Exemplary Sentence Examples
The support provided was exemplary in all areas.
His carefulness was exemplary, and his references are always exact.
His actions were exemplary in both respects.
Their behavior was often exemplary, with mature responses to challenging situations.
For more than thirty years since then, its public art program has been considered exemplary.
This is an exemplary site.
The new pastor provided exemplary preaching.
His exemplary diligence and unusual mathematical capacity were soon noticed.
In his domestic relations he was exemplary, and he lived on terms of mutual affection with a wide circle of friends.
There was exemplary punishment of the printers who dared defy the Soviet government.
AdvertisementHe was most impressive on the track and his enthusiasm to sign for Boston was quite exemplary.
The father of the toddler showed exemplary patience.
This board may allow commutation or diminution of sentence for good behaviour, meritorious services or exemplary conduct.
Margaret of Parma meanwhile, with the aid of a considerable body of German mercenaries, had inflicted exemplary punishment upon the iconoclasts and Calvinist sectaries.
He selected that of Loire-et-Cher, taking the old title of bishop of Blois, and for ten years (1791-1801) ruled his diocese with exemplary zeal.
AdvertisementHe was a man of exemplary life and a friend of Erasmus and the humanists, besides being a persona grata at the court of Louise of Savoy and Francis I.
Just for fun, I had a meeting the other day that was so exemplary.
We are trying to pick out those articles ath are really great and exemplary in the 1911.
He showed exemplary track manners, almost coming to a halt on occasion to let faster cars past.
Cantilupe appears to have been an exemplary bishop both in spiritual and secular affairs.
AdvertisementAlthough the private life of the new archbishop appears to have been the reverse of exemplary he attempted to carry out some very necessary reforms in his new official capacity; he also continued the struggle for precedence, which had been carried on for many years between the archbishops of Canterbury and of York.
But the government and the people displayed a memorable and exemplary energy, under the constant supervision of the king, the queen, and burgomaster Nansen.
The news arrived just after that of the capture of Babak, and Motasim swore to take exemplary vengeance.
Now this can cause more than a few problems to an otherwise exemplary marriage.
Agrippina was a woman of the highest character and exemplary morality.
AdvertisementOur colleague Andy Tillman has been doing some exemplary work in the area of bullet construction for heavy rifle calibers.
Even more important, many of its members are truly exemplary to the rest of us.
Not only so, but the physician, thus fascinated by "types," and impressed by the silent monumentsof the pathological museum, was led to localize disease too much, to isolate the acts of nature, and to forget not only the continuity of the phases which lead up to the exemplary forms, or link them together, but to forget also that even between the types themselves relations of affinity must exist - and these oftentimes none the less intimate for apparent diversities of form, for types of widely different form may be, and indeed often are, more closely allied than types which have more superficial resemblance - and to forget, moreover, how largely negative is the process of abstraction by which types are imagined.
The bishop and clergy next examined the candidates one by one, and ascertained from their neighbours whether they had led such exemplary lives as to be worthy of admission.
Is a saint someone who has been formally canonized by the church, or someone who has inspired others by their exemplary life?
Bava's films are always beautifully shot and this film has exemplary cinematography.
The Steward reads Prayers in the Family twice a Day, and maintains an exemplary decorum in the House.
Much of his work at that time remains exemplary.
China might eventually develop a new form of governance which becomes exemplary.
The material is reasonable, albeit limited, but not exemplary.
The exemplary actions of Young Ireland were repeated in further failed rebellions.
She rang the treble in exemplary fashion to Plain Bob Doubles.
The sacred college had grown especially worldly and troublesome since the time of Sixtus IV., and Leo took advantage of a plot of several of its members to poison him, not only to inflict exemplary punishments by executing one and imprisoning several others, but also to make a radical change in the college.
At the age of thirteen or fourteen he went to the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris, where he stayed till the summer of 1588, and where he laid the foundations of his profound knowledge, while perfecting himself in the exercises of a young nobleman and practising a life of exemplary virtue.
The arbitrator will not award attorney’s fees, or punitive, incidental, consequential, treble or other multiple or exemplary damages, and the parties hereby agree to waive and not seek such damages.
A PR grad must also have exemplary writing skills, since he or she will likely be required to draft press releases or even write news and magazine articles in any job that relates to publicity.
This eliminates potential problems with foreign accents and misunderstood communication, though Norwegian continues to hold all its crew members to exemplary standards of service.
Chamomile, lavender, aloe, clove, yarrow and wheat proteins can be found in a number of Big Sexy products, and when combined with light fragrances and soothing textures, provide an exemplary experience for hair.
James is a diligent student receiving exemplary remarks from all of his professors throughout his education.
Each week, a girl could win Leading Lady by showing exemplary poise and improvement.
His industry was exemplary and unremitting, and the number of his literary works would be incredible, if the originals, all in his own handwriting, were not still extant.
The extant fragments and conglomerations of the Sibylline oracles, heathen, Jewish and Christian, were collected, examined, translated and explained by C. Alexandre in a monumental edition full of exemplary learning and acumen.
Celestial physics, with its pure forms and void of all matter save extension, is not such an exemplary science after all.
Towards her parents her conduct was uniformly exemplary, and the charm of her unselfish kindness made her a favourite in the village.
The pope admitted him to six long audiences in the course of two months, wrote an enthusiastic letter to the grand-duke praising the great astronomer, not only for his distinguished learning, but also for his exemplary piety, and granted a pension to his son Vincenzio, which was afterwards transferred to himself, and paid, with some irregularities, to the end of his life.
Their work was exemplary on several occasions, so I said "Come on chaps. Let's go to Paris for the weekend."
By whatever definition, it is entirely unconscionable, and if I were king, I would reintroduce exemplary capital punishment as its reward.
The Sibel Dedezade Pro Bono Prize rewards students who have shown exemplary dedication, consistency and commitment to pro bono.
Friend the Prime Minister listened with his customary exemplary patience.
According to Father Greenway he was "a man of great piety, of exemplary temperance, of mild and cheerful demeanour, an enemy of broils and disputes, a faithful friend and remarkable for his punctual attendance upon religious observances," while his society was "sought by all the most distinguished in the archduke's camp for nobility and virtue."
He is said to have been concerned in a plot against a tyrant, and on its detection to have borne with exemplary constancy the tortures to which he was subjected; but authorities differ both as to the name and the residence of the tyrant and as to the circumstances and the issue of the enterprise.
The books listed below are fiction, but it's also important to realize that there are many exemplary nonfiction titles available that may appeal especially to boys or reluctant readers.
Introductory rates and promotional periods are often exemplary, but after those offers have expired, rebate rates may drop while overall interest rates rise.
The arbitrator will not award attorney's fees, or punitive, incidental, consequential, treble or other multiple or exemplary damages, and the parties hereby agree to waive and not seek such damages.
Let them know that when they choose to deal with you, they are dealing with a real person who is interested in offering exemplary customer service to make sure their needs are met.
The store's bridal and engagement ring collection is exemplary, with dozens of different ring styles to suit any bride-to-be's tastes.
Pisces, being water-born and represented by two opposing fish due to the mythology surrounding this sign, is an exemplary model of water's nature.
The child was an exemplary student, on the honor roll, and it would be hard to show how the uniform policy was contributing positively to his educational experience.
The main reasons for global recognition and popularity come from performance, durabitly and overall quality of these timepieces, not to mention superior warranties and exemplary service packages.
You wouldn't be in business without them, so it is in your best interest to provide exemplary customer service.
Giving exemplary customer service has become more important in recent years, as more businesses compete on a global scale.
During that time, he shows continuous exemplary commitment as he helped me to grow my business.
Since this type of work involves more than simply filling prescriptions, you will want to stress the fact that you are a mature individual who will provide exemplary customer service.
Nationwide was recognized for providing exemplary customer service.
On arriving in Moscow he found that the mutiny had been suppressed and the ringleaders punished, but he considered it necessary to reopen the investigation and act with exemplary severity.
His private life was exemplary, and he impressed his contemporaries with the loftiness of his character.
One of the most affecting things in his novels is the heroic constancy and fidelity of the maid Amy to her exemplary mistress Roxana.
Only John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were not even married; so, they don't stand exemplary for the issue.
We were not an exemplary couple," he added quickly, glancing at Natasha and noticing on her face curiosity as to how he would speak of his wife, "but her death shocked me terribly.
Conflicts occurred between the strikers and the independent laborers and the police; the trouble spread to the city of Parma, where violent scenes occurred when the labor exchange was occupied by the troops, and many soldiers and policemen, whose behaviour as usual was exemplary throughout, were seriously wounded.
There were exemplary damages because of the accident.