Evaluation Sentence Examples
When symptoms continue even after treatment or to rule out the presence of other illnesses with similar symptoms, the diagnostic evaluation may include blood tests, a hydrogen breath test, or an x ray of the bowel, called a barium enema.
The evaluation of the area of the curve had made Roberval famous in France, but Descartes considered that the value of his investigation had been grossly exaggerated; he declared the problem to be of an elementary nature and submitted a short and simple solution.
In short, we suggest that a more holistic approach to the evaluation of these packages is needed.
Evaluation is treated as the central core in usability engineering.
In an effort to keep Iowa Central Community College a safe and friendly learning environment, the College requires future and potential students to complete an Application Form, Entrance Evaluation, and send all official transcripts.
We conclude by calling for a more rigorous evaluation of the effects of existing programs.
A user evaluation found the scannable text to be 92% more usable than the original, flat version.
However, if you think your dog is sick, it is best to take him to a veterinarian for evaluation and treatment.
An evaluation with a veterinarian and dog trainer is also a good idea because there are some dogs that should not use anti-bark collars.
The results of the sleep study, combined with the evaluation of the physician and the sleep specialists, will provide the information needed to establish a treatment program.
AdvertisementCentral Florida Sleep Center offers diagnostic evaluation and treatment for various sleep disorders, including insomnia.
Individuals who suspect having a sleep disorder should consult a physician for an evaluation.
Before visiting a sleep center, it is often necessary to have an evaluation with a primary care physician, a pulmonary specialist, a neurologist or an ENT specialist for referrals.
The surgery requires a full evaluation by a physician and can cause a significant amount of pain and recuperation time for the person who undergoes the procedure.
Most children who undergo evaluation for FUO do not receive treatment until a clear-cut cause is found.
AdvertisementIf your vet rules out a physical cause, then Charlie will need to see a canine behaviorist for evaluation.
I won't have the opportunity to meet your dog, so I don't feel I can offer an adequate evaluation of your situation.
The Rescue Network places the dog in a foster home for evaluation and provides medical care and rehabilitation.
Be prepared to bring a sample of both the spoiled fruit and a leaf or portion of the plant for evaluation.
Another good idea is to have a specific sink model in mind before you talk to a professional so he can make a real-world evaluation.
AdvertisementThese farms are monitored and undergo a tightly controlled and extensive evaluation process.
Some services also require applicants to take a personality evaluation or meet with a staff psychologist.
Most of the postings on this site are individual experiences, so use discretion in your evaluation, but it might help you learn more about what to watch out for and what questions to ask ahead of time.
A full examination of the neck, palate, throat, mouth, and nose is conducted, and in some cases, patients are referred to a laboratory that conducts sleep studies for further evaluation.
It's important to remember that each case is unique and having a medical evaluation is of the utmost importance to ensure that you get the best treatment for your specific needs.
AdvertisementDr. Feldman is an expert in various sleep disorders including sleep apnea, narcolepsy and insomnia.The Center provides an initial evaluation, which includes an overnight sleep study.
The specialist, usually a board-certified internist with specialized training in sleep disorders, can provide the additional diagnosis and evaluation needed.
The Center is staffed with board-certified experts who specialize in the diagnosis, sleep evaluation and individualized treatment of sleep disorders.
Arete Sleep Health is a sleep medicine facility that features a brief Personal Sleep Evaluation on its website.
I snore is among the items listed on the evaluation.
The best place to start looking for treatment of chronic snoring is a primary care doctor, but he may refer the snorer to a sleep specialist for further evaluation and treatment.
If the sleep problem derives from structural abnormalities, you may be referred to an ENT for evaluation.
The sleep center offers the resources necessary for a through evaluation, including equipment and sleep experts.
It may be necessary to get a referral from a primary care physician to ensure medical insurance covers the diagnostic evaluation.
He may order blood work to check for other conditions that are contributing to your snoring, and he may refer you to an ear, nose and throat specialist for further evaluation.
Persistent snoring always requires medical evaluation to rule out serious health issues.
It is necessary to have an evaluation in order to determine whether a Fort Worth sleep dentist can help you or not.
If snoring happens more than occasionally, or interferes with sleep, medical evaluation and treatment is necessary.
Your general physician may be able to recommend an otolaryngologist or you may find one through your sleep center.Your doctor will perform a full diagnosis and evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure.
Only a dentist can design and fit a dental appliance, and use of these anti-snoring aids requires periodic evaluation to ensure proper fit.
Persistent snoring requires a medical evaluation and diagnosis.
They tend to lose themselves in the specific questions instead the overall evaluation of the wine.
Some people find that wine wheels with the aromas and scents on them to help out wine evaluation.
A wine traditionalist will tell you that colored glasses can make it very difficult to evaluate the color and clarity of the wine - both important factors in wine evaluation.
The more wines you try, the better you'll get at the sensory evaluation part.
You may not need an appraiser if you are only interested in the approximate value of the book and don't need a professional evaluation for insurance or estate purposes.
For the most accurate evaluation, you should contact a professional appraiser.
Once you have your appraisal be sure to get a printed, dated copy of the evaluation in case you have any questions in the future.
Since it is difficult to determine an exact value for an item, the evaluation will usually be given in a ballpark type figure.
If you are in a hurry, or need an accurate evaluation then it is important to take the item to your local appraiser.
These criteria are common in the evaluation of any antique or collectible with a few variations.
The condition of the book will always be an important part of evaluation.
There are many factors that go into pricing one of these old books and for the most accurate evaluation it should be left to an expert.
Ultimately if you want an accurate evaluation of your book you will need to find an appraiser that specializes in antique books.
If you need an accurate evaluation of your rolltop desk or the one you plan on buying, talk to an appraiser.
The child should receive prompt evaluation so necessary preventive therapies can be initiated.
An immediate evaluation that includes blood tests and imaging of the biliary system (through ultrasound, specialized x-ray techniques, or radioactive screens of the liver) are required to confirm the diagnosis.
Hematologists specialize in disorders of the blood and bone marrow and are consulted in the evaluation of leukemia, lymphoma, and bone cancer.
Diagnosis of NF-2 also relies on manipulation of the skin to indicate the presence of nodules and evaluation of hearing and vision to determine any impairment.
Office evaluation within two to three days of discontinuing home phototherapy is recommended.
In most cases the doctor will refer the child to a specialist for further evaluation.
The process usually starts with a comprehensive physical exam and evaluation of the patient's medical and family history.
The first line of testing usually involves the least invasive methods, such as sending a sample of blood for evaluation.
Complex and/or invasive procedures such as skin or muscle biopsy (taking a small sample of tissue for microscopic evaluation) are considered tertiary tests.
In some cases, a physician may not be able to diagnose the patient with a specific mitochondrial disorder even after extensive evaluation.
The diagnosis includes a physical exam and evaluation of the child's family medical history.
At-risk students usually have undergone school psychological and behavioral evaluation that identifies them as requiring specialized attention not available in the traditional school environment.
As this illness can be debilitating, making it quite difficult for the child to function, that evaluation should take place as soon as possible after symptoms are observed.
About 5 percent of Wilms' tumor cases involve both kidneys during the initial evaluation.
These tests mostly involve blood analysis in the form of a white blood cell count, complete blood count, platelet count, and serum calcium evaluation.
In this case medical evaluation and treatment may be indicated, and topical or oral tetracycline may be given.
Adaptive behavior scales are evaluation tools designed to help care providers improve their assessments of the abilities and needs of infants and children who have disabilities or are at risk for developmental delays.
The SIB-R evaluation can be completed by a teacher, psychologist, or social worker directly or with the help of special interview materials that involve parents.
Teenagers whose amenorrhea may be related to depression, family stress, eating disorders, or other mental health issues may be referred to a psychiatrist for further evaluation.
When symptoms of conduct disorder are present, a child should be taken to his or her health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation and possible referral to a mental health care professional.
A comprehensive evaluation of the child should ideally include interviews with the child and parents, a full social and medical history, review of educational records, a cognitive evaluation, and a psychiatric exam.
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) refers to the presence of a documented elevation in body temperature for a specified time, for which a cause has not been found after basic medical evaluation.
Nonetheless, if a careful, logical, and thorough evaluation is performed, the underlying cause generally can be diagnosed.
Laboratory tests are helpful but not as important as the individual patient's symptoms and signs, family history, and complete neurological evaluation including a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain.
The diagnostic evaluation for headache may include blood tests and urinalysis to rule out other medical conditions that may be causing the headaches.
A psychological assessment is not part of a routine headache evaluation but may be performed to identify stress triggers.
A combination of stool, blood, and urine tests may be needed in the evaluation of chronic diarrhea; in addition, a number of endoscopic and x-ray studies are frequently required.
In some cases, a heart evaluation may be useful.
The ADA recommends that glycated hemoglobin testing be performed during a person's first diabetes evaluation, again after treatment is begun and glucose levels are stabilized, then repeated semiannually.
This score provides a uniform method of observation and evaluation of a newborn infant's need for resuscitation immediately after delivery at one minute and again at five minutes.
Five factors are considered in the evaluation of a newborn and the word Apgar can be used as a mnemonic to remember them, i.e.
An ongoing evaluation is continued during resuscitation and documented again at five minutes.
It is an evaluation of the baby at birth to determine if any resuscitation procedures are needed.
The umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the newborn is given to the nursery personnel for evaluation.
In this form of SCID the lymphocyte or white blood evaluation is identical to X-linked SCID but is autosomal recessive and, therefore, occurs in girls and boys.
An evaluation of neonatal reflexes is performed during well-baby examinations.
Because CP is nonprogressive, continued loss of previously acquired milestones may indicate that CP is not the cause of the problem; medical evaluation is needed to determine the cause.
If a child continues to wet the bed after the age of six, parents may feel the need to seek evaluation and diagnosis by the family doctor or a children's specialist (pediatrician).
Further evaluation may be necessary if these kinds of drawings continue for a long period of time.
If the bleeding does not stop or if it appears to originate in the upper nose, the doctor will consult a head and neck surgeon or an otolaryngologist for specialized evaluation of the bleeding.
Parents also need to advocate for early evaluation of learning disabilities if their child is falling behind.
However, faced with extensive bruising, bruising with no apparent cause, or bruising in certain locations, a physician will pursue an evaluation that includes a number of blood tests.
Only about 10 percent of those referred for evaluation actually undergo the surgery.
A baby with a rash that does not clear up within two to three days or a rash with blisters or bleeding should receive an evaluation and care from a healthcare professional.
Individuals with developmental delay or birth defects may be referred to a clinical geneticist for genetic testing or to a developmental pediatrician or neurologist for evaluation and diagnosis of FAS.
Psychoeducational testing to determine IQ and/or the presence of learning disabilities may also be part of the evaluation process.
Children should have psychoeducational evaluation to help plan appropriate educational interventions.
Studies have also shown that during a routine third-year pediatric examination, children allowed security objects were less distressed than children undergoing the medical evaluation without their security object.
A careful neurological evaluation can help to determine the cause of impairment and help a clinician begin to localize the problem.
This evaluation pertains primarily to older children.
If there is a difference in response from the left to right knee, then there may be an underlying problem that merits further evaluation.
Psychometric tests convert an individual's psychological traits and attributes into a numerical estimation or evaluation.
Children suspected of having intelligence development problems should undergo a comprehensive evaluation to identify their difficulties as well as their strengths.
While standard age scores provide a reference point for evaluation, they represent an average of a variety of skill areas.
The most important part of a physician's evaluation is taking a detailed history.
Children who fall below a particular weight range for their age or who dip below two or more percentile curves on the chart over a short period of time will likely have a more thorough evaluation to find out if there is a problem.
Any child or adolescent that exhibits symptoms of psychosocial personality disorder should be taken to his or her health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation and possible referral to a mental health care professional.
This evaluation is usually done under general anesthetic, although some very young or older patients may not require it.
A metal clip is used to keep the eyes open during the evaluation.
An ultrasound evaluation is used to confirm the presence of the tumor and to evaluate its size.
If a tumor is detected through this evaluation, the affected baby may be delivered a couple of weeks earlier.
Personality disorders are diagnosed following a psychological evaluation that records the history and severity of the symptoms.
However, the evaluation data are still ambiguous when it comes to establishing a direct link between personality disorders and diet, aside from recommending the avoidance of alcoholic and stimulant beverages.
The evaluation will determine if there is a physiological basis for the lisp and identify the type of lisp.
Apgar score-The results of an evaluation of a newborn's physical status, including heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, response to stimulation, and color of skin.
However, children and young adults found to have Ramsey-Hunt syndrome are considered at risk for, and in need of evaluation for, having autoimmune diseases.
Children with suspected intestinal obstruction will be hospitalized after the initial diagnostic evaluation.
An evaluation by a pediatrician is recommended in such circumstances.
The doctor may also order x-ray studies of the child's chest or sinuses in order to determine whether lung damage has already occurred or to make a baseline evaluation of the child's lungs.
The tests range from the passive evaluation of an infant to the complex testing of adolescents.
Rather it may indicate that a child should be referred for developmental assessment or evaluation.
Parents administer these tests to their child and return them for evaluation.
A written evaluation of the child is based on the child's test results.
Ages and stages questionnaires are used to identify infants and young children who may need further evaluation.
The Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) for infants and children often is used to test three to six-year-olds.
Before a child gets an implant, specialists at an implant clinic conduct a careful evaluation, including extensive hearing tests to determine how well the child can hear.
Because rape is a crime, there are certain requirements for medical evaluation of the patient and for record keeping.
Thus, many professionals recommended evaluation by a speech-language pathologist for toddlers who displayed language delay.
However, not all speech-language specialists agree on early evaluation and therapy.
If the examiner is not well-trained in psychometric evaluation, subjective interpretations may affect the evaluation of these tests.
Prolonged unconsciousness and worsening symptoms require urgent neurosurgical evaluation or transfer to a trauma center.
When teacher assessment indicates that a child has special needs or problems, the parent should request an evaluation by the school's child study team or an outside expert.
There have been no studies of the Son-Rise Program's effectiveness, and the method has not been subjected to scientific evaluation.
A nutritional assessment performed by a registered dietitian may be included in the child's diagnostic evaluation.
When symptoms persist, a nutritional assessment, performed by a registered dietitian, may be included in the child's diagnostic evaluation.
Evaluation also includes physical examinations and diagnostic tests to determine underlying causes.
The typical physical exam and developmental evaluation will be performed and guidance on future development will be given.
In some cases, the doctor may refer the patient to a psychiatrist for evaluation in order to rule out depression, anxiety disorders, or an eating disorder.
A complete evaluation of the circulation is required, testing the blood for its oxygen content.
Parents must consent to all testing, evaluation, and placement and can appeal most decisions if they disagree with the conclusions.
Parents who disagree with the school's educational program can hire legal representation, request formal and informal hearings (due process), and obtain additional evaluation from an independent consultant.
Psychological evaluation varies with other findings and the age of the child but usually includes several assessments for anxiety and a behavioral checklist that evaluates the child's behavior at home and school.
When symptoms of bipolar disorder are present, a child should be taken to a qualified medical healthcare professional as soon as possible for evaluation.
Should nervousness, agitation, irritability, mood instability, or sleeplessness emerge or worsen during treatment with SSRIs, parents should obtain a prompt evaluation by their doctor.
If the nausea and vomiting appear to be related to anxiety, stress, or an eating disorder, the doctor may refer the person to a psychiatrist for further evaluation.
Because nystagmus can be associated with many medical problems, the child with this condition must undergo a complete ocular and neurological evaluation.
Type II Chiari malformation may be diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound or shortly after birth during medical evaluation of the accompanying spina bifida.
They should also have a thorough evaluation for some of the serious diseases that smoking can cause.
Differential diagnosis (distinguishing Lyme disease from other diseases) is based on clinical evaluation with laboratory tests used for clarification when necessary.
Anyone who is suspected to have dyslexia should have a comprehensive evaluation, including medical, psychological, behavioral, hearing, vision, and intelligence testing.
They provide a basis for making educational recommendations, and determine the baseline for evaluation of improvement in the child's performance.
A suspicious or positive result requires further evaluation, i.e., prolonged EFM monitoring or a BPP.
A total of 4 points is not reassuring and requires immediate evaluation by prolonged EFM.
The doctor may refer parents to a speech-language specialist for evaluation if needed.
When symptoms of antisocial behavior appear, a child should be taken to his or her health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation and possible referral to a mental health care professional.
Bone age assessments are, therefore, used in pediatric evaluation, especially when malnutrition, malabsorption, food intolerance, or endocrinopathies (such as hypopituitarism or hypothyroidism) are suspected.
These tests include an evaluation of the child's binocular vision, his eye movements, his ability to converge and focus on objects close-up, and his ocular health.
Appendicitis usually involves emergency consultation with a physician and evaluation in a hospital emergency department.
Treatment of a movement disorder begins with a proper diagnostic evaluation.
Prevention can be directed toward prompt evaluation and appropriate treatment of sore throats to prevent overgrowth of adenoid tissue.
It can also be used for the evaluation of motor skills such as handwriting.
Medical evaluation may identify special needs the adoptive parents can then address.
While the full-scale IQ score provides a reference point for evaluation, it is only an average of a variety of skill areas.
The pediatrician can make an initial evaluation of the child's developmental maturity compared to other children in his or her age group.
There are several assessment or evaluation scales that veterinarians or animal trainers can use to score individual dogs and screen them for dominant or aggressive behavior.
Evaluation of possible exposure to rabies is also important.
Visual evaluation of jaundice is not considered a reliable way, however, to determine its cause or the risk of continued rising of bilirubin and possible complications.
In Pyramid Feng Shui, the focus is on the individual as the central core of each evaluation.
There they would receive a medical evaluation and their papers would be inspected.
When asking for a stylist's advice, be sure to answer their questions thoroughly and honestly for a frank evaluation.
For help with choosing which line to use, interested customers should consult a professional stylist for an evaluation about their hair's texture, damage tolerance, and other distinct characteristics.
The Bob Jones University Press Testing and Evaluation Service administered the Voluntary Home School Demographic Survey in 1999.
Evaluation of overall progress occurs periodically, but this evaluation may not come in the form of testing and grades.
Evaluation of the child's progress depends primarily on quizzes and formal testing.
With that said, a poor test score definitely warrants a little evaluation on your part to determine what you can do to help your child improve.
The approval will be finalized after a 90 day evaluation of the loans you submit during the probationary period.
The inspector will look at the structural integrity, quality of building materials and age of the roof, porch and walls to complete their evaluation.
Further, controversial loans were given to individuals who may not have been able to repay the loans, based on an evaluation of income and assets (often referred to as subprime mortgages).
If you notice pain, severe bleeding, fever, infection, or a missed period while an IUD is in place, you should contact your physician for further evaluation.
Don't be afraid to drop by a kennel during business hours to check out the accommodations for yourself, as it will be a much better evaluation of the premises than a simple phone call or Internet search.
A good multivitamin and mineral supplement can make up for any deficiencies, but if a major deficiency is suspected, see your doctor for testing and evaluation.
If you have a low end unit, the cost of the evaluation may be more than the oven is actually worth.
Proper evaluation of portable air conditioners will help you select the business unit for your home of office.
During the evaluation of portable air conditioners for your home or business, you need to consider the features of each model.
In your evaluation of portable air conditioners, consider whether you want to buy from a traditional store or an online retailer.
Unlike many other shelters, this humane society offers the Animal Surrender with Evaluation Report, or AnSWER program.
The AnSWER Program (Animal Surrender with Evaluation Report) is available for those surrendering an animal and wanting to know if the animal passed the placement evaluation.
Members are invited to fill out a personality profile, a sort of evaluation that helps the service match you to someone with similar interests and goals.
Personalized evaluation of the bride-to-be's hand and finger with advice on choosing an appropriate diamond shape.
Buyers are one of the first steps in a stone's quality evaluation - a buyer has to find decent stones that they can hope to sell for a profit.
Last, and this is often the most enjoyable to write, you can insert your reaction and evaluation to the book.
A nurse or technician will take a small vial of blood from your arm and send it to a hospital laboratory for evaluation.
Or, if you think your child's condition is affecting his/her academic performance, you can make a written request to have the school provide a free evaluation.
Approximately six months before a child is scheduled to begin kindergarten, many schools require an evaluation.
If your child is in school, ask for a Pupil Evaluation Team (PET).
Once a need is determined, an evaluation team accesses your child and creates an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Before beginning a formal strength training program, a medical evaluation should be performed by a pediatrician.
The robot in Red Planet was actually named AMEE, which stands for Autonomous Mapping Evaluation and Evasion.
The psychiatric evaluation that he received upon entering the army sparked his interest in the field of psychology.
There have also been a high number of UFO sightings throughout the region, particularly off the coast of Andros Island where there is a high security research center, the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC).
The site also offers an evaluation on each distributor.
Contact your artist immediately for an evaluation if you suspect a problem.
Once you've made an initial evaluation that indicates the watch is authentic, it's time to have it appraised by a professional to obtain official documentation.
If you come across other free online yoga classes, please post the sites in our "Comments" section below and your evaluation.
Typically, children are diagnosed based upon set evaluation standards.
It is quite common for children who do not have autism to display one or two of the behaviors listed above, but if your youngster displays a number of these symptoms, a professional evaluation is your best course of action.
Ask your pediatrician to refer your child to a local developmental specialist, or you can contact the Early Intervention program in your area for more information on arranging an evaluation.
If your child is still too young for enrollment in school, speak with his pediatrician about your concerns and demand a full evaluation for autism.
If your child is school-aged, contact the principal at your child's school or call your local school district to schedule an evaluation.
If a parent wishes to have extensive testing, the use of an autism specialist in evaluation is a good step.
A high number of positive responses to the following statements indicates the child may require evaluation and further testing by a specialist in AS.
The checklist can determine a need for further evaluation and help identify previously overlooked symptoms.
However, an Asperger syndrome checklist can help identify at-risk children and open the door to further evaluation and treatment.
Moreover, if your child regresses, or loses abilities, you must consider it a potentially serious problem and insist on a professional evaluation.
If you suspect your child is exhibiting infant autism symptoms, trust your instincts and demand an evaluation by a professional with experience diagnosing and treating autistic disorders.
It begins with the initial evaluation, followed by insurance applications, and applications for Early Intervention applications, Wraparound and other services.
Be honest in your evaluation, but as generous as you can be with your words.
We did an evaluation where we used an ice rink.
Even worse, any impact to the head can result in concussion, and (as in every other case) medical evaluation is necessary.
Scientific evaluation has not conclusively linked asthma and diet.
If, after a careful evaluation of the risks and benefits of Topamax, you still feel Topamax may be right for you, then talk to your doctor.
If you would like a more thorough evaluation of your options, you can view downloadable brochures for each available dental and vision plan.
Considerations factored into this evaluation include your medical condition, education level, and past work experience.
Many companies require a medical evaluation before covering you and most will not cover pre-existing medical conditions.
A health exam and a psychological evaluation are a part of nearly every reality TV show casting procedure.
You must be willing to submit to a physical and psychological evaluation, including medical testing.
However, if the patches are widespread over the body or begin to enlarge, it is worth the time and peace of mind to undergo a thorough evaluation.
The company claims its skin care evaluation tool is similar to visiting the dermatologist's office and aims to provide consumers with clinical level analysis.
Despite the evaluation tool's inherent simplicity, its targeted questions help the system better understand your skin.
Begin by clicking "Skin ID Evaluation" on the Web site.
The evaluation closes with a few lifestyle questions, focusing on your stress levels and habits.
Once you've completed your evaluation, the system analyzes it and responds with your personalized Skin ID regimen based on your answers.
If your acne and blackheads are severe or do not respond to home treatments, consider visiting a dermatologist for evaluation.
If Ashley wasn't the fourth person to say so, I'd probably refer her to psych for an evaluation.
He discussed their properties and constructed tables for their evaluation.
Dean made a note to check into the evaluation with Mayer, but Byrne's Philadelphia boss called Dean first to see if anything new had developed.
The focus of this report is the interim qualitative evaluation of the facts aspirin program, promoting the use of aspirin in secondary prevention.
I had as yet attained no measure of literary achievement, to justify my own high evaluation of my potential.
Evaluation of the evidence base for magnetic bandages to heal wounds Where does the evidence come from?
Evaluation techniques include clinical assessment and modified barium swallow procedure.
Meanwhile the Juveniles ' cost/performance evaluation is said to be complete, and to contain some real bombshells.
The model is applied in evaluation of a remote virtual cathode system for use with the display using thermionic filament cathodes.
Moral obligation and evaluation A territory to which even most scientists do not usually lay claim is that of obligation.
We routinely collect data to enable evaluation in the future.
After an exhaustive evaluation within the US government, we decided that the Protocol was actually counterproductive.
Evaluation of the magnitude of such losses is important for determining thermal noise levels in bonded suspensions for gravitational wave detectors.
With the TQA we had to prepare a self assessment document, but for 2001 it's a self evaluation document!
Any number of control loops can be imposed on the simulation allowing control system evaluation and realistic energy consumption estimates.
Most of their customer information is gathered from feedback evaluation forms that do not ask for information regarding ethnicity.
Providers are not required to undertake an evaluation at the resource.
The issues to be included in the questionnaire and interview would be clarified through formative evaluation while the course proceeded.
In some cases a critical evaluation or comment has been added.
This call for learner involvement in formative and summative evaluation, however, proves problematic on two counts.
No screening test should be introduced until it has been subjected to rigorous evaluation and meets strict criteria (1 ).
The conducted research will also involve a thorough evaluation of the methods on caretaker data.
Evaluation A BNF self evaluation A BNF self evaluation questionnaire was completed at the outset of the funding period.
Please note that posts may be subject to job evaluation.
Less familiar, but equally valuable, is regular peer evaluation of the teaching/learning process.
The evaluator will explain the flight evaluation procedure and tell the examinee which tasks he will perform.
Previously evaluation work in the northeastern part of the site recorded a series of medieval furrows.
This evaluation, which measures the quality of fuzzy clustering, assigns a real number to the outputs of the used fuzzy clustering algorithm.
Physical properties provide critical interpretive links between geophysical measurements and evaluation of subsurface geology and state conditions.
A structured assessment was carried out of the Novartis economic evaluation of imatinib for unresectable and/or metastatic gist.
Particular attention is paid to disk evaluation to detect glaucoma.
With regard to evaluation, the documentation appears haphazard.
Make Training Evaluation Work is a book designed to break through this organizational inertia.
Evaluation of patients with post-myocardial infarction should always include assessment of renal function.
Methodological issues raise by the evaluation of crime prevention initiatives will also be assessed.
The use of melatonin to treat insomnia in cancer patients is under evaluation.
In order to address these issues, we consider two possible models upon which an evaluation strategy may be based.
Conclusion If the design process is inherently iterative and evaluation cyclical, so too is CALL development.
In a 53 year old patient FDG-PET was performed after chemotherapy of an abdominal Non-Hodgkin lymphoma for evaluation of persistent tumor vitality.
During the evaluation, one aircraft crashed in Arizona on approach to landing, killing 19 marines.
His work shows an almost microscopic evaluation of surface.
Every strong monad is equipped with two standard products, which correspond to left-to-right and right-to-left evaluation.
The aim of the guide is to give you the background knowledge needed to design and brief an evaluation and effectively oversee the process.
Hyperkeratosis rarely needs any more evaluation than a repeat pap smear in 6 months.
New techniques for the evaluation of tubal patency support the hypothesis that tubal ' plugs ' may be involved in proximal tubal blockage.
This part of the evaluation built on the work of a baseline implementation survey of 35 children's trust pathfinders conducted in August 2004.
The study involved 84 people (aged 80 years or older) who were given a thorough clinical evaluation.
The City Council's Corporate Plan sets out monitoring and evaluation tools to assess progress on the Council's performance.
Checklists are a useful preliminary tool for expert assessment Full evaluation ultimately required road tests.
The ultrasonic scalpel needs further evaluation in this setting.
The next section discusses the methods used in the evaluation.
The research will take the form of a blind evaluation of urine specimens provided by the National CJD Surveillance Unit in Edinburgh.
However, while the Company appeared successful its ongoing evaluation of these risks was limited.
Contribute to the development and evaluation of new processing methods for retrieved ocean surface vector wind data.
The group has just completed an exploratory trial of cognitive behavioral therapy versus graded exercise for chronic fatigue, with an economic evaluation.
In particular the German, French, Spanish and Greek Data Archives are involved in the evaluation of the multi-lingual thesaurus.
Methodology The evaluation methodology was designed to consider the totality of the online communication for the duration of the forums operation.
In order to keep the evaluation process tractable, an " evaluated configuration " is defined that scopes the evaluation effort.
Yet the thalidomide tragedy should have alerted governments to the need for superior methods of safety evaluation.
New techniques for the evaluation of tubal patency support the hypothesis that tubal patency support the hypothesis that tubal ' plugs ' may be involved in proximal tubal blockage.
More recently hand-held doppler ultrasound has become available to supplement the clinical evaluation.
Focus groups, written evaluation, and transaction logs were used to gather data and understand actual usage and user needs.
Files created using the evaluation version will contain a watermark on every page.
For details of this project see Evaluation of fertility control in captive wild boar.
Kauffmann (Ber., 1906, 39, p. 1 959) attempted an evaluation of the effects of auxochromic groups by means of the magnetic optical constants.
A matrix has in many parts of mathematics a signification apart from its evaluation as a determinant.
For the first term in (5) the evaluation is effected at once by a known formula.
For such purely abstract purposes, the possibility of numerical evaluation of the function is of secondary importance, and it is often possible to make qualitative deductions with regard to the general nature of a transformation without any knowledge of the actual form of the function.
The conclusion from these therefore was that the ratio of circumference to diameter is 34 This is a most notable piece of work; the immature condition of arithmetic at the time was the only real obstacle preventing the evaluation of the ratio to any degree of accuracy whatever.5 No advance of any importance was made upon the achievement of Archimedes until after the revival of learning.
So let's take a moment and conduct a three-step evaluation.
Another preoccupation of the Chinese was the evaluation of π ,the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
The Ada language provides the special operators and then and or else so that the programmer can specify short-circuit evaluation.
We apply our approach to stochastic resonance and propose a novel resonance criterion which is based on the evaluation of the probability current.
Evaluation is crucial to the medium and long term development of superhighways in education.
The evaluation is carried out on the Switchboard corpus.
The results of all these studies will be used to identify the most promising taxa for more detailed future evaluation in longer-term feeding trials.
Theodolite measurements of changes of azimuth and elevation and angular size are of great aid to the evaluation of reports.
In the third generation, we see the value judgments implicit in evaluation being made explicit.
For more information see the toolbox module on evaluation.
Evaluation The results of the change of triage in practice were then presented to the clinic.
For trilinear interpolation there are at least 8 floating point operations required for each interpolation evaluation.
The article concludes with an account of the evaluation, which was undertaken by an independent consultant.
The qualitative evaluation of phase 1 aimed to supplement and validate the findings of the phase 1 survey.
However, this is by no means claiming that evaluation is a value-free process.
July evaluation period wildcats fans who laughed you do n't of establishing personal.
The psychiatrist diagnosed the patient to be a sociopath and recommended more mental evaluation.
Given the diversity and quality of care verses the budget of each individual family this constructs the stage for a difficult evaluation.
The final decision to place your baby into childcare arrives after careful research and evaluation.
However, if no words are spoken by 18 months, an evaluation is recommended.
An evaluation of your child's strengths and weaknesses typically takes place, and this initial assessment serves as a benchmark for future testing and assessments.
Use these evaluation techniques to select the perfect computer game for your toddler.
After completion of an assignment, an extensive evaluation is completed and submitted to Amusement Advantage within 24 hours of your visit.
Most cats are diagnosed with FIP by the evaluation and presumptive diagnosis of the vet.
By taking this longer term view for interest rate evaluation you are more likely to apply for a card that you will be happy with for the long term.
Treating social anxiety disorder with herbs is possible, but you should first consult a physician and a mental health professional for an evaluation.
Their approval is only given after a dentist passes both a written and oral exam, plus a clinical case evaluation.
Perform an initial interview or evaluation.
Anger Evaluation - Offers a free 10-hour anger management class with the purchase of an online anger evaluation ($99).
Before beginning any new fitness or exercise routine, it is essential to consult a doctor for a full physical evaluation.
If you are medically cleared, your medical doctor will give you a psychiatric evaluation.
She has 12 years experience in the evaluation and treatment of various disorders.
Students who are interested in applying must meet with their school counselor before registering for an evaluation and discussion.
Further evaluation by doctors found inaccuracies in the program.
A return-to-work evaluation is done at the end of treatment.