Errors Sentence Examples
We all make errors sometimes but those who care keep right on loving us.
The inquisitors at once began to detect errors.
One reply to this is that it is not difficult to determine from time to time the errors of the screws and to apply the necessary corrections to the observations.
Unqualified reliance upon single gauges in the past has been the cause of serious errors in the estimated relation between rainfall and flow off the ground.
The chief drawback to type A is that the errors of the screw are liable to change by wear, otherwise the apparatus, as made and used at Potsdam, is, on the whole, a convenient and accurate one.
The neglect of these facts has led to many errors in estimating the mean rainfall on watershed areas from the fall observed at gauges in particular parts of those areas.
It is clear that errors will arise if the pieces of steel are not truly perpendicular to the plane of the beam, and the adjust - ment of great accuracy would be very tedious.
That he committed serious errors, his warmest admirers will hardly deny.
Adrien Augier resumed the work, giving Lebeuf's text, though correcting the numerous typographical errors of the original edition (5 vols., 1883), and added a sixth volume containing an analytical table of contents.
The Codex diplomaticus of Gyorgy Fejer (40 vols., Buda, 1829-1844), though full of errors, remains an inexhaustible storehouse of materials.
AdvertisementIt must, however, be borne in mind that errors can sometimes be compensated by altering adjustments.
There are certain errors of a systematic character which demand special consideration.
This kind of irregularity may clearly be present in a ' It must not be supposed that errors of this order of magnitude are unobjectionable in all cases.
All the errors, except that depending on a, and especially those depending on -y and S, can be diminished, without loss of resolving power, by contracting the vertical aperture.
In the colophon also the compiler (as he calls himself) excuses the errors of orthography.
AdvertisementThe objections raised were (i) the costliness of the instruments employed and their liability to get out of order; (2) the need for specially instructed measurers, men of superior education; (3) the errors that frequently crept in when carrying out the processes and were all but irremediable.
Measures inaccurately taken, or wrongly read off, could seldom, if ever, be corrected, and these persistent errors defeated all chance of successful search.
A remarkable help to the cure of headaches and wider nervous disorders has come out of the better appreciation and correction of errors of refraction in the eye.
The investigations on magnetism led to the important practical discovery of a means of rectifying or compensating compass errors in ships.
The emenders postulate mechanical errors in the writing of the figures, but, equally with those who accept them, regard the calculations of the native scribes as above reproach.
AdvertisementHis description of sago in the archipelago is not free from errors, but they are the errors of an eye-witness.
From 1780 to 1785 he was a member of the governor's council of Connecticut, which, with the lower house before 1784 and alone from 1784 to 1807, constituted a supreme court of errors; and from 1785 to 1789 he was a judge of the state superior court.
But when the development of the Revolution caused a general reaction, he adhered stoutly to his opinion that the Revolution was essentially just and ought not to be condemned for its errors or even for its crimes.
Such movements of antagonism to the errors or abuses of ecclesiastical authority may be so permeated by defective conceptions and injurious influences as by their own character to deserve condemnation.
During the course of the 19th century in Scottish Presbyterianism the affirmation of Christ's atoning death for all men, the denial of eternal punishment, the modification of the doctrine of the inspiration of the Scriptures by acceptance of the results of the Higher Criticism, were all censured as perilous errors.
AdvertisementNot till 1736 were the statutes against witchcraft repealed; an act which the Associate Presbytery at Edinburgh in 1743 declared to be" contrary to the express law of God, for which a holy God may be provoked in a way of righteous judgment."The recognition and condemnation of errors in religious belief is by no means confined to the Christian Church.
His public life presents none of those acts of devotion and self-sacrifice which often redeem a career characterized by errors, follies and even crimes.
The gross errors of his policy - the renewal of the war with Holland in 1621, the persistence of Spain in taking part in the Thirty Years' War, the lesser wars undertaken in northern Italy, and the entire neglect of all effort to promote the unification of the different states forming the peninsular kingdom - were shared by him with the king, the Church and the commercial classes.
But it is better to apply the Boyle's law test in addition, provided that errors due to, surface condensation can be avoided.
It is of the same order as the probable errors of observation, and may be neglected in.
They were not devised as a complete scheme of doctrine, but only as a guide in dealing with current errors of (i.) the Medievalists and (ii.) the Anabaptists.
If we could come back to the Bible and use biblical terms only, as Cyril of Jerusalem wished in his early days, we know from experience that the old errors would reappear in the form of new questions, and that we should have to pass through the dreary wilderness of controversy from implicit to explicit dogma, from " I believe that Jesus is the Lord " to the confession that the Only Begotten Son is " of one substance with the Father."
He had been chosen to meet Hamilton in controversy, with a view to convincing him of his errors, but the arguments of the Scottish proto-martyr, and above all the spectacle of his heroism at the stake, impressed Alesius so powerfully that he was entirely won over to the cause of the Reformers.
The Life by his disciple Sulpicius Severus is practically the only source for his biography, but it is full of legendary matter and chronological errors.
The chief errors to which the stereometer is liable are (I) variation of temperature and atmospheric pressure during the experiment, and (2) the presence of moisture which disturbs Boyle's law.
The probable errors for the measures of one night are 0".577, =o"'889, t0" 542, 1".
The third method is the most symmetrical of all, both in observation and reduction; but it was not employed by Bessel, on the ground that it involved the determination of the errors of two screws instead of one.
A special microscope is introduced for determining the division errors of the scales.
Simi larly the prism may be used for the study and elim- " ination of personal errors depending on the angle made s by a double star with the vertical.
As we are still ignorant of the proportions of land and water in the polar regions, it is only possible to give approximate figures for the extent of the ocean, for the position of the coast-lines is not known exactly enough to exclude possible errors of perhaps several hundred thousand square miles in estimates of the total area.
In the Jacobite Mist's Journal he attacked Bishop Hoadly's defence of sincere errors.
The ratio W/p increases very rapidly as 0 is increased,, and therefore, by making 0 sufficiently large, p may conveniently be made a small fraction of W, thereby rendering errors of observation of the spring balance negligible.
The supreme court has appellate jurisdiction in chancery cases only, but may correct errors at law in other cases.
It appears tolerably safe to conclude that, whatever errors 'may have affected the determination, the diameter or distance of the particles of water is between the two thousand and the ten thousand millionth of an inch " (= between 125 X I o 8 and 025 X 10 -8 cms.).
One great drawback to this system was that elevation was given with reference to the plane of the racers upon which the mounting moved, and as this was not always truly horizontal grave errors were introduced.
The Books of Homilies referred to in the 35th article of the Church of England originated at a convocation in 1542, at which it was agreed "to make certain homilies for stay of such errors as were then by ignorant preachers sparkled among the people."
The pioneer work of the census of 1840 in the fields of educational statistics, statistics of occupations, of defective classes and of causes of death, suffered from numerous errors and defects.
The formula may, however, be used if the deviation from conical form is relatively less than the errors of measurement.
In what follows it will be assumed that the conditions of continuity (which imply the continuity not only of u but also of some of its differential coefficients) are satisfied, subject to the small errors in the values of u actually given; the limits of these errors being known.
Attention must be given to the possible accumulation of errors due to the small errors in the values of u.
This system, with the addition of the Senate, the chancellor and the justices of the supreme court occasionally sitting as a court for the correction of errors, was retained with only slight changes until 1846.
But the new constitution of that year substituted a court of appeals for the court of errors, merged the court of chancery into the supreme court, established in each county a new county court composed of a single judge, and, taking the appointment of judges from the governor, gave the election of them to the people.
During the interval between the citation and the appearance of the accused, the professorial members of the synod was instructed to prepare themselves to be able to confute the Arminian errors, and the synod occupied itself with deliberations as to a new translation of the Bible, for which a commission was named, made arrangements for teaching the Heidelberg catechism, and granted permission to the missionaries of the East Indies to baptize such children of heathen parents as were admitted into their families.
He delivered episcopal charges to the clergy of Connecticut and New York entitled The Churchman (5859) and The High Churchman Vindicated (1826), in which he accepted the name "high churchman," and stated and explained his principles "in distinction from the corruptions of the Church of Rome and from the Errors of Certain Protestant Sects."
The bridge carried a railway, but it proved weak owing to errors of calculation, and it was taken down in 1884.
It is too long, the sentiment is overstrained, and severe moralists have accused it of a certain complaisance in dealing with amatory errors; but it is full of pathos and knowledge of the human heart.
Out of nearly 700 current motor meters of various makes tested at Munich in 1902, only 319 had an error of less than 4%, whilst 259 had errors varying from 42 to io%.
In 1695 the theological faculty of Wittenberg formally laid to his charge 264 errors, and only his death on the 5th of February, 1705, released him from these fierce conflicts.
Though Spener has been justly called "the father of Pietism," hardly any of the errors and none of the extravagances of the movement can be ascribed to him personally.
His Saturday Review articles corrected many errors and raised the level of historical knowledge among the educated classes, but as a reviewer he was apt to forget that a book may have blemishes and yet be praiseworthy.
In four reprints, 1519, 1522, 1527, 1 535, Erasmus gradually weeded out many of the typographical errors of his first edition, but the text remained essentially such as he had first printed it.
During the time he held this office he publicly defended the Dominicans against the university of Paris, commented on St John, and answered the errors of the Arabian philosopher, Averroes.
The very sincerity of her piety and strength of her religious convictions led her more than once, however, into great errors of state policy, and into more than one act which offends the moral sense of a more refined age; her efforts for the introduction of the Inquisition into Castile, and for the proscription of the Jews, are outstanding evidences of what can only be called her bigotry.
By a comparison of these two lines of evidence we can approximate to a text current about 300 B.C. or later; but for any errors which had entered into the common source of these two forms of the text we possess no documentary means of detection whatsoever.
Except by the obviously absurd assumption of the infallibility of copyists for the centuries before c. 300 B.C., we cannot escape the conclusion that errors lurk even where no variants now exist, and that such errors can be corrected, if at all, only by conjectural emendation.
And after the establishment of the monarchy, though the conditions for an accurate chronology now existed, errors by some means or other found their way into the figures; so that the dates, as we now have them, are in many cases at fault by as much as two to three decades of years.
Now in some cases, perhaps, in the lengths of the reigns themselves, in other cases in the computations based upon them, errors have crept in, which have vitiated more or less the entire chronology of the period.
But, though the fact of there being errors in the Biblical figures is patent, it is not equally clear at what points the error lies, or how the available years ought to be redistributed between the various reigns.
But all such sources are liable to the most confounding errors, and some passages relied on have in any case to submit to conjectural emendation.
The probable errors and eccentricities of small micrometer-screws have been carefully investigated to ± 0.00001 inch; but the accuracy of leading screws used in workshops has not been sufficiently verified.
In 1 599 he published Certaine errors in Navigation detected and corrected, and he was the author of other works; to him also is chiefly due the invention of the method known as Mercator's sailing.
It contains of course many errors, which were gradually discovered and corrected in the course of the next two hundred and fifty years.
Vega devoted great attention to the detection and correction of the errors in Vlacq's work of 1628.
Babbage compared his table with the Tables du Cadastre, and Lefort has given in his paper just referred to most important lists of errors in Vlacq's and Briggs's logarithms of numbers which were obtained by comparing the manuscript tables with those contained in the Arithmetica logarithmica of 1624 and of 1628.
At its May session in 1742 the General Court of Massachusetts forbade itinerant preaching save with full consent from the resident pastor; in May 1743 the annual ministerial convention, by a small plurality, declared against "several errors in doctrine and disorders in practice which have of late obtained in various parts of the land," against lay preachers and disorderly revival meetings; in the same year Charles Chauncy, who disapproved of the revival, published Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England; and in 1744-1745 Whitefield, upon his second tour in New England, found that the faculties of Harvard and Yale had officially "testified" and "declared" against him and that most pulpits were closed to him.
These are all to a great extent antiquated, their errors being repeated in almost all subsequent accounts of the subject.
From a military standpoint as well as politically it was a conspicuous and instructive conflict, - conspicuous, or even unique, as being the most famous struggle in history where colonial dependencies defeated their powerful parent state, and instructive as presenting exceptional conditions and consequent errors in the attempt to break down the revolt.
Although by no means free from errors, their value appears from the fact that they ranked for a century as the best aid to astronomy.
The Saxon Confession of Wittenberg, June 1551, while protesting against the same errors, equally abstains from trying to define narrowly how Christ is present in the sacrament.
Various chemists had traced numerical sequences among the atomic weights of some of the elements and noted connexions between them and the properties of the different substances; but it was left to him to give a full expression to the generalization, and to treat it not merely as a system of classifying the elements according to certan observed facts, but as a "law of nature" which could be relied upon to predict new facts and to disclose errors in what were supposed to be old facts.
All that criticism has succeeded in establishing is the fact that the author had some reliquiae Paulinae at his disposal, notes written either before or during his last imprisonment in Rome, 4 and that these have been worked up into the present letter by one who rightly believed that his master would stoutly oppose the current errors of the age.
The occasional similarities of thought and expression between them and the Lucan writings suggest that the period of their origin lies within a quarter of a century after Paul's death, and, when one or two later accretions are admitted, the internal evidence, either upon the organization of the church 1 or upon the errors controverted, tallies with this hypothesis.
Eighteenth-century Italy looked on religion with apathetic indifference, and Liguori convinced himself that only the gentlest and most lenient treatment could win back the alienated laity; hence he was always willing to excuse errors on the side of laxity as due to an excess of zeal in winning over penitents.
Let us suppose that from a text which we will call A a copy has been made which we will call B, and from this again a copy which we will call C. If the copyist of B goes wrong once and the copyist of C twice in a hundred times, then, assuming that there is no coincidence or cancelling of errors, the relative correctness of the three texts A, B, C will be zoo (absolute correctness), 99 and 97.
But it will be the most ancient one according to the direct line of transmission, and the purest in the sense of being the freest from traceable errors of copying and unauthorized improvements.
As a source for the text it is superseded by the printed edition, and if there is more than one, then by the latest printed edition, which has been revised in proof by the author, or, in certain cases, by his representative; and the task of the textual critic is restricted to the detection of "misprints," in other words, of errors which the compositor (the modern analogue to the scribe) has made in "setting up" the manuscript, and which have escaped the notice of the proof-reader and the author or his representative.
These errors arise from the default of the scribe or copyist, and, in the case of printed books, the compositor.'
Careful and continuous regard to the various kinds of errors and defaults that are found in transcription will enable us to judge whether a reading which it is suggested stood in the archetype of our text is likely to have been corrupted to the reading, or readings, which stand in the extant manuscripts or editions.
If the autograph of a work is not accessible, there is no means of distinguishing between the involuntary errors of a scribe and the involuntary errors- "slips of pen" - of an author.
Aristotle, even in this sketch of his system, shows himself to be the philosopher of facts, who can best of all men bear criticism; and indeed it must be confessed that he retained many errors of Platonism and laid himself open to the following objections.
But Supposing The Instant Of The Sun'S Entering Into The Sign Libra To Be Very Near Midnight, The Small Errors Of The Solar Tables Might Render It Doubtful To Which Day The Equinox Really Belonged; And It Would Be In Vain To Have Recourse To Observation To Obviate The Difficulty.
These Works Were Probably Little Regarded At The Time; But As The Errors Of The Calendar Went On Increasing, And The True Length Of The Year, In Consequence Of The Progress Of Astronomy, Became Better Known, The Project Of A Reformation Was Again Revived In The I 5Th Century; And In 1474 Pope Sixtus Iv.
Its principal, though perhaps least obvious advantage, consists in its being entirely independent of astronomical tables, or indeed of any celestial phenomena whatever; so that all chances of disagreement arising from the inevitable errors of tables, or the uncertainty of observation, are avoided, and Easter determined without the possibility of mistake.
Before being issued they are compared with a standard instrument, and their errors determined.
In one of his letters home at this period he calls the campaign a "tissue of mismanagement, blunders, errors, ignorance and arrogance"; and outspoken criticism such as this brought him many bitter enemies throughout his career, who made the most of undeniable faults of character.
The final judgment found no proof of heresy, but compelled him to abjure sixteen errors, rather extorted than extracted from his writings, suspended him from his see for five years, and secluded him to the Dominican cloister of Sta Maria sopra Minerva.
Riccioli concluded that they existed only in the minds of the observers, and were due to instrumental and personal errors.
These results were unexpected, and, in fact, inexplicable by existing theories; and an examination of the telescope showed that the observed anomalies were not due to instrumental errors.
This motion is evidently not due to parallax, for, in this case, the maximum range should be between the June and December positions; neither was it due to observational errors.
Among the artificial causes may be classed war and economic errors in the production, transport and sale of food-stuffs.
Two psychological errors, among many others, constantly meet us in the history of idealism - the arbitrary hypothesis of a sense of sensations, or of ideas, and the intolerable neglect of logical inference.
Unfortunately, in the time that followed, Urban was guilty of the grossest errors, pursuing his personal interests, and sacrificing, all too soon, that universal point of view which ought to have governed his policy.
Latimer, however, besides possessing sagacity, quick insight into character, and a ready and formidable wit which thoroughly disconcerted and confused his opponents, had naturally a distaste for mere theological discussion, and the truths he was in the habit of inculcating could scarcely be controverted, although, as he stated them, they were diametrically contradictory of prevailing errors both in The only reasons for assigning an earlier date are that he was commonly known as " old Hugh Latimer," and that Bernher, his Swiss servant, states incidentally that he was " above threescore and seven years " in the reign of Edward VI.
Despite a number of errors of fact, notably the confusion of the three Bruces in the person of the hero, the poem is historically trustworthy as compared with contemporary verse-chronicle, and especially with the Wallace of the next century.
His letters were printed first in a selection, Epistolae ad Gallos (12mo, Leiden, 1648), abounding, though an Elzevir, in errors of the press.
A conservative secession "on account of Hopkinsian errors" in 1822 of six ministers (five then under suspension) organized a General Synod and the classes of Hackensack and Union (central New York) in 1824; it united with the Christian Reformed Church, established by immigrants from Holland after 1835, to which there was added a fresh American secession in 1882 due to opposition (on the part of the seceders) to secret societies.
But the zeal of the Portuguese took too often a one-sided direction, repressing the Syrian Christians on the Malabar coast, and interfering with the Abyssinian Church,3 while the fanatic temper of the Spaniard consigned, in Mexico and Peru, multitudes who would not renounce their heathen errors to indiscriminate massacre or abject slavery.'
Lange; as a retort to that writer's overbearing criticism, Lessing exposed with scathing satire Lange's errors in his popular translation of Horace.
Yet when we compare Hume with Adam Smith, the advance which Hume had made on his predecessors in lucidity of exposition and subtlety of intellect becomes clear, and modern criticism is agreed that the main errors of Adam Smith are to be found in those deductions which deviate from the results of the Political Discourses.
It is most difficult to appreciate aright this man of fervid imagination, of powerful and persistent convictions, of unbated honesty and love of truth, of keen insight into the errors (as he thought them) of his time, of a merciless will to lay bare these errors and to reform the abuses to which they gave rise, who in an instant offends us by his boasting, his grossness, his want of selfrespect.
Avoid vulgar errors; cherish universal sympathy.
This assumption does not present serious errors in the case of bad conductors, such as glass or wood, but has given rise to large mistakes in the case of metals.
Ang3trom's value for iron, when corrected for obvious numerical errors, and for the probable variation of c, becomes Iron, k =0.164 (1-0.0013 0), but this is very doubtful as c was not measured.
This might give rise to constant errors in the results.
The chief difficulty is that of measuring the small change of resistance accurately, and of avoiding errors from accidental thermo-electric effects.
A large mass of material has been collected, but the relations are obscured by experimental errors.
As this MS. contains transcriptional errors, and as its archetype had perhaps a Greek basis, the Recognitions may be dated c. 350-3751 (its Christology suggested to Rufinus an Arianism like that of Eunomius of Cyzicus, c. 362), and the Homilies prior even to 350.
It only Internal remains to add that, in carrying out this system, Maria reforms Theresa was too wise to fall into the errors afterwards made by her son and successor.
Slight clerical errors there may have been, but the Koran of Othman contains none but genuine elements - though sometimes in very strange order.
The principal text is the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus in the British Museum, written under a Hyksos king c. 1600 B.C.; unfortunately it is full of gross errors.
He went from place to place in peril of his life denouncing the errors of Rome and the abuses in the church at Montrose, Dundee, Ayr, in Kyle, at Perth, Edinburgh, Leith, Haddington and elsewhere.
All the errors of detail in Bacher's work have been corrected by Dr Rieu in his Catalogue of the Persian MSS.
It was represented to the emperor, who was still pursued by the desire to bring back the schismatics, that a great step would have been taken towards reconciliation if a condemnation of these teachers, or rather of such of their books as were complained of, could be brought about, since then the Chalcedonian party would be purged from any appearance of sympathy with the errors of Nestorius.
Not stopping to reflect that in the angry and suspicious state of men's minds he was sure to lose as much in one direction as he would gain in the other, Justinian entered into the idea, and put forth an edict exposing and denouncing the errors contained in the writings of Theodore generally, in the treatise of Theodoret against Cyril of Alexandria, and in a letter of Bishop Ibas (a letter whose authenticity was doubted, but which passed under his name) to the Persian bishop Marls.
At the commencement, the system caused serious irritation amongst the commercial classes, to which point was given by foolish and, in some cases, amusing errors made by the censors.
By applying the pragmatic test on the other hand, it is possible to describe how truths are developed and errors corrected, and how in general old truths are adjusted to new situations.
His historical instinct led him ever to revert to the original unity of the church, and to regard subsequent errors as excrescences rather than proofs of an essentially anti-Christian system.
This site contains numerous OCR errors (typos) and due to the age of the information, is presented for historical purposes only.
Pfleiderer says the errors of Reimarus were that he ignored historical and literary criticism, sources, date, origin, &c., of documents, and the narratives were said to be either purely divine or purely human.
These errors are not peculiar to the examination system, they are inherent in all human judgments.
The Frankish king was the boy Baldwin IV., who had paid for the errors of his fathers by being afflicted with leprosy.
In the direct language of reproach and advice, with no disingenuous loading of the Crown's policy upon its agents, these resolutions attacked the errors of the king, and maintained that "the relation between Great Britain and these colonies was exactly the same as that of England and Scotland after the accession of James and until the Union; and that our emigration to this country gave England no more rights over us than the emigration of the Danes and Saxons gave to the present authorities of their mother country over England."
His detection of considerable errors in the tables then in use led him to the conclusion that a more accurate ascertainment of the places of the fixed stars was indispensable to the progress of astronomy; and, finding that Flamsteed and Hevelius had already undertaken to catalogue those visible in northern latitudes, he assumed to himself the task of making observations in the southern hemisphere.
Until Newton's discovery of the different refrangibility of light of different colours, it was generally supposed that object-glasses of telescopes were subject to no other errors than those which arose from the spherical figure of their surfaces, and the efforts of opticians were chiefly directed to the construction of lenses of other forms of curvature.
Also it is impossible to make levels that are in every respect perfect, nor even to determine these errors for different lengths of bubble and at different readings with the highest precision.
It Would Have Been Desirable, If Possible, To Have Tried The Effect Of A Larger Range Of Variation In The Experimental Conditions Of Load And Speed, With A View To Detect The Existence Of Constant Errors; But Owing To The Limitations Imposed By The Use Of A Steam Engine, And The Difficulty Of Securing Steady Conditions Of Running, This Proved To Be Impossible.
The Conditions Of Use Of A Mercury Thermometer In A Calorimetric Experiment Are Necessarily Different From ' Those Under Which Its Corrections Are Determined, And This Difference Must Inevitably Give Rise To Constant Errors In Practical Work.
On the whole, however, Aristotle, Bacon and Mill, purged from their errors, form one empirical school, gradually growing by adapting itself to the advance of science; a school in which Aristotle was most influenced by Greek deductive Mathematics, Bacon by the rise of empirical physics at the Renaissance, and Mill by the Newtonian combination of empirical facts and mathematical principles in the Principia.
But even Sigwart's errors are outdone by Lotze, who not only reduces " Every NI is P " so " If S is M, S is P," but proceeds to reduce this hypothetical to the disjunctive, " If S is NI, S is P L or P 2 or 1 33, " and finds fault with the Aristotelian syllogism because it contents itself with inferring " S is P " without showing what P. Now there are occasions when we want to reason in this disjunctive manner, to consider whether S is I n or P 2 or P 3, and to conclude that " S is a particular P "; but ordinarily all we want to know is that " S is P "; e.g.
An immense mass of material has been collected on the subject of vapour-pressures and densities, the greater part of which will be found in Winkelmann's Handbook, in Landolt's and Bornstein's Tables, and in similar compendiums. The results vary greatly in accuracy, and are frequently vitiated by errors of temperature measurement, by chemical impurities and surface condensation, or by peculiarities of the empirical formulae employed in smoothing the observations; but it would not be within the scope of the present article to discuss these details.
Errors in policy and in government facilitated the rise of Pontus into a formidable power under Mithradates, who was finally driven out of the country by Pompey, and died 63 B.C. Under the settlement of Asia Minor by Pompey, Bithynia-Pontus and Cilicia became provinces, whilst Galatia and Cappadocia were allowed to retain nominal independence for over half a century more under native kings, and Lycia continued an autonomous League.
The narrative has drawn attention to certain errors and misunderstandings which contributed to the enemy success.
Moreover, a recension could not be reproduced without new errors soon creeping in.
He had wished to begin by reforming abuses before proceeding to sit in judgment on doctrinal errors.
Church history was allowed to be represented by such men as the Abbe Darras; and many French Catholics were ready to accept without question what the Bollandist Pere de Smedt has not hesitated to call the historical errors and lies of Charles Bartelemy.
The senate listened with delight to his promises to rule according to the maxims of Augustus, and to avoid the errors which had rendered unpopular the rule of his predecessor, while his unfailing clemency, liberality and affability were the talk of Rome.
To escape from these preoccupations and prejudices except upon the path of conscious and deliberate sin was impossible for all but minds of rarest quality and courage; and these were too often reduced to the recantation of their supposed errors no less by some secret clinging sense of guilt than by the church's iron hand.
The doctrine of the kinds of fallacies or general classes of errors into which the human mind is prone to fall, appears in many of the works written before the Novum Organum, and the treatment of them varies in some respects.
Manifold errors also result from the weakness of the senses, which affords scope for mere conjecture; from the influence exercised over the understanding by the will and passions; from the restless desire of the mind to penetrate to the ultimate principles of things; and from the belief that " man is the measure of the universe," whereas, in truth, the world is received by us in a distorted and erroneous manner.
The second kind are the Idola Specus, idols of the cave, or errors incident to the peculiar mental or bodily constitution of each individual, for according to the state of the individual's mind is his view of things.
Errors of this class are innumerable, because there are numberless varieties of disposition; but some very prominent specimens can be indicated.
Such are the general causes of the errors that infest the human mind; by their exposure the way is cleared for the introduction of the new method.
It is assuredly little matter for wonder that this philosophy should contain much that is now inapplicable, and that in many respects it should be vitiated by radical errors.
Even reason must be restrained from striving after ultimate truth; it is one of the errors of the human intellect that it will not rest in general principles, but must push its investigations deeper.
He regained many, such as his friend Flaminio, by patience and kindliness, to a reconsideration of their errors.
The pamphlet begins by re-stating with reference to sight the general theory that perception of an objective world rests upon an instinctive causal postulation, which even when it misleads still remains to haunt us (instead of being, like errors of reason, open to extirpation by evidence), and proceeds to deal with physiological colour, i.e.
Ignacio Molina, an English translation of which has long been a recognized authority; it is full of errors, however, and should be studied only in connexion with modern standard works.
If the above errors be eliminated, the two astigmatic surfaces united, and a sharp image obtained with a wide aperture - there remains the necessity to correct the curvature of the image surface, especially when the image is to be received upon a plane surface, e.g.
The radii, thicknesses and distances are continually altered until the errors of the image become sufficiently small.
By this method only certain errors of reproduction are investigated, especially individual members, or all, of those named above.
But his enemies were not merely those whose errors he had exposed and whose hostility he had excited by the violence of his language.
He became a favourite disciple of Bossuet, and at the bishop's instance undertook to refute certain metaphysical errors of Father Malebranche.
That the popular religion contained gross errors hardly needed to be pointed out.
Scaevola, following Panaetius, explained that the prudence of statesmen had established this public institution in the service of order midway between the errors of popular superstition and the barren truths of enlightened philosophy.
The epistles, according to Chubb, contain errors of fact, false interpretations of the Old Testament, and sometimes disfigurement of religious truth.
His errors in this way are of course, looked at from an absolute standard, unpardonable.
Babbage's attention seems to have been very early drawn to the number and importance of the errors introduced into astronomical and other calculations through inaccuracies in the computation of tables.
It is my purpose also to give the names and number and times of those who through love of innovation have run into the greatest errors, and proclaiming themselves discoverers of knowledge, falsely so called, have like fierce wolves unmercifully devastated the flock of Christ.
The former and briefer aims simply to expose the errors of Marcellus, whom Eusebius accuses of Sabellianism, the latter to refute them.
The historical works of William of Malmesbury were edited by Savile in his Scriptores post Bedam (London, 1596); but the text of that edition is full of errors.
With the advice and consent of the state Senate he selects the secretary of state, attorney-general, superintendent of public instruction, chancellor, chief justice, judges of the supreme, circuit, inferior and district courts, and the so-called " lay " judges of the court of errors and appeals, in addition to the minor administrative officers who are usually appointive in all American states.
At its head is a court of errors and appeals composed of the chancellor, the justices of the supreme court and six additional " lay " judges.
Writs of error in cases punishable with death are returnable only to the court of errors and appeals.
Appeals from the court of chancery as well as writs of error from the supreme court are heard by the court of errors and appeals.
New Jersey has a court of pardons composed of the governor, chancellor and the six " lay " j udges of the court of errors and appeals, and the concurrence of a majority of its members, of whom the governor shall be one, is necessary to grant a pardon, commute a sentence or remit a fine.
Several gross errors which had appeared in the Latin version, and had been since exposed, were corrected in this edition.
The numerous inaccuracies of this life and the frequent errors of Foxe's narrative were exposed by Dr Maitland in a series of tracts (1837-1842), collected (1841-1842) as Notes on the Contributions of the Rev. George Townsend, M.A..
Scaliger's refutation, which was to contain an equal number of volumes of the errors in Baronius.
During his third and last voyage, in 1778, Captain James Cook surveyed the eastern portion of the Aleutian archipelago, accurately determined the position of some of the more important islands and corrected many errors of former navigators.
Apart from the large scope of his activity, he introduced such important novelties as the effective use of the heliometer, the correction for personal equation (in 1823), and the systematic investigation of instrumental errors.
Hincmar of Laon refused to recognize the authority of his metropolitan, and entered into an open struggle with his uncle, who exposed his errors in a treatise called Opusculum capitulorum, and procured his condemnation and deposition at the synod of Douzy (871).
A MS. Psalter more recently discovered shows close affinity to this edition, and, in spite of the opinions held by some critics, must be considered as a copy of it made about 1585; it even reproduces the printer's errors of Koresi's edition.
The observations at Greenwich thus reduced gave errors =0.0036" and oE0 0080" respectively.
Their errors and deficiencies may in part be ascribed to the contemporary neglect of history as a branch of instruction.
The materials for this work he had gathered during his travels, and although it contains many textual errors, its publication has been of great importance for the history of music, by preserving writings which might either have perished or remained unknown.
In a small commonplace book, bearing on the seventh page the date of January 1663/1664, there are several articles on angular sections, and the squaring of curves and " crooked lines that may be squared," several calculations about musical notes, geometrical propositions from Francis Vieta and Frans van Schooten, annotations out of Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinities, together with observations on refraction, on the grinding of " spherical optic glasses," on the errors of lenses and the method of rectifying them, and on the extraction of all kinds of roots, particularly those " in affected powers."
His own faults and errors were remembered against him.
Throughout his logical writings De Morgan was led by the idea that the followers of the two great branches of exact science, logic and mathematics, had made blunders, - the logicians in neglecting mathematics, and the mathematicians in neglecting logic. He endeavoured to reconcile them, and in the attempt showed how many errors an acute mathematician could detect in logical writings, and how large a field there was for discovery.
Several of his most striking contributions to knowledge originated in the discovery of errors or fallacies in the work of his great predecessors in astronomy.
The volume of the gas in the measuring tube is determined by bringing the water in both tubes to the same level, and reading the graduation on the tube, avoiding parallax and the other errors associated with recording the coincidence of a graduation with a (By permission of Messrs Baird & Tatlock.) FIG.
On the 1st of May 418 a great synod ("A Council of Africa," St Augustine calls it), which assembled under the presidency of Aurelius, bishop of Carthage, to take action concerning the errors of Caelestius, a disciple of Pelagius, denounced the Pelagian doctrines of human nature, original sin, grace and perfectibility, and fully approved the contraryviews of Augustine.
Cave (Congregationalist) have written Introductions to Theology; Cave's bibliographies are not free from errors.
To be brief, in less than four years the government had well-nigh worn out its own patience with its own errors, failures and distractions, and would gladly have gone to pieces when it was defeated on an Irish university bill.
But he was well aware of how much he owed to his opponents' errors,.
In 1204 his doctrines were condemned by the university, and, on a personal appeal to Pope Innocent III., the sentence was ratified, Amalric being ordered to return to Paris and recant his errors.
From such passionate errors the truly wise man will of course be free.
Having effected this reduction, and computed the correction to be applied to the observation in order to eliminate all known errors to which the instrument is liable, the work of the practical astronomer is completed.
Improved practice, again, reacted upon theory by bringing to notice residual errors, demanding the correction of formulae, or intimating neglected disturbances.
He became alarmed at the responsibilities which he saw would fall upon him, and imagined that by an appearance of reform he would be able to shift on to others the responsibility for any errors he might commit.
C. Chandler to determine the latitude or correct the timepiece, of great value because of its freedom from instrumental errors.
Migne's reprint contains many errors.
These instruments are very sensitive, but care must be taken to avoid errors caused by changes in the relative intensities of parts of the source of light - a precaution that is sometimes overlooked in furnishing polarimeters with these analysers.
Of his two capital errors, regarding respectively the theory of the tides and the nature of comets, the first was insidiously recommended to him by his passionate desire to find a physical confirmation of the earth's double motion; the second was adopted for the purpose of rebutting an anti-Copernican argument founded on the planetary analogies of those erratic subjects of the sun.
Their observations were probably free from immersion errors, but they record some deviations from the formula which they consider to be beyond the possible limits of error of their work.
When the question is tested more carefully, either by taking more accurate measurements of temperature, or by extending the observations over a wider range, it is found that there are systematic deviations from the parabola in the majority of cases, which cannot be explained by errors of experiment.
A comparison of the results of different observers would also suggest that the law of variation may be different in different metals, although the differences in the values of d 2 E/dP may be due in part to differences of purity or errors of observation.
Charles summoned the duke to Paris in 1378, and on his non-appearance committed one of his rare errors of policy by confiscating his duchy.
He was brought up a strict Catholic, and always remained attached to the church, although his first work, Of Errors and Truth, was placed upon the Index.
For lenses of short focus the diameter of the pupil is too large, and diaphragms must be employed which strongly diminish the aperture of the pencils, and so reduce the errors, but with a falling off of illumination.
Doublets, &'c. - To remove the errors which the above lenses showed, particularly when very short focal lengths were in question, lens combinations were adopted.
When well made such constructions are almost free from spherical aberration, and the chromatic errors are very small.
Axial aberration is reduced by distributing the refraction between two lenses; and by placing the two lenses farther apart the errors of the pencils of rays proceeding from points lying outside the axis are reduced.
These anastigmatic lenses, which are manufactured up to X 40, are chromatically and spherically corrected, and for a middle diaphragm the errors of lateral pencils, distortion, astigmatism and coma are eliminated.
Although we now know how the errors of lenses may be corrected, and how the simple microscope may be improved, this instrument remains with relatively feeble magnification, and to obtain stronger magnifications the compound form is necessary.
As the errors in the graduation of the objective micrometer are also magnified, very exact scales are necessary.
The errors attending the determination of the size of a microscopic object depend chiefly on the accuracy of the objective micrometer; any errors in the micrometer being magnified by the objective.
The eyepiece micrometer allows its errors to be diminished, if one measures at different points and then fixes a mean value.
This secures a double observation of each component of the polar motion, from which most of the systematic errors are eliminated.
Articles, suggesting that their negations were not directed against the authorized creed of Roman Catholics, but only against popular errors and exaggerations.
The executive and legislative officials are chosen by the electors for a term of two years; the attorney general for four years; the judges of the supreme court of errors and the superior court, appointed by the general assembly on nomination by the governor, serve for eight, and the judges of the courts of common pleas (in Hartford, New London, New Haven, Litchfield and Fairfield counties) and of the district courts, chosen in like manner, serve for four years.
The errors of the Commune confirmed Renan in this reaction.
The utter pinnacle of Paul Dawkins' lifetime achievement was three September games with the bigs—screw the oh-for-seven batting average and his two fielding errors.
Egregious errors were caused by the tablet's failure to check spelling.
Sadly, the errors on the part of Mr. Pike were particularly egregious.
The computer-science guru Martin Davis counted "86 really egregious errors" in Wallace's book.
Suffice to say, there were no errors of fact apparent to me.
Effective leadership among ward managers leads to fewer drug errors, higher patient satisfaction and lower staff absenteeism and turnover.
It is littered with basic presentational errors such as missing or incorrect bibliographic details, spelling errors and at least five unexplained acronyms.
So using an altimeter without making errors requires constant alertness and repeated calculations, all done " on the fly " .
In addition, it also helps to minimize offset errors and MRU lever arm effects on the bathymetry data.
In a game lasting over an hour both players showed exceptional athleticism and retrieval skills but also an abundance of unforced errors.
A longer duration in north Augusta admit their errors.
In the absence of these embryonic growth cues adult sensory axons make major growth errors at key choice points.
Some streams allow an error callback function to be supplied, which is used for non-fatal errors which don't return invalid results.
The HTML errors column contains the results of running an html syntax checker against a cached copy of your pages.
The following morning all 204 Uniat clergy renounced the Latin errors.
Copying by reverse transcriptase is prone to errors, leading to a high mutation rate and appearance of drug resistant clones.
To counter this, it was proposed that this represents a conflation of two opposed errors.
This leads to gross errors in size constancy, particularly at far viewing distances.
On the question of copying errors, in the many and various manuscripts that remain today, a large number have copyists ' errors.
Your superior races seem merely desirous of not repeating previous errors.
We therefore disclaim all liabilities for any errors in the information here.
For large problems round- off errors may accumulate during the solution of the matrix eigenvalue equation.
Most scholars attribute these problems to errors in transmission and try to solve them through textual emendation.
Differences arise due to simplifications in the treatment of surface emissivity, and also errors due to the treatment of cloud microphysics.
This photo album gathers together some errors & problems & other enigmas that the CIP survey has revealed.
Osprey, perhaps you'll correct any errors please!
Is it able to detect material errors in sufficient time for you do take appropriate action?
We all make typo's (typographical errors ).
You may correct factual errors in your personal information by sending us a request detailing the error.
Non- corrected refractive errors are also important causes, accounting for another 40% of cases.
Pages are free from major spelling and grammatical errors.
The second started in a similar way to the first with White making unforced errors putting him 4/1 down.
If output is not given, it defaults to input. errors may be given to define the error handling.
Some are illegal but do not fall under the heading of syntax errors.
The editing of this volume is generally careful, with very few spelling errors.
At the end of the day all the documents are read directly into the computer system to avoid transcription errors.
There were almost 1100 deaths from medication errors and adverse reactions in 2000.
Comedy of Errors is a wonderful comic exasperation of mistaken identity.
All liability of Global internet BV howsoever arising for inaccuracies or errors is expressly excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
However, the latter possible errors are rather far-fetched.
We have found that a little foresight in these areas helps to prevent careless errors later on.
These errors can be exploited by wily hackers to compromise the security of systems running these programs.
So getting back to form filling stress equals lightly hod of you making errors in your documents, thus wasting paper right!
In less extreme cases, the computation of the beta weights and their standard errors can become very imprecise, due to round-off error.
Programming Errors The program has detected an inconsistency either in the code, or in the command file.
The errors range from a minor indiscretion of one of the more obscure rules to whole tables of missing data.
In conclusion, the Proprietors have to request the kind indulgence of the Subscribers with regard to any errors they may occasionally detect.
This should help finding the origin of type errors without detailed knowledge of type inference on the user side.
Carvalho's made bad errors against much lesser opposition than Man Utd, some of which have led to goals being conceded.
To report any errors, broken links etc, please use the the Tell Us What You think online form.
To some extent, the experimenter can check for potential errors by referring to the perturbation of the field seen by local ground-based magnetometers.
The worst cases are errors caused by hardware malfunction.
Administration errors, typing errors or mechanical malfunction can lead to misrepresentative pricing or details shown.
Massive numbers of factual errors suffuse the book, which make it a veritable minefield.
In particular, harmonic amplitudes for the various errors show minima at specific loads as expected.
As a minor caveat I did find numerous misprints in the book, some of which were material errors.
Make sure there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
It may be argued that because an advocate cannot be held negligent then such errors are not of concern.
I suggest that there are some errors in this ritual obeisance to received wisdom.
Larger values suggest errors in cell parameters or crystal orientation.
The risk of such errors make it necessary to establish the parentage of individual animals to verify their pedigree.
A limit of NONE will cause pax to attempt to recover from read errors forever.
New section on errors in the complete peerage added.
He lived in Windsor with his merry wives, writing tragedies, comedies and errors, all in Islamic pentameter.
In these exposures the atmospheric phase perturbations are compensating for the errors in the figure of the telescope mirror.
The source counts and their errors were calculated using circular aperture photometry centered at the listed source position.
A non-NULL pointer will generally be returned except in out-of-memory conditions or serious errors such as inability to send the command to the backend.
In mystical positivism, the errors of both are combined together to form a potent ' grand narrative ' for our age.
Saracens were limited to attacking from Wasps errors as the champions retained some good possession going into the last quarter.
Ringing compositions are notoriously prone to subtle transcription errors, and over a quarter of the submissions we receive contain errors of some sort.
Using floppy disk files directly in Word is especially prone to errors.
What do we know about medication errors in inpatient psychiatry?
Also, any number of these errors were repeated without question from the earlier quartos.
Additional ones include Task completion time, Task errors and system reaction time (the time between driver action and system response ).
Logic errors are sometimes introduced into working programs by changes involving the rearrangement of blocks of code.
This article has been scanned and may contained errors due to the process of scanning and optical character recognition.
If you are using an achromatic refractor, the focus errors will be larger due to chromatic aberration of the telescope.
The author exhibits much sagacity as well as learning, and criticizes effectively the errors, inconsistencies, and exaggerations of his predecessors.
The first half was rather scrappy with both sides guilty of silly handling errors.
When the input configuration is almost but not quite singular, the computation will be prone to rounding errors.
Cutting out worktop for inset steel sink (practice on plywood first ); marking out carefully to avoid errors.
These fault timesheet timecard conditions are normally masked with a standard junction box allowing operation with measurement errors.
Authors should correct typesetter 's errors in red; minimal alterations of their own work should be noted in black.
Every single one of them can fall into the errors which so typify the Pharisees in the day of Jesus.
We are unable to correct typos, broken or dead links, or other errors integral to the original works.
There is a somewhat unseemly haste in the way he takes up her refrain to excuse his delayed recognition of his errors.
Errors in estimating this white noise variance are translated to errors in scale of the AR spectral values.
Additional benefits may arise from parentage verification and correction of errors e.g. misallocation of lamb to ewe.
Common errors LaTeX gets cross-references wrong Start of line goes awry Why doesn't verbatim work within.. .
Landolt's subsequent experiments showed, what was already noticed in the earlier ones, that these minute changes in weight are nearly always losses, the products weigh less than the components, while if they had been purely experimental errors, due to weighing, they might have been expected to be as frequently gains as losses.
Landolt was disposed to attribute these losses in weight to the containing vessel, which was of glass or quartz, not being absolutely impervious, but in 1908 he showed that, by making allowance for the moisture adsorbed on the vessel, the errors were both positive and negative, and were less than one in ten million.
It will be noticed that the ratio found is sometimes above and sometimes below the number 2, which is required by the atomic theory, and therefore the deviations may not unreasonably be attributed to experimental errors.
All our errors in explaining the origin of human society arise from our obstinacy in believing that primitive man was entirely similar to ourselves, who are civilized, i.e.
On the 6th of May 1448 he obtained licence in mortmain and on the 10th of August founded at Oxford "for the extirpation of heresies and errors, the increase of the clerical order and the adornment of holy mother church, a perpetual hall, called Seint Marie Maudeleyn Halle, for study in the sciences of sacred theology and philosophy," to consist of a president and 50 scholars.
The accuracy of this apparatus has been frequently criticized on the ground that errors are produced in the screws by the effect of wear.
In the Potsdam form of this apparatus the micrometer is, for convenience, provided with a motion at right angles to the axis of the screw, and it has been found at the Cape Observatory that the periodic errors in this apparatus do vary very sensibly according as the microscope is directed to a point more or less distant from the measuring screw.
Since the discovery of this fact all measurements have been made in that fixed position of the microscope with respect to the axis of the screw for which the errors of the screw have been determined.
The purpose of his paper was to show that if the axis, by which the observer imparts motion to the slide on which the travelling web is mounted, is provided with two disks at its extremities, so that the observer can use the thumb and finger of both hands in rotating it, there is no difficulty, after a little practice, in keeping the web constantly bisecting the star in transit, and that with a little practice the mean of the absolute errors in following the star becomes nearly zero.
A community whose mission it is to teach religious truth, which involves on the part of its members the obligation of belief in this truth, must, if it is not to fail of its object, possess an authority capable of maintaining the faith in its purity, and consequently capable of keeping it free from and condemning errors.
Although some lurking errors impaired the authority of the concluded parallaxes this work ranks as a valuable contribution to astronomy, since it showed the possibility of employing photography in such delicate investigations.
In the Menaechmi and, as a subordinate incident, in the Amphitruo we have a "comedy of errors."
The errors of common opinion arise to a great extent from the ambiguous use of the verb "to be," which may imply existence or be merely the copula which connects subject and predicate.
In a series of 75 reactions it was found that in 61 there was apparently a diminution in weight, but in 1908, after a most careful repetition and making allowance for all experimental errors, Landolt concluded that no change occurred (see Element).
They are A Demonstration of the Gross and Fundamental Errors of a late Book called "A Plain Account, &c., of the Lord's Supper" (1737); The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Regeneration (1739); An Appeal to all that Doubt and Disbelieve the Truths of Revelation (1740); An Earnest and Serious Answer to Dr Trapp's Sermon on being Righteous Overmuch (1740); The Spirit of Prayer (1749, 1752); The Way to Divine Knowledge (1752); The Spirit of Love (1752, 1754); A Short but Sufficient Confutation of Dr Warburton's Projected Defence (as he calls it) of Christianity in his "Divine Legation of Moses" (1757); A Series of Letters (1760); a Dialogue between a Methodist and a Churchman (1760); and An Humble, Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Clergy (1761).
They probably express a variation which may have occurred in a far-back ancestor, or in one more recent, and render the individual vulnerable to the attacks of parasitic fungi, or, it may be, become manifest as errors of metabolism.
In modern Protestantism there is a growing disinclination to deal even with errors of belief by ecclesiastical censure; the appeal to the civil authority to inflict any penalty is abandoned.
The brief Act of Supremacy confirmed the king's claim to be reputed the " only supreme head in earth of the Church of England "; he was to enjoy all the honours, dignities, jurisdictions and profits thereunto appertaining, and to have full power and authority to reform and amend all such errors, heresies and abuses, as by any manner of spiritual authority might lawfully be reformed, or amended, most to the pleasure of Almighty God, and the increase of virtue in Christ's religion, " foreign authority, prescription, or any other thing or things to the contrary hereof, notwithstanding."
The probable errors and eccentricities of small micrometer-screws have been carefully investigated to ± 0.00001 inch; but the accuracy of leading screws used in workshops has not been sufficiently verified.
He then explains how he verified the canon, and so found that there were no essential errors in it, although there were a few inaccuracies near the beginning of the quadrant, and he proceeds, " Haec to obiter scire volui, ut quibus to methodis incesseris, quas non dubito et plurimas et ingeniosissimas tibi in promptu esse, eas publici juris fieri, mihi saltem (puto et caeteris) scires fore gratissimum; eoque percepto, tua promissa folio 57, in debitum cecidisse intelligeres."
This is testified by George Joye in his Apology, who himself brought out a fourth edition of Tyndale's New Testament in August 1534, freed from many of the errors which, through the carelessness of the Flemish printers, had crept into the text, but with such alterations and new renderings as to arouse the indignation of Tyndale.
Textual criticism is called upon to repair the mischief done to inscriptions (texts inscribed upon stones) by weathering, maltreatment or the errors of the stone-cutter.
Under this head we may class errors which arise from the omission or the insertion of such marks as the apostrophe and the hyphen.
The Errors Have Probably Arisen From A Continued Excess Of 10 In The Discrimination Of The Intercalary Years.
There is no doubt much of valuable suggestion to be found in the philosophic system, or rather the conglomerate of systems, which pass to-day under the name of theosophy; and probably much has been done by means of its propaganda to popularize Eastern thought in the West, and in the East to reawaken a truer appreciation of its own philosophic treasures; but however that may be, the serious student would be well advised to seek his information and his inspiration from the fountain-heads of the theosophists' doctrines, which are all easily accessible in translations; and to avoid the confusions and errors of writers who in most cases have but a superficial if any knowledge of the original languages and systems from which their doctrine has been arbitrarily culled.
In 1864 appeared the encyclical Quanta Cura, together with a Syllabus of eighty of the most important " errors of our time " (see Syllabus).
When the copy is in type a proof is struck off and sent to the reading closet, where the corrector of the press (see Proof-Reading), with the aid of a reading-boy, will compare it with the original MS. or copy, and mark all errors on the proof, so that they may be amended by the compositor at his own cost before it is despatched to the author or customer, who in turn revises or corrects it for the general improvement of the work.
In optical systems composed of lenses, the position, magnitude and errors of the image depend upon the refractive indices of the glass employed (see Lens, and above, " Monochromatic Aberration ").
After his conversion, he resolved to devote himself to evangelical work among the heathen, to write an exposure of infidel errors, and to promote the teaching of foreign tongues in seminaries.
From these sources they attempted to evolve a philosophy of religion, which would not only refute the views of Hobbes, but would also free theology finally from the errors of scholasticism, without plunging it in the newer dangers of unfettered rationalism (see ETHIcs).
Professor Newcomb, who has compiled an instructive table of the equinoxes severally observed by Hipparchus and Ptolemy, with their errors deduced from Leverrier's solar tables, finds palpable evidence that the discrepancies between the two series were artificially reconciled on the basis of a year 6 m too long, adopted by Ptolemy on trust from his predecessor.
Raymond Lully, in a dialogue with an infidel thinker, broke a lance in support of the orthodox doctrine, and carried on a crusade against the Arabians in every university; and a disciple of Thomas Aquinas drew up a list (De erroribus philosophorum) of the several delusions and errors of each of the thinkers from Kindi to Averroes.
Very often such stereoscopic lenses, owing to faulty construction, give a false idea of space, ignoring the errors which are due to the alteration of the inter-pupillary distance and the visual angles belonging to the principal rays at the object-side (see Binocular Instruments).
In 1543, Andreas Vesalius published On the Fabric of the Human Body, which corrected errors from antiquity and advanced the medical sciences.
At Radcliffe no one reads the papers to me after they are written, and I have no opportunity to correct errors unless I finish before the time is up.
A comparative experience drawn from written descriptions and from her teacher's words has kept her free from errors in her use of terms of sound and vision.
Her manuscripts seldom contain typographical errors when she hands them to Miss Sullivan to read.
Prince Andrew could no longer restrain himself and wept tender loving tears for his fellow men, for himself, and for his own and their errors.
His review, Bad Comma, is largely a rant about the punctuation errors he found.
Solve a quadratic equation using factors Errors Identify sources of errors.
Additional ones include Task completion time, Task errors and system reaction time (the time between driver action and system response).
Let us take the next, more mature, work by Kautsky, which was also largely devoted to a refutation of opportunist errors.
Further, the document is replete with grammatical errors, typing errors, and in general, makes no sense.
The errors produced by these processes will then be replicated in any new cells formed from such an altered cell.
Too great a reverence for tradition can lead to both errors.
This reduces scanner operator interpretation and reduces file naming errors.
Only there are some real schoolboy errors with included.
Two of them single out four words which are not correct in the Qur'an; they are scribal errors.
We always welcome comments from sharp-eyed viewers who notice our errors and take the time and trouble to send us corrections.
Cutting out worktop for inset steel sink (practice on plywood first); marking out carefully to avoid errors.
It was clearly put together in a slapdash way, with even the typographical errors in the original academic articles retained.
Again the author can specify how many spelling errors to accept.
Detection of strain gage errors is important in the accurate measurement of the fatigue life of an aircrafts airframe.
Systematic depth bias at swath edges due to SVP errors is visible superimposed on far range noise.
I have seen that a mere synchronic study has very often led to errors and misconceptions.
The results showed fewer detection errors due to reduced relative clauses with telic verbs, again suggesting less garden pathing.
Common Errors in English - Avoid titters of amusement at the way you write or speak.
Such errors are common in proteins where multiple domains are prevalent e.g. extracellular receptor signal transduction proteins.
The errors checked for are transposed characters, a missing character, and a character too many.
The store subsequently discovered that transposition errors (swapping two numbers round) were common.
The absence of any meaning has the advantage that children are often unaware of their errors of omission and transposition of words.
Corrections should be restricted to typesetting errors; any others may be charged to the author.
Proofs must be checked immediately for errors and returned to the typesetter within forty-eight hours by express post.
Authors should correct typesetters errors in red; minimal alterations of their own should be in black.
Then typographical errors are possible and must be considered when searching.
However, typographical errors and inaccurate information are unavoidable with a project this size and with an ever changing medical landscape.
In addition the style sheet has been W3C validated to ensure there are no errors that may effect viewing.
I did not think you would call these venial errors !
Significant signal change in the region of the ventral striatum was also observed on such reversal errors, from a region of interest analysis.
When the errors are correlated (as for combinations and wiggle matches), A n is used instead.
Common errors LaTeX gets cross-references wrong Start of line goes awry Why does n't verbatim work within...
If the manager won’t apologize when he’s made a mistake, how can he expect his employees to admit to their errors?
Before the day of the shower, let a couple of other people read over your speech, looking for pronunciation errors and any other problems that might occur.
Warning signs for fake pharmacies include websites that have a sloppy design or are filled with typos and grammatical errors.
Then take them to another vet to have them inspected for errors.
Disputing errors is a lengthy process but worth it.
Checking your report often is still a great idea so you can catch any errors that could negatively affect your score.
By catching errors early it is possible to minimize any inconvenience or negative effects.
You should examine each piece of information carefully for errors and contact both the reporting agency and the information provider to correct any mistakes as soon as possible.
This is a great opportunity to review your history and look for any errors that could be affecting your score.
However, you should always be careful to monitor your bill paying service in order to catch any errors quickly.
Most of these errors are mere processing errors that can be easily corrected, but in cases of stolen identity or other fraud, these errors can take a tremendous amount of time and energy to correct.
Divvy up the list of errors into three separate piles and write up formal disputes for everything that is the slightest inaccurate.
Innovis will work with fraud victims to get errors and fraudulent items removed from the report.
Badly formatted letters, poor spelling and grammatical errors are usually quick indicators that the email is not from a financial institution.
In fact, most experts recommend you check your report a minimum of once per year to ensure that there are no mistakes, errors or evidence of identity theft on the report.
Consumers should also contact any creditors involved with the errors.
Each has an online process for reporting errors.
Of course, this is the benefit of arriving at a quality makeup website and enjoying the trials and errors of others.
The good thing is, if you do want to give it a go, Halloween makeup special effects errors are forgivable-if even noticeable.
You have to know the rules of the game you want to play, the rules of the house that might affect the game, and what to do in case of disputes, malfunctions and computer errors.
These should clearly spell out what the guidelines are regarding malfunctions, computer errors, and most importantly, how to settle disputes.
It is for research and informational purposes only; as a result, we may choose to publish the original contents as we find them, even if that original text contains errors.
MySpace faces occasional site errors and downtimes when some areas of the site aren't functioning.
For an extra challenge, hide any errors that may occur, which makes all the letters the same color, with no alerts to mistakes.
The metric used was the rate of "serious errors" in scientific articles.
Even though many people are creating and editing pages, there are also those who patrol the web pages, looking for errors or bad sources.
The site concluded that for accounts with more than 2,000 e-mail messages, searching can sometimes cause null or small results due to corrupt errors.
It was originally designed to fix common photo errors including blurring and red-eye.
Some look extremely professional, while others have poor resolution and production errors that can be very distracting.
You may also want to take notes on each page or practice on scratch paper so that you won't ruin good paper or design elements with errors.
Once you have everything arranged as you like, proofread your invitation carefully for errors and make sure you haven't left anything out.
My wedding day was sprinkled with errors and potential upsets.
You'll want to avoid embarrassing typographical errors at all costs.
When ordering magnets, couples need to take great care to review and proofread the initial copy to ensure there are no typographical errors.
Furthermore, order extra invitations to compensate for printing errors and other mistakes that may mar some invitations.
Order a few extra envelopes for your invitations in case of printing errors or incorrect addresses.
Proofread wrappers and stickers carefully for spelling and other errors.
This will allow for any errors in the printing to be remedied before the wedding favors are needed.
Proofreading is critical, since misspellings and grammatical errors do nothing to prove that someone is college material.
Before mailing your application, check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
Proofreading is absolutely critical, since misspellings and grammatical errors do nothing to prove that someone is college material.
Proofread your application materials carefully to avoid embarrassing errors that reduce your credibility.
I am not proud of this, but through a series of errors and miscommunication for which I only blame myself, my new puppy got loose.
One of the biggest errors in shower faucet change-outs is choosing the right new fixture.
The majority of roller coaster accidents are caused by human errors.
Some of these errors are caused by the ride's operators, such as failing to ensure all restraints are closed and locked, negligently operating the ride, or allowing activities that are inappropriate in the ride area.
At the same time, however, amusement parks offer comprehensive training programs for their employees in an effort to avoid operator errors.
Mostly all of the content is user-generated, so expect to find a few mistakes or errors here and there.
WebSudoku doesn't automatically check your puzzle for errors, so you can choose whether or not to see if your latest guess is correct.
And there are a fair number that were caused by errors in the development process.
Byam recognized errors in the written plans, but he knew he could fix them.
The LexSpell Spell Checker is a free application that checks your spelling as you go along, ensuring that there aren't any silly typos or other errors in the messages that you send.
The last thing you'd want to do is to send out a critical email to an important client, only to come off appearing incredibly unprofessional for sending a message riddled with spelling errors.
In the best situations, as with some of the LG Incites, the errors were caught before the phones made it out of the store, and vendors returned them before they hit the public.
As a result, they may experience dropped calls, lack of reception, data network timeout errors, and other such problems.
Syncing your iPhone also gives you an opportunity to discover any errors on your iPhone and correct them before they cause more serious problems.
This erases the sync history and wipes out any errors that have occurred.
Errors in platelet counting are more common when blood is collected from capillaries than from veins.
Single gene defects such as phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inborn errors of metabolism may also cause mental retardation if they are not found and treated early.
Inborn errors of metabolism can cause brain damage and mental retardation if left untreated.
Phenylketonuria, Tay-Sachs disease, and galactosemia are inborn errors of metabolism.
Errors brought to the attention of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction of the publisher will be corrected in future editions.
The complicated process of brain development before birth is susceptible to many chance errors that can result in abnormalities of varying degrees.
Some of these errors will result in structural anomalies of the brain, while others may cause undetectable, but significant, abnormalities in how the cerebral cortex is wired.
Eyeglasses and contact lenses are devices that correct refractive errors in vision.
People whose eyes have refractive errors do not see clearly without glasses, because the light emitted from the objects they are observing does not come into focus on their retinas.
The main causes of myopathies are genetic, inflammatory (caused by infection), endocrine (hormonal), and metabolic (errors in how cells function).
The genetic defects are subdivided into errors of heme production (porphyria) and those of globin production, known collectively as the hemoglobinopathies.
Errors in determining the age of the fetus lead to errors when interpreting the test results.
Receiving the right amount of electrolytes is very important, and thus homemade remedies such as gelatin (or adding salt or sugar to water) are not recommended because of the potential for quantity errors when mixing.
The written homework of children with disorders of written expression is filled with grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and organizational errors.
In-born errors of vitamin D metabolism can also cause vitamin D deficiency and rickets; these children cannot convert inactive vitamin D to active vitamin D and suffer the same symptoms as children with a nutritional deficiency.
However, in steps such as the Argentinian basic Tango, the follow's dance step is very different from the lead's, and trying to follow the steps backwards would result in several errors.
Transcriptionists make many errors in reading the handwriting.
Repeated errors, however, are a signal of a poor transcription.
You should be very cautious about any information obtained from sites full of errors.
It's a good idea to view the image, as there may be some transcription errors.
On the other hand, this can be a problem if you decide to change your brow shape or accidentally make errors when initially shaping the brow.
By choosing the proper shape, creating it carefully, and knowing how to correct potential errors, women can easily have the brow shape they've always admired.
You also want to check for spelling or grammar errors.
If errors are made, the trainer can correct them immediately.
Armstrong shares tips regarding the types of information you should expect hiring managers to ask for as well as shares a list of common interviewing errors that you should be sure to avoid.
Legal documents must be prepared carefully to avoid errors; a mistake can have significant consequences and may even cost a client money.
There might be errors on your report that will raise your score a little when they're removed.
This program also covered tax penalties and interest charges that resulted from Fairbanks' failure to pay tax payments in a timely manner, or interest collected due to rounding errors.
The borrower can claim that statement errors or administrative errors were made.
A home inspector's insurance covers things like errors or omissions in their report.
This will give you the time you need to correct any errors before applying.
Doing so will allow you to make sure that there are no errors or delinquent accounts that you are not aware of.
While it is easy enough to make an X on a calendar each month when you get your period, finding out when you (theoretically) are ovulating based on these Xs can leave ample room for errors to occur.
The Dollar Store 2-for-1 deal from a brand you've never heard of with badly printed label containing several spelling errors may not be what you're looking for.
When he could no longer meet the sales demand, he took the game to Parker Brothers which rejected the game based on 52 design errors which they had identified.
They rejected the game due to 25 design errors.
Unfortunately for Darrow, they rejected the game citing over 20 design errors.
This obviously has changed for the better, but initially Parker Brothers refused to buy the game because it contained so many errors.
The first edition, published in 1987, quickly became outdated as players found many errors and word omissions.
Nothing spoils the fun of receiving a personalized Christmas gift faster than typographical errors!
Plenty of Fish - A general dating site that has several "relationship tools" to help you figure out exactly what you need and how you may have made errors in the past.
These details are vitally important to the jeweler who sets that stone - any missing information can lead to workmanship errors that create an inferior ring or even damage the jewel.
Remember to always double-check for spelling errors, including family members' names!
Check for typos and grammatical errors before you publish your work; a piece filled with obvious mistakes is unlike to inspire visitors to stay long enough to click on any ads.
For example, Web Grammar provides articles detailing common grammatical errors as well as a free e-mail newsletter for people interested in improving their writing skills.
Purdue University has a proofreading course that can help journalists learn to quickly catch errors in their work.
He is so happy to have finished his assignment that he’s ready to move on to something else, assuming that the client will have an editor to catch any errors.
Turning in work that is riddled with errors, even if they are relatively minor typos, does not provide the professional image a successful freelance writer needs.
Larger errors, such as issues with article structure or mistakes in quoting an interview subject, are even more problematic.
Reading something on a screen is more difficult than reading a document printed on paper, so you’re more likely to miss errors in your work.
Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, punctuation, or other minor errors at this point; the goal is to make sure your writing is succinct, interesting, and coherent.
When ordering flowers online, you must accept the risk of errors.
There are obvious typos or grammatical errors on the coupon.
Coupons that are blurry, contain typographical errors, and are missing a bar code are likely fraudulent.
Pilot - The episode in which Deb's soul collided with Jane's recently vacated body and the dramedy of errors begins.
There are many cases of watches with the brand name spelled incorrectly or with other blatant errors.
There is considerable difference between a study that has errors and a fraudulent study created for financial gain.
Checking facts and correcting errors on your reports will take time, probably far longer than you think.
And with any data gathering system, errors are bound to creep in, or problems develop, especially in this era of identity theft.
Keep in mind that even with a 30-day response time required by law, simple errors may take months to correct and all three bureaus dealt with at the same time so negative data doesn't magically reappear.
When you're dealing with millions of files, errors creep in, such as typos, crossed social security numbers, addresses, wrong name spellings, outdated information and the like.
This lead time will give you some breathing room to correct the errors and increase your score.