Excessive Sentence Examples
Politicians use an excessive amount of hyperbole.
Maybe it was the mercury in the tuna she ate or the excessive amounts of chocolate.
The excessive demands made upon the Jews forbade a fair rate of interest.
In Germany the concessions made to the pope and the reservations maintained by him in the matter of taxes and benefices were deemed excessive, and the prolonged discontent which resulted was one of the causes of the success of the Lutheran Reformation.
This circumstance is due to the sea-breezes, which blow with great regularity, and temper what would otherwise be an excessive heat.
Where the face of the warehouse is sufficiently close to the water to permit of the crane rope plumbing the hatches without requiring a jib of excessive radius, it is a very convenient plan to place the whole crane on the warehouse roof.
In the same year he published Ober die Freiheit der Wissenschaft, in which he maintained the independence of science, whose goal was truth, against authority, and reproached the excessive respect for the latter in the Roman Church with the insignificant part played by the German Catholics in literature and philosophy.
This is the excessive litigiousness, the fondness for law, legal forms, legal processes, which has ever been characteristic of the people.
The rainfall is steady and not usually excessive.
The excessive heat of the upper regions compels him to descend, and he next visits the bottom of the sea in a kind of diving-bell.
AdvertisementIn 1889 the public debt of the republic amounted to about £24,000,000, but the financial difficulties which immediately followed that year, and the continuance of excessive expenditures, forced the debt up to approximately £128,000,000 during the next ten years.
Hand cranes are extremely useful where the load is not excessive, and the quantities to be dealt with are not motive powers.
In the latter case the overturning tendency begins as soon as the load leaves the ground, but ceases as soon as the load again touches the ground and thus relieves the crane of the extra weight, whereas overturning backwards is caused either by the reaction of a chain breaking or by excessive counterweight.
The proceedings were characterized by excessive merriment and licentiousness.
Such crude attempts as were made to prevent rates from being excessive concerned themselves with profits, and were designed to confiscate for the state treasury any earnings beyond a certain prescribed dividend.
AdvertisementA divorce may be granted only to one who has lived for at least one year in the state; among the recognized causes for divorce are desertion for two years, cruelty, insanity or physical incapacity at time of marriage, habitual drunkenness or excessive use of opium or other drugs, and the conviction of either party of felony.
His vanity was certainly excessive; but I have no doubt that, in his public conduct as well as in his writings, he was desirous of doing good, that his ambition was of the noblest kind, anti that he proposed to himself the noblest ends.
Much of the grain was never harvested, whilst owing mainly to the excessive floods there commenced an outbreak of liver-rot in sheep, due to the ravages of the fluke parasite.
Mr. Harding based his campaign chiefly upon criticism of the Wilson administration, denouncing especially the excessive power that, as he maintained, had been exercised by the executive as a result of war centralization; he demanded as speedy as possible a return to normal conditions, political and industrial.
The crests of the higher ridges in the central province are delightfully cool in summer, but the adjacent valleys are subject to excessive heat in summer and severe cold in winter.
AdvertisementIn this constitution he declared that the competency of these various organs was not always clear, and that their functions were badly arranged; that certain of them had only a small amount of business to deal with, while others were overworked; that strictly judicial affairs, with which the Congregations had not to deal originally, had developed to an excessive extent, while the tribunals, the Rota and the Signatura, had nothing to do.
No impurity, consisting of any known substance, could be discovered capable of explaining an excessive weight in the one case, or a deficiency in the other.
On the other hand, the concrete, being a non-conductor, preserves the steel from being softened and twisted by excessive temperature.
But even now the praise seems hardly excessive to a visitor who, looking eastward up the fertile and well-wooded valley of Olympia, sees the snow-crowned chains of Erymanthus and Cyllene rising in the distance.
There is an excessive use of the ablative absolute, and ablative phrases are often appended in a kind of vague "apposition" to express the author's own opinion of an immediately previous statement, e.g.
AdvertisementThe excessive favour which he showed to John, his youngest-born, was another cause of heart-burning; and Louis, the old enemy, did his utmost to foment all discords.
Although transpiration is a necessary accompaniment of nutrition, it may easily become excessive, especially where the plant cannot readily recoup itself.
In these circumstances " syringing " and " damping down " are of value in cooling the temperature of the air in hothouses and greenhouses and increasing its humidity, thereby checking excessive transpiration.
This arrangement is adopted in order to prevent excessive luxuriance in the grass.
They require more draught than coke fires, but care must be taken not to give too much, as excessive heat is likely to melt or soften the fire-bars.
Tomatoes will now be fruiting freely; thin out judiciously, avoiding excessive pruning at one time.
Put in cuttings of bedding pelargoniums in boxes, which may stand outdoors exposed to the sun, but should be sheltered from excessive rains.
His health had been undermined by excessive work and anxiety, and after a short illness he died at Brunswick on the 15th of February 1781.
The occurrence of red deposits in western Australia, Scotland, the Ural mountains, in Michigan, Montana and Nova Scotia, &c., associated in some instances with the formation of gypsum and salt, clearly points to the existence of areas of excessive evaporation, such as are found in land-locked waters in regions where something like desert conditions prevail.
The carboncontent of steel is rarely greater than this, lest the brittleness be excessive.
There are some very evident disadvantages of excessive height; for instance, that the weight of an excessively high column of solid coke, ore and limestone tends to crush the coke and jam the charge in the lower and narrowing part of the furnace, and that the frictional resistance of a long column calls for a greater consumption of power for driving the blast up through it.
Moreover, since local cooling, with its consequent viscosity and tendency to froth, are avoided, the frothing is not excessive in spite of the rapidity of the reaction.
Yet frothing is not excessive, because the slag is not, as in common practice, locally chilled and made viscous by cold lumps of ore.
The shape which the molten metal under treatment has in the Kjellin furnace, a thin ring of large diameter, is evidently bad, inconvenient for manipulation and with excessive heat-radiating surface.
Excessive application hurt his health, which remained weak during the rest of his life.
Here it will suffice to say that he followed the Pachomian rather than the Antonian model, setting himself definitely against the practice of the eremitical life and of excessive asceticism, and inculcating the necessity and superiority of labour.
The views of the new Protestantism concerning monasticism are probably no less excessive than those of the old.
There is more radium than any other radioactive element, but its excessive rarity may be gauged by the facts that Mme.
The growth is less checked by early frosts; and whatever advantages to the vegetation may accrue by occasional excessive warmth in the atmosphere in the early months of the year are experienced more by the irrigated than by the ordinary meadow grasses by reason of the abundant development of roots which the water has encouraged.
Henry, who hitherto had treated the new pope with excessive respect, now announced his intention of going to Rome and assuming the imperial title.
This feeling had its origin at first in a natural reaction against the excessive admiration for, English institutions which distinguished the Liberals of an older generation.
This excessive rigour was mitigated in 1561.
He was famed in antiquity for the richness and splendour of his imagination and his style, although Quintilian censures his redundancy and Hermogenes remarks on the excessive sweetness that results from his abundant use of epithets.
Leprosy is common, especially in the inland towns; while ophthalmia is prevalent in the north, especially among the poorer classes, who are compelled to expose themselves to the blinding dust from the deserts and the excessive glare of the sun reflected from the burning sand.
By these means a large and rapidly increasing revenue is being secured to government; while the condition of the peasantry and people is being greatly ameliorated, an adequate but not excessive income is being secured to the native rulers; and the class of middlemen who lived by extortion and absorbed a great part of the wealth of the country is being abolished.
In 828, when Mamflns brother Motasim was feudal lord, a violent insurrection broke out in the IJauf, occasioned, as usual, by excessive taxation; it was partly quelled in the next year by Motalim, who marched against the rebels with an army of 4000 Turks.
Not only does it relieve the spasm, but it lessens the amount of secretion - often dangerously excessive - which is often associated with it.
In the former he calls attention to the growing strength of Austria and France, and insists on the necessity of some third power, by which he clearly means Prussia, counterbalancing their excessive influence.
Through the efforts of Governor Thomas Ford (1800-1850) a movement to repudiate the state debt was defeated, and a plan was adopted by which the entire debt could be reduced without excessive taxation, and by 1880 practically the entire debt was extinguished.
The regent had great qualities, both brilliant and solid, which were unfortunately spoilt by an excessive taste for pleasure.
All over the country are olive-trees, the fruit and oil of which are a staple product of the country; the trade is however hampered by an excessive tax on trees, which not only discourages plantation, but has the unfortunate effect of encouraging destruction.
The most awkward shapes, involving excessive extensions of metal, are produced by drawing processes between dies of iron and steel in power presses.
Travelling by the high roads during his reign was comparatively safe; although it must be added that the excessive exactions of dues and customs very seriously damaged the external trade.
If he failed to pay his rent, however excessive, his property was rendered liable to distraint and his person to imprisonment.
This excessive dependence upon a single industry, which is in its turn dependent upon the accident of the seasons, upon a favourable or unfavourable monsoon, has been held to be one of the main causes of the frequent famines which ravage India.
Moreover the spirit of the sepoys during the Sikh wars was unsatisfactory, and led to excessive casualties amongst the British officers and soldiers.
In addition, after making careful inquiry through various commissions, he reformed the systems of education and police, laid down a comprehensive scheme of irrigation, improved the leave rules and the excessive report-writing of the civil service, encouraged the native princes by the formation of the Imperial Cadet Corps and introduced many other reforms. His term of office was also notable for the coronation durbar at Delhi in January 1903, the expedition to Lhasa in 1904, which first unveiled that forbidden city to European gaze, and the partition of Bengal in 1905.
Stability in this method of mounting can only be secured by excessive weight and rigidity in the support of the overhanging axis.
In the coast zone the heat and humidity are excessive during most of the year, June, September and October being the hottest months.
A uniformly high temperature, excessive humidity, heavy rainfalls and violent tropical storms, known as typhoons or baguios, are characteristic of the Philippine climate.
The first was far less than the work free men did for a livelihood, the second larger, the third excessive, so that convicts often left prisons with thirty, forty, even eighty pounds in their pockets.
The red, or brownish-red, colour of the long and coarse hair at once distinguishes the orang-utan from the African apes; a further point of distinction being the excessive length of the arms, which are of such proportions that the animal when in the upright posture (which it seldom voluntarily assumes) can rest on its bent knuckles.
Excessive luxuriance of the laterals may be combated by root pruning, or by checking them early in the season, and again later, and by cutting back to a female blossom bud, or else spurring nearly down to the main branch in the following spring.
This excessive rainfall is caused by the fact that Cherrapunji stands on the edge of the plateau overlooking the plains of Bengal, where it catches the full force of the monsoon as it rises from the sea.
Krauss, who reports that he was not allowed to have the German troops on the spot more than 48 hours before they were to attack, claims that this " excessive sparing " of the troops worked out badly, for they suffered from insufficient acquaintance with the terrain.
C. Chaptal, consists in neutralizing excessive acid by means of powdered marble, and bringing up the sugar to normal proportions by adding appropriate amounts of this substance in a solid form.
For the same reason the grapes are collected in baskets in order to avoid excessive pressure, and are transported in these to the press house.
This operation also requires much skill in order to avoid an excessive escape of wine.
They display many of the features characteristic of southern wines, showing either an excessive vinosity coupled with a somewhat crude bouquet, or where the alcoholic strength is not high, a decided lack of stability.
Tuscany produces the greater part of these wines, which are of good but not excessive alcoholic strength, containing as a rule some 101% to I12% of alcohol.
Meanwhile his extreme independence and excessive candour had alienated him from many of his party, and all through his life he was frequently in conflict with his political associates, from Gambetta downwards.
After ages have held up Phalaris to infamy for his excessive cruelty.
In the Christian Church there was from the earliest age a leaning to excessive asceticism, and it needed a severe struggle on the part of Paul, and of the Catholic teachers who followed him, to secure for the baptized the right to be married, to own property, to engage in war and commerce, or to assume public office.
Unlike Pole, however, he seems to have been averse from the excessive persecution of Mary's reign, and no Protestants were burnt in his diocese.
The excessive legalism which pervades the Talmud was the scholarship of the age, and the Talmud suffers to a certain extent because accepted opinions and isolated views are commingled.
At all events, if these writings have many old elements and may be used to illustrate the background of the New Testament, they illustrate not only the excessive legalism and ritualism against which early Christianity contended, but also the more spiritual and ethical side of Judaism.
The excessive mortality of European troops in India, and the delicacy of the children of European parents, do not affect the real question of acclimatization under proper conditions.
Peculiar forms of the evil, such as mortgaging to excessive amounts in countries largely occupied by peasant proprietors, may be met by particular measures, as, for example, by forbidding the accumulation of arrears.
The rectangular method of laying out streets is general, and legislation has been directed against narrow streets and buildings of excessive height.
The private forests are protected from abuse chiefly by the important legislation of 1903, which prescribes penalties for excessive lumbering and any action liable to endanger the regrowth of wood.
In the same way, the reflex act of coughing is useful in removing either foreign bodies or excessive secretion from the air passages; but when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is irritated and inflamed, it produces a feeling of tickling and a desire to cough sometimes very violently; yet the coughing simply tends to exhaust the patient, because there is really little or nothing to bring up. The same is the case in inflammation of the lung substance itself.
The effect of the act was to impose upon the judges under severe sanction the duty of protecting personal liberty in the case of criminal charges and of securing speedy trial upon such charges when legally framed; and the improvement of their tenure of office at the revolution, coupled with the veto put by the Bill of Rights on excessive bail, gave the judicature the independence and authority necessary to enable them to keep the executive within the law and to restrain administrative development of the scope or penalties of the criminal law; and this power of the judiciary to control the executive, coupled with the limitations on the right to set up "act of state" as an excuse for infringing individual liberty is the special characteristic of English constitutional law.
The poorer classes, above all the fishermen and small farmers, are physically much finer than the wellto-do, who are prone to excessive stoutness owing to their more sedentary habits.
They are addicted to the excessive use of chica (a native beer made from Indian corn), and have little or no ambition to improve their condition, but this may be attributed in part to their profound ignorance and to the.
His statue was often set up on rocks and mountains as a protection against excessive heat.
The plants during growth are liable to injury by severe frost, excessive rain, insects, fungi and the growth of a root-parasite (Orobanche indica).
The local councils do what is possible to prevent overlapping and excessive competition between the churches.
Aman rice is much more extensively cultivated than dus, and in favourable years is the most valuable crop, but being sown in low lands is liable to be destroyed by excessive rainfall.
Sent at the age of ten to the college of Brives, he showed great aptitude for study, but his independence of spirit was so excessive that he was almost constantly in a state of rebellion against his teachers, and was finally dismissed from the school.
These lowland plains and valleys comprise the climatic tropical zone of Colombia, which is characterized by high temperatures, and by excessive humidity and dense forests, an exception to the last-named characteristic being the open llanos where dry summers prevail.
They certainly neither require, nor are palliated by, theories of his "megalomania," of his excessive attention to conflicts of will and the like.
The excessive multiplication of the title has tended to deprive it of much social value in itself, and under the democratic constitution of Italy it confers neither power nor precedence.
The latter, an able, ambitious man, wishing to keep the government as much as possible in his own hands, purposely neglected the young king's education, and encouraged him in his love of pleasure, his idleness and his excessive devotion to outdoor sports.
Even neglecting the isolated and local discharges due to excessive and generally unrecorded rainfall, the variation in the discharge of all streams, and especially of mountain streams, is very great.
Dams Any well-made earthen embankment of moderate height, and of such thickness and uniformity of construction as to ensure freedom from excessive percolation at any point, will in the course of time become almost impermeable to surface water standing against it; and when permeable rocks are covered with many feet of soil, the leakage through such soil from standing water newly placed above it generally diminishes rapidly, and in process of time often ceases entirely.
But, as smaller areas are approached, the excessive local rainfalls of short duration must be provided for, and beyond these there are extraordinarily heavy discharges generally over and gone before any exact records can be made; hence we know very little of them beyond the bare fact that from woo acres the discharge may rise to two or three times 300 cub.
This centralization, in its turn, has greatly increased the tendency towards unity and uniformity, which have reached in the present practice of the Roman Church a degree never known before, and considered by some to be excessive.
In his description of the empire - the exhaustion produced by excessive taxation, the financial ruin of the middle classes, the progressive decline in the morale of the army - we find the explanation of its fall before the Goths twenty years after his death.
These laws, enforced by fines often arbitrary and excessive, were a great grievance to the unfortunate owners of land within or 1 Manwood's Treatise of the Forest Laws (4th edition, 1717).
In dealing with the baronage Ranulf and his master extorted excessive and arbitrary reliefs whenever land passed in succession to heirs.
It is mainly a theological conception, blind to economic influences, and attaching excessive importance to the effects of the individual action of emperors and popes, kings and cardinals.
In the House of Commons his industry was lmost excessive.
The refusal of the council to accept the recommendation of the senate, that they should appoint an eminent Unitarian minister to the professorship of logic and mental philosophy, revived all De Morgan's sensitiveness on the subject of sectarian freedom; and, though his feelings were doubtless excessive, there is no doubt that gloom was thrown over his life, intensified in 1867 by the loss of his son George Campbell De Morgan, a young man of the highest scientific promise, whose name, as De Morgan expressly wished, will long be connected with the London Mathematical Society, of which he was one of the founders.
Hasty judgment, bias, absence of an a priori " indifference " to what the evidence may in the end require us to conclude, undue regard for authority, excessive love for custom and antiquity, indolence and sceptical despair are among the states of mind marked by him as most apt to interfere with the formation of beliefs in harmony with the Universal Reason that is active in the universe.
Ethics in England no less than on the continent of Europe suffered until the time of Bacon from the excessive domination of theological dogma and the traditional scholastic and Aristotelian philosophy.
The most successful of Icelandic dramatists as yet is IndriOi Einarsson, whose plays, chiefly historical, in spite of excessive rhetoric, are very interesting and possess a true dramatic spirit.
His duties were thus rendered exceedingly onerous, and his labour became excessive.
Max Muller says (speaking of the Greeks), " their poets had an instinctive aversion to everything excessive or monstrous, yet they would relate of their gods what would make the most savage of Red Indians creep and shudder " - stories, that is, of the cannibalism of Demeter, of the mutilation of Uranus, the cannibalism of Cronus, who swallowed his own children, and the like.
Lying almost entirely within the tropics, and equally to north and south of the equator, Africa does not show excessive variations of temperature.
Through an excessive reaction against the disintegration that had menaced the kingdom after the dissolution of the League, he fell into the abuse of over-centralization; and depriving the people of the habit of criticizing governmental action, he taught them a fatal acquiescence in uncontrolled and undisputed authority.
Private envy and public misconceptions very soon summed up her excessive unpopularity in the menacing nickname, LAutrichienne.
The climate is temperate, and the rainfall not excessive.
A noteworthy feature of the Seistan lagoon is that in times of excessive flood it overspreads a vast area of country, both to the north and south, shutting off the capital of Seistan (Nusretabad) from surrounding districts, and spreading through a channel southwards, known as Shelag, to another great depression, called the Gaud-i-Zirreh.
The isochromatic lines, unless the dispersion be excessive, follow in the main the course of the curves of constant retardation, and the principal lines of like polarization are with a crossed polarizer and analyser dark brushes, that in certain cases are fringed with colour.
The king and his prime minister were equally agreed about the necessity of showing the Vatican and the Church sufficient favor to induce them to cease coquetting with the pretender Don Carlos, but not so much as to allow the pope and the clergy to expect that they would tolerate any excessive Ultramontane influence in the policy of the Restoration.
Carriages were soon after introduced, and the use of them speedily became so fashionable that a bill was brought in " to restrain the excessive and superfluous use of coaches."
Heavily nitrated hay is reputed to produce excessive urination and irritation of the bladder.
They contain much clay and marls, non-absorbent and subject to such excessive wash that vegetation cannot gain a foothold.
Few have written French with greater purity than Feuillet, and his style, reserved in form and never excessive in ornament, but full of wit and delicate animation, is in admirable uniformity with his subjects and his treatment.
The source of all the evil was, he declared, the excessive wealth of the church, which, in retaliation for the sentence of excommunication, he threatened to confiscate.
More serious, however, than this excessive love of synchronism is his almost pedantic anxiety to edify.
Prolonged or excessive stimulation invariably leads to depression or paralysis, the tissues becoming fatigued, and from this condition they may recover or they may not.
Certain substances, notably digitalis, lead, mercury and strychnine, exhibit what is called a cumulative action - that is to say, when small quantities have been taken over a period of time, poisoning or an excessive action suddenly ensues.
Pilocarpine has an action closely allied to that of nicotine, but as it is much less poisonous (the effects produced by small doses being chiefly excessive sweating and salivation), it is capable of being utilized in medicine.
Following on a decided lowering of the pain and touch senses, which may even lead to complete loss of cutaneous sensation, there comes a sleep which is often accompanied by pleasant dreams. There appears to be no evidence in the case of either the lower animals or the human subject that the drug is an aphrodisiac. Excessive indulgence in cannabis indica is very rare, but may lead to general ill-health and occasionally to insanity.
Still, sometimes she took it to excessive limits.
The employees acquiescedin excessive transfers of authority.
Whilst 250mm may seem excessive for a top edge abutment or apron flashing it may not be.
Obesity is a condition in which an abnormal accumulation of excessive fat impairs health.
Obesity is an excessive accumulation of fat in the body - it does not just mean being overweight.
Excessive sweating or being in a humid climate can cause acne to flare up.
Defects in platelet adhesion may also be related to excessive nitric oxide (NO) production.
While flying, a person should drink plenty of fluids and avoid smoking, caffeine, and excessive alcohol.
If someone is anemic this can cause excessive alopecia.
Call your subroutines as if they were functions or list operators to avoid excessive ampersands and parens.
Some authorities consider anorexia and excessive fatigue after a dive as manifestations of Type I DCS.
Driclor is a strong antiperspirant used for treating hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating ).
Excessive staff attrition is not a problem in India.
So how do we stop excessive risk aversion, but still protect people?
Available in Playback Mode, the D-Lighting function lets users select images with excessive backlight or insufficient flash.
The first models were plagued with issues of whining noises, excessive heat, keyboard backlight and screen flickering problems.
When the stretch becomes excessive, double the lines by passing the bight.
The Cod End Belly Lines are seized on with much smaller bights because of the excessive weight the Cod Ends may hold.
The new biotech is already subject to illogical, unscientific, excessive, regulation, but the activists demand more.
Seborrhoeic blepharitis is also a disease of the anterior eyelid margin and is caused by excessive sebum.
If you don't have a bradawl then excessive violence seems to work pretty well.
To protect against excessive force exerted on the torso, there is a load limiting device to reduce the risk of bone breakage.
That is why Devolution works, and excessive centralism does not.
Excessive hunting greatly reduced the number of wild chinchillas.
The clinical features of excessive doses of opiates include coma of varying severity, small pupils and depressed respiration.
What are the ventilation requirements to prevent excessive condensation forming?
Dietary changes that may be helpful excessive caffeine consumption has been associated with arrhythmia in human studies.
Check that water destined for re-use is not contaminated so that it becomes corrosive or causes excessive build-up of scale.
He thought that British support for Germany was a necessary counterweight against a growing and potentially excessive French influence in Europe.
Donne does not make excessive demands on readers ' credulity regarding the origin of his spirituality, either.
Are completely free off for insurers programfor decades the excessive jury awards.
Fluoridation does not address the real causes of tooth decay - poor dental hygiene and excessive refined sugar consumption.
Women who gain excessive weight during pregnancy should see a dietitian.
Excessive requests for detail at an early stage may well dissuade an ATS from starting up within the EU.
Potassium loss due to excessive diuresis may necessitate a reduction in the dose of diuretic.
I think maybe his excessive dogmatism and reductionism came from the realization that pretty solid ground is needed for the attack on such systems.
Rarely cervical eversion is associated with excessive mucous discharge warranting treatment.
Levels of state expenditure, taxation, and public debt are all grossly excessive.
An appeal against sentence can be made where the sentence imposed was manifestly excessive.
While seeking her inner balance, Mother Teresa can be somewhat excessive and also indecisive when she has to make choices.
We'd receive rather excessive amounts of exegesis on this passage before the day was out.
Pirc says the new plan, ' combined with other incentive awards ', is potentially excessive.
I hoped to take with me a bit more than an extensive, perhaps excessive, " history of the screw " .
That said, your son's charges do seem excessive.
In addition, the time required for full backup becomes excessive.
A car throttle preventing excessive revving could also prevent a motorist accelerating to avoid danger.
In the event that this is considered excessive in your particular circumstances, please contact the College Librarian.
When the sum was named, he exclaimed at hearing the cost, which he regarded as excessive.
Painful wound characterized by the presence of pus, odor and excessive exudate which is often green in color.
The fat melts and cooks the protein fibrils in the muscle bundles without causing excessive amino acid breakdown.
The usual symptoms of lactose intolerance include loose stools, intermittent abdominal distention, colic and excessive flatus after lactose ingestion.
Their purpose is to add intense flavor to the meat without excessive moisture.
The abnormal postures that occur with spasticity can include excessive flexion or extension of the limbs.
Lemongrass oil assists in clearing up oily skin and acne; helps with athlete's foot and excessive perspiration.
An adjustable footrest should be provided to avoid excessive pressure on the legs from the edge of the seat.
Proposals should not lead to excessive breaks in retail frontages or be harmful to local amenity.
Excessive loading in the early post-operative rehabilitation period can elongate the autogenous graft.
They should not be stored near radiators, stoves, steam pipes or in areas subject to excessive heat or dampness.
In fact, people usually only need hydrocortisone in Cushing's because the cause of excessive levels of steroids has been removed.
But the excessive hype surrounding the organics success story could be compromising the industry's future.
This dispute, whether won or lost, will place an excessive burden on the already impoverished Tanzanian people.
He holds that we post-moderns have far too much time to spend in the kind of morbid introspection that comes from excessive leisure.
Voluntary admission has long been preferred, where applicable, to the ' excessive legalism ' of formal admission.
The first signs are often jaundice, pale stools, excessive bleeding or an enlarged liver - all non-specific signs of liver disease.
Louvreunny days the brightness may be excessive; external louvers help to mitigate this.
And in my experience public relations practitioners often suffer from excessive narcissism and self-doubt.
Unfortunately aluminum nitride in particular has angular particles which are abrasive, leading to excessive mold wear.
Detonation is generally caused by excessive heat, excessive cylinder pressure, improper ignition timing, inadequate fuel octane or a combination of these.
We need to protect our members ' interests to ensure they are not pressurized to work excessive overtime.
Symptoms progressively restrict a person's ability to breathe and include persistent coughing, wheezing, excessive production of phlegm and ongoing shortness of breath.
It is used for damp feet caused by excessive perspiration.
I have a problem like excessive watering in my eye while eating and some times, also developing pimples of the affected side.
Other causes include drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and exposure to inhaled chemical pollutants, such as paint fumes or asbestos fibers.
Individuals with a recent history of heart disease should avoid excessive intakes of vitamin E unless supervised by a medical practitioner.
Reasons for the weakness of the treaty have been sought in Chamberlain's excessive preoccupation with French security interests.
These were genuine enough but became the pretext for excessive equity valuations, fueling a general economic boom.
This remedy is for excessive pride and arrogance and helps bring about humility.
That meat requires with excessive sugar predominantly rebellious anti-heroes is the overall.
It seems that this is the perennial problem of excessive ritualism and a trust in buildings or the externals of the faith.
Keep affected skin areas clean and dry, but avoid excessive rubbing.
Scarring - prevents production of excessive scar tissue and, in some instances, can melt away unwanted scar.. .
With antidepressants, the only aspect of behavioral toxicity to have been formally investigated is excessive sedation in the short-term.
Gain Travel arising from excessive displacement of the hips in initiation of somersault movements; e.g. traveling forward in a back somersault.
They seek a specific cause for each accident - driver's error, excessive speed, drunkenness, faulty brakes, bad road surface.
I WOULD like to add my comments on the mounting concern by fellow drivers of ever-increasing excessive speeding in this country.
While minimal swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing will result in your comment being removed.
Excessive heat can put great stress on plants and make life very tiresome with all the increased need for watering by their owners!
To prevent wind rock or excessive transpiration trim the leaves by about half.
The wind speeds up significantly near the top of the hill and the air flow should be reasonably smooth and free from excessive turbulence.
Tetanus has been reported to induce lesions in the vagal nuclei, while locally applied toxin may lead to excessive vagal nuclei, while locally applied toxin may lead to excessive vagal activity.
Grease The principal fire risk in kitchen extract ventilation is created by the excessive build-up of cooking oil deposits.
The material contained in this book is narrow, repetitive, and padded out with excessive verbiage.
His playing was neater than his contemporaries because he didn't do lots of slides and excessive vibrato.
A further consequence was excessive wear and tear on the brake drums and linings, leading to increased costs for the operators.
We know from our teacher members that excessive workload is the major concern that they have.
A desultory sequence of ideas, an excessive vagueness and indirectness of expression, a peculiar and abnormal latinity, a constant tendency to exaggeration, and an immoderate indulgence in learned and literary allusions - all these are obstacles lying in the way of a study of Propertius.
In Germany the concessions made to the pope and the reservations maintained by him in the matter of taxes and benefices were deemed excessive, and the prolonged di.scontent which resulted was one of the causes of the success of the Lutheran Reformation.
One of the most obvious defects of this school is excessive attachment to polysyllabic terms. Lydgate is not quite so great a sinner in this respect as are some of his successors, but his tendency cannot be mistaken, and John Metham is amply justified in his censure Eke John Lydgate, sometime monk of Bury, His books indited with terms of rhetoric And half-changed Latin, with conceits of poetry.
The cause of his death was acute gout brought on by excessive drinking.
The midrib bears above a series of closely set, vertical, longitudinally-running plates of green assimilative cells over which the wings close in dry air so as to protect the assimilative and transpiring plates from excessive evaporation of water.
In the first place, the so-called internal causes of disease is probably a mere phrase covering our ignorance of the factors at work, and although a certain convenience attaches to the distinction between those cases where tender breeds of plants apparently exhibit internal predisposition to suffer more readily than others from parasites, low temperatures, excessive growth, &c.as is the case with some grafted plants, cultivated hybrids, &c.the mystery involved in the phrase internal causes only exists until we find what action of the living or nonliving environment of the essential mechanism of the plant has upset its equilibrium.
The atmosphere is a cause of disease in the neighborhood of chemical works, large towns, volcanoes, &c., in so far as it carrie, acid gases and poisons to the leaves and roots; but it is usual tc associate with it the action of excessive humidity which brings about those tender watery and more or less etiolated condition, which favor parasitic Fungi, and diminish transpiration and therefore nutrition.
Again, to obviate the necessity for excessive convergence of the eyes so common in hypermetropia, the centre of the pupil should be placed outside the centre of the corrective convex lenses; these will then act as prisms with their bases inwards.
From these and other considerations it is obvious that (I) the electrolyte must be such as will freely dissolve the metal to be refined; (2) the electrolyte must be able to dissolve the major portion of the anode, otherwise the mass of insoluble matter on the outer layer will prevent access of electrolyte to the core, which will thus escape refining; (3) the electrolyte should, if possible, be incapable of dissolving metals more electro-negative than that to be refined; (4) the proportion of soluble electro-positive impurities must not be excessive, or these substances will accumulate too rapidly in the solution and necessitate its frequent purification; (5) the current density must be so adjusted to the strength of the solution and to other conditions that no relatively electro-positive metal is deposited, and that the cathode deposit is physically suitable for subsequent treatment; (6) the current density should be as high as is consistent with the production of a pure and sound deposit, without undue expense of voltage, so that the operation may be rapid and the "turnover" large; (7) the electrolyte should be as good a conductor of electricity as possible, and should not, ordinarily, be altered chemically by exposure to air; and (8) the use of porous partitions should be avoided, as they increase the resistance and usually require frequent renewal.
His model was Xenophon, whom he has imitated with a tolerable measure of success; he abstains from an excessive use of simile and metaphor, and his style is concise and simple.
The two quaestores, who appear to have controlled finance in a large number of municipia, cannot be traced in others; and it is probable that in the municipia, as at Rome, the quaestorship was locally instituted, as need arose, to relieve the supreme magistrates of excessive business.
It has been supposed that because the surface of the young leaves is small transpiration is correspondingly feeble; but it must be remembered, not only that their newlyformed tissue is unable without an abundant supply of sap from the roots to resist the excessive drying action of the atmosphere, but that, in spring, the lowness of the temperature at that season in Great Britain prevents the free circulation of the sap. The comparative dryness of the atmosphere in spring also causes a greater amount of transpiration then than in autumn and winter.
It gets over incredible distances at an ambling shuffle, but is unfit for fast work and cannot stand excessive heat.
His successor, Lord Elgin, only lived till November 1863, when he too fell a victim to the excessive work of the governor-generalship, dying at the Himalayan station of Dharmsala, where he lies buried.
Such artifices are not in themselves greater clogs on poetic expression than the excessive alliteration of old Saxon verse or the strict rhymes of modern lyrics.
His contempt of luxury, his avoidance of hyperbole and dislike of excessive ceremony, his protection to commerce and consideration for his soldiers, the reluctance with which he assumed the crown almost at the close of his reignall these would have been praiseworthy in another man; but on his death the memory of his atrocious tyranny alone survived.
On the whole, then (though degeneracy, as well as progress, is a force in human evolution), we are not tempted to believe in so strange a combination of forgetfulness with long memory, nor so excessive a degeneration from common sense into a belief in the personality of phenomena, as are required no less by Spencer's system than by that of Max Muller.
The mists, due to the great heat and excessive evaporation, and the noxious miasmata, especially of the southern region, were exaggerated into the noisome vapours that the "black and stinking" waters ever exhaled.
The message concerning the undesirability of excessive drinking is punctuated regularly with mainstream news articles on the national epidemic of alcohol abuse.
Repeated or prolonged inhalation of excessive concentration of respirable fibers may cause permanent lung injury [4 ].
Excessive reverberation reduces the clarity of speech, particularly for hearing aid users.
Recruitment of migrant workers has thus been acting as a safety valve against excessive wage pressure in the jobs market.
Scarring - prevents production of excessive scar tissue and, in some instances, can melt away unwanted scar...
With our heavy packs, the slippy mud and excessive scrambling around over big boulders we made slow progress.
Bog spavin is excessive fluid in the largest of the hock joints.
They seek a specific cause for each accident - driver 's error, excessive speed, drunkenness, faulty brakes, bad road surface.
Time spent traveling, usually in bad conditions, is excessive in the eyes of many of us.
Damage like the example can often occur due to excessive pressure of the squeegee blade or on the stencil on contact force.
While minimal swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing will result in your comment being removed.
Excessive ingestion of tartaric acid results in laxative effects Taurine Another amino acid which is not found in proteins.
The screw should be tightened sufficiently to allow the visor bar to pivot but not have excessive axial movement.
Excessive heat can put great stress on plants and make life very tiresome with all the increased need for watering by their owners !
Initially 10 nurses produced a tourniquet effect, five produced insufficient ankle pressure and two produced excessive ankle pressure.
Unbalanced food intake or excessive feeding of treats, leading to increased toxins in the blood and muscles.
Minimize any uncomfortable glare from excessive areas of hard surfacing in bright sunshine by careful planting, screening and choice of hard surface materials.
Our analysis would seem to be an unreasoning panic in the presence of excessive partying or dancing in the streets.
Tetanus has been reported to induce lesions in the vagal nuclei, while locally applied toxin may lead to excessive vagal activity.
The vertebrae of the spine also show only a few signs of deterioration due to excessive work loads.
His playing was neater than his contemporaries because he did n't do lots of slides and excessive vibrato.
Excessive brightness can result in a two-dimensional, washed-out look with reduced color saturation.
Theterrestrialecosystem is being harmed by the excessive pollution humans are producing.
However, excessive crying, colicky behavior, and a baby that refuses to sleep are behaviors which should be addressed immediately with your doctor.
The company also designs foods that fulfill its "No Junk Promise" by eliminating excessive sodium, unnecessary refined sugars, and high fructose corn syrup.
The peaches are hand-picked to prevent excessive bruising.
Is snug at the bottom but does not put excessive pressure on the breasts which can cause problems with plugged ducts.
Stainless steel can be dropped, scraped and washed repeated and still look good, though it can be damaged by excessive force such as bending or becoming stuck in a trash disposal.
On the other hand shoes that retail for under $50 can be suspect and while they may look like a running shoe generally have excessive weight or are of poor quality.
Try to avoid purchasing walking shoes that have an excessive amount of bumps and grooves on the bottoms (i.e. look for walking shoes that are for the most part flat on the bottoms).
Herbs can be more delicate than other plants, so they need to be protected from harsh wind, dramatic changes in temperature and excessive drying out.
Excessive fiddling through the menu and leaving the backlight on will obviously reduce this figure, but this iPod still goes on strong for most of your day, even if you have it playing the entire time.
However, if you don't take care of a leased vehicle, in the end you will have to pay extra money if there is excessive wear or damage to the car.
If the wheel doesn't spin freely (excessive brake drag) there could be a problem with the wheel bearings or the brakes.
Excessive sweeteners and salts - Sweeteners have been linked to the onset of diabetes, and too much sodium can lead to the development of heart disease.
Short of never sitting down again, what can we do to stop this excessive kneading problem?
If you feel the swelling is excessive or the area feels hot when you touch it, you should really consult the veterinarian.
Excessive grooming can cause the fur loss in itself, and stress can cause the excessive grooming.
I would look around at what might cause her stress, and see if reducing that stress helps with her excessive grooming.
The loss is usually caused by excessive grooming, so you may want to watch her to see if she is biting and licking the areas more than normal.
Moreover, although silica is extremely absorbent, some cat owners have reported cases of urine collecting at the bottom of the litter pan and causing excessive odor.
Young kittens can become seriously ill from the excessive blood loss caused from these pests.
The allergic cat may exhibit skin lesions, red pustules with dried blood, excessive grooming habits and crusty skin.
On the other hand, people who are simply in debt from excessive purchases or poor choices may not need an expert financial consultant to assist with their financial needs.
While these restrictions may seem excessive, cardholders can often use their Disney Dream Reward Dollars with fewer limitations.
Not everyone needs professional assistance, but having a professional plan will help individuals avoid excessive debt and financial hardship.
Before you purchase a travel card be sure to read the disclosures to make sure your balance won't be eaten up by excessive fees.
Many fees can be avoided by simply using the card for purchases and not making excessive inquiries over the phone or at an ATM to determine the available balance.
The best approach for worried parents is to pay attention to the baby's needs and watch for excessive crying, unusual stomach upset or marked changes in sleep patterns.
The most worrisome issues exhibited by school age kids may include intense grief and crying, feeling rejected, violent acting out, excessive anger, sleep or eating disturbances and random physical symptoms like an upset tummy or headache.
Global warming is believed to be caused by excessive greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
Meat production, especially beef, creates excessive pollutants.
Choose minimally packaged goods to reduce waste, and complain to companies who use excessive packaging.
Install a light colored roof to prevent excessive heat gain.
Learn about some of the habits that lead to excessive energy use and find out what you can do to reduce electricity consumption in your own home.
While cayenne has no real side effects other than the mild burning sensation, taking excessive amounts of anything can ultimately cause health problems.
Some of the side effects of internal consumption are diarrhea, damaged immune system and in some cases, excessive drowsiness, confusion, coma and even fatality from depression of the central nervous system.
In addition, you should consult your doctor if you notice swelling, oozing or excessive redness on the skin.
It's important to avoid excessive sun exposure when taking St. John's Wort as it may predispose you to photosensitivity, or light sensitivity, and cause your skin to burn more so than usual.
Milk thistle may be used for treating patients who have cirrhosis of the liver due to excessive alcohol consumption.
Excessive sun exposure ages your body quicker, damages the outer skin layer and can ultimately lead to skin cancer.
If they are dissatisfied, they have not only lost money, but have also accumulated an excessive amount of bottles and jars on the bathroom counter.
Carrying a mini-deodorant may seem embarrassing, but you'll be thankful you have it if excessive sweat becomes an issue.
In addition to correcting imperfections, it softens the look of fine lines and prevents excessive melanin production (important for individuals who express concern about dark spots).
Excessive amounts of protein can leach calcium from bones.
When you're on a tight budget, spending money on new decorations for every holiday can seem a bit excessive.
In variable conditions under high speeds, a ski that is too short can lead to serious fore/aft balances problems, which can cause excessive forward and backward weight shifting.
Excessive use may cause drug dependency or rebound headaches to occur.
Help Guide provides information and guidance to those that are feeling the effects of work stress including the warning signs of excessive work stress, how to break bad habits, and improving your emotional intelligence.
Anger, feeling irritable, or excessive worrying can all indicate high levels of stress.
Having the facts on anger management is important for controlling excessive anger.
Anger management can help you recognize excessive anger and gain control over your angry emotions before they cause damage to your life or relationships.
When anger is excessive or destructive, however, it becomes unhealthy and can cause problems at home, work, and school.
However, when those feelings become overwhelming, excessive and last for long periods of time, you may be suffering from a type of anxiety disorder known as generalized anxiety disorder.
A licensed mental health provider or physician should render the diagnosis and design a comprehensive therapy regiment to relieve the patient from the excessive anxiety.
To qualify for a GAD diagnosis, this excessive worry must be present for six months or more.
However, when anxiety becomes excessive it can cause intense emotional reaction such as feelings like you can't cope These feelings could could lead to an anxiety disorder.
If you suffer from excessive test anxiety, you can use strategies that can get your nervousness under control and reduce your anxiety to a manageable level.
It may be necessary to get guidance and support if excessive stress is interfering with your ability to function normally on a daily basis.
When teens are at-risk of excessive unruly behaviors, they can be considered troubled.
The site also asks users to avoid excessive swearing.
Excessive tardiness can also result in you getting fired.
While there really isn't a winter season, the temperature in the winter months does drop at times, mainly due to excessive cool winds at certain times.
Excessive designs on the shirt can be distracting and look cluttered.
Excessive heat, nerves, and stress can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and other illnesses that could be uncomfortable on your wedding day.
The withdrawal symptoms associated with meth can be intense and cause depression, fatigue and excessive sleepiness.
My friends and family called me on my excessive drinking, but I blew it off.
People who consume excessive amounts of caffeine on a regular basis suffer from an increase in tolerance, physical cravings, and withdrawal symptoms.
They become dependant on caffeine to stay alert during the day and find it hard to relax at night because of their excessive caffeine consumption.
Although most bulimics vomit or use laxatives to purge food from the body, some people with this eating disorder will alternate binge eating with fasting or periods of excessive exercise.
Excessive vomiting in alcoholics can cause tears near the stomach.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that there are around 75,000 deaths each year that can be attributed to excessive alcohol use, making alcohol abuse one of the top three causes of death in the United States alone.
Many students do not know what excessive alcohol use can do to the body.
This assistance includes medical attention, counseling to understand the causes of excessive drinking and support to stay alcohol-free.