Executing Sentence Examples
No prince with a sinister reputation would have had the chance of executing the series of crimes which placed him on the throne.
No one else would be capable of executing the dramatic capture of my nemesis and the lovely child as well.
All this points to a temporary occupation by a race at a far higher stage of culture than any known Australians, who were certainly never capable of executing even the crude works of art described.
Then who was executing him, killing him, depriving him of life--him, Pierre, with all his memories, aspirations, hopes, and thoughts?
And he's using that knowledge to his advantage... better disguises, changing his MO, carefully executing his abductions.
One of these officials in the Tanganyika region was in April 1912 sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for summarily executing 11 native prisoners, including 4 women and a child.
Four more volumes of this work were promised; but the means of executing them were denied to him, and, though he lived until 1824, his publications ceased.
Among the curious customs of Halifax was the Gibbet Law, which was probably established by a prescriptive right to protect the wool trade, and gave the inhabitants the power of executing any one taken within their liberty, who, when tried by a jury of sixteen of the frith-burgesses, was found guilty of the theft of any goods of the value of more than 13d.
The first named were charged with the duty of revising and duly executing the decisions of the divan respecting the assignment of lands to warriors and the apportioning of conquered territories.
Early in 1879 he excited much horror by executing a number of the members of the Burmese royal family, and relations became much strained.
AdvertisementIn a more particular sense, "a liberty" is the term for a franchise, a privilege or branch of the crown's prerogative granted to a subject, as, for example, that of executing legal process; hence the district over which the privilege extends.
In obedience to these they often travelled hundreds of miles in company with, or in the wake of, their intended victims before a safe opportunity presented itself for executing their design; and, when the deed was done, rites were performed in honour of that tutelary deity, and a goodly portion of the spoil was set apart for her.
The chief officer of this, as of other forests, was the justice in eyre who held the justice seat, the highest forest court and the only court of record capable of entering and executing judgments on offenders; the lower courts were the Swainmote and Wodemote, the former of which is still held, in a modified form, in the Verderers' Hall of the King's House at Lyndhurst.
Work was begun on the arsenal in 1883 and continued as the finances of the state permitted; it is capable of turning out new warships and of executing repairs of all kinds for the Mediterranean squadron.
It is evident that, in such case, the string, while vibrating as a whole between its fixed extremities, is at the same time executing subsidiary oscillations about its middle point, its points B FIG.
AdvertisementBut Orlov, perplexed by conflicting instructions and caught in an unfavourable situation by a brigade of the 12th division which was executing the proposed " pursuit," gave way - part of his force in actual rout - and the cavalry that was with him was driven back by the Kobi (reserve army) brigade of the Guard.
Though already 79 years of age, he was animated by the fiery zeal of youth, and he employed the most drastic methods for executing the necessary reforms anc combating the advance of Protestantism.
In the breeding-season, however, it is as noisy and conspicuous as its larger brethren while executing its aerial evolutions.
Their training consisted of gymnastic and warlike exercises which developed strength and discipline that would be as useful in executing public works and in dragging large monuments as in strictly military service.
Injuries of the cerebellum, if large, derange the power of executing movements, without producing any detectable derangement of sensation.
AdvertisementNo king of Scotland could dream of executing such a coup d'etat; the authority for it is that mythopoeic earl of Arran who later became regent, and told the fable to Henry's agent, Sir Ralph Sadleyr.
In executing it, however, he took care to make the terms as advantageous for England as possible, with express provision that the Spaniards should in nowise be allowed to interfere in the government of the country.
His conduct in following them up into the Spanish territory of Florida, in seizing Pensacola, and in arresting and executing two British subjects, Alexander Arbuthnot and Robert Ambrister, gave rise to much hostile comment in the cabinet and in Congress; but the negotiations for the purchase of Florida put an end to the diplomatic difficulty.
Under a convention signed at Constantinople on the 4th of June 1878, Great Britain engaged to join the sultan of Turkey in defending his Asiatic possessions (in certain contingencies) against Russia, and the sultan, " in order to enable England to make necessary provision for executing her engagement," consented to assign the island of Cyprus to be occupied and administered by England.
After the Norman Conquest, the beadle seems to have diminished in importance, becoming merely the crier in the manor and forest courts, and sometimes executing processes.
AdvertisementJames Lick (1796-1876), a cold man with few friends, who gave a great fortune to noble ends; and Adolph Sutro (1830-1898), famous for executing the Sutro Tunnel of the Comstock mines of Virginia City, Nevada, and the donor of various gifts to the city.
In 1712 he was appointed one of the commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral, and in 1714 became treasurer of the navy, being sworn in two years later as a member of the privy council.
The Neapolitan government was undoubtedly within its right in executing the Bandieras, and the material results of this heroic but unpractical attempt were nil.
The offer was declined, and Goldsmith says that he then received instructions to kidnap Louis and kill him if he resisted, but, instead of executing these orders, he revealed the plot.
Christian revenged himself by executing the magnate Torben Oxe, who, on very creditable evidence, was supposed to have been Dyveke's murderer, despite the strenuous opposition of Oxe's fellow-peers; and henceforth the king lost no opportunity of depressing the nobility and raising plebeians to power.
After once more passing several rivers in presence of the French army, and executing one of the most skilful and daring marches he had ever performed, the latter appeared before the entrenched camp at Turin, which place the French were now besieging with an army eighty thousand strong.
A series of special improvement acts were passed, authorizing companies to execute or advance money for executing improvements in land.
After executing a great circular sweep through Prigord, Limousin and Berry, he was returning to Bordeaux laden with plunder, when he was intercepted by the king of France near Poitiers.
But while the duke was executing useless marches across France, the outlying lands of Aquitaine were falling away, one after the other, to the enemy.
They announced their intention of executing all traitors, seizing the person of the king, and setting Up a new government for the realm.
They fought long and bitterly, nor was this to be marvelled at, for Henry had a custom of executing as traitors all who withstood him, and those who had once defied him did well to fight to the last gasp, in order to avoid the block or the halter.
Herod was cited in the name of Hyrcanus to appear before the Sanhedrin, whose prerogative he had usurped in executing Hezekiah.
In theory these successive approximations may be carried as far as we please, but in practice the labour of executing each approximation is so great that we are obliged to stop when the solution is so near the truth that the outstanding error is less than that of the best observations.
A still more important expedition was that of Lieutenant Hourst, who, starting from Timbuktu in January 1896, navigated the Niger from that point to its mouth, executing a careful survey of the river and the various obstructions to navigation.
In art the Corybantes appear, usually not more than two or three in number, fully armed and executing their orgiastic dance in the presence of the Great Mother, her lions and Attis.
Why else would they want Jenn, if not because they'd seen her name written as the mate of the one creature who could prevent them from executing goals as mysterious as those of the Watchers?
Craig suggest that repetition of ' A ' finger in executing E major arpeggio is responsible for slowing the tempo of this section.
For instance, a newline will terminate the search and accept the line, thereby executing the command from the history list.
Assent is given by executing the deed or providing the trustee with a witnessed written assent.
On most other systems, they are killed without executing try... finally clauses or executing object destructors.
The sounds of a computer executing these machine operations is a completely idiomatic digital sound.
If the command is fol- lowed by digits, executing universal-argument again ends the numeric argument, but is otherwise ignored.
We start out by recording and executing simple macros.
Instead, everyone wants to start executing immediately and then redo all the work later to get it right.
Officers are continuing to search a number of premises and are currently executing search warrants, a spokesman for Scotland Yard said.
Determining the Context As mentioned above, you can determine the context of the currently executing subroutine in Perl with wantarray.
Seeing Merry always makes me feel more urgent about planning and executing our home ed.
The sacred college had grown especially worldly and troublesome since the time of Sixtus IV., and Leo took advantage of a plot of several of its members to poison him, not only to inflict exemplary punishments by executing one and imprisoning several others, but also to make a radical change in the college.
Hitherto he had been scrupulously impartial in raising the best men to the judicial bench, including the illustrious Matthew Hale, but he now appointed compliant judges, and, alluding to Magna Carta in terms impossible to transcribe for modern readers, declared that" it should not control his actions which he knew were for the safety of the Commonwealth."The country was now divided into twelve districts each governed by a major-general, to whom was entrusted the duty of maintaining order, stamping out disaffection and plots, and executing the laws relating to public morals.
The action of the council of Constance in renewing the condemnation of the doctrines of Wycliffe pronounced at Rome in 1413, and in condemning and executing John Huss and Jerome of Prague, is dealt with elsewhere (see Wycliffe; Huss; Jerome Of Prague).
It was indeed by no means impossible that Jerusalem might have been altogether undone by the famine caused by the locusts; and so the conception of these visitants as the destroying army, executing Yahweh's final judgment, is really much more natural than appears to us at first sight, and does not need to be explained away by allegory.
A domestic rebellion (1387-1395) prevented him at the outset from executing his design till 1396, and if the hopes of Christendom were shattered at Nicopolis, the failure was due to no fault of his, but to the haughty insubordination of the feudal levies.
Maximilian became prominent in 1607 by executing an imperial mandate against the free city of DonauwOrth, where a religious riot had taken place, and afterwards treating it as his own.
Listening to Bilibin he was already imagining how on reaching the army he would give an opinion at the war council which would be the only one that could save the army, and how he alone would be entrusted with the executing of the plan.
So said the mothers as they watched their young people executing their newly learned steps, and so said the youths and maidens themselves as they danced till they were ready to drop, and so said the grown-up young men and women who came to these balls with an air of condescension and found them most enjoyable.
Noiselessly, skillfully stepping with his little feet in low shoes, Iogel flew first across the hall with Natasha, who, though shy, went on carefully executing her steps.
He won overwhelming victories over superior forces with his ragtag army, marching over huge areas of the country executing his elaborate tactics.
A proxy shall be in writing, signed by an Association member and revocable at the pleasure of the member executing it.
The internal cut and paste is used when executing copy and move drawing commands and also cut and copy commands from the edit menu.
Her company is the alternative for modern lifestyle and the source for "on time" and "on budget" efficiency when executing a renovation and remodeling project.
Both slings and carriers can become expensive, depending on the brand chosen, but they also offer parents a hands-free method of carrying their infant around the house while executing tasks and chores.
Some people have no problem hearing things and executing them, while others need to apply the information so they can see how they are applicable to their life.
Saving money with wedding programs made by hand may be an appealing idea for budget-conscious couples, but remember to consider the time you will need to invest in planning and executing your design.
A smooth layer of fondant is essential to executing the design of the wedding cake.
You will undoubtedly find an abundance of acceptable pictures that will assist you in planning and executing your next project.
The whole process of pulling pranks can be fun, from the planning stage to getting the materials together and executing it.
A video on YouTube shows the game in action, where you are rewarded for sparing lives rather than randomly executing everyone in sight.
They are acquisition of basic motor skills, social development by the child's interaction with coaches and teammates, and cognitive development in understanding and following instructions and executing strategy and tactics.
Contestants must be a triple threat, able to carry a tune while executing killer moves and capturing America's heart with their charisma and stage presence.
Most recently, Thrill the World hit a record number of over 22,000 dancers in multiple countries simultaneously executing the dance steps to Thriller, simulating the famous choreography.
Consider filming yourself executing some basic moves, or just simply typing out those terms you have either learned or taught in the studio.
Executing these two steps together is the essence of the difficulty of the moonwalk.
Try it out after you've had a little practice reading and executing choreography off of such a page of instructions.
By planning and executing the event, a fundraising individual acts as the medium for the two to come together.
When developing and executing a fundraising event you must consider what will motivate your intended audience to participate.
In addition, a video offers the benefit of listening to an instructor's expert advice while executing the pose, similar to being right in the yoga studio.
Resident Shield scans every file opened, executed, or saved and prevents the opening or executing of infected files.
It isn't as lightweight as the Genesis, a good thing because at this level of cheering, its wearers will be executing more complicated tumbling and stunt moves.
Because this is a diet based on food lists, one of the diet books will be crucial to planning and executing the diet properly.
When executing dumbbell exercises with your back in full use, it is important to properly stretch and warm up first.
Just remember to watch your form when executing them.
This show follows a variety of wedding planners across the country as they spend countless hours preparing and executing wedding plans.
Arranging and executing a publicity photo shoot for a hip-hop star, to teach the importance of career goals and a work ethic.
It's a bigger, more important responsibility than simply developing and executing lead generation campaigns, designing web pages and creating PowerPoint presentations.
It includes 102 marketing strategies, with step-by-step guidance for properly executing each marketing strategy or tactic.
However, to have conceived the idea of executing a work on so grand a scale as this - it forms three folio volumes, and contains one hundred and eighty-five coloured and one hundred and forty-eight uncoloured plates, with references to upwards of two thousand four hundred generic names - was in itself a mark of genius, and it was brought to a successful conclusion in 1849.
A valuable controversy followed on the question of executing heretics, in which Beza (for), Mino Celsi (against), and several caustic anonymous writers (especially Castellio) took part.