Exciting Sentence Examples
They still had something mysterious and exciting to explore.
It should have been an exciting discovery.
A new and exciting life lay ahead of him.
It was very exciting; but I must say I did not enjoy it very much.
The idea was both exciting and painfully disappointing.
It was always exciting in an alarming way.
It was something wonderful, exciting and indistinct.
It must have been quite an exciting time to be alive.
I never would have known how exciting a simple life could be.
Is it normally this … exciting around here?
AdvertisementIn his arms, with his warm breath on her cheek and the smell of his cologne surrounding them, it was actually an exciting experience.
The shopping trip was exciting because it was so close to Christmas, but otherwise uneventful.
It was a kiss that lingered in an exciting way.
While the scenery was less than exciting, lunch was available.
It was an exciting prospect.
AdvertisementSlowly his warm fingers left her chin and worked their way down her neck, caressing and exciting her further.
In 1760 he published a work entitled Les Toulousaines, advocating the rights of the Protestants; and he afterwards established at Paris an agency for collecting information as to their sufferings, and for exciting general interest in their cause.
It was ridiculous... and exciting... bold and impulsive - everything she didn't want to be.
You.re no longer exciting and different to me, she said with a shrug.
Life for Annie must have been very exciting indeed!
AdvertisementOh, that's so exciting!
Usually, he was simply Alex – as exciting as that might be.
In the early days of the Republican party, when the shameful scenes of the Kansas struggle were exciting the whole country, and during the campaigns of 1857 and 1858, he became known as an effective speaker and ardent anti-slavery man.
The oscillations are controlled either by a key inserted in the primary circuit of the exciting induction coil or transformer, or by a key cutting in and out of the primary condensers or throwing inductance in and out of the closed oscillation circuit.
In the various reactions of the tissues against the exciting cause of the injury we see a striking example of a beautifully organized plan of attack and defence on the part of the organism.
AdvertisementLubarsch succeeded in inducing it merely by the subcutaneous injection of turpentine, which produces its result, it is said, by exciting an abscess.
The name radiometer arose from an idea that the final steady speed of rotation might be utilized as a rough measure of the intensity of the exciting radiation.
His speech and tone, however, were moderate on these exciting subjects, and he claimed the right to stand free of pledges, and to adjust his opinions and his course by the development of circumstances.
You wouldn't have thought it was so exciting if he had turned on you.
It would be so exciting once they were married.
Whether that could be, Darnley dictating while still hot from the exciting interchange of words which he meant to report, is a question for psychologists.
Fillmore presided over the senate during the exciting debates on the " Compromise Measures of 1850."1850."
While Dean enjoyed the spectacle of the exciting contest, he harbored no envy toward its participants.
Ethel would have listed him as a lazy, unambitious civil servant with a lifestyle as exciting as limp toast.
In the case of the inductive mode of exciting the oscillations an important quantity is the coefficient of coupling of the two oscillation circuits.
The psychopathic, the tubercular, the rickety, and the gouty constitution may all be transmitted through a line of ascendants, and only require the necessary exciting agents to render them apparent.
He cannot, like them, cover the greater part of a specimens surface with a lacework of transparent decoration, exciting wonder that pate deprived so greatly of continuity could have been manipulated without accident.
In the exciting contest for the presidency in the house of representatives between Jefferson and Burr, it was Gallatin who led the Republicans.
For the queen and royal family the Crimean War time was a very busy and exciting one.
The exciting cause of the hypertrophy, in the case of the typical galls, appears to be a minute quantity of some irritating fluid, or virus, secreted by the female insect, and deposited with her egg in the puncture made by her ovipositor in the cortical or foliaceous parts of plants.
At the head of the table, where the honored guests sat, everyone seemed to be in high spirits and under the influence of a variety of exciting sensations.
Allen was good looking, popular and exciting.
It was both relaxing and exciting.
Money is important... but didn't you find it ... exciting?
Lacing his fingers through hers, his palms touched hers – so warm and exciting.
It was strange and somehow exciting.
Was Alex so exciting to her because he was something new and different?
Its position has given it long, complicated and exciting history.
When you and I kissed that first time, I didn't know a kiss could be so exciting.
There was something exciting and yet soothing about the way they sat, with her back leaning against his chest.
The feel of his body against hers was exciting.
The hay ride across the field with bison grazing was exciting.
The foregoing hypotheses have all sought the origin of new growths in some intrinsic cause which has altered the characters of the cell or cells which gave rise to them, but none of them explain the direct exciting cause.
In the popular mind the hosts of exciting oriental cults, which in the 3rd and 4th centuries of the Empire filled Rome with the rites of mysticism and initiation, held undisputed sway; and with the more educated a revived philosophy, less accurate perhaps in thought, but more satisfying to the religious conscience, gave men a clearer monotheistic conception, and a notion of individual relations with the divine in prayer and even of consecration.
With the more critical and exciting events of the 19th of Brumaire at St Cloud Talleyrand had no direct connexion; but he had made all his preparations for flight in case the blow failed.
They were expelled from Switzerland in1847-1848for the part they were charged with in exciting the war of the Sonderbund.
It may be said to have begun with the visit of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce to Paris in 1900, at a time when France was still smarting from the humiliation of the Fashoda affair, and the Boer War was exciting hostile demonstrations against Great Britain throughout the continent of Europe.
In the exciting sport of surf-riding, which always astonishes strangers, they balance themselves lying, kneeling or standing on a small board which is carried landwards on the curling crest of a great roller.
Mr Balfour's work in this office covered one of the most turbulent and most exciting periods in modern parliamentary history and Irish administration.
Instead of acknowledging its inferiority as in former times it had claimed to be the higher power; it had eyen attempted to dispose of the imperial crown as if the Empire were a papal fief; and it had found out that it could at any time tamper, and perhaps paralyse, the imperial authority by exciting internal strife in Germany.
In the elections of 1864 the Republicans and Union Democrats united, and after an exciting campaign they were successful.
The wild hog (Sus cristatus) is well known as affording the most exciting sport in the world - " pig-sticking."
From the difficult nature of its habitat, and from the ferocity with which it charges an enemy, the pursuit of the bison is no less dangerous and no less exciting than that of the tiger or the elephant.
He now, it is said, applied for help to Dr Israel Tonge, rector of St Michael's in Wood Street, an honest half-crazy man, who even then was exciting people's minds by giving out quarterly "treatises in print to alarm and awake his majesty's subjects."
Others have held that the self has a complex content, the subject self being, as it were, a fuller expression of the object-self (so Bradley); or again the subject self is the active content of the mind, and the object self the passive content which for the moment is exciting the attention.
The latter narrative is still more exciting.
A period of distress at home increased the discontent which Lord Beaconsfields external policy was exciting; and, when parliament was at last dissolved in 1880, it seemed no longer certain that the country would endorse the policy of the minister, who only a short time before had acquired such popularity.
He soon, however, retired to his estate at Tegel, near Berlin, but was recalled and sent as ambassador to Vienna in 1812 during the exciting period which witnessed the closing struggles of the French empire.
Perhaps the most interesting fact about his work for the law courts is that he seems to have continued it, in some measure, through the most exciting parts of his great political career.
Are you an enthusiastic individual seeking an exciting challenge in national newspapers?
It was the first time they made love any place outside their bedroom, and it was way beyond exciting.
This is so exciting!
His embrace was warm and exciting.
The exciting and profitable occupation of blockade-running led to countless small fights off the various harbours, and sometimes the United States navy had to fight a more serious action when some new "rebel" ironclad emerged from her harbour, inlet or sound.
He showed also great severity in the prosecution of the Roman Catholic priests, and favoured the Anabaptists and the extreme Puritan sects to the disadvantage of the moderate Presbyterians, exciting great and general discontent, a petition being finally sent in for his recall.
So logical and uncompromising a thinker as Godwin could not go far in the discussion of abstract questions without exciting the most lively opposition in matters of detailed opinion.
The exciting cause of sleep is therefore no complete exhaustion of the available material of the cells, nor is it entirely any paralysing of them by their excreta.
When Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France appeared, in 1790, Paine at once wrote his answer, The Rights of Man first part appeared on the r3th of March 1791, and had an enormous circulation before the government took alarm and endeavoured to suppress it, thereby exciting intense curiosity to see it, even at the risk of heavy penalties.
A murderous attack upon Coligny, who had opposed the candidature of Catherines favorite son, the duke of Anjou, for the throne of Poland, having only succeeded in wounding him and in exciting the Calvinist leaders, who were congregated in Paris for the occasion of Marguerite deValoismarriage with the king of Navarre,Catherine and the Guises resolved together to put them all to death.
In 1858, when the Supreme Court, after the vote of Kansas against the Lecompton constitution, had decided that Kansas was a " slave " territory, thus quashing Douglas's theory of " popular sovereignty," he engaged in Illinois in a close and very exciting contest for the senatorship with Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate, whom he met in a series of debates (at Ottawa, Freeport, Jonesboro, Charleston, Galesburg, Quincy and Alton), in one of which, that at Freeport, Douglas was led to declare that any territory, by " unfriendly 1 Her death in 1853 was a great blow to him and embittered him.
He determined to quit Paris, where the life was far too exciting for his nerves, and to regain the quietude of Normandy.
The climbers grumbled about the negative affect of the snow on their anticipated activities, all except Penny, who considered the weather a new and exciting challenge.
And he has the nerve to call this shit exciting and romantic!
Usually, he was simply Alex – as exciting as that might be.
Those were the things that made loving him so satisfying – so exciting.
Still, she had an exciting figure that jeans didn't give justice – especially so when they hid such beautiful legs.
At first it was exciting, like playing dress-up, but now it felt insincere and she was afraid he would see through the façade.
It was exciting being at the forefront of drug development through the study of gene sequences.
Help us to find out about the exciting opportunity we have to offer.
There are exciting opportunities for the two businesses to work together to develop their products and exploit operational synergies.
Replica planes perform exciting aerobatics whilst troops work on the ground.
In the exciting arena of international aerospace and defense, BAE Systems is a leading player with a wealth of opportunities for graduates.
Twenty exciting Kitchens to cater for all tastes at prices that won't leave a bitter aftertaste.
At any rate, I find the speculation more alarming than exciting.
Exciting the entrance, one comes across an area of huge boulders, covered in a rich layer of multi colored jeweled anemones.
That is to say the action is also fast-paced, in addition to being exciting and superbly animated.
So the Saturday night screening would have been exciting anyway but it was made even more so by a strangely apt journey there.
Patchwork is enjoying something of a renaissance and more people see it as an exciting contemporary art form.
Try making them a bit more exciting by serving them with crispy bacon, crispy cheese crumbs or sweet chestnut crumble.
The more you win the more bling you earn to redeem for exciting prizes.
Play involves bribery, shiftiness, blackmail, bluffing and double-crossing and it's all very exciting.
Low cost, high resolution CCD cameras have created opportunities for exciting new digital imaging products to be developed.
But they believe this ground-breaking new therapy could have exciting ramifications for people with a wide range of disorders, especially cerebral palsy.
The next section introduces the 'active citizenship ' aspect of this 'new ' and exciting vision.
The classic limestone crag has exciting climbs to challenge all levels of ability.
Try making them a bit more exciting by serving them with crispy bacon, crispy bacon, crispy cheese crumbs or sweet chestnut crumble.
He says: I was a pretty crumby DJ! However it was a very exciting time in my life.
The second half saw the launch of an exciting new Scottish dance band, the New Harry Roberts Band.
An even more exciting possibility is that the browser defaults to guessing the encoding, based on the page's contents.
There were a range of exciting displays and interactive demonstrations around the visitor center and Abbey.
Their Surrey based Studio is looking for a lead designer to join them on an exciting new project.
I want to talk about exciting future directions for emotion research.
Whether you run a mobile disco or are a resident DJ we have some exciting products on offer.
Now they can be heard together in the context of this exciting new quintet.
On the return of Gladstone to power in 1880 Lord Ripon was appointed viceroy of India, the appointment exciting a storm of controversy, the marquess being the first Roman Catholic to hold the viceregal office.
Legislation, which only incidentally affects him, is very much less exciting to the ordinary citizen than taxation, which aims directly at his pocket.
I thought it was far and away the most exciting event during an otherwise terminally dull race.
But when he wonders if he could drive a dump truck, his imagination takes off dump truck, his imagination takes off dump trucks toy and exciting things happen!
And most of all, the kaleidoscopic, multicultural earth that makes life enchanting and exciting for us all.
Above all, he led an exciting and innovative department, where we were inspired by the enthusiasm and passion of the staff.
But any attempt to make things erotic or exciting are impeded by Sharon's ridiculous performance which ultimately arouses nothing but derision.
Stuffed with superb illustrations, this brilliant book will have you bounding through the heather on an exciting escapade!
In addition to original rules, many unique features make the gameplay more exciting than ever.
It is incredibly exciting to be part of this project, to make reading a habit for people who don't normally read.
Some organizations have excellent graphics people who could take the simple outlines and make them visually exciting.
It's been hugely exciting to work with technology on this level.
Like the Episode I commentary this makes for interesting, if not terribly exciting listening.
With such high numbers we are anticipating a really exciting event which will put Shetland on the map.
Each one helps to enhance families' reading experiences with the classic Dr. Seuss books and inspire exciting, original new story lines.
As this was the only connection we had to make we decided to run it to make it seem more exciting.
The final proved exciting having three members of the Marham Club in it and an infiltrator from a lesser camp!
A tiger patterned fish among clusters of brightly colored coral reef or the flowing shapes of seaweed may look more exciting.
Click to open full item back to top of page Tuesday 06 June 2006 dons trust news Can the World Cup get more exciting?
This is the most ambitious, and possibly the most exciting, trekking peak expedition we have yet devised.
Take a magic carpet ride to the Music Hall this Christmas as we present the exciting eastern extravaganza, Aladdin!
The golf course is developed on a hillside and offers challenging and exciting golf on rolling fairways.
Speed across 6 exciting tracks in this furiously fast n ' frantic racing game.
From this creative ferment " Leipzig Lens 2005 " brings together an exciting selection, focussed on key themes of current photographic discourse.
Often times Hotspots can make for very exciting matches, as usually intense firefights break out.
For a game that lacked any fluency, it wasn't half exciting.
The indoor pool with its exciting flume is guaranteed to provide hours of fun whatever the weather.
There are bridges near and far in the exciting London Docklands legacy and they have sparked a flurry of interest throughout the world.
Our circuit is the largest and most exciting in the area and includes a spectacular flyover.
His twenty minute talk will include exciting video footage.
Starting with football, the Monday five-a-side footy has continued to prove a very exciting league.
Library News On 4 th July the library hosted an author visit from an exciting talent writing in the fantasy genre, Oisin McGann.
An exciting alternative to the typical romantic weekend getaway is a musical break.
It's the most exciting development in lighting in the last 15 years bar none - even rotating gobos in moving lights!
Greek is also really, really gory, which makes it exciting.
One goal in life has been to visit the highlands, you are helping make that happen weekly with your exciting magazine.
There are lilting hornpipes, exciting jigs and reels, along with some slow and haunting tunes.
Manchester Airport has an exciting and promising future, but it has an equally illustrious past, which began in 1928.
The Flow is a live exciting 5 piece indie band from the North West.
Step into Sport is an exciting initiative, which encourages more young people to become involved in sport in their local communities.
This is another new and exciting product in our range of strain gage instrumentation.
First, from a purely intellectual or scientific point of view, the idea of an interlingua is interesting, and exciting.
For thirty seconds it's quite exciting; after a couple of minutes you wonder why something improbable has also become interminable.
This exhibition offers an exciting opportunity to see his new work and to understand the interrelation between his printing and painting techniques.
Build up your personal progressive jackpot for a chance to collect during the exciting bonus round.
Climb aboard an open top jeep for an exciting _ day of fun.
The hilarious medieval jesters will take you back in time on an exciting musical journey!
Create unique, exciting toys lakeshore preschool toys and props to help children learn in appropriate ways.
We are pleased to announce the launch of this exciting venture.
Press the buttons to launch the rocket toy rocket launcher trucks and hear exciting electronic sounds toy rocket launcher trucks and phrases.
Now, a very exciting opportunity might be coming your way - a real chance to grab the limelight!
From Beck to Tom Waits, we've heard plenty of exciting new releases for discerning music lovers.
The day turned out to be especially exciting as we spotted a manatee heading straight for us on our safety stop!
The extensive, enclosed gardens offer a safe but exciting environment, including a menagerie of rare-breed hens.
An uncommon and exciting discovery was that of a small hoard of bronze metalwork comprising a decorated bracelet and two axes.
The butterfly kit allows a child to see the complete metamorphosis from larvae to butterfly, both an exciting and wonderful learning experience.
Within a few miles of Bude there are many exciting places to visit.
Multi-colored ribbons encourage exploration, and a pull on the Whoozit character activates an exciting jiggling motion.
Ericsson's latest technology will enable EMT to offer their 3G customers an exciting package of advanced multimedia and mobile broadband services.
Pants on Fire Pants on Fire is dedicated to creating new, exciting, high quality theater.
The proposed framework in the paper provides an exciting opportunity to explore the research-teaching nexus in greater depth.
From here ESA's gamma-ray observatory sends back to Earth new information about the most exciting phenomena in the universe.
Next exciting turn was some English poetry - well, let's call it verse - recited phonetically by some twelve year olds.
Explore our research pages to see some stunning images of opal and inverse opal and to learn more about these exciting materials.
This was probably the most exciting spring of all due to the massive outpouring of water from the bottom where the tunnels begin.
It's an exciting and fun pastime, so go on.
In effect, all that happens with suggestion is that the person creates an exciting phantasy within the emotional sequence of abreaction.
Your love escape ticket contains six romantic surprises specially designed to guide you and your lover through and evening of exciting and sensual pleasures.
It's exciting to be involved in the first i-mode portal in the UK, where access to content is instant.
He earnt a worldwide reputation as one of the most exciting British printmakers of the twentieth century.
Many thanks for taking the time to get involved in this exciting project.
Working with proprietary foam gelatine products, you'll become highly proficient in creating foam gelatine prosthetics with this remarkable and exciting material.
Guide To Betting Horse Racing Anyone who says horse racing isn't exciting hasn't been to a good racetrack yet.
Yves Loch, within a few minutes walk of the Lodge, offers exciting fishing for hard fighting stocked rainbow trout.
And we will have an exciting new reward for people to save, replacing the old contracting-out rebates.
It was the exciting moment when I simultaneously starred in the film Saturday Night Fever and achieved sainthood.
The world is an exciting and confusing place for Jeremy Clarkson - a man who can find the overgrown schoolboy in us all.
The exciting atmosphere largest fully functional equal eye quot muses Scott.
No matter how long you garden for, spring time is always exciting, seeing germinating seedlings pushing through.
But even more exciting was the poetic sensibility that colored every action.
The three-movement piece is written in Medieval Welsh and is accompanied by a brass septet and much exciting percussion.
We have several 24-7 prayer weeks, which were really exciting times, where people committed to praying in a specific prayer room.
The weather was glorious and the Irish crowd awaited an exciting showdown.
Mike has raced sidecars for many years, progressing from club and national level to the exciting challenges of the European and International circuit.
They also had the exciting opportunity to fly the simulator at the USAF Base at Mildenhall.
New Outward Bound placements in East Canada offer exciting summer and winter activities including dog sledding.
In the evening, go hunting for the northern lights on an exciting snowmobile or dog sledge safari - the choice is yours.
An exciting new approach to persuading smokers to kick the habit is to being launched today at London's Whitechapel Art Gallery.
The most exciting thing was Sid demanding coal tar soap, nothing flowery scented that Kathy might get suspicious at.
Sudoku War adds spice to the most exciting puzzle ever!
You will find downwind sailing under that huge spinnaker exciting.
This exciting variety of dogwood provides a bold splash of color in winter.
Indeed, these are encouraged, making the game an exciting spectator sport at the same time.
Solid and dependable rather than particularly thrilling or exciting, a decent enough stab at hard rock glory.
Some visitors had a creative time imagining the exciting stories the objects have to tell and making their own storyboards!
An exciting opportunity to purchase this substantial period stucco house situated moments from the amenities, facilities and transport links of South Kensington.
Chartered surveying is one of the most exciting and diverse professions around.
Exciting thalis, Indian sweets and delicious, fresh samosas are just some of the cuisine on offer.
It also has its touching moments amid the exciting clashes of bronze swords.
Marshall combines her vocal talents with her acting background to create the Magic of the Great Divas in her exciting cabaret show.
Working within our client's multidisciplinary teams, you will be responsible for Electronics design for a range of exciting products.
The sea was scarcely more exciting, with 21 Common Scoter, 12 Manx Shearwaters and 5 commic terns past the Bill.
The added third dimension of depth offers endless scope for design and can be much more exciting and challenging than flat, two-dimensional work.
A driving rhythm section and three-piece horn section give exciting, authentic backing to a young guy with a great soulful voice.
Our exciting range of printed and patterned tights, stockings, hold ups and knee highs will really funk up your legs.
Entropy restaurant serves top-notch, exciting, modern cuisine which entertains the eyes and tastebuds rather than simply fills the belly.
Soccer Saturday kicks off the event and the preliminary rounds of an exciting 7-a-side knockout tournament.
There are a number of different creative and exciting ways to raise money by planning a themed treasure hunt.
This tour through the forest treetops offers you an exciting experience high above the forest floor.
I like making my images bright and exciting both visually and in their mood, but then also having a darker undertone to them.
I am sorry I am obliged to draw a veil over the most exciting details.
Beneath the floor lies an exciting archeological find - part of the frame of an 18th century warship.
I was just so wide-eyed about it all, but it was pretty exciting for that reason.
Check out the website at regular intervals for updates on more participating wind farms, directions and exciting activities!
That has a richard wright 's savage exciting way to.
Not only in these lucky provinces, New South Wales and Victoria, where the auriferous deposits were revealed, but in every British colony of Australasia, all ordinary industry was left for the one exciting pursuit.
His theory of medicine professed to explain the processes of life and disease, and the methods of cure, upon one simple principle - that of the property of" excitability,"in virtue of which the" exciting powers,"defined as being (1) external forces and (2) the functions of the system itself, call forth the vital phenomena" sense, motion, mental function and passion."All exciting powers are stimulant, the apparent debilitating or sedative effect of some being due to a deficiency in the degree of stimulus; so that the final conclusion is that" the whole phenomena of life, health as well as disease, consist in stimulus and nothing else."Brown recognized some diseases as sthenic, others as asthenic, the latter requiring stimulating treatment, the former the reverse; but his practical conclusion was that 97% of all diseases required a" stimulating "treatment.
To discuss this exciting opportunity in greater detail contact us in the strictest of confidence ASAP.
The electron wave is created by exciting a core hole electron with synchrotron radiation or x-rays.
Working within our client 's multidisciplinary teams, you will be responsible for Electronics design for a range of exciting products.
The sea was scarcely more exciting, with 21 Common Scoter, 12 Manx Shearwaters and 5 commic Terns past the Bill.
Carter Center The Carter Center has been involved in many innovative and exciting trachoma community prevention programs.
It is an exciting but complex period for trade union activists.
The Museum has undergone exciting transformation as a result of a two-phase development project carried out on site.
The most exciting new capability of Fleetstar is its virtually ubiquitous coverage.
Unbeaten in two starts over fences, Racing Demon is an exciting prospect.
These are exciting times to be an underwater photographer.
We 're looking forward to being involved in this exciting event, which highlights the vibrancy of the area.
Do n't underestimate wadi bashing - it 's very exciting indeed !
Discover what lies in store for the goody-goody wartime evacuees as they embark on the most exciting wardrobe themed antics outside of Ikea.
Waxwings in the apple tree We had some glamorous and exciting bird visitors this week, as the weather turned cold.
Check out the website at regular intervals for updates on more participating wind farms, directions and exciting activities !
Glasgow 's nightlife is eclectic & electric and the city plays host to a year-round calendar of exciting festivals and major events.
The reunion was very exciting because it had been over a decade since they last saw each other.
Being in a position to buy another company is exciting, and it's even more exciting if you can make a splash with a high-profile acquisition.
Your family is growing, and it is an exciting time for everyone...everyone that is except maybe your older child who may be experiencing sibling rivalry.
There is just something exciting about discovering those first pearly whites peeking through your little one's gums.
Choosing cute baby names can be exciting and a little overwhelming.
One of the most exciting times you'll experience as you await the arrival of your baby is registering for gifts.
You and your partner are expecting a baby, and it is an exciting time in your life.
Becoming a parent, whether for the first or fifth time is both exciting and unnerving.
The birth of fraternal twins is an exciting time, so whether the children will be yours or someone else's, get ready for plenty of cooing and cuddling.
The arrival of a new baby is an exciting time in a family's life.
To parents, it's exciting to see their little one reaching for toys or rolling over for the first time.
Preparing for the birth of a baby is an exciting, albeit nerve-racking, time.
This is an exciting time for youngsters, so be prepared to walk your child back to bed now that he can get out of bed on his own.
Getting a crib for your baby is an exciting time of planning for where she will sleep.
A crib is an essential component for a nursery, and picking out a crib for your baby can be an exciting experience.
Buying a new stereo can be a fun and exciting experience, especially nowadays, given the advanced technological age we live in.
While not the most exciting plants in the world, they are incredibly popular for being almost care free.
It can be exciting, and a little bewildering, if you are buying a baby gift for a new arrival.
Upgrading to a new vehicle can be both an exciting and terrifying prospect, but with a little research and knowledge the decision can be easier.
Sweeping lines and exciting shapes brings your eye to the entire tie, not one little part of it.
This gives them a month of service, renting or streaming, and is especially exciting if they are already Netflix members.
Few things in life are more fun and exciting than bringing home a new kitten.
It is always very exciting to get a new kitten.
This darling carrier offers many exciting luxury features for both you and kitty, such as an inside security leash, a cell phone pocket, and a waterproof floor tray set.
Since the market trend is so favorable toward pets, many new and exciting products are debuting on the market all the time.
If you have a cat that just seems bored with his old toys and needs something new and exciting to spark his interest, give interactive cat toys a try.
Support an emerging breed - It can be exciting to be on the frontier of a new cat breed that is seeking acceptance into CFA and similar organizations.
Stray cats are coming into your yard and exciting your pets through the window.
His gift for clarity makes his poetry ideal for teaching children the fundamentals of poetry while engaging them in exciting tales that build compassion through imagination.
Not only is this a good way to spend an afternoon with your child, but it also gives you an opportunity to discover new and exciting books that you might not have encountered in your local library or at the nearest bookstore.
Third grade reading books can help children enter a new and exciting phase that deepen a love of reading.
There are many interesting and exciting fabric designs that incorporate the color periwinkle, and these can be an excellent way to introduce the color.
Interior decorator jobs are fun and exciting ways for an individual to become involved in the professional interior decoration and design industries.
Decorative area rugs can transform a lifeless room into an exciting and dynamic expression of your personal style.
There are some exciting things happening with Home Depot paint colors.
Marc Jacobs Rain perfume is an exciting women's fragrance from this well-known designer.
There are several exciting ways to play.
To enjoy one of the most popular and exciting television game shows of all time, play Family Feud online.
Kids can even enjoy exciting Sudoku with a Halloween theme.
Online Tetris games range from classic Tetris to exciting new twists on the game.
The job search can be both a daunting and exciting one.
Maxima Games created an exciting game called Electro the Robotic Puppy, where you help your robot dog compete and win medals.
Whether you are covering a local sports event or you are simply taking pictures of other quickly moving objects, action photography could be one of the most exciting things you can do with your digital camera.
A career in fashion photography can be an exciting way to make a living.
While taking sexy photos with a romantic partner may sound fun and exciting, it can also be frightening.
However, there are ways you can make the process as exciting as possible without stepping on anyones toes.
One of the most lucrative and exciting ways to make a living taking pictures is to get into the field of sensual female photography.
One of the most exciting new digital camera markets is the mini-SLR style of camera.
Many scrapbook sayings are also available as page embellishments to give your scrapbook a chic and exciting look.
Regardless of whether you choose to accent the exterior of your scrapbook or add Oriental embellishments to your page layout, you album will be a gorgeous statement about this exciting country.
Be sure to write down any funny mishaps or exciting adventures you have.
Each of these ski resorts offers something new and exciting for those who are looking for a way to get away and enjoy all that Colorado has to offer.
A quick break from stress can work wonders to relieve your tension, and stress relief desktop games can be a fun, exciting, and stimulating way to get away from it all for a few minutes.
After the holidays, schedule something exciting for yourself.
The middle school transition can be exciting, scary, fun and traumatic for both parents and children.
The prom is a fun, exciting time in any teen's life, but questions like what to wear, who to go with, and how much money to spend can leave a kink in your happiness.
Making the transition from a teen under your parents' roof to a young adult living on your own or in a college dorm can be very exciting and scary.
Prom can be a fun and exciting time but also a stressful one.
Getting ready for your prom is an exciting and stressful time.
Online summer jobs for teens can be as exciting or interesting as you want them to be.
In the world of literature, poems by teens allow exciting new voices to be heard, vividly bringing adolescence to life.
Whether you enjoy searching for new poetry online or you prefer the feel of the printed page, the following sources can help you discover exciting new poetry.
For the very small percentage of young women who do make a living this way, it can be fun and exciting, but very short lived as magazines and media are always looking for the next "miss thang".
First dates should be fun and exciting without a large amount of pressure from friends or family.
Trying new things can open up a lot of exciting doors.
I've been interested in fashion since I was a teen so this position was a natural (and very exciting!) opportunity for me.
So many of the fashion trends start with teens who are often more edgy and willing to try new and exciting things, so it's still really fun to check out teen magazines and check in with my nine teenage nieces and nephews!
High school chemistry can be a fun and exciting place to learn and discover more about the world around us.
Having a schoolboy crush can be both an exciting and frustrating time for a young person.
It is exciting to remember that some do marry their high school sweethearts, and the young lady your son is bringing into your life right now just might become a future daughter in law.
Naturally, because graduation is not just seen as an ending to high school, but also as the beginning for an exciting new life, the future is a theme you often see in quotes.
Choosing to go ahead with the pregnancy and give birth is one which for many moms, even teenage ones, is both exciting and anxiety provoking.
The program combines exciting activities like snowboarding with personal development exercises.
It can be easy for a middle school student to get caught up in all of the new and exciting extra-curriculars offered and ignore their studies.
Shopping for the perfect gown is an exciting event that can be shared with your mother or your girlfriends, over a good cup of coffee, on any chilly autumn day.
While poetry can be exciting and interesting to a teen, sometimes long poems can be boring.
While it's exciting enough to graduate high school and move on to college or a career, many teens look forward to graduation for the gifts that they'll like receive.
As long as you are thoughtful and mindful of the graduate during this exciting time, you'll be following the guidelines for graduation gift etiquette.
With high school graduation, this moment will never come again, so the moment is both bittersweet and exciting.
You do not have to go anywhere exciting to be able to have fun; you can have fun just hanging out with friends at your house or school.
Many exciting world cuisines, such as Indian, Chinese and Greek, are predominantly vegetarian and all are easy to learn to prepare.
With a little imagination and creative thought, a variety of interesting and exciting vegan meals can be prepared.
Raw food recipes create new and exciting tastes, or recreate popular cooked recipes.
Learning to cook with different curries adds a whole new world of exciting flavors to vegetarian cooking.
Wedding shoes now come in an exciting assortment of designs to match your bridal style.
Share your joy with your loved ones and get ready for the most exciting time in your life.
Yet regardless of who ultimately makes the airline reservations, planning and preparing for the honeymoon is a fun and exciting way for couples to start their new lives together.
It doesn't have to be a big, exciting trip to Greece, although it certainly can be.
For adventure lovers less content with catching the rays and taking in the historical sights, there are plenty of options for exciting and adventurous honeymoon destinations.
Jet skiing, diving and snorkeling, charter fishing, kite boarding, and surfing are some of the exciting water activities to experience.
Renting classic limo can be fun and exciting.
Browsing wedding registries and registering for gifts is one of the most fun and exciting parts of preparing for your wedding!
Planning your perfect wedding can be a stressing situation, but fortunately a wedding planning timeline can help make this exciting time of your life precede a little smoother.
Many card and paper companies offer an exciting range of cardstock and paper that is made from recycled paper or is embedded with seeds and can be planted.
Photographs showcasing the items in use can help trigger exciting new reception decoration schemes or even an entire wedding day theme.
Building a registry together can be a fun and exciting experience for a couple to share, and at the same time they can learn a lot about one another's style and preferences.