Evenly Sentence Examples
With a serf population even this was not impossible; but as the beds of the canals were graded to no even slope, it did not follow that if water entered the head it would flow evenly on.
The most valuable are the darkest from Yakutsk in Siberia, particularly those that have silvery hairs evenly distributed over the skin.
A layer of dried slurry is loaded on this, then a layer of coke, then a layer of slurry, and so on until the kiln is filled with coke and slurry evenly distributed.
The first three-andtwenty years of Sigismund's reign is the record of an almost constant struggle between Zamoyski and the king, in which the two opponents were so evenly matched that they did little more than counterpoise each other.
Subsequently the hard top hairs are taken out as in the case of otters and beavers and the whole thoroughly cleaned in the revolving drums. The close underwool, which is of a slightly wavy nature and mostly of a pale drab colour, is then dyed by repeated applications of a rich dark brown colour, one coat after another, each being allowed to thoroughly dry before the next is put on, till the effect is almost a lustrous black on the top. The whole is again put through the cleaning process and evenly reduced in thickness by revolving emery wheels, and eventually finished off in the palest buff colour.
Every year sufficient rain falls in India to secure an abundant harvest if it were evenly distributed over the whole country; but as a matter of fact the distribution is so uneven and so uncertain that every year some district suffers from insufficient rainfall.
Its object is to distribute all the materials evenly throughout the mass, and it is performed in many different ways, both by hand and by machine.
Primitively there are four perradial tentacles, to which may be added four interradial, or they may become very numerous and are then scattered evenly round the margin, never arranged in tufts or clusters.
In the formation of lawns the ground must be regularly broken up so that it may settle down evenly, any deep excavations that may have to be filled in being very carefully rammed down to prevent subsequent settlement.
Some Russian sables are of a very dense bluish brown almost a black, which is the origin undoubtedly of the term "sables," while some, from one district in particular, have a quantity of silver hairs, evenly interspersed in the fur, a peculiarity which has nothing to do with age.
AdvertisementThe best sea otters have very dark coats which are highly esteemed, a few with silver hairs in parts; where these are equally and evenly spread the skins are very valuable.
Trophosome (only known in one genus), polyps with two tentacles forming a creeping colony; gonosome, free medusae with four, six or more radial canals, giving off one or more lateral branches which run to the margin of the umbrella, with the stomach produced into four, six or more lobes, upon which the gonads are developed; the mouth with four lips or with a folded margin; the tentacles simple, arranged evenly round the margin of the umbrella.
At Santos the rainfall is exceptionally heavy and the mean temperature high, but below that point the climatic conditions are considerably modified, the range in temperature being greater, the mean annual temperature lower, and the rainfall more evenly distributed throughout the year.
The object is to fill up the blank space as quickly and as evenly as possible.
The names in -io- seem to have been evenly distributed over the Italian area and not to mark any particular tribe or epoch.
AdvertisementThe minister drew the remaining papers together, arranged them evenly, and then raised his head.
Domestic animals are evenly distributed throughout the state; in no county was their total value, in June 1900, less than $500,000, and in only three counties (Licking, Trumbull and Wood) did their value exceed $2,000,000; in 73 counties their value exceeded $1,000,000, but was less than $2,000,000.
The standard day is longer than ours, about thirty hours instead of twenty-four, with that divided evenly between day and night.
He slid in behind another biker and followed the crouched figure evenly, absentmindedly matching the rider stride for stride for several miles as he pondered his course of action.
Some of the best sandstone in the United States is obtained from Cuyahoga and Lorain counties; it is exceptionally pure in texture (about 97% being pure silica), durable and evenly coloured light buff, grey or blue grey.
AdvertisementTo ensure that all shall lie evenly in the herbarium the plants should be made to occupy as far as possible alternately the right and left sides of their respective sheets.
The 20-piastre mejidie currency, in spite of the further enormous depreciation of silver since 1880, has scarcely varied in the Constantinople market, but has always remained at a discount of about 3% (between 108 and 109 piastres to the pound) under government rate; this is doubtless due to the fact that the demand and supply of the coins in that market are very evenly balanced.
He moderated the lord-deputy's policy of deporting the Irish, and unlike him he paid some attention to the interests of the English settlers; moreover, again unlike Fleetwood, he appears to have held the scales evenly between the different Protestant sects, and his undoubted popularity in Ireland is attested by Clarendon.
In July 1857 a convention chosen to form a state constitution was found on assembling to be so evenly divided between the Republican and Democratic parties that organization was impossible, and the members proceeded to their work in two separate bodies.
In the middle part of a rod which has a length of 400 or 500 diameters the effect of the ends is insensible; but for many experiments the condition of endlessness may be best secured by giving the metal the shape of a ring of uniform section, the magnetic field being produced by an electric current through a coil of wire evenly wound round the ring.
AdvertisementThe sample under test is prepared in the form of a ring A, upon which are wound the induction and the magnetizing coils; the latter should be wound evenly over the whole ring, though for the sake of clearness only part of the winding is indicated in the diagram.
In the arrangements of the commonwealth the clauses treating of royal privileges are more or less evenly distributed over all reigns, but the systematic development of police functions, especially in regard to responsibility for crimes, the catching of thieves, the suppression of lawlessness, is mainly the object of 10th and 11th century legislation.
But hydraulic presses have now been abandoned, for the juice is universally obtained by diffusion, and the small slicers have gone out of use, because the large amount of pulp they produced in proportion to slices is not suitable for the diffusion process, in which evenly cut slices are required, which present a much greater surface with far less resistance to the diffusion water.
Each cistern is fitted kith a perforated false bottom, on which a blanket or specially woven cloth is placed, to receive the char which is poured in from the top, and packed as evenly as possible until the cistern is filled.
The char is then " settled " by water being slowly run on to it, in order to prevent the syrup making channels for itself and not permeating the whole mass evenly.
Moulds for reproducing plates or art-work are often taken in plaster, beeswax mixed with Venice turpentine, fusible metal, or guttapercha, and the surface being rendered conductive by powdered black-lead, copper is deposited upon it evenly throughout.
The yearly precipitation is about 39 to 45 in., decreasing inland, and is evenly distributed throughout the year.
This mountain mass is of flat-arched, dome-like structure, now well dissected by radiating consequent streams, so that the weaker uppermost strata have been eroded down to the level of the plains where their upturned edges are evenly truncated, and the next following harder strata have been sufficiently eroded to disclose the core of underlying crystalline rocks in about half of the domed area.
To obtain a good oxidizing flame, the blowpipe is held with its nozzle inserted in the edge of the flame close over the level of the wick, and blown into gently and evenly.
The furnace is made rather narrow at the top or " stock line," in order that the entering ore, fuel and flux may readily be distributed evenly.
The Cement product from a well-run rotatory kiln is all evenly burnt Ce, and properly vitrified; that from an ordinary fixed kiln c/;raker.
Thus Kapteyn found that the Bradley stars having proper motions greater than 5" per century were evenly distributed over the sky.
There is an average annual precipitation of 43.1 in., which is quite evenly distributed throughout the year.
When it is found that the fibre separates readily from the woody shove " or core, the beets or small bundles are ready for removing from the dams. It is drained, and then spread, evenly and equally, over a grassy meadow to dry.
The main object is to see that the liquids are distributed evenly while the fibre is passing through, and to stop the supply when the machine stops or when no fibre is passing.
The fibre, which should be arranged on the sheet as evenly as possible, is carried up by the feed cloth and passes between the feed roller and the shell on to the small knobs.
The population of the province is evenly distributed in small villages.
The peasant proprietors, who, under the name of the " Landtmanna" party,' formed a compact majority in the Second Chamber, pursued a consistent policy of class interests in the matter of the taxes and burdens that had, as they urged, so long oppressed the Swedish peasantry; and consequently when a bill was introduced for superseding the old system of army organization by general compulsory service, they demanded as a condition of its acceptance that the military burdens should be more evenly distributed in the country, and that the taxes, which they regarded as a burden under which they had wrongfully groaned for centuries, should be abolished.
Political parties in congress were so evenly balanced and so subdivided into groups that a vote against the ministry was easy to obtain, and the resignation of the cabinet immediately followed in accordance with the so-called parliamentary system in vogue in Chile.
These legends belong to an age when higher ideas of law and of social duty were being established;, the implacable blood-feud of primitive society gives place to a fair trial, and in Athens, when the votes of the judges are evenly divided, mercy prevails.
The mean annual precipitation is not far from 31 in., a little more than one-half of which falls during the five growing months from May to October; the rain is evenly distributed over all parts of the state, but the snow is exceptionally heavy along the north shore of the upper peninsula.
But it is impossible not to admire the copious variety of thought and language, and the evenly flowing style which carried him safely through the dreariest periods of his history; and still more remarkable is the dramatic power he displays when some great crisis or thrilling episode stirs his blood, such as the sack of Rome by the Gauls, the battle by the Metaurus and the death of Hasdrubal.
The Celtic influence is to be found scattered evenly up and down the country so far as names of rivers and mountains are concerned; in names of towns it is chiefly confined to the west.
Roman influence is slight but evenly distributed.
In man the occipital foramen, through which passes the spinal cord, is placed just behind the centre of the base of the skull, which is thus evenly balanced in the erect posture, whereas the gorilla, which goes habitually on all fours, and whose skull is inclined forward, in accordance with this posture has the foramen farther back.
Monstrosities at least demonstrate possible lines of development, but when the abnormal forms of growth in various directions are fairly evenly balanced, trustworthy deductions become difficult.
In the instants when a sharp image of the photosphere is seen or photographed, it shows a granulated appearance like white flakes strewed fairly evenly upon a dark ground.
This loyal attitude, no doubt, was one of the reasons, and his strong Tariff Reform programme was another, which recommended him to his party as Mr. Balfour's successor in the leadership when the claims of Mr. Austen Chamberlain and Mr. (afterwards Lord) Long appeared to divide the Unionists pretty evenly.
Further, the trabeculae may be evenly spaced throughout the septum, or may be grouped together, and this feature is probably of value in estimating the affinities of corals.
It is one; it is eternal; it is whole and continu- =ous, both in time and in space; it is immovable and immutable; it is limited, but limited only by itself; it is evenly extended in every direction, and therefore spherical.
Politically Indiana has been rather evenly divided between the great political parties.
Up to this time the initiative and the bulk of outrages lay assuredly heavily on the pro-slavery side; hereafter they became increasingly common and more evenly divided.
It consists of a compressed intermolar portion with a flat upper surface, broad behind and becoming narrower in front, and of a depressed anterior part rather shorter than the former, which is narrow behind and widens towards the evenly rounded apex.
The surface of the chorion is covered evenly with minute villi, constituting a diffuse non-deciduate placenta.
When it is remembered that at this time there was a great deal of tension between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants, who were fairly evenly matched in the duchies, and that the rivalry between France and the Empire was very keen, it will be seen that the situation lacked no element of discord.
The nays and yeas were evenly split while the vast majority either weren't aware of the so-called Psychic Tipster or couldn't care less.
Note that the common lines are spaced evenly around the three fold axis which generated them.
With TWO UV cold cathodes lighting up the UV reactive acrylic panel evenly.
Although not widespread, invisibility at least is recorded in encounters fairly evenly from the mid-19th century through to the late 1980's.
Deposition occurs where the two opposing forces are evenly balanced forming the ebb tidal delta.
Then spray or sprinkle the patch adjusting your pace to ensure the volume is evenly dispersed.
The days of the month are evenly distributed among the days of the week, averaged over any interval of 28 such years.
A data unit is properly aligned if its address is evenly divisible by the data unit's size in bytes.
Take care to apply the fertilizer evenly to ensure best results.
The right hand forefinger is available to lay thick line evenly, avoiding possible jams of line against the frame of the reel.
Among foreigners proceeding through British ports the proportion of skilled and unskilled labor is more evenly balanced.
Secure the inlet manifold evenly do not over tighten.
Using a teaspoon, evenly sprinkle the oatmeal over the dessert.
The number 1 cyl spark plug looks oily, and the others look evenly black. the car runs fine.
Hard lines seem softened by the rich blue patina, evenly applied in soft patches.
Sprinkle with the toasted pecans and top with the cheese and pomegranate seeds, distributing evenly.
They develop the physique evenly unlike some sports which require specialized use of certain muscles or muscle groups.
However, the balance of risks on inflation still remain evenly poised.
The laser-etched reticle is evenly illuminated by a red LED, with illumination variable from bright to faint.
Using a sharp knife, slash the pork rind evenly.
The contest started evenly enough with the two boxers trading opening salvos, with Pol o looking the sharper of the two boxers.
Application 1. Using clean brush, apply sealer evenly over timber Another product also available in the Alexander Rose range is Timber Treatment Plus.
Their comb is single and evenly serrated while their earlobes are red as are their medium length wattles.
The combined force was quite evenly matched, consisting of two companies of men; I became a signalman in 'A ' company.
They will also stabilize your feet, evenly redistribute weight and correct your entire body posture during the golf swing.
Period 1 An evenly fought opening stanza saw both goalies looking in fine form.
It is very rare to find a male with evenly long tusks.
The broad selection of media is matched to precisely formulated ink that goes on crisply and evenly, for remarkably vivid, fade-resistant output.
It is true that many of these ranges are characterized by the rounded tops and the rather evenly slanting, waste-covered slopes which ncrmally result from the long-continued action of the ordinary agencies of erosion; that they bear little snow in summer and are practically wanting in glaciers; that forests are often scanty on the middle and lower slopes, the mord so because of devastation by fires; and that the general impression of great altitude is much weakened because the mountains are seen from a base which itself is 5000 or 6000 ft.
In the southern part of the Basin Range province the ranges are well dissected and some of the intermont depressions have rock floors with gentle, centripetal slopes; hence it is suggested that the time since the last dislocation in this part of the province is relativel remote; that erosion in the current cycle has here advanced muc farther than in the central or northern parts of the province; and that, either by outwash to the sea or by exportation of wind-borne dust, the depressions-perhaps aggraded for a time in the earlier stages of the cyclehave now been so deeply worn down as to degrade the lower and weaker parts of the tilted blocks to an evenly sloping surface, leaving the higher and harder parts still in relief as residual ranges.
Made of rustproof stainless steel to conduct heat evenly and clean up easily.
In the cross-section above you can see the root blocker, the self-cleaning system and how the water is distributed evenly !
Draw out the candy evenly, snip off into lengths with a pair of oiled scissors.
The World Cup v Ashes debate is split fairly evenly at the moment.
Osmosis is one method of diffusion, which is when molecules distribute themselves evenly.
You'll want fat to be evenly distributed across the grain of the steak.
Tint blush dries quickly once its applied-the trick to using it properly is to blend it fast and evenly, for once its applied it won't come off till you wash your face.
Because one of the keys to putting your best face forward is having a foundation that works well (i.e. blends in smoothly, nicely and evenly) with your skin color and type.
The stitches should be evenly placed and always ask for pants that use cotton threads for the stitching.
On a plasma, no lines are visible since each pixel cell has its own transistor electrode, lighting the color and image across the screen evenly.
A trailer -- since it is in the back -- takes the burden off the bike and distributes weight more evenly.
Rectangles/Rulers are about the same width from top to bottom and lack curves; when they gain weight, it's evenly distributed.
Pyrex tends to be thicker and distribute heat more evenly, something that's just as important in baking as anywhere else.
Aluminum does tend to distribute heat evenly.
Cast iron is less reactive than copper and aluminum, though.One benefit of cast iron is the ability to evenly sear or brown your food, thanks to the even distribution of heat.
Thicker bottoms make sure the heat is distributed evenly across the bottom of the pot or pan, therefore making cooking easier.
The site claims that the pan heats evenly so all of your muffins turn out the same.
Distribute the rum evenly among four glasses filled with ice.
The ice crystals in frozen fruit help make the drinks thick anddistribute the other ingredients more evenly.
Though there are some restrictions, these state laws declare that parties in divorce matters jointly owned most assets each received during the marriage and therefore, during the divorce settlement, those assets should be divided evenly.
The seat distributes your weight evenly and adjusts itself as soon as you sit down.
This keeps the spine aligned and weight distributed evenly, helping improve circulation and relax muscles.
Evenly space the support braces inside the bed frame and attach them to the frame with wood screws.
Conventional beadboard is constructed by assembling tongue and groove boards one by one to create an evenly spaced, grooved pattern.
Lay your fabric pattern side down on a flat surface and spray it evenly with adhesive.
Rotate the rug every six months or so to spread wear and tear evenly over the rug.
In addition to the bareMinerals makeup, the company offers a companion line of quality makeup brushes, designed to distribute the minerals evenly over your skin, and its contours.
Formal makeup is evenly applied and balanced.
Always use brushes as they apply the shadow more evenly and smoothly and it will stay a lot longer.
The Clairol Shining Star Lighted Makeup Mirror offers two evenly balanced light settings, tilting and angle adjustment, and a trim, lightweight design for everyday use.
Start out slowly and draw the line as evenly as possible.
Evenly smooth on your regular foundation.
Used to prepare the skin to absorb color and pigments evenly, these bases can lengthen wear as well as keep blending to a minimum.
Using a moisturizer or primer prior to applying can help the makeup adhere more evenly to the skin for those who have dry areas.
Lancôme claims that this dual pencil is meant to outline and/or redefine the lips, all while gliding on smoothly and evenly.
The eye shadow and contour brushes pack the color on beautifully and evenly, while the blush, powder and fan brushes never leave stray hairs behind (a personal pet peeve that I can't stand).
It will also alleviate dry eyelids, which can prevent MAC eyeshadow from spreading evenly over the lid.
This works especially well with evenly balanced family groups, such as parents and kids.
Optics offer Lens Peripheral Illumination Correction, which automatically compensates to prevent vignetting and lens shading, resulting in evenly balanced exposures.
This model also boasts Canon's E-TTL II controls for evenly balanced images.
The best news is, most Chinese cooks use carbon steel woks because they conduct heat more evenly - and they are one of the most inexpensive types of woks on the market!
They are slow to heat but do distribute heat evenly once up to the desired temperature.
Remove it from the oven and use a spoon or spatula to turn it so that it browns evenly.
Spoon the batter into the muffin cups, dividing it evenly among them.
Evenly sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture over the bread.
Divide the blueberries evenly amongst the parfait glasses.
Pour the sugar-water mixture over the berries evenly.
Repeat the above layering twice for each glass or until you have distributed all of the yogurt, berries, and granola evenly.
This method gives the outside of the meat a good texture, color, and flavor but then cooks the rest of it evenly so you won't have one hot side that forces the juice out of the other side, which is why fried meat ends up dry.
Hunter has 53 trails that are evenly distributed across all ski levels, so a group of skiers that includes beginners and experts can all have a good time, and the 1,600 foot vertical drop will keep everyone's blood pumping.
Spread the wax evenly over the bases of your skis.
It holds back the upper jaw while the lower jaw is still growing until the two are spaced evenly and correctly.
Pour the remaining sauce evenly over the top.
Reduce heat to a simmer; add soy milk along with the arrowroot starch, stirring constantly until mixture is evenly blended.
Depending on your preferences, you can use your main color(s) evenly throughout your decorations or focus on one particular color, using the others as accents.
They can be stacked evenly with other square cakes, stacked at an angle, or combined with layers of round cakes to create a more diverse look.
If you have a white or ivory cake, for example, you can ask your decorator to apply evenly placed, very lightly colored pastel or ivory polka dots packed closely around the cake.
Pat the fondant evenly all around the cake, and cut off any excess at the bottom.
Apply gel coloring with a toothpick, and knead the color into the fondant until it's evenly distributed.
Dig the X-Acto knife into the traced lines and drag it across evenly, keeping the pressure equal all the time.
Coat a cake evenly with buttercream frosting using a flat spatula, and then pipe on decorative shell borders or adornments on the cake with a pastry bag and tip.
Pour garnishes, including ganache, whipped cream, and melted fondant, by draping them over the cake evenly.
Sprinkle edible sugar sprinkles, powdered sugar, or cocoa powder on top of a cake evenly by using a sifter.
Gradually and evenly sift the powder over the stencil until the design shows up on the cake.
Spread the frosting evenly around the top and sides of the cake, smoothing it out with the spatula as you go.
However, Wilton maintains that its UltraGold pans hold their shape better than pans from other brands and distribute heat more evenly for browning across the surface.
Players must split the roadblock tasks evenly so each person participates in an equal number of roadblocks during the race.
The University of Pennsylvania is located in Philadelphia and has an enrollment of almost 20,000, split fairly evenly between undergraduate and graduate students.
Some university professors divide their time evenly between research and teaching, and a select few university professors may not teach very frequently at all.
To best prepare yourself, start far in advance, distribute the work evenly, and consult a variety of resources to streamline the search process.
Dog Clippers are motorized hair cutting blades that allow you to shave a dog's coat closely and evenly.
Next, drop spoonfuls of dough evenly spaced on a parchment covered cookie sheet.
The foam helps distribute the dog's weight evenly, providing optimal comfort for a restful sleep.
Pour the apples, berries and juices into the pan and spread evenly.
The best protein for dry food is either ground turkey or beef, since they will distribute evenly in the mixture.
Any vegetable used should be pureed first to ensure that it will mix evenly.
Attach your ribbon or fabric to the length of the webbing and sew it down, as close to the webbing edge on each side as evenly as you can.
Using a thin skewer, poke a few holes in each biscuit to help them bake more evenly.
Bake the biscuits at 350 degrees F for approximately 45 minutes, and flip them over halfway through so they bake evenly on both sides.
Just try to make them uniform in size so they bake evenly.
This will help them all bake evenly so some are not softer than others.
P. autumnale, or chinense, from China and Japan, is taller and more robust than P. grandiflorum, with narrower leaves, but more dense, and its flowers, though smaller, are pretty evenly distributed along the upper half of the stems.
The leaves rest on the water unless crowded, and are evenly rounded, and finely blotched and marbled.
Nymphaea Alba William Doogue - An American hybrid with large flowers of soft pink, very broad in petal, much cupped, and evenly colored throughout.
A layer of mulch over the surface will help keep the soil evenly moist.
Apply corn gluten meal evenly in the spring and fall on established lawns only-it will kill newly seeded grass too.
When buying plants at a nursery, choose single-stem trees with straight trunks that flare towards the base and limbs spaced evenly around the trunk.
Add compost, soil amendments and specialized tomato fertilizer to prevent this disease and be sure to water tomato plants regularly and evenly throughout the growing season.
Place the window on top of the frame and check to make sure the window is evenly positioned.
Use a small watering can or a spray mister to water seedlings evenly and thoroughly.
Keeping sets together also allows you to rotate the items evenly, preventing excessive wear.
They should be evenly distributed on opposing walls.
Made from strong and durable materials, shutters evenly cover a large space.
Spread a handful of mortar evenly on the floor using the straight edge of a notched trowel.
Once the mortar is evenly spread in a section, comb it with the notched side of the trowel to create ridges.
Position the wax ring around the waste pipe evenly and lift the toilet up above it.
Most electric garage heaters are designed to heat at least 500 square feet, so larger rooms may require the use of two evenly spaced heaters.
Set the tiles into the mortar using spacers to keep them evenly spaced.
Head back inside the house, shim the sides of the window evenly and check the window diagonally from corner to corner to make sure the window is square and not twisted.
Insert the new window into the opening bottom-first and make sure that it is evenly spaced along all four sides.
Place the lights evenly and equidistant from the wall so the installation looks uniform.
No matter what a woman's size, she tended to wear foundation garments such as girdles (all the better for attaching the stockings) to give a bit more control and evenly distribute flesh.
The front of the dress starts underneath the arms and wraps evenly around the back, covering most of your middle and lower back.
Put both feet into the stockings foot section first and then stretch the remaining material evenly up over your legs and hips.
Once you know how much time you need to achieve the right color, apply the lightening solution to the hair all over using the plastic brush applicator and rubbing it in evenly.
The lenses in the drugstore frames often can't be popped out and tinted by optical labs, and sometimes the materials used don't tint evenly.
Unless the lens is polycarbonate or plastic, a prescription lens will not change color evenly.
Their rating system allows you to identify players by skill level so that once you have played a few games and have a rating of your own, you can find someone with whom you will be evenly matched.
Later shades were used to disperse the light from gas lighting better and more evenly.
When homes began to be electrified people no longer needed the unique shapes of the glass shades but they still needed something to cover the bulbs and disperse light more evenly.
When the first crampons were made, they had 10 points, which were basically spaced evenly around the shoe.
Insert 20 pounds of items into the pack, with weight evenly distributed.
For a proper count, the platelets should be evenly distributed in the hemacytometer.
To help keep levels constant, patients should take the medicine in doses spaced evenly through the day and night.
Oral sulfonamides should always be taken in evenly spaced doses to maintain a steady blood level throughout the day.
Stuffed turkey takes longer to cook and cooks less evenly than unstuffed turkey.
Spread the oil evenly over the surface of the cookie sheet.
Stand with feet together, weight evenly distributed.
In order to slow dance, your weight needs to stay fairly evenly distributed between your feet, in order to give a smooth glide and no sense of "catching" yourself as you dance.
This style is similar to a mushroom cut, with the top hair and sides cut evenly around the head as if a bowl had been placed atop its wearer to guide the trim.
Trace amounts of peroxide serve to blend the shade evenly and promote the entry of color molecules into the hair's cortex.
Flat irons that use metal plates do not possess the ability to distribute heat evenly.
Keep in mind that permed or chemically processed hair is more porous than untreated hair types and, therefore, color may not be absorbed evenly.
However, sedu products use ceramic plates which distribute heat evenly without burning the hair.
It is best to attempt your at-home cut slowly and steadily, with enough time allotted to do the job as cleanly and evenly as possible.
Gather hair above the ears and pull back evenly to meet in the middle.
Work the paste into the palm of your hand and evenly into the hair.
Aussie's Heat-Protector + Leave in Conditioner is great because it comes in a spray that will evenly distribute the moisture through the hair.
Apply soap or foam generously and evenly over the entire area to be shaved.
At-home highlighters will find thicker sections of hair are harder to lift evenly and may even cause bleed marks from the weight of the sections wrapped in foil packets.
If one part of the hair doesn't wave into a black men's hair wave style, try making sure that the hair pomade is distributed evenly to that area and make sure that the area is brushed in the correct direction.
They can either be positioned around the face to highlight your features, or evenly disbursed throughout the entire head for a warm, natural effect.
For an all over red tone, have thin red highlights evenly disbursed throughout your entire head.
Mist hair evenly with a volumizing tonic prior to blowdrying to help lift roots and add body to the hair.
If you intend to create an elaborate and full style, reapply and mist evenly on the scalp and ends during the blowdry.
Fine Motor Skills - Work on manual dexterity skills such as holding a pencil the correct way and cutting evenly with scissors.
Align the edges of the paper evenly and crease the folded edge.
Fold the two rolls in half so that the top half comes down over the bottom half and they meet evenly at the bottom.
Some higher-end maternity pillows are even filled with buckwheat hulls, a natural material that conforms to your unique body shape to more evenly support your weight.
Although most people assume that infertility is usually a female issue, the rates of infertility problems are evenly divided between men and women.
Through this setup, weight is evenly distributed before being deposited into the ground (by way of the towers and anchorages).
These cables suspend the Bridge's roadway and help any/all weight travel evenly across the bridge.
You should place your stitches as evenly as possible, making sure that they're as small as possible on the outside of the garment.
Use a dinner plate as a template to help you trim the corners evenly if you don't have a circle cutter handy.
Arrange the doll's hair so it falls evenly.
You can tell if your goldfish has a bacterial infection because the fin will look very ragged, while a fungal infection will cause the fin to rot away more evenly and there will be a white edge along the end of the fin.
After you have made between seven and ten pleats, hold them securely together to ensure that they fall evenly to the floor.
In the early years of toaster oven heating elements, chromel was designed into a single, coiled wire that ran the length of the toaster oven and was encased by material that evenly heated whatever was inside.
This piece disperses the water from the tank into the filter slowly so it is spread over the coffee evenly.
The sprayheads sit below the coffee filter and help the brewed coffee pour evenly in to the decanter.
The rotation ensures that food is cooked evenly.
Electric griddles allow you to make sure every pancake, piece of bacon or grilled sandwich is heated evenly; thus producing golden brown, restaurant perfect food every time.
Grates ensure the toast cooks evenly by keeping the slices in the middle of the heating elements.
However, if you find the cutters are not wearing evenly on your shaver, you may wish to buy individual units.
Then mix them together evenly and let the potatoes cool to room temperature.
You have more control over the heat, so there is no reason why a griddle shouldn't heat evenly.
If you find conventional grilling a challenge to cook food evenly, then this model will be sure to make you a perfect griller.
The Aroma Scenter infuses these aromas into whatever you're grilling - meats, fish, poultry, or vegetables.With three temperature settings, you're sure to have evenly cooked food without worries of over or under cooking.
Your microwave will operate without its turntable, but it may not be as effective at evenly heating food.
The stir feature turns the kernels around so that they are evenly exposed to both heat and oil.
For those that want to evenly add butter to their popcorn while it is popping, many of these machines are made with special slots or holders that allow you to place butter or salt directly in the machine.
When the appliance is in use, the turntable tray spins slowly so that the food is cooked evenly.
Every time you place something in the microwave to heat it up the item goes on a glass plate that rotates in order to cook the food evenly.
In order for the turkey to cook evenly, it has to fit comfortably within the roaster with some space between the turkey and the walls of the roaster.
With the Ninja, I was able to make smooth, evenly blended Tzatziki sauce in less than five minutes.
Because this kind of heater has a large surface area, it heats a room quickly, evenly and efficiently.
Instead, it is placed on a stationary spit and is cooked evenly.
Some infrared rotisserie grills don't use spits because the design allows for the heat to be evenly radiated around your food.
The heater has an element, often made from porcelain, which shapes and spreads the flame so the heat is distributed more evenly.
Fails to heat properly - If the toaster oven does not heat foods evenly, or does not heat at all, the problem is probably caused by the heating element inside the oven itself.
Convection toaster ovens work by using small internal fans that circulate hot air to cook food fast and evenly.
Since convection cooking uses air to circulate the heat evenly, it is important to use a dish that is the right size.
Convection ovens provide the same quality baked goods as traditional ovens in a fraction of the time, cooking small portions even faster and more evenly than standard toaster ovens.
By utilizing all three cooking methods, foods cook faster and more evenly.
A really great tip I found for making consistently colored and correctly dyed candles is to melt a pound of wax as you normally would to make candles, then fill 10 sections of an ice cube tray evenly with wax (you'll have leftover wax).
Weigh down each end so the wax will coat evenly.
The candles will burn more slowly and evenly.
Soy candles burn cooler and more evenly than paraffin candles.
Space the hanging glass votive holders evenly on the bottom of the hung kennel side.
In a triple scented product, a high quality base wax will melt more evenly and give off more fragrance than an ordinary candle.
Candles made from soy wax distribute scent evenly, produce minimal soot, and last up to 50 percent longer than paraffin candles.
Generally speaking, larger candles will need thicker and sturdier wicks to ensure that the candle will burn evenly.
The wax melts slowly and evenly, releasing vibrant scent into your home or office.
The Scentbug's spherical casing has dozens of pores on each side, allowing the fragrance to be evenly distributed by the small internal fan.
For the best results, place the Scentbug in a centralized location with open space on all sides to allow fragrances to diffuse evenly and quickly.
The weight of the branches must be evenly distributed over the center pole or the frame of the tree.
Put ornaments with similar themes on the tree, spacing them evenly between the bulbs.
In-line gems evenly spaced along the ring's band but not connected to one another.
When the nitrogen atoms are evenly spaced throughout the stone, the color will vary from yellow, or canary, to brown, or chocolate.
After the cake is completely cool, spread the frosting evenly on the top.
To help crackers crisp and bake evenly, prick with a fork five to seven times.
When shopping for quilted accessories, check the stitching carefully to see that the stitches are small and evenly space.
Durable padded handles or straps will provide comfort and distribute the weight of the tote evenly.
Backpack diaper bags rest upon both shoulders to provide an evenly distributed weight.
The ornamental objects will be placed deliberately and more evenly than assembly line items; therefore, the overall appearance of your handbag will be much improved.
The designs are crafted evenly throughout all of her handbags, and in many of the styles they require depth and shading.
The beauty of a backpack-style purse is that it dismisses the burden from one shoulder, instead spreading the weight evenly and laying comfortably on the back.
It distributes the weight evenly on the shoulders, allowing you to carry more without risking injury.
The two handles help to distribute the weight evenly, so that one side doesn't tear from shifting too much weight to a single strap.
Your one other consideration might be a backpack component, because if you're carrying around yarn for a blanket, it can get heavy and awkward and it's nice to distribute the weight evenly.
This way, the weight is evenly balanced.
You also want to be sure the straps are high up on your shoulders and the weight evenly distributed.
A backpack more evenly distributes the weight of a laptop, making it easier to tote the computer from place to place.
Parents seem to be evenly split in this often heated debate.
Set up teams by dividing evenly according to the number of kids that will be playing.
Be sure you evenly place older and younger kids on both teams.
Mark off a play area that is a six-foot square with chalk, and then evenly divide that square into four small squares.
Also look for bags that evenly distribute weight.
The wedge heel distributes your weight evenly over the shoe, making these some of the most comfortable shoes you'll find.
It takes painstaking care to evenly stitch the best shoes; many expensive sandals are made by hand, which is why they are built to last.
It takes a certain comfort level to stride confidently in spiked heels, but walking in platform shoes is almost like walking on flat shoes because the height is spread evenly under the foot.
The heels are sturdy and supportive, but also soft, so that weight is evenly distributed.
This plate also helps distribute the weight the body evenly, helping to further prevent injuries such as painful heel spurs.
Wider, chunky-type heels balance your weight more evenly, making them a suitable option.
With wedge heels, weight is more evenly distributed across the foot, so you may be able to get around all day on two-inch wedge sandals with no discomfort.
The area sees about 52 inches of rain a year annually, with the rain evenly distributed throughout the year increasing the humidity so that it always seems hotter than it is.
The best carriers distribute the pigment evenly and keep it from clumping together when used, while providing a bit of disinfecting action.
Tattoo letters should contain evenly drawn lines and have sharp edges.
The back is evenly divided by the line of the spine; make the most of this by placing a star on either side.
Therefore the printing on the watch face may be fuzzy or the markings are not evenly spaced.
Be sure to remove links evenly from both sides of the watch so that the clasp remains centered on the underside of your wrist, and make certain that you avoid bending the pins and links out of their original shape.
It is much healthier for the body, and you will perform better at your chosen sport, if the muscle groups of the body are more evenly trained.
However, most mild cases of back pain are the result of improper posture, sitting for extended periods in a slouched position, and not carrying one's body weight evenly.
In addition, practicing yoga regularly, regardless of which poses you choose, will help you lose weight, develop strong muscles, and distribute your weight evenly over your body.
The clean edge breaks off evenly, without those telltale chads and nubs common to computer generated business cards that raise red flags when passed around at networking meetings.
They are also a great way to evenly distribute chores or to keep track of what still needs to be done.
Regularly rotate the placement of area rugs to be sure the floor is exposed to traffic and light evenly.
Stir the mixture periodically to ensure that all ingredients are evenly distributed.
Wash all the fabric together to make sure the colors don't run and that they shrink evenly, if any shrinkage occurs.
These are the "legs" of your basket so when they are done, just stick them into the bottom of the soap bar and then make sure the basket can stand on them evenly.
Mix well, so the color is distributed evenly.
If using a wooden box, sand it lightly to make sure the sides are smooth so the paint will adhere evenly.
Stitches are divided evenly among the needles, and if you are using double-pointed needles, one needle will have no stitches.
Starting with the wide end, wrap the paper around your dowel or pencil and spin slowly, guiding the paper so it winds evenly around the dowel.
A plastic ruler with a lip that slides over the edge of your mat will help you measure and cut more evenly.
Whether you're painting a wall or a china plate, it's important to work in stages and paint evenly.
Glue squares down the center or down one side of the card front, making sure they're evenly spaced.
Place the pumpkins or gourds evenly along the mantle and hold the scarf in place with the two candles.
Make a balanced picture quilt, by using a variety of light and dark colors distributed evenly throughout the design.
Add approximately one-half ounce of liquid fragrance, and mix well so the oil is evenly distributed.
Cut 1/8 inch deep slits along each narrow edge of the box, spacing them evenly.
With very sharp scissors, cut along the lines as evenly as you can.
Using sharp scissors, cut each piece evenly.
Stir gently to allow the colorant to melt at the same time as the soap and ensure an evenly colored product.
Apply the epoxy evenly to the flat surface of the marble, and gently press the photo face-up onto the sticky side.
Improved posture that helps remaining fat be distributed more evenly instead of getting scrunched up.
Spoon the beef evenly onto the lettuce, and then add layers of cheese, salsa and sour cream.
Weight gain is evenly spread throughout the body with some extra accumulation on the knees.
Simply combine the ingredients and stir together, pouring evenly into 12 foil baking cups that have been prepared with cooking spray.
To plan your calories evenly over the course of a day, simply break up your daily allotment into three 400-calorie meals and two 100-calorie snacks.
When you try to cut overall calorie consumption, it is important to spread your calories out evenly over the course of the day.