Eternal Sentence Examples
Some people are very concerned about their eternal destiny.
The young girl wasn't allowed to have a pet dog, but she had an eternal craving for one.
These atoms, which are the seeds of all things, are, however, not eternal but created by God.
Wisdom comes with age, but some would rather have eternal youth.
Reading takes me to eternal bliss where I don't know where the current is going to take me.
Things are temporal, the ideas perpetual, God eternal.
The universe, renewed, was to enjoy eternal happiness.
Eternal love isn't enough?
In ancient inscriptions it often means those souls who are enjoying eternal happiness, or the martyrs.
But it is only at the Last Judgment that his power is wholly annihilated; he is himself delivered up to eternal punishment."
AdvertisementTo the eternal shame of the Magyar nobles, he was left entirely to his own resources.
On the 10th of September 1870, the French troops having been withdrawn, the Italian army entered Rome, and on the 2nd of July 1871 Victor Emmanuel made his solemn entry into the Eternal City, which then became the capital of Italy.
Slowly, while you hold her hand and lower her into eternal rest.
You.d have my eternal gratitude if you could find a place for Rhyn in the underworld.
I surely may accept their morbid invitation and although seared by the flames of eternal damnation, I'll at least be free from the anguish and heartache of this abominable life.
AdvertisementHe dropped his head back and groaned, I am living with an eternal teenager.
For saving our sister's life in the fire, he has our eternal gratitude.
Only in love with spirituality I await to be placed in my eternal abode, Which Allah has promised His servants.
The idea was that men might aspire to a Name (Shem) in the heavens, i.e. aspire to an eternal afterlife there.
The eternal archetypes have obvious parallels with Platonic ideal forms.
AdvertisementBless and sanctify my soul with heavenly benediction, so that it may become Your holy dwelling and the seat of Your eternal glory.
Countess Mary's soul always strove toward the infinite, the eternal, and the absolute, and could therefore never be at peace.
In God, who is pure form without matter, the archetypes of material things exist as eternal immaterial forms. In this way Gilbert was at once Aristotelian and Platonist.
The history of Christ is the visible reconciliation between man and the eternal.
God is the unchanging essence of the movement, and therefore its eternal cause.
AdvertisementSuch an intellect, named active or productive, as being the author of the development of reason in man, is the permanent, eternal thought, which is the truth of the cosmic and physical movement.
Such was the Averroist doctrine of the unity of intellect - the eternal and universal nature of true intellectual life.
If the faithful suffer martyrdom, it is in order to serve as an example to others, and they shall be compensated by being raised up " unto an eternal renewal of life."
A residence of some years at Rome, devoted to painting and the study of the antiquities and galleries of the Eternal City, was followed by a visit to Naples and Sicily, and by the publication, at Palermo, of his first work, a poem of no merit.
God exists as an eternal personality, and the creation is an overflowing of the divine love, which was unable to contain itself.
Only a priest and the headmaster of a local youth hostel can stop the devilish deeds and save the burg from eternal damnation.
A most free commonwealth of " voters; " but with Eternal Justice to preside over it, Eternal Justice enforced by Almighty Power!
He conceives of them as living a life of eternal peace and exemption from passion, in a world of their own; and the highest ideal of man is, through the exercise of his reason, to realize an image of this life.
He abrogated caste distinctions, and taught in opposition to ancient writings that every man had the eternal right of searching for divine knowledge and worshipping his Creator.
The righteous as a nation should yet possess the earth, even in this world the faithful community should attain its rights in an eternal Messianic kingdom on earth, or else in temporary blessedness here and eternal blessedness hereafter.
In 1865 Florence became the capital of the kingdom of Italy, but after the occupation of Rome in 1870 during the FrancoPrussian war, the capital was transferred to the Eternal City (1871).
At the beginning of his reign he concluded an " eternal " peace with the emperor Justinian, who wanted to have his hands free for the conquest of Africa and Sicily.
On his return to Canada, when the two provinces were now united, he became a member of the lower house and continued to take part in public life, demanding "the independence of Canada, for the Canadians need never expect justice from England, and to submit to her would be an eternal disgrace."
He was supported by his kinsman Giovanni Visconti, judge of Gallura; but almost all the other great families vowed eternal hatred against him, and proclaimed him a traitor to his party, his country and his kin.
Rohde (in Psyche) they are souls of the dead, which after separation from the body enter upon a higher, eternal existence.
The battle represents the eternal conflict between light and darkness, the alternation of day and night.
In certain theories known as doctrines of emanation, only mental existence is referred to the absolute source, while matter is viewed as eternal and distinct from the divine nature.
The 19th century had no more reverent thinker than Martineau; the awe of the Eternal was the very atmosphere that he breathed, and he looked at man with the compassion of one whose thoughts were full of God.
Maurice, whose character, marked by " religious realism," sought in the past " the witness to eternal truths, the manifestation by time-samples of infinite realities and unchanging relations";4 and Charles Kingsley, " a great teacher," though one " certain to go astray the moment he becomes didactic."
Nowhere is the region of eternal snow reached, and masses of foliage enhance the gentle aspect of the scenery and glorify it in autumn with tints of striking brilliancy.
This word is an eternal incarnation, with its threefold sense - natural, spiritual, celestial.
When Arius asserted the subordination of the Son to the Father, and denied the eternal generation, Athanasius and his party asserted the Homoousia, the cosubstantiality of the Father and the Son.
During the course of the 19th century in Scottish Presbyterianism the affirmation of Christ's atoning death for all men, the denial of eternal punishment, the modification of the doctrine of the inspiration of the Scriptures by acceptance of the results of the Higher Criticism, were all censured as perilous errors.
It was maintained at the bar that the denial of the most fundamental doctrines of Christianity would not be a lawful cause for such rejection, but the judgment only queries whether a denial of the personality of the devil or eternal punishment is consistent with membership of the church.
I believe (that there is) remission of sins in the holy catholic church, communion of saints, resurrection of the flesh unto eternal life.
Lugudunum controlled the trade of its two rivers, and that which passed from northern Gaul to the Mediterranean or vice versa; it had a mint; it was the capital of all northern Gaul, despite its position in the south, and its wealth was such that, when Rome was burnt in Nero's reign, its inhabitants subscribed largely to the relief of the Eternal City.
He reached Persia by way of Moscow, Kazan and Astrakhan, landing at Nizabad in Daghestan after a voyage in the Caspian; from Shemakha in Shirvan he made an expedition to the Baku peninsula, being perhaps the first modern scientist to visit these fields of "eternal fire."
The monks are stigmatized as pedants who would destroy the joy of life on earth, who are avaricious, dissolute and the breeders of eternal dissensions and squabbles.
The French Revolution seemed to many earnest thinkers the one great outcry of modern times for the liberty of thought and action which is the eternal heritage of every human being.
A process which is intended to produce penitence and ultimate restoration cannot at the same time contemplate handing the offender over to eternal punishment.
Moreover, the mightiest secular ruler was but a poor sinner dependent for his eternal welfare on the Church and its head, the pope, who in this way necessarily exercised an indirect control over the civil government, which even the emperor Henry IV.
Without process the eternal is not complete or, if eternity means completeness, is not truly eternal.
Besides a volume of sermons under the title Christ's Healing Touch, Mackennal published The Biblical Scheme of Nature and of Man, The Christian Testimony, the Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia, The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus and The Eternal God and the Human Sonship. These are contributions to exegetical study or to theological and progressive religious thought, and have elements of permanent value.
For they held that ideas, though eternal and immovable, have neither life nor action nor movement.
On its southern banks, from east to west, dwell the "blameless Aethiopians" in, perfect happiness, and beyond it on the west, in the realms of eternal night, the "Cimmerians," wrapped in fogs and darkness.
And its greatness appears in its inexhaustibly deep teachings concerning Christ's sheep and fold; the Father's drawing of souls to Christ; the dependence of knowledge as to Christ's doctrine upon the doing of God's will; the fulfilling of the commandment of love, as the test of true discipleship; eternal life, begun even here and now; and God a Spirit, to be served in spirit and in truth.
But in the desultory and haphazard fashion which distinguishes him there are few parts of life on which he does not touch, if only to show the eternal contrast and antithesis which dominate it.
The college of the decans was conceived as moving, by their annual risings and settings, in an " eternal circuit " between the infernal and supernal regions.
In the latter sense it was chiefly used by the Gnostic sects to denote those eternal beings or manifestations which emanated from the one incomprehensible and ineffable God.
Only as he becomes a spiritual being through mystical union with Christ can he escape death and enjoy eternal life in the spiritual realm.
Contemporary with him were Hugh of St Victor and his pupil Richard of St Victor, both monks of the abbey of St Victor at Paris, the aim of whose teaching, based on that of the PseudoDionysius, was a mystical absorption of thought in the Godhead and the surrender of self to the Eternal Love.
Moreover the clergy, to their eternal honour, consistently protected the lower from the tyranny of the upper classes.
Every part of the material universe - man, woman, insect, tree, stone, or whatever it be - is the dwelling of an eternal spirit that is working out its destiny, and while receiving reward and punishment for the past is laying up reward and punishment for the future.
Before the shrines reeking with the stench of slaughter the eternal fires were kept burning, and on the platform stood the huge drum, covered with snakes' skin, whose fearful sound was heard for miles.
But I and my disciples who thou sayest have not bathed have been dipped in the waters of eternal life which come from..
Thou Almighty Sovereign,didst create all things for thy name's sake, and food and drink thou didst give to men for enjoyment, that they should give thanks unto thee; but to us thou didst of thy grace give spiritual food and drink and life eternal through thy servant.
These Simple And Earnest Scenes De La Vie Reelle Are An Appealing Revelation Of That Eternal Secret Of The Soil Which Every People.; Wishing To Have A Country Of Its Own Must Early Lay To Heart;' And Jean Rivard, Le Defricheur, Will Always Remain The Eponym Of The New Colons Of The 19Th Century.
Like Plato, he believed in real Universals, real essences, real causes; he believed in the unity of the universal, and in the immateriality of essences; he believed in the good, and that there is a good of the universe; he believed that God is a living being, eternal and best, who is a supernatural cause of the motions and changes of the natural world, and that essences and matter are also necessary causes; he believed in the divine intelligence and in the immortality of our intelligent souls; he believed in knowledge going from sense to reason, that science requires ascent to principles and is descent from principles, and that dialectic is useful to science; he believed in happiness involving virtue, and in moral virtue being a control of passions by reason, while the highest happiness is speculative wisdom.
Moreover, though each natural substance is corruptible (40apr6v), species is eternal (&t&ov), because there was always some individual of it to continue its original essence (expressed by the imperfect tense in TO TI Etvae), which is ungenerated and incorruptible; the natural world therefore is eternal; and nature is for ever aiming at an eternal propagation, by efficient acting on matter, of essence as end.
Therefore, there must be a prime mover of that prime movable, and equally eternal and uniform.
For God is a living being, eternal, very good Q'cuov i t&ov eLpw'rov, ib.
Thus even God is a substance, a separate individual, whose differentiating essence is to be a living being, eternal and very good; He is however the only substance whose essence is entirely without matter and unconjoined with matter; and therefore He is a substance, not because He has or is a substratum beneath attributes, but wholly because He is a separate individual, different both from nature and men, yet the final good of the whole universe.
Consequently, the universal essence of a species of substances is not one and the same eternal essence in all the individuals of a species but only similar, and is not substance as Aristotle calls it in the Metaphysics, inconsistently with his own doctrine of substance, but is a whole number of similar substances, e.g.
Hence again, the natural world of species and essences is not eternal, but only endures as long as there are individual substances.
Hence, moreover, a natural substance or body as an efficient cause or force causes an effect on another, not by propagating one eternal essence of a species into the matter of the other, but so far as we really understand force, by their reciprocally preventing one another from occupying the same place at the same moment on account of the mutual resistance of any two bodies.
The eternal kingship of the House of David, so long forgotten, is seized on as the proof that the Hasmonaeans have no divine right.
God, who is an eternal, perfect, living being, thinking, but without matter, and therefore not a body.
These causes, scientific, industrial and philosophical, led to the domination of materialism in the middle of the 19th century in Germany, or rather to its revival; for in its main position, that matter and motion are everything and eternal, it was a repetition of the materialism of the i 8th century in France.
Here he stops; according to him substance is eternal and eternally subject to the law of substance; and God is the eternal force or energy of substance.
From this fact of unity of Nature and of everything in Nature, combined with the two previous positions accepted, not from Nature, but from Kant, Green proceeded to argue, altogether beyond Kant, that Nature, being one, and also requiring unifying intelligence, requires one intelligence, an eternal intelligence, a single spiritual principle, prior to, and the condition of, our individual knowledge.
According to him, therefore, Nature is one system of phenomena united by relations as objects of experience, one system of related appearances, one system of one eternal intelligence which reproduces itself in us.
The " true account " of the world in his own words is " that the concrete whole, which may be described indifferently as an eternal intelligence realized in the related facts of the world, or as a system of related facts rendered possible by such an intelligence, partially and gradually reproduces itself in us, communicating piecemeal, but in inseparable correlation, understanding and the facts understood, experience and the experienced world."
Green, on the other hand, in deducing his own conclusion that the world is, or is a system of, one eternal intelligence, incautiously put it forward as " what may be called broadly the Kantian view " (Prolegomena, ยง 36), and added that he follows Kant " in maintaining that a single active conscious principle, by whatever name it be called, is necessary to constitute such a world, as the condition under which alone phenomena, i.e.
Like Kant, he supposes that experience is concerned with sensations, distinguishes matter and form in sense, identifies time and space, eternal time and infinite space, with the formal element, and substitutes 'synthesis of sensations of touch and sight for association and inference, as the origin of our knowing such a solid material object as a bell.
Aquinas thought that before the creation the one eternal essence of any kind was an abstract form, an idea in the intellect of God, like the form of a house in the mind of a builder, ante rem; that after the creation of any kind it is in re, as Aristotle supposed; and that, as we men think of it, it is post rem, as Aristotle also supposed.
Centuries elapsed after Aquinas before Galileo and his successors reformed natural science, and before Bacon destroyed the metaphysical dualism of matter and form by showing that a form in Nature is only a law of the action of matter, and that, as the action of a body is as individual as the body, the form is eternal only in thought (ratione).
The world, as the manifestation of eternal order, must itself be immortal.
His greatest success, however, was gained in the Eternal City itself; for he contrived, after many vicissitudes, to induce the Romans to annul their republican constitution and acknowledge the papal supremacy, even in municipal matters.
In consequence of the absence of the pope, the Eternal City was once more little better than a ruin; and the work of restoration was immediately begun by Eugenius.
To put this project into execution, the Church opened her " treasuries of grace," connected with the jubilee dispensation, for the peculiar benefit of those nations that had suffered most from the turmoils of the last few decades, or were prevented from visiting the Eternal City.
On the 6th of May 1527 the Eternal City was stormed by the Imperial troops and subjected to appalling devastation in the famous sack.
From these writings it can even nowadays be seen clearly that the principal object which he had in view was firmly to establish the unity and simplicity of the eternal God.
In his eyes it was blasphemy when he heard that Alexander proclaimed in public that " as God is eternal, so is his Son, - when the Father, then the Son, - the Son is present in God without birth (ayevviircos), ever-begotten (aecyev'is), an unbegotten-begotten (ay Evvnroyev17s)."
Yet even in earthly matters I believe that ' the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead'; and I have never seen anything incompatible between those things of man which can be known by the spirit of man which is within him and those higher things concerning his future, which he cannot know by that spirit."
It was maintained to be the pure and perfect essence of God Himself, that eternal light which had been manifested to the disciples on Mount Tabor at the transfiguration.
This Barlaam held to be polytheistic, inasmuch as it postulated two eternal substances, a visible and an invisible God.
On the hesychastic side the controversy was taken up by Gregory Palamas, afterwards archbishop of Thessalonica, who laboured to establish a distinction between eternal ouvia and eternal EvEpyaaa.
The Godhead was really one; it was the soul of the eternal world, displaying its beneficence on the earth, as well as in the sun and stars (ii.12 seq., 154 seq.).
This judgment either closes the Messianic age, if thought of as temporal, or ushers it in, if conceived as eternal, or closes the world's history, if no Messianic age is expected.
He held fast to eternal punishment, but allowed the possibility of mitigations.
The doctrine of eternal punishment has been opposed on many grounds, such as the disproportion between the offence and the penalty, the moral world should prepare itself for the descent of the and religious immaturity of the majority of men at death, the diminution of the happiness of heaven involved in the knowledge of the endless suffering of others (Schleiermacher), the defeat of the divine purpose of righteousness and grace that the continued antagonism of any of God's creatures would imply, the dissatisfaction God as Father must feel until His whole family is restored.
It has been argued that the term "eternal" has reference not to duration of time but quality of being (Maurice); but it does seem certain that the writers in the Holy Scriptures who used it did not foresee an end either to the life or to the death to which they applied the term.
Nitzsch argues against the doctrine of the annihilation of the wicked, regards the teaching of Scripture about eternal damnation as hypothetical, and thinks it possible that Paul reached the hope of universal restoration.
As might be expected, the main chain boasts of more glaciers and eternal snow than the independent or external ranges.
The pamphlet is supposed to have been written by Chrysostomus Dudulaeus of Westphalia and printed by one Christoff Crutzer, but as no such author or printer is known at this time - the latter name indeed refers directly to the legend - it has been conjectured that the whole story is a myth invented to support the Protestant contention of a continuous witness to the truth of Holy Writ in the person of this "eternal" Jew; he was to form, in his way, a counterpart to the apostolic tradition of the Catholic Church.
Denmark and Sweden followed suit with translations, and the expression " eternal Jew " passed as a current term into Czech.
This combination of eternal punishment with restless wandering has attracted the imagination of innumerable writers in almost all European tongues.
In England, besides the ballads in Percy's Reliques, William Godwin introduced the idea of an eternal witness of the course of civilization in his St Leon (1799),(1799), and his son-in-law Shelley introduces Ahasuerus in his Queen Mab.
Such an inference is, however, clearly at variance with the whole doctrine of sin, repentance and the atonement, as also with that of eternal reward and punishment, which postulates a real measure of human responsibility.
Logic must go, but so also must the state, as a specially-privileged and eternal order of things, as anything more than a contrivance serving certain purposes of general utility.
The animating spirit of love, moreover, has here deepened and intensified into a crystalline harmony of earthly passion with the love that is divine and transcending; the outward manifestation is regarded as a symbol of a sentiment at once eternal and quintessential.
This personal process of spiritualization is the continuation of the eternal divine work of creation.
Some were downright dualists, and believed that there are two gods or principles, one of good and the other of evil, both eternal; but as a rule they subordinated the evil to the good.
This world is the only true purgatory and hell, being the antithesis of the world eternal, of the inward man renewed day by day, of Christ's peace and kingdom which are not of this world.
These the angel souls left behind in heaven, and they are buildings from God, houses not made with hands, tunics eternal.
The lukewarm are rebuked, the enemies threatened with terrible punishment, both temporal and eternal.
This dogma, which was doubtless due to the influence of the Christian doctrine of the eternal Word of God, has been accepted by almost all Mahommedans since the beginning of the 3rd century.
The identity of the Decalogue with the eternal law of nature was maintained in both churches, but it was an open question whether the Decalogue, as such (that is, as a law given by Moses to the Israelites), is of perpetual obligation.
In the Loci of 1535 Melanchthon sought to put the fact of the co-existence of justification and good works in the believer on a secure basis by declaring the latter necessary to eternal life, though the believer's destiny thereto is already fully guaranteed in his justification, In the Loci of 1543 he did not retain the doctrine of the necessity of good works in order to salvation, and to this he added, in the Leipzig Interim, "that this in no way countenances the error that eternal life is merited by the worthiness of our own works."
As such they supposed the" dying out "must mean the dying out of a" soul "; and endless were the discussions as to whether this meant eternal trance, or absolute annihilation, of the" soul."It is now thirty years since the right interpretation, founded on the canonical texts, has been given, but outside the ranks of Pali scholars the old blunder is still often repeated.
Being, he says, is eternal.
He goes on to show that eternal being must also be unlimited in magnitude, and, therefore, one and unchangeable.
We know phenomena, how the existence of things appears to us in nature; we believe in the true nature, the eternal essence of things (the good, the true, the beautiful); by means of presentiment (Ahnung) the intermediary between knowledge and belief, we recognize the supra-sensible in the sensible, the being in the phenomenon.
He wrote much devotional verse, including the well-known hymn "Eternal Light!
They lay no claim to divine inspiration - they speak simply as ordinary human thinkers, though they are convinced that they have eternal truth.
They rejected as an illegitimate interpolation the eternal subject of development, and, instead of one continuing God as the subject of all the predicates by which in the logic the absolute is defined, assumed only a series of ideas, products of philosophic activity.
No pantheistic theory of an eternal substance continuously expressing itself in different individuals who fall back into its being like drops into the ocean will here be sufficient.
It was held that Absolution removed guilt and freed from eternal punishment, but that something had to be done to free the penitent from temporal punishment whether in this life or in purgatory.
The pilgrimage to Gangotri is considered efficacious in washing away the sins of the devotee, and ensuring him eternal happiness in the world to come.
The propositions maintained in the argument are - "(1) That something has existed from eternity; (2) that there has existed from eternity some one immutable and independent being; (3) that that immutable and independent being, which has existed from eternity, without any external cause of its existence, must be self-existent, that is, necessarily existing; (4) what the substance or essence of that being is, which is self-existent or necessarily existing, we have no idea, neither is it at all possible for us to comprehend it; (5) that though the substance or essence of the self-existent being is itself absolutely incomprehensible to us, yet many of the essential attributes of his nature are strictly demonstrable as well as his existence, and, in the first place, that he must be of necessity eternal; (6) that the self-existent being must of necessity be infinite and omnipresent; (7) must be but one; (8) must be an intelligent being; (9) must be not a necessary agent, but a being endued with liberty and choice; (to) must of necessity have infinite power; (I I) must be infinitely wise, and (12) must of necessity be a being of infinite goodness, justice, and truth, and all other moral perfections, such as become the supreme governor and judge of the world."
The ideas are the eternal causes, which, under the moving influence of the spirit, manifest themselves in their effects, the individual created things.
Further, as the causes are eternal, timeless, so creation is eternal, timeless.
It was long believed by the Armenian monks that no one was permitted to reach the "secret top" of Ararat with its sacred remains, but on the 27th of September 1829, Dr. Johann Jacob Parrot (1792-1840) of Dorpat, a German in the employment of Russia, set foot on the "dome of eternal ice."
From it proceed, and in it, as their nature, exist, the three persons of the Trinity, conceived as stadia of an eternal self-revealing process.
The eternal generation of the Son is equivalent to the eternal creation of the world.
He faces the difficulty boldly, and the eternal conflict between the two may be said to furnish him with the principle of his philosophy.
Eckhart's Godhead appears in Boehme as the abyss, the eternal nothing, the essenceless quiet ("Ungrund" and "Stille ohne Wesen" are two of Boehme's phrases).
In God, however, as the condition of His manifestation, lies, according to Boehme, the "eternal nature" or the mysterium magnum, which is as anger to love, as darkness to light, and, in general, as the negative to the positive.
Hence God is sometimes spoken of as the father, and the eternal nature as the mother, of things.
Creation (which is conceived as an eternal process) begins with the creation of the angels.
It is that in God which is not God Himself, it is the yearning of the eternal One to give birth to itself.
Their speculation as to the nature of God had led them gradually to separate him by an infinite distance from all creation, and to feel keenly the opposition of the finite and the infinite, the perfect and the imperfect, the eternal and the temporal.
By it we perceive how God, the infinite, the absolute, the eternal, is yet not separated from the finite, the temporal, the relative, but, through the incarnation, enters into humanity.
It is not God as abstract, infinite and eternal, as the far-away creator of the universe, or even as the ruler of the world, which Paul worships, but it is God revealed in Jesus Christ, the Father of Jesus Christ, the grace and mercy in Jesus Christ which deliver from evil.
For his life on earth with his material body was only an appearance, a seeming, a phenomenon, and simultaneously with its activities the true Buddha existed unmoved and eternal.
With emphasis upon God as creator and ruler, and upon man as made in God's image, endowed with an unending existence, and subject to eternal torture if not redeemed, the concept of personality has been exalted at the expense of that of nature, and the future has been magnified at the expense of the present.
This theory gives birth to a sort of ethical by-product whose dominant note is Harmony, the subordination of the individual to the universal reason; moral failure is proportionate to the degree in which the individual declines to recognize his personal transience in relation to the eternal Unity.
For him there is only the One Absolute Being, the one reality that is all in all; whilst all the phenomenal existences and occurrences that crowd upon our senses are nothing more than an illusion of the individual soul estranged for a time from its divine source - an illusion only to be dispelled in the end by the soul's fuller knowledge of its own true nature and its being one with the eternal fountain of blissful being.
The connubial relations of the deities may thus be considered" to typify the mystical union of the two eternal principles, spirit and matter, for the production and reproduction of the universe."But whilst this privilege of divine worship was claimed for the consorts of all the gods, it is principally to Siva's consort, in one or other of her numerous forms, that adoration on an extensive scale came to be offered by a special sect of votaries, the Saktas.
Hence also sick persons are frequently conveyed long distances to a sacred river to heal them of their maladies; and for a dying man to breathe his last at the side of the Ganges is devoutly believed to be the surest way of securing for him salvation and eternal bliss.
Metaphysical dualism postulates the eternal coexistence of mind and matter, as opposed to monism both idealistic and materialistic. Two forms of this dualism are held.
Abandoning truth and falsehood, pleasure and pain, the Vedas, this world and the next, he shall seek the Universal Soul, in knowledge of which standeth eternal salvation."
Much of Cudworth's work still remains in manuscript; A Treatise concerning eternal and immutable Morality was published in 1731; and A Treatise of Freewill, edited by John Allen, in 1838; both are connected with the design of his magnum opus, the Intellectual System.
A much more favourable judgment must be given upon the short Treatise on eternal and immutable Morality, which deserves to be read by those who are interested in the historical development of British moral philosophy.
Just as knowledge contains a permanent intelligible element over and above the flux of sense-impressions, so there exist eternal and immutable ideas of morality.
Hence "it is evident that wisdom, knowledge and understanding are eternal and self-subsistent things, superior to matter and all sensible beings, and independent upon them"; and so also are moral good and evil.
The tribal poets were supposed to have " seen " the heavenly originals; elaborate arguments were devised to explain how the names of particular objects like rivers and mountains could have existed in the Eternal; while the grounds of belief in the infallibility of the sacred verses were enforced with the double weight of philosophy and tradition.
The idea of revelation was expressed by " sending down " (from nazala, to descend); that which passed from heaven to earth was a pre-existent word, eternal as God Himself.
It is inevitable that he should be especially struck by the points in which the sensible and temporal life comes in conflict with the intellectual and eternal.
Look at reason not in its single temporal manifestations but in its eternal operation, and then this universal thought, which may be called God, as the sense-conditioned reason is called man, becomes the very breath and structure of the world.
Wollen ist Ursein (will is primal being); and to this alone apply the predicates fathomless, eternal, independent of time, self-affirming."
Bostrom's philosophy is logically expressed and based on the one great conception of a spiritual, eternal, immutable Being, whose existence is absolute, above and external to the finite world of time and space.
Since no one could keep this law, the whole human race fell under the curse, temporal and eternal, of the Demiurge.
The Parsis adore fire as the visible expression of Ahura-Mazda, the eternal principle of light and righteousness; the Brahmans worship it as divine and omniscient.'
Similarly the Jewish synagogues have each their eternal lamp; while in the religion of Islam lighted lamps mark things and places specially holy; thus the Ka`ba at Mecca is illuminated by thousands of lamps hanging from the gold and silver rods that connect the columns of the surrounding colonnade.
The cicada's song resounds among the woods in the autumn; flights of locusts frequently appear after the summer, and they are carried by the prevailing winds even among the glaciers and eternal snows.
But this process of differentiation is not eternal; it continues only until the times of the restoration of all things.
For so hast thou fitted all things together, the good with the evil, that there might be one eternal law over all..
Above this is the region of eternal snow, an Arctic zone within the tropics.
Stilicho, "fearing to suffer all that had caused himself to be feared," annihilated those defences of Alps and Apennines which the provident gods had interposed between the barbarians and the Eternal City, and planted the cruel Goths, his "skinclad" minions, in the very sanctuary of the empire.
Religion, though not identified with morality, had its most important outcome in a faithful following of the eternal laws of morality, regarded as the will of God.
During a six years' residence in the Eternal City Vieira won his greatest triumphs.
While agreeing with the Eleatics as to the eternal sameness of Being (nothing can arise out of nothing; nothing can be reduced to nothing), Democritus followed the physicists in denying its oneness and immobility.
As the atoms are eternal and uncaused, so is motion; it has its origin in a preceding motion, and.
Seven years afterwards he took the cross, thereby giving St Louis a valuable follower, and supplying himself with the occasion of an eternal memory.
Christ, the Son of God, became man in two natures, which internally and inseparably united make One Person, and, according to the eternal purpose of God, has obtained for man reconciliation with God, and eternal life, inasmuch as He by His vicarious death has made satisfaction to God for the world's sins, and this satisfac tion was Perfectly Commensurate With The Sins Of The World.
He denied that foreknowledge or predestination as temporal relations could be properly predicated of God as eternal; he described sin and its consequences as negations, neither caused by nor known to God; he maintained that as evil is only a stage in the development of good, there will ultimately be a universal return to God.
The latter view was held by Beza and other Calvinists, and, it is said, repelled Arminius from Calvinism, and led him to formulate the doctrine that as repentance and faith are the divinely decreed conditions of eternal life, God has determined to give that life to all whom He foresees as fulfilling these conditions.
The political assembly and the law-court were consecrated to ZEUs 'A-yopc os, 2 and being the eternal source of justice he might be invoked as AucacoQvvos " The Just."
Though the latter took the first rank in relation to man's eternal welfare, the former was necessary for the perfection of his intellect and the civilization of his manners.
He was clamorous for the freedom of the Roman people; yet at one time he called upon the popes to re-establish themselves in the Eternal City; at another he besought the emperor to make it his headquarters; at a third he hailed in Rienzi the founder of a new republic. He did not perceive that all these plans were incompatible.
In his Misere de la philosophie (1847) he lays down the principle that social relationships largely depend upon modes of production, and therefore the principles, ideas and categories which are thus evolved are no more eternal than the relations they express, but are historical and transitory products.
For to do so is to act against the law of God as spoken through Moses, the eternal duration of which is borne witness to by our Lord.
Bering Sea is covered with almost eternal fog.
The righteousness God intends is defined in the eternal moral law.
The lord of the earth, who contemplates the eternal order of the universe, and aspires to communion with its invisible Maker, is a being composed of the same materials, and framed on the same principles, as the creatures which he has tamed to be the servile instruments of his will, or slays for his daily food.
He had long been an eager seeker after salvation and was not fully satisfied as to his own " conversion " until an experience in his last year in college, when he lost his feeling that the election of some to salvation and of others to eternal damnation was " a horrible doctrine," and reckoned it " exceedingly pleasant, bright and sweet.
His place in the Edwardean theology is principally due to his defence against the Universalists of his father's doctrine of the atonement, namely, that Christ's death, being the equivalent of the eternal punishment of sinners, upheld the authority of the divine law, but did not pay any debt, and made the pardon of all men a possibility with God, but not a necessity.
The philosophers, he says, "are those who are able to grasp the eternal and immutable"; they are "those who set their affections on that which in each case really exists" (Rep. 480).
Thus while Plato hoped to ascend through classificatory science to the knowledge of eternal and immutable laws of thought and being, Speusippus, abandoning ontological speculation, was content to regard classificatory science not as a means but as an end, and (6) to rest in the results of scientific observation.
An eternal Messianic kingdom at the close of the judgment is to be established under the Messiah, with its centre in the New Jerusalem set up by God Himself.
An eternal Messianic kingdom is no longer anticipated, but only a temporary one, at the close of which the final judgment will ensue.
I; hence its present form is earlier than 166 B.C. It represents a primitive and very sensuous view of the eternal Messianic kingdom on earth, seeing that the righteous beget woo children before they die.
On the one hand the Logos is identified with yvkยตrt and connected with Slim, which latter seems to have the function of correcting deviations from the eternal law that rules in things.
The Logos is thus the means of redemption; those who realize its activity being emancipated from the tyranny of circumstance into the freedom of the eternal.
The prologue is an organic portion of the Gospel and not a preface written to conciliate a philosophic public. It assumes that the Logos idea is familiar in Christian theology, and vividly summarizes the main features of the Philonic conception - the eternal existence of the Logos, its relation to God (7rpds rem OE 6v, yet distinct), its creative, illuminative and redemptive activity.
Origen, referring the act of creation to eternity instead of to time, affirmed the eternal personal existence of the Logos.
Young men swear eternal brotherhood; girls, eternal sisterhood; and the Church ratifies their choice in a service at which the feet of the pair are chained together.
He was tempted to cry to the puddles between Elstow and Bedford, "Be ye dry," and to stake his eternal hopes on the event.
In the riper period cf art the type is softer, and Apollo appears in a form which seeks to combine manhood and eternal youth.
The idea of re-birth was in the air; it was the very keynote of all the solemn initiations and mysteries - Mythraic, Orphic, Eleusinian - through which repentant pagans secured pardon and eternal bliss.
The lower order of minds treated religion as a kind of life assurance against the inconvenience of eternal death.
When he was made Irish secretary, Burke accompanied him to Dublin, and there learnt Oxenstiern's eternal lesson, that awaits all who penetrate behind the scenes of government, quam parva sapientia mundus regitur.
But while to Origen creation also was a continuous process, an unspeculative orthodoxy struck out the latter point as inconsistent with biblical teaching; and we must grant that the eternal generation of the Divine Son adds a more distinctive glory to the Logos when it is no longer balanced by an eternal creation.
Christ's twofold obedience, (a) active and (b) passive, produces jointly a twofold result, (1) satisfaction to the broken moral law, (2) merit, securing eternal life to Christ's people.
Jesus, a teacher who sealed His testimony with His blood, and, raised from the dead, was exalted or adopted to divine glory, thus giving to men for the first time the certainty that God's favour could be won and eternal life enjoyed - such is the scheme.
Modern idealists, ill at ease with this inheritance, try to show that Christ's Incarnation no less than His eternal divine being is a natural and rational truth.
Athanasius's On the Incarnation of the Eternal Word represents his central thoughts not less interestingly because it is earlier than the Arian controversy.
After the senate and people of Rome had ceased to be the sovereigns of the Roman world, and their authority had been vested in the sole person of the emperor, the eternal city could no longer claim to be the rightful throne of the state.
This was interpreted as a sign of the immovable boundaries and eternal youth of the Roman state.
There is thus causal necessity for Eternal Mind, or what we call " God."
The substantial good of the universe, in Aristotle's view, is the pure activity of universal abstract thought, at once subject and object, which, itself changeless and eternal, is the final cause and first source of the whole process of change in the concrete world.
Christianity is for the most part conceived as essentially a proclamation through the Divine Word, to immortal beings gifted with free choice, of the true code of conduct sanctioned by eternal rewards and punishments.
Thus, Hugo of St Victor (1077-1141) argues that all love is necessarily so far " interested " that it involves a desire for union with the beloved; and since eternal happiness consists in this union, it cannot truly be desired apart from God; while Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) more elaborately distinguishes four stages by which the soul is gradually led from (I) merely selfregarding desire for God's aid in distress, to (2) love him for his loving-kindness to it, then also (3) for his absolute goodness, until (4) in rare moments this love for himself alone becomes the sole all-absorbing affection.
Under the general idea of law, defined as an " ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by him win has charge of the community," Thomas distinguishes (1) the eternal law or regulative reason of God which embraces all his creatures, rational and irrational; (2) " natural law," being that part of the eternal law that relates to rational creatures as such; (3) human law, which properly consists of more particular deductions from natural law particularized and adapted to the varying circumstances of actual communities; (4) divine law specially revealed to man.
In his treatise on Eternal and Immutable Morality his main aim is to maintain the 1 In spite of Hobbes's uncompromising egoism, there is a noticeable discrepancy between his theory of the ends that men naturally seek and his standard for determining their natural rights.
The assurance which the believer has of salvation he receives from the operation and witness of the Holy Spirit; but this again rests on the divine choice of the man to salvation; and this falls back on God's eternal sovereign purpose, whereby He has predestined some to eternal life while the rest of mankind are predestined to condemnation and eternal death.
In the first book he vindicated for religion an eternal place amongst the divine mysteries of human nature, distinguished it from all current caricatures of it and allied phenomena, and described the perennial forms of its manifestation and life in men and society, giving thereby the programme of his subsequent theological system.
In his earlier days he called it a feeling or intuition of the universe, consciousness of the unity of reason and nature, of the infinite and the eternal within the finite and the temporal.
This immanent process of self-consciousness, wherein indeed a trinity of persons is not given but only rendered possible, is mirrored in, and takes place through, the eternal and impersonal idea or wisdom of God, which exists beside, though not distinct from, the primitive will.
One is temporal, natural and limited - the state; the other is eternal, cosmopolitan and universal - the church.
His great opponent (for the eternal dualism comes in) is Khanukh, who is a wolf, and the ancestor or totem of the wolf-race of men as Yehl is of the raven.
To get himself elected king of the Romafis he offered his daughter Mary, his eternal candidate for marriage, to the emperor Frederick III.
By partitioning her in advance with the other strong powers, England and Holland, by means of the treaties of the Hague and of London (1698-1699),as he had formerly done with the emperor in 1668,he seemed at first to wish for a pacificsolutibn of the eternal conflict between-the Habsburgs and the Bourbons, and to restrict himself to, the perfecting of his natural frontiers; but on the death of Charles II.
By itself, of course, the word eimi does not connote eternal preexistence.
Thus God's eternal purpose would be dependent on historical contingency.
History Temples and images are eternal in the Jain tradition, being involved in Jain cosmography.
If anyone opposed this power they faced eternal damnation as well as execution.
Gone is the fear of eternal damnation, the weariness of working for heaven.
Our vote cometh too late to retract and alter God's eternal decrees.
A few days in the underworld can hardly have been a big deal for an eternal, omnipotent deity, can it?
Our eternal destiny hangs on how we react to him.
The UN, to its eternal discredit, sat on its hands.
His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
All others are merely earthly replicas, imperfect because they are bound up in our finiteness, yet illustrating a vital eternal reality.
The Eternal Inflationary Universe involves these little bubbles again which inflate and eventually encompass the whole of our visible universe.
Can contemporary jazz recover its vitality or has the seemingly eternal inspiration of jazz evaporated?
Men say, and devils may say, and teach men to say - No; not eternal.
So it was not just eternal politics, but out of focus too.
If God has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of his Son then eternal life begins now.
Really, what makes the Dolls so eternal is the attitude - it got into rock's water supply and never left.
They are n't eternal, they aren't natural.
Those ideas of exploring, fighting and befriending have evolved, but the thrill of discovery remains eternal.
We already live in the absolute, because we have created eternal, omnipresent speed.
Immersed in Celtic myths & legends, hear about the Selkies, the mischievous faeries and learn the secret of eternal youth!
Some seek their rest and happiness on earth, others eternal felicity in heaven.
She has left Spike, and seems fickle, while Spike's love seem eternal.
Making the film Money represents every aspiring filmmaker 's eternal enemy.
In a dream, a man maintains his eternal youth by devouring the flesh of a maiden once every year.
Thousands of these strange foreigners walking about the eternal city dressed in what appeared to be some kind of uniform.
My prayer for you is that you can experience the fullness of eternal life in Christ Jesus in your personal life.
We love you forever, risen Lord of eternal glory.
Welcome eternal life, everlasting love, everlasting praise, everlasting glory!
Within the eternal godhead our Savior always was the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world.
There is nothing so grievous that it cannot at last become a trophy of victory, and be taken up into eternal joy.
I'd rather take a few shots here than endure an eternal hell.
Paul Morricone I too would like to banish personalized number plates into the gates of eternal hellfire.
In the eyes of the world they may not seem as heroic - but their fidelity and perseverance form their path to eternal life.
The Eternal Spring contains spring water that when one drinks, he or she would have immortality and become indestructible.
Even the eternal teachings require human intellect to be rightly enforced in a new environment.
However, saving faith, the faith that actually grants you eternal life, is more than just intellectual acceptance.
We are given fragments of what seems an eternal evening of dark introspection.
Our eternal life; our songs and everlasting joy.
You're eternal reward will bring you eternal joy.
He wants us to know eternal life with him.
Different attitudes to what happened after death, including systems of eternal reward and punishment; belief in eternal nothingness; and ghosts.
The Eternal Champion is the original novella which was expanded to novel length, its most recent publication was in The Time Center Times.
Let the rest of her words and actions be buried in eternal oblivion.
He abhorred a vain ostentation of wit in handling sacred truths, so venerable and grave, and of eternal consequence.
Living outside, we see only outer objects, but not that Eternal Being.
One, giving to God, or anyone else can never make you right with God or give you eternal peace with God.
And all this has perpetual, eternal consequences for us; Christ is always there for us to call upon.
We don't have to face eternal punishment in hell.
The eternal recurrence of the same has a lot to say about the predicament of Elric's biography, which appears chaotic.
We have then God securing our eternal redemption, Christ securing our eternal redemption and the Holy Spirit securing our eternal redemption.
Therefore the golden color of the tail feathers signifies the gift of his eternal reward.
In his resurrection is our hope of eternal salvation.
Let us not scoff at the idea of more than one eternal body, even a series of bodies.
The concept of hell and its eternal fires seems too severe a punishment for any arbitrary decision.
That McParland has never been man enough to admit that is to his eternal shame.
There again, when have you done enough in Allah's sight that he will give you salvation and eternal life.
Paul was fully aware that faith was not itself an eternal guarantee of salvation unless it remained sincere.
An eternal moment was captured when the Father ran out to embrace his prodigal son, and his heart toward you hasn't changed.
In 1818 he wrote a reply to Dr. Adam Clarke's doctrine of the eternal sonship which caused some dispute within the Church.
Do separate eternals then subsist in the eternal essence?
Must the eternal God become a humble condescending suppliant to man?
If he has to put off this earthly tabernacle, he knows there is a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens.
Jesus being the Eternal Life means that he is the very Source of life itself and therefore uncreated.
What provides the deep, sonorous undertone to the individual's expression, is the evocation of the eternal dance.
But nature is still unripe; the image is an eternal archetype, a part of the unknown holy world.
For Grade the price of freedom is ' eternal vigilance ' .
Selfless heroes and heroines pitted against dastardly villains - it's the eternal bout between good and evil.
Eternal Spring Season 5, Episode 19 - Naughty Nymphs A place where only wood nymphs can open.
The loom in which it was woven was eternal wrath.
I agree with the need for eternal youth in this role.
This is the law of cycles, constituting that which is designated by Vico as the "eternal ideal history, or rather course of humanity, invariably followed by all nations."
Descartes establishes a philosophic monotheism, - by which the medieval polytheism of substantial forms, essences and eternal truths fades away before God, who is the ruler of the intellectual world no less than of the kingdom of nature and of grace.
The "Two Nature" problem and the eternal relation of the Son to the Father have no bearing on experience, and therefore stand outside the range of theology.
His project was encouraged by some of the heads of the League; he was assured of temporal rewards if he succeeded, and of eternal bliss if he failed.
His published works, in addition to that above mentioned, include The Wisdom of God the Permission of Sin (1758), his most characteristic work; Theron, Paulinus and Aspasio; or Letters and Dialogues upon the Nature of Love to God, Faith in Christ, and Assurance of a Title to Eternal Life (1759); The Nature and Glory of the Gospel (1762); A Blow at the Root of Antinomianism but One Covenant (1769); Four Dialogues on the Half-Way Covenant (1769); and A Careful and Strict Examination of the External Covenant (1769).
It is customary for young men who are attached to each other to swear eternal brotherhood (compare the Slavonic pobratimstvo); the contract is regarded as sacred, and no instance has been known of its violation.
Augustine adopts a Platonic thought when he teaches that the immortality of the soul follows from its participation in the eternal truths.
The reason he gives is that, as this something " appertains to the essence of the mind," it is " conceived by a certain eternal necessity through the very essence of God."
Schleiermacher applies the phrase " the immortality of religion " to the religious emotion of oneness, amid finitude, with the infinite and, amid time, with the eternal; denies any necessary connexion between the belief in the continuance of personal existence and the consciousness of God; and rests his faith on immortality altogether on Christ's promise of living fellowship with His followers, as presupposing their as well as His personal immortality.
Schopenhauer assigns immortality to the universal will to live; and Feuerbach declares spirit, consciousness eternal, but not any individual subject.
This is the line of argument developed by Professor Hugo Miinsterberg in his lecture on The Eternal Life (1905), although he states it in the terms peculiar to his psychology, in which personality is conceived as primarily will.
Theodoric respected the Roman institutions which he found in Italy, held the Eternal City sacred, and governed by ministers chosen from the Roman population.
The faction of the counts of Tusculum raised its head from time to time in the Eternal City, and Rome still claimed to be a commonwealth.
Nicholas fixed his residence in Rome, which he began to rebuild and to fortify, determining to render the Eternal City once more a capital worthy of its high place in Europe.
On the 20th the Italians began the attack, and General Maze de la Roches division having effected a breach in the Porta Pia, the pope ordered the garrison to cease fire and the Italians poured into the Eternal City followed by thousands of Roman exiles.
In spite of pressure from the French government, which desired Italy to maintain Florence as the political and to regard Rome merely as the moral capital of the realm, the government offices and both legislative chambers were transferred in 1871 to the Eternal City.
He, desirous of producing different beings from his own self, created the waters by his own thought, and placed in them a seed which developed into a golden egg; therein was born Brahma (m.), the parent of all the worlds; and thus "that which is the undiscrete Cause, eternal, which is and is not, from it issued that male who is called in the world Brahma."
The ritualistic theologians, however, go an important step further by identifying Prajapati with the performer, or patron, of the sacrifice, the sacrificer; every sacrifice thus becoming invested - in addition to its cosmic significance - with the mystic power of regenerating the sacrificer by cleansing him of all guilt and securing for him a seat in the eternal abodes.
It is an eternal weakness in our moral being which makes us constantly squint aside from the thought of duty towards the forbidden motive - wincing under pain, or hungering after joy, 1 Mansel's term for Kant's " practical."
MacTaggart, works round from idealism to an eternal quasi polytheistic society of equal souls.
It is Clarke's defence of free will, Clarke's idealist theory of eternal " fitness " as the basis of ethical distinctions, perhaps Clarke's teaching on immortality, that Butler regards as " the common known arguments " and authoritative enunciations of truth in the regions of philosophy or Natural Theology.'
Brahma is conceived as the eternal selfexistent being, which on its material side unfolds itself to the world by gradually condensing itself to material objects through the gradations of ether, fire, water, earth and the elements.
If, we are told, we follow the chain of causes far enough back we reach unlimited eternal creative nature or matter.
Again, Anaximander may be said to prepare the way for more modern conceptions of material evolution by regarding his primordial substance as eternal, and by looking on all generation as alternating with destruction, each step of the process being of course simply a transformation of the indestructible substance.
At the same time Aristotle precludes the idea of a natural development of the mental series by the supposition that man contains, over and above a natural finite soul inseparable from the body, a substantial and eternal principle (voi) which enters into the individual from without.
Even if matter were eternal it would, he thinks, be incapable of producing motion; and if motion is itself conceived as eternal, thought can never begin to be.
The first eternal being is thus spiritual or " cogitative," and contains in itself all the perfections that can ever after exist.
Since a finite number of particles is only susceptible of finite transpositions, it must happen (he says), in an eternal duration that every possible order or position will be tried an infinite number of times, and hence this world is to be regarded (as the Stoics maintained) as an exact reproduction of previous worlds.
Charles Bonnet met the difficulty of the origin of conscious beings much in the same way as Leibnitz, by the supposition of eternal minute organic bodies to which are attached immortal souls.
The air as the origin of all things is necessarily an eternal, imperishable substance, but as soul it is also necessarily endowed with consciousness."
The earlier apologists dispute the natural immortality of the soul; Athanasius himself, in De Incarnatione Dei, ยงยง 4, 5, tones down the teaching of Wisdom; and the somewhat eccentric writer Arnobius, a layman - from Justin Martyr downwards apologetics has always been largely in the hands of laymen - stands for what has recently been called " conditional immortality " - eternal life for the righteous, the children of God, alone.
If Socinianism had challenged natural theology - Christ, according to it, was the prophet who first revealed the way to eternal life - it had glorified the natural powers of man; and the learning of the Arminian divines (friends of Grotius and Locke) had helped to modernize Christian apologetics upon rational lines.
Accordingly, when he denies the reality of Being, and declares Becoming, or eternal flux and change, to be the sole actuality, Heraclitus must be understood to enunciate not only the unreality of the abstract notion of being, except as the correlative of that of not-being, but also the physical doctrine that all phenomena are in a state of continuous transition from non-existence to existence, and vice versa, without either distinguishing these propositions or qualifying them by any reference to the relation of thought to experience.