Ever-since Sentence Examples
I've been a mess ever since.
No telling how long he had been in contact with Alex – maybe ever since he moved to Arkansas.
The trade has dwindled ever since and is now quite insignificant.
He'd been a thorn in her side ever since.
Corps, which had been held up ever since Sept.
In 1567 it took place with the others, and has ever since appeared with them.
Its success was immediate, and the name of "Lewis Carroll" has ever since been a household word.
Moldavia, again, ever since the 11th century, had been claimed by the Magyars as forming, along with Bessarabia and the Bukowina, a portion of the semi-mythical Etelkdz, the original seat of the Magyars before they occupied modern Hungary.
The Greeks had been trading with the Scyths ever since their coming, and at Olbia there were other tales of their history.
The dean and chapter of Canterbury have held possession of it ever since the Dissolution.
AdvertisementIt has ever since been known as the Conquered Territory, and it forms to-day one of the richest corn-growing districts in South Africa.
Johnson's "Club" ("The Club") still exists, and has contained ever since his time a large proportion of the public celebrities of its day.
Augustus was the first who gave a definite administrative organization to Italy as a whole, and at the same time gave official sanction to that wider acceptation of the name which had already established itself in familiar usage, and which has continued to prevail ever since.
He won favor by these means, and completed the levelling down of classes, which had been proceeding ever since the emergence of the communes.
The most celebrated among the many reform decrees issued by Gregory was the constitution determining for the first time the form of conclave at papal elections, which in large measure has remained ever since the law of the church.
AdvertisementTwo vegetable products, the " balsam bog " (Bolas glebaria) and the " tussock grass " (Dactylis caespitosa) have been objects of curiosity and interest ever since the first accounts of the islands were given.
In Armenia the Greek word agape has been used ever since the 4th century to indicate these sacrificial meals, which either began or ended with a eucharistic celebration.
In particular, the Roman "North Road" which ran from York through Corbridge and over Cheviot to Newstead near Melrose, and thence to the Wall of Pius, and which has largely been in use ever since Roman times, is now not unfrequently called Watling Street, though there is no old authority for it and throughout the middle ages the section of the road between the Tyne and the Forth was called Dere Street.
The generally wet character of the seasons in 1879 and the two or three years following was mainly responsible for the high prices of meat, so that the supplies of fresh beef and mutton from Australia which now began to arrive found a ready market, and the trade in imported fresh meat which was thus commenced has practically continued to expand ever since.
South-eastern Sicily, ever since P. Orsi excavated the Sicel cemetery near Lentini in 1877, has proved a mine of early remains, among which appear in regular succession Aegean fabrics and motives of decoration from the period of the second stratum at Hissarlik.
AdvertisementWith the Mahommedan conquest the Perso-Arabic alphabet was introduced among the Malays; it has continued ever since to be in use for literary, religious and business purposes.
When hostilities afterwards broke out in 1794, it was again taken possession of by the English, and was held by them till 1816, when it was a second time given up to the French; it has ever since remained in their possession.
He had gone to Wesley's help at West Street after his ordination at Whitehall in 1757 and had been one of his chief allies ever since.
It is only since the 11th or 12th century that Kabbalah has become the exclusive appellation for the renowned system of theosophy which claims to have been transmitted uninterruptedly by the mouths of the patriarchs and prophets ever since the creation of the first man.
During the next two days the emperor examined his situation and dictated a series of notes which have been a puzzle to every strategical thinker ever since.
AdvertisementThe subject of ecclesiastical vestments has been, ever since the Reformation, hotly debated in the Church of England.
He may more fairly be blamed for not having arranged the extracts in each title of the Digest according to some rational principle; for this would have been easy, and would have spared much trouble to students and practitioners ever since.
Lack of information regarding the geographical features of the interior, however, led to some indefinite descriptions, and these have been fruitful sources of dispute ever since.
Distinct rank was accorded to aldermen, and in the Liber Albus we are told that " it is a matter of experience that ever since the year of our Lord 1350, at the sepulture of aldermen, the ancient custom of interment with baronial honours was observed."
For these, by a sudden onset that morning, recovered possession of the patch of high ground which their antagonists had succeeded in wresting from them on the 8th and in holding ever since.
As had been the case at Helles and at Anzac ever since the first opening of land operations in April, only a restricted patch of Ottoman territory had been obtained by the new undertaking, and although the position at Anzac had been extended and improved it remained an extremely bad one.
The procession, revived in 1790, was again stopped by the French republicans five years later, but was revived under the Empire, and has flourished ever since.
The "Holy Leaven" is reputed to be a part of the original bread of the first Eucharist, brought by Addai and Mari' and maintained ever since in the Church; it is used in the confection of the Eucharistic wafers, which are rather thicker than those used in the Western Church.
In defending his proposals Mr Disraeli gave full scope to his most characteristic gifts; he pelted his opponents right and left with sarcasms, taunts and epigrams. Gladstone delivered an unpremeditated reply, which has ever since been celebrated.
After the Portuguese, from about 1518 onwards, had attempted many times to establish themselves on the islands by force, and after the Maldivians had endured frequent raids by the Mopla pirates of the Malabar coast, they began to send tokens of homage and claims of protection (the first recorded being in 1645) to the rulers of Ceylon, and their association with this island has continued practically ever since.
An outbreak in 1894 produced numerous rifts in the inner walls from which steam and smoke have issued ever since.
It will not suffer any training, nor does it, like the plum, improve by pruning, but the sunshine that attends its brief period of bloom in April, the magnificence of its flower-laden boughs and the picturesque flutter of its falling petals, inspired an ancient poet to liken it to the soul, of Yamato (Japan), and it has ever since been thus regarded.
The Venetian attacks were finally repulsed in 1487, and the bishop retained his temporal powers till 1803 when they passed to Austria, to which (save 1805-1814, when first the Bavarians and then Napoleon held the region) they have ever since belonged, the Trentino being annexed formally to Tirol in 1814.
In this way Tirol came to the dynasty which has ever since held it (save 1805-1814).
During the period in which the question of admission was under consideration, the Whigs opposed the measure, while the Democrats carried it through and remained in power until 1854; but ever since 1857 the state has been preponderantly Republican in all national campaigns; and with but two exceptions, in 1889 and 1891, when liquor and railroad legislation were the leading issues, has elected a Republican state administration.
And that sacrifice but once actually t performed at His death, but ever before represented in figure, from the beginning; and ever since repeated in memory to the world's end.
Since 1846 both senators and assemblymen have been elected by single districts, and ever since the state government was established they have been apportioned according to population, but the present constitution limits the representation of New York City in the Senate by declaring that no county shall have more than one-third of all the senators nor any two adjoining counties more than one-half of them.
Climbing the high mountain that overhangs the town, he established on the summit the monastery with which his name has ever since been associated, and which for centuries was a chief centre of religious life for western Europe.
Gold was also found later in Lawrence county north of Custer, and the Homestake Belt in the former county has ever since been the chief producer in the state.
Filled with joy at their rescue from this attack, the citizens crowded to their cathedral, where Beza (then 83 years of age) bid them to sing the 124th Psalm which has ever since been sung.
In 1699 the long Turkish War, which had been going on ever since 1683, was concluded by the peace of Karlowitz, whereby Podolia, the Ukraine and the fortress of Kamenets Podolskiy were retroceded to the Republic by the Ottoman Porte.
It appears from Craig's letter, to which we may therefore assign the date 3589, that, five years before, he had made an attempt to reach Uranienburg, but had been baffled by the storms and rocks of Norway, and that ever since then he had been longing to visit Tycho.
Holland drove them out in 1816, and, by giving them thus a valid excuse for aiding the Belgian revolution of 1830, secured them the strong position they have ever since held in Belgium; but they have succeeded in returning to Holland.
Seventy years afterwards it assumed the form ever since known as the Authorized Version, but its Psalter is still embedded, without any alteration, in the Book of Common Prayer.
In 1221 William de Fortibus, earl of Albemarle, was granted a Saturday market, which later in the year was transferred to Monday, the day on which it has continued to be held ever since.
So the practice of securing places for persons who have served the party, in however humble a capacity, has sprung from the maxim that in the strife of politics the spoils belong to the victors, and has furnished a motive of incomparable and ever-present activity ever since the administration (1829-1837) of President Andrew Jackson.
Even among the mere computers the series =tan -a tan' 0+1 tan' 0-..., specially known as Gregory's series, has ever since been a necessity of their calling.
There is no established church in Canada, but in the province of Quebec certain rights have been allowed to the Roman Catholic church ever since the British conquest.
These percentages have gradually risen ever since federation, especially in the province of Quebec, which was long in a backward state.
The truth is that the Metaphysics both precedes and follows the Physics, because it had been all along occupying Aristotle ever since he began to differ from Plato's metaphysical views and indeed forms a kind of presupposed basis of his whole system.
The Warwick proceedings were confirmed by act of parliament, and ever since this court has been fully recognized as part of the English constitution.
The work of translating the law of gravitation into the form of astronomical tables, and the comparison of these with observations, has been in progress ever since.
In 1502 Mesopotamia passed for a time into the hands of the Safawid shah, Ishmael; but in 1516 it came under the Osmanli Turks, to whom it has belonged ever since.
The great wealth of Silesia, however, lies underground, in the shape of large stores of coal and other minerals, which have been worked ever since the 12th century.
In general these rules have been observed in the Armenian church ever since.
In 1666 the British established themselves on Tortola, which has ever since remained in their possession.
But in 1351 under the presidency of the emperor John Cantacuzenus, the uncreated light of Mount Tabor was established as an article of faith for the Greeks, who ever since have been ready to recognize it as an additional ground of separation from the Roman Church.
By the peace of Pressburg, Austria was in 1805 compelled to cede Istria to France, and the department of Istria was formed; but in 1813 Austria again seized it, and has retained it ever since.
Protests were made at various times by Philip V., but the question has never been finally decided by treaty; and the Austrian and Spanish branches have continued as independent orders ever since as the principal order of knighthood in the respective states.
The observance of that first Day of Intercession was followed by an immediate change, and unquestionably there has been progress ever since.
In 1870 Katr was under Wahhabi rule, but in the year 1871 Turkish assistance was requested to aid the settlement of a family quarrel between certain Wahhabi chiefs, and the Turks thus obtained a footing in Katr, which they have retained ever since.
It has been an inspiration to his countrymen ever since.
The lines laid down by St Basil have continued ever since to be the lines in which Greek and Slavonic monasticism has rested, the new multitudinous modifications of the monastic ideal, developed in such abundance in the Latin Church, having no counterpart in the Greek.
On that occasion the native troops hastened to the mosques to perform their devotions; they were followed by European soldiers, and the mosques having thus been "violated" have remained open ever since to non-Mahommedans.
Tithes were generally regarded up to the 17th century as existing jure divino, and as having been payable to the support of the Church ever since the earliest days of Christianity.
This eminence is itself due to an outflow of lava from that mountain, during some previous eruption in prehistoric times, for we know from Strabo that Vesuvius had been quiescent ever since the first records of the Greek settlements in this part of Italy.
The town was founded by the Countess Waudru in the 8th century, whereupon Charlemagne recognized it as the capital of Hainaut, and it has retained the position ever since.
No verbal formula can really enclose the life of a people or an age, but we can best understand the significant ^ of the old Greek cities and the life they developed, when, looking at the history of mankind as a whole, we see the part played by reason, active and critical, in breaking down the barriers by which custom hinders movement, in guiding movement to definite ends, in dissipating groundless beliefs and leading onwards to fresh scientific conquests - when we see this and then take note that among the ancient Greeks such an activity of reason began in an entirely novel degree and that its activity in Europe ever since is due to their impulsion.
So long as the centre of the Islamic world was not in Egypt, the best talent was attracted elsewhere; but after the fall of Bagdad, Cairo became the chief seat of Islamic learning, and this rank, chiefly owing to the university of Azhar, it has ever since continued to maintain.
This they did while the Digest was in progress, and produced the useful little treatise which has ever since been the book with which students commonly begin their studies of Roman law, the Institutes of Justinian.
The policy of many, particularly of those which deal with ecclesiastical matters, may also be condemned; yet some gratitude is due to the legislator who put the law of intestate succession on that plain and rational footing whereon it has ever since continued to stand.
For many years before the accession of his uncle Justin, the Eastern world had been vexed by the struggles of the Monophysite party, who recognized only one nature in Christ, against the view which then and ever since has maintained itself as orthodox, that the divine and human natures coexisted in Him.
Although brine springs have been known to exist in both these counties ever since the Roman occupation, and salt had been made there from time immemorial, it was not till 1670 that rock-salt about 30 yds.
Iron ores and lead are credited to several provinces, and platinum has been found in Esmeraldas, where emerald mines have been worked ever since the Spanish conquest.
The reformer had been expecting it ever since the Disputation at Leipzig, and had resolved to answer it by one striking act which would impress the imagination of every man.
Other industries of less importance are basket-making, weaving, and silk and cotton 1 A sanjak is usually a subordinate division of a vilayet, but that of Jerusalem has been independent ever since the Crimean War.
Omar and his followers in person cleaned it, and established the place of prayer which, though later rebuilt, has borne his name ever since.
The stream of pilgrimage to the Holy Land began immediately, and has been flowing ever since.
It is true that all the chlorine combined with the sodium is lost partly as NaC1 and partly as CaC1 2; none of the innumerable attempts at recovering the chlorine from the waste liquor has been made to pay, and success is less likely than ever since the perfection of the electrolytic processes.
The principal cities are Hang-chow, which is famed for the beauty of its surroundings, Ning-po, which has been frequented by foreign ships ever since the Portuguese visited it in the 16th century, and Wenchow.
The attention of the British government had been directed to Afghan affairs ever since the time of Sir John Shore, who feared that Zaman Shah, then holding his court at First Lahore, might follow in the path of Ahmed Shah, Afghan and overrun Hindustan.
Sa`d and his officers, Obaidallah and even Yazid came to be regarded as murderers, and their names have ever since been held accursed by all Shiites.
The question whether writing was known in the time of Homer was raised in antiquity, and has been debated with especial eagerness ever since the appearance of Wolf's Prolegomena.
In addition to such essentially mythological conceptions, we meet in the religious life of this period with an element of more serious aspect in the two gods, on one or other of whom the religious fervour of the large majority of Hindus has ever since concentrated itself, viz.
On the other hand, these " Escobarine morals " by no means passed unchallenged; ever since the foundation of the society the aims and methods of the Jesuits had called forth lively opposition in many parts of Catholic Europe, and not least in Loyola's native land of Spain.
There the vision of a reunion with the Protestants had haunted many Catholic brains ever since Bossuet and Leibniz had corresponded on the subject.
Some years later a second settlement was made at Santa Fe, which has ever since been the seat of government of New Mexico.
This " territorial principle " the church has steadily kept in view ever since.
The British Association for the advancement of science appointed in 1861 a committee on electrical units, which made its first report in 1862 and has existed ever since.
The cathedral church of St Davids is situated near the remote headland of St Davids in Pembrokeshire, but the episcopal residence has been fixed ever since the Reformation at Abergwili near Carmarthen, the most central spot in this vast diocese.
If Louvois's letter of July 19 be read in connexion with the preceding correspondence it will be seen that ever since Fouquet's incarceration in 1665 Saint-Mars had had trouble over his valets.
After the fire of 1 184 the monks asserted that they were in possession of the remains of St Dunstan, which had been abstracted from Canterbury after the Danish sack of ion and kept in concealment ever since.
They testify to the restriction of philosophy to the practical side, and to the increasing tendency, ever since Panaetius, towards a relaxation of the rigorous ethical doctrine and its approximation to the form of religious conviction.
The press has accompanied the general progress, and ever since Herculano founded and wrote in the Panorama, the leading writers have almost without exception made both name and livelihood by writing for the papers, but as pure journalists none has excelled Antonio Rodriguez Sampaio, Antonio Augusto Teixeira de Vasconcellosand Emygdio Navarro.
Cohn's brilliant researches, the chief results of which were published at various periods between 1853 and 1872; Cohn's classification of the bacteria, published in 1872 and extended in 1875, has in fact dominated the study of these organisms almost ever since.
The outcome of all these considerations is that, while recognizing that the " genera " and " species " as defined by Cohn must be recast, we are not warranted in uniting any forms the continuity of which has not been directly from the year 1872, when Cohn published his system, which was extended in 1875; this scheme has in fact dominated the study of bacteria ever since.
The Quakers' title to West Jersey, however, still bore the cloud resulting from the Dutch conquest, and the duke of York had desired to recover all of his original grant to Berkeley and Carteret ever since Governor Nicolls had protested against it.
The medical faculty speedily became famous, and has remained the most important faculty in Wiirz burg ever since.
Leonardo's "Last Supper," for all its injuries, became from the first, and has ever since remained, for all Christendom the typical representation of the scene.
Relations with Russia had remained Austria- strained ever since the war.
The Kaffirs bitterly resented their loss of independence, and ever since the last war had been secretly preparing to renew the struggle.
It was thus that Hai-nan-Tao, or district south of the sea or strait, came into use as the name of the island, which, however, has borne the official title of K`iungchow-fu, probably derived from the Kiung shan or Jade Mountains, ever since 1370, the date of its erection into a department of Kwang-tung.
Strong and regular governance had on the whole prevailed ever since Henry II.
Northumberland was a greedy and unscrupulous Border chief, who regarded himself as entitled to exact whatever he chose from his master, because he had been the first to join him at his landing in 1399, and had lent him a consistent support ever since.
Since Clarences death he had been gradually falling into the habit of transferring the conduct of great matters of state to his active and hard-working youngest brother, Richard Richard, duke of Gloucester, who had served him well duke of and faithfully ever since he first took the field at Barnet.
Lord Durhams conduct was, unfortunately, marked by indiscretions which led to his resignation; but before leaving the colony he drew up a report on its condition and on its future, which practically became a text-book for his successors, and has influenced the goveinment of British colonies ever since.
Emmanuel, king of Portugal; whose descendants have reigned in that country ever since.
People have been asking ever since how the penniless man of letters was able to raise so large a sum in the first instance, and how he was able to keep up a respectable establishment afterwards.
But the courts threw out "supplementary returns" (possibly forged by the canvassers) and decided in favour of Bashford, who was the first Republican to hold an office; with two exceptions Wisconsin has elected Republican governors ever since.
This principle has been maintained ever since the Reformation.
And this kind of interaction has gone on ever since Flamsteed reluctantly furnished the " places of the moon," which enabled Newton to lay the foundations of lunar theory.
During his residence in Wales a hyper-Calvinistic work entitled A Body of Divinity; or the Sum and Substance of the Christian Religion, was published under his name by John Downham; and, although he repudiated the authorship in a letter to the editor, stating that the manuscript from which it was printed was merely a commonplace-book into which he had transcribed the opinions of Cartwright and other English divines, often disapproving of them and finding them dissonant from his own judgment, yet it has been persistently cited ever since as Usher's genuine work, and as lending his authority to positions which he had long abandoned, if he ever maintained them.
This movement of population took its first great impulse from the famine of 1846 and has continued ever since.
More than 1,000,000 of these went to the United States of America, and to that country the main stream has ever since been directed.
At the synod of Kells (1152) there was established that diocesan system which has ever since continued without material alteration.
The first struggle began on the accession of Clotaire II., when Austrasia, having had a king of her own ever since 561,
Paris at once rose in revolta Paris of swarming and unpoliced streets, that had been making French history ever since the reign of Henry IV., and that had not forgotten the barricades of the League.
He naturally adopted Fleur.vS the idea of reconciling Louis XIV.s descendants, who had all been embroiled ever since the Polish marriage.
Hismistresses were not the only cause of this; for ever since Fleurys advent political parties had come to the fore.
More than this - although the synod of 692 specially allowed the crucifix, yet Greek churches have discarded it ever since the 8th century.
The parish as an institution is in reality later in date than the township. The latter has been in fact the unit of local administration ever since England was settled in its several states and kingdoms; the beginnings of the parochial system in England are attributed to Theodore of Tarsus, who was archbishop of Canterbury towards the close of the 7th century.
In 1542 Presteign was named as the meeting-place of the county sessions for Radnorshire in conjunction with New Radnor, and it has ever since ranked as the county town.
The special feature upon which most stress has been laid, ever since Wagner's death in 1883, has been not so much the musical as the dramatic significance of the works; it is contended by the inmost circle of Wagnerian adherents that none but they can fully realize the master's intentions or hand down his traditions.
The inference was insulting - especially so since he had been throwing the money at her ever since they met.
No telling how long he had been in contact with Alex – maybe ever since he moved to Arkansas.
But ever since the coup fiasco, the CIA and the State Department have viewed him with undisguised contempt.
It was the first recorded instance of cunning defeating brawn, but the battle has been raging ever since.
And also, ever since I got the bunion and the hammer toe, the slippers are a thing of the past.
I did my first trackday in February 2002 and have not been able to get enough of the Adrenalin buzz ever since!
At one such event he bought an old concertina, and he has been playing for dancing ever since.
They have been kept at the Tower ever since and used at every subsequent coronation.
In 1997 he discovered his first crop circle and has been intrigued by the phenomenon ever since.
He had been unconscious ever since a week last Monday night, but he was not delirious.
Henham estate have been threatening some sort of festival ever since some young buck inherited the estate.
What we have watched ever since the Rambouillet process is the systematic expulsion of Kosovo Albanians.
He recently had gastric flu and his appetite has gone downhill ever since.
He hadn't stopped glaring at me ever since I had first walked gloomily into the room half an hour ago.
The ship has remained a Holy Grail for maritime archeologists ever since.
The jokes over blue knickers, white spots on plimsols and school birthdays have been flowing ever since.
In fact, these fields have been the focus of conflict between farm managers and local pastoralists ever since their construction in the 1980s.
Hence the somewhat quaint title the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral by which the articles have been called ever since.
Everything has happened so fast, like being on a roller coaster ride, and that has been the pattern ever since.
The two arts, dance and film, have enjoyed a passionate, sometimes stormy marriage ever since.
But, having carried the May revolution of that year, it has remained supreme ever since.
Obviously this has been made more topical in recent years ever since the bath's triumph in BBC Television's Restoration series in 2003.
Then something happened, there was an amazing turnabout, and they have been denying it vehemently ever since.
The acts of the new government ran in the name of Ferdinand VII., but the step taken was a revolutionary one, and the 25th of May has ever since been regarded as the birthday of Argen tine independence.
Steinheil appears to have been anticipated in the matter of a recording telegraph by Morse of America, who in 1835 constructed a rude working model of an instrument; this within a few years was so perfected that with some modification in detail it has been largely used ever since (see below).
Lastly, and perhaps most of all, there is the old Norman bloodfeud with Constantinople, as old as the old Norse seeking for Micklegarth, and keen and deadly ever since the Norman conquest of the Greek themes in South Italy (1041 onwards).
His adage was Qui sophistice loquitur odibilis est, and his influence has been exercised ever since in warning the Christian orator against artificiality and in urging upon him the necessity of awakening the heart.
Though I believe it is no longer considered valid, yet I have kept it ever since as one of my treasures.
He has, in truth, behaved very strangely ever since we came to Brewster.
She has talked about nothing but the circus ever since.
Cadet Rostov, ever since he had overtaken the regiment in Poland, had lived with the squadron commander.
They are the same battalions you broke at Hollabrunn and have pursued ever since to this place.
And not the face she had known ever since she could remember and had always seen at a distance, but the timid, feeble face she had seen for the first time quite closely, with all its wrinkles and details, when she stooped near to his mouth to catch what he said.
They 've been quiet as dead mice ever since.
The Hong Kong handover ceremony was held on 30 June 1997 and China has resumed the exercise of sovereignty over the territory ever since.
Obviously this has been made more topical in recent years ever since the bath 's triumph in BBC Television 's Restoration series in 2003.
The island has remained partitioned ever since and UN peacekeeping forces maintain a truce between the two sides.
While quartz watches have become wildly popular ever since they first arrived on the watch market, many people remain loyal to the mechanical type of watch.
Anyway, I managed to stop her brother before he did much of anything, but ever since then his sister has been really aggressive towards him.
She has been healthy ever since I brought her home at the age of eight weeks old.
However, I was gone last weekend, and the day after I returned, Dazzling began urinating on my bed again and has urinated on my bed almost daily ever since.
Miele has been a green company ever since the 1970s, long before the brand name became the modern seal of smart technology with a conscience.
Cinnamon and blood sugar levels have been in the news ever since the first studies appeared linking an intake of cinnamon and reduced blood sugar levels, triglyceride levels, and cholesterol levels.
To me, it evokes the smells, flavors, and sunlight of the south of France, an area I tromped through as a college student (many years ago) and that has enchanted me ever since.
Eat-in kitchens have been popular ever since kitchens were first designed.
Interior design was long a passion for Brown - ever since his childhood, when his mother caused a stir by hiring an interior designer to decorate their rural Georgia home - but it didn't start out as his chosen career.
Viva Glam V debuted in 2004, and this neutral pearl-pink lipstick has been flying off shelves ever since.
The two of them have been a team ever since and are part of the show's popularity.
Jeopardy was created in 1964 and has been running on television ever since.
Canon was founded in 1937 and has remained headquartered in Tokyo, Japan ever since.
Pork was brought over by the Spanish in the sixteenth century and has been a meat mainstay along with chicken ever since.
The question of how do music lyrics impact teen behavior has been a hot button topic ever since the advent of rock and roll.
There's his girl that goes to my middle school, and I've known her since I was 2 months old, and we've been best friends ever since then.
But, ever since last year, I started REALLY liking this guy in my class, Nick.
I've had a constant crush on him ever since I started middle school middle school, but I'm probably the shyest, bookworm in the class!
I started the Invisible Children/Schools for Schools branch at my school in late 2005 and have stuck with it ever since.
Based in New York, this New Jersey native graduated from the Fashion Institute of New York City and she's been creating gorgeous gowns ever since.
Since crack is cheaper to produce and buy compared to cocaine, crack grew in popularity during the 1980s and has continued to be a problem ever since.
That meeting with him has stayed with me ever since.
The court battle over custody of Ireland has been contentious ever since.
I have always been singing, ever since I was young.
Berry, 41, and Aubry, 31, met at a Versace photo shoot in 2005, and have been together ever since.
The couple met when Williams cast Ferrera in his student film, and have been together ever since.
The pair met on the set of the first High School Musical film, and have been dating ever since.
Parker has been a working actress ever since she was nine years old, but her Sex and the City role as Carrie Bradshaw was really when people started to stand up and take notice.
The couple first got together when filming the 1988 film Bull Durham and have been together ever since.
The nickname Smiley turned into Miley when she was a baby and has stuck with her ever since.
Ellen DeGeneres, 50, and Portia de Rossi, 35, first hooked up in 2004 and have been a solid and seemingly happy couple ever since.
She decided then that she would not continue down this path, and has been clean ever since.
Swayze married Lisa Niemi in 1975, and they have been happily married ever since.
Adam Cook, 36, was diagnosed with brain cancer over a decade ago and has been battling it ever since.
Kristen Stewart got her start in show business at the tender age of eight and has been working steadily ever since.
Whispers of her leaving have been swirling ever since Heigl found success as the next romantic comedy "it" girl.
The Dish began in 2008 and has been steadily growing its audience ever since.
She cut her hair short and dyed it jet black, and has worn it this way ever since.
Maurice Sendak wrote and illustrated the Where the Wild Things Are book in 1963 and it has been an award winning favorite ever since.
It began in Kalamazoo, Michigan, but in 1950, it moved to Omaha, where it has been ever since.
Their first album was called Sincerely, and the Gaithers have been singing gospel music across the USA and around the world ever since.
Timberwolf dog food has been getting increased attention ever since the massive 2007 dog food recall.
My dog was really sick during that pet food recall, and ever since then I have had a difficult time getting him to eat.
They are known botanically as Halesia hispida and H. corymbosa, but ever since their introduction they have been known as Pterostyrax in gardens.
Teachers' perceptions of school violence have been wary ever since.
The flying coaster made its public debut in May 2009 and has been hailing crowds ever since.
Its $25 million price tag was well worth it, however, and ever since riders have flocked to challenge the Kingda Ka roller coaster and to tame its impressive statistics.
The year-round park opened in Kemah, Texas, in 2001 and has been a huge success ever since.
Home console video games have been around since the mid-1970s and have been popular ever since.
These two early contenders wowed the gaming world and have been some of the most copied game types ever since.
I have lived and breathed Namco's fighting franchise as a video game staple in my collection ever since Soul Blade on the original Playstation.
I've been obsessed with Namco's fighting series ever since it debuted as Soul Blade on the PSone.
Grand Theft Auto II brought that same capricious, violent behavior into hard-hitting 3D, and the franchise has been controversial ever since.
It began in 1893 and there have been vines growing there ever since Horace and Minnie Chase started the winery.
Formed in 1985, the initial wines were Fumé Blanc and Chardonnay, two white wines that have been the mainstay at Murphy-Goode ever since.
The company was launched in 2002, and has been receiving rave reviews for the flavor and freshness of their varietals ever since.
Jayco has been developing and manufacturing RVs and travel trailers ever since.
In the late '70s and '80s movies like Breakin' brought the music of hip hop together with graffiti artists, rappers, and breakdancers to the big screen, and it's been a big hit ever since.
Punk hair styles originated in the 1970s with wild, crazy, rebellious looks - a trend that has continued ever since.
Seven Brazilian sisters introduced the women of New York City to their version of a bikini wax in 1987, and ever since the sexy Brazilian wax has grown to become one of the most sought after hair removal styles.
These stones are said to represent the twelve tribes and have been open to interpretation and folklore as to the meaning of each color ever since.
This is a topic being debated ever since her marriage to rebel Kid Rock in July 2006.
I have been addicted to body painting ever since.
Spiderman action figures have been delighting children ever since the public was first introduced to this wall-crawling crime fighter.
This Barbie townhouse is a hot item and has been ever since it was introduced.
This lovable plush, black-and-white bear joined the Webkinz World in 2006 and has been a favorite of children -- and some adults -- ever since.
Cute minidresses have been a staple of summer clothes ever since.
The microwave oven has been hailed as a revolutionary, if controversial, invention ever since it was first created.
That's a question cost-conscious juicing, raw food, and blending enthusiasts have been asking ever since the high-quality features (and high cost) of Vitamix machines have become widely known.
It has remained a popular "flick-and-bounce" game ever since.
The game hit its first huge wave of popularity in the 1950s, and it's been a best seller ever since.
In the 1950's, Gregory Keller automated the process of candy-making, and so candy canes were widely available for consumption ever since.
In October 1993, Tim Burton's famous stop-motion animated Nightmare Before Christmas movie was released and has since become a movie fan holiday favorite ever since.
Fish costumes have remained a Halloweens staple for children ever since 2003's Finding Nemo, a Disney move that features a lovable clownfish.
But ever since then, nothing has changed with our relationship.
We exchanged numbers and we have been together ever since.
This diamond cut came back into the spotlight when Sex in the City character Carrie Bradshaw received one, and has enjoyed popularity ever since with both celebrities and the general public.
Celebrities all over the world have had a love affair with the Birkin Bag ever since it was introduced in 1984.
The animated television series, Ben 10, debuted on December 27, 2005 and has been growing in popularity ever since.
Kate Spade got her start in 1993, and ever since the debut of her handbags, women everywhere have clamored for more.
Born in New York City, Gardiner moved to L.A. in 1966 where she has lived ever since.
Violence has existed on television shows ever since the medium was first created.
The name Disney has come to be associated with good family entertainment, ever since the first Walt Disney movie release in 1937.
Within the United States, these creatures have been reported ever since explorers and colonists first arrived.
Meisner reports that the close encounter with the specter has led to nothing but bad luck ever since.
While such comparisons have been very common ever since Nostradamus' work was published, the 9/11 attacks were especially busy with claims that the most significant terrorist attacks in U.S. history was predicted by Nostradamus.
The company has traded steadily ever since.
A few centuries ago, men abandoned frivolous shoes for regular wear and have been more comfortable than women ever since.
As the World Turns, like all other daytime dramas, took a severe ratings hit in the mid-1990s and have been in steady decline ever since.
The song has been the theme for EastEnders ever since the inaugural episode aired in 1985.
Entranced by the area's natural beauty, the couple bought property on the hillside overlooking the bay …and the town has been popular with tourists ever since.
In fact, ever since its founding, Skybus has consistently offered fares that are, on average, 65 percent lower than their competition.
Fossil, Inc has been making watches ever since it was founded in 1984 by a pair of brothers, Tom and Kosta Kartsotis.
While Mickey watches have had a steady following ever since they were first marketed to the public, Swiss made Mickey Mouse collectible watches are timepieces for true connoisseurs.
The following year, largely due to the success of its watches, Gucci was named "European Company of the Year" and has maintained a successful and profitable position ever since.
We went online with our creations in 1999 and have been doing clocks ever since.
I have known Cinderella ever since she was a scullery maid.
He introduced a rallying insignia of a blue and red hood and although he was ultimately defeated those have been the colors of Paris ever since.
With a deep understanding for what women want in a bra and a true commitment to providing beautiful, high quality garments for women, Wacoal has enjoyed unparalleled success in the states ever since.
The male audiences loved them and the idea of the servant who's only too glad to make sure everyone's happy, and has been a fantasy ever since.
Gray began playing Little League football when she was just four years old and the love for the Gridiron has stuck with her ever since.
Women's terry robes are incredibly comfortable and ever since the fabric was first made available to the general public in the late nineteenth century, its demand has never waned.
After a few attempts at finding a new drummer to replace Irons, eventually Chad Smith was invited to join The Red Hot Chili Peppers later in 1988 and has remained with the band ever since.
Wilder quit the band in 1995, and Gahan, Gore and Fletcher have continued the band as a trio ever since.
Artists like Robert Johnson and Jerry Miller became favorites of Plant's during this time, and the blues influence has remained present in his music ever since.
The coming of age story about a girl coping with the awkwardness of high school and first love and her adventures on her 16th birthday - which her family forgot - has won a place in the hearts of movie watchers ever since the release.
The music industry has been trying to figure out what to do with that ever since.
She has been helping others getting started hosting purse parties ever since.
Frank Bielec appeared on the first episode of Trading Spaces and has been a regular fixture on the show ever since.
Kat began tattooing at the age of 14 and has been studying and practicing the art ever since.
Dirty Jobs is still running strong and hugely popular ever since it's 2003 debut.
The house was completed in 2006, and they have lived there ever since.
Audiences warmed up to Sweeney very quickly, and she has been the host ever since.
The show began in 2003, and the format has remained the same ever since.
He reported it, and has been the go-to source for Bachelor spoilers ever since.
Real Housewives of Orange County alumnus Tamra Barney joined the cast in Season Three with a bang and has been causing controversy ever since.
It was the score that introduced the opening title crawl to moviegoers, and it's a theme song that has remained in the minds and hearts of Star Wars fans ever since.
Their line was cursed ever since Isildur refused to destroy the One Ring.
While a horseshoe in concept serves to protect the footing of the animal, it has gained popularity as a talisman ever since.
The IRS has pushed using its e-filing service ever since it stopped mailing tax forms and information to taxpayers and tax professionals.
Dr Ginsburg had one predecessor in the field, the learned Jacob ben Chajim, who in 1524-1525 published the second Rabbinic Bible, containing what has ever since been known as the Massorah; but neither were the materials available nor was criticism sufficiently advanced for a complete edition.
In 1557, however, a great flood caused the Tiber to change its course, so that it no longer flowed under the walls of the castle, but some half a mile farther west; and its old bed (Fiume Morto) has ever since then served as a breeding ground for the malarial mosquito (Anopheles claviger).
In 1880 Prenk was kidnapped by the Turkish authorities and exiled to Anatolia; another member of the ruling family was appointed kaimakam, but the Mirdites refused to obey him, and their district has ever since been in a state of anarchy.
The Central Plateau has probably been a land mass ever since this period, but the rest of the country was flooded by the Palaeozoic sea.
The Labour party held power in the Commonwealth for a short period, and has had the balance of power in its hands ever since the formation of the Commonwealth.
His command of the art is such that his plays read like original works, and it may be at least said that some of his characters stand out so vividly from his canvas that they have ever since served as representatives of certain types of humanity, e.g.
Romagna had continued a prey to anarchy ever since 1831; the government organized armed bands called the Centurioni (descended from the earlier Sanfedisti), to terrorize the Liberals, while the secret societies continued their propaganda by deeds.
Preparing it had been his chief occupation ever since he went back to Louvain.
After the Reformation, however, it was adopted by Calvin and his followers, who created that system which has ever since been known as Presbyterianism.
Debidour suggests, to compromise him with the revolutionary parties and to bind him to the throne; but it is more probable that it was no more than an expression of the good will which the king had shown him ever since 'Soo.
Preparations had been made by the allies, ever since Ney's appearance,to break off the engagement, and now the tsar ordered a general retreat eastwards, himself with the utmost skill and bravery directing the rearguard.
Italy was and ever has been a land of cities; and, ever since the downfall of Rome and the decay of the municipal system, the bishops of the cities had really been at the head of the peaceful and industrial part of their population, and were a natural refuge for the oppressed, and sometimes for the mutinous and the evil doers, from the military and civil powers of the duke or count or judge, too often a rule of cruelty or fraud.