Exceeds Sentence Examples
In Sicily the so-called Modica race is of note; and in Sardinia there is a distinct stock which seldom exceeds the weight of 700 lb.
The manubrium is absent altogether in the fresh-water medusa Limnocnida, in which the diameter of the mouth exceeds half that of the umbrella; on the other hand, the manubrium may attain a great length, owing to the centre of the sub-umbrella with the stomach being drawn into it, as it were, to form a long proboscis, as in Geryonia.
None of the sierras or mountains in Uruguay exceeds (or perhaps even attains) a height of 2000 ft.; but, contrasting in their tawny colour with the grassy undulating plains, they loom high and are often picturesque.
Except in hard rock, the top width of a cutting, and therefore the amount of material to be excavated, increases rapidly with the depth; hence if a cutting exceeds a certain depth, which varies with the particular circumstances, it may be more economical, instead of forming the sides at the slope at which the material of which they are composed will stand, to make them nearly vertical and support the soil with a retaining wall, or to bore a tunnel.
The population slightly exceeds 2000.
He thus writes S+02=S02+7110o cal., which expresses the fact that the intrinsic energy of the quantities of sulphur and oxygen considered exceeds that of the sulphur dioxide derived from them by 71100 cal.
The level of this depression (once a vast inland sea) between the mountains which enclose the sources of the Hwang-ho and the Sarikol range probably never exceeds 2000 ft.
Sawfly larvae can at once be recognized by the curious positions they assume, and by the number of pro-legs, which exceeds ten.
In comparative valuations of feeding stuffs it has been found that cotton seed meal exceeds corn meal by 62%, wheat by 67%, and raw cotton seed by 26%.
The anomaly AFQ of Q at any moment is called the mean anomaly, and the angle QFP by which the true anomaly exceeds it at that moment is the equation of the centre.
AdvertisementWest of the Pondaung ridge, however, under the Chin hills, the rainfall exceeds 50 inches.
As in the peaks of Orjen, Orobac, Samotica and Veliki Kap, their height often exceeds 6000 ft.
The chief differences are, that (a) the tongue-bar is the essential vm, organ of the gill-slit in Balanoglossus, and exceeds FIG.
The Brahmaputra, therefore, exceeds the Ganges in length by about 400 m.
If, instead of using a single Daniell's cell, we employ some source of electromotive force which can be varied as we please, and gradually raise its intensity, we shall find that, when it exceeds a certain value, about 1.7 volt, a permanent current of considerable strength flows through the solution, and, after the initial period, shows no signs of decrease.
AdvertisementOnly when the applied electromotive force exceeds this reverse force of polarization, will a permanent steady current pass through the liquid, and visible chemical decomposition proceed.
It exceeds a length of 3 ft.
The northern division of the range, which nowhere exceeds 3320 ft.
The annual rainfall rarely exceeds 5 in., and there is often no rain from June till October.
On the whole it is probable that the value exceeds 20.50"; and so far as the results of direct observation are concerned may, for the present, be fixed at 20.52".
AdvertisementWhen the length of the wire exceeds 400 diameters, or thereabouts, Ho may generally be considered as equivalent to H, 10.
Curves of magnetization (which express the relation of I to H) have a close resemblance to those of induction; and, indeed, since B = H+47r1, and 47rI (except in extreme fields) greatly exceeds H in numerical value, we may generally, without serious error, put I = B /47r, and transform curves of induction into curves of magnetization by merely altering the scale to which the ordinates are referred.
For fields of moderate intensity the first term of the expression is the more important, but when the value of H exceeds 12,000 or thereabouts, the second preponderates, and with the highest values that have been actually obtained, HI is several times greater than 21rI 2.
The valley of the river exceeds l000 m., and the stream has a length of not less than 1300 m.
Foxes are likewise distinguished by their slighter build, longer and bushy tail, which always exceeds half the length of the head and body, sharper muzzle, and relatively longer body and shorter limbs.
AdvertisementIn general, we may say that aberration is unimportant when it nowhere (or at any rate over a relatively small area only) exceeds a small fraction of the wavelength (X).
The grain produce, consisting mainly of wheat, oats, rye and Indian corn, exceeds the consumption, and the vineyards yield an abundant supply of both white and red wines, those of Limoux and the Narbonnais being most highly esteemed.
The annual cost of maintenance of the system exceeds £250,000.
The cost of maintenance exceeds £200,000 annually; contributions towards this are made by the Treasury and the fire insurance companies.
The reason for this high cost is to be found partly in the fact that the yield of optically perfect glass even in large and successful meltings rarely exceeds 20% of the total weight of glass melted.
The fleet numbers more than 700 boats, and the annual value of the catch exceeds X200,000.
Thus the most efficient vacuum pans of the present day are those which have their coils so arranged that no portion of them exceeds 50 or 60 ft.
The greater part of the inhabitants belong to the Church of England, which exceeds in numbers the combined total of all other denominations.
Anaz, exceeds 7000 ft.
Shar, in Midian, exceeds 6500 ft., divides it longitudinally into a narrow littoral and a broader upland zone 2000 or 3000 ft.
Hadur, near the Sana-Hodeda road, exceeds 10,000 ft.
In the interior of northern and central Arabia, however, where the average level of the country exceeds 3000 ft., the fiery heat of the summer days is followed by cool nights, and the winter climate is fresh and invigorating; while in the highlands of Asir and Yemen in the south-west, and of Oman in the east, the summer heat is never excessive, and the winters are, comparatively speaking, cold.
The value of trade probably exceeds 2,000,000, principal exports being rice, raw silk, dry fruit, fish, sheep and cattle, wool and cotton, and cocoons, the principal imports sugar, cotton goods, silkworm "seed" or eggs (70,160 worth in 1906-7), petroleum, glass and china., The trade in dried silkworm cocoons has increased remarkably since 1893, when only 76,150 lb valued at 6475 were exported; during the year 1906-7 ending 10th March, 2,717,540 lb valued at 238,000 were exported.
Although this Great Being evidently exceeds the utmost strength of any, even of any collective, human force, its necessary constitution and its peculiar function endow it with the truest sympathy towards all its servants.
The Englishmans head is often one-eighth of the lengtl of his body or even less, and in continental Europeans, as a rule the ratio does not amount to one-seventh; but in the Japanese it exceeds the latter figure.
The acreage under pasture slightly exceeds that of tillage.
The prey is always swallowed entire, and, as its girth generally much exceeds that of the snake, the progress of deglutition is very laborious and slow.
For some notice of the Arabic, Syriac and Hebrew translations of works professedly by Hippocrates (Ibukrat or Bukrat), the number of which greatly exceeds that of the extant Greek originals, reference may be made to Fliigel's contribution to the article " Hippokrates " in the Encyklopadie of Ersch and Gruber.
This is offset by a very heavy emigration, which sometimes exceeds the immigration in certain of the states.
The ridge across Denmark Strait west of Iceland nowhere exceeds 300 fathoms in depth, so that the deeper water of the North Polar Basin is effectively separated from that of the Atlantic. A third small basin occupies Baffin Bay and contains a maximum depth of 1050 fathoms. Depths of from loo to 300 fathoms are not uncommon amongst the channels of the Arctic Archipelago north of North America, and Bering Strait, through which the surface water of the Arctic Sea meets that of the Pacific, is only 28 fathoms deep.
The Persian Gulf nowhere exceeds 50 fathoms, the southern part of Hudson .Bay does not exceed Too fathoms except at one spot, though in the less-known fjords of the northern part depths up to 200 fathoms have been reported.
The rainfall is very heavy and usually exceeds i 50 inches.
If the Cistercians and lesser offshoots of the order be added, the sum total of choir-monks and lay brothers exceeds 11,000.
In spite of the cost of this recoinage, however, the profit on the issue of new silver and bronze usually exceeds in each year the total expenditure of the Mint.
The proportion of rejected gold coin varies with the quality of the bullion, and frequently exceeds to %.
About New York City, and on Long Island, the snow rarely exceeds I ft.
Its greatest elevation scarcely exceeds 30a ft.
Hence sound rays, in passing from one medium into another, are bent in towards the normal, or the reverse, according as the velocity of propagation in the former exceeds or falls short of that in the latter.
On the other hand, to produce convergence with water or hydrogen gas, in both which the velocity of sound exceeds its rate in air, the lens ought to be concave.
These courts have original jurisdiction in cases at law and in equity in which the value in controversy exceeds $50, in criminal cases amounting to felony, in all matters of probate, in actions for divorce, &c., and appellate jurisdiction in cases arising in the inferior courts.
The water is muddy; and the course for shipping considerably exceeds in length the distances given above, by reason of the numerous shoals it is necessary to avoid.
The full force of the monsoon is, however, broken by the western frontier hills; and while the rainfall at Mergui is over 180, and at Moulmein 240 in., that of Bangkok seldom exceeds 54, and Chiengmai records an average of about 42 in.
In bulk the white bear exceeds most other members of the family, measuring nearly 9 ft.
The import of wool exceeds the export.
From Irazu (11,200), the culminating point of the range, both oceans and the whole of Costa Rica are visible; its altitude exceeds that of Aneto, the highest point in the Pyrenees, but so gradual is its acclivity that the summit can easily be reached by a man on horseback.
In coinage it is one of the commonest units in early times; from Phoenicia, round the coast to Macedonia, it is predominant (17); at a maximum of 230 (Ialysus), it is in Macedonia 224, but seldom exceeds 220 elsewhere, the earliest Lydian of the 7th century being 219, and the general average of coins 218.
A few mules are sent to Central America, but the home demand usually exceeds the supply.
In all the provinces of eastern Canada the acreage under oats greatly exceeds that under wheat.
According to lapidaries the hardness of sapphire slightly exceeds that of ruby, and it is also rather denser.
But The True Time Of 99 Lunations Is 2923.528 Days, Which Exceeds The Above Period By 1.528 Days, Or Thirtysix Hours And A Few Minutes.
The Exact Length Of Nineteen Solar Years Is 19X365'2422=6939'6018 Days, Or 6 939 Days 14 Hours 26.592 Minutes; Hence The Period, Which Is Exactly 6940 Days, Exceeds Nineteen Revolutions Of The Sun By Nine And A Half Hours Nearly.
On The Other Hand, The Exact Time Of A Synodic Revolution Of The Moon Is 29'530588 Days; 235 Lunations, Therefore, Contain 2 35 X 29 530588 = 6 939'6 8818 Days, Or 6 939 Days 16 Hours 31 Minutes, So That The Period Exceeds 235 Lunations By Only Seven And A Half Hours.
This Period Exceeds Seventy Six True Solar Years By Fourteen Hours And A Quarter Nearly, But Coincides Exactly With Seventy Six Julian Years; And In The Time Of Calippus The Length Of The Solar Year Was Almost Universally Supposed To Be Exactly 3 6 54 Days.
In Like Manner The Epacts Of All The Following Years Of The Cycle Are Obtained By Successively Adding Eleven To The Epact Of The Former Year, And Rejecting Thirty As Often As The Sum Exceeds That Number.
From This It Appears That If The Golden Number Of The Year Exceeds Ii, The Epact 25, In Six Months Of The Year, Must Correspond To The Same Day In The Calendar As 26; But If The Golden Number Does Not Exceed Ii, That Epact Must Correspond To The Same Day As 24.
In Using The Calendar, If The Epact Of The Year Is 25, And The Golden Number Not Above Ii, Take 25; But If The Golden Number Exceeds Ii, Take 25'.
The instrument is provided with an additional piece, or "plongeur," the weight of which exceeds 5 grammes by the weight of water which it displaces; that is to say, it is so constructed as to weigh 5 grammes in water, and consists of a glass envelope filled with mercury.
The dentition is peculiar on account of the great size and complexity of the last upper molar, which is composed of about twelve plates, and exceeds in length the three teeth in front.
The value of the goods brought in yearly by caravan exceeds on the average £100,000.
In winter, when great numbers of Vlach herdsmen take up their quarters in the town, its population exceeds that of Larissa.
A Supplementary Act of the 3rd of March 1905 provides that writs of error and appeals may be taken from the Supreme Court of Hawaii to the Supreme Court of the United States " in all cases where the amount involved exclusive of costs or value exceeds the sum of five thousand dollars."
In a second section the molar teeth have the same pattern as in Palaeotherium (except that the third lower molar has but two lobes); the interval between the upper incisors exceeds the width of the teeth; and the lower incisors have distinctly trilobed crowns.
The rainfall rarely exceeds io in.
The north part of the sea is very shallow, and between the southern promontory of Istria and Rimini the depth rarely exceeds 25 fathoms. Between Sebenico and Ortona a well-marked depression occurs, a considerable area of which exceeds Ioo fathoms in depth.
The climate is dry and comparatively healthy, but the summer temperature often exceeds Fahr.
The height nowhere exceeds 2000 ft.
The mean velocity of their flow seldom exceeds 4.9 ft., but rises to 6.4 ft.
The united length of the canals exceeds 1500 m.
In Sumerian, the number of conjectural voicetones never exceeds the possible number eight.
The elevation nowhere much exceeds 2200 ft.
The guarantee debt due to the Paraguay Central railway exceeds £1,500,000; and the total indebtedness of the republic on the 31st of December 1908 may be estimated at £7,650,000.
The annual value of imports and exports exceeds seven and nine millions sterling respectively.
The chief uncertainty of this method is the area from which the heat is collected, which probably exceeds that of the central column, owing to the disturbance of the linear flow by the projecting bulb of the calorimeter.
In consequence it is estimated that the number of lay Franciscan Tertiaries now exceeds two millions.
Its length is upwards of loon m., and its extreme breadth exceeds Boo.
In Upper Egypt, the valley of which rarely exceeds 6 m.
The rainfall on the west very much exceeds that on the east, and the Periyar used to find its way by a short torrent course to the sea, rendering no service to mankind.
There it is only in the valleys of the larger navigable rivers and on the southern border of the plain that the density exceeds 200 inhabitants per square mile.
In all these the density exceeds 400 inhabitants to the square mile, and in the case of Saxony rises to 750.
In this last the proportion exceeds 1200 inhabitants to the square mile.
On the whole, despite the prosperous condition of the German live-stock farming, the consumption of meat exceeds the amount rendered available by home production, and prices can only be kept down by a steady increase in the imports from abroad.
In the Amisgerichi a private litigant may conduct his own case; but where the object of the litigation exceeds 300 marks (g15), and in appeals from the Amisgerichi to the Land gericht, the plaintiff (and also the defendant) must be represented by an advocate Rechtsanwalt.
But this condition has not been enforced in the case of such banks as have agreed to accept as binding the official rate of discount of the Reichsbank after this has reached or when it exceeds 4%.
The number of males slightly exceeds that of females.
The lumber industry exceeds that of any other part of the Dominion, though Quebec possesses greater timber areas untouched.
It is said to be shallow, and to run nearly dry in height of summer; but when its depth exceeds 3 ft.
The mean sun-spot frequency for the group of years of few sun-spots is almost exactly the same for the two subperiods, but the auroral frequency for the later group is nearly 40% in excess of that for the earlier, and even exceeds the auroral frequency in the years of many sun-spots in the earlier sub-period.
The quantity of palm oil exported annually exceeds 12.000,000 gallons, and is worth over £600,000.
Menzala greatly exceeds the other Delta lakes in size, covering over 780 sq.
The classes of articles of food of animal origin, and living animals, are the only ones of which the exportation exceeds the importation; with regard to all other goods, the reverse is the case.
The total Turkish population of the Peninsula scarcely exceeds 1,800,000.
The Slavonic population, including the Serbo-Croats and Bulgars, is by far the most numerous; its total aggregate exceeds io,000,000.
The farming is, however, chiefly pastoral, nearly one-third of the county is common or waste land, and its number of sheep (mainly of the Radnor Forest breed) far exceeds that of any other county in Wales.
The number of his astronomical publications exceeds 150, but his reputation depends mainly on¢ his earlier work at Greenwich and his two great star catalogues - the Cape Catalogue for 1880 and the Radclife r 'Catalogue for 1890.
In these districts the annual rainfall averages 26 in., whereas over extensive breadths in the west it exceeds too in., in Glencroe being nearly 130 in., and on the top of Ben Nevis it may reach 150 in.
It is, however, bridged at Aalborg, and its depth rarely exceeds 12 ft.
It rarely exceeds a length of nine inches.
The speed with which it bounds upon its prey, when loosed from the cart, exceeds the swiftness of any other mammal.
It seldom exceeds 3 or 4 ft.
The total number of letters, &c., carried by the post exceeds 800 millions, and the service yields a small profit to the state.
A judgment of the supreme court of the Philippines which affects any statute, treaty, title, right or privilege of the United States may be reversed, modified or affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States; an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States may also be had in any cause in which the value in controversy exceeds $25,000.
In the table are collected the parallaxes and other data of all stars for which the most probable value of the parallax exceeds 0.20".
The resident population was in 1885, 12,779; in 1895, 14,862; and in 1905, 16,238; but the number of visitors exceeds 70,000 annually.
The temperature of the shell is much higher than that of a steam boiler, for in order to secure that the working air will take up a fair amount of heat, the upper limit to which its temperature is raised greatly exceeds that of even high-pressure steam.
Its nuts are gathered in enormous amounts by the Indians for food; and it is estimated that the yearly harvest of these nuts exceeds in bulk that of all the cereals of California (John Muir).
The depth of the sea around the shore rarely exceeds a maximum depth of 1 to 3 fathoms, and the coast as a whole offers few accessible ports.
The mortality exceeds the birth-rate.
Very few inhabitants emigrate from this province, where the birth-rate considerably exceeds the death-rate.
The formula (16) expresses that the squared radius of gyration about any axis (Ox) exceeds the squared radius of gyration about a parallel axis through G by the square of the distance between the two axes.
The ratio in which the utmost stress before breaking exceeds the safe working stress is called the factor of safety, and is determined empirically.
The friction of a conical pivot exceeds that of a flat pivot of the same radius, and under the same pressure, in the proportion of the side of the cone to the radius of its base.
Let e denote the quantity by which the energy exerted in each cycle of the working of the machine alternately exceeds and falls short of the work performed, and which has consequently to be alternately stored by acceleration and restored by retardation of the flywheel.
The table also shows that the proportion of the women of the ages in question who were married exceeds half only in Italy, France and Germany, not to mention Galicia.
The decline since the above period is very marked and exceeds that noted in the case of the rate of marriage.
The stalactitic display exceeds that of any other cavern known.
It is held that an excess of the latter is undesirable in wine, but unless the quantity appreciably exceeds two grams per litre, na reasonable objection can be raised.
As a rule, the supply considerably exceeds the demand, and the stock in hand at the present time amounts to roughly four years' consumption of finished wine, but to this must be added the stock existing in cask, which is considerable.
It is inferior in elevation to the southern range, its highest summit (Buffavento) attaining only 3135 ft., while in the eastern portion the elevation rarely exceeds 2000 ft.
The number of bales for a batch seldom exceeds twelve, indeed it is generally about six, and of these there may be three, four or even more varieties or marks.
The territory of Eure, which nowhere exceeds Boo ft.
The elevation of the central lowlands seldom exceeds 300 ft., but a few isolated heights of Silurian rock appear, such as Kinnekulle, rising 988 ft.
The general elevation of this region exceeds 300 ft., and in the eastern part 600 ft.; the principal heights are Tomtabacken (1237 ft.) and Ekbacken (11.75 ft.), about 25 m.
The average size of farms is 25 acres of cultivated land; only 1% exceeds 250 acres, whereas 23% are of 5 acres or less.
The percentage of iron in the ore is high, as much as 66% in the Kirunavara-Luossavara ore; and little less in that of Grangesberg; this far exceeds other European ores, though it is equalled by some in America.
In the rat-kangaroos, or kangaroo-rats, as they are called in Australia, constituting the sub-family Potoroinae, the first upper incisor is narrow, curved, and much exceeds the others in length; the upper canines are persistent, flattened, blunt and slightly curved, and the first two premolars of both jaws have large, simple, compressed crowns, with a nearly straight or slightly concave free cutting-edge, and both outer and inner surfaces usually marked by a series of parallel, vertical grooves and ridges.
Yet the annual output of fry from each of these hatcheries rarely exceeds zoo millions, i.e.
Trade with the Philippine Islands and the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska is important, while the coastwise trade with Pacific ports exceeds all the rest in tonnage.
On the hypothesis of uniform density we shall find that this is true for films whose thickness exceeds The symbol x is defined as the energy of unit of mass of the substance.
But when the surface-tension of A exceeds the sum of the tensions of the surfaces of contact of B with air and with A, it is impossible to construct the triangle of forces, so that equilibrium becomes impossible.
If the tension of the surface between the solid and one of the fluids exceeds the sum of the other two tensions, the point of contact will not be in equilibrium, but will be dragged towards the side on which the tension is greatest.
It Appears That When The External Diameter Exceeds A Certain Value, The Weight Of A Drop Of Water Is Sensibly Different In The Two Extreme Cases Of A Very Small And Of A Very Large Bore.
In all these cases the internal pressure exceeds the external by 2T/a where a is the semi-transverse axis of the conic. The resultant of the internal pressure and the surface-tension is equivalent to a tension along the axis, and the numerical value of this tension is equal to the force due to the action of this pressure on a circle whose diameter is equal to the conjugate axis of the ellipse.
But the surface-tension, acting on a cylindric column of liquid whose length exceeds the limit of stability, begins to produce enlargements and contractions in the stream as soon as the liquid has left the orifice, and these inequalities in the figure of the column go on increasing till it is broken up into elongated fragments.
Disturbances of the former kind lead to vibrations of harmonic type, whose amplitudes always remain small; but disturbances, whose wave-length exceeds the circumference, result in a greater and greater departure from the cylindrical figure.
The number of his papers and memoirs, some of them of considerable length, exceeds Boo; they were published, at the time they were composed, in various scientific journals in Europe and America, and are now embodied, through the enterprise of the syndics of the Cambridge University Press, in thirteen large quarto volumes.
The reef in scarcely any instance exceeds 600 ft.
The quayage exceeds ioo acres in area and the quay walls are over 3 m.
One point only in all these groups exceeds 1000 ft.
The westward prolongation of the great south-western promontory of England, occupied by the county of Cornwall, continues as a rugged ridge broken by a succession of depressions, and exceeds a height of Boo ft., nearly as far as the point where it falls to the ocean in the cliffs of Land's End.
Except along the centre of the Irish Sea, at one point off the Tweed and one between Devon and Normandy, the depth of water between England and the nearest land nowhere exceeds 50 fathoms.
There are few places in the Western Division where the rainfall is less than 35 in., while in Wales, the Cornwall-Devon peninsula, the Lake District and the southern part of the Pennine Region the precipitation exceeds 40 in., and in Wales and the Lake District considerable areas have a rainfall of over 60 in.
Besides this, in the case of a county, or of any district or combination of districts of which the population exceeds 50,000, the medical officer must also have a diploma in public health, unless he has during the three consecutive years before 1892 been medical officer of a district or combination having a population of more than 20,000, or has before the passing of the act been for three years a medical officer or inspector of the Local Government Board.
A small holding is defined by the act as one which exceeds I acre, but must not exceed 50 acres or £50 annual value.
The Helmund, which is identical with the ancient Etymander, is the most important river in Afghanistan, next to the Kabul river, which it exceeds both in volume and length.
In this section of the Caucasus no peak exceeds 9000 ft.
There is a further appeal in all cases where the sum in dispute exceeds a thousand pounds, to a superior council at Brussels, composed of a number of jurisconsults who sit as a tour de cassation.
Leguminosae, the two most numerous orders of phanerogams, but in number of individual plants it probably far exceeds either; whilst from the wide extension of many of its species, the proportion of Gramineae to other orders in the various floras of the world is much higher than its number of species would lead one to expect.
On the other hand, the precipitation on the high plateaus probably exceeds 30 in.
These naked-seeded plants are of special interest on account of their great antiquity, which far exceeds that of the Angiosperms, and as comprising different types which carry us back to the Palaeozoic era and to the forests of the coal period.
This exceeds all the other publications of its class in purity of language and excellence of style.
But as the mean density exceeds that of water, and probably falls but little from the centre to the surface, these gases are gases only in the sense that if the pressure of neighbouring and outward parts gravitating towards the centre were relaxed, they would expand explosively, as we see happening in the eruptive prominences.
The eruptive prominences, called also metallic, because it is they which show at their bases a complete bright line spectrum of the metallic elements, rush upwards at speeds which it is difficult to associate with transfers of matter; the velocity often exceeds loo m.
Along the south coast and in the south-east the mean annual rainfall exceeds 25 in., and is over so in.
The thickness of the rocks of the Cape System exceeds 5000 ft.
The urban population, reckoning as such dwellers in the nine largest towns and their suburbs, exceeds 331,000, being nearly 25% of the total population of the colony proper.
Adopting this general minimum as the unit, we find that the flow from such areas up to about 5000 acres, whose mean annual rainfall exceeds 50 in., may be expected occasionally to reach 300 cub.
Its full capacity has not been ascertained; it much exceeds the present pumping power, and is probably greater than that of any other single well unassisted by adits or boreholes.
It would conceivably take but a small fraction of the period that has in most cases elapsed since such upheavals occurred for the salt water to be thus displaced by fresh water, and for the condition to be attained as regards saturation with fresh water, in which with few exceptions we now find the porous portions of the earth's crust wherever the rainfall exceeds the evaporation.
If it exceeds this, the stock of fresh water held in the interstices of the rock, and capable of flowing towards the well, must disappear; and the deficit between the supply and demand can only be made up by water filtering from the sea and reaching the well at first quite free from salt, but sooner river water whatever.
That the pressure so given exceeds the maximum possible pressure we do not doubt; and, conversely, if we_put wx 2 I +sin 2 .I - sin ¢' we may have equal confidence that will be less than the maximum pressure which, if exerted by the wall against the earth, will be borne without disturbance.
Where the contributory drainage area exceeds 5000 acres, the discharge, even allowing for so-called " cloud-bursts," rarely or never exceeds the rate of about 300 cub.
Thus, if the drainage area exceeds 5000 acres, and we provide for the passage of 300 cub.
The cost, however - to say nothing of the uncertainty - where large volumes of water are concerned, much exceeds the cost of obtaining initially safe water.
Constant pressure being granted, constant leakage is inevitable, and being constant it is not surprising that its total amount often exceeds the aggregate of the much greater, but shorter, draughts of water taken for various household purposes.
When the load exceeds 2 lb one or more 2-lb weights are placed in the weights-pan, and the value of the portion of the goods corresponding to these 2-lb weights is computed, at the rate per lb, in the ordinary manner; and the value of the balance of the weight of the goods is read off the chart, and the two are added together.
If it exceeds the square root, we must alter the value of b, so as to get a product which does not exceed the remainder.
The principal affluent of the Beni, and one which exceeds it in volume, enters it 120 m.
In mammals, as in other classes, there are low as well as high forms; but by any tests that can be applied, especially those based on the state of development of the central nervous system, it will be seen that the average exceeds that of any other class, that many species of this class far excel those of any other in perfection of structure, and that it contains one form which is unquestionably the culminating point amongst organized beings.
Moreover, with the exception of the wombats, the number of pairs of incisors in the upper always exceeds those in the lower.
The normal yield exceeds 5,000,000 bushels yearly, wheat coming next with a little less than 4,000,000.
Bossert was enabled to deduce 2675 proper motions, published at Paris in four successive memoirs, 1887-1902; and the sum-total of those ascertained probably now exceeds 6000.
The number of sheep, however, justifies the name of the islands, some individuals having flocks of from three to five hundred, and the total number in the islands considerably exceeds ten thousand.
The value of the sales considerably exceeds £10,000,000 sterling per annum.
In its passage through Bavaria it receives several important affluents on both banks, notably on the right the Alpine rivers Lech, Isar and Inn, the last of which at the junction near Passau exceeds in volume the waters of the Danube.
The crystalline plate shows no colour when it is very thin, and also when its thickness exceeds a moderate amount.
The number of days on which rain falls rarely exceeds, however, fifteen.
The number of legs tends to be variable whenever it exceeds 19 praegenital pairs; when the number is less than that it is usually, though not always, constant.
The total value of the produce of Tasmanian farms now exceeds £1,250,000, which is equivalent to £4, 17s.
The court has exclusive original jurisdiction in equity cases in which the amount in controversy exceeds fifty dollars, concurrent jurisdiction with the county court in such matters as the administration of estates, the appointment and removal of guardians, and concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit courts in proceedings for divorce.
In the east central part of the island the mountain Koruve exceeds 10,000 ft., and is supposed to be the highest in the island.
It is a fine fish, but little esteemed for food, and rarely exceeds 12 in.
Since the renal allograft has no collateral arterial supply, irreversible injury may result if the ischemic time exceeds 1.5 hours.
Similarly there will be a size above which gravitational attraction to the comet exceeds the gas pressure trying to detach the grains.
Our research income per researcher exceeds the sector average, reaching over £ 104,000 per active researcher in 2002/03.
During normal wound healing, from three days to three weeks, a period of proliferation occurs during which collagen deposition exceeds collagen deposition exceeds collagen lysis.
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The number of public transactions that involve local authorities vastly exceeds those that involve central Government.
For example, if the photon energy exceeds the bulk absorption threshold, then bulk excitons and/or electron-hole pairs are produced.
The productivity gap averages around 5% in Taiwan while the corresponding figure for Korea exceeds 10% .
Exclusive of the large inclosures of Panmure, the yearly rent of the parish exceeds £ 1,000.
If the order exceeds 2 kilos I will contact you by email with available postal quotes prior to dispatch.
The partnership may also be liable for VAT if the turnover exceeds the current limit.
Interestingly, using chaining means that a hashtable can have a load factor that exceeds 100% .
The European Wind Energy Association says that wind capacity now exceeds 8900 megawatts.
So when the result exceeds 52 bits or when floating overflow occurs, the result differs from that of scalar execution.
I will protect any commander who exceeds our usual restraint in the choice and severity of the means he adopts whilst fighting partisans.
A cross-country pipeline is one which exceeds 10 miles in length.
Now the total length of underground pipelines exceeds some 30,000 km.
Blossom-end rot is induced when demand for calcium exceeds supply.
The award will be based on how much your income exceeds a certain threshold.
China's annual burning of 960 million tons easily exceeds the 560 million tons used in the United States.
Whilst the average q in at least the great majority of stations exceeds unity, individual observations making q less than unity are not rare.
A true mushroom is never large in size; its cap very seldom exceeds 4, at most 5 in.
If the sentence be one of imprisonment or the fine exceeds 4s., appeal lies to the court of first instance.
Where there is no issue and the deceased dies intestate the surviving spouse is entitled to the whole estate, both real and personal, if it does not exceed $2000, and if it exceeds that sum the survivor is entitled to $2000 and one-half of the remainder; if there are no kindred, the whole of the estate goes to the surviving spouse.
Where the debt does not exceed £ioo the simplest procedure for its recovery is that of the county court, but if the debt exceeds £ioo the creditor must proceed in the high court, unless the cause of action has arisen within the jurisdiction of certain inferior courts, such as the mayor's court of London, the Liverpool court of passage, &c. When judgment has been obtained it may be enforced either by process (under certain conditions) against the person of the debtor, by an execution against the debtor's property, or, with the assistance of the court, by attaching any debt owed to the debtor by a third person.
In a primitive, Begin- thinly populated, agricultural country, in which the flings of demand for agricultural labour greatly exceeds the serfdom.
As has already been stated, the heat of formation of a compound is the amount (expressed in thermal units) by which its intrinsic energy exceeds or falls short of that of the elements which enter into its composition.
By far the largest Asiatic river basin is that of the Ob, which exceeds 1,000,000 sq.
On the west and north the residential suburbs immediately outside the county include Acton and Ealing, Willesden, Highgate, Finchley and Hornsey; from the last two a densely populated district extends north through Wood Green and Southgate to Barnet and Enfield; while the " residential influence " of the metropolis far exceeds these limits, and may be observed at Harrow and Pinner, Bushey and Boxmoor, St Albans, Harpenden, Stevenage and many other places.
On the western side of the isthmus lies another bay, that of Dodinga, in the mouth of which are situated the two islands Ternate and Tidore, whose political importance exceeds that of the larger island (see these articles).
If now we assume the water to have a depth d above the base, the total water pressure represented by the triangle kbh will have its centre at d/3 from the base, and by the parallelogram of forces, assuming the density of the masonry to be 2.5, we find that the centre of pressure upon the base bc is shifted from the centre of the base to a point i nearer to the outer toe c, and adopting our assumption of uniformly varying intensity of stress, the rectangular diagram of pressures will thus be distorted from the figure bfgc to the figure of equal area bjlc, having its centre o vertically under the point at which the resultant of all the forces cuts the base bc. For any lower level the same treatment may, step by step, be adopted, until the maximum intensity of pressure cl exceeds the assumed permissible maximum, or the centre of pressure reaches an assigned distance from the outer toe c, when the base must be widened until the maximum intensity of pressure or the centre of pressure, as the case may be, is brought within the prescribed limit.
In one case which has been investigated this circumferential pressure exceeds 26 tons per sq.
The total area liable to yearly inundation exceeds zoo sq.
This per-person threshold actually exceeds the average income of three-quarters of the countries on the planet, including Mexico, Russia, and Brazil, and is about 20 percent higher than the average income of the entire planet.
Michaux, more than thirty years ago, says that the price of wood for fuel in New York and Philadelphia "nearly equals, and sometimes exceeds, that of the best wood in Paris, though this immense capital annually requires more than three hundred thousand cords, and is surrounded to the distance of three hundred miles by cultivated plains."
The coverage far exceeds most similar reports from other remuneration consultants.
China 's annual burning of 960 million tons easily exceeds the 560 million tons used in the United States.
Its tall grasslands and riverine forest support a very high wild ungulate biomass which greatly exceeds that reported elsewhere in the Indian subcontinent.
After analyzing our monthly expenses, I determined that our spending vastly exceeds our income.
Be sure the care service meets or exceeds the legal standards set for the area and your own personal approach to childcare.
The life expectancy of an indoor cat greatly exceeds that of an outdoor animal.
Cardholders can have an unlimited number of direct deposits to the card each month as long as the total balance of the card never exceeds the preset limit of $2500.
While a SIGG bottle will undoubtedly be more costly than a common water bottle found at a big box retailer, its strength and quality of design gives it a lifespan that exceeds other water bottles.
When outgoing heat, or energy, exceeds incoming energy, an ice age occurs.
However, if the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, the plants shrivel and die.
Their high profile far exceeds that of other manmade structures such as cell and water towers.
Home Decorators catalog and web sites offer a 45-day No Hassle return and exchange policy that exceeds many of its competitors.
If a person consumes too much alcohol or exceeds the recommend one drink per hour limit, he runs the risk of alcohol poisoning, a condition where the heart rate and respiration are dangerously slowed.
If you're spending a significant amount on your bedding, then you can often receive free shipping from online stores for an order that exceeds a set amount.
However, romance never looks quite as sweeping on-screen when the female lead matches or exceeds the height of her co-lead.
Cruising during the holiday season to the Panama Canal exceeds the typical week-at-sea experience you might find during other times of the year.
The plant seldom exceeds 3 or 4 feet in height, though the branches trail widely, and it is hardier than many New Zealand shrubs, growing in exposed places and without protection in the north of England.
At maturity the Paulownia assumes a dense rounded head, but rarely exceeds 30 feet in height, although in some south-coast gardens there are trees of 40 feet.
Wanneri rarely exceeds 6 inches in height, with deep mauve flowers borne freely on branching racemes.
A plus size supermodel is a model whose build exceeds sizes zero, two, or four.
If that number exceeds 8.00, you should opt for customized lenses.
For a family of four, the cost of admission alone exceeds $200.
If the Mach V exceeds your budget, Falcon Northwest also offers their Talon-line of desktops.
Each shipment costs $39, though the retail value of the wines usually exceeds $75 or more.
A physician or other healthcare provider should be contacted when the number of bowel movements exceeds three per day for 2 days or more or when fecal material contains blood.
Once the size of the premutation exceeds 230 repeats, it becomes a full mutation, and the FMR-1 gene is disabled.
The number of visits to 12-step self-help groups exceeds the number of visits to all mental health professionals combined.
Dehydration is a deficit of body water that results when the output of water exceeds intake.
Bridgeway Academy guarantees that their online homeschool program exceeds academic standards and is recognized by universities and employers alike.
When choosing an online program, check with your state board of education to confirm that the program meets or exceeds all state requirements and is accredited by a state-recognized entity.
Armand, there are plenty of lenders willing to provide financing for foreclosed properties provided the value of the home exceeds the amount you will pay.
In fact, Linus Pauling supported the use of up to 15,000 milligrams of Vitamin C for daily use, an amount that greatly exceeds the current recommended dosage.
A 100-gram portion of rose hips contains a whopping 2000 milligrams of vitamin C, which far exceeds the necessary daily requirements and approaches the upper recommended limit for the vitamin.
With new energy and water efficiency requirements for household appliances on the horizon, the new front-load laundry pair exceeds government standards to help consumers conserve natural resources and save money.
This is especially important if your donation exceeds $250.
Rediscover activities that gave him joy in the past or any current interests that he exceeds at.
Millions of celiacs live in the United States who are, no doubt, better off health-wise for that "Very Green Salad"; but, occasionally each celiac needs to be reminded that his worth as a person exceeds his genetic complications.
Virgo understands Capricorn's need to make everything just right on the home front and having everything organized for optimum efficiency; this meets and exceeds Capricorn's standards.
The electronics industry defines a big screen television as any model that exceeds 32 inches when measured diagonally.
Coupons are available for free shipping, a percentage off the highest priced product in your order, or a specific dollar amount off a purchase that exceeds a preset limit.
The good news is that the hotel meets and exceeds most families' expectations.
The book is relevant to the autistic experience in a way that exceeds a memoir.
Travel that starts or ends at an employee's home on a normal workday will be reimbursed only to the extent it exceeds the employee's normal commute.
He meets or exceeds standards in his academics but also assists other students and serves on various student council positions.
This exceeds the towing capacity of full-sized Dodge sport utility vehicles.
Just make sure that whatever tire you choose meets or exceeds the recommended load ratings listed in your owner's manual.
Make sure that coverage offered meets or exceeds your state's requirements.
With this plan, an annual reimbursement cutoff is set, and if a member exceeds this amount the company will not approve reimbursement.
The option to invest is only available if you maintain a minimum available balance in your HSA deposit account, which exceeds your account's Investment Threshold.
A $2.25 monthly fee applies, but waived if your balance exceeds $3,000.
Instrumental soundtracks rarely achieve the same success, but every now and then one comes along that exceeds expectations and becomes commercially successful.
However the scope of the Coast Guard's responsibilities far exceeds this.
The fact that at this stage the polarization is a maximum, when the angle through which the light is turned exceeds a right angle, is the more worthy of note, as the opposite result would probably have been expected.
If then the risk under trees exceeds that in the open in Hungary and the United States, at least five or six times as many people must remain in the open as seek shelter under trees.
Of birds the number of species greatly exceeds that of the mammals, including the rhea of the pampas and condor of the Andes, and the tiny, brilliant-hued humming-birds of the tropical North.
The value per acre of land, which exceeds 48 in the departments of Seine, Rhne and those fringing the north-west coast from Nord to Manche inclusive, is on the average about 29, though it drops to 16 and less in Morbihan, Landes, Basses-Pyrnes, and parts of the Alps and the central plateau.
Where the amount exceeds 12 but not 24 an appeal lies from his decision to the court of first instance.
It will be observed from the figures of the lower jaws, which are in most cases the only parts known, that in many instances the number of cheek-teeth exceeds that found in modern marsupials except Myrmecobius.
From Cape York almost to the tropic of Capricorn the rainfall exceeds 50 in.
Australia contains four cities whose population exceeds ioo,000, and fifteen with over 10,000.
But the peninsula of Italy, which forms the the largest portion of the country, nowhere exceeds 150 m.
From the neighborhood of Potenza, the main ridge of the Apennines is continued by the Monti della Maddalena in a direction nearly due south, so that it approaches within a short distance of the Gulf of Policastro, whence it is carried on as far as the Monte Pollino, the last of the lofty summits of the Apennine chain, which exceeds 7000 ft.
Our " reach " exceeds our " grasp " with a vengeance.
In most of the systems that have been proposed this result is attained by electrical regulation; in one, however, a mechanical method is adopted, the dynamo being so' hung that it allows the driving belt to slip when the speed of the axle exceeds a certain limit, the armature thus being rotated at an approximately constant speed.
It follows the new direction for about 20 m., but at Bingen it again turns to the north and begins a completely new stage of its career, entering a narrow valley in which the enclosing rocky hills abut so closely on the river as often barely to leave room for the road and railway on either bank; during this portion of its course the speed of the current at a normal state of the water exceeds 6 m.
A true mushroom is never large in size; its cap very seldom exceeds 4, at most 5 inches.