Except-for Sentence Examples
I wouldn't consider it except for Daniel Brennan.
Nearly all the leaves had fallen off the trees except for the huge scarlet oak in the back yard.
He'd been alone since, except for his two adopted brothers.
Life was good, except for the fact that they needed human blood to survive.
It is not navigable, except for rafts.
The force of the strike knocked everyone off their feet and deadened the firelight, except for the torches in the corners.
The manor was silent, except for the ticking of the grandfather clock in the foyer.
Defeated the demons, except for a few hiding out here.
His face was pale except for the red handprint.
Early in 722 Willibald began his expedition to the Holy Land alone, except for the presence of two companions.
AdvertisementOn account of its scarcity it is little used for building purposes, except for ornamental joinery, being more used by the cabinet and furniture maker.
It is unfossiliferous except for a few obscure sheils obtained near the base.
So far, except for stomach growls an hour or so before mealtime, Dean wasn't complaining.
If the truth were known, except for the larceny, he felt a pang of envy.
In fact, it was empty, except for the nun who brought her breakfast.
AdvertisementSvelte, charismatic and cool, Wynn was the opposite of Rhyn in every way except for looks.
Gabe checked all of those in the mortal realm, except for … He turned, realizing Harmony hadn't been in the lineup.
The room was vacant except for a metal slab that served as a bed and the six-legged, cat-like creature sitting on the edge of the bed watching its sleeping occupant.
All were out of sight below except for Mick and Penny who were just now scrambling up to the path.
Mrs. Cummings, I think, suspects, though low health now keeps her to her bed and back, except for bodily duties, and to sit up for soup and toast a time or two a day.
AdvertisementI was reading them the riot act and they weren't believing it any more than they ever do, except for maybe the first-timers.
He said except for Donnie's refusal to speak, in every other way he appears perfectly normal.
His bronze features were smooth except for the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church was a scrubbed-white structure looking like a New England calendar except for its city location.
You'd have never chased after that man Burgess so obsessively except for your feelings for me.
AdvertisementNothing else in the world seemed out of place, except for that piece inside of you that you thought you buried.
He needed Jenn to help him plan how to track the hundreds of creatures on the earth with the power to do what they want, unopposed, except for him.
The warrior led her to a wooden wagon, enclosed on all sides except for a small window.
Maybe he was simply so average that he didn't stand out – except for his height.
Her face in the mirror was almost devoid of color except for the eyes that looked large and round.
The stage kitchen was dark, except for red candles around the counter area where he did the prep for whatever he was making.
There is nothing human about me, Jessi, nothing good, except for the reminder I wear around my neck of the only person who ever gave up her life for me.
For ten years Evagoras carried on hostilities single-handed, except for occasional aid from Egypt.
Her husband, though he afterwards deteriorated, seems at that time to have been neither better nor worse than the Berrichon squires around him, and the first years of her married life, during which her son Maurice and her daughter Solange were born, except for lovers' quarrels, were passed in peace and quietness, though signs were not wanting of the coming storm.
It is thus clear that in the Bronze Age Sardinia was fairly thickly populated over by far the greater part of its extent; this may explain the lack of Greek colonies, except for Olbia, the modern Terranova, and Neapolis on the cians.
The iron-bark of the eastern coast uplands is well known (Eucalyptus sideroxylon), and is so called from the hardness of the wood, the bark not being remarkable except for its rugged and blackened aspect.
Only an insignificant fraction of these forests has ever been visited by human beings, the Malays and even the aboriginal tribe having their homes on the banks of the rivers, and never, even when travelling from one part of the country to another, leaving the banks of a stream except for a short time when passing from one river-system to another.
At an early age he entered the cloister; and in 423 he became bishop of Cyrrhus, a small city in a wild district between Antioch and the Euphrates, where, except for a short period of exile, he spent the remainder of his life.
The earth is always, except for some special reason, used as a return, because it offers little resistance and saves the expense and the risk of failure of the return wire.
A quantity of it is really brushwood, used for the manufacture of charcoal and for fuel, coal being little used except for manufacturing purposes.
The parcels into which the Lombards had divided the peninsula remained thus virtually unaltered, except for the new authority acquired by the see of Rome.
A race was formed strong enough to keep the empire itself in check, strong enough, except for its own internecine contests, to have formed a nation equal to its happier neighbors.
The most important of the new railways is the Siberian, of which the first section, Chelyabinsk to Omsk, was opened in December 1895, and which, except for a short section round Lake Baikal, in 1901 was completed right through to Stryetensk, on the Shilka, the head of navigation on the Shilka and the Amur, 2710 m.
The main line was finished in 1902, except for a length of about 170 m.
In North America, except for small industrial railways and some short lines for local traffic, chiefly in mountainous country, it has become almost universal; the long lines of 3 ft.
In North America there is a second distinct smaller species, called the coyote or prairie-wolf (Canis latrans), and perhaps the Japanese wolf (C. hodophylax) may be distinct, although, except for its smaller size and shorter legs, it is scarcely distinguishable from the common species.
But except for these infrequent wooded strips, the mountains are even more bare than the valleys, because their shrubs are dwarfed from exposure.
The actual borrowing capacity of the state is limited by its constitution to $300,000, except for the extraordinary purpose of repelling invasion or suppressing insurrection.
Francesco, as it has been called since 1261, when it came into the possession of the Franciscans, has been almost entirely modernized, except for the crypt and campanile (11th century).
From this time (1509) down to our own days, except for the interruptions caused by the wars of the French Revolution, Ravenna continued subject to the papal see and was governed by a cardinal legate.
By the constitution personal property to the value of $500 and any homestead to the value of $1000 is exempt from sale for debt, except for taxes on the homestead, or for obligations contracted for the purchase of said premises.
Louis Charles was then separated from his mother and aunt to be put in his father's charge, except for a few hours daily, but was restored to the women when Louis was isolated from his family at the beginning of his trial in December.
There are no lacunar blood spaces with ill-defined or absent walls except for a sinus surrounding the intestine, which is at least frequently present.
Thorpe Cloud, it is highly fossiliferous, but it is usually somewhat barren except for abundant crinoids and smaller organisms. It is polished in large slabs at Ashford, where crinoidal, black and "rosewood" marbles are produced.
It provided for municipal elections in January; for the election of a mayor for four years; for his recall at the end of two years if a majority of the registered voters so vote in the state election in November in the second year of his term; for the summary removal for cause by the mayor of any department head or other of his appointees; for a city council of one chamber of nine members, elected at large each for three years; for nomination by petition; for a permanent finance commission appointed by the governor; for the confirmation of the mayor's appointments by the state civil service commission; for the mayor's preparation of the annual budget (in which items may be reduced but not increased by the council), and for his absolute veto of appropriations except for school use.
They have lost their value, except for the few matters of fact embedded in a mass of commonplace meditation, and for some occasionally brilliant illustrations.
Taken by the Spaniards in 1587 Zutphen was recovered by Maurice, prince of Orange, in 1591, and except for two short periods, one in 1672 and the other during the French Revolutionary Wars, it has since then remained a part of the United Netherlands.
He had no taste except for ornament, and no serious interest except in amusements, versemaking, hunting and tournaments.
No shafts or tunnels are necessary except for exploration; the mining consists entirely in open-cut and terrace work.
By the treaty of Paris, signed on the 10th of December, Spain " relinquished " the island to the United States in trust for its inhabitants; the temporary character of American occupation being recognized throughout the treaty, in accord with the terms of the American declaration of war, in which the United States disclaimed any intention to control the island except for its pacification, and expressed the determination to leave the island thereupon to the control of its people.
His advice was successfully followed, and the "Argo" made the passage unscathed, except for trifling damage to the stern.
This was the fault of their leaders solely, for, except for the last attack, local superiority was in each case attainable.
The ground floor, except for the serdab, is given up to kitchens, store-rooms, servants' quarters, stables, &c. The principal rooms are on the first floor and open directly from a covered veranda, which is reached by an open staircase from the court.
In case the owner is married the homestead cannot be sold or mortgaged, except for an unpaid portion of the purchase money, without the joinder of husband and wife, and if the owner dies leaving a spouse or minor children, the homestead with its exemptions descends to the surviving member or members of the family.
During the "Frankish" period the island formed part of the duchy of Naxos, except for the few years (1341-1383) when it was a separate lordship under Marco Sanudo and his daughter.
The mission thus ended in complete failure; but, except for Carpini's (q.v.), it was the earliest Catholic embassy which reached any Mongol court, and its information must have been valuable.
Bulls of the typical bantin of Java and Borneo are, when fully adult, completely black except for the white rump and legs, but the cows and young are rufous.
So far the development of algebra and geometry had been mutually independent, except for a few isolated applications of geometrical constructions to the solution of algebraical problems. Certain minds had long suspected the advantages which would accrue from the unrestricted application of algebra to geometry, but it was not until the advent of the philosopher Rene Descartes that the co-ordination was effected.
United with Lorraine to France in 1634, Barrois remained, except for short intervals, part of the royal domain.
In the preface to the first volume he regrets that except for Alfred's translations Englishmen had no means of learning the true doctrine as expounded by the Latin fathers.
A frame of wood or steel, erected at the shaft mouth, and rarely employed except for deep shafts of small cross-section or when the mine cars (tubs) are small, as in many parts of Europe.
But the great achievement of recent manufacture is the production, without the use of animal charcoal, of a cheaper, but good and wholesome article, in appearance equal to refined sugar for all intents and purposes, except for making preserves of fruits in the old-fashioned way.
A redistilled zinc, from an ordinarily pure commercial zinc, is often called chemically pure, but redistillation is seldom practised except for the recovery of zinc from galvanizer's dross and from the skimmings and bottoms of the melting furnaces of zinc rolling mills.
Waddington on the 4th of February 1879, he was one of its members, and continued in the ministry until the 30th of March 1885, except for two short interruptions (from the 10th of November 1881 to the 30th of January 1882, and from the 29th of July 1882 to the 21st of February 1883), first as minister of education and then as minister of foreign affairs.
His reign, which was uneventful, except for an attempt to check the accumulation of landed property, was terminated by his own sons, Stephen and Constantine, who in 944 carried him off to the island of Prote and compelled him to become a monk.
During the next three decades (1861-1891) the law was extended, and methylated spirit was duty-free for all purposes except for use as beverages and internal medicinal applications.
On the English side the low Solway Plain borders the firth; except for a short distance above St Bees Head.
Of pre-Roman or Roman buildings in the town itself there are few remains, except for some fragments of the Etruscan town walls composed of rather small rectangular blocks of travertine, built into the medieval fortifications.
The king's ardent desire that diversities of minds and opinions should be done away with and unity be " charitably established " was further promoted by publishing in 1543 A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, set forth by the King's Majesty of England, in which the tenets of medieval theology, except for denial of the supremacy of the bishop of Rome and the unmistakable assertion of the supremacy of the king, were once more restated.
During the Religious Wars of the 16th century Auch remained Catholic, except for a short occupation in 1569 by the Huguenots under Gabriel, count of Montgomery.
For figures of more than four sides this method is not usually convenient, except for such special cases as that of a regular polygon, which can be divided into triangles C by radii drawn from its centre.
A homestead to the value of $1000 which is owned and occupied by the head of a family is exempt from attachment or forced sale except for debts secured by mechanics', labourers', materialmen's or vendors' liens upon the premises.
The Japanese attack was convergent, but there was no room for envelopment; the Russian position moreover was " all-round " and presented no flanks, and except for the enfilade fire of the Japanese and Russian gunboats in the shallow bays on either side the battle was locally at every point a frontal attack and defence.
Meantime, except for the movement on Siu-yen already mentioned,' and various reconnaissances in force by Keller's main body and by Rennenkampf's Cossacks farther inland, all was quiet along the Motienling front.
On the other hand a framed or braced web afforded opportunity for much better arrangement of material, and it very soon became apparent that open web or lattice or braced girders were more economical of material than solid web girders, except for small spans.
By curving the top boom of a girder to form an arch and the bottom boom to form a suspension chain, the need of web except for non-uniform loading is obviated.
Now, except for very short bridges and very unequal loads, a parabola can be found which includes the curve of maximum moments.
The court has appellate jurisdiction only, except for the power to issue writs of mandamus, quo warranto, certiorari, injunction and other original and remedial writs.
The homestead of any family in the state is exempt from attachment, lien or forced sale, except for taxes or purchase money, provided it has been properly recorded; but it can embrace only one dwelling house, cannot include gold or silver mines, and is limited in value to $5000 to one acre if within a town plat, to 40 acres if it is in the country and was acquired under the laws of the United States relating to mineral lands, and to 160 acres of other land in the country.
Between these ranges and on both sides of the Mu is a plain, unbroken except for some isolated hills in the north and north-east and the low Sadaung-gyi range in the south-east.
The French who settled here in 1648 suffered numerous attacks both from the Dutch and the British, but since 1766, except for a short period of British rule in the early part of the 19th century, they have held undisturbed possession.
Ferdinand was one of the first sovereigns to enter into diplomatic relations with the French republic (1793); and although, a few months later, he was compelled by England and Russia to join the coalition against France, he concluded peace with that power in 1795, and by observing a strict neutrality saved his dominions from invasion by the French, except for a temporary occupation of Livorno, till 1799, when he was compelled to vacate his throne, and a provisional Republican government was established at Florence.
The formula shows that except for numbers of the form (3n 2 n) the number of partitions without repetitions into an odd number of parts is equal to the number of partitions without repetitions into an even number of parts, whereas for the excepted numbers these numbers differ by unity.
The leading Reformers - Luther, Zwingli, Melancthon - frequently expressed themselves against the prevailing view of the manifold sense of Scripture, and in particular questioned the legitimacy of allegorical interpretation - except for purposes of popular and practical exposition.
In recent times therefore advance in the understanding of the prophets has moved on pari passu with the higher criticism, especially the criticism of the Pentateuch, and with the general study of Hebrew history; and most works on the subject prior to Ewald must be regarded as quite antiquated except for the light they cast on detailed points of exegesis.
In 1851 he applied for and obtained a professorship at the Virginia military institute, Lexington; and here, except for a short visit to Europe, he remained for ten years, teaching natural science, the theory of gunnery and battalion drill.
The original places and dates of these cannot yet be fixed, except for the lowest type of 138-140 grains; this belonged to Heliopolis (7), as two weights (35) inscribed of "the treasury of An" show 139.9 and 140.4, while a plain one from there gives 138.8; the variety 147-149 may belong to Hermopolis (35), according to an inscribed weight.
The struggle was over except for some isolated operations in 51 B.C., ending with the siege and capture of Uxellodunum (Puy d'Issolu), whose defenders had their hands cut off.
The homestead law of New Hampshire exempts from seizure for debt five hundred dollars' worth of any person's homestead except for the enforcement of a mortgage upon it, for the collection of debts incurred in making repairs or improvements, or for the collection of taxes.
The White Mountains of northern New Hampshire may be treated as a complex group of rnonadnocks, all of subdued forms, except for a few cliffs at the head of cirque-like valleys, with Mt Washington, the highest of, the dome-like or low pyramidal summits, reaching 6293 ft., and thirteen other summits over 5000 ft.
Along the eastern side of the Front Range in Colorado most of the upturned stratified formations have been so well worn down that, except for a few low piedmont ridges, their even surface may now be included with that of the plains, and the crystalline core of the range is exposed almost to the mountain base.
Until the completion of the Union Pacific in 1869 there was no smelting of such ores except for their silver contents.
By 1864 the proportion had fallen to 27.5%, and except for a temporary slight recovery after the close of the war there has been a steady progress downward since that time, until in 1908 only 9.8% of the commerce of the country was carried on under its own flag.
The port is free except for a small duty on alcoholic liquors and intoxicating drugs.
Promoters are not allowed without the consent of the owner to enter upon lands which are the subject of proceedings under the Lands Clauses Acts, except for the purpose of making a survey, unless they have executed a statutory bond and made a deposit, at the Law Courts Branch of the Bank of England, as security for the performance of the conditions of the bond.
From 1865 to 1884 - except for a brief interval - he was a surgeon at the Pennsylvania Hospital.
The retreat of the ice left Canada much in its present condition except for certain post-glacial changes of level which seem to be still in progress.
Unfortunately, like other northward-flowing rivers, it does not lead down to a frequented sea, and so bears little traffic except for the northern fur-trading posts.
It became necessary to enforce the terms of that convention, under which the fishermen of the United States could not pursue their avocations within the three miles' limit, tranship cargoes of fish in Canadian ports, or enter them except for shelter, water, wood or repairs.
The peritoneal surfaces in the region of the liver should then be wiped clean, and the abdominal wound closed, except for the passage through it of a gauze drain.
Hence, except for the formation of a urino-genital groove, the apertures are placed as they are in Anodonta.
Nevertheless his descendants were left in possession of their ancestor's dominions; and till 1170 Kerman, to which belonged also the opposite coast of Oman, enjoyed a well-ordered government, except for a short interruption caused by the deposition of Iran Shah, who had embraced the tenets of the Ismailites, and was put to death (IIoi) in accordance with a fatwa of the ulema.
The constitution of 1901 exempted a homestead of 80 acres of farm land, or of a house and lot not exceeding $2000 in value, from liability for any debt contracted since the 30th of July 1868 except for a mortage on it to which the wife consented; personal property to the value of $l000 is exempted.
The Little Church (15th century) was demolished in 1883, except for a portion of the nave and the old tower and steeple, from which the bells curiously project.
Thereafter, except for deltaic patches at Marsa Susa and Derna, the shore is all precipitous.
These two books were published between 1885 and 1889; and except for occasional letters, notes and prefaces, they form the last writings of the author of Modern Painters.
The language then underwent certain changes which gradually distinguished it from the French spoken in France; but, except for some graphical characteristics, from which certain rules of pronunciation are to be inferred, the changes to which the language was subjected were the individual modifications of the various authors, so that, while we may still speak of AngloNorman writers, an Anglo-Norman language, properly so called, gradually ceased to exist.
Henceforth, except for some brief periods when he was a prisoner at large, Feckenham spent the rest of his life in confinement either in some recognized prison, or in the more distasteful and equally rigorous.
Such a tenant could not be expelled except for non-payment, bad culture or the transfer of his lease without the landlord's consent.
Their internal fittingshypocausts, frescoes, mosaics - are everywhere Roman; those at Silchester are average specimens, and, except for one mosaic, not individually striking.
His speech at Birmingham (November 14, 1907), fully accepting the principles of Mr Chamberlain's fiscal policy, proved epoch-making in consolidating the Unionist party - except for a small number of free-traders, like Lord Robert Cecil, who continued to hold out - in favour of tariff reform; and during 1908 the process of recuperation went on, the by-elections showing toamarked degree the increased popular support given to the Unionist candidates.
The two Continental Congresses (1774, and 1 7751 781) met in Philadelphia, except for the months when Philadelphia was occupied by the British army and Congress met in Lancaster and York, Pennsylvania, and then in Princeton, New Jersey.
Philadelphia was the seat of the Federal government, except for a brief period in 1789-1790, until the removal to Washington in 1800.
Soon after the king's death she retired to France, where, except for one short visit to England during the reign of James II., she remained.
After studying medicine and philosophy at Paris he settled at Padua, where he speedily gained a great reputation as a physician, and availed himself of it to gratify his avarice by refusing to visit patients except for an exorbitant fee.
But except for this single instance of oversight or perversity her defence was throughout a masterpiece of indomitable ingenuity, of delicate and steadfast courage, of womanly dignity and genius.
Sand is by itself of little value except for striking cuttings, for which purpose fine clean sharp silver sand is the best; and a somewhat coarser kind, if it is gritty, is to be preferred to the comminuted sands which contain a large proportion of earthy matter.
In making up composts for pot plants, the fibrous portion should not be removed by sifting, except for small-sized pots, but the turfy portions should be broken up by hand and distributed in smaller or larger lumps throughout the mass.
When we come to pieces of very irregular shape, such as crank-shafts, anchors, trunnions, &c., we must resort to forging, except for purposes for which unforged castings are good enough.
Between the volcanic tract of the Campagna and the sea there is a broad strip of sandy plain, evidently formed merely by the accumulation of sand from the sea, and constituting a barren tract, still covered almost entirely with wood as it was in ancient times, except for the almost uninterrupted line of villas along the ancient coastline, which is now marked by a line of sandhills, some 2 m.
No trace of animal life is to be found in this zone; for the greater part of the year it is covered with snow, but by the end of summer this has almost all melted, except for that preserved in the covered pits in which it is stored for use for cooling liquids, &c., in Catania and elsewhere.
The reign closed with the French position unimproved in Flanders, except for the transfer to Philip by Count Robert of Lille, Douai and Bethune, and their dependencies.
The succession of bishops in Cologne is traceable, except for a gap covering the troubled 5th century, from A.D.
The country is naturally treeless, except for the tamarisk, which grows by the swamps and along the river-beds.
He was the author of an important historical work, which has seemingly perished except for some passages quoted by Barhebraeus and an extract found by Assemani in Cod.
The persons in these three States - Georgia, Florida and South Carolina - heretofore 2 In November 1861 the president drafted a bill providing (i) that all slaves more than thirty-five years old in the state of Delaware should immediately become free; (2) that all children of slave parentage born after the passage of the act should be free; (3) that all others should be free on attaining the age of thirty-five or after the 1st of January 1893, except for terms of apprenticeship; and (4) that the national government should pay to the state of Delaware $23,200 a year for twenty-one years.
His father's second wife, Elizabeth Farnese, was a managing woman, who had no affection except for her own children, and who looked upon her stepson as an obstacle to their fortunes.
The rocky hills of the tableland to the north long repelled settlement, the region being looked on by the thrifty farmers of the south as a wilderness useless except for its forests and its furs; and unfortunate settlers who ventured into it usually failed and went west or south in search of better land.
In Ontario the Albany, Moose, Missanabi and Abitibbi flow into Hudson Bay, but none of these rivers is navigable except for canoes.
The heart is practically quadrilocular, the right and left halves being completely partitioned, except for a small communication, the foramen Panizzae, between the right and left aortae where these cross each other on leaving their respective ventricles.
Manetho gives us the XIIIth (Diospolite) Dynasty, the XIVth (Xoite from Xois in Lower Egypt), the XVth and XVIth (Hyksos) and the XVIIth (Diospolite), but his names are lost except for the Hyksos kings.
At the close of the monarchy, the plebeian possessed the private rights of citizenship in entirety, except for his inability to contract a legal marriage with a patrician, and one of the public rights, that of giving his vote in the assembly.'
Until 1858 the London examinations were open only to students in affiliated colleges, and the teachers had no share in the appointment of the examiners or indetermining the curricula for examinations; in 1858 the examinations were thrown open to all comers, and no requirements were insisted on with regard to courses of study except for degrees in the faculty of medicine.
Persian Makran is exclusively Sunni except for the district of Jask.
The whole face of the land is pitted with ancient cisterns; indeed, many hillsides and fields are on that account most dangerous to walk over by night, except for those who are thoroughly familiar with the landmarks.
From an early period bronze and latten (a variety of brass) were much used in England for the smaller objects both of ecclesiastical and domestic use, but except for tombs and lecterns were but little used on a large scale till the r6th century.
While polygamy was the rule in biblical days among the ancient Jews, and was permitted and even enjoined in certain cases by the Mosaic law, the Christian Church, though it is nowhere forbidden, except for "bishops," in the New Testament, has always set its face against it.
In 1908 an international commission that met at Shanghai passed resolutions inviting all the states there represented to take measures for the gradual suppression of the manufacture, sale and distribution of opium, except for medicinal purposes.
The federal government has no influence or control except for offences against the federal laws, regulating coinage, postal service, the revenue and so forth.
These rights, which are heritable but not transferable, protect the tenant against eviction, except for default in payment of rent, while the rent may not be enhanced except by mutual agreement or by order of a revenue court.
After the organization of the Territory, except for the appearance of organized bands of highwaymen in 1877-1879, there was little turbulence, in marked contrast with conditions in some of the neighbouring Territories.
There still remains a branch of the Semitic languages which, except for one or two of the languages belonging to it, was practically South unknown till recent years.
On the plateau willows, poplars and chestnut trees grow near the streams, but nine-tenths of the country is treeless, except for scrub.
In fact, as has been shown already, Badoglio had little idea of how the fight was going on his front; Buongiovanni was in the dark regarding the general situation except for the calls which came from Cavaciocchi; and Cavaciocchi, who saw his own danger, had played his cards too soon, and had nothing left.
The homestead of a householder or head of a family to the value of $2000 and properly recorded is exempt from levy, seizure, garnishment or forced sale, except for purchase money, for services of a labouring person or mechanic, for liabilities incurred by a public officer, fiduciary or attorney for money collected, for taxes, for rent or for legal fees of a public officer.
If the owner is a married man his homestead cannot be sold except by the joint deed of himself and his wife; neither can it be mortgaged without his wife's consent except for purchase money or for the erection or repair of buildings upon it.
As the mortality amongst boys, especially during the first year, is considerably above that of the other sex, numerical equilibrium between the two is established in early youth, and in most cases girls outnumber boys, except for a few years between twelve and sixteen.
The rate, it will be seen, has fallen in all the countries specified, except for a slight increase of 2% in Ireland and an almost stationary condition in Austria and Spain.
The manzanillas are mostly shipped in the natural state, except for the addition of a small quantity of spirit.
There are no manufactures except for domestic use and little external trade.
For three months during each year business was suspended, and all ingress or egress except for the most necessary purposes was forbidden.
Justinian made the accumulation of arrears (anatocismus) illegal, and fixed the rate at 6%, except for mercantile loans, in which the rate received was 8%.
The wood is very hard and abounds with resin, but on swampy land is of inferior quality and of little value except for fuel, for which the pitch-pine is highly prized; on drier ground the grain is fine from the numerous knots.
The oyster being sedentary, except for a few days in the earliest stages of its existence, is easily exterminated in any given locality; since, although it may not be possible for the fishermen to rake up from the bottom every individual, wholesale methods of capture soon result in covering up or otherwise destroying the oyster banks or reefs, as the communities of oysters are technically termed.
His descendants, except for Jelal ed-din (Jalaluddin) Shah Shuja, the patron of the poet Hafiz, were unimportant, and the dynasty was wiped out by Timur about 1392.
It stood intact, except for very partial restorations, till A.D.
The right of eminent domain over all corporations is reserved to the state; and no corporation may issue stock except for labour, service rendered, or money paid in.
The present constitution (as revised in 1908) forbids the contraction of a state debt exceeding $250,000 except for repelling an invasion or suppressing an insurrection, and the borrowing power of the minor civil divisions is restricted by a general law.
The legislature may not create any debt or liability " which shall, single or in the aggregate with any previous debts or liabilities, at any time exceed $10o,000," except for purposes of war, to repel invasion or to suppress insurrection, without specifying distinctly the purpose or object, providing for the payment of interest, and limiting the liability to thirty-five years; and the measure as thus passed must be ratified by popular vote.
Real and personal property is free from a state tax, except for school purposes.
History-writing in Rome, - except for the Greek writers resident there, - was until the first half of the 1st century B.C. in the form of annals.
The east and south coasts show considerable stretches of uniform uninflected coast-line, and except for the Farne Islands and Holy Island in the extreme north, the flat islands formed by ramifications of the estuaries on the Essex and north Kent coasts, and the Isle of Wight in the south, they are without islands.
Under the laws of Maine a householder owning and occupying a house and lot may hold the same, or such part of it as does not exceed $500 in value, as a homestead exempt from attachment, except for the satisfaction of liens for labour or material, by filing in the registry of deeds a certificate stating his desire for such an exemption, provided he is not the owner of an exempted lot purchased from the state; and the exemption may be continued during the widowhood of his widow or the minority of his children.
The state is prohibited by the constitution from creating a debt exceeding $300,000 except for the suppression of a rebellion, for repelling an invasion, or for war purposes; and every city and town is forbidden by an amendment adopted in 1877 from creating one exceeding 5% of the assessed value of its property.
It was heavily subsidized in the Bourbon times, but now, except for giving the house, which is the property of the municipality, no assistance is granted from the public funds.
The position of Surrentum was very secure, it being protected by deep gorges, except for a distance of 300 yds.
The principal Walachian city was Bucharest, containing a population of about 50,000; but, except for two large p ans or merchants' halls built by Brancovan and his XXIII.
The dress of the men was thoroughly Turkish except for their lambskin caps, that of the women half Greek, half Turkish.
The southern limit of these glacial deposits is practically the bluffs bordering the Missouri river, except for a narrow strip along the Mississippi below St Louis.
The energy which the sun pours out into space is, so far as we know, and except for the minute fraction intercepted by the disks of the planets (ii?oooo") absolutely lost for the pur.
The quarantine office keeps a record of arrivals by sea at Jidda (66,000 for 1904); but to these must be added those travelling by land from Cairo, Damascus The sacrifice is not indispensable except for those who can afford it and are combining the hajj with the omra.
They are rapid in action, the indication is in general clear, and there is no need of loose weights except for testing the machine occasionally.
In the deeper parts the bed of the ocean is covered on the west and south by Globigerina ooze except for an elongated patch of red clay extending most of the distance from Sokotra to the Maldives.
The Roman system, except for the use of symbols for five, fifty, &c., is also in the denary scale, though expressed in a different way.
This land could not be sold, nor even let except for a season in case of domestic necessity.
In 1908 a direct primary law was passed applicable to all nominations except for presidential electors, school district officers and officers in cities of less than 5000 inhabitants; like public elections the primaries are made a public charge; nomination is by petition signed by a certain percentage (for state office, at least 1%; for district office, at least 2%; for sub-district or county office, at least 3%) of the party vote; the direct nominating system applies to the candidates for the United States Senate, the nominee chosen by the direct primaries of each party being the nominee of the party.
The manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors except for medical, scientific and mechanical purposes were prohibited by a constitutional amendment adopted in 1880.
Thus the Whigs retired from the offices which, except for a brief interval in 1834-1835, they had held for eleven years.
The largef tenantry, who were supposed to be able to look after their own interests, were entirely debarred, and tenants enjoying leases were excluded from claiming compensation, except for tillages, buildings and reclamation of lands.
The monarchy itself was popular, the country was prosperous and in good relations with the world, except for the increasing naval rivalry with Germany, and the consciousness of imperial solidarity had made extraordinary progress among all the dominions.
In this case a different specific name has been given to the northern form, but the characters by which it is distinguished are of little importance, and probably, except for the abnormal geographical distribution, would never have been discovered.
The governor has power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, except for treason - he may suspend execution of sentence for treason until action is taken by the legislature - and in cases of impeachment.
During the Glacial epoch the whole of Iceland was covered by a vast sheet of inland ice, except for a few small isolated peaks rising along its outer margins.
The native tobacco plantations meet all the local demand, except for a small quantity of Turkish tobacco imported for the manufacture of special blends.
Excess of expenditure over revenue continued to be a characteristic of the administration, partly because, except for a hut tax on natives, there was no direct taxation.
Petrels are archaic oceanic forms, with great powers of flight, dispersed throughout all the seas and oceans of the world, and some species apparently never resort to land except for the purpose of nidification, though nearly all are liable at times to be driven ashore, and often very far inland, by gales of wind.'
By the second the tenant was secured from eviction except for non-payment of rent.
Cities and towns are permitted to exempt, by ordinance, certain classes of manufactories from all taxes except for school purposes, provided such ordinances are ratified by a majority of the electors.
A homestead in lands to the value of $t000, the products of the same, and personal property to the value of $500 which belong to the head of a family or to the husband and wife jointly are exempt from attachment, levy or sale except for taxes, purchase money or debts contracted in making improvements or repairs.
The number of hours' labour for operatives and employes in cotton and woollen mills is limited to sixty a week and must not exceed eleven in any one day, except for making up lost time to the extent of sixty hours in any one year.
The legislature is forbidden to create any further debt except for the ordimary current business of the state, unless the proposition he submitted to the voters of the state and approved by a two-thirds majority.
Few of them therefore are of much service for navigation, except for the light-draught native canoes; and all of them are more or less closed at their outlets by sand-bars.
After 1751 he was himself first lord, except for a short time in 1756 and 1757.
The embryos in the uterus are all nearly of the same age, except for a month or two before birth, when two broods overlap.
The small sinuous segmented body is enclosed, except for one small opening, in an enormous sac-like carapace, between the lamellae of which are protruded from the body the ovary and " liver," both large, bifurcate and ramified.
It may be said that, on the whole, the distribution of the batrachians agrees to some extent with that of fresh-water fishes, except for the much less marked affinity between South America and Africa, although even among the former we have the striking example of the distribution of the very natural group of the aglossal batrachians, represented by Pipa in South America and by Xenopus and Hymenochirus in Africa.
The jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, usually coextensive with the county, extends to the collection of notes of hand not exceeding $1000; to the settlement of accounts not exceeding $500; to suits for the recovery of property or suits demanding payment for damages, except for libel or slander, not exceeding $500; to equity cases in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $50; and to various other small cases.
A homestead of a head of a family to the value of $1000 is exempt from forced sale except for the collection of taxes, debts contracted for its purchase or in making improvements upon it, or fines for voting out of the election district, for carrying concealed weapons, or for giving away or selling intoxicating liquors on election days.
It has the same features found in the other structures except for a line of sculptured turtles on the mouldings of the frieze.
A Watcher was stronger than any Guardian in the mortal realm, except for Damian, and more powerful than any immortal in the immortal realm, except for an Original Being.
I can't remember the time before the Schism, except for you and Darian, and my magic is but a fraction of what it once was.
The horizon was full of peaks like the teeth of a saw, so numerous as to be nearly indistinguishable from one another, except for the occasional spike that rose above its companions.
Gabe checked all of those in the mortal realm, except for … He turned, realizing Harmony hadn't been in the lineup.
You'd never see Janet on a TV quiz show yet the woman showed up for work, most of the time, complained infrequently, and, except for mandatory cigarette breaks, worked like a sled dog on short rations.
The moons appeared through the branches in the jungle, almost alone in the dark sky except for a wisp of clouds floating beneath them. She watched the clouds pass. More came, quickly blocking the moons and stealing most of the light from the jungle. Katie sat up and blinked until her eyes adjusted to the new level of darkness. The sky took on an eerie silver glow, like it did in Maryland the night before a hard snow.
I'm not afraid – except for Princess.
The war between Others and Watchers had destroyed everything in this world, except for the orchard.
Maybe he was simply so average that he didn't stand out – except for his height.
It was a desolate wasteland except for some grazing sheep.
Opinion among the directors seems equally divided, except for a retired admiral who is undecided.
Bed linen is supplied except for any cot bedding required.
How can phones be made open except for certain parties who overstep bounds?
Density was rather low to meet my expectations, except for a great abundance of Flavescent and Brown-breasted bulbuls soon considered common.
I assume his first name is Alistair, but except for splashing photos of himself around he's pretty cagey about his identify.
The carriers are finished in tough epoxy powder coating, except for the stainless carriers, which are hand-polished.
Codex Sinaiticus, codex Sinaiticus, Codex Ephraemi, Codex Regius Whoever divorces his wife, except for fornication, and marries another commits adultery.
Worse still when they tried to bark at us nothing happened except for a tiny hoarse croak.
The township has disappeared except for a ruined croft on the west side of the Crombie burn.
Late toxicities were also similar, except for two patients in group 1 who developed severe laryngeal edema.
The garden is lawned, except for a very small patch approximately 1 meter circular which we have put a few evergreens into.
Really enjoyed the night - except for nearly fainting from the heat.
All rounds are 3 hour races except for 30th April which will be 454 laps or 7.5 hours, whichever comes first.
It had no military significance except for the presence of an Italian army garrison.
There are storage heaters throughout the cottage except for the bathroom which has a electric wall mounted heater.
It has features indistinguishable from severe autism except for the age of onset.
The GUI is fairly intuitive to use except for the following caveats.
No notable abnormalities in laboratory values associated with treatment were observed except for minor increases in serum concentrations of creatinine kinase.
It is assigned to the eighth century, and contains the Gospels complete, except for a few small lacunae.
Memory usage is approximately linear in RE size, and largely insensitive to RE complexity, except for bounded repetitions.
They left in the direction of Land's End, southwards, except for one which remained still lolling in the tide race.
Other species were around average except for Willow Warbler which showed a very marked decline.
The entire channel six news team will be there, except for Phil, the boom mike operator, who's getting fired tomorrow.
No one else can edit your post, except for the forum moderator or me.
The opening scene is almost monochrome except for skin tones.
Everyone was weeping with laughter except for Bridget Alexander, the second oboe.
The other slaughterhouse is kept off-screen, except for the opening credits.
Identical garments from other outfitters are acceptable except for certain items.
As you're aware we could n't outrun anything and except for throwing lumps of coal had nothing to fight back with.
The butlers pantry once glistened with silver, and crockery, but was now bare, except for a few storage boxes.
That, except for the first word in the letter, the name 'Paul ' occurs only in these units enhances their chiastic parallelism.
State except for high research group said peter marcus is not exactly.
All the tennis players wear whites except for one of the two women playing who has long plaits.
Usually the decision to vaccinate, except for fowl pox, should be made on the basis of area experience and expert advice.
MacLellan's Castle A castellated town house, complete except for its roof, built by the then provost of Kirkcudbright.
However, the site remained quiet except for the weekly protest every Thursday afternoon.
The area has been extensively redeveloped around it, except for some very Victorian houses.
He appeared suitably regal, except for his insistent nose picking.
The machinery is very rusty, except for the copper parts.
The reason is that the temple had been totally submerged under the desert except for the very top of the pylon entrance.
When I wrote Part 1 I suggested a No. 2 strength except for the soft succulents and epiphytic or saxicolous cacti.
Despite intense thirst it was not possible to swallow the chilled water except for a few quick gulps.
They are dressed in white except for a red turban.
The extracts are verbatim, except for my possible typos.
This was the first transmitting station in the country to run completely unattended except for visits from maintenance staff.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, except for some childish trying to ram each other off the trails.
In 1950/51, these practices were virtually universal, except for men whose jobs carried child allowance.
Blood chemistry including electrolytes, liver function and renal function were normal except for high uric acid and metabolic acidosis.
All of the snakes pictured below except for the coral snake are pit vipers.
The grassland seemed to support almost no birds except for the white wagtail which was very common.
Then it became a desolate wasteland except for some grazing sheep.
There is little sound except for the breeze stirring in the churchyard yew trees.
Impurities are often present, especially when the resin dropped on to the ground, so that the material may be useless except for varnish-making, whence the impure amber is called firniss.
It is thus unnavigable except for small coasting and fishing boats, and sea-going vessels proceed through the Memeler Tief (Memel Deep), which connects the Baltic with Memel and has a depth of 19 ft.
Trees are generally absent, except for thickets of poplars, dwarf oaks and tamarisks along the course of the Kura, the delta of which is smothered under a jungle of reeds and rushes.
A homestead of 160 acres, or of one-half of an acre in an incorporated town or city, owned by the head of a family residing in the state, with personal property to the value of $loon and the improvements on the real estate, is exempt from enforced sale except for delinquent taxes, purchase money, mortgage or improvements on the property.
The fact that at present washing machinery exists in all European factories and that most of the rubber received needs washing, leads to the greater purity of plantation rubber, except for special purposes, being generally discounted by the manufacturer.
There are indeed 'but few specimens of Syriac verse which exhibit high poetic quality; except for a fairly copious and occasionally skilful use of simile and metaphor, there is little of soaring imagination in Syriac poets.
These are the conditions of Buganda, a country with an annual rainfall of from 60 to 80 in., a regular West African climate, and severe and frequent thunderstorms. Much the same may be said about the Western province, except for the cooling influence of the Ruwenzori snow range, which pleasantly affects Toro and northern Ankole.
He went on to deal with the case of projectiles, and was led to the conclusion that the motion in this case could be regarded as the result of superposing a horizontal motion with uniform velocity and a vertical motion with constant acceleration, the latter identical with that of a merely falling body; the inference being that the path of a projectile would be a parabola except for deviations attributed to contact with the air, and that in a vacuum this path would be accurately followed.
It follows, therefore, except for mechanical losses, that one charge of cryolite lasts indefinitely, that the sodium and other impurities in it are not liable to contaminate the product, and that only the alumina itself need be carefully purified.
The loftiest mountains in South Wales, extending from Herefordshire and Monmouthshire (where their eastern spurs form the Hatteral Hills) in a southeasterly direction into Carmarthenshire, completely encircle the county on the east and south except for the break formed by the Vale of Usk at Crickhowell.
The king's honour was directly involved in their compensation and, except for the gratification of a few individuals, was tarnished by his neglect to afford them relief.
A homestead not exceeding $1500 for the head of the family and $500 additional for the husband or wife and $250 additional for each other member of the family is not subject to execution except for the purchase price, or mechanic's and labourer's liens, lawful mortgage or taxes.
During the northern summer the south-west monsoon, which is sufficiently strong to bring navigation practically to a standstill except for powerful steamers, sets up a strong north-easterly drift in the Arabian Sea, and the water removed from the east African coast is replaced by the upwelling of cold water from below; this is one of the best illustrations of this action extant.
Epiphanius tells of Audaeus of Mesopotamia and his followers, Puritan sectaries in the 4th century, who were orthodox except for this belief and for Quartodecimanism (see Easter).
But, except for these fleeting memories, if, indeed, they be memories, it all seems very unreal, like a nightmare.
When I next saw her she was a formless heap of cotton, which I should not have recognized at all except for the two bead eyes which looked out at me reproachfully.
He was alone now, except for a soldier who was sitting naked at the other side of the fire, warming his thin yellow body.
Our family life goes on in the old way except for my brother Andrew's absence.
The walls are of pebble rubble with stone dressings, except for the 19th century north wall of the aisle which is of brick.
The exclusion of Kings Road from the scheme except for the extended restriction to assist school busses at the end of the school day.
He was a small, scrawny man who had no real signs of life except for a faint green glow smoldering behind his eyes.
No human being has ever lived a sinless life, except for Jesus.
They are exact replicas down to the tiniest detail except for tires, chain and spark plugs.
I sailed the ship under a starlit sky, quiet except for the sea lapping on the side of the ship.
We do not change any of the styrene parts except for cutting out the railings to be replaced.
The turbine is silent except for a swishing sound in strong winds, says Stephens.
There is no evening food except for take-away meals.
Telex numbers will not be given except for overseas addresses.
The city park was silent except for the twittering of birds, eager to find food.
No-one seems to have any passion for anything these days except for this vacuous celebrity and consumerist culture.
A miracle is not a violation of the laws of Nature except for ignorant people.
Everything, that is, except for a warped imagination and buckets of dice -- but you already have those, right?
There was complete silence, except for the whirring of police helicopters above the human white band.
Not really, except for the pump your whirlpool system contains no moving parts.
Equally running shoes that retail over $90 have attributes that may not be necessarily improve your running except for how you look.
They thrive on little water, so put them in a sunny spot and leave them alone except for watering once or twice a month.
Gold and silver are real money, subject to no standard except for the preciousness and rarity they possess inherently.
The kittens were black and white, gray and one that looked like a Siamese except for a white tip on her tail.
I keep reading that it is not necessary to give a booster every year except for the rabies vaccine.
Her blood work came back normal except for a high white blood cell count.
For a drink that is talked about so much, it's surprising just how few people have actually ever tasted one - except for Derby goers, of course.
Place ingredients, except for the cherry and orange, in a shaker and shake vigorously until frosty.
In a shaker with ice combine all the ingredients except for the cola.
Every month, pay the minimum balance due on each card, except for the card at the top of your list (the one with the high interest).
This is when you put the minimum on every bill except for the one with the highest interest rate.
The property was received as compensation for personal injuries, except for any payment made for lost wages.
If it is, consider how many chickens you would like to have - the average hen will lay an egg approximately every 25 hours, except for the shortest days of the year.
These are similar to the large-scale wind turbines that are often seen in wind farms like in California's Altamont Pass except for the fact that they are much, much smaller.
Others work best when the desk is completely cleaned off except for the computer or papers needed at that time.
The mansion is open daily throughout the year, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas Days.
The museum is open daily except for Mondays from mid-March through the Thanksgiving Day weekend.
Lyndhurst is open to visitors year-round, except for Mondays.
At this point, the client is usually out of the process except for occasional approvals of changes in the plan.
All of the Kohl Powers except for Feline are black with "pearl" undertones that show up when the light hits.
Anything is acceptable as far as lipsticks, except for pinks or other pastels.
Since it is an electronic pet, you won't have to worry about causing detrimental damage to a living being, except for your own emotions if your virtual pet happens to pass away.
I typically use about a half pound of any cold cut found in the deli case except for turkey because the turkey will be making its entrance later.
There's no guessing as to how the page will turn out because it is already complete except for your photos.
I didn't see him for a bit except for a few glances in the hallway.
Combine the remaining ingredients, except for the oil, almonds and cornstarch, and set aside.
It was typical, except for the bathroom.
Everything was perfect except for the smell in the car.
Up to that point I have never been a patient, except for tonsils when I was a kid.
Honestly, I love the material stuff, but it does nothing to make me happy except for that one second I have acquired whatever it is.
Her retail stores closed soon after, and all manufacturing of Rachel Ashwell products stopped, except for the line being sold through Target.
And except for a few benefit performances, Brooks has kept true to his word.
And it took a long time to shed those pounds -- except for the last 25 or so.
Madonna has it all - except for the ability to tip properly.
No details were given in the filing of the divorce papers by Robyn Gibson, except for the old "irreconcilable differences" standby.
If you find a pair that looks just like a regular pair of socks except for the grips on the bottom, then your child can still sleep comfortably (and walk safely when sleepwalking).
The rules they follow are similar to Major League Baseball, except for a few minor changes, most of which are safety-related.
It may seem like a lot, but since anyone in the United States, except for in California, is eligible, the tickets are sure to be snapped up pretty quickly.
As a purebred Chinese Crested Hairless, Sam had no hair except for a wispy tuft on top of his head.
Surprisingly little, except for some of the flavor combinations, and the lowered amounts of sugars included.
In a mixing bowl, mix together everything except for your hard boiled eggs, ketchup and bacon.
Sometimes, in the extreme north, even the tall and graceful Birches of more temperate lands take a bushy form, and there are also Arctic and northern species which are small and give us little effect or interest except for botanic gardens.
Now they are of very slight value, except for the wild garden, and entirely without value for the flower garden.
Across the United States, most soils are acidic except for certain areas in the Midwest and south.
The strings on the bass guitar follow the same general format as the strings on a six-string guitar except for the fact that the bass only has four strings.
Most spray paints are lacquer acrylics which work on most surfaces, except for styrofoam.
Everything escaped except for two items that remained at the bottom of the box and these were hope and opportunity.
All men, except for laborers, wore three-piece suits every day.
Add remaining ingredients except for the soap.
These wines are organic except for the added sulfites and the quality is generally more consistent.
Lenses are CR-39, except for mirrored styles, which are polycarbonate.
There is really no other recommended fix for this problem except for super glue and this should only be used as a last resort.
Most of the park's rides were completely destroyed, except for the Boardwalk Bullet Roller Coaster, which was repaired.
Kings Island does not permit outside food or coolers, except for baby food and food required to accommodate medical conditions, such as allergies.
This smaller handheld uses the same hardware specifications except for the screen, which is 3.8 inches in size.
Eventually, the Jaguar was pushed aside as a flop -- except for a small cult-like following -- and as a result, was Atari's last attempt at creating video game hardware.
On the first screen, kill all the ships except for two in the lower left corner.
Unlock the system voices for all the characters, except for Ein, who doesn't have a system voice.
Underneath, everything is covered except for the portion open for the trigger.
To unlock the sound test, simply complete the One Player Mode game at least once with all the characters, except for the secret characters.
The earliest PC games were basic (and sometimes written in the BASIC programming language) - often entirely delivered in text, built by a single person, and entirely silent except for an occasional beep from a speaker.
Gens32 is another emulator based on the Gens source code and allows compatibility with all the major Sega releases, except for the Dreamcast and handheld systems.
While the first Mortal Kombat movie obtained great authenticity following the storylines of the game, Annihilation decided to change the entire cast except for Robin Shou (Liu Kang) and Talisa Soto (Kitana).
Looking for items for the Tome of Knowledge will also reveal some plotlines that have soap opera appeal... except for the fantasy world.
There are no official Wii bundles that Nintendo authorizes, except for the one that comes with Wii Sports.
While there are four main packages of the Xbox 360, they are all going to have mostly the same specs except for the hard drive size.
My suggestions is that the wine dinner fall on the first Tuesday of each month except for those months where there is a high likleyhood of many of us being absent.
Researching a variety of wine accessories online turned up very little in the way of Copco wine bottle stoppers, except for those designed by Karim Rashid, but it did uncover a plethora of other wine stopper options.
When wine is judged, the wine judge does not have any information about the wine except for what the varietal is and maybe the cost (called blind tasting)-and that's it.
The larger sized doll was the same as the 18 inch version except for the size.
No other private publishers or printers were allowed to produce postcards except for The U.S. Post Office.
This was very similar to the previous version except for the huge difference that it didn't cost anything to download!
Individuals with ITP usually look and feel healthy except for the bleeding.
Men and women of all races are equally affected by T. gondii, however, except for immunocompromised individuals, the implications are more serious for women, as they can pass the infection on to their offspring.
Symptoms disappear within three to four days, except for joint pain, which may linger for a week or two.
This type may be equivalent to the adolescent type, except for the age of onset.
Tube feeding is usually not indicated except for severe cases of malnutrition.
Treatment of food poisoning, except for botulism, focuses on preventing or correcting dehydration by replacing critical fluids and electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea.
After surgery children are fitted with a soft cervical collar that is worn continuously except during physical therapy and bathing or a stiff orthopedic collar that is worn during waking hours except for physical therapy.
The glasses are then usually worn full time, except for children with difficulty with convergence (esophoria), who may remove their glasses for close work.
Malocclusion usually does not require treatment except for cosmetic reasons.
All symptoms are generally gone within ten days, except for a dry cough that may linger for up to three weeks.
Rarely does the hair pulling occur in the presence of another, except for close family members.
They are faced with the fact that there is no baby to bury, and many times, no physical evidence that their child had lived, except for maybe an ultrasound picture.
The Southern states finally observed this holiday after World War I, except for several states that still have an additional day set aside to honor the deceased Confederate soldiers.
All of these records are available online except for the 1.2 million records that were burned in the fire of 1897.
Her rounded bowl cut gently feathered off her face and cascaded down the back into an easy to wear style for women with all hair types except for curly hair.
Packed with versatility, a long bob works on nearly every facial shape and hair type, except for those with curly hair.
For example, when a health care provider says you stay in bed except for bathroom use, you stay in bed.
Monophasic pills don't change the levels of progestin and estrogen that you receive throughout the course of a month, except for during the use of the placebo pills at the end of each packet.
This bottom piece is similar to the original micro bottom, except for the fact that the rear triangle is now open rather than filled with fabric.
Most talking toys, except for those designed for very young children, are not recommended for those under age 3.
The accessories are made of plastic, except for accents such as a bedspread made of cloth.
Align is free from most animal products except for a trace amount of cow's milk protein.
These days, you're more likely to find cotton or even hemp rather than muslin or silk, except for a more expensive party dress.
Summer is typically a casual season -- except for what you wear to the office -- so dress accordingly.
It is a standard 60-day money back guarantee, except for the motor, which has a lifetime guarantee.
All pieces capture by moving as outlined above except for pawns, which move one space diagonally for capture moves only.
The main benefits are nearly the same, except for every one month of playing time-a recurring month; you don't have to have one month of gaming time-you receive 100 Pogo gems.
For this reason, twisted wicks are best avoided except for when making birthday cake candles.
The program keeps your identity hidden except for those who will sort and deliver the items.
Labeled "Authentic Gene Simmons Costume," this outfit includes everything you need to become "The Demon" except for a mask or makeup.
It seems ok to stay with him for now because if we steer clear of this issue we have a good time, except for when he is upset that I am busy with my own things.
Given that you have moved to a new state with no form of support except for your boyfriend, any one of these sources would make sense.
In a complete elimination diet, virtually all foods are removed except for rice, some vegetables, some fruits and lamb, as these foods do not cause negative reactions.
The variety of styles and designs of mini backpack bags make them perfect for just about any occasion, except for maybe a formal event.
After two years, Naruto returns to his village and discovers that all of the ninjas have been promoted except for him.
The Olive Kids bedding is just like the toddler bedding, except for size.
This goes for shirts that fit okay except for them being a bit snug across the middle.
James Cameron has nothing to do with the film except for the original character creation.
The animal was basically furless except for a bit of fur around the feet and a bit more that ran up the spine.
Tours of the Winchester Mystery House are available every day except for Christmas Day.
It is open every day of the year except for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is located in Bridgeport.
Potter Park Zoo has free admission November through February, except for the Wonderland of Lights.
It is open year-round, except for Christmas Day.
So if you're a female looking for a red Marc Jacobs sandal in a 6.5 medium width, you can put in all of those requirements except for the brand.
It is similar in design to the Adjust 4 except for its closed toe.
The average One Tree Hill television season airs 22 or 23 episodes, except for season five.
In most cases, transcripts of current All My Children episodes are available within 24 hours of airing, except for Friday's shows, which are typically available the following Monday.
In most cases, individual transcripts are available within 24 hours of an episode's air date, except for Friday's shows, which are typically posted online the following Monday.
It was broadcast almost every single weekday except for a short period of contractual dispute, and was considered to be one of the longest running plot lines to ever hit the airwaves.
In the 1970s, all shows eventually converted into their current one hour format, except for The Bold and the Beautiful which debuted in 1987 and remained in the half-hour format.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is open every day to visitors, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Alcatraz is open every day except for Christmas and New Year's Day.
If return address information is printed at the top of your business letterhead omit the heading except for the date.
These covers are angled downward and cover all of the gutter except for a small area near the front.
Eat all of the vegetables you like except for the starchy variety.
On day three, eat the soup and all of the fruits and vegetables like, except for the starchy ones.
Vegetables and fruits, except for the essential grapefruit, are not promoted.
Low- or no-calorie sweeteners are fine for everyone to use as a substitute for sugar, except for those with a condition known as phenylketonuria, who should not consume aspartame.
However green tea has never shown an adverse reaction in human beings except for nervousness in those who are ultra-sensitive to caffeine.
When these diets were relatively new, not much was known about high protein/low carb eating except for the fact that it worked.
Hold your body rigid except for your arms.
To make the most of this move, submerge your entire body except for your head.
All drupes except for the coconut, however, have juicy flesh while the coconut has hard dry flesh.
There is basically no way for the general public to tell that the company existed except for some old annual reports that you can find on the Internet.
Lekker Seasons carries an amusing "The Easter Bunny is my Homeboy" boxer that's all white, except for the blue and green image and logo.
Make sure you apply correctly and thoroughly, taking note to cover each portion except for the 1/2 inch around a third of the front.
They're fishnet all around except for front-and-center.
This cotton nursing bra is similar to the first Anita look previously mentioned, except for the fact that this version offers you one hundred percent cotton.
Shipping is done Monday through Friday, except for major holidays.
Since there is no structure except for underwiring and most sheer fabrics are flimsy, it is very difficult to find a bra that won't pucker or wrinkle around at least one breast, particularly since no woman's natural breasts are symmetrical.
Rock the Casbah is the Clash's most popular and well-known song, except for perhaps "Should I Stay Or Should I Go".
The melodies of the song are identical except for one thing - the first note is spliced since "happy" has two syllables while "good" only has one.
Each one, except for the third, originally premiered on the Disney Channel.
Invite guests to dress in their best "LBD" or little black dress - except for the bride, of course.
There wasn't a whole lot of time left in the season for Brittini to start too much drama except for some heavy flirtation with Will.
Every cast member except for Greg got back together in July of 2008 for a reunion show.
The wrap up show was basically a rehash of the season except for ex-girlfriend Janelle taking center stage to let loose on how she felt about Will and his various sexual activities while on the show.
There is no major prize except for better health.
There is nothing new in Real Chance of Love except for the colorful characters and drama.
No one really knows for sure what has happened between Kate and her parents, except for those directly involved.
What would it be like to grow up one of a series of 'sisters' all identical except for age?
In the entire film, he is heavily swatched in concealing bandages except for a few moments at film's end when the character Griffin becomes visible again at his death.
Disillusioned, he sees his prey, a coven of witches as food, except for one.
Up until 1972, the US Coast Guard uniforms were the same as those worn by the US Navy except for the Coast Guard shield insignia.
By the 1930s British soldiers wore khaki uniforms except for special occasions when they wore blue.
They are reserved solely for special occasions except for British soldiers who serve as Foot Guards or in the Royal Household Cavalry.
For example, the full-button jersey with bottom sleeve looks very much like a classic baseball uniform from a century ago, except for the swatch of color on the underside of the shirt.
The top was clean except for accessories and a few letters standing upright in a sorter.
The highway ahead of them was clear, except for one big truck coming their way... and a car approaching the highway to their right.
She is naked except for an old tee shirt of mine which, out of my benevolence I allowed her to wear.
The room was dark except for the light above Jonny's bed and the red and green lights dotting the machines keeping him alive.
He'd had a dream last night, something he never remembered in the morning, except for this time.
It's private land, not national forest or park lands, and even though you or the Dawkinses own all this, it's not posted, except for the mine tunnel.
The house is empty except for old Mrs. Cummings, who snores away her darkness.
The keys were located all over the world, except for four of them, which were based here in the command center.
No one else uses this ammunition except for us, and this wasn't one of our ops.
When Kelli woke her, the warehouse was dark, except for the low light of lanterns like the one dangling from the ceiling into Lana's room.
The guise had been almost perfect, except for Ully's hands, which had been bony with sharpened nails rather than Ully's human hands.
The area was nearly empty except for crying gulls, a man running with his dog, and an elderly lady propped up in a half chair reading.
I'm not afraid – except for Princess.
If every woman I meet is like that, except for you?
If the owner is a married man, he cannot sell or mortgage it, except for the purchase money, unless his wife joins him in the execution.
Corporations cannot be created by a special act of the legislature, and no corporation may issue stock except for an equivalent value of money, labour or property.
The dauphin and the duke of Alencon failed to bring about any sympathetic rising in Auvergne, and the Praguerie was over, except for some final pillaging and plundering in Saintonge and Poitou, which the royal army failed to prevent.
Sparse scrub timber, of little value except for posts, poles and rough beams and for fuel, occupies the region westward to approximately the longitude of the Pease river.
The state has no bonded debt, and the constitution forbids it to incur debts exceeding in the aggregate a quarter of a million dollars, except for warlike purposes or for some single work to which the people give their consent by vote; the constitution also forbids any county or municipal corporation from incurring an indebtedness exceeding 5% of the value of its taxable property.
It is accordingly clear that there can be no property common to all systems, but it can be shown that when the system contains a gas (or any other aggregation of similar molecules) as part of it there are properties which are common to all possible states, except for a number which form an insignificant fraction of the whole.
His Latin is correct, and, except for an excessive and peculiar use of abstract words, shows hardly anything that might not have been written in the Augustan age.
It is on the site of the Roman Pistoriae, which is hardly mentioned in ancient times, except for the destruction of Catiline's forces and the slaughter of their leader near it in 62 B.C., and as a station on the road between Florentia and Luca; and earlier still by Plautus, but only with jesting allusion to the similarity of the name to the word pistor (baker).
In this department Schurz put in force his theories in regard to merit in the Civil Service, permitting no removals except for cause, and requiring competitive examinations for candidates for clerkships; he reformed the Indian Bureau and successfully opposed a bill transferring it to theWar Department; and he prosecuted land thieves and attracted public attention to the necessity of forest preservation.
No railway company may now issue stock except for money, labour, or property actually received and applied to purposes for which the corporation was organized.
Thus, except for some attention to physiology, the first two years at Berlin were wasted.