Excellence Sentence Examples
The town is noted for the excellence of its pottery.
The excellence of his style was soon generally recognized.
One cause for the excellence of her letters is the great number of them.
The vase is a proof of the high degree of excellence to which the goldsmith's art had already attained.
The Royal high school, the burgh school par excellence, dates from the 16th century, but the beautiful Grecian buildings on the southern face of Calton Hill, opened in 1829, are its third habitation.
It cannot be said that previously to Darwin there had been any very profound study of teleology, but it had been the delight of a certain type of mind - that of the lovers of nature or naturalists par excellence, as they were sometimes termed - to watch the habits of living animals and plants, and to point out the remarkable ways in which the structure of each variety of organic life was adapted to the special circumstances of life of the variety or species.
Charpentier in his Excellence de la langue francaise (1683) had anticipated Perrault in the famous academical dispute concerning the relative merit of the ancients and moderns.
It is at first sight remarkable that Voltaire, whose comic power was undoubtedly far in excess of his tragic, should have written many tragedies of no small excellence in their way, but only one fair second-class comedy, Nanine.
Without faltering, GrandPré has again achieved excellence with her artistry and compliments Rowling's words with charming illustrations to provoke the imagination.
He was the recipient of two commendations for organizational excellence.
AdvertisementThe success of this enterprise was decisive and rapid, and the "Cobden prints" soon became known through the country as of rare value both for excellence of material and beauty of design.
The only possible question for the critic is whether the ascription of these psalms to David was due to the idea that he was the psalmist par excellence, to whom any poem of unknown origin was naturally ascribed, or whether we have in some at least of these titles an example of the habit so common in later Jewish literature of writing in the name of ancient worthies.
When we put aside one or two exceptionally fine pieces, like the hymn of the soul in the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, the highest degree of excellence in style is perhaps attained in staightforward historical narrative - such as the account of the PersoRoman War at the beginning of the 6th century by the author who passes under the name of Joshua the Stylite, or by romancers like him who wrote the romance of Julian; by biographers like some of those who have written lives of saints, martyrs and eminent divines; and by some early writers of homilies such as Philoxenus (in prose) and Isaac of Antioch (in verse).
Babylonian art, however, had already attained a high degree of excellence; two seal cylinders of the time of Sargon are among the most beautiful specimens of the gem-cutter's art ever discovered.
This is par excellence the chalk formation of the United States.
AdvertisementThis is a sacred site par excellence, reportedly awash with strong earth energies.
The first efforts in this direction were comparatively crude; but before the middle of the 17th century, two expertsGoroshichi and Kakiemoncarried the art to a point of considerable excellence.
The Hirado porcelainso called because it enjoyed the specia patronage of Matsuura, feudal chief of Hiradowas produced al Mikawa-uchi-yama, but did not attain excellence until.
Nevertheless he persevered, and in 1838 we find him producing not only green and yellow monochromes, but also greyish white and mirror-black glazes of high excellence.
Its diaphanous, pearl-grey glaze, uniform, lustrous and finely crackled, overlying encaustic decoration in white slip, the fineness of its warm reddish pate, and the general excellence of its technique, have always commanded admiration.
AdvertisementThe most recent books of importance are P. Bonnefon's Montaigne, l'homme et l'ceuzre (1893) and P. Stapfer's Montaigne (1895) in the Grands ecrivains, the latter a book of remarkable excellence.
The next stage was to take one people and train it as the representative par excellence of the State idea; and this people could only be the Germans.
Besides the works above mentioned, he was the author of two practical treatises, one on late repentance (1712), the other on the excellence of religion (1714) .
As an historian he is chiefly remarkable for literary excellence, for the art with which he represents his conception of the past.
What may justly be said of Smith is that the deductive bent was not the predominant character of his mind, nor did his great excellence lie in the "dialectic skill" which Buckle ascribes to him.
AdvertisementTheir excellence aroused a much greater interest in the common school system, and throughout the 19th century various experiments for improving it were tried; among them were the division of towns into districts, the appointment of county school commissioners, and the establishment of a state board of education.
It contains many breweries, and is famous for the excellence of its beer.
Since it is only used at the Mass, or rarely for functions intimately connected with the sacrament of the altar, it may be regarded as the Mass vestment par excellence.
It was, save where animal sacrifices survived, the Christian sacrifice, par excellence, the counterpart for the converted of the sacrificial communions of paganism; and though charged with higher significance than these, it yet reposed on a like background of religious usage and beliefs.
Few self-taught riders attain to excellence; they may keep a good place in hunting, if possessed of plenty of courage, and mounted on a bold and not too tender-mouthed horse, but they never will be riders in the proper sense of the word.
Miss Cons's work bore fruit after some years in the excellence of the entertainment provided and the high repute which the " Old Vic " attained.
A red-haired Jew, he possessed a magnetic and artistic temperament, and had various special methods of arousing and restraining the revolutionary masses, including orchestral and vocal concerts of high excellence in the formerly royal theatres and the opera house of Munich.
At the same time many of them are extremely celebrated, and among the pieces selected by al-Mufaddal several reach a very high level of excellence.
The cities, towns and municipalities resort to it to supply their local needs, and there is a tendency, especially pronounced in Ontario on account of the excellence of her municipal system, to devolve the burden of educational payments, and others more properly provincial, upon the municipal authorities on the plea of decentralization.
But his best work by far was in the invention of complicated and delicate mechanism for various purposes, in the construction of which he employed a staff of workmen trained to the highest degree of excellence.
At the time when the book appeared his method of apologetic showed both courage and originality, but the excellence of the work is impaired by the difficulty of the style.
Such is the excellence of his disposition that whatsoever happeneth that could not be helped, he is as cheerful and as well pleased as though the best thing possible had been done.
This I knew him to be before I had seen him; but the rare excellence of that divine genius no one can sufficiently feel who does not see his face, and hear him speak.
The excellence of the converts, upon the whole, is testified to by travellers who really know the case; particularly by Mrs Bishop, who speaks of the " raw material " out of which they are made as " the best stuff in Asia."
Chief among the manufactories are several large flour mills - Georgetown flour was long noted for its excellence.
Now in the series of operations, the blastfurnace, puddling and crucible processes, through which the iron passes from the state of ore to that of crucible tool steel, it is so difficult to detect just which are the conditions essential to excellence in the final product that, once a given procedure has been found to yield excellent steel, every one of its details is adhered to by the more cautious ironmasters, often with surprising conservatism.
It is still in great demand for certain normal purposes for which either great ease in welding or resistance to corrosion by rusting is of great importance; for purposes requiring special forms of extreme ductility which are not so confidently expected in steel; for miscellaneous needs of many users, some ignorant, some very conservative; and for remelting in the crucible processAll the best cutlery and tool steel is made either by the crucible process or in electric furnaces, and indeed all for which any considerable excellence is claimed is supposed to be so made, though often incorrectly.
This may not necessarily be true, but the acid variety lends itself more readily to excellence than the basic. A very large proportion of ores.
With regard to the merits of European dressing, it may be fairly taken that English, German and French dressers have specialities of excellence.
Though the Rhineland is par excellence the country of the vine, beer is largely produced; distilleries are also numerous, and large quantities of sparkling Moselle are made at Coblenz, chiefly for exportation to England.
The chief good that resulted from the Savoy conference was the production of Baxter's Reformed Liturgy, a work of remarkable excellence, though it was cast aside without consideration.
Some of these, such as the lapacho and quebracho, are of rare excellence and durability, as is shown by the wonderful state of preservation in which the woodwork of early Jesuit churches still remains.
It was evidently the general excellence of this collection that gave the version of the Vinland story that it contained precedence, in the works of early investigators, over the Vinland story of Hank's Book.
The structures in ordinary language designated as leaves are considered so par excellence, and they are frequently spoken of as foliage leaves.
The mathematical theory of conduction of heat was developed early in the 19th century by Fourier and other workers, and was brought to so high a pitch of excellence that little has remained for later writers to add to this department of the subject.
Prudence is, therefore, the only real guide to happiness; it is thus the chief excellence, and the foundation of all the virtues.
Water-cress, sweet flag, flowering rush, several potamogetons, water milfoil, water ranunculus, and the reedy sweet watergrass (Glyceria aquatica) rank amongst the criteria of excellence.
This regularity of flow is the first exceptional excellence of the river Nile.
Although linen was formerly one of her most important articles of manufacture, Germany is now left far behind in this industry by Great Britain, France and Austria-Hungary, This branch of textile manufacture has its principal centres in Silesia, Westphalia, Saxony and Wurttemberg, while Hirschberg in Silesia, Bielefeld in Westphalia and Zittau in Saxony are noted for the excellence of theirproductions.
Hanover and Thuringia have long been distinguished for the excellence of their roads, but some districts suffer even still from the want of good highways.
The Roman Catholics hated her as the land par excellence of Protestantism and free thought.
Owing to the excellence of the municipal system there has been a tendency to devolve thereon, in whole or in part, certain financial burdens on the plea of decentralization.
The coins, of course, are adduced on the other side, being not only Greek in type and legend, but (in many cases) of a peculiarly fine and vigorous execution; and excellence in one branch of art is thought to imply that other branches flourished in the same milieu.
Nevertheless, it is on a false interpretation of this challenge that the dogma of the incomparable excellence of the style and diction of the Koran is based.
In later times the moral ct of his tale was doubtless the main cause of its continued alarity; Osiris was named Onnophris, the good Being excellence, and Seth was contrasted with him as the author the root of all evil.
But the secret of the black granite school, and its excellence, is the main problem unsolved in the history of the art.
Myers and Walter Leaf in a prose version (1883) of the Iliad, both of them remarkable for accurate scholarship and excellence of style.
Their new stronghold, screened by mountains and forests, was unassailable by cavalry or artillery, but admirably suited to the light-armed Uskoks, whose excellence lay in guerilla warfare.
Thenceforward the Seleucids resided at Antioch and treated it as their capital par excellence.
The year of his death was, par excellence, " The Killing Time," thanks to Renwick and his associates and the Rye House plotters.
The same conspicuous openness of mind appears in his judgment, delivered after he had held the regius professorship of Modern History at Oxford from 1858 to 1866, that "ancient history, besides the still unequalled excellence of the writers, is the best instrument for cultivating the historical sense."
At the Cambridge tripos (as described by Jebb in 1774, Remarks, &c., pp. 20-31) the first twenty-four candidates were also selected by a preliminary test; they were then divided further into " wranglers" (the disputants, par excellence) and Senior Optimes, the next twelve on the list being called the Junior Optimes.
In a pass examination the question has to be considered how far, if at all, excellence in one subject shall compensate for deficiency in another, a question which is indeterminate until the precise object of the whole examination is formulated.
First comes architecture - in the main, symbolic art; then sculpture, the classical art par excellence; they are found, however, in all three forms. Painting and music are the specially romantic arts.
He came back from Italy with a new philosophy of life, a philosophy at once classic and pagan, and with very definite ideas of what constituted literary excellence.
In Sam'al the kings Panammu and Q-r-1 have lion-Semitic names (Carian), but the gods include Hadad, El (God par excellence), Resheph and the Sun-deity.
Stirling Lee, examples of which are the bronze gates of the Adelphi Bank at Liverpool, have all contributed, especially when applied to architectural decoration, to a high standard of excellence.
At one time he was an unsparing critic of its quality, but in later years he became strongly convinced of its general excellence and wholesomeness.
Establishing himself at Athens, he taught virtue " or " excellence," in the sense attached to the word by Protagoras, partly by means of literary subjects, partly in discourses upon practical etlfics.
First, their independence of philosophy and the arts being assured, though they continued to regard " civic excellence " as their aim, it was no longer necessary for them to make the assertion of its claims a principal element in their exposition.
That he should do so was only natural, since his position as a teacher of rhetoric was already secure when Protagoras made his first appearance in the character of a sophist; and, as Protagoras, Prodicus and the rest of the sophists of culture offered a comprehensive education, of which oratory formed only a part, whilst Gorgias made no pretence of teaching " civic excellence " (Plato, Meno, 95 C), and found a substitute for philosophy, not in literature generally, but in the professional study of rhetoric alone, it would have been convenient if the distinction between sophistry and rhetoric had been maintained.
But when men set themselves to cultivate skill in disputation, regarding the matter discussed not as a serious issue, but as a thesis upon which to practise their powers of controversy, they learn to pursue, not truth, but victory; and, their criterion of excellence having been thus perverted, they presently prefer ingenious fallacy to solid reasoning and the applause of bystanders to the consciousness of honest effort.
The first four definitions represent the period of Protagoras, Prodicus, and their immediate successors, when the object sought was " virtue," " excellence," " culture," and the means to it was literature.
Thus, by example as well as by precept, they not only taught their hearers to value literary and oratorical excellence, but also took the lead in fashioning the style of their time.
When Protagoras asserted " civic excellence " or " virtue " to be the end of educa-.
The Mahommedan invaders introduced the profession of the historian, which reached a high degree of excellence, even as compared with contemporary Europe.
The colonies of hand-workers in silk, cotton, carpets, brass and silver ware, wood and ivory, and other skilled craftsmen, which formerly existed in various parts of India, have fallen off both in the extent of their output and in the artistic excellence of their work.
Both are abundantly illustrated in most popular works on astronomy, and it seems sufficient to refer the reader to the original descriptions.2 We pass, therefore, directly to the equatorial telescope, the instrument par excellence of the modern extra-meridian astronomer.
While frequently associated with Marduk, and still more closely with the chief god of Assyria, the god Assur (who occupies in the north the position accorded to Marduk in the south), so much so as to be sometimes spoken of as Assur's consort - the lady or Belit par excellence - the belief that as the source of all life she stands apart never lost its hold upon the people and found an expression also in the system devised by the priests.
Still more typical examples of theosophy are furnished by the mystical system of Meister Eckhart and the doctrine of Jacob Boehme, who is known as "the theosophist" par excellence.
The total expenditure for the schools is creditable to the state; but before 1909 hardly half the school population attended; and in general the rural conditions of the state, the shortness of the school terms and the dependence of the schools primarily upon local funds and local supervision, make the schools of inadequate and quite varying excellence.
While the latter followed (or led) the Shu`ubite movement and declared for the excellence of all things not Arabian, Asma`i was the pious Moslem and avowed supporter of the superiority of the Arabs over all peoples, and of the freedom of their language and literature from all foreign influence.
His education was continued by capable tutors, and he not only attained excellence in all manly sports, but became perhaps more cultured than any other prince of his age.
Coal of good quality has been found in Pengaron and elsewhere in the Banjermasin district, but most Borneo coal is considerably below this average of excellence.
Her contemporaries almost unanimously record her excellence and womanly virtues; and by Dean Swift, no mild critic, she is invariably spoken of with respect, and named in his will as of "ever glorious, immortal and truly pious memory, the real nursing-mother of her kingdoms."
The people of A.grigentum have never ceased to honour his name, and even in modern times he has been celebrated by followers of Mazzini as the democrat of antiquity par excellence.
Such work as that of Diirer, Vischer, Cranach, Schlingauer, Holbein, consummate as it was in technical excellence, did not assume Italian forms of loveliness, did not display the paganism of the Latin races.
If France is the wine-growing country, par excellence, the Bordeaux district may be regarded as the heart and centre of the French wine industry.
Although properly belonging to the Cotes, the St Emilion district is sometimes classified separately, as indeed, having regard to the excellence and variety of its wines, it has a right to be.
The most important subdivision of the Gironde district is that of the Medoc. It is here that the wine which is known to us as claret is produced in greatest excellence and variety.
This classification of the Medoc growths became necessary owing to the great variety of qualities produced and the distinct characteristic excellence of the individual vintages.
Although many amongst the Angles had, following his example, essayed to compose religious poetry, none of them, in Baeda's opinion, had approached the excellence of Cwdmon's songs.
In all operations the greatest care is taken, and the cultivators being peculiarly favoured as to soil, climate and water, Courtrai flax is a staple of unapproached excellence.
Judah, grandson of Gamaliel II., known as the Prince or Patriarch (nasi), as Rabbenu (" our teacher "), or simply as " Rabbi " par excellence, was the editor.
Altogether, in mana we have what is par excellence the primitive religious idea in its positive aspect, taboo representing its negative side, since whatever has mana is taboo, and whatever is taboo has mana.
Some districts, especially in Coquimbo, have gained a high reputation for the excellence of their preserved fruits.
Some fruits are famous and vie in excellence with any that European orchards produce; such are the peaches of Tabri2 and Meshed, the sugar melons of Kashan and Isfahan, the apRIes of Demavend, pears of Natanz, figs of KermgnshAh, &c. Ihe strawberry was brought to Persia about 1859, and is much cultivated in the gardens of Teherfln and neighborhood; the raspberry was introduced at about the same time, but is not much apprecIated.
Fragments of reliefsculptures belonging to the parapet and columns, and of fluted drums and capitals, cornices and other architectural members have been recovered, showing that the workmanship and Ionic style were of the highest excellence, and that the building presented a variety of ornament, rare among Hellenic temples.
In acute attacks of rheumatism the remedy par excellence is salicylate of soda, which reduces the temperature, relieves the pain, and removes the swellings from the joints.
Halifax, however, concludes by desiring to moderate the roughness of his picture by emphasizing the excellence of his intellect and memory and his mechanical talent, by deprecating a too censorious judgment and by dwelling upon the disadvantages of his bringing up, the difficulties and temptations of his position, and on the fact that his vices were those common to human frailty.
To his personal characteristics can be traced the hair-splitting and formal pedantry which ever afterwards marked the activity of the school, the dry repellent technical procedure of the Dialecticians par excellence, as they were called.
Immediately on its appearance The Lusiads took rank as the national poem par excellence, and its success moved many writers to follow in the same path; of these the most successful was Jeronymo Corte Real (q.v.).
One great excellence, however, cannot be denied him, his honest and sincere desire to be impartial.
Before the earthquake wood had been employed to a large extent, partly because of the accessibility, cheapness and general excellence of redwood, but also because of the belief that it was better suited to withstand earthquake shocks.
The literary excellence of the work, and the flashes of light which it throws across a momentous but dark epoch of history, combine to give it exceptional importance among the relics of late Roman literature.
His father Nicon, from whom he received his early education, is described as remarkable both for excellence of natural disposition and for mental culture; his mother, on the other hand, appears to have been a second Xanthippe.
Among the public monuments comes first, in excellence, Rauch's celebrated statue of Frederick the Great, which stands in tinter den Linden opposite the palace of the emperor William I.; and in size the monument to the emperor William I.
He stimulated and guided the development of sanitary science, until it reached in England the highest degree of excellence, and gave an example to the civilized world.
Everywhere the author lays stress on the excellence of "Pantagruelism," and the reader who is himself a Pantagruelist (it is perfectly idle for any other to attempt the book) soon discovers what this means.
His form of religious sentiment was not evangelical or mystical, any more than it was ascetic or ceremonial or dogmatic. As regards one of the accepted doctrines of his own church, the excellence of the celibate life, of poverty, and of elaborate obedience to a rule, he no doubt was a strong dissident; but the evidence that, as a Christian, he was unorthodox, that he was even a heretical or latitudinarian thinker in regard to those doctrines which the various Christian churches have in common, is not merely weak, it is practically nonexistent.
To succeed in the aim no small amount of dexterity was required, and unusual ability in the game was rated as high as corresponding excellence in throwing the javelin.
They are celebrated for their excellence as gardeners, agriculturists, cattle-tenders and artisans.
Thus the man who seeks only or primarily his own moral perfection is an egoist par excellence.
The excellence of the waggon roads of the state is largely due to the plentiful supply of trap rock in New Jersey.
This second phase of the activity of the school closes with the comprehensive labours of Alexander of Aphrodisias (Scholarch, c. 200), the exegete par excellence, called sometimes the second Aristotle.
It was followed by La Curee (1874), Le Ventre de Paris (1874), La Conquete de Plassans (1875), La Faute de l'Abbe Mouret (1875), Son Excellence Eugene Rougon (1876) - all books unquestionably of immense ability, and in a measure successful, but not great popular successes.
But though the superior excellence of their machinery enabled Englishmen to start in the race of competition, it was the discovery of the new motive power, drawn from coal, which made them win the race.
Yet, apart from its sterling excellence, it is not without beauties, for it is marked by loftiness of thought, a love of purity and truth, and refinement in taste and feeling.
In 1654 the directors of the Company drew Cromwell's attention to this suggestion, laying stress on the excellence of its harbour and its safety from attack by land.
Rowland was one of the most brilliant men of science that America has produced, and it is Curious that at first his merits were not perceived in his own country, In America he was unable even to secure the publication of certain of his scientific papers; but Clerk Maxwell at once saw their excellence, and had them printed in the Philosophical Magazine.
The excellence of the Moldavian horses is attested by a Turkish proverb; and annual droves of as many as 40,000 Moldavian oxen were sent across Poland to Danzig.
This exceeds all the other publications of its class in purity of language and excellence of style.
But the difficulty can only exist for persons who are insensible to dramatic excellence, or who so strongly object to the forms of the French drama that they cannot relish anything so presented.
The Karroo System is par excellence the geological formation of South Africa.
Examples among the Egyptian monks of this blind submission to the commands of the superiors, exalted into a virtue by those who regarded the entire crushing of the individual will as the highest excellence, are detailed by Cassian and others, - e.g.
The climate was extolled for its excellence, and the land for its fertility.
In spite of much excellence of intention, much heroism, much energy, it is hardly to be denied that the leaders whom that movement brought to the surface were almost without exception men of the poorest political capacity.
I.n spite, however, of the excellence and extent of his mathematical writings, it is probably as a logical reformer that De Morgan will be best remembered.
It was at this time, however, par excellence the vestment proper to the cantors, choirmaster and singers, whose duty it was to sing the invitatorium, responses, &c., at office, and the introitus, graduate, &c., at Mass.
In the south Marduk reigns supreme, and his supremacy is indicated most significantly by making him the Bel, " the lord," par excellence.
In the oldest usage BEoX6yoc were those who dealt in myths, like Hesiod and like the supposed Orpheus, the OeoX6yos par excellence.
Philo the Jew is also quoted as using OeoXoyos of poets, of Moses par excellence, and of Greek philosophers.
His own faith in Christianity rested on its moral excellence when it is received in its primitive simplicity, combined with the miracles which accompanied its original promulgation.
The high praise given to his administration may even excite some doubts as to its real excellence.
It is therefore with some show of reason that The Last of the Mohicans, which as a chain of brilliantly narrated episodes is certainly the least faulty in this matter of sustained excellence of execution, should be held to be the best of his works.
None thought of apenn (virtue or excellence) as a unique quality possessed of an intrinsic value, but as the virtue of the citizen, just as good flute-playing was the virtue of the flute-player.
And both he and Plato hold that a similar activity of pure speculative intellect is that in which the philosopher will seek to exist, though he must, being a man, concern himself with the affairs of ordinary human life, a region in which his highest good will be attained by realizing perfect moral excellence.
Pleasure, in Aristotle's view, is not the primary constituent of well-being, but rather an inseparable accident of it; human well-being is essentially well-doing, excellent activity of some kind, whether its aim and end be abstract truth or noble conduct; knowledge and virtue are objects of rational choice apart from the pleasure attending them; still all activities are attended and in a manner perfected by pleasure, which is better and more desirable in proportion to the excellence of the activity.
His virtues are not arranged on any clear philosophic plan; the list shows no serious attempt to consider human life exhaustively, and exhibit the standard of excellence appropriate to its different departments or aspects.
Hutcheson follows Butler again in laying stress on the regulating and controlling function of the moral sense; but he still regards " kind affections " as the'principal objects of moral approbation - the " calm" and " extensive " affections being preferred to the turbulent and narrow - together with the desire and love of moral excellence which is ranked with universal benevolence, the two being equally worthy and necessarily harmonious.
When the effort to restrain feeling is exhibited in a degree which surprises as well as pleases, it excites admiration as a virtue or excellence; such excellences Adam Smith quaintly calls the " awful and respectable," contrasting them with the " amiable virtues " which consist in the opposite effort to sympathize, when exhibited in a remarkable degree.
Sometimes they consider moral intuition as determining the comparative excellence of conflicting motives (James Martineau), or the comparative quality of pleasures chosen (Laurie), which seems to be the same view in a hedonistic garb; others hold that what is intuitively perceived is the rightness or wrongness of individual acts - a view which obviously renders ethical reasoning practically superfluous.
Between 1 774 and 1789 he built scores of of ft ., the optical excellence of which approved itself W illiam by a crowd of discoveries.
The high excellence of the s sle data collected by them was a combined result of their skill, and of the vast improvement in refracting telescopes due to the genius of Joseph Fraunhofer (1787-1826).
This is par excellence the African formation, and covers immense areas in South Africa and the Congo basin, with detached portions in East Africa.
He was great chiefly in negotiation, the art par excellence of ecclesiastics.
His disciples speak of theirs as the "exact philosophy," and the term well expresses their master's chief excellence and the character of the chief influence he has exerted upon succeeding thinkers of his own and other schools.
Though ranking with Augustine, Jerome, and Gregory the Great, as one of the Latin "doctors," he is most naturally compared with Hilary, whom he surpasses in administrative excellence as much as he falls below him in theological ability.
The only animals belonging to Spain still noted for their excellence are mules and asses, which are recognized as among the best to be found anywhere.
Calvert (London, 1906, &c.), is noteworthy for descriptions of architecture and painting, and for the excellence of its many illustrations.
Having set out to embody the mysteries of faith in human language, it had fallen a victim to the excellence of its own methods; language proved too strong for mystery.
In the system that passes under the name of Ptolemy, Saturn is associated with grey, Jupiter with white, Mars with red, Venus with yellow, while Mercury, occupying a peculiar place in Greek as it did in Babylonian astrology (where it was at one time designated as the planet par excellence), was supposed to vary its colour according to changing circumstances.
Other fruits are raised with much success, and in 1904 at St Louis the horticultural exhibit of the state led those of all other states in the medals received for excellence; but nevertheless its relative rank in the Union as a fruit-producing state is still low.
His contemporaries, while admitting the excellence of his intentions as a statesman, lay stress upon his defects of temper and discretion.
It is therefore possible to judge the excellence of the focusing of objectives on the strength of the ocular-magnification, or the over-magnification, which they permit.
The excellence of the preservation of the specimens has rendered it possible to investigate the complex structure in detail.
As the two stepped back in retreat, Frederick spoke, Your Excellence, if Victor cannot be destroyed, he will surely exact vengeance on this pair.
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A wonderfully counterbalanced performance graveside from Audrey served only to underline the significance and excellence of the episodes.
Its heritage is synonymous with excellence in all things theatrical, from acting and staging to costume.
The goal of the awards is to recognize excellence in the online shopping experience where you can buy everything from groceries to designer underwear.
Jez's excellence is clearly visible when he performs wheelies and stunt tricks on two mountain bikes.
They were, besides, pioneers in laying down level greens of superlative excellence.
Cursed with such immoderate fluency Lydgate could not sustain himself at the highest level of artistic excellence; and, though imbued with a sense of the essentials of poetry, and eager to prove himself in its various manifestations, he stinted himself of the self-discipline necessary to perfection of form.
The extreme north of Liberia is still for the most part a very well-watered country, covered with a rich vegetation, but there are said to be a few breaks that are rather stony and that have a very well-marked dry season in which the vegetation is a good deal burnt up. In the main Liberia is the forest country par excellence of West Africa, and although this region of dense forests overlaps the political frontiers of both Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast, it is a feature of physical geography so nearly coincident with the actual frontiers of Liberia as to give this country special characteristics clearly marked in its existing fauna.
Young's condemnation of these survivals was as pronounced as his support of the methods of the large farmers to whom he ascribed the excellence of the husbandry of Kent, Norfolk and Essex.
The woodcuts illustrating this work are generally of surpassing excellence, and it takes rank in the category of artistic publications.
He then draws a positive demonstration of the truth of his religion from the effects of the new faith, and especially from the excellence of its moral teaching, and concludes with a comparison of Christian and Pagan doctrines, in which the latter are set down with naïve confidence as the work of demons.
Ceaseless industry, energy and conspicuous personal gallantry were the principal factors of his brilliant victories, and even in 1805 at Ulm and Austerlitz it was still the excellence of the tactical instrument, the army, which the Revolution had bequeathed to him that essentially produced the results.
The usual signs denoting Akkadu in the Semitic narrative inscriptions were read in the non-Semitic idiom uri-ki or ur-ki, " land of the city," which simply meant that Akkadu was the land of the city par excellence, i.e.
Half a century thus sufficed to remove the ban of the church, and soon Aristotle was recognized on all hands as " the philosopher " par excellence, the master of those that know.
The Japanese, on the contrary, made a specialty of faience, and in that particular line they reached a high standard of excellence.
Waagen's law of mutation, or the appearance of new parts or organs so gradually that they can be perceived only by following them through successive geologic time stages, appears to be directly contradictory to the saltation principle; it is certainly one of the most firmly established principles of palaeontology, and it constitutes the contribution par excellence of this branch of zoology to the law of evolution, since it is obvious that it could not possibly have been deduced from comparison of living animals but only through the long perspective gained by comparison of animals succeeding each other in time.
Of these McGill (see Montreal) is especially noted for the excellence of its training in practical and applied science.
It was won by the generalship of Bruce and his captains; by the excellence of his position, by the steadiness of his men, and, obviously, by the reckless fury of the English cavalry, and by the folly which left their archers open to defeat by the Marischal's handful of horse (24th of June 1314).
It emphasized the excellence of the system devised in 1879 for the segregation of the comparatively innocent from convicts hardened in crime.
But though intimately acquainted with every nook and cranny of the English law, he never carried his studies into foreign fields, from which to enrich our legal literature; and it must be added that against the excellence of his judgments, in too many cases, must be set off the hardships, worse than injustice, that arose from his protracted delays in pronouncing them.
This title is that conventionally applied by foreigners to the ruler of the Ottoman Empire, the sultan par excellence, whose proper styles are, however, padishah (emperor) and "commander of the faithful" (see AMIR).
In 1874 the university of Göttingen granted her a degree in absentia, excusing her from the oral examination on account of the remarkable excellence of the three dissertations sent in, one of which, on the theory of partial differential equations, is one of her most remarkable works.
He cou'd imagine admirable situations, and he could write verses of incomparable grandeur - verses that reverberate again and again in the memory, but he could not, with the patient docility of Racine, labour at proportioning the action of a tragedy strictly, at maintaining a uniform rate of interest in the course of the plot and of excellence in the fashion of the verse.
In a prayer addressed to " First birth of my birth, first beginning (or principle) of my beginning, first spirit of the spirit in me," he prays " to be restored to his deathless birth (genesis), albeit he is let a.nd hindered by his underlying nature, to the end that according to the pressing need and spur of his longing he may gaze upon the deathless principle with deathless spirit, through the deathless water, through the solid and the air; that he may be re-born through reason (or idea), that he may be consecrated, and the holy spirit breathe in"him, that he may admire the holy fire, that he may behold the abyss of the Orient, dread water, and that he may be heard of the quickening and circumambient ether; for this day he is about to gaze on the revealed reality with deathless eyes; a mortal born of mortal womb, he has been enhanced in excellence by the might of the All-powerful and by the right hand of the Deathless one," &c.
No doubt Aristotle's demonstration of the inappropriateness of attributing moral excellence to the Deity seems to contradict Plato's doctrine that the just man as such is " likest the gods," but here again the discrepancy is reduced when we remember that the essence of Plato's justice (8ucacoouvfl) is harmonious activity.
He speedily outstripped all his competitors in grammatical studies, and by his skill and acumen as a student of philosophy, and in the college disputations gave fruitful promise of that consummate excellence as a reasoner in the department of speculative truth which he afterwards displayed.
I think most people around the world will seek personal excellence.
By helping key workers, we will underpin the pursuit of excellence in our public services.
What drives an quarterback excellence that server farm whose cover the costs.
It is a recognition of the excellence of the astrophysics research performed at Queen 's.
The area is renowned for the excellence of its eating houses and country pubs.
The Department of Politics and International Relations is internationally renowned as a center for excellence in teaching and research.
The plans, created by renowned architects make, detail the design of the National Center of Excellence for Judo.
Some 750 new books are added to the collection each year to maintain the library 's reputation for excellence.
The scheme recognizes and rewards excellence among teachers and learning support staff in higher education in England and Northern Ireland.
But most important of all, we are in the business of recognizing innovation and rewarding excellence in the process industries.
The aim is to tackle topical issues, create debate, showcase excellence and enable professionals like you to network.
He is a regular speaker on the conference circuit, and lead the BQF workshops Six Sigma and business excellence.
The two houses which he has erected will bear comparison with any in Oxford for solidity of material and originality and excellence of design.
Why should choirmasters bother to set a standard of excellence?
We will continue to strive for excellence in service delivery.
The Cambridge region is home to numerous renowned centers of excellence in the fields of clinical medicine, genomics and structural biology.
Other subcommittees may be established in relation to hospital catering and National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Pamphill is the estate village par excellence, with tied cottages scattered through a sylvan landscape around the church of St Stephen.
Oxford University is the city 's main draw, a place that has become synonymous with academic excellence.
As part of our commitment to excellence tiro associates ltd is a full member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation.
Sheffield has a strong tradition of excellence in clinical orthopedics.
Our exceptional level of performance is underpinned by excellence in the quality of our staff, systems and procedures.
Jez 's excellence is clearly visible when he performs wheelies and stunt tricks on two mountain bikes.
When a childcare center voluntarily seeks accreditation it is an indicator that the program is interested in maintaining a standard of excellence.
The Web Marketing Association awarded Dean's Cards with the Toy & Hobby Standard of Excellence Award in 2009.
They also offer kittens in other related breeds.According to their website, Permese kittens are registered with the CFA, and the registry has honored them as a "Cattery of Excellence."
The firm focuses on excellence of design and handles both commercial and residential customers.
He won over 20 Excellence in Design awards from the American Society of Interior Design (ASID) and spent a few years heading up their Atlanta chapter.
India does not only embrace beauty, but it exudes excellence as well.
They continue to daily replicate the originally designed scents, while discovering new ones that fit in line with the philosophy of what Caron Paris has always stood for - excellence and finery for those who want the best for their skin.
Shiseido has a long tradition of excellence and providing quality products women worldwide are proud to wear.
Several of these have gone on to win prestigious FiFi Awards, which honor excellence and creative achievement in the fragrance industry.
The website is part of the Hypnosis Online Excellence group and also includes a free training course to help you learn hypnosis in about five days via audio downloads to your computer or MP3 player.
For decades, the Order of Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) has been involved in the promotion of educational excellence through scholarship programs.
Their excellence on the international competitive circuit has also continued, culminating at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah when athletes from around the world rode Fischer skis to a record 58 medals.
While cheaper skis can certainly be found on the market, with Fischer you are getting skis that are backed by over 80 years of experience and excellence.
Katie was a recipient of the 2008 Charlie Award for excellence in creative writing at her high school.
Below are just a few examples of high school science projects that can be done successfully if you are willing to put out the effort towards excellence.
Proponents of the school ranking system believe that setting achievement goals for schools will improve the quality of education and challenge students and teacher's to strive for excellence.
If you find you're at a crossroad and not sure which career path to take, meet with a school guidance counselor who can help you choose a path that compliments your interests and areas of excellence.
A wedding planner can spend years building the necessary experience and contacts to achieve excellence in her profession.
If you need some help, Modern Bride online has a brand-new "The World's 50 Best Honeymoons" list for 2005, organized into categories, such as overall excellence, affordability, romance, adventure, beaches and culture.
Secrets Excellence Punta Cana Resort-Honeymooners at this Dominican Republic luxury resort receive a fruit plate, bottle of champagne, breakfast in bed, and one romantic dinner on top of all of the other amenities.
He attended Tottenham Hotspur's school of excellence, as well as Bradenton Prep Academy.
Their popularity has increased as high-profile athletes tout the excellence of the products.
Eagle Scouts are valued for their leadership, service and commitment to excellence.
The community college continues to win the support of its community and of educators throughout the nation as its programs demonstrate academic excellence with a focus on preparing students for future careers locally and globally.
Capella University is a fully accredited college that takes brick-and-mortar academic excellence to an online platform.
For a laid-back, relaxed atmosphere steeped in nautical tradition and traditional standards of excellence, Holland America is the perfect choice for a cruise vacation.
This ship is classified as A-1 in river service and has been awarded a certificate of excellence.
The company has four certifications from different organizations that recognize that Innova is committed to excellence.
The organization is based in Santa Rosa, California, but it is recognized all over the world for the excellence of its program.
The company works with plant scientists nationwide and continues its tradition of excellence and innovation.
They claim strong values, product innovation, and a passion for excellence in all they do.
Focusing intently on setting a standard of excellence that all other companies would strive to achieve, Carhartt worked steadfastly through good and bad times alike.
These house brands kept the cost low and maintained a standard of excellence in the stores.
Both of these collections marry fashionable style with performance- enhancing abilities to help you obtain, and maintain, a high level of excellence out there on the water!
A member of the American College of Eye Surgeons, he is also a member of the Society for Excellence in Eye Care, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the International Society of Refractive Surgery.
Eye Excellence has an option for you to sign up for their free newsletter and webinar.
The Cooper Hewitt Museum exhibited her handbags for the First National Design Triennial, an exhibit designed to celebrate and recognize American design excellence.
They're designed to perform at a standard of unrivaled excellence, with their Light Management System that incorporates technology used in NASA telescopes.
Edinburgh International Entertainment Festival is also the host of the Edge Award and the BAFTA Interactive New Talent Award for creative innovation, technical excellence and production achievement by an individual.
Computer games have evolved into a new level of excellence.
With some of the finest white Burgundies or Chardonnay wines around the world, Corton-Charlemagne has a well-deserved reputation for excellence in winemaking.
Many French wines have a deserved stellar reputation for excellence around the world.
Magnet schools often advertise themselves as "centers of excellence" in a certain area, such as performing arts, science, or mathematics.
This is a testament to the passion and talent of the students and their coaches as they strive for excellence in their art.
With their mantra "Keep Evolving," C Salon is always in the pursuit of excellence and keeping up with the latest trends and developments in the hair industry.
L'Oreal Excellence Créme also comes in a wide range of colors.
Furthermore, Regis's commitment to excellence has led it to develop an exclusive house line of products, including shampoos, conditioners, and styling products for different types of hair and hair care needs.
For more than three decades Figaro's Hair Salon has been offering Denver unparalleled excellence in hair styles and beauty treatments.
Sally Beauty is a great retailer that has a long standing reputation for excellence.
Surely the best place to spend a full day being pampered, Charles Worthington Percy Street has a reputation for excellence.
All grade levels will find something at the Federal Resources for Educational Excellence (FREE) site.
For more than a century, The Fairmont Hotel San Francisco has been synonymous with service excellence.
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No matter the year or the season, there are some sites and brands that one can count on for excellence.
Speedo USA is an excellent place to begin your search because they have a reputation for excellence that has been built throughout the years.
Phelps has set new standards for excellence in swimming, and he is able to continue doing so thanks in large part to his sponsors which include the ultimate maker of competitive swim wear - Speedo.
If you know that you're going to make pasta with any regularity, the pasta excellence kit is for you since it would be cheaper to buy the kit than to buy all the attachments separately.
The pasta excellence kit retails for around $330.00 and comes with six different attachments.
Ten years after George Foerstner founded the company in 1934 Amana received the Army-Navy's cherished E Award for Excellence.
It was this E Award for Excellence that set the precedent for Amana's reputation as producing a quality product.
While these are only a guideline, they help demonstrate the quality of a stone by showing how closely it relates to traditional standards of cut and shape excellence.
No matter what the design, however, they all share Tacori's commitment to excellence and superior quality to suit every individual customer's tastes.
These pieces are designed with the same care and attention to excellence that makes Tacori engagement rings fine examples of enduring quality.
The magazine sponsors awards that promotes excellence in the genre.
Presented by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the awards recognize excellence in daytime programming in the United States.
The program recognizes excellence in the production of daytime television.
With a reputation for excellence, Omega watches for a man are the perfect marriage of style and quality.
Citizen has been in business for a long time and has built up a reputation for quality and technical excellence.
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His ambitions were quite simple and that was to aim for excellence and performance.
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When luxurious performance outweighs all other needs, Tissot wrist watches offer over 150 years of tradition and excellence.
On a quiet side street in 1847 Paris, a legend sprouted from the seeds of Louis-François Cartier's grand vision of excellence.
If you'd like to learn more about the features of Invicta men's watches, take a closer look at a few timepieces that exemplify the company's ongoing excellence in horology.
When cost is as important as quality, let Skagen bring you a world of excellence at a price you can manage.
Due to a long history of excellence in horology, vintage Omega watches appear in many shops, outlets and e-auctions.
I enjoy working with the company and believe my contributions to the excellence of its chocolate line as the head of the Chocolate Division have ensured profitable growth over the past twenty years of my tenure with you.
If you're not mechanically inclined, you may want to have your repairs completed by an ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) technician or a Kia factory trained mechanic.
They are not for sale to the general public; however, many Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) technicians who work at Dodge repair facilities along with other employees obtain manufacturer manuals through the dealer or employer.
One of the primary goals of the establishment of this sorority was to "de-emphasize the social aspect of sorority life" and instead promote academic excellence and community service among its members.
Perhaps this is why the company is so well known for their operational excellence and superior customer service.
In 2005, MTV awarded the movie a Silver Bucket of Excellence Award, for outstanding contribution to cinema.
Striking the balance between the pursuit of the arts and academic excellence is one of the main themes of the program.
Quinn is our age but he jumped two school grades on academic excellence.
The success of the restaurant rested more on out-of-date memories than the current excellence of its bill of fare.
Sofia in Padua, a Madonna picture of exceptional and recognized excellence.
By this time the collection of halakhic material had become very large and various, and after several attempts had been made to reduce it to uniformity, a code of oral tradition was finally drawn up in the and century by Judah ha-Nasi, called Rabbi par excellence.
There were various causes which combined to enhance the importance of the written Torah (the " instruction " par excellence communicated by God through Moses).
There is British Baluch Baluchistan par excellence, and there is the rest of Baluchistan which exists in various degrees of independence, but is everywhere subject to British control.
In Spain its revival was due to the Saracens, and by them, and their successors the Moors, agriculture was carried to a high pitch of excellence.
He then draws a positive demonstration of the truth of his religion from the effects of the new faith, and especially from the excellence of its moral teaching, and concludes with a comparison of Christian and Pagan doctrines, in which the latter are set down with naïve confidence as the work of demons.
Other important industries are wood-carving (of an artistic excellence long unknown), artistic iron-working, jewelling, bronze-casting, the production of steam-engines, machinery, matches (largely exported to Turkey, Egypt, Russia, Austria-Hungary and Greece), clock-making, wool-weaving and the manufacture of chemical manures.
Above the great council came the senate, the deliberative and legislative body par excellence.
The third is the age of the plena spiritus libertas, the age of contemplation, the monastic age par excellence, the age of a monachism wholly directed towards ecstasy, more Oriental than Benedictine.
No doubt they are subsequently guided to higher excellence and effectiveness with the experience gained in their oft-repeated performance.
The result ' Of these there were four who, as counts of the Empire par excellence, were sometimes styled "simple counts" (Schlechtgrafen), i.e.
Tobacco is also widely cultivated, and the product of some states, such as Bahia, Minas Geraes and Goyaz, has a high local reputation for its excellence.
He was intendant of the theatre at Mannheim, which he brought to a high state of excellence.
Those utilized were the Kaoshan (the "Hindu Kush" pass par excellence), 14,340 ft.; the Chahardar (13,900 ft.), which is a link in one of the amir of Afghanistan's high roads to Turkestan; and the Shibar (9800 ft.), which is merely a diversion into the upper Ghorband of that group of passes between Bamian and the Kabul plains which are represented by the Irak, Hajigak, Unai, &c. About this point it is geographically correct to place the southern extremity of the Hindu Kush, for here commences the Koh-i-Baba system into which the Hindu Kush is merged.
But his history shows that he by no means embodied the current ideal of chivalrous excellence.
His youth was marked by a constant willingness to rebel against merely official authority; to genuine excellence, whether moral or intellectual, he was always ready to pay unbounded deference.
The books produced in the period1880-1908in Japan are still of high technical excellence.
But the ware produced by him and his successors at the Seto kilns, or by their contemporaries in other parts of the country, had no valid claim to decorative excellence.
This is undoubtedly the finest jewelled porcelain in Japan; the best examples leave nothing to be desired The factorys period of excellence began about the year I 680, ant culminated at the close of the 18th century.
Shirozaemon was succeeded at the kiln by three generations of his family, each representative retaining the name of Tshiro, and each distinguishing himself by the excellence of his work.
No new skill was developed, and what remained of the old was expended chiefly upon the manufacture of meretricious objects, disfigured by excess of decoration and not relieved by any excellence of technique.
The KiOto artists process is much easier than that of his rivals, and although his monochromes are often of most pleasing delicacy and fine tone, they do not belong to the same category of technical excellence as the wares they imitate.
Now, however, they have lost these defects and entered a period of considerable excellence.
The industry was threatened with extinction, and would certainly have dwindled to insignificant dimensions had not a few earnest artists, working in the face of many difficulties and discouragements, succeeded in striking out new lines and establishing new standar4s for excellence.
The time was ripe for one which should be quite independent of the booksellers, and which should also aim at a higher standard of excellence.
The increased influence of this class of periodical upon public opinion was first apparent in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, founded in 1817 by the publisher of that name, and carried to a high degree of excellence by the contributions of Scott, Lockhart, Hogg, Maginn, Syme and John Wilson (" Christopher North "), John Galt and Samuel Warren.
Knight secured the best authors and artists of the day to write for and illustrate his magazine, which, though at first a commercial success, may have had the reason of its subsequent discontinuance in its literary excellence.
All are illustrated, and three in particular, the Century, Scribner's and Harper's, carried the art of wood-engraving to a high"standard of excellence.
Of the excellence of his style and of his practical religious zeal we are able to judge from the thirteen homilies on the Christian life and character which have been edited and translated by Budge (London, 1894).
It is probable that if bulk, rapidity of production, variety of matter, originality of design, and excellence of style be taken together, hardly any author can show a work of equal magnitude.
Numerous artesian wells furnish the city with an ample supply of water of unusual excellence.
It is the age of purest excellence in prose, and of a new birth of poetry, characterized rather by great original force and artistic promise than by perfect accomplishment.
Virgil is the true representative poet of Rome and Italy, of national glory and of the beauty of nature, the artist in whom all the efforts of the past were made perfect, and the unapproachable standard of excellence to future times.
As Virgil marks the point of maturest excellence in poetic diction and rhythm, Ovid marks that of the greatest facility.
This became " Doris " par excellence.
The bronze was plunged into the water in a red hot condition, and thus acquired its peculiar excellence.
From this stratum came also various fragments of bas reliefs of high artistic excellence.
He was as keen in his resentments as he was ardent in his friendships; fondly attached to his family, he yet disliked a deserving son; he gave full praise to Leibnitz and Leonhard Euler, yet was blind to the excellence of Sir Isaac Newton.
There is a university at Innsbruck, but primary education, though compulsory, does not attain any very high degree of excellence, as in summer the schools are closed, for all hands are then required in the fields or on the mountain pastures.
No experience of the failure of his policy could shake his belief in its essential excellence.
During the last years of his stay in England there had been repeated attempts to win him (probably with an under-secretaryship) to the British service, and in these same years he had done a great work for the colonies by gaining friends for them among the opposition, and by impressing France with his ability and the excellence of his case.
He had the good taste to recognize, and the spirit to make public his recognition of, the excellence of Gray's odes at a time when they were either ridiculed or neglected.
Though the excellence of his work as agent-general in the years 1780-86 was fully acknowledged, and earned him a special gift of 31,000 livres, yet he did not gain a bishopric until the beginning of the year 1789, probably because the king disliked him as a freethinker.
In general it may be said that the excellence of administrative results is noteworthy.
The excellence of its form is matched by the beauty of its style, for Froude was a master of English prose.
Early distinguished by her excellence as a pianist, organist and singer, she also showed considerable ability in painting and illuminating; but a lively poetic imagination led her to the path of literature, and more especially to poetry, folk-lore and ballads.
His landscape backgrounds are of uncommon excellence.
His defects as a debater were not compensated entirely by the excellence of his set speeches; but his wide culture and powerful intellect were bound to leave their mark on affairs.
The Lives are not in the true sense biographical, but rather picturesque impressions of leading representatives of an attitude of mind full of curiosity, alert and versatile, but lacking scientific method, preferring the external excellence of style and manner to the solid achievements of serious writing.
Schleiermacher was so much struck by their excellence that he endeavoured, unsuccessfully, to obtain for Steffens a chair in the new Berlin University in 1804, in order that his own ethical teachings should be supported in the scientific department.
The neighbourhood is known for the excellence of its fruit and vegetables.
To this fact is largely due the excellence of the Germans in grandiose decorative painting and sculpture, a talent for the exercise of which plenty of scope has been given them by the numerous public buildings and memorials raised since the war of 1870.
In the first place it is remarkable for its literary excellence.
Finding in the cultivation of " virtue " or " excellence " a substitute for the pursuit of scientific truth, and in disputation the sole means by which " virtue " or " excellence " could be attained, he resembled at once the sophists of culture and the sophists of eristic. But, inasmuch as the " virtue " or " excellence " which he sought was that of the man rather than that of the official, while the disputation which he practised had for its aim, not victory, but the elimination of error, the differences which separated him from the sophists of culture and the sophists of eristic were only less considerable than the resemblances which he bore to both; and further, though his whole time and attention were bestowed upon the education of young Athenians, his theory of the relations of teacher and pupil differed from that of the recognized professors of education, inasmuch as the taking of fees seemed to him to entail a base surrender of the teacher's independence.
It is urged that Livy, who in the fourth and fifth decades shows himself so sensible of the great merits of Polybius, is not likely to have ignored him in the third, and that his more limited use of him in the latter case is fully accounted for by the closer connexion of the history with Rome and Roman affairs, and the comparative excellence of the available Roman authorities, and, lastly, that the points of agreement with Polybius, not only in matter but in expression, can only be explained on the theory that Livy is directly following the great Greek historian.
I will also concede that the furniture tossing was par excellence.
It is an historic city, with a tradition of academic excellence.
Sofitel London Gatwick offers the ultimate choice in culinary excellence.
An example of an illustration by John Gould demonstrated the artistic excellence achieved.
The new world-class greenhouse will mark a new chapter in horticultural excellence with life-long learning at its heart.
Argos was proclaimed simply the best in terms of performance and genuine all-round excellence.
There are some misguided fools who imagine that one can achieve spiritual excellence without adhering to the Sunna.
Search Engine Visibility - The Mantra of corporate Profitability The corporate fundamentals are par excellence!
It covers all aspects of working with and commissioning artists. ixia Is the forum for promoting excellence in Public Art.
We are, in addition, recognized internationally as a center of excellence in chemical metrology (the science of measurement ).
Our Schools must continue to offer excellence in education and embrace the new technology to enhance teaching and learning.
Many college students will tell you that having their own personal computer is essential to academic excellence in college.
The pasta excellence kit is for the true homemade pasta connoisseur.
High standards of quality and excellence give each stone an exceptional appearance, and that quality is matched through expert workmanship and attention to detail.
The De Beers slogan, "A Diamond is Forever," perfectly epitomizes the company's commitment to excellence and perfection.
Anne Klein handbags are committed to excellence and luxury, but they are also tenably designed for everyday use.
Since perfection is often impossible to achieve, most Virgos are very committed to attaining high levels of excellence in everything they do.
Behavior charts can pinpoint behavior that needs improvement, such as completing homework on time, or reward children for excellence in behavior.
The Marcus Movie Theaters chain has a well-earned reputation for excellence that began more than 70 years ago in Ripon, Wisconsin.
With its innovations, such as the UltraScreens®, and dedication to technological excellence with amenities like the open-caption system, the chain works to stay on the cutting edge of cinematic entertainment.
Keeping with its philosophy of excellence, the company also provides a full range of accessories to help complete your look, along with a full line of shoe cleaners to ensure your footwear keeps you happy day after day and use after use.
Experts in bikes - but also ATVs, scooters, and watercrafts as well, Honda has long been an established company that promises excellence and quality to their consumers.
The Sanitia Pirate clog, with its tradition of excellence and Scandinavian history, is a great addition to any shoe wardrobe.
The company is a major supplier of slippers and foot comfort wear for stores like Wal-Mart, Target, and Kohls, and has received multiple awards for their quality and commitment to excellence.
Products like their Intense Hydrating Cream and Timewise Skin Care deliver on their promise of excellence.
The moon-god is par excellence the god of nomadic peoples, their guide and protector at night when, during a great part of the year, they undertake their wanderings, just as the sun-god is the chief god of an agricultural people.
His work is unhappily for the greater part in the Persian language; the excellence of what he has done in Turkish makes us regret that he did so little.
The picture gallery is equally important in its way, affording a survey both of the earlier Bolognese paintings and of the works of the Bolognese eclectics of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Caracci, Guido Reni, Domenichino, Guercino, &c. The primitive masters are not of great excellence, but the works of the masters of the 15th century, especially those of Francesco Francia (1450-1517) and Lorenzo Costa of Ferrara (1460-1535), are of considerable merit.
The lyric poems of Kolcsey can hardly be surpassed, whilst his orations, and markedly the Emlek beszed Kazinczy felett (Commemorative Speech on Kazinczy), exhibit not only his own powers, but the singular excellence of the Magyar language as an oratorical medium.
Of two of these saints, St Catherine of Alexandria, the St Catherine par excellence, and St Catherine of Siena, something st more must be said.
Now, however, the mottled soaps, blue and grey, are produced by working colouring matter, ultramarine for blue, and manganese dioxide for grey, into the soap in the frame, and mottling is very far from being a certificate of excellence of quality.
Hitherto the chasuble had been worn indifferently by all ministers at the eucharist, even by the acolytes; it had been worn also at processions and other non-liturgical functions; it was now exalted into the mass vestment par excellence, worn by the celebrant only, or by his immediate assistants (deacon and subdeacon) only on very special occasions.
Since Bel signifies the "lord" or "master" par excellence, it is, therefore, a title rather than a genuine name, and must have been given to a deity who had acquired a position at the head of a pantheon.
The chief industry of Lemgo is the manufacture of meerschaum pipes, which has attained here a high pitch of excellence; other industries are weaving, brewing and the manufacture of leather and cigars.
It is perhaps as much from the impulse which Ernesti gave to sacred and profane criticism in Germany, as from the intrinsic excellence of his own works in either department, that he must derive his reputation as a philologist or theologian.
Rodrigo Diaz, called de Bivar, from the place of his birth, better known by the title given him by the Arabs as the Cid (El Seid, the lord), and El Campeador, the champion par excellence, was of a noble family, one of whose members in a former generation had been elected judge of Castile.
He pursued his policy of playing into the hands of the sovereign whilst keeping up the appearances of a Liberal, almost democratic, leader, skilful in debate, a trimmer par excellence, and abler in opposition than in office.
The Spermatophyta are thus land plants par excellence and have, with the few exceptions cited, lost all trace of an aquatic ancestry.
Interested cliques could control the business of the town-meeting in ordinary times, and boisterousness marred its democractic excellence in exciting times.
The standard of excellence in the ancient writers was indeed far above the level of the 16th century; but the fatal habit of taking at second hand what should have been acquired by direct observation retarded progress more than the possession of better models assisted it, so that the fundamental faults of medieval science remained uncorrected.
Millions of commercial articles in metal-work, wood and ivory flood the European markets, and may be bought in any street in Europe at a small price, but they offer a variety of design and an excellence of workmanship which place them almost beyond Western competition.
No remarkable specimens of the metallurgic art of an early period have been found, apart perhaps from the silver vase of Entemena, but at a later epoch great excellence was attained in the manufacture of such jewellery as ear-rings and bracelets of gold.
Iulis was the birthplace of the lyric poets Simonides and Bacchylides, the philosophers Prodicus and Ariston, and the physician Erasistratus; the excellence of its laws was so generally recognized that the title of Cean Laws passed into a proverb.
Paz Soldan and other Peruvian geographers give the name of Andes, par excellence, to the Eastern Cordillera.
The importance of Fishguard is due to the local fisheries and the excellence of its harbour, and its early history is obscure.
Of agricultural produce there was barely sufficient for home consumption, but the mining industries had reached a very high level of excellence, and iron, tin and copper were very largely exported from the northern counties to Danzig and other Baltic ports.
To this linguistic excellence the writer owed the place accorded to him 1 "Plan de l'Ouvrage," Ouvres, tom.
Jesus is but a man in whom this reminiscence is unusually strong, and who has consequently attained to unusual spiritual excellence and power.