Exhibits Sentence Examples
No Crustacean exhibits this trilobite form.
Pascal's work exhibits both characters.
The church of St Peter, a large cruciform structure, exhibits all the Gothic styles, and earlier fragments are traceable.
This work exhibits some curious marks of caution.
Protoplasmic Movements.In the cells of many plants the cytoplasm frequently exhibits movements of circulation or rotation.
She maneuvered through sculptures and other exhibits on the floor to the small office in the back.
In 1882-1884 three successive annual exhibits of a National Mining and Industrial Exposition were held.
It is, therefore, also called by Turks Ramadan Bairam, and exhibits more outward signs of rejoicing than the technically " Greater Festival."
Cuvier expresses the opinion that the dog exhibits the most complete and the most useful conquest that man has made.
Clement exhibits the absurdity and immorality of the stories told with regard to the pagan deities, the cruelties perpetrated in their worship, and the utter uselessness of bowing down before images made by hands.
AdvertisementA dull stony-looking rock results, the vitreous lustre having entirely disappeared, and in microscopic section this exhibits a cryptocrystalline structure, being made up of exceedingly minute grains principally of quartz and felspar.
It is made up of a number of points of view which successively appeared acceptable to a personality whose self-appreciation verges more and more upon the insane, and exhibits neither consecutiveness nor consistency.
The latex exhibits a neutral, acid or alkaline reaction depending upon the plant from which it has been obtained.
It is closely related to the Manioc, cassava or tapioca plant (Manihot utilissima) which it resembles when young and exhibits a similar tuberous root system.
Iron (moderately magnetized) expands along the lines of magnetization, and therefore for a right-handed spiral exhibits a right-handed twist.
AdvertisementThere would be dinners, a Saturday night dance, slide shows and hundreds of ice climbing exhibits.
In the years 1903 and 1904 petrol motors adapted for ploughing and other agricultural operations formed a prominent feature of the exhibits.
It is of great interest to the historical student, for it exhibits the influence of Greek science upon Indian mathematics at a period prior to Aryabhatta.
His treatise on algebra and arithmetic (the latter part of which is only extant in the form of a Latin translation, discovered in 1857) contains nothing that was unknown to the Greeks and Hindus; it exhibits methods allied to those of both races, with the Greek element predominating.
Sometimes an outer bow, the secondary rainbow, is observed; this is much fainter than the primary bow, and it exhibits the same play of colours, with the important distinction that the order is reversed, the red being inside and the violet outside.
AdvertisementIn these his language is vigorous and dignified; he states the results of his labour and thought with freshness and lucidity; tells numberless stories in a most delightful manner, and exhibits a wonderful talent for the representation of personal character; the many portraits of historic persons of all orders which he draws in these prefaces are as brilliant in execution as they are exact and convincing.
The natural history branch was removed to a building at South Kensington (the Natural History Museum) in 1881, where the zoological, botanical and mineralogical exhibits are kept.
The first of these aberrant types is Schweinfurth's chimpanzee (Anthropopithecus troglodytes schweinfurthi), which inhabits the Niam-Niam country, and, although evidently belonging to the same species as the typical race, exhibits certain gorilla-like features.
In the Paris Exhibition of 1900 surface decoration was the prominent feature of all the exhibits of table-glass.
Of the heavy metals, copper is the one which exhibits by far the greatest avidity for sulphur, its subsulphide Cu 2 S being the stablest of all heavy metallic sulphides in opposition to dry reactions.
AdvertisementThe wood is nearly white, or of a yellowish tint, but sometimes exhibits blackish markings due to the mycelium of a fungus.
The precipitate, when heated, passes into oxide, which is yellow in the heat and white after cooling; and, if it be moistened with cobalt nitrate solution and re-heated, it exhibits a green colour after cooling.
The population still exhibits a marked Slavonic element.
The cult of the heroes exhibits points of resemblance with that of the chthonian divinities and of the dead, but differs from that of the ordinary gods, a further indication that they were not " depotentiated " gods.
The coloration of tsetse-flies is sombre and inconspicuous; the brownish or greyish-brown thorax usually exhibits darker longitudinal markings, and when the insect is at rest the abdomen or hinder half of the body is entirely concealed by the brownish wings.
Above all, the dentition, which exhibits almost endless modifications, in most cases is difficult to ascertain and to appreciate in its subtle distinctions.
It exhibits, to a marked degree, that tendency to expand the text by additions of every kind, which has been already noted as characteristic of the later stages of Targumic composition.
The process of dispersion is the inverse of that of absorption, and exhibits similar features.
It exhibits the leading features of the Reformed theology, but " disclaims Divine authority for any fixed form of church government or worship."
But such a view is in conflict with the fact that the Apocalypse exhibits a steady movement from a detailed account of the condition of actual individual churches on an ever-widening sweep to the catastrophes that will befall every nation and country till at last evil is finally overthrown and the blessedness of the righteous consummated.
Freezing takes place by the formation of pure ice in flat crystalline plates of the hexagonal system, which form in perpendicular planes and unite in bundles to form grains so that a thick covering of ice exhibits a fibrous structure.
The first class exhibits black figures on a reddish background, the second red figures on a black ground.
His book exhibits no traces of a scientific development.
While Gelocus exhibits a marked approximation to the Tragulidae, Prodremotherium comes nearer to the FIG 2.
It was the fruit of twenty years' labour, and exhibits with a brevity of expression, which, it has been said, "condenses more matter into a line than can be extracted from pages of other writers," the results of his study.
He exhibits the great achievements of the latter part of the 15th and the early portion of the r6th centuries; the art and literature, the material prosperity of the towns and the fostering of the spiritual life of the people.
His account of the process of knowledge in his logical treatises exhibits the idealistic bent in its clearest form.
Like all the greatest writers except Shakespeare, Montaigne thoroughly and completely exhibits the intellectual and moral complexion of his own time.
Rabelais, who died when Montaigne was still in early manhood, exhibits the earlier and rising spirit, though he needs to be completed on the poetical side.
The former, of which the three published volumes relate wholly to ancient music, and thus represent a mere fragment of the author's vast plan, exhibits immense reading and industry, but is written in a dry and unattractive style, and is overloaded with matter which cannot be regarded as historical.
The commercial intelligence department collects and disseminates accurate information on general commercial questions, and collects and exhibits samples of goods of foreign origin competing with similar British goods.
Stone church, near Dartford, a late example of this style, transitional to Decorated, is very fine; and among Decorated buildings Chartham church exhibits in some of its windows the peculiar tracery known as Kentish Decorated.
It is particularly noteworthy from the phosphorescence which it exhibits when heated, or after exposure to the sun's rays; hence its synonym "Canton's phosphorus," after John Canton (1718-1772), an English natural philosopher.
In the spectroscope calcium exhibits two intense lines-an orange line (a), (X 6163), a green line (a), (X 4229), and a fainter indigo line.
Yet if he judges too favourably the leaders of the national party in England on the eve of the Norman Conquest, that is a small matter to set against the insight which he exhibits in writing of Aratus, Sulla, Nicias, William the Conqueror, Thomas of Canterbury, Frederick the Second and many more.
Polish Literature The Polish language belongs to the western branch of the Slavonic tongues, and exhibits the closest affinities with the Czech or Bohemian and Lusatian Wendish.
The legislation of " P," though written down in or after the exile, must not, however, be supposed to be the creation of that period; many elements in it can be shown from the older literature to have been of great antiquity in Israel; it is, in fact, based upon preexilic Temple usage, though in some respects it is a development of it, and exhibits the form which the older and simpler ceremonial institutions of Israel ultimately assumed.
And there is another important passage which shows why, in spite of its natural and occasional character, the epistle exhibits the germs of that essential quality which caused all the books of the New Testament to be so highly estimated.
It is displayed to-day among the antelopes and to a limited degree among the zebras and rhinoceroses of Africa, a continent which exhibits a survival of the Miocene and Pliocene conditions of the northern hemisphere.
Just as nature exhibits to us the series of dynamical stages of processes by which spirit struggles towards consciousness of itself, so the world of intelligence and practice, the world of mind, exhibits the series of stages through which self-consciousness with its inevitable oppositions and reconciliations develops in its ideal form.
As elucidated by Professor Willis,' it exhibits the plan of a great Benedictine monastery in the 12th century, and enables us to compare it with that of the 9th as seen at St Gall.
St Mary's Abbey, York, of which the ground-plan is annexed, exhibits the usual Benedictine arrangements.
The Victoria and Albert, commonly called the South Kensington, Museum contains various exhibits divided into sections, and includes the buildings of the Royal College of Science.
The province of New Brunswick exhibits approximately parallel but subordinate ridges, with wide intervening areas of nearly flat Silurian and Carboniferous rocks.
The Old Man presents a characteristic section, for it exhibits a thick pile of massive, current-bedded red sandstones, resting, near the foot of the pinnacle, upon a thin bed of amygdaloidal porphyrite, which in its turn lies unconformably upon steeply inclined flagstones.
Her models are Thucydides, Polybius and Xenophon, and her style exhibits the striving after Atticism characteristic of the period, with the result that the language is highly artificial.
The museum, in the old East India Company's house, has fine collections in natural history, entomology, botany, anatomy, archaeology and ethnography, a picture and sculpture gallery, and exhibits of coins and industrial art.
The Epistola ad Dorpium exhibits More emphatically on the 1 Cresacre More, p. 231.
He constructs his system on the Kantian order - sense, understanding, reason - and exhibits most clearly the necessary consequence from psychological to metaphysical idealism.
As compared with Zinzendorf's own writings, this book exhibits the finer balance and greater moderation of Spangenberg's nature, while those offensive descriptions of the relation of the sinner to Christ in which the Moravians at first indulged are almost absent from it.
Foucault's pendulum is another example of motion relative to the earth which exhibits the fact that the earth is not a Newtonian base.
A saturated solution is a system in equilibrium, and exhibits the thermodynamic relations which hold for all such systems. Just as two electrified bodies are in equilibrium when their electric potentials are equal, so two parts of a chemical and physical system are in equilibrium when there is equality between the chemical potentials of each component present in the two parts.
The Dominican convent at Gloucester still exhibits the cloister-court, on the north side of which is the desecrated church.
From the Fijian and Andaman islander who exhibits abject terror at seeing himself in a glass or in water, to the English or European peasant who covers up the mirrors or turns them to the wall, upon a death occurring, lest an inmate of the house should see his own face and have his own speedy demise thus prognosticated, the idea holds its ground.
In the Hemipterous group of the Rhynchota ant-mimicry is illustrated by the larva of a British species of Reduviidae (Nabis lativentris) in which the forepart of the abdomen is furnished on each side with a patch of white hairs leaving a central narrow dark portion in imitation of the waist of the ant; and also by an East African species (Myrmoplasta mira) which in its general form exhibits a close resemblance to an ant (Polyrrhacis gagates) which occurs in the same neighbourhood.
The surface of the thallus often exhibits outgrowths in the form of warts, hairs, &c. The medullary layer, which usually forms the main part of the thallus, is distinguished from the cortical layer by its looser consistence and the presence in it of numerous, large, air-containing spaces.
Its electrical conductivity, determined on 99.6% metal, is 60.5% that of copper for equal volumes, or double that of copper for equal weights, and when chemically pure it exhibits a somewhat higher relative efficiency.
Among the most noteworthy exhibits were those of machinery, of automobiles and bicycles, of agriculture, of transports by sea, of modern art and architecture, of Italian home industries, of the city of Milan; besides which, all the countries exhibiting had their own separate pavilions.
As regards its composition, the cell-wall of fungi exhibits variations of the same kind as those met with in higher plants.
It exhibits itself in the peculiar behaviour of some organic compounds containing the group - C CO.
It is palmately-cleft, and exhibits seven' lobes at the margin.
This last, together with some of the Mysidae and the species Glyptonotus entomon, exhibits Arctic characteristics, which has suggested the idea of a geologically recent connexion between the Caspian and the Arctic, an idea of which no real proofs have been as yet discovered.
His last speech of all, in 1819, contained a passage referring to the union he had so passionately resisted, which exhibits the statesmanship and at the same time the equable quality of Grattan's character.
The substance is usually optically isotropic, though sometimes it exhibits anomalous double refraction; fibrous zinc sulphide which is doubly refracting is to be referred to the hexagonal FIG.
The first exhibits him as a man of letters, the second as a philosopher, a theologian, and simply a man, for in no one is the colour of the theology and the philosophy more distinctly personal.
The fine exhibits from the Trenton potteries at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876 greatly stimulated the demand for these wares and increased the competition among the manufacturers; and since that date there has been a marked development in both the quantity and the quality of the product.
The cathedral of St Mary, also on King's Island, was originally built in 1142-1180, and exhibits some Early English work, though largely altered at dates subsequent to that period.
The muscular wall of the blood-vessels also exhibits tonic contraction, which, however, seems to be mainly traceable to a continual excitation of the muscle cells by nervous influence conveyed to them along their nerves, and originating in the great vaso motor centre in the bulb.
The tenth contraction usually exhibits the culmination of this so-called "staircase effect."
The decerebrate monkey exhibits "cataleptoid" reflexes.
For this version exhibits numerous cases of variation, both as regards order and contents, from the Hebrew text; moreover the translation, more particularly of many technical terms, differs from that of ch.
Halite occasionally exhibits double refraction, perhaps due to natural pressure.
Indeed the genus Oedogonium exhibits a high degree of specialization in its reproductive system, considering that its thallus has not advanced beyond the stage of an unbranched filament.
From the analogy of the higher plants observers have justly argued that when they have seen and marked the characters of the reproductive organs they have found the plant at the stage when it exhibits its most noteworthy features, and they have named and classified the species in accordance with these observations.
For this reason the book is at once the most brilliant and the most difficult of Hegel's works - the most brilliant because it is to some degree an autobiography of Hegel's mind - not the abstract record of a logical evolution, but the real history of an intellectual growth; the most difficult because, instead of treating the rise of intelligence (from its first appearance in contrast with the real world to its final recognition of its presence in, and rule over, all things) as a purely subjective process, it exhibits this rise as wrought out in historical epochs, national characteristics, forms of culture and faith, and philosophical systems. The theme is identical with the introduction to the Encyklopddie; but it is treated in a very different style.
Appealing to reality it shows that the identity and permanence of forms are contradicted by history; instead of unity it exhibits multiplicity, instead of identity difference, instead of a whole, only parts.
Dialectic is, therefore, a dislocating power; it shakes the solid structures of material thought, and exhibits the instability latent in such conceptions of the world.
According to Hegel the terms in which thought exhibits itself are a system of their own, with laws and relations which reappear in a less obvious shape in the theories of nature and mind.
The philosophy of Epictetus is intensely practical, and exhibits a high idealistic type of morality.
The Solutrian work exhibits a transitory stage of art between the flint implements of the Mousterian and the bone implements of the Madelenian epochs.
The example of Aristotle's view of celestial physics as a science of pure forms exhibits both points.
There is a Stoic element in the ethic of the Pauline epistles, but the theological affinity that the Johannine gospel, with its background of philosophic ideas, exhibits to Platonic and Neoplatonist teaching caused the effort at absorption to be directed rather in that direction.
Hegel's logic as a whole, however, stands and falls not with his thoughts on syllogism, but with the claim made for the dialectical method that it exhibits logic in its integral unity with metaphysic, the thought-process as the self-revelation of the Idea.
Logic from1880-1910Logic in the present exhibits, though in characteristically modified shapes, all the main types that have been found in its past history.
It exhibits, more clearly perhaps than any other of Morison's works, both his merits and his defects.
Enkhuizen, like its neighbour Hoorn, exhibits many interesting examples of domestic architecture dating from the 16th and 17th centuries, when It was an important and flourishing city.
The massive and compact mineral frequently exhibits this iridescent tarnish, and is consequently known to miners as "peacock ore" or "peacock copper."
Arabic writing, as known to us from documents of the early Mahommedan period, exhibits two principal types which are known respectively as the Cufic and the nashki.
The illness varies within the widest limits, and exhibits all gradations of severity, from a mere indisposition, which may pass almost unnoticed, to an extreme violence, only equalled by the most violent forms of cholera.
Indeed, the personality of the stern God himself exhibits this feature in a very marked degree, whence the term mahayogi or" great ascetic "is often applied to him.
All these marks may fail, and then the species must be proved to be Malacostracan by other evidence than the number of its segments; but if some exceptions exhibit fewer, none of the Malacostraca exhibits more than 19 (+ 1 or + 2) segments, unless the Nebaliidae be included.
Tiverton (Tuyverton, Tovretona) exhibits traces of very early settlement, and is mentioned under the name of Tuyford in the will of King Alfred.
The term " electricity " is applied to denote the physical agency which exhibits itself by effects of attraction and repulsion when particular substances are rubbed or heated, also in certain chemical and physiological actions and in connexion with moving magnets and metallic circuits.
The skull, which must have consisted of hardened cartilage, exhibits pairs of nasal and auditory capsules, with a gill-apparatus below its hinder part, but no indications of ordinary jaws.
In the museums at Trondhjem there are interesting zoological and antiquarian collections, also exhibits illustrative of the fisheries and other industries.
Actual history exhibits the conflict of two great principles, which may be said to be realized in the patricians and plebeians of Rome.
The soil is exceedingly rich and well adapted to all kinds of agricultural purposes, and for the most part is composed of a rich black loam reposing on a grey sandy clay, though occasionally it exhibits a light yellow clayey texture.
Finally, it can surely never be advanced as an argument against the truth of religion that there are many things in it which we do not comprehend, when experience exhibits to us such a copious stock of incomprehensibilities in the ordinary course and constitution of nature.
Where this intervening band is not covered by recent gravel deposits, it exhibits beds of limestone, clays and sandstone with fossils, which, in age, range from the Lower Eocene to the Miocene.
The great mass of the Himalaya exhibits the same structure, due to the same conditions acting for longer periods and on a much larger scale; but the structure is varied in the eastern portions of the mountains by the effect of different climatic conditions, and especially by the greater rainfall.
As a descriptive title Leviticus, " the Levitical book," is not inappropriate to the contents of the book, which exhibits an elaborate system of sacrificial worship. In this connexion, however, the term " Levitical " is used in a perfectly general sense, since there is no reference in the book itself to the Levites themselves.
Like other collections the group of laws on leprosy easily betrays its composite character and exhibits unmistakable evidence of its gradual growth.
In Golden Gate Park is a museum owned by the city with exhibits of a wide range, including history, ethnology, natural history, the fine arts, &c. Very fine mineral exhibits by the State Mining Bureau, and California Agricultural and Pacific Coast commercial displays by the CaliforniaDevelopment Board, are housed in the Ferry Building, and there is a Memorial Museum in Golden Gate Park.
The main part of this great range, known as the Cordillera Real, and one of the most imposing mountain masses of the world, extends from the Peruvian border south-east to the 18th parallel and exhibits a series of snowcrowned peaks, notably the triple-crested Illampu or Sorata (21,490 ft.), Illimani (Conway, 21,204), Cacaaca (20,571) and Chachacomani (21,434).
Prince Josaphat grows up in this seclusion, acquires all kinds of knowledge and exhibits singular endowments.
The fact that every bacterial cell in a species in most cases appears equally capable of performing all the physiological functions of the species has led most authorities, however, to regard it as the individual - a view which cannot be consistent in those cases where a simple or branched filamentous series exhibits differences between free apex and fixed base and so forth.
Fluor-spar, though cubic, sometimes exhibits weak double refraction, probably due to internal tension.
Of this work, which contains no direct intimation of a fourth figure, and which in general exhibits an astonishing mixture of the Aristotelian and Stoic logic, Prantl speaks with the bitterest contempt.
He was also one of the first in whom we find a tendency to a view of industrial phenomena which was at variance with the then dominant mercantilist ideas, and he exhibits a statesmanlike sense of the elements in which the strength of a nation really consists.
About as big as a crow, its plumage exhibits the blended tints of chocolate-colour and grey, barred and pencilled with dark-brown or black, and spotted in places with white, that prevail in the two families just named.
He exhibits, it is true, political sympathies and antipathies.
The shallow inlet of Poole Bay is followed by the eminence of St Alban's Head, and thereafter, right round the south-western promontory of England, the cliff-bound coast, with its bays and inlets closely beset with hills, predominates over the low shore-line, exhibits a remarkable series of different forms, and provides the finest scenery of its kind in England.
It cannot be said that Theocritus exhibits signal merit in his Epics.
The revision of the Australian species by Bentham well exhibits the wide range of the genera of the order in a flora generally so peculiar and restricted as that of Australia.
A large additional space for exhibits was made in 1904, when the western half of the second floor was added, and the building as now arranged contains the large bronzes and statues on the ground floor; a gallery of Pompeian frescoes in the entresol; the library, picture gallery and small bronzes on the first floor; and the glass, jewelry, arms, papyri, gems, and the unique collection of ItaloGreek vases, on the second floor.
It is a just remark of Thackeray's that he everywhere half-consciously recognizes her as his better angel, and dwells on her wit and her tenderness with a fondness he never exhibits for any other topic. On the 28th of January 1728, she died, and her wretched lover sat down the same night to record her virtues in language of unsurpassed simplicity, but to us who know the story more significantly for what it conceals than for what it tells.
While Gulliver is infinitely the most famous and popular of Swift's works, it exhibits no greater powers of mind than many others.
The museum contains military and naval relics, models and other exhibits.
Lower Bengal exhibits the two typical stages in the life of a great river.
The granite is of the same formation or closely related to that of Madagascar and throughout the islands is closely uniform in its composition, but exhibits dikes of finer grain.
The interior, however, is finely proportioned and exhibits beautiful modern polychrome decorations, numerous pictures and interesting monumental brasses.
The Buccleuch memorial hall, commemorating the 5th duke of Buccleuch, contains the Science and Art Institute and a museum rich in exhibits illustrating Border history.
West of this range the country exhibits a great variety of surface structure, and is humid and densely wooded; east of the range it consists of a broken tableland, arid or semiarid, with a general elevation of 5000 ft.
It exhibits much evidence of powerful erosion, having deep canyons in its sides, and it bears evidence of previous glaciers.
The power which sulphuric acid exhibits for expelling other acids from their combinations, a power occasioned by its comparative involatility and high degree of avidity, forms the basis of a considerable number of commercial processes.
It exhibits tautomerization, since in many of its.
The system of counting by twenties instead of by tens has existed in many countries; and, though there is no corresponding notation, it still exhibits itself in the names of numbers.
Thus we get successive multiplication; but it represents quite different operations according as it is due to repetition, in the sense of § 34, or to subdivision, and these operations will be exhibited by different diagrams. Of the two diagrams below, A exhibits the successive multiplication of £3 by 20, 12 and 4, and B the successive reduction of £3 to shillings, pence and farthings.
This diagram exhibits a relation between the two amounts 5s.
The earliest form of the Grail story, the Gawain- Bleheris version, exhibits a marked affinity with the characteristic features of the Adonis or Tammuz worship; we have a castle on the sea-shore, a dead body on a bier, the identity of which is never revealed, mourned over with solemn rites; a wasted country, whose desolation is mysteriously connected with the dead man, and which is restored to fruitfulness when the quester asks the meaning of the marvels he beholds (the two features of the weeping women and the wasted land being retained in versions where they have no significance); finally the mysterious food-providing, self-acting talisman of a common feast - one and all of these features may be explained as survivals of the Adonis ritual.
All that we know of Burke exhibits him as inspired by a resolute pride, a certain stateliness and imperious elevation of mind.
The raccoon group (Procyonidae) is mainly American, being represented in the Old World only by the pandas (Aelurus and Aeluropus), of which the latter apparently exhibits some affinity to the bears.
It will perch on the topmost bough of a tree, if a tree be near, to watch his proceedings, and the cock exhibits all the astounding gesticulations in which the males of so many other Limicolae indulge during the breeding-season - with certain variations, however, that are peculiarly its own.
The stems, the surface of which exhibits a number of ridges with intervening furrows, perform the greater part of the work of assimilation.
The anatomy of the stele in the stem exhibits on the whole a progression from a solid protostele through a tubular solenostele to one or more circles of separate steles derived by the breaking up of the solenostele.
The fragments that remain of the moral treatises of Democritus are sufficient, perhaps, to convince us that the turn of Greek philosophy in the direction of conduct, which was actually due to Socrates, would have taken place without him, though in a less decided manner; but when we compare the Democritean ethics with the post-Socratic system to which it has most affinity, Epicureanism, we find that it exhibits a very rudimentary apprehension of the formal conditions which moral teaching must fulfil before it can lay claim to be treated as scientific.
This universal though unconscious striving after God, since he is essentially intelligible, exhibits itself in its highest form in rational beings as a desire for knowledge of him; such knowledge, however, is beyond all ordinary exercise of reason, and may be only partially revealed to man here below.
He then exhibits the unhappiness that results from any excess of the self-regarding impulses, bodily appetite, desire of wealth, emulation, resentment, even love of life itself; and ends by dwelling on the intrinsic painfulness of all malevolence .2 One more special impulse remains to be noticed.
In this way the utilitarian method is freed from the subversive tendencies which Butler and others had discerned in it; as used by Paley, it merely explains the current moral and jural distinctions, exhibits the obvious basis of expediency which supports most of the received rules of law and morality and furnishes a simple solution, in harmony with common sense, of some perplexing casuistical questions.
And, in fact, "private ethics, " as conceived by Bentham, does not exactly expound such a system; but rather exhibits the coincidence, so far as it extends, between private and general happiness, in that part of each man's conduct that lies beyond the range of useful legislation.
Conduct, e.g., is said to be more moral in proportion as it exhibits a tendency on the part of the individual or society to become more " definite," " coherent " and " heterogeneous."
This fine penitential prayer seems to have been modelled after the penitential psalms. It exhibits considerable unity of thought, and the style is, in the main, dignified and simple.
Rosa exhibits the embalmed body of that saint, a native of Viterbo, who died in her eighteenth year, after working various miracles and having distinguished herself by her invectives against Frederick II.
None of the Petrels are endowed with any brilliant colouring - sootyblack, grey of various tints (one of which is often called "blue"), and white being the only hues the plumage exhibits.
The Chronicle, which, as its title implies, is rather a chronological table (with notes) than a history, is written with special reference to preChristian times and the introduction of Christianity, and exhibits the author as a staunch upholder of orthodoxy.
The Syntagma is thus an essentially unsystematic work, and clearly exhibits the main characteristics of Gassendi's genius.
Their speech nevertheless is very full in many of its verbal and other forms, while it also exhibits some curious deficiencies.
The 12th century exhibits the decay of liberal intellectual activity in the Caliphate, and the gradual ascendancy of Turkish races animated with all the intolerance of semi-barbarian proselytes to the Mahommedan faith.
Lindsey in Norman times was divided into three ridings - North, West and South - comprising respectively five, five and seven wapentakes; while, apart from their division into wapentakes, the Domesday Survey exhibits a unique planning out of the ridings into approximately equal numbers of i 2-carucate hundreds, the term hundred possessing here no administrative or local significance, but serving merely as a unit of area for purposes of assessment.
The situation is pleasant, and the neighbouring coast exhibits bold cliff scenery.
If, however, the primitive and final planes of polarization be parallel or crossed, the field exhibits only one colour during a complete revolution of the plate.
When the retardation of phase for light of mean period is it or a small multiple of it a crystalline plate placed between a crossed polarizer and analyser exhibits in white light a distinctive greyish violet colour, known as a sensitive tint from the fact that it changes rapidly to blue or red, when the retardation is very slightly increased or diminished.
Thus a bar of glass of sufficient thickness, placed in the diagonal position between a crossed polarizer and analyser and bent in a plane perpendicular to that of vision, exhibits two sets of coloured bands separated by a neutral line, the double refraction being positive on the dilated and negative on the compressed side.
The result must be that the field of view exhibits a sharp border.
The tower is Early English, but the church exhibits the other styles, including a remarkable Norman porch.
In Convolvulaceae, while the corolla is twisted, and has its parts arranged in a circle, the calyx is imbricate, and exhibits a spiral arrangement.
When a corolla is gamopetalous it usually happens that the lower portion forms a tube, while the upper parts are either free or partially united, so as to form a common limb, the point of union of the two portions being the throat, which often exhibits a distinct constriction or dilatation.
When the ovules are very numerous (indefinite), while at the same time the placenta is not much developed, their position exhibits great variation, some being directed upwards, others downwards, others transversely; and their form is altered by pressure into various polyhedral shapes.
The parish church of St Mary, situated at the northern end of Tudor Square, the principal open space in the town, is one of the largest churches in South Wales, and exhibits all varieties of architecture from the 12th to the 16th centuries.
We have a combination in the same flower of stalked ovules, the structure of which has already been described, and interseminal scales constituting a complex gynoecium, which exhibits in certain features an approach to the angiospermous type, and differs in structure from other Gymnosperm flowers, associated with male organs constructed on a plan almost identical with that.
Yet as the reality of Fenton's condition becomes clearer, he exhibits his own more mercenary, even callous, streak.
He therefore exhibits fortitude in its clearest and most perfect form.
The gallery at No. 42 also exhibits a large collection of fine Russian Lacquer Boxes, and decorative antiques.
Exhibits include aviation archeology finds, memorabilia and the substantial wreckage of two wartime P-51 fighters.
Among the exhibits in the east atrium will be a mock-up theater, where you handle a range of surgical instuments.
Jo's main interests are silk painting, wax batik and embroidery and she exhibits her work regularly in the Yorkshire area.
Bone in packing and floor materials derived from natural sediments is often uncharred and exhibits pale birefringence and signs of weathering.
He is also interested in contemporary creative bookbinding and exhibits regularly in Europe and the USA.
Exhibits include the bugle played by Louis Armstrong in 1913.
Composite coatings of electroless nickel containing silicon carbide exhibits superior abrasive wear resistance to hard chromium plate in some applications.
As such, it is not causal in the mechanistic sense; nonetheless, it exhibits a kind of causality.
The quantity and relative centrality of spaces allocated to different countries or classes of artifact also established hierarchies among the exhibits.
Exhibits created using this process collodion A generic term for any process using collodion as a binder for the light-sensitive silver salts.
Salmonid pellet feed consists of primarily marine-derived material and thus exhibits carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic compositions distinct to most freshwater organic material.
As well as an impressive display compound of aircraft, the restored control tower houses many exhibits, including several aero engines.
The weekend will feature ship visits, maritime exhibits and displays, seafood cookery demonstrations, a French market and live outdoor music.
Atomic chlorine, being heavier, exhibits stronger spin-orbit coupling.
I believe that this exhibits professional cowardice and a stunning lack of imagination.
Like the 210 Pb deposition rate, the total deposition velocity exhibits a seasonal pattern with maximum values in summer.
Speech is affected, and the victim usually exhibits dyspnea, cyanosis, and hypotension.
Its basis, however, when viewed under the microscope, is generally quite earthy; but sometimes it exhibits a decidedly crystalline structure.
Egyptology gallery with its exhibits of real mummies and other ancient relics is next door to the Assyrian Reliefs.
Sensation, Dundee Science center devoted to the five senses with over 60 hands-on exhibits to explore.
A brave attempt to explain a big subject, with more interactive exhibits to engage the casual visitor.
Explore the delightful Museum, housed in an old boathouse, with fascinating exhibits and photographs.
The three permanent exhibits are unique and well worth seeing.
A further 3 cases display temporary exhibits that highlight particular aspects of the Collection.
He exhibits widely, particularly in the London open exhibits widely, particularly in the London open exhibitions.
Some rare contemporary museum exhibits are adorned with carvings.
The exhibits and labels show wit, creativity and scholarship, and include folklore and myths about plants, as well as scientific facts.
Perhaps a little too gory was the inclusion of a bowl of human ashes in the exhibits.
Once in the CNS, BDV exhibits a preferential tropism for the limbic system, including the hippocampus.
The full-length sequence exhibits little overall homology to any other known protein at either the nucleotide or the amino acid level.
Beside, many of the exhibits are out of their time, or factually inaccurate.
The computer exhibits were also laughably dated which is frankly inexcusable in a city that is home to both Microsoft and Boeing.
In fact the situation is even more complicated than it looks, because but-2-ene exhibits geometric isomerism.
Written in 1893, it was a forerunner of German Naturalism, and exhibits the socialist leanings of its author.
While the GTA games are massively open-ended (as well as just being massive ), Table Tennis exhibits a rather different mentality.
For example, the 68000 family of 32-bit microprocessors exhibits open-endedness with respect to new instructions in two ways.
The Large Exhibits Gallery in London has examples of significant types of artillery and ordnance, including naval ordnance.
Topiramate exhibits linear pharmacokinetics with low levels of protein binding.
The exhibition is bursting with fascinating and unusual exhibits including a tank of live piranhas, the giant mole and a beached sea creature.
And despite its slightly portly girth, the S-type exhibits a surprising turn of speed.
The sale of exhibits or other dairy products is not permitted without the prior consent of the Dairy Produce Chairman.
Firstly, the final product is a viscous paste which exhibits complex rheology, in particular irreversible thixotropy.
The author exhibits much sagacity as well as learning, and criticizes effectively the errors, inconsistencies, and exaggerations of his predecessors.
For all its meticulous scholarship and indefatigable research, Smiths commendable study exhibits some relatively condonable shortcomings.
Our seed taken from ornamental plants exhibits bright scarlet seed pods on two year old or more plants.
During these times the population exhibits evolutionary stasis (ie, no change) with respect to the factor being measured.
It exhibits many of the characteristics of Church and brings a welcome pendulum swing back to the emphasis on the small unit of church.
Among the exhibits is a 28 inch refractor telescope, one of the largest in the world.
At such low stiffness the bead held in the optical tweezers necessarily exhibits large amounts of thermal motion.
The handwriting, as shewn in the specimen, exhibits the sloping uncials which are characteristic of the eighth and ninth centuries.
These ' exhibits ' include night urinals, refuse pits and grease traps.
T F 8. If someone's utility function exhibits diminishing marginal utility of wealth, this person is risk averse.
Many of the exhibits have been donated by D-day veterans - both Allied and German - adding a very personal dimension to the displays.
When quenched as far as possible by rotation of a nicol prism, it exhibits a residue of a more intense blue colour; and further it is found that the direction of the most nearly complete polarization becomes inclined to the direction of the primary rays.
Wolff, to the present elaborate analysis of the floral organs, morphology exhibits a continual advance towards the demonstration of a fundamental unity among the seeming diversities of living structures.
It exhibits in a marked degree the density ol species which, as already pointed out, is explicable by the arrest 01 further southern expansion.
Brewster, apply the name of amethyst to all quartz which exhibits this structure, regardless of its colour.
Already in this play Ford exhibits the singular force of his pathos; the despondent misery of the aged Meleander, and the sweetness of the last scene, in which his daughter comes back to him, alike go to the heart.
In the first place, the normal life-cycle of plants and animals exhibits what is known as alternation of generations, so that any individual in the chain may resemble its grand-parent.
He argued from past history that 2 Kautzsch, in his profoundly learned article on the " Religion of Israel," to which frequent reference has been made, exhibits (pp. 669-671) an excess of scepticism, in our opinion, towards the views propounded by Gunkel in 1895 (Schopfung and Chaos) respecting the intimate connexion between the early Hebrew cosmogonic ideas and those of Babylonia.
On the other hand, he exhibits a decided tendency to the world-ennui and melancholy which was one of the earlier symptoms of the movement, and he has experimented in French verse in a manner which would have led to his excommunication by the typical performers of the 18th century.
Upon the exposed mountain slopes a species of rhubarb (Rheum Ribes) is noticeable, and also a vetch (Vicia canescens) excellent for sheep. The spring vegetation, which lasts until July, appears to be rich, especially as regards showy plants, such as Corydalis, Gagea, Colchicum, Puschkinia, Geranium, Ornithogalum, &c. The flora of the highest ridges, along the edges of the snow patches, exhibits no forms related to the northern alpine flora, but suggestions of it are found in a Draba, an Androsace, an Alsine and a violet, occurring, however, only in local species.
Plain in plumage, being greyish brown above and dull white below, while its quills are dingy black, variegated with white, there is little about the mocking-bird's appearance beyond its graceful form to recommend it; but the lively gesticulations it exhibits are very attractive, and therein its European rival in melody is far surpassed, for the cock-bird mounts aloft in rapid circling flight, and, alighting on a conspicuous perch, pours forth his ever-changing song to the delight of all listeners; while his actions in attendance on his mate are playfully demonstrative and equally interest the observer.
The more elaborate work, Vom Ich als Princip der Philosophie, oder g über das Unbedingte im menschlichen Wissen (1795), which, still remaining within the limits of the Fichtean idealism, however, exhibits unmistakable traces of a tendency to give the Fichtean method a more objective application, and to amalgamate with it Spinoza's more realistic view of things.
Thus the Protagoras brings the educational theory of Protagoras and the sophists of culture face to face with the educational theory of Socrates, so as to expose the limitations of both; the Gorgias deals with the moral aspect of the teachings of the forensic rhetorician Gorgias and the political rhetorician Isocrates, and the intellectual aspect of their respective theories of education is handled in the Phaedrus; the Meno on the one hand exhibits the strength and the weakness of the teaching of Socrates, and on the other brings into view the makeshift method of those who, despising systematic teaching, regarded the practical politician as the true educator; the Euthydemus has for its subject the eristical method; finally, having in these dialogues characterized the current theories of education, Plato proceeds in the Republic to develop an original scheme.
Aristotle apparently intended, or at all events has given logicians in general the impression, that he intended to analyse syllogism into propositions as premises, and premise into names as terms. His logic therefore exhibits the curious paradox of being an analysis of mental reasoning into linguistic elements.
In mammals both caecum and colon are often sacculated, a disposition caused by the arrangement of the longitudinal bands of muscular tissue in their walls; but the small intestine is always smooth and simple-walled externally, though its lining membrane often exhibits contrivances for increasing the absorbing surface without adding to the general bulk of the organ, such as the numerous small tags, or " villi," by which it is everywhere beset, and the more obvious transverse, longitudinal, or reticulating folds projecting into the interior, met with in many animals, of which the " valvulae conniventes " of man form well-known examples.
Purified recombinant Bluetongue virus VP1 exhibits RNA replicase activity.
Interactive touch screens activate various exhibits; A rugby scrum machine and cinema bring the game to life.
Helen Simcox is a seascape artist who also works and exhibits in the area.
Although composed of a single crystal of calcite, a sea urchin plate exhibits a bicontinuous morphology with pores of diameter 10-15 micron.
Test fly a range of exhibits including a full motion flight simulator ride.
This solicitude for the welfare of the departed exhibits itself by the giving of religious feasts.
The Armories will be set out for an evening meal where you can eat surrounded by the splendor of the exhibits.
I 'm drawn to exhibits which outrage or stick two rebellious fingers up at the snotty art establishment.
Nearby, the James White Fort still exhibits portions of the original stockade built in 1786 by Knoxville 's founder.
I have to confess to being a tad disappointed with some of the exhibits.
Exhibits should not be placed in lever arch files but should be fastened securely, for example by treasury tags.
In flight the underwing pattern exhibits more black on the margins.
T F 8. If someone 's utility function exhibits diminishing marginal utility of wealth, this person is risk averse.
This was done so that the design is versatile enough to accommodate changes in exhibits while maintaining an energy efficient design.
Many of the exhibits have been donated by D-Day veterans - both Allied and German - adding a very personal dimension to the displays.
Do not arouse the animals in zoo exhibits by tapping on the glass.
We're attempting to artifically mimic the exact biological processes that the abalone exhibits.
Use the list below to determine if your baby exhibits signs of sleep deprivation.
While you certainly want to address negative behaviors immediately, it's just as important to use positive reinforcement and praise to encourage those positive behaviors that your child exhibits.
It's essential for attorneys to be able to get funds needed for situations such as paying for airfare to go interview a potential witness or to purchase custom-designed trial exhibits.
You may be doing a lot of walking to various exhibits, demos, and classes, so comfortable clothing and footwear can help ensure you're relaxed and able to focus on having a good time.
Keep in mind that even if someone exhibits the signs of compulsive lying, it does not necessarily mean he or she is a compulsive liar.
Knowing if your teen has a problem involves paying close attention to the symptoms your teen exhibits and how long they last.
First, talk to your son or daughter about some of the behaviors he or she exhibits and feelings experienced.
If your son or daughter exhibits the signs of suicide, you may have to take further action by contacting emergency services.
Seek out treatment as soon as you or your loved one exhibits the signs of alcoholism because the health effects can be fatal!
Read this article to find out if your loved one exhibits some of the most common signs and symptoms of anorexia nervosa.
Not everyone who abuses alcohol exhibits the entire gamut of alcoholism symptoms, but most people will display at least a few symptoms in various degrees.
Easy Cut-Up Cakes for Kids, by Melissa Barlow, exhibits colorful, vibrant cakes that are easy enough for kids to help make.
The student must major in food science, chemical science, biological science, or a related area and have past work or personal experience that exhibits involvement in confectionary technology.
Sea World adventure park with aquatic exhibits and thrilling rides.
When this is the case, the city proudly demonstrates it through exhibits, artisan works and in the decorations it uses.
If gingerbread sculptures and treats originated in this region, then cities may have large exhibits available to cruisers.
If your pet exhibits any of these symptoms, consult your veterinarian immediately.
If your dog exhibits symptoms, isolate him from your other pets immediately and as thoroughly as possible.
If your dog exhibits other signs of illness such as fever, lethargy, or loss of appetite, you should consult with your veterinarian as your dog may have a secondary infection.
When your best pet friend exhibits dying dog behavior, it is time to consider your behavior as well as you begin to help your dog make the final transition.
Regular excursions to theater performances, museums, concerts, and art exhibits may be communally organized with discount group rates and transportation.
Abuse, or the intentional harm of an elderly person, exhibits definite signs.
A person with a subcortical dementia usually exhibits personality changes, a slowed-down thinking process, and a decrease in attention span.
More than 2,700 animals reside in exhibits scattered throughout the park rather than clustered in one zoo location.
Guests even have regular opportunities to touch, feed, and interact with different species, whether at special feeding times near particular exhibits or through the stunningly choreographed daily shows.
In addition, Sea World San Antonio is home to a host of educational exhibits, knowledgeable animal trainers and interactive programs.
The Christian themed park hosts theatrical performances and Bible-inspired exhibits.
Located within Sawgrass Mill Mall, the indoor park doesn't have any roller coasters, but it does have a collection of exhibits that let kids get a taste for being an astronaut, radio broadcaster, firefighter and more.
In addition to educational exhibits, SeaWorld also has several rides.
In addition to the rides, SeaWorld features tons of animal exhibits.
When Thorpe Park was opened in 1979, the owners intended it to be a water park with educational exhibits.
The park features a wide array of exhibits, restaurants and shops, but the real attraction is the four mile long safari featuring animals from 30 different regions of Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe.
The park is veritable wonderland of Legos and features rides, exhibits and models constructed with Legos or with a Lego theme.
Many of the exhibits cater to the European market, but international announcements are also made there.
Prior to each show, there are displays with information and interactive exhibits on video games, video game character costume contests and meet and greets with video game music personalities.
You can hire janitors to keep the park clean and make sure the animal exhibits are secure.
It exhibits dark chocolate and cedar, as well as burnt toast.
Made from 100 percent Chardonnay grapes, this sparkling wine exhibits pineapple, tropical and some lemon-lime notes as well.
Invitations to the annual Madame Alexander Doll Club Convention held each summer - The convention lasts four days and includes special events such as seminars, workshops and exhibits.
The doctor should be called if an infant older than two weeks of age exhibits jaundice or has other symptoms typical of biliary atresia.
The doctor should be called if a child exhibits any symptoms of the various types of candidiasis.
For example, an individual who only exhibits such tics as throat clearing and sniffing may be misdiagnosed with a medical problem such as allergies.
In addition, a child with Williams syndrome often exhibits sloping shoulders or an elongated neck.
The doctor should be called when a person with albinism exhibits symptoms such as photophobia that cause discomfort.
Parents should contact a healthcare professional if their child begins to have auditory or visual hallucinations, has a sudden change in behavior, shows signs of suicide ideation, or exhibits other symptoms of schizophrenia.
Parents of older children may need a referral to a speech and language specialist if their child stutters, lisps, has difficulty forming words or producing coherent speech, or exhibits certain learning disabilities.
Psychotherapy is indicated when the child exhibits signs of severe emotional distress in response to events such as a death in the family, the birth of a new child, a change in schools, or divorce.
Any child or adolescent that exhibits symptoms of psychosocial personality disorder should be taken to his or her health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation and possible referral to a mental health care professional.
This timing is recommended only when a family history of CF exists or the newborn exhibits symptoms specific to the disorder.
A learning-disabled child usually exhibits an uneven pattern of language development.
When a child exhibits weakness, dizziness, listlessness, or fatigue, it may be the first sign of anemia.
If a child exhibits delayed development and mental impairment and has other symptoms typical of fragile X syndrome, the doctor should be consulted to determine the cause of the problems.
Most experts agree, however, that toilet training should only be initiated when a child exhibits certain signs of readiness that usually appear between the ages of two and three years of age.
Parents should contact a healthcare professional if their child exhibits any of the symptoms of OI, particularly a tendency to fracture bones easily.
The parent whose child exhibits the negative behaviors called "acting out" probably wonders what is normal and what is not.
A doctor should be consulted when a child exhibits symptoms characteristic of this disease.
A doctor should be consulted if a child exhibits symptoms of AP.
The child exhibits drooling, jerking, and stiffening of the body.
A healthcare professional should be contacted if a child experiences persistent abdominal distention, is unable to have normal bowel movements, or exhibits other symptoms of ileus.
A doctor should be consulted if a child exhibits symptoms typical of cri du chat syndrome.
A doctor should be notified whenever an infant or child exhibits signs of dehydration or a parent is concerned that a stomach virus or other acute illness may lead to dehydration.
The doctor should be called if a child appears to have difficulty learning to read or exhibits any symptoms of dyslexia.
This child exhibits considerable tension and tries to avoid stuttering by using different words.
A healthcare provider should be contacted if a child exhibits symptoms of skeletal or growth abnormalities, such as abnormally short or tall height for age, frequent bone fractures, bony growths, or bone or joint pain.
A child who exhibits a strong preference for one hand at about one year of age-too early to clearly express handedness-may have a weakness or neuromuscular problem in the other arm or hand.
Parents should call their doctor if their child exhibits any of the behaviors of an insecure attachment.
Each subtype exhibits particular behaviors that make up the general symptoms of a child with AD/HD.
Each company performs a variety of dances from various parts of Mexico, but each company generally exhibits more depth in the area in which the primary director was trained.
Exhibits provide you with more information at your fingertips.
You can also choose to take an audio tour of the exhibits.
The exhibits and displays are well worth the extended stay.
There are interactive exhibits with fascinating documents, such as George Washington's letters and Abraham Lincoln's Civil war telegrams.
However, if one has extremely fair colored strands or chemically processed hair that exhibits damage to the cuticle, semi-permanent color may be absorbed deep into the hair shaft, resulting in a more lingering color.
In addition to general rule enforcement, park rangers have the opportunity to interact with guests, set up exhibits and even lead tours.