Examined Sentence Examples
Alex examined the tree for a few minutes.
Inside her house, she examined her bedroom.
Alex lifted the rifle and examined the brush around them carefully.
Cade examined the claw and stood.
There were a dozen articles of clothing in all and Edith examined each carefully.
We carefully examined our as yet untouched food supply.
Sitting back down, he examined it.
She examined her palms, already red and painful from the unaccustomed exercise.
He held me on his knee while I examined his watch, and he made it strike for me.
She complied and he examined her ankle, twisting it until she winced.
AdvertisementShe examined the empty.
Lastly, I examined a brown freckle of mine near my left ear.
Dean didn't doubt for a minute the booty would be examined in detail as soon as he was asleep.
He examined her, apologizing briefly when he caused pain.
He examined the bumps and smiled.
AdvertisementBut Anatole was dumb, swung his foot, and smilingly examined the princess' hair.
The Frenchman, having pushed his head and hands through, without raising his eyes, looked down at the shirt and examined the seams.
The manuscripts had not been arranged or examined, so that the extent of the loss is unknown.
The accountant stopped, facing the Cossack, and examined him with attentive curiosity.
Like her father, the dark eyes that examined Carmen revealed little emotion.
AdvertisementLen knelt in front of her and examined her neck.
The creature repeated her name several more times while she examined her body.
They examined the rest of the garments and each, upon careful observation, was identified in a like fashion, although some of the markings were so faded they were no longer legible.
Fred examined the picture as Dean slumped back in his chair.
He lifted his tea glass and examined the amber liquid.
AdvertisementBut in his character as phenomena must be examined or what may be neglected p y g in economic inquiry.
The body parts are being examined by forensic anthropologists.
Here she examined her arm with evident satisfaction, laughing heartily to herself.
Pierre spoke little but examined the new faces, and ate a great deal.
Rostov took the purse in his hand, examined it and the money in it, and looked at Telyanin.
She finished her game of patience and only then examined the presents.
She examined a rough spot on her thumbnail.
Fred examined the small bone and handed it back to Cynthia who gingerly dropped it into a small crystal jewelry box on her bureau.
Not one of the threesome had a desire to enter the mine via this newfound entrance, but each cautiously examined the portal.
She watched as he examined Casper and answered his questions.
Claire ignored him as she examined the comb and brush.
Everyone bent close and examined them as Claire continued to hold them in her hand.
He examined it closer.
Wouldn't the police have examined the rope after Shipton fell?
Katie examined a spoon absently and tossed it in the sink.
She lifted the wing and examined the bloody breast.
Alex paused at the hay pile and sat down, cross-legged, while he examined a chart.
Alex went straight to Brutus and examined him.
His gentleness was unexpected as he examined the wrapped injury.
Dean picked it up and examined it.
That evening after work, Alex examined the chicken house.
Aaron glanced around the clearing and examined the forest beyond.
She thought she knew every inch of her place, but she'd never examined it from this angle before.
He examined the cut and patted her on the shoulder.
Students of the private faculties have to be examined by and take their degrees from the state faculties.
Cook examined the bay in the pinnace, and landed several times; but by no endeavour could he induce the natives to hold any friendly communication with him.
The interior of New South Wales and Queensland, all that lies east of the r40th degree of longitude, was examined.
Sir Oliver Lodge in 1898 theoretically examined the inductive system of space telegraphy.
Moor in 1746, and Captain Coats in 1751, who examined the Wager Inlet up to the end.
During the next two days the emperor examined his situation and dictated a series of notes which have been a puzzle to every strategical thinker ever since.
No military career has been examined more often and more freely than that of Napoleon.
Steenstrup during several years, Captain Hammer in 1879-1880, Captain Ryder in 1886-1887, Dr Drygalski in 1891-1893, 2 and several American expeditions in later years, all examined the question closely.
Several times during summer the trees ought to be regularly examined, and the young shoots respectively topped or thinned out; those that remain are to be nailed to the wall, or braced in with pieces of slender twigs, and the trees ought occasionally to be washed with the garden engine or thoroughly syringed, especially during very hot summers.
Faraday examined also the electrolysis of certain fused salts such as lead chloride and silver chloride.
It is, like milk, an emulsion, and when examined with the microscope is seen to consist of numerous globules suspended in a watery fluid.
These seeds have been examined at the Imperial Institute, and the kernels have been found to contain nearly half their weight (48%) of an oil resembling linseed oil and applicable for the same purposes.
Specimens of the best known and of many of the lesser known rubbers are included in the Colonial and Indian Collections and Sample Rooms of the Imperial Institute, and many of the authentic specimens have been chemically and technically examined in the Scientific and Technical Department of the Institute and commercially valued.
The knife is then carefully examined, and if there be the slightest flaw in its blade the meat cannot be eaten, as the cut would not have been clean, the uneven blade causing a thrill to pass through the beast and thus driving the blood again through the arteries.
If the roots are examined numerous fusiform swellings are found upon the smaller rootlets.
Most clinical trials focus on the role of homeopathic arnica but more recently the use of topical herbal products has been examined.
She examined me and found nothing untoward which is good.
He took the hat and examined it carefully, returning it afterward to the Wizard.
In turn the Wizard and the children, the horse and the kitten, examined the Gargoyles with the same silent attention.
The wooden animal gave a start, and then examined the other intently.
She examined them thoughtfully and began again.
She examined one stone after another, and seemed pleased when she could decipher a name.
At my request, one of the teachers in the girls' department examined Helen in regard to the construction of the story.
Boris paused in the middle of the room, looked round, brushed a little dust from the sleeve of his uniform, and going up to a mirror examined his handsome face.
Kepler, who examined Porta's account of his concave and convex lenses by desire of his patron the emperor Rudolph, declared that it was perfectly unintelligible.
The regimental commander walked with his jerky steps to the front of the regiment and examined it from a distance.
He examined his hand carefully, vainly trying to find blood on it.
Bilibin attentively examined his nails, and many of those present appeared intimidated, as if asking in what they were to blame.
Not the men on the commission that had first examined him--not one of them wished to or, evidently, could have done it.
Similarly a man who committed a murder twenty years ago and has since lived peaceably and harmlessly in society seems less guilty and his action more due to the law of inevitability, to someone who considers his action after twenty years have elapsed than to one who examined it the day after it was committed.
Every pass of importance is known and recorded; every route of significance has been explored and mapped; Afghanistan has assumed a new political entity by the demarcation of a boundary; the value of Herat and of the Pamirs as bases of aggression has been assessed, and the whole intervening space of mountain and plain thoroughly examined.
In such other genera of the family as have been examined, the true spermatheca has entirely disappeared, and the sac which contains it in Hyperiodrilus alone remains.
Hitherto weight has been laid on the practical side of Mirabeau's political genius; his ideas with regard to the Revolution after the 5th and 6th of October must now be examined, and this can be done at length, thanks to the publication of Mirabeau's correspondence with the Comte de la Marck, a study of which is indispensable for any correct knowledge of the history of the Revolution between 1789 and 1791.
His sensitively honourable nature, which in early life had caused him to shrink from asserting his belief in Thirty-nine articles of faith which he had not examined, was shocked by the enormous abuses which confronted him on commencing the study of the law.
It they are to be tested, an indefinitely large number of special studies must be made, for which the original materials must be collected and examined.
The general theory which we require should be sketched in firm and clear outline, leaving the detailed qualifications of broad principles to special studies, where they can be dealt with if it is necessary or desirable, and examined by statistical and other tests.
The development of many Opisthobranchia has been examined - e.g.
The results of more than twenty years' labour were set forth in his Hexapla and Tetrapla, in which he placed the Hebrew text side by side with the various Greek versions, examined their mutual relations in detail, and tried to find the basis for a more reliable text of the LXX.
His best known work was Die Betooverde Wereld (1691), or The World Bewitched (1695; one volume of an English translation from a French copy), in which he examined critically the phenomena generally ascribed to spiritual agency, and attacked the belief in sorcery and "possession" by the devil, whose very existence he questioned.
That in which the left carotid artery alone exists, as found in all other birds examined by Nitzsch, and therefore as regards species and individuals much the most common - since into this category come the countless thousands of the passerine birds - a group which outnumbers all the rest put together.
Instead of recognizing, as before, a subclass in the Ratitae of Merrem, Nitzsch now reduced them to the rank of an order under the name " Platysternae," placing them between the " Gallinaceae " and " Grallae," though admitting that in their pterylosis they differ from all other birds, in ways that he is at great pains to describe, in each of the four genera examined by him - Struthio, Rhea, Dromaeus and Casuarius.
That the eggs laid by birds should offer to some extent characters of utility to systematists is only to be expected, when it is considered that those from the same nest generally bear an extraordinary family likeness to one another, and also that in certain groups the essential peculiarities of the egg-shell are constantly and distinctively characteristic. Thus no one who has ever examined the egg of a duck or of a tinamou would ever be in danger of not referring another tinamou's egg or another duck's, that he might see, to its proper family, and so on with many others.
The cotton from each is collected and kept separately, and at the end of the season carefully examined and weighed, and a final selection is then made which reduces the number to perhaps five; the cotton from each of these plants is gained separately and the seed preserved for sowing.
Paraffin wax is tested for melting-point (or setting-point), and the semi-refined product is further examined to ascertain the percentage of oil, water and dirt present.
In 1772 appeared anonymously his Doctrines of a Trinity and the Incarnation of God, examined upon the Principles of Reason and Common Sense.
Florida that have been examined, 187 are common to the West Indies, Mexico and South America.
Some days afterwards Ignatius was examined and found without fault.
The matter was examined and the legate ordered the suit to be quashed.
If, by the advice of the cardinals who have examined the documents, the pope pronounce his approval, the servant of God receives the title of "Venerable," but is not entitled to any manifestation of cultus.
But these collections are merely heaps of historical material, good and bad; the documents therein were not examined and they are now quite superseded.
The cities have followed the same path and their archives are being thoroughly examined.
Gruppe, we understand the air-goddess as a storm deity; some of the arguments in support of the two other theories will be examined in this article.
When the expenditure during the same period was examined the extraordinary fact was disclosed that the sum raised by revenue was only three millions less than that spent on administration, tribute and public works, including a sum of 10,500,000, described as expenses of questionable utility or policy.
Dr Elliott Smith, who has examined thousands pf skeletons and mummies of all periods, finds that the prehistoric population of Upper Egypt, a branch of the North African-MediterraneanArabian race, changed with the advent of the dynasties to a stronger type, better developed than before in skull and muscle.
It has devised a scheme, founded on that for the Latin Thesaurus of the Berlin Academy, which almost mechanically sorts the whole number of occurrences of every word in any text examined.
Whether examined by functional or by structural features, the conducting paths of the nervous system, traced from beginning to end, never terminate in the centres of that system, but pass through them.
And, though the various places of religious dignity are conferred by the sultan, no one can hold office who has not been examined and certified by older ulema, so that the corporation is self-propagating, and palace intrigues, though not without influence, can never break through its iron bonds.
A cemetery at Phaleron dating from the 7th century was examined.
In 1875 he surveyed Lake Titicaca, Peru, examined the copper mines of Peru and Chile, and made a collection of Peruvian antiquities for that museum, of which he was curator from 1874 to 1885.
If, however, a series of leaves from the same tree be examined in pairs, the fact that one leaf from the tree is known to possess an abnormal number of veins makes it probable that the next leaf chosen from the same tree will also be abnormal-or, in other words, the fact that leaves are borne by the same tree establishes a correlation between them.
Later in the day he gave a lecture on, or exposition of, the prepared passages, and was examined on them by two of the doctors appointed by the college.
The examiners then inspected the certificates (schedulae) of residence and of having attended lectures in the prescribed subjects, and examined him in the contents of his books.
At Cambridge in 1774 Fellow Commoners were examined with such precipitation to fulfil the formal requirements of the statutes that the ceremony was termed " huddling for a degree " (Jebb, Remarks upon the Present Mode of Education in the University of Cambridge, 4th ed., 1 774, p. 32).
The subjects in which the medieval universities examined were (i.) those of the trivium and quadrivium in the faculty of arts; (ii.) theology; (iii.) medicine; and (iv.) civil and canon law.
Theses are generally examined by two or more specialists.
But it did not seem to Fries that Kant had with sufficient accuracy examined the mode in which we arrive at knowledge of this a priori element.
Berzelius at about the same time also examined it and came to the conclusion ' So Irenaeus.
At last they made up their minds, and presented a memorial to the emperor (19th of February 1521) in which they reminded him that no imperial edict could be published against Luther without their sanction, and proposed that he should be invited to Worms under a safe-conduct and be there examined.
The teaching was not necessarily presented in the form of an over-elaborated moral lesson, but was associated with conceptions familiar to the land; and when these conceptions are examined from the anthropological standpoint, they are found to contain much that is strange and even abhorrent to modern convictions of a purely spiritual deity.
Three of the vicars-apostolic almost immediately warned all the faithful against the "use and reception" of his translation, on the ostensible ground that it had not been examined and approved by due ecclesiastical authority; and by his own bishop (Douglas) he was in 1793 suspended from the exercise of his orders in the London district.
Weismann, however, doubts these conclusions, and having found a spermaster in every one of the eggs that he examined from workercells, and in only one out of 272 eggs taken from drone-cells, he supports Dzierzon's view, explaining the single exception mentioned above as a mistake of the queen, she having laid inadvertently this single fertilized egg in a drone instead of in a worker cell.
There can be no doubt that the series as a whole is the equivalent of the Gondwana system, and when the country has been more closely examined the association of marine fossils with Gondwana plants will be of the greatest value in determining the precise homotaxis of the Indian deposits.
But, although Protagoras and Gorgias had examined the teaching of their predecessors so far as to satisfy themselves of its futility and to draw the sceptical inference, their study of the great problem of the day was preliminary to their sophistry rather than a part of it; and, as the overthrow of philosophy was complete and the attractions of sophistry were all-powerful, the question " What is knowledge?
During Lord Curzon's term of office the whole system of education in India was examined, reported upon and improved.
Further, on the 15th December of the same year they examined an instrument invented by Lippershey at their request to see with both eyes, and gave him orders to execute two similar instruments at goo florins each; but, as many other persons had knowledge of this new invention to see at a distance, they did not deem it expedient to grant him an exclusive privilege to sell such instruments.
The instrument was examined by Pound and Bradley, the former of whom reported upon it in Phil.
It appears that workmen who had been employed by Mr Moor Hall were examined, and proved that they had made achromatic object-glasses as early as 1733.
In 1793 he published a treatise, The Calvinistic and Socinian systems examined and compared as to their moral tendency, in which he rebutted the accusation of antinomianism levelled by the Socinians against those who over-emphasized the doctrines of free grace.
Thus the cluster Messier 5 was found at Harvard to contain 185 variables out of 900 stars examined.
Struve at Dorpat examined 120,000 stars, and found 3112 double stars whose distance apart did not exceed 32".
When examined with a telescope of power insufficient to separate the individual stars, a cluster appears like a nebula.
When examined with the spectroscope the light of the stars is found to resemble generally that of the sun.
The stars selected to be examined for parallax are usually either the brightest stars or those with an especially large proper motion.
When the proper motions of a considerable number of stars are collected and examined, a general systematic tendency is noticed.
The Streams. motion of the stars in the mean towards Canis Major is thus a resultant motion, which, when examined more minutely, is found to be due to the intermingling of two great streams of stars moving in very different directions.
These two streams or drifts prevail in every part of the sky examined, and contain nearly equal numbers of stars; that is to say, in whatever part of the sky we look about half the stars are found to belong to one and half to the other of the two great drifts.
But while Nippur has been more fully explored than any other old Babylonian city, except Babylon and Lagash, still only a small part of the great ruins of the ancient site had been examined in 1909.
Instead of limiting himself to a narration of their political events, he examined their economic relations, their constitutions, their financial systems, and thus was enabled to throw a new light on the development of the old world.
These writs entitled them to appear as plaintiffs against the lord in his own manorial court and, eventually, to have the question at issue examined by way of appeal, on a writ of error, or by reservation on some legal points in the upper courts of the king.
In 1900 a group of tombs cut in the rock was examined; they are outside the farther mound and ditch, and belong, therefore, to the period after the second extension of the city.
She was examined for heresy in March 1545 by the lord mayor, and was committed to the Counter prison.
Then she was examined by Bonner, the bishop of London, who drew up a form of recantation which he entered in his register.
The territory as a whole has been very imperfectly examined by geologists, and no opinion can at present be hazarded as to the mineral wealth or poverty of the company's property.
A very remarkable circumstance was the death of animals (rats, and more rarely snakes) at the outbreak of an epidemic. The rats brought up blood, and the body of one examined after death by Dr Francis showed an affection of the lungs.'
In 310 cases of plague examined by Simpson 56% were bubonic, 40% septic and 4% pneumonic.
Personal connexion was traced in every case, and rats excluded; there was no mortality among them, and of 300 caught and examined none had plague (Chalmers).
In using the instrument the insulated rod to which the gold-leaf is attached is connected to the conductor, the potential of which is being examined.
The crannog of Lagore, the first discovered in Ireland, was examined and described by Sir William Wilde in 1840.
Few examples are known in England, although over a hundred and fifty have been examined in Ireland, and more than half that number in Scotland.
Another site in Holderness, Yorkshire, examined by Mr Boynton in 1881, yielded evidence of fascine construction, with suggestions of occupation in the latter part of the Bronze Age.
He was here arrested and brought back in chains to Constance, where he was examined by judges appointed by the council.
Wortmann examined a number of old wines and found that in all cases in which the wine was still in good condition or of fine character a small number of living organisms (yeast cells, &c.) were still present.
Not very much is as yet known of the city itself (though one public building of the 5th century B.C. was excavated in 1901, and a small sanctuary in 1902), attention having been chiefly devoted to the necropolis which lay below it; 1400 tombs had already been examined in 1908, though this number is conjectured to be only a sixteenth of the whole.
He lived successively at various abbeys - at Soreze, where he specially studied Greek and examined the numerous MSS.
They are then examined by the elders of the tribe, and if events have verified them, he is recognized as a supernaturally gifted being, and rewarded with chieftaincy.
Hittorf examined the phenomena exhibited in so-called high vacua, that is, in exceedingly rarefied gases.
As the steeping is such a critical operation, it is essential that the stalks be frequently examined and tested as the process nears completion.
Both lots when retted and scutched were examined by an inspector of the department and by several flax spinners.
After the first few days of immersion the stalks are examined daily to test the progress of the retting.
She herself drew up the rules of the institution; she examined every minute detail; she befriended her pupils in every way; and her heart often turned from the weariness of Versailles or of Marly to her "little girls" at St Cyr.
The functions of this tribunal are to inquire into and judge differences and suits between Persian subjects and foreigners, and it is stipulated in the treaty of Turkmanchai, which is the basis of all existing treaties between Persia and other countries, that such differences and suits shall only be examined and judgment given in the presence of the dragoman of the mission or consulate (of the foreign subject), and that, once judicially concluded, such suits shall not give cause to a second inquiry.
The age of Zend must be examined in connection with the age of the Avesta.
In 1508 Warham and Goldston having examined the Canterbury shrine reported that it contained all the principal bones of the saint, but the abbot of Glastonbury in reply as stoutly maintained that this was impossible.
Sarsaparilla still has a popular reputation as an "alterative," but it has been examined and tested in every manner known to modern medical science, and is professionally regarded as "pharmacologically inert and therapeutically useless."
In part these laws appear to be older than P, but when examined in detail the various collections show unmistakably that they have undergone more than one process of redaction before they assumed the form in which they are now presented.
The high value of land in and about the city caused the fabrication of two of the most famous claims examined and rejected as fraudulent by the United States courts (the Limantour and Santillan claims).
Preferable to an opaque screen is a piece of ground glass, which allows the shadow to be examined from the farther side (Lord Rayleigh).
The jet, illuminated only in one phase of transformation, appears almost perfectly steady, and may be examined at leisure.
In the hands of Brefeld, BurdonSanderson, de Bary, Tyndall, Roberts, Lister and others, the various links in the chain of evidence grew stronger and stronger, and every case adduced as one of " spontaneous generation " fell to the ground when examined.
Although much progress has been made in determining the value and constancy of morphological characters, we are still in need of a sufficiently comprehensive and easily applied scheme of classification, partly owing to the existence in the literature of imperfectly described forms, the life-history of which is not yet known, or the microscopic characters of which have not been examined with sufficient accuracy and thoroughness.
When these plants were examined they had small swellings or nodules on their roots, while those grown in sterile sand without soil-extract had no nodules.
Lafar has stated that 20% of the cows in Germany suffer from tuberculosis, which also affected 17.7% of the cattle slaughtered in Copenhagen between 1891 and 1893, and that one in every thirteen samples of milk examined in Paris, and one in every nineteen in Washington, contained tubercle bacilli.
The various tissues affected are examined microscopically and cultures made from them; in this way the structural changes and the relation of bacteria to them can be determined.
When the process facts of natural immunity are examined, we find that no single explanation is possible.
The societies advised that trilithon 6, 7, with lintel - which had slewed round - and trilithon 56, which was leaning at a dangerous angle, should be examined with a view to replacement with as little excavation as possible; that the monolith and lintel 22 be replaced, and its companion sarsen (21) secured; and that trilithon 57, 58, should be re-erected in its place, which was exactly known.
When transferred to the buyer's warehouses the bags are opened and each piece is examined by a public inspector in the presence of both buyer and seller, the quality of the opium being judged by appearance, odour, colour and weight.
It is then examined by a native expert (purkhea) as to impurities, colour, fracture, aroma and consistence.
Of the 613 opium-eaters examined by him he found that the average age at which the habit was commenced was 20 to 26 years for men and 24 to 30 years for women.
Committed to the Tower, he was examined in the presence of Elizabeth, who asked him if he acknowledged her to be really queen of England, and on his replying straightly in the affirmative, she made him offers, not only of life but of wealth and dignities, on conditions which his conscience could not allow.
Among all the "finds" examined in Europe there is a most remarkable absence of copper implements.
Colenso's Commentary on the Romans in 1861, Wilberforce endeavoured to induce the author to hold a private conference with him; but after the publication of the first two parts of the Pentateuch Critically Examined he drew up the address of the bishops which called on Colenso to resign his bishopric. In 1867 he framed the first Report of the Ritualistic Commission, in which coercive measures against ritualism were discountenanced by the use of the word "restrain" instead of "abolish" or "prohibit."
Within these mounds are two-chambered sepulchres, built of huge slabs of limestone, several of which have been opened and examined by Durand, Bent and others, and found to contain relics of undoubted Phoenician design.
Accordingly he was ordered home, in April 1666, on pain of incurring the charge of treason, and obeying was imprisoned in the Tower till February 1667, when he was examined before the council and set free.
Moreover, the expenses must, before they can be charged to the rates, be examined and allowed by some person authorized by a secretary of state or the Local Government Board, as the case may be.
At the same time, the question whether a particular protectorate forms part of the " dominion " or " territory " of the Crown for any purposes or within the meaning of any statute cannot be regarded as wholly free from doubt; its terms and intention must be examined.
There he examined the treasures of the royal library, and studied the music which was found in its highest style at the court.
It has been argued, on the other hand, that not all such mixed breeds are permanent, and especially that the cross between Europeans and Australian indigenes is almost sterile; but this assertion, when examined with the care demanded by its bearing on the general question of hybridity, has distinctly broken down.
According to one account, he visited the site of Pittsburg, and examined its availability for fortification, in August 1 753 - before the arrival of Washington.
All finished material is carefully examined to see that it possesses a smooth surface, and that it is free from cracks, seams and other defects, and that it is true to section throughout.
In a bundle examined in the basal portion of a leaf the bulk of the xylem is found to be centrifugal in position, but internally to the protoxylem there is a group of centripetal tracheids; higher up in the petiole the xylem is mainly centripetal, the centrifugal wood being represented by a small arc of tracheids external to the protoxylem and separated from it by a few parenchymatous elements.
The axis of the cone bears numerous spirally disposed flat scales (cone-scales), each of which, if examined in a young cone, is found to be double, and to consist of a lower and an upper portion.
Such a section when examined in the polariscope shows an interference figure with a coloured centre, there being no black cross inside the innermost ring (this is not shown in very thin sections).
Phosphoric oxide, or phosphorus pentoxide, P4010, formed when phosphorus is burned in an excess of air or oxygen, or from dry phosphorus and oxygen at atmospheric pressure (Jungfleisch, loc. cit.), was examined by Boyle and named " flowers of phosphorus " by Marggraf in 1740.
The infra-red requires special appliances; it has been examined visually by the help of phosphorescent plates (Becquerel), and with special photographic plates (Abney); but the most efficient way is to use the bolometer or radiomicrometer; by this means some 500 or 600 lines have been mapped.
In the visual spectrum there are four hydrogen lines and one helium line in which the actual shapes may be examined.
Since identification of spectral lines is a matter of extreme refinement, any cause which may displace lines from their normal places, or otherwise change their features, must be examined scrupulously.
The earliest records of such gauges should be carefully examined, and if any apparently anomalous result is obtained, the cause should be traced, and when not found in the gauge itself, or in its treatment, other gauges should be used to check it.
With this arrangement the knife-edges can be easily adjusted and examined, and the system is now rapidly extending to the better class of trade balances.
The few exceptions will be dealt with later, but it may be stated here that even in these the first cycle of six couples of mesenteries is always formed, and in all the cases which have been examined the course of development described above is followed.
The conditions which enable a pulley tackle to sustain a weight when the effort is removed may be examined, to a first approximation, if we assume that the internal friction acts in such a way as virtually to diminish FIG.
It is reported that in his examination for a scholarship at Trinity, to which he was elected on the 28th of April 1664, he was examined in Euclid by Dr Isaac Barrow, who formed a poor opinion of his knowledge, and that in consequence Newton was led to read the Elements again with care, and thereby to form a more favourable estimate of Euclid's merits.
During the period allotted to his preliminary studies, he read over and over again all the yearbooks, reports, and law treatises in print, and at the Tower of London and other antiquarian repositories examined and carefully studied the records from the foundation of the English monarchy down to his own time.
The bishop and clergy next examined the candidates one by one, and ascertained from their neighbours whether they had led such exemplary lives as to be worthy of admission.
Although long known locally, it was not until 1825 that it was scientifically examined by Rev.
The theme in its main outlines is a popular one in biblical prophecy, but when these 53 verses are carefully examined and compared with prophetical thought elsewhere, several difficult problems arise, an adequate solution of which cannot as yet be offered.
In this latter case the legend professes to date from the 8th century, and scholars who have examined the texts in their present form consider that there may be solid ground for this attribution.
But the question needs to be further examined.
He communicated his results by letter to Dr Galle, of the Berlin Observatory, who at once examined the suggested region of the heavens.
Under this law private banks became state banks, and all except national banks are examined by the commissioner, his deputy or some person appointed by the commissioner, at least once a year.
The application of the important criteria which Bower has thus pointed out to the construction of a strictly phylogenetic classification of the Filicaceae cannot be made until the anatomy, the sexual generation and the palaeobotanical evidence have been further examined from this point of view.
To prove this, our thoughts of space, time, infinity, power, substance, personal identity, causality, and others which " seem most remote from the supposed original " are examined in a " plain historical method," and shown to depend either on (a) perception of things external, through the five senses, or on (b) reflection upon operations of the mind within.
True or scientific knowledge then must be general knowledge, relating, not to individuals primarily, but to the general facts or qualities which individuals exemplify; in fact, our notion of an individual, when examined, is found to be an aggregate of such general qualities.
Out of several hundred stars since then examined, seventy or eighty have yielded fairly accurate, though very small parallaxes.
Indeed, the evidences, so far as they have been examined, appear to warrant the conclusion that the region of the western Tian-shan, from Lake Issyk-kul southwards, was in great part the scene of probably five successive glacial periods, each being less severe than the period which immediately preceded it.
But during the last half century large accessions to our knowledge have been made from foreign and domestic archives, and the sources of Bacon's work have been more critically examined.
Wares that can be safely purchased by sample appear at the fairs in steadily diminishing quantities, while others, such as hides, furs and leather, which require to be actually examined, show as marked an increase.
He turned to the philosophers, and examined the accepted Aristotelianism in a treatise which has come down to us - The Destruction of the Philosophers.
On the other hand, if the emergent streams overlap and the common part be examined, it is found to have all the properties of common light.
Plane polarized light gives in general two streams of unequal intensity when examined with a rhomb, and for certain positions of the crystal there isonly one emergent stream.
Another point of difference between the English and American hive is the roof, which being gable-shaped in the former allows warm packing to be placed directly on the frame tops, so that the bees are covered in when the roof is removed and may be examined or fed with very little disturbance.
At this period, too, he paid much attention to the question of licensing reform, and in 1876 he examined the Gothenburg system in Sweden, and advocated a solution of the problem in England on similar lines.
When the Roman legates appeared they "examined and approved" the acts of the council, whether as if thereby giving them validity, or as if concurring with the council, is a question not easy to answer from the records.
The Annelidan affinities are superficially indicated in so marked a manner by the thinness of the cuticle, the dermomuscular body-wall, the hollow appendages, that, as already stated, many of the earlier zoologists who examined Peripatus placed it among the segmented worms; and the discovery that there is some solid morphological basis for this determination constitutes one of the most interesting points of the recent work on the genus.
As soon as the material gathered is large enough to be thoroughly classified and critically examined, a true history of early Palestine will be within measurable distance.
By moving the eye about its centre of rotation M the whole field can be examined.
This limitation is examined below.
Very finely divided sub-microscopic particles in liquids or in transparent solids can be examined; and the method has proved exceptionally valuable in the investigation of colloidal solutions.
The disadvantage of this method was that only small opaque objects could be examined.
It is best if the image of the light is not larger than the object examined, and to effect this, an illuminating lens with an iris diaphragm is often placed between the source of light and the illuminator.
As was seen when discussing the physical theory, the minute details of the object cause diffractions, and can only be examined if the objective can take up at least two consecutive diffraction spectra.
These circles will be objectionable when the smallest details are examined.
The objective to be examined is placed on the stage, and in the manner just shown, the distance of the focal plane from the edge of the fittings or to the surface plane of the front lens is determined.
The focal length of an objective can be more simply determined by placing an objective micrometer on the stage and reproducing on a screen some yards away by the objective which is to be examined.
Aurivillius himself examined a humpback whale which had as many as fifty specimens of Coronula diadema on each side of its head.
Lynch, an American explorer (1848), equipped by the United States government, was more successful, and he may claim to be the first who examined its shores and sounded its depths.
Apart from causes inherent in the particular case of each company, which necessitates their being examined separately, recent experience leads us to lay down certain general principles regarding them.
He appeared more than sixty times before the commissioners and was examined most severely upon the whole course of his official life, and was, most unjustly, allowed neither to consult papers nor to put his defence in writing.
The saturated fatty acids can then be further examined, and valuable information is gained by the determination of the melting-points and by treatment with solvents.
Linde also examined the physical properties of various liquids, and, after making trials with methylic ether in 1872, built his first ammonia compression machine in 1873.
The cuticularized epidermis, especially, is often thus preserved, and may be removed by the use of appropriate reagents and examined microscopically.
The reason for this was that some of the first Tertiary floras to be examined were certainly Miocene, and, when these plants had been studied, it was considered that somewhat similar assemblages found elsewhere in deposits of doubtful geological age must also be Miocene.
The tablets examined range in date from 3000-500 B.C., and hence the system must be anterior to the earlier date.
Assessments are examined and revised both by a county board of equalization and a state board of equalization.
He was also curious about the tire repair kit and examined it closely, as if looking for a secret compartment.
The study also examined the effect of Head Start programs that use a different educational approach.
The main opportunity of these being examined was being aware of different cultures.
Examined by doctors, he showed no signs of mental or physical trauma, yet appeared to have suffered total amnesia.
The concept of subclinical anorexia was first examined by researchers in the 1970s.
In Part II, this practical application of nuclear weapons to strategy is examined.
The quality of your funding arrangements will be examined.
I have therefore examined the underlying assumptions made by both sides.
With gentle guidance, our tentative beginnings drawn out, examined, put together, improved.
When she examined him she found he had bloat.
Any showing signs of yellow blotches must be examined for rust.
Armstrong examined them, and they contained references to an American bombsight, and that someone was traveling to Devon.
I have examined his face and hands which are slightly burnt, by the explosion in the pit.
The equid bones will be measured and examined for traces of human butchery under a low power binocular microscope.
The Commission had not examined the issues in detail however, and the present draft was too categorical.
The possible cesspit was not examined, bearing in mind the possibility of the presence of hypodermics needles.
An almost classical permutation group of small degree is examined with some elementary GAP 3 commands.
The effect of interactions between species was examined by setting up cold clines containing two species at the same time.
Copies in 18mo examined often collate in sixes, but sometimes in twelves and sixes, whereas 16mo generally collate in sixes, but sometimes in twelves and sixes, whereas 16mo generally collates in eights.
Working with children where they naturally congregate was often an essential element in the projects examined.
Another experiment examined yield, vitamin and mineral content of organic and conventional potatoes and sweet corn over 3 years [4] .
The editor has provided a commentary that historically contextualizes the documents examined, as well as a biographical sketch of the traveler.
It examined the effects of a two hour immersion in an interactive virtual environment, using salivary cortisol and heart rate measures.
They visited 28 nursing homes and examined the prescribing of what has been called the " chemical cosh " to 217 of the residents.
The women were then examined by a doctor to determine the presence of genital cutting.
In addition, chromosomal deletions of up to 2kb were detected at all 14 integrations sites examined.
The practical application of these theories in professional intervention, from youthful delinquency to entrenched criminal careers, will be examined.
Some years ago I examined a smear of metal polish under the microscope and found it contained many diatoms.
I examined a small dinoflagellate found in the same water as the Staurastrum.
We examined linkage disequilibrium between all pairs of biallelic loci, Lewontin's D ' and r2.
Each examined tooth was carefully dissected from the upper jaw.
Initial studies examined strength in the lower extremities using isokinetic dynamometers.
David MacNaughton's paper examined the broadly Humean model of the moral agent that many neoclassical environmental economists typically assume.
However, when she examined me, I was disappointed to hear that I was only 3cm dilated and not fully effaced.
Potential variability in antiemetic efficacy was examined by looking at doses.
His late writings examined the emergence of Russia as a world power, opening an era of global imperialism and war.
Virtually every plant species researchers have examined has fungal endophytes.
His claim that he has brought back " peace for our time " will be critically examined by the House.
The scope of informal employment strategies to tackle social exclusion needs to be examined.
The influence of protein nutrition on the endogenous excretion was also examined.
The teams were examined for their ability to bring instructional design, discourse facilitation, and direct instruction to the discussions.
In addition, skin fibroblasts were examined in a single patient.
Any new floaters or flashing lights should be examined by a optometrist.
Back in 1989 the Farm Animal Welfare Council examined mink and fox fur farming.
The range of rock types examined will reflect the geology of the region.
Also the lymph glands nearest to the scar site will be examined, to ensure that the melanoma has not spread.
One area in which these issues are going to be examined is neighborhood governance.
One freshly dead guillemot was examined by a local veterinary center and was found to have damage to the inside roof of the mouth.
The book is eloquent and informative, but extremely hagiographic about the exploits of the regiments examined.
Other forms of dependent labor will be examined, with particular focus on Spartan Helots and on debt-bondage.
Upper panel - found for all examples so far examined of Zn coordinated by two histidines, four residues apart in the protein chain.
The contribution of altered ion homeostasis to development of osteoarthritis is also being examined.
The young Gabriele was instantly hooked - she examined everything from hair strands to spit, from yogurt to flour.
The first set of analyzes examined the impact of.. ... .
The project survey examined the extent to which this policy impetus was being reflected in activity in public library authorities (PLAs ).
Upper and lower permanent incisors were examined for dental injuries.
We have also examined concepts for boost-phase intercept NMD systems.
We have examined the morphology and longitudinal axon projections of a population of spinal commissural interneurons, in young Xenopus tadpoles.
A fortnight after the murder a professor of medical jurisprudence at Durham University examined the prisoner's clothing.
Stained cellulose lacquer peel, examined under PPL illumination.
The legal context will be examined, and the reasons for such legalese as warranties and indemnities will be discussed.
The writer has examined some of these records and found them quite legible, contrary to some reports.
The survey examined deaths from 16 types of cancer, including leukemia.
Serious Condition The pediatrician examined Sam and discovered his hugely enlarged spleen and swollen liver.
They found that all the spined loach they examined were of the same species, regardless of the river in which they were caught.
Signs In order to elicit the signs, patients should be examined using a slit lamp or magnifying loupes.
Many identify the problem as the splitting of the subject matter of A-level mathematics into six separately examined modules.
For effective examination it is necessary for the oil to form a concave meniscus on the surface of the hole to be examined.
Typical particles from each sample were examined by light microscopy or X-ray microanalysis.
Seed predation and germination, fruiting phenology and forest microclimate were also examined.
Synthetically manufactured peptide antigens and antigens produced using molecular biology are also being examined in an attempt to improve test specificity.
Such gross somatic mosaicism was not observed in three other lines examined, further emphasizing a role for flanking DNA in modulating repeat stability.
British multiculturalism ' Britain is a multicultural society ' - the phrase is bandied about religiously, but the meaning is rarely examined.
His most famous poem, A Drunk Man looks at a Thistle (1926 ), examined the spiritual nature of his home country.
The animals should be examined by a full necropsy to study the impact of the grass.
These effects are examined in a 1.5 ton niobium resonant bar antenna.
In 2002, they examined the region of the brain's hypothalamus containing the arcuate nucleus, or ARC.
Because prohibited offal is handled by knackers and renderers, the processes were also examined in relation to possible occupational hazards from BSE.
You maintain that despite frequent requests you were never examined by the company's medical officer.
Other methods of determining the machines orientation can be examined for applications where sighting the unit is not suitable.
The work has been examined by the police officer who confirms that the IP has been grossly overcharged for the minimal work carried out.
But I went in, was examined, given a pessary, and two hours later I had the abortion.
I have completed a masters degree in which I examined the lived experience of being a prison nurse using phenomenology.
We have examined the importance of isotope selective photodissociation / fractionation to gas mass estimation in molecular clouds.
The final meeting on 6 June 2003 examined deterring plagiarism.
A similar format was followed during the closing plenary which examined issues of concern in the context of legal education in Europe.
Having examined attitudes to contact, we now turn to attitudes to cultural pluralism.
A task's precondition is examined when, and only when, its scheduling constraints are met.
One hundred forty two first maxillary premolars (142 teeth) were examined.
The examined teeth were 218 permanent premolars from archeological sites in the south - west of Poland.
The commands use only printable ASCII characters, and the file can be examined or modified with a text editor.
Such an initiative on the part of the bride is unusual and suggests a metaphoric profundity that will be examined below.
The duration of the antimicrobial prophylactic regimen examined in the included trials varied from a single dose to a 14-day course.
In particular, we examined differences between owners and social renters that might explain observed tenure differences in health.
Small tissue samples are also be obtained using this method allowing a range of inflammatory and injury markers to be examined in the tissue.
The structure of the dispersion was examined by small-angle synchrotron X-ray scattering on beamline 8.2.
Two patients were also examined with MR imaging and labeled red cell scintigraphy.