Ewes Sentence Examples
It is this ewes ' milk cheese which we sell.
Nobody should be allowed near lambing ewes or allowed to handle newly born lambs.
Luckily, help was at hand as I could never have pulled two drenched and highly indignant ewes from the Atlantic.
Information is also provided for feeding to pregnant and lactating ewes.
The same comments apply to cull ewes not being allowed into the food chain.
The vaccine should not be given to pregnant ewes in the last 8 weeks of pregnancy.
In both cases, these are for systems with crossbred ewes bred to terminal sire rams i.e. with all lambs intended for slaughter.
Of the 372 barren ewes, 35.2% had significant titres to Toxoplasma compared with 19.9% of ewes which lambed normally.
The Female trade was fuelled by demand from the commercial sector with shearling ewes being in strong demand up £ 30 on 2000.
In general, cull ewes would not go into the food chain.
AdvertisementAnimals 250 breeding mule ewes are reared at Doves Farm.
The survey was carried out in sheep flocks with 30 or more breeding ewes.
The Woodlands Flock was started in 2004 with the purchase of 8 pedigree shearling ewes from Mr Frank Martin's Humby Flock.
Nobody should be allowed near lambing ewes or allowed to handle newly born lambing ewes or allowed to handle newly born lambs.
It is illegal to transport heavily pregnant ewes, or new-born lambs.
AdvertisementThe ewes are docile, easily handled and good milkers, capable of rearing twins.
Other pregnant ewes may be injected with long-acting oxytetracycline.
To prevent pneumonia there is plenty of air movement over the ewes but no drafts.
Thirlwall Castle also carries 1,500 Swaledale ewes, three quarters of which are crossed with the Bluefaced Leicester with the remainder bred pure.
We've received an ' occupational license ' to move ewes across a road to a fresh field of stubble turnips.
AdvertisementBut when it came EtIe 01 to open battle, the military skill of the earl sufficed ewes, to compensate for the inferiority of his numbers.
Lambing commences on 1 March, the Mules average 200% lambs reared and Texel cross ewes, 175% lambs reared.
It carried off the highest honours in the dressed carcass competition at Chicago in 1903, and the championship in the "block test" at Smithfield Club Show was won for the five years1902-1906by Suffolks or Suffolk cross lambs from big-framed Cheviot ewes.
The rains possess large coiling horns - the ewes may or may not have them.
When drafted to an adjoining field they run in front of their mothers and get a little crushed oats and linseed cake meal, the ewes receiving kail or roots and hay to develop milk.
AdvertisementThe lambs are weaned towards the end of June and the ewes run on the poorest pasture till August to lose surplus fat.
All are assorted and mated to suitable rams. Most of the older ewes take the ram in September, but maiden ewes are kept back till October.
During the rest of the year the ewes run on grass and receive hay when necessary, with a limited amount of dry artificial food daily, 4 lb each, gradually rising as they grow heavy in lamb to i lb per day.
To increase the number of doubles, ewes are sometimes put on good fresh grass, rape or mustard a week before the tups go out - a ram to sixty ewes is a usual proportion, though with care a stud ram can be got to settle twice the number.
With good management twenty ewes of any of the lowland breeds should produce and rear thirty lambs, and the proportion can be increased by breeding from ewes with a prolific tendency.
Ewes on natural pastures receive no hand feeding except a little hay when snow deeply covers the ground.
Ewe hogs wintered on grass in the low country from the 1st of November are brought home in April, and about the middle of April on the average mountain ewes begin to lamb.
Nearly a month later black-face lambs are marked and the eild sheep are shorn - the shearing of mulch ewes being delayed till the second week of July.
In this month breeding ewes recover condition and strength to withstand the winter storms. Ram auctions are on in September and draft ewe sales begin and continue through October.
The rationale behind giving the annual booster just before lambing is to protect the lamb by way of the ewes colostrum.
We 've received an ' occupational license ' to move ewes across a road to a fresh field of stubble turnips.
Suckling lambs with orf lesions may be disinclined to suck and ewes with sore teats may not let their lambs feed.
The lesions of orf are painful and cause much distress, particularly to ewes and suckling lambs.
Check udders of all ewes immediately after they lamb or as soon as possible, to see that there is ample colostrum.
Six. There are two ewes and three lambs somewhere up there.
In this book are named the recognized and pure-bred sires which have been used, and ewes which have been bred from, whilst there are also registered the pedigrees of such sheep as are proved to be eligible for entry.
Ewes as well as rams generally have short horns, and the wool is long and very fine.
The Suffolk is another Down, which took its origin about 1790 in the crossing of improved Southdown rams with ewes of the old black-face Horned Norfolk, a breed still represented by a limited number of animals.
It is related to the Clun Forest and the Kerry Hill sheep. The draft ewes of all three breeds are in high demand for breeding to Down and longwool rams in the English midlands.
The special characteristic of the breed is that the ewes take the ram at an unusually early period of the year, and cast ewes are in demand for breeding house lamb for Christmas.
Two crops of lambs in a year are sometimes obtained from the ewes, although it does not pay to keep such rapid breeding up regularly.
In August the ewes are culled and the flock made up to its full numbers by selected shearling ewes.
Vaccinate ewes against the clostridial diseases in good time to ensure protection of lambs.
In some places at present "they neuerseuertheir lambes from their dammes "; " and the poore of the peeke (high) countreye, and such other places, where, as they vse to mylke theyr ewes, they vse to wayne theyr lambes at 12 weekes olde, and to mylke their ewes flue or syxe weekes "; but that, he observes, " is greate hurte to the ewes, and wyll cause them that they wyll not take the ramme at the tyme of the yere for pouertye, but goo barreyne."
In the sheep section of the Smithfield show the classes for ewes were finally abolished in 1898, and the classes restricted to wethers and wether lambs, whose function is exclusively the production of meat.
The flocks were shorn twice annually (a practice common to several Asiatic countries), and the ewes yeaned twice a year.
For this reason it has been the breed most in favour with breeders in all parts of the world for mating with Merino ewes and their crosses.
Its most notable success in recent years is on the Scottish and English borders, where, at the annual ram sales at Kelso, a greater number of rams is auctioned of this than of any other breed, to cross with flocks of LeicesterCheviot ewes especially, but also with Border Leicesters and three-parts-bred ewes.
One reason for this is the early date at which the ewes take the ram.
The breed does not thrive off its own geological formation, and the ewes seek the ram early in the season.
The ewes, although difficult to confine by ordinary fences, are in high favour in lowland districts for breeding fattening lambs to Down and other early maturity rams.
The ewes lamb from early in January till the end of February.
The ewes are hornless, but in Africa the rams have very short, thick and somewhat goatlike horns.
Ewes Water, which falls into the river, is spanned by a two-arched bridge, 1 m.
Weak ewes, not safe to survive the hardships of spring, are brought in to better pasture during February and March.