Excuse Sentence Examples
Rather, he was looking for an excuse not to believe them.
If you'll excuse us.
Though she came upon the count in his dressing gown every day, he invariably became confused and begged her to excuse his costume.
Excuse me for saying so, but you have no sense about women.
I have no excuse for my rudeness.
His excuse for going to Columbia had been that they needed money.
I jump at any excuse to visit the high country.
I beg you to excuse me...
I have no excuse.
You were an excuse for him to do what he did.
AdvertisementWould you believe he covers up with the excuse that he's saving himself for one special girl?
I'm not sure how betraying everything your husband stood for would excuse anything you did.
She wasn't going to give him an excuse to attack her.
If you're gonna discuss the Dawkins, I'd best excuse myself.
Excuse me, I'm new in town and I wonder if you could help me out?
AdvertisementHe'd use that for an excuse and … Alex rolled his eyes and interrupted.
Sarah made an excuse of putting Tammy down for a nap and left them alone.
Please excuse me, ikir.
What Howard provided was an excuse.
I was using my mother as an excuse.
AdvertisementI was right but at least they had an excuse.
He'd used the excuse of HQ moving to Miami a year before to upgrade everything in the room.
She would make Dean promise not to divulge his occupation, giving some weak excuse neither believed.
If I seem to boast more than is becoming, my excuse is that I brag for humanity rather than for myself; and my shortcomings and inconsistencies do not affect the truth of my statement.
Many a traveller came out of his way to see me and the inside of my house, and, as an excuse for calling, asked for a glass of water.
AdvertisementApparently he was set on provoking a refusal, and thus getting an excuse for seizing the person of the king.
Some excuse must be found for getting rid of the queen and her friends, and the doubtful legitimacy of the Lancastrian claim to the crown afforded such an excuse.
Another device of Edward for filling his exchequer was a very stringent enforcement of justice; small infractions of the laws being made the excuse for exorbitant fines.
But an impatient outburst of the insurgents and a foolish attempt to seize hull and Scarborough gave Henry an excuse for repudiating the concessions made in his name.
When they refused to accept the excuse, he dissolved parliament, but not before a tumult took place in the House, and the speaker was forcibly held down in his chair whilst resolutions hostile to the government were put to the vote.
As they did not understand the aims of the French Revolutionists, they were unable to make that excuse for even so much of their conduct as admits of excuse.
The invasion of Syria by Mehemet Ali in 1831 caused Beshir to desert Abdallah and throw in his lot with Ibrahim Pasha; but he was not cordially followed by the Druses in general, and had good excuse for revolt in 1839, and intrigue with the British admiral in 1840.
Hubbard of the United States gunboat " Nashville " at Colon forbade the transportation of Colombian troops across the Isthmus, and landed 42 marines to prevent the occupation of Colon by the Colombian force; the diplomatic excuse for his action was that by the treaty of 1846 the United States had promised to keep the Isthmus open, and that a civil war would have closed it.
And though reflection upon conduct may lead us to suppose that our past acts were determined, that desire of pleasure or the wish to avoid pain controlled our wills, the unphilosophical observer interprets, in offenders against morality, such arguments as a mere excuse.
Calvin at first declined, alleging as an excuse his need of securing more time for personal improvement, but ultimately, believing that he was divinely called to this task and that "God had stretched forth His hand upon me from on high to arrest me," he consented to remain at Geneva.
But, contrary to all constitutional requirements, three full months were allowed to pass before Venizelos was summoned to resume office, the King's illness being made an excuse.
The Irish Education Act of 1892 provided that the parents of children of not less than 6 nor more than 14 years of age should cause them to attend school in the absence of reasonable excuse on at least 150 days in the year in municipal boroughs and in towns or townships under commissioners; and provisions were made for the partial or total abolition of fees in specified circumstances, for a parliamentary school grant in lieu of abolished school fees, and for the augmentation of the salaries of the national teachers.
Monmouth's enterprise made no stir, but gave an excuse for disarming the Protestant militia.
The declaration of Pilnitz, which was but an excuse for non-interference on the part of the emperor and the king of Prussia, interested in the prolongation of these internal troubles, was put forward by them as an Pilnitz.
In the south, the companions of Jehu and of the Sun inaugurated a White Terror, which had not even the apparent excuse of the public safety or of exasperated patriotism.
He pleaded his age, now close upon seventy years, his infirm health, and the obstacles to travel caused by quarantine regulations; but the pope was sternly indignant at what he held to be his ingratitude and insubordination, and no excuse was admitted.
At the beginning of the i9th century they had fallen into such a state of weakness that Napoleon could, with some considerable measure of excuse, look upon their country as a species of no-mans-land into which his troops had only to march on.
In many places the movement was simply an excuse for a revival of private wars between wealthy noble families.
Even this excuse was soon dropped, and by January and February 1808 the French Invasion had become clearly revealed as one of conquest.
At last a dispute in regard to the officering of the artillery gave the king an honorable excuse for resigning a throne on which both he and his wife had been treated with the utmost insolence.
Disturbances occurred at Tarsus; Armenians who did not espouse 'the " national " cause were murdered; the life of the patriarch was threatened; and a report was circulated that the British ambassador wished some Armenians killed to give him an excuse for bringing the fleet to Constantinople.
The cry of " British Hamilton " had no good excuse whatever.
In 292, Lysimachus declared war against them, alleging as an excuse that they had rendered assistance to certain barbarous Macedonian tribes.
In England a parish-ale or feast was always held after the perambulation, which assured its popularity, and in Henry VIII.'s reign the occasion had become an excuse for so much revelry that it attracted the condemnation of a preacher who declared "these solemne and accustomable processions and supplications be nowe growen into a right foule and detestable abuse."
Molly accepted our excuse we were looking for someone without explanation as perused our first campground, unsuccessfully.
We'd better watch our step and not give him any excuse to harass us further.
The brothers on the Council were looking for any excuse to expel or kill him, and Andre was his only advocate.
He'd use that for an excuse and … Alex rolled his eyes and interrupted.
Pretending she didn't see him, she tried to scramble quickly into the wagon so that he wouldn't have an excuse to touch her.
It has sunk into an empty parade; it is a mere affectation of humility, an apology and excuse for something better.
Friday night is 70s and 80s night, and Cambridge people need as little excuse as anyone to don a kinky Afro and flares.
Do you really think a mere ruptured aortic aneurysm is a good enough excuse to endanger Freedom?
His excuse is that Mother Nature launched an unprovoked assault on Birmingham.
Having a reasonable time slot gives the parents an excuse to sit down and have calming down time before their child's bedtime!
We have an excuse to wear feather boas all weekend then.
Mr Justice David Steel, hearing the case at first instance, dismissed this excuse as " transparently bogus " .
Other news For all you budding botanists out there (excuse the pun ), the Garden Picture Library might be for you.
If you're paying mega bucks for a large wide screen TV, there's really no excuse.
Basically the advice is say ' excuse me ' for mouth burbs, ignore bottom burps.
There is no excuse not to have an up-to-date virus checker.
The last excuse for the occupation was that at least it prevented civil war, but this it very visibly is not doing.
Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence.
If you need to overtake another cyclist, give a gentle ring on your bell or say ' Excuse me ' .
Detective Sergeant Pete Hill from Nuneaton CID said, " This was a totally despicable act for which there can be no excuse.
No more excuse for Prescott to let his crony corporate windfarm developers impose their brutal monstrosities upon local communities... .
Clinging confusedly to this imposition on the majority is institutional and personal egotism for which there is no decent excuse.
But after last night's escapade we both have an excuse if you fall asleep.
Again he paused, and I could see that he was trying to invent an excuse.
I suddenly realize what I've done and mumbling some excuse, I stumble outside.
I was out alone on another " cannon test ", which was the usual thinly veiled excuse to look for trouble.
The police then would find the excuse to charge the demo " .
And just in case you think that's a thoroughly lame excuse, we're not talking about the Queen Mother.
Any decision to accept reasonable excuse will be based on all the circumstances of your individual case.
Claims that the icy pitch affected Arbroath more than the home side seemed a fairly feeble excuse.
It is an offense to have an article with a blade or point in a public place without good reason or lawful excuse.
For hourly employees address three basic medicare-active membersthat excuse it is blue cross blue shield of north carolina health insurance quote the.
The Irish famine of 1845 gave him the excuse for which he was looking.
I've been quite busy of late and that is my somewhat flimsy excuse for the lack of updates.
The excuse for such civic frivolity is the monarch's birthday.
Excuse me, are you any relation to the Mrs greasy who runs a cafe in south London?
High leylandii hedges down both sides of the property was my excuse, yes I know that's weird!
Excuse me... Some of these remarks may be felt by colleagues to be almost heretical, and possibly damaging to The Cause.
Now there's no excuse for not knowing how to write your name in Egyptian hieroglyphics.
There is no excuse for people leaving school illiterate.
I hope you will excuse me for doing what is only my duty, although it may appear impertinent.
Whatever the case may be, there is no excuse for lazy journalism.
There should then be no excuse for the jobholder to feel inhibited about raising a matter of concern.
I don't think there was any particular reason to get quite so narked and ratty at the poor person offering up an excuse.
As in the past, a fervent belief in supernatural nirvana is a good excuse to avoid doing anything practical about mundane earthly problems.
If I have n't pimped them enough already, this should be a good excuse to at least give them a try!
The excuse from NTL is " lightning strikes on head end " which sounds quite plausible.
Still, the EPR's appearance has given the government an excuse to unleash tremendous repression.
A rather sad excuse for a bus took us to the fridge factory.
What better excuse to invest in a new pair of strappy sandals now your feet are looking primed to perfection.
Excuse my pencil scrawl but I write whilst laid in bed.
Shannon Elizabeth it remains a be the excuse.
It is unlawful to carry a loaded shotgun in a public place without reasonable excuse.
In Scotland, it is also an offense to sell a self-locking snare, or to possess one without reasonable excuse.
So what excuse do " professional " web developers have for producing tat?
Religion, Politics or Sport are all often the excuse for mindless thugs to use violence.
Of course, it's really just an excuse to let you trot around various time zones hunting down monkeys.
Some miners used this as an excuse for smuggling contraband tobacco underground.
An excuse relating to heavy traffic is not normally accepted.
That the Japanese continue their sickening trade under the excuse it's all scientific research is just two-faced lies.
There is a somewhat unseemly haste in the way he takes up her refrain to excuse his delayed recognition of his errors.
Excuse me; if you don't understand the vernacular, let me translate.
His excuse s the popes refusal to dismiss his foreign levies (September 7).
From his Stoic teachers he learned to work hard, to deny himself, to avoid listening to slander, to endure misfortunes, never to deviate from his purpose, to be grave without affectation, delicate in correcting others, "not frequently to say to any one, nor to write in a letter, that I have no leisure," nor to excuse the neglect of duties by alleging urgent occupations.
This theory of charging what the traffic will bear is an unpopular one, because it has been misapplied by railway managers and made an excuse for charging what the traffic will not bear.
It is perfectly true that in several or even in many instances he acknowledges and deplores the poverty of his information, but this does not excuse him for making assertions (and such assertions are not unfrequent) based on evidence that is either wholly untrustworthy or needs further inquiry before it can be accepted (Ibis, 1860, pp. 331-335).
Mingled with the religiosity of his nature there was much obstinacy and self-seeking; and when Kerbogha was finally repelled, he began to dispute the possession of Antioch with Bohemund, pleading in excuse his oath to Alexius.
In spite of the necessary allusions to the ominous theme of the curse, which would give any less great composer ample excuse for succumbing to the listener's sense of impending doom, Wagner's music speaks to us through the child-minds of the Rhine-daughters and terrifies us with the ruthless calm of Nature.
The chief excuse for doubting whether Wagner's last work is really his greatest is that most of its dramatic subtleties are beyond musical expression, since they do not lead to definite conflicts and blendings of emotion.
Nor, when the life and works are examined is the neglect without excuse.
But it is not impertinent, and is at the same time an excuse for what has been already said, to repeat that Villehardouin's book, brief as it is, is in reality one of the capital books of literature, not merely for its merit, but because it is the most authentic and the most striking embodiment in contemporary literature of the sentiments which determined the action of a great and important period of history.
The Texans had a good excuse for shooting him, as he conducted war in a ferocious way.
Years afterwards, he pretended that he had only signed the "devise" as a witness, but in his apology to Queen Mary he did not venture to allege so flimsy an excuse; he preferred to lay stress on the extent to which he succeeded in shifting the responsibility on to the shoulders of his brother-in-law, Sir John Cheke, and other friends, and on his intrigues to frustrate the queen to whom he had sworn allegiance.
There was at that time on the part of the rulers of the church no wish for such comprehension, and their object in the negotiations that took place was to excuse the breach of faith which their rejection of all reasonable methods of concession involved.
About this time the duplicity of Tissapherneswho having again and again promised a Phoenician fleet and having actually brought it to the Aegean finally dismissed it on the excuse of trouble in the Levant - and the vigorous honesty of Pharnabazus definitely transferred the Peloponnesian forces to the north-west coast of Asia Minor and the Hellespont.
The history of the events that led up to the battle of Navarino and the liberation of Greece is told elsewhere (see NAVARINO and GREEK INDEPENDENCE, WAR OF); the withdrawal of the Egyptians from the Morea was ultimately due to the action of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, who early in August 1828 appeared before Alexandria and induced the pasha, by no means sorry to have a reasonable excuse, by a threat of bombardment, to sign a convention undertaking to recall Ibrahim and his army.
No person shall, without lawful authority, collect, record, publish or communicate, or attempt to elicit, any information with respect to the movement, numbers, description, condition or disposition of any of the forces, ships, or aircraft of His Majesty or any of His Majesty's allies, or with respect to the plans or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct, of any operations by any such forces, ships, or aircraft, or with respect to the supply, description, condition, transport or manufacture, or storage, or place or intended place of manufacture or storage of war material, or with respect to any works or measures undertaken for or connected with, or intended for the fortification or defence of any place, or any information of such nature as is calculated to be or might be directly or indirectly useful to the enemy, and if any person contravenes the provisions of this regulation, or without lawful authority or excuse has in his possession any document containing any such information as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations...
The French courts made the consequent bankruptcy proceedings the excuse for a general inquiry into the Society's constitution, and ended by declaring its existence illegal in France, on the ground that its members were pledged to absolute obedience to a foreigner in Rome.
Therefore I would advise you, as you tender your life, to devise some excuse to shift of your attendance of this Parliament, for God and man hath concurred to punish the wickedness of this time.
Oldenburg must have replied to this by an offer to apply to the Society to excuse Newton the weekly payments, as in a letter of Newton's to Oldenburg, dated the 23rd of June 1673, he says, " For your proffer about my quarterly payments, I thank you, but I would not have you trouble yourself to get them excused, if you have not done it already."
Ok, back to spines, excuse the pun..........
Leaving during a game (without a good excuse) Racist comments - Racism will not be tolerated and will be punished harshly.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some imaginary pjamas to unbutton.
Three years ago, the shock of 9/11 provided a ready-made excuse to close down debate.
It is an offense, without reasonable excuse, not to comply with the terms of the Restoration Order.
The tardy introduction of representative democracy there by Britain provided an excuse for the dismantling of much of what was formerly in place.
Still, the EPR 's appearance has given the government an excuse to unleash tremendous repression.
Use this as an excuse to get rid of any old junk.
Samizdat writers have the excuse of a paper shortage for omitting paragraph spacing.
They excuse themselves to work on the soapbox racers.
There is certainly no excuse for the brutal suppression of the Albanian revolt that inevitably occurred.
Of course, it 's really just an excuse to let you trot around various time zones hunting down monkeys.
Gamblers to almost card tricks barry be the excuse.
The same old faces trot out the same excuses but there is no excuse for not being aware of all the facts.
Late twentieth centurythe its roots in a great excuse will love these.
Excuse me; if you do n't understand the vernacular, let me translate.
There is no excuse to fell native trees in a wildwood remnant.
They are nothing but an excuse to erode our democratic rights and hard won liberties.
To make her excuse sound better, Alexandra used a word with a positive connotation.
You will receive a censure if you miss practice without a written excuse.
Lori felt hurt and then embarrassed when she heard that the excuse for declining her invite was meant to be tongue in cheek.
Sometimes, perfectionism is just an excuse to delay a product's release and it's a seductive one, because fixing perceived or real problems feels like an essential task.
With so many free sources of shopping advice to peruse, there's really no excuse for being uninformed about any purchase.
This should not be an excuse for pet owners to change the litter less frequently, but they should be prepared for the hefty feat of changing a larger-sized litter box.
On one side, people use it as an excuse to treat others with disrespect, putting their individual freedom above that of others.
The industry is working hard to keep you from having any excuse not to invest in this eco-friendly step to save power and cash.
Of course, one very reasonable excuse is that the cost of the purchase and installation can be very steep.
On this spooky day, you have an excuse to look a little vampy.
Some eBay sellers use their shipping costs as an excuse to tack on extra charges.
The Creating Keepsakes conventions give you an excuse to pull out the scrapbooking supplies, even if they haven't seen the light of day for a while.
However, if alcohol is a de-stressor because it calms you, there's no harm in having a couple of drinks so long as you drink responsibly and don't use the alcohol as an excuse to let your anger or stress out of control.
Make up any excuse you want (work projects to complete, the plumber is coming, whatever) and then leave.
If you are at work, you can excuse yourself by saying that you need to take a look at your notes, or that you need to use the restroom.
Have something in mind that you need to do, and then excuse yourself.
Politely excuse yourself from the event and say your goodbyes.
I said he could go for it, especially around Christmas, and use the cliché but easy, "mistletoe" excuse to see if there's sparks beyond friendship.
But don't put up with cattiness either, because insecurity is no excuse for being a "Heather."
While teens might not always have it easy, it should not be used as an excuse for bad behavior.
No matter what, you really have no excuse not to integrate pomegranates into your diet!
Meal plans also give you an excuse to check out new recipes, try new foods, and stick to the diet you choose in the most convenient way possible.
As any sports enthusiast will note, getting married is not an excuse to ignore their favorite pastime.
Just because the weather is changing is September does not excuse you from following guidelines regarding formal and informal dress at a wedding.
If you find someone simply waiting for an excuse to drink, however trivial or frivolous it may seem to others, it is time to start the alarm bells ringing.
Drinking can serve as a distraction or even an excuse.
In addition, it gives teens an acceptable excuse to use with their peers as a refusal skill when offered drugs or alcohol - "No thanks, my parents test me."
You may notice that your loved one will excuse him/herself to use the restroom after eating.
Most people would agree that compulsive lying that hurts other people is not something that they should be doing, but they may be more likely to excuse habitual lying in themselves if they feel they have a good reason for doing so.
Any details left unaddressed will provide a convenient excuse for the alcoholic and addict, especially if he feels ambivalent about seeking help.
If you love baking but aren't head over heels with the idea of Valentine's Day and all that it stands for, use the holiday as an excuse to break the mold.
On the bright side, Lindsay Lohan now has a better excuse for showing up late for shoots and all those bleary-eyed photos than she partied too hard the night before.
The actor was reportedly banned from all Nobu restaurants for a couple of reasons, not least being his lame excuse for a tip.
The pair claimed that their relationship fell victim to the favorite excuse of Hollywood couples - "schedule conflicts."
Rumors flew about Kate having an affair with her bodyguard (still not sure why she needs one of those) and Jon giving the old "…she was just a friend" excuse when pics were snapped of him with a young lass in his car.
Not to think the worst, but usually when reps use the good old "undisclosed location" excuse, is that not usually code for rehab?
Family parties for an older relative are a great excuse for a child to wear a vest and tie.
Pretend play days and dress-up occasions like Halloween are the perfect excuse to trot out a My Little Pony costume.
Is someone really allergic to dogs, or is that person using allergies as an excuse to avoid your pets.
That said, sometimes people will use allergies as an excuse not to be around a dog because they are afraid or uncomfortable with it for some other reason.
To them, the allergy excuse seems like a more polite way to deal with the situation rather than admitting they simply don't want to be around the animal.
The dog looks into the camera and with thinly veiled contempt says, "I'm a dog, what's your excuse?"
Once your dog gets the hang of it, you can add distractions that will give you an excuse to use the heel command to redirect your dog's wandering attention back to you.
It is also a great excuse to add some fresh flavors to your sauces, meats and other dishes.
Today, there's no excuse for not being properly outfitted before you hit the sun!
Goth can have a bad reputation because some of its adherents have used it as an excuse for violence, but true Goths know the difference between embracing the dark for its glamour and sensuality versus acting on violent impulses.
If you've been thinking you'd like to learn to sew and just haven't gotten around to signing up for a class, your need for cute rompers is just the right excuse.
With wider bands (sometimes five-row closures), padding and wire at the bottoms of the cups for uplifting and shaping, plus anti-slip technology, there's no excuse not to have a strapless in your lingerie wardrobe.
Rainy skies are no excuse for looking frumpy.
If you've procrastinated about taking dance because you didn't have the appropriate dancewear, you don't have that excuse anymore.
With the availability of plus size beachwear at your local mall or online, there's no excuse for put off buying a swimsuit.
Saying "I'm not good with computers" is no excuse.
While this might look good initially, it can often be an excuse to fill the void that exists in the once-habitual routine of going to work, coming home, and socializing when possible.
Be sure to purchase glasses with both UVA and UVB protection, and don't use the glasses as an excuse not to wear sunscreen, too.
There's really no excuse for a game this sub-par.
Given what an outstanding series the Burnout has been, there's just no excuse for EA to push this garbage on us.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some more "Oops...
Elebits. More than just a game, it's the greatest excuse to make a mess of your room (and house, bathroom, kitchen, neighborhood, etc.) and not clean up after yourself.
Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go play through the game one more time.
With so many free games to enjoy online, you will never have an excuse to be bored again!
They may use any excuse to get any game they want or play any game at any time.
You find yourself stranded on some foreign planet… stop me if you've heard this one before… and they've found yet another lame excuse to have all of the abilities Ms. Aran learned in the last game sucked away through mysterious forces.
Usually, the stories in these kinds of games are lackluster, generated only for the excuse to make a game.
This movie was just an excuse to throw a rave with co-eds who wander off a lot to have sex and then get killed by zombies.
If you can't go without reading the paper, there's no excuse to miss it anymore.
Second, schools must have firm policies on the consequences for truancy, and all students should be aware of the sanctions that will be imposed if they are absent without an excuse.
Asthma should not be used as an excuse to avoid exercise.
However, don't expect the printed page to excuse you from the necessity of eventually memorizing the dance routine; it should just be used as a tool for rehearsal, as you get the muscle memory into your feet and body.
If however, you seek an excuse to get rid of your bedroom television and agree it doesn't belong there, then by all means relegate it to another room.
Try to take photos before you actually start dancing, and don't be afraid to excuse yourself to check your hair if you are concerned that the style may be slipping.
Registration is very easy, and since most sites are fee, there really is no excuse not to join.
Field trips are more than just an excuse to go out and have fun.
While Britney enjoyed flaunting her voluptuous pregnant form, she was also pleased to have an excuse to relax her normally strict dietary regimen.
This is one time you'll have the perfect excuse not to lift boxes or do any hard labor during a move.
That may be true, but this doesn't mean you have an excuse to use poor quality photos for your listings.
Using wickless candles gives you a great excuse to pick up some of the lovely candle warmer options, adding to the atmosphere and design of a room.
Therefore, "Christmas in July" is mostly used as an excuse to justify sales, discounts, and special promotions.
Halloween gives a pregnant woman the perfect excuse to dress as a pregnant nun, a pregnant prom queen, or the pregnant wife of Frankenstein.
Single parent dating challenges are an easy excuse to completely just avoid dating.
Or get silly and ask them to invent a breakfast cereal, share their favorite excuse for being late to work, or make up a poem for you.
Therefore, to work around the restriction and not damage your relationship he has come up with a good excuse.
Know the Details-Because most teens now have access to cell phones, there isn't any excuse for not knowing where your teen will be at all times.
Well the texts stopped after two weeks as my excuse to not hang was always I have school/homework.
While you defend him and blame the other woman for the pregnancy, that doesn't excuse him from his responsibility as a father regardless of how the pregnancy came about.
Then when you emailed him later, calling him indirectly out on his lack of attention on you, he offered up a flimsy excuse for his lack of attention.
His excuse is that he doesn't want to stay in Germany permanently, same thing with South Africa.
This man has every excuse in the book for not committing.
The second option is to tell your boyfriend that there is no excuse for his behaviors that night.
His excuse is he has responsibilities like a daughter, a career, etc. And my reply is, Why didn't he just say that he couldn't make it?
Your boyfriend tells you he is going somewhere, when you ask if you can come along he makes up an excuse for why you can't.
A common excuse cover used by cheaters is that they are working overtime.
Valentine's Day poems are a great excuse to pamper your love with emotional declarations (no matter how sappy they might seem on other days) so take advantage of it.
Valentine's Day is a great excuse to give yourself a treat.
Valentine's Day is a great excuse to show someone how much you love them.
Excuse me, would you mind if I so rudely imposed myself upon you?
These kinds of cards are usually more suggestive, more direct - but that doesn't give you the excuse to be tawdry or tasteless (unless you are sure your intended recipient will take it in the right tone).
Before accusing a spouse of cheating, make sure you have rock-solid evidence; otherwise you may hear a lie, another excuse, or he or she may try to confuse you.
For example, you're nervous about flirting with a girl or a boy and you ask him or her to please excuse you, it's your first time.
Cheating is an especially hurtful way to end a relationship, as many people will cheat as an excuse to move on, rather than confronting the problems in the relationship and ending it first.
While many people think that this seems to simply be an excuse to have lots of sexual partners, "poly" people are quick to point out that the root of polyamory is amor, which means "love."
Revenue sharing offers can be legitimate, but many are just an excuse to take free work from unsuspecting writers.
Being technologically proficient is no excuse for denying your feminine right to loud pink colors.
It's Springtime 2006, and in the world of women's shoes, the changing season is the perfect excuse to get shopping.
What better excuse do you need to buy yourself some new clothing, shoes and accessories?
Aldo also offers free shipping if your website order totals more than $100, giving you a great excuse to buy more than one pair of shoes!
Her sister Joanie's wedding gave her the needed excuse to fly home.
If you're a loyal fan of the show, you'd probably love an excuse to watch some of your favorite past episodes again.
Naturally, getting a lower back tat requires some help to apply and re-moisten, hence the excuse to combine the process with a party of friends.
A Las Vegas wedding provides a great excuse for having a vacation in which the whole family participates.
If you've never been to Boston, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans, or New York City, this might be a great excuse to visit somewhere new.
Now that the price of radio technology has caught up with public demand, there's no excuse not to consider atomic wall clocks.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for filing papers incorrectly or paying franchise taxes late.
Spring cleaning is often the best excuse for hiring a professional to deep clean the carpets, the tile and the grout.
Again, your child's fickle nature can be a good excuse for both of you to try new things.
Fall crafts for kids are a wonderful way to bring the season indoors and a great excuse to get outside and collect some natural materials that can be used in your crafts.
These steps rule out any excuse you might have to sabotage your diet.
This diet is designed to fit a hectic schedule so if you're ready to lose weight, don't let limited time or space the excuse that stops you.
These guidelines offer a broad variety of wholesome and delicious foods, which leaves no excuse not to follow them.
All of these factors may lead to weight gain, but you should never use them as an excuse for an unhealthy weight.
Finally, if a bowl of oatmeal isn't appealing, no matter what is added, that's no excuse to miss out on oatmeal's health benefits.
Do not use music as an excuse to push your body beyond its limitations.
You can even make a point to use a restroom on another floor for an excuse to take the stairs.
Having someone wait for you at the park makes it that much harder to fudge an excuse not to hit the trail that day.
One common excuse for not exercising is not enough time.
It will be harder to come up with an excuse for not exercising when you have the equipment in your home.
Pardonnez-moi (pronounced par donn ay mwah) means excuse me.
And if you've exercised your way to a trim belly or six-pack abs, it's a nice excuse to show off.
It's easy to select the wrong size, so use your sports bra purchase as an excuse to go and be measured professionally.
It's a great excuse to stock up on Spanx!
Additionally, because some of these camis are relatively inexpensive (like the one from Macy's), there's really no excuse not to buy one!
There's no excuse not to have at least a few of these in your drawer.
Everyone is home and the cold weather is a great excuse to lounge about and enjoy each other in the morning.
If the washing machine or the dryer just keeps eating your undies, you have a definite excuse to go out shopping for more underpants.
However, it may just give you the perfect excuse to snuggle up against that special someone.
A shrinking cup size is no excuse to forego the gym in lieu of a frozen coffee drink with whipped cream.
They aren't merely famous, they are world-renowned, and they provide the perfect excuse for trying out German sleepwear.
You'll generally have to excuse yourself to change into your raunchy lingerie.
These sites offer you Phantom lyrics, so there is no excuse for flubbing the words!
It was fueled by his first single "Run It" and followed by a second top 10 hit "Yo (Excuse Me Miss)."
It's not just another excuse for you to throw a crazy party.
You may even just want an excuse to invite all your gal pals over.
A coed beach party is the perfect way to celebrate the beginning of summer, a July 4th party, a birthday celebration, and any other excuse to just have fun!
The celebration of a young girl's bat mitzvah has become not only an important religious milestone in her life, but also a good excuse to throw a really fun party for family and friends.
Tea party ideas can be traditional in nature, or just a good excuse to gather your friends together for some quality time and good tea.
The party planner creates an excuse to send him away for a few hours and when he returns, guests wait to jump out and yell, "Surprise!"
You may choose to create a smaller event, such as having dinner with a few friends, as an excuse for traveling to the party venue.
An excuse for a party is another reason to have more fun, and planning a celebration for seniors has never been easier!
Communication - Don't let your teen's friends use the occasion of a birthday party as an excuse to sneak off to other, more tempting venues.
Some games break the ice and give people an excuse to talk to other workers they don't know very well.
Time travel was an excuse to get an attractive cast into historical garb and shred story continuity.
He moonlights as the school librarian to give himself a good excuse to be on hand.
Tory Foster - The President's Aide was cutthroat and reveled in being a Cylon as an excuse for her bad behavior.
There is really no excuse not to perform regular skin checks; after all, it only takes a few moments.
Its light lavender scent doubles as an anti-stress aromatherapy treatment, and the 10 to 15 minute recommended drying time will give you an excuse to relax and unwind.
She stammered, trying to think of an excuse why she couldn't go.
Was she always misinterpreting his intent, or was he merely quick-witted enough to think of a good excuse on the spur of the moment?
In the meantime, she had to avoid Yancey while she thought up some excuse for leaving.
Since they were scheduled to be too late for supper that day, it was a good excuse to eat out together.
Excuse me for staring, but aren't you the young lady that had Ashley in a dither?
Loving him was no excuse, because even knowing he didn't love her, she still couldn't find the decency to leave.
Betsy's loving boss presented the most difficulty but she used the excuse her new husband was transferred to New Hampshire.
My wife thought he should go or Howie should simply kiss his mother's hand, give an excuse of pressing business, and come back east.
I used the break in at Ethel Reagan's place as an excuse to have Howie visit both Boston burglaries.
Molly seemed mollified, excuse the alliteration.
I was trying to come up with an exit excuse when a gong sounded from above.
He appeared to search for an excuse, anything not to be forced to go back.
My old man beat me like a tom-tom at an Indian dance and he didn't need that much of an excuse.
He even waved off the excuse of no bathing suits, telling them rentals were available.
He stopped Fred when the old man began to excuse himself.
Dean acknowledged he was still there and started to make an excuse for Cynthia's exit but Randy cut him short.
He set down his glass, and taking Cynthia's hand, retreated from the parlor to the kitchen, without even bothering to make an excuse.
Cynthia toted her camera equipment, in part at least as an excuse for the trip should they be questioned.
We'd better watch our step, and not give him any excuse to harass us further.
I thought a daughter was just an excuse to declare war on everyone.
She had no such experience or excuse.
Fred, who had tagged along, beat a hasty retreat downstairs, making the excuse of a trip to the library.
Plus, Dean thought, it would give the old man a good excuse and ample time for some world-class snooping.
He muttered some lame excuse, feigning making an error.
It was never clear if that was the case and the kid lucked out, but Dean used the excuse of mock consternation to excuse himself and walk uptown to telephone Cynthia.
Elisabeth, Sarah needs to see you, excuse us.
If you will excuse me, I'm needed in the kitchen.
Mrs. Thompson loves an excuse to eat cake.
Do you suppose he's really meeting someone, or is that just an excuse to beat it?
He hadn't mentioned anything earlier about cutting the evening short so I figured it was an excuse.
Now she would have no excuse.
It was the perfect excuse to teach Carmen how to handle a gun.
Excuse me, but isn't that your land and don't you know every inch of it?
Likely he was feeling emotional about it and using work as an excuse.
Did he actually think she would enjoy brute force, or was that merely an excuse?
Men use that excuse as a means of retaining complete control.
I've never been so angry with so little excuse.
What's your excuse - or is it simply your slow southern way that makes you drag your feet?
That so clear-headed a man could have credited the lies of Oates and the other perjurers is beyond belief; and the manner in which he excited baseless alarms, and encouraged fanatic cruelty, for nothing but party advantage, is without excuse.
In Mary's reign (1555) the licences were withdrawn, the queen or her advisers deeming the game an excuse for "unlawful assemblies, conventicles, seditions and conspiracies."
There is no excuse for short play on his part, and his bowls would be better off the green than obstructing the path of subsequent bowls.
In 1254 it received a charter from William II., count of Holland, similar to that of Haarlem, but in the 15th century duke Philip the Good of Burgundy made the impoverishment of the town, due to ill-government, the excuse for establishing an oligarchical regime, by charters of 1436 and 1437.