Erectile Sentence Examples
Paired erectile plates (patagia) are borne on the prothorax in moths, while in moths, sawflies, wasps, bees and other insects there are small plates (tegulae) - see Fig.
The Viperidae alone have "erectile" fangs.
Although firmly anchylosed to the bone, the tooth, which when at rest is laid backwards, is erectile, - the bone itself being mobile and rotated round its transverse axis.
The mucous membrane is raised into a series of transverse folds or rugae, and between it and the muscular wall are plexuses of veins forming erectile tissue.
The penis is the intromittent organ of generation, and is made up of three cylinders of erectile tissue, covered by skin and subcutaneous tissue without fat.
Along the middle of the hinder half of the back is a line of long erectile white hairs, forming the "fan," continued down over the rump; in repose this is concealed by the surrounding hair, but is conspicuously displayed when the animal takes the great leaps from which it derives its popular name.
The most distinctive feature of the deer of this group is, however, the patch of long erectile white hairs on the buttocks, which, although inconspicuous when the animals are quiescent, is expanded into a large chrysanthemum-like bunch when they start to run or are otherwise excited.
Vacuum constriction devices for erectile dysfunction Clinical bottom line There is little good randomized trial data on the use of vacuum constriction devices for erectile dysfunction Clinical bottom line There is little good randomized trial data on the use of vacuum constriction devices.
Today, there are a range of different drugs and treatments which can be used to combat erectile dysfunction.
Most had a history of erectile dysfunction of over a year.
AdvertisementHe also has normal erectile function with normal ejaculation and libido.
Natural substances can also be used to address sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and can be used for treating impotence.
Yohimbine hydrochloride increases libido, but its primary action is to increase blood flow to erectile tissue.
Sexual side effects are also common with SSRIs, such as loss of libido, failure to reach orgasm and erectile problems.
The penis is also still swollen but not woody hard and probably has quite considerable preservation of erectile tissue.
AdvertisementFrom the North American grey foxes, constituting the genus or subgenus Urocyon, the true foxes are distinguished by the absence of a crest of erectile long hairs along the middle line of the upper surface of the tail, and also of a projection (subangular process) to the postero-inferior angle of the lower jaw.
The American grey fox, or Virginian fox, is now generally ranged as a distinct genus (or a subgenus of Canis) under the name of Urocyon cinereo-argentatus, on account of being distinguished, as already mentioned, by the presence of a ridge of long erectile hairs along the upper surface of the tail and of a projection to the postero-inferior angle of the lower jaw.
Furthermore, there is a common littoral fish in the Mediterranean (Uranoscopus scaber), belonging to the same family as Trachinus, exhibiting the same habits and living on the same ground, which also has a jet black erectile dorsal fin, and is believed to be poisonous.
Sexual dysfunction (decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased semen volume) are observed in about 3.8% of cases.
Other natural cures for impotence include vitamins for erectile dysfunction.
AdvertisementThe Internet is full of companies marketing their "guaranteed or your money back" and "all natural" products for erectile dysfunction and related problems.
The mechanisms behind certain sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction may differ from person to person and there are herbal supplements that can address some of these issues.
Since erectile dysfunction and problems with ejaculations can be caused by any number of medical conditions, you should consult with a doctor before taking herbal supplements.
An article published by the Mayo Clinic suggests some common natural supplements can be used to aid erectile function.
The Mayo Clinic recommends herbs such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba and yohimbe, but each of these herbs addresses different causes of erectile dysfunction from the psychological to the circulatory aspects of this condition.
AdvertisementWhen you take an herbal aid for impotence and inability to ejaculate, it is always best to consult a physician first so that the mechanism behind your erectile dysfunction has been determined.
These products can also be explored for their potential as a treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Just as an herb may address a cause of erectile dysfunction, there exists a root cause of that cause should be examined.
Peyronie's disease-A disease of unknown origin which causes a hardening of the corpora cavernosa, the erectile tissue of the penis.
It's not surprising to know that erectile dysfunction and fertility is a subject most people do not talk openly about.
Erectile dysfunction, also known as ED or impotence, is the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection during sexual intercourse long enough to complete orgasm.
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a myriad of health conditions, many treatable by a physician.
In the case of erectile dysfunction and fertility, men who suffer from erectile dysfunction may have a normal sperm count but are unable to transfer the sperm to the female.
Erectile dysfunction stems from many different physical and psychological conditions.
Diseases that develop through aging or being ill may cause erectile dysfunction.
Maintaining a healthy diet, getting exercise, and avoiding alcohol and drugs can improve erectile dysfunction and fertility.
Another physical condition contributing to infertility is erectile dysfunction or the inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to ejaculate inside the vagina.
Often a high dosage is not necessary; in a recent study on the use of arginine to cure erectile dysfunction, the dose given to study participants was only 1.7 grams a day.
This article discusses the use of arginine to combat erectile dysfunction in men.
Coping with Erectile Dysfunction in the current dating world is a challenge, but not a sentence for loneliness.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a man's inability to achieve or maintain an erection.
Normally, this condition affects older men; however, young men are not excluded from experiencing Erectile Dysfunction.
More information about ED and news concerning it can be found at Erectile Dysfunction News.
Zenegra, generic Sildenafil Citrate, assists a man in coping with Erectile Dysfunction by helping him to achieve and maintain an erection when sexually excited or stimulated.
Many men report that dating with Erectile Dysfunction is terribly humiliating.
Erectile Dysfunction doesn't tend to be typical dinner date conversation.
Erectile Dysfunction is not anything of which to be ashamed or to hide.
Its appearance is sufficiently striking - the head and lower parts, except a pectoral band, white, the former adorned with an erectile crest, the upper parts dark grey banded with black, the wings dusky, and the tail barred; but the huge bill and powerful scutellated legs most of all impress the beholder.