Examining Sentence Examples
She lifted the egg to the light and took her time examining it.
She avoided his eyes by examining the contents of the refrigerator.
He swirled the coffee in his cup, examining it absently.
Prince Andrew stopped and began examining the position.
She leaned forward, examining the lurking figures under the surface.
She was still skittish, so he hadn't done much examining of her.
Alex, Bill and Jonathan were examining a lawn mower that wouldn't start while Carmen and Katie were preparing the food.
After examining several hypotheses, he decides this to be fine particles of earth.
But every genuine attempt to overcome its difficulties brings us into closer touch with the period we are examining; and though we may not be able to throw our conclusions into the form of large generalizations, we shall get to know something of the operation of the forces which determined the economic future of England; understand more clearly than our forefathers did, for we have more information than they could command, and a fuller appreciation of the issues, the broad features of English development, and be in a position to judge fairly well of the measures they adopted in their time.
The procedure for the detection of metals in solution consists of first separating them into groups and then examining each group separately.
AdvertisementThat question can only be answered by examining whether or not the particles move in an electric field.
We can therefore calculate the rate at which the salt as a whole will diffuse by examining the conditions for a steady transfer, in which the ions diffuse at an equal rate, the faster one being restrained and the slower one urged forward by the electric forces.
Among the revisions may be adduced some addition to our knowledge of dyspepsia, attained by analytic investigations into the contents of the stomach at various stages of digestion, and by examining the passage of opaque substances through the primae vine by the Rntgen rays.
In 1868 he became prebendary of Lincoln and examining chaplain to Bishop Christopher Wordsworth, an office which he also held for a short time in 1870 for Dr Temple, just appointed to the see of Exeter.
They therefore devoted themselves to examining the nature of the soul, and taught that its freedom consists in communion with God, to be achieved by absorption in a sort of ecstatic trance.
AdvertisementThe University of London was incorporated by royal charter in 1836, as an examining body for conferring degrees.
Its scope and powers were extended by subsequent charters, and in 1900, under the University of London Act 1898, it was reorganized as both a teaching and an examining body.
In their coarsest forms such striae are readily visible to the unaided eye, but finer ones escape detection unless special means are taken for rendering them visible; such special means conveniently take the form of an apparatus for examining the glass in a beam of parallel light, when the striae scatter the light and appear as either dark or bright lines according to the position of the eye.
The ceramic history of Babylonia and Assyria has unfortunately not yet been traced; at Susa alone has the care demanded by the modern methods of archaeology been as yet expended on examining and separating the pottery found in the excavations, and Susa is not Babylonia.
Thus a bishop of the English Church appoints examining chaplains who conduct the examination of candidates for holy orders; such officials generally hold ordinary benefices also.
AdvertisementIn examining the conditions of a spiritual power properformodern times, he indicates in so many terms the presence in his mind of a direct analogy between his proposed spiritual power and the functions of the Catholic clergy at the time of its greatest vigour and most complete independence, - that is to say, from about the middle of the i i th century until towards the end of the 13th.
Jacobsen on some occasions found water in the surface layers of the Baltic supersaturated with oxygen, which he ascribed to the action of the chlorophyll in vegetable plankton; in other cases when examining the nearly stagnant water from deep basins he found a deficiency of oxygen due no doubt to the withdrawal of oxygen from solution, by the respiration of the animals and by the oxidation of the deposits on the bottom.
As a preliminary to examining further into the nature of molecular motion and the differences of character of this motion, let us try to picture the state of things which would exist in a mass of solid matter in which all the molecules are imagined to be at rest relatively to one another.
He now threw himself with characteristic energy and zeal into the task of examining the numerous MSS.
Other lives of saints were recognized to be Anglo-Norman by Paul Meyer when examining the MSS.
AdvertisementThe genus Nemalion has been recently investigated by Wolfe with the object of examining the cytological evidence.
In medicine the examinations were made both wider in range and more searching than those of any other examining body.
Without examining it, the council confirmed the former sentence, and, in accordance with canon 12 of the Synod of Antioch (341), pronounced his deposition for having resumed his functions without their permission.
This position was-in the main due to a dexterity in conducting causes, and especially in examining witnesses, in which he had no rival at the Irish bar.
In philosophy his method was psychological; he attempted to explain the Ego by examining the nature of its reflection upon the facts of consciousness.
The five universities of Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Allahabad and Lahore, which were formerly merely examining bodies, had their senates reformed by the introduction of experts; while hostels or boarding-houses for the college students were founded, so as to approach more nearly to the English ideal of residential institutions.
Other investigators had shown that Cicero's clausulae are generally variations of some three or four forms in which the rhythm is trochaic. Dr Thaddaeus Zielinski of St Petersburg, after examining all the clausulae in Cicero's speeches, finds that they are governed by a law.
Bailey, on examining 63 of them, found that with one exception their periods lay between 10 h 48 m.
On examining the stars telescopically, many which appear single to the unaided eye are found to be composed of two or more stars very close together.
By and by these crafts or "offices" claimed the right of electing their master and of assisting him in examining the goods, and even of framing by-laws regulating the quality of the wares and the process of their manufacture.
His first historical enterprise was interrupted by the French Revolution, which forced him to take refuge in England, where he took the opportunity of examining a vast mass of original documents in the Tower and elsewhere, and received much encouragement, from Sir Walter Scott among others.
By examining the senses in which the respective forces act at each joint we can ascertain which members are in tension and which are in thrust; in fig.
Further, on examining the small variation in i/i, it appears that in a slightly disturbed slow precession the motion of any point of the axis consists of a rapid circular vibration superposed on the steady precession, so that the resultant path has a trochoidal character.
In examining such points we are apt to forget that the contradictions by which a story is shown to be untrue are quite different from those by which a confessedly untrue story would be shown to be the work of different authors.
With the view of examining this question, he undertook the reduction of every observation made before 1750 which appeared to be worthy of confidence.
In examining the dissipation which takes place along imperfectly insulating substances, he found that a thread of gum-lac was the most perfect of all insulators; that it insulated ten times as well as a dry silk thread; and that a silk thread covered with fine sealing-wax insulated as powerfully as gum-lac when it had four times its length.
This is easily detected by examining the sheet the reversed side in a strong side-light.
She had a natural shrinking from society; and though her social position necessitated her presentation at Court, her first season in town was spent in examining into the working of hospitals, reformatories and other charitable institutions.
He was a member of the Old Testament Revision Committee (1876-1884) and examining chaplain to the bishop of Southwell (1884-1904); received the honorary degrees of doctor of literature of Dublin (1892),(1892), doctor of divinity of Glasgow (1901), doctor of literature of Cambridge (1905); and was elected a fellow of the British Academy in 1902.
Scheele, in examining a specimen of pyrolusite, found a new substance to be present in the mineral, for on treatment with sulphuric acid it gave an insoluble salt which was afterwards shown to be identical with that contained in heavy spar.
He travelled through several of the countries of Europe, examining different systems of machinery; and some of the results of his investigations were published in the admirable little work, Economy of Machines and Manufactures (1834).
The Calcutta University was constituted in 1857, as an examining body, on the model of the university of London.
Sailing steadily westward he entered Hudson Bay on the 3rd of August, and passing southward spent the next three months examining the eastern shore of the bay.
In 1882 he was senior proctor of the university, and the same year was made a canon of Truro and examining chaplain to its bishop. He was appointed a canon of St.
Isabella Gonzaga again begged, in an autograph letter, that she might have a painting by his hand, but her request was put off; he did her, however, one small service by examining and reporting on some jewelled vases, formerly the property of Lorenzo de' Medici, which had been offered her.
Taxes in his view must come out of rent, or profit, or the wages of labour; and he observes that every tax which falls finally upon one only of the three sorts of revenue "is necessarily unequal in so far as it does not affect the other two," and in examining different taxes he disregards as a rule this sort of inequality, and confines his observations "to that inequality which is occasioned by a particular tax falling unequally upon that particular sort of private revenue which is affected byl it."
London University, the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, and many other examining bodies refused to admit her to their examinations; but in the end the Society of Apothecaries, London, allowed her to enter for the License of Apothecaries' Hall, which she obtained in 1865.
The Bombay University was constituted in 1857 as an examining body, on the model of the university of London.
He now had a lodging in the Heralds' Office, and spent much of his time in London examining the records in the Tower and the Cottonian and other collections of MSS.
Between 1754 and 1764 he published a series of theological treatises, their main tendency being to modify the rigid scholastic system by an appeal to the Fathers, notably Augustine; from 1759 to 1762 he travelled in Germany, Italy and France, mainly with a view to examining the collections of documents in the various monastic libraries.
On examining the diagram it will be observed that the maximum compressive stresses are parallel to and near to the down stream face of the section, which values are approximately equal to the maximum value of the vertical stress determined by the law of uniformly varying stress divided by the cosine squared of the angle between the vertical and the resultant.
In 1840 Bishop Blomfield of London appointed him his examining chaplain and presented him to the rectory of Launton, Oxfordshire, which he resigned in 1850 on becoming a Roman Catholic. Allies was appointed secretary to the Catholic poor school committee in 1853, a position which he occupied till 1890.
In 1851 and 1852, on the commission of the academy of moral sciences, he had travelled in France and England for the purpose of examining and comparing the penal systems in the two countries.
The ovary adheres firmly to the seed in the interior, so that on examining a longitudinal section of the grain by the microscope the outer layer is seen to consist of epidermal cells, of which the uppermost are prolonged into short hairs to cover the apex of the grain.
Out of this contrast there ultimately grew an essentially different opposition between faith and knowledge or reason, according to which the theological basis of ethics was contrasted with the philosophical; the theologians maintaining sometimes that the divine law is essentially arbitrary, the expression of will, not reason; more frequently that its reasonableness is inscrutable, and that actual human reason should confine itself to examining the credentials of God's messengers, and not the message itself.
Even in the second sense it hardly seems that the freedom of a man's will can be an element to be considered in examining what it is right or best for him to do (though of course the clearest convictions of duty will be fruitless if a man has not sufficient self-control to enable him to act on them); it is rather when we ask whether it is just to punish him for wrong-doing that it seems important to know whether he could have done otherwise.
He acquired thus early his characteristic habit of forming his opinions by the process of patiently examining and weighing the positions of all thinkers and parties.
The university was simply an examining body, no residence in any college nor attendance at lectures being obligatory.
It recommended an examining university with the Queen's Colleges at Belfast, Cork and Galway, and with a new and well-endowed Roman Catholic college in Dublin.
In examining the myths of the gods we shall begin with the conceptions of the most backward tribes, and advance to the divine legends of the ancient civilized races.
The similarity of the symptoms to those of cholera is very marked, but if the suspicion arises it can soon be cleared up by examining any of the secretions for arsenic. More rarely the poison seems to centre itself on the nerve centres, and gastro-intestinal symptoms may be almost or quite absent.
Examining the light reflected from the windows of the Luxemburg palace with a doubly refracting prism, he was led to infer (though more refined experiments have shown that this is not strictly the case) that light reflected at a certain angle, called the polarizing angle, from the surface of transparent substances has the same properties with respect to the plane of incidence as those of the ordinary stream in Iceland spar with respect to the principal plane of the crystal.
From the above instances we see that an instrumental appliance that polarizes a beam of light may be used as a means of detecting and examining polarization.
Other advantages are given in connexion with the qualifying of experts, &c., while nearly all the county associations in the United Kingdom employ qualified men who visit members in spring and autumn for the purpose of examining hives and giving advice on bee management to those needing it.
For dissecting or examining objects it is an advantage to have both hands free.
To determine the utility of an' objective for resolving fine details, one experiments with definite objects, which are usually employed simultaneously for examining its other properties.
For very special objects the stand must be expressly made; thus stands with tube carriers very much projecting are made for examining sections of the brain.
For examining preparations in polarized light a polarizer D is introduced n the illuminating apparatus below the diaphragm and an analyser E ai.
By examining Table I.
In examining the tissues of fossil plants of that epoch nothing is more common than to meet with mycelial hyphae in and among the cells; in many cases the hyphae are septate, showing that the higher Fungi (Mycomycetes), as distinguished from the more algoid Phycomycetes, already existed.
If this patch is also given a displacement in the direction of right angles by examining it in a steadily vibrating mirror, we see a wavy or oscillatory line of light which is an optical representation of the wave form of a current in the coils embracing the Braun tube.
It may take the form of examining the demographic antecedents of the characteristics in question.
The uncertainty analysis is continued at a scale more recognizable to civil engineers by examining decision-making in relation to flood alleviation.
One of my graduate students, a nurse, was examining a patient who had come in for a routine appendectomy.
Others may study cultural archeology - examining how a community organized themselves.
Specifically, each student will complete an individual research project examining practical aspects of regulation and compliance.
Fossils and asteroid Impacts Find out how examining the rocks and fossils around an asteroid impact crater can help us reveal its full effects.
Examining the general principles of liability and focusing on the concept of duty, this authoritative text offers unrivaled breadth and depth of coverage.
Les Dennis, Mike McShane and Jeremy Edwards star in this hilariously brutal comedy examining our infatuation with fame... .
This involves examining the rectum for colon cancer by using a camera fitted on a flexible tube.
Once we begin examining ourselves, we will experience catharsis many, many times.
Spring 1757 Langley Edwards Gave evidence to the parliamentary committee examining the navigation bill.
Comparative studies and papers examining historiographical debates and/or contestations of race, religion, gender, class, and culture will be welcomed.
Witch doctors casting the runes or examining chicken entrails would probably be as useful.
Nevertheless, we were unable to identify any studies examining the epidemiology, characteristics or management of dysphagia in a typical primary care population.
Delegates at the first workshop on Ecosystem Health in July 2003, examining a dead lesser flamingo on the shores of Lake Bogoria.
Nothing is more dangerous in politics, especially in a critical period, than to repeat general formulas without examining their social content.
Would you be interested in examining the magnetic iron containing specimens that were apparently poured over ammonite fossils?
Part 1 - the British fleet, following an introduction, contains 6 chapters examining the career of every vessel.
For examining root tips we often counterstain cell walls for a few minutes with 10 ug/ml propidium iodide solution.
In examining any trial or review, the watchwords are caveat lector!
The course analyzes not only the workings of formal markets but also informal, examining the linkages between the two.
Examining the effects of different multiple representational systems in learning primary mathematics.
Showing an African examining a plant in a field of Bullrush millet.
This cross moderation study was a ratification study designed to seek evidence of the relative leniency or severity among examining groups.
At all costs you must be practical, as examining objects which seem mysterious may lead you into the dark.
It's also full of subtext examining issues in our society without being blatantly obvious.
Glasgow scientists have been examining the tsunami deposits in a bid to more accurately predict future occurrences.
When we visited there was a very striking exhibition examining how African folk art has influenced primitivism in western art.
Examining this option does not violate the 1994 prohibition.
The basic point is incredibly complex, examining tolerance, loyalty and cowardice with a visceral punch to the audience.
Even tho there are no definitive studies examining the cell soma to prove this, electrophysiologic and muscle biopsy data appear to be supportive.
It can be very helpful when examining your data to obtain a suitable set of relevant descriptive statistics.
Instead, use examining boards ' syllabi to determine the level of content required for a particular subject and level.
Among the revisions may be adduced some addition to our knowledge of dyspepsia, attained by analytic investigations into the contents of the stomach at various stages of digestion, and by examining the passage of opaque substances through the primae vine by the Röntgen rays.
Examining the tiger or the leopard, in all the beauty of their symmetrical adornment, we do not see in any one example an exact repetition of the same stripes or spots on each side of the mesial line.
One day, while her pony and her donkey were standing side by side, Helen went from one to the other, examining them closely.
He was examining the plan, evidently engrossed in his own ideas.
He saw the senior officer lying on the earth wall with his back turned as if he were examining something down below and that one of the soldiers he had noticed before was struggling forward shouting "Brothers!" and trying to free himself from some men who were holding him by the arm.
The activity of a commander-in-chief does not at all resemble the activity we imagine to ourselves when we sit at ease in our studies examining some campaign on the map, with a certain number of troops on this and that side in a certain known locality, and begin our plans from some given moment.
Meanwhile, Mavra Kuzminichna was attentively and sympathetically examining the familiar Rostov features of the young man's face, his tattered coat and trodden-down boots.
The doctor and valet lifted the cloak with which he was covered and, making wry faces at the noisome smell of mortifying flesh that came from the wound, began examining that dreadful place.
But not to speak of the intrinsic quality of histories of this kind (which may possibly even be of use to someone for something) the histories of culture, to which all general histories tend more and more to approximate, are significant from the fact that after seriously and minutely examining various religious, philosophic, and political doctrines as causes of events, as soon as they have to describe an actual historic event such as the campaign of 1812 for instance, they involuntarily describe it as resulting from an exercise of power--and say plainly that that was the result of Napoleon's will.
So that examining the relation in time of the commands to the events, we find that a command can never be the cause of the event, but that a certain definite dependence exists between the two.
Without such justification there would be no reply to the simplest question that presents itself when examining each historical event.
But examining the events themselves and the connection in which the historical persons stood to the people, we have found that they and their orders were dependent on events.
Or in other words, the conception of a cause is inapplicable to the phenomena we are examining.
But even if--imagining a man quite exempt from all influences, examining only his momentary action in the present, unevoked by any cause--we were to admit so infinitely small a remainder of inevitability as equaled zero, we should even then not have arrived at the conception of complete freedom in man, for a being uninfluenced by the external world, standing outside of time and independent of cause, is no longer a man.
But besides this, even if, admitting the remaining minimum of freedom to equal zero, we assumed in some given case--as for instance in that of a dying man, an unborn babe, or an idiot--complete absence of freedom, by so doing we should destroy the very conception of man in the case we are examining, for as soon as there is no freedom there is also no man.
Description The activity is a role-play exercise examining issues related to the quarrying of limestone in an area of outstanding natural beauty.
By examining the Received headers you can check the path the message took to reach you.
The course will commence by examining the dynamic forces and moments associated with rotating and reciprocating machinery.
The Service is currently funding research examining the life history, captive rearing, and conservation biology of the sphinx moth.
Two taxon concepts can thus be compared by examining their specimen content.
We are currently examining the effect of loss and gain of Wnt function in synaptic vesicle recycling using FM dyes.
Police were today examining the wreckage of the car.
You should already be taking your baby to well-child visits, and your doctor should be examining your baby to make sure she is meeting her developmental milestones.
She may spend more time examining them than actually eating them, but that's okay.
Head-This usually involves examining the shape of an infant's head.
This is why well-baby checkups are so important; let your doctor interpret your baby's growth chart alongside examining your child.
Because the health of every cat is different, this question is hard to answer without examining the cat directly.
Lately, many financial experts have been touting the benefits of consumers examining where they spend little bits of money they don't think about, and how budgeting can really make a difference to their financial well-being.
Child support is calculated by examining the incomes of both parents and the child's basic monthly living expenses.
Examining a list of family values and faith-related ideals can help you understand why your family believes what it does and what values it holds most sacred.
This can be seen more clearly by examining the Carbon Cycle Diagram.
You can learn the maximum paper size for your printer by reading your owner's manual or examining guidelines on the printer itself.
By examining those ideas, and making light of them, you can help diffuse your anger and calm down.
Identifying the main sources of stress in your life involves examining your relationships, physical health, financial stability, and psychological health.
If you don't like exercising, perhaps you aren't examining all of your options.
When examining different blooms, also consider the filler blooms and greenery that will accent the bouquet.
Not only can you get an idea of the vendor's services by examining a portfolio, but the pictures can help you get ideas for your wedding day.
Your dog health care professional can diagnose a case of worm infestation by examining a stool sample from your pet.
Along the way, the author also offers suggestions for examining the braces and making sure the bridge is firmly attached.
Don't commit before examining the merchandise and be sure you and the cabinets' original owners sign off on any damage.
Most contractors will be trained by at least one manufacturer and should be able to make a recommendation based on examining multiple products.
While you're examining your pants, make sure their drop is appropriate.
There's no real secret behind it, save for trying things on and examining every square inch until you're satisfied.
The diagnosis of roseola is often made by carefully examining the feverish child to make sure that other illnesses are not causing the temperature spike.
Needle biopsy (removing tissue with a needle, then examining it under a microscope) may be used to assess if any bones are infected.
Zwolan. "Examining Multiple Sources of Influence on the Reading Comprehension Skills of Children Who Use Cochlear Implants."
In spirillary rat-bite fever, diagnosis can be made by examining blood or a sample of tissue from the wound for evidence of Spirillum minus.
Diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome is confirmed by examining chromosomes for evidence of more than one X chromosome present in a male.
The diagnosis of impacted cerumen is usually made by examining the ear canal and eardrum with an otoscope, an instrument with a light attached that allows the doctor to look into the canal.
Chromosome analysis, also called karyotyping, involves staining the chromosomes and examining them under a microscope.
B. pertussis can then be identified by examining the culture under a microscope.
These two basic temperaments were also recognized in studies examining infants as young as four months old.
By examining the other tombstones in the surrounding area, you may find the graves of other relatives or friends of whom you were unaware.
Not only can you obtain vital information by searching for and examining the cemetery and death records of an ancestor, but you can also obtain a wealth of anecdotal information along the way.
There is an alternative to spending hours examining newspapers.
The motion may make them easier to see.When you are examining someone else's scalp, be sure to do so under a bright light.
Everything is laid out and so there is truly no teacher preparation beyond examining the materials at the beginning of the year to familiarize yourself with the content.
After carefully examining America's finances, including things like inflation and exports, the Fed adjusts banking interest rates.
Examining your budget and deciding on your finance limit.
It only seems smart to take this seriously when examining fertility issues.
While a pregnancy test gives a much more accurate answer than examining your own symptoms, many women justify the purchase of a pregnancy test by first looking at the signs of pregnancy.
Picking a startling and appropriate vampire costume for your child can be accomplished by examining the elements of these dark, spooky costumes.
Once you find a site that suits your needs, spend some time examining profiles before making a connection.
This means examining the quality of the stones, the metal, and the workmanship to determine if the price is reasonable.
After examining different rings and sizes, many couples find that one carat engagement rings are out of their budget.
Never bid on an engagement ring at an online auction without examining several photographs first.
There are several types of popular diamond shapes brides-to-be can choose from when first examining the types of engagement rings they admire most.
There are many ways to lower engagement ring prices, from examining less familiar engagement ring designs to knowing when to shop for the best ring bargains.
No single engagement ring design is perfect for every couple, and examining different photos of unusual engagement rings can help couples realize the tremendous range of options available for a ring to represent their relationship.
Trying on several rings while examining different styles can help you find your ring size or at least determine if your finger is larger or smaller than average.
The team of geologists, a part of the Amakinsky Expedition, was examining garnet-rich areas along the Vilyul River.
After examining the soil samples, he discovered the presence of quality diamond minerals.
Just don't be surprised when examining two different 3 carat rings with different size stones.
Imagine examining a group of several hundred thousand diamonds.
When examining a ring, check the stone setting, and look for loose, missing or damaged parts.
Examining your genetics to determine the likelihood of disease is different from tests that reveal whether or not you already suffer from an active disease.
Whether it's your home or cubicle he's examining, Virgos like a tidy environment.
They're famously unemotional on the outside, and they are very talented at examining a problem from a logical side without bringing in feelings or dramatic energy.
You need to stop and consider some astrology basics when examining just how compatible Taurus and Leo are.
You can get a better understanding of the cosmic influences over a Leo horoscope by examining specific Leo characteristics.
When examining a Leo horoscope, it's important to have a complete natal chart drawn so you can get past yourself and see the other great potential characteristics that may be hidden in your heavenly makeup.
When examining your natal chart, certain personality difficulties you can experience may be explained by a chart that features conflicting energies.
Sun sign compatibility requires examining the element of each sign to determine if the two signs can co-exist in a love relationship.
So when you approach romantic compatibility from an astrological perspective, you will want to ensure that the individual you are examining is a chart-dominant Virgo with at least a moon or Venus in this sign.
There are many advantages to this method of educating children that are worth examining.
The program will evaluate each application, examining families' incomes and expenditures before determining how much assistance to allot.
Currently Dr. Wilcox is working on a study examining the effect of "background" TV on children, as many households simply keep the set on throughout the day.
Places will be familiar, but you'll also be aware of examining the details and questioning what it all means while the dream is unfolding around you.
Examining this kind of evidence of a past life can also trigger a past life recall.
Alton Higgins provides a thorough and detailed explanation of how to tell the difference between faked images and potential evidence when you're examining the photographic evidence yourself.
Parents should also consider examining discount offers before paying full price for the items their children need.
The Aquarium of Niagara offers a wide array of marine life for viewing and examining.
Start by examining the watch band near the clasp.
Examining your goals as a teacher will help you choose not only the right yoga certification classes, but also the right amount of teacher training for your unique situation.
Autistic children are able to control how much sensation they actually get - from plunging their hands and forearms into the beans to simply examining them one by one.
The study is a pilot examining EEG biofeedback in 10 adolescent males with AS.
The company also hinted that it is examining the potential of package delivery to homes.
By examining functional summary resume examples, job seekers can pick up tips on how to create an excellent functional resume.
Before examining the reliability record for SUVs, you should first narrow down your search.
In a study examining a pill's composition, the amount of caffeine was equal to 30 cans of cola, although the label stated it contained one cup's worth.
Examining the benefits of taking the vitamin can help shed light on the subject.
These tips will help guide you when it comes to examining underwear and spotting the finer points.
The guests need to determine what the baby ate by examining the diaper's content.Bridal showers are another opportunity to play silly games.
Examining gender roles in science fiction is the stuff of doctoral theses and lifestyle articles alike.
While examining your competitors sites can give you a glimpse into what other people are doing, there is also a great tool that can allow you to search specific terms based on geography.
Examining the envelope, she replied without looking at him.
After examining a rock for ants or other insects, she leaned against it, drawing in the clean smell of the forest.
After examining the various dials and switches on Quinn's machines, I had a fairly clear idea of each; I could turn it on and increase and decrease the settings.
Brandon Westlake, lustfully examining a pile of rusty tins, was pulled away by Paulette Dawkins for consultation.
He held her gaze, and she had the sense that he was looking beyond her, to her soul, examining it as only Death could.
He turned his fork over, examining the meat more thoroughly.
She wandered along the fence line examining every post for possible weakness.
Dean methodically searched the room, examining each of the missing man's items slowly, not knowing exactly what he was looking for.
He was instantly at her side, examining the painful cut on her leg.
She shrugged nonchalantly, snapping a dry vine off and examining it as though unaware of the mockery of his question.
Examining next what immediately follows the knowledge of pure intellect, he will pass in review all the other means of knowledge, and will find that they are two (or three), the imagination and the senses (and the memory).
There is a council of state with advisory functions, which can also decide certain questions of administration, especially applications from local authorities and conflicts between ministries, and a court of accounts, which has the right of examining all details of state expenditure.
In 1832 the Registro Trimestre, a literary and scientific journal printed at Mexico, contained a communication by Dr. Pablo de la Llave, describing this species (with which he first became acquainted before 1810, from examining more than a dozen specimens obtained by the natural-history expedition to New Spain and kept in the palace of the Retiro near Madrid) under the name by which it is now known, Pharomacrus mocino.3 Quezal, male and female.
Two years later Nitzsch, who was indefatigable in his endeavour to discover the natural families of birds and had been pursuing a series of researches into their vascular system, published the result, at Halle in Saxony, in his Observationes de avium arteria carotide communi, in which is included a classification drawn up in accordance with the variation of structure which that important vessel presented in the several groups that he had opportunities of examining.
In the preface it is stated that Howel, "seeing the laws and customs of the country violated with impunity, summoned the archbishop of Menevia, other bishops and the chief of the clergy, the nobles of Wales, and six persons (four laymen and two clerks) from each comot, to meet at a place called Y Ty Gwyn ar Da y, or the white house on the river Tav, repaired thither in person, selected from the whole assembly twelve of the most experienced persons, added to their number a clerk or doctor of laws, named Bllgywryd, and to these thirteen confided the task of examining, retaining, expounding and abrogating.
It consists of a definite contractile sac or sacs lying on the dorsal side of the alimentary canal near the oesophagus, and in preparations of Terebratulina made by quickly removing the viscera and examining them in sea-water under a microscope, he was able to count the pulsations, which followed one another at intervals of 30-40 seconds.
After visiting and examining the principal churches, first of Normandy, then of central and southern France, he was on his return appointed by Guizot secretary to the Historical Committee of Arts and Monuments (1835); and in the following years he delivered several courses of lectures on Christian iconography at the Bibliotheque Royale.
In 1839 he visited Greece for the purpose of examining the art of the Eastern Church, both in its buildings and its manuscripts.
Impressed by the unsatisfactory positions in which the Allied troops found themselves on the peninsula, by the impossibility of their making any progress at their existing strength, and by the risks that the army ran in remaining on such shores without any safe harbour to depend upon for base in stormy weather, Monro, after examining the situation on the spot in the closing days of Oct., declared unhesitatingly for a complete withdrawal.
The university of New Zealand is an examining body, and grants honours, degrees and scholarships.
In 1845 and 1846 he preached the Hulsean lecture, and in the former year was made examining chaplain to Wilberforce, now bishop of Oxford.
The common school of each district is under the immediate supervision of a board of trustees; but a state text-book commission determines what text-books shall be used in these schools; the state superintendent of public instruction prepares the questions that are used in examining applicants to teach, passes judgment on publications for use in school libraries, and advises with the county superintendent of schools.
At the age of nineteen he invented an electromagnetic engine, and in the course of examining its performance dissatisfaction with vague and arbitrary methods of specifying elec rical quantities caused him to adopt a convenient and scie tific unit, which he took to be the amount of electricity req ired to decompose nine grains of water in one hour.
On examining more minutely the course of the development, it is found that the ovum goes through the usual process of cleavage, always total and regular in this group, and so gives rise to a hollow sphere or ovoid with the wall composed of a single layer of cells, and containing a spacious cavity, the blastocoele or segmentation-cavity.
He was commissioner for improving the streets and buildings of London, for examining into the affairs of charitable foundations, commissioner of the Mint, and of foreign plantations.
On closely examining Layamon's version it seems probable that he had in his mind not merely a circular, but a turning table; he gives it as ground for the quarrel that all the knights wished to sit within; at the table the Cornish workman will make none shall be left without, but they shall sit "without and within, man against man."
Successive observers in Italy, notably Fracastoro (1483-1553), Fabio Colonna (1567-1640 or 1650) and Nicolaus Steno (1638 - c. 1687), a Danish anatomist, professor in Padua, advanced the still embryonic science and set forth the principle of comparison of fossil with living forms. Near the end of the 17th century Martin Lister (1638-1712), examining the Mesozoic shell types of England, recognized the great similarity as well as the differences between these and modern species, and insisted on the need of close comparison of fossil and living shells, yet he clung to the old view that fossils were sports of nature.
In 1853 he resigned his position as examining chaplain to the bishop of Bath and Wells owing to his pronounced eucharistic views.
Soon after his return he published the fruits of his studies in Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher (1733), a finely written work in the form of dialogue, critically examining the various forms of free-thinking in the age, and bringing forward in antithesis to them his own theory, which shows all nature to be the language of God.
In 1868 Westcott was appointed examining chaplain by Bishop Connor Magee (of Peterborough); and in the following year he accepted a canonry at Peterborough, which necessitated his leaving Harrow.
Shortly afterwards, having previously resigned his canonry at Peterborough, he was appointed by the crown to a canonry at Westminster, and accepted the position of examining chaplain to Archbishop Benson.
On cutting across a grain of rice and examining it under the microscope, first the flattened and dried cells of the husk are seen, and then one or two layers of cells elongated in a direction parallel to the length of the seed, which contain the gluten or nitrogenous matter.
Kayser on examining the spectrum recognized the fact that the two series were related to each other like the two branch series, and this was subsequently confirmed.
In the crisis of 1808 Llorente identified himself with the Bonapartists, and was engaged for a few years in superintending the execution of the decree for the suppression of the monastic orders, and in examining the archives of the Inquisition.
Pizzoli's Tavolo Psicoscopico for examining the mental qualities of the pupils is of interest.
In case of direct puddling and the use of larger charges this conservatism has some foundation, because the established custom of allowing the cast iron to solidify gives a better opportunity of examining its fracture, and thus of rejecting unsuitable iron, than is afforded in direct puddling.
The advantages of the electric furnaces for these purposes can best be understood after examining the furnaces themselves and the way in which they are used.
It works automatically, examining every judgment to see if it is in strict accord with the code, and where it is not the decision or verdict is simply annulled.
Learned professors and talkative journalists insisted on delivering interminable speeches and on examining in the light of ultimate philosophical principles every proposal laid before the assembly.
The incorporation of the university of London in 1836 marks an era in the history of examinations; the teaching and examining functions of a university were dissociated for the first time.
In 1880 the Victoria University, Manchester, was established, in which teaching and examining were again united; and in the universities since established, with the exception of the Royal University of Ireland (which was created in 1880 as an examining body on the model of London, but which was dissolved under the Irish Universities Act 1908, and replaced by the National University of Ireland and the Queen's University of Belfast), the precedent of Victoria has been followed.
The committee were of opinion that a central board, consisting of representatives of the Board of Education and the different examining bodies, should be established, to co-ordinate and control the standards of the examinations, and to secure interchangeability of certificates, &c., as soon as a sufficient number of such bodies signified their willingness to be represented on the board.
They recommended that the examination should be conducted by external and internal examiners, representing in each case the examining body and the school staff respectively, and that reports on the school work of candidates should be available for reference by the examiners (circular of the Board of Education of 12th of July 1904).
But examinations consist as a rule of a number of tests, each one of which is complex; and a mark is recorded in respect of each test or portion of a test in order to enable the examining body to estimate the performance, considered as a whole, of the candidate.
We are examining the role of the free radical, nitric oxide (NO ), in this process.
Here we provide some useful tips for doing just that, examining the salient points of each Article in the Act.
For example, a previous project involved a student examining the design of an aircraft undercarriage.
This article looks at that particular thread in more detail by examining some of the concepts behind organic and biodynamic viticulture and vinification practices.
Hillebrand, who had noticed, in examining the mineral uraninite, that an inert gas was evolved when the mineral was decomposed with acid.
In the preface to the appendix containing the local arithmetic he states that, while devoting all his leisure to the invention of these abbreviations of calculation, and to examining by what methods the toil of calculation might be removed, in addition to the logarithms, rabdologia and promptuary, he had hit upon a certain tabular arithmetic, whereby the more troublesome operations of common arithmetic are performed on an abacus or chess-board, and which may be regarded as an amusement A facsimile of this document is given by Mark Napier in his Memoirs of John Napier (1834), p. 248.
Examining history is not like gazing into some fantasy crystal ball, where what we see is prophetic in detail.
However painful it may be to me, should the Almighty lay the duties of wife and mother upon me I shall try to perform them as faithfully as I can, without disquieting myself by examining my feelings toward him whom He may give me for husband.
Examining only those expressions of the will of historical persons which, as commands, were related to events, historians have assumed that the events depended on those commands.
After examining your gardenia and ensuring that the time is right for pruning, simply snip the branches off that you want to prune.
Once you have decided on your theme and the level of formality, you can move on to the thrill of examining and choosing the fabric and style for your wedding gown.
A defined benefit plan is one option to consider when examining factors to include in your retirement plan.
Completely understanding what is sleep deprivation also means examining the causes of it.
Don't bid without really examining the auction and contacting the seller with any questions you need answered first.
Examining reviews of different parks and rides to determine the best amusement parks to visit.
High Score - Get the Valdes Scripture by examining a Giant Shelf in Chapter 4-9.
In Chapter 4 grab the Mint by examining a bush.
Then immediately go to Undine Spring (again, without examining or talking to anyone) and you'll find a golem guarding the door.
Video Games Go Boom is a series of articles examining the phenomenon of video games and where they fit in our society.
Because of this shift, examining the serial number on any given Singer will reveal the time period in which the machine was produced.
You can also identify different brands by examining the size and style of the sewing machines.
No, instead they were manipulating data, examining spreadsheets, and sending that last minute update to the sales force.
By examining certain cell characteristics, abnormalities can be identified and the presence of specific types of cells can be diagnostic for certain cancers.
A skin biopsy involves removing a small sample of skin and examining its microscopic structure.
Final diagnosis, however, depends on obtaining a tissue sample from the mass (biopsy) and examining it under a microscope in order to verify that it has the characteristics of a Wilms' tumor.
The specific type is sometimes determined by developing a thorough family history and by examining the patient and several close relatives.
This is determined by examining the internal and external structures of the child.
With the person's permission, substance use can also be detected by examining in a laboratory an individual's blood, urine, or hair.
Some teenagers and adults move beyond conventional morality and enter morality based on reason, examining the relative values and opinions of the groups with which they interact.
The most important parts of the physical examination are checking for signs of severe fluid loss and examining the abdomen.
Examining a stool sample under a microscope can help to rule out parasitic and protozoal infections.
The doctor determines whether a child has a sty by visually examining the appearance of the eyelid.
Diagnosis is made by examining the diaper area and taking the history of the onset and duration of the lesions.
When examining the child, the doctor will palpate (feel) the child's abdomen to detect kidney enlargement.
When examining peer acceptance among children, researchers usually look at two areas that are related to a child's psychological and social development.
The arriving child may hear other children cry as they leave the examining room.
Trisomy 13 is confirmed by examining the infant's chromosomal pattern through karyotyping or another procedure.