Exams Sentence Examples
Timing was with her and she was able to take all the state exams shortly after graduating.
Again, each show has its own way of handling the process, but you will usually have to go through more meetings with producers and maybe even medical and psychological exams.
All IT qualifications are now taken on-line and are either adaptive exams, multi-choice or interactive assessments.
I recently heard a story about a young police cadet sitting his final exams at Hendon Police College.
He sailed through all the exams first time and helped to set up nuclear cardiology there in his spare time.
They oversee the creation, setting and marking of exams.
Helping your child cope with exam stress Some children take exams in their stride with relative ease, whilst others can really suffer.
Once you pass all three exams, you earn the certification, which is valid for two years.
The A-level is assessed with two three-hour exams, one at the end of each year.
Well this week I have been deep in revision for my A-level exams that start next week!
AdvertisementIn the primary school end-of-year exams, there was a 100 per cent pass rate in six subjects, including French and English.
Getting results of end-of-year exams, and devoutly exulting in the comparison of my grades with others ' .
Students who pass the exams, including the final Norland Assessment, become probationers.
A detailed flowchart of the unit activity for entering cadets in the exams is available from Wing HQ.
With all the hot weather, Compass Rangers still found time to have a chocolate fondue during exams in order to help them relax.
AdvertisementWe will have to wear the whole get-up also for all exams and graduation, so it will get plenty of use!
Honors graduates will qualify for a Certificate of Eligibility to sit the CTA exams without first passing the ATT exams.
Your pupils may have noticed that most grown-ups do not take exams for pleasure.
In my case both exams were at UN headquarters in New York.
Without doing the assigned homework, they wont understand the subject properly and when it comes to exams their revision will suffer.
AdvertisementAre they external, or are there internal school exams?
After those exams I decided to then study macrobiotics and use that in my practice as well.
I first began to encounter difficulties when the pressure and workload associated with revising for exams caused me to have a severe nervous breakdown.
I am studying obstetrics at the moment (exams in 3 days ).
Naturally, students facing the grueling ordeal of exams need to be fighting fit.
AdvertisementPhilosophy is not about spoon-feeding received facts which must be duly regurgitated in essays and exams.
The atmosphere of silent concentration inside the cafe is absolute, strangely reminiscent of a university library before exams.
Otherwise, preparation for these exams is done through guided self-study or private tuition rather than in class.
For the MBA, student exam fees are not included (six exams on the MBA, grouped to reduce required examination sittings ).
Any change to address which occurs subsequent to the completion of this form must be notified to the Exams Team immediately.
Their IFA may be better informed, because of tougher exams, and he or she will probably have to charge fees upfront.
Instead she announced plans for mainly vocational diplomas to run alongside the existing exams.
Sex exams ' possible ' Pupils may be required to sit tests on sex studies under new proposals from the exams watchdog.
If you want to retake exams, you will probably be able to study the same syllabus as before.
Then there 's all the everyday stuff like remembering where you put your car keys, not missing anniversaries, or revising for exams.
Learners preparing for exams are often quite secretive about the work they do.
Unlocking Self-expression through NLP is divided into five sections Warmers, The Five Skills, Writing, Vocabulary and Exams.
The students are preparing for their second semester exams as this report is being written.
For the MBA, student exam fees are not included (six exams on the MBA, grouped to reduce required examination sittings).
Everything in the education system is tailored, through exams from the age of five, to stifle creativity.
There 's no better way to revise for those all-important A-level language exams than on one of our courses, tailor-made for A-level students !
In unusual circumstances, the exams office may be able to implement arrangements with less than four weeks notice.
Oh well... prob wont have to worry about one of the computing exams.
Ganesha is worshiped by Hindus at the beginning of something new, for example taking exams, moving house or getting married.
I passed all of my exams despite the fact that I never studied.
The valedictorian was remiss in writing his graduation speech because he was so focused on taking final exams.
I need to spend hours studying this weekend for my exams; ergo, I will not beattending the game.
I need to spend hours studying this weekend for my exams; ergo, I will not be attending the game.
Pediatricians use growth charts to monitor infant physical development during sick and well baby exams.
In some jurisdictions, a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine will also be required to pass comprehensive board exams from the North American Board of Naturopathic Practitioners.
They may work in conjunction with medical doctors, but they do not have to pass any medical board exams in order to offer their services to the public.
The applicant must then complete the application, pass two levels of exams, submit five clinical cases and pass an oral interview.
Each applicant must present 10 chronic cases that they have successfully treated and pass both written and oral exams.
Part of the process involves recognizing that your negative experiences with taking exams should not affect your current performance.
Many people experience a great deal of stress because of their perceptions of exams.
When you have final exams or a midterm test, studying is very important.
After reading this book about personal empowerment, McConaughey was inspired to go into film and he did just that by dropping out of law school during his final exams and changing his major to Film Studies.
Minogue has been credited with raising awareness about breast cancer with young women, and encouraging them to get exams and screening for the disease.
They may have classes that are offered exclusively online or courses in which you must only visit campus to take the final exams.
We encourage our students to block out time to complete weekly assignment, review notes and take practice exams.
Some schools use performance exams to assess your learning and others use fast-tracked, in-depth paper methods where you prove your understanding.
Take assessment exams to determine placement in courses.
It houses the iQcenter, which gives Microsoft certification exams, plus an admission and registration office.
You need to spend time doing homework, preparing for courses, reviewing material, organizing notes, and studying for quizzes and exams.
Coupling an entry process similar to Juliard's (requiring entry exams, auditions and other tests), Yale has now become known for its music program.
Rather than using their own placement tests, the college accepts COMPASS, ASSET, ACT, SAT, and/or ITED; however, the school administers the COMPASS or ASSET test free of charge if students do not have previous exams on file.
In some cases, the challenges are even greater, since students need to practice a higher degree of self-discipline and self-motivation to complete assignments and prepare for exams and projects.
These exams include UExcel Exams, IT Certification Exams, AP Exams, and CLEP Exams.
A dissertation is the final task towards the completion of graduate and doctoral level studies undertaken after all coursework is completed and the student has passed the comprehensive exams.
Graduates of the courses are prepared for the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) exams and careers as Certified Legal Assistants.
The online program uses traditional texts, lectures, exams, writing assignments, and a variety of other mixed materials to teach the basics of paralegal certification.
Today, they provide comprehensive eye exams which they use to check for are signs of disease or other conditions that affect vision in seniors.
The truth is that if you take care of your eyes and treat eye disease early through annual, dilated eye exams, seniors can preserve their sight and contribute to their overall health and wellness.
The insured does not have any future medical exams.
Lastly, be sure to have regular dental exams and talk to your dentist about your concerns.
People who force themselves to stay awake, such as students studying for exams, have control over the sleep problem.
America's Best has an eye care club that saves you money on exams and contact lenses if you're interested.
That gets you five free eye exams, glaucoma screenings, and dilations over the next three years, 10 percent off on eyeglasses, and discounted contact lenses for the life of your membership.
In addition, there are various private eye doctors who can provide eye exams and fit your eyes for contact lenses.
LensCrafters was founded in 1983, and was the first company to offer eye exams and frame selection in one location.
Vision Works optical eyeglass stores offer not just great deals on your eyewear needs, but you can get eye exams done there, as well.
Though eye exams are available in the store's Vision Centers, you don't have to use their optometrist in order to shop there for your frames or lenses if you're already comfortable with your eye doctor.
This store has in-store exams and contact lenses as well as eyeglasses, making shopping for eyewear convenient and hassle-free.
From glasses to contacts and even eye exams, this retailer has you covered.
Periodic vaginal exams are performed by the physician or nurse to determine progress.
Many exams are the same as for an acute episode, as some infections and parasites cause both types of diarrhea.
Depending on the child's blood pressure levels and presence of other medical conditions such as diabetes, the doctor may recommend annual eye exams to detect the presence of vision changes and the development of retinopathy.
Damage caused by baby bottle tooth decay is often not diagnosed until the child has a severe problem, because many parents do not schedule regular dental exams for their small children.
Tests and exams can help determine the effectiveness of the chemotherapy.
Physical exams can reveal the development of sexual characteristics in a young child.
Women and children with recurrent UTIs can be given ultrasound exams of the kidneys and bladder together with a voiding cystourethrogram to test for structural abnormalities.
If the hospital pediatrician is not the same as the one used for follow-up exams, it is important to obtain the birth records to bring to the first office visit.
Usually, the child sees the doctor for immunizations, school physical exams, or childhood illnesses.
Routine pelvic exams are recommended for all sexually active females and all females over the age of 18.
Antenatal tests and exams are important tools for protecting the health of a pregnant woman and her developing child.
At the end of each ten week quarter, quarterly exams are given.
Another thing to look at if you want to save money on college costs is using AP courses and CLEP exams as both a way to get in high school core requirements while earning college credits through the exams.
Knowledge and learning can also be easily applied to CLEP exams.
Other types of events offered include monthly family meetings, book sales for used curriculum, seminars and conferences for supporting parents and information about college entrance exams.
Optometrists are needed to conduct eye exams in the stores with vision centers.
I am Mauritian and have my degree from Romania live in the UK but I have to take exams to get registered by the GMC.I would like to look for a job in the meantime in the medical field but am confused.
If you're participating in a college or university program, the nursing department can provide you with the information you need on licenses and certification exams.
You can also find information about exams and schools that offer placement in specific areas.
Veterinarians must attend four years of vet school after receiving a Bachelor's degree, and must pass licensing exams in the state of their practice.
These summer programs often cover the same material and coursework found in the longer, standard-semester courses, but they usually feature more intensive homework, lectures and exams.
If your regular doctor does not do a lot of reproductive care, he/she may not be comfortable prescribing birth control or doing gynecological exams.
It requires a doctor's appointment for placement and removal, a follow-up visit after the first three months, and then ordinary annual gynecological exams.
From medical exams to police questioning, the process is much easier on a child when she is able to clutch a teddy bear or other plush friend during the event.
Study guides summarize complicated texts and provide outlines or review questions students can use when getting ready for their exams.
These documents legally require the child's school to offer accommodations such as special seating in the classroom, close monitoring of homework assignments, or extra time for written exams.
In fact, diagnosing ADHD in Children relies heavily upon a variety of assessments, tests, observations, behavior ratings scales, medical histories, and physical exams.
The Pilates Method Alliance oversees training, certification, re-certification, and national exams.
Video classes offer you a lot of scheduling flexibility, since you can watch the video whenever you choose, and use it to refresh your memory before exams and assignments.
This article will take you through all the things you will need to learn how to drive online and will take you to some of the most reputable online programs where you can register and study for driving exams.
This is why it's better to change your lifestyle by eating healthy, exercising and visiting your doctor for regular exams.
Plans that are more extensive will include illness, spaying or neutering, vaccines, exams, and dental cleaning.
The percentage of cost covered by a dental insurance plan varies from policy to policy, but the standard rate is 70-80 percent of preventative dental care (exams, cleanings, X-rays etc).
Most preventative services are covered, such as exams and cleanings.
Vision coverage is vital to overall health, however, and routine eye exams can serve as preventative care for future vision problems.
Eye Exams - This includes exams, diagnosis, and any treatment plan required for existing eye problems.
Contact Lenses - Members are able to obtain eye exams and fittings for contact lenses, which are covered fully with the exception of the co-pay.
Vision insurance can come in very handy when it is time to pay for eye exams, laser eye surgeries, eyewear, and other vision services.
If you have a vision insurance plan, it will help to defray some of the costs of regular eye exams, replacements lenses, and other vision services.
Some plans will include necessary dental procedures for free on an annual basis, such as for regular dental exams or x-rays.
Basic coverage includes cleaning, oral exams, x-rays and related in-office procedures.
Employers often cover parts of health insurance, but certain peripherals, including dental exams or eye exams, may not be taken care of.
Government Interference - Many Americans worry that government-run or controlled health care reform will determine what types of exams or testing will be covered, where most are already covered under the plans they have now.
Some will pay the entire cost of checkups and exams, others will not.
Deductibles are amounts of money that you pay out of pocket for exams and emergency services.
Some health plans also offer eye exams and can help offset the cost of glasses or corrective lenses, and certain health plans also offer emergency eye coverage.
You can better budget for planned expenses, such as teeth cleaning or annual exams, and you can handle unforeseen costs like a surgery or an X-ray.
They then take that marijuana with them as they go to take their "THC" exams (a play on the cannabis element of marijuana but said to stand for Testing for Higher Credentials in the film).
The THC exams are college entrance exams.
Ivory's ghost comes to them when they smoke the marijuana from the batch that was fertilized with his ashes, and he gives Silas and Jamal all of the answers to the THC exams.
Realize that if you pass the audition, you may be required to take a drug test, as well as a battery of other exams.
If you've ever watched a dating reality show, it makes you kind of question just how extensive these psychological exams really are, doesn't it?
She encouraged young women in particular to perform breast self exams and to visit a doctor any time they feel any changes in their breasts.
You will be assessed by a combination of class exercises and exams.
It had been agreed to look into the possibility of employing other categories of staff to invigilate exams.
Archie had been going at the actuarial exams for years now and only had three left to go before he qualified.
A scheme of entrance exams is employed by some schools.
Witness the exams fiasco last year where at least Estelle Morris had the courage to stand aside.
In Scotland, hard working pupils and teachers have been badly let down by the administrative chaos of the exams fiasco.