Exceeded Sentence Examples
In reality it already exceeded twenty thousand rubles.
At the time the white population exceeded 8000.
In 1909 in the amount of barley per acre (38 bushels) Nevada ranked third, and in the average farm price per bushel ($0.75) ranked first among the barley-producing states of the country, but in the total amount produced (304,000 bushels) held only the twenty-second place; and in the same year the average yield of potatoes per acre in Nevada was 180 bushels, exceeded in two states - the average for the entire country was 106.8 bushels per acre - but the total crop in Nevada (540,000 bushels) was smaller than in any state or Territory of the Union, except New Mexico.
Decisions of the Commission were not reviewable by the Court unless the Commission had exceeded its authority, or had issued an unconstitutional order.
It thus appears that the average yield of wheat in Great Britain, as calculated upon the crops harvested during the ten years (1896-1905), exceeded 31 bushels to the acre, whereas, for the ten years ended 1895, it fell below 29 bushels.
Ireland, she possessed six times as many sheep. The cattle population of England alone slightly exceeded that of Ireland, but cattle are more at home on the broad plains of England than amongst the hills and mountains of Wales and Scotland, which are suitable for sheep. Hence, whilst in England sheep were not three times as numerous as cattle, in Wales they were nearly five times, and in Scotland nearly six times as many.
The decrease has assumed serious proportions since 1871, as before that date the supply of rural labour exceeded the demand.
The beginnings of this rupture, as well as a sharp affray between his volunteers and the townsfolk of Ajaccio, may have quickened Bonaparte's resolve to return to France in May 1792, but there were also personal and family reasons for this step. Having again exceeded his time of furlough, he was liable to the severe penalties attaching to a deserter and an émigré but he saw that the circumstances of the time would help to enforce the appeal for reinstatement which he resolved to make at Paris.
The benefits attaching to membership and the number of the members were increased during the Empire, when the average number somewhat exceeded thirty thousand.
Domestic animals are evenly distributed throughout the state; in no county was their total value, in June 1900, less than $500,000, and in only three counties (Licking, Trumbull and Wood) did their value exceed $2,000,000; in 73 counties their value exceeded $1,000,000, but was less than $2,000,000.
AdvertisementIt was abolished in 1880 as regards all leases entered into after the 11th of November 1881, where the land demised exceeded two acres in extent, and the landlord was left to remedies akin to ejectment (Hypothec Abolition, Scotland, Act 1880).
Now the value of K, -y being measured in dynes and M being the molecular weight of the substance as a gas, is in general 2.121; this value is never exceeded, but in many cases it is less.
Bidwell 2 accordingly found upon trial that the Wiedemann twist of an iron wire vanished when the magnetizing force reached a certain high value, and was reversed when that value was exceeded; he also found that the vanishing point was reached with lower values of the magnetizing force when the wire was stretched by a weight.
Maxwell (Electricity and Magnetism, § 444), recognizing that the theory in this form gave no account of residual magnetization, made the further assumption that if the deflection of the axis of the molecule exceeded a certain angle, the axis would not return to its original position when the deflecting force was removed, but would retain a permanent set.
The Indian population certainly exceeded the total given, and the white population must have included many of mixed blood, the habit of so describing themselves being common among the better classes of South American mestizos.
AdvertisementThe cost of construction, to the same year, exceeded £14,000,000, the interest earned per cent since 1895 not being less than £3, 12s.
In 1888 the revenue for the first time exceeded a million, the figures for that year being, revenue £1,130,614, expenditure £781,326; in1898-1899the figures were £2,081,349 and £1,914,725.
For 1909-1910, the last year of Natal's existence as a colony, the revenue, £4,035,000, again exceeded the expenditure.
His face is flat, with highly protruding cheek-bones, and is lozenge-shaped or eurygnathous to a degree that is nowhere exceeded.
The average weight per acre was over 252 tons, and the mean percentage of pure sugar in the juice exceeded Isl.
AdvertisementThe battle of the Vadimonian Lake (309) finally extinguished Etruscan independence, though for nearly two centuries still the prosperity df the Etruscan cities far exceeded that of Rome itself.
In the same year the imports from France exceeded £2,750,000 and the exports to France £1,685,000.
In the third quarter of the 19th century not more than a tenth part of the fertile land was under cultivation, and the yearly charge on the public debt exceeded the whole annual revenue.
The export of wool in 1905 exceeded 3,300,000 lb.
At that time his earning capacity seems not to have exceeded $boo a year, and he was regarded by his friends as a broken and disappointed man.
AdvertisementOwing to the influx caused by the periodical visits of the daimyos (feudal lords) with their numerous attendants, it probably exceeded qmillion during the early part of the 19th century.
The dissipation and extravagance of his youth exceeded all limits and surprised his contemporaries.
Until the 19th century deaths generally exceeded births in cities, so that if it had not been for constant immigration the cities would not only not have grown, but would have decreased in population.
The average height does not appear to have exceeded that of either of the existing species of elephant.
The Cave Hill, though exceeded in height by Mount Divis, Squire's Hill, and other summits, is of greatest interest for its caves, in the chalk, from which early weapons and other objects have been recovered.
No lines of march were assigned to the several units, consequently the confusion became so great that though the distance to be traversed in no case exceeded six miles, only the right wing and centre reached their destinations as night was falling.
Corps approaching, whilst the rain of shells into St Privat exceeded anything hitherto seen on any battlefield, decided to call on the whole of his force to attack.
Those of economic value are kaolin, mined chiefly in the vicinity of Hockessin, New Castle county, the static kaolin product being exceeded in 1903 only by that of Pennsylvania among the states of the United States; granite, used for road-making and rough construction work, found near Wilmington; and brick and tile clays; but the value of their total product in 1902 was less than $500,000.
In 1908 the state debt was $816,785, and the assets in bonds, railway mortgages and bank stocks exceeded the liabilities by $7 1 7,779.
According to the constitution of 1831 the unit of representation in the legislature was the county; inasmuch as the population of New Castle county has exceeded after 1870 that of both Kent and Sussex, the inequality became a cause of discontent.
In the North Sea the depth of ioo fathoms is only exceeded to any extent in the Norwegian gully, which has a maximum depth of 383 fathoms in the Skagerrack.
Whatever impression was made by this report, or by other rumours of the event on which it was founded, was far exceeded, about 1165, by the circulation of a letter purporting to be addressed by Prester John to the emperor Manuel.
In total acreage of cereals (16,920,095 in 1899) it ranked first (Twelfth Census of the United States), and in product of cereals was exceeded by Illinois only; in acreage of hay and forage (4,649,378 in 1899) as well as in the annual supply of milk (535,872,240 gallons in 1899) it was exceeded by New York only.
This height may be exceeded by Mt.
Although a few of the Pleistocene ground-sloths, such as Nothropus and Nothrotherium (= Coelodon), were of comparatively small size, in the Santa Cruz beds of Patagonia few of the representatives of the family much exceeded a modern sloth in size.
Though only four states of the Union are smaller, only three exceeded Massachusetts in 1905 in the value of manufactured products (six exceeding it in population); and this despite very scant native resources of raw materials and a very limited home market.
For cities of above 8000 inhabitants (for which alone comparative statistics are annually available), in 1902-1903 the ratio of average attendance to school enrolment, the average number of days' attendance of each pupil enrolled, and the value of school property per capita of pupils in average attendance were higher than in any other state; the average length of the school term was slightly exceeded in eight states; and the total cost of the schools per capita of pupils in average attendance ($39.05) was exceeded in six other states.
The Boston public library, exceeded in size in the United States by the library of Congress at Washington - and probably first, because of the large number of duplicates in the library of Congress - and the largest free municipal library in the world; the library of Harvard, extremely well chosen and valuable for research; the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society (1791); the Boston Athenaeum (1807); the State Library (1826); the New England Historic Genealogical Society (1845); the Congregational Library; the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1780); and the Boston Society of Natural History (1830), all in Boston, leave it easily unrivalled, unless by Washington, as the best research centre of the country.
This seldom exceeded Sod.
The value of all sandstones quarried in 1908 was $1,774,843, an amount exceeded by no other state.
In 1908 the total production of the state, 9,076,743 barrels valued at $2,136,738, was exceeded in quantity and (for the first time) in value by that of Michigan.
He had civil and criminal jurisdiction within the boundaries of his estate; he could create offices, found cities, and appoint officers and magistrates, and, although the charter permitted an appeal from his court to the directorgeneral and council in any case in which the amount in dispute exceeded fifty guilders ($20), some of the patroons exacted from their colonists a promise not to avail themselves of the privilege.
Their deposits exceeded £ 21,000,000 in 5907, as against £12,250,000 in 1890.
Before 1886 exports exceeded imports; but in the twenty subsequent years there was an invariable excess of exports, valued in all at £52,000,000.
The value of the external trade of the colony exceeded £1,000,000 for the first time in 1904.
But there is no doubt that with very loud explosive sounds the normal velocity is quite considerably exceeded.
In 1909 the number of sheep in Montana was 5,747,000, being exceeded only by the number in Wyoming; the number of cattle was 922,000, only 80,00o being milch cows, and the number of horses 319,000.
The statutory definition of the grounds of reduction was intended, however, merely to put an end to the practice which had previously obtained of reviewing awards on their merits, and it does not prevent the courts from setting aside an award where the arbitrator has exceeded his jurisdiction, or disregarded any one of the expressed conditions of the submission, or been guilty of misconduct.
Coal from the Oviedo mines is exported coastwise, and in 1904 the shipments from Aviles for the first time exceeded those from Gijon, reaching a total of more than 290,000 tons.
Thus during the first weeks of the war there was very great unemployment in parts of the industrial regions, since the dismissals far exceeded the proportion of enrolments in the army, while agriculture, which was already occupied with the harvest, suffered from a serious shortage of labour.
By agreement with the Ministry of the Interior, as soon as the reserve exceeded by io% the working capital (which was partly in shares, partly in bank advances) the company was to sell food under cost price; and this actually happened.
In September 1896 the queen's reign had reached a point at which it exceeded in length that of any other English The sovereign; but by her special request all public celebrations of the fact were deferred until the follow ing June, which marked the completion of sixty years from her accession.
The export of tin in 1908 exceeded 5000 tons, valued at over f600,000.
Those of the great cave bear (Ursus spelaeus), found abundantly in certain caverns of central Europe and Asia, show that it must have exceeded in size the polar bear of the present day.
The budgets of 1919 and 1920 disclosed deficits of 5 billion and 3 billion kronen respectively, but in that for 1921 the revenue slightly exceeded the expenditure.
The Polish gentry's jealousy of the clerical estate, whose privileges even exceeded their own, was at the bottom of the whole matter.
The war thus begun, and known in Russian history as the The Rus- Thirteen Years' War, far exceeded even the Thirty sians invade Years' War in grossness and brutality.
In its crop of greenpeas Maryland was exceeded (1899) by New York only; in sweet Indian corn it ranked fifth; in kale, second; in spinach, third; in cabbages, ninth.
In 1897 the value of the fishery product of Maryland was exceeded only by that of Massachusetts, but by 1901, although it had increased somewhat during the four years, it was exceeded by the product of New Jersey, of Virginia and of New York.
For the year 1898-9 the present writer obtained figures directly from the books kept by the custom-house official at Tabriz, and although, as this official informed him, some important items had not been entered at all, the value of the exports and imports shown in the books exceeded that of the consular reports by about io per cent.
The area of cultivation in 1905 exceeded 400,000 acres, and in that year the amount of wine produced was 157,000,000 gallons.
In 1904 the number of bunches sent abroad exceeded 6,000,000.
The total distribution effected by the American Bible Society and its federated societies had in 1909 exceeded 84,000,000 volumes, in over a hundred different languages.
Again, in1898-1899the total ordinary revenue of the state was J6,013,921; in 1906-1907 it had increased to £11,428,612, or by more than 90%, and though1907-1908was a year of depression its total revenue (£11,177,186) exceeded that of any year save its immediate predecessor.
In that year New Hampshire ranked fourth among the states in output of granite, with 6.3% of the total value of granite quarried in the entire country; in 1908 the value of granite ($867,028) was exceeded by that of each of seven other states but was more than one-half of the total value of all mineral products of the state.
On some of these channels deep gorges were eroded heading in temporary cataracts which exceeded Niagara in height but not in breadth; the pools excavated by the plunging waters at the head of the gorges are now occupied by little lakes.
Deformative movements of the minor sort seem to have been in progress somewhat generally during the Tertiary periods, especially in the western part of the country, but those at the close of the Pliocene seem to have exceeded greatly those of the earlier stages.
At the opening of the century not only all the great European powers of to-day but also even Spain and Turkey exceeded the United States in numbers; at its close only Russia.
In I850 the foreignborn whites (2,244,602 in number) were about two-thirds of the colored element and one-eighth of the native-white element; in 1870 the foreign-born whites (5,567,229) and the native whites of foreign parentage (5,324,786) each exceeded the colored.
In the decade1890-1900the increase of the South exceeded slightly that of the North for the same period owing to the rapid development in recent years of the Southern states west of the Mississippi, which only the Western group, has exceeded since 1870.1 In general the increase of the two sections every 1000 in the South was as follows from 1790 to 1900
In New York, New Jersey and Connecticut the city element also exceeded half of the population.
In Alabama (70.8% in 1880), North and South Carolina, amid Arkansas the ratio exceeded 5o% in 1900.
In each of four other industries the products exceeded in value five hundred millions of dollars, namely, those of foundry and machine shops, flour and grist mills, iron and steel, and lumber and timber.
In the production of pig iron, the share of the United States seems to have been in 1850 about one-eighth and that of Great Britain onehalf of the worlds product; while in 1903 the respective shares were 38.8 and 19.3%; and Germanys also slightly exceeded the British output.
In 1870 both Great Britain and Germany exceeded the United States in the production of coal.
The production in 1908 exceeded in value the output of both metals.
Comparing the product of the United States with that of the world, the figures for the two respectively were 23,350 and I51,936 long tons in 1879, when the United States was second to both Spain (and Portugal) and Chile as a producer; 51,570 and 199,406 long tons in 1883, when the Unites States first took leading rank; 172,300 and 334,565 long tons in 1895, when the yield of the United States first exceeded that of all other parts of the world combined; and 942,570,000 and 1,667,098,000 lb in 1908.
St Laura is exceeded in magnitude by the convent of Vato pede, also on Mount Athos.
In Fact, The 72 Days By Which Two Lunar Years Exceeded Two Solar Years, Amounted To Thirty Days, Or A Full Month, In Eight Years.
The disorganization of labour resulting from the Civil War and the emancipation of slaves, was the cause of a temporary decline in the cotton crop. In 1889 the crop again approximated to 1,000,000 bales (915,210 bales, being 12.2% of the entire crop of the United States), and in 1899 it exceeded that amount, Alabama being fourth among the states of the entire country.
In 1899-1904 the crop exceeded that of the other cotton-producing states except Texas, and in 1899, 1900 and 1903 Mississippi, averaging 1,467,121 commercial bales per annum; the crop in 1904 was 1,991,719 bales, and in 1907-1908 the crop was 1,815,834 bales, second only to the crop of Texas.
By the Constitution the tax rate is limited to $5 on the thousand, and, as the rate of taxation has increased faster than the taxable property, the state has been forced to contract several temporary loans since 1901, none of which has exceeded $200,000, the limit for each year set by the Constitution.
Some of the states have usury laws giving relief to borrowers in cases where circumstances have compelled them to agree to extortionate rates; but other states have no such laws, except that a contract in writing is invariably required in all cases where the "legal rate" is exceeded.
The buildings are not exceeded for beauty of design or for completeness of finish by any Canadian city and by few American cities.
The Rev. Albert Clayton, the secretary of the fund, lavished his strength on his vast task and the total income exceeded I, 073,782.
The output in 1905 exceeded 34 million tons, valued at £12,500,000 sterling, and equal to more than a quarter of the entire yield of Germany.
The dairy business, for which much of the hay crop is needed, has grown with the growth of the urban population as is shown in part by a steady increase in the number of dairy cows from 530,224 in 1850 to 1,140,000 in 1910; the value of the dairy products in 1899 ($35,86 0, 110) was exceeded only in New York.
The sale of nursery products, more than one-half of which were grown in Chester and Montgomery counties, amounted in 1899 to $541,032, and although this was less than one-third that of New York it was exceeded in only three other states.
These limits, however, were exceeded at various times; thus, north of the Eleutherus lay Aradus and Marathus, and south of Carmel the border sometimes included Dor and even Joppa.
But the number has been exceeded.
It is not magnetic. It stands near the positive end of the list of elements arranged in electromotive series, being exceeded only by the alkalis and metals of the alkaline earths; it therefore combines eagerly, under suitable conditions, with oxygen and chlorine.
Friedlander, for instance, does not think that they exceeded by much Gibbon's estimate for the reign of Decius, viz.
There are 980 doctors (most of them fully qualified) labouring in British and American missions; and in 1 9 10 it was calculated that the in-patients in mission hospitals exceeded 160,000, while the visits of out-patients in a year were about 5,000,000.
Although nearly half the male missionaries (Protestant) are unmarried, these are exceeded in number by the unmarried women; and consequently, the husbands and wives being equal, the aggregate of women in the Missions is greater than the aggregate of men.
The carriage itself had been lost long before; but we know that about the year 1600 Stevinus, with Prince Maurice of Orange and twenty-six others, made use of it on the seashore between Scheveningen and Petten, that it was propelled solely by the force of the wind, and that it acquired a speed which exceeded that of horses.
Boezems, like polders, have a standard water-level which may not be exceeded, and as in the polder this level may vary in the different parts of an extended boezem.
The coal mines of Belgium give employment to nearly 150,000 persons, and for some years the average output has exceeded 22,000,000 tons.
The sugar factories and refineries, situated chiefly in the governments of Warsaw, Lublin and Plock, turn out approximately one million tons of sugar in the year, the Polish sugar industry being exceeded in Russia only by that of Kiev.
Paisley has been an important manufacturing centre since the beginning of the 18th century, but the earlier linen, lawn and silk-gauze industries have become extinct, and even the famous Paisley shawls (imitation cashmere), the sale of which at one time exceeded i,000,000 yearly in value, have ceased to be woven.
In summer they ascend to the limits of perpetual snow, being only exceeded in the loftiness of their haunts by the ibex; and during that season they show their intolerance of heat by choosing such browsing-grounds as have a northern exposure.
The trade, however, is exceeded by that of Christiania.
But finally it appeared that the viceroy had either misunderstood or exceeded his instructions; and on the 19th of February 1795 Fitzwilliam was recalled.
The population of Pompeii at the time of its destruction cannot be fixed with certainty, but it may very likely have exceeded 20,000.
But their instructions were considerably exceeded, for the quantity imported in 1678 was 4713 lb, a quantity which seems to have glutted the market for several years.
As the 18th century progressed the use of tea in England rapidly increased, and by the close of the century the rate of consumption exceeded an average of 2 lb per person per annum, a rate in excess of that of to-day of all people except those of Mongol and Anglo-Saxon origin.
It may be said that, up to the year 1900, irrigation progressed to such an extent that there remained few ordinary localities where water could not be easily or cheaply diverted from creeks and rivers for the cultivation of farms. The claims for the available supply from small streams, however, exceeded the water to be had in the latter part of the irrigating season..
It first exceeded 100,000 soon after the FrancoGerman War (1872, 126,000), and this occurred again in the years 1880 to 1892.
It may be added that employees in mercantile and trading houses, who have not exceeded the age of 40 years and whose income is below 1/215o, are allowed voluntarily to share in the benefits of this insurance.
From 1871 to 1879 the contribution of the states had varied from 94 to 67 million marks; under the new system the surplus of the contributions made by the states over the grant by the imperial treasury was soon reduced to a very small sum, and in 1884-1885 the payments of the empire to the states exceeded the contributions of the states to the empire by 20 million marks, and this excess continued for many years; so that there was, as it were, an actual grant in relief of direct taxation.
In Prussia, by the Lex Huene, from 1885 to 1895, all that sum paid to Prussia, so far as it exceeded 15 million marks, was handed over to the local authorities in relief of rates.
In the youth of the empire the amount of corn grown in Germany was sufficient for the needs of its inhabitants; the amount consumed in 1899 exceeded the amount produced by about one-quarter of the total.
The heights calculated in this way for the under surface of the arc, have usually exceeded 100 M.; some have been much in excess of this figure.
The cost, however, greatly exceeded the estimate sanctioned by parliament; and the contention that the parliamentary adoption of the Budget in 1901-1902 cost the state i¦0,000,000 for public works, is not entirely unfounded.
The local revenue (£131,000 in 1905) is supplemented by an imperial grant, the protectorate in the first twenty-one years of its existence never having raised sufficient revenue to meet its expenditure, which in 1905 exceeded £230,000.
In practice administrative expenditure always exceeded the amount fixed by the convention.
In 1895 the surplus exceeded, for the first time, E.i,ooc,ooo.
The revenue steadily rose until, in 1890, the figure of 10 millions was exceeded.
As Egyptian roots seldom exceeded three letters, there was no need for triliteral phonograms to spell them.
The value of export is exceeded as a whole by that of import in the proportion, roughly, of 1 to 1.35.
While the territorial expansion of Sweden in the near future was a matter of necessity, Denmark had not only attained, but even exceeded, her natural limits.
It is highly important to observe that the official doses of the various pharmacopoeias may with safety be greatly exceeded in practice.
In 1905 the total value of Allegheny's factory products was $45,830,272; this showed an apparent decrease (exceeded by one city only) of $7,365,106, from the product-value of 1900, but the decrease was partly due to the more careful census of 1905, in which there were not the duplications of certain items which occurred in the 1900 census.
The total capital of all the Scots companies in 1888 was £114,120,119 by 1910 it exceeded £185,000,000.
They set out in 1064, with a company whose numbers exceeded seven thousand.
Great as was the number of pilgrims oversea, it was yet far exceeded by that of the visitants to the "threshold of the apostles," i.e.
In 1799 the joint population of Buda and Pest was 54, 1 79, of which 24,306 belonged to Buda, and 29,870 belonged to Pest, being the first time that the population of Pest exceeded that of Buda.
Among whites, females exceeded males by 43,623; among the coloured people by 63,782.
In that year the tonnage was 51,317,146, and the value of the total product $54,687,882; in 1908 the value of the state's product of coal was exceeded only by that of Pennsylvania (nearly six times as great).
Eventful as the age was both in Europe, where the Renaissance was in full growth, and in India, where the splendour of the emperor Akbar's reign exceeded alike that of his predecessors and his successors, Suleiman's conquests overshadowed all these.
The third part of logic evidently is what contains the topics usually treated in logic-books, though even here the province of logic in the ordinary sense is exceeded.
For the first time since 1914-5 expenditure exceeded revenue in 1919-20.
The annual value of the wine exported often exceeded £500,000.
The total tonnage of the Duluth - Superior Harbour was estimated in 1908 to be exceeded in the United States only by that of New York and that of Philadelphia.
The crop was a record one, but the demand far exceeded the supply, the cultivators reaped profits of eight millions more than the previous year, and 2000 new looms were set up in Calcutta.
In these very long telescopes This last power could not be exceeded with advantage in this form of telescope till after the invention of the achromatic objectglass.
And in each of the years named the imports exceeded £2,000,000 in value.
Up to 1854 there was a surplus in hand, but since that time expenditure has on many occasions exceeded income, and the public debt in 1908 was £1,305,000, mainly incurred however on reproductive works.
He Also Made A Special Experiment To Find How Much The Temperature Of The Wire Exceeded That Of The Liquid Under The Conditions Of The Experiment.
J Amin And Amaury, And Of Many Other Experimentalists Who Succeeded Regnault, Appeared To Indicate Much Larger Rates Of Increase Than He Had Found, But There Can Be Little Doubt That The Discrepancies Of Their Results, Which Often Exceeded 5%, Were Due To Lack Of Appreciation Of The Difficulties Of Calorimetric Measurements.
If a certain critical potential is exceeded, the glass gives way under the electric strain and is pierced.
When glass tubes are used it is better to employ tubes thicker at the ends than in the middle, as it has been found that when the safe voltage is exceeded and the glass gives way under electric strain, the piercing of the glass nearly always takes place at the edges of the tin foil.
At any rate it may be said that generally speaking the maximum, minimum and mean temperatures of points of approximately equal altitude are respectively but slightly different in northern or southern California.2 Death Valley surpasses for combined heat and aridity any meteorological stations on earth where regular observations are taken, although for extremes of heat it is exceeded by places in the Colorado desert.
A vivid realization of the industrial revolution in the state is to be gained from the reflection that in 1875 California was pre-eminent only for gold and sheep; that the aggregate mineral output thirty years later was more than a third greater than then, and that nevertheless the value of farm produce at the opening of the 10th century exceeded by more than $100,000,000 the value of mineral produce, and exceeded by $50,000,000 the most generous estimate of the largest annual gold output in the annals of the state.
The best sugar product was in 1905 exceeded only by that of Colorado and that of Michigan.
The per capita wealth of the state was then reported as $2582.32, being exceeded only by the three sparsely settled states of Montana, Wyoming and Nevada.
His private benefactions were boundless; of his gifts he kept no record, but their value is said to have exceeded $8,000,000.
In point of population it is exceeded in Switzerland by Zurich, Basel and Geneva, though the number of inhabitants has risen from 27,558 in 1850 and 43,197 in 1880 to 64,227 in 1900.
Nicaragua comes within the zone of the wet northeast trade-winds, which sweep inland from the Atlantic. The rainfall is heavy along the west side of the lacustrine basin, with an annual mean at Rivas of 102 in., but this figure is sometimes greatly exceeded on the east coast, where rain is common even in the dry season.
Thus ended his twenty-eight years ' wanderings which in their main lines alone exceeded 75,000 m.
Corps alone the number of non-combatant troops exceeded 30,000.
Stern and ambitious he certainly was, but his aims can scarcely be said to have exceeded his prerogatives as emperor; and though he had sometimes recourse when in straits to expedients almost diabolically ingenious in their cruelty, yet his general conduct was marked by a clemency which in that age was exceptional.
That proportion is exceeded in southern Europe, where women develop earlier, and in Galicia.
But the fertility of the Irish wife exceeded that of her French compeer by 44% in 1880 and by no less than 84% twenty years later.
The decline in mortality has been much greater than that in the crude birth-rate everywhere except in France, Australia, and, of course, Ireland; and it is only in the two former that it has been exceeded by that in the fertilityrate.
The claim was against underwriters on a ship which had been so damaged that the cost of repairs had exceeded her insured value.
The normal proportion of glycerin varies between 7 and 14 parts for every 100 parts of alcohol in the wine, but even these limits are frequently not reached or exceeded.
Of recent years (1896-1907) the only vintages which have been deficient as regards quantity are those of 1897, 1898, 1902 and 1903, but even in the most unfavourable of these years (1898) the quantity exceeded 700 million gallons.
In the years 1874 and 1875 the yield exceeded 100 million gallons.
They exceeded their orders, which were to prevent the archbishop from entering England until he had sworn fealty to Richard.
The value of cereals ($4,700,271) - of which wheat and oats represent four-fifths - is much exceeded by that of hay and forage ($8,159,279 in 1899).
In 1897 the product first exceeded that of California.
The product first exceeded one million tons in 1882, two in 1888, three in 1890, four in 1893, five in 1900.
By degrees the older maximum of 5% was exceeded, until in the 4th century 121% was in some cases levied.
As tax contributions have taken the places of the revenue from land and fees, so, it would seem, are the taxes on commodities likely to be replaced or at least exceeded by the imposts levied on income as such, in the shape either of income taxes proper or of charges on accumulated wealth.
The whole population of Wales in Tudor, Stuart and early Georgian times can scarcely have exceeded 500,000 souls, and was probably less.
During the earlier half of the 17th century the number of Welsh Bibles distributed throughout the Principality could hardly have exceeded 8000 in all, and except the Bible there was scarcely any Welsh work of importance in circulation.
If more scientific attention be given to the cultivation it is quite possible that what is now considered as yield may be exceeded.
Stockholm is the first port in Sweden for import trade, but as regards exports ranks about level with Malmo and is exceeded by Gothenburg.
The amount of pig-iron obtained found its minimum, during the period 1890-1910, of 6,976,990 tons in 1893, and its maximum of 10,183,860 in 1906, and in 1905 the quantity produced from foreign ores (4,847,899 tons) for the first time exceeded that produced from British ores (4,760,187).
The minimum is practically always exceeded, and trebled or quadrupled in the case of the more enthusiastic men, and the chief difficulty with which the officers responsible for training have to contend is the fact that no man can be compelled to attend on any particular occasion.
He found that when the potential of the needle exceeded a certain value, of about volts, for the particular instrument he was using (made by White of Glasgow), the above formula did not hold good.
Whereas in1870-1875imported cattle and cattlefarming produce exceeded exports as to 7, in 1900 the value of exports was nearly double that of imports; and it may be added that whereas as late as1870-1880the exports of agricultural produce exceeded imports in value, in1896-1900they were less than onetenth.
In 1904 it exceeded £19,000,000.
In the aggregate, the commerce of Chile is large and important; in proportion to population it is exceeded among South American states only by Argentina, Uruguay and the Guianas.
The expenditure far exceeded the revenue.
The nation was divided into small mutually hostile parties; there were ecclesiastical troubles owing to the hostility of the Church to the new republic; there were Indian risings in the south and royalist revolts in the island of Chiloe; the expenditure exceeded the revenue, and the employment of the old Spanish financial expedients naturally increased the general discontent.
In the various engagements throughout the conflict more than r o,000 lives were lost, and the joint expenditure of the two governments on military preparations and the purchase of war material exceeded 10,000,000 sterling.
The oyster output of the Dominion has never exceeded 200,000 bushels in a single year, and in 1898 was 134,140 bushels, valued at $217,024.
Forests and Timber.Timber from the forests of Mazandaran and Gilan has been a valuable article of export for many years, and since about 1870 large quantities of boxwood have also been exported thence; in some years the value of the timber and boxwood exported has exceeded 50,000.
In Teheran and surrounding villages the number of fatal cases exceeded 28,000, or about 8% of the population.
While modern Breviaries are nearly always printed in four volumes, one for each season of the year, the editions of the Sarum never exceeded two parts.
It exceeded £90,000,000 in 1890, and in1891-1892the finances of the kingdom reached a crisis, from which there was no escape except by arranging for a reduction in the amount payable as interest (see History, below).
But again the maximum output of fry from any one of these establishments has not exceeded 40 millions in any single year.
The storage capacity is exceeded by probably but one reservoir in the world - the Wachusett reservoir near Boston.
The annual product steadily increased from 3000 long tons in 1854 to 11,830,342 in 1907; from 1890 to 1901 Michigan ranked first in the union as an ironproducing state, but after 1901 its product was exceeded by that of Minnesota.
From 1847 to 1887 the product of Michigan exceeded that of any other state; from 1847 to 1883 its copper product was more than one-half that of all the states, but after 1887 (except in 1891) more of that mineral was mined in Montana than in Michigan, and in 1906 and in 1907 the yield in both Arizona and Montana was greater than in Michigan.
For a number of years prior to 1893 Michigan was the leading salt-producing state, and, though her output was subsequently (except in 1901) exceeded by that of New York, it continued to increase up to 1905, when it was 9,492,173 barrels; in 1907, the product was 10,786,630 barrels.
The form of his book was above all things popular, and the popular French literature of the middle ages as distinguished from the courtly and literary literature, which was singularly pure, can hardly be exceeded in point of coarseness.
At that date the annual yield is said not to have exceeded 2600 cases; but, the profits on opium having about that time attracted attention, all available ground was utilized for this to the exclusion of cereals, cotton and other produce.
The expense of cultivation exceeded the returns obtained by its sale.
They were most numerous in the southern and central portions of the state, preferring the river valleys; but their total number, perhaps, never exceeded a thousand.
The population in 1907, as shown by the police census, exceeded 300,000.
From first to last the outlay on the harbour has exceeded £i,50o,000.
Their appeal met with a response in a great part of Italy, France, Navarre, Portugal and England, and in Germany in the states subject to Wenceslas king of the Romans, the electors of Cologne and Mainz, the margrave of Brandenburg, &c. For a time the number of the fathers exceeded five hundred.
He became the most discussed, the most read, the most bought novelist in France - the sale of L'Assommoir being even exceeded by that of Nana (1880) and La Dtbdcle (1892).
A group of artificial lakes, one of them exceeded in area only by Windermere, has been formed in the valley of the Elan, a tributary of the Wye, for the supply of water to Birmingham.
This rate of increase was not only continued, but came to be greatly exceeded.
Thus, an average below 4.4 is quoted for Rochdale, Halifax, Huddersfield, Yarmouth, Bradford and Stockport, while the average for London was 7.93, and for Gateshead, Newcastle-uponTyne and South Shields, in the northern industrial district of the Tyne, and for Devonport, the average exceeded 8.
In the case of (2) the actual population has always been exceeded by the estimate based on natural increase, and this demonstrates an excess of emigration over immigration.
The mean height of the basin of the St John is exceeded only by that of the Androscoggin, but the fall of the St John River through the greater part of its course in Maine is only sufficient to give a sluggish or a gentle current.
The population in 1880 was 648,936; in 1890, 661,086; in 1900, 694,466; and in 1 9 10, 742,371.2 From 1880 to 1 9 00 there was an increase of only 7%, a percentage which was exceeded in every other state in the Union except Nevada and Vermont.
On the 23rd of February 1805 he agreed with Ahmet that the United States should undertake to re-establish him in Tripoli, that the expenses of the expedition should be repaid to the United States by Ahmet, and that Eaton should be general and commander-in-chief of the land forces in Ahmet's campaign; as the secretary of the navy had given the entire matter into the hands of Commodore Barron, and as Barron and Tobias Lear (1762-1816), the United States consulgeneral at Algiers and a diplomatic agent to conduct negotiations, had been instructed to consider the advisability of making arrangements with the existing government in Tripoli, Eaton far exceeded his authority.
The length of the Meuse is nearly 560 m., of which 360 are navigable, and probably its traffic is only exceeded by that of the Rhine.
In 1908 its exports were valued at $37,547,553, much more than those of any other American port of entry on the Pacific; its imports were valued in 1908 at $21,876,361, being exceeded among the Pacific ports by those of San Francisco only.
But his fame and influence now far exceeded theirs.
Better determinations of the actual value came from the heliometer, and gave an angular diameter of 31' 59.26" =0.10", and the value of the polar diameter exceeded the equatorial by 0.038" =0.023".
It is worthy of note that this debt, principal and accumulated interest, exceeded six and a half millions sterling in 1873, and that the bondholders surrendered about 60% of the claim in the hope of securing the payment of the balance.
The paper circulation in 1905 exceeded 700,000,000 pesos.
In 1836 the total trade of the country was under £i,000,000, in 1860 it had risen to over £4,500,000, in 1874 it exceeded £io,50o,000.
Among the fresh-water lakes of the world it is exceeded in size by Lake Superior only and has an area of over 26,000 sq.
Cassian speaks of an abbot of the Thebaid who had Soo monks under him, a number exceeded in other cases.
During the following year his students exceeded five hundred.
Even then the efforts of the Republican mayor were at first thwarted by the council, which passed an ordinance over his veto, taking from him the power of appointment and vesting it in themselves; the Maryland court of appeals, however, soon decided that the council had exceeded its powers, and an important outcome of the reform movement was the new charter of 1898.
He held the office in all twenty-five years, a period in which he has been exceeded by but one other president of the Royal Society, Sir Joseph Banks.
The figures used in the Hindu notation might be used to express numbers in any other scale than the denary, provided new symbols were introduced if the base of the scale exceeded ten.
In the five years1896-1900the combined value of the crops of Indian corn and wheat exceeded the value of the same crops in any other state of the Union (Illinois being a close second).
The most important manufacturing industry, both in 1900 and in 1905, was slaughtering and meat-packing - for which Kansas City is the second centre of the country - with a product for the state valued at $77,411,883 in 1900, and $96,375,639 in 1905; in both these years the value of the product of Kansas was exceeded only by that of Illinois.
The paid-up capital of British railways in 1901 exceeded I,Ioo,000,000; the passengers, not including season ticket-holders, also numbered x,Ido,ooo,000; and the sum annually spent in working the lines considerably exceeded the whole capital authorized to be spent on their construction in 1837.
It is doubtful if its indigenous inhabitants ever exceeded one to every 5 sq.
The latter dictum must not, however, be pushed to an extreme, since the African elephant, which is the largest living land mammal, attaining in exceptional cases a height approaching 12 ft., was largely exceeded in this respect by an extinct Indian species, whose height has been estimated at between 15 and 16 ft.
The crop of oats was 79,800,000 bushels (raised on 2,280,000 acres and valued at $31,122,000) in 1909; of Indian corn, 50,589,000 bushels (raised on 1,533,000 acres and valued at $3 0, 353, 000); of barley, 24,248,000 bushels (raised on 866,000 acres and valued at $13,579,000 - a crop exceeded only by that of California and that of Minnesota), of wheat, 3,484,000 bushels (raised on 179,000 acres and valued at $3,345, 000); of rye,4,727,000bushels (raised on290,000acresandvalued at $3,214,000 - a crop exceeded only by that of Pennsylvania and that of Michigan); and of buckwheat,221,000 bushels (grown on 18,000 acres and valued at $172,000).
The potato crop is large, 26,724,000 bushels being raised in 1909 on 262,000 acres, a crop exceeded only in New York, Michigan and Maine.
In 1905 the value of the lumber and timber product was exceeded by that of Washington; but as late as 1908 Wisconsin was the chief source of the white pine supply.
In the period 1880-1884, inclusive, the maximum capacity was a little less than 14 bushels, while in the period1895-1899the maximum capacity exceeded slightly 17 bushels - an increase of 3.2 bushels per acre, or 23%, in less than twenty years.
In the last quarter of the 19th century the increase exceeded 200,000, while the average yearly number of emigrants was below 2000.
Along with this the nervous depression is very marked, and the state of prostration to which the patient is reduced can scarcely be exceeded.
His eloquence and his writings earned for him a renown and influence which far exceeded St Bernard's, and which held its ground until the advent of the Thomist philosophy.
The total number of agricultural co-operative societies exceeded 500 in 1910; each has its tribunal (Conseil des Prud'hommes), which arbitrates in disputes; and all together, with the state-aided Cooperative Caisse, which lends money to the smaller societies, form a single great organization known as the General Union.
The heaviest charges are for the service of the national debt and for the army; each of these items exceeded LI,000,000 in 1909.
The real reason of its fall was the mismanagement of the Madagascar expedition, the cost of which in men and money exceeded all expectations, and the alarming social conditions at home, as indicated by the strike at Carmaux.
The fine atmosphere of the Lick observatory was well adapted to this work, and a complete photographic map of the moon on a large scale was prepared which exceeded in precision of detail any before produced.
As a matter of fact, the aggregate number of persons imprisoned or interned or placed under police surveillance never exceeded 1,600.
In the extent and value of its fisheries Boulogne is exceeded by no seaport in France.
Since 1892, however, the emigrants in any one year have never exceeded 50,000, probably because the process of exhaustion has been so long in operation.
Excluding salmon, nearly one million hundredweights of fish were taken, and including shell-fish the total money received by the fishermen exceeded £414,000.
It was estimated that the aggregate value of the actual import and export trade in 1904 probably exceeded a total of £105,000,000.
The counties of Clare and Longford, and the towns of Galway and Athenry, were afterwards added, and the number of popular representatives does not appear to have much exceeded sixty during the later middle ages.
Gold-mining has been carried on regularly since 1897, and by 1900 the value of the ore extracted exceeded £100,000.
The revenue, which in 1906 for the first time exceeded £60,000, is mainly derived from customs. A company of the West African Frontier Force is maintained.
In Spain, again, where Ibn-Bajja, Ibn-Tufail and Ibn Rushd rivalled or exceeded the fame of the Eastern schools, the Arabians of pure blood were few, and the Moorish ruling class was deeply intersected by Jewish colonies, and even by the natives of Christian Spain.
The revenue, which in 1898 was £E35,000, for the first time exceeded a million in 1909, when the amount realized was £E1,040,200.
He far exceeded all other statesmen in the art of drawing together, without the seduction of self-interest, the concurrence and co-operation of various dispositions and abilities of men, whom he assimilated to his character and associated in his labours."
The dairy interest is rapidly growing, but is still exceeded in other states.
The same is even more markedly true of rye; in 1907 the crop was 1,502,000 bushels (from 88,400 acres), a yield exceeded in only five states in the country.
This latter was apparently very well built, and its length exceeded that of the temple of St Sophia at Kiev.
The leaves as a rule far exceeded in size those of any of the Coniferae, attaining in some species a length of a metre.
Other evidences of the transition in agricultural life are that in Tolland and Windham counties the value of farm buildings exceeded that of farm land, that in Middlesex and Fairfield counties the acreage as well as the value of the farms declined, that native farm labour and ownership were being replaced by foreign labour and ownership; while dependent land tenure is insignificant, 87% of the farms being worked by their owners.
It arose rapidly on a strip of waste land, and churches and chapels were built for the workmen, whose numbers soon exceeded P0,000.
The overdraft must not be exceeded without prior agreement of Ulster Bank.
It so far exceeded the reasonable ambit of his discretion on quantum as to be plainly wrong.
The document concludes that a large number of food products exceeded the government maximum permitted limit of histamine, a biogenic amine, a biogenic amine.
The risk of invasive cancer becomes appreciable once the polyp diameter has exceeded 1cm.
Alternatively, someone may have transgressed this Qur'anic rule and exceeded the bounds set by Allah.
Where the data collection period exceeded 24 hours only the first 24 hours data were analyzed.
Where the data collection period exceeded 24 hours only the first 24 hours data collection period exceeded 24 hours only the first 24 hours data were analyzed.
A degree can properly be awarded only when the expectations of the relevant qualification descriptor have been met or exceeded.
What Hitler did in his concentration camps was equaled if not exceeded in foulness by the soviet gulags, forced starvation and pogroms.
By 1992 world indebtedness exceeded even the total gross domestic product of the richest (OECD) countries.
Last year, we exceeded the target figure set in the performance indicator.
The number was exceeded by quite a few latecomers.
No samples of UK-grown outdoor lettuce or imported lettuce and spinach would have exceeded the maximum levels.
None of the 8 samples of imported lettuce or any of the 8 of imported spinach exceeded the maximum levels.
Over half of the frames, where the levels were measured, exceeded 1,000 lux!
These PV values are often exceeded during the summer monsoon period.
Total damage costs from the broken windows and spray paint exceeded $ 23,000.
Any synthesizer has a maximum polyphony which cannot be exceeded.
In most index catchments spring runoff totals exceeded the average and 12-month accumulations are in the normal range.
In 2004, net sales exceeded $ 3.7 billion.
Thermal comfort is represented by a graph showing, for ranges of temperature, the number of days each range is exceeded.
Be that as it may Abramovich made huge funds available for new players; a spending splurge which exceeded £ 100 million.
Global aid shipments exceeded 10 m. tons in most years under these two Conventions.
Winter half-year (October-March) precipitation totals again exceeded the average by a wide margin in Scotland.
Where light fittings have maximum bulb wattages marked, those bulb sizes must not be exceeded.
Values Were In General The Smallest, Especially In The Case Of The Evening Value For Q On The Average Exceeded The Values From The Two Earlier Hours By Some 7%.
At Karasjok Simpson (10) found fairly similar mean values of A for two groups of observations, one confined to cases when the potential gradient exceeded +400 volts, the other confined to cases of negative gradient.
The total output of the state was 44,648 tons in 1863, when the first shipments outside the state were made; and 41,897,843 tons (valued at $40,009,0J4) in 1908, when the output of West Virginia was third in quantity and in value among the states of the Union, being exceeded only by that of Pennsylvania and of Illinois.
The levy of ship money and customs by Charles sinks into insignificance beside Cromwell's wholesale taxation by ordinances; the inquisitional methods of the major-generals and the unjust and exceptional taxation of royalists outdid the scandals of the extra-legal courts of the Stuarts; the shipment of British subjects by Cromwell as slaves to Barbados has no parallel in the Stuart administration; while the prying into morals, the encouragement of informers, the attempt to make the people religious by force, were the counterpart of the Laudian system, and Cromwell's drastic treatment of the Irish exceeded anything dreamed of by Strafford.
In these troughs the depth is seldom much less than 3000 fathoms, and this is exceeded in a series of patches to which Murray has given the name of " Deeps."
Their immediate result was to show that gravity at the bottom of the mine exceeded that at the top by 2 8 66th of its amount, the depth being 1256 ft.
It seems doubtful if the governor exceeded his legal right in refusing to allow Pereira to proceed; 1 in this attitude he remained firm even when Xavier, if the Jesuit biographers may be trusted, exhibited the brief by which he held the rank of papal nuncio, and threatened Ataide with excommunication.
Thomas Boston's (1676-1732) memory has been revived by the praise of Stevenson, but his zeal was far exceeded by that of John Wesley (1703-1791), who preached 40,000 sermons, and by that of George Whitefield (1714-1770).
The commonest numbers, which cannot be exceeded, are 10 and 60 (see separate article on each borough).
Herat gradually recovered under the enlightened Ghorid kings, who were indeed natives of the province, though they preferred to hold their court amid their ancestral fortresses in the mountains of Ghor, so that at the time of Jenghiz Khan's invasion it equalled or even exceeded in populousness and wealth its sister capitals of Balkh, Mery and Nishapur, the united strength of the four cities being estimated at three millions of inhabitants.
Her extravagant expenditure, returned by Salisbury in 1605 at more than L50,000 and by Chamberlain at her death at more than 84,000, was unfavourably contrasted with the economy of Queen Elizabeth; in spite of large allowances and grants of estates which included Oatlands, Greenwich House and Nonsuch, it greatly exceeded her income, her debts in 1616 being reckoned at nearly fio,000, while her jewelry and her plate were valued at her death at nearly half a million.
The Arka-tagh 1 is the true backbone of the Kuen-lun system, and in Central Asia is exceeded in elevation only by the Tang-la, a long way farther south, this last being probably an eastern wing of the Karakorum Mountains of the Pamirs region.
In size the lion is only equalled or exceeded by the tiger among existing Felidae; and though both species present great variations, the largest specimens of the latter appear to surpass the largest lions.
These troops had been sent for by KhorshId in order to strengthen himself against the Albanians; and the events of this portion of the history afford sad proof of their ferocity and brutal enormities, in which they far exceeded the ordinary Turkish soldiers and even the Albanians.
Singapore, where plague has several times been introduced, but never taken hold, is probably quite as dirty and insanitary as Hong-Kong, and it is pertinently remarked by the Bombay Research Committee that filth per se has but little influence, inasmuch as " there occurred in the House of Correction at Byculla, where cleanliness is brought as near to perfection as is attainable, an outbreak which exceeded in severity that in any of the filthy thaw's and tenements around."
The mean level of the surface of the Baltic rises about 0.5 metres (1.6 ft.) from the coast of Holstein to Memel, probably as a result of the prevailing westerly winds; this mean difference is exceeded with strong westerly winds, and disappears or is reversed with easterly winds.
Providing the contribution limits above are not exceeded, the contributions will qualify for full tax relief.
My boiling point was finally exceeded just this year, when someone with a stick of " sidewalk chalk " scrawled JESUS LOVES YOU !
There may be individual weeks when the 48-hour limit will be exceeded, but this is unlikely to be sustained over a 17-week period.
The marine catch in Chile, which exceeded 8 million tons in 1994, fell to just 3.6 million tons in 2002.
How will you know when your cat's size has exceeded his current litter box?
Cardholders load the balance they wish to spend during their trip onto their cards, and know that if their balance is used up then they have exceeded their budget.
In other words, collectors can still ask you to pay the debt that has exceeded the statute of limitations, but they cannot take you to court in an attempt to make you pay what you owe.
Debt that has exceeded the statute of limitations is often referred to as time barred debt.
On the other hand, in some states, the burden of proof falls on the individual consumer to prove that the debt has exceeded the statute of limitations.
As it stands now, the status of wind energy production in the nation has exceeded predictions.
The suit alleges that both entities were aware that the number of fans registered with the site far exceeded the number of tickets available, and that they did nothing to make members aware of the problem or to correct the issue.
John was shocked when the orders for shower curtains exceeded those of blankets.
Viking River Cruises has a testimonial on the site that states that they "exceeded expectations for service, accommodations, tours, and travel coordination."
He had a sign saying ready to take home today because he had exceeded his stay.
It is fine in leaf as well as in bloom; the leaves are a foot in length, and have even exceeded 20 inches.
However, during the past three decades, worker pay has not matched or exceeded the rate of inflation during that time.
The stores were open in various markets throughout the United States, and annual sales had exceeded $24 million.
In response to this, the authorities have demanded that online games include a timing mechanism that will log players out of the game once they have exceeded a certain number of hours playing without a break.
Customers clamored for both systems and demand initially exceeded available units.
The company took this drastic action because of extremely high demand for the new iPhone model, which exceeded preorder levels of the iPhone 3GS by about 10 times on the first day of sales.
The recommended dosage on the product label should not be exceeded.
In protein-calorie malnutrition, lower rates of bone formation may be exceeded by higher rates of bone loss.
If you have a special client or want to show your gratitude to a employee who has exceeded your expectations, there are many gift baskets that can make a statement and wow the recipient.
However, the ordinary customer would be living out of a cardboard box in no time if their need for Neiman Marcus exceeded their ability to pay bills.
Throughout its history, Accurist has reached and exceeded many milestones which helped to cement its reputation as a technological leader in watch making.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest investigated the nutritional value and quality of kids' meals at some fast food chains and found over 90 percent of thousands of possible choices exceeded 430 calories.
When you consider that a Big Mac has almost 750 mg of sodium, and a large fries has between 350 and 1200 mg of sodium, it is easy to see how sodium intake can quickly be exceeded on a near daily basis in the typical American diet.
Bhattacharya reported that the physiological effects of rebounding exceeded those of running.
Official sales figures have not been released, but the band's Thom Yorke claims that the profits far exceeded the downloading profits from all of their other albums combined.
Mafia Wars, though, has exceeded all expectations, with millions of players on not just Facebook but also MySpace and even the iPhone.
Her savings and checking accounts combined had never exceeded $3,000 - not even before she paid the bills.
The list of his honors and achievements were exceeded only by his philanthropic connections and contributions.
The human flea is considerably exceeded in size by certain other species found upon much smaller hosts; thus the European Hystrichopsylla talpae, a parasite of the mole, shrew and other small mammals, attains a length of 5z millimetres; another large species infests the Indian porcupine.
This was the planting of a colony of communistic per week for which such wages are payable, with the rates for overtime when those hours are exceeded.
The tale of his victims is said to have exceeded roo,000.
In these troughs the depth is seldom much less than 3000 fathoms, and this is exceeded in a series of patches to which Murray has given the name of "Deeps."
On the other hand it is hardly likely that all his comedies (which greatly exceeded in number the extant twenty) were produced during the last twenty years of his life.
His devotion to the interests of his family exceeded all bounds, and they became enormously wealthy.
During the financial year ending on the 30th of June 1901 these figures were slightly exceeded.
At first the net revenue from the impost was less than 1,100,000; but under Sellas firm administration (1869-1873), and in consequence of improvements gradually introduced by him, the net return ultimately exceeded 3,200,000.
The mortality in most towns is so great that during the last ten years of the 19th century, in a very great number of cities,