Exchanged Sentence Examples
He exchanged a look with Bianca.
The small group exchanged looks.
Gabriel exchanged a look with Rhyn.
The countess exchanged a look with Sonya.
Dusty exchanged a look with Speck.
They were all pale and exchanged looks in silence.
They exchanged knowing glances, and treated her like a lost dog.
Ney and Berthier, standing near Napoleon, exchanged looks and smiled contemptuously at this general's senseless offer.
He was able, however, to destroy the correspondence exchanged, as he thought, with the queen, and it is not known whether there was any connivance of the officials, who did not prevent this, or not.
Now, however, the Darwaz extension northwards is exchanged for the Russian Pamir extension westwards,.
AdvertisementKritzinger, Hertzog and bodies of Cape rebels raided Cape Colony as soon as they were able to cross the Orange, and Hertzog penetrated so far that he exchanged shots on the Atlantic coast with a British warship. All that the British forces under Sir Charles Knox and others could do was to localize the raids and to prevent Botha's .
Des Cloizeaux (1817-1897) at the Ecole Normale, and in 1876 he became professor of mineralogy at the Sorbonne, but on the death of Wurtz in 1884 he exchanged that position for the chair of organic chemistry.
In 684 at the council of Twyford in Northumberland, Ecgfrith, king of Northumbria, prevailed upon him to give up his solitary life and become a bishop. He was consecrated at York in the following year as bishop of Hexham, but afterwards he exchanged his see with Eata for that of Lindisfarne.
Taken captive himself in 1433, he was exchanged for Talbot.
Knox now took a leading part in the great transaction by which the friendship of France was exchanged for that of England.
AdvertisementAfter some disturbances Guido Novello and the Ghibellines were expelled, but it was not the popolo who triumphed; the pope and Charles were the real masters of the situation, and the Florentines found they had exchanged a foreign and Ghibelline protector for one who was foreign and Guelph.
One of the earliest references to sugar in Great Britain is that of 100,000 lb of sugar being shipped to London in 1319 by Tomasso Loredano, merchant of Venice, to be exchanged for wool.
Cargoes of rum, manufactured from West Indian sugar and molasses, were exported to Africa and exchanged for slaves to be sold in the southern colonies and the West Indies.
Ernest, duke of Saxe-CoburgSaalfeld, exchanged Saalfeld for Gotha, took the title of duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and became the founder of the present ruling house.
The Revue germanique (1858) exchanged its exclusive name and character in 1865 to the Revue moderne.
AdvertisementBenefices may be exchanged by agreement between incumbents with the consent of the ordinary, and they may, with the consent of the patron and ordinary, be united or dissolved after being united.
Blows were exchanged before war was formally declared.
He was held as a prisoner from 1776 until exchanged in 1778; and lived four years in New York, and during the remainder of his life in England with an annual pension of £800 from the crown.
The linen or silk diadem was eventually exchanged for a flexible band of gold, which was worn in its place round the forehead.
He married Gudrun (Kriemhild), the sister of that king, and won for him by a stratagem the hand of the Valkyrie Brynhildr, with whom he had himself previously exchanged vows of love.
AdvertisementHe was vicar of Huddersfield from 1759 to 1771, when he exchanged to the living of Yelling,.
A system of inter-colonial weather exchanges has been agreed upon, and telegrams are daily exchanged between Sydney and Wellington.
His capacity soon attracted attention, and in 1847 he was made receivergeneral with a seat in the executive council, an office soon exchanged for the more important one of commissioner of Crown-lands.
His most important works were the Missa hispanica, which he exchanged for his diploma at Stockholm, a Mass in D minor, a Lauda Sion, a set of graduals, forty-two of which are reprinted in Diabelli's Ecclesiasticon, three symphonies (1785), and a string quintet in C major which has been erroneously attributed to Joseph Haydn.
Oku exchanged his 1st division for the 6th.
The duke of Hildburghausen gave up his lands entirely for Altenburg and became duke of Saxe-Altenburg; the duke of Coburg exchanged Saalfeld for Gotha and became duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha; and the duke of Saxe-Meiningen received Hildburghausen, Saalfeld and some other territories, and added Hildburghausen to his title.
In December he was exchanged, succeeded General Charles Lee in command of the right wing of Washington's army, in the battle of Trenton led an attack on the Hessians, and led a night attack against British and Loyalists on Staten Island, on the 22nd of August 1777.
On the 21st of August 1745, by the command of his aunt, he married the princess Sophia Augusta Frederica of AnhaltZerbst, who exchanged her name for that of Catherine Aleksyeevna.
Exchanged during the winter, he defended Berkeley Castle for a short time against Rainsborough, but was soon in the field again.
Against Castlereagh he entered the lists personally, and memorandum after memorandum was exchanged.
In lieu of the sovereignty of Tuscany, he obtained in 1802 the electorship of Salzburg, which he exchanged by the peace of Pressburg in 1805 for that of Wiirzburg.
Again recalled in 1878, he was appointed governor of Syria, and in August exchanged offices with the governor of Smyrna.
In 1842 he entered into correspondence with the leaders of the Tractarian movement in England, and some interesting letters have been preserved which were exchanged between him and Pusey, Gladstone and Hope Scott.
The living of St Gabriel he exchanged for that of St Martin, Ironmonger Lane; and, as rector of that parish, he in 1648 subscribed the Remonstrance against putting Charles I.
After ten years of administrative work in France as secretary of prefecture, and then as prefect successively of the departments of Aube (1872), Doubs (1876),(1876), Nord (1877-1882), he exchanged into the diplomatic service, being nominated French minister plenipotentiary at Tunis.
All the arts of architecture and horticulture were lavished on Burghley House and Theobalds, which his son exchanged for Hatfield.
Five years later he became professor ordinarius of logic and metaphysics; in 1759 he exchanged this for a professorship of rhetoric and poetry.
Its of peace ceased when the life of the cloister had to be exchanged for the discipline of the camp; so in the sketch of the the older orders, which preserved to their members certain constitutional rights.
In 1753 Spain and Portugal exchanged certain American provinces with each other, which involved a transfer of sovereign rights over Paraguay; but it was also provided that the populations should severally migrate also, that the subjects of each crown might remain the same as before.
On the 17th of October 1909 President Taft and President Diaz exchanged visits at the frontier at El Paso, Texas.
In 1573 he was taken prisoner by the Spaniards at Maaslandsluys, but was exchanged in the following year.
He then attacked the city itself; but, finding it too strong to be seized by a coup de main, he raised the siege on condition of having his captured soldiers exchanged for the children of some of the principal citizens who had fallen into his hands.
Olive has been supposed to be an anagram for the name of a Mlle Viole, but there is little evidence of real passion in the poems, and they may perhaps be regarded as a Petrarcan exercise, especially as, in the second edition, the dedication to his lady is exchanged for one to Marguerite de Valois, sister of Henry II.
The western slope of the Sierra Nevada hears fine forests similar to those of the Cascade Range and of the Coast Range, but of more open growth, and with the redwood exchanged for groves of big trees (Sequoia gigantea) of which the tallest examples reach 325 ft.
Philochorus in his Atthis (ap. Macrobius loc. cit.) further identified this divinity, at whose sacrifices men and women exchanged garments, with the moon.
On his return to England in 1551 King Edward assigned him a pension of loo crowns, which he afterwards exchanged for the rectory of Upton-uponSevern, Worcestershire.
His appointment at Haddington he exchanged for a similar one at Kirkcaldy in 1812.
The Syrian Christians, however, found that they had only exchanged the domination of a Zoroastrian monarch for an unsympathetic ecclesiastical despotism.
An important epoch in the history of Silesia is marked by the year 1740, when the dominion of Austria was exchanged for that of Prussia.
This plan, which was first adopted by St Bruno and his twelve companions at the original institution at Chartreux, near Grenoble, was maintained in all the Carthusian establishments throughout Europe, even after the ascetic severity of the order had been to some extent relaxed, and the primitive simplicity of their buildings had been exchanged for the magnificence of decoration which characterizes such foundations as the Certosas of Pavia and Florence.
The same year, recognizing the unprofitableness of serving such a master as Augustus, he exchanged the Saxon for the Russian service.
On the 23rd of March 16 to he exchanged Lewisham for the rectory of Great Chart, Kent.
War seemed imminent; Prussian troops also entered the country, and shots were actually exchanged between the outposts.
The surplice was formerly only worn by the clergy when conducting the service, being exchanged during the sermon for the "black gown," i.e.
With all its deficiencies, the Christian church has gained the " nations of the future," and whereas in the 3rd century the proportion of Christians to the whole human race was only that of one in a hundred and fifty, this has now been exchanged for one in three, and it is indisputable that the progress of the human race at this moment is identified with the spread of the influence of the nations of Christendom.
The ancestral possessions of the House of Nassau were exchanged for Luxemburg, of which territory King William in his personal capacity The Constitution of 1848.
The diazonium salts are characterized by their great reactivity and consequently are important reagents in synthetical processes, since by their agency the amino group in a primary amine may be exchanged for other elements or radicals.
Nelson was received with formal civility by the Russian officers, with whom he exchanged visits.
If this monastery was ever built, it was afterwards annexed to the church of Worcester, and the lands on the Stour formed part of the gift of Coenwulf, king of the Mercians, to Deneberht, bishop of Worcester, but were exchanged with the same king in 816 for other property.
Declarations to this effect were exchanged between the Belgian government and the Association on the 23rd of February 1885.
In 1873 this was exchanged for a canonry at Westminster.
Statutory provision is also made for allowing tithes and tithe rent charge to be exchanged for land, and for the redemption of rent charges made under the acts, and also of corn rents under the local acts.
In 1768 he exchanged to the living of Broadhembury, Devonshire.
At last in 1558 the powers agreed to an armistice, and in 1559 the peace of Cateau-Cambresis was made, by which Emmanuel regained his duchy, but on onerous terms, for France was to occupy several Piedmontese fortresses, including Turin and Pinerolo, for not more than three years, and a marriage was arranged between the duke and Margaret, duchess of Berry, sister of the French king; while Spain was to garrison Asti and Vercelli (afterwards exchanged for Santhia) until France evacuated the above-mentioned fortresses.
In 1724 he entered the ministry as secretary of war, but this office he exchanged in 1730 for the more lucrative one of paymaster of the forces.
This post he exchanged in 1828 for a professorship in the Wittenberg theological seminary, of which in 1832 he became also second director and ephorus, and hence in 1837 he removed to Heidelberg as professor and director of a new clerical seminary; in 1849 he accepted an invitation to Bonn as professor and university preacher, but in 1854 he returned to Heidelberg as professor of theology, and afterwards became member of the 'Oberkirchenrath, a position he held until his death on the 10th of August 1867.
He would have exchanged this for an active co-operation with Turkey, could Frederick the Great have been persuaded to promise at least neutrality in the event of a Russo-Austrian War.
And presently the new kingdom exchanged independence for safety.
This, on his reconciliation with Pope Innocent II., he exchanged for " king of Sicily and of the duchy of Apulia and of the principality of Capua."
Such supplies might be obtained by forcible raiding or as tribute of conquered countries, or perhaps as the free offerings of simple savages awed by the arrival of ships and civilized well-armed crews, or again by royal missions in which rich gifts on both sides were exchanged, or lastly by private trading.
He was a member of the first South Carolina provincial congress in 1775, served as colonel in the South Carolina militia in 1776-1777, was chosen president of the South Carolina Senate in 1779, took part in the Georgia expedi tion and the attack on Savannah in the same year, was captured at the fall of Charleston in 1780 and was kept in close confinement until 1782, when he was exchanged.
Wayland's son Wittich, and was cunningly exchanged by Hilde - brand for a commoner blade before Wittich's fight with Dietrich.
In 1 545 the archbishop exchanged Hexhamshire with the king for other property, and in 1572 all the separate privileges which had belonged to him were taken away, and the liberty was annexed to the county of Northumberland.
While Mary, Darnley and Ruthven exchanged threats and taunts, Bothwell and Huntly escaped from the palace, but next day, Mary contrived to send letters to them and Atholl.
Delivered with his colleagues to the Austrians on the 3rd of April 1793, he was exchanged for the daughter of Louis XVI.
From the records of Fa-Hian of the 4th century it is clear that ships from China exchanged merchandise with Arab vessels at Ceylon, and this is confirmed by the account of Cosmas, who wrote between S30 and J50 A.D.
As soon as the news of his banishment spread through the city, the astonishment of the people was quickly exchanged for a spirit of irresistible fury, which was increased by the occurrence of an earthquake.
Meantime Baur had exchanged one master in philosophy for another, Schleiermacher for Hegel.
In 1813 he exchanged shots with Thomas Hart Benton and his brother Jesse in a Nashville tavern, and received a second wound.
In England the title of duke was unknown till the Toth century, though in Saxon times the title ealdorman, afterwards exchanged for "earl," was sometimes rendered in Latin as dux,' and the English kings till John's time styled themselves dukes of Normandy, and dukes of Aquitaine even later.
To Franklin also we owe the important knowledge that the electric charge resides really in the glass and not in the metal coatings, and that when a condenser has been charged the metallic coatings can be exchanged for fresh ones and yet the electric charge of the condenser remains.
So early as 1834 it seemed as though the struggle would be renewed; for Mehemet Ali had extended to his new pashaliks his system of monopolies and conscription, and the Syrians, finding that they had exchanged Turkish whips for Egyptian scorpions, rose in a passion of revolt.
In 1776 Paley was presented to the rectory of Musgrave in Westmorland, supplemented at the end of the year by the vicarage of Dalston, and presently exchanged for that of Appleby.
Amaltheia gave it to Achelous (her reputed brother), who exchanged it for his own horn which had been broken off in his contest with Heracles for the possession of Deianeira.
He exchanged his "regency" or professorship in Glasgow University for one in that of St Andrews in 1523.
New York merchants, who had suffered so severely, determined to organize a headquarters where reports regarding the standing of customers could be exchanged.
In Santarem appeared Antonio Prestes, a magistrate who drew from his judicial experience but evinced more knowledge of folk-lore than dramatic talent, while Camoens himself was so far influenced by Gil Vicente, whose plays he had perhaps seen performed in Lisbon, that in spite of his Coimbra training he never exchanged the old forms for those of the classical comedy.
The Salisbury records show him also admitted to a prebend there on the r 6th of August, which he exchanged for other prebends on the 9th and 15th of October.
Soon afterwards he exchanged his chair of history for one of poetry, continuing to contribute political articles to the Debats, and sitting as deputy in the chamber from 1835 to 1848.
Volleys were exchanged, the British retreated, the minute-men hung on their flanks and from the hillsides shot them down, driving their columns on Lexington.
Though there is insufficient justification for dividing the Ebionites into two separate and distinct communities, labelled respectively Ebionites and Nazarenes, we have good evidence, not only that there were grades of Christological thought among them, but that a considerable section, at the end of the 2nd century and the beginning of the 3rd, exchanged their simple Judaistic creed for a strange blend of Essenism and Christianity.
Warburton now received from Sir Robert Sutton the small living of Greasley, in Nottinghamshire, exchanged next year for that of Brant Broughton, Lincolnshire.
He exchanged verses with his kinsman, the poet Charles of Orleans.
In 1832 he obtained the living of East Farleigh, Kent, which in 1840 he exchanged for that of Burton Agnes, near Hull.
When he found himself opposed to Diomedes, with whom he was connected by ties of hospitality, they ceased fighting and exchanged armour.
By its orders the royal governor, William Franklin (the natural son of Benjamin Franklin) was arrested and deported to Connecticut, where he remained a prisoner for two years, until exchanged and taken to New York under British protection.
When the British government, in 1824, made a treaty with the Netherlands, surrendering the remaining British settlements in Sumatra in exchange for certain posses sions on the continent of Asia, no reference was made in the articles to the Indian treaty of 1819; but an understanding was exchanged that it should be modified, while no proceedings hostile to Achin should be attempted by the Dutch.
He had exchanged his moderate republicanism for radical views before he became war minister in the cabinet of Leon Bourgeois (1895-1896).
At the same time, though acting with Russia in the Levant, the British government engaged in the affairs of Afghanistan to defeat her intriguesn Central Asia, and a contest with China was terminated by the conquest of Chusan, afterwards exchanged for the island of Hong-Kong.
Hall first took office in the Bang administration (12th of December 1854) as minister of public worship. In May 1857 he became president of the council after Andrae, Bang's successor, had retired, and in July 1858 he exchanged the ministry of public worship for the ministry of foreign affairs, while still retaining the premiership.
Their goods were carried in Conestoga wagons to Shippensburg and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and Hagerstown, Maryland, taken from there to Pittsburg on pack horses, and exchanged for Pittsburg products; these products were carried by boat to New Orleans, where they were exchanged for sugar, molasses, &c., and these were carried through the gulf and along the coast to Baltimore and Philadelphia.
On his return to Vienna, Prince Eugene was employed for a time in political matters, and at this time he exchanged the government of the Milanese for that of the Austrian Netherlands.
Her hair is cut short, and her bridal robes are exchanged for the sombre religious habit.
Aphasia due to the local trouble and general decay then progressed rapidly together, and even then at 76, two more years were still to elapse before "he exchanged the sleep of idiocy for the sleep of death."
He presently exchanged into the army, obtained a further court appointment, and entered the diplomatic service.
In 1789 his Observations sur les hopitaux procured him an appointment as administrator of hospitals in Paris, and in 1795 he became professor of hygiene at the medical school of Paris, a post which he exchanged for the chair of legal medicine and the history of medicine in 1799.
Soon after the close of the War of Independence American merchants began to buy furs along the north-west coast and to ship them to China to be exchanged for the products of the East.
On the 31st of December 1781 he was released on parole, and he was finally exchanged for Cornwallis.
In 1805 he exchanged the chair of mathematics for that of natural philosophy in succession to Dr John Robison, whom also he succeeded as general secretary to the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
The regal government was at a later time exchanged for an oligarchy or a democracy.
So much was his loss felt that his sister exchanged him a few months later for King Stephen.
Ratifications of the treaty were not exchanged at Peking until November 23, 1869.
When Burke had become one of the most famous men in Europe, no visitor to his house was more welcome than the friend with whom long years before he had tried poetic flights, and exchanged all the sanguine confidences of boyhood.
The festival Hybristica or Endymatia, in which men and women exchanged clothes, also celebrated the heroism of her female compatriots.
He was captured by the British at Charleston in May 1780, was exchanged in July 1781, was again a delegate to Congress in 1781-1783, and later served in the state legislature.
After holding this preferment for nearly two years, he exchanged it in July 1529 for the cure of Pont L'Eveque, a village 1 The family name of Calvin seems to have been written indifferently Cauvin, Chauve, Chauvin, Calvus, Calvinus.
In 1812, on account of failing health, he exchanged the representation of Yorkshire for that of a constituency which would make less demands on his time, and was returned for Bramber, Sussex.
The tale goes that the scorn of the daughter of a neighbouring king induced Harald to take a vow not to cut nor comb his hair until he was sole king of Norway, and that ten years later he was justified in trimming it; whereupon he exchanged the epithet "Shockhead" for the one by which he is usually known.
This post he held for ten years, but in 1869 exchanged his lectureship for one in moral philosophy, a subject to which he had been turning his attention more and more.
The laws were publicly promulgated or rehearsed; there were councils to deal with disputes and matters of local interest; popular sports such as horse-racing, running and wrestling were held; poems and tales were recited, and prizes were awarded to the best performers of every dan or art; while at the same time foreign traders came with their wares, which they exchanged for native produce, chiefly skins, wool and frieze.
He exchanged the cares of his bishopric for what he thought would be the easier chair of the Abbey of Fontenay, but there he was vexed with continual lawsuits.
His father, Vincenzio, was an impoverished descendant of a noble Florentine house, which had exchanged the surname of Bonajuti for that of Galilei, on the election, in 1 343, of one of its members, Tommaso de' Bonajuti, to the college of the twelve Buonuomini.
Subsequently (1874), as his country's representative in St Petersburg, he concluded the treaty by which Japan exchanged the southern half of Saghalien for the Kuriles.
As a rule this arrangement of prisms can be exchanged for the Wenham stereoscopic reflection-prisms.
This chair he exchanged for that of mathematics and physics at Yale in 1825; in 1836, when this professorship was divided, he retained that of astronomy and natural philosophy.
Gordon returned to England, and in April 1881 exchanged with a brother officer, who had been ordered to Mauritius as Commanding Royal Engineer, but who for family reasons was unable to accept the appointment.
So Sigurd, assuming Gunnar's shape, rode through the flames on his magic horse, and in sign of troth exchanged rings with the Valkyrie, giving her the ring of Andvari.
They exchanged a silent communication, and Pierre moved through the crowd toward Linda and Traci.
As Cynthia sat, the cat exchanged Dean's lap for Cynthia's in one effortless leap.
They exchanged humorous banter with neither party revealing their true objective.
The first pint out was bad, but it was exchanged with no problem by the friendly bartender for fresh pints.
Their uniqueness is further assured by a process of crossing-over between maternal and paternal chromosomes whereby parts of chromosomes are exchanged.
These treatments will be exchanged for one deluxe manicure OR one deluxe manicure OR one deluxe pedicure (approx 1 hour ).
The three exchanged worried glances, then they heard the sound of salvation.
Thus, when the Americans built the levees, they exchanged a large risk of small floods for a small risk of large floods.
He exchanged harsh words and occasionally fisticuffs with fellow mouthy mavericks like Spike Lee, Oliver Stone and producer Don Murphy.
The singles order and doubles pairings were exchanged by the team Captains on Wednesday afternoon.
When everyone has arrived and ordered a delicious pancake, 63 kisses have been exchanged.
These treatments will be exchanged for one deluxe manicure OR one deluxe pedicure (approx 1 hour ).
Dollars must now be exchanged for Cuban pesos where a 10 per cent commission will be charged.
So did much fertile river valley land, which was exchanged for hydroelectric or irrigation reservoirs.
We look at the reasons why many football stadia are being exchanged for a newer model.
Within 2 hours this car was exchanged for a maroon one with a black steering wheel.
Act like an obsessively tidy person - until you've exchanged contracts neatly fold and put away everything!
His lordship has exchanged the corn tithes of Dalston township, for the small tithes of the Rose estate.
In 1969 they were exchanged with British spy Gerald Brooke (some said convicted in Russia on trumped up charges ).
At Berulle's instance he became curate of Clichy near Paris (1611); but this charge he soon exchanged for the post of tutor to the count of Joigny at Folleville, in the diocese of Amiens, where his success in dealing with the spiritual needs of the peasants led to the "missions" with which his name is associated.
Continued ill-health compelled him in 1877 again to seek rest in Europe, having first exchanged the portfolio of justice for the less exacting office of president of the council.
This chair he exchanged in 1838 for that of archaeology, and in 1840 he succeeded Pierre C. Francois Daunou (1761-1840) as keeper of the national archives.
The benefice was inalienable, could not be sold, pledged, exchanged, sublet, devised or diminished.
His liberalism in politics having brought him into conflict with the university authorities of Giessen, he exchanged that university for Göttingen in 1816, and three years later received a chair at the new university of Bonn, where he established the art museum and the library, of which he became the first librarian.
Her reward was thesupreme vision in which Christ revealed to her His heart burning with divine love, and even, so she affirmed, exchanged it with hers, at the same time bidding her establish, on the Friday following, the feast of Corpus Christi, a festival in honour of His Sacred Heart.
In 1636 he met with a congenial spirit in William Crabtree, a draper of Broughton, near Manchester; and encouraged by his advice he exchanged the guidance of Philipp von Lansberg, a pretentious but inaccurate Belgian astronomer, for that of Kepler.
The ciphered telegram leaves little discretion to the envoy, and written notes are exchanged which are practically a mere transcription of the deciphered telegram or draft prepared at the instructing foreign office.
According to the mechanics of Newton, when two bodies collide each body makes the other move equally and oppositely; but it has become a convenient habit to express this concrete fact in abstract language by calling it the conservation of momentum, by talking of one body communicating its motion to the other; as if bodies exchanged motion as men do money.
His father being at this time lord chancellor, Yorke obtained a sinecure appointment in the Court of Chancery in 1747, and entered parliament as member for Reigate, a seat which he afterwards exchanged for that for the university of Cambridge.
Among the southern Sla y s the " Illyrian " movement, voiced from 1836 onward in the Illyrian National Gazette of Ljudevit Gaj, was directed in the first instance to a somewhat shadowy Pan-Slav union, which, on the interference of the Austrian government in 1844, was exchanged for the more definite object of a revival of " the Triune Kingdom " (Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia) independent of the Hungarian crown (see Croatia, &c.).
The fanaticism of the Meccan is an affair of the purse; the mongrel population (for the town is by no means purely Arab) has exchanged the virtues of the Bedouin for the worst corruptions of Eastern town life, without casting off the ferocity of the desert, and it is hardly possible to find a worse certificate of character than the three parallel gashes on each cheek, called Tashrit, which are the customary mark of birth in the holy city.
Froude reports that he "received a large sum from a private hand for his Life of Lord George Bentinck" (published in 1852), "while a Conservative millionaire took upon himself the debts to the usurers; the 3% with which he was content being exchanged for the zo% under which Disraeli had been staggering."
Leo X., Julius II.s successor, by an astute volte-face exchanged Parma and the Concordat for a guarantee of all the Churchs possessiOns, which meant the defeat of French plans (1515).
The crowd went mad; the benches exchanged sullen looks.
Act like an obsessively tidy person - until you 've exchanged contracts neatly fold and put away everything !
A bank is open at the airport in Port Villa and travelers checks or cash can be exchanged here.
In 1969 they were exchanged with British spy Gerald Brooke (some said convicted in Russia on trumped up charges).
However, picking up rentals the day before or early morning can allow time for hems to be shortened and shoes to be exchanged.
Any property exchanged for one of the items listed above is also considered to be separate property.
You may find common anger triggers and gain insight as ideas are exchanged within the group.
The money changers exchanged Roman currency into the Temple shekel.
The truth of the matter is bodily fluids are exchanged during intercourse, causing a risk of pregnancy whether or not the guy happens to be a pull out champion.
After the vows have been exchanged and the last dance twirled, many brides are left wondering what to do with their dress.
If you want to have it read aloud, however, you can have the poetry reading near the beginning of the ceremony, soon after the greeting and before the vows are exchanged.
Whether it is the first time a couple has exchanged vows or the tenth, it should be a meaningful, romantic celebration of the love they share.
In some cocaine addiction programs, patients who participate in treatment and remain drug-free receive points or vouchers that can be exchanged for healthy and enjoyable rewards.
There may be constant lying, denial and hurtful words that are exchanged between an alcoholic and everyone else.
Heated words were exchanged between the female and Akins.
Co-stars Tammy Faye Messner, Trish Cannatella and guests Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison looked on as the two exchanged vows.
The duo did speak openly about their relationship and often exchanged barbs on Kimmel's show Jimmy Kimmel Live.
The couple exchanged their own written vows and Neil Lane rings, at the home they share in Los Angeles.
The two ladies, who already had a past history of butting heads, exchanged words - then Stevens, a former Atlanta Falcons cheerleader, walked away.
Anyway, the two went on and on about how they exchanged their (reportedly) tequila soaked "I Do's" in Mexico.
After a few words were exchanged, Melissa quietly returned Jason's engagement ring and walked off stage and out of Jason's life.
In the lawsuit, Rowe's lawyers claim that Rowe and White have not exchanged such e-mails and have not even communicated since Jackson's death.
These are the air pockets where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the blood.
This is so that a birthstone necklace can be returned or exchanged if it is not quite right.
Matching friendship bracelets are sometimes exchanged to show membership in a club or group.
Historically, the Claddagh ring was exchanged among friends.
If you are planning on purchasing something for someone else, make sure that it can be returned or exchanged, if necessary.
Garments may be returned or exchanged within 10 days of purchase.
Please note that it can't be returned or exchanged.
Note that dresses may be returned or exchanged within three days of receipt, minus shipping costs and plus a 15 percent restocking fee.
Items may be returned or exchanged within seven days of receipt, but note that special orders or specialty items that feature delicate fabrics, beading or embroidery cannot be returned or exchanged.
Nintendo exchanged those straps and made the material thicker and redesigned the clasp so it would stayed closed better.
By that time, most of the scratched discs were exchanged or the scratched discs played just fine and gamers didn't care.
Alternatively, you can look to online forums and other buy/sell websites such as Craigslist where you are able to meet up with the seller in person before any money is exchanged.
In these cases, an error occurs that causes a portion of chromosome 13 to be exchanged for a portion of another chromosome.
Other tests may be used to measure how effectively oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the lungs.
The alveoli, in which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged, are clustered at the ends of the bronchioles.
Oxygen in the inspired air is exchanged within the alveoli of the lungs for carbon dioxide, a waste product of human metabolism.
Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals.
Depending on the time of service, it may also record a soldier being taken prisoner and perhaps exchanged, such as during the Civil War.
However, some items such as diaper bags and those classified under the beauty products and gifts categories, can only be exchanged.
Rather than purchasing doughnuts at the time the sales is made, supporters purchase coupons that can be exchanged for doughnuts - or discounts on doughnuts - at a future time.
Gifts can be exchanged, such as clothes, new toys, and other trinkets between family members, which makes this holiday very similar to Christmas celebrations.
This is one of two days when gifts are exchanged.
Just in case the gift needs to be exchanged or replaced.
I am concerned about the part of not having met him in person yet, other than through phone conversations and exchanged photographs.
We don't live together, but we have exchanged keys.
It's best to stick to comical ones in the beginning of a relationship and then start sending sensuous and sentimental ones once you have become intimate and exchanged the words, '"I Love You."
We exchanged numbers and we have been together ever since.
Long and ardent love letters were also exchanged, as detailed by the University of Houston.
Guaranteed trade-in value with a valid sales receipt for bridal sets and solitaires, including earrings and pendants, toward the purchase of a new item at least twice the cost of the exchanged item.
In the 1940s and 1950s, couples often exchanged class rings or fraternity pins as symbols of their relationship, and those tokens were interpreted as promises to remain together and faithful.
Depending on the promise, the rings may be exchanged between friends of any age or marital status.
Popular options include different sizes of Katie Holmes' engagement ring from Tom Cruise, Britney Spears' engagement ring that she purchased herself, and the the pink diamond engagement ring exchanged between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez.
Regardless of what gifts are exchanged, the key to a meaningful gift is that it expresses the special feelings between the giver and the recipient.
For example, if a couple cannot decide on a ring design, the chosen diamond can be mounted in an elegant solitaire setting that can be exchanged later for a more elaborate ring.
Promise rings have been exchanged for generations, often as pins or class rings between courting couples.
Friendship promise rings - These rings are exchanged between good friends with no romantic attachments.
Another important feature is whether the rings will be worn for ever or just until the engagement rings are exchanged.
This is ideal for promise rings that are only going to be worn until engagement rings are exchanged, however the white gold plate may wear away with time.
At the same time, however, a couple must be very careful that a promise ring exchanged on Valentine's Day is not mistaken for an engagement ring.
The boyfriend or girlfriend exchanged poems during the courtship.
Finally, promise rings can also be exchanged between best friends to seal a pact.
A promise ring is generally exchanged to show commitment to a friendship or relationship.
In the 1500s through the 1700s, European couples exchanged rings to show their intent to become betrothed.
In fact, the earliest rings may have been exchanged by men forming alliances with one another.
A pet is part of the family and cannot be exchanged or discarded like a toy your child no longer wants.
For some schools, students' mode of dress has gotten so out of hand that decency has been exchanged for short skirts, skimpy tops, and sagging pants.
People traded milk for eggs, swapped vegetables for meat, or exchanged childcare for help with gardening.
What is a unit of service, or UOS, and how is it exchanged for another?
Favorpals advocates that in order for the system of exchange to work, all units of service should be treated equally, and therefore exchanged one for one.
How can someone be certain a favor will be exchanged?
The fear of any rookie online shopper is having to return merchandise, and promises customers that any unworn shoe in new condition can be exchanged before 30 days for a full refund.
Each store has its own policy, so if you are not sure about a purchase, find out if it can be returned or exchanged before leaving the store.
Sadly, Mike Roy was shot and the couple exchanged vows on his deathbed.
Foods within a particular group are processed similarly by the body and therefore can be exchanged for one another.
Each exchange contains a certain number of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and any food with which it could be exchanged would offer a similar number of important nutrients.
For example, one-third cup of quinoa could be exchanged for one-half cup of corn or one-half cup of black eyed peas could be substituted for one cup of butternut squash.
Gift exchange - Decide on whether or not gifts will be exchanged at the party.
A printer and a few graphics are all that is necessary to craft fun vouchers that can be exchanged for things like a quick hand with a chore, running an errand, borrowing a cup of sugar, or just enjoying a morning coffee together.
While the wealthy folks exchanged their gifts on or before Christmas Day, the day after was reserved for those less fortunate or lower on the social class ladder.
All information exchanged on the site is private.
By day, the mystery lurked in every look exchanged between Sarah and Giddon.
No words were exchanged until much later, after our naked and robust greeting.
Schedules were exchanged until a free weekend opened up, after our obligatory trip to Iowa and Betsy's parents.
The four of us gathered in the Le Blanc living room as soon as greetings were exchanged.
Back and forth smiles were exchanged and there was an instance of a quiet remark, followed by knowing smiles.
They exchanged a greeting in a foreign language that sounded like Russian before he held out his hand to her.
Deidre exchanged a look with her look-alike.
They had knocked heads and locked wills over the death of a Bird Song guest during the prior January's Ice Climbing Festival when bitter words were exchanged.
There were stern looks exchanged and then the group was gone, stomping and snapping their way up the stairs.
It was the first real words the two had exchanged since their meeting at the mine.
Cynthia and her husband exchanged knowing been-there, done-that smiles.
Deidre exchanged a look with Darkyn's mate.
Molly appeared skeptical while the others exchanged knowing looks with each other.
They exchanged a heated look so intense Kiera blushed.
The two exchanged pleasantries, their discomfort apparent.
Brady exchanged a look with Dan.
Brady and Elise exchanged a grim look.
Suddenly, someone launched from the trees. Deidre stopped. Katie smashed into her and knocked them both to the ground. Katie rolled and pushed herself up, missing the look exchanged between Deidre and the newcomer.
Hunter and Dean exchanged information during the short drive to the Ocean Shore Motel.
They shook hands, but no names were exchanged.
The two exchanged the Coors beer and the evening's entertainment for a brief but pleasant stroll around the streets of Durango.
They were all joking, of course, but how much would Alex change once they exchanged vows?
For a moment they silently exchanged determined expressions.
For a few electrified moments they exchanged hungry looks.
For a full minute they exchanged emotions across the corral.
More words were exchanged, but Jenn heard none of them.
Jenn exchanged a worried look with Bianca.
Sirian's gaze returned to hers, and the two exchanged a look that made the hair on the back of Taran's neck rise once more.
Allin exchanged a knowing glance with the guard beside him.
They exchanged news and details on the climate differences and finally, when they were talked out, they said their good byes.
She exchanged a look with Gerry before her eyes went past him to the group of three women watching nearby.
The two exchanged some short communication before Jule tossed the bo to none other than Gerry.
In 1733 George Stone was made dean of Ferns, and in the following year he exchanged this deanery for that of Derry; in 1740 he became bishop of Ferns, in 1743 bishop of Kildare, in 1745 bishop of Derry, and in 1747 archbishop of Armagh.
Again in 1820 Aurore exchanged the restraint of a convent for freedom, being recalled to Nohant by Mme de Francueil, who had no intention of letting her granddaughter grow up a devote.
In the Black Sea they exploited the shores of Pontus and Scythia, whose products they exchanged for textiles spun from the wool of their own country.
Malacca was taken from the Dutch by the British in 1795; was restored to the latter in 1818; but in 1824 was exchanged for Benkulen and a few more unimportant places in Sumatra.
Finding the usual crowd of beggars before St Peter's, he exchanged his clothes with one of them, and experienced an overpowering joy in spending the day begging among the rest.
He only exchanged one set of foreign masters for another, and taught a new barbarian race how pleasant were the plains of Italy.
The system of setting nations by the ears with the view of settling the quarrels of a few reigning houses was reduced to absurdity when the people, as in these cases, came to be partitioned and exchanged without the assertion or negation of a single principle affecting their interests or rousing their emotions.
On the 15th of November he was assassinated, and as no one was punished for this crime the insolence of the disorderly elements increased, and shots were exchanged with the Swiss Guard.
Lord Salisbury and Waddington at the instance of Bismarck, that, when convenient, France should occupy Tunisia, an agreement afterwn.rds confirmed (with a reserve as to the eventual attitude of Italy) in despatches exchanged in July and August 1878 between the Quai dOrsay and Downing Street.
Similarly, in regard to Albania, Visconti Venosta exchanged notes with Austria with a view to the prevention of any misunderstanding through the conflict between Italian and Austrian interests in that part of the Adriatic coast.
Rawlinson supposed, the fifty-three years of his reign are exchanged by mistake with the twenty-two years of his son Phraortes, under whom the Median conquests began.
Each of these schools impresses its pupils, in the case of the birds, with its own stamp, but there are many combinations, since in the course of phyletic development many a group of birds has exchanged one school for another.
Valenzuela succeeded in getting the embassy exchanged for the governorship of Granada.
In February 1661 he had obtained a captaincy of horse, and in 1667 he exchanged his vice-treasuryship of Ireland for the treasuryship of the navy.
This change of masters brought some relief to the unfortunate Cretans, who at least exchanged the licence of local misrule for the oppression of an organized despotism; and the government of Mustafa Pasha, an Albanian like Mehemet Ali, the ruler of the island for a considerable period (1832-1852), was more enlightened and intelligent than that of most Turkish governors.
This pope reigned only ten months; his successor, John XXIII., raised Pierre d'Ailly to the rank of cardinal (June 6, 1411), and further, to indemnify him for the loss of the bishopric of Cambrai, conferred upon him the administration of that of Limoges (November 3, 1412), which was shortly after exchanged for the bishopric of Orange.
Laurent, to protect himself from the consequences of the substitution, replaced the wooden figure by a deaf mute, who was presently exchanged for the scrofulous child of the death certificate.
This last class trades with the other three and despatches caravans to Illorin and other places, where the Kano goods, the "potash" and other merchandise are exchanged for kolas and European goods.
In February 1334 he was made lord treasurer, an appointment he exchanged later in the year for that of lord chancellor.
His liberalism in politics having brought him into conflict with the university authorities of Giessen, he exchanged that university for Göttingen in 1816, and three years later received a chair at the new university of Bonn, where he established the art museum and the library, of which he became the first librarian.
On his return in 1847, he exchanged the naval for the military service, and was sent to join the U.S. army in Mexico, where he had some extraordinary adventures, and where he was again stricken with fever.
He was taken captive in the battle, but exchanged for the wife of Robert Bruce.
In 1789 he exchanged his chemistry lectureship for that of the theory and practice of physic; and when the medical college, which he had helped to found, was absorbed by the university of Pennsylvania in 1791 he became professor of the institutes of medicine and of clinical practice, succeeding in 1796 to the chair of the theory and practice of medicine.
Similar courtesies were exchanged during the jubilee of 1897, and again in March 1902, when Edward VII.
The native chiefs engaged in forays, sometimes even on their own subjects,for the purpose of procuring slaves to be exchanged for Western commodities.
The rates at which the series were respectively exchanged against the new unified bonds were £loo series B against £70 unified, £loo series C against £42 unified and £too series C against £37, 10s.
Meanwhile in Asia also the Ottoman Empire had been consolidated and extended; but from 1501 onwards the ambitious designs of the youthful Shah Ismail in Persia grew more and more threatening to its security; and though Bayezid, intent on peace, winked at his violations of Ottoman territory and exchanged friendly embassies with him, a breach was sooner or later inevitable.
In 1904 the territory of Cambodia was increased by the addition to it of the Siamese provinces of Melupre and Bassac, and the maritime district of Krat, the latter of which, together with the province of Dansai, was in 1907 exchanged for the provinces of Battambang, Siem-reap and Sisophon.
Although he greatly enjoyed the outdoor business of the engineer's life it strained his physical endurance too much, and in 1871 was reluctantly exchanged for study at the Edinburgh bar, to which he was called in 1875.
The tests for a salt, potassium nitrate, for example, are the tests not for KNO 3, but for its ions K and NO 3, and in cases of double decomposition it is always these ions that are exchanged for those of other substances.
In 1640 he was presented to the sinecure living of Hartfield, Sussex, and in the following year he was made canon of Christ Church and exchanged to the rectory of Mildenhall, Wiltshire.
The nitro group in the aromatic series is bound very firmly in the molecule and is not readily exchanged for other groups.
In 1532 he exchanged his curacy for a living at Witmarsum, in response to a popular call.
Hearing this, Dorothy and the Wizard exchanged startled glances, for they remembered how often Eureka had longed to eat a piglet.
The countess exchanged glances with Anna Mikhaylovna.
They all rushed out of the village again, but Tushin's guns could not move, and the artillerymen, Tushin, and the cadet exchanged silent glances as they awaited their fate.
And though Prince Vasili, when he stayed in (as he said) for Pierre's sake, hardly exchanged a couple of words with him, Pierre felt unable to disappoint him.
When he had gone, taking his wife with him, and had settled down with her in their covered cart, the officers lay down in the tavern, covering themselves with their wet cloaks, but they did not sleep for a long time; now they exchanged remarks, recalling the doctor's uneasiness and his wife's delight, now they ran out into the porch and reported what was taking place in the covered trap.
Pierre exchanged glances with Countess Mary and Nicholas (Natasha he never lost sight of) and smiled happily.
Cassie tapped her boot toe against the footrest and shifted restlessly in the seat while the men exchanged greetings.
Davis and Fritz exchanged puzzled glances.
Fritz and Royce exchanged knowing glances and Pete merely nodded.
He exchanged a look with her, and understanding crossed her face.
Sofia exchanged a look with Linda, and the chipper woman took the hint.
Sofia exchanged an understanding look with Traci.
She exchanged a look with Traci.
They exchanged one of their silent communications.
Kiki and Tamer exchanged a look while Sasha seemed to be the only one pleased by the arrangement.
They exchanged hellos and Connor asked, "Sarah around?"
Hilden opened it and exchanged quick words with someone.
In 1546 he accepted a professorial chair at Lucca, which he exchanged in 1555 for that of Greek and Latin literature at Milan.
In the Emperor's suite all exchanged rapid looks that expressed dissatisfaction and reproach.
She stood by her mother's side and exchanged nods with acquaintances near her.
On the 24th of September 1361 the king gave Wykeham a prebend in Beverley Minster, on the 1st of October the prebend of Oxgate in St Paul's (which he exchanged for Tattenhall on the 10th of December), on the 22nd of November a prebend in St David's cathedral, on the 10th of December a prebend in Wherwell Abbey, Hants.
After the fish, which made a certain sensation, the count exchanged glances with the other committeemen.
Several times parts of the Pavlograd regiment had exchanged shots with the enemy, had taken prisoners, and once had even captured Marshal Oudinot's carriages.
He stayed so long that Princess Mary and Natasha exchanged glances, evidently wondering when he would go.
When everyone was satisfied, they exchanged names and numbers.
Donna & Chris exchanged uncomfortable glances.
The two exchanged pleasantries and blatant flirtations as they walked to Chapman's, an upscale men's clothier.
The couple exchanged a look.
While he was away Princess Mary, Dessalles, Mademoiselle Bourienne, and even little Nicholas exchanged looks in silence.
Nor did he say anything when she exchanged the guitar for a violin and paid for lessons.