Excluding Sentence Examples
At the census of 1904 over 500,000 persons (excluding young children), or 37% of the population, were returned as engaged in agriculture.
And you're excluding the area on the other side of the Mississippi.
Excluding Coal for Fuel by Ocean Steamers.
It is larger than the continental United States excluding Alaska, and slightly larger than the great bulk of Europe lying east of France.
The portion of Asia west of British India, excluding Arabia and Syria, forms another extensive plateau covering an area as large as that of Tibet, though at a much lower altitude.
The total number of subscribers to the Post Office provincial exchanges on the 31st of March 1907 (excluding those in Glasgow and Brighton) was 10,010, and the number of telephones rented was 12,006.
Vulturidae, Old World vultures, excluding Australia.
The object of both was to collect all halakhoth having a practical importance, omitting all those which owing to circumstances no longer possess more than an academic interest, and excluding the discussions on them and all agada.
Excluding some varieties of domestic dogs, wolves are the largest members of the genus, and have a wide geographical range, extending over nearly the whole of Europe and Asia, and North America from Greenland to Mexico, but are not found in South America or Africa, where they are replaced by other members of the family.
The income of 60,741,418 in 1881 rose in 1899-1900 to 69,917,126; while the expenditure increased from 58,705,929 in 1881 to 69,708,706 in 1899-1900, an increase of 9,175,708 in income and 11,002,777 in expenditure, while there has been a still further increase since, the figures for 1905-1906 showing (excluding items which figure on both sides of the account) an increase of 8,766,995 in income and 5,434,560 in expenditure over 1899-1900.
AdvertisementHis office brought him in L20,000 a year,' and he was known to be making large profits by the sale of offices; he maintained his power by corruption and by jealously excluding from office men of high standing and ability.
The coast line, including larger bays, but excluding reefs, islets, keys and all minute sinuosities, is about 2500 m.
Craft gilds were already in existence, but these had no share in the government; for, though the Lubeck rule excluding craftsmen from the Rath did not obtain, they were excluded in practice.
Sibylline Oracles (excluding Christian portions).
It is now more usually given to polytheistic races, thus excluding Mahommedans.
AdvertisementExcluding coal lines and other lines not open to general traffic, the length of railways in private hands is only 382 m.
But now George discomfited all his enemies by suddenly excluding his own son from the throne in favour of Ladislaus, the eldest son of Casimir IV., thus skilfully enlisting Poland on his side.
In the most generally used sense, a plant is a member of the lower or vegetable order of living organized things; the term is also popularly applied to the smaller herbaceous plants, thus excluding trees and shrubs.
The Ismdo-Malayan sub-region includes the Indian and Malayan peninsulas, Cochin-China and southern China, the Malayan archipelago, and Philippines, with New Guinea and Polynesia, excluding the Sandwich Islands.
Antisthenes adopted this principle in its most literal sense, and proceeded to explain "knowledge" in the narrowest terms of practical action and decision, excluding from the conception everything except the problem of individual will realizing itself in the sphere of ordinary existence.
AdvertisementCoal trains, excluding the engine, weigh up to Boo or 900 tons, and travel at from 18 to 22 m.
He would submit all minor questions to the reason of the individual member, but he set certain limits to toleration, excluding "whatsoever is against the foundation of faith, or contrary to good life and the laws of obedience, or destructive to human society, and the public and just interests of bodies politic."
The other mosques, of which there are about thirty within the walls, excluding the chapels and places of prayer, are all of recent erection.
Hence, excluding ao, we may, in partition notation, write down the fundamental solutions of the equation, viz.
Its eminence, however, was so largely based upon dalliance with Roman society, its weakness so great in having only a mythical character, instead of a personality, as an object of adoration, and in excluding women from its privileges, that it fell rapidly before the assaults of Christianity.
AdvertisementThe citizens hastened to construct a second line of wall, enclosing the Cowgate and the heights beyond, since occupied by Greyfriars churches and Heriot's hospital, but still excluding the Canongate, as pertaining to the abbey of Holyrood.
The national debt of Hungary alone, excluding the debt incurred jointly by both members of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, was £192,175,000 at the end of 1903.
The county is practically without inland water communications, excluding the Thames.
Every sentimental consideration was against a Union with a prelatic kingdom, " an auld enemy," which drove a hard bargain by threats of excluding Scottish commodities.
All duvets, pillows bed linen and hand towels excluding beach and full sized towels are provided.
Therefore he carried on the policy of excluding the Huguenots - the only colonizing element among his subjects, - and drove them into the English plantations.
At the 25th sitting Episcopius and the others cited appeared, when Episcopius surprised the deputies by a bold and outspoken defence of his views, and even went so far as to say that the synod, by excluding the Arminian deputies, could now only be regarded as a schismatic assembly.
The average size of farms (excluding farms under 3 acres with products valued at less than $500) was 227.2 acres in 1890 and 364.1 acres in 1900.
Excluding the portion which falls within the administrative county of London the area is 974,950 acres, with a population in 1891 of 807,269 and in 1901 of 935,855.
The average size of the farms (excluding farms under 3 acres with products valued at less than $500) was 277.4 acres in 1890 and 343.8 acres in 1900.
The state debt, excluding the amount of Territorial indebtedness assumed when Dakota Territory was divided, may not exceed $200,000.
Thus many of the words procured from foreign sources, not excluding Bali and Sanskrit, are more or less mutilated in pronunciation, though the entirely suppressed or altered letter is still retained in writing.
The staff, excluding purely scientific departments, costs about £6000 per annum; gardening department, about £1500 per annum; maintenance of buildings, enclosures, paths and so forth, about £4000 per annum; provisions for animals, about £5000 per annum; litter, water, heating and general menagerie expenses about £3000 per annum.
Excluding all these, the mathematical works contained in the first and second volumes occupy about 1800 pages.
In 1826 the society finally resolved that its fundamental law be fully and distinctly recognized as excluding the circulation "of those Books, or parts of Books, which are usually termed Apocryphal."
Its manifoldness is not then to be taken as excluding its fundamental unity; the divisions which our ordinary perception and thought introduce into it have not absolute validity, but are to be interpreted as the outcome of the single formative energy or complex of forces which is the inner aspect, the soul of nature.
His residence at Linz was troubled by the harsh conduct of the pastor Hitzler, in excluding him from the rites of his church on the ground of supposed Calvinistic leanings - a decision confirmed, with the addition of an insulting reprimand, on his appeal to Wurttemberg.
It is estimated that the value of the imports and exports into and from Muhamrah, excluding specie, is about £300,000 per annum, paying customs amounting to about £18,000.
In this way Mt Whitney (14,502 ft.) came to be the highest summit in the United States (excluding Alaska).
At the census of 1910, while the continental United States population (excluding Alaska) was 91,972,266, the total, including Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico, but excluding the Philippine Islands, Guam, Samoa and the Canal Zone, was 93,402,151.
States, exclusive of Alaska, Areas (excluding water), in square miles.
In 1850 there were 56 persons (excluding the slave population) in an average American family; fifty years later there were only 4.7a decline, which was constant, of 16I %.
Disregarding, however, such incomparability, but excluding 15% of all Roman Catholics (for children under 9 years of age), the total number of church members was 32,936,445, of whom 61.6% were Protestants, 36.7% Roman Catholics and 1.7% members of other churches.
It was estimated by the Bureau of the Census that in 1906 the tonnage of freight moved by American vessels within American waters, excluding harbour traffic, was 177,519,758 short tons (as compared with 1,514,906,985 long tons handled by the railways of the country).
Maio continued Roger's policy of excluding the nobles from the administration, and sought also to curtail the liberties of the towns.
They left no issue, and the Act of Settlement passed in 1701, excluding Roman Catholics from the throne, secured the succession to Anne, second daughter of James II., and on her death without issue to the Protestant house of Hanover, descended from the princess Elizabeth, daughter of James I., wife of Frederick V., count palatine of the Rhine.
Excluding this small group, the frequency of the occurrence of these suffixes in ancient Italy is shown by the following table.
Disregarding the wishes of the Great Council, and excluding all the more important of the barons and bishops from office, he acted as his own chief minister and never condescended to justify his policy except when he stood in need of subsidies.
Elis and Sparta, making common cause, had no difficulty in excluding the Pisatans from their proper share in the management of the Olympian sanctuary.
A few possible cases of aggressive mimicry are enumerated in the following summary of some of the recorded cases of mimicry in different classes of the animal kingdom; but the phenomenon is of comparatively rare occurrence, and the supposed instances may be susceptible of other interpretations, excluding them altogether from mimicry, or bringing them under the Batesian or Miillerian interpretation of the phenomenon.
While John's Apocalypse is distinctly eschatological, the Epistles and the Gospels often give these conceptions an ethical and spiritual import, without, however, excluding the eschatological.
The per capita consumption of iron in Great Britain, excluding exports, has been calculated as 144 lb in 1855 and 250 lb in 1890, that of the United States as 117 lb for 1855, 300 lb for 1890 and some 378 lb for 1899, and that of the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany for 1906 as about a quarter of a ton, so that the British per capita consumption is about four-fold and the American about five-fold that of 1855.
The best of the novelists of this period, excluding Charles de Coster, was perhaps Estelle Ruelens (née Crevecoeur; 1821-1878); she wrote under the pseudonym of " Caroline Graviere."
Excluding these exceptional cases, however, the variations of the diffusivity appeared to follow the variations of the seasons with considerable regularity in successive years.
Consequently, I go for admitting all whites to the right of suffrage, who pay taxes or bear arms (by no means excluding females)" - a sentiment frequently quoted to prove Lincoln a believer in woman's suffrage.
Excluding the Alps, the Schneekoppe (5266 ft.) is the highest peak in Germany; and the southern declivities of this range contain the sources of the Elbe.
In this way it was possible to increase the war establishment, excluding the Landsturm, by about half a million men without adding to the burden in time of peace.
It was a sign of mostserious import for the future that in 1897 thc e,lgctoral law in the kingdom of Saxony was altered with thc express purpose of excluding the Socialists from the Saxon Landtag.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to Russia (including Finland, but excluding Siberia).
From Santiago in1518-1519departed the historic expeditions of Juan de Grijalva, Hernan Cortes and Pamfilo de Narvaez - the last of 18 vessels and 110o men of arms, excluding sailors.
Theoretically, as its name Heptanomis implies, this division contained seven nomes, actually from the Hermopolite on the south to the Memphite on the north (excluding the Arsinoite according to the papyri).
It is noteworthy that though words were so freely spelled in alphabetic characters, especially in the time of the Old Kingdom, no advance was ever made towards excluding the cumbersome word-signs and biliteral phonograms, which, by a judicious use of determinatives, might well have been rendered quite superfluous.
The British government had begun by excluding it from the Th S dan problem, and by declaring that for events in these queest,00n.
Pop. of the township, excluding the village (1900), 1630; (1905, state census) 1946.
Excluding Bangiaceae, however, from consideration, the Euflorideae present in the product of the development of the oospore like Bryophyta a structure partly sterile and partly fertile.
Some states and foreign countries provide rights in addition to those above, or do not allow excluding or limiting implied warranties, or liability for incidental or consequential damages.
In 1901 there were 150 persons to each square mile, and 4.3 acres (excluding inland waters, tidal rivers and foreshore) to each person.
Wallace, whilst insisting that the range of observed and measured variation was much larger in proportion to the size of the organisms or parts of organism affected than was generally believed, leaned to the Darwinian view in excluding from the normal factors in the origin of species variations of the extremer ranges of magnitude.
As yet no solid reason has been alleged for excluding fluctuating variations, on account of their limitation, from the materials for specific change.
The absurdity of excluding the plebeians from all but a merely theoretical citizenship, based on the negative fact of freedom, seems to have become apparent before the close of the monarchical period.
The urban population, on the basis of places having 4000 inhabitants or more, was 51% of the total; indeed the population of Cook county, in which the city of Chicago is situated, was two-fifths of the total population of the state; during the decade of the Civil War (1860-1870) the population of the state increased only 48.4%, and that of Cook county about 140%, while from 1870 to 1900 the increase of all counties, excluding Cook, was about 36%, the increase in Chicago was about 468%.
Commerce.-A summary of import and export values of trade in the Persian Gulf, excluding Mohammerah and Basra, is appended.
Bushire, Hanjam, Bahrein, Abadan and Basra Summary showing Import and Export Values of Trade in the Persian Gulf (excluding Iraq and Arabistan) in two pre-war years and in the latest post-war year available.
The action taken by President Kruger at this election, and his previous actions in ousting President Burgers and in absolutely excluding the Uitlanders from the franchise, all show that at any cost, in his opinion, the government must remain a close corporation, and that while he lived he must remain at the head of it.
This measure provided for the foundation and maintenance of colleges "where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics [which had not been included in the original bill], to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts...
Excluding the special rice-growing tracts, different kinds of millet are grown more extensively than any other crop from Madras in the south at least as far as Rajputana in the north.
The annual timber yield of the Indian forests is about fifty millions of cubic feet, excluding what is used for local purposes.
Excluding the Indo European telegraph wire, the whole telegraph system of India forms an imperial charge, administered through a director-general.
The modern Hungarians (excluding Slavonic elements) are probably a mixture of these Magyars with the remnants of older invaders such as Huns, Petchenegs and Kumans.
About fifteen belong to Europe and fourteen to North America, of which (excluding stragglers) some five only are common to both countries.
Hall, who had never been able to forget that he had narrowly escaped being supplanted by his brother, formed a plan for excluding him from the Caliphate and transmitting the succession to his own son Ja`far.
Motawakkil, in 850, formulated an edict by which these sectaries were compelled to wear a distinctive dress and to distinguish their houses by a figure of the devil nailed to the door, excluding them at the same time from all public employments, and forbidding them to send their children to Moslem schools.
He vigorously opposed the action of Bishop Welldon, then metropolitan of Calcutta, in excluding Scottish chaplains and troops from the use of garrison churches in India because these had received episcopal consecration.
They controlled commerce, and were more energetic, generally, than were the natives; many were naturalized, held generous grants of land, and had married into Californian families, not excluding the most select and influential.
Excluding some of alluvial formation at the mouths of many of the rivers, and others along the shore which owe their existence to volcanic upheaval, the principal islands are Banguey and Balambangan at the northern extremity, Labuan, a British colony off the west coast of the territory of North Borneo, and the Karimata Islands off the south-west coast.
After some stay at Cairo, then probably the greatest city in the world (excluding China), and an unsuccessful attempt to reach Mecca from Aidhab on the west coast of the Red Sea, he visited Palestine, Aleppo and Damascus.
Of the foreign-born 4504 were ' Statistics for 1890 represent the value of all manufactures; those for 1900 (from this point) and 1905 show values under the factory system, excluding neighbourhood industries and hand trades.
Indeed, the sacerdotal class themselves had made its universal acceptance an impossibility, seeing that their laws, by which the relations of the classes were to be regulated, aimed at permanently excluding the entire body of aboriginal tribes from the religious life of their Aryan masters.
The rate taken upon the total population was 16.7 per mille in1870-1871and 15.3 in 1905; by excluding the population under fifteen the corresponding figures are 57.2 and 46.6 per mille.
It is necessary, therefore, to eliminate the difference in the age-constitution of the countries in question by excluding from the field of observation, as before, all except possible mothers, basing the rate upon the respective numbers of women of the conceptive age, that is between 15 and 45.
The government of the town was vested in the patrician families, who, contrary to the usual course of events in the free towns, succeeded in permanently excluding the civic gilds from all share of municipal power, although in 1347 there was a sharp rising against this oligarchy.
When the commerce of New England was interrupted as a consequence of the Napoleonic wars, the abundance of water power afforded by the rivers encouraged manufacturing, and the region rapidly acquired prominence in this industry, especially in the manufacture of textiles, of boots and shoes, and of paper and wood pulp; in 1905 the value of the textile products of New England (excluding flax, hemp and jute) alone was $522,821,440 (more than 45% of that of the entire country), the value of boots and shoes was $181,023,946 (more than 55% of the total for the entire country), the value of paper and wood pulp was $49,813,133 (more than one-quarter of that of the entire country), and the value of all factory products amounted to $2,025,998,437 (nearly one-seventh of the total for the entire country).
He again served in the Kentucky legislature (1808-1809), was chosen speaker of its lower house, and achieved distinction by preventing an intense and widespread anti-British feeling from excluding the common law from the Kentucky code.
The public opinion that affects the national budget is unfortunately too often lacking in the most important towns, not excluding those in which political life is highly developed.
In the early empire, North Africa (excluding Egypt) was divided into Mauretania, Numidia, Africa Propria and Cyrenaica.
Similarly the recent experience of zoological gardens, particularly in the case of parrots and monkeys, shows that, excluding draughts, exposure to changes of temperature without artificial heat is markedly beneficial as compared with the older method of strict protection from cold.
The finest buildings, excluding a number of handsome churches, are the Victoria Hall and the convent of Notre Dame de Sion.
Occupations.-The following table shows the occupations of the people (excluding children under ten years of age) as The number of births in the United Kingdom in 1909 was 1,146,118, giving a rate per thousand of 25 5.
The development of tramway enterprise in the United Kingdom, as shown by the mileage open, the paid-up capital, gross receipts, working expenses and number of passengers carried, has been as follows 1900, 1,749,804 * Excluding season-ticket holders, whose number in 1880 was 502,174; in and in England and Wales alone, in 1880, 449, 82 3; in 1900, 1,610,754.
Pop. (1907) with suburbs, but excluding Omdurman, 69,349.
At the Riksdag of the same year, the estates committed themselves irrevocably to Protestantism by excluding Proscription Catholics from the succession to the throne, and o prohibiting them from holding any office or dignity in Sweden.
The latter died in 133, and bequeathed his kingdom to the Romans, who erected part of it (excluding Great Phrygia, which they gave to Mithradates of Pontus) into a province under the name of Asia.
Some, however - the strictly anaerobic bacteria - grow only in the absence of oxygen; hence means must be adopted for excluding this gas.
The same men were not seldom assaulted under the name of "theists"; the later distinction between "theist" and "deist," which stamped the latter word as excluding the belief in providence or in the immanence of God, was apparently formulated in the end of the 18th century by those rationalists who were aggrieved at being identified with the naturalists.
It referred to the Compacts that had been abolished, and was liable to an interpretation excluding from tolerance all but the Romanists and the retrograde Utraquists.
The Synod of Dort (1618-1619) which affirmed the sublapsarian without excluding the supralapsarian form of Calvinism, condemned the views of Arminius and his followers, who were known as Remonstrants from the remonstrance "which in four articles repudiates supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism (which regarded the Fall as foreseen, but not decreed), and the doctrines of irresistibility of grace, and of the impossibility of the elect finally falling away from it, and boldly asserts the universality of grace."
Among the prominent institutions not receiving state aid are Princeton University, at Princeton; Rutgers College (excluding its agricultural school), at New Brunswick; and the Stevens Institute of Technology, at Hoboken.
Excluding these five members from New Jersey the House of Representatives contained 119 Democrats and 118.
A list of the English counties (excluding Wales) is given in the table above.4
Of these, excluding Welsh ones, we may with some certainty identify Canterbury (Caint), Caerleonon-Usk, Leicester (Lerion), Penzelwood, Carlisle, Colchester, Grantchester (Granth), London, Worcester (Guveirangon), Doncaster (Daun), Wroxeter (Guoricon), Chester (Legion - this is Roman), Lichfield (Licitcsith) and Gloucester (Gloui).
A striking feature in the roots of several genera, excluding the Abietineae, is the occurrence of thick and somewhat irregular bands ofthickening on the cell-walls of the cortical layer next to the endodermis.
Excluding immigrants the languages spoken by the people of Bengal belong to one or other of four linguistic families - Aryan, Dravidian, Munda and Tibeto-Burman.
The total area, including Sind but excluding Aden, is 188,745 sq.
No monarch of England since William the Conqueror, not excluding Stephen and Henry IV., could show such a poor title to the throne as the first of the Tudor kings.
He persevered, however, in the task which he had set hithself, and introduced a measure endowing Ireland with a parliament, and excluding the Irish members from Westminster.
The product under the factory system, excluding hand trades and neighbourhood industries, was $326,752,878 in 1900 and $411,139,681 in 1905.
The shipping visiting the port of Constantinople during the year 1905, excluding sailing and small coasting vessels, was 9796, representing a total of 14,785,080 tons.
Excluding from his enquiry " the physical consideration of the mind," he sought to make a faithful report, based on an introspective study of consciousness, as to how far a human understanding of the universe can reach.
Before the new deputies could take their seats the directors forced through the councils the law of the 22nd Floreal (May II), annulling or perverting the elections in thirty departments and excluding forty-eight deputies by name.
In that year the wheat area, excluding less than 5000 acres in Connaught, was pretty equally divided between the other three provinces.
Excluding salmon, nearly one million hundredweights of fish were taken, and including shell-fish the total money received by the fishermen exceeded £414,000.
The governor has a veto power, extending to the separate items in appropriation bills, which may be overcome by a two-thirds majority in each house of the General Assembly; three days (excluding Sunday) are allowed to the governor for vetoing bills or joint resolutions passed by the General Assembly, or only two days if the General Assembly adjourn before three days have elapsed.
The Donatist position, like that of the Novatians, was that the mark of the true church is to guard the essential predicate of holiness by excluding all who have committed mortal sin; the Catholic standpoint was that such holiness is not destroyed by the presence of unworthy members in the church but rests upon the divine foundation of the church and upon the gift of the Holy Spirit and the communication of grace through the priesthood.
Napoleon was at this time eager to humble Great Britain by excluding it from all trade with Europe.
Excluding this transitional zone, the Sudan may be described as a moderately elevated region, with extensive open or rolling plains, level plateaus, and abutting at its eastern and western ends on mountainous country.
Excluding Darfur the population before the Mandist rule was estimated at 8,500,000.
Mineral resources are decidedly limited; the total value of the mineral output (excluding coal) in 1907 was $1,383,916, of which $953,432 was the value of clay products, $324,239 of stone, and $54,227 of sand and gravel.
The number of those who perished, excluding Constantinople, was 20,000 to 25,000.1 Many were forced to embrace Islam, and numbers were reduced to poverty.
He strongly condemned the metayer system, then widely prevalent in France, as "perpetuating poverty and excluding instruction" - as, in fact, the ruin of the country.
By this peace Gustavus succeeded in excluding Muscovy from the Baltic. "I hope to God," he declared to the Stockholm diet in 1617, when he announced the conclusion of peace, "that the Russians will feel it a bit difficult to skip over that little brook."
A funding request had been made for costs associated with the trip (excluding airfares to Sioux Falls ).
However, consideration was still being given to the possibility of excluding from the ban the intestines when used as sausage casings.
Those electors (excluding overseas electors) on the City of Westminster Electoral Register as of 1 April 2006.
Lambs sold per ewe is likely to increase to between 165 and 170 %, excluding the ewe hoggs.
As at 31 December 2001, Euroclear had net assets excluding goodwill of E650 million (£ 397 million ).
All mobile phone and prepaid SIM card connections (excluding prepay handsets) are subject to a 12 month airtime contract.
The shipping charge is based on a pallet weight of 200 kg within mainland Great Britain but excluding the highlands of Scotland.
In 2004, about US$30 billion was invested in renewable energy worldwide, excluding large hydropower (Figure 1 ).
It is also the height of the body of lowercase letters in a font, excluding the ascenders and descenders.
Width is 41 mm excluding crown and 44 mm including crown lug to lug is 46 mm, Thickness is 14.5 mm.
Unfortunately many drips (excluding diggers of course) means water level rising so may be really major problem by next week.
The Regimental History records A very motley crew they were, in every sort of civilian garment, not excluding bowler hats and shorts.
Mean values are taken from replicate samples (excluding any outliers ).
A chest X-ray is more helpful in excluding other diagnoses (e.g. pneumothorax ), but may show a wedge shaped pulmonary infarct.
The DVD will be launched from the 2nd October 2006, and costs £ 9.99 excluding postage and packaging.
Delayed Travel Holiday Abandonment Up to £ 1,000 (excluding insurance premiums) £ 25 5ii.
Items with a known provenance excluding them from further scrutiny.
The idea of a small ' cabinet ' or elected provost taking decisions and excluding most councilors is not appropriate.
A trainee psychologist saw Miss J regularly, excluding Mrs J from the sessions.
By excluding literary output and journalistic reportage, the project was able to give a much more coherent shape to the Lampeter Corpus.
Breakfast was a plate of plenty (excluding only tattie scones) and the rich birdlife of the garden provided most of the entertainment.
The self expanding stent is anchored above and below the aneurysm excluding the sac from the circulation.
With the growing split between the Great Germans (Grossdeutschen), who wished the new empire to include the Austrian provinces, and the Little Germans (Kleindeutschen), who realized that German unity could only be attained by excluding them, his position was shaken.
In other words, the criterion of truth is a clear and distinct conception, excluding all possibility of doubt.
The history of the American Presbyterian churches, excluding the two "Reformed" Churches (see Reformed Church In The United States for the German body, and Reformed Church In America for the Dutch body), may be divided into three periods.
Excluding the diocese of Rome and suburbicarian sees, each see has an average area of 430 sq.
The length of its valley (excluding the lesser windings of the river) is about 90 m., and the drainage area about 1300 sq.
Excluded from political and municipal life by the laws which required either the taking of an oath or joining in the Lord's Supper according to the rites of the Established Church, excluding themselves not only from the frivolous pursuits of pleasure, but from music and art in general, attaining no high average level of literary culture (though producing some men of eminence in science and medicine), the Quakers occupied themselves mainly with trade, the business of their Society, and the calls of philanthropy.
Of the makers of paper boxes, of shirts, collars and cuffs, of hosiery and knitting mill operatives, of glove-makers, silk mill operatives and book-binders they are more than half; so also of other textile workers, excluding wool and cotton mill operatives (these last the second largest group of women workers in manufactures), in which occupations males arc in a slight excess.
Excluding here his scientific attainments (see below), Pascal presents himself for comment in two different lights, the second of which is, if the expression be permitted, a composite one.
When Jaswant Rao Holkar took refuge in the Punjab in 1805, Ranjit Singh made a treaty with the British, excluding Holkar from his territory.
Originally Arian (though excluding any worship of Christ) and anabaptist, the Minor Church was (by 1588) brought round to his own views by Fausto Sozzini, who had settled in Poland in 1579 (see SoclNus).
After the death of Jugurtha as a captive at Rome in 106, the western part of his dominions was added to those of Bocchus, king of Mauretania, while the remainder (excluding perhaps the territory towards Cyrene) continued to be governed by native princes until the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, in which Juba I., then king of Numidia, who had espoused the cause of the Pompeians, was defeated by Caesar, and put an end to his own life (46 B.C.).
If the event is abandoned all single bets are void and wagers refunded while affected multiple bets will be recalculated excluding that leg.
Excluding reorganization expenses, the company reported a net loss of $ 114 million.
Excluding the reorganization items, UAL earned a net profit for the third quarter totaling $ 68 million.
This is about the same as the total of grants given to charities by the UK government (excluding public service contract funding).
And excluding the gentle acoustic strum at the end of The Honshu Underground.
Local Threshers round corner. parking spaces available. £ 115 rent excluding bills.
The inlet concentration is compared with the total allowable contamination for volatile hydrocarbons (excluding methane) set by ISBT at 20 ppmV.
Create 1-inch horizontal stripes of strawberries from one end of the cake to the other, leaving 1-inch of white frosting between each row of berries and excluding the area where the blueberries are.
Non-resident or international students pay on average 33% more per unit, excluding other student fees.
The best time to search for last minute tickets is in the off-season, which, for the Caribbean includes the late fall and winter (excluding the holidays) and very early spring.
Regardless of materials, the skirts measure approximately twelve to eighteen inches in length and twenty to twenty-two inches in width, excluding the cord.
Californian Vitis (Vitis Californica) - This is the best of the American Grape Vines (excluding the Ampelopsis section) for color in autumn, and it is one of the strongest growers, climbing over lofty trees.
The fine jewelry collection ranges from around $700 to $2000, excluding special edition pieces.
Tic disorders are diagnosed by a process of excluding other possibilities; there are no definitive tests for these disorders as of the early 2000s.
All of the cells of the body excluding the egg and the sperm cells are called the somatic cells.
Clique-A close group of friends having similar interests and goals and whom outsiders regard as excluding them.
Funerals are held weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m, excluding federal holidays.
Color guides and swatches are based on the hair color level system, which measures the degree of lightness to darkness, while excluding any underlying pigments and tones.
Once you've pulled the aces off, flip over any facedown cards that are now exposed.Now take a look at the remaining faceup cards, excluding the ones in the finish piles.
It is an included game with all versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 excluding Vista Basic and Starter respectively.
Base prices (excluding tax and ticket handling charges) start at $24.50 for balcony-matinee up to $150 for the evening pit show.
While these are behaviors, one might engage in with a good friend, if he is excluding you and refusing to share the details because he "values" that confidence over yours, then he is likely cheating.
Certification costs approximately $800, with a full four-day course around $2,000 excluding travel to the course location.
The first phase consists of eating mainly proteins, excluding most carbohydrates, including fruits.
Jika Tabi Boots - The final element of a ninja uniform (excluding the tools of the trade) are the boots, and unfortunately there is not really a way for westerners to get the traditional split-toed tabi boots that are worn in Japan.
The old ramparts and bastions (excluding the circuit of the citadel of 1591, now in great part demolished, in the south-east) make an enceinte of about 41 m., but the enclosed area is not all occupied by streets and houses.
In 1585 Lord Deputy Sir John Perrot undertook the shiring of Ulster (excluding the counties Antrim and Down, which had already taken shape); and his work, though of little immediate effect owing to the rising of Hugh O'Neill, served as a basis for the division of the territory at the plantation of Ulster in the reign of James I.
The average cost of constructing an exchange circuit in the metropolitan area (including the installation of telephone instruments and of exchange apparatus, but excluding the provision of spare plant) has been £33.
The death-rate (excluding still-born children) was, in 1872, 30.78 per boo, and has since steadily decreasedless rapidly between 1886-1890 than during other years; in 5902 it was only 22.15 and in 1899 was as low as 2189.
Depretis thereupon reconstructed his administration, excluding Nicotera, Melegari and Zanardelli, placing Crispi at the home office, entrusting Magliani with finance, and himself assuming the direction of foreign affairs.
Experience forbids our excluding organic activity from natural causes, also our excluding intelligence from purposeful (zwecktdtigen) causes; hence experience forbids our defining the fundamental force or first cause out of which living creatures arose.'
And we now know that, excluding the southern tropical area, it has the same character throughout the whole of China proper.
Baur in excluding,' and also the teaching of the Pistis Sophia (translated by C. Schmidt, p. 182, &c.).
The length of the river, excluding minor sinuosities, is about 75 m., the distance from Bradford to Bath being to m., thence to Bristol 12 m., and thence to the mouth 8 m.
It will thus be seen that European (excluding Russian) power in Asia is based almost entirely on improved navigation.
Excluding the territory to which the name of Mongolia is geographically applied, but which is included in the provinces of Shansi and Chihli, Mongolia is divided into inner and outer divisions.
For the three years, 1905-1907, the average annual value of the imports and exports, excluding the transit trade with Rhodesia, was, imports £200,000, exports £90,000.
Profiting by the experience gained during the Athenian siege, he included in his new lines the whole plateau of Epipolae, with a strong fortress at Euryelus, its apex on the west; the total length of the outer lines (excluding the fortifications of the island) has been calculated at about 12 m.
During 1901, 27,070 aliens (excluding sailors) arrived at the port, and in 1902, 33,060.
The produce of a penny rate was, in the £11,482,607 £11,482,607 £2,279,177 £1,378,266 163,828 44,557 685,946 2,000 4,580 £2,279,177 metropolitan police district in 1908-1909, £226,739, and in the county of London (excluding the City) £161,806.
These, now almost sixty in number (excluding seals), are all in a pictographic character which employed symbols somewhat elaborately depicted in relief, but reduced to conventional and " shorthand " representations in the incised texts.
Bestuzhev prevent the signing of a Russo-Prussian defensive alliance (March 1 743); but he deprived it of all political significance by excluding from it the proposed guarantee of Frederick's Silesian conquests.
He was succeeded by his son, who in 1798 made a treaty with the East India Company with the object of excluding the French from Oman, and the connexion with Great Britain was further strengthened during British in- the long reign of his grandson Sultan Said, 1804-1856.
The Celtic heroic saga in the British islands may be divided into the two principal groups of Gaelic (Irish) and Brython (Welsh), the first, excluding the purely mythological, into the Ultonian (connected with Ulster) and the Ossianic. The Ultonianis grouped round the names of King Conchobar and the heroCuchulainn, " the Irish Achilles," the defender of Ulster against all Ireland, regarded by some as a solar hero.
Pop. (woo) 4927, excluding visitors.
The average number of employes in 1850 was 20,967; in 1890, 81,111; and in 1 The 1905 census of manufactures gives statistics only for establishments under the factory system, excluding the hand trades, and gives factory statistics for 1905 and for 1900.
A regulation excluding Maltese from the navy (because of their speaking on board a language that their officers did not understand) provoked from Trinity College, Cambridge, the Strickland correspondence in The Times on the constitutional rights of the Maltese, and a leading article induced the Colonial Office to try an experiment known as the Strickland-Mizzi Constitution of 1887.
The censuses from 1860 to 1900 showed a far greater number of neat cattle on farms and ranges in Texas than in any other state or Territory; in 1900 the number was 7, 2 79,935 (excluding spring calves); and in 1910 there were 8,308,000 neat cattle including 1,137,000 milch cows.
In the number of horses the state ranked third in 1900, with 1,174,003 head - excluding colts - and in 1910 with 1,369,000 head.
On the fall of Napoleon in 1814 the Piedmontese court returned to Turin and the king was anxious to secure the succession for Charles Albert, knowing that Austria meditated excluding him from it in favour of an Austrian archduke, but at the same time he regarded him as an objectionable person on account of his revolutionary upbringing.
The decree Sacrosancta (April 1415) proclaimed that a general council assembled in the Holy Spirit and representing the Catholic Church militant had its power immediately from Christ, and was supreme over every one in the Church, not excluding the pope, in all matters pertaining to the faith and reformation of the Church of God in head and members.
Excluding these, the total area in the district lying at an elevation exceeding r000 ft.
Though the British government gave, more or less unwillingly, a large measure of self-government to the Plantations, it was no less intent than the Spanish crown on retaining the whole colonial trade in British hands, and on excluding foreigners.
In 1901 the same information was called for, excluding all under three years of age.
The Treaty provided for the cession by Turkey to the allied Balkan sovereigns of all European Turkey west of the line Enos - Midia, but excluding Albania; for the delimitation of Albania's frontiers by the Great Powers; for the cession of Crete to Greece; and for the destination of other;Turkish islands being left to the same Powers.
However reluctant some states may be to bind themselves to any rules excluding recourse to brute force when diplomatic negotiations have failed, they have nevertheless unanimously at the Hague Conference of 1907 declared their " firm determination to cooperate in the maintenance of general peace " (la ferme volonte de concourir au maintien de la paix generale) 1, and their resolution " to favour with all their efforts the amicable settlement of international conflicts " (preamble to Peace Convention).
Unfortunately, replacement parts are not free, as most parts (excluding carafes) cost under $25.
In 1909 on 879,000 acres a crop of hay (excluding forage) was raised valued at $16,155,000.
The length, excluding lesser sinuosities, is about 60 m., Salisbury being 35 m.
In the jury courts, the equites, thanks to Julius Caesar, already formed two-thirds of the judices; Augustus, by excluding the senators altogether, virtually gave them the sole control of the tribunals.
After all, he knew Katie too, but they only wanted the people he knew before he met his wife - excluding his sister.
It was an abridged version, excluding any mention of last night's session at Lydia's apartment but detailing the missing bones and Dean's suspicion concerning Billy Langstrom's death.