Evidenced Sentence Examples
Language and WritingThe history of the Egyptian language is evidenced by documents extending over a very long range of time.
The Triumph of the Cross is his principal work, but everything he wrote was animated by the ardent spirit of piety evidenced in his life.
The exhaustion of the treasury was evidenced by 1773-1789.
They crossed Canyon Creek and the site of an avalanche a few years earlier, now evidenced by the rubble of broken, twisted trees and displaced earth.
But the progress of husbandry, evidenced by the production of larger and better crops with more certainty, is due to that rationalizing of agricultural practices which is the work of modern times.
The regard of Napoleon for his consort was evidenced shortly before the birth of this prince, when he bade the physicians, if the lives of the mother and of the child could not both be saved, to spare her life.
That it was very largely used in cookery is evidenced by many writers; thus Laurenbergius (Apparatus plantarum, 1632) makes the large assertion "In re familiari vix ullus est telluris habitatus angulus ubi non sit croci quotidiana usurpatio aspersi vel incocti cibis."
From the mines of Thrace, and perhaps from the harbour dues and from the mines of Laurium, he derived a large revenue; under his encouragement, Miltiades had planted an Athenian colony on the shores of the Thracian Chersonese; he had even made friends with Thessaly and Macedonia, as is evidenced by the hospitality extended by them to Hippias on his final expulsion.
After 2000 B.C. all these arts revived, and sculpture, as evidenced by relief work, both on a large and on a small scale, carved stone vessels, metallurgy in gold, silver and bronze, advanced farther.
That .the country was subsequently occupied by a more highly civilized people than the Somali of to-day is evidenced by the ruins which are found in various districts.
AdvertisementThe danger of loss from forest fires, such as that of 1894, emphasized the necessity of forest preservation, and resulted (1895) in the creation of a special state department with a forest commissioner and five wardens with power to enforce upon corporations and individuals a strict observance of the forestry laws, the good effects of the law being evidenced by the fact that the fire losses in forest lands for the first twelve years of its operation averaged only $31,000 a year.
The Romans occupied the country for more than three hundred years, as is evidenced by various remains; `but James Grant (1822-1887), in Old and New Edinburgh, doubts whether they ever built on the castle rock.
The popularity of Caelius is evidenced by the fact that in the 6th century an abridgment of his larger work was recommended by Cassiodorus to the Benedictine monks for the study of medicine.
They are sufficiently evidenced by the fact that Edward Jenner and Matthew Baillie were his pupils.
The light corresponding to the D lines and the space between them is absorbed, as evidenced by the dark interval.
AdvertisementThere are generally two regions where the tufts are thickest, and the attraction therefore greatest, and between them is a zone in which no attraction is evidenced.
The influence which the Kruger party had obtained in the Free State was evidenced by the presidential election in 1896, when Mr Steyn received forty-one votes against nineteen cast for Mr Fraser.
The predominance of Germanic influence in the city is evidenced by at least 75 musical clubs and numerous Turnverein societies.
This measure was opposed to many of the dearest beliefs and feelings of Palmer, and he evidenced his disapproval by abstaining from voting on the resolutions.
It was usual to evidence the feoffment by writing in a charter or deed of feoffment; but writing was not essential until the Statute of Frauds; now, by the Real Property Act 1845, a conveyance of real property is void unless evidenced by deed, and thus feoffments have been rendered unnecessary and superfluous.
AdvertisementThe attention devoted by him to chronological subjects is evidenced by the publication about this period of several essays in which he sought to prove that the birth of Christ took place five years earlier than the commonly accepted date.
The renunciation of the world was to be evidenced in all that met the eye.
In carrying out the regime of Rampolla, which was, in every respect, a bad imitation of that of Antonelli, the Vatican left no stone unturned in its attempt to coerce the conscience of the French royalists; it did not even stop at dishonour, as was evidenced by the case of the unhappy Mgr d'Hulst, who, in order to evade the censorship of his pamphlet on Old Testament criticism, had to abandon both his king and his principles, only to die in exile of a broken heart.
Lastly the soul is pictured as being a man's breath (anima), and this again has come down to us in literature, evidenced by the fact that the word "breath" has become a synonym for life itself.
The expectations were often grossly materialistic, as is evidenced by Papias's quotation as the words of the Lord of a group of sayings from the Apocalypse of Baruch, setting forth the amazing fruitfulness of the earth in the Messianic time.
AdvertisementThe great changes that have been wrought in India, politically, commercially, intellectually and religiously, by the combined action of the British government and the Christian missions, are evidenced among other tokens by the growth of such societies as the Arya Samaj and the Brahmo Samaj.
On the other hand the reverence attached to it in the later periods of the city is evidenced by its being left standing in the midst of a triangular space adjoining the great theatre, which is surrounded by a portico, so as to constitute a kind of forum (the so-called Foro Triangolare).
That a lady of this name existed in the early part of the 11th century is certain, as evidenced by several ancient documents, such as the Stow charter, the Spalding charter and the Domesday survey, though the spelling of the name varies considerably.
C. we see that the priestly aristocracy of Jerusalem had, like the well-to-do classes everywhere in Syria, been carried away by the Hellenistic current, its strength being evidenced no less by the intensity of the conservative opposition embodied in the party of the " Pious " (Assideans, Hasidim).
The tendency of his theory and practice in matters pertaining to the Law is evidenced by the fact that in general he advanced milder and more lenient views in opposition to his colleague Shammai, a contrast which after the death of the two masters, but not until after the destruction of the Temple, was maintained in the strife kept up between the two schools named the House of Hillel and the House of Shammai.
The addiction of the Franks in later centuries to the chase is evidenced by the frequency with which not only the laity but also the clergy were warned by provincial councils against expending so much of their time and money on hounds, hawks and falcons; and we have similar proof with regard to the habits of other Teutonic nations subsequent to the introduction of Christianity.
His attitude toward religion was in fact deeply reverent and sincere, but he insisted that religion was purely an individual matter, "evidenced, as concerns the world by each one's daily life," and demanded absolute freedom of private judgment.
The antiquity of their type is evidenced by the monuments of Egypt, where their ancestors are pictured with the same comparatively blond features which many of them still display.
In respect to positive affinities, Sir Joseph Hooker pointed out some relations with the flora of tropical Africa as evidenced by the prevalence of such genera as Grewia and Impatiens, and the absence, common to both countries, of oaks and pines which abound in the Malayan archipelago.
The precision of his earlier work is evidenced by his Micrometric Measurements of the Elementary Parts of Man and Animals (Leipzig, 1834).
Her money contributions to the Sanitary Funds were, it is said, greater than those of any city in the country; and in every other way she abundantly evidenced her love for the Union.
A co-operative social economy is evidenced by the traces of great public works, such as canals many miles in length.
Were we to judge by the contacts with Hebrews, Clement of Rome and Hermas and the similarity of situation evidenced in the last-named, Rome would seem the most natural place of origin.
To the b000 years to which ancient civilization dates back must be added a vast period during which the knowledge, arts and institutions of such a civilization as that of ancient Egypt attained the high level evidenced by the earliest records.
A primary mental similarity of all branches of the human race is evidenced by their common faculty of speech, while at the same time secondary diversities of race-character and history are marked by difference of grammatical structure and of vocabularies.
The state of culture reached by Quaternary man is evidenced by the stone implements in the drift-gravels, and other relics of human art in the cave deposits.
His practice as a college lecturer in logic is better evidenced by these "cases" than by his Compendium of Logic, first published in 1618.
The treatise on "Mechanics" in Lardner's Cyclopaedia was partly written by him; and his interest in more purely astronomical questions was evidenced by two communications to the Astronomical Society's Memoirs for 1831-1833 - the one on an observation of Saturn's outer ring, the other on a method of determining longitude by means of lunar eclipses.
Contemporaneously with the new and vivid intellectual life of an Anselm or an Abelard, the " freezing up " of traditionalism is evidenced by the preparation of volumes of Sentences from Scripture and the Fathers.
Already the discredit of parliameiitary government was being evidenced in the increased personal power of the young king.
That he made considerable progress in the study of these curves is evidenced by Eutocius, who flourished about the 6th century A.D., and who assigns to Menaechmus two solutions of the problem of duplicating the cube by means of intersecting conics.
The boundaries of the old ecclesiastical parishes are usually identical with those of the township or townships comprised within its precinct; they are determined by usage, in the absence of charters or records, and are evidenced by perambulations, which formerly took place on the "gang-days" in Rogation week, but are now, where they still survive, for the most part held triennially, the Poor-Law Act of 1844 permitting the parish officers to charge the expense on the poor-rate, "provided the perambulations do not occur more than once in three years."
The reverence and authority which was accorded the famous compilation of the Alexandrian astronomer is well evidenced by the catalogue of the Tatar Ulugh Beg, the Arabian names thane adopted being equivalent to the Ptolemaic names in nearly every case; this is also shown in the Latin translations given below.
In 1890 the Rabbinical Diploma was conferred on him by Lector Weiss of Vienna, but again he evidenced his self-denial by declining to stand for the post of associate Chief Rabbi in the same year.
The research content is evidenced through the practitioner's own explicit articulation of these issues and the way in which they underpin their practice.
The impiety evidenced by that figure was too flagrant not to draw down chastisement on the artist.
With Jesus ' physical presence there was an amazing foretaste of heaven - and this was evidenced by the miracles he performed.
It's a real art form, as evidenced by the plaudits laid at the feet of North American mavericks like Cronenberg.
Young children The benefits of long-chain omega 3 fatty acids have also been evidenced in children aged six to twelve.
The cobalt is still Co 2+ as evidenced by the crystal field splitting of the Co L-edge peak in the absorption spectrum.
Their extreme reduction in form and loss of sexuality may be correlated with the saprophytic habit, the proteids and other organic material required for the growth and reproduction being appropriated ready synthesized, the plant having entirely lost the power of forming them for itself, as evidenced by the absence of chlorophyll.
Dr Klaatsch's view is that they are survivals of a primitive race which inhabited a vast Antarctic continent of which South America, South Africa and Australia once formed a part, as evidenced by the identity of many species of birds and fish.
The hard terms, embodied in the treaty of San Stefano, to which Abd-ul-Hamid was forced to consent, were to some extent amended at Berlin, thanks in the main to British diplomacy (see Europe, History); but by this time the sultan had lost all confidence in England, and thought that he discerned in Germany, whose supremacy was evidenced in his eyes by her capital being selected as the meeting-place of the Congress, the future friend of Turkey.
How far totemism, or belief in deified animal ancestors, existed in prehistoric Israel, as evidenced by the tribal names Simeon (hyena, wolf), Caleb (dog), IIamor (ass), Rahel (ewe) and Leah (wild cow), &c., 6 as well as by the laws respecting clean and unclean animals, is too intricate and speculative a problem to be discussed here.
The cause at stake over-rode every prejudice and the people of the United States, since the war, have been in general content to leave the question alone, as was evidenced by the outcry raised in 1908, when President Taft reopened it in a speech at Grant's tomb.
At Tubingen he lived as student and teacher for six years, until on Reuchlin's advice, the elector of Saxony called him to Wittenberg as professor of Greek in 1518.1 Her character is evidenced by the familiar proverb Wer mehr will verzehren Denn sein Pflug kann erehren, Der muss zuletzt verderben Und vielleicht am Galgen sterben of which Melanchthon said to his students "Didici hoc a mea matre, vos etiam observate."
An application of the finger for 20 or 30 seconds to the under surface of the vessel will then generate enough heat to lower appreciably the surface-tension, as is evidenced by the opening out of the dust and the formation of a bare spot perhaps r z in.
One reason this tea may be so helpful is that it contains quercetin, as evidenced by the red color of the tea.
As evidenced in her designs, Rachel combines influences from her English heritage and her casual California lifestyle.
However, solid colors don't necessarily mean boring, as evidenced by the Tiered Silk Dress in fuchsia.
Nicotine is highly addictive, as evidenced by the 34 million smokers who attempt to quit each year.
He claims to have been independent from a very early age, as evidenced by the fact that he began living on his own in his senior year in high school.
The concept works, as evidenced by celebrity shows that keep returning for numerous seasons, as well as a number of new shows in 2007.
She seems to recognize the responsibility of being in the position she is in, as evidenced by her words when she accepted her Golden Globe award.
As evidenced by the list of dissertations, the subjects available for dissertations on online and distance education are wide and varied.
Blue Buffalo takes a holistic approach to dog nutrition as evidenced by their ingredients and processing standards.
This activity led to the selection of spirited breeding stock that also evidenced a willingness to cooperate with their human counterparts.
Plus size clothing does not have to be drab or boring as evidenced by their past use of brightly colored printed or solid fabrics.
The subtle undertones can offer an entirely different shade to consider, as evidenced by the different terms relating to ivory tones.
The stage is best known for the rapid movement of the eyes in different directions, as evidenced by its name.
The connection between mental processing, mood and sleep is apparent, as evidenced by the problems that occur when people do not get enough rest.
As evidenced by the simple title, this Sonic takes us back to basics with blistering speed, more straightforward objectives, and picturesque environments.
After playing the uncensored version of the aforementioned Mortal Kombat, male college students tested out as more violent and evidenced higher blood pressure when compared to similar students who played a censored Mortal Kombat.
It is not uncommon to find a sale of a stolen phone on eBay, evidenced by a lack of any kind of accompanying items (like the AC adapter).
Multiple blows to the head can cause punch-drunk syndrome or dementia pugilistica, as evidenced by Muhammad Ali, whose Parkinson's is a result of his career in the ring.
He currently works as an attorney for the RainbowPush Coalition, but Otunga has received considerable criticism for his appearance on reality television, as evidenced by a 2007 article on Above the Law.
Part of London's appeal is her dedication to helping women feel their best at any size, as evidenced by her book, Dress Your Best", co-written with her co-host from What Not to Wear'', Clinton Kelly.
As evidenced by her numerous awards from the music industry, and her stunning appearance on American Idol, Kara DioGuardi is every bit as talented as she is beautiful.
She seemed very comfortable posing in various bathing suits as well, as evidenced by her cover photo on a Smooth magazine special edition.
Ms. Hargitay appears to be quite young in the photo (as evidenced by her long dark hair), and she's standing on a beach under the beach shower in a black bikini.
Ben Sherman - This is a menswear designer that knows how swimwear should fit, which is evidenced by the cut and styles in his swimwear line.
This is evidenced by a number of complaints on ComplaintsBoard.com.
That much is evidenced by the many videos and clips that have made their way to YouTube.
It's easy to confuse the human personality with the soul, but the two are quite different as evidenced by the many lifetimes and different personalities a soul is believed to assume, according to common reincarnation theory.
She says that she used to look out windows, wishing to be outside, but now she "lives" outside, as evidenced by her international travels.
As evidenced by the surge in large watch sales, it turns out that size really does matter.
But, as evidenced by the many very literate individuals who have autism, the task is far from impossible.
Still, there's something to be said for the benefits of free weights -- it's hard to cheat during a classic squat -- and it quite obviously works, as evidenced by Arnold and his cadre in the days of yore.
Diddy is feeling nostalgic on this new album, as evidenced by the 80s synths he relies upon in many tracks.
But more than a lot of people seem to want a different cup of tea from me, as evidenced by Hollywood Undead's MySpace success.
But just because they've been at it for a long time doesn't mean they've lost it, as evidenced here, in this lovely electro-pop gem from their new album.
Unfortunate, what can be used for admirable purposes can also be used against you, as evidenced by a particularly famous Twitter hack.
As evidenced by its name, the service is free.
This immortal House had been somewhat lowly on the immortal totem pole, evidenced by the fact it was a third the height of most of the others.
How far totemism, or belief in deified animal ancestors, existed in prehistoric Israel, as evidenced by the tribal names Simeon (hyena, wolf), Caleb (dog), IIamor (ass), Rahel (ewe) and Leah (wild cow), as well as by the laws respecting clean and unclean animals, is too intricate and speculative a problem to be discussed here.
If a longitudinally magnetized wire is twisted, circular magnetization is developed; this is evidenced by the transient electromotive force induced in the iron, generating a current which will deflect a galvanometer connected with the two ends of the wire.
There are signs that this coastal strip was until a geologically recent period below sea-level; and that the coast-line is still receding is evidenced by the history of the town of Muza, once a flourishing port, now 20 m.
The compatibility of Christian and later Neo-Platonic ideas is evidenced by the writings of Synesius, bishop of Ptolemais, and though Neo-Platonism eventually succumbed to Christianity, it had the effect, through the writings of Clement and Origen, of modifying the tyrannical fanaticism and ultradogmatism of the early Christian writers.
After this the chief matters worth notice in Dom Henry's life are, first, the progress of discovery and colonization in the Azores - where Terceira was discovered before 1450, perhaps in 1445, and apparently by a Fleming, called "Jacques de Bruges" in the prince's charter of the 2nd of March 1450 (by this charter Jacques receives the captaincy of this isle as its intending colonizer); secondly, the rapid progress of civilization in Madeira, evidenced by its timber trade to Portugal, by its sugar, corn and honey, and above all by its wine, produced from the Malvoisie or Malmsey grape, introduced from Crete; and thirdly, the explorations o Cadamosto and Diogo Gomez.