Executions Sentence Examples
Frightful executions in the island followed his fall.
Everywhere intense indignation was aroused by the cruel tortures and executions.
In 1655 a proclamation was issued for administering the laws against the priests and Jesuits, and some executions were carried out.
The executions took place on market days on a hill outside the town, the gibbet somewhat resembling a guillotine.
The baron Cerro Azul was shot down without trial; Marshal de Gama Eza, an old imperial soldier of eighty years of age, was murdered in cold blood, and numerous executions of men of lesser note took place, among these being two Frenchmen for whose death the Brazilian government was subsequently called upon to pay heavy compensation.
Thereupon the popular rulers avenged these misdeeds by many summary executions in the piazza.
It was a mere rump, for wholesale executions had thinned its numbers and the reconquered countries were not represented in it.
The survival of names of obliterated physical features or characteristics is illustrated in Section I.; but additional instances are found in the Strand, which originally ran close to the sloping bank of the Thames, and in Smithfield, now the central meat market, but for long the " smooth field " where a cattle and hay market was held, and the scene of tournaments and games, and also of executions.
His last political achievement was in July 1795, when he was present with Hoche at the destruction of the army of the emigres at Quiberon, and ordered the executions which followed.
The insurrection lasted until July 1783, and cruel executions followed its suppression.
AdvertisementOne of the terms of the capitulation had been that her life should be spared; but in spite of this she was brought to trial for the numerous and cruel executions of which she had been guilty during her short lease of power.
Kuprili's restless energy continued to the last, exhibiting itself on one side in wholesale executions, on the other in vast building operations.
Open both to German and French influences, the Netherlands had been the scene of the first executions of Lutherans; they had been a centre of Anabaptist agitation; but Calth y P ?
All these trials were conducted in accordance with the English law of the time; there had been an execution for witchcraft at Charlestown in 1648; there was a case in Boston in 1655; in 1680 a woman of Newbury was condemned to death for witchcraft but was reprieved by Governor Simon Bradstreet; in England and Scotland there were many executions long after the Salem delusion died out.
Their story relates that these men, foster-brothers of Cellach, bishop of Kilmore-Moy, murdered him at the instigation of Guaire Aidhne, king of Connaught, but were themselves executed at Ardnare (Ard-na-riaghadh, the hill of the executions) by the bishop's brother.
AdvertisementThe executions and floggings were carried out the next day at the scene of the outrage and in the presence of some five hundred natives.
A rigid censorship was exercised concerning the publication of information as to the production of munitions, measures of defence, bombardments, air raids, arrests, trials and executions of spies, etc.
Lollard executions during his reign had more often a political than a religious reason.
Into the ferocious conduct displayed by Cumberland after the victory, and in the suppression of the clans, we need not enter; nor is the list of executions of rebels alluring.
On the 23rd the Austrians entered Naples, followed soon afterwards by the king; every vestige of freedom was suppressed, the reactionary Medici ministry appointed, and the inevitable state trials instituted with the usual harvest of executions and imprisonment.
AdvertisementBerkeley closed the conflict with wholesale executions and confiscations.
For half a century trials were many at Venice and elsewhere, but actual executions were only common at Rome; the most illustrious victim was the philosopher Giordano Biuno, burnt in 1600.
A reign of terror followed; proscriptions, confiscations, and executions became general; some of the noblest citizens were put to death, and Cicero fell a victim to Antony's revenge.
There were almost no legal convictions and executions.
Strengthened by this success the king, on his return to Paris in the following January, exacted vengeance on the citizens by fines, executions and the suppression of the privileges of the city.
AdvertisementBut she at once joined her friends, and was with the northern army which defeated Warwick at St Albans on the 17th of February 1461; for the executions which followed she must bear the blame.
The executions continued throughout the following day; in all, about eighty-two people are said to have been thus murdered.
Villains, over whose fate the reader rejoices, are put down as victims of vile treason, and those who dealt with them as he would have been glad to do are subjected to horrible executions without one word of sympathy.
Murders and executions are frequent, yet cruelty is not a marked feature of their character; and in war they seldom kill their prisoners.
The king returned to Naples soon afterwards, and ordered wholesale arrests and executions of supposed Liberals, which continued until the French successes forced him to agree to a treaty in which amnesty for members of the French party was included.
Retaliatory executions began, though on a small scale, and when York reached London he at last began to talk of his rights to the crown, and to propose the deposition of Henry VI.
After this it was but natural that the struggle became a mere record of massacres and executions.
In all these cases the virus seems to have come from Holland; the last two executions followed the rash dedication to James I.
The only executions were those of military ringleaders of mutinies or military spies, after due public trial and conviction by courts-martial; the total number of these executions was 63.
Instead of profiting by Dumouriezs treachery and the successes in La Vende, the Coalition, divided over the resuscitated Polish question, lost time on the frontiers of this new Poland of the west which was sacrificing itself for the sake of a Universal Republic. Thus in January 1794 the territory of France was cleared of the Prussians and Austrians by the victories at Hondschoote, Wattignies and Wissembourg; the army of La Vende was repulsed from Granville, overwhelmed by Hoches army at Le Mans and Savenay, and its leaders shot; royalist sedition was suppressed at Lyons, Bordeaux, Marseilles and Toulon; federalist insurrections were wiped out by the terrible massacres of Carrier at Nantes, the atrocities of Lebon at Arras, and the wholesale executions of Fouch and Collot dHerbois at Lyons; Louis XVI.
The festival of the new doctrine, which turned the head of the new pontiff (June 8), the loi de Prairial, or code of legal murder (June 10), which gave the deputies themselves into his hand; and the multiplication of executions at a time when the victory of Fleurus (June 25) showed the uselessness and barbarity of this aggravation of the Reign of Terror provoked against him the victorious coalition of revenge, lassitude and fear.
The Austrians occupied Romagna and restored the province to the pope, but though many arrests of Carbonari were made there were no executions.
His memories flashed, and she winced at the sight of the executions he'd committed for Czerno.
You are still my top assassin, assuming you don.t fail in your executions.
Of these, 35 were the victims of killings that amounted to extra-judicial executions, including nine bystanders at the scene of such assassinations.
It was also the local courthouse with executions taking place there.
Under the new ruling, the number of executions barely reached four figures - a selective cull of the leading insurgents.
His enemies he treated with the greatest magnanimity; no bloody executions followed the victory of the Milvian Bridge.
The first ever video footage of public executions of forcibly repatriated defectors was shown.
He threw the responsibility for the executions upon the prefect of the praetorian guard, and swore that he would never punish a senator without the assent of the entire body, to which he expressed the utmost deference and consideration.
Afterwards the constant and easy changes of allegiance, as one faction or the other was in the ascendant, the wholesale confiscations and attainders, the never-ending executions, the sudden prosperity of adventurers, the premium on time-serving and intrigue, sufficed to make the whole nation cynical and sordid.
The barbarous tortures and executions which rendered Khiva notorious in the East are no longer heard of; and the continual appeals of the khojas for "holy" war against their rivals find no response.
We no longer have public executions as a form of entertainment.
People in power used to be able to order executions as capriciously as the queen did in Alice in Wonderland.
Those dreadful moments he had lived through at the executions had as it were forever washed away from his imagination and memory the agitating thoughts and feelings that had formerly seemed so important.
In the corporal's changed face, in the sound of his voice, in the stirring and deafening noise of the drums, he recognized that mysterious, callous force which compelled people against their will to kill their fellow men--that force the effect of which he had witnessed during the executions.
Pierre felt that that fatal force which had crushed him during the executions, but which he had not felt during his imprisonment, now again controlled his existence.
Summary Executions Mass executions continue to be reported by Kosovar Albanian refugees throughout the province.
It was used for executions and suicides in early Rome.
Queen Mary preferred the methods of the Spanish Inquisition and the very public executions fed into her 'Bloody Mary' nickname.