Exemptions Sentence Examples
Practically all the company's servants were traders in their private capacity, and as they claimed various privileges and exemptions this system was detrimental to the interests of the native princes and gave rise to an enormous amount of corruption.
In 1904, under the old system of three-years service with numerous total and partial exemptions, 324,253 men became liable to incorporation, of whom 25,432 were rejected as unfit, 55,265 were admitted as one-year volunteers, 62,160 were put back, 27,825 had already enlisted with a view to making the army a career, 5257 were taken for the navy, and thus, with a few extra details and casualties, the contingent for full service dwindled to 147,549 recruits.
These officials originally consisted of an obedient and devoted militia of mendicant friars, both Franciscans and Dominicans, who took their orders from Rome alone, and whose efforts the papacy stimulated by lavishing exemptions, privileges, and full sacerdotal powers.
In place of the old system of privileges and exemptions were set equality before the law, universal liability to taxation, abolition of serfdom, security of person and property, liberty of conscience and of the press.
The principle of personal service has been strongly opposed by the Catholics and conservatives, but became the law of the land in 1898, though exemptions were conceded in favour of ecclesiastics and certain classes of students.
When the religious houses were dissolved by Henry VIII., in the case of the greater abbeys and priories the exemptions from payment of tithes enjoyed by them passed to the Crown or the persons to whom the Crown assigned them, and thus any lands which might have been thus exempted, whether they had been actually so or not, were presumed to be exempt; and a further exemption was created by parsonages coming into the same hands as tithable lands, which lasted so long as such union continued.
In the Chamber he spoke chiefly on army questions; and was chairman of a commission appointed to consider army legislation, resigning in 1887 on the refusal of the Chamber to sanction the abolition of exemptions of any kind.
When they became intolerable, from the Empire were sought the exemptions, privileges, immunities from that local authority, which, anomalous and anarchical as they were in theory, yet in fact were the foundations of all the liberties of the middle ages in the Swiss cantons, in the free towns of Germany and the Low Countries, in the Lombard cities of Italy.
This law naturally made a deep impression on military Europe, not merely because the period of color service was reducedGermany had taken this step years beforebut because of the almost entire absence of the usual exemptions.
Its rise to its present position is mainly due to the fostering care of the Danish kings who conferred certain customs privileges and exemptions upon it with a view to making it a formidable rival to Hamburg.
AdvertisementExemptions at first granted to the citizens were removed, while the cost of local government which continually increased was placed on the middle-class of the towns as represented by the decuriones, or members of the municipalities.
All over western Europe the elaborate devices of the census and the stations for the collection of customs crumbled away; taxation as such disappeared, through the hostility of the clergy and the exemptions accorded to powerful subjects.
These are exemptions from fiscal dues and freedom of disposition of the owner.
These special expenses are chargeable to each parish or contributory place, and they are defrayed by means of special sanitary rates, such rates being raised on all property assessed to the relief of the poor, but with the same exemptions of certain properties as have been mentioned under the head of general district rate in urban districts.
The varieties of income charged being very great, and special claims for consideration having been set up at different times, the result has been the formation of an income tax code, defining the methods and rules for assessing the different classes of profits and income, and prescribing the way in which abatements and exemptions are to be obtained.
AdvertisementThe power of the abbot was paternal but absolute, limited, however, by the canons of the church, and, until the general establishment of exemptions, by episcopal control.
The first constitution drafted was rejected (5th April 1847) owing to the articles relating to the rights of married women, exemptions, the elective judiciary, &c. A second convention, thought to be more conservative than the first, drafted another constitution, which on the 13th of March 1848 was adopted by 16,799 ayes and 6394 noes.
In 354 B.C. Demosthenes composed and spoke the oration "Against Leptines," who had effected a slender saving for the state by the expedient of revoking those hereditary exemptions from taxation which had at various times been conferred in recognition of distinguished merit.
The address of the clergy, inspired by the great prelates, sought to make inaccurate lamentations over the progress of impiety a means of safeguarding their enormous spiritual and temporal powers, their privileges and exemptions, and their vast wealth.
William de Vesci claimed liberties and exemptions in Caythorpe, of which he was summoned to render account at the sheriff's tourn at Halton.
AdvertisementThe great owners, whether nominally Visigoth or nominally Roman seniores or senatorescontinued to enjoy all the privileges and exemptions of the ordo senatorius in the last days of the empire.
The widely derided exemptions for pubs and clubs must now be dropped from the Health Bill.
In refusing to provide the information the Cabinet Office cited exemptions 2, 7, 9 and 12 of the Code.
The effect of the various exemptions is set out in Section 2. Some confer an " absolute exemption " .
In addition, there are annual gift exemptions and regular gifts can be made which can also earn IHT exemption.
AdvertisementVery few exemptions from paying KFC - only extremely strict dietary requirements (e.g. kosher, not vegan ).
Exemptions from specific Modules may be granted through accredited prior learning (APL) or prior experiential learning (APEL ).
Station and light maintenance depot exemptions generally relate to a named station or light maintenance depot exemptions generally relate to a named station or light maintenance depot.
This schedule has the effect of phasing in some of the changes by giving temporary exemptions from the full rigor the new law.
All general exemptions to display or sell diurnal birds of prey were revoked with effect from 31 March 1998.
We believe there will be certain exemptions under the 1998 Act for unincorporated members clubs (Scouting).
Retirees have up to $6,000 in exemptions for their pensions as well.
All these laws include exemptions for medical reasons and most include exemptions for religious reasons; however, only a few states allow exemptions from vaccination on philosophical grounds.
Past efforts include increasing charitable giving incentives, protection of lobbying activity rights, voter education provisions and preserving tax exemptions for Minnesota nonprofits.
Secondly, you must have given your charity donation to an organization that is eligible for tax exemptions.
Even though the Freedom of Information Act guarantees that private citizens have access to the records of federal agencies, there are a number of FOIA exemptions that apply to certain types of sensitive information.
A federal agency that seeks to withhold information due to FOIA exemptions must demonstrate that the exemption applies to the particular request.
If only part of the information requested falls under one of the stated exemptions, the remaining data must be released.
There are nine specific FOIA exemptions.
Information determined to meet one of these exemptions is not subject to the disclosure requirements of the law.
In addition to the types of information specified in the nine official FOIA exemptions, it is also important to note that only U.S. federal agencies fall under the scope of the Freedom of Information Act.
Individual product exemptions vary by state and jurisdiction.
However, exemptions to this rule exist for daycare businesses and storage-related workspace, both allowing shared areas.
States diverge somewhat on taxable items, but most have food exemptions and even more states have prescription drug exclusions.
States such as Connecticut have exemptions on clothing and even Internet service.
Currently, Wikipedia provides an excellent state-by-state breakdown of tax rates and exemptions with citations included.
When shopping around, look for exemptions.
Review all the exemptions and make sure your pet will be covered if something tragic occurs.
These programs require you to select your filing status, such as single or married filing jointly, identify the number of exemptions you claimed on your W-4 and provide the specific amount of income you earned.
Next, you identify the number of exemptions you claim.
Generally, this number of exemptions you claim should correspond with the number of exemptions you claimed on your W-4.
If you did not provide a W-4, claim the number of exemptions for which you are eligible.
When complete, add together the total number of exemptions you claim and place that number on line 6d.
In other spheres the immunities and exemptions of the Church offered a far more serious problem, and especially in the sphere of finance.
By the state constitution of 1898 and by amendments of 1902 and 1904 tax exemptions for ten years were granted to newly-built railroads completed before 1909.
In case the owner is married the homestead cannot be sold or mortgaged, except for an unpaid portion of the purchase money, without the joinder of husband and wife, and if the owner dies leaving a spouse or minor children, the homestead with its exemptions descends to the surviving member or members of the family.
From the sewers rate and lighting rate, land, as opposed to buildings, was entitled to certain exemptions.
Under the act of 1899 all these rates are consolidated into a single rate, called the general rate, which is assessed, made, collected and levied as the poor rate, but the interests of persons previously entitled to exemptions are safeguarded.
Thus a privileged land-tenure was createdbookland; the rules as to the succession of kinsmen were set at nought by concession of testamentary power and confirmations of grants and wills; special exemptions from the jurisdiction of the hundreds and special privileges as to levying fines were conferred.
As in the last days of the Roman empire the poor landowner had found his only refuge from the exactions of the government in the protection of the senator, who could in some way obtain exemptions, so the poor Frank could escape the ruinous demands of military service only by submitting himself and his lands to the count, who did not hesitate on his side to force such submission.
It was often the policy of kings to increase the social privileges and legal exemptions of the nobility while taking away all political power, so that it is necessary in the history of institutions to distinguish sharply between these nobilities and the feudal baronage proper.
The former granted some additional exemptions whilst the latter incorporated the town under the title of mayor and burgesses of Marlborough.
The fees of the Curia were raised for the numberless favours, dispensations, absolutions, and exemptions of all kinds which were sought by clerics and laymen.
In 1629, chiefly to encourage agriculture, the Company issued its famous Charter of Privileges and Exemptions, which provided that any member might have anywhere in New Netherland except on Manhattan Island his choice of a tract of unoccupied land extending 16 m.
At that council wise and urgent measures were taken against the abuses that discredited the priesthood, but the principle of appeals and exemptions and the question of the increasing abuse of the power wielded by the Roman legates remained untouched.
In common with all enlightened opinion, he complained bitterly of the excessive multiplication of exemptions, of the exaggerated extension of appeals to Rome, of the luxury of the Roman court, of the venality of the cardinals, and of the injury done to the traditional hierarchy by the very extent of the papal power, which was calculated to turn the strongest head.
The reason for these partial exemptions apparently is that sanitary arrangements are made chiefly for the benefit of houses and buildings, while the properties just enumerated do not receive the same amount of benefit.
They conferred their exemptions on the land they acquired, thus throwing the burden of taxation on the towns and the non-nobles with increasing weight.
He cited exemptions 2, 7, 9 and 12 of the code.
By establishing exemptions and tax deductibility, government policies made charitable giving attractive to donors.
Two years later, by a revision of the Charter of Privileges and Exemptions, the prohibition on manufactures was abolished, the privileges of the original charter with respect to patroons were extended to " all good inhabitants of the Netherlands," and the estate of a patroon was limited to 4 m.
In some cases exemptions are granted from specified taxes and military duties, otherwise naturalized citizens are treated the same as native-born.
It granted to the burgesses all privileges and free customs such as they held in the time of Edward the Elder, with many additional exemptions, in return for help rendered against the Danes.
To place itself in a better posture for combating the simoniacal and concubinary prelates, the court of Rome had had to multiply exemptions and accelerate the movement which impelled the monks to make themselves independent of the bishops.
He suspended an archbishop of Sens (1136) who had neglected to take into consideration the appeal to Rome, summoned an archbishop of Milan to Rome to receive the pallium from the pope's hands, lavished exemptions, and extended the right of appeal to such abnormal lengths that a Byzantine ambassador is reported to have exclaimed to Lothair III., Your Pope Innocent is not a bishop, but an emperor."
There is no homestead exemption law and exemptions from levy for the satisfaction of debts extend only to $loo worth of property, besides wearing apparel and books and tools used by the debtor in his profession or trade, and to all money payable in the nature of insurance.
The practice of the nomination of bishops by the Curia and of papal recommendation to prebends and benefices of every kind grew daily more general, and the number of appeals to Rome and exemptions granted to abbeys and even to simple churches increased continually.