Every-day Sentence Examples
I'll write something every day.
Yeah. I drive this way every day.
Few branches of science, so important on their bearings on every-day life and so difficult of investigation, can be said to have been created and raised at once to a state of high advancement by the labours of a single man.
It's isolated and lonely and I'm gone most of every day.
He had done it every day he served her as her lead assassin and he was doing it now as Death.
See William Hone, Every Day Book, i.
But how could she do that when he was there every day?
Each day they changed positions in line so that no one ate the dust from all the wagons every day.
Unfortunately, the commute to work every day was still excruciating.
His phone dinged, and he looked down at one of the zillion text messages he received from any number of his Guardians every day.
AdvertisementI've checked on your little human almost every day to ensure what I planned for her was not altered by Darkyn's bloodlust.
First and last thing I see every day.
Two days after it swallowed 62 and would probably have eaten as many every day could they have been procured.
After that I got to thinking how nice it would be if I had someone to cook me a meal every day.
It's not every day your little brother turns 300K.
AdvertisementHe should've let you remember every wrong you committed so you could relive them every second of every day.
It was not every day he was summoned by a deity.
It must be nice having someone to talk to every day.
I pray for them every day.
Daily Sudoku puzzle play a new game of Sudoku every day on.. .
AdvertisementYou can do this by gently rubbing her gums with a clean, soft cloth every day.
I mean, you're in Hell maybe even being torn to pieces every day and you're being kind to me.
You play with people's lives every day.
I would've spent every day with you, if you hadn't done what you did.
Someone has been visiting Alex at the hospital almost every day.
AdvertisementShe wasn't the kind who sat around waiting to die, not when she wanted so badly to enjoy every day until she was no longer able to.
She touched, smelled and tasted everything she could, determined to remember every pleasurable part of every day she had left.
You took his heart and crushed it, like every day for thousands of years.
She'd like to think she was saving poor souls every day she spent with him donating her blood, but she couldn't help thinking she really wouldn't care what he did to get blood if she was gone.
He.d paced in front of her chamber at some point every day for three weeks, wanting to tell her something, anything, to make her want to stay.
She rubbed her face, dressed in grey to reflect her mood, and tucked her spare earpiece into her pocket as she did every day.
Just a touch, a smile from you can do so much to brighten my every day.
He was around nearly every day now, and when he didn't show up, he called on the phone.
With every day she knew him, he became more of a man.
But the same man who killed in cold blood had reassured her every day for over two weeks that he'd protect her.
They were close to her condo; she drove the massive Sky Bridge every day to get to work.
She considered throwing the tasteless food cubes to the trees he warned her against feeding every day.
Once they moved the chickens, there would be no reason to walk down to the farm every day.
I just don't want to spend all day every day on it.
I'll think of you every day and I'll come back for you.
She'd stopped trying to figure out why Xander tormented her every day.
He was beating out his demons, the way he did every day.
Darian resisted the urge to tell her he was no longer the lost man who asked her for cookies every day.
I also know her—and our—danger increases every day.
Still, he was managing it better every day.
Sure, she brought a farrier in, but that wasn't every day.
You work hard every day.
Katie left with the promise of calling every day to see if she needed help.
Yes, he tells me every day in the way he treats me.
He likes the house spotless and the hamper empty every day.
Instead of going through the drive through every day to eat, it's like hunting your prey down.
The story of his disgust when he found that Queen Christina devoted some time every day to the study of Greek under the tuition of Vossius is at least true in substance.'
Irish in a league against the supporters of the parliament, and only a few scattered forts held out for the Commonwealth, while the young king was every day expected to land and complete the conquest of the island.
An electuary of opium, known as Mithradatum, was invented by Mithradates VI., king of Pontus, who lived in constant fear of being poisoned, and tested the effects of poisons on criminals, and is said to have taken poisons and their antidotes every day in the year.
Failure to comply with any of the rules renders a company " liable for each offence, on conviction under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or in the case of a continuing offence to a fine not exceeding ten pounds for every day during which the offence continues after conviction."
The skies are clear nearly every day in the year.
Manson recommends five to ten grains once or twice a week; Ross recommends the same quantity every day before breakfast.
Since the 9th of Thermidor, the republican instinct has grown weaker every day.
As he foresaw, the shrinkage of the great empire into the realm of old France caused infinite disgust, a feeling fed every day by stories of the tactless way in which the Bourbon princes treated veterans of the Grand Army.
But in spite of the splendours of the court, the condition of Rome became every day more deplorable.
The weakness of the government becoming every day more apparent, several constitutional changes were made, and many old institutions, such as that of the podesta and capitano del popolo, were abolished; finally in 1502, in order Piero Capponi.
It is computed that twenty millions of meteors enter the atmosphere every day and would be visible to unassisted vision in the absence of sunlight, moonlight and clouds, while if telescopic meteors are included the number will be increased twentyfold.
Every Wednesday afternoon he made a reverential pilgrimage to her tomb, and three times every day he invoked her memory in words of passionate expansion.
The subjects also now include a new series of landscapes and views drawn as seen by the designers, and not reproductions of the work of other men; and also sketches of scenes and characters of every-day life and of the folk-lore in which Japan is so rich.
With all the Puritan eagerness to push a clear, uncompromising, Scripture-based distinction of right and wrong into the affairs of every-day life, he has a thoroughly English horror of casuistry, and his clumsy canons consequently make wild work with the infinite intricacies of human nature.
Or seest thou not how much he eateth and drinketh every day?
Montanelli were leading lights became every day more influential.
The new commander took his ships to sea every day.
Music can be enjoyed every day in the year either out of doors or under cover.
According to the solar theory, Sisyphus is the disk of the sun that rises every day and then sinks below the horizon.
In explanation of the fact that he never received the Victoria Cross it was said of him that it was because he earned it every day of his life.
He set up a public aqueduct in Holborn, and a hospice for the poor at Bath; he distributed every day to the sick the milk of twelve cows, took care of orphans, and encouraged manly sports on Sundays among the youth of London by giving prizes.
Transactions between spinners and manufacturers are largely effected on Tuesdays and Fridays, the old "market days," when the manufacturing towns are well represented, but a large amount of business is transacted every day.
His books also have had large circulations; among them are The Almond Tree in Blossom (1870); Every Day Religion (1875); The Brooklyn Tabernacle (1884); From Manger to Throne (1895); and The Pathway of Life (1895).
With regard to the expenses of hunting, it is calculated that a master of hounds should be prepared to spend at the rate of £500 a year for every day in the week that his hounds are supposed to hunt.
The Berbers, if irreligious, are very superstitious, never leaving their homes without exorcizing evil spirits, and have a good and evil interpretation for every day of the week.
Exceedingly burdensome services were required in the seasons when farming processes are, as it were, at their height - in the seasons of mowing and reaping, when every day is of special value and the working power of the farm hands is strained to the utmost.
He was never allowed to appear without these emblems of office, every day being considered a holy day for him.
Progress, or at all events change, does indeed take place, though very slowly, since the most primitive savage we know of has his portion of human intelligence, looks after and before, nay, in regard to the pressing needs of every day shows a quite remarkable shrewdness and resource.
As compared with the Anglican Book of Common Prayer it is both more and less comprehensive; more, in that it includes lessons and hymns for every day in the year; less, because it excludes the Eucharistic office (contained in the Missal), and the special offices connected with baptism, marriage, burial, ordination, &c., which are found in the Ritual or the Pontifical.
Anne spent the rest of her life happily in England at Richmond or Bletchingley, occasionally visiting the court, and being described as joyous as ever, and wearing new dresses every day!
Disobedience under the order of justices involves a penalty and a daily penalty for every day during which default continues.
Each member receives 15 dinars for every day of actual attendance, and travels free on the railways.
Besides preaching every day in each alternate week, he taught theology three days in the week, attended weekly meetings of his consistory, read the Scriptures once a week in the congregation, carried on an extensive correspondence on a multiplicity of subjects, prepared commentaries on the books of Scripture, and was engaged repeatedly in controversy with the opponents of his opinions.
Our first question will be, Is there any stage of human society, and of the human intellect, in which facts that appear to us to be monstrous and irrational are accepted as ordinary occurrences of every day life ?
The taxpayers, with the clergy at their head, adopted the same idea, and every day contrived fresh methods of evasion.
The progress of events showed him, on the contrary, a France which every day left a little stronger, and he aroused himself from his disbelieving, disillusioned mood.
It's not every day you marry the sister of a God.
She liked him even less after that occurrence and chose to hide in the conference room every day after that, unwilling to deal with him again.
I also know her—and our—danger increases every day.
My mom couldn't drive so she used to catch a bus nearly every day to visit my dad.
He is naps almost every day for one hour in the early evening.
My job gave me a horrible feeling of wearing the wrong shaped skin every day.
I visit every day and find what I am looking for.
It is an every day occurrence now.
Close to four thousand children die every day from water related diseases.
I've cried every day since I lost him.
I have made myself a priority and face every day as if on a mission.
If eating together every day is almost impossible, set a target of 3-4 meals per week.
Open all day, every day for ale, the house regular is Abbot Ale, while there are two rotating guest ales.
Many tenpin bowling alleys are open seven days a week, every day of the year with the exception of Christmas day.
The King has passed a law making people practice archery every day.
I find I can eat a Mars bar every day with no trouble but 3 or 4 shortbread biscuits will start an attack.
It might seem boring, but spending a few minutes checking your vehicle every day could save you a lot of problems and stress.
It's not every day that you get to hit the streets wearing plastic bullhorns and body paint.
Yet you don't have to stay busy all day every day.
She herself is a member of the SVP Conference, which runs a canteen for 200 children every day.
The horrors of corrupt gangster capitalism are impressed upon people's minds every day that passes.
I take a pill every day to help me cope with it, and I have to go for frequent checkups.
Next best method is to manually add either granular chlorine or quick tabs to pool skimmer every day.
Hours i played message out every day along lakeside drive oysters clams and.
Most ab initio groups quickly become very close-knit since students see each other almost every day.
Crisps and beer, with an obsessive compulsion to climb hard every day.
One month before this happened the bank had foreign exchange problems and the Jordanian dinar was devaluing every day.
But then he found he had to slaughter three or four lambs every day to feed the guard dogs.
The continuing quest to escape the drudgery of every day life.
The tenants are supplied with metal dustbins, which are emptied every day or two.
I try to eat five pieces of fruit and I'm already taking echinacea every day.
I had the usual exhortations to look smart, shave every day and not to drink too much.
To maintain your color, moisturize every day and use a tan extender.
All patients had taken raw feverfew leaves every day for three to four years.
The people are a very fickle baby that must have new toys every day.
You will achieve a greater fluency in every day English.
Lucky I had the foresight to record a diary every day for the last ten years.
To be brutally frank, what happened to me is nothing compared to what happens every day to many people.
If just 20 percent of cars used fuel cells, we could cut oil imports by 1.5 million barrels every day.
Problem every day found a good rios jamaica George pristine coastlines but.
You can either add lecithin granules to your cereal every day or take it in capsule form.
In a sense, then, everything is a harvest, and every day a harvest thanksgiving.
Trust is not only of fundamental importance, it is deep in human nature we each trust hundreds of people every day.
You are very impulsive - every day is a new adventure.
We had inkwells on top of our desks which were filled every day.
But any real mother knows bribery starts from before babies can talk, and gets more inventive every day.
Every aspect of their every day living was touched by magic, witches, fairies, water kelpies, and water horses.
School uniform Children should have a full pe kit in school every day.
Special Needs swimming lessons take place at Teddington Pool every day of the week.
In fact the camp now gets a nice big mailbag every day but we'd like to see it grow even bigger.
The restaurant served 3 generous meals every day with a huge choice of dishes.
And the main course every day is called the megalith, after the huge stones which form the Avebury circle.
Most importantly, the medicines that it provides to the NHS help millions of patients every day.
You can use a chlorhexidine mouthwash every day during the first week after surgery (you can get these from supermarkets and chemists ).
You can't eat muesli for breakfast every day of your life, you just can't " .
Just eating a sweet, juicy pear every day can go a long way to soothing Pitta dosha and cleansing the liver.
The unit will help treat the wastewater produced by 19,000 people every day to an even higher standard by removing the nutrient phosphate.
From there they are taken to a room dedicated to producing praline every day.
Yet every day thousands of miles of British bus lanes seem to stand idly by in deliberate provocation of the motoring public.
He managed to recite the whole Psalter every day.
New easy, medium or hard Sudoku puzzles to play online every day.
Don't forget to listen out for the gun fired every day at 1 pm from the castle ramparts.
Open all day every day for liquid refreshment, there are up to six real ales available.
The barracks were full of fresh recruits, also many reservists were arriving every day.
Friends Express - Getting friends reunited every day We are getting old school friends reunited every day at Friends Express.
Only apply rosin when needed and not every day.
Obviously I use my languages every day albeit at a fairly rudimentary level.
They know that the real battle they face is with the aggressive secularism that surrounds them every day.
Although we had fresh snowfall on every day driving was never a problem.
Whether it's an over-the-counter or prescription skin softener, do it every day.
You should put a fresh dessert spoon full of seed in the hopper every day.
By the way, train spotters take note - 750,000 people use Tokyo station every day.
Discover momentum stocks in a snap and choose only the best every day.
Sudoku puzzles to play online every day.
It's not every day you get to review yourself but don't worry, I'll keep superlatives to a minimum.
Even the Japanese don't eat sushi every day.
I also cover the main switchboard 4.5 hours every day.
Even a single dripping tap can let 10 liters go to waste every day.
Each has a well-equipped kitchen to alleviate the tedium of eating out every day.
However, topical tetracycline must be used every day for four to six weeks to be effective.
Open all year every day from 9am til sunset.
We have a top tipster who updates your service every day with the latest hot tips.
But you aren't going to produce much sulfur trioxide every day.
It was then that I began to have vertigo 24 hours a day every day.
I have a solid team of local activists who are out every day leafleting and canvassing the voters of Tyne Bridge.
Your weekly weigh-in will every day help you keep on track for a slimmer new you.
Others are unequally yoked to unbelievers, every day proving how unequal the yoke is.
In the event of the company failing to comply with the demands of the department, the latter is empowered to refer the case to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, who form a special Court constituted by the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 2888, for deciding, among other things, questions relating to rates and charges, for protecting traders from undue charges and undue preference, for regulating questions of traffic, and for deciding certain disputes between railway companies and the public. The Commissioners are then empowered to deal with the matter, and if " a railway company fail to comply with any order made by the Railway and Canal Commissioners, or to enforce the provisions of any schedule " approved by them, it is liable to a fine of a hundred pounds for every day during which the default continues.
The pioneer of this kind of literature is considered to have been Saikaku (1641I693), who wrote sketches of every-day life as he saw it, short tales of some merit and novels which deal with the most disreputable phases of human existence.
It is necessary to hypnotize patients every day for several weeks before they can be got into a degree of stupor sufficient to allow of the safe execution of a surgical operation.
And every day since you showed me the book, he has given me a lesson.
He was busy every day.
It was the wish of his father and mother that every day of his life should be a day of perfect happiness.
He might be seen every day with a bag of charcoal on his back, carrying it to some of his customers.
Search engines have done a fabulous job tackling this problem, even given the vast, vast, amounts of information added to the Internet every day.
For instance, have you ever seen one of those people on TV who is turning one hundred and says he ate bacon every day of his life?
Or, we gravitate toward anecdotes like, "I take my vitamin C every day and haven't had a cold in year."
Even now she calls my attention every day to mispronounced words.
I remember especially the walks we all took together every day in Central Park, the only part of the city that was congenial to me.
I went in bathing almost every day and Carrie and Frank and little Helen and I had fun.
I go to school every day I am studying reading, writing, arithmetic, geography and language.
I think of them every day and I love them dearly in my heart.
I read in my books every day.
I think of my beautiful home every day.
He is very happy indeed at the kindergarten, and is learning something every day.
Keith comes here at half past three every day except Saturday.
My work grows more absorbing and interesting every day.
I feel every day more and more inadequate.
We have reading lessons every day.
When she touched one with which she was familiar, a peculiarly sweet expression lighted her face, and we saw her countenance growing sweeter and more earnest every day.
The condition of the operatives is becoming every day more like that of the English; and it cannot be wondered at, since, as far as I have heard or observed, the principal object is, not that mankind may be well and honestly clad, but, unquestionably, that corporations may be enriched.
I see these men every day go about their business with more or less courage and content, doing more even than they suspect, and perchance better employed than they could have consciously devised.
If working every day were not my trade, I could get all the meat I should want by hunting-pigeons, woodchucks, rabbits, partridges--by gosh!
Most men would feel shame if caught preparing with their own hands precisely such a dinner, whether of animal or vegetable food, as is every day prepared for them by others.
I had dug out the spring and made a well of clear gray water, where I could dip up a pailful without roiling it, and thither I went for this purpose almost every day in midsummer, when the pond was warmest.
To speak literally, a hundred Irishmen, with Yankee overseers, came from Cambridge every day to get out the ice.
The phenomena of the year take place every day in a pond on a small scale.
Excited and irritated by these thoughts Prince Andrew went toward his room to write to his father, to whom he wrote every day.
He walked less, ate less, slept less, and became weaker every day.
He discussed estate affairs every day with his chief steward.
Zhilinski, a Pole brought up in Paris, was rich, and passionately fond of the French, and almost every day of the stay at Tilsit, French officers of the Guard and from French headquarters were dining and lunching with him and Boris.
That same August the Emperor was thrown from his caleche, injured his leg, and remained three weeks at Peterhof, receiving Speranski every day and no one else.
Natasha, who had borne the first period of separation from her betrothed lightly and even cheerfully, now grew more agitated and impatient every day.
He spent every day and whole days at the Karagins', and every day on thinking the matter over told himself that he would propose tomorrow.
He was awaiting Prince Andrew's return with dread and went every day to the old prince's for news of him.
During the whole week she spent in this way, that feeling grew every day.
Princess Mary spent half of every day with little Nicholas, watching his lessons, teaching him Russian and music herself, and talking to Dessalles; the rest of the day she spent over her books, with her old nurse, or with "God's folk" who sometimes came by the back door to see her.
The only thing that made Princess Mary anxious about him was that he slept very little and, instead of sleeping in his study as usual, changed his sleeping place every day.
But now they have had him transferred to my regiment and are expecting him every day.
He did not think of Karataev who grew weaker every day and evidently would soon have to share that fate.
Princess Mary asked the countess to let Natasha go with her to Moscow, and both parents gladly accepted this offer, for they saw their daughter losing strength every day and thought that a change of scene and the advice of Moscow doctors would be good for her.
New easy, medium or hard sudoku puzzles to play online every day.
Do n't forget to listen out for the gun fired every day at 1 pm from the castle ramparts.
But over the course of the harvest, these cherries ripen at different times - meaning they have to be tended every day.
I personally use at least one self-hypnosis programming session every day and I know how beneficial it is for me.
So do n't forget to get your five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Who likes to see their lover dressed in shabby, worn-out clothes every day?
He 's texting me about every day - boring shit like ' how 's your day going?
Smog levels at 25 sites broke health limits [2] every day from Monday 4th to Sunday 10th August.
Whether it 's an over-the-counter or prescription skin softener, do it every day.
An example in every day life are the sonic booms produced by aircrafts.
But then commentators in every sphere of human endeavor do this every day.
Following this, Dr. Hoover and four others met every day at five o'clock to pray for spiritual awakening.
It 's not every day you get to review yourself but do n't worry, I'll keep superlatives to a minimum.
Even the Japanese do n't eat sushi every day.
The solar heated domestic hot water gives an immediate benefit of a tankful of hot water every day.
Since starting my tiddly winks manufacturing empire last week, I 've received a tax rebate every day.
But you are n't going to produce much sulfur trioxide every day.
Once I trudged those streets every day in the snow.
Carers Labor recognizes the often unsung role that millions of carers perform every day.
A wooden vaulting horse was carried out every day to the same spot only around 30 meters from the wire.
Wool wraps are naturally anti bacterial, and do not need to be washed every day.
After putting in hours every day at the gym for months, Tom finally feltaesthetically gifted.
The boisterous studentdisrupted his class every day.
Many tech startups recognize this truth-there seems to be a new, great problem-solving app born every day.
Your baby will learn new skills, activities, words, and actions every day.
She will if she plays with them every day.
One of the most important steps you can take to help your baby learn to talk is simply to talk to her regularly every day.
Once your baby is born, read to him every day.
Continue to give your pet a few minutes of your time every day.
Spend one-on-one time with your older child every day.
Although parenting a premature baby can be stressful at times, remember that your little one is growing and becoming stronger every day.
As much as I loved holding my baby in my arms, it would have been impractical to do it all day long every day.
Some parents prefer sending their children every day but only for two or three hours, while others may send their children all day for two or three days a week.
I am one of the lucky ones because I love what I do and enjoy going to work every day.
You could also simply get in the habit of putting your child down at the same time every day.
Washing your baby's hair every day with a gentle shampoo will help to diminish the sebaceous output and the amount of plaque present on your baby's head.
A sound wardrobe of boys' clothes for a child that attends some sort of school every day of the week would include five pairs of pants and 10 shirts.
A lot of money is spent each and every day on mattresses, and every mattress retailer is trying to attract customers.
Do you do two loads on Saturday, or do you find yourself washing two loads of clothing every day?
Find every kind of design, as well as commercial washing machines for washing a lot of clothing each and every day.
The average man spends about 12 hours every day in his shirt.
With digital cameras and camera phones, it's easier than ever to take tons of photographs each and every day.
Herbs left outside in the summer may need to be watered every day.
Personal lubricants are nothing to be ashamed of; people of all ages and from all walks of life use them every day.
While some of these items may not be practical for every day use, they can be good for a laugh and some entertainment.
If your schedule doesn't change much during the week this type fits those who may not need to change the settings every day.
They find deals for new and used iPods, but you'll have to check back every day.
You'll have to do a lot more stooping when you use an upright vacuum cleaner, which is particularly useful for those with movement restrictions, as well as those who spend a considerable amount of time vacuuming every day.
Once November 1st arrives, don't be ashamed to check every day!
The support foam helps your body by conforming as you sleep, but bounces back to a full state every day.
They may not be the trendiest since they're for every day and should go with almost every outfit.
Boats with motors require gas, which can become more expensive, especially if you are planning on using the boat every day or every weekend.
The UNIX architecture is harder to crack, but it is done every day and there are viruses out there for the Mac.
I drink coffee every day - quite a bit more than I should - which means that coffee stains are my primary concern.
I groom her every day but she is constantly licking and having lots of hairballs.
I did this every day until one day I saw him using the litter box.
He has always flung a little litter in the past, but now it's so bad he's almost completely emptying his box every day.
If I do not scoop every day and change out her litter every few days, she simply finds somewhere else to go.
There are many more products being released every day.
After all, it's not every day you get a chance to watch a calico orbit a ceiling fan with such gusto.
Spend time every day playing with your cat, petting her and giving her attention.
You can provide this by gently holding your kitten when she wishes to be in your lap, petting her or playing with her every day.
In each story the kids meet a character from their every day lives, and then are "forced" to follow clues to discover the potential true identity of this every day person.
Students do not necessarily need to be reading books every day for there to be a benefit.
The account also provides value to cardholders, in the form of discounts on every day purchases such as vision care, prescription medications, gym memberships and more.
With this account, you'll be able to put your every day purchases to work helping you earn rewards that can be used to defray the cost of your next vehicle.
Account access is available every hour of every day with their paperless billing system, which utilizes your e-mail to send you bills and statements.
Classic Rewards cards help members earn more Membership Rewards by using the cards at certain locations, such as to make every day purchases.
It is common for there to be additional funds beyond the amount owed on the card since most government travelers receive a per diem amount of money for every day they travel on official orders.
Now it's up to you both to take the tools you used to save your marriage and apply them every day to keep your relationship fresh and alive.
Co-parenting is an ongoing process that twists and turns every day.
Compiling a list of renewable resources is a useful way to understand more about the products that we buy and consume every day.
Just think of the items that we buy and throw away every day - from plastic bags to food packaging, from paper envelopes through to cardboard boxes - this list goes on and on.
Keeping a list of renewable resources and thinking about what we are consuming every day will help us better understand what we can do to help protect the environment.
Traditional toilets use a substantial amount of water every day to carry that waste away.
Be sure to find out which models suit your needs, whether it is an every day toilet you wish to install, or one that need only see use on an occasional basis.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 1.5 billion people are breathing dangerously high levels of pollution every day.
Household chemicals, waste bi-products, pesticides, heavy metals-these are just some of the toxic chemicals we come across every day.
This means that while we may think that our actions do not have an impact on the pollution of the sea and other water supplies, the fact is pollution of the land through every day actions can also affect the ocean.
Fossil fuels are used as an energy source and are burned every day.
Solar panels are becoming more mainstream every day.
You have the power to improve air quality and prevent pollution through the choices you make every day.
Whether it's the gasoline that powers your car, or the electricity that powers your home, you are using non renewable energy every day.
The turbine has many components and each does a part in converting the raw energy of the wind into usable energy to run appliances, air conditioners, and other items used every day.
Modern civilization creates tons of it every day.
Lax manufacturing controls in China have resulted in imports into America that have caused the deaths of animals as well as exposure to harmful chemicals in children's toys, women's cosmetics and other every day products.
These fun facts demonstrate what Earth Day is about and are food for thought every day of the year.
Many of the items used every day in the home need electricity to work.
Don't keep a table just because it was your mother's favorite; you're the one who has to look at it every day.
These casual living rooms are the hub of every day family life.
Christmas Table - If you have a separate dining room table that you don't use for every day meals, set the table up for Christmas dinner early in the month and leave it that way until the big day.
Manufacturers are creating exciting new designs in wall board every day.
Style and a little creative flare can turn every day objects and items into a table setting your guests will ooh and ahh over.
Decorating with contact paper is an affordable way to turn every day items into eye catching room accents.
You may want to keep the can opener in place, but consider stowing small appliances you don't use every day.
Folding racks are handy if you don't dry things every day.
Create a small lampshade out of it, and you'll get to see it every day.
Matte finishes are perfect for every day wear, while pearlized, shimmer, or glitter shadows are best reserved for wearing on evenings or special occasions.
For the most part, you'll want to choose a few different makeup looks; one for every day wear, another for nighttime looks, and still yet one more for special occasions.
Being a theatrical makeup artist means knowing how to do things like this on an every day basis in no time flat.
Theatrical makeup is rarely nourishing to the skin like a lot of regular every day cosmetics are nowadays.
Makeup on men is a very personal choice in every day life and ideal if one has a blemish to hide, perhaps.
It will ensure you are putting your best face forward every day.
Providing just the right amount of one or two applications, you'll get the chance to explore a new look and decide if you'd like to purchase the item for every day use.
They lead busy lifestyles and have no time to do a "full face" every day and maintain it throughout the day.
Obviously, that isn't going to help with an all over tan, so I needed to make adjustments.Remembering to use this self tanning product every day was probably my biggest challenge.
By slapping on the same old stuff every day and never branching out in colors or shapes, you'll never learn anything.
The selection of online catalogs seems to grow larger every day!
The fresh-faced appeal of understated eye makeup is one that can easily be pulled off for every day with a flesh colored eye shadow, a brown or other medium neutral liner on the top eye, and two coast of mascara on curled lashes.
I don't like dark or bold lip colors unless it is a really high glam or special event; for every day I like something a bit more natural looking and nude.
However, it has paid for itself already since I've essentially used it nearly every day for three months.
Not everyone can afford a personal makeup artist, so devote a few hours every day to practice applying Goth-inspired looks.
Although most teens can skip wearing foundation for every day makeup styles, a special occasion such as prom means you want a flawless skin tone.
Having an arsenal of easy makeup tips at your disposal can help the most cosmetic-challenged women put their best face forward every day.
Thousands of people love and use this social-conscious makeup every day.
Follow these suggestions every day or try them out for Halloween, if it fits in with your costume.
Choose a dramatic bridal look if you normally wear a full face of makeup every day and want to look especially glamorous on your wedding day.
No one has to wear foundation, but you may find yourself wanting to on some occasions, even if you don't wear it every day.
Today, self-publication of books is undergoing a revolution, and more good self-published ebooks are available every day.
Sellers on auction sites like eBay list hundreds of used books every day.
There are a few hours over the weekend when the market closes, but besides that, it remains open for business all day, every day.
Your pet, like a real dog or cat, has to be fed and watered every day and it can come down with medical issues that need to be taken care of.
Online banking at Chase's website offers a number of services that can be accessed 24 hours a day, every day.
While you might not be thinking every day about using a Greek dictionary on the Internet, but maybe there are some uses you've never considered?
Whether you use PayPal often or rarely, you can take advantage of the numerous coupon codes from Paypal that are issued nearly every day even if you don't have any money in your account.
Take the camera everywhere and try to take at least a few shots every day.
The library is updated every day and has the most recent sports photos listed first on their website.