Excess Sentence Examples
He even made grants in excess to the others from his own share.
She scooted closer to him, shifting the blanket so that she could drape the excess around his shoulders.
Would the heart, overweighted with sudden joy, stop beating for very excess of happiness?
It is insoluble in dilute acids, but is readily soluble in excess of potassium cyanide.
Taran nodded and stripped off his tunic and excess weapons before dropping into a fighting stance opposite his challenger.
The bride-price varied much, according to the position of the parties, but was in excess of that paid for a slave.
Excess of lime in the soil is said to favour the development of the fungus.
Drains ordinarily remove only excess of capillary water, an excess of percolating water in wet weather.
Gently towel dry and squeeze out excess water.
Had the expenses of all the small towns and rural communities been included, the total would be in excess of $20 gold, or £4, per capita.
AdvertisementAmmonium metavanadate is obtained when the hydrated vanadium pentoxide is dissolved in excess of ammonia and the solution concentrated.
The tri-iodide, AsI3 prepared by subliming arsenic and iodine together in a retort, by leading arsine into an alcoholic iodine solution, or by boiling powdered arsenic and iodine with water, filtering and evaporating, forms brick-red hexagonal tables, of specific gravity 4.39, soluble in alcohol, ether and benzene, and in a large excess of water; in the presence of a small quantity of water, it is decomposed with formation of hydriodic acid and an insoluble basic salt of the composition 4AsOI.
This excess is, however, subject to wide variation, owing to the obliquity of the ecliptic and of the lunar orbit to the equator, and therefore to the horizon.
To an outsider it also appears that the staff of officials is very largely in excess of any real needs of administration; several monopolies, which interfere with the habits of the people, tend to produce discontent; and the taking of their land and houses for public works, roads, &c., while but a mere fraction of their real value is allowed as compensation, does not help to increase their acquiescence in foreign control.
Excess cortisol is known to increase catabolism (protein breakdown in muscles ).
AdvertisementHowever in very chalky soils, there may be problems associated with the excess lime locking up the nutrients.
If the neck is too concave (action too high ), turn the truss rod nut clockwise to remove excess relief.
Equating (I) and (2) u/U = wÆ(3) which gives the particle velocity in terms of the pressure excess.
When such a rib is erected on centering without initial stress, the subsequent compression of the arch under its weight inflicts a bending stress and excess of compression in the upper member at the crown.
Kids can get tripped up in the excess fabric.
AdvertisementHair growth can actually be stunted by excess dirt and oils.
Thus his famous general formula for virtue, that it is a mean or middle state, always to be found somewhere between the vices which stand to it in the relation of excess and defect, scarcely avails to render his treatment more systematic.
It easily burns, forming arsenious oxide if the combustion proceeds in an excess of air, or arsenic if the supply of air is limited; it is also decomposed into its constituent elements when heated.
But the best allies of the republicans against the Feuillants were the royalists pure and simple, who cared nothing about the constitution, and claimed to extract good from the excess of evil.
Public opinion became republican from an excess of patriotism, and owing to the propaganda of the Jacobin club; while the decree of the 25th of August 1792, which marked the destruction of feudalism, now abolished in principle, caused the peasants to rally definitely to the Republic. -
AdvertisementThis amount was 20o million tons in excess of that actually discharged.
Seeliger, published in 1906, who showed that the observed excess of motion of the perihelion of Mercury may be accounted for by the action of that portion of the matter reflecting the zodiacal light which lies nearest to the sun.
If less, A slides over B, the rate of motion being determined by the excess of the effort over the resistance (friction).
It is shown that the blue solution most probably contains the acid of composition, H2Cr203, whilst in the presence of an excess of hydrogen peroxide more highly oxidized products probably exist.
The precipitated indium hydroxide is converted into a basic sulphite by boiling with excess of sodium bisulphite, and then into the normal sulphite by dissolving in hot sulphurous acid.
Some drugs given in excess are poisons to all forms of protoplasm, but when given in doses much short of the lethal they usually exhibit a distinct tendency to affect specially, and at an early period, certain organs or tissues, and hence result differences in action; others may act only on certain organs, leaving the others practically untouched.
There'd be no point in hauling excess baggage half-way across the country in the limited space of a motor home.
There he sullenly joined his wife Paulette, who was stuffing her face with the excess baked goods now available by virtue of Pumpkin Green's nocturnal departure.
The arena can accommodate in excess of 7,500 seated spectators, with provisions for the disabled.
However, no excess chromosomal aberrations in circulating human lymphocytes have been observed in patients treated for 8 months.
It took in excess of two full loads of readymixed concrete to fill the abyss.
Citroen says that this gives it a 0-60mph acceleration time of just over six seconds and a top speed in excess of 155mph.
Little net accretion was observed for tidal water levels in excess of 5m at the lower bank site.
For larger, more strongly adsorbed species the position of the dividing surface has little effect on the derived surface excess.
Loans in excess of US$1000 at the individual group member level must be accompanied by a sworn affidavit of securities pledged.
Conn's syndrome is also very rare, caused by a benign adenoma or hyperplasia of the zona glomerulosa producing excess aldosterone.
Conn's syndrome is a disease of the adrenal glands involving excess production of a hormone, called aldosterone.
The excess secretion of the hormone aldosterone into the blood is from an abnormal adrenal gland or glands.
New concrete surfaces must be well washed before use to remove all the excess surface alkali.
The CD is in excess of 64 minutes long and contains music in various styles including ambient, dance, blues and rock.
Then the hydrogen chloride produced reacts with excess ammonia to give ammonium chloride.
This will prevent the excess traction on the first sutures of the distal anastomosis.
As previously described, CAH embryos are exposed to excess androgens from the first few weeks, right through until birth.
Although virtually annihilated last century, the fur seal population has recovered steadily, and now numbers in excess of 50,000 individuals.
The watering was caused by poor apposition of the lid to the globe caused by shortening of the lid secondary to excess skin removal.
Cash associated with excess appropriations in aid may, however, be applied against an excess cash requirement, pending its approval.
Under the new rules there will be two options to protect benefits in excess of £ 1.5 million under the transitional arrangements.
Any checked baggage in excess of 25 kg will be charged at Excess Baggage rates.
Removing and Avoiding Excess and Obsolete Inventory Excess and obsolete inventory is a constant problem for many companies ' balance sheets.
Do n't bamboozle players with an excess of information.
Hepatocellular function is normal (although it may deteriorate in prolonged obstruction) so the excess plasma bilirubin is chiefly conjugated.
Excess oil makes the skin shine and can block the pores causing blackheads and spots.
There is a slight blemish on the back which appears to have been caused by excess glue.
Terry Jones Senior had a good day on Thursday catching big bream ending his day with a net well in excess of 200lbs.
Acton Lake is a specimen bream water with bream up to and in excess of 8 pounds.
In case of long digestion, an excess of soluble bromide retards, but does not prevent the attainment of great sensitiveness.
You are also more likely to respond impulsively and intensely in stressful situations after excess caffeine.
Too many refined carbohydrates means your pancreas has to produce excess insulin, causing your blood glucose levels to crash.
You can recycle cardboard at any of the household waste recycling centers What should I do with excess paper?
Typically, fees are in excess of £ 500 per week for residential care.
During the first rinsing step excess of alkali cations is removed by cleaning the matrix surface with up to a few mL of water.
Three walkers completed in excess of 100 miles and we welcomed one new Australian centurion into our elite club.
Another way curcumin helps to keep your cholesterol levels under control is by helping your liver eliminate any excess cholesterol.
Consider excess dietary vitamin A intake as a possible cause for congenital cleft palate when it occurs and review the mothers nutritional history.
The model was validated by applying to cohorts without lung cancer excess and to cohorts of smokers and non smokers.
This excess demand, or short supply, has the inevitable consequences on the housing market.
In the end, gently sifting away the excess, I uncovered another beautiful blackened denarius.
Any excess ozone not absorbed into the water is destroyed by a machine called a destructor.
You would obviously still have to fractionally distil the mixture to separate the acyl chloride from any excess acid or sulfur dichloride oxide.
At times the blending of two totally disassociated things together can result in a creation far in excess of the sum of the parts.
Today the company has a turnover in excess of £ 12m per annum.
He was clearly asked about the scope for exercising discretion to waive excess absences.
Oversize, overweight and excess baggage will not be accepted for flights to the destinations covered by the bag embargo.
It is absolutely essential to avoid an excess of information, difficult for consumers to take on board.
In addition to the voluntary excess the compulsory excesses are exactly as above for Privilege.
Both series involve extensive overlaps, so one carries a lot of excess paper and cost.
The Master accepts things as they are, and out of compassion avoids extravagance, excess and the extremes.
Removal of excess exudate through irrigation may be of benefit in chronic wounds.
The Content Database contains in excess of 30 million digital fingerprints.
Antenna digs in... Brain experts at the Scripps Research Institute in California have come up with a novel strategy for shedding excess flab.
Or did it say taking excess folic acid can harm your baby?
This excess fatality rate is attributed to the physical frailty of older people, who generally recover less well from physical injuries.
When pathological GH excess occurs before epiphyseal fusion in the long bone, the condition is known as gigantism.
The large grant scheme provides funding for projects which require a grant scheme provides funding for projects which require a grant in excess of £ 750.
It also features front and rear doorways making access more convenient (attract an excess of hysterical teenage groupies ).
Wipe tiles with a damp cloth or sponge to remove excess grout.
The relative excess of valine homozygotes in sporadic CJD aged less than 50 years is unexpected.
Potential triggers to develop PCT are alcohol excess, pregnancy, use of estrogen, exposure to poly aromatic hydrocarbons and cigarette smoking.
An alkali is a solution containing excess hydroxide ions OH - (aq ).
Excess hydrogen peroxide may then react with transition metals to form hydroxyl radical.
This then becomes hypertonic hyper meaning excess or increased.
Every year, hundreds of billions of dollars, far in excess of aid inflows, flow out of poor countries to the rich.
Indeed, excess and obsolete inventory is a very good barometer of the overall effectiveness of a company's operations.
It is a mercuric iodide in an excess of potassic iodide.
Tightness Excess fluid in the tissues causes swelling and tightness which is helped with gentle exercises to drain the lymph.
Remove vegetables from the bowl, shaking off excess marinade.
The hepatic stellate cell has been recognized to be responsible for most of the excess extracellular matrix observed in chronic liver fibrosis.
Any withdrawal amount in excess of your original deposit will be refunded to you via an alternative payment method.
At cooling rates in excess of one million degrees per second, it is possible to produce predictable microstructure in alloys.
The M2 mirror is a convex hyperbolic mirror with an external diameter slightly in excess of 1 meter.
Drying off - The removal of excess moisture from foods during cooking.
There are few drugs at clinicians ' disposal to help patients with chronic lung disease who also produce excess mucus.
The excess oil is expelled from the exhaust muffler along with any other particulate in the air supply.
NiCad battery capable of flights in excess of 10 minutes per charge is included.
This allows the diver to incrementally return to the surface, allowing the excess dissolved nitrogen to escape from the body.
All venues are open 2 or 3am daily and serve classy nosh to soak up the excess.
The Hunt purchased an incinerator costing in excess of £ 6,000 almost two years ago and also pays for skips to remove the offal.
The storm pumping station will pump excess flows out of the sewerage system during severe rainfall to the existing outfall.
In Note 26, the excess of net resource outturn is analyzed by TLB Holders.
The grass paviors provide limited infiltration, with excess water draining to the storage tank located at the southern end of the site.
Discard the excess supernatant and resuspend the pellet in the 100 μl from the pipette.
Nettles are useful in ridding the lungs of excess phlegm and cleansing the body of toxins and make an ideal herbal cuppa.
There is either an excess release or incomplete removal of the bile pigment derived from hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Still, the excess of candy canes and sugar plums is having an effect, even up here.
Power stations using modern 'fast ' nuclear reactors could use up all the worlds excess military plutonium.
After removal of excess unbound myosin, the concentration of G-actin was increased, to promote further actin polymerization.
The Hot Toddy Road Race is a great way to meet old friends and shed some of that excess festive poundage.
When present these are usually due to a small (2mm) tumor that is secreting excess prolactin in the pituitary gland.
Ayr also exports virgin log pulp to Finland, with regular shipment sizes in excess of 3,000 tons.
In the full sun they form a three-sided pyramid to prevent excess evaporation.
It would have cost Phoenix in excess of £ 25,000 to achieve this level of 4-week quitters through the mainstream service.
Treatment is to feed a complete and balanced ration and avoid excess mineral supplementation.
To protect the Scottish red squirrel, a mass cull in excess of the original planned cull has been suggested.
Pour away any extra excess fat from the tray leaving all residue behind.
Ammoniacal nitrogen may increase blossom-end rot as excess ammonium ions reduce calcium uptake.
Beyond the room's thin walls, young students working off excess energy raised a ruckus in the dorm.
Capuchins Tom He has finally lost all his excess weight even tho he still looks a bit saggy!
The large grant scheme provides funding for projects which require a grant in excess of £ 750.
Seacore has over 25 years experience of seabed sampling from shallow seabed sampling to depths in excess of 1,000m below seabed for coal exploration.
The formula contains Vitamin PP and a starch derivative that absorbs and regulates excess sebum as well as aromatic plants that purify the skin.
The gentle cleanser Enriched with a soapwort extract, this cleansing cream-gel cleanses the skin in depth and eliminates excess sebum.
However, when the glands produce excess sebum, the follicles become blocked.
Daily administration in excess of 400 mg secobarbital, for approximately 90 days, is likely to produce some degree of physical dependence.
For 2007 Lexus is offering a hybrid version of their GS sport sedan dubbed the GS450h with " well in excess of 300hp " .
Only cases of the utmost severity will attract awards in excess of £ 25,000.
The excess wastewater is known as storm sewage and can overflow from the storm tanks into the river.
Great for oily skin - really sucks up excess oils.
Applied using a plastic or wooden spatula, any excess is easily removed with a cloth or a sponge dampened with warm water.
Safety cameras are a highly effective method of tackling excess speeding.
Pat hens dry with paper towels; brush off excess pickling spice.
The average survival is in excess of 60% with a very low standard deviation.
The construction on the Sigma 38 is exceptionally strong and was built in excess of the requirements required by the ABS Mark II guide.
Once the brain no longer has excess synapses to play with, it loses much of its plasticity.
It can be used anywhere where you want to remove any excess self tan.
Not to use the Card to withdraw funds through the automated teller in excess of the daily limit we from time to time prescribe.
A new decade emerged which would be marked by excess, leisure suits and the steady thump of disco.
Garbage trucks began collecting trash early Saturday, trying to clean up the excess of spoiled food that New Yorkers had to throw out.
These phrases pile up almost to excess, like petals drifting off a cherry tree in spring.
It can be caused by excess ear wax, blocked eustachian tubes, pressure damage or aging.
Once the leg has been bandaged up to the tibial tuberosity any excess bandage should be cut off.
Urate is normally harmless and the body usually passes excess urate is normally harmless and the body usually passes excess urate out of the body through the kidneys into the urine.
Certain metabolic products (e.g. urea) in excess can cause tissue damage.
Excess non-protein nitrogen in the form of dietary urea reduced embryo quality.
The Excess is £ 500 which can be reduced to zero by paying the collision damage waiver of £ 4 per day.
Rather the therapist would look at the reason why the client might need to carry excess weight.
The current head count for deaths by gunshot wounds this year in Los Angeles is in excess of six hundred people.
In this process the osmiridium is fused with zinc and the excess of zinc evaporated; the residue is then ignited with barium nitrate, extracted with water and boiled with nitric acid.
The double chloride is fused with nitre, the melt extracted with water and the residue fused with lead, the excess of lead being finally removed by solution in nitric acid and aqua regia.
On the addition of potassium cyanide they give a brown precipitate of cobalt cyanide, Co(CN) 2, which dissolves in excess of potassium cyanide to a green solution.
By the addition of excess of ammonia to its aqueous solution, in the complete absence of air, a blue precipitate of a basic nitrate of the composition 6C00 N 2 0 6 5H 2 O is obtained.
In alkaline solution it readily takes up oxygen and is converted into potassium cobalticyanide, K 3 Co(CN) 6, which may also be obtained by evaporating a solution of cobalt cyanide, in excess of potassium cyanide, in the presence of air, 8KCN+2Co(CN)2+H20+0= 2K 3 Co(CN) 6 +2KHO.
They give a characteristic pale red precipitate with sodium pyrophosphate, soluble in an excess of the precipitant; they also form precipitates on the addition of platinic chloride and potassium ferrocyanide.
It has been said that he showed a want of personal courage; this is not improbable, the excess of feeling which made him so great an orator could hardly be combined with the coolness in danger required of a soldier; but no one was able, as he was, to infuse courage into others.
The Kremsmunster (42) figures show a smaller but still distinct excess in the summer values.
This corresponds, in the Cape instrument, with an excess of the diameters of the holes over those of the cylinders of about i,*mth of an inch - a quantity so small as to imply good workmanship, though it involves a systematic error which is very much larger than the probable error of a single determination of the coincidence point.
Roots are often flattened, twisted and otherwise distorted by mechanical obstacles; stems by excess of food in rich soils, the attacks of minute parasites, overgrowth by climbing plants, &c. Leaves are especially apt to vary, and although the formation of crests, pitchers, puckers, &c., must be put down to the results of abnormal development, it is often difficult to draw the line between teratological and merely varietal phenomena.
The " tetrahedral theory " brought forward by Lowthian Green,' that the form of the earth is a spheroid based on a regular tetrahedron, is more serviceable, because it accounts for three very interesting facts of the terrestrial plan - (1) the antipodal position of continents and ocean basins; (2) the tri angular outline of the continents; and (3) the excess of sea in the southern hemisphere.
Centrifugal migration is usually a matter of compulsion; it may be necessitated by natural causes, such as a change of climate leading to the withering of pastures or destruction of agricultural land, to inundation, earthquake, pestilence or to an excess of population over means of support; or to artificial causes, such as the wholesale deportation of a conquered people; or to political or religious persecution.
He argued from past history that 2 Kautzsch, in his profoundly learned article on the " Religion of Israel," to which frequent reference has been made, exhibits (pp. 669-671) an excess of scepticism, in our opinion, towards the views propounded by Gunkel in 1895 (Schopfung and Chaos) respecting the intimate connexion between the early Hebrew cosmogonic ideas and those of Babylonia.
When warmed with a solution of nitrous acid, they are converted into phenols; if, however, nitrous acid be added to an ice-cold solution of a primary amine in excess of mineral acid, a diazonium salt is formed (see Az o Compounds and DIAzO Compounds), or in absence of excess of acid, a diazoamine is produced.
As a satirist he possessed great merit, though he sins from an excess of severity, and is sometimes malignant and unjust.
If we define the positive direction along a tube of electric force as the direction in which a small body charged with positive electricity would tend to move, we can summarize the above facts in a simple form by saying that, if we have any closed surface described in any manner in an electric field, the excess of the number of unit tubes which leave the surface over those which enter it is equal to 47r-times the algebraic sum of all the electricity included within the surface.
The amalgam is cleaned out periodically - fortnightly or monthly - and after filtering through linen bags to remove the excess of mercury, it is transferred to retorts for distillation (see below).
Recent pendulum observations have shown that it is incorrect to assume a uniform density of 2.6 in the elevated part of the earth's crust, that on the contrary there are great local differences in density, the most important being a confirmation of Airy's discovery that there is a marked deficiency of mass under high mountains and a marked excess under the bed of the ocean.
The accumulator, which is similar in principle to the thermal storage system of Druitt Halpin, is a closed vessel completely filled with water, which condenses the excess of steam during the winding period, and becoming superheated maintains the supply to the turbine when the main engine is standing.
The style is heavy and involved, loaded with metaphor and bizarre expressions, and verbose to excess.
Let E be the bulk modulus of elasticity, defined as increase of pressure = decrease of volume per unit volume where the pressure increase is so small that this ratio is constant, w the small increase of pressure, and - (dy/dx) the volume decrease, then E=e/(- dy/dx) or w Æ= - dy/dx (I) This gives the relation between pressure excess and displacement.
Of the makers of paper boxes, of shirts, collars and cuffs, of hosiery and knitting mill operatives, of glove-makers, silk mill operatives and book-binders they are more than half; so also of other textile workers, excluding wool and cotton mill operatives (these last the second largest group of women workers in manufactures), in which occupations males arc in a slight excess.
Waste weirs resemble ordinary solid weirs in providing for the surplus discharge from a reservoir of an impounded river or mountain stream over their crest; but in reality they form part of a masonry reservoir dam for storing up water for water-supply or irrigation, kept purposely lower than the rest of the dam to allow the excess of water to escape down the valley (see Water-Supply).
The Errors Have Probably Arisen From A Continued Excess Of 10 In The Discrimination Of The Intercalary Years.
Innocent's letters, however, not only reveal that superior wisdom which can take into account practical needs and relax severity of principle at the right moment, as well as that spirit of tolerance and equity which is opposed to the excess of zeal and intellectual narrowness of subordinates, but they also prove that, in the internal government of the Church, he was bent on gathering into his hands all the motive threads, and that he stretched the absolutist tradition to its furthest limits, intervening in the most trifling acts in the lives of the clergy, and regarding it as an obligation of his office to act and think for all.
On this view, the function of the solvent is to give space for the solute to diffuse, and the pressure on a semi-permeable membrane is due to the excess of solvent molecules entering over those leaving in consequence of the smaller number which impinge on the membrane from the side of the solution; the defect in the number must be proportional, roughly at any rate, to the number of solute molecules, present, that is, to the strength of the solution.
While segregation injures the metal here, often fatally, by giving it an indeterminate excess of phosphorus and sulphur, it clearly purifies the remainder of the ingot, and on this account it ought, under certain conditions, to be promoted rather than restrained.
Gjers did this by setting the partlysolidified ingot in a well-closed " pit " of brickwork, preheated by the excess heat of previous lots of ingots.
This is equal to the product of the thermal capacity of the element, cgdx,, by the rate of rise of temperature dO/dt, together with the heat lost per second at the external surface, which may be written hpodx, if p is the perimeter of the bar, and h the heat loss per second per degree excess of temperature 0 above the surrounding medium.
The Moors are temperate in their diet and simple in their dress, though among the richer classes of the towns the women cover themselves with silks, gold and jewels, while the men indulge to excess their love of fine horses and splendid arms. The national fault is gross sensuality.
He had, William also reports, a gift of impromptu eloquence, and a faculty both for saying witty things pleasantly at other people's expense and for listening placidly to witticisms directed against himself; while he was generous to excess without needing to make exactions in order to support his generosity, and always respected the Church.
The chief faults of this were excess of ornament, antithesis, alliteration and assonance, monotony of rhythm, and the insertion of words purely for rhythmical effect.
Revenue for state, county and municipal purposes is derived principally from taxes on real estate, tangible personal property, incomes in excess of $1000, wills and administrations, deeds, seals, lawsuits, banks, trust and security companies, insurance companies, express companies, railway and canal corporations, sleeping-car, parlour-car and dining-car companies, telegraph and telephone companies, franchise taxes, poll taxes, an inheritance tax and taxes on various business and professional licences.
We may, therefore, write for the pressure at a height y p= - pgy, T A b e ?; y t L - == --ti where p is the density of the liquid, or if there are two fluids the excess of the density of the lower fluid over that of the upper one.
It is to be noted that in the process of immunization complement does not increase in amount; accordingly the immune serum comes to contain immune body much in excess of the amount of complement necessary to complete its action.
This nervous excitability was inherited, though' not to the same excess, by Octave, whose mother died in his infancy and left him to the care of the hypersensitive invalid.
As for anger, it is a murderous disease in its excess, but murder is punishable with death.
We aim to perform at, or in excess of, the upper quartile performance levels in all service delivery areas.
To get mainly the quaternary ammonium salt, you can use a large excess of bromoethane.
Between them they have raised in excess of £ 600.
Low flying, produced monthly, has a regular readership in excess of 2,500.
The excess of the redundancy payment over the basic award was £ 20,000.
This form of MDS is called " refractory anemia with excess blasts " or RAEB.
Cardiovascular status Hypertension may be a primary problem, secondary to chronic salt and water retention or to excess renin production.
Very often the best reordering of a church involves simply the removal of excess furniture, without the addition of anything new.
Repro Technology has in excess of half a million pounds worth of spare parts at any one time.
To use, rub bottle tip lightly against the rubber stamp, wipe off excess solution with a damp cloth.
Beyond the room 's thin walls, young students working off excess energy raised a ruckus in the dorm.
Capuchins Tom He has finally lost all his excess weight even tho he still looks a bit saggy !
Cushing 's Syndrome results from an excess secretion of the hormone cortisol.
For 2007 Lexus is offering a hybrid version of their GS sport sedan dubbed the GS450h with " well in excess of 300hp ".
The self-closing taps provide hot running water, without excess wastage.
The Car Cloth should be used to remove any excess water on paintwork and windows for a showroom finish.
To make the gravy skim off any excess fat from the roasting tin.
A sluice at one end would allow the excess water to escape.
After controlling for hospital and socioeconomic variables the excess risks were lowered.
Running acid into the alkali For the first part of the graph, you have an excess of sodium hydroxide.
Excess intakes of fat - soluble vitamins are not recommended.
B&NES has spent in excess of £ 500,000 on the Southgate application.
I no longer wished to contend with all that excess of anxiety which had always afflicted me, prior to any sportive competition.
Over the years we have achieved a total return on stockholders ' funds well in excess of the annual cost of this new borrowing.
However, water vapor also escapes when stomata are open and plants must therefore control stomatal opening to prevent excess water loss.
Where there is excess cold, the tongue has a thick white coat.
For example, radiation dose from modern computed tomography scanners may be in excess of that produced by older models.
Coverage in excess came in the manager tony scala on the phone.
Additional plants were drawn from the container nursery, which totals in excess of 100 acres.
This current continues to charge the tank capacitor to a voltage in excess of the transformer output voltage.
Where there are deemed to be " too many people ", governments should move the " excess " people through transmigration programs.
Then trim off the excess pastry from the top.
They can be used to pay for excess baggage or to send unaccompanied baggage.
At the heart of the budget will be a windfall tax on the excess profits of the privatized utilities.
The Port of Durban, is Africa 's busiest port, and handles cargo valued in excess of R50 billion annually.
Friday produced a veering easterly wind in Hayling Bay in excess of 12 knots allowing a triangular course with unrestricted pumping.
The excess energy is added to the velocity vector, without change of direction.
It can handle a PA supply of 12 volts at 18 amps, well in excess of my system !
This RSPB reserve allows for good views of in excess of 20 wader species per day in August.
There is usually a separate excess for windscreen replacement claims.
By the 1980's, Spelling 's personal fortune was worth in excess of $ 300 million.
This excess cash provides you with the opportunity to pursue a number of positive strategies.
Some slings actually have excess material to cover baby!
To avoid excess baggage charges and the cumbersome process of juggling a lot of luggage, companies like Babies Travel Lite offer services that deliver over 1,000 name brand baby products to your travel destination.
You won't have excess material to battle as you tuck your baby in close and gaze down on her small face.
Use your knowledge about baby health care and baby safety to help you create a safe and loving environment without excess worry.
Premature or small babies may have difficulty expelling the excess liquid.
Fast vaginal births can also lead to excess fluid in the lungs because the baby has a shorter duration of pressure during delivery.
Push the wire up through each flower stem, bending the excess wire into a hairpin shape so that the ends are rounded.
In this event, the sebaceous glands excrete an excess of sebum to the point that it builds up into a waxy plaque on the scalp and sometimes the face.
When the skin in the diaper area begins to break down -sometimes because of excess diarrhea or other types of diaper rashes - yeast from the intestinal tract can get under the skin surface to cause an infection.
This excess amount of yeast then becomes the source of an infection, which leads to a rash.
Everyone has small amounts of yeast in their bodies, but giving it this type of environment can invite excess growth and rash.
Leafy vegetables should be washed then placed in open plastic storage bags lined with one or two sheets of paper towels to wick away excess moisture.
Excess vitamins and minerals can actually be fatal for dogs, as some become toxic in dosages that go over the daily allotted amount.
A dehumidifier removes excess water from the air by drawing air into the device.
Third, what will you do with your excess kittens if you are unable to sell them or find homes for them?
When dealing with cat urine that is on a carpet or upholstery, make sure to blot the excess, do not scrub.
While commercially prepared raw pet food costs in excess of five dollars a pound, you can find inexpensive cuts of meat in your grocery store for a fraction of that cost.
As you find fleas on your pet, drop them into the oil.Once you have the excess fleas off of your cat, you can begin to use a topical flea killer.
Any excess moisture can create the perfect environment for bacteria and yeast.
For example, cardiomyopathy is very often present in cases of undiagnosed feline hyperthyroidism in which the excess thyroid hormones cause the heart to work overtime, thus wreaking havoc on its function over a period of time.
For instance, if your monthly income is $3,000 (after tax deductions), and your expenses total $2,500, then you have $500 in excess each month.
If you keep your accounts error-free and use online bill paying services to keep your finances in order, you may avoid burdening yourself with excess paperwork and chores.
They help eliminate waste and excess wrapping paper and they can cut down on shopping time.
When this practice becomes habit, the consumer quickly finds himself only able to pay the minimum payment each month on all the cards and there is no excess left to pay toward the principal on any of the cards.
In a situation where the non-custodial parent makes in excess of $80,000 per year, a judge may choose to use the table or some other means of calculating the amount of child support to be paid.
Excess moisture can create rust which will cause the joints to tighten up and not work as well.
Overstock is able to offer products at great value by buying the excess stock that manufacturers have not been able to move through their normal retail sales channels.
Any time your home has more solar energy than storage capacity, you can sell the excess to the power company, which resells the electricity to its customers.
Power is pulled from the batteries to power the motor, which in turn sends excess energy back to the batteries to recharge them as the car is running.
When you make your own, you can reuse the shampoo bottle and as for soap, there is no excess packaging.
Construction or factory equipment are often sources of excess noise, as are outdoor equipment such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers.
If more energy is produced by your solar panels that you are able to use, that excess energy can be directed into your power grid and purchased by your utility company.
Where locally produced items are available they will have the benefit of being fresher and will not have used excess energy during the shipping process.
However, if the balance is thrown off, the earth's temperature could begin to rise to unhealthy levels as excess energy is not allowed to escape back into space.
Anytime gas, oil and other fossil fuels are burned, excess carbon dioxide is released, polluting the air.
One of the best advantages to using solar energy to power your home is that you can sell any excess energy back to the power company.
The ideal for this absorption process is to siphon off the excess heat in the room during the day and regulate the heat in the room so it's comfortable, not stifling.
Basically, your system is still on the power grid, but if it produces more energy than you can use, then the excess energy goes back into the grid.
Flash steam- Water below the ground can heat in excess of 200 degrees Celsius.
Wring out the excess moisture, and keep the cloth against the boil for ten minutes.
Although this theory still needs to be tested through scientific study, many acai enthusiasts report that the fruit has helped them shed excess pounds.
It's also an effective diuretic that helps to eliminate excess salt and water from the body.Hawthorne is considered relatively safe under most circumstances, but use discretion when treating children, pregnant women or the elderly.
The tea helps the body rid itself of excess fluid either through urination or sweating.
Use the strainer and paper towels to dry excess water from the basil leaves, or place the herb in a salad spinner and spin the extra water off.
Tap excess paint out by pressing the sponge on a newspaper - this will also give you more even coverage.
Wipe excess paint off of the brush before you start to paint.
Blot off the excess paint onto a paper towel and then pad the sponge onto the wall a couple of times.
Note that your sponge should not be saturated with the mixture - tap away any excess.
Next, cut out a piece of white fabric with a one to two inch excess around the edges.
Put a small amount of paint (either the new color or the flat version of the same color) onto a brush and dap off the excess with a paper towel.
Excess paper can be cut away with a utility knife for a finished edge.
Resist the urge to include a lot of different items, and remember to keep surfaces free of excess items.
Kirsch had grown to 1800 employees and was making sales in excess of $30,000,000.
Wrap the excess fabric around the top and bottom of the frame to hold.
As it already has some moisture content, normal makeup isn't able to absorb very much excess facial oil or sweat.
Now give the brush a tap on the edge of the container to remove any excess powder and begin brushing the minerals onto your face.
If you end up applying too much, you can always blot the excess with a tissue - a good practice for oilier skin types as it also absorbs some of the excess oil before the foundation has set.
Wipe off excess on tissue before applying to eye.
Avoid excess - while the look then was "more, more, more," today's makeup is about keeping it natural.
Finish off with one to two coats of your favorite mascara, making sure to wipe off any excess mascara from the brush.
When you're finished applying your eye makeup, just whisk away the excess powder with a large velor powder brush.
Afterwards dust away excess powder with a face brush.
Even though you've allowed some powder to settle into the brush, you'll want to get rid of the excess.
Lightly circle the brush or sponge in the lid of the compact to eliminate any excess makeup.
Next, very lightly tap the brush (just once!) on a tissue to remove any excess.
In fact, the star has undergone a number of transformations over the years, but some of her most memorable looks definitely come from the decade of excess.
Once you've gathered all supplies, soak a cotton ball in witch hazel astringent and apply directly to the facial surface to remove excess oil.
Prior to creating your cat face, you'll need to thoroughly cleanse the skin to remove excess oil, which can affect the application and staying power of the face paint.
Shake off the excess color from the first color application and then dab the brush into the new shadow.
Loose powder is applied with a makeup brush or powder puff; however it is important to shake off excess powder from the applicator if you want that sheer, light coverage.
Other than that, both kinds of face powder work great to absorb excess oil on your skin.
Dip your finger or brush into the darkest color MAC eyeshadow, being sure to tap off any excess before applying.
Excess hair may grow where you apply the product.
If this happens, simply tap the excess off the brush.
If players went over the cap, then that excess was donated to a charity of that player's choice.
If you're using a soda or chip can, any excess moisture or grease will catch the light and destroy your camera obscura.
Remove the iron from the oil and let the excess oil drip off.
Using a slotted spoon remove the rosette from the oil and let the excess oil drain off.
Dredge chicken in flour and shake off excess.
Remove the shallots from the heat and drain them of any excess oil.
Place a sheet of paper under your work area, so you can scoop excess flocking powder back into the jar for another project.
Pour the excess powder back into the jar and wait for your embellishment to dry.
Most craft stores and scrapbooking specialty shops regularly run sales to promote new products or clear out excess inventory.
You could order the supplies in bulk and then sell off the excess to friends or through online outlets such as eBay.
After they are dry, you can spray the bindings with a thin film of silicone, and wipe off the excess with a paper towel.
When the wax has cooled, use your sharp scraper to scrape away the excess wax.
Getting stress under control reduces the negative effects of excess tension on the mind and body.
This may help you to avoid stretch marks and cosmetic surgery to remove excess skin if you have a lot of weight to lose.
What does work is eating balanced meals and getting enough exercise to burn off any excess calories.
Places that are open in the summer like parks, watermarks and zoos are always looking for excess amounts of part time staff for the summer.
While it is true that meat is full of protein and vitamins, the same amount of nutrients can be derived from plant-based sources, without the excess of saturated fat and cholesterol that accompanies even lean cuts of meat.
If you want to remove most of the excess fluid, you can wrap the tofu in an absorbent towel (not terry cloth to avoid lint) and set a heavy book on it for about ten minutes.
Removing the excess fluid is a great way to make the tofu act more like a sponge while soaking in a savory marinade and makes it more absorbent to flavors from the other foods cooked with it.
The truth is that the average American diet tends to include an excess of animal protein.
The weight will help extract excess water from the tofu.
Excess soy may cause stomach issues for sensitive individuals, so if soy is a problem for you, use either a vegetarian milk-based cheese or try a completely "raw" cheese.
Sprout seeds require an ample water supply to grow, but you must make sure your growing kit has unobstructed drainage holes to rid your trays of excess fluids.
This allows upper trays to maintain adequate water supply, and prevents lower trays from receiving excess water.
To avoid ordering excess invitations, make the guest list first.
Make sure the lights are functional, and remove excess ornaments if they do not fit into the understated theme.
Pat the fondant evenly all around the cake, and cut off any excess at the bottom.
The AA Fellowship is currently made up of more than 2,000,000 members who at one point drank in excess and have since taken steps to find a way to live their lives without alcohol.
Trim away the excess for a finished appearance.
Use the selected cutting implement to trim off the excess cake to create an even layer.
Cut away the excess fondant along the bottom using a knife or pizza cutter.
Slowly move the stencil away from the cake, being careful not to spill excess powder.
Smooth out the sides, and cut away any excess frosting at the bottom.
Scrape off any excess frosting, and keep working until the cake is completely covered.
Apply the fondant over the buttercream in an even circle, cutting off any excess frosting.
No longer the young girl in Disney films, Lindsay became a tabloid target and was hounded by rumors of eating disorders, excess partying, and fights with fellow actor Hilary Duff.
And, most importantly, how do they lose the excess baggage?
For some, the excess weight was becoming life-threatening, so they had no choice but to lose it.
John Belushi - A victim of excess, Belushi died of a drug overdose on March 15, 1982.
Typically, closeout sales occur as a company tries to sell off excess amounts of products.
The majority of soft shell jackets feature a tighter cut, eliminating excess bulky material and making them perfect for sports-themed outings, like hiking, biking, camping, etc. They often feature breathable, stretchy material as well.
Fancy doesn't mean a surplus of ruffles and bows, which can be gaudy in excess.
Some cruise ships may also be able to help arrange shipping for excess purchases, though fees for these services can be exorbitant.
Most major airlines charge a fee for heavier bags and excess luggage.
Meanwhile, the low season covers the extremely hot summer months when most parts of Egypt experience temperatures in excess of 100 degrees.
Dog groomers can remove excess hair inside your dog's ear canals and give the ears a thorough cleaning.
However, if you notice a bulging in this area, and your dog begins to drag his behind on the floor like it itches, it may be time to have the excess matter expressed out.
Although this streamlines things for the grooming shop staff, it means a lot of excess time spent in the grooming shop for your dog, and it can be stressfull.
Swimming may not immediately come to mind when you think about ways to exercise your dog, but swimming is a wonderful, low impact way to burn excess calories, stretch those muscles and raise the heart rate.
This helps expel some of the excess powder.
If you're taking care of a large dog, like a Boxer, he will have different exercise needs than a smaller dog and will usually need a bit of time to burn off excess energy.
They need space and a chance to get outside and run off excess energy and are not good for apartment dwellers.
Lowering the sodium level helps reduce the excess fluid in the body.
Cavachons are generally energetic and therefore require moderate daily exercise to help burn off some of their excess energy.
Using technology similar to that of a Dremel tool, these battery operated grooming products simply smooth away excess nail.
The unit works the same ways as the PediPaws groomer does; it simply requires the owner to place each nail in the opening to file away excess nail material.
Nudists claimed that an excess of shame and modesty bred psychological complexes, unhealthy relations between the sexes, and produced bodies that were both unhealthy and an affront to beauty.
During the tattooing process, the skin is continually cleaned of excess ink and blood that seep from punctures with absorbent sanitary tissues.
Too much nitrogen will cause excess leaf growth and poor fruit production.
As long as the container has a hole allowing excess water to drain away and plenty of room for soil so that the plants can spread out their roots, you can try virtually any container.
You can always give away, preserve, freeze, can or donate the excess to a food pantry.
Many plant grapes on a hillside to allow excess water to drain away.
There is no benefit to excess fertilizer, though.
Using wire cutters, you can cut the excess of the string that you cannot wrap.
Back in 1993, contractor Tom Sullivan began buying unused and excess wood flooring from other contractors.
Use a squeegee to remove excess adhesive.
This underlayment should be measured for a tight fit from wall to wall, without any excess cracks and crevices.
The first step in getting rid of mildew is to remove excess moisture.
Fasten with nails and remove excess glue.
Use a clean cloth to wipe any excess caulk.
Others may be attempting to sell excess flooring from a completed project.This is one of the best ways to get a remarkable deal, but only if you know that the wood you purchased can be used for flooring.
Use the trowel to scrape off the excess joint compound, ensuring it is level with the existing wall.
Spread the joint compound over the hole and mesh tape to cover it completely, using the trowel to apply, smooth and remove excess joint compound.
Cleaning excess grout off the tiles will likely require you to dampen the sponge or rag many times.
The process originated in Korea around 37 BC, when the excess heat from stoves was used to heat a home's floors.
Use a routing bit to trim away the excess laminate.
After 10 to 15 minutes, clean off any excess grout using a damp sponge and buff clean with a dry cloth.
If using spray foam, don't spray too much as it expands; if the foam spreads beyond the wall, you will have to trim the excess away with a utility knife.
Shower doors, properly hung shower curtains and the use of a bathmat can help to prevent excess water absorption from ruining your carpet tiles.
Consider track lighting systems that sit the bulb further inside the shade to help eliminate excess glare while lighting the target area.
Thick, comfortable and nylon-quilted apparel guarantees warmth without excess bulk slowing you down.
It is lightweight, breathes well, and can be woven tightly enough so as not to let in sun rays, but still won't promote an excess of sweat.
Sometimes this leads to shirts with baggy, excess fabric that ends up creating a sloppy look for the man wearing it.
If you prefer a puffy coat, opt for a down-insulated variety; down is one of the warmest fillings available, and will keep you cozy without adding excess weight to the piece.
The shoulders should not droop, and the arms shouldn't feature any excess fabric.
The cuffs should not drag against the floor, nor should there be excess fabric.
The waterproof jacket is composed of specially treated materials that repel water and resist the seeping of excess moisture.
Others contend that gypsum is only useful if your soil suffers from excess sodium.
Even if you don't have excess sodium, the addition of sulfur and calcium is important in many yards.
Organic, in this context, means containing only naturally derived ingredients and no excess chemicals or pesticides.
Remember that pregnancy will always result in weight gain, but the trick is to gain the weight necessary for your baby's development while avoiding excess weight gain that will be difficult to shed after your baby's birth.
Excess nutrient salts can cause fertilizer burn on leaves and roots.
Since these vitamins are not stored, excess amounts are excreted which may make you wonder why include mega-doses of these vitamins in the first place.
These shampoos help wash dirt, odors, and excess oil from your pet's skin and fur.
Puffed sleeves and an excess of detail were said to distract from a woman's curves.
Roll in a towel to remove excess water and line dry.
Skirts that are too long tend to have the same "drowning" effect as excess fabric, and contribute to a rather dowdy, unflattering appearance.
Avoid excess details and steer clear of double-breasted styles.
If you have an hourglass figure, buying pants is even harder because there is usually a big discrepancy between the waist and hip measurements, which results in excess fabric at the waistline.
They should not hinder movement in any way; excess fabric can easily get "in the way" and make performing certain moves difficult.
Look for climate-control details, which wick moisture away and prevent chafing by keeping excess heat out.
If you do get them on using the foot-first approach, you can also end up with excess material gathered in wrinkles around your ankles.
The bust and chest are cut larger, so there may be an excess of fabric at the hemline.
Gently squeeze out the excess water by hand.
The air column rotates violently, and in the most severe tornados can reach speeds in excess of 300 miles per hour or more.
Diabetes is a metabolic condition where the body cannot process the excess sugar.
Singing helps to strengthen and tone the muscles of the throat, helping to reduce the amount of excess tissue there.
The airway often has blockage by the excess tissue around the neck and throat region, which is common in overweight people.
By managing the sleep apnea first, the person may be able to improve their diet and exercise enough to lose the excess weight.
Surgeons may remove excess tissue from the nasal passages, tonsils or throat area depending on the patient's specific needs.
A healthy lifestyle includes losing weight in some cases; this can alleviate snoring by getting rid of excess fat and tissue in the neck area that may narrow the airway passage.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) removes excess tissue that blocks the airway passage.
The excess tissue vibrates, creating the snoring sounds.
Also, obesity can lead to a narrowed airway because of the increased pressure on soft tissues that goes along with excess fat deposits in the neck area.
This surgery leaves the uvula intact, while still reducing excess tissues in the upper airway to improve OSA symptoms.
Although it may seem counterintuitive, drinking alcohol to excess can actually make it more difficult to fall asleep and may leave the sleeper feeling fatigued the next day.
Tonsillectomies and adenoidectomies are used to treat snoring that is caused by excess tonsil tissues or excess tissue in the nasal cavity.
The weight gain can contribute to the sleep disorder, but the sleep disorder also contributes to the inability to lose the excess weight.
Those who are overweight are more likely to have excess tissue in the throat and neck region of the body, which can lead to snoring, and sometimes sleep apnea.
One of the common causes of sleep apnea is an excess of tissue in the back of the mouth and nose near the throat.
The surgical treatment for this excess of tissue is called uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP).
If you work night shift and sleep during the day excess light and noise may lead to frequent waiting, reducing your healthy sleep and time spent in deep sleep.
However, you may eliminate many health issues by losing excess weight.
Obesity, extra weight can result in excess throat tissue.
A number of conditions can lead to the vibrations including excess weight, sleep positions and throat structural problems.
Some procedures, like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) remove excess tissue from the throat and soft palate, while others fix structural problems that disrupt breathing during sleep.
This has the added benefit of eliminating excess perspiration around the eyes.
When they are placed correctly, press them down firmly to push the excess water out and dab them off with a lint-free cloth.
By the company's 20-year anniversary, annual sales were well in excess of $100 million and there were some 450 stores in various locations worldwide.
The chain continued to acquire its competitors, and, by 1996, had sales in excess of $500 billion, with more than 1700 stores in North America, Europe, Australia, and Mexico.
Kingda Ka is also one of the world's tallest roller coasters at more than 420 feet tall, and its vertical tower allows trains to use up their excess speed in an exhilarating way.
Built in 2003, this was the first coaster to rise taller than 400 feet in the air and the first in North America to reach speeds in excess of 120 miles per hour.
Be warned though, drinking or eating in excess leads to potbellies.
He really wants to get out of the peasant life and back into a life of excess and luxury.
Courting third-party developers, as well as first-party titles featuring the Mario family of characters, the Nintendo Entertainment System went on to sell in excess of 60 million units worldwide.
While playing video games in excess is not good for children, video games are not necessarily bad for a child.
Realize that you will tend to underestimate how many bottles you will collect, and plan for a little excess.
Make sure that the wine is protected from excess light and direct sunlight.
Metal wine stoppers with hand pump vacuums - These wine stoppers allow you to pump excess air from the wine bottle before sealing.
Metal wine stoppers with automatic vacuum seal systems - Automatic vacuum seal systems use a battery-operated vacuum to pump excess air from the wine bottle.
Just as with simple carbohydrates, if you consume an excess amount of complex carbs, unless you burn them off through activity, your body stores the unused carbs as fat.
If the roof is not cleaned on a quarterly schedule, the excess chalk will run down the sides of the camper as a result of exposure to the elements and leave unattractive white streaks in its wake.
As an average consumer, would you be willing to pay a monthly bill in excess of $100?
The increased risk among African Americans is not explained by the presence of sickle cell disease, nor is the excess risk among boys explained by trauma.
A condition characterized by excess blood clotting.
If the body accumulates an excess of bilirubin, it turns yellow (jaundiced).
Besides the benefits of the contracting uterus, the process of producing milk burns calories, which helps the mother to lose excess weight gained during pregnancy.
They are formed by the accumulation of excess mineral salts and other organic material such as blood or mucous.
Obese individuals and those with poor circulation or who take medications to reduce excess body fluids (diuretics) can be at risk when conditions are hot and humid.
When too much bilirubin is made, the excess is discarded into the bloodstream and deposited in tissues for temporary storage.
First, infants have too many red blood cells and it is a natural process for the body to break down these excess red blood cells to form a large amount of bilirubin.
As the excess bilirubin builds up in the newborn, jaundice appears first in the face and upper body and progresses downward toward the toes.
Gout is a form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the body and uric acid crystals in the joints.
Infants are born with excess red blood cells that are rapidly recycled by the spleen and liver, releasing bilirubin.
If more bilirubin is produced than can be processed by the liver, blood levels of bilirubin rise, and the excess is deposited in tissues causing the skin to appear yellow.
This process, called hemolysis, is accompanied by the release of excess amounts of bilirubin.
As the infant's liver matures and the excess blood cells are removed, the jaundice disappears.
Even educational games should not be played to excess, because playing video games is not a substitute for positive social interaction or traditional learning.
This high intake of fat can lead to excess weight and, potentially, obesity.
Teenagers, especially boys, are notorious for being able to empty the refrigerator of food, usually without gaining excess weight.
When these chemicals are produced in excess amounts and in the wrong places, they cause tissue swelling and abnormal growth.
Excess salt loss is not usually a problem except during prolonged exercise or heat.
The somatotropin test also aids in documenting the excess hGH production responsible for gigantism or acromegaly, and confirms underactivity or overproduction of the pituitary gland (hypopituitarism or hyperpituitarism, respectively).
Hyperhidrosis involves sweating in excess of the amount required normally for the body's level of activity and temperature.
When excess iron in the cells (as a result of the deficiency of frataxin) reacts with oxygen, free radicals are produced.
Free radicals are necessary molecules in the body's metabolism, but in excess they can also destroy cells and harm the body.
Oxidative stress-A condition where the body is producing an excess of oxygen-free radicals.
Over time, excess SAA tends to be deposited in tissues and organs throughout the body.
The presence and deposition of excess SAA is known as amyloidosis.
Diuretics aid the excretion of water and salts and help remove excess fluid from tissues.
A potassium supplement may be prescribed with some diuretics to remove potassium from the body along with excess fluid.
In hydrocephalus, excess CSF collects in the large sections of the brain called the ventricles.
Improved posture, with no slumping, will reduce pressure on the stomach, as will losing excess weight.
Excess weight may be the only sign of possible high cholesterol in children.
Diarrhea best correlates with an increase in stool weight; this increase is mainly due to excess water, which normally makes up 60 to 85 percent of fecal matter.
For example, the bulk agent psyllium helps some people by absorbing excess fluid and solidifying stools; cholestyramine, which binds bile acids, is effective in treating bile-salt-induced diarrhea.
A potassium supplement may be prescribed along with diuretics, which remove potassium from the body along with excess fluid.
Excess B vitamins are excreted from the body rather than stored for later use.
Diuretics-A group of drugs that helps remove excess water from the body by increasing the amount lost by urination.
Most infants also develop hydrocephaly, an accumulation of excess fluid in the four cavities of the brain.
If they do not wake up, the bladder releases the excess urine and the child wets the bed.
A sedentary lifestyle and excess caloric consumption are the primary causes of this increase in overweight and obesity; regular exercise is considered an important factor in controlling weight.
In Tay-Sachs disease, the enzyme necessary for removing excess gangliosides is missing.
Excess porphyrins are excreted as waste in urine and stool.
The bite may also be accompanied by fever, chills, edema (an accumulation of excess tissue fluid), nausea and vomiting, dizziness, muscle and joint pain, and a rash.
Although obesity can be a side effect of certain hormonal disorders or use of certain medications, the primary cause of obesity in children and adolescents is excess calorie consumption coupled with a sedentary lifestyle.