Eternal-life Sentence Examples
I believe (that there is) remission of sins in the holy catholic church, communion of saints, resurrection of the flesh unto eternal life.
Only as he becomes a spiritual being through mystical union with Christ can he escape death and enjoy eternal life in the spiritual realm.
But I and my disciples who thou sayest have not bathed have been dipped in the waters of eternal life which come from..
In the Loci of 1535 Melanchthon sought to put the fact of the co-existence of justification and good works in the believer on a secure basis by declaring the latter necessary to eternal life, though the believer's destiny thereto is already fully guaranteed in his justification, In the Loci of 1543 he did not retain the doctrine of the necessity of good works in order to salvation, and to this he added, in the Leipzig Interim, "that this in no way countenances the error that eternal life is merited by the worthiness of our own works."
Christ's twofold obedience, (a) active and (b) passive, produces jointly a twofold result, (1) satisfaction to the broken moral law, (2) merit, securing eternal life to Christ's people.
Jesus, a teacher who sealed His testimony with His blood, and, raised from the dead, was exalted or adopted to divine glory, thus giving to men for the first time the certainty that God's favour could be won and eternal life enjoyed - such is the scheme.
The assurance which the believer has of salvation he receives from the operation and witness of the Holy Spirit; but this again rests on the divine choice of the man to salvation; and this falls back on God's eternal sovereign purpose, whereby He has predestined some to eternal life while the rest of mankind are predestined to condemnation and eternal death.
If God has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of his Son then eternal life begins now.
My prayer for you is that you can experience the fullness of eternal life in Christ Jesus in your personal life.
In the eyes of the world they may not seem as heroic - but their fidelity and perseverance form their path to eternal life.
AdvertisementHe wants us to know eternal life with him.
There again, when have you done enough in Allah's sight that he will give you salvation and eternal life.
Jesus being the Eternal Life means that he is the very Source of life itself and therefore uncreated.
His published works, in addition to that above mentioned, include The Wisdom of God the Permission of Sin (1758), his most characteristic work; Theron, Paulinus and Aspasio; or Letters and Dialogues upon the Nature of Love to God, Faith in Christ, and Assurance of a Title to Eternal Life (1759); The Nature and Glory of the Gospel (1762); A Blow at the Root of Antinomianism but One Covenant (1769); Four Dialogues on the Half-Way Covenant (1769); and A Careful and Strict Examination of the External Covenant (1769).
For pantheism personal immortality appears a lesser good than reabsorption in the universal life; but against this objection we may confidently maintain that worthier of God and more blessed for man is the hope of a conscious communion in an eternal life of the Father of all with His whole family.
AdvertisementThis is the line of argument developed by Professor Hugo Miinsterberg in his lecture on The Eternal Life (1905), although he states it in the terms peculiar to his psychology, in which personality is conceived as primarily will.
The earlier apologists dispute the natural immortality of the soul; Athanasius himself, in De Incarnatione Dei, §§ 4, 5, tones down the teaching of Wisdom; and the somewhat eccentric writer Arnobius, a layman - from Justin Martyr downwards apologetics has always been largely in the hands of laymen - stands for what has recently been called " conditional immortality " - eternal life for the righteous, the children of God, alone.
If Socinianism had challenged natural theology - Christ, according to it, was the prophet who first revealed the way to eternal life - it had glorified the natural powers of man; and the learning of the Arminian divines (friends of Grotius and Locke) had helped to modernize Christian apologetics upon rational lines.
The unity of procedure consists in the fact that every sacrifice involves putting the divine in communication with the profane by an intermediary - the victim - which may be piacular or honorific, a messenger or a means of divination, a means of alimenting the eternal life of the species or a source of magical energy which the rite diffuses over objects in its neighbourhood.
To the philosophers (with the single exception of Plato), however, convinced as they were that the multitude must necessarily miss true well-being through their folly and ignorance, it could never occur to guard against these evils by any other method than that of providing philosophic instruction for the few; whereas the Christian clergy, whose function it was to offer truth and eternal life to all mankind, naturally regarded theological misbelief as insidious preventible contagion.
AdvertisementWe were born into this world and we will be reborn into eternal life.
And as sin reigned unto death, so grace now reigns unto eternal life.
There again, when have you done enough in allah 's sight that he will give you salvation and eternal life.
Others by God 's sovereign grace would come to have eternal life in him.
He will not give them eternal life so that they can suffer in the flame of that torment of hell fire.
AdvertisementThe unmistakable unbroken knotwork symbolizing eternal life typifies the ancient Celtic artists and craftsmanship that dates back well over 2000 years.
The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol that represents eternal life.
All staff and volunteers believe in the conception, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the church believes that salvation and eternal life are found only through Him.
Today the circle in the center of the cross symbolizes the eternal life Christians believe is possible by embracing Christ.
It helps to put death in prospective, and is a great comfort to those who believe eternal life proceeds physical death.
Ancient Egypt's hieroglyphic ankh originally symbolized regeneration before it absorbed the more Christian association of eternal life.
Such a Fountain of Youth would not only benefit the alchemist physically, but would make him powerful beyond competition, since he would be able to offer or withhold the secret of eternal life to whomever he wished.