Event Sentence Examples
This is the fourth event in the past few days.
The next important event in my life was my visit to Boston, in May, 1888.
It is the most likely event to occur.
It would fast become the social event of the year.
Julia and Rachel were looking forward to the event, and each had a boyfriend to drag along.
The conquest of Kazan was an epoch-making event in the history of eastern Europe.
I wouldn't have spent years grooming you for this type of event if I didn't believe in you.
He took no part in preparing that event.
All were mellowing on two bottles of cognac Paul Dawkins provided, in smiling celebration of some event known only to him and Paulette.
The farther back in history the object of our observation lies, the more doubtful does the free will of those concerned in the event become and the more manifest the law of inevitability.
AdvertisementThe blond deity with multi-hued eyes and a quick smile was dressed for a dressage event, complete with helmet and crop.
This event happened previous to the expulsion of the tyrant Christiern the Second from Sweden.
In any event, they remained as they always had been, the very best of friends.
That event was the climax of a long series of horrors.
It is very common, in fact quite normal, for people to experience emotional aftershocks when they have passed through a horrible event.
AdvertisementUnlike the others dressed for a white tie event, he was dressed in leather pants with a tight black Pearl Jam T-shirt, his hair braided, a chain from his spiked belt to his wallet, and heavy black boots.
His action, however, in the event, diminished rather than increased his chances of success, owing to the distrust of his intentions which it inspired.
The salient event of Bela's reign was the terrible Tatar invasion which reduced three-quarters of Hungary to ashes.
By this instrument it was agreed that in the event of her proposals for the reform of the federal constitution being rejected by the German princes, Prussia should declare war in order to give effect to her proposals, and that, in that case, Italy would also declare allianc..
With this, the expectation of such an event at last separates itself from any connexion with historical fact, and becomes purely ideal.
AdvertisementThe latter had, about the time of the recognition of Ferdinand as king of the Romans, and partly in consequence of that event, formed at Schmalkalden a league, of which John Frederick, elector of Saxony, and Philip, landgrave of Hesse, were the leaders.
Finally these two councillors, together with Fabricius, secretary of the royal council, were thrown from the windows of the Hradcany into the moat below - an event known in history as the Defenestration of Prague.
This event by no means disconcerted the believers, who saw in it only another manifestation of Pigott's divinity, and proclaimed it as "an earnest of the total redemption of man."
The publicity given to this event renewed the scandal, and in November an attempt to "tar and feather" Mr Pigott resulted in two men being sent to prison.
It took one week for a localized event to escalate to world war.
AdvertisementI know that the education of this child will be the distinguishing event of my life, if I have the brains and perseverance to accomplish it.
I may be affected by a theatrical exhibition; on the other hand, I may not be affected by an actual event which appears to concern me much more.
Tikhon knew that neither the son's arrival nor any other unusual event must be allowed to disturb the appointed order of the day.
But not to speak of the intrinsic quality of histories of this kind (which may possibly even be of use to someone for something) the histories of culture, to which all general histories tend more and more to approximate, are significant from the fact that after seriously and minutely examining various religious, philosophic, and political doctrines as causes of events, as soon as they have to describe an actual historic event such as the campaign of 1812 for instance, they involuntarily describe it as resulting from an exercise of power--and say plainly that that was the result of Napoleon's will.
Men went from the west to the east killing their fellow men, and the event was accompanied by phrases about the glory of France, the baseness of England, and so on.
Was this break in and shooting a coincidental event or might someone else have been as clever as I at tracking down this nefarious tipster?
Article 7 provided that the decision should be made within three months from the close of the argument, and gave power to the arbitrators to award a sum in gross in the event of Great Britain being adjudged to be in the wrong.
Its description of the conquest of Canaan comes from an age when the event was a shadow of the past.
As a result of popular clamour, however, a survey for a railway was begun in 1907, an event of great importance for the prosperity of Sparta and of the whole Eurotas Plain.
This event is described in the previous article, which focuses on rapid-onset catatonia.
The company is the exclusive or preferred caterer and event manager at about 14 venues in and around Edinburgh.
Smoking is strictly forbidden in any public area of the Relay event.
To round off the day's event, tea was served in the viewing gallery.
In the event she was sent in June to Gibraltar with a convoy of troops to reinforce the garrison there.
The first airborne event was a timed entrance gate at Puffin Island which they flew at 1000 feet.
A standby generator was provided in the event of a power failure.
The event, held at Cardiff University, attracted a large number of participants including genetic counseling students, social scientists and clinicians.
Coca Cola is set to add fizz to a major sporting event this summer.
This is the time to replace glycogen used during the event.
In the event of the actual constitution of the Bund being shattered by war, the German states were asked whether they would be prepared to join this new organization.
This prestigious ceremony was hosted by HC2000, Europe's largest, most comprehensive health informatics event.
Suddenly the economy went into a drastic free-fall, with one event causing a chain reaction to the next.
This is an event chart but it can be read in the same way as a horary chart.
In that event, it will be marked with an id chit just as if it had already moved.
We have such a wonderfully close-knit group of friends who all did their bit to make this an event to remember.
The empty coffin now resides at the back of the Yogomaia Mosque, a permanent reminder of the lamentable event.
I headed directly into the main arena and yes the name colossus does do the name of this event justice.
Your invoice will be sent within 5 working days following commencement of your event.
News and Views Pride commercialized – the growing commercialism of London's annual Summer Pride event.
The 19-year-old from Pontefract in Yorkshire, seeded four, overcame experienced compatriot Paul Lord in the first round of the eight-man event.
Mr Gosling said he had become " increasingly concerned " about the effect of a similar event in London.
At one such event he bought an old concertina, and he has been playing for dancing ever since.
To qualify for the tax concession the profits obtained from holding the event must be applied for charitable purposes.
In any event, Matthew is the first gospel for which we have fairly conclusive external evidence.
It was the great event of the day, and attracted an immense concourse of people from all parts of the State.
In the unlikely event of a child losing consciousness, do not give them anything to swallow.
An even more memorable event was the episcopal consecration of George Hay in 1769.
A stakeholder consultation event will be held at this stage to gain feedback on the proposals and ideas on implementation.
Hakkinen took that victory in an event marred by controversy over team orders.
The great council convoked at this juncture was something more than a pivotal event in the history of Christianity.
Children in the procession said they enjoyed the event as much as making their colorful costumes.
A £ 500 accidental Damage excess will apply whilst attending the event.
In the event that this is considered excessive in your particular circumstances, please contact the College Librarian.
With such high numbers we are anticipating a really exciting event which will put Shetland on the map.
When the event is posted, all these tasks restart execution.
We also help deliver a Walking for Health scheme, to encourage people to combine gentle exercise with a social event.
Such an event is now widely believe to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period.
Such an event might unleash a mass extinction not seen for the last 200 million years.
All in all the event was a great success and our boys certainly had an eye-opener into the engineering industry.
Persons wishing to operate a fairground on Council owned land are required to give the Council prior notice to holding the event.
Event Description Our expert falconer displays his finest birds in action.
We can even provide fanfare trumpets to mark your arrival at the event!
Room hire cancelations received within 30 days prior to the event will incur full room hire fee.
The village fete is a good event with which to link.
The entire event is run in aid of the cystic fibrosis Trust with each runner pledging to raise a minimum of £ 300.
The annual balloon fiesta is a four-day event held at the Ashton Court Estate in Bristol.
Three talented filmmakers were selected to create a 3-minute film for both festivals, which will be premiered at the VIP event.
In the event that the house caught fire, insurance company fire brigades would race to the scene.
A regatta fleet of 18 included many who were sailing in an open event for the first time.
Click here to download a flyer about the event.
The review included RCTs with at least 6 months follow-up in which clinical event outcomes were measured.
This would then forewarn Council and also remove any element of disappointment in the event that this arose.
Chocolate Falls UK Based in East Lothian Area Served Scotland Our chocolate fondue fountain will always provide the wow factor at any event.
So, as you may realize this was a very frightful event.
Again, 10 years ago, this was an event recognized, it was said, by only fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists.
The meeting with Phoenix Venture Holding's Deputy Chairman was very fruitful, with the company offering their full support for the event.
An immense number of people, including many of the neighboring gentry assembled to witness the event.
Germanic male they are being sporting event the.
Hockney takes a sideways glance at the stories, presenting vivid images capturing the mood or detail rather than the main event.
The event promises to be a night of glamor and style with the press and fashion glitterati in attendance.
The ladies team won the gold medal in the team event.
In the event of your death the Scheme pays a lump sum death gratuity of two years pay.
The experience is special, and until you make that initial visit you do not realize the gravity of the event.
The event was supervised by the environmental regeneration charity groundwork on behalf of the East London Business Alliance.
Marriage Either parent can appoint a guardian to act in the event of both parents dying.
In actual life each historic event, each human action, is very clearly and definitely understood without any sense of contradiction, although each event presents itself as partly free and partly compulsory.
By the 16th of March 1866 the Austrian war preparations were so far advanced that Count Mensdorff thought it safe to send an ultimatum to Prussia and, at the same time, a circular note to the princes declaring that, in the event of an evasive reply, Austria would move in the diet for the mobilization of the federal forces.
In the event of the rejection of Prussias motion, Bismarck had made it clear that Prussia would withdraw from the Confederation, and Prussia that in the event of her being victorious in the ensuing withdraws war those states of northern Germany that voted from the against her would cease to exist.
This event led also to the foundation of a society, the Deutscher Kolonial Verein, under the presidency of the prince of HohenloheLangenburg, to educate public opinion.
Bismarck, now that the choice was forced upon him, determined in favor of Austria, and during a visit to Vienna in October, arranged with Count Andrssy an alliance by which in the event of either being attacked by Russia the other was to assist; if either was attacked by any power other than Russia, the other was to preserve benevolent neutrality unless the attacking power was helped by Russia.
The beginning of the year 1890 brought a decisive event.
Parallel with this event the revival of learning was producing a great number of men who could write, and, more important still, of men who were throwing off the monastic habits of thought and passing into a new intellectual atmosphere.
The only event of the reign of Nepos was the inglorious cession to the Visigoths of the province of Auvergne.
He would have exchanged this for an active co-operation with Turkey, could Frederick the Great have been persuaded to promise at least neutrality in the event of a Russo-Austrian War.
On the 25th of January 1792 the French Assembly adopted the decree declaring that, in the event of no satisfactory reply having been received from the emperor by the ist of March, war should be declared.
Austria, therefore, refused to join the alliance between Russia and Prussia signed on the 17th of March 1813, but pressed on her armaments so as to be ready in any event.
In March 1908 Mr Hallo laid before the Hungarian parliament a formal proposal that the charter of the Austro-Hungarian Bank, which was to expire at the end of 1910, should not be renewed; and that, in the event of failure to negotiate a convention between the banks of Austria and Hungary, a separate Hungarian Bank should be established.
The event to which for fourteen years the Left had looked forward had now happened.
Two years after this event the first German factory was established in the estuary by Messrs Woermann of Hamburg.
He therefore ceased from that hour to advocate disunion, and devoted himself to the task of preparing the way for and hastening on the inevitable event.
The visit of the three great philosophers, Diogenes the " Babylonian," Critolaus and Carneades in 155, was an epoch-making event in the history of Hellenism at Rome.
The Conversion Economies Fund was also placed at the free disposal of the Egyptian government- The General Reserve Fund ceased to exist, but for the better security of the bondholders a reserve fund of Li,8oo,ooo was constituted and left in the hands of the Caisse to be used in the highly improbable event of the land tax being insufficient to meet the debt charges.
A larger proportion of the records on stone have survived, but that an event should be inscribed on stone depends on a variety of circumstances and not necessarily on its importance.
The principal monument of this period is the temple of Deir el Bahri, the funeral temple of Hatshepsut, on which she recorded the principal event of her reign, the expedition to Punt.
This event finally crushed the Coptic nation, which never again made head against the Moslems. In the following year the caliph Motasim, who surrounded himself with a foreign bodyguard, withdrew the stipends of the Arab soldiers in Egypt; this measure caused some of the Arab tribes who had been long settled in Egypt to revolt, but their resistance was crushed, and the domination of the Arab element in the country from this time gave way to that of foreign mercenaries, who, belonging to one nation or another, held it for most of its subsequent history.
Sir Henry Drummond Wolff proceeded to Constantinople and signed on the 22nd of May 1887 the definitive convention, according to which the occupation should come to an end in three years, but England should have a right to prolong or renew it in the event of internal peace or external security being seriously threatened.
The physical "touch" that initiates the psychical "touch" initiates, through the very same nerve channels, a reflex movement responsive to the physical "touch," just as the psychical "touch" may be considered also a response to the same physical event.
Perceiving that the coming struggle would be essentially a financial one, he retained the ministry of finance in his own hands; and, strong in the support of the king, the Landsting, and a considerable minority in the country itself, he devoted himself to the double task of establishing the political parity of the Landsting with the Folketing and strengthening the national armaments, so that, in the event of a war between the European great powers, Denmark might be able to defend her neutrality.
The session of 1896-1897 was remarkable for a rapprochement between the ministry and the " Left Reform Party," caused by the secessions of the " Young Right," which led to an unprecedented event in Danish politics - the voting of the budget by the Radical Folketing and its rejection by the Conservative Landsting in May 1897; whereupon the ministry resigned in favour of the moderate Conservative Herring cabinet, which induced the Upper House to pass the budget.
The chief event of the year 1899 was the great strike of 40,000 artisans, which cost Denmark 50,000,000 crowns, and brought about a reconstruction of the cabinet in order to bring in, as minister of the interior, Ludwig Ernest Bramsen, the great specialist in industrial matters, who succeeded (September 2-4) in bringing about an understanding between workmen and employers.
Frederick sent an ambassador to Vienna, offering, in the event of his rights in Silesia being conceded, to aid Maria Theresa against her enemies.
Where the unit was mentioned, neither the date of the event nor the locality in which it occurred was to be specified.
He calculated the period between the creation and the birth of Christ as 5499 years, and ante-dated the latter event by three years.
In principle, however, the subdivision of a diocese, in the event of the work becoming too heavy for one bishop, was very early admitted, e.g.
In 1823 she made it over to her mother, but left the whole to Carlyle in the event of her own and her mother's death.
Such were the consequences, in the sequel, of what seemed a disastrous event, the absorption, by a Celtic kingdom, of a large and fertile region of northern England.
The crowning point of his railway policy was the regulation of the Danube at the hitherto impassable Iron-Gates Rapids by the construction of canals, which opened up the eastern trade to Hungary and was an event of international importance.
The Buddha is represented, on various occasions during his long career, to have been so much moved by some event, or speech, or action, that he gave vent, as it were, to his pent-up feelings in a short, ecstatic utterance, couched, for the most part, in one or two lines of poetry.
Although more than two centuries later than the event to which it refers, this inscription is good evidence of the site of the garden.
We can see now that the very event which seemed, in the eyes of the world, to be the most striking proof of the success of the new movement, the conversion and strenuous support, in the 3rd century B.C., of Asoka, the most powerful ruler India had had, only hastened the decline.
Of the migration itself no doubt is now felt, but the first entrance of the Polynesians into the Pacific must have been an event so remote that neither by tradition nor otherwise can it be even approximately fixed.
In the event, toward the end of the 9th century all Frisia between Walcheren and the German Ocean seems to have become the permanent possession of the invaders.
In Saxo Grammaticus's account of Ragnar Lodbrog, this event seems to be reflected in the story of an expedition of Ragnar's to Bjarmaland or Perm in Russia.
An event which caused a deep impression on the public mind was the epidemic of influenza in the autumn of 1918.
The historic importance of this event gave rise to the phrase "crossing the Rubicon" for a step which definitely commits a person to a given course of action.
This battle derives its name from a ruin on the northern bank of the river Tchernaya near its mouth, but it was fought some distance away, on a nameless ridge (styled Mount Inkerman after the event) between the Tchernaya and the Careenage Ravine, which latter marked the right of the siegeworks directed against Sevastopol itself.
The British Government undertook in addition to afford their good offices to the Sheikh in the event of unprovoked aggression by land.
The most important event of his administration was the conquest of Louisburg in 1745.
Goethe has also recorded his memories of another picturesque event, the coronation of the emperor Joseph II.
Soon after this event he came forward as a Roman Catholic, and he advised the new king with regard to affairs in Oxford, being partly responsible for the tactless conduct of James in forcing a quarrel with the fellows of Magdalen College.
Whatever may have been the extent of this invasion and the sequel, the rise and persistence of an independent Palestinian kingdom was an event which concerned the neighbouring states.
Not till 611 do we find any event of importance in the uninteresting record of Byzantine sovereignty.
This event is of some historical importance in that it indicates how obvious to their contemporaries was the evil character of those engaged in the more serious expeditions.'
The Jew had anticipated just such an event, and had secretly arranged that after his death an inventory of Abdullah's property should fall into the hands of the government - knowing that the latter had claims on the estates of el-Jazzar and Suleiman.
This event is of importance, as it had much to do with the remarkable development of Jewish colonization which is a special feature of the latter part of the history of the 19th century in Palestine.
The creation in 1140 of a monopolistic trading-company was an event of importance in the history of the island.
Such alloys are used for making the fusible plugs inserted in the furnace-crowns of steam boilers, as a safeguard in the event of the water-level being allowed to fall too low.
True, her birth is regarded as an event of no moment, while that of a boy is celebrated by great rejoicings, and his mother acquires the right to wear on her forehead the tafzint, a mark which only the women who have borne an heir can assume.
Since the battle of Plassey no event so greatly impressed the native imagination as the capture of Seringapatam, which won for General Harris a peerage and for Wellesley an Irish marquisate.
For the next five years he continued to serve the emperor in various wars, in which he was generally successful and always active, although now over seventy years old; there was hardly an important event in Europe in which he had not some share.
But the text of Pliny the younger, where this account is given, has been subjected to various interpret ations; and from the comparison of other classical testimonies and the study of the excavations it has been concluded that it is impossible to determine the date of the catastrophe, though there are satisfactory arguments to justify the statement that the event took place in the autumn.
A curious tradition, illustrating the efforts of the dispersed people to conciliate their oppressors, asserts that the Jews of Worms gave their voice against the crucifixion, but that their messenger did not arrive at Jerusalem until after the event.
He lived partly in Provence and partly in Normandy for many years after this event; but very little is known of his life during this period.
After that event the city walls, which measured about three quarters of a mile each way, were razed, wide streets were made, the course of the river straightened, electric lighting and tramways introduced and a good water service supplied.
Soon after this event some friction arose between Robert and his royal uncle.
The most important event in the protracted war which led to the conquest of Iran, was the battle of Nehawend in 641; 2 the most obstinate resistance was offered by Persis proper, and especially by the capital, Istakhr (Persepolis).
The only other event of importance in the reign of Wathiq was a rising of the Arabian tribes in the environs of Medina, which the Turkish general Bogha with difficulty repressed.
The greatest event towards the end of his Caliphate was the conquest of Egypt by the army of Nureddin, the overthrow of the Fatimite dynasty, and the rise of Saladin.
Not long before that event the wellknown Spanish traveller Ibn Jubair visited the empire of Saladin, and came to Bagdad in 580, where he saw the caliph himself.
Army, and that in the event of a threat developing from the Trentino there would be sufficient warning to allow the reenforcement of the front in good time.
As a result Brusati wrote, on April 6, that the reserves given him allowed him " to view with complete confidence even the most unfavourable event."
This gave a very strong defensive line, with ample depth east of the Upper Val d'Assa, which therefore remained entirely in Austrian hands, a useful line of communication in any case, and an invaluable opening in the event of further offensive action.
His report of this expedition upon his return to Washington, D.C., in 1844, aroused much solicitude for California, which, it was feared, might, in the event of war then threatening between the United States and Mexico, be seized by Great Britain.
It is in connexion with this event, which might have been as memorable in the history of the British navy as it is in the life of Lord Dundonald (see Dtndonald), that Lord Gambier's name is now best known.
In 1537 Frederick II., duke of Liegnitz, Brieg and Wohlau, concluded with Joachim II., elector of Brandenburg, a treaty according to which his duchy was to pass to the house of Brandenburg in the event of the extinction of his line.
From 1882 to 1894 the chief event in the newly opened kingdom was a plot by the Tai-wonKun, the father of the emperor, to seize on power, which led to an attack on the Japanese legation, the members of which were compelled to fight their way, and that not bloodlessly, to the sea.
Implied in every contrast of principle and fact, of rule and application, involved as we see after the event, most decisively when we react correctly upon a world incorrectly perceived, thought is yet not reflected on in the common experience.
This is manifestly, when all is said, a particular psychological event, a collective fact of the associative consciousness.
Mill's device rested special inductions of causation upon the laws that every event has a cause, and every cause has always the same effect.
And to find the position, in time, of one event relatively to another, we have only to subtract the date of the second (taking account of its sign) from that of the first.
It is difficult to connect this historical event with the legend of St John of Nepomuk, who was canonized by the church of Rome in 1729, mainly by the influence of the Jesuits, who hoped that this new cult would obliterate the memory of Hus.
During the War of Independence the chief event was the battle of Long Island, fought on the 27th of August 1776.
This event forced Justinian to recognize the dangers of even a partially divided command, and he recalled Narses to Constantinople.
Crassus declared that Flaccus could not neglect his sacred office, and imposed a conditional fine on him in the event of his leaving Rome.
The immediate price was the pashalik of Crete; in the event of the victory of the Egyptian arms the pashaliks of Syria and Damascus were to fall to Mehemet Ali, that of the Morea to his son Ibrahim.
The threats of Great Britain and France, the failure of Russia to back him up, induced him to refrain; but sooner or later a renewal of the war was inevitable; for the sultan, with but one end in view, was reorganizing his army, and Mehemet Ali, who in the autumn of 1834 had assumed the style of viceroy and sounded the powers as to their attitude in the event of his declaring his complete independence, refused to continue to pay tribute which he knew would be used against himself.
As to the terms to be offered, it was arranged that, in the event of Mehemet Ali yielding within ten days, he should receive the hereditary pashalik of Egypt and the administration for life of southern Syria, with the title of Pasha of Acre and the possession of the fortress of St Jean d'Acre.
In accordance with this Palmerston instructed Ponsonby to press upon the sultan, in the event of Mehemet Ali's speedy submission, not only to withdraw the sentence of deprivation but to confer upon him the hereditary pashalik of Egypt.
The decisive event, which turned defeat into victory and reestablished courage and faith, was the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and his reappearance to his disciples.
The first few days of his reign - when he paid his uncle's debts, administered justice in person, and proclaimed universal religious toleration - gave bright promise, but in the face of the lawless aristocracy and defiant governors of provinces he effected few subsequent reforms. The most important event of his reign was the invasion of Italy by the Lombards, who, entering in 568, under Alboin, in a few years made themselves masters of nearly the entire country.
The most important event was the advance (1832-1833) of an Egyptian army, under Ibrahim Pasha, through the Cilician Gates to Konia and Kutaiah.
It is obvious also - after the event - that if the reserves for the IV.
Such dispositions were clearly desirable, even before the event.
It is known that Ducas survived this event, but there is no record of his subsequent life.
And even after this event, whatever may have been the attitude of churchmen towards the old heathen poetry, the kings and warriors would be slow to lose their interest in the heroic tales that had delighted their ancestors.
They are only parts of a single main event.
But in Homer the interest is purely dramatic. There is no strong antipathy of race or religion; the war turns on no political event; the capture of Troy lies outside the range of the Iliad.
This event was a conspicuous tribute to the ability both as soldier and statesman of Cn.
No other public event ever affected Keble so deeply as the secession of Newman to the Church of Rome in 1845.
Soon after this event he died somewhat suddenly on the 4th of September 1767.
Four years later, after the death of her husband, she settled on Long Island Sound near what is now New Rochelle, Westchester county, New York, and was killed in an Indian rising in August 1643, an event regarded in Massachusetts as a manifestation of Divine Providence.
Presbytery was rapidly growing in that country, and the English parliament sought the alliance of the assembly, while the Independents, though in the event Presbytery was as little to their liking as Episcopacy, joined in the wish to get rid of the episcopal system.
Menzies was president, was formed after this event by ministers and elders who feared that the cause of free theological inquiry was in peril in the church.
Every one of these tributaries is connected with some important event in the history of Great Russia.
The flamens were held to be elected for life, but they might be compelled to resign office for neglect of duty, or on the occurrence of some ill-omened event (such as the cap falling off the head) during the performance of their rites.
Just as the emperor is kami, and provincial officers of rank, so also mountains, rivers, the sea, thunder, winds, and even animals like the tiger, wolf or fox, are all kami.7 The spirits of the dead also become kami, of varying character and position; some reside in the temples built in their honour; some hover near their tombs; but they are constantly active, mingling in the vast multitude of agencies which makes every event in the universe, in the language of Motowori (1730-1801), the act of the Kami.
The great " divine event," the frasho-kereti, the renovation, would set in.
The next great event in the history of the Baptists (though it should be mentioned that the last execution for heresy in England by burning was that of a Baptist, Edward Wightman, at Lichfield 1612) is the rise of the first Calvinistic or Particular Baptist Church.
Recovering from his malady, he had returned to his intrigues when an event happened which materially affected the fortunes of the Reformation.
No details of the event are recorded, and the chief argument in support of the statement in Ruf (i) us Festus that "under the Emperor Gallienus Dacia was lost" is the sudden cessation of Roman inscriptions and coins in the country after 256.
He was prepared indeed to fall back upon that, in the event of the Estates at any time refusing sanction to either church or creed, as their sovereign in Paris promptly refused it.
This event was the beginning of the independence of Chile.
In the event of the decision being favourable to Peru a sum of io,000,000 dollars was to be paid by Peru to Chile.
The yearly charge for interest and amortization, about 124,000, is to be paid in two half-yearly instalments, and in the event of default the Russian bank will have the right to exercise effective control of the customs with a maximum number of twenty-five European employ/s.
This prince was converted to Islam, an event of great moment both to the internal peace and to the external relations of Persia.
This event brings us to one of the most interesting periods of Persian history, any account of which must be defective without a prefatory sketch of Ismail Sufi.
No steps were taken to verify the circumstances, for the event itself was a cause of general relief and joy.
Mirza Mahdi relateshow this event was brought about by his address to the assembled nobles and officers on the morning of the Nau-ruz, or Persian New-Years Day, the response to that appeal being the offer of the crown.
England was to provide troops or a subsidy in the event of unprovoked invasion, while Persia was to attack the Afghans should they invade India.
This event, and the prevalence of plague and cholera at Teheran, marked somewhat gloomily the new monarchs first year.
The siege of Herat, which lasted for nearly ten months, was the great event in the reign of Mahommed Shah.
Since that event he had himself reigned supreme in Herat, and, dying in 1851, was succeeded by his son Said Mahommed.
The centenary of the landing of Shortland was celebrated in 1897, when a monument commemorating the event was erected.
He was unanimously chosen to succeed Boniface, after each of the cardinals had solemnly bound himself to employ all lawful means for the restoration of the church's unity in the event of his election, and even, if necessary, to resign the papal dignity.
Upon the dissolution of a marriage in community of property, or in the event of a judicial separation a communione bonorum, the property of the spouses is divided as upon the liquidation of a partnership. It is not necessary here to refer particularly to certain exceptions to this general rule in cases of divorce.
This process of arming the republic had begun before the Raid; after that event it was carried on with great energy and was directed against Great Britain.
To some extent this was done - but in a manner which led the Transvaal Boers to count in any event on the support of the Cape Dutchmen.
No event in the history of England had been attended with more lively and general rejoicing than Charles's restoration, and none was destined to cause greater subsequent disappointment and disillusion.
On the other hand, Danby succeeded in effecting the marriage (4th of November 1677) between William of Orange and the princess Mary, which proved the most important political event in the whole reign.
On the view taken as to his alleged complicity in the conspiracy of 1599 depends the vexed question as to whether this system was a philosophic dream, or a serious attempt to sketch a constitution for Naples in the event of her becoming a free city.
A charge of heresy in 1538, of which he was acquitted by his friendly judges, one of whom was his friend Arnoul Le Ferron, was almost the only event of interest during these years, except the publication of his books, and the quarrels and criticisms to which they gave rise.
Scaliger undoubtedly shows that Scioppius committed more blunders than he corrected, that his book literally bristles with pure lies and baseless calumnies; but he does not succeed in adducing a single proof either of his father's descent from the La Scala family, or of any single event narrated by Julius as happening to himself or any member of this family prior to his arrival at Agen.
The great event of his reign was the conquest of Crete by Nicephorus Phocas.
A mile to the west is the Gillies' Hill, now finely wooded, over which the Scots' camp - followers appeared to complete the discomfiture of the English, to which event it owes its name.
The inevitable and immediate result of this event was the outbreak of civil war in Bohemia, where Huss was greatly revered by the large majority of the population.
The beginning of the nominal reign of King Louis is marked by an event which had great importance for the constitutional development of Bohemia.
Soon after came the fall of Constantinople, and with this event an end to the political reasons for the submission of the Orthodox clergy.
Union would clearly only be possible in the improbable event of the English Church surrendering most of the characteristic gains of the Reformation in order to ally herself with a body, the traditions of which are almost wholly alien to her own.
Thus many of Livy's inconsistencies are due to his having pieced together two versions, each of which gave a differently coloured account of the same event.
In other cases where the same event has been placed by different annalists in different years, or where their versions of it varied, it reappears in Livy as two events.
The failure of Brook Farm left Ripley poor and feeling keenly the defeat of his project; but the event forced him at last to devote himself to that career of literary labour in which the real success of his life was achieved.
The two sovereigns made a reciprocal arrangement as to their rights and pretensions to the crown of Brittany, but in the event of Charles predeceasing her, Anne undertook to marry the heir to the throne.
In 1627 he was made dean of Worcester and in 1632 he was nominated to the bishopric of Hereford, an event which led him to resign the presidency of St John's in January 1633.
The chief event in the history of Calcutta is the sack of the town, and the capture of Fort William in 1756, by Suraj-udDowlah, the nawab of Bengal.
His next step was to demand the surrender of Mithradates and to threaten Tigranes with war in the event of refusal.
On the 6th of April 1327 happened the most famous event of Petrarch's history.
The beginning of the year 1345 was marked by an event more interesting in the scholar's eyes than any change in dynasties.
Not less than ten times before that event were armaments despatched from Achin to reduce Malacca, and more than once its garrison was hard pressed.
In the event of either line becoming extinct, its possessions will fall to the other.
In the course of the rejoicings which followed this sentence among the populace of Pisa, occurred the somewhat scandalous event of the burning of two images crowned with parchment mitres, representing Gregory XII.
Thiers in France, and of Lord Aberdeen for Lord Palmerston in England, was a fortunate event for the peace of the world.
He is first and foremost a story-teller; his theme is like that of the bards, a heroic event.
Models on the aeroplane screw type may be propelled by two screws, one fore and one aft, rotating in opposite directions; and in the event of only one screw being employed it may be placed in front of or behind the aeroplane.
Candidates are nominated in writing by a nomination paper signed by a proposer and seconder, and subscribed by eight other assenting county electors of the division; and in the event of there being more valid nominations than vacancies a poll has to be taken in the manner prescribed by the Ballot Act 1872.
In the event of an illegal practice, payment, employment or hiring, committed or done inadvertently, relief may be given by the High Court, or by an election court, if the validity of the election is questioned on petition; but unless such relief is given (and it will be observed that it cannot be given for a corrupt as distinguished from an illegal practice), an infringement of the act may void the election altogether.
In the event of the borough fund being more than sufficient to meet the demands upon it without recourse to a borough rate, any surplus may be applied in payment of any expenses of the council as a sanitary authority or in improving the borough or any part thereof by drainage, enlargement of streets or otherwise.
The crown may also on petition of the council grant a separate court of quarter sessions for the borough, and in that event a recorder has to be appointed by the crown.
In the event of such discovery by them or of information given to them of the existence of any such nuisance, the district council are required to serve a notice requiring the abatement of the nuisance on the person by whose act, default or sufferance it arises or continues, or if such person cannot be found, on the owner or occupier of the premises at which the nuisance arises.
Licences may be suspended by justices in the event of their being used contrary to the provisions of the act or of the by-laws, and on a second conviction the licence may be revoked.
For the most part it has reference only to what is called a special drainage district, that is to say, a district formed out of one or more parishes or parts of parishes for the purpose of the provision of a common water-supply, or scheme of sewerage, or the like, and in the event of such a district including part only of a parish, the remaining portion would, so far as the special expenses for which the district was created are concerned, be a separate contributory place.
And it provides further that, in the event of the judgment of the court being given in favour of the council, the council shall be entitled to recover their costs taxed as between solicitor and client.
In that event, an assistant overseer cannot be appointed to perform the duties of collector of rates, but, on the other hand, the parish council may invest the collector with any of the powers of an overseer.
In the event of the acts being adopted for a portion only of a rural parish, the burial board, or the parish meeting, may by resolution transfer all the powers of the board to the parish council.
In the event of hostilities between the protecting and protected states, such hostilities would be regarded not as of the nature of an insurrection, but as a regular war (Trione, 149).
The principal event of his government was the first Burmese war of 1824, resulting in the cession of Arakan and Tenasserim to Great Britain.
Little or nothing was done, however, R to advance the bill brought forward in August 1901, providing for the government of the Congo State in the event of its becoming a Belgian colony.
Long after this, however, various tissues remain alive and active, and the event to which we give the name of death is no more than a superficially visible stage in a series of changes.
The first recorded historical event relating to the town is a victory won here by ZEthelred and Alfred over the Danes in 871.
The results of his intensest meditations on the psychology and the human and divine significance of the event (on which he has left some pregnant hints in written words of his own) are perfectly fused with those of his subtlest technical calculations on the rhythmical balancing of groups and arrangement of figures in space.
When his elder brother, Louis X., died, on the 5th of July 1316, leaving his second wife, Clemence of Hungary, with child, Philip was appointed regent for eighteen years by the parliament of Paris, even in the event of a male heir being born.
In any event the occupants of office could merely have had the choice of risking their heads in an attempt to exclude the elector of Hanover, or of waiting patiently till he should come and eject them from their posts; yet they might have remained formidable could they have remained united.
Here he grew up in the midst of majestic peace, which was but once broken, and that by an event which made a deep impression on him - the War of 1812.
It was long before he recovered from the shock caused by this terrible event, and in his subsequent published poems he never ventured even to allude to it.
Conn O'Neill was a relative of Gerald Fitzgerald, and this event accordingly led to the formation of the Geraldine League, a federation which combined the O'Neills, the O'Donnells, the O'Briens of Thomond, and other powerful clans; the primary object of which was to restore Gerald to the earldom of Kildare, but which afterwards aimed at the complete overthrow of English rule in Ireland.
The most notable event, however, of recent times was the partition of the province, which was decided upon by Lord Curzon, and carried into execution in October 1905.
After that event Riaz, subordinating his vanity to his patriotism, accepted office as minister of the interior under Sherif Pasha.
In 1872 a law was passed by which the bishops were elected by the senate, the chamber of deputies, and the synod sitting as an assembly (the only other occasion on which provision is made for such an assembly is in the event of the throne becoming vacant without any apparent heir).
The dates assigned to this event vary from 1299, given by Urechia, to 1342, given by the monastic chronicle of Putna..
Tilpin was elected archbishop between 752 and 768, probably in 753; he died, if the evidence of a diploma alluded to by Mabillon may be trusted, in 794, although it has been stated that this event took place on the 2nd of September 800.
When he was about seventeen the ordinary course of his life was interrupted by an event which gave a lasting colour to his thoughts.
He was tempted to cry to the puddles between Elstow and Bedford, "Be ye dry," and to stake his eternal hopes on the event.
Towards the beginning of the century the first Oireachtas was held in Dublin; it was the equivalent of the Welsh Eisteddfod, and became an annual event, and from this time forward the movement (which had now added to its aims a new clause - the support of Irish industries) began to go forward of its own momentum.
In Old Chitambo's the time and place of his death are commemorated by a permanent monument, which replaced in 1902 the tree on which his native followers had recorded the event.
Next is related an event in which we may again see a subjective experience given under the form of an objective reality.
The war of 1817-19 led to the first introduction of English settlers on a considerable scale, an event fraught with far-reaching consequences.
This annexation was a consequence of the discovery there of rich diamond mines, an event which was destined to have far-reaching results.
Another event of considerable commercial importance to the Cape Colony, and indeed to South Africa, was the amalgamation of the diamond-mining companies, chiefly brought about by Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Beit and " Barney " Barnato, in 1889.
How little confidence can be placed in the pre-Islamic history appears very clearly from the distorted accounts of Abraha's excursion against the Hejaz, which fell but a few years before the birth of the Prophet, and is the first event in Meccan history which has confirmation from other sources.
Snow falls so rarely that its appearance in 1684 is reported in the native chronicles as a remarkable event.
A minimum thickness must safety be adopted to give substance to the upper part; and where the dam is not used as a weir it must necessarily rise several feet above the water, and may in either event have to carry a roadway.
This feature indicates that in the event of a crack occurring at the upstream toe, its extension would tend to turn downwards and follow a direction nearly parallel with the maximum pressure lines, in which direction it would not materially affect the stability of the structure.
In any event it must have approached well within 31 ft.
How many more such honours he might have attained it is impossible to say; but he was expected to win both the gold medals at the degree examination, had his career as a student not been cut short by an unprecedented event.
This event, however, had no other result than to transfer the stipulated price from one vendor to another; for that general, not coveting the possession, immediately delivered it over to Chikka Deva on payment of the three lakhs.
Whilst on furlough in Paris Marceau joined in the attack on the Bastille (July 14, 1789); after that event he took his discharge from the regular army and returned to Chartres, but the embarrassments of his family soon compelled him to seek fresh military enployment.
While Newton was writing the second and third books of the Principia, a very important event occurred at Cambridge which had the effect of bringing him before the public in a new light.
Six months were allowed by Bernoulli for the solution of the problem, and in the event of none being sent to him he promised to publish his own.
Now ensued the great event that originated the phylum - the discovery of the sea-floor.
In reality, it seems to have been used by them long before that event.
An inscription in the centre of the town records the event and marks the point to which the water rose.
In 1908 Sheikh Said of Sulaimani was murdered in Mosul, an event which only aggravated matters in southern Kurdistan and excited a sympathy for the family even deeper than had existed before.
There is reason to believe that the whole scheme was originated at Washington, and though Buchanan was not privy to it before the event, yet he adopted it.
The retirement from public life of Edgars old minister Dunstan was the first event of Unready.
Aware that the resources of his own duchy were inadequate to the conquest of England, he sent all over Europe to hire mercenaries, promising every knight who would join him broad lands beyond the Channel in the event of victory.
Perhaps the most noteworthy event of the second portion of the Conquerors reign was a rebellion which, though it made no head and was easily suppressed, marks the commencement of that feudal danger which was to be the constant trouble of the English kings for the next three generations.
The chief domestic event of the time was the attack of the clerical party on Wycliffe and his followers.
The first notable event of Henrys reign was his assault upon the Lollards.
Another event which seemed likely to consolidate his power was in reality the signal of his ruin.
An unexpected event came to give him all the strength he needed.
Before this event happened there had been a great change in public feeling in England.
In the autumn which succeeded Sir Robert Peels death, an event which had not been foreseen agitated the country and produced a crisis.
The people insisted on believingand, as the event proved, rightlythat the empire wasP war.
But the act had been supplemented by a series of statutes passed between 1808 and 1812, which had provided a local militia, raised, like the regular militia, by ballot, but, unlike the latter, only liable for service for the suppression of riots, or in the event of imminent invasion.
While the latter was on his way to Vienna an event occurred which seemed at first to facilitate his task.
But, in the following summer, a new event excited fresh animosities, and aroused a controversy which endured for the best part of ten years.
The accession of Charles James Fox to the Whig arty, which took place at this time, and was so important an event in its history, was mainly due to the teaching and influe ce of Burke.
In November 1790 the town, which had long been eagerly expecting a manifesto from Burke's pen, was electrified by the Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the proceedings in certain societies in London relative to that event.
In 1671 Simon Francois Daumont Saint-Lusson at Sault Ste Marie had taken formal possession of the region in the name of the king of France; in 1685 Nicolas Perrot (1644 - c. 1700), a trader who had first visited the wilds of Wisconsin probably as early as 1665, was appointed "commandant of the West," and this event closes the period of exploration and begins that of actual occupation.
Then, in the event of a continued drought, fasts of increasing intensity are ordered; and as a last resort the ark is to be brought into the street and sprinkled with ashes, the heads of the Nasi and Ab-beth-din being at the same time similarly sprinkled.'
If we are warranted in regarding the Second Person of the Godhead as in very deed " Himself vouchsafing to be made, " that great Becoming cannot well be suspended upon a contingency which might or might not arise; and theologians in general regard the sin of man as such a contingent event.
There is more force in the charge that his Hellenic sympathies prevented him from seeing the innate weakness and mutual jealousies of the Greek states of that period, whose only hope of peace and safety lay in submitting to the protectorate of the Roman republic. But if the event proved that the liberation of Greece was a political mistake, it was a noble and generous mistake, and reflects nothing but honour on the name of Flamininus, "the liberator of the Greeks."
It was a scheme, however, that lowered the prestige of Rome, for it involved four distinct seats of government, among which, as the event proved, no place was found for the ancient capital of the Roman world.
The likelihood of his death was publicly known for some days before the event, and then the greatness of his popularity and its warmth were declared for the first time.
His judgments had to wait the event before they were absolved from ridicule or delivered from neglect.
The event arrives; he is in his grave; but his reputation loses nothing by that.
After the event, Catherine raised him to the rank of count and made him adjutantgeneral, director-general of engineers and general-in-chief.
A fortunate event soon withdrew him from the medical profession.
Eventually this work was entrusted to Fabre d'Eglantine, who gave to each month a name taken from some seasonal event therein.
In 1399, however, owing to the king's "sickness of the body," his elder son, David, duke of Rothesay, was appointed lieutenant of the kingdom; but this event was followed by an English invasion of Scotland, by serious differences between Rothesay and his uncle, Robert, now duke of Albany, and finally in March 1402 by Rothesay's mysterious death at Falkland.
Though he had openly opposed secession before the election of Lincoln, his conduct after that event, especially after his breach with Buchanan, fell under suspicion, and he was accused of having sent large stores of government arms to Southern arsenals in anticipation of the Civil War.
No historic event has made such a deep impression on the mind of the Serbs as the battle of Kossovo - probably because the flower of the Serb aristocracy fell in that battle, and because both the tsar of the Serbs, Lazar, and the sultan of the Turks, Murad I., lost their lives.
With an improved administration Turkey's fortunes in the war began to revive, and the reconquest of Belgrade late in 1690 was the last important event of the reign, which ended in 1691 by Suleiman's death.
After fighting with varying fortunes he sought an ally in the English king, whom he supported during the baronial rising in 1173; then after this event he married Henry's half-sister Emma.
With this event the history of Babylon comes practically to an end, though more than a century later we find sacrifices being still performed in its old sanctuary.
Russell' with a partial obscuration visible in northern China 2136 B.C. The date cannot be far wrong, and it is by far the earliest assignable to an event of the kind.
The most remarkable event, however, in the recent history of cometary astronomy was its assimilation to that of meteors,which took unquestion able cosmical rank as a consequence of the Leonid tempest of November 1833.
Of these the former, in his two voyages of 1455 and 1456, explored part of the courses of the Senegal and the Gambia, discovered the Cape Verde Islands (1456), named and mapped more carefully than before a considerable section of the African littoral beyond Cape Verde, and gave much new information on the trade-routes of north-west Africa and on the native races; while Gomez, in his first important venture (after 1448 and before 1458), though not accomplishing the full Indian purpose of his voyage (he took a native interpreter with him for use "in the event of reaching India"), explored and observed in the Gambia valley and along the adjacent coasts with fully as much care and profit.
Immediately after this event he went to Paris, where the "new learning" was now at length ousting the medieval scholasticism from the university.
It was in the year 1 554, when she was nearly forty, that the event known as her conversion took place, and the second part of her life began.
The death of the duke of Orleans in 1842 was a blow to Barrot's party, which sought to substitute the regency of the duchess of Orleans for that of the duke of Nemours in the event of the succession of the count of Paris.
He was deeply in debt, and it seems that Marius had promised him financial assistance in the event of his being appointed to the command in the Mithradatic War.