Exercises Sentence Examples
She was practicing solfa exercises in the music room.
She did a few more breathing exercises until she felt ready to step outside her room to face the new world.
But his military exercises and athletic sports occupied an always increasing portion of the day.
The head of the College possesses and exercises by himself alone the same powers as the College which is united with him; not by delegation from his.
The church likewise exercises a far-reaching influence over the people through the beneficent work of its lay orders, and through the hospitals and asylums under its control in every part of the country.
With certain exceptions reserved for the provincial court (such as insolvency, ownership of immovable property and divorce), the native high court exercises jurisdiction when all parties to the suit are natives; it also has jurisdiction when the complainant is not a native, but all other parties to the suit are natives.
Youths, when engaged in horsemanship and other exercises, wore a chlamys round the shoulders, which, however, was semicircular in cut, and was fastened on the breast by buttons and a loop, or tied in a knot, whereas the Greek chlamys was oblong and fastened on the shoulder by a brooch.
In the province of Tourane, a French tribunal alone exercises jurisdiction, but it administers native law where natives are concerned.
The administration is in the hands of a council of chiefs which exercises legislative, executive and, to some extent, judicial functions.
The alake exercises little authority apart from his council, the form of government being largely democratic. Revenue is chiefly derived from tolls or import duties.
AdvertisementExercises in the collection of coefficients of various letters occurring in a complicated expression are usually performed mechanically, and are probably of very little value.
The Senate, which exercises the greater part of the executive power, is composed of eighteen members, one half of whom must have studied law or finance, while at least seven of the remainder must belong to the class of merchants.
With this broader and more accurate knowledge of the conditions of the health of the circulation a corresponding efficiency has been gained in the manipulation of certain remedies and new methods of treatment of heart diseases, especially by baths and exercises.
The City Corporation exercises a control over the majority of the London markets, which dates from the close of the 14th century, when dealers were placed under the governance of the mayor and aldermen.
The colony is administered by a governor, who exercises military power through a marine infantry colonel, and civil power with the assistance of a privy '- A similar usage exists in Malay; see paper by Yule in Jour.
AdvertisementHis religious exercises and temperate habits gave him, in popular estimation, a great superiority over his brothers, but he was too politic to put forward his claims openly.
He made overtures to his younger brother Murad, governor of Gujarat, representing that neither of their elder brothers was worthy of the kingdom, that he himself had no temporal ambition, and desired only to place a fit monarch on the throne, and then to devote himself to religious exercises and make the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Arequipa, like Cordoba and Chuquisaca, is a stronghold of clericalism and exercises a decisive influence in politics as well as in church matters.
Some Greek-Latin exercises by an unknown writer of the 3rd century, to be learnt by heart and translated, were added to the grammar.
He took his share in all kinds of athletic exercises, and it was now that Brookfield said, "It is not fair that you should be Hercules as well as Apollo."
AdvertisementFor its own immediate affairs each duchy has a separate diet, but in more important and general matters a common diet, formed of the members of the separate diets and meeting at Coburg and Gotha alternately, exercises authority.
Francis showed an even greater love for violent exercises, such as hunting, which was his ruling passion, and tennis, and for tournaments, masquerades and amusements of all kinds.
There is hardly in Robinson Crusoe a scene equal, and there is consequently not in English literature a scene superior, to that where the youthful pickpocket first exercises his trade, and then for a time loses his ill-gotten gains.
The archbishop of Canterbury exercises the twofold jurisdiction of a metropolitan and a diocesan bishop. As metropolitan he is the guardian of the spiritualities of every vacant see within the province, he presents to all benefices which fall vacant during the vacancy of the see, and through his special commissary exercises the ordinary jurisdiction of a bishop within the vacant diocese.
The vicar-general, however, exercises jurisdiction in matters of ordinary marriage licences and of institutions to benefices.
AdvertisementThe archbishop exercises the ordinary jurisdiction of a bishop over his diocese through his consistory court at Canterbury, the judge of which court is styled the commissary-general of the city and diocese of Canterbury.
He has also an appellate jurisdiction of an analogous character, which he exercises through his provincial court, whilst his diocesan jurisdiction is exercised through his consistorial court, the judges of both courts being nominated by the archbishop. His ancient testamentary and matrimonial jurisdiction was transferred to the crown by the same statutes which divested the see of Canterbury of its jurisdiction in similar matters.
Christ is the universal and perpetual Head of the Church, but he exercises his rule by means of " the holy Fathers," that is, the bishops whom the Holy Ghost has appointed to be in charge of local churches.
The child establishes his identity by recognizing the cooking utensils, &c., of the late Dharm raja; he is then trained in a monastery, and on attaining his majority is recognized as raja, though he exercises no more real authority in his majority than he did in his infancy.
The people nominally profess the Buddhist religion, but in reality their religious exercises are confined to the propitiation of evil spirits, and the mechanical recital of a few sacred sentences.
He entrusted the government to the Jesuits; refused either to summon the Cortes or to marry, although the Portuguese crown would otherwise pass to a foreigner, and devoted himself wholly to hunting, martial exercises and the severest forms of asceticism.
Albert, who was a man of great strength and considerable skill in feats of arms, delighted in tournaments and knightly exercises.
He is only Primus inter pares, and exercises no kind of superiority over the other abbots or congregations.
In his boyhood Bertrand was a dull learner, spending his time in open-air sports and exercises, and could never read or write.
In this he was in advance even of most Separatists, who held with Barrow 1 " that the Prince ought to compel all their subjects to the hearing of God's Word in the public exercises of the church."
The governor's power to grant reprieves, commutations or pardons is unrestricted by any board of pardons, but he is required to report to the legislature each case in which he exercises such power.
If this date is left blank, practice has limited the arbiter's power of deciding to a year and a day, unless, having express or clearly implied power in the submission, he exercises this power, or the parties expressly or tacitly agree to its prorogation.
By an agreement of 1879 the sultan exercises authority over some parts of Halmahera, the Papuan Islands, the western half of New Guinea and the islands in Geelvink Gulf.
He does not dogmatically denounce the rights of reason, but he practically exercises them.
The king exercises his ecclesiastical authority through a minister who superintends religion and education.
Abd-elKader received the best education attainable by a Mussulman of princely rank, especially in theology and philosophy, in horsemanship and in other manly exercises.
Priscian's three short treatises dedicated to Symmachus are on weights and measures, the metres of Terence, and some rhetorical elements (exercises translated from the Hpoyvµvaaµara of Hermogenes).
Discussions on set subjects were held, select passages from the classics learned by heart, while written exercises in prose and verse were founded on the best ancient models.
That he enjoyed warfare there can be no doubt; and his splendid physique and early training had well fitted him for martial exercises.
Of the British possessions among the islands of the Pacific, Fiji is a colony, and its governor is also high commissioner for the western Pacific. In this capacity, assisted by deputies and resident commissioners, he exercises jurisdiction over all the islands except Fiji and those islands which are attached to New Zealand and New South Wales.
The Hawaiian Islands forma territory of the United States of America and are administered as such; Guam is a naval station, as is Tutuila of the Samoan Islands, where the commandant exercises the functions of governor.
Samuel in his later days appears presiding over the exercises of a group of nebhiim at Ramah, where they seem to have had a sort of coenobium (Naioth), but he was not himself a nabhia - that name is never applied to him except in I Sam.
The peculiar methods of the prophetic exercises described in i Sam.
It indoctrinated the church with all its mysticism, its mystic exercises and even its magical cultus as taught by Iamblichus.
This Society, instituted to this special end, namely, to offer spiritual consolation for the advancement of souls in life and Christian doctrine, for the propagation of the faith by public preaching and the ministry of the word of God, spiritual exercises and works of charity and, especially, by the instruction .of children and ignorant people in Christianity, and by the spiritual, consolation of the faithful in Christ in hearing confessions...."
Alfonso Salmeron and Pasquier-Brouet, as papal delegates, were sent on a secret mission to Ireland to encourage the native clergy and people to resist the religious changes introduced by Henry VIII.; Nicholas Bobadilla went to Naples; Faber, first to the diet of Worms and then to Spain; Laynez and Claude le Jay to Germany, while Ignatius busied himself at Rome in good works and in drawing up the constitutions and completing the Spiritual Exercises.
The church still exercises a boundless influence over the Mexican lower classes, and is still the most influential organization in the republic.
The principal buildings are the collegiate church of Santa Maria de la Seo, the Dominican monastery, and the church of San Ignazio, built over the cavern (cueva santa) where Ignatius de Loyola spent most of the year 1522 in penitentiary exercises and the composition of his Exercitia spiritualia.
As the father connected himself at a later period with the confession of the Moghtasilah, or "Baptists," in southern Babylonia, the son also was brought up in the religious doctrines and exercises of this sect.
As presiding officer the Speaker exercises a right of discrimination between members rising to speak in debate, and can thus advance or retard the progress of a measure.
On March I 1921 the administration of Aden was transferred from the India Office to the Colonial Office, which also exercises political influence, in varying degrees, over the confederations of tribes inhabiting the interior as far as the Yemen frontier and over certain tribes of the Hadhramaut.
In Ontario a somewhat similar commission, appointed by the local government, exercises extensive powers of control over railways solely within the province, especially over the electric lines.
In 996 the young king went to Italy to receive the imperial crown; and from this date Adelaide ceased to concern herself with worldly affairs, but devoted herself to pious exercises, to intimate correspondence with the abbots Majolus and Odilo of Cluny, and the foundation of churches and religious houses.
The Federal District is represented in Congress by 2 senators and 10 deputies, and is credited with the rights and privileges of citizenship. On the other hand, the city is a garrison town and a district under the direct administration of the national executive, who appoints its chief executive, controls its police force, and exercises part control over its streets, squares and water front.
To this period belong his exercises in Latin verse, in the loose taste of the day, foolishly published by him as Juvenilia in 1548.
The powers of the two houses are the same except that the senate exercises the usual right of confirming appointments and of sitting as a court of impeachment, while the House of Representatives initiates money bills and impeachment cases.
At its head is the cardinal camerlengo (Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Camerarius), who, as we know, exercises the external authority during the vacancy of the Holy See.
Bell (Calcutta, 1905), which has full English-Tibetan vocabularies, graduated exercises and examples in the Lhasa dialect of to-day.
The home secretary exercises powers of supervision, &c. See Juvenile Offenders.
Exercises of a Spartan type - testing endurance and strength with an especial view to war - had almost exclusively formed the earlier programme.
The life is mainly given up to devotional contemplative exercises; the church services are of extreme length; intellectual study is little cultivated; manual labour has almost disappeared; there are many hermits on Athos.
His editions and translations of the classics were either juvenile exercises prescribed by Scaliger, or "lusus poetici," the amusement of vacant hours.
The collections which we possess under the name of Aesop's Fables are late renderings of Babrius's version or Hpo-yv &o sari, rhetorical exercises of varying age and merit.
The circumstance that so much of Holland is below the sea-level necessarily exercises a very important influence on the drainage, the climate and the sanitary conditions of the country, as well as on its defence by means of inundation.
As the provincial states only meet a few times in the year, they name a committee of deputy-states which manages current general business, and at the same time exercises the right of control over the affairs of the communes.
The monk, or the canon, normally exercises his influence on the world in and through his community, not as an individual but as a member of a corporate body.
In time, however, the tendency to withdraw from society and give oneself up wholly to the practice of religious and ascetical exercises set in; and at any rate in Egypt, at the middle of the 3rd century, it was the custom for such ascetics to live in solitary retirement in the neighbourhood of the towns and villages.
It prescribes severe simplicity of dress and of life, and certain abstinences and prayers and other religious exercises, and forbids the frequentation of the theatre, the bearing of arms and the taking of oaths except when administered by magistrates.
The emperor exercises the imperial power in the name of the confederated states.
Bavaria alone has an Oberstes Landesgerichi, which exercises a revising jurisdiction over the Oberlandesgerichie in the state.
The judges, numbering ninetytwo, are appointed by the emperor on the advice of the federal council (Bundesral)., This court exercises an appellate jurisdiction in civil cases remitted, for the decision of questions of law, by the inferior courts and also in all criminal cases referred to it.
In religious usage, a "retreat" is a period and place set apart for prayer, self-examination and other spiritual exercises.
He declined the proposal, however, and became henceforward still more fervent in exercises of piety, and more zealous for the welfare of the church.
He was also the author of rhetorical exercises on hackneyed sophistical themes; of a Quadrivium (Arithmetic, Music, Geometry, Astronomy), valuable for the history of music and astronomy in the middle ages; a general sketch of Aristotelian philosophy; a paraphrase of the speeches and letters of Dionysius Areopagita; poems, including an autobiography; and a description of the Augusteum, the column erected by Justinian in the church of St Sophia to commemorate his victories over the Persians.
From these religious exercises any children may absent themselves whose parents profess conscientious objections.
The provincial railway and municipal board also exercises control, especially over the city and suburban electric lines.
Among the Moslems the Sheikh-elIslam, appointed by the khedive from among the Ulema (learned class), exercises the highest religious and, in certain subjects, judicial authority.
Their training consisted of gymnastic and warlike exercises which developed strength and discipline that would be as useful in executing public works and in dragging large monuments as in strictly military service.
She exercised over him that influence which a stronger character always exercises over a weaker, whatever their respective positions; and unfortunately it was seldom a good influence, for Theodora (q.v.) seems to have been a woman who, with all her brilliant gifts of intelligence and manner, had no principles and no pity.
He delighted in sport and all manly exercises.
Hence what is not strictly allegorical after the fashion of the Romaunt of the Rose or Chaucer's exercises in that kind, is for the most part occasional, dealing with courtiers' sorrow and fun, with the conventional plaints on the vanity of the world and with pious ejaculation.
The fundamental conception is always that the Deity resides - or exercises a peculiarly powerful influence - in some definite locality; and to this locality the devout repair, either in reverence of their god, or in quest of his assistance and bounty.
In short, though a legislative body, the provincial council exercises no authority which Parliament cannot revoke.
He appoints the diplomatic and consular representatives of the republic and the governors of the provinces, exercises a limited control over the administration of be of artificial construction.
The first part was conducted in private by the chancellor and four examiners (temptatores in cameris), and included an inquiry into the candidate's residence, attendance at lectures, and performance of exercises, as well as examination in prescribed books; those candidates adjudged worthy were admitted to the more important examination before the faculty, and the names of successful candidates were sent to the chancellor in batches of eight or more at a time, arranged in order of merit.
Such a vicar possesses an ordinary and not a delegated jurisdiction, which he exercises like the bishop. He cannot, however, exercise functions which concern the episcopal order, or confer benefices without express and particular commission.
The after-treatment of castings by annealing exercises great influence on results in malleable cast iron and steel.
But, except in Madras, where the districts are large, a single civil and sessions judge sometimes exercises jurisdiction over more than one district.
We possess by him Hpo-yu,avao-yara, a text-book on the elements of rhetoric, with exercises for the use of the young before they entered the regular rhetorical schools.
In this were found large numbers of inscribed clay tablets (it is estimated that upward of 40,000 tablets and fragments have been excavated in this mound alone), dating from the middle of the 3rd millennium B.C. onward into the Persian period, partly temple archives, partly school exercises and text-books, partly mathematical tables, with a considerable number of documents of a more distinctly literary character.
He exercises and goes to chapel daily in the society of others, but holds no communication with them; his only intercourse with his fellow-creatures is when he is visited by the governor, chaplain, schoolmaster or trade instructor.
There is no executive council; but the board of revenue, consisting of two members, exercises important executive duties, and is also the highest court of appeal in revenue and rent cases.
Carefully educated by his mother and under the direction of Colonel Osio, he outgrew the weakness of his childhood and became expert in horsemanship and military exercises.
The physical methods and spiritual exercises recommended by theosophists are those inculcated in the systems known in Hindu philosophy as Raja Yoga in contradistinction to the Hatha Yoga system, which is most commonly to be met with in India, and in which the material aspects are given greater prominence.
A commissioner of taxation who is appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate for a term of four years exercises a general supervision over all tax officers and the boards of equalization.
This is the charter of the Church, and its acceptance is the first requisite for salvation; for the Church determines doctrine, exercises discipline and administers sacraments.
There is no evidence that age, sex or race exercises a distinct predisposing influence.
They are all included within a reservation held by the United States government, which (since 1903) exercises complete jurisdiction.
In all but a few of the minor groups religious fervour is only too apt to degenerate into that very state of sexual excitation which devotional exercises should surely tend to repress.
His peculiar powers as pope he exercises immediately on election.
We are too apt to take for granted that the men of the middle ages were immersed in meditations on the other world, and that their = intellectual exercises were confined to abstractions of the / schools, hallucinations of the fancy, allegories, visions.
He was also expected to prove himself an adept in physical exercises and in the courteous observances which survived from chivalry.
The superintendent of public instruction exercises a general supervision over the schools of New Mexico.
Weber had already laid the foundations of the absolute system of electric and magnetic measurement, and proved that a quantity of electricity could be measured either by the force it exercises upon another static or stationary quantity of electricity, or magnetically by the force this quantity of electricity exercises upon a magnetic pole when flowing through a neighbouring conductor.
Actions are divided, according to the nationality of the defendant, into " Ottoman " and " Foreign "; in the latter, the president of the court alone exercises jurisdiction as a rule, so also in criminal cases against foreigners.
She exercises a very remarkable power over the minds of the latest generation in Sweden.
A permanent committee of 14 members represents the two chambers during the congressional recess and exercises certain supervisory and advisory powers in the administration of public affairs.
The judicial power consists of a Supreme Court of Justice of seven members located in the national capital, which exercises supervisory and disciplinary authority over all the law courts of the republic; six courts of appeal, in Tacna, Serena, Valparaiso, Santiago, Talca and Concepcion; tribunals of first instance in the department capitals; and minor courts, or justices of the peace, in the subdelegacies and districts.
A Consejo de Instruccion Publica (council of public instruction) of 14 members exercises a general supervision over the higher and secondary schools.
At forty a man generally lets his beard grow its full length, and cherishes it much; part of a Persians religious exercises is the combing of his beard.
During the age of Anne various Augustan poets in whom the lyrical faculty was slight, from Congreve and Richard Duke down to Ambrose Philips and William Somerville, essayed the epistle with more or less success, and it was employed by Gay for several exercises in his elegant persiflage.
But it is the headquarters of the Dutch residency of Ternate, which exercises authority over the area of the ancient kingdoms of Ternate and Tidore.
The Dutch government exercises direct authority only over parts of Ternate, Halmahera, Bachian and Obi islands.
His Studies in Deductive Logic, consisting mainly of exercises and problems for the use of students, was published in 1880.
Exercises, passive and active, are also used in diseases of the joints, as well as massage and baths, but exercises and training are even more important in cases of cardiac disease.
The whole system of methodical exercises was started by Ling in Sweden, but it has been developed to a large extent for the purpose of increasing muscular strength by the professional athlete Sandow.
Their number varies from ten to a hundred; and it is uncertain whether the honour is inherent in the abbacy of certain of the greatest cloisters, or whether the Dalai Lama exercises the right of choosing them.
The administration of justice is entrusted to a supreme court, a continually increasing number of circuit courts (thirty-eight in 1909), one probate court in each county, and not exceeding four justices of the peace in each township. The supreme court is composed of one chief justice and seven associate justices, all elected for a term of ten years, not more than two retiring every two years; it holds four sessions annually, exercises a general control over the inferior courts, may issue, hear and determine any of the more important writs, and has appellate jurisdiction only in all other important cases.
Each county has a county school commissioner, elected for a term of four years, who exercises a general supervision over the schools within his jurisdiction, and a board of examiners, consisting of three members (including the commissioner) and appointed by the several boards of county supervisors, from whom teachers receive certificates.
It exercises a general supervision over all other taxing officers and is itself the assessor of the property of railroads, express companies and certain car companies.
By the Greek constitution of 16th/28th November 1864 " the Orthodox Church of Greece remains indissolubly united, as regards dogmas, to the great Church of Constantinople, and to every other church professing the same doctrines, and, like these churches, it preserves in their integrity the apostolical constitutions and those of the councils of the Church, together with the holy traditions; it is aiTacE4aXos, it exercises its sovereign rights independently of every other church, and it is governed by a synod of bishops."
The habit of burlesquing the romans d'aventures was no new one, and the form lent itself easily to the two literary exercises to which he was most disposed - apt and quaint citation from and variation on the classics and satirical criticism of the life he saw around him.
He received the sentence of the traitor's death with the Te Deum laudamus, and, after spending his last days in pious exercises, was led with two companions to Tyburn (1st of December 1581) and suffered the barbarous penalty.
It was not until 1854 that a separate head was appointed for Bengal, who, under the style of lieutenant-governor, exercises the same powers in civil matters as those vested in the governors in council of Madras or Bombay, although subject to closer supervision by the supreme government.
The former decides all controversies arising under the school law, and exercises a general supervision over the public schools; the latter has the control of a number of special state educational institutions, appoints the county superintendents and supervises the execution of the school laws of the state.
The dissection of the great east and west anticline in the south-east of England has resulted in a remarkable piece of country, occupying the east of Hampshire and practically the whole of Sussex, Surrey and Kent, in which each geological stratum produces its own type of scenery, and exercises its own specific influence on every natural distribution.
Born at Temple Newsam in Yorkshire on the 7th of December 1545, he was educated in England, and his lack of intellectual ability was compensated for by exceptional skill in military exercises.
Russia has the protectorates of Khiva and Bokhara; and China exercises or claims rights as protector of certain dependencies.
The legate exercises growing influence on patriarchal and other elections, and on Church government and discipline.
It has been explained by reference to the lunar character of the goddess, but more probably signifies " she whose seat is in heaven," whence she exercises her sway over the whole world - earth, sea, and air alike.
He will not admit that there is any evidence of true virtue in the approbation of virtue and hatred of vice, in the workings of conscience or in the exercises of the natural affections; he thinks that these may all spring from self-love and the association of ideas, from " instinct " or from a " moral sense of a secondary kind " entirely different from " a sense or relish of the essential beauty of true virtue."
Emmons, like Hopkins, considered both sin and holiness " exercises " of the will.
Timothy Dwight (1752-1847) urged the use of the means of grace, thought Hopkins and Emmons pantheistic, and boldly disagreed with their theory of " exercises," reckoning virtue and sin as the result of moral choice or disposition, a position that was also upheld by Asa Burton (1752-1836), who thought that on regeneration the disposition of man got a new relish or " taste."
When the Romans became masters of the world, many of their upper classes, both before the close of the republic and under the empire, from a love of Greek manners and literature or from indolent and effeminate habits, resorted to Neapolis, either for the education and the cultivation of gymnastic exercises or for the enjoyment of music and of a soft and luxurious climate.
These exercises were not of a nature to add to his income, which was extremely small.
It is confined, in its direct work, to the metropolis, but it exercises, indirectly, considerable influence over the Jews of the British Empire.
In many places gymnastic contests form a feature of his festivals, and he himself is proficient in athletic exercises (E'aywvtos).
He was left to his whims - even the strangest - and to his taste for violent exercises; and the excesses to which he gave himself up ruined his health.
The Church influence with all classes is practically supreme and unquestioned, and it still exercises complete control in matters of education.
It must also be remembered that in such a vast sheet of water as is the nyanza the wind exercises an influence on the level, tending to pile up the water at different parts of the lake.
The public school system (organized 1873) is administered by the state superintendent of public instruction, who exercises a general supervision over the schools, and by the state board of education, which prescribes the general rules and regulations for their management.
He was certainly a very good soldier, and is said to have excelled in all athletic exercises, but he fell short of being a first-rate general.
Epiphanes in manhood was chiefly remarkable as a passionate sportsman; he excelled in athletic exercises and the chase.
The problem of the interrelations of the classes will thus be reduced to its simplest terms, and even questions as to the nature of the primitive Echinoderm and its affinity to the ancestors of other phyla may become more than exercises for the ingenuity of youth.
They used to attend the temple in rotation, and be present at the sacrifices; and as this duty fell to each in his turn, the men of the class or family which he represented were expected in their several cities and places of abode to engage themselves in religious exercises, and especially in fasting.
The Strategion, devoted to the military exercises of the brave little town, stood close to Sirkedji Iskelessi, and two artificial harbours, the Portus Prosforianus and the Neorion, indented the shore of the Golden Horn, respectively in front of the ground now occupied by the station of the Chemins de Fer Orientaux and the Stamboul custom-house.
The two friends assembled their adherents outside the city walls for the observance of the exercises of religion; and, according to Theodoret, it was in these meetings that the practice of antiphonal singing was first introduced in the services of the church.
He had as pupils the king of the Franks, the members of his family and the young clerics attached to the palace chapel; he was the life and soul of the Academy of the palace, and we have still, in the Dialogue of Pepin (son of Charlemagne) and Alcuin, a sample of the intellectual exercises in which they indulged.
He who exercises this wisdom or knowledge has complete well-being; all else is indifferent to 1 There is a certain difficulty in discussing Aristotle's views on the subject of practical wisdom, and the relation of the intellect to moral action, since it is most probable that the only accounts that we have of these views are not part of the genuine writings of Aristotle.
These three Augustine (after St Paul) regards as the three essential elements of Christian virtue; along with these he recognizes the fourfold division of virtue into prudence, temperance, courage and justice according to their traditional interpretation; but he explains these virtues to be in their true natures only the same love to God in different aspects or exercises.
The south and west coasts are washed by the Gulf Stream, and the north coast by an Arctic current, which frequently brings with it a quantity of drift-ice, and thus exercises a considerable effect upon the climate of the island; sometimes it blocks the north coast in the summer months.
The young prince also studied at the gymnasium at Augsburg, where his love of work and his mental qualities were gradually revealed; he was less successful in mathematics than in literary subjects, and he became an adept at physical exercises, such as fencing, riding and swimming.
This training consisted for the most part in physical exercises, such as dancing, gymnastics, ball-games, &c., with music and literature occupying a subordinate position.
He was brought up under the direction of the seigneur d'Auxy, and early showed great application to studyand also to warlike exercises.
They were celebrated for their music and gymnastic exercises, and their art formed a link between that of Asia Minor and that of Greece.
He was fond of athletic exercises, had played for Harrow against Eton in 1824.
The minister is vested with the manse and glebe, to be held by him for himself and his successors in office, and along with the kirk-session he administers church ordinances and exercises church discipline.
The latter becomes reduced to nitrous in the body, and thereby exercises its characteristic effects.
Morphine exercises its effects chiefly upon the cerebrum and the medulla oblongata in man.
Physostigmine, the active principle of the Calabar bean, acts chiefly as a stimulant to voluntary and involuntary muscles, and at the same time exercises a depressing effect upon the spinal cord.
In all sorts of bodily exercises, as swinging, wrestling, dancing, riding and hunting, they take great pleasure.
After doing some stretching exercises and setting his bike's trip odometer, he began, slowly at first, to swing into his rhythmic cadence of 70 revs per minute, maintaining the pace by shifting gears as the country hills rolled beneath his wheels.
With belligerent occupation, the occupant does not acquire any sovereignty over territory, it merely exercises de facto control.
Keep in mind that these exercises alone are not the key to the world of great abs.
The Library section contains information on exercises for kickboxing, kickboxing aerobics, sports training, step aerobics and weight training.
Arguably it is Gary, the eldest of her offspring who exercises his endowment in a strictly amateur way, who epitomizes the family.
The course book sets exercises to do before and during watching the video clips, including anticipation of subject matter and comprehension.
One former member recalls two other exercises; they may sound apocryphal, but I am assured that they actually happened.
Some find a hot bath helps; others prefer doing exercises.
These exercises are typically non-weight bearing, with the movement occurring at the knee joint (4 ).
Tho the exercises were appropriate to the injury I had sustained, they were quite frankly boring.
The seminars, which involve brainstorming and debating exercises, will develop students oral and presentation skills.
You will be assessed by a combination of class exercises and exams.
We spent a lot of time doing fill in the blank exercises on Simple Present tense conjugation.
Talk to Me uses a purely conversational method, Tell Me More includes also grammar, written exercises, pronunciation and more.
Occupational Therapists recommend mazes as fun therapeutic exercises to their patients to improve their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination!
Admissions Candidates for admission will be asked to provide two essays and some technical exercises (harmony and/or counterpoint) from their school work.
Over a five-year period I wrote exercises in sixteenth-century counterpoint, starting with two-part writing and progressing to four parts.
Check depressed thinking habits - Are depressed thinking habits - Are depressed thinking habits getting in the way of your trying these self care exercises?
The group performed the exercises on an arm ergometer with a heart rate of 70-75% heart rate reserve.
Exercises Often during the early part of the program many modules will require students to undertake exercises Often during the early part of the program many modules will require students to undertake exercises directly relevant to the subjects being covered.
These stretching exercises, which may be performed in the home with the help of a therapist, are the treatment of choice.
The course also includes hands-on practical exercises designed to reinforce the material covered in the class.
What kinds of hands-on exercises are in the class?
A good posture and breathing exercises and huffing technique will also help with expectorating if the patient is not too frail.
The calories expended during ab exercises are very low.
Resisted knee extension exercises should be avoided until 6 weeks following surgery.
The priesthood which Christ exercises is the counterpart, in no merely figurative sense, of the levitical priesthood.
Among the exercises that can help is making a tepee with your hands by gently pressing fingertips of each hand against each other.
I would then do 20 ankle flexion exercises with each leg.
As a consequence these exercises can make only a very limited contribution to actually strengthening the flexors.
I laughed, I cried, I had to do pelvic floor exercises.
Remember to do the three checks; Airspace, Alti and DZ, before starting any exercises and to respect all other canopy flyers.
Multi gyms... www.gymworld.co.uk Abdominal muscle exercises and abdominal oblique exercises.. .
Coursework will involve aural analysis and exercises in jazz harmony that may lead to composition.
Relaxation exercises can be very helpful with recurrent headaches.
Leg Power Improvement Leg power exercises include horizontal bounding and hopping.
A series of warm-up exercises and easy stretches will then limber and prepare the body for working with the more intense asana practice.
Where " Paul asserts that the law no longer exercises lordship over us.
Tightness Excess fluid in the tissues causes swelling and tightness which is helped with gentle exercises to drain the lymph.
Some companies have used information manga to combine advertising exercises with public information projects.
To help you apply the concepts, the course provides a carefully balanced mix of tuition, case study, assignments and exercises.
The Standing Committee of Deans itself now exercises general oversight in relation to modularisation.
To achieve this, all aircraft were fitted with freight panniers, some of which will be removed for container dropping exercises.
Phonetics Links to sites providing information and practical exercises on acoustic and articulatory phonetics Links to sites providing information and practical exercises on acoustic and articulatory phonetics.
Exercises were given which required intense physicality or acute mental focus or both, which acted as catalysts for such discussions.
In the discharge or that responsibility it exercises the full plenitude of judicial power.
Gradually the pain caused Dennis to adopt a stooped posture which has never improved in spite of exercises.
Everyday I do exercises at home to improve my health including press-ups.
The behemoth has recruited some out of work actors to pretend to be Iraqis for combat readiness exercises.
Training exercises should stress the importance of a thorough map reconnaissance to evaluate the terrain.
Exercises Often during the early part of the program many modules will require students to undertake exercises directly relevant to the subjects being covered.
Exercises to stretch the scalene muscles and related tight tissues can relief scalene muscles and related tight tissues can relief scalene muscle syndrome.
It exercises self-government except in matters of defense, internal security and foreign affairs, which are reserved to the UK.
Exercises that help promote a positive self-image are equally valuable.
The voice recording function, MP3 player, exercises and sample tests make this an incredibly smart and effective language learning tool!
The priority-setting exercises that don't deliver what residents want and the partners who don't budge unless there's something in it for them.
One trial involving 40 participants was eligible for both the electrical stimulation and the biofeedback and/or sphincter exercises reviews.
Instant abs 6 second workout and lateral thigh stepper exercises, fitness & ab lounge 2.. .
If detected early, strabismus can be corrected by eye exercises, spectacles or - as a last resort - surgery.
Which operating system does the class use for the hands-on exercises?
Activities run by Mrs Tee include tai chi, yoga aerobics, circuit training, gym sessions and chair-based exercises.
They can complement class work, and provide homework tasks and revision exercises.
So a simple 6 figure number will give you enormous flexibility to prescribe many vision therapy exercises.
Your doctor may also recommend stretching exercises if your child has torticollis.
Walkers are greeted at the meeting point by the walk leaders and do some gentle warm-up exercises before setting off.
Aim to do the exercises after a proper warm-up and stretch.
In cases of armed resistance to a provincial government, the national government exercises the right to intervene by the appointment of an interventor, who becomes the executive head of the province until order is restored.
According to James Heath in his Flagellum, " he was more famous for his exercises in the fields than in the schools, being one of the chief match-makers and players at football, cudgels, or any other boisterous game or sport."
At the age of thirteen or fourteen he went to the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris, where he stayed till the summer of 1588, and where he laid the foundations of his profound knowledge, while perfecting himself in the exercises of a young nobleman and practising a life of exemplary virtue.
Public opinion was further irritated against France by the massacre of some Italian workmen at Marseilles on the occasion of the return of the French expedition from Tunisia, and Depretis, in response to public feeling, found himself obliged to mobilize a part of the militia for military exercises.
The De Institutione Coenobiorum (twelve books) describes the dress, the food, the devotional exercises, the discipline and the special spiritual dangers of monastic life in the East (gluttony, unchastity, avarice, anger, gloom, apathy, vanity and pride).
Marguerite exhibited during the rest of her life, which was not a short one, the strange Valois mixture of licentiousness, pious exercises, and the cultivation of art and letters, and died in Paris on the 27th of March 1615.
Apart from these abuses the Spiritual Exercises have proved their value over and over again, and have received the sincerest form of flattery in countless imitations.
Mannite on oxidation yields an aldose, mannose, C6H12061 which 3 To distinguish the isomerides of opposite optical activity, it is usual to prefix the letters d- and 1-, but these are used only to indicate the genetic relationship, and not the character of the optical activity; ordinary fructose, for example, being represented as d-fructosealthough it exercises a laevorotatory power - because it is derived from d-glucose.
He exercises also an appellate jurisdiction over each bishop, which, in cases of licensed curates, he exercises personally under the Pluralities Act 1838; but his ordinary appellate jurisdiction is exercised by the judge of the Arches court (see Arches, Court Of).
In the university of Paris, which was originally opposed to this innovation, the statutes of 1598 prescribed the study of Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, Theocritus, Plato, Demosthenes and Isocrates (as well as the principal Latin classics), and required the production of three exercises in Greek or Latin in each week.
In 1872, under the Third Republic, Jules Simon found time for hygiene, geography and modern languages by abolishing Latin verse composition and reducing the number of exercises in Latin prose, while he insisted on the importance of studying the inner meaning of the ancient classics.
In the territoires du commandant, which are the districts farthest from the coast, and in which the European population is small, the prefect is replaced by a high military officer, who exercises all the functions of a prefect.
Under the paternal eye the education of young Timur was such that at the age of twenty he had not only become an adept in manly outdoor exercises but had earned the reputation of being an attentive reader of the Koran.
The position of the foot exercises much influence on the security of the seat; it should be opposite the girth, parallel with the barrel of the horse, with the heels depressed.
It acts similarly, though less markedly, upon the nerves which determine the secretion of the perspiration, and is therefore a local anaesthetic or anodyne and an anhidrotic. Being rapidly absorbed into the blood, it exercises a long and highly important series of actions on nearly every part and function of the nervous system.
Of games the young Moors play a great number; the principal one is a kind of football, more like that of Siam and Burma than that of England; wrestling and fencing are popular, but the chief amusement of the adult Moors is the "powder-play" (la ` ab el bariid), which consists of a type of military tournament, the horsemen going through lance and musket exercises or charging in review fashion, firing volleys as they gallop. Other recreations much in favour throughout Morocco are music, singing, jugglery, snake-charming and acrobatic performances.
During the hours of recreation suitable physical exercises, as fencing, riding and gymnastics, were conducted under qualified trainers.
The college has about 70 acres of ground (and about 4000 acres of mountain land for forestry study), with a large recitation hall, a library, a chapel (seating 1400 persons), a science hall, an industrial hall, a brick-making plant, a woodwork building, a printing building, a tabernacle for commencement exercises and other buildings.
I had a French grammar in raised print, and as I already knew some French, I often amused myself by composing in my head short exercises, using the new words as I came across them, and ignoring rules and other technicalities as much as possible.
I could not make notes in class or write exercises; but I wrote all my compositions and translations at home on my typewriter.
The exercises began at nine, and it was one o'clock before we could leave.
In 1892 appeared the Perkins Institution report for 1891, containing a full account of Helen Keller, including many of her letters, exercises, and compositions.
Reading, I think, should be kept independent of the regular school exercises.
When she was at the Wright-Humason School in New York, Dr. Humason tried to improve her voice, not only her word pronunciation, but the voice itself, and gave her lessons in tone and vocal exercises.
These extracts are from her exercises in her course in composition, where she showed herself at the beginning of her college life quite without rival among her classmates.
Static quadriceps exercises consist of tensing the muscle on the front of the thigh whilst the knee is straight.
No price year was reported, which will prevent any future reflation exercises.
Exercises to stretch the scalene muscles and related tight tissues can relief scalene muscle syndrome.
Handles his craft skillfully when maneuvering or mooring and exercises good seamanship practices at all times.
Contains 7 technical vocal exercises played on piano and each having a one octave range in semitone intervals.
We sidle out past whatever naval boats remain after the Ark Royal has left to do ' exercises ' in the Med.
The voice recording function, MP3 player, exercises and sample tests make this an incredibly smart and effective language learning tool !
Computation codes for speciation analysis were evaluated and tested in interactive exercises.
Try the squatting exercises or use the birth ball.
Instant abs 6 second workout and lateral thigh stepper exercises, fitness & ab lounge 2...
I also did step-up exercises on the step in the garden.
Pelvic floor exercises, sometimes known as Kegel exercises, are a common treatment for stress incontinence.
You still need to go through the range of warm-up exercises, even on a hot day.
This session introduced the latest version of Endnote available at methods were practiced using workbook exercises.
Helen includes in her teaching pranayama (breathing exercises), yoga nidra (deep relaxation) and meditation.
After her injury, she tried out some modality exercises to help her get back into playing soccer.
After a below-the-knee amputation, strengthening exercises are recommended to prepare the body for the use of a prosthetic leg.
Baby can lie across the top of the pillow and work his arms and legs in pre-crawling exercises.
Literature is complex and it exercises the mind.
One tip I recommend is differed gratification exercises to develop the discipline that what you want can be better savored and more satisfactory if you save for it.
You use a balance board to do yoga, strength training, balance exercises, and cardiovascular exercises.
Some exercises that can strengthen your core are yoga, a stability ball, and the use of balance devices.
These may involve side-stepping up the hill, walking in a circle or other exercises that are designed to prepare you for the essential skills of downhill skiing.
The Harb System also has a series of dryland exercises, which will help you prepare for your ski lesson.
While personal empowerment is not the goal of relaxation exercises, they can and do diminish the feelings associated with stress.
Visualization is often present in guided relaxation exercises whether a person imagines walking in a field of rich green grass, a twilight forest or laying on a warm rock beneath a starry sky.
There are dozens of positive ways to relieve stress, aside from breathing exercises.
One way to do this for those who are just beginning meditation exercises is to use meditation CDs or a sound machine that has several settings, such as white noise, waterfall, and evening sounds.
Exercise could also include a brisk walk, a workout session or full body stretching exercises.
At other times natural stress relievers such as deep breathing exercises, aromatherapy, or taking a walk may be more appropriate.
Passive muscle relaxation and [[Relaxation Imagery Exercises|guided relaxation exercises]] are other great relaxation activities.
Many gyms and community centers offer low-cost yoga classes, and a lot of relaxation exercises are available for free on the Internet.
For example, simple yoga poses, bending exercises and quick meditative sessions show participants how easy some of these techniques really are.
Yoga combines the use of meditation, movement, and breathing exercises to help manage stress and improve health.
Deep breathing exercises, counting silently, and picturing soothing images help control anger and provide immediate calm.
Learning long term stress management techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, meditation or deep breathing exercises are important skills that help to reduce the overall stress in your life.
You can do a number of different types of deep breathing exercises to relax your body in ten minutes or less.
When performing deep breathing exercises, you need to concentrate on your breath.
Many audio CDs are available that lead you through guided imagery exercises that take ten minutes or less.
Popular methods include meditation, progressive or passive muscle relaxation, visualization and deep breathing exercises.
Read on to find exercises that can help you manage time effectively.
The exercises can contribute to a happier life, and they can give you more time to do what matters most.
Boot camps for troubled teens use military exercises, rigorous physical training and discipline to break defiant adolescents of their bad behavior.
The Conservation Corps also focuses on personal development, offering teambuilding exercises during the service activities.
The program combines exciting activities like snowboarding with personal development exercises.
To achieve a total body workout, you should include aerobic and flexibility exercises along with weightlifting.
Aerobic exercises help strengthen your heart and lungs while flexibility exercises improve the mobility of your joints.
If you would like to work out every day, be sure to switch up your exercises daily (for example, alternating lifting weights with running) so that each part of your body rests, which helps you lose weight best.
This setting emphasizes daily routines, team building exercises and physical fitness.
Extensive strength training and other exercises can raise the body's demand for protein.
They learn about nutritional supplements, communication exercises, and self-help assists.
Try exercises such as jogging, cycling, or swimming.
The good news is that these symptoms are temporary and may actually be lessened using various tactics including relaxation exercises or intentional distraction.
Fortunately, there are many exercises that strengthen and tone the legs, creating a shape that rivals that of celebrity legs in no time.
Walking is still one of the best exercises to tone and shape legs.
Ballet inspired exercises are perfect for shaping up the inner thighs and calves.
Ripa gave it up and now exercises instead.
There are exercises, games, tests, and statistic trackers provided to help you quickly and easily increase your typing speed.
You see him on a daily basis, you know what and how much he eats, how much he exercises, and how much rest he normally gets.
Repeating exercises 10 to 15 times in a single session is customary, and many dogs will show improvement in a single session.
Allowing your dog to catch escaping livestock and return them to the fold is one of the best exercises you can give her.
If you find the bass is hurting your hand, try using hand exercises to both relieve the pain and strengthen your fingers.
They have books on rock music, instructional texts that show you bass guitar methods and exercises, and even books for ensembles of various sizes.
There are scores of Web sites where you can get tablature for scales, exercises and your favorite songs.
Lessons include scales, picking, tapping and exercises to improve manual dexterity.
Fortunately, there are websites with scales and other exercises on them tohelp you become used to playing Brazilian guitar.
These finger exercises make good warm ups before you play anything, no matter how experienced and familiar with the scales you may be.
For beginning Brazilian guitar players, daily practice of scales and exercises is almost a prerequisiteto smoothly and easily play your favorite bossa nova songs.
It takes some practice getting used to, but they are great for those exercises where your forearms tire before your back.
Men's workout gear can also encompass stuff like a workout log, where you make note of your exercises and poundage each time.
A jacket comes in handy when temperatures are too low to simply wear a T-shirt or tank top, so it's perfect for anyone who exercises early in the morning, when temperatures are on the nippy side.
Water exercises are a gentle way to strengthen muscles without straining joints.
As the name suggests, chair exercises are exercises that are performed while sitting down.
Chair exercises can increase your strength, balance and vitality all while sitting down.
Stretch exercises for seniors are an easy and convenient method to maintain good health.
Performing stretch exercises is easy for people of all ages and fitness levels.
The founder of Stronger Seniors, Anne Pringle, created an easy series of stretch exercises for seniors that you can do as a form of chair exercises.
If you are not suffering from arthritis or have just started, this is a great time to take part in some flexibility exercises, which can help combat this illness.
Activities such as cardio exercises are great ways to get your heart pumping and blood flowing.
If you experienced a hip repair or replacement, check with your doctor if you plan to do any lower body exercises.