Excerpt Sentence Examples
The sentence was an excerpt from the letter.
He added an excerpt from the book into his letter.
The excerpt includes a description of the fall of the angels.
The tape recording is a verbal excerpt from the play.
He was misled by an incomplete excerpt in the history book.
This excerpt is from a letter Abigail wrote to John while he was in the Continental Congress, "I dare not express to you at 300 miles how ardently I long for your return.
Here's a brief excerpt to wet your appetite.
Below we offer a short excerpt from the preamble.
This starts with Robert singing a excerpt from Broadway Rhythm.
The authors of the Hebrew historical books, as we now have them, do not, as a rule, as a modern author would do, rewrite the matter in their own language; they excerpt from pre-existing documents such passages as are suitable to their purpose, and incorporate them in their work, sometimes adding at the same time matter of their own.
AdvertisementAn excerpt from her book, according to AHN, reads, "Gwyneth Paltrow came in.
I've reproduced an excerpt of the section about supplying photos to magazines here.
Suidas, misled by an incomplete excerpt in Photius from the life of Isidorus (the Neoplatonist) by Damascius, states that Hypatia was the wife of Isidorus; but this is chronologically impossible, since Isidorus could not have been born before 434 (see Hoche in Philologus).
A short audio excerpt is available for general users.
You can also use Amazon's "Search Inside" feature to view an excerpt from most of the popular yoga titles the site has available.
AdvertisementIn this Rockettes Christmas excerpt, you can see how the dancers blend perfectly with one another onstage.
The following excerpt is an example of how you could write such a statement of permission.
As you can see from the excerpt below, the values affected are those relating to values extracted from the smoothed histogram.
In this excerpt, Tom has just played a trill.
The short excerpt from Ctesias, which Photius has preserved, contains useful information, although we must always mistrust him.
AdvertisementGrenfell and Hunt date the Gospel, from which it is an excerpt, about 200.
If you like a poem that's too long to include on your layout, simply use an excerpt as your page title and tuck a copy of the entire poem into an envelope for hidden journaling.
Another often used is an excerpt from Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "How Do I Love Thee?
This one-man dance excerpt is very short, but shows the face mask often worn for rain dancing, and the movement of pawing at the ground with the feet.
There were no infinitives in the passage above, but see if you can find the infinitives in the following excerpt.
AdvertisementThe above prayer excerpt is part of the public domain at Prayer 4 You and is typical of a non-denominational prayer.
First, review this excerpt from a 1948 issue of Time magazine about the anticipated effects of the baby boom (hence the definitive title of the generation).
The rhythmic sharpness in this short operatic excerpt prepared us for higher things to come.