Exhibition Sentence Examples
It is a wonderful exhibition of portraits, they say.
The exhibition was held at the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, London.
He was awarded a medal of honour at the Paris Exhibition, 1900.
His career as a dramatic author began with the exhibition of a drama in or about the year 235, and continued for thirty years.
They took part in the International Exhibition of 1862, quoting a price of 40s.
Early in 1855 he conducted large-scale experiments at Javel in a factory lent him for the purpose, where he produced sufficient to show at the French Exhibition of 1855.
In 1867 he was appointed regent of Turkey during the sultan's visit to the Paris Exhibition.
Starcke, Le Danemark (Copenhagen, 1900), 700 pp.; illustrated, published in connexion with the Paris Exhibition.
The best collection of Henry's portraits was exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club in 1909, and the catalogue of that exhibition contains the best description of them; several are reproduced in Pollard's Henry VIII.
Please ensure that each parcel and all accompanying paperwork is marked with the exhibition code given on our Exhibition Schedule.
AdvertisementThe materials, however, were mainly those of the hall set up in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.
A magnificent exhibition of relics, portraits of knights and other objects connected with the order of the Golden Fleece was held at Bruges in 1907.
The fine exhibits from the Trenton potteries at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876 greatly stimulated the demand for these wares and increased the competition among the manufacturers; and since that date there has been a marked development in both the quantity and the quality of the product.
It became a burgh of barony in 1484 and a royal burgh in 1596, and was the scene of the exhibition of the Covenanters' Declaration, attached to the market cross in 1680 by Richard Cameron and in 1685 by James Renwick.
The inevitable crisis began in 1872; it was postponed for a short time, and there was some hope that the Exhibition, fixed for 1873, would bring fresh prosperity; the hope was not, however, fulfilled, and the final crash, which occurred in May, brought with it the collapse of hundreds of undertakings.
AdvertisementIn 1891 he was elected President - a post which he held until 1902 - receiving also the honour of knighthood, and he was awarded a gold medal at the Paris Exhibition of 1900.
That is to say, it is not so much an outcome of studies in antiquity as an exhibition of emancipated modern genius fired and illuminated by the masterpieces of the past.
In the surrounding region are several large ostrich farms and a small exhibition ranch.
In 1980/81, I had the pleasure of painting a new standard for the exhibition budgerigar, which is still in use today.
The Great Exhibition, state-aided schools of design, the South Kensington Museum, and the establishment of a Science and Art Department under Government, were among the results of the important art revival which he inaugurated.
AdvertisementSyllogism already defined 1 becomes through exhibition in its valid forms clear in its principle.
At the exhibition of Abruzzese art, held at Chieti in 1905, fine specimens of goldsmiths' work of the 15th and r6th centuries, of majolica of the 17th and 18th centuries, and of tapestries and laces were brought together; and the reproduction of some of these is still carried on, the small town of Castelli being the centre of the manufacture.
Among other notable buildings are the town hall; the theatre; the hall of representatives; the mint; the joint museum of the grand-ducal and national collections (natural history, archaeology, ethnology, art and a library of over 150,000 volumes); the palace of the heir-apparent, a late Renaissance building of 1891-1896; the imperial bank (1893); the national industrial hall, with an exhibition of machinery; the new law courts; and the hall of fine arts, which shelters a good picture gallery.
There is a state Art Institute, which gives an annual exhibition, provides for a course of public lectures on art, and houses in its building the state art collection.
Notwithstanding the success of the Great Exhibition of 1851, which was supposed to inaugurate a new reign of peace, the panic, which had been temporarily allayed in 1848, revived at the close of 1851, and the government endeavoured to allay it by reconstituting the militia.
AdvertisementThey glow with passion, and yet with all their rapidity is such steadfastness, the fervour of imagination is so skilfully tempered by close and plausible reasoning, and the whole is wrought with such strength and fire, that we hardly know where else to look either in Burke's own writings or elsewhere for such an exhibition of the rhetorical resources of our language.
In 1799 a Frenchman named Philippe Lebon took out a patent in Paris for making an illuminating gas from wood, and gave an exhibition of it in 1802, which excited a considerable amount of attention on the European continent.
His father, a carpenter, wished him to follow his trade, but his success in mathematics at Lancaster and Heversham grammar-schools enabled him to proceed with an exhibition to Trinity, Cambridge (1812).
Various people have tried, generally for exhibition purposes, how long they could fast from food with the aid merely of water or some medicinal preparation; but these exhibitions cannot be held to have proved anything of importance.
In 1902 an industrial and art exhibition was held.
An important exhibition of Italo-Byzantine art was held here in 1905-1906.
An annual exhibition is held under the auspices of the Art Union; and the members of the Artists' Society, or Malkasten, as they are called, have annual festivals and masquerades.
And until the determinist can successfully explain to us how in a world obeying throughout its history necessary laws and limited in its nature to the exhibition of causal sequences the consciousness of freedom could ever have arisen, we may be content to trust the immediate affirmation of our moral selves.
Martineau's chief endeavour was, as he himself says, to interpret, to vindicate, and to systematize the moral sentiments, and if the actual exhibition of what is involved, e.g., in moral choice is the vindication of morality Martineau may be said to have been successful.
There are several high-grade (classical and modern) schools, technical, mining and commercial schools, a theatre, a permanent art exhibition, and hospitals.
The Empire had still an uncertain and troubled brilliancy at the Exhibition of 1867.
He published Solar Investigations (New York, 1875) and Contributions to the Centennial Exhibition (New York, 1877).
He was one of the founders of the Royal Agricultural Society, and was chairman of the implement department of the great exhibition of 1851.
As mayor he had to receive the prince and princess of Wales on their visit in June 1874, an occasion which excited some curiosity because of his reputation as a Republican; but those who looked for an exhibition of bad taste were disappointed, and the behaviour of the Radical mayor satisfied the requirements alike of The Times and of Punch.
The meeting culminates with the exhibition, which has now been seen by 25,000 visitors from the UK and Europe.
The series of topics will culminate in an exhibition later in the year.
That set the precedent for the rest of the exhibition.
The empty plinth was then adjudged a work of art worthy of exhibition, while the head was rejected.
Bad boy antics exhibition quot tongues located in the.
This involves a week of workshops in various art forms and ends in a small performance and art exhibition.
The exhibition includes a shop area where limited edition automata, automata kits and other ingenious gifts can be bought.
Over the past few years fanciers have increasingly reported feather abnormalities in their exhibition type budgerigars.
This major exhibition offers the first opportunity to view John Constable's seminal six-foot exhibition canvases together.
Boards are movable, allowing flexibility of exhibition space, with lockable castors at their base.
The exhibition celebrates centenary of Dhaka regaining the status of a capital city on 16 October 1905.
The Council also finds that the exhibition of captive cetaceans leads to distress living conditions for these animals.
I got interested in Exhibition late chrysanthemums after seeing the flowers that a colleague at work had grown.
Not only does she exhibit at their London exhibition each summer, she also gives master classes.
This is a highly cohesive exhibition, which successfully shows the diverse nature of artistic interpretation of a singular theme.
In 2004, a specially curated exhibition of Award-winning work was displayed at Tate Modern.
The exhibition has been jointly curated by Richard William Hill, of Cree heritage and formerly a Curator at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Proposals are invited from artists and guest curators for our 2004 exhibition program.
At the Photokina exhibition in Germany, Olympus recently wowed everyone with a Japanese cypress encased camera.
In fact, the position has long since passed far beyond the limits of ordinary law-breaking and become an exhibition of national degeneracy.
The first week of April saw a deluge of product announcements timed to coincide with the JavaOne Today exhibition in San Francisco.
Over 2,200 people - says the exhibition's leaflet - are locked up in immigration detention in the UK at any one time.
My first nesting doll was found at a trade exhibition at the NEC some 19 years ago.
The site visits to the Lurgan Fiber exhibition were also very educational.
Egyptology exhibition records the explorations of the 5th Earl of Carnarvon who, with Egyptologist Howard Carter, uncovered the tomb of Tutankhamun.
A substantial, fully illustrated, color catalog will accompany the exhibition.
Richmond Town Hall will host the photographic exhibition, showing the 2nd Battalion between 1952 and 1956.
A retrospective exhibition of his work was held in 1981 at the Malone Gallery in Belfast.
The project resulted in the creation of a new, permanent exhibition in the Museum, World in the East End.
Her solo exhibition ' A Sketch of the Universe ', is its outcome.
He also organized his first art exhibition whilst still an undergraduate here.
Below are the currently confirmed exhibitors for the 2007 exhibition.
Later this month over 200,000 visitors are expected to descend on the trade exhibition fairground in Frankfurt to attend the 27th Achema.
Within the cottage, there is an exhibition of his life and works in the same farmyard setting in which he was raised.
Italian Life Under fascism Virtual exhibition exploring the nature of Italian fascism in the early twentieth century.
The juicy white flesh breaks up during cooking and has an uninspiring flavor, so this variety is grown mainly for exhibition.
The exhibition includes lighting from the strictly functional to the wildly ostentatious.
Temporary Exhibition gallery This spacious, contemporary gallery may be hired for specific events or included in larger receptions during exhibitions.
The site is now managed by Heritage of Ireland and the recently restored gatehouse now houses an exhibition and visitors center.
At the german gymnasium a CTRL exhibition will be starting on 2 June.
Read plenty of autographs handshakes and teen dancing exhibition.
Tamlyn Monson explains how a somewhat ill-conceived exhibition by two male photographers yields an inadvertent answer.
This exhibition offers an exciting opportunity to see his new work and to understand the interrelation between his printing and painting techniques.
The Industrial Gallery, built of decorative ironwork, was the major exhibition area of the original 1885 building.
I have a brand new, never been used outdoor m... japanese show garden stunning exhibition garden featuring large ja...
Entertaining at ExCel London's state-of-the-art conference and exhibition center in Docklands naturally lends itself to entertaining on the water.
When discussing Claude Monet's painting Impression, soleil levant, one art critic used the word Impression contemptuously in his article on the exhibition.
The catalogs included lithographs of certain works on exhibition - some prepared by Reeve.
In its own right, the Royal Highland Show is the largest trade exhibition of agricultural machinery in the UK.
Exhibition mode includes new maneuvers which you could not have gotten befor.
The craft marquee will be holding a whole host of stalls in addition to an exhibition by the Arnold Photographic Society.
It is iconic and quite massive with a vast multi-storey open exhibition space for the main collection.
This group exhibition brings together a diverse mix of artists, both in terms of personal geography and artistic preoccupation.
The exhibition aims to provide an explanation of the meaning and relevance of scientific developments linking neurophysiology to the functioning of the immune system.
The participating makers have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this highly original exhibition.
An exhibition explains the work of the famous Yorkshire aviation pioneer, Robert Blackburn.
The exhibition is bursting with fascinating and unusual exhibits including a tank of live piranhas, the giant mole and a beached sea creature.
In this case the last photograph shows the family standing in front of their portrait at the Royal Society of Portrait painters Annual Exhibition.
Maybe the present exhibition will change this, although it seems quite possible to me that it will not.
When we visited there was a very striking exhibition examining how African folk art has influenced primitivism in western art.
The idea of mounting an exhibition that takes an ambivalent or even critical position toward its contents now appears merely quaint.
The exhibition will feature a number of facial reconstructions from bodies found in London.
A small exhibition room displays military regalia and unique tombstones dating back to the tenth century.
The topic of politics arose and how the exhibition continually reminds us of war and trauma, memory and loss.
In 2000, Gerhard Stromberg completed a two-month residency at ArtSway which culminated in an exhibition of photographs taken in the New Forest.
This exhibition is the first comprehensive retrospective of Stuart's work.
It is this intention that links their works across the decades and which in turn transforms this exhibition into a museum quality retrospective.
In addition to the open air ice rink, the Center is adding ice themed activities to its program within the exhibition.
Within the exhibition hall visitors will find a range of tradestands selling a variety of goods including saddlery, clothing and horse rugs.
The exhibition is based around a beautiful gold sari dress which James bought for his wife in India on his way home in 1945.
I am very grateful to David Wynne, the renowned animal sculptor agreeing to open this exhibition.
He also exhibited a new, major sculpture, at the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition and at Soho Galleries, also in Sydney.
Women's problems and expectations have been explored in her recent exhibition of ceramic sculptures at the Dorman Museum, Middlesbrough.
In 1920 he took part in the fall exhibition of the Viennese secession.
Running man of 1980 in the exhibition, is an image of supreme self-confidence.
The exhibition showcases work by a wide range of photographers.
This fascinating exhibition can be seen as part of a visit to Buckler's Hard and includes the artists sketchbook 's.
Event Expo North brings a new slant to the exhibition industry.
Written by John Upton Directed by Michael Pattinson Kerry is disgusted with the art snobs at the exhibition.
Located at the heart of the exhibition, the Gallery offers an easy and cost-effective marketing solution.
Many cultural bodies can make use of performance and exhibition spaces in interlocking rhythms.
They were coarse, unsubstantial, freckled all over with broad yellow splotches, and could neither stand wear nor public exhibition.
Mangar International put on a great show with their new exhibition stand which was first unveiled at Naidex earlier this year.
All such fees and payments due should be clearly stated In your exhibition contract with the gallery.
Through this exhibition you will discover just what the local seashore strandline can tell us about the life off the Sussex coast.
Tranquil rivers, rugged deserts, ancient statues and exotic succulents are among the subjects that have been photographed for the 2006 exhibition.
One has to admire the tenacity of those who helped to put up the exhibition.
The exhibition focuses on the richness and variety of surface decorated textiles as well as pieces produced on looms, mainly from Pakistan.
The exhibition is uniquely theirs and is not just another children's exhibition created by adults.
Throughout the exhibition, Bond film footage plays alongside memorable theme tunes.
In fact, seeing the veal chop in the brightly lit exhibition fridge prompted me to choose it for my main course.
Also has the remains of a Royal Academy exhibition label verso.
Current Work Gas reduction fired domestic and exhibition porcelain ware.
In 93 he was elected praetor 'after a lavish squandering of money, and he delighted the populace with an exhibition of a hundred lions from Africa.
A huge geode, or "amethyst-grotto," from near Santa Cruz in southern Brazil, was exhibited at the Dusseldorf Exhibition of 1902.
The employment of agricultural machines received considerable impetus from the Great Exhibition of 1851.
The cow classes were abolished in 1897, and in the schedule of the 1905 exhibition the classes for each breed of cattle were (I) for steers not exceeding two years old, (2) for steers above two years and not exceeding three years old, and (3) for heifers not exceeding three years old.
Frequently, moreover, the exhibition of pigs at agricultural shows has to be abandoned in consequence of these swine-fever regulations.
In this period of destitution the cotton-growing resources of every part of the globe were tested to the utmost; and in the exhibition of 1862 the representatives of every country from which supplies might be expected met to concert measures for obtaining all that was wanted without the aid of America.
No exhibition of ability or courage, however, nor yet the most skilful manipulation of the political machinery of the party,could prevent continued hostility to him and to the methods for which he was widely believed to stand.
During the first twenty-five years of the Meiji era, the Owari potters sought to compensate the technical and artistic defects of their pieces by giving them magnificent dimensions; but at the Tokyo industrial exhibition (1891) they were able to contribute some specimens showing decorative, plastic and graving skill of no mean order.
The exhibition of pigs at agricultural shows has to be abandoned, in consequence of swine fever regulations.
The success of this exhibition (visited by 407,930 persons) led to the organization of a fourth exhibition in 1901, largely devoted to the works of Ruskin.
But ten years afterwards, in the exhibition of 1872, which was specially devoted to cotton, a few only of the thirty-five countries which had sent their samples in 1862 again appeared, and these for the most part only to bear witness to disappointment and failure.
In the Paris Exhibition of 1900 a cane-crushing mill was shown with three rollers 32 in.
The exhibition of 1873 was held in this park, and several of its buildings, including the large rotunda, have been left standing.
In 1873 a great international exhibition took place here.
His period of office was signalized by the opening of an international exhibition at Lima.
It was the brilliant exhibition in November 1833 that, in modern times particularly, attracted earnest students to investigate the subject of meteors generally, and to make systematic observations of their apparitions on ordinary nights of the year.
There was a brilliant exhibition of meteors on the 10th of April 1803, and in other years meteors have been very abundant on about the 19th to the 21st of April, shooting from a radiant a few degrees south-west of a Lyrae.
The result of this method is an exhibition of the events of human experience in co-ordinated series that manifest their own graduated connexion.
There may also be mentioned the Industrial Art Exhibition of the Polytechnic Association and two conservatories of music. Among the scientific institutions the first place belongs to the Senckenberg'sches naturhistorische Museum, containing valuable collections of birds and shells.
It was established in the Fukagawa suburb in 1875, with the immediate object of preparing specimens for the first Tokyo exhibition held at that time.
On a far higher level stood egg-shell porcelain, remarkable examples of which were sent from Seto to the KjOto industrial exhibition of 1895.
In 1851 he visited England on the occasion of the Great Exhibition, and in 1855 became engaged to Victoria, princess royal of Great Britain, to whom he was married in London on the 25th of January 1858.
Hydrants are fixed in all the streets for the use of the fire brigade, which has a well disciplined and efficient personnel, and does not lack opportunities for the exhibition of its skill in a town built largely of wood.
Although, since his infancy, he had only visited England once (in 1851, when he came to see the Great Exhibition), he was not quite unknown in the cultured and artistic world of London, as he had made many friends during a residence in Rome of some two years or more after he left Frankfort in 1852.
He was Canadian delegate at the Paris Monetary Conference of 1881, and to the International Exhibition of Fisheries in 1883.
Much important information on American coals will be found in the three volumes of Reports on the Coal Testing Plant at the St Louis Exhibition, published by the United States Geological Survey in 1906.
In 1870 he was made a councillor of state, and a few months later he accepted the office of president of the commission which represented the Japanese government at the Vienna Exhibition.
On the outskirts of the city, near Eastlake Park, is the Indian Crafts Exhibition, which contains rare collections of aboriginal handiwork, and where Indians may be seen making baskets, pottery and blankets.
Thus " we ought," as Lindsay says, " to see in the disciplinary powers and punishments of the Consistory of Geneva not an exhibition of the working of the Church organized on the principles of Calvin, but the ordinary procedure of the town council of a medieval city.
In the lecture-room he laid great stress on the importance of experimental demonstrations, paying particular attention to their selection and arrangement, though, since he himself was a somewhat clumsy manipulator, their actual exhibition was generally entrusted to his assistants.
He also first gave a stimulus to the public exhibition of works of art.
In August, on representations of the alarming state of the contest, he took the field in person, and made a series of campaign speeches, beginning in New England and extending throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, which aroused great enthusiasm, and were regarded at the time by both friends and opponents as the most brilliant continuous exhibition of varied intellectual power ever made by a candidate in a presidential canvass.
In 1851 Greeley visited Europe for the first time, serving as a juryman at the Crystal Palace Exhibition, appearing before a committee of the House of Commons on newspaper taxes, and urging the repeal of the stamp duty on advertisements.
There are also the Bose Museum, containing collections of pictures and antiquities of Hessian origin, museums of natural history and ethnography, an industrial exhibition hall, and an industrial art school.
The International Exhibition of 1851, the creation of the Museum and Science and Art Department at South Kensington, the founding of art schools and picture galleries all over the country, the spread of musical taste and the fostering of technical education may be attributed, more or less directly, to the commission of distinguished men which began its labours under Prince Albert's auspices.
Returning to France he undertook the chief direction of the National Exhibition of 1855, in which he manifested great capacity.
P. Bond, shown at the great exhibition of that year.
He was attacked by Flacius and Amsdorf, and after a long controversy, full of ambiguities and lacking in the exhibition of guiding principles, he was condemned because his statement savoured of Pelagianism.
If the object of a collection is simply to provide a hardy and popular exhibition, it is neither difficult nor very costly to get together and to maintain.
Important stock sales are held fortnightly, and there is an annual agricultural exhibition.
The Exhibition Buildings are situated on a hill in Carlton Gardens; they consist of a large cruciform hall surmounted by a dome and flanked by two annexes.
Semper came to London at the time of the Great Exhibition of 1831, and Prince Albert found him an able ally in carrying out his plans.
In 1877 Henry Stevens, in his catalogue of the Caxton Exhibition, pointed out a statement by a certain Simeon Ruytinck in his life of Emanuel van Meteren, appended to the latter's Nederlandische Historie (1614), that Jacob van Meteren, the father of Emanuel, had manifested great zeal in producing at Antwerp a translation of the Bible into English, and had employed for that purpose a certain learned scholar named Miles Conerdale (sic).
In 1850 he was directed by the government to assist in the organization of the German Industrial Exhibition of Leipzig (the first of its kind).
The hall stands in Lister Park, and was opened immediately before, and used in connexion with, the industrial exhibition held here in 1904.
The permanent building of the International Exhibition of 1865 adjoins the pleasure ground of St Stephen's Green.
In 1904 the formation of a municipally supported gallery of modern art (mainly due to the initiative and generosity of Mr Hugh Lane) was signalized by an exhibition including the pictures intended to constitute the nucleus of the gallery.
The city had in 1908 three parks - Bachman's Reservoir (500 acres); Fair (525 acres) - the Texas state fair grounds, in which an annual exhibition is held - and City park (17 acres).
For this purpose the exhibition of " physical phenomena " was found necessary.
Adjacent to the city is Oakwood cemetery, overlooking the lake; and north-west of the city are the state fair grounds, with extensive exhibition halls and barns, where the annual fairs of the New York State Agricultural Society are held.
In Kensington Gardens, near the upper end of Exhibition Road, which separates the two museums, was held the Great Exhibition of 1851, the hall of which is preserved as the Crystal Palace at Sydenham.
The Dominion government makes in turn to one of the chief local agricultural exhibition societies a grant of $50,000 for the purposes of the national representation of agriculture and live-stock.
The exhibition receiving the grant loses its local character, and thus becomes the Dominion exhibition or fair for that year.
In the suburbs which encircle the old town are to be noted the vast central Hauptbahnhof (1893-1898) occupying the site of the old Bohmischer railway station, the new premises of the municipal hospital and the Ausstellungs-Halle (exhibition buildings).
At length in 1878 a congress was held at the Paris International Exhibition of that year, but it was not till the next Paris International Exhibition of 1889 that these international peace congresses became periodical.
His third and only surviving son, George Robert Gleig (1796-1888), was educated at Glasgow University, whence he passed with a Snell exhibition to Balliol College, Oxford.
The municipal schools of Milan are as well organized as any in Italy, and the exhibit in connexion with them at the great international exhibition of 1906 was of interest.
The international exhibition of 1906 held in Milan was of considerable importance, all the leading states of the world taking part in it.
The retrospective exhibition of means of transport was interesting in view of the recent opening of the Simplon tunnel, the occasion of the exhibition.
For the further growth of the commune, the action of the great archbishop, Heribert (1018-1045), the establishment of the carroccio, the development of Milanese supremacy in Lombardy, the destruction of Lodi, Como, Pavia and other neighbouring cities, the exhibition of free spirit and power in the Lombard league, and the battle of Legnano, see the articles Italy and Lombards.
But while, during the summer of 1900, Milan was away from Servia taking waters in Carlsbad, and making arrangements to secure the hand of a German princess for his son, and while the premier, Dr Vladan Dyorevich, was visiting the Paris Universal Exhibition, King Alexander suddenly announced to the people of Servia his engagement to Mme Draga Mashin, a widow, formerly a lady-in-waiting to Queen Natalie.
One of Auber's latest compositions was a march, written for the opening of the International Exhibition in London in 1862.
The Vestlandske fishery and industrial museum also contains a picture gallery, and exhibition of the Bergen Art Union (Kunstforening).
Atherstone, who identified as diamond a pebble obtained from a child in a farm on the banks of the Orange river and brought by a trader to Grahamstown; it was bought for £500 and displayed in the Paris Exhibition of that year.
The literature of the ancient Hebrews abounds in allusions to the lion; and the almost incredible numbers stated to have been provided for exhibition and destruction in the Roman amphitheatres (as many as six hundred on a single occasion by Pompey, for example) show how abundant these animals must have been within accessible distance of Rome.
The discussion of this measure occupied most of the session of 1895; the bill was amended by the Centre so as to make it even more strongly a measure for the defence of religion; and clauses were introduced to defend public morality, by forbidding the public exhibition of pictures or statues, or the sale of writings, which, without being actually obscene, might rudely offend the feeling of modesty.
Neither can the London silversmiths, though they employed the best talent available, particularly in the decade following the Great Exhibition of 1851, be credited with much influencing the art metal revival.
On the continent of Europe, France was the first to recognize the merits of its bygone designers and craftsmen, and even antecedent to the Exhibition of 1851, when art in Great Britain was dormant, it was possible to obtain in Paris faithful reproductions of the finest ormolu work of the 18th century.
The Indian section of the Victoria and Albert Museum (London) includes an exhibition of oriental dress; and the library of the India Office many prints and photographs.
The largest refracting telescope yet made, viz., that constructed by Gautier for the Paris exhibition of 1900, was arranged on this plan (type F), the stars' rays being reflected along the horizontal axis re rac or of a telescope provided with visual and with photo graphic object-glasses of 49-in.
In 1771, in the hope of gaining a Snell exhibition and proceeding to Oxford to study for the English Church, he went to Glasgow, where he attended the classes of Thomas Reid.
Syllogism as formula for the exhibition of truth attained, and construction or what not as the instrumental process by which we reach the truth, have with writers since Hegel and Herbart tended to fall apart.
An amendment of 1893 requires the exhibition of a poll-tax receipt by every voter (except those " who make satisfactory proof that they have attained the age of twenty-one years since the time of assessing taxes next preceding " the election).
To the east of the university is the building in which the exhibition was held in commemoration of the jubilee of the colony in 1887.
The disastrous British expedition of 1807 followed; and while at Constantinople the prestige of the sultan was being undermined by the series of revolutions which in 1808 brought Mahmud to the throne, that of Mehemet Ali was enhanced by the exhibition at Cairo of British prisoners and an avenue of stakes decorated with the heads of British slain.
Another side is the recurring exhibition of the fact that these witnesses were persecuted only by those whose action should create no bias against the persecuted.
He took an important part in the work of the Inventions Exhibition (London) in 1885, and in 1887 became organizing secretary and first director of the Imperial Institute, a position he held till his death, which occurred in London on the 6th of September 1902.
Numerous examples of Volta's original piles at one time existed in Italy, and were collected together for an exhibition held at Como in 1899, but were unfortunately destroyed by a disastrous fire on the 8th of July 1899.
Stearn in England, succeeded in completely solving the practical problems. From and after that date incandescent electric lighting became commercially possible, and was brought to public notice chiefly by an electrical exhibition held at the Crystal Palace, near London, in 1882.
Polyphase alternators were first exhibited at the Frankfort electrical exhibition in 1891, developed as a consequence of scientific researches by Galileo Ferraris (1847-1897),Nikola Tesla,M.
In 1673 he presided over the first exhibition of the works of living painters; and he enriched the Louvre with hundreds of pictures and statues.
In 1852 he produced "Girls Sewing," "Man Spreading Manure"; 1853, "The Reapers"; 1854, "Church at Greville"; 1855 - the year of the International Exhibition, at which he received a medal of second class - "Peasant Grafting a Tree"; 1857, "The Gleaners"; 1859, "The Angelus," "The Woodcutter and Death"; 1860, "Sheep Shearing"; 1861, "Woman Shearing Sheep," "Woman Feeding Child"; 1862, "Potato Planters," "Winter and the Crows"; 1863, "Man with Hoe," "Woman Carding"; 1864, "Shepherds and Flock, Peasants Bringing Home a Calf Born in the Fields"; 1869, "Knitting Lesson"; 1870, "Buttermaking"; 1871, "November - recollection of Gruchy."
His fame extended, and at the exhibition of 1867 he received a medal of the first class, and the ribbon of the Legion of Honour, but he was at the same moment deeply shaken by the death of his faithful friend Rousseau.
Dahlgren, Stockholm, Sveriges hufvustad skildrad (Stockholm, 1897, issued by the municipal council on the occasion of the Stockholm Exhibition, 1897).
More weight was naturally attached to the opinion he had advocated in his early criticism of Kant as to the importance, if not the superiority, of the first edition of the Kritik; in the collected issue of Kant's works by Rosenkranz and Schubert in 1838 that edition was put as the substantive text, with supplementary exhibition of the differences of the second.
When in 1897 King Oscar celebrated his jubilee of twenty-five years as king, the exhibition which had been organized in Stockholm offered a convincing proof of the progress the country had made in every direction.
The official handbook of Sweden prepared by the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics for the Paris Exhibition (English ed., Stockholm, 1904); Ph.
Important stock sales and an annual exhibition of stock are held.
He travelled extensively, and was in England at the time of the Exhibition of 1851.
Dr Hovey made and published (1909) a new handbook embodying all known discoveries of importance, with four sketch-maps of the routes of usual exhibition.
Its art gallery has many prints and drawings of great local interest and here the Swansea Art Society holds its annual exhibition.
Meanwhile, he outlines the gospel which he preached as an exhibition of God's righteousness, 7rLcruv.
Encouraged by what he saw at the Great Exhibition of 1851, Christy devoted the rest of his life to perpetual travel and research, making extensive collections illustrating the early history of man, now in the British Museum.
Public grounds are few, but on the outskirts of the city are a park and race-course, with the fashionable Marina promenade; while the Mardyke walk, on the west of the island, is pleasantly shaded by a fine avenue, and was the site of the International exhibition held in 1902.
An important place of entertainment is Olympia, near Hammersmith Road and the Addison Road station on the West London railway, which includes a vast arena under a glass roof; while at Shepherd's Bush are the extensive grounds and buildings first occupied by the Franco-British Exhibition of 1908, including a huge stadium for athletic displays.
Lord Augustus Loftus became governor in 1879, in time to inaugurate the first International Exhibition ever held in Australia.
In Exhibition Park there is held annually an industrial and agricultural exhibition that has grown to great magnitude.
In 1878, when he joined the new Dufaure cabinet, he opened the Paris exhibition of agriculture and manufactures, the original suggestion of which had been made by him during his 1876 ministry.
This model, which was shown at the exhibition of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain at the Crystal Palace in 1868, consisted of two superposed screws propelled by an engine, the steam for which was generated (for lightness) in an aluminium boiler.
This model was on view at the exhibition of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain, held at the Crystal Palace, FIG.
It was remarkably compact, elegant and light, and obtained the ioo prize of the exhibition for its engine, which was the lightest and most powerful so far constructed.
There are, however, figures of Lord Chatham and Nelson, set up by the officials who received the fees fdrmerly paid by visitors to the exhibition.
On the English stage the liberty 01 unrestricted incident and complicated action, the power of multiplying characters and introducing prose scenes, would have exactly suited his somewhat intermittent genius, both by covering defects and by giving greater scope for the exhibition of power.
About 2500 guests were received in the university buildings, the library of which was devoted to an exhibition of the instruments invented by Lord Kelvin, together with his certificates, diplomas and medals.
In this capacity he directed the Paris exhibition of 1855.
Numerous other statues, portrait busts, and medallions came from the sculptor's hand, which gained him a medal of honour at the Paris Exhibition of 1878 and the grand prix at that of 1889.
In the Paris Exhibition of 1878 bricks very hard and dense in character, said to be of pure alumina, were exhibited by Muller & Co.
Prints will be available to buy directly from David, details are available to buy directly from David, details are available at the exhibition.
The site museum, including a new exhibition in the 17th Century thatched threshing barn, presents the archeological story of Avebury.
We can turn to our dumb-looking neighbor and ask with perfect propriety, " Have you been to the exhibition of Japanese basketwork?
It is fascinating to explore the battlements, dark passages and huge basement with an exhibition of England's coastal defenses.
An exhibition of world class bonsai with demonstrations and artists in attendance able to offer information and advice.
In contrast, exhibition Toulouse are often less inclined to go broody.
There was no attempt in Haeckel's use of these terms to make them exactly or more than approximately equal in significance; such attempts were clearly futile and unimportant where the purpose was the exhibition of lines of descent, and where no natural equality of groups was to be expected ex hypothesi.
The first exhibition of Winsor's system of lighting the streets with gas took place on the king's birthday (June 4) 1807, and was made in a row of lamps in front of the colonnade before Carlton House.
Later Maes of Clichy (France) exhibited some " zinc crown " glass in small plates of optical quality at the London Exhibition of 1851; and another French glass-maker, Lamy, produced a dense thallium glass in 1867.
Opposite the Glyptothek stands the exhibition building, in the Corinthian style, it was finished in 1845, and is used for periodic exhibitions of art.
The exhibition of the Holy Coat at Trier had attracted enormous numbers of pilgrims, and so, indignant at what appeared to him an imposture, he assisted to publish an investigation into the authenticity of the celebrated relic. From this time he began to take an active part in contemporary politics and in controversy as a strong though moderate Liberal.
See Notice sur Mayotte et les Comores, by Emile Vienne, one of the memoirs on the French colonies prepared for the Paris Exhibition of 190o; Le Sultanat d'Anjouan, by Jules Repiquet (Paris, 1901), a systematic account of the geography, ethnology and history of Johanna; Les colonies franraises (Paris, 1900), vol.
The original apostle of America was Ibrahim George Khayru'llah, who began his propaganda at the Chicago Exhibition and later supported the claims of Muhammad `Ali.
Besides the secretions already mentioned as being stimulated, the bile, the tears and the perspiration are increased by the exhibition of this drug.
Ravaisson (see Ravaisson-Mollien), by his Rapport (prepared for the Exhibition of 1867) on philosophy in France, gave a fresh impulse to the transition from spiritual realism to idealism, by developing the Aristotelian g okecn s of matter and the Leibnitzian appetition of monads into " l'amour " as the very being of things.
A peculiar burden laid on the quaestors, not as an official duty, but rather as a sort of fee exacted from all who entered on the political career, was the paving of the high roads, for which Claudius substitiited the exhibition of gladiatorial games.
The splendid soliloquies of Medea which, as Voltaire happily says, "annoncent Corneille," the entire parts of Rodogune and Chimene, the final speech of Camille in Horace, the discovery scene of Cinna, the dialogues of Pauline and Severe in Polyeucte, the magnificentlycontrasted conception and exhibition of the best and worst forms of feminine dignity in the Cornelie of Pompee and the Cleopatre of Rodogune, the singularly fine contrast in Don Sanche d'Aragon, between the haughtiness of the Spanish nobles and the unshaken dignity of the supposed adventurer Carlos, and the characters of Aristie, Viriate and Sertorius himself, in the play named after the latter, are not to be surpassed in grandeur of thought, felicity of design or appropriateness of language.
The designs for Macbeth formed part of the gold medal winning entry to the 1995 International Quadrennial Exhibition in Prague.
I 've never been to a quilting exhibition before.
This exhibition is the first comprehensive retrospective of Stuart 's work.
Women 's problems and expectations have been explored in her recent exhibition of ceramic sculptures at the Dorman Museum, Middlesbrough.
The scheme includes a family history center, seafront cafe, public exhibition area and a council contact center.
In 1920 he took part in the fall exhibition of the Viennese Secession.
The Guild's work was shown at the 1900 Vienna Secession Exhibition.
Such a big effort went into that exhibition that it seemed a pity to let it all slip out of our memories.
The Edinburgh exhibition took ambition one stage further in its labels, by seeming to know what prehistoric people said to each other.
Kenny Hunter has designed two self-portrait sculptures specifically for the exhibition.
Additional inspiration came from the National Portrait Gallery 's exhibition of self-portraits by women artists, Mirror, Mirror.
A new set of postcards, featuring several of the most visually impressive items in the exhibition, is in preparation.
The exhibition showcased artists who are refugees, asylum seekers or have experienced similar situations.
This fascinating exhibition can be seen as part of a visit to Buckler 's Hard and includes the artists sketchbook 's.
One such piece in the exhibition is the snakeskin rocker jacket by designer Ossie Clarke.
On the weekend 11th June 2004 - 13th June 2004 London saw its best sneaker exhibition to date.
Highly experienced management and technical staff offer all the assistance and support needed throughout the planning and staging of every exhibition.
All such fees and payments due should be clearly Stated In your exhibition contract with the gallery.
In addition the Congress was run in conjunction with the Dutch mushroom exhibition of equipment and sundries associated with the industry.
The afternoon session will include a visit to the Hayward Gallery 's surrealism exhibition next door to the NFT.
Access to priority booking at the prestigious BSR Annual Conference for exhibition space and satellite symposia.
Days Like These is the second Tate Triennial exhibition of contemporary British art.
Exhibition stands from simple pipe and drape, to clean, modern trussing systems can also be provided.
There are spaces in the trail for children to try out their art skills in response to the work found in the exhibition.
Other key pieces from The End will also be unveiled at the exhibition, with limited edition memorabilia given to those present.
Current Work Gas reduction fired domestic and exhibition Porcelain ware.
He 'd gone to the exhibition looking for a new windsurfing board.
The exhibition will contain classic works from Picasso, Monet, da Vinci, et al.
When Diesel showed his engine at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris, it was running solely on peanut oil.
It's a 2 on 2 matchup in Beach Volleyball where you bump, set, and spike your way through Arcade, Exhibition, Tournament, and training modes.
Pick up the second cube and enter the exhibition room.
Use the key from the exhibition room painting to unlock the door.
Go back to the museum and use the cleaner on the painting in the exhibition room.
You can jump right into a game with the Play Now mode (essentially an exhibition game) with basic team stats and player attributes.
Over the years, Madden 10 game modes have started with the basic, like Exhibition and Career, but they quickly progressed to the complex, like Franchise mode.
Use the pre-match tag screens (exhibition is best) to determine the viability of the coupling.
The style was introduced at the 1925 Paris exhibition.
It was on exhibition at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 and quickly became a popular part of the Victorian home.
Dance team competitions happen all across the country each year, ranging in level from beginner and exhibition to highly advanced and elite.
The most recent exhibition, entitled "Rubens and His Age," will be on display from now until July 31, 2006.
The Frank Lloyd Wright watch collection only has one watch for men -- the Exhibition.
Exhibition of these characteristics help health care workers make an informed diagnosis which leads to appropriate treatments and services.
Abd-ul-Aziz had visited the Paris Exhibition of 1867 and had paid his respects to Queen Victoria, who conferred on him the order of the Garter.
In the beautiful Andrassy Ut are the opera-house (1875-1884), in the Italian Renaissance style; the academy of music; the old and new exhibition building; the national drawing school; and the museum of fine arts (1900-1905), in which was installed in 1905 the national gallery, formed by Prince Esterhazy, bought by the government in 1865 for £130,000, and formerly housed in the academy, and the collection of modern pictures from the national museum.
On an island in its large pond are situated the agricultural (1902-1904) and the ethnographical museums. It was in this park that the millennium exhibition of 1896 took place.
In 1896 took place here the millennium exhibition, in celebration of the thousandth anniversary of the foundation of the kingdom of Hungary.
His learning gained him an exhibition from the king, and in 1540, on Henry VIII.'s foundation of the regius professorships, he was elected to the chair of Greek.
The exhibition is uniquely theirs and is not just another children 's exhibition created by adults.
An Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno, touring exhibition.
Days at SXSW are focused around the exhibition hall, where, where 120 labels, distributors, magazines, and other industry bodies from around the world have booths set up to promote their product, and make connections with other businesses.
There are also videos such as a gallery exhibition which are designed to get customers excited about what they can do with the Epson products.
Try the daily special for the best food in the house and don't forget to check out the monthly local art exhibition.
He does not attain to a systematic exhibition of Christian doctrine, but he paves the way for it, and lays the first stones of the foundation.
Some samples of ore, coal and limestone, obtained in the Mittagong district, with pig-iron and castings manufactured therefrom, were exhibited at the Mining Exhibition in London and obtained a first award.
The cattle and sheep entered for this competition are shown alive on the first day, at the close of which they are slaughtered and the carcases hung up for exhibition, with details of live and dead weights.
The waxwork exhibition named after Madame Tussaud, who founded it in Paris in 1780, occupies large buildings in Marylebone Road.
As representative of Japan at the Paris Exhibition of 1878, he took the opportunity afforded by his mission to study the financial systems of the great European powers.
For more detailed bibliographical information see Apercu des travaux zoo-ge'ographiques, published at St Petersburg in connexion with the Exhibition of 1878; and the index Ukazatel Russkoi Literatury for natural science, mathematics and medicine, published since 1872 by the Society of the Kiev University.
These numbers are valuable as an exhibition not so much of events as of the feelings of the Parisian people; they are adorned, moreover, by the erudition, the wit and the genius of the author, but they are disfigured, not only by the most biting personalities and the defence and even advocacy of the excesses of the mob, but by the entire absence of the forgiveness and pity for which the writer was afterwards so eloquently to plead.
In 1882, on account of his great services in connexion with the Bavarian National Exhibition of Nuremberg, the order of the crown of Bavaria was conferred upon him, carrying with it the honour of nobility.
The former are reasoned with and exhorted to believe; the latter are contemptuously silenced by an exhibition of the futility of their religion.
Terence's earliest play was the Andria, exhibited in 166 B.C. A pretty, but perhaps apocryphal, story is told of his having read the play, before its exhibition, to Caecilius (who, after the death of Plautus, ranked as the foremost comic poet), and of the generous admiration of it manifested by Caecilius.
Basing his foreign policy upon the alliance, as supplemented by the naval entente with Great Britain negotiated by his predecessor, Count Robilant, Crispi assumed a resolute attitude towards France, breaking off the prolonged and unfruitful negotiations for a new Franco-Italian commercial treaty, and refusing the French invitation to organize an Italian section at the Paris Exhibition of 1889.
The Missal of the Roman Church now enjoins incensation before the introit, at the gospel and again at the offertory, and at the elevation, in every high mass; the use of incense also occurs at the exposition of the sacrament, at consecrations of churches and the like, in processions, in the office for the burial of the dead and at the exhibition of relics.
The Royal Horticultural Society maintains gardens at Wisley, Surrey, and has an exhibition hall in Vincent Square, Westminster.
Among other popular places of entertainment may be mentioned the exhibition grounds and buildings at Earl's Court; similar grounds at Shepherd's Bush, where a Franco-British Exhibition was held in 1908, an Imperial Exhibition in 1909, and an Anglo-Japanese in 1910; the great Olympia hall, West Kensington; the celebrated wax-work exhibition of Madame Tussaud in Marylebone Roan, the Alexandra Palace, Muswell Hill, an institution resembling the Crystal Palace; and the Agricultural Hall, Islington, where agricultural and other exhibitions are held.
The order, which was instituted in 1886, was responsible for the Stuart exhibition of 1889, and has a newspaper, the Royalist.
I may be affected by a theatrical exhibition; on the other hand, I may not be affected by an actual event which appears to concern me much more.
At this juncture the emperor of Austria invited Victor Emmanuel to visit the Vienna Exhibition, and the Italian government received a confidential intimation that acceptance of the invitation to Vienna would be followed by a further invitation from Berlin.
The detailed exhibition of the organizing activity of nature in the several processes of the organic and inorganic world rests on a number of fanciful and unscientific ideas.
All these varieties were represented at the annual show of the Kennel Club in the autumn of 1905, and at the representative exhibition of America held under the management of the Westminster Kennel Club in the following spring the classification was substantially the same, additional breeds, however, being Boston terriers - practically unknown in England, - Chesapeake Bay dogs, Chihuahuas, Papillons and Roseneath terriers.
The abolition of the cropping of the ears of Great Danes, bull terriers, black and tan terriers, white English terriers, Irish terriers and toy terriers, in 1889 gained the approval of all humane lovers of dogs, and although attempts have been made to induce the club to modify the rule which prohibits the exhibition of cropped dogs, the practice has not been revived; it is declared, however, that the toy terriers and white English terriers have lost such smartness by the retention of the ears that they are becoming.
Previously to this he had served, in 1855, upon the commission for organizing the Exhibition of 1855, and his services there led to his forming one of the French jury of awards in the London Exhibition of 1862.
Most of the movable paintings have since 1863 been collected in the Pinacoteca Vannucci, established in the Palazzo del Municipio; besides a considerable number of pieces by Perugino, there are specimens of Niccolo Alunno, Bonfigli, Pinturicchio, &c. A very interesting and important exhibition of Umbrian art was held here in 1907.
At the London International Exhibition of 1851 he had charge of the department of machinery, and wrote a report on the machinery and tools on view at that exhibition.
In 1861, while conducting a spectroscopic examination of the residue left in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, he observed a bright green line which had not been noticed previously, and by following up the indication thus given he succeeded in isolating a new element, thallium, a specimen of which was shown in public for the first time at the exhibition of 1862.
In the vicinity, also, is the fine building of the Imperial Institute, founded in 1887 as an exhibition to illustrate the resources of all parts of the Empire, as well as an institution for the furtherance of imperial intercourse; though not developed on the scale originally intended.
In the Paris Exhibition of 1900 surface decoration was the prominent feature of all the exhibits of table-glass.
The exhibition of 1844, which was attended by more than a million pilgrims, aroused protests, resulting in the formation of the sect of German Catholics.
After his release Wakefield seemed disposed for a while to turn his attention to social questions at home, and produced a tract on the Punishment of Death, with a terribly graphic picture of the condemned sermon in Newgate, and another on incendiarism in the rural districts, with an equally powerful exhibition of the degraded condition of the agricultural labourer.
Lord Leighton pronounced the silver ware from Malaya to be the most artistic of any exhibited at the Colonial Exhibition held in London in 1886.
The Great Exhibition of 1851 brought a larger number of visitors to London than had ever been in it before at one time.
She has not even learned that exhibition on which so many pride themselves, of 'righteous indignation.'
The following table, summarized from the Handbook to the Imperial Institute Cotton Exhibition, 1905, giving the length of staple and value on one date (January 16, 1905), will serve to indicate the comparative values of some of the principal commercial cottons.
Murchison, but the exhibition, although a most interesting one, was a failure, and the guarantors had to face a heavy loss.
An interesting exhibition of Sienese art, including many objects from neighbouring towns and villages, was held here in 1904.
The second exhibition, visited by 336,500 persons, was held in 1897, and a third in 1899.