Estimation Sentence Examples
Bacon's fame in popular estimation has always rested on his mechanical discoveries.
Their lifestyle was less than he had grown up with, but in his estimation, it was better quality.
The image of the star is set updn the intersections of the lines of the central cross, and the positions of the reseau-lines are read off by estimation to - of a division on the glass scale.
Baptism then in the name or through the name or into the name of Christ placed the believer under the influence and tutelage of Christ's personality, as before he was in popular estimation under the influence of stars and horoscope.
They obtained a settlement, with an allowance for subsistence, in Peking, and from this time to the end of his life Ricci's estimation among the Chinese was constantly increasing, as was at the same time the amount of his labours.
Its flesh is wholesome, but is not held in much estimation.
Until the council of Trent i Maccabees had only " ecclesiastical " rank, and although not accepted as canonical by the Protestant churches, it has always been held in high estimation.
While spending the day with Cynthia Byrne was of itself a pleasant contemplation, accompanying relatives to identify corpses, especially those that had been under water for a week, was, in Dean's estimation, right up there with root canals and swift kicks in the you-know-whats.
Work on sequential parameter estimation in neural networks has continued.
The Spline Estimation option offers a variety of interpolating and smoothing splines.
AdvertisementIn a dog's estimation, if something is not a friend, food, water, or in general is useless, it is a chew toy.
The results of the pose estimation were displayed using an extended matchstick model in MAVERIK.
Advice on aspirin for primary prevention requires formal accurate estimation of absolute coronary event risk.
This project involved optimal estimation of vehicle static weight using sparse noisy data from a small spatial array of pressure sensors.
One of the classic problems of robustness theory involves the simultaneous estimation of location and scatter from a set of multivariate data.
AdvertisementIn human healthy volunteers, low doses of the extracts administered in a double-blind design against placebo increased reaction time end time-lapse estimation.
A definition of the loudness of tones can be constructed from the results of experiments such as loudness ' magnitude estimation ' .
This method shed some new light on the estimation of complex exponentials in white noise.
Estimation of the motion for the other vertices forming the hexagon is performed in a similar manner.
Radar altimetry is used on aircraft for altitude determination and on aircraft and satellites for topographic mapping and sea surface height estimation.
AdvertisementAn estimation of the bulk of the calf muscle was made using a tape measure.
We have examined the importance of isotope selective photodissociation / fractionation to gas mass estimation in molecular clouds.
In seeking a solution to the differential undercount the Census Bureau turned to dual system estimation.
Estimation of sales-weighted average tar and nicotine yields using the GHS as the source for brand market share.
Each head is graduated into Ioo equal parts on the drums u and v, so that, by estimation, the reading can easily be carried to ivioDth of a revolution.
AdvertisementBut for refined work this would imply the investigation of too many divisions of the scale; it is therefore more usual to divide the scale into single millimetres or half-millimetres and to provide a micrometer which subdivides the millimetre into 1000 or, by estimation, into Io,000 parts.
But, except perhaps in the case of very fine gratings, it is probable that the error thus caused is insignificant; for the incorrect estimation of the secondary waves will be limited to distances of a few wave-lengths only from the boundary of opaque and transparent parts.
Thus it would be advisable to use the physiological antidote only when the dose of the poison - assuming estimation to be possible - was known to be comparatively small.
Episodes, such as the protection so long extended to the Leo Taxil affair, and to the revelations of Diana Vaughan (the object of which last was to bring Italian freemasonry and its ostensible work, the unity of Italy, into discredit), together with the attitude of the Ultramontane press in the Dreyfus affair, and later towards England, the invigoration of political agitation by the Lourdes celebration and by anti-Semitism, were all manifestations that could not raise the " system " in the estimation of the cultured and civilized world.
Boris was thus the first to learn the news that the French army had crossed the Niemen and, thanks to this, was able to show certain important personages that much that was concealed from others was usually known to him, and by this means he rose higher in their estimation.
Reply to comment by K. Beven and P. Young on Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models ' '.
Here tree height estimation for an area of savanna woodland was investigated.
Confidence interval estimation provides a convenient alternative to significance testing in most situations.
The market for all snoring remedies is rapidly growing, with a market estimation of approximately â¬50 million just within the EU.
It arises in the estimation of entities such as the fundamental matrix, homography matrix, and the trifocal tensor, among others.
Such was my father 's estimation of my abilities in music, that he would not pay twopence for me.
Such reps are experienced with processing volumes and will be able to help you make a reasonable estimation.
Using estimation calculators can give you a rough idea of what is reasonable for someone with your income and circumstances within your state.
The most important piece of information regarding the use of calculators is to keep in mind that they are only for estimation purposes.
Founder Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel set out to take the fashion world by storm all those years ago and by anyone's estimation, she most certainly did!
While this may not directly answer the question of how many Wiis have been sold, the shipping number should be an approximate estimation and it should be reasonably accurate.
If there are custom options on the trailer, you can specify these so that the price estimation is as accurate as possible.
Psychometric tests convert an individual's psychological traits and attributes into a numerical estimation or evaluation.
It is, however, not an accurate date, merely an estimation.
Input the most accurate information possible to get an accurate estimation.
You'll probably find that your doctor's estimation of how far along you are doesn't match your own estimated conception date.
Utilities, transportation costs, application fees, security deposits, and potential facility usage fees need to be added in to the overall rate for an accurate estimation of how much living expenses will be for different apartments.
Using a free online estimation can help you understand what to expect when you try to sell or trade your vehicle.
There are a number of methods that can be used to calculate BMR ranging from the very scientific which is done in a doctor's office to an estimation that will work well for most people who are trying to get a handle on how much to eat.
When you use these calculators, you're getting a very basic estimation of the cost to insure your house.
This estimation will inform you of whether you can expect to receive a refund, owe money or will break even on your yearly tax obligations.
He was accurate in learning, and effective in delivery, and his character stood deservedly high in general estimation.
Among the other writers previous to the Revolution mention must be made of John Ray the botanist and of John Evelyn, both men of great talent and research, whose works are still in high estimation.
Among the analytical methods worked up by him the best known is that for the estimation of sugars by "Fehling's solution," which consists of a solution of cupric sulphate mixed with alkali and potassium-sodium tartrate (Rochelle salt).
Oxidizing agents convert anthracene into anthraquinone; the production of this substance by oxidizing anthracene in glacial acetic acid solution, with chromic acid, is the usual method employed for the estimation of anthracene.
It is not a matter of surprise, therefore, that the authority of the reviews should have fallen somewhat in public estimation.
In 1738 Dr Robert Smith published Cotes' Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures, a work which was held in great estimation.
After the violent upheaval in the political world during the last few decades, the existent - as such - increased in value, and the high estimation in which the old regime was now held led to a policy of restoration.
No qualifications were required, nor indeed would they have been forthcoming, so low had the calling sunk in public estimation.
There was nothing original in the treatment, but it showed such power of appreciating the new ideas of the Fichtean method that it was hailed with cordial recognition by Fichte himself, and gave the author immediately a place in popular estimation as in the foremost rank of existing philosophical writers.
On the other hand, Osiris with Isis and Horus was everywhere honoured and popular, and while the artificer Ptah, the god of the great native capital of Egypt, made no appeal to the imagination, the Apis bull, an incarnation of Ptah, threw Ptah himself altogether into the shade in the popular estimation.
The poet however cleared by his benefit nights, and by the sale of the copyright of his tragedy, about three hundred pounds, then a great sum in his estimation.
Several methods are employed for the quantitative estimation of urea.
Although knowledge of variation has become much wider and more definite, the estimation in which natural selection is held has changed very little since Darwin and Wallace first expounded their theories.
His Encyclopaedia (1630), the most considerable of the earlier works of that class, was long held in high estimation.
The proved accuracy of detail elsewhere, as in his narration of events which he witnessed in company with St Paul, enhances our general estimation of his work.
Mica has long been obtained in Bengal, chiefly in the Hazaribagh district, and there is a rubycoloured variety which is held in great estimation.
In the estimation of these people "Siva and Vishnu may be more dignified beings, but the village deity is regarded as a more present help in trouble, and more intimately concerned with the happiness and prosperity of the villagers.
Up to the year 1857 the fame of Guicciardini as a writer, and the estimation of him as a man, depended almost entirely upon the History of Italy, and on a few ill-edited extracts from his aphorisms. At that date his representatives, the counts Piero and Luigi Guicciardini, opened their family archives, and cornmitted to Signor Giuseppe Canestrini the publication of his hitherto inedited MSS.
In April 1754 Townshend was transformed from the position of a member of the board of trade, which he had held from 1749, to that of a lord of the admiralty, but at the close of 1 755 his passionate attack against the policy of the ministry, an attack which shared in popular estimation with the scathing denunciations of Pitt, the supreme success of Single-Speech Hamilton, and the hopeless failure of Lord Chesterfield's illegitimate son, caused his resignation.
In Howel's code the prince of Gwynedd with his court at Aberffraw is recognized as the leading monarch in Wales; next to him ranks the prince of Deheubarth, and third in estimation is the prince of Powys.
If the parties to the suit are dissatisfied with the judgment, they may appeal to a priest who stands higher in public estimation, or one of the parties may induce a higher authority by bribery to quash the judgment of the first.
The fundamental doctrine of this work is that, on the hypothesis of free competition, exchange value is determined by the labour expended in production, - a proposition not new, nor, except with considerable limitation and explanation, true, and of little practical use, as "amount of labour" is a vague expression, and the thing intended is incapable of exact estimation.
These have an importance which we shall consider further on; but Joinville owes his place in general estimation only to his history of his crusading experiences and of the subsequent fate of St Louis.
These preparations were held in great estimation during the middle ages, and probably supplied to a large extent the place of the pure drug.
In the matter of the estimation of their relative strength the main grievance of the Nonconformists is that the law classes as members of the Church of England that enormous floating population which is really conscious of no ecclesiastical allegiance at all.
But these works are of little estimation when compared with the Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765).
The family of O'Clery, to which three of the celebrated " Four Masters " belonged, were hereditary 011aves (doctors of history, music, law, &c.) attached to the family of O'Donnell; while the " Book of the Dun Cow " (Lebor-na-h Uidhre), one of the most ancient Irish MSS., was in the possession of the O'Donnells in the 14th century; and the estimation in which it was held at that time is proved by the fact that it was given to the O'Conors of Connaught as ransom for an important prisoner, and was forcibly recovered some years later.
In England the just appreciation of his labours by Gibbon, and the ample use made of them in the later volumes of The Decline and Fall, early secured him his rightful place in the estimation of English scholars.
But a succession through females could not reasonably have been objected to after Edward III.'s claim to the crown of France; and, apart from strict legality, the duke's claim was probably supported in the popular estimation by the fact that he was descended from Edward III.
The tinkers then formed a hereditary caste, which was held in no high estimation.
Steelyards are simple, trustworthy and durable, but unless special contrivances are introduced for ascertaining the position of the travelling poise with very great accuracy, there will be a little uncertainty as to the reading, and therefore steelyards are not in general so accurate as scale-beams. When carefully nicked they are well-adapted for weighing out definite quantities of goods, such as i lb, 2 lb, &c., as in such cases there is no question of estimation.
They varied considerably in their estimation of the share which this body had in the real actions and sufferings of Christ.
As regards existing forms of life, the limitations of the class are perfectly well defined and easy of recognition; for although certain groups (not, by the way, whales, which, although excluded in popular estimation from the class, are in all essential respects typical mammals) are exceedingly aberrant, and present structural features connecting them with the lower vertebrate classes, yet they are by common consent retained in the class to which they are obviously most nearly affiliated by their preponderating characteristics.
The important place, however, which this creature must always have held in their estimation is evident from the existence of more than three hundred native words in connexion with reindeer.
In later editions he avoided this strain on usage by substituting or adding " merit " in several passages - allowing that some of the laudable qualities which he mentions would be more commonly called talents," but still maintaining that " there is little distinction made in our internal estimation " of " virtues " and " talents."
The long prevalent estimation of Priscillian as a heretic and Manichaean rested upon Augustine, Turibius of Astorga, Leo the Great and Orosius, although at the Council of Toledo in 400, fifteen years after Priscillian's death, when his case was reviewed, the most serious charge that could be brought was the error of language involved in rendering a',' ni ros by innascibilis.
Arsenic can also be estimated by volumetric methods; for this purpose it must be in the arsenious condition, and the method of estimation consists in converting it into the arsenic condition by means of a standard solution of iodine, in the presence of a cold saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate.
He always hoped to bring about an honorable agreement between the two adversaries, and in his estimation the advantages of peace outweighed personal interest.
He also devised a method of great value in the quantitative analysis of organic substances for the estimation of nitrogen, while the classification, of organic compounds into homologous series was advanced as one consequence of his researches into the acids generated by the oxidation of the alcohols.
That experiments, founded on the study of his nature and properties, which have from time to time been made to improve the breed, and bring the different varieties to the perfection in which we now find them, have succeeded, is best confirmed by the high estimation in which the horses of Great Britain are held in all parts of the civilized world; and it is not too much to assert that, although the cold, humid and variable nature of their climate is by no means favourable to the production of these animals in their very best form, Englishmen have by great care, and by sedulous attention to breeding, high feeding and good grooming, with consequent development of muscle, brougnt them to the highest state of perfection of which their nature is capable.
The estimation in which he was held at Rome is clearly shown by the anxiety of the consul Marcus (or Manlius) Manilius (149) to take him as his adviser on his expedition against Carthage.
Since there has been no demonstration of the predictive accuracy of the estimation of time varying parameters, even this argument fails.
Study of the uncertainty in estimation of the exposure of non-human biota to ionizing radiation.
Note that the population intraclass correlation can be estimated using variance component estimation methods.
To calculate the intracluster correlation coefficient, and thereby refine the estimation of the sample size needed for the trial.
In the case where spatial information is available, this is encoded in the estimation of the sample covariance matrix.
First, an estimation of global posteriors is formalized in the framework of hybrid HMM/ANN systems.
Interests in exploration seismology include ocean-bottom surveys, Q estimation, anisotropy, converted waves and AVO studies.
In each country a youth who had no suitor lost in public estimation.
Such was my father's estimation of my abilities in music, that he would not pay twopence for me.
Under such powers the webs can be brought into apparent contact with such precision and delicacy that the uncertainty of measurement seems to lie as much in the estimation of the fraction of the division of the head as in the accuracy of the contact.
This has led to the estimation of sugar by means of the polarimeter, and of the calorific power of fuels, and the valuation of ores and metals, of coal-tar dyes, and almost all trade products.
The story of the famous kiss bestowed by Margaret of Scotland on la precieuse bouche de laquelle sont issus et sortis taut de bons mots et vertueuses paroles is mythical, for Margaret did not come to France till 1436, after the poet's death; but the story, first told by Guillaume Bouchet in his Annales d'Aquitaine (1524), is interesting, if only as a proof of the high degree of estimation in which the ugliest man of his day was held.
His religious exercises and temperate habits gave him, in popular estimation, a great superiority over his brothers, but he was too politic to put forward his claims openly.
After The Dates Of Commencement Of The Successive Hebrew Years Are Finally Adjusted, Conformably With The Foregoing Directions, An Estimation Of The Consecutive Intervals, By Taking The Differences, Will Show The Duration And Character Of The Years That Respectively Intervene.
After this time it becomes manifest that, as we should expect, documents were the recognized authorities for the Gospel history; but there is still some uncertainty as to the documents upon which reliance was placed, and the precise estimation in which l For the only two that can be held to be such in the first half of the 2nd century, and the doubts whether they refer to our present Gospels, see Mark, Gospel Of, and Matthew, Gospel Of.
But after the opening session matters proceeded more smoothly, and Mr Balfour regained his old position in the estimation of the House and the country.
The Legion of Honour, the only order of France, and one which in its higher grades ranks in estimation with the highest European orders, was instituted by Napoleon Bonaparte on the 19th of May 1802 (29 Floreal of the year X.) as a general military and civil order of merit.
The high estimation in which he was held by his contemporaries is shown by the place he occupied as chief of the seven " wise men " of Greece; and in later times amongst the ancients his fame was quite remarkable.
Attempts have been made in modern times to represent the Apocalyptists as opposed to the Pharisees and as occupying the position in popular estimation which Josephus ascribes to the Pharisees.
The fact that Josephus (Vita 38) ascribes to Simon descent from a very distinguished stock ('y vovs acbo pa Aaµirpov), shows in what degree of estimation Hillel's descendants stood.
The process is therefore adapted to the simultaneous estimation of carbon,hydrogen, the halogens and sulphur.
In the case of all these substances the quantities involved are so very small, and the difficulties of estimation are therefore so great, that the information we possess is by no means satisfactory.
To this day the same book is in great estimation among the learned in the oriental nations, and by the Indians, who cultivate this art, it is called aljabra and alboret; though the name of the author himself is not known."
Violent attacks were made upon the Livery Companies, but of late years, largely owing to the public spirit of the companies in devoting large sums of money towards the improvement of the several industries in connexion with which they were founded, and the establishment of the City and Guilds of London Technical Institute, a complete change has taken place as to the public estimation in which they are held.
Jacques Bernoulli wrote elegant verses in Latin, German and French; but although these were held in high estimation in his own time, it is on his mathematical works that his fame now rests.
The advantage of the new definition lies in the fact that the estimation of the chlorine (or rather of the total halogen expressed as chlorine) is sufficient to determine the salinity by a very simple operation.
The high estimation in which the dragomans are held by most foreign powers is shown by the fact that they are usually and in the regular course promoted to the most important diplomatic posts.
Goslicki was an active man of business, was held in high estimation by his contemporaries and was frequently engaged in political affairs.
Indications of the influence of Marcionitism are found in the high estimation in which Mani held the apostle Paul, and in the fact that he explicitly rejects the Book of Acts.
But all knights were also knights of the spur or " equites aurati," because their spurs were golden or gilt, - the spurs of squires being of silver or white metal, - and these became their peculiar badge in popular estimation and proverbial speech.
It was his reckless drunkenness which ultimately ruined him in the estimation of Peter the Great, despite his previous inestimable services.
From early historic times it has been held in high estimation in the south of Europe, being used by the Romans for masts and all purposes for which timber of great length was required.
Owing to his eloquence he was speedily ranked in popular estimation with Corneille, Racine, and the other leading figures of the most brilliant period of Louis XIV.'s reign.
In such a consideration we have to make use not only of the fact just mentioned, but of three important generalizations which serve as it were as implements for the proper estimation of the relationships of any series of organic forms. First of all there is the generalization that the relationships of the various forms of animals (or of plants) to one another is that of the ultimate twigs of a much-branching genealogical tree.
Thus the degree of estimation in which the apocryphal books have been held in the church has varied much according to place and time.
The title of marquis, which Napoleon did not revive, has risen proportionately in the estimation of the Faubourg St Germain.
The rotation serves for the estimation of sugar solutions (saccharimetry).
Very soon the No came to occupy in the estimation of the military class a position similar to that held by the lanka as a literary pursuit, and the gagaku as a musical, in the Imperial court.
The practical statesmanship contained in these papers raised Talleyrand in public estimation; and, thanks to the efforts above named, he gained the post of foreign minister, entering on his duties in July 1797.
His sermons and devotional writings, which are very numerous, were long held in high estimation, and his Commentary on the Historical and Poetical Books of the Old Testament, in io vols., brought down as far as the Song of Solomon, was reprinted as recently as 1853.
She lay the flower and note aside and lifted a dress from the package, blushing as she realized his estimation of her size was accurate.
Thus the estimation of kinetic energy is intimately affected by the choice of our base of measurement.
In the second group, we may notice the application of litmus, methyl orange or phenolphthalein in alkalimetry, when the acid or alkaline character of the solution commands the colour which it exhibits; starch paste, which forms a blue compound with free iodine in iodometry; potassium chromate, which forms red silver chromate after all the hydrochloric acid is precipitated in solutions of chlorides; and in the estimation of ferric compounds by potassium bichromate, the indicator, potassium ferricyanide, is placed in drops on a porcelain plate, and the end of the reaction is shown by the absence of a blue coloration when a drop of the test solution is brought into contact with it.
What does he therefore but resolve to give over toiling, and find himself some factor, to whose care and conduct he may commit the whole managing of his religious affairs - some divine of note and estimation that must be.
In spite of the protective gear worn, the challenge definitely excluded the weak of heart, and, in Dean's estimation, the strong of brain.
At the French court he was held in high estimation by King Francis I., and was consecrated bishop of Mirepoix in Languedoc in December 1537.
He applied himself more particularly to the oxygen compounds, and determined with a fair degree of accuracy the ratio of carbon to oxygen in carbon dioxide, but his values for the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water, and of phosphorus to oxygen in phosphoric acid, are only approximate; he introduced no new methods either for the estimation or separation of the metals.
As this estimation presents some difficulties and divergences, the size of the thread is generally defined commercially by deniers or decigrammes, those of the Anthereas (wild silks) being said to range from 5 to 8 deniers or decigrammes, results confirmed by actual experience with the reeled thread.