Eu Sentence Examples
Eu (Augusta) was in existence under the Romans.
His descendants, the counts of Eu, continued to style themselves counts of Artois.
Through their grand-daughter Marie, the countship of Eu passed by marriage to the house of Brienne, two members of which, both named Raoul, were constables of France.
His great-grandson, Charles, son of Philip of Artois, count of Eu, and Marie of Berry, played a conspicuous part in the Hundred Years' War.
The second son of the duke of Maine, Louis Charles de Bourbon (1701-1775), bore the title of count of Eu.
The introduction of additional diacritical marks, such as - and used to express quantity, and the diaeresis, as in ai, to express consecutive vowels, which are to be pronounced separately, may prove of service, as also such letters as a, o and ii, to be pronounced as in German, and in lieu of the French ai, eu or u.
Moreover, the insight into origins, into initial morbid processes revealed by the pathologists, eu Theraa woke more and more the hoe of dealin with the peutics.
This is the lifehistory of the most complicated forms, of the so-called eu forms. In the opsis forms the uredospores are absent, the mycelium from the aecidiospores producing directly the teleutospores.
The eu and opsis forms may exhibit the remarkable phenomenon of heteroecism, i.e.
We find a 3 thus that in the eu and opsis forms the association of nuclei takes place at the base of the aecidium which produces the aecidiospores.
AdvertisementThis group is characterized by its greatly reduced life-history as compared with that of the eu forms among the Uredineae.
Upon the exposure of the plot the cardinal exiled her to her estate at Eu, near Amiens, where she died.
He was succeeded, as prince of Dombes, by his brother the count of Eu, who in 1762 surrendered the principality to the crown.
Every great noble in France was in the league, except Gaston de Foix - who kept the south of France for the king, - and the counts of Vendome and Eu.
Philip invaded Normandy, took Lyonsla-Foret and Eu, and, establishing himself in Gournay, besieged Argues.
AdvertisementIn 1095 the same body of barons made a second and a more formidable rising, headed by the earls of Shrewsbury, Eu and Northumberland.
The Latin never yields ie in Catalan as it does in French and occasionally in Provenal; s e d e t becomes seu (where u represents the final d), p e d e m makes peu, and e go eu; in some words where the tonic is followed by a syllable in which an i occurs, it may become I (ir, he r i; mig, me di us; m-,is, m eli us); and the same holds good for in a similar situation (ciri, c r i u s, c e r e u s; fire, f e r i a), and for e in a close syllable before a nasal (eximpli, e x e to p 1 u m; mintr for mentir, gint for gent).
The insidious nature of the EU is such that the majority of British citizens do not even recognize the threat.
This should also facilitate these countries eventual accession to the EU.
Such infringements, wherever they occur within the EU will be legally actionable from anywhere within the EU.
AdvertisementHowever, every EU country is allowed to refuse admittance for pets younger than 3 months.
The recommendations will feed into the broader policy agenda being developed by the EU and its member states.
In most EU states, the control of military aircraft is integrated to some degree with civilian air traffic control.
The EU must also allay widespread fears about globalization.
Higher economic growth within the EU could help to partially alleviate the pensions problem.
AdvertisementThis reflects the eminently political nature of EU budgetary allocations at the expense of a true poverty focus.
To use a sporting analogy, under an Open Aviation Area, US and EU airlines will all be playing on the same pitch.
The EU should be held answerable to the Court of Auditors, and not the other way around.
There is no evidence that the EU has succeeded in overcoming the national antagonisms between the major capitalist classes in Western Europe.
The eurosceptics ' most persuasive argument is that the EU is ' imposed on the people ' .
Our economy and in particular its business cycles are much more closely attuned to that of the USA than the rest of the EU.
The evidence suggests that the EU is set to become an economic backwater.
Banana wars The US brought an action in the WTO against the EU because of its favorable quotas for Caribbean banana wars The US brought an action in the WTO against the EU because of its favorable quotas for Caribbean bananas.
Also the steel business is the tip of the ice berg the next enemy of the US is the EU economic power.
The percentage of new biotech companies across the EU involved in agricultural biotech has dropped dramatically over recent years.
One of the problems of the EU in the past had been its exclusivity which had effectively blackballed Eastern European communities for many years.
Trading blocs like the EU will become a thing of the past.
An update on EU testing for pre-clinical and clinical BSE is also given.
We all know the EU is run by bureaucrats.
The group is part of the EU gamma ray burst network.
Under EU criteria countries are required to abolish capital punishment for any crime.
The EU Habitats and Species Directive affords protection to several animal groups, including cetaceans.
These are not minor changes to the way in which the EU is organized.
Eu citizens are going wild over it, making hundreds of comments.
All in all, the EU has gained considerable clout during the last few years in these areas.
Thu 16th Nov 2006 The EU must put its weight behind moves to ban cluster bombs according to Liberal Democrat MEP Liz Lynne.
The EU is planning voluntary cooperation among its military, not coercion.
These perspectives are used to critique the policy idea of territorial cohesion, which is central to current debates about EU spatial futures.
Yet this muddle is the result of the EU's need to balance competing interests in order to maintain internal cohesion.
I have been strongly committed to creating such an important body for the EU from the first day I came into office.
Most of the representatives of mainstream 'official communism ' have little to offer in the face of the challenges presented by the EU.
Papers are prepared by EPRC as the basis for discussion at each meeting, bringing together comparative experience from across the EU.
The paper shook the complacency of the US and EU.
To avoid contagion, it is legitimate for the EU to submit national budgets to a binding discipline.
The EU's Magna Charta Less than a year after Nice, the heads of state or government decided to convene a constitutional convention.
The EU could set up the " external action service ", a kind of EU diplomatic corps.
The hapless EU minister Denis MacShane will demand the European Army intervene, to universal derision.
The text will amend the existing Eurovignette directive on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructure in the EU.
The EU landfill directive aims to divert wastes from landfills and will also influence the increase in the number of incinerators.
What benefits do we gain from EU membership, which outweigh the disadvantages listed above, which are only the basics?
The EU Commission has unwittingly brought about some discord through its own actions.
Excessive requests for detail at an early stage may well dissuade an ATS from starting up within the EU.
The prospects for an EU nuclear ' deterrent ' force remain far distant if not inconceivable.
Luxembourg's referendum was the first since the 1930s in the tiny duchy, one of the six founding members of the EU.
About 50% of regulations with a significant impact on business now emanate from the EU.
The new rules will operate throughout the newly enlarged EU.
Nor will the imminent enlargement of the EU help to ease the problem.
Eu enlargement is Europe's greatest single opportunity and simultaneously its greatest challenge.
In addition, The European Commission published on 7 March 2006, a leaflet entitled EU Environment Related Indicators 2006.
The other great uncertainty is the effect of an avian flu epidemic in the EU.
Instead they are faced with a moving escalator of powers ever upwards to the EU.
Many voters across the EU seem to have lost faith in the European project, " the joint report begins.
George Galloway is the leading figure in Respect - he also heads our London list for the EU elections.
However, helpful and important EU Directives on settlement finality and financial collateral have reduced the risks of these legal barriers.
The problems are well understood, yet each year member states openly flout EU rules.
The EU should not (and cannot) become the focal point for social policy.
The EU's external frontiers are to be policed by EU frontier guards.
An EU IST project is currently working on diffusion modeling in silicon germanium alloys.
Another 250,000 tons of recycled glass was exported from the UK to container glassmakers elsewhere in the EU.
This concentration of retail power is far greater than in the rest of the EU or in the US markets.
Plus, they replaced the pop-up headlights of the 355 with rather elaborate glass covered affairs to appease the EU safety merchants - grrrrr!
I have become a heretic on the question of EU expansion.
In the past, the EU was a relatively homogenous club.
This requirement, and the text of the footnotes on protein hydrolysates in the new EU composition proposals, were agreed.
Glenys Kinnock today blasted the ' blatant hypocrisy ' of the EU in its engagement with regimes guilty of human rights abuses.
With NATO, the EU has provided a framework that has made a major European war inconceivable.
The oldest or cameras of the games two to eu still insists.
The EU of the future must be generally decentralized and predominantly intergovernmental.
But the EU is not a means of collaboration for the mass of people, far less a means of developing internationalism.
Discussions on the Commission's proposal have reached a new low of shamefulness with the current EU Presidency, Spain, proving particularly intransigent.
A previous draft proposed the introduction of risk assessment and action obligations on employers at EU level.
Twenty years of mismanagement by EU desk jockeys has wrecked the fishing industry in Europe.
Suitably lachrymose pictures of the children affected were used to further illustrate the terrible effect of EU law.
The existing EU compulsory modulation is 3% this year rising to 5% in 2007.
The EU is no longer a cozy club of politicians who can forgive their peers for the odd lapse.
They give a salutary lesson of the danger of accepting EU bribes.
Bristol is highly likely to lose its Objective 2 EU status (based on GDP per head) from 2006.
Firstly, I present a brief history of gender mainstreaming in EU research funding.
From 1st April 2005 it is legally mandatory for these safety critical products sold in the EU to carry the CE Marking.
Continued membership of the European Union will increasingly diminish Britain's voice in international affairs, as more power is given to EU institutions.
Main current research is on the transcriptional control of lipid metabolism in farmed fish species, funded by the EU.
The EU tariff reforms might perpetuate trade injustice and industrial monocultures that harm workers and the environment.
A blueprint masterminded by EU health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou also contains moves to control sales through a state-run monopoly.
The US imposed 100% tariffs on EU products such as French mustard and Roquefort cheese.
By 1991, exports to the EU had fallen to almost negligible levels.
The EU heads of government have to endorse the Commission enlargement timetable and strategy as well as conclude the final entry negotiations.
Turkey Gets EU negotiations Green Light The European Commission has today given Turkey the go-ahead to start accession negotiations for entry into the EU.
However, the use of conditionality to advance nonproliferation in the EU's relations with developing countries is likely to be more controversial.
Oxfam warned that such obstinacy from the EU and the resultant standoff between major trading powers would ultimately harm developing countries.
The expenditures on EU structural funds and agricultural subsidies have rightly attracted the greatest odium here in Britain.
Thus, like in the first two quarters of 2004, Latvia kept the highest pace of GDP growth among the EU states.
An Au pair Plus must be a EU national.
More debate on EU issues in national parliaments is desirable.
Passports A full ten-year passports A full ten-year passport is required for all travel outside the UK, including to other EU countries.
Leeds is the only site predicted to exceed the EU stage 1 2004 90th percentile target.
See EU ' cherry picking ' from rules the voters rejected.
Would Serbia ever swallow the bitter pill of independence for Kosovo without the prospect of EU membership for itself?
We will eliminate the gold plating of EU laws.
These Plans replace the plethora of existing national and EU progress reports.
The rapid pace of globalization has meant that the emerging polity that is the EU has experienced a highly accelerated rate of development.
Blair was quite certain that he was going to be welcomed into the EU inner sanctum with all due pomp and ceremony.
Populations of harbor porpoises in EU waters are under threat.
However, facilitating nurse mobility within the EU remains problematic.
In other words, the EU doesn't give a damn about the democratic process.
With an EU ban on antibiotic growth promoters in animal feed from 2006, alternatives need to be found urgently.
In other EU countries, including those using proportional representation, voters can specify candidates at European elections.
It is scandalous that once more the EU retreated into such protectionism at a cost to the European consumer.
At least it isn't EU Student Association propaganda rag Hype.
I am the shadow rapporteur for this EU Directive in the Industry Committee of the European Parliament.
The announcement follows the EU's approval at the end of July for the disbursement of $ 61 million for post-flood reconstruction.
Tony Blair wants to fight and win the EU constitution referendum, leaving on a high.
It would not repatriate a single power back from the EU to national parliaments.
Neither will join the EU in its next round of enlargement, expected in 2004.
The EU appeals to all stares not party to the NPT to place all their nuclear activities under IAEA safeguards.
Under the worst-case scenario, the EU can suspend some of the culprit member state's rights, including voting rights.
As things now stand a country could practically secede from the EU by simply declaring its independence.
Externally A student who believes that s/he has suffered sexual harassment also has the right of legal redress under UK and EU legislation.
The EU should require member states to take adequate actions.
The EU must reject any attempt to make it into a military superpower.
In particular, she is proposing a ban on the transport of heavy fuel oil in single-hull tankers to or from EU ports.
The UK has the lowest soil tares and the highest delivery standards in the EU.
In the Uruguay Round, the EU was instrumental in securing an average reduction of 40% in industrial customs tariffs among the participants.
Telecommunications equipment In 2006 the European Commission is reviewing the group of EU directives which cover telecommunications equipment In 2006 the European Commission is reviewing the group of EU directives which cover telecommunications.
It is of great importance to understand that there is money in the EU budget to compensate fishermen for enforced tie-ups.
The demographic time bomb - How will the EU be affected by the aging population?
The Commission must ensure even transposition across the EU and consistently take measures against member states that fail to comply with their obligations.
At the request of the UN, the EU sent 1,500 troops to Congo at the beginning of June 2003.
Such species are not likely to be found in canned tuna marketed in the EU.
An EU of six might have got by with the bloc model of rigid uniformity.
My local butcher wont buy veal as it is being exported live to the EU and then imported as carcass.
The purpose of EU-wide arrest warrants was to help speed up extradition proceedings between members of the EU.
On average, every EU citizen produces 550kg of municipal waste per year and this is growing.
The EU Landfill Directive will require an increasing proportion of biodegradable waste to be diverted to other disposal methods.
Eu has three buildings of importance - the beautiful Gothic church of St Laurent (12th and 13th centuries) of which the exterior of the choir with its three tiers of ornamented buttressing and the double arches between the pillars of the nave are architecturally notable; the chapel of the Jesuit college (built about 1625), in which are the tombs of Henry, third duke of Guise, and his wife, Katherine of Cleves; and the château.
Forthcoming EU directives will very shortly require Wales to divert large quantities of waste away from landfill.
European status and distribution Raised bogs are found in every EU Member State, with the exception of Luxembourg.
I am the shadow Rapporteur for this EU Directive in the Industry Committee of the European Parliament.
The announcement follows the EU 's approval at the end of July for the disbursement of $ 61 million for post-flood reconstruction.
Our long-term commitment to the EU has been a huge mistake and its repercussions in so many areas continue to haunt us.
I hope that the Minister will be reassuring about the robust stance that will be taken in the EU and at future trade talks.
The rotating presidency ensures that each country has at some point a special input into the EU.
Should non- EU nationals resident in the UK enjoy resale royalties?
When its transposition in most EU countries is finally rubber-stamped, the Directive will be the most wide-ranging producer responsibility legislation in the world.
The EU payment system has had a lot of updates recently, including sandbox testing.
Under the worst-case scenario, the EU can suspend some of the culprit member state 's rights, including voting rights.
All UK, EU or International students can apply for Scholarships administered by the University - please follow the instructions for the different awards.
Thus France was instrumental in scuppering plans to promote the free movement of services within the EU.
Worse still, power is steadily seeping away from the nation states to the central EU bureaucracy.
Have you heard that the EU wants to do away with siesta time in Spain?
The EU should become a signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The EU - a simple-minded naive notion which can only be a disaster for everything that 's good about each member country.
Has the adoption of a single currency by twelve EU countries been of benefit to them?
The Ukraine siphons off gas from this supply, stimulating shortages across the EU.
Within weeks, the EU slapped diplomatic sanctions on the Austrian government because of the party 's isolationist and anti-Europe policies.
The market for all snoring remedies is rapidly growing, with a market estimation of approximately â¬50 million just within the EU.
Modal split The UK has the highest modal share for the car in the EU.
A distinct smell of stinking fish began to permeate the EU institutions !
These products are quality tested in the EU under the strictest of guidelines to ensure quality and safety.
The EU regulations are among the most stringent in the world.
But the real issue for small firms is whether the EU is prepared to stump up cash for having caused such chaos.
However, the other members of the EU are not themselves prepared to play the role of subservient partners.
These landowners are the beneficiaries of massive subsidies through the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.
For the first time, sugar beet farmers in eastern England were presented with the prospect of reform of the EU import regime.
The European Commission has proposed 1.5% sulfur content for marine fuels in the EU.
The biggest threat to British democracy is actually not the EU, but the supine nature of MPs.
The Labor Government is quite wrong to associate support for the continuing surrender of the British veto in EU policy matters with patriotism.
Are EU policies regarding energy and renewable technologies compatible with climate change policy?
Telecommunications equipment In 2006 the European Commission is reviewing the group of EU directives which cover telecommunications.
The impasses created by the EU 's present strategic choices reinforce these tendencies.
Multinational bribery of the EU commissioners makes the money thrown around in the UK seem like loose change.
In areas where EU law applies, they have simply copied in the undefined definition of the tort of harassment.
They aim to promote transnational cooperation across the EU.
By the end of 2002, all the EU 's fishing fleets will be able to fish in our twelve mile coastal belt.
It has highlighted the concern that many in EU countries feel about an unaccountable bureaucracy.
Vaccination against avian influenza has been widely practiced outside the EU.
The EU has vowed to fight the case, which could be a long, drawn out process.
A successful application to the EU 5th framework program will continue this work, applied to welding of dissimilar light alloys.
An Italian delegate sitting behind an EU flag was engaged in a furious argument with a well-groomed American woman.
The restriction was imposed by the EU, in December, in an attempt to save whitefish stocks.
The EU 's politicians are wrestling with crucial policy dilemmas which will profoundly affect the future shape of the Union.
Prior to the directive, each EU country created and enforced its own laws regarding the safety, efficacy and labeling of herbal remedies.
All companies selling herbs must obtain authorization from the EU to sell products.
For example, only herbs that have been used for 30 years in the EU or 15 years in the EU and 15 years in another country are eligible for license and over-the-counter purchase.
Some herbalists think measures similar to those enacted in the EU would be beneficial, while others are leery of even more government intervention into what is seen as the last stronghold of independent health and wellness products.
Whatever your opinion, the EU laws take effect in full in 2011, and the results remain to be seen.
Most destinations outside of the continental USA require you to use a USDA-APHIS 7001 form, but countries in the European Union now require you to use the EU form 998 Veterinary Certificate instead.
Eagle Pack is both USDA/APHIS and EU certified.
The European Union (EU) sets the sugar level at which a wine can list Brut on the label.
While not all wines produced outside of Europe follow EU guidelines in winemaking, any winemaker outside of Europe who labels a wine with a Brut designation must conform to EU guidelines.
By signing an agreement with the EU on this issue, the United States joined the majority of other countries in the world that reserve the Champagne name exclusively for wines from Champagne, France.
For example, Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de le voir, means I haven't had the opportunity to see it.
Their proximity to some of the finest lace producers in the EU is quickly evident by the types they use on panties, camisoles, and bras.
As it stands, the song will become part of the public domain in 2016 in the EU and 2030 in the US.
The extensive forest of Eu lies to the southeast of the town.
Eu has three buildings of importance - the beautiful Gothic church of St Laurent (12th and 13th centuries) of which the exterior of the choir with its three tiers of ornamented buttressing and the double arches between the pillars of the nave are architecturally notable; the chapel of the Jesuit college (built about 1625), in which are the tombs of Henry, third duke of Guise, and his wife, Katherine of Cleves; and the château.
The title of count of Eu was revived in the 19th century in favour of the eldest son of the duke of Nemours, second son of King Louis Philippe.