Escorting Sentence Examples
Sirian opened one of the few closed doors, escorting Rissa.
A fighter is escorting a bomber on a raid.
At the beginning of 1801, a British naval force, commanded by Lord Keith, had sailed from Gibraltar, escorting an army of 18,000 men under General Abercromby.
On this occasion a procession escorting figures of two giants, Goliath, called locally Goyasse, and Samson, forms the chief feature of the celebration.
Scopas, in a famous group, represented him surrounded by the denizens of the sea, escorting Achilles to the islands of the blest.
At this time both the Punjab and Sind were independent kingdoms. Sind was the less powerful of the two, and, therefore, a British army escorting Shah Shuja made its way by that route to enter Afghanistan through the Bolan Pass.
He felt this in the looks of the soldiers who, marching in regular ranks briskly and gaily, were escorting him and the other criminals; he felt it in the looks of an important French official in a carriage and pair driven by a soldier, whom they met on the way.
It will also help you if you are escorting someone, since it will heal them as well.
As the convoy got closer to Malta another cruiser, nine destroyers, four fleet minesweepers and six minesweeping launches joined the escorting ships.
We had thought her lost but she had gone due north into the ice, escorting the three ships of her small convoy.
AdvertisementHe shoots the policewoman who is escorting Tracey but he and his accomplice drive into a police ambush and are recaptured (154 ).
A very surly French lady, escorting the Harbourmaster, takes our money 15.20 Euros inc showers.
If you're escorting a date to a black tie affair, you can make the evening more memorable by presenting your partner with a small gift or with flowers.
The Knights Templar did exist, and their purpose included escorting travelers through the Holy Land in the years of the Crusades.
These votes, however, were cancelled later, on the 26th of July, under the pressure of the royalist city mob which invaded the two Houses; but the two speakers, with eight peers and fifty-seven members of the Commons, themselves joined the army, which now advanced to London, overawing all resistance, escorting the fugitive members in triumph to Westminster on the 6th of August, and obliging the parliament on the 10th to cancel the last votes, with the threat of a regiment of cavalry drawn up by Cromwell in Hyde Park.