regions of the world.
They have a requirement for experienced mortgage underwriters to deal with their expanding case load.
Estimate a similar hlthaffw v dpf quot expanding coverage physician's responsibility to.
Finally, the star ceases nuclear burning and becomes a white dwarf, while the expanding nebula mergers with the interstellar medium.
Their range, as musicians, is expanding and their lyrics, sadly under appreciated by many fans, continue to involve complex wordplays.
On opening the stop-cock no work was done by the expanding air against external forces, since it expanded into a vacuum, and it was found that no heat was generated or absorbed.
The compilation of " geography books " by uninstructed writers led to the pernicious habit, which is not yet wholly overcome, of reducing the general or " physical " part to a few pages of concentrated information, and expanding the particular or " political " part by including unrevised travellers' stories and uncritical descriptions of the various countries of the world.
The growing importance of the lagoon townships, owing to their maritime skill, their expanding trade, created by their position between east and west, their monopoly of salt and salted fish, which gave them a strong position in the mainland markets, rendered it inevitable that a clash must come over the question of independence, when either east or west should claim that Venice belonged to them; and inside the lagoons the growing prosperity, coupled with the external threat to their liberties, concentrated the population into two well-defined parties - what may be called the aristocratic party, because it leaned towards imperial Byzantium and also displayed a tendency to make the dogeship hereditary, and the democratic party, connected with the original population of the lagoons, aspiring to free institutions, and consequently leaning more towards the church and the Frankish kingdom which protected the church.
The work done in expanding to infinity from p tons per sq.
In expanding Kant's act of synthesis till it absorbed the inner sense and the innermost soul, he started the modern paradox that soul is not substance, but subject or activity, a paradox which has been gradually handed down from Schelling and Hegel to Fechner, and from Fechner to Paulsen and Wundt.
And that advance continues, as the group of rights so acknowledged keeps expanding.
Use Dreamer 's Journey for expanding awareness through musical imagery; for deeper, more profound relaxation; or simply for musical enjoyment.
Sundial societies exist in Britain and many other countries, and their membership is expanding.
Estimate a similar hlthaffw v dpf quot expanding coverage physician 's responsibility to.
One application that is expanding is the incorporation of videophone functions in 3G mobile phone systems.
Burleigh ware pottery made from Cornish China clay is a welcome addition to our ever expanding collection.
The use of warfarin in AF patients is expanding, and there are concerns about how monitoring should be undertaken in the future.
Although this is certainly possible, if you aren't planning on expanding your family any time soon, and you are nursing a child right now, keep reading for the latest information on breastfeeding and birth control.
As inflation continues to rise and expenses for seemingly everything continue to soar, many couples are questioning the issue of expanding their growing family.
Baby's world is expanding beyond the few inches before his face, and his toys should reflect his new horizons.
Speaking of expanding your palate, don't be afraid to try new things, and don't listen to anyone's rules about what kind of wine you're supposed to drink with which kind of food.
Along with the general popularity of Chinese food, grocery stores are making a larger effort to cater to diverse customers by expanding their "international" food lines.
Although mainstream stores are expanding their product offerings, for the best selection of Chinese food, drinks, and spices you will want to try an ethnic grocery store.
In the spirit of community parenting, most divorce courts will allow custody agreements to undergo modifications tailored to meet the expanding needs of the child as long as the changes are necessary and truly beneficial.
Expanding console dining room tables are perfect matches for people who often have guests over for a meal, but who don't want to always have a large table in the dining room.
There are several ways to go about looking for a dining room table with an expanding console.
If price is a concern, and you still want to view the item in person, many discount furniture stores offer expanding dining room tables.
Spend some time expanding the table and manipulating the leaves at a discount showroom to see how well a table may hold up to repeated use.
With expanding console dining room tables, consider how well the table suits the room when it is at its smallest size, and how well it fills the room when it is totally expanded.
Remember that if your table is getting a lot of use and is expanding and contracting frequently, a higher quality table will get years more use than a less expensive option.
Expanding up instead of out can be a great way to encourage efficiency in a creative way that makes the most of the space you do have.
When extra eating or serving space is needed, the table can be moved out from the wall and the leaf (or leaves) can be put back into place, expanding the size of the table.
Doing so allows the flooring to adjust to the room temperature by expanding and contracting before installation.
Mix colors and take the backsplash right out of the cabinet area by expanding it up the walls around windows and behind the hood.
The walls appear to recede when painted a cool color, expanding the space and making the room feel and look larger.
By 1956, Kirsch was expanding to a second plant in Sturgis containing 250,000 square feet of warehousing and assembly space.
Two sisters started the company through their work as Bridal Makeup Artists, expanding into a natural makeup line.
Canon continues to make sure everyone can capture fantastic shots no matter their skill level by expanding its line of high-end digital SLRs.
An alternative to binder storage is placing your stickers into the pockets of an expanding accordion file labeled with the appropriate categories.
Maharishi began a world tour, teaching his meditation techniques first in the Far East, then expanding to the United States and Europe through lectures.
More and more companies are now advertising to male teens and expanding their lines to include boys.
While distance and online learning has been expanding on the university level since 1989, high schools only began using the Internet to provide an educational environment outside of school walls since late 1999 and early 2000.
Expanding her reach, Johansson has released two music albums consisting mostly of cover tunes.
Paula recently wrote an award-winning, middle-grade short story that we're about to start expanding and adapting to a feature-length, family film.
With a rapidly expanding family and successful actor Brad Pitt as her partner, Angelina Jolie has decided to take a break from the acting world.
The Hasselbecks apparently had no immediate plans of expanding their family and Elisabeth said that they were "thoroughly happy with the surprise of it."
Average American waistlines are expanding at record rates.
Throughout the 1980s and 90s, Sepultura was a major player in the heavy metal music scene, driving unique sounds and expanding niche genres such as thrash and groove metal.
Today, most American stores are found on the West Coast, but the chain is continuously expanding and online shopping became available in 2007 so the store's merchandise is now available to parents living anywhere in the world.
Many of the clothes available in organic fabrics do not lend themselves to anyone's idea of a classic children's Easter dress, although they are expanding all the time.
Collin County is comprised of cities and towns expanding out from the central Dallas corridor including Plano, Wylie, Allen, McKinney, Frisco and more.
The college began expanding to additional campuses in the 70s and 80s.
The 285-acre main campus hosts 14 computer classrooms and a 168-unit computer commons in addition to the space that it has for its expanding Creative Arts programs.
Liberty University distance learning includes expanding doctoral and postgraduate studies.
Since schools want to make sure that establishing such programs is worth the effort before they take the plunge, the selection of doctoral degree offerings is expanding at only a very gradual rate.
As more families experiment with cruising, Celebrity has begun expanding their children's programs.
Children's programs are somewhat new to the Holland America line, but Club HAL is gradually expanding to include a greater range of activities for younger cruisers.
We also have some new lines coming out, and we just hope to keep expanding and helping animals.
It forms a bushy plant of about 2 feet high, flowering freely and through a long season, and the long-stemmed flowers are useful for cutting if gathered on first expanding, though they close up each evening.
Though expanding in slow succession, and never having more than three or four blooms open at the same time, the size and quality of its flowers do much to make up for this.
The finest variety is I. orientalis, having larger flowers of a deeper color, with a different veining, and the falls especially broad and expanding.
Jalapa, but dwarfer, and the bright crimson-purple flowers are in large clusters, expanding in bright sunshine.
For committed players, this allows for an easy method of expanding their repertoire of songs.
FretPlay also includes instructional videos for guitar and bass, so you can learn some basic tips about your instrument in addition to expanding your 3 Doors Down repertoire.
In America, today's stable hardware market is expanding.
It is often recommended that spacers be placed between the flooring and the wall, which will allow for any expanding and contracting that might occur as the floor settles into place or as the temperature in the room changes.
Often times a kitchen can be expanded by blowing out the exterior wall and adding square footage to the room by expanding into the back yard.
Or, if you are expanding your kitchen, you can add the master bedroom above it on the second story.
Although we have carried extended shoe sizes in the past, by expanding our inventory and developing a new resource for these shoes, today we are the largest distributor for extended size shoes.
The jacket also has expanding back pleats to allow for maximum movement in the back and shoulders.
While remaining true to their Scottish heritage, they have also taken large steps into the 21st century by branching into ladies wear, corporate wear, and expanding their retail presence to the web.
The modern focus of FTF is a commitment to business development for expanding North American and global markets for farmers and artisans.
This opened a market that has grown gradually, expanding when we had the possibility to develop a henna formula that had Brazilian plants.
Additionally, the beds grow with your child, expanding to accommodate newborns, infants, toddlers, and children up to about age ten.
The field of plus size clothing models is expanding and will likely continue to do so in the future.
Over the years, the Fashion Bug store chain grew, eventually expanding to its 1,000th location by 1990.
It is an ideal choice for those interested in continuing their education or simply expanding their horizons.
The fitness game genre is quickly expanding on the Nintendo Wii, but not all of them are compatible with the Balance Board accessory.
The newer version, which is available for both Linux and Mac, overcomes some of the hardware limitations that gamers faced in the mid-90s, expanding the game to allow for more vehicles, more variability, and more options.
While improving the digs is an integral part of the Diner Dash experience -- buying more tables, expanding the decor, getting a karaoke stage, and so on -- it doesn't make as much sense in this context as in previous incarnations.
This brand of the company is currently expanding into games for mobile technology, drawing from EA's existing licenses.
Hasbro Family Game Night sounds like it could be a good addition to the Nintendo Wii collection of casual games, expanding the variety offered by titles like Wii Sports, Wii Play, and Wii Music.
Experience WWII's most epic battles expanding from Asia, Africa and Europe in Blazing Angels.
It makes more money each and every year because of its continued growth and its expanding reach in the marketplace.
The franchise has since sold over 27 million units worldwide, and now publisher EA (Electronic Arts) is expanding the games one step further.
Gametap is an online video game service that gives you access to an expanding library of games for a monthly fee of $14.99.
The team is exploring new ideas with the title and are constantly expanding the original game.
While traditional viruses are most common on PCs and are often sent in emails or transmitted via file downloads, virus propagators are expanding their horizons and looking for new frontiers for their malfeasance.
Expanding from five to twelve sports, Wii Sports Resort also offers a greater variety of activities to try.
There is no better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon than playing video games, but you may want to consider expanding that experience by reading some video game comics.
At the same time, the current gen offers more innovative gameplay, better graphics, and a continually expanding library of games.
Learning new things and expanding your knowledge need not be restricted to the classroom.
Once these basics are met you can begin expanding your town by erecting new buildings.
Ray Duncan and the winery are going strong, expanding, and maximizing on Silver Oak's capacity and expertise.
If you are really serious about your wine knowledge and expanding that knowledge, you can look into the Guild of Master Sommeliers for their courses.
Expanding newspapers, movies and radio burst like the corks on bottles of champagne.
The best part about the Epic campers is that they feature an expanding sideout so that there's more floor space to spread out.
Originally only serving the Baltimore and Washington, DC areas, Cellular One has since gone on to expanding its service to 35 different states.
Many of the sites that are easy to use on mobile phones are social networking sites, but the websites for smartphones keep expanding.
Given the expanding functionality of smartphones and feature phones, some of the most popular cell phone accessories are virtual ones or digital ones.
Wind Mobile intends on expanding its network and its services to other major markets in Canada during 2010.
Both phones can get applications from Android Market, expanding their respective functionalities in all sorts of different directions.
The most promising area of new research in prenatal testing involves expanding the scope and accuracy of maternal blood screening as this poses no risk to the fetus.
School-age children have expanding vocabularies, enabling them to describe ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Sometimes a suture is fused too early, however, preventing a growing child's brain from expanding.
It can help create new social connections, or may be part of simply expanding your dance skills and appreciation.
First of all, the hora also frequently includes a movement of the circle expanding and contracting.
By expanding the type of proof you are looking for, you'll have a greater possibility of finding the information.
FamilySearch offers billions of free records, and the selection is constantly expanding.
Female emo haircuts associate you with a portion of today's culture that is continuously expanding.
For those working in the professional hair industry, expanding your knowledge with a hair video is a great way to gather the information you need to educate your clients on how to use the proper straightening method at home safely.
Some medical educational training is available online for individuals who must work full-time while expanding their education or for individuals who do not live near a college or university.
The company is expanding into new oil fields throughout the state as well, allowing new positions to be potentially available.
With the aging baby boomer generation and the obesity epidemic affecting people of all ages, medical fields will continue growing and expanding indefinitely in order to provide adequate treatment to patients.
Some of them tie in with health care and medicine, though there are other expanding fields within science that don't.
Ditech continues to grow and remains committed to expanding its customer base while also appealing to the specific needs of an increasingly diverse group.
The program not only helps in improving neighborhoods but also in expanding the prospects of home ownership for thousands of individuals and families.
Plus size clothing is built to accommodate expanding waistlines and widening hips and are often more accessible than maternity coats.
Generally, the pillows are designed to support both your lower back and expanding abdomen.
A few seconds later, you're gasping in disbelief at your expanding bump!
Jennifer Lopez's expanding waistline has been rumored to be supporting twins, but she has only recently confirmed her pregnancy, let alone comment on twin speculation.
But with the pregnant Demi Moore cover photo that appeared in Vanity Fair in 1991, it has became more commonplace for women to show off their expanding waistlines.
Just because your belly is expanding doesn't mean you can't enter a pregnant bikini contest.
Characterized by pain very low in the abdomen, round ligament pain is caused by the muscles underneath the uterus expanding to support the weight of the ever-growing uterus.
Like implantation cramping and the pain of the uterus expanding, round ligament pain is a normal part of pregnancy.
You'll find an average of 350-500 rooms at each Omni hotel, and they are continually expanding both as a hotel choice, as well as a luxury resort destination.
The types of women's swimsuits available are continually expanding even as some of the suits themselves get more and more micro, or smaller.
Furby took the toy world by storm with its innovative ability to respond to stimuli, even expanding its language development as a child interacted with it.
Though the JLo label has been dropped from her clothing line, she is planning on expanding it and also has an exercise line in development.
Step back from your go-to wardrobe and start expanding your style, and you'll be surprised at how easy it is to accent your wardrobe from head to toe with a sweeping, romantic jacket and a dress.
The Lean Mean Grilling Machine was such a hit with consumers that the original manufacturer, Salton, quickly began developing grills in various sizes and expanding the George Foreman product line to include rotisseries and other items.
Once you have a successful hit, you'll want to work around that area, expanding out from that one successful hit.
Once you have the basic verbiage of Scrabble rules and strategy down, you can move on to expanding your vocabulary to include both everyday and rarer words that will help you win a game.
Do a few of these a day, and you will find your word knowledge expanding, and perhaps you will win more games as you progress.
Initially the only scent available was vanilla, but the company is expanding into other scents, including fresh cotton, light spice, and citrus sage.
If your organization is membership based, you may want to consider expanding your membership categories as a way to raise additional funds.
Maybe there is planning for expanding a classroom building or a new computer lab.
By breathing deeper, expanding your stomach muscles you can lower your voice.
Since you work in a place that has few men, consider expanding your opportunities to meet men through other activities you enjoy.
Users can also make new friends by meeting the mutual friends of other acquaintances, thus expanding their networks.
Before you start planning on "finding a boyfriend" start by expanding your opportunities to meet and socialize with guys.
By expanding your support system, you will gain knowledge and insight about what it means to honor yourself and be supportive to the people around you.
Unusual engagement ring pictures can help by expanding a couple's ideas of what makes a suitable engagement ring - in the end, any design can be appropriate for an engagement ring, no matter how unusual it may be.
Anne Klein took on Donna Karan as an intern one summer, and after Klein's death in 1974, it was Donna Karan who continued to design the Anne Klein Collection, expanding it to create the Anne Klein II line in 1982.
Virtually any tote, oversize handbags or shoulder bags can function as a travel tote, expanding your options for prints even more.
Libra is the arts sign, and Gemini thoroughly enjoys expanding her creative side under the encouragement of her Libra lover.
It wasn't until the early 1980s that The Gap started producing its own label and expanding as a chain.
There online movie ticket market is rapidly expanding, and likewise so are your choices of sites from which to get movie tickets online.
The movie is said to deal with the expanding relationship between Bella and her good friend Jacob in the heart of heartbreak, danger, action and everything in between.
In addition to touting all of the latest releases, Netflix features older films in its rapidly expanding library.
In an age of ever expanding technology, using e-cards for what were once very formal, ritualistic events is becoming more acceptable.
There is a wide range of Christian freebies available for anyone interested in sharing or expanding their faith.
This public-oriented policy is typically the point of propulsion behind every successful and expanding business.
By expanding their styles and product lines, Crocs allows their footwear to go beyond ultra casual, leisure pursuits, or lounging shoes.
The soap was 30 minutes long, expanding to 45 minutes in 1976 and to the modern 1 hour format in 1978.
By the 1980s, All My Children hit its stride with the introduction of numerous younger characters and expanding families.
The actress attended Columbia University for one year while expanding her resume to include stage work in New York and London.
If you're not afraid to do something bold, consider expanding your interest in pairing a fairy tat with other elements to an entire fairy sleeve or half-sleeve that ends above the elbow.
The fine craftsmanship and innovative design elements of Bulova watches continues to this day, with their watch line expanding to include dozens of top-quality watches.
To supply the increasing demand, both children's product developers and alarm clock manufacturers make alarm clocks for small busy fingers and expanding young minds.
Expanding technological frontiers has made it possible for engineers to devise miniature yet useful products like small clock radios or stereos.
However, there are enough naked yoga women enjoying and benefiting from the experience that the trend is spreading, with many yoginis expanding their training curriculum to include the practice.
For yogis who already are relatively well-versed in yoga asanas and pranayama, expanding the repertoire in order to include the three other aspects of Hatha Yoga is a simple task.
Students start by learning yoga history and traditions, before expanding into the philosophical and psychological aspects.
Started in America, Itsy Bitsy Yoga is expanding on the international scale.
These roots refer to the fact that tantra is designed to liberate the mind by expanding it; only by expanding the mind can one become truly liberated from one's physical self and the physical world.
Already having offered a teacher training for Core Power Yoga, and a Vinyasa Yoga teachers' training, the studio is expanding the teacher training options.
A few top yoga retailers are expanding their rubber yoga mat selection.
The planet Jupiter is said to represent the expanding of knowledge.
The style for yoga pants is expanding, too.
Assistance is available to those who cannot afford the services of a private consultant but are interested in starting a small business or improving or expanding an existing small business.
Whether you are starting your first business, shopping for new office equipment, expanding your venture or just brushing up on your business presentation skills, we have the information you need for business success.
With a little research and effort, companies should see the benefits in no time and have the flexibility to adjust as needed to accommodate expanding business goals.
Easy access to information on the internet has precipitated the advent of an ever expanding online new vehicle marketplace.
Yet, a considerable number of these "conventional" used car buyers have found a myriad of ways to harness the power of the ever expanding online automotive resources and tools at their disposal to make informed buying decisions.
This section should also include potential expansion plans if you are considering expanding your business once the initial start up is successful.
This is a national network of educational centers located throughout the country that assist women in establishing and expanding small businesses.
One of the first steps to expanding a business is to look at your business plan.
It is available to those starting, acquiring or expanding their small business.
Business owners can present the plan to potential lenders to secure financing for starting, running or expanding the business.
In addition to using article directories to distribute your articles, conduct online searches for relevant blogs and websites that accept contributed articles and offer content to the publishers as a way of expanding your exposure.
So, if it becomes coated with dirt, every time it revolves it's expanding and contracting wherever it comes into contact with the ground.
Scrapbook Scrapbook is expanding its selection of printable craft projects to include free greeting card templates for easy to make pop-up cards.
Creating and swapping artist trading cards is a great way to experiment with various artistic techniques while expanding your social circle.
It can also be conducive to expanding one's social horizons, as vegans tend to congregate and throw frequent potlucks in many cities; however, eating in this manner requires planning, as well.
Portion control is most likely one of the main culprits for the expanding waistlines and declining health of our population.
Once you have the hang of the basics and you're ready to take it to the next level, it's mostly a question of expanding the effort you pour into each muscle group.
If you're interested in expanding your company's health benefits to include this type of coverage, start discussing your needs with your insurance provider right away.
All of the items are designed to fit a women's expanding body while providing comfort at the same time.
As a matter of fact, owners are even talking about expanding the league to include both Canada and Europe.
Whether you love it or hate it, the Lingerie Football League seems to be expanding and since there is an obvious demand, it's more than likely going to be around for awhile.
Compression bodysuits, however, are descended from the relatively obscure men's corset of the Victorian era, which did wonders for sucking in an expanding midsection.
The sites above are just a few examples of places to start your music video search online, but music videos are becoming as common as MP3 downloads, so your choices are expanding every day.
First, the age limit was raised to 28, expanding the base of potential contestants.
When he's not expanding his corporate empire or taking part in a community action group, the artist has gotten more than a little attention for his looks and fashion sense.
Though you'll have to dig through some adds and some garage rock for sale, you can find an ever expanding database of free garage rock music on this site.
The site is constantly expanding their MP3 download selection, and you can download entire Joss Stone albums for a fee, plus find a few free Joss Stone goodies.
Though Broadway's popularity seems to keep expanding, many forget that the long-term effect of many musicals also expands.
You may know the family name, but can you come up with all the first names of this ever expanding brood?
The website launched in late May 2011 and is expanding quickly.
Modern robotics is a rapidly expanding and growing field.
Our professional following is important to us so we will be offering larger sizes of our popular nail treatments to the trade, as well as expanding our display options for their retail clientele.
Arbonne has an ever expanding product line.
Social networks are always expanding or opening up so be sure to stay on the lookout, and you'll find the perfect network for you!
Both Facebook and Twitter continue to help with expanding our online audience and increasing our video-on-demand viewership, while allowing people to connect with our content and brand across multiple platforms.
Like most other Facebook games, you have the option to reinvest your earnings into growing the profitability of your farm through expanding it with more room for farming or you can opt to decorate your farm.
Gather points by plowing, planting, purchasing items, tending to neighbor's farms, and expanding your farm.
Not only do many routines now include baton twirling, but some are also expanding to include flags routines, dance routines or gymnastic routines.
The first of these technologies to really start expanding the boundaries of HTML was javascript.
One hand rested on her expanding stomach.
Katie said, rising. The ground still rumbled, the trees surrounding both food cubes expanding fast and tearing up the ground in several directions as they did. She looked around, irritated to find she'd caused a chasm to form between them and the direction they'd been running.
Has he been expanding his clientele?
The present magnificent building was a slow growth extending over three centuries and expanding gradually as the republic grew in riches.
Contemporaneously other events were menacing the ascendancy and exhausting the treasury of the republic. In 1453 Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, and although Venice entered at once into treaty with the new power and desired to trade with it, not to fight with it, yet it was impossible that her possessions in the Levant and the archipelago should not eventually bring her into collision with the expanding energy of the Mussulman.
Without preheating the expanding air becomes so cold as to be liable to deposit snow from the moisture held in suspension, and thereby to clog the valves.
Thus the declaration of Paris, 1856 (to which, however, the United States, Venezuela and Bolivia have not yet formally acceded), prohibits the use of privateers and protects the commerce of neutrals; the Geneva conventions, 1864 and 1906, give protection to the wounded and to those in attendance upon them; the St Petersburg declaration, 1868, prohibits the employment of explosive bullets weighing less than 400 grammes; and the three Hague declarations of 1899 prohibit respectively (I) the launching of projectiles from balloons, (2) the use of projectiles for spreading harmful gases, and (3) the use of expanding bullets.
To this point the awakened intelligence of the Renaissance, instructed by humanism, polished by the fine arts, expanding in genial conditions of diffused wealth, had brought the Italians at a period when the rest of Europe was comparatively barbarous.
It works in conjunction with the disk and scroll, the cones, or the expanding pulley, to impart an intermittingly variable speed to the bobbin (each layer of the bobbin has its own particular speed which is constant for the full traverse, but each change of direction of the builder is accompanied by a quick change of speed to the bobbin).
The builder, which receives its motion from the disk and scroll, from the cones, or from the expanding pulley, has also an intermittingly variable speed.
Each of the four co-ordinates, n', x', y are functions of %, rj, x, y; and if it be assumed that the field of view and the aperture be infinitely small, then, n, x, y are of the same order of infinitesimals; consequently by expanding ', ii', x', y in ascending powers of E, rt, x, y, series are obtained in which it is only necessary to consider the lowest powers.
The presence of the antimony in this alloy gives to it hardness, and the property of expanding on solidification, thus allowing a sharp cast of the letter to be taken.
Below the town the river divides into several branches, among islands and sandbanks, receiving before it enters the sea the Bolderaa river, and expanding towards the east into wider lacustrine basins.
It is a form of empire or state building which appears when a powerful, expanding state comes in contact with feebler political organizations, or when a state falls into decay, and disintegration sets in.
Thus, if dry clay is prevented from expanding, and one side be sub j ected to water pressure while the other side is held up by a completely porous medium, the percolation will be exceedingly small; but if the pressure preventing the expansion is reduced the clay will swell, and the percolation will increase.
If this is done, the largest possible quantity of clay will be slowly but surely forced into any space, and, being prevented from expanding, it will be unable subsequently to absorb more water.
The upper Niger rises in June as the result of the tropical rains, and decreases in December, its breadth at Turella expanding from between 2000 and 2500 ft.
Near the west end of that lake it receives its first important affluent, the Lutschine (left), and then runs across the swampy plain of the Bodoli, between Interlaken (left) and Unterseen (right), before again expanding in order to form the Lake of Thun.
Stick with one or two foods before expanding his selection.
These static and kinetic conditions succeed each other rapidly, and the result is to detach or throw off from the antenna semi-loops of electric force, which move outwards in all directions and are accompanied by expanding circular lines of magnetic force.
The great summer heat, by expanding the air upwards, disturbs the level of the planes of equal pressure, and causes an outflow of the upper strata from the heated area.
This consists in the use of an expanding reamer by means of which Drilling in the well may be drilled to a diameter admitting of the Galicia.
But the extension of properties in the hands of the patricians, and the continued absences of citizens required by the expanding system of conquest, necessarily brought with them a demand for slave labour, which was increasingly supplied by captives taken in war.
The existence of such a relation, as 0-1+0-2+.,.+cr2=0, necessitates the vanishing of a certain function of the coefficients A2, A 3, ...A 9, and as a consequence one product of these coefficients can be eliminated from the expanding form and no seminvariant, which appears as a coefficient to such a product (which may be the whole or only a part of the complete product, with which the seminvariant is associated), will be capable of reduction.
This means very much, though his modesty led him to call in the aid of his friend Saul to cope with the new and expanding situation (25 f.).
Business interests of this magnitude were constantly expanding, and he became interested in numerous subsidiary enterprises, such as tramways and the supply of electric power and light.
It is at the head of a narrow defile, shut in by steep hills on the east and west but expanding on the north to meet the valley of the Save.
To the south the London basin is succeeded by the North Downs, an elevated ridge of country consisting of an outcrop of chalk which extends from Westerham to Folkestone with an irregular breadth generally of 3 to 6 miles, but expanding to nearly 12 miles at Dartford and Gravesend and also to the north of Folkestone.
The latter integral becomes, on expanding in a series, fds/V f(udx+vdy+wdz)/V2-1-f(udx+vdy+wdz)2/V3ds+..., since ids = dx.
This bank continues southwards to the Antarctic Ocean, expanding into a plateau on which Australia stands, and a branch runs eastwards and then southwards from the north-east of Australia through New Zealand.
It passes by the hamlet of Port Valais, once on the shore of the lake, before expanding into the Lake of Geneva, between Villeneuve (right) and St Gingolph (left).
The Chronicle still survived as a medium of conveying information, though more often than not this was now written by a layman; but new stores of information were coming into existence, or rather the old stores were expanding and taking a different form.
It is simply a hydrostatic mechanism for expanding the tentacles.
In this capacity he was also ex officio the superintendent of common schools, and rendered valuable services to his state in perfecting and expanding the free public school system, and in establishing state normal schools.
The secular importance of Henry's activity has been somewhat obscured by his achievements in the sphere of ecclesiastical politics; but no small part of his energies was devoted to the task of expanding the royal authority at the expense of temporal competitors.
He believed that life was an expanding, growing force, and that animals responded to the environment by developing new wants, seeking to satisfy these by new movements and thus by their own striving producing new organs which were transmitted to their descendants.
In his speech to the delegations in 1898 he dwelt on the necessity of expanding Austria's mercantile marine, and of raising the fleet to a strength which, while not vying with the fleets of the great naval powers, would ensure respect for the Austrian flag wherever her interests needed protection.
He was the last of those universal minds which have been able to compass all domains of human activity and knowledge; for he stood on the brink of an era of rapidly expanding knowledge which has made for ever impossible the universality of interest and sympathy which distinguished him.
It has been said that the declared object of this policy had been to maintain the independence and integrity of Afghanistan, to secure the friendly alliance of its ruler, and thus to interpose a great barrier of mountainous country between the expanding power of Russia in Central Asia and the British dominion in India.
It then takes in heat from the furnace, expanding in volume and forcing the piston (B) to rise, which completes the cycle.
In 1839 Seguin endeavoured to determine the mechanical equivalent of heat from the loss of heat suffered by steam in expanding, assuming that the whole of the heat so lost was consumed in doing external work against the pressure to which the steam was exposed.
The amount of heat absorbed by the air could thus be measured, while the work done by it in expanding could be readily calculated.
He shows that the amount of work obtainable is equal to that which can be done by the first gas in expanding into the space occupied by the second (supposed vacuous) together with that done by the second in expanding into the space occupied by the first.
Descending series of the semi-convergent class, available for numerical calculation when u is moderately large, can be obtained from (12) by writing x=uy, and expanding the denominator in powers of y.