Examine Sentence Examples
Lisa pulled a curtain back to examine the sky.
She began to examine the wound.
Dean continued to examine the script.
She continued to examine the articles.
Let us examine our prison and see what it is like.
To examine it more closely.
A tiny yellow flower peeped from under the log and she leaned down to examine it.
He walked over to examine the crosses and then squatted beside them, rifle across his knees, reading.
She searched through the pages, pausing to examine the flower.
If we examine a man little dependent on external conditions, whose action was performed very recently, and the causes of whose action are beyond our ken, we get the conception of a minimum of inevitability and a maximum of freedom.
AdvertisementGradually, the women and children drifted over to examine her.
Alex dismounted and squatted to examine the remains.
Everything is strained to such a degree that it will certainly break, said Pierre (as those who examine the actions of any government have always said since governments began).
I'll be home for lunch and examine her then.
She leaned forward to examine his face, but his expression told her nothing.
AdvertisementAfter giving him a moment to examine it, Gabe spoke.
In every action we examine we see a certain measure of freedom and a certain measure of inevitability.
She worked her way toward a little yellow flower and leaned down to examine it.
Lisa watched as he parked his car and walked over to examine hers.
May we examine some of these articles?
AdvertisementIn 1668, however, he supported a bill to appoint commissioners to examine the accounts of the Dutch War, though in the previous year he had opposed it.
His first duty was to examine the Anabaptist prisoners in the Tower.
Finally he left it that way and turned to examine her face.
Its function is to examine criminal cases and to decide whether they shall be referred for trial to the lower courts or the cours dassises.
The keeper opens the two center partitions to examine the brood cells.
AdvertisementThe duty of the so-called examiners was to examine the letters of the agents of the Company in India, and to draft instructions in reply.
We may now examine the exchange " futures " in minuter detail.
For if I examine an action committed a second ago I must still recognize it as not being free, for it is irrevocably linked to the moment at which it was committed.
Alex would probably come home to examine her.
If we examine such a substance as sugar we find that it can be broken up into fine grains, and these again into finer, the finest particles still appearing to be of the same nature as sugar.
But his powers were no longer what they had been, and he was never able to examine sufficiently into the matter.
We are here concerned only to examine the general principles of the school in its internal and external relations as forming a definite philosophic unit.
In January 1881 Count Loris-Melikov, minister of the interior, proposed to convene a " general commission " to examine legislative proposals before these were laid before the Imperial Council; this commission was to consist of members elected by the zemstvos and the larger towns, and others nominated in the provinces having no zemstvos.
An interesting feature of the expedition was the presence on board of several savants who were charged to examine the antiquities and develop the resources of Egypt.
A flight of iron steps enables the visitor now to examine this venerable specimen of early Christian art.
Please favour her with every facility to examine the exhibits in the several Departments, and extend to her such other courtesies as may be possible.
She moved off to examine the other windows as Dean knelt to do her bidding.
Brow furrowing, she pushed herself up to examine the unfamiliar bedroom.
From the manner, however, in which he seeks to distinguish between matter and cause or reason, and from the earnestness with which he advises men to examine all the impressions on their minds, it may be inferred that he held the view of Anaxagoras - that God and matter exist independently, but that God governs matter.
If we examine the seat of active growth in a young root or twig, we find that the cells in which the organic substance, the protoplasm, of the plant is being formed and increased, are not supplied with carbon dioxide and mineral matter, but with such elaborated material as sugar and proteid substances, or others closely allied to them.
This is the moment to examine whether there is a more complete polarization in a direction somewhat oblique; and it is found that with 0 positive there is, in fact, a direction of more complete polarization, while with 0 negative the polarization is more imperfect than in the perpendicular direction itself.
It is convenient to place in a small envelope gummed to an upper corner of the sheet any flowers, seeds or leaves needed for dissection or microscopical examination, especially where from the fixation of the specimen it is impossible to examine the leaves for oilreceptacles and where seed is apt to escape from ripe capsules and be lost.
Acting on this view, Faraday set himself to examine the relation between the flow of electricity round the circuit and the amount of chemical decomposition.
The second relation, as we have seen, is not a strict consequence of theory, and experiments to examine it must be treated as an investigation of the limits within which solutions are dilute within the thermodynamic sense of the word, rather than as a test of the soundness of the theory.
Thus in 1405 he, with other two masters, was commissioned to examine into certain reputed miracles at Wilsnack, near Wittenberg, which had caused that church to be made a resort of pilgrims from all parts of Europe.
The commission appoints a board of experts to examine all immigrants suspected of insanity or allied mental disorders in order to prevent the admission of the insane into the country.
He was an ardent promoter of the Erie Canal, and as a commissioner to examine the proposed route, &c., he reported favourably to the Assembly in 1811.
Examine the fruit-room and remove all decayed fruit.
Examine all plants that are vigorous and healthy; if the roots have matted the " ball " of earth they must be shifted into a larger-sized pot.
In the chapter (xx.) of that work where Hobbes dealt with the famous problem whose solution he thought he had found, there were left expressions against Vindex (Ward) at a time when the solutions still seemed to him good; but the solutions themselves, as printed, were allowed to be all in different ways halting, as he naively confessed he had discovered only when he had been driven by the insults of malevolent men to examine them more closely with the help of his friends.
Even small babies love to examine the world around them, and Boppy's baby pillow gives them all the support they need.
Mouth-Your pediatrician will examine your baby's mouth to check for conditions such as a cleft palate or a tongue tie.
Genitals-While it is common for an infant's genitals to be swollen after birth, your doctor will still want to examine him or her to check for any abnormalities.
Extremities-Your doctor will examine your child's hands, arms, legs, feet, fingers, and toes, looking for any abnormalities or any signs that might indicate a medical condition.
When you finally decide to purchase the bike, examine the title closely and make sure that the VIN matches the VIN number on the bike.
Examine what education you will really need to follow your career path.
The doctor will also examine the child's joints and the lymph nodes in the neck for signs of swelling.
Use a mirror to examine your back and other areas that aren't easy to see.
First, however, we must examine the form 'which this question assumed to the first medieval thinkers, and the source from which they derived it.
The second and third factors of (3) being each of the form sin 2u/u2, we have to examine the character of this function.
It may be worth while to examine further the other variations from correct ruling which correspond to the various terms expressing the deviation of the wave-surface from a perfect plane.
Trichard's party determined to examine the country between the Zoutpansberg and Delagoa Bay.
His object was to measure the contracted part of a fluid vein, to examine the phenomena attendant on additional tubes, and to investigate the form of the fluid vein and the results obtained when different forms of orifices are employed.
Thus all historians are agreed with regard to the Babylonian chronology back to the year 747 B.C., and with regard to that of Assyria back to the year 911 B.C. It is in respect of the periods anterior to these two dates that different writers have propounded differing systems of chronology, and, as might be imagined, the earlier the period we examine the greater becomes the discrepancy between the systems proposed.
His original intention had been after visiting Mecca to find his way across the peninsula to Oman, but the time at his disposal (as an Indian officer on leave) was insufficient for so extended a journey; and his further contributions to Arabian geography were not made until twenty-five years later, when he was deputed by the Egyptian government to examine the reported gold deposits of Midian.
When the positive method has been finally extended to society, as it has been to chemistry and physiology, these social facts will be resolved, as their ultimate analysis, into relations with one another, and instead of seeking causes in the old sense of the word, men will only examine the conditions of social existence.
In fact the uniformity of brass and bell-metal is only superficial; if we adopt the methods described in the article Metallography, and if, after polishing a plane face on a bit of gun-metal, we etch away the surface layer and examine the new surface with a lens or a microscope, we find a complex pattern of at least two materials.
In the case of this pair of metals, or indeed of any metallic alloy, we cannot see the crystals forming, nor can we easily filter them off and examine them apart from the liquid, although this has been done in a few cases.
If we examine alloys on the tin side we shall find large crystals of tin embedded in the same complex.
On reaching the province, Pliny celebrates the emperor's birthday, and proceeds to examine the finances of Prusa.
Moseley, shortly after the discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals, set to work to examine the X-ray spectrum of a number of elements each of which he made in turn the target of an X-ray tube.
In cases where the patron is himself a clerk in orders, and wishes to be admitted to the benefice, he must proceed by way of petition instead of by deed of presentation, reciting that the benefice is in his own patronage, and petitioning the bishop to examine him and admit him.
The " Nurnberg " and " Dresden" had been detached to examine passing ships, and the former was 25 m., the latter 12 m.
The gustatores cervisiae - called in different localities by the different names "ale-tasters," "ale-founders," and "aleconners" - were sworn to examine beer and ale, to take care that they were good and wholesome and were sold at proper prices.
In London four ale-conners, whose duty it is to examine the measures used by beer and liquor sellers to guard against fraud, are still chosen annually by the liverymen in common hall assembled on Midsummer Day.
To examine what is meant by a zero value of n we refer to formula (15).
It was no doubt largely due to his advocacy that the probuli, strengthened by further members, were commissioned to draft new measures on behalf of the public safety and to examine Cleisthenes' " ancestral code."
Subject to a limitation which we shall examine later, the velocity of a longitudinal disturbance along a wire or rod depends only on the material of the rod, and not upon the cross-section.
Our direct knowledge of matter can, however, never be more than a rough knowledge of the general average behaviour of its molecules; for the smallest material speck that is sensible to our coarse perceptions contains myriads of atoms. The properties of the most minute portion of matter which we can examine are thus of the nature of averages.
It does not fall within the scope of this article to examine the validity of these conclusions, nor even to notice the various subsidiary or consequential conclusions.
He was the first, in 1867, to examine the spectrum of the aurora borealis, and detected and measured the characteristic bright line in its yellow green region; but he was mistaken in supposing that this same line, which is often called by his name, is also to be seen in the zodiacal light.
It now remains to refer in more detail to the invention itself and to examine the claims of Napier and Briggs to the capital improvement involved in the change from Napier's original logarithms to logarithms to the base ro.
Cardinal Guidiccioni, one of the commission of three appointed to examine the draft constitution, was known to advocate the abolition of all existing orders, save four which were to be remodelled and put under strict control.
A royal commission, appointed by the duc de Choiseul to examine the constitutions, convoked a private assembly of fifty-one archbishops and bishops under the presidency of Cardinal de Luynes, all of whom except six voted that the unlimited authority of the general was incompatible with the laws of France, and that the appointment of a resident vicar, subject to those laws, was the only solution of the question fair on all sides.
We cannot here undertake to set forth and explain in detail all the complex varieties of the Gnostic systems; but it will be useful to take a nearer view of certain principal figures which have had an influence upon at least one series of Gnostic systems, and to examine their origins in the history of religion.
The board is specially directed to prescribe the manner in which the railway corporations shall keep their accounts, to examine these accounts from time to time, to examine the railways at least once a year, to investigate the cause of all accidents and upon the petition of an interested party to fix rates for the transportation of persons and freight.
He was then attacked himself in the Convention for his cruelty, and a commission was appointed to examine his conduct and that of some other members of the former Committee of Public Safety.
Let us now examine the organs which lie beneath the mantle-skirt of Anodonta, and are bathed by the current of water which circulates through it.
The early printed books are often called by old scholars codices impressi (typis), " printed manuscripts," a phrase which at first seems curious to us but becomes perfectly intelligible when we examine these codices impressi and observe how closely they follow the codices scripti.
To examine all the causes which may vitiate emendations would mean writing a treatise upon human frailty.
As The Gregorian Method Of Intercalation Has Been Adopted In All Christian Countries, Russia Excepted, It Becomes Interesting To Examine With What Degrees Of Accuracy It Reconciles The Civil With The Solar Year.
A commission appointed to examine the state debt found it to be $25,503,000; by compromise it was reduced to $15,000,000.
We will examine these works briefly, grouping them into narrative, didactic, hagiographic, lyric, satiric and dramatic literature.
The telescope serves to examine the image of the slit and to measure the angular separation of the different slit images; when photographic methods are employed the telescope is replaced by a camera.
Hartley has employed it with great success, and in cyanite (a silicate of aluminium) has found a material which is infusible at the temperature of this flame, and is therefore suitable to hold the substance which it is desired to examine.
Such spectra seem to be characteristic of complex molecular structure, as they appear when compounds are raised to incandescence without decomposition, or when we examine the absorption spectra of vapours such as iodine and bromine and other cases where we know that the molecule consists of more than one atom.
With a view to obtaining answers to them, it is necessary to consider the reception of the Gospels in the early Church, and also to examine and compare the Gospels themselves.
But when we examine his theory of the non-ego, and find that it resolves matter into active force and this into animated activity, identifies law with reason, and calls God absolute substance, we see at once that this spiritual realism is not very far from idealism.
He immediately goes on to examine other substances, but with "no effect," and he ends by saying, "Have got enough for to-day."
While it is true that very diverse opinions are held concerning missions, it is indisputable that the most favourable testimonies come from those who have really taken the most pains to examine and understand their work.
Examine the fruitroom every week, removing promptly all decaying fruit.
The 57th Novel empowered the bishop to examine them and judge of their qualifications, and, where those were sufficient, obliged him to admit the clerk.
In 1901, after years of disastrous drought and famine, the government of India appointed a commission to examine throughout all India what could be done by irrigation to alleviate the horrors of famine.
In 1871 he was sent to Santo Domingo as a member of the commission appointed by President Grant to examine the condition of the island, the government of which desired annexation; and when that scheme was defeated through Sumner's opposition he returned (1872) as the representative of the Samana Bay Company, which proposed to take a lease of the Samana peninsula; but though in 1874 he revisited the island, it was only to see the flag of the company hauled down.
The convention left the permanent rate of interest on the debt, as fixed by the Law of Liquidation, unchanged, but to afford temporary relief to the Egyptian exchequer a reduction of 5% on the interest of the debt was granted for two years, on condition that if at the end of that period payment, including the arrears of the two years, was not resumed in full, another international commission was to be appointed to examine into the whole financial situation.
One obelisk being overthrown and broken we can examine the minute treatment of the upper part, which was nearly a hundred feet from the ground.
It does not, however, lie within the scope of the present article to examine the various sources underlying the narrative with any minuteness, but rather to sum up those results of modern criticism which have been generally accepted by Old Testament scholars.
It now remains to examine in closer detail the further knowledge that has been gained with regard to variation and the bearing of that on the Darwinian position.
So long as we confine our attention to one or two individuals, we fail to detect any order in the occurrence of variations; but when we examine large numbers we find that it is possible to arrange them in an orderly series, which can be easily and simply described.
Throughout the Territorial period there was conflict between French and English land claims. In 1804 Congress established land offices at Kaskaskia and Vincennes to examine existing claims and to eliminate conflict with future grants; in 1812 new offices were established at Shawneetown and Edwardsville for the sale of public lands; and in 1816 more than 500,000 acres were sold.
The sole function of the university was to examine, and its examinations for matriculation and for degrees in arts and science were carried on by means of written papers not only in London but in many centres in the United Kingdom and the colonies.
It then became necessary to examine the papal claims. He set himself to study the Decretals, and to his amazement and indignation he found that they were full of frauds.
Werner to examine and refute the Hermesian doctrines, as contrasted with the orthodox Catholic faith (Der Hermesianismus, 1845).
In 1549 he was placed on a commission to examine Anabaptists, and in 1551 he was appointed chancellor to Bishop Ridley, select preacher at Canterbury, and a commissioner for the reform of the canon law; in 1552 Coverdale made him archdeacon of Exeter.
Therefore in 1158 a commission was appointed embracing four Roman legists as representatives of the emperor, as well as those of fourteen towns, to examine into the imperial and municipal rights.
If we meet with phenomena which do not fit easily into this view, we have the alternatives either to modify our assumed laws of motion, or to call to our aid adventitious forces, or to examine whethet the discrepancy can be reconciled by the simpler expedient of a new basis of reference.
We examine first the case where the axes of the two screws are at right angles and intarsect.
These principles may be applied to examine any possible combination of links forming a kinematic chain in order to test its suitability for use as a mechanism.
It is needless to examine the attempts which have been made to harmonize these accounts.
While at Frankfurt, on his way to examine the Neanderthal skull at Bonn, he was struck with paralysis, and died at Gottingen a few months later on the 13th of May 1864.
To discover exactly the characteristics and the object of natural philosophy it is necessary to examine the place it holds in the general scheme furnished in the Advancement or De Augmentis.
That this is so appears even more clearly when we examine his general conception of the unity, gradation and function of the sciences.
As regards the latent process (latens processes) which goes on in all cases of generation and continuous development or motion, we examine carefully, and by quantitative measurements, the gradual growth and change from the first elements to the completed thing.
Some of the public loans were totally repudiated, and from others a percentage was cut off, which varied, at first according to his own decision, and afterwards according to that of the council which he established to examine all claims against the state.
Holdich, to examine the territory.
The governors were directed to regulate religious instruction in secular schools, to prevent horse-stealing, to control subscriptions collected for the holy places in Palestine, to regulate the advertisements of medicines and the printing on cigarette papers, to examine the quality of quinine soap and overlook the cosmetics and other toilet articles - such as soap, starch, brillantine, tooth-brushes and insect-powder - provided by chemists.
His purpose is entirely defensive; he wishes to answer objections that have been brought against religion, and to examine certain difficulties that have been alleged as insuperable.
In order to understand the apparently sudden collapse of Portuguese power in1578-1580it is necessary to examine certain facts and tendencies which from the first rendered a catastrophe inevitable.
In 1833 Altenstein appointed Trendelenburg extraordinary professor in Berlin, and four years later he was advanced to an ordinary professorship. For nearly forty years he proved himself markedly successful as an academical teacher, during the greater part of which time he had to examine in philosophy and pedagogics all candidates for the scholastic profession in Prussia.
The first general assembly of deputies of Bolivia dissolved itself on the 6th of October 1825, and a new congress was summoned and formally installed at Chuquisaca on the 25th of May 1826, to take into consideration the constitution prepared by Bolivar for the new republic. A favourable report was made to that body by a committee appointed to examine it, on which it was approved by the congress, and declared to be the constitution of the republic; and as such, it was sworn to by the people.
Let us examine the case in which the particle m is placed at a distance z from a curved stratum of the substance, whose principal radii of curvature are R 1 and R2.
This process, which we have followed as it takes place on an individual portion of the falling liquid, goes through its several phases at different distances from the orifice, so that if we examine different portions of the stream as it descends, we shall find next the orifice the unbroken column, then a series of contractions and enlargements, then elongated drops, then flattened drops, and so on till the drops become spherical.
The impossibility of conquering Bohemia had now become obvious, and it was resolved that a council should meet at Basel to examine the demands of the Hussites.
Every facility was granted by Mehemet Ali, who in 1825 appointed him one of a commission to examine the district of Sennaar; but Brocchi, unfortunately for science, fell a victim to the climate, and died at Khartum on the 25th of September 1826.
We have next to examine the manner in which he used it, and here we are met at the outset by the difficulty of determining with exactness what authorities he is following at any one time; for of the importance of full and accurate references he has no idea, and often for chapters together he gives us no clue at all.
The care bestowed on the selection and preparation of the drug in the Bengal opium-factories is such that the merchants who purchase it rarely require to examine it, although permission is given to open at each sale any number of chests or cakes that they may desire.
In 1818, when he was created a baronet, he was commissioned by the British government to examine the papyri of Herculaneum in the Neapolitan museum, and he did not arrive back in England till June 1820.
On the 4th the king, having been shown the letter, ordered the earl of Suffolk, as lord chamberlain, to examine the buildings.
He was a railway expert, becoming secretary-general of the Railway Commission established in 1842, government commissioner to the authorized railway companies, administrator of the Lyons-Mediterranean railway, and commissioner to examine foreign railways.
He and the council examine and pass upon election returns; he may summon extra sessions of the legislature, and he may grant pardons, reprieves, and commutations in all cases except impeachment, but the manner of hearing applications for pardon is in a measure prescribed by statute, and he must present to the legislature an account of each case in which he grants a pardon.
The dean and chapter are thereupon bound to elect the person so named by the crown within twelve days, in default of which the crown is empowered by the statute to nominate by letters patent such person as it may think fit, to the vacant bishopric. Upon the return of the election of the new bishop, the metropolitan is required by the crown to examine and to confirm the election, and the metropolitan's confirmation gives to the election its canonical completeness.
Between 1850 and 1860 French and English geologists were induced to examine into the facts, and found irresistible the evidence that man existed and used rude implements of chipped flint during the Quaternary or Drift period.
We must now examine in more detail the differences which exist or have been alleged to exist between living organisms and inorganic bodies.
It is therefore necessary first to examine the nature and characteristics of her Eastern prototype, and then to see how far they reappear in the Greek Aphrodite.
The first essential is an elevated observatory; the next is a long series of bolographs taken at different times of the year and of the day, to examine the effect of interposing different thicknesses of air and its variation in transparency (chiefly due to water vapour).
In1839-1842Marcy was a member of a commission appointed by President Van Buren, in accordance with the treaty of 1839 between the United States and Mexico to " examine and decide upon " certain claims of citizens of the United States again'st Mexico.
The reason for this is that in most cases the decretals did not formulate any law, but were merely solutions of particular cases, given as models; to arrive at the abstract law it was necessary to examine the solution in each case with regard to the circumstances and thus formulate a rule; this was the work of the canonists.
The persons appointed (in conjunction with the proctors, John Slade of Catharine Hall, and Benjamin Pulleyn of Trinity College, Newton's tutor) to examine the questionists were John Eachard of Catharine Hall and Thomas Gipps of Trinity College.
A year later he obtained from the government of July a mission to examine prisons and penitentiaries in America, and proceeded thither with his life-long friend Gustave de Beaumont.
The scheme shall contain in full safeguards for the protection of the Assyro-Chaldeans and other racial or religious minorities within these areas, and with this object a Commission composed of British, French, Italian, Persian and Kurdish representatives shall visit the spot to examine and decide what rectifications, if any, should be made in the Turkish frontier where, under the provisions of the present Treaty, that frontier coincides with that of Persia."(Article 63.)" The Turkish Government hereby agrees to accept and execute the decisions of both the Commissions mentioned in Article 62 within three months from their communication to the said Government."(Article 64.)" If within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Kurdish peoples within the areas defined in Article 62 shall address themselves to the Council of the League of Nations in such a manner as to show that a majority of the population of these areas desires independence from Turkey, and if the Council then considers that these peoples are capable of such independence and recommends that it should be granted to them, Turkey hereby agrees to execute such a recommendation, and to renounce all rights and title over these areas.
At last, in 1871, long after Lord Palmerstons death and Lord Russells retirement, a joint conimission Was appointed to examine into the many cases ofdispute WhIch had arisen between the United States andGreat Britain.
The official inspectors examine, grade and sample the wheat in the cars in which it is received at the great markets or elevators.
The first thing, therefore, is to examine the seals to see that they are unbroken.
In 1889 he entertained at Hissarlik a committee of archaeological experts, deputed to examine B6tticher's absurd contention that the ruins represented not a city, but a cremation necropolis; and he was contemplating a new and more extensive campaign on the same site when, in December 1890, he was seized at Naples with an illness which ended fatally on the morning of Christmas Day.
It is sometimes maintained that the proper method of ethics is the psychological method; ethics, we are told, should examine as its subject-matter moral sentiments wherever found, without raising ultimate questions as to the nature of obligation or moral authority in general.
Before, however, we take a brief survey of the progress of systematic ethics from Ambrose to Thomas Aquinas, it may be well to examine the chief features of the new moral consciousness that had spread through Graeco-Roman civilization, and was awaiting philosophic synthesis.
Fourthly, if we examine things fairly, we see that in point of fact all knowledge depends on certain hypotheses, or facts taken for granted.
We can unfortunately derive no further assistance from external sources and must therefore examine the native traditions.
In Ireland there were no cities and no municipal institutions; the nation consisted of groups of tribes connected by kinship, and loosely held together by a feudal system which we shall examine later.
If we examine myths of human descent from animals, we find gods busy there, and if we try to investigate the myths of the origin of the gods, the subject gets mixed up with the mythical origins of things in general.
Our next step must be briefly to examine the intellectual condition of savages, that is, of races varying from the condition of the Andaman Islanders to that of the Solomon Islanders and the ruder Red Men of the American continent.
Mr Strehlow's branch of the Arunta they did not examine.
Revolting, in the height of his success, against the current creed, he began to examine the foundations of knowledge.
The usurping successor of Hakam found it a politic step to request the most notable doctors of the sacred law to examine the royal library; and every book treating of philosophy, astronomy and other forbidden topics was condemned to the flames.
Averroes maintains that a return must be made to the words and teaching of the prophet; that science must not expend itself in dogmatizing on the metaphysical consequences of fragments of doctrine for popular acceptance, but must proceed to reflect upon and examine the existing things of the world.
We shall proceed in the first instance to examine the most salient features of the normal Castilian, spoken in the provinces more or less closely corresponding to the old limits of Old and New Castile, so as to be able afterwards to note the peculiarities of what, for want of a better expression, we must call the Castiian dialects.
His early work on the movements of gases led him to examine the spontaneous movements of liquids, and as a result of the experiments he divided bodies into two classes - crystalloids, such as common salt, and colloids, of which gum-arabic is a type - the former having high and the latter low diffusibility.
Since this value for the distance of distinct vision is only conventional, it is understood that the capacity of the simple microscope given in (2) holds good only for eyes accustomed to examine small objects io in.
We will now examine the conditions which must be fulfilled by an objective, and then how far these conditions have been realized.
To examine objects with objectives of high power and low free object distance, the apparatus for side-illumination is not sufficient, and a so-called vertical illuminator is used.
It is, on the contrary, possible to examine covered objects with the vertical illuminator, if the immersion system be employed.
To examine crystals, especially in converging light, a condenser, movable in the optic axis, is needed above the polarizer.
In 1743 he was commissioned to examine into the customs service in the Barbadoes and exposed similar corruption there.
It has been found useful in some cases to examine microscopically the thin film of coal that often covers the pinnae of fossil fronds, in order to determine the form of the epidermal cells which may be preserved in the carbonized cuticle; rectilinear epidermal cell-walls are usually considered characteristic of Cycads, while cells with undulating walls are more likely to belong to Ferns.
The principal duties of this board are to examine the condition and the management of such institutions and report to the governor; and county and city authorities must submit to it for criticism all plans for new jails, public infirmaries, and hospitals.
Three revenue commissioners, one of whom is an expert accountant, are elected biennially by each county court to examine the books and reports of the collectors, and three state revenue agents are appointed biennially by the comptroller to examine the records of all officials charged with the collection or disbursement of state or county revenue.
He lifted her effortlessly to the counter so he could examine her ankle again.
He watched as the tiny hands wiggled on the monitor, and even moved closer to examine the fetus.
The course aims to examine the cultural context of the built environment and the relationships between design and society.
The search engine will examine the query, extract nouns and noun phrases and construct a query for the user.
One area contributing to this theme is to examine how designers abstract the worksystem and how they represent this abstraction in their designs.
If this cannot be achieved, examine the eye again in case there is another cause for decreased acuity such as early lens opacity.
In short, we are always concerned to examine the adequacy of the evidence for the purpose in hand.
This approach allowed quick, low cost sensitivity analysis to be undertaken to examine issues raised during the study.
This provides the opportunity to examine alternative political ideas including anarchism, fascism and feminism.
Some centers will use magnetic resonance angiography to help examine the arterial supply (blood supply) to your legs or arms.
In Level 2 Anthropology, you will also examine the research anthropologists are doing in developed countries.
My role was to examine grant applications in computer science education 12.
During the final examination the women underwent scans to examine brain atrophy.
Under these circumstances, the vignettes provided them with the opportunity to examine families of diverse backgrounds.
When morning comes, get up, then examine the bedpost.
The second purpose was to examine the environmental biosafety of the approach.
Examine the ocean communities to address questions about the deep biosphere and evolution.
The project will examine the views of key Russian Oriental scholars on the impact of the empire's eastern borderlands on Russian national identity.
This seminar will examine the many problems attached to bringing forward brownfield sites for development.
Examine each branch and look for a pair of leaves where there are two tiny dormant buds in the leaf axil.
A key aim was to examine the ability of the individual alternative cancer models to detect human carcinogens.
The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between specific dietary carotenoids and the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD ).
This lecture will examine how a common metabolite in both fat and carbohydrate catabolism could hold some insight into metabolic integration.
In this chapter we shall examine the effects of applying square waves to cr circuits.
Its research will also examine ink adhesion; food contact; and the affects of non-stick coatings.
However they will not see you or examine you without your explicit consent.
Since the fire the company has reviewed its maintenance procedures and worked with the fire service to examine emergency contingency plans.
Always examine for an Achilles tendon contracture, which is often present in patients with plantar fascitis.
The systems that I examine vary from simple melts of diblock copolymer to block copolymers with elaborate architectures.
The project will examine the synthesis and application of new conjugated block copolymers as light harvesting and charge transporting layers in organic solar cells.
In addition, we also calculate dividend yields, and examine the performance of the market for company debentures.
If a rubber diaphragm is fitted, examine it for damage or deterioration.
To extend the investigation to boys and examine sex differences.
Rather, we need to examine primarily the extended discourse that occurs in natural settings and open-ended interviews.
You can examine whether or not variables are normally distributed with histograms of frequency distributions.
These experiments were designed specifically to examine the nature of the typical domestic enclosure ditch of the Iron Age period.
In this article we use a simple framework to examine how these two ratios should behave in long-run equilibrium.
The maritimeEXODUS evacuation model was then used to examine the evacuation procedure currently employed on the vessel.
The aim is to examine the growth of root explants over a 7 day period.
For we must examine the extent to which the question of the internet affects individuals and their roles as citizens.
May we have an opportunity to examine where Ministers have gone wrong in tackling extremism?
Cultural theories of translation go beyond a narrow focus on language and examine the interaction between translation and the wider historical and socio-cultural context.
This program will examine the dog racing fraternity in Ireland, particularly in the northwest.
Descriptive analyzes to examine the frequency distribution, chi-square test and factor analysis were applied using SPSS.
Examine all of your rigging and ensure that your lines do not cross or chafe against anything causing unnecessary friction.
This enables researchers to examine brain function in healthy tissue for a comparison.
The practitioner should always bear in mind that failure to examine the fundus properly under mydriasis may lead to serious retinal changes being missed.
Reason for rejection 5 does not apply to fork gaiters or shrouds 5. Examine the front fork assembly.
If this is indicated, the doctor may choose gently to examine the genitalia, but he will tell the patient first.
The doctor also may find it helpful to examine chalky, sodium urate deposits (tophi) around joints to diagnose gout.
I decided to examine a branch of my maternal grandmother 's family.
Choose Analyze -- Windows will examine the hard drive and see if it needs to be defragmented or not.
He was also to examine the headwaters of Tullock's creek as he passed it and send me word of what he found there.
I specifically want to examine what the growing body of scholarship on the male hobo means for the, often neglected, female hobo.
Also, examine the buccal cavities of the human hookworm Nectar Americans.
Any report must examine the wide environmental implications of UK decisions on agricultural biotechnology.
Initially examine under low power (x10) to identify areas of normal liver parenchyma, and the areas of granulomatous inflammation.
To attend community meetings and examine the scope for joint agency initiatives 16.
We can examine the interplay between the different questions, to find out how people's judgements are formed.
Finally we examine mental disorders be may never use in Idaho Iowa.
I examine three obvious lacunae in Elias ' theory.
The present project has sought to examine polarization properties of both edge-emitting and vertical cavity surface emitting lasers.
Thus he moves beyond purely linguistic concerns to examine speech acts, speech events and role and status of the speaker and hearer.
For example, students have the opportunity to examine contemporary mainstream and independent American cinema, European cinema, and British cinema.
Our present focus of research is thus to examine the mechanisms and sources of ATP release from the ventral medulla much more closely.
To ensure continued integrity of the PRINCE2 methodology, only Accredited Training Organizations can train & examine in this subject.
Implications for future research Future work should aim to examine the oral microflora of all stroke patients.
I recently had occasion to examine one of the stereo dissecting microscopes from China.
He will examine why backlist is often so mishandled.
Examine the sundial in the forecourt, believed to be of 8th century monastic origin.
You will find a qualified optometrist on virtually every high street who is able to examine your children's eyes.
You will be expected to examine your fellow students, so the chances of finding ocular pathology in such a young population is low.
Sensitivity tests should examine the degree to which forecast patronage is dependent on any such restraint.
Consequently, we have a paucity of cases to examine and it is hard to see how we can test these claims.
The SHO admitted at interview that he did not examine Mrs Y for signs of surgical emphysema a sign of oesophageal perforation.
Now we can examine a situation illustrating the pitfalls of classification tree.
She uses these models to examine the impact of air pollutants at the cellular level.
We examine the properties of the polynomial kernel in relation to a polynomial classifier.
We use cross-modal priming in three experiments to examine the resolution of this ambiguity in speech perception.
Examine and evaluate occlusal factors in the provision of implant retained prosthesis.
The Tables below examine the relationship between the PNA index in North America and the weather patterns around the UK using PSC quintiles.
But then I realized that the final act was much more contemplative, having the courage to examine the ramifications of that event.
In the same vein, an attempt will be made to examine the significance of the recent rapprochement between Greece and Turkey.
The doctor may examine your abdomen, or look for the blistering rash on your skin, and check for mouth ulcers.
Not so, if you examine the rationale for JM's recent acquisitions.
In this section of questions we examine one of the most common types of such reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements.
The aim of this study was to examine the effect of trainee surgeons and their supervision on hernia recurrence.
The telecoms regulator, Ofcom, says consumers must examine ISPs to " assess which suits them " .
I wanted remain true to the writing and really examine the relationship between the two men.
Selections can be compared with established scenarios of predicted change in order to examine repercussions on the ocean-atmosphere system.
Examine the film's last shot, the look of barely restrained pain on Tom's face as Leo walks away into marriage.
Examine new purchases closely - sometimes Crassula or Azolla will hitch a ride on another plant.
Let us examine the role of largest exporters of arms in the World.
The vet still wont examine him without us giving a little dog sedative.
Professor James Jackson Geologist with an interest in earthquakes, using earthquake source seismology to examine how continents are deforming today.
The strength of rational thinking is in the ability to examine and remove self-deception, rationalizations, and other defensive mental maneuvers.
Students then examine the concept of representation in a range of TV programs including soap operas, sitcoms and drama.
A 2/3 day field course at the end provides the opportunity to examine critical sites upon which the British quaternary stratigraphy is based.
Therefore, any opportunity to examine in plan sites where vertical stratigraphy is likely to survive should be considered a high priority.
In part 3, they examine genome-wide searches for type 1 diabetes susceptibility genes.
You examine recent theoretical debates on globalization, cultural syncretism and hybridity.
However, the only way to be certain that the lump is cancer is for the surgeon to examine the testicle during an operation.
When I looked up I noticed an electrical transformer on a power pole behind the house I had stopped to examine.
There are lots of opportunities to examine various rocks, minerals and fossils -- and particularly two very large trilobites called Fred and Barney!
Transrectal ultrasound - this is used to examine the prostate gland in men.
Examine areas where water splash from both the trailer and the towing vehicle wheels would strike the underside of the trailer.
The Examiners shall have power to examine a candidate viva voce on the subject of his or her dissertation.
Her brief was to examine the lack of housing supply and explain why it reacts only weakly to a rise in prices.
When a special committee was appointed to examine the charges of venality in their dealings with Jugurtha brought against the Roman representatives, Scaurus, who was equally guilty with the rest, was especially active in promoting the establishment of the committee, and even managed to get himself put at the head of it.
Local finance is regulated by the communal and provincial law of May 1898, which instituted provincial administrative juntas, empowered to examine and sanction the acts of the coin munal financial administrations.
Mouat, to examine and report.
But if we accept either view we have still to examine the process of construction in detail, with a view to ascertaining the stages by which proteid is built up. Here unfortunately we find ourselves in the region of speculation and hypothesis rather than in that of fact.
If we examine the hydrographic basins of the three divisions of Asia thus indicated we find that the northern division, including the drainage falling into the Arctic Sea,the Aralo- Hydro- Caspian depression, or the Mediterranean, embraces an graphs area of about 6,394,500 sq.
An inspector of the board or of the local authority was by the same act authorized to enter premises and examine sheep. Each year the disorder runs a similar course, the outbreaks dwindling to a minimum in the summer months, June to August, and attaining a maximum in the winter months, December to February.
Broadly this phenomenon is termed polymorphism; however, it is necessary to examine closely the diverse crystal modifications in order to determine whether they are really of different symmetry, or whether twinning has occasioned the apparent difference.
Whilst the race of collectors and systematizers culminated in the latter part of the 18th century in Linnaeus, a new type of student made its appearance in such men as John Hunter and other anatomists, who, not satisfied with the superficial observations of the popular " zoologists," set themselves to work to examine anatomically the whole animal kingdom, and to classify its members by aid of the results of such profound study.
But if we polish the solid alloys, etch them if necessary, and examine them microscopically, we shall find that alloys on the lead side of the diagram consist of comparatively large crystals of lead embedded in a minute complex, which is due to the simultaneous crystallization of the two metals during the solidification at the eutectic temperature.
In order to comprehend the more intricate processes of the higher peoples it is necessary to examine the textile industry in all of the culture areas.
It enacts (r) that a writ of habeas corpus shall be issued in vacation time in favour of a person restrained of his liberty otherwise than for some criminal or supposed criminal matter (except persons imprisoned for debt or by civil process); (2) that though the return to the writ be good and sufficient in law, the judge shall examine into the truth of the facts set forth in such return, and if they appear doubtful the prisoner shall be bailed; (3) that the writ shall run to any port, harbour, road, creek or bay on the coast of England, although not within the body of any county.
The bishops of England have also jurisdiction to examine clerks who may be presented to benefices within their respective dioceses, and they are bound in each case by the 95th canon of 1604 to inquire and inform themselves of the sufficiency of each clerk within twenty-eight days, after which time, if they have not rejected him as insufficiently qualified, they are bound to institute him, or to license him, as the case may be, to the benefice, and thereupon to send their mandate to the archdeacon to induct him into the temporalities of the benefice.
In the event of a complaint being made to a district council that any drain, closet, privy, ashpit or cesspool is a nuisance or injurious to health, the council may empower their surveyor to enter and examine the premises, and, if the complaint is well founded, they may require the owner to do the necessary works.
Human sciences dissect everything to comprehend it, and kill everything to examine it.
We also estimate quantile regression functions to examine how the return to schooling varies across the conditional distribution of earnings.
Examine all of bird including under tongue and under rami of mandibles.
Not so, if you examine the rationale for JM 's recent acquisitions.
The stated approach of Burnett is to examine the history of drinks beyond any purely realist notions of physiological need or innate desire.
The telecoms regulator, Ofcom, says consumers must examine ISPs to " assess which suits them ".
A chance to examine afresh discussions on reparations for slavery.
Equally, scholars residing at a distance from European archives can now examine the manuscripts from their own home.
Examine the film 's last shot, the look of barely restrained pain on Tom 's face as Leo walks away into marriage.
In this paper we examine the importance of heterogeneity and self-selection into schooling for the study of inequality.
The aim of the research was to examine spatial variation in wages in the UK.
Examine the large randomized statin trials to see whether any have reported on severity of events compared with placebo.
This does not detract from the necessity when heavy bleeding is observed to examine the patient in order to try to staunch the blood.
A 2/3 day field course at the end provides the opportunity to examine critical sites upon which the British Quaternary stratigraphy is based.
And I suggested that these notions may be less than clear and obvious, when we begin to examine them.
Does he agree that the issue is symptomatic of a failure properly to examine the potential environmental impact of green taxes across the board?
Continuing this theme, the Protestant theologian Julio de Santa Ana challenges contemporary theologians to examine the policies of the State of Israel.
However, this notion does not seem to hold true when we examine the actual tombstones of the soldiers themselves.
To follow these we examine the Phillips Curve (the trade-off between unemployment and inflation).
There are lots of opportunities to examine various rocks, minerals and fossils -- and particularly two very large trilobites called Fred and Barney !
In particular we might examine the recent trend toward ' body projects ' which have become ubiquitous in society.
Students will review the political and legislative underpinnings of equality practice and examine practical equality work in public service delivery.
However, the paper represents a reflexive attempt to examine conceptual and pedagogical underpinnings of this approach to adult learning.
We have used this unique data set to examine how occurrence rates of magnetic clouds vary with solar latitude and activity.
In separate reports, they examine WiMax market dynamics, vendor positioning, service provider plans, and WiMax Forum activities.
It will examine how popular travel accounts combined with classical and biblical scholarship to create a vogue for all things eastern in the arts.
Related to the closing must examine how in new york just shelled out.
Let him examine his food, as this is how he is learning about an important part of his world.
At this age, babies love to hold objects and examine them.
Once you've reached the point that you know it's time to choose a birth control method, you need to examine your options.
If you are breastfeeding, you may need to examine your diet to see if there are any foods that you are eating which could be upsetting your baby's tummy.
While your pediatrician will certainly examine your child at each well-child visit, you may pick up on developmental delays before he does.
A doctor should examine babies who experience any of the symptoms of severe rash as soon as possible.
Check the passenger capacity and examine cargo capacity with the back seats up and down.
Ask for samples of the carpet you like to take home and examine.
Since each pearl will be different from the next, it is extremely important that you examine every pearl on a strand for quality.
Open plastic clamshell packaging to examine fresh produce individually.
Closely examine the color that appears, and then try to replicate said color in the blushes you try on.
Take the lipstick you're interested in and bring it in to natural light-hold it up to your face and examine in a mirror how the color compliments your skin color.
Carefully examine the long-term performance of a fund and the company behind it.
It's absolutely necessary that you closely examine the volatility of any mutual fund in which you're interested in investing.
Head out to a store near you that sells patio furniture to sample and examine, and get a feel for what you'd like.
In most cases you won't be able to examine the actual disc before purchasing.
If you don't examine the DVD for scratches or nicks in the store before making the purchase (this is highly recommended), then be sure you pop it into your DVD player once you get home.
Always examine the used book you buy a bit more closely when you get home.
Fake designer models may have shoddy or poor construction, so be sure to examine the stitching and materials.
Examine the watches you're interested in closely, and be sure you have a good understanding of how their features work.
If you find used record albums at a garage sale, closely examine them (even more so than you would in a record shop) before purchasing.
If you decide to buy a used fishing pole, closely examine the pole for hairline cracks.
Examine your finances to determine just how much you can afford to spend on a boat.
If you are buying used water skis, closely examine them for hairline cracks, and also ask the owner how long he/she has had the water skis for.
Many stores have displays set up, allowing you to examine and touch a variety of cameras before you make a decision.
Also, take a look through the viewfinder, examine the LCD screen, and manipulate the buttons.
However, you should be sure to examine your potential purchases carefully.
The Audubon binoculars come with a neck strap so children can run or examine items without setting the binoculars aside and losing them.
You'll also need to examine the handle on your golf club.
When checking a table saw and considering its purchase, examine the miter gauge for any potential movement.
If you are buying used machines check the user's feedback (eBay) and examine the pictures closely.
You should also examine the main purpose for the television you are purchasing.
But sometimes, if you examine the deal more closely, you'll find that the "great deal" really isn't that great.
Read listings and examine pictures carefully, asking questions of the seller if you have any. eBay is home to a number of sub-par instrument sellers.
All things considered, you really ought to have your vet examine your cat.
You may also want your vet to examine him to see if there's a medical reason behind all of the house accidents.
Your vet will examine your cat carefully.
If you find a stray newborn kitten, first examine it to see if it has any trauma or injuries.
A veterinarian may run a routine battery of tests to diagnose cardiomyopathy, and these can include an EKG, an x-ray or ultrasound images to examine the shape and condition of your cat's heart.
So shrewdly analyze your ability to pay off debt, then examine many of the introductory offers for the lowest possible APR for the longest period of time, in addition to the parameters of the APR hike at the end of the promotional period.
Web sites can often provide a report in seconds (depending on the site's traffic and the speed of your Internet connection), and you can print it out to examine at your leisure.
You should examine each piece of information carefully for errors and contact both the reporting agency and the information provider to correct any mistakes as soon as possible.
Before clicking on anything, you will want to carefully examine the options being shown to you.
Before signing up for American Express Blue simply because of attractive benefits, consumers should examine the card's terms and conditions including fees, interest rates, and privacy policies.
Examine your contract closely to determine the facts communicated to you verbally are actually on paper.
The Texas child support laws provide a method for the courts to examine the financial circumstances surrounding both custodial and non-custodial parents in order to calculate the appropriate child support payment.
If things haven't deteriorated beyond the ability to communicate, sit down together and examine the situation to see if the two of you qualify for an expedited divorce.
The sections below examine some of the most common divorce mediation forms and supporting documents used across most of the United States.
Make sure you examine each piece and assemble the sectional for closer inspection.
You can take advantage of great prices when purchasing what's called a manufacturing defect as long as you take your time to examine the furniture thoroughly.
The Spanish and Mexican influences are obvious when you examine the various motifs and styles found in southwestern furniture.
Examine your furniture before starting the replacement process.
Turn the chair over and examine the wheels.
Purdue University's horticultural department provides background information and a nutritional chart on mangosteen fruit for those who wish to examine the exact nutritional makeup of the fruit.
Even if you don't want to use a darker color, examine the entire strip carefully.
Talk with neighbors, check the title, review tax records, locate deeds, or examine historic city maps.
Most print rugs have a tight weave, so unless you examine the rug closely, you may not be able to tell at first glance that it's a printed pattern instead of a woven one.
Many times, you will find a rug that has a very full look, but if you examine the twist closer, you'll discover that yarn is very loosely twisted together.
Before you design your perfect laundry room, take a few minutes to examine your starting point.
If there are any problems, the FDA can examine these records if deemed necessary.
The result is a unique, simultaneous view that offers the user a variety of angles to examine.
Create a perfect line or examine each lash for clumps; whatever you do, this mirror will make sure you don't miss a spot.
The wide-reaching, extendable arm of a wall mount mirror is an outstanding feature that allows the user to pivot the mirror accordingly and examine all areas of the face.
Carefully examine the course outline and talk to a school counselor if possible to determine the best course of study to reach your goals.
Examine bare lips to see the pink undertones that are present, and choose a color that closely resembles that tone.
If you do happen to find a product advertised as MAC, examine it closely before plunking down some change.
There are literally thousands of information sites, both free and for pay, for fantasy football enthusiasts to examine.
Examine these methods to see which is right for your self portrait.
They're trained to examine the type of binding, the binding's position and operation.
To do this you need to examine how you usually respond to your feelings of anger.
Make sure you examine it thoroughly for damage, and if there is any, that it can be easily repaired.
You can't examine it for flaws, nor can you try it on.
Keep in mind however, you won't be able to examine the goods as you would in person and most clothing is sold "as is."
Examine the dress to make sure all seems and detail work (such as beading, buttons, or snaps) are properly affixed.
To examine the differences between the colors of fabric, you can visit the nearest Maggie Sottero retailer.
Looking at a cake gallery or putting in a quick web search for "heart shaped cake" will yield lots of eye candy that you can examine on your way to choosing a final design.
Examine the comforter to ensure it has good assembly.
You need to examine an irregular very carefully before purchasing because their sales are often final, which means you can't return the merchandise for a refund.
Before you buy, however, examine the jeans closely, looking for rips and tears, stains and faded areas.
This factor should be taken into consideration when you examine the price tag on a holiday dress.
Keep these considerations in mind as you examine such programs.
Students examine the American criminal justice system and learn how to study the American judicial system in all of its facets, including various legal, organizational, and managerial considerations.
Not every collar is appropriate for every purpose, however, and dog owners should examine different types before choosing a collar for their small dog.
Let your vet examine your dog and try to figure out exactly what's going on.
But you won't know for sure what the problem is unless your vet is given the chance to examine her.
Let's examine some of the major categories.
Let's examine another way to feed your dog.
The answer depends on a number of factors so let's examine a few.
If you suspect your Chihuahua may be pregnant, you could ask your vet to examine her.
The best thing you can do is make an appointment to have your vet examine your dog and figure out what's causing the pain.
That said, I believe that your safest choice would be to ask your vet to examine your bitch.
Always examine each toy for defects before purchase.
The vet will examine your dog and run tests if needed to determine whether the cause of the diarrhea is something more serious such as inflammatory bowel disease, colitis or some other infection that needs to be treated with medication.
If your puppy starts limping, examine his paw pads and legs for injury.
To understand how to read chord charts, you need to first examine a single chord and study how it is notated.
When your cabinets arrive, examine them immediately, in the presence of the delivery people if possible.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to examine the cabinetry in person and the merchandise might not arrive looking as it did in a photograph.
Kitchen Cabinet Mart offers free samples so you can examine the wood before making a choice.
If resale value is a concern, examine the neighborhood carefully to determine if other houses are likely to expand.
Examine the floor - Go over the floor to make sure there aren't any errant nails or carpet staples left behind.
Examine the way that sun and shadow affect the room, and study the way the colors already present in the room interact with one another.
Examine fasteners and links to make sure nothing is about to fall apart.
With over 10,000 gold jewelry companies in Italy, it's best to examine Italian gold jewelry by districts.
This way you'll know what to look for as you examine locket designs.
When shopping at garage sales and resale shops, it is important to examine items before purchase to be fully aware of an item's condition.
Examine the jewelry container carefully to make sure all compartments open and to make sure there are no broken or missing pieces.
Also examine any gemstones in the piece and try to identify whether they are real or man-made.
Be sure to examine the ring in person to check the stone quality.
Always examine the setting to make sure the stone is secure and no pieces are missing or broken on the band.
Examine the loose gems in person, if possible, so you can see what you are purchasing.
In order to determine if it's really worth even a second glance, though, you must examine the finer details before you make your big purchase.
Though clothing that is defined as tall makes it easy for the consumer to find just what he is looking for, it's still a good idea to examine every garment closely - or better yet, try it on.
Examine the shoulders to ensure that the seams line up with the length or your own shoulders.
Examine the types of grain used, and avoid corn, peanut shells, and other bulk fillers.
Much research has been done to examine the disadvantages and advantages of organic foods and even more will be done in future.
Take several pieces of lingerie into the fitting room with you and examine the way they look on you.
Just as you would when shopping for other garments, examine the cut, fit, construction and color of the dress.
Examine preworn clothing to make sure the seams are sewn securely, no buttons are missing, and there are no small holes or tears in the fabric.
Inspect the seams for loose stitches and examine any visible details, like zippers and buttons, to ensure that everything is securely attached.
Invest a few minutes and carefully examine a garment prior to purchasing.
Examine electrical cords; any light or appliance with a frayed cord will need to be replaced.
Finding out exactly how much you will pay into your RMT, and how much the monthly benefit will end up being, is a good way to examine whether such a program is financially advantageous for you.
Dr. Dement went on to team with Dr. Merrill Mitler to examine genetic factors as a cause for narcolepsy, using dogs as the subjects for breeding experiments.
Thus, before you purchase a carrying case, you should thoroughly examine the contact lens holder.
When repairing your eyeglasses at home the first thing to do is to examine the broken part of your glasses carefully.
Once a runner has determined what the best eyewear features are, it is wise to examine different brands and comparison shop at different stores to find the best prices.
To examine the lenses for imperfections, hold the glasses at an arm's length, then look through them at a straight line in the distance, such as the edge of a window.
Since polarization does not correspond to UV protection, you must still examine the lenses to make sure they offer adequate sun defense.
No matter how you find free amusement park tickets, you will want to examine the terms of the offer clearly to be sure you can use the tickets when you want to.
It's time to examine the phenomenon of football video games.
Switching to Look mode allows you to examine highlighted points on the screen.
Each time you examine something it costs one Treasure Point.
Face Collection - Make sure you get the Lala Sutra in Chapter 4, then examine a monument in Chapter 6-6 to obtain the Magic Mirror.
Examine the weird looking lily in the northeast corner of the map.
Models may have 90 pieces or more so you will want to examine each of them to make sure that they are all included.
The first step when considering used tent trailers is to carefully examine the condition of the camper.
Once you have chosen your destination and have your permits secured, you need to examine maps of the area you plan to explore.
If ITP is suspected, the doctor will examine the child's skin for bruises, purpuric areas, or petechiae.
If nosebleeds or bleeding from the mouth or other parts of the body have been reported, the doctor will examine these areas for other possible causes of bleeding.
The doctor will examine the child's skin for purpura, other skin rashes or ulcers, reddening or swelling of the skin, and will note the locations of these abnormalities.
Parents should examine their infant in natural daylight and under fluorescent lighting for signs of jaundice.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is a set of laboratory tests that examine a sample of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
The doctor may also use a dermatoscope to examine the mole before removal.
Anyone who has moles should examine them every month and see a dermatologist if changes in size, shape, color, or texture occur or if new moles appear.
The health-care provider can attach it to a glass slide and then examine it under a microscope for the presence of eggs.
These enable physicians to examine areas that were once accessible only through surgery.
Using these tools, the doctor can capture still images for further diagnosis and hospital records, and the doctor can examine suspicious areas more closely with the camera or by taking tissue samples.
Laryngoscope-An endoscope that is used to examine the interior of the larynx.
They are also able to examine rules, determining whether they are fair or not, and apply these rules and their modifications to situations requiring negotiation, assuring that everyone affected by the rules is treated fairly.
Here, individuals examine the validity of society's laws and govern themselves by what they consider to be universal moral principles, usually involving equal rights and respect.
This moral pluralism forces individuals to examine their own moral reasoning and beliefs.
Positron emission tomography (PET)-A computerized diagnostic technique that uses radioactive substances to examine structures of the body.
The doctor may then examine the child's throat for signs of blood from the upper nose trickling down into the throat.
Air gun or BB pellets that have penetrated the nose or nearby sinuses are generally removed with the help of an endoscope, which is a slender tubular instrument that allows the doctor to examine the inside of a body cavity.
This procedure allows a physician to examine and surgically correct associated soft tissue damage while reducing the fracture and, if necessary, applying internal or external devices.
The infant mortality rate increased in the United States in 2002 for the first time since 1958, which indicates a need to examine what factors contributed to this raise.
Following detailed ultrasound, a thin fetoscope is inserted through the mother's abdominal and uterine walls and into the amniotic cavity of the recipient twin to examine the surface placental vessels.
Otoscope-A hand-held instrument with a tiny light and a funnel-shaped attachment called an ear speculum, which is used to examine the ear canal and eardrum.
The doctor will begin by injecting a local anesthetic in order to examine the wound thoroughly without causing additional pain to the child.
It is often helpful to examine siblings and parents of an individual suspected of having FAS, either in person or by photographs, to determine whether findings on the examination might be familial and if other siblings may also be affected.
Vascular ultrasound is a non-invasive ultrasound method used to examine blood circulation and detect the presence of blood clots.
Parents should regularly examine a child's teeth for signs of decay, crowdedness, or misalignment.
The doctor may examine the ear with an otoscope, a microscope-type device with a light source for direct inspection of the ear.
The ophthalmologist will examine the eye using an indirect ophthalmoscope.
Having a parent sit with them is comforting, and they may venture a few feet away to examine toys in the toy box.
Head CT scans are used to examine the brain and sinuses.
Using ultrasound, a doctor can examine the fetus's skeleton for bowing of the leg or arm bones, fractures, shortening, or other bone abnormalities that may indicate OI.
The child's medical history will be taken and the speech-language pathologist will examine the anatomy of the child's mouth and the movements it can make.
An electromyogram (EMG) is a test used to examine how muscles respond to stimulation.
In children, the doctor will examine the child's throat and glands to rule out other childhood illnesses that have similar early symptoms.
Pediatricians may examine a child's ears with a viewing instrument called an otoscope.
A dentist should examine the injury as soon as possible.
This allows the doctor to examine abdominal and pelvic organs.
Counselors must be skilled, knowledgeable, and trustworthy and able to help the gang-involved youth to examine choices in ways that encourage clear thinking and provide a broader view of potential and possibilities outside gang life.
X-ray or ultrasound imaging may be used to examine the heart, lungs, and other internal organs.
When children have been playing outside, it is important to carefully examine them for ticks when they come indoors.