Ex. Sentence Examples
She purposely didn't take the bait that Gabriel might choose his ex over her.
The presidency of the council of state belongs ex officio to the minister of justice.
The ministers, also nominated, councli are ex officio members.
Lastly pre-Mosaic polytheism seems to be implied in the Mosaic prohibition Ex.
The slaughter of a lamb at the Passover or Easter season, whose blood was smeared on the door-post, as described in Ex.
Aemilius Scaurus, praetor in 53 B.C. Cicero, speaking no doubt to his brief, gives them a very bad character, adding " ignoscent alii viri boni ex Sardinia; credo enim esse quosdam ".
He was ex officio excluded from the Legislative Assembly, and his declarations of policy were thus in writing - that is, in the form in which she could most readily exert her power.
The right to send a ship to trade with China was one for which large sums were paid, and Pereira, as commander of the expedition, would enjoy commercial privileges which Ataide had, ex officio, the power to grant or withhold.
The books of ritual are agreed that Ex.
It lay off the main roads, and is hardly mentioned by ancient writers, though Pliny speaks of the Silis as flowing "ex montibus Tarvisanis."
AdvertisementThe endodermal spadix (sp) of the sporosac represents the endoderm of the manubrium; the ectodermal lining of the sporosac (ex.) represents the ex-umbral ectoderm of the medusa; and the intervening layers, together with the sub-umbral cavity, have disappeared.
Spinoza abounds in the same sense, and is as usual perfectly candid " Naturae leges et regulae, secundum quas omnia fiunt et ex unis formis in alias mutantur, sunt ubique et semper eadem."
The judge under this act became (upon vacancies occurring) ex officio official principal of the arches court of Canterbury and of the chancery court of York.
The bishops, who were ex officio inquisitors in their own dioceses, had not succeeded in putting a stop to the evils, nor had the friars, by whom they had been practically superseded.
From Garmat Ali, where the Tigris and Euphrates at present unite,' under the title of Shattel-Arab, the river sweeps on to Basra, Ex p o yds.
AdvertisementIn September 1533 the birth of a daughter, afterwards Queen Elizabeth, instead of the long-hoped-for son, was a heavy disappointment; next year Of this there is no direct proof, but the statement rests upon contemporary belief and chiefly upon the extraordinary terms of the dispensation granted to Henry to marry Anne Boleyn, which included the suspension of all canons relating to impediments created by "affinity rising ex illicito coitu in any degree even in the first."
Their functions are similar to those of the administrative officials in other states, with the exception that the governor does not possess the usual pardoning power but is ex officio a member of the pardoning board.
On the establishment of civil government in the islands, on the 4th of July 1901, he became governor, ex officio.
In the same way as signified a whole inheritance; whence heres ex asse, the heir to the whole estate, heres ex semisse, heir to half the estate.
The only veritable and real unity in the world of existences is the individual; to assert that the universal exists separately ex parte rei would be to reduce individuals to mere accidents of one indivisible form.
AdvertisementThe local diet, of which the bishop of Laibach is a member ex officio, is composed of thirty-seven members, and Carniola sends eleven deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
Ex Ploration The progress of geodetic surveys in Russia had long ago extended across the European half of the great empire, St Petersburg being connected with Tiflis on the southern slopes of the Caucasus by a direct system of triangulation carried out with the highest scientific precision.
The local diet, of which the bishop of Gurk is a member ex officio, is composed of 37 members, and Carinthia sends io deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
American cotton, we may remind the reader, is graded into a number of classes, both on the Liverpool and New York Ex changes, and an attempt is made in each market to keep the grades as fixed as possible.
Such an absolute continuity is sometimes assumed without warrant; but Descartes already recognized that the world was no continuous process, " Tria mirabilia fecit Dominus; res ex nihilo, liberum arbitrium et hominem Deum."
AdvertisementBut this ex post facto argument is the sole proof of this view; and it is quite insufficient to prove the accusation.
Poggio's works were printed at Basel in 1538, "ex aedibus Henrici Petri."
Thus there gradually grew up a tendency to avoid the term, and in accordance with the idea of Ex.
The local diet is composed of zoo members, of which the archbishop of Olmiitz and the bishop of Briinn are members ex officio.
In a letter, Del movimento della cometa apparsa it mese di decembre 1664, published in 1665 under the pseudonym Pier Maria Mutoli, he was the first to suggest the idea of a parabolic path; and another of his astronomical works was Theorica mediceorum planetarum ex causis physicis deducta (Florence, 1666), in which he considered the influence of attraction on the satellites of Jupiter.
Epitaphs of members of the Flavian family have been found here, and others stating that they are put up " Ex Indulgentia Flaviae Domitillae Vespasiani Neptis."
In 1801, when the audiencia - of which the captain-general was ex officio president - began its functions at that point, the governor of Santiago became subordinated in political matters as much as in military.
Peter Fullo introduced these words into the Trishagion, and after much controversy the council of Constantinople (553), while disallowing this, gave its sanction to the similar statement- unum crucifixum esse ex sancta et consubstantiali Trinitate.
The grand vizier (sadr-azam), who is nominated by the sultan, presides ex officio over the privy council (mejliss-i-khass), which, besides the Sheikh-ul-Islam, comprises the ministers of home and foreign affairs, war, finance, marine, commerce and public works, justice, public instruction and " pious foundations " (evkaf), with the grand master of ordnance and the president of the council of state.
It really, however, had the effect of centralizing the whole power of the country more absolutely than ever in the sultan's hands, since the Valis were wholly in his undisputed power, while the ex officio official members of the local councils secured a perpetual Mussulman majority.
Crivellari, Quae praecipue hausit Vergilius ex Naevio et Ennio (1889).
It is governed by a board of twelve regents, of whom the president of the university, the governor of the state and the state superintendent of public instruction are members ex officio, and the other nine, holding office for six years, are appointed by .the governor with the advice and consent of the senate.
But though by some the benediction has thus been brought into connexion with the supreme means of grace, the sacrifice of the Mass, the blessing does not in itself confer grace and does not act on its recipients ex opere operato.
Simon's history, in its original form, is lost; but large sections of it have been preserved in Vincent of Beauvais's Speculum historiale, where nineteen chapters are expressly said to be ex libello fratris Simonis, or entitled frater Simon.
The local diet, of which the bishop of Linz is a member ex officio, is composed of 50 members and the duchy sends 22 members to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
Nonconformist priest Avvakum 2 following in chains the ex ploring party of Pashkov on the Amur.
Ex, gr., of degree 3 weight 8, we have the two forms (322), a(24).
The local diet is composed of 78 members, of which the archbishop of Vienna, the bishop of St Polten and the rector of the Vienna University are members ex officio.
He compiled a chronicle called Chronicon ex chronicis which begins with the creation and ends in 1117.
In historical times it numbered twenty-eight members, to whom were added ex officio the two kings and, later, the five ephors.
A vice-president is elected at the same time and under the same conditions, who is president of the senate ex officio, and succeeds to the presidency in case the office becomes vacant during the last two years of the presidential term.
It was replied that Hungary was outside the operation of the treaty of Westphalia, and that the Protestants had been condemned not ex odio religionis but crimine rebellions.
To its curative powers many crutches and ex voto objects, hung round the well, as in the Lourdes Grot, bear ample witness.
It has been argued that the elaborate structural adaptations of the nervous system which are the corporeal correlatives of Theory complicated instincts must have been slowly built up by the transmission to offspring of acquired ex perience, that is to say, of acquired brain structure.
A Visitatio Liminum might be undertaken ex vote or ex lege.
The commissioners of division are ex officio sessions judges in their several divisions, and also have civil powers, and powers as revenue officers.
Colin Maclaurin (1698-1746) and John Bernoulli (1667-1748), who were of this opinion, resolved the problem by more direct methods, the one in his Fluxions, published in 1742, and the other in his Hydraulica nunc primum detecta, et demonstrata directe ex fundamentis pure mechanicis, which forms the fourth volume of his works.
Bavaria and Saxony, both Roman Catholic states, have no special spiritual hierarchy; in Bavaria, the archbishop of Munich and Freysing is ex officio bishop of the army.
When Filippo Strozzi, and above Second all his wife, threw their influence in the scales against expulsion the Medici, and the magistrates declared for their ex of the pulsion from power, Passerini, Ippolito and Alessandro Medici left Florence (17th of May 1527).
The curious discussion before the papal court respecting the beatification of Odoric forms a kind of blue-book issued ex typographic rev. camerae apostolicae (Rome, 1755).
As a writer, he was one of the first to restore the Latin tongue to its pristine purity; and among his works are De Vera Philosophia ex quatuor doctoribus ecclesiae (Bologna, 1507), De Sermone Latino (Basel, 1513), and a poem, De Venatione (Venice, 1534).
Wellsted of the " Palinurus," employed on the marine survey of the Arabian coast, visited the ruins Ex oPn ra- ?' ?
The power of pardon is also vested in the executive authority of the different states, with or without the concurrence of the legislative authority, although in some states there are boards of pardon of which the governor is a member ex officio.
At the head of it is a commissioner of education, appointed by the governor and the Senate, and a board of education, composed of the governor and the lieutenant-governor ex officio and six other members elected by the General Assembly.
Three of the leaders were sentenced to death by military commissions, but sentence was suspended until 1866, when they were released under the decision of the United States Supreme Court in the famous case Ex parte Milligan.
If, on the other hand, the processes are strictly alternative, a world which ex hypothesi exemplifies the one can never justify us in inferring the other.
The local Diet, of which the two Roman Catholic bishops and the rector of the university of Graz are members ex officio, is composed of 63 members, while Styria sends 27 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
In his latest works - the Tristia and Ex Ponto - he imparts the interest of personal confessions to the record of a unique experience.
Laennec, to whom we are indebted for the practice of auscultation, freely admits that the idea was suggested to him by study of Hippocrates, who, treating of the presence of morbid fluids in the thorax, gives very particular directions, by 1 " Hippocrates Cous, primus quidem ex omnibus memoria dignus, ab studio sapientiae disciplinam hanc separavit, vir et arte et facundia insignis " (Celsus, De medicina).
He is ex officio an ecclesiastical commissioner for England, and has by statute the right of nominating one of the salaried ecclesiastical commissioners.
He is ex officio an ecclesiastical commissioner for England (see further The Church Of England).
He is there described as "Walwen qui fait haud degener Arturis ex sorore nepos."
It ex pounded in terse and significant teaching the doctrine (1) of God, (2) of original sin, (3) of the Son of God, (4) of justification..
In order to arrive at the date here implied, we can begin the reckoning from Julius Caesar or Augustus, we can include or exclude Galba, Otho and Vitellius, and, finally, when we have drawn our conclusions from these data, there remains the possibility that the book was after all not written under the sixth emperor, but was really a vaticinium ex eventu.
The vaticinium ex eventu plays but a very 1 His freedom from legal bondage is as undeniable as his universalism.
Educational matters are supervised by a state board, composed of the governor, comptroller and secretary of state, by a superintendent of public instruction, who is ex officio secretary of the board, by county superintendents (in counties having a school population of 3000 or more), by superintendents.
Some of the older authorities, like Caietanus and Soto, taught that sacramentals as above defined have power to produce their effects ex opere operato, i.e.
Caesarea was an important diocese, and its bishop was, ex officio, exarch of the great diocese of Pontus.
Again, popularly, an unproved ex cathedra statement of any kind is called " dogmatic," with perhaps an insinuation that it is being obstinately adhered to without, or beyond, or in defiance of, obtainable evidence.
These soon ex tended over the whole of Cilicia and, before they had ceased, involved the death of some 20,000 Armenians and a lesser number of Moslems. Both the Government and the Sultan Abdul Hamid have been charged with responsibility for the outbreak; but instigation to the deed, though not perhaps directly from the Government, appears to have come from the Committee.
In a city of the first class, a mayor, two aldermen from each ward, a police judge, and a treasurer who may be ex officio tax-collector are elected, and an attorney, a clerk, a chief of police, an assessor, a street commissioner, a jailer, a surveyor, and, where there is a paid fire department, a chief engineer with one or more assistants, may be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the council.
The officers of cities of the second and third class are the same, except that the clerk is ex officio assessor.
The vice-president is ex officio president of the Senate, but has little voice or part in shaping either legislation or the affairs of the party.
The arbitrator ex compromisso sumptus had no coercive jurisdiction, and in order to make his award effective, the agreement of reference was confirmed by a stipulation and usually provided a penalty (poena, petunia compromissa) in case of disobedience.
Under it all the principal officers of state, including the first lords of the treasury and admiralty, the secretaries of state, and certain members of the privy council, among whom was the archbishop of Canterbury, obtained seats at the board ex officio; and ten unofficial members, including several eminent statesmen, were also placed on the committee.
The town is administered by a municipal council composed of ex officio, nominated, and elected members.
In this was included a translation into Latin of part of Jodocus Schouten's account of Siam (Appendix de religione Siamensium, ex Descriptione Belgica Iodoci Schoutenii), and chapters on the religions of various peoples.
From one point of view they shadow out the great epic of the destinies of the human race; again, the universal solar myth claims a share in them; hoary traditions were brought into ex post facto connexion with them; or they served to commemorate simple meteorological and astronomical facts.
There is also a legislative council, of which the above are ex officio members, consisting of forty-five persons appointed, by the king.
He enforced discipline and exact conformity within the church with an iron hand; and over 200 clergymen were deprived of their livings for disobedience to the ex animo form of subscription.
The laws contained in Ex.
But the period of the Israelites' sojourn in Egypt, according to Ex.
The forced and unnatural rendering of Ex.
Now one of the kings, who corresponds with Amenhotep IV., is Burnaburiash (Burna-buryas), king of Babylon, and Egyptologists and Assyriologists are agreed that the date of these monarchs was c. 1400 B.C. The conquest of Canaan, consequently, could not have taken place till after 1400 B.C. (ii.) It is stated in Ex.
But service under Northumberland was no bed of roses, and in his diary Cecil recorded his release in the phrase ex misero aulico factus liber et meijuris.
Amongst other theological works he published Dissertationes in Ada A postolorum (1756-1761); Antiquitates symbolicae (1772); and after his death appeared Observationes in Matthaeum ex Graecis inscriptionibus (1779).
It is customary, therefore, to denote the exponential function by e x, and the result ex = I +x+x2/2 !
Especially important are the Excerpta ex Theodoto, the author of which is certainly Clement, which are verbally extracted from Gnostic writings, and have almost the value of original sources.
Much more material is to be found in the original Gnostic writings, especially in the PistisSophia and the two books of Ieu, and again in the Excerpta ex Theodoto, the Acts of Thomas, and here and there also in the pseudo-Clementine writings.
The vice-president of the United States is ex officio presiding officer of the Senate, and this is his only active function in the government.
Further, it must not be assumed that all readings which are cited as being "ex uetustis codicibus" are necessarily from older or better MSS.
Gellius then quotes this correspondence, also given by Plutarch, and quotes it ex Andronici philosophi libro.
Those who reject Ex.
Further, internal peculiarities associating events now at Sinai-Horeb with those at Kadesh support the view that Kadesh was their true scene, and it is to be noticed that in Ex.
Among the first of those whom we know to have attached importance to the placing of relics in churches is Ambrose of Milan (Ep. 22), and the 7th general council of Nicaea (787) forbade the consecration of churches in which relics were not present, under pain of ex communication.
He starts as a phenomenalist from the hypothesis, which we have just described, that knowledge is ex Wundt.
The fact of his being addressed by Ovid in one of the epistles Ex Ponto shows that he was alive long after Aemilius Macer.
The new pope's motto, it is said, was " to establish all things in Christ " (instaurare omnia in Christo); and since, ex hypothesi, he himself was Christ's vicar on earth, the working out of this principle meant in effect the extension and consolidation of the papal authority and, as far as possible, an end to the compromises by means of which the papacy had sought to make friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness.
The Apostolic Letters alone may be ex cathedra documents, and may have the privilege of infallibility, if the matter admit of it.
The pope continues to be its prefect, and the cardinal secretary of the Holy Office and the secretary of state are ex officio members of it; the cardinal who occupies the highest rank in it, with the title of secretary, is chosen by the pope; he is assisted by a prelate with the title of assessor, who is ex officio secretary of the Sacred College.
The assessor of the Holy Office and the secretary for extraordinary ecclesiastical affairs are ex officio consultors.
Considere's ex periments have shown that concrete when reinforced is capable of being stretched, without fracture, about twenty times as much as plain concrete.
In the other view the spermatia are the male sexual cells and thus A, Optical longitudinal section of the ex are rightly named; it tremity of a thin branch of the thallus should, however, be which has become transparent in pointed out that this solution of potash.
Cytological details of nuclear behaviour among the lichens are, however, difficult to obtain owing 'to the slow growth of these forms and the often refractory t' nature of the material in the matter of preparation for microscopical ex amination.
His most important works were Palaestina ex veteribus monumentis illustrata (Utrecht, 1 714), and Antiquitates sacrae veterum Hebraeorum.
In the case of the two leading Church of England societies, the bishops (being members) are ex officio on all executive committees; but their labours in other directions prevent their ordinarily attending.
All correspondence passed through his hands, he wrote all despatches, conducted the debates over which he presided, kept the minutes, drafted the resolutions, and was ex officio the leader and spokesman of the delegates who represented the Province of Holland in the States-General.
Should he die during his term, or otherwise become unable to fulfil his duties, the president is succeeded by the vice-president (similarly elected), who is ex officio chairman of the Senate.
The Hausa are keen traders and make ex cellent soldiers.
The majority of critics, therefore, adopt Kuenen's conjecture that the "judgments" were originally delivered by Moses on the borders of Moab, and that when D's revised version of Ex.
For when compared with Ex.
A similar displacement has taken place with regard to Ex.
As regards the Decalogue, as usually understood, and embodied in the parallel passages in Ex.
Sinai are extremelyintricate, it is generally agreed that Ex.
Accordingly many recent critics have sought to show that Ex.
If such a system of precepts was ever viewed as the basis of the covenant with Israel, it must belong to a far earlier stage of religious development than that of Ex.
This is recognized by Wellhausen, who says that our decalogue stands to that of Ex.
It is governed by a rector, chosen by and from nine visitors, and a board of visitors appointed by the governor and two visitors ex officio, the state superintendent of public instruction and the president of the university; and the corporate name of the university is "The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia."
He was absent from the important sitting of the 18th of June 1870, and did not send in his submission to the decrees until 1871, when he explained in a pastoral letter that the dogma "referred only to doctrine given forth ex cathedra, and therein to the definitions proper duly, but not to its proofs or explanations."
In this capacity he was also ex officio the superintendent of common schools, and rendered valuable services to his state in perfecting and expanding the free public school system, and in establishing state normal schools.
The town is governed by a municipality composed partly of ex officio, nominated and elected members.
Against the Portuguese claim it is argued that the Villancico corresponding to Joao de Lobeiro's poem is an interpolation in the Spanish text, that Portuguese prose was in a rudimentary stage of development at the period when--ex hypothesi - the romance was composed, and that the book was very popular in Spain almost a century before it is even mentioned in Portugal.
Among the former it appears to have become a sort of ex officio title of the Byzantine vicegerents of Italy, the exarchs of Ravenna; among the barbarian chiefs who were thus dignified were Odoacer, Theodoric, Sigismund of Burgundy, Clovis, and even in later days princes of Bulgaria, the Saracens, and the West Saxons.
Young Luther entered his name on the matriculation book in letters which can still be read "Martinus Ludher ex Mansfelt," a free student, no longer embarrassed by great poverty.
That which is object of thought cannot be outside consciousness; just as in mathematics -V - is an unreal quantity, so "things-in-themselves" are ex hypothesi outside consciousness, i.e.
The local diet, of which the archbishop of Czernowitz and the rector of the university are members ex officio, is composed of 31 members, and Bukovina sends 14 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
For legislative purposes the executive council is enlarged into a legislative council by the addition of other members, The ex officio, nominated and elected.
During the period 1874-1894, when Li Hung-Chang was viceroy of Chih-li and ex officio superintendent of trade, he made Tientsin his headquarters and the centre of his experiments in military and naval education.
Tacitus says of the ancient Germans reges ex nobilitate, duces ex virtute sumunt; i.e.
Truth is not the agreement of knowledge with an object beyond itself, and therefore ex hypothesi unknowable, but the agreement of our judgments with the objects of our knowledge.
By baptism and the Lord's Supper grace is given (ex opere operato), so that man is renewed and made capable of salvation.
But these do not exert a quasi-physical or magical influence, ex opere operato.
The president, elected for a term of four years by electors chosen for that purpose by each state, is the executive head of the republic. The vice-president, ex officio president of the Senate, assumes the presidency in case of resignation or death.
The state board of education consists of the governor; the attorneygeneral; the superintendent of public instruction, who is ex officio its president; three experienced educators chosen quadrennially by the Senate from members of the faculties of the University of Virginia, the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, the State Female Normal School at Farmville, the School for the Deaf and Blind, and the College of William and Mary; and two division superintendents, one from a county and one from a city, chosen biennially by the other members of the board.
According to Abbo, followed by Florence of Worcester, he was "ex antiquorum Saxonum prosapia," which would seem to mean that he was of foreign origin and that he belonged to the Old
On the one hand it is said that mind and matter are absolutely heterogeneous, and, therefore, that any causal relation between them is ex hypothesi impossible.
The author of the sermo pointedly rejects the two theories that connected the holy virgins with the Theban band and brought them as pilgrims from the East to the West; but he adds that even in his days there still existed an inscription in the church, showing how it had been restored from its foundations by a certain "Clematius, vir consularis, ex partibus Orientis."
The remains of a temple, devastated in ancient times (possibly by Dionysius of Syracuse in 384 B.C.), were also discovered, with fragments of Attic vases of the 5th century B.C., which had served as ex votos in it.
Thus the amount and character of public ex penditure necessarily depends on the functions that the state undertakes to perform - national defence, the maintenance of internal' order, and the efficient equipment of the state organization; such are the tasks that all governments have to discharge, and for their cost due provision has to be made.
In order to meet the cost of the early wars a special contribution from property (tributum ex censu) was levied at times of emergency, though it was in some cases regarded as an advance to be repaid when the occasion of expense was over.
St John was summoned before the Star Chamber for slander and treasonable language; and Bacon, ex officio, acted as public prosecutor.
The first were the speculative or logical philosophers, who construe the universe ex analogia hominis, and not ex analogia mundi, who fashion nature according to preconceived ideas, and who employ in their investigations syllogism and abstract reasoning.
The capital ex penditure on the former amounted to £10,203,604, on the latter to £11,532,384.
In the former case it was said to arise ex contractu, from contract, in the latter quasi ex contractu, ex delicto, or quasi ex delicto- that is to say, from tort, or from acts or omissions to which the law practically attached the same results as it did to contract or tort.
Each estate was ruled by its talman, or speaker, who was now elected at the beginning of each Diet, but the archbishop was, ex officio, the talman of the clergy.
But the successes of King William soon put an end to their ex pectations; and the town, after undergoing another siege, again capitulated to the force brought against it by General Ginkell.
Tentative and hardly serious claims were also put forward by Pope Gregory XIII., as ex officio heir-general to a cardinal, and by Catherine de' Medici, as a descendant of Alphonso III.
Finally the peers of France, the number of whom was increased in course of time by fresh royal creations of peerages, became ex officio members.
But as Wykeham was of the party of the Black Prince and his widow Joan of Kent, no dea ex machina was needed.
He became more and more attracted to the study of Plato and Aristotle, and his doctor's dissertation (1826) was an attempt to reach through Aristotle's criticisms a more accurate knowledge of the Platonic philosophy (Platonis de ideis et numeris doctrina ex Aristotele illustrate).
The Obe burgermeister, who is ex officio a member of the Prussian Upper House, and the Biirgermeister are elected by the common council (Stadtverordnetenversammlung) of 144 members, i.e.
In 1741 he issued the bull Immensa pastorum principis, demanding more humane treatment for the Indians of Brazil and Paraguay, and in the bulls Ex quo singulari (1742) and Omnium sollicitudinum (1744) he rebuked the missionary methods of the Jesuits in accommodating their message to the heathen usages of the Chinese and of the natives of Malabar.
Bohemia sends 130 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna; the local diet, to which belong ex officio the archbishop, the three bishops, and the two rectors of the universities, consists of 242 members.
Finally, at the head of all the public elementary and secondary schools of the state is the state superintendent of public instruction, elected for a term of two years; he is ex officio a member and secretary of the state board of education, and a member, with the right to speak but not to vote, of all other boards having control of public instruction in any state institution.
But at the head of the whole taxing system is the board of state tax commissioners and ex officio state board of assessors, consisting of three members appointed by the governor with the approval of the senate for a term of six years.
The statement in one of his works that the pope could err in matters of faith ("haeresim per suam determinationem aut Decretalem asserendo") has attracted attention; but as it is a private opinion, not an ex cathedra pronouncement, it is held not to prejudice the dogma of papal infallibility.
The customary statement that he was expelled from his fellowship is based on the untrustworthy biography attributed to his son Samuel Foxe, but the college records state that he resigned of his own accord and ex honesta causa.
The ex p;er s P (C.) expedition.
Other county officers are the clerk (who is ex officio clerk of the district court and of the commissioners), sheriff, treasurer, auditor, recorder, surveyor, assessor, attorney and superintendent of district schools, but where the assessed valuation of any county is less than $20,000,000 the clerk is ex officio auditor, and the commissioners may consolidate offices.
The sees are Aleppo, Baalbek, Tripoli, Ehden, Damascus, Beirut, Tyre, Cyprus and Jebel' (held by the patriarch himself ex officio).
The argument ex analogia hominis has often been carried too far; but if a "chief end of man" be discoverable - av9p6miruvov ayaOov, as Aristotle wisely insisted that the ethical end must be determined - then it may be assumed that this end cannot be irrelevant to that ultimate "meaning" of the universe which, according to Lotze, is the quest of philosophy.
See Florentii Wigorniensis monachi Chronicon ex chronicis, &c., ed.
But he had been too long in of power; the numerous state departments were ex clusively filled with his nominees; and some pecuniary I.
In Geoffrey of Monmouth's tract, De prophetiis Merlini, there is a reference to an ancient prophecy of the enchanter Merlin concerning a virgin ex nemore canuto, and it appears that this nemus canutum had been identified in folk-lore with the oak wood of Domremy.
In a non-literary age fame gathers about great names; and that which, ex hypothesi, has gone on since the beginning of things is naturally attributed to the founders of the society.
The abbot of Lokkum, who still carries a pastoral staff, takes precedence of all the clergy of Hanover, and is ex officio a member of the consistory of the kingdom.
The governor of Bombay is ex officio chancellor.
Solutions were also obtained from Leibnitz and the Marquis de L'Hopital; and, although that of Newton was anonymous, yet Bernoulli recognized the author in his disguise; " tanquam," says he, " ex ungue leonem."
In Libro tertio Theoria Lunae & Praecessio Aequinoctiorum ex Principiis suis plenius deducuntur, et Theoria Cometarum pluribus et accuratius computatis Orbium exemplis confirmatur.
The recognition of universal and necessary principles in knowledge is the essential point in psychology; it ought to be put first and emphasized to the last that these Imperson= ex i st, and that they are wholly impersonal or absolute.
His Epitome et Collectorium ex Occamo super libros quatuor Sententiarum (1508, 1512, and various dates) is a clear and consistent account of the nominalist doctrine, and presents the complete system of scholastic thought from that point of view.
The right of bishops to ordain special fasts, "ex aliqua sollicitudinis ecclesiasticae causa " (Tertullian), was also recognized.
To use technical language, Calvinism holds that sacraments are needful ex ratione praecepti, (merely) " because commanded.
He considers actions solely in respect of their pleasurable a nd painful consequences ex ected or actual; and he P q, P actual; school.
The French consul-general is chairman ex officio, so that the control in any case is French and practically official.
An aetiological myth is one which is regarded as having been invented ex post facto to explain some fact, name or coincidence, the true account or origin of which has been forgotten.
The government was determined not to use the Crimes Act, and the result was that offenders nearly always went unpunished, benches of magistrates being often swamped by the chairmen of district councils who were ex officio justices under the act of 1898.
He reconstructs, as he declares, ontology, and begins with the "ideal formula," "the Ens creates ex nihilo the existent."
He also wrote or edited various Chinese works on geography, the celestial and terrestrial spheres, geometry and arithmetic. And the detailed history of the mission was drawn out by him, which after his death was brought home by P. Nicolas Trigault, and published at Augsburg, and later in a complete form at Lyons under the name De Expeditione Christiana apud Sinas Suscepta, ab Soc. Jesu, Ex P. Mat.
At the same time it was given to be understood that the new theory of the solar system might be held ex hypothesi, and the trivial verbal alterations introduced into the Polish astonomer's book in 1620, when the work of revision was completed by Cardinal Gaetani, confirmed this interpretation.
The abbess was a baroness ex officio, and the revenue.
In 1910 a council consisting of four ex officio members and from two to four non-official nominated members was created to advise the governor-general in the exercise of his executive and legislative functions.
By January 1905 the situation had become ex lex or anarchical.
He was a member, generally ex officio, of the Federal Council of National Defense, the National Forest Reservation Committee, the Federal Reserve Banks organization committee, and chairman of the Federal Board for Vocational Education.
Rock-hewn altars have also been found, illustrating the prohibition in Ex.
The motto that he adopted for use with the arms emblazoned for him as cardinal - Co p ad cor loquitur, and that which he directed to be engraved on his memorial tablet at Edgbaston - Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem - together seem to disclose as much as can be disclosed of the secret of a life which, both to contemporaries and to later students, has been one of almost fascinating interest, at once devout and inquiring, affectionate and yet sternly self-restrained.
In all cases of dispute between the companies and the natives the secretary of state is ex officio the judge, and to the secretary of state (in the case of the South Africa Company) the accounts of administration have to be submitted for his approbation.
Lower part of canal, enlarged; o, cavity of canal, surrounded by a sheath of cells, dilated towards the bottom of canal, in which a large pollen-grain is caught; ex, exterior of pollengrain; in, internal group of prothallial or antheridial cells.
The Industrial School, which is for orphan, helpless, wayward and abandoned children, is governed by a board of directors consisting of the governor, comptroller, secretary of state, and treasurer as ex officio members, and seven other members, a portion retiring every two years, and their successors being appointed by the remaining directors with the concurrence of the senate.
Each school district elects one member of the county board of education, and in counties having less than five school districts one or more members of the county board, the number of which is always five, besides the county superintendent who is ex officio its secretary, are elected by the county at large, and to this county board of education together with district advisory boards is entrusted the management and control of the common schools.
The society is governed by a council of twenty and a president who is ex officio a trustee of the British Museum.
I made adjustments to the cart were we charge 6 euro's for shipping for any order above 80 euro's ex VAT.
I was getting amorous with my now ex in her bedroom.
Producers with decision rules defined ex ante can move over this grid in order to find the best production site for themselves.
The judge was an ex proud bandsman who was very pleased to see bands unite to make a stance in Airdrie.
We are getting our first ex batts on Saturday, and can't wait.
There may be problems with step kids, ex spouses or even some religious stumbling blocks for the marriage taking place.
My ex boyfriend got married to someone else, the priest who married them, was Robbie Williams!
Undertake pilot studies to develop and refine ex situ conservation techniques for this species and other threatened bryophytes.
Debbie was an ex junkie, sex maniac and playboy bunny who hooked up with Stein photographer and musician and boyfriend.
To issue an infallible statement " you make a dogmatic statement ' ex cathedra ' from the chair of Peter " .
Girls purple bike, 24 " wheels, 18 gears, ex con, suit ages 8 - 12 years. £ 30.
The hotel is an ex Franciscan convent dating back to the 15th Century which has been restored to its unique splendor.
Regards from a suddenly ancient feeling 42 year old ex corporal.
There are also special powers called ex, which do a lot more damage.
Trek offer 4 excellent groups of full suspension - the fuel, Fuel EX, Fuel OCLV and the Remedy.
Chairman - an executive position filled ex officio by the Tower Captain.
Ball units with circlip grooves are not ex stock items.
Where complaints are upheld, we may be required to make apologies and sometimes ex gratia payments.
Investigations, our experienced team include ex Inland Revenue inspectors and unusually for a local firm we also deal with special compliance office cases.
Chris Maxfield caught ex Witney Olympian 16514 displaying its branding for the X1.
Only most exceptionally should the order be made ex parte.
It had no difficulty in deciding that it was absolutely appropriate, fair and proper in all the circumstances to proceed ex parte.
A few days later she regretted her actions and applied ex parte for a residence order.
Main feature this month is John Thornley's fascinating account of the EX 181 record breaking expedition to the Utah salt flats.
One of our members lived abroad for many years as the wife of a distinguished foreign correspondent, another is an ex ballet dancer.
My ex girlfriend and I extended the lease on our 2 bedroom house until 2007.
My ex hubby and I also both worked part time and shared child care for the first 2 yrs.
Thanks very much, webmaster@nmbva.co.uk Hello, I am looking to find any ex 4th hussars that served in Malaya from 1948 to 1951.
Douglas Lindsay is the creator of Barney Thomson; the world's funniest ex barber serial killer.
As an ex magistrate myself I am grateful to you and Lord Justice Auld for the high esteem in which you hold the magistracy.
A well proportioned one bedroom ex local authority maisonette located opposite Mostyn Gardens.
As an ex matelot I found this to show a total lack of respect.
Identify applied research needs related to species recovery Discuss the need for and feasibility of ex situ conservation measures for Brazilian mergansers.
My ex is in a new relationship and I'm so afraid she is going to be a better mommy than me.
The universe cannot have ` begun ' at all ex nihilo nihil fit.
The universe cannot have ` begun ' at all ex nihilo nihilo nihil fit.
Yes, I have to admit to being a week-end Mod, complete with ex US army parka & Lambretta.
Kranji Cemetery Singapore is now the resting place for all British and Allied service men and women plus other ex patriots.
In January 1998 SPU decided to award Mrs X an ex gratia payment of £ 298.
Introduction of ' Sandringham ' Class ' B17 ' 4-6-0 locomotives to supplement existing ex GER motive power.
I'm often unsure what tests ex players have to take to become a pundit, given their obvious failings.
I got my ex racehorse, Robin in december.
Hi all my new ex flat racer arrives at my yard in a couple of weeks very excited!
The EX Factor finalists literally graced the red carpet as they came under the hammer in front of a star gazed audience.
Ex Armchair Olympian 564 is now resplendent in Carousel red.
Last night saw a rather saucy insight into an ex Ram on TV.
I did so in order to play Deus Ex 2, which requires pixel shading.
Ex song birds are still sulking and will not sing at all.
All four ex Dublin open toppers have now received their new registrations.
I don't seem to be able to come to terms with my feelings toward my husband's ex wife.
The chief town, Kyaukpyu, had a population in 1901 of 3145 It has a municipal committee of twelve members, three ex officio and nine appointed by the local government, and there is a thirdclass district gaol.
E, Dry spores showing the ex F, Sterile vegetative shoot.
The vice-chancellor was ex officio a delegate of the press, where he hoped to effect much; and a plan for draining the Thames Valley, which he had now the power of initiating, was one on which his mind had dwelt for many years.
Such an admission implies a promise to pay when requested and creates an actionable liability ex contractu.
The ocelli occur usually either on the inner or outer sides of the ten tacles; if on the inner side, the tentacle is turned upwards and t ®Q carried over the ex - umbrella so ®m r s ???.
Ita Cornua Ammonis, quae ex nautilorum numero habeantur, passim et forma et magnitudine (nam et pedali diametro aliquando reperiuntur) ab omnibus illis naturis discrepare dicunt, quas praebet mare.
A critical text of the letters, with notes, bibliography and a life in Spanish, will be found in Monumenta Xaveriana ex Autographis vel ex Antiquioribus Exemplis collecta, vol.
The supposition that the name originally contained the notion of permanent or eternal being, and was derived from the verbal root signifying " to be," involves too abstract a conception to be probable, though it is based on Ex.
Every archdeacon is entitled to appoint an official to preside over his archidiaconal court, from which there is an appeal to the consistory court of the bishop. The archdeacons are ex officio members of the convocations of their respective provinces.
When, ex ruler of Tabriz, and one of Jenghiz Khan's lieutenants, the Seljukian Empire was at the point of dissolution, most of its feudatory vassals helped rather than hindered its downfall in the hope of retaining their fiefs as independent sovereigns.
By the decree of the ist of March 1808, reviving titles of nobility, that of count was assigned ex officio to ministers, senators and life councillors of state, to the president of the Corps Legislatif and to archbishops.
Occam, on the other hand, maintains in the spirit of Hobbes that the act of abstraction does not presuppose any activity of the understanding or will, but is a spontaneous secondary process by which the first act (perception) or the state it leaves behind (habitus derelictus ex primo actu = Hobbes's " decaying sense ") is naturally followed, as soon as two or more similar representations are present.
There was no attempt in Haeckel's use of these terms to make them exactly or more than approximately equal in significance; such attempts were clearly futile and unimportant where the purpose was the exhibition of lines of descent, and where no natural equality of groups was to be expected ex hypothesi.
But the former device is too obviously a dens ex machina, the purpose of which would be equally well served by supposing with Fichte the individual self to be endowed with the power of subconsciously extraditing a world which returns to it in consciousness under the form of a foreign creation.
The arbitrator ex compromisso sumptus, like the judicial arbiter, was expected to take account of equitable considerations in coming to a decision.
The passage from Numbers xi., which is here included, is obviously out of place in its present context (the story of the quails), and supplies in part the necessary antecedent to Ex.
In the case of ex parte John Merryman (1861, Campbell's Reports, 646), he protested against the assumption of power by the President to suspend the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus or to confer that power upon a military officer without the authorization of Congress.
His pronouncements are held to be infallible when he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals ex cathedra to be held by the universal church (see Infallibility and Vatican Council).
On the 18th of July the pope's decrees were declared " irreformable of themselves, irrespectively of the consent of the Church," always provided that they dealt with doctrines of faith and morals, and were delivered ex cathedra - that is, with the intention of binding the consciences of all Catholics.
The governor is ex officio a member of the court of pardons, and his affirmative vote is necessary in all cases of pardon or commutation of sentence (see below).
The second and decisive victory followed at the Vatican Council (1870), which, at the cost of a small secession of distinguished men, declared the pope personally infallible (see Infallibility) and irreformable as often as he rules ex cathedra points of faith or morals.
Since an absolute majority of the votes cast is required, it is often necessary to hold a second primary in which only the two leading candidates are considered (see act of the 22nd of December 1888, and ex parte Sanders, 53 S.C. 478).
The Latin ex augurio appears in the Italian sciagura, sciagurato, softened into sciaura, sciaurato, wretchedness, wretched.
I 'm often unsure what tests ex players have to take to become a pundit, given their obvious failings.
Nick 's manager finds him an isolated country house and while there he comes across the putrefying corpse of his ex wife...
Hi all my new ex flat racer arrives at my yard in a couple of weeks very excited !
Home to find Button has regurgitated what looks like an ex bird on the sitting room carpet.
Their membership, being ex servicemen, was predominantly over 50 years of age.
Are you Willing to stand up to the plethora of ex chairs?
Prices Where not stipulated otherwise, the prices stated by the Seller shall be understood unpacked ex factory Munich.
I do n't seem to be able to come to terms with my feelings toward my husband 's ex wife.
If you and your ex aren't on the best of terms, try to rise above the situation as best you can.
Above all, don't talk about your ex to your child.
Cake types generally fall into categories such as theme cakes (ex. cartoon characters), gift packages of related items, multiple unrelated gifts.
These may be constant reminders of your ex and may prevent you from moving on to dating someone else.
There will be times when you and your ex do not agree on a decision.
Kids are vulnerable after a divorce and do not want to feel they are the cause of more distress between you and your ex.
No matter how many disagreements you have or how much you dislike your ex, your children are not part of the marriage.
This means the income and assets of a 2nd spouse is no longer considered for order modifications, nor can a new spouse be held responsible for making alimony payments to the payer's ex.
Will your home office serve more than one purpose (ex. television room or guest room)?
Remember how quickly you developed a crush on another boy, only to go zooming back to your ex?
There's always going to be some tension between you and your ex.
It is causing major drama, and I'm not sure where or when this rule about dating your friends ex's start.
Make sure your daughter realizes that anytime you date a friend's ex, you are risking jeopardizing your friendship.
The below ideas are good jumping-off points for more creative endeavors, such as a "National Singles' Awareness Day" cake or a jagged, broken heart shaped cake that you may want to share with a particularly aggravating ex.
She was competing with her ex and trying to get on with her life, without realizing what that meant to her.
Just before The Simple Life premiered, a sex tape Paris had made with her ex, Rick Salomon, was leaked to the Internet in 2003.
Meanwhile, Jessica's ex, Nick Lachey, is still openly hanging with his new girlfriend, E.T.'s Vanessa Minnillo.
At the moment, Spears and Federline share joint custody of the boys, but Britney's ex is pushing for full custody.
At the time that Federline and Britney Spears were dating, Jackson made news as the ex and mother to two of Federline's children.
She has accused her soon-to-be ex of trying to "dupe" her into signing a post-nuptial agreement and of hiding the proceeds from the multi-million dollar sale of their Miami, Florida home.
He's photographed there constantly and when something not related to his ex happens, it always seems to happen in Vegas.
Fair warning though, the site is less about Federline and more about bashing his ex Britney.
No, not the ex Mr. Spears, but the "real" Mr. Spears gets a raise.
Anyway, apparently Spence didn't like the joke that his sister's ex was playing on him.
When she finally landed back on this planet, she claimed that she temporarily lost her mind because she was having "flashbacks" of the night her ex allegedly beat her.
Pitt's ex Jennifer Aniston was once a big smoker as well, to the point of being a chain smoker.
Prices from $14.99 (the Worldwide Sportsman Key West Shorts from Keys Kayak Fishing, for example) to $79.00 (the Ex Officio Convertible Pants with Insect Shield ® from L.L. Bean).
To unlock the Max Tour challenges, you must complete all of the EX tours.
A 3D version of the Street Fighter series, known as Street Fighter EX, received an arcade release in 1996.
For example, to use Ryu's EX fireball attack, do the fireball motion but press two punches rather than just one.
The EX version of the Barcelona drop can pass through fireballs, so it can be easy to set up for an additonal attack.
However, if you're worried about being tracked by a mere acquaintance, your ex, or a stranger who came across your phone number, you're protected.
Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) is a surgery performed for a congenital defect that blocks the fetus's airway.
Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT)-A cesarean section in which the infant is removed from the uterus but the umbilical cord is not cut until after surgery for a congenital defect that blocks the air passage.
For each one, the word "Fed" is shown in purple letters and the color of the "Ex" changes for each unit.
Marisa Miller, decked out in an Ashley Paige boy shorts bikini, plays air guitar with country crooner and Renee Zellweger ex Kenny Chesney.
Your ex is lonely and reaching out to you with promises of wanting to change.
Caring about your ex is not enough to get back with a woman who has a jealousy problem.
Caring about your ex is a healthy response to the end of a former relationship.
Your ex says she is willing to get help with her jealousy should the two of you to get back together.
Meaning your ex would be motivated to change because she was unhappy with herself.
A few months later, soon after my ex broke up with me, we began talking again.
What I really want the most is to forget about my ex.
Do you think me and my ex will ever meet again and patch things up?
Will I meet someone who won't hurt me like my ex?
As for whether or not I think you and your ex will ever meet again and patch things up, I don't know.
Your ex called and text you because he was either lonely, bored or was thinking about a hook-up.
You have accused her of trapping your ex into staying with her by getting pregnant.
What I don't hear is the anger and distrust you should have for your ex.
This package includes your ex, his child and by default, the mother of his child, the now ex-girlfriend.
What evidence do you have that your ex will treat you differently now, then he did when you were dating?
He is still friends with his ex of 4 years and they broke up a few months ago.
For example, you talk about your boyfriend's ex and then follow that up by asking if the two of you had sex too soon?
If you are asking could your boyfriend still have feelings for his ex, the answer is yes.
You feel it every time your ex is with the other girl.
First, stop being so available to your ex and start letting him chase you.
This would explain why you doubt her friendships, and feel the need to confront her on her communication with her ex.
Currently, it appears that you are in a relationship with two or three other males, including the ex boyfriend.
The fact that you had to 'confront' your girlfriend text messaging with her ex before she would come clean says to me that either she is not committed to the relationship or she does not trust you.
Perhaps it is because you feel that she has cheated on you by communicating with her ex?
Lori, my ex girlfriend and I broke up because of trust issues.