Ethnicities Sentence Examples
Check Directory of Dating for sites that are specific to preferences, ethnicities, locations, and more.
The condition affects both genders and many different ethnicities.
Psoriasis affects people of all ethnicities, but fair-skinned individuals have a slightly higher incidence.
As the boundaries between countries and ethnicities are intermingled, more interracial connections are going to occur.
Interracial Match is a personals site that allows you to seek out females of ethnicities different from your own.
My general sense is the site appears to be an authentic dating site attracting those looking to meet a variety of people with varying ethnicities.
Featuring happy, smiling farces and bold graphics, the dolls on this site are available in several different ethnicities.
Playing with paper dolls that reflect children of various ethnicities provides an opportunity to discuss acceptance of other cultures.
There are cultural celebrations to honor many different ethnicities and in general, there is a certain pride about being multi-cultural by definition.
It never goes out of style, it's one of the most versatile colors and not to mention, it's the most figure flattering for women of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities.
AdvertisementThese beauties all have their own unique discovery stories and fabulous mixes of ethnicities.
Naomi Campbell is a beautiful mix of ethnicities.
The stories are often sweet and simple, with people from all ethnicities, religions, and financial situations featured.
Black Opal Balancing Cleanser is a very popular choice for African-American women, as well as other ethnicities.
Studies show that adult acne is a common problem among individuals of varying ethnicities and skin types, though females have a greater chance of experiencing adult acne than males.
AdvertisementAlong with people from different ethnicities, the range of cuisines further exemplify the city's diversity.
In manuscript submissions, we prefer that specific ethnicities are capitalized but not hyphenated.
Most Facebook users have people of other ethnicities and national origin as Facebook friends.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has been known to affect children of all economic classes and ethnicities.
Previously known as a shade primarily for those who are fair-skinned, pink is now an acceptable color of choice for women of all ethnicities.
AdvertisementShe also is a teacher of makeup application for women of all ages and ethnicities and also owns her own bridal beauty business.
Women of various ethnicities may wonder what benefits they can get from cosmetic lines for women of color.
So while women of varying ethnicities can often shop for makeup in their local drugstores, you may have other reasons to buy cosmetics made for different skin tones.
As you gaze at the wide spectrum of ethnicities housed here, you'll see that that simply isn't the case.
They come in different ethnicities and personalities, allowing many girls to connect with and choose a clear favorite.
AdvertisementThe dolls are available in different genders and ethnicities and have a variety of hairstyles.
However, both types of relationships-both interracial and homosexual-are becoming more widely accepted, and there are online sites that make it easy to meet women of other ethnicities as well.
Nude yoga classes tend to include 10-to-20 people with many different body types, fitness levels, ethnicities, and sexual orientation.